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Introduction to

Marketing management is the process of planning, executing, and
controlling marketing activities to achieve organizational objectives.
The main focus is to understand and meet customer needs and wants
through the creation, communication, and delivery of value.

The Role of Marketing in an Organization
Marketing plays a crucial role in an organization by generating revenue, building brand awareness, and fostering customer

Revenue Generation Brand Awareness Customer Loyalty

Marketing drives sales by creating Marketing efforts build brand Marketing initiatives help build
demand and convincing customers recognition and establish a positive lasting relationships with customers,
to purchase products or services. image in the minds of consumers. leading to repeat purchases and
Marketing Strategy and Planning
Marketing strategy involves defining the target market, identifying competitive advantages, and setting objectives for
marketing activities.

1 Situational Analysis
Understanding the internal and external environment, including competitive landscape, market trends, and
customer behavior.

2 Target Market Selection

Identifying the specific group of customers the marketing efforts will focus on.

Marketing Objectives
Setting measurable goals for marketing campaigns, such as increased brand awareness or sales growth.

4 Marketing Mix Development

Deciding on the optimal combination of product, price, promotion, and place to reach the target market.

Marketing Budget Allocation

Allocating financial resources to various marketing activities, ensuring efficient use of funds.
Market Research and Analysis
Market research involves gathering, analyzing, and interpreting
information about a particular market, including customer preferences,
competitor activities, and market trends.

1 Primary Research 2 Secondary Research

Collecting original data Utilizing existing data from
through surveys, focus sources like industry
groups, or experiments. reports, government
databases, or trade

3 Qualitative Research 4 Quantitative Research

Gathering non-numerical Collecting numerical data
data to understand to measure market size,
customer perspectives, customer behavior, and
motivations, and opinions. campaign effectiveness.
Marketing Mix: Product, Price,
Promotion, and Place
The marketing mix refers to the four key elements that companies use
to market their products and services.

Product The actual good or service

being offered to the market.

Price The amount customers pay for

the product or service.

Promotion Communicating the value

proposition of the product or
service to potential customers.

Place The channels through which

the product or service is made
available to customers.
Digital and Social Media Marketing
Digital marketing leverages online channels to reach and engage with customers, while social media marketing focuses on
building brand presence and creating interactions through social media platforms.

Search Engine Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Content Marketing Email Marketing

Optimization (SEO) Advertising on search Creating valuable and Sending targeted email
Optimizing website content engines, social media, or engaging content to attract campaigns to nurture leads
and structure to rank higher other websites to drive and retain customers. and promote products or
in search engine results. targeted traffic. services.
Measuring Marketing
Marketing performance measurement involves tracking and analyzing
key metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing initiatives.

Define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

1 Identify the metrics that align with marketing objectives.

Track and Measure KPIs

2 Use tools and analytics platforms to collect data on

relevant metrics.

Analyze Results

3 Examine trends, identify areas for improvement, and

make data-driven decisions.
Emerging Trends in Marketing Management
Marketing is constantly evolving, driven by technological advancements and changing consumer behaviors.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Data-Driven Marketing

AI-powered tools are revolutionizing marketing by Companies are relying on data analytics to gain insights
automating tasks, personalizing customer experiences, into customer behavior and make informed decisions.
and optimizing campaigns.

Video Marketing Influencer Marketing

Video content is becoming increasingly popular as Collaborations with influencers are gaining traction as a
consumers prefer engaging and visually appealing way to reach specific target audiences and build brand
formats. credibility.

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