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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 6

At the end of the lesson, Learners are able to:
a. identify the ratio of two given set objects;
b. identify the ways to read and write a ratio, and
c. express ratio in three ways


a. Topic: Expressing one value as a Fraction of another given their Ratio and Vice Versa
b. References: Our World of Math 6
Author: A. L. Padua, R. M. Crisostomo; pages 95-98 Copyright Year: 2019
c. Materials: Power point Presentation, Video Clip, Placards
d. Values Integration: show appreciation and cooperation to the things that importance for us.

Teacher Hint Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity
A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer Class, let’s start our day with a prayer.

Everybody stand and let us pray.

Classmates, Are you ready to pray?

All: Yes we are!
“In the name of the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit Amen.

St. John Paul II

Pray for us.

2. Greetings Good morning, Grade 6,

All: Good Morning Ma’am!
Good morning Classmate,
Good morning
How are you class? Were Fine Ma’am!

Are you happy today? All: Yes, Ma’am!

Alright! I`m glad that you are happy


3. Energizer Class do you know the song “When I

look up”?
Yes Ma’am, we know the song.

I want you to follow the step and let’s

sing and dance with me, is that okay?

Did you enjoy it? Yes, Ma’am!

You may now take your seat.

Yes, we enjoy the song Teacher.

Thank you! Ma’am.

4. Checking of Class! Do we have an absent today?

Very good! It is nice to hear that None ma’am! All are present.
everyone is present.

5. Checking of Class did I gave you an assignment

Assignment yesterday?
Yes Ma’am! We have an assignment
Can you pass it here in front?

a. Review Class, Do you remember our topic Yes, ma’am!

It is all about multiplying decimal and
Now, What is our topic yesterday? mixed decimal.

What is the rule for multiplying Pupils answer:

decimal numbers? 1.Line up the numbers on the right do not
align the decimal.

2.Starting on the right, multiply each in the

top number by each digit in the top

Very good! 3.Add the products

I have here the activity. Learner’s Answer

Directions: Answer the following
decimal numbers.
1. 12.3 1.)22.14
x 1.8

2. 0.47 2.)3.948
x 8.4

3. 21. 46
x 0.4 3.)8.584

Do you know the game

b. Drill “Detective Game”? Yes, Ma’am! We know that game.

Let’s play a “Detective Game”!

I will group you into 3. Each group will
answer the riddles to find the puzzle Pupils listen to the teacher.
piece around the area. The twist about
this game is your group members are
ties their hands and feet to move in
another area you need to move as one.
Alright! everybody get ready

Riddles 1.
I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short Yes, Ma’am!
when I’m old. What am I? Pupils answer:

Riddles 2
I follow you all the time and copy your Answer: A candle
every move, but you can’t touch me or
catch me. What am I?

Riddles 3
I am easy to lift, but hard to throw. Answer: Your shadow
What am I?

Group 1
Puzzle is located under your chair Answer: Feather

Group 2
Puzzle is located behind the cabinets
Group 3
Puzzle is located under the table.

This will be the picture when they finished

to arrange it.
B. Developmental Activity
c. Motivation I have here an envelope. Inside the
envelope have a picture. I want you to
pick one picture and put the picture in
the column provided according to each
shapes and colors.


Pupils will look the pictures.

 Can you describe the different of The differents of Column A has the shape
column A to Column B? of cirle and blue color, and colum B has a
Traingle Shape and red in color
 How many shapes are there in It has10 circle!
Column A? What about the color? It has color blue

 What about the color from the column It has color red!
B? and how many shapes are there?
It has 9 triangle
Values integration:
When we see pictures or images, it is
better to know the characteristic and
numbers of it. We should appreciate the
importance of the things around us
whether it is small or big.

Yes, Ma’am

EXPLORE Let’s go back to the picture.

d. Presenting
Instances of the
new lesson. Pupils will listen to the teacher

From the given task. What can you

observe in the pictures from our
detective Game? Pupils Answer
It has flowers and fruits from the tree.

Yes, that is correct! Can you count it

for me?
Ma’am the tree has 5 flowers and 12
Wow, you did a great job! That is
Now, if we state the number of flowers
to a fruits? How do we form it?
Correct! So Do you have any idea Ma’am 5 and 12 is the number!
about our topic today?

Yes!, Our topic for today is all about the

Yes, we are going to learn about the RATIO.

EXPLAIN What is ratio?

e. Discussing new Ratio is a way of comparing TWO or
concepts and more quantities having the same units.
practicing new The quantities may be separate entities Pupils will read the meaning.
skills no. 1 or they may be different parts of a
A ratio can be written or read in three
different ways such as:
1. word form → a is to b
2. colon form → a : b Pupils will read the meaning.
3. fraction form (by giving the value of
their quotient) →
The order of the terms in a ratio must
correspond to the order of objects being
compared. In the ratio, a part can be
compared to its whole.
Let’s go back this figure.
Pupils will read the meaning.

Example 1: Express the number of

circles to triangles vice versa.
 Ratio of circles to triangles
Word Form —10 is to 9
Fraction Form —
Colon Form —10 : 9
 Ratio of triangles to circles Pupils answered may varied.
Word Form — ? Word Form —9 is to 10
Fraction Form — ? 9
Colon Form — ? Fraction Form —
Who can try this? Colon Form — 9 : 10

Example 2: Express the number of

apples to flowers vice versa.

Pupils will look the pictures.

Pupils answered may varied.

 Ratio of apples to flowers Word Form —9 is to 5
Word Form — ? 9
Fraction Form — ? Fraction Form —
Colon Form — ? Colon Form — 9 : 5

Example 3: Express the number of star

to heart vice versa.
Pupils will look the pictures.

Pupils answered may varied.

Word Form — 8 is to 7
 Ratio of star to pentagon 8
Fraction Form —
Word Form — ? 7
Fraction Form — ? Colon Form — 8 : 7
Colon Form — ?

Example 4: Express the number of

lollipops to candies vice versa.

Pupils answered may varied

Word Form – 10 is to 6
 Ratio of lollipops to candies 10
Word Form— ? Fraction Form –
Fraction Form— ? Colon Form – 10: 6
Colon Form — ?

Example 5: Express the number of

onions to garlic vice versa

Pupils answered may varied

Word Form – 4 is to 5
 Ratio of onions to garlic Fraction Form –
Word Form— ? Colon Form – 4:5
Fraction Form — ?
Colon Form — ?

ELABORATION Directions: Write a ratio of the

f. Developing following in three ways. Write your Learner’s Answer
mastery (leads to answer on the right column.
Question Word Fraction Colon
6 Weeks to 12 days 6 is to 12 6/12 6:12
10 decimeters to 10 centimeters 10 is to 10 10/10 10:10
4 days to 36 hours 4 is to 36 4/36 4:36
4 months to 8 weeks 4 is to 8 4/8 4:8
12 mangoes to 36 fruits 12 is to 36 12/36 12:36

g. Finding I will group you into two.

practical Each group will have an activity.
application and
concept and skill Instructions:
in daily living. Each group has an envelope.
You’re going to solve the mystery
problem inside the envelope. Create a Pupils listen to the teacher.
sign or clap to signal your teacher that
you are done. Choose one representative
to present your work in front of the

The group will be graded through this

Rubric scaling score.
Pupils listen to the teacher.
4- Outstanding
3- Very satisfactory
2- Satisfactory
1- Fair
Criteria 4 3 2 1
1. Cooperation of the group member.
2. Cleanliness of work.
3. Presentation
Total score

Express the ratio of

animals in the Farm vice
Group 1
versa in there ways.
Possible answer:
Group 1
Ratio of pig and cow vice versa? 1. 4 is to 4, 4/4, 4:4
Ratio of horse and sheep? 2. 2 is to 5, 2/5, 2:5
Ratio of chicken to goat? 3. 8 is to 3, 8/3, 8:3
Ratio of the cow to chicken? 4. 4 is to 8, 4/8, 4:8
Total numbers of animal in the farm? 5. 4 pigs, 4 cows, 3 goats, 8 chickens, 2
Write a ratio of the horses, 5 sheeps, total number 26.
following in three ways.
Write your answer on the
right column. Possible answer:
Group 2
4 Weeks to 28 days Word Fraction Colon

12 decimeters to 20 centimeters 4 is to 28 4/28 4:28

12 is to 20 12/20 12:20
8 days to 28 hours
8 is to 28 8/28 8:28
3 months to 12 weeks
3 is to 12 3/12 3:12
8 mangoes to 32 fruits
8 is to 32 8/32 8:32

h. Making  What is ratio? Ratio is a way of comparing TWO or more

generalization quantities having the same units.
and abstract
about the lesson. Pupils answered may varied.
 How can you write the three ways
of ratio? It can be written in three different ways
such as:
1. word form → a is to b
2. colon form → a : b
3. fraction form (by giving the value of
their quotient) →
Very good! Grade 6! I think you already .
know our topic.
i. Evaluating Directions: Write a ratio of the
learning. following in three ways. Write your
answer in the right boxes.
Pupils answer.
1. The ratio of 4 inches to 32 feet 4 is to 32, 4:32, 4/32
2. The ratio of 5 students: 1 class 5 is to 1, 5:1, 5/1
3. The ratio of 4 boys to 6 girls 4 is to 6, 4: 6, 4/6
4. The ratio 2 blackboard to 18 2 is to 12, 2: 18, 2/18
5. The ratio 10 chairs to 3 tables 10 is to 3, 10:3, 10/3

Directions: Write the following fraction in word and colon form.
1.) 3/4 = ______________ = _______________
2.) 5/8 = ______________ = _______________
3.) 4/7 = ______________ = _______________
4.) 2/9 = ______________ = _______________
5.) 6/7 = ______________ = _______________
Did you learned something today class?
Yes, Ma’am
That’s all for today class!
Goodbye Grade 6
Goodbye Ma’am Annielyn Thank you for
teaching us Goodbye.

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