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Daily bias :

- This same exact framework works on every time frame. Focus on daily, H4 and H1
Premarket, Opening drive SMT:

- Bearish BIAS on DAILY and H1

- NQ swept the high formed between 8:30 and 8:59 = Bearish SMT on the M30
- Wait for the open at 9:30
- Confirmation: wait for a strong bearish closure on the M1 and enter on a market sell
- Always short the weaker pair (LH) and long the stronger pair (HL)
- Stop loss below the low
- Aim from 0.8 - 1 RR, put your SL at BE as soon as you can because price is extremely

- Sweep PDH and PWH and close back in the range bearish
- Enter 50% of your position at open and the rest
at 20% of the previous daily candle
- STOP AT 0.7 RR
- Let a small runner for swing position = BIG MONEY
- NO NEED TO GO on a lower TF than the daily, analysis is
purely based on daily
Real 2022 MODEL:

- Sweep of 1 of those liquidity pools: PDL, PWL, LONDON LOW, ASIAN LOW.
- Mark out true open (midnight open 00:00) . If price is below 8:30 open and below midnight
open = EXTREMLY DISCOUNTED so great long opportunity
- Reversal longs = LONDON/ASIAN H4 candle closed BULLISH (enough liquidity for a short term
- Reversal shorts = LONDON/ASIAN H4 candle closed BEARISH (enough liquidity for a short
term reversal)
- Instant rejection after the sweep
- Creation of a bullish breaker on the M5 alligning with a M1 FVG
- Entry at the start of the breaker inside a M1 FVG
- Price needs to close above the M5 +BB on the M5 to confirm the breaker
- 1:1 RR, you can let a runner to external liquidity


Double SMT 2022 model:

- Sweep of 1 of those liquidity pools: PDL, PWL, LONDON LOW, ASIAN LOW.
- Mark out true open (midnight open 00:00) . If price is below 8:30 open and below
midnight open = EXTREMLY DISCOUNTED so great long opportunity
- Reversal longs = LONDON/ASIAN H4 candle closed BULLISH (enough liquidity for a short
term reversal)
- Reversal shorts = LONDON/ASIAN H4 candle closed BEARISH (enough liquidity for a
short term reversal)
- SMT with the H4 liquidity pool (external SMT)
- SMT in the M1 with ES (internal SMT)
- Diplacement, MSS or BOS and FVG created
- Entry on the M1 FVG alligning with M1 + OB or +BB
- 1:1 RR, you can let a runner to external liquidity

- Between 10-11 am and 2-3pm because creation of a new H4 candle

- H4 candle closes above previous H4 candles high = bullish, same for H1
- H4 candle sweeps previous H4 candles low = bearish, same for H1 (REVERSAL setup)
- Look for a sweep of liquidity during 9:50-10:10 macro
- If SMT, no need for a sweep, it counts as a sweep
- Displacement, MSS and FVG creation inside the H4 and H1 wick
- Entry on the big M1 FVG and target the H4 and H1 high
- 1:1 RR

Continuation: H4 candle close below the previous H4 candles low

Reversal :

- Minimum 20min of accumulation (4x M5 candles)

- Sweep internal SSL
- Rejection from a bullish FVG (M5-M30)
- M5 candle close back in the range BULLISH
- 30s displacement, MSS or BOS, and FVG
- ENTRY at 30s FVG, stop below the low
- Target 10-15 handles and go get a girlfriend!

Ex #1:

Ex #2 :
PING PONG MODEL (A+): Trend continuation inversion scalp model

- Bullish bias on LTF

- Market needs a healthy pull back after a big sell off
- Tap bearish FVG
- Create bearish FVG
- sweep internal low
- Tap bullish FVG
- Disrespect bearish - OB and turn it into +BB
- Creation of a bullish + OB (CISD)
- INVERSION of the BEARISH fvg created by the initial bounce
- ENTRY at the close above the inversion
- If bad RR, entry on a limit order at the INVERSION
- Look at displacement, speed
- Big FVG that gets inversed = A+, small FVG that gets inversed = trash
- Look for internal SMT for extra confirmation



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