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Next Energy 2 (2024) 100088

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Research article

Enhancing energy-saving potential of radiative cooling by integrating with

humidity control in hot-humid climates
Qihao Xu a, 1, Qiang Zhang a, 1, Dikai Xu a, b, Jingtao Xu c, Dongliang Zhao a, d, e, *
School of Energy and Environment, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210096, China
Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
Ningbo Ruiling Advanced Energy Materials Institute Co., Ltd, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315500, China
Institute of Science and Technology for Carbon Neutrality, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210096, China
Engineering Research Center of Building Equipment, Energy, and Environment, Ministry of Education, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210096, China


Keywords: For a long time, there have been abundant studies on the application of radiative cooling to save cooling energy,
Radiative cooling basically focused on solving sensible cooling loads. Although earlier research has achieved exciting results, there
Humidity control is also a requirement for further enhancing its energy-saving potential, especially in hot-humid climates that
Hot-humid climate
require humidity handling. A fiber-gel composite (FGC) that can simultaneously reduce sensible load and latent
Building energy-saving
load is proposed. In field tests, the FGC could maintain the relative humidity in a chamber within the comfortable
range between 45%RH to 65%RH during humid nighttime and could achieve 6 ºC more sub-ambient temperature
reduction than a pure radiative cooler during hot daytime. By applying an FGC-based window, simulation results
show that a building can save 11% more cooling energy compared to a pure radiative cooler in hot-humid

1. Introduction of radiative cooling material.

Earlier studies have improved the cooling performance of radiative
Radiative cooling material achieves cooling by emitting its heat cooling at high-temperature conditions by integrating it with evapora­
through the atmospheric window to the outer space [1]. As it requires no tive cooling [14–17]. As shown in Fig. 1(b), at a certain relative hu­
energy input, radiative cooling holds great potential to alleviate the midity, an evaporative cooler can achieve a larger sub-ambient
energy crisis and contribute to carbon neutrality [2–4]. Recent de­ temperature reduction at higher ambient temperatures because the
velopments in dynamic radiative cooling have significantly improved its ambiance can hold more vapor. Therefore, integrating with evaporation
thermal management capabilities and demonstrated greater is an efficient way to boost the cooling performance of radiative cooling
energy-saving potential [5–11]. However, it is important to note that in hot-dry climates. However, evaporative cooling suffers from cooling
focusing solely on spectral characteristics cannot overcome a funda­ capacity degradation under humid conditions as well, meaning this
mental limitation of radiative cooling: the cooling performance de­ strategy is also restricted by high humidity. Once the sub-ambient
teriorates in hot-humid climates. Fig. 1(a) shows sub-ambient temperature reduction cannot be achieved, the application of radiative
temperature reductions achieved by an ideal selective radiative cooler cooling will be limited. For example, our previous research on applying
under different temperatures and relative humidity conditions. Both radiative cooling to pre-cool fresh air revealed a negative energy saving
higher temperatures and relative humidity levels result in lower in Singapore summer. Because poor cooling performance leads to the
sub-ambient temperature reductions. This can be attributed to factors above-ambient temperature of the processed fresh air, increasing both
such as reduced atmospheric transparency, and increased parasitic heat sensible and latent heat load [18].
gain, including solar irradiation, non-radiative heat transfer, and To save cooling energy, a larger radiative cooling power is preferred.
downward atmospheric radiation [12,13]. The reduced atmospheric However, significantly enhancing the cooling capacity of radiative
transparency cannot be overcome by dynamically tuning the spectrum cooling in hot-humid climates is challenging. There is also a

* Corresponding author at: School of Energy and Environment, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210096, China.
E-mail address: (D. Zhao).
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Received 17 September 2023; Received in revised form 25 November 2023; Accepted 28 November 2023
Available online 16 December 2023
2949-821X/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Q. Xu et al. Next Energy 2 (2024) 100088

thermodynamic limit for the cooling power of radiative coolers [1]. and desorption. In the nighttime, the FGC could control the relative
Moreover, it is nearly impossible to achieve effective thermal insulation humidity of a chamber (with natural ventilation) below 60%RH by
between the radiative cooler and the ambient in real-world applications, sorption. In the daytime, the FGC achieved a 6 ºC more sub-ambient
meaning that a radiative cooler usually cannot achieve good perfor­ temperature reduction than a pure radiative cooler by evaporation. In
mance as it is in lab-experimental conditions. Therefore, further addition, we propose an operation strategy for integrating the FGC in
enhancing the energy-saving potential of radiative cooling in hot-humid buildings to overcome the contradictory needs for dehumidification,
climates requires a novel strategy. In a hot-humid climate, cooling en­ regeneration, and cooling. Energy-saving simulations were conducted.
ergy is not only consumed to lower the temperature but also to handle The results show that the FGC can effectively reduce cooling energy
humidity, with the latter accounting for about 20–40% of the total en­ consumption by 11% compared to a pure radiative cooler on a typical
ergy consumption in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) day in hot-humid climate.
systems [19], largely due to the widespread use of overcooling and
reheating strategies [20]. Therefore, expanding the capabilities of 2. Methodology
radiative cooling to include humidity control passively will enhance its
energy-saving performance. This can be realized by integrating radiative 2.1. Materials design and fabrication
coolers with hygroscopic materials such as Metal-organic frameworks or
hygroscopic salt-embedded composites [21–26]. Among them, hygro­ 2.1.1. Design of the fiber-gel composite (FGC)
scopic salt-embedded composites have the advantage of low-cost and Nanjing, located in a subtropical hot climate zone, is selected as a
scalable fabrication and adaptability over wide air humidity ranges reference city to design the FGC. For occupied buildings, cooling is
[27]. However, it’s worth noting that the humidity control materials aimed at realizing thermal comfort [28,29]. It is noted that high tem­
need to be indoors for dehumidification yet to be outdoors for effective perature and high relative humidity occur at different times during a
regeneration. Meanwhile, radiative coolers usually need to be outdoors typical day in summer (Fig. S1(a)). As recommended by ASHRAE,
for cooling. Consequently, how to balance the need for dehumidifica­ temperature between about 20 ºC and 28 ºC and relative humidity be­
tion, regeneration, and cooling is the key to enhancing the energy-saving tween about 45%RH and 65%RH are required to achieve thermal
potential of radiative cooling. comfort [30,31]. As illustrated in Fig. 1(c), in the daytime, the relative
Here, we propose a bilayer fiber-gel composite (FGC) to combine humidity is appropriate yet a lower temperature is needed. The tem­
radiative cooling and humidity control. The upper layer of the FGC is perature at nighttime is lower than daytime, leading to a higher hu­
capable of radiative cooling and is moisture-permeable. The bottom midity ratio (humidity content per kilogram of air) when the absolute
layer is a hygroscopic gel that can manage moisture through sorption mass of moisture is constant in ambient air. This means that

Fig. 1. Design principles of the FGC. (a) The effect of ambient temperature and relative humidity on the sub-ambient temperature drop achieved by the ideal se­
lective radiative cooler. (b) The effect of ambient temperature and relative humidity on the sub-ambient temperature drop achieved by direct evaporative cooler. (c)
Analysis of cooling load during the day in hot-humid climate. (d) Structure and working mechanism of the FGC.

Q. Xu et al. Next Energy 2 (2024) 100088

dehumidification matters to achieve thermal comfort at night. environment chamber as 28 ºC/40%RH, 28 ºC/60%RH, 28 ºC/80%RH,
According to the aforementioned analysis, the FGC should generate and 28 ºC/95%RH separately first. Put the dry gel in the environmental
more cooling power in the daytime and be capable of dehumidification chamber after the temperature and relative humidity of the chamber are
at nighttime to better assist buildings in hot-humid climates in saving stable. The mass change of the gel was recorded by a high-precision
cooling energy. To realize this function, the FGC is designed as a bilayer electronic balance per minute (OHAUS PX224ZH/E). For the sorption/
structure. As depicted in Fig. 1(d), The upper layer is a porous radiative desorption curves, change the temperature and relative humidity of the
cooling fiber. The porous structure can scatter sunlight and permit environment chamber to 28 ºC/80%RH and 38 ºC/40%RH per 12 h
moisture to get through. The bottom layer is a hygroscopic gel which is a iteratively. The mass of the gel was also recorded by the high-precision
cellulose matrix loaded with calcium chloride (CaCl2). When the tem­ electronic balance.
perature is above the deliquescence point, CaCl2 will absorb moisture
and exist in the form of a solution ultimately. At humid nights, due to the 3. Results and discussion
existence of CaCl2 solution in the gel, the gel’s surface exhibits a lower
vapor pressure, enabling it to absorb moisture from the ambient. Driven As shown in Fig. 2(a), FGC has two layers including a fiber as the
by the ion concentration gradient, the moisture is transported from the radiative cooler and a hygroscopic gel as the humidity controller and
surface and stored in the bulk gel. As the temperature becomes high in evaporative cooler. Due to the pores being filled by the solution, the gel
the daytime, the ambient relative humidity decreases. Therefore, the is semi-transparent in the wet state. The surface scanning electron mi­
vapor pressure on the gel’s surface becomes higher than that of the croscopy (SEM) image of the gel is presented in Fig. 2(b), revealing that
ambient, causing moisture to evaporate. The evaporated moisture most of the pores on the gel surface have diameters exceeding 10 µm.
overcomes the transport resistance of the fiber and escapes into the This suggests that the vapor pressure on the gel surface can be likened to
ambient. In addition, evaporation has been proven to improve the that of a pure CaCl2 solution. Additionally, the presence of these pores
cooling performance of radiative coolers in hot weather conditions [14, increases the contact area between the gel and air, enhancing sorption
16], The moisture sorption and desorption characteristics of the bottom kinetics. Fig. 2(c) provides the SEM image of the gel cross-section,
gel layer can be employed to enhance cooling performance in the day­ demonstrating that the cellulose skeleton offers ample space for mois­
time and dehumidify in the nighttime. ture storage. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis (Fig. 2(d))
confirms the successful introduction of CaCl2, as evidenced by the ele­
2.1.2. Fabrication of the hygroscopic gel ments Ca 2p, Cl 2p, and Cl 2 s located at around 346.6, 199.0, and
Put 20 g of waste poplar powder in a 5 wt% sodium hydroxide 270.0 eV. From the EDS elemental mapping image shown in Fig. 2(b),
(NaOH) solution and heat for 5 h in a water bath at 80 ºC to remove the Cl element is detected all over the gel surface, indicating the CaCl2 is
lignins and hemicellulose. After neutralizing with deionized water, the loaded widely on the gel surface. The Cl element was also detected
as-prepared samples were bleached with acidified sodium chlorite everywhere on the gel cross-section (Fig. 2(c)). Following the adsorption
(NaClO2) solution at 90 ºC for 5 h to remove contaminants and then of water molecules onto the gel surface, an ion concentration gradient is
neutralized with deionized water. The same procedures were carried out established in the vertical direction, facilitating their absorption into the
5 times to obtain cellulose pulp. Then, the cellulose pulp and CaCl2 so­ gel interior. At constant temperature, the gel exhibits rapid and
lution were mixed and allowed to stand for 12 h. Subsequently, the as- continuous moisture uptake capacities under different relative
prepared suspension was poured into a circular mold with a diameter humidity.
of 6 cm and frozen under − 18 ºC for days. After freeze-drying, the hy­ As depicted in Fig. 2(e), the gel exhibits increased moisture absorp­
groscopic gel can be obtained. tion at higher relative humidity levels. After 15 h, the gel’s water uptake
(the same as water content, ratio of the mass of absorbed moisture and
2.1.3. Fabrication of the FGC mass of the dry gel) under relative humidity conditions of 40%RH, 60%
First, put 3 g of PVDF-HFP powder into a solution composed of 14 g RH, 80%RH, and 95%RH was measured at 0.96 g/g, 1.39 g/g, 1.89 g/g,
of N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF), and 3.5 g of acetone (CO(CH3)2). and 2.45 g/g, respectively. It is noted that as the relative humidity in­
They were then heated in a water bath at 60 ºC and stirred thoroughly creases, the dehumidification load also increases. Such a moisture-
for 40 min. Loaded in a syringe, the pre-suspensions can form a fiber on absorbing characteristic suggests that the gel’s dehumidification ca­
the hygroscopic gel surface by electrospinning (15 kV 0.5 ml/h) at 30 ºC pacity aligns with the dehumidification requirements. To further
to obtain the FGC. demonstrate the feasibility in practical application, a water sorption-
desorption cycling test was conducted under simulating temperature
2.2. Experimental methods and relative humidity of nighttime and daytime. 28 ºC /80%RH and 38
ºC /40%RH were selected to represent nighttime and daytime ambient
2.2.1. Characterizations parameters because they are common air parameters in regions such as
The optical characteristics of the PVDF-HFP fiber were measured by the southeast part of China. As illustrated in Fig. 2(f), the water capacity
UV–VIS–IR (Lambda 950, PerkinElmer) and Fourier transform infrared of the gel remains nearly unchanged even after ten cycles, demon­
spectrophotometer (FT-IR, Nicolet iS50). The morphology and micro­ strating the gel’s reliability in practical applications.
structure of the PVDF-HFP fiber and gel were measured by scanning The upper layer of FGC is a porous radiative cooling fiber. The SEM
electron microscope (SEM, ZEISS Gemini SEM 300). The Survey XPS image of the fiber is shown in Fig. 2(g). The interwoven and stacked fiber
spectra of the gel and cellulose matrix were measured by Thermo Sci­ structure also forms connected holes, allowing water molecules to pass
entific K-Alpha. through. According to the Mie theory (Note S2), the scattering efficiency
of fiber as the function of diameter is shown in Fig. 2(h). The micro-
2.2.2. Measurement of dynamic sorption curve and sorption/desorption nano-scale cylindrical fibers can effectively scatter sunlight. To ensure
cycling curve high reflectivity, the thickness of the radiative cooling fiber was selected
The dynamic sorption experiments and sorption/desorption cycling as 1 mm [32]. Due to the abundant stretching and vibration of C-F bonds
tests were conducted indoors. An environmental chamber (Sanwood on the surface, the fibers exhibit high emissivity in the mid-infrared
SMC-80-CC) was applied to maintain a space at the desired temperature wavelength range [33]. As shown in Fig. 2(i), the reflectance of the
(with uniformity ± 1.5 ºC) and relative humidity (with uniformity ± 2% fiber in the solar wavelength range exceeds 96%, while its emissivity in
RH). The environmental chamber maintains the temperature and rela­ the atmospheric window exceeds 97%.
tive humidity of a space by a PID control system. For the dynamic To investigate the cooling and humidity control performances of the
adsorption test, set the temperature and relative humidity of the FGC, field tests were conducted. Cooling and humidity control

Q. Xu et al. Next Energy 2 (2024) 100088

Fig. 2. Characterization and performance of the FGC as humidity-controller and radiative cooler: (a) Photos of the FGC. (b) SEM images of the gel surface. (c) SEM
images of the cross-section of the gel. (d) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of the gel. (e) Dynamic sorption curves of the gel under different relative humidity. (f)
Water sorption-desorption cycling tests of the gel. (g) SEM images of the fiber. (h) Scattering efficiency of the infinite-long PVDF-HFP cylinder. (i) Reflectance/
Emissivity of the 1-mm-thick fiber in the AM1.5 solar spectra/infrared atmospheric window.

capabilities were tested separately at daytime and nighttime. The ambient relative humidity reached nearly 80%RH, it was observed that
experimental setups for humidity control are shown in Fig. 3(a). Two the relative humidity in the FGC chamber exhibited a slower rate of
chambers (28 cm × 16 cm × 18 cm) made of polystyrene foam were increase, maintaining levels lower than those observed in the control
covered with aluminum reflective films on the exterior. The samples group chamber. The relative humidity of the control group chamber had
were placed above the opening of each chamber. The bottom of the already surpassed 65%RH, while the FGC chamber’s relative humidity
samples connects with the inside air. Polyethylene films covered the top remained below 55%RH. Subsequent to 6 a.m., the ambient relative
surface of the chamber to prevent direct moisture exchange between the humidity began to decrease rapidly and the relative humidity within the
samples and the ambient air. The sides of the chambers featured square control group chamber followed to decrease after about 1 h. However,
vents with sides of 2 centimeters to allow natural moisture exchange the FGC chamber exhibited no discernible decrease in relative humidity,
between the chambers’ interior and the external environment. Prior to thus affirming the humidity control of the FGC. The ambient relative
test, chambers and the samples were put in a room at 25 ºC and 45%RH humidity stayed below 45%RH from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (the end of the
for a long time to reach moisture equilibrium. Subsequently, the vents test). As shown in Fig. 3(d), the absence of FGC had a marginal impact on
were sealed and the chambers were moved to the field. The control the humidity differential between the ambient and the chambers during
group is the chamber with 1 mm-thick fibers (a pure radiative cooler). daytime, both chambers maintained relative humidity levels between
After starting the data recording, the vents were opened. The relative about 50%RH and 55%RH. This can be attributed to the fact that the
humidity in the chambers was recorded by humidity probes (with an surface vapor pressure of the FGC had already reached equilibrium with
error of ± 2%RH). The setups for the cooling performance test are the air inside the chambers with relative humidity between 50%RH and
shown in Fig. 3(b), the samples were put in polyethylene foam boxes 55%RH. The relative humidity in the control group chamber, due to the
with grooves. The polyethylene film was not applied to demonstrate the natural ventilation and the delay of moisture transfer, was also main­
enhancement of cooling performance by evaporation. The temperature tained within that range. Consequently, it is more appropriate to place
was measured by K-type thermocouples (with an error less than ± 0.5 the FGC outdoors with lower relative humidity for regeneration during
ºC) and was recorded with Keysight DAQ970A. the daytime to enhance its dehumidification performance at nighttime.
Figs. 3c and d depict the relative humidity in the chamber equipped The cooling performance tests were conducted at noon on a hot day,
with FGC (FGC chamber) in comparison to the chamber equipped with and the weather data is presented in Fig. 3(e). During the daytime, the
fiber (control group chamber). Before 5 a.m., during a period when temperature was significantly high (over 40 ºC) (Fig. 3(f)). Before the

Q. Xu et al. Next Energy 2 (2024) 100088

Fig. 3. Field tests of cooling and humidity control performances of the FGC: (a) The experimental setups for the humidity control tests. (b) The experimental setups
for the cooling performance test. (c) The relative humidity curves of the ambient air, the chamber with the FGC, and the chamber with fiber. (d) The humidity-control
performance of the FGC. (e) Ambient conditions during the cooling performance test. (f) Temperature curves of ambient air, the FGC, and fiber. (g) The sub-ambient
temperature reduction of the FGC and fiber.

cooling performance tests, the FGC was put in an environmental cooling simultaneously. Before investigating the energy-saving poten­
chamber at 95%RH for an extended period to store moisture. The tem­ tial, it is necessary to determine the sorption rate and evaporation rate of
peratures of both the FGC and the pure radiative cooler (only the fiber the FGC in dehumidification and cooling modes. As illustrated in Fig. 4
layer) were nearly the same as the ambient air at the beginning. The (b), the sorption rate decreases with the increasing water content, and
results, as shown in Figs. 3f and g, indicate that even when the ambient the equilibrium moisture content of the gel at a certain humidity is
temperature exceeds 40 ºC, the FGC can achieve 8.5 ºC sub-ambient reached when the sorption rate is zero. The FGC’s sorption rate here is
temperature reduction, which is 6 ºC lower than that of the pure radi­ only the function of its water content and the ambient relative humidity.
ative cooler. As the moisture within the FGC gradually depleted and The temperature of the air-conditioned zone in the simulation is near 24
with a decrease in ambient temperature and solar irradiation intensity, ºC and changes slightly. Besides, the sorption rate curves are obtained
the temperature of the FGC and the fiber tended to converge. from the dynamic sorption test and the temperature was set near 25 ºC,
To demonstrate the enhanced energy-saving potential of radiative close to the temperature of the simulated zone. Thus, the impact of the
cooling in hot-humid climates through the combination of radiative temperature is not considered. It is worth noting that aside from the
cooling and humidity control, we developed an air conditioning window sorption rate, the volume ratio between the FGC and the controlled
based on the FGC design. The FGC can be installed like a piece of glass space also affects the dehumidification performance because the mass of
plate in a movable window. The air conditioning window can be FGC per unit mass of the indoor air occupied changes. This has been
configured for either dehumidification or cooling mode. At nighttime, considered in this model. The relationship between the evaporation rate
the window can be positioned as indicated in Fig. 4(a-i), allowing the and water content, as depicted in Fig. 4(c), indicates that evaporation
FGC to absorb moisture from the indoor air. The sealer is designed to only occurs when the water content in the gel exceeds the equilibrium
prevent the FGC from absorbing moisture from the outdoor air. In the moisture content of the gel at the environmental humidity level. Once
daytime when sunlight is strong, the FGC can be adjusted to another the sorption and evaporation rates are determined, it is possible to
position (Fig. 4(a-iii)), enabling both radiative cooling and evaporative predict the energy-saving potential of the air conditioning window. The

Q. Xu et al. Next Energy 2 (2024) 100088

Fig. 4. Energy-saving potential of the FGC in building applications. (a) Schematic of the proposed air conditioning window. (b) Relationship between sorption rate
and the FGC’s water content under different relative humidity. (c) Relationship between evaporation rate and the FGC’s water content under different relative
humidity. (d) Building prototype for the EnergyPlus simulation. (e) The predicted FGC’s water content in July of Nanjing (initial water content is 1.2 g/g, which is the
balanced water content of the gel achieved under 60%RH. (f) The cooling energy-saving performance of the window with a fiber layer (daytime radiative cooling
only), the window with a gel layer (nighttime dehumidification only), and both. (g) The total cooling energy and cooling energy savings in different cities of hot-
humid climates.

relevant models and simulation methods can be found in Note S3 and building. All the windows would be set by installing the air-conditioning
Note S4. Due to the limitations of EnergyPlus software, the evaporative window during the simulation. The moisture content of the FGC in July
cooling behavior on windows is not allowed. Given that windows pri­ was calculated, and the results are presented in Fig. 4(e). In the initial
marily affect the cooling load through solar transmittance and thermal days of July, the relative humidity continuously increased due to rain,
conduction, the outer fiber layer of the air-conditioning window can leading to a continuous increase in the moisture content of the FGC. On
reflect more than 96% of solar radiation and has a much smaller area typical days, owing to the variation in relative humidity, the FGC
compared to the whole building surface, the influence of evaporative effectively absorbs moisture within the room during the nighttime and
cooling is neglected here. The evaporation model is to predict the evaporates it into the outdoor air during the daytime. The results are
regeneration performance of the FGC in the daytime. displayed in Fig. 4(f). On the design day, compared to the window with
We selected a manufactured housing provided by the U.S. Depart­ only a fiber layer (only radiative cooling) or a gel layer (only dehu­
ment of Energy to conduct the simulation. The reason for choosing this midification), the air-conditioning window can save more cooling en­
building is that manufactured housings are the most possible buildings ergy. It is noted that radiative cooling also plays an important role in
for the application of air-conditioning windows. First, manufactured reducing cooling energy consumption, which can save 17% more energy
housings are easier to renovate than commercial buildings, making it compared to the original window (decrease from 20.50 kW⋅h to
more economical to install air-conditional windows. Second, the man­ 16.84 kW⋅h). Integrating dehumidification can lead to an additional
ufactured housings are more likely built in off-grid regions, rural re­ 11% energy savings compared to windows with only radiative cooling
gions, or just built for short-term usage. Applying an air-conditioning capability, reducing energy consumption from 16.84 kW⋅h to
window would be a good choice when access to electricity is difficult. 14.95 kW⋅h. The windows only have a gel layer that can reduce the
The details of this building are illustrated in Fig. 4(d). Four windows cooling energy from 20.50 kW⋅h to 18.44 kW⋅h. For the whole summer,
share the same dimension and the total window area is 10.28 m2 in this even if rainy days occur, the air-conditioning window can still save 4.7%

Q. Xu et al. Next Energy 2 (2024) 100088

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