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Term Part of Definition Context

a la carte adv Pertaining to separately itemized objects. For Bluemix provides pay-as-you-go and subscription
example, "a la carte pricing" for software refers to based pricing, with a-la-carte and bundled
the ability to bundle together separately priced services.
services within a product.
at this point adv At the present time; at this stage in the process. At this point, you're just a few clicks away from
having a running application.
best of all adv Especially advantageously. Best of all, this will only take you a few minutes.
bestseller n A significantly successful product or service in Develop software for a cause or your company's
the marketplace. For example, if a book sells next bestseller.
over 9000 copies in its first week, it is considered
a bestseller.
bet v To feel sure about something. We bet you have built some sweet apps by now.
big savings other A significant amount of money saved. You get big savings every month.
building block n A fundamental unit that one uses to build The building blocks of any great app
something. For example, a code snippet could
act as a building block for an app.
check out v To read or examine something; to gather Check out this blog post to learn more.
information to make a decision.
chunk v To partition something into more manageable Chunk Content: In many cases, training simply
segments. For example, a book might be overloads learners. With devEssentials, learning
"chunked" into chapters to make it easier to read occurs at the users' convenience, giving them
and understand. more control over the amount of information they
can process at one time and presenting the
information in a logical and structured way.
cold-blooded cyborg n A man-like robot with no feelings (to cloud its Create apps with the efficiency of a cold-blooded
judgment) that flawlessly executes its mandate. cyborg.
cook up v To create or plan something. We're cooking up plenty of new features to make
work easier through the power of Watson.
crash n The unexpected termination of a software Add the Mobile Quality Assurance service to your
function. iOS app to view high value quality metrics,
including information for crashes, bugs, user
feedback, and user sentiment.
crash v Of software, to unexpectedly terminate. If a service crashes, the app might stop too.
crush n A crowd of people who are pressed close Soccergeddon ensued with iTunes popularity and
together. a crush of new users trying to access game data.
dive in v To start an activity enthusiastically. It only takes a few minutes to set dates, document
your first user story, assign a task or two, and dive
in to the code.
dream adj Pertaining to something that is exceptionally Build your dream app.
gratifying, excellent, or beautiful.
freebie n Something that is given away at no cost. Enjoy freebies after the trial ends, and pay only for
what you use beyond those.
friction n Resistance between objects. Friction can be With Bluemix we can just create and connect so it
used metaphorically to allude to the difficulty of takes all of that friction out of getting the end
completing a task. result.
gamification n The use of game theory to solve problems Gamification
outside of game situations. For example, to
increase productivity, a manager might
implement a point system to reward the most
productive workers in the office.
get in touch v To contact someone. The page also provides options to post your
question to Stack Overflow, or to open a ticket with
by clicking get in touch.
give it a look v To examine something, usually casually. Click on the link to the deployed app to give it a
gloss over v To deal with lightly or not at all. Lots of details were glossed over, but the
documentation links at the start can fill those in.
hackathon n An event that brings together developers to work Run a hackathon.
intensively and collaboratively on a software
have your back v To offer support or reliability for a client. Cloud native or traditional workloads — we have
your back.
have a hand in other To be directly involved in the execution or If you're a developer, you now have a hand in
creation of something. For example, George creating the future.
Washington had a hand in forming the United
hit the ground running other To immediately accomplish something when just Whatever your task, Bluemix contains everything
starting to learn how to do it. For example, you need to hit the ground running.
computer tutorials start with Hello World!
applications to familiarize users and get them to
be able to compile code almost immediately after
installing the compiler.
in a flash other A phrase that describes something occuring Deploy and test your app in a flash.
immediately, without any delay.
lost in space other To be hopelessly adrift with no chance of return. This page seems to be lost in space.
To be unlocatable, lost to the world.
meetup n An informal gathering. Plan anything, even the monthly meetup.
moving part n Like the cogs of a machine, to have a lot of If your application has many moving parts and a
interrelated components that drive some result. great deal of complexity surrounding its
deployment, some of that is likely to find its way
into the cloud world.
muscle n The metaphorical strength or physical power of Whether startup or enterprise, your apps are
something. For example, one could say IBM supported by the muscle of an enterprise-ready
servers have muscle because of the load that cloud.
they can assume.
oh no! other An expression that is used to indicate shock. Oh no! The free trial expired.
on the fly adv Spontaneously; without prior planning or Scale up or spin down servers on the fly.
on your hands other In your possession. In a moment, you should have a successful build
on your hands.
one-stop shop n A single source of support to meet all of a client’s IBM Technical Support Services offer a one-stop
needs in a particular area. shop for IT support across your hybrid cloud
oops! other An exclamation that expresses an accident, or a Oops, sorry, the HTML5 File APIs are not fully
mistake. supported in this browser.
operations (ops) n The day-to-day functions of a business. Bluemix mobile cloud services help developers
minimize ops and maintenance cost, provide easy-
to-use documentation, offer scale and no ops
DBaaS, seamlessly expose enterprise data to
cloud apps, and offer integrated DevOps including
monitoring and log analytics.
paralyzed by other The state of overanalyzing a situation to the point Paralyzed by the possibilities? Try out these
possibilities of not being able to make decisions. sample activities for inspiration.
put some meat on other To increase the amount of substance There is a new CL command named
those bones surrounding a bare framework. For example, if GENCMDDOC (Generate Command
one were to "put some meat" on the "bones" of a Documentation) which can generate a UIM
basic computer, they might add a graphics card, skeleton source file. By skeleton, I mean that the
sound card, and networking card, to make it framework is all there, and what you need to do is
a more fully featured computer. go in and put some meat on those bones.
put your best foot other To invest your best efforts at accomplishing We need to put our best foot forward by designing
forward something. and facilitating experiences that bridge the gap
between online and in-store experiences.
ready for takeoff other Prepared for use. Originally, the term was used in Your App is Ready for Takeoff
conjunction with all systems being checked and
approved before a flight took off. For example,
after an app is coded, debugged, and tested, it's
said to be ready for takeoff (it is ready for public
round out v To make complete or full. Just to round out the process, let's make one more
modification to your application using the Web
rule of thumb v A general principle that is generally regarded as As a rule of thumb, all objects except process
corrected but not intended to be strictly accurate. templates can be reached via work items.
single pane of glass n A single source that provides visibility across an IBM Cloud Satellite provides full visibility across all
entire client environment. environments through a single pane of glass.
skeleton n The most basic, stripped down framework of Now that you've laid out the skeleton, it's time to
something. put some meat on those bones.
skunkworks n A high priority, often secret, project taken on by a Start a skunkworks.
small team without constraints from
management. Skunkworks projects are initiated
with an eye towards rapid radical innovation. For
example, the Macintosh computer was developed
by a skunkworks team for Apple.
smooth sailing ahead other Performing as expected; free from disruption. We've examined predictive data and booked your
flight at a time when delays and cancellations are
least likely to occur. Looks like smooth sailing
start from scratch n To begin a project from nothing. For example, if Choose a package of sample code and services,
one were to start writing an app from scratch, or start from scratch
they would start with zero lines of code.
startup n A newly established business. Whether startup or enterprise, your apps are
supported by the muscle of an enterprise-ready
strike while the iron is other To take advantage of an immediate opportunity. Ensure timely lead follow-up, so you consistently
hot strike while the iron is hot.
sweet adj Pertaining to something that is considered We bet you have built some sweet apps by now.
excellent, awesome, or cool. For example, one
might refer to a new Corvette as a sweet ride.
test drive n A test or evaluation of a piece of software for a You have 1 day left in your Bluemix test drive.
specified amount of time.
time flies other An expression meaning that time is passing Wow, time flies!
under the hood adv Pertaining to the underlying implementation of If you want further insight into what happens under
something that is concealed from view. A the hood of C ram's web service infrastructure, you
metaphor for looking under the hood of a car to can add some debugging output to your C ram
see the engine. inbound service BPO to print out the request that
arrives in and the response that gets returned.
unfavorite other To change the status of an item that was formerly Unfavorite
marked as a favorite.
voila other An exclamation that draws attention to something Runtime and container usage is charged based on
that has been gained or accomplished. two things: How much memory your runtime or
container uses, and, the duration that memory is
used. Multiply the two together, and voila! The GB-
wow other An exclamation of surprise or wonderment. Wow, time flies!

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