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// 8888888888 8888888b. 8888888888 8888888888 d8888 888 .d8888b.

.d88888b. As you
// 888 888 Y88b 888 888 d88888 888 d88P Y88b
d88P" "Y88b Can see
// 888 888 888 888 888 d88P888 888 888 888
888 888 Are all
// 8888888 888 d88P 8888888 8888888 d88P 888 888 888
888 888 .d8888b Basic free
// 888 8888888P" 888 888 d88P 888 888 888 88888
888 888 88K tradingview
// 888 888 T88b 888 888 d88P 888 888 888 888
888 888 "Y8888b. indicators
// 888 888 T88b 888 888 d8888888888 888 Y88b d88P
Y88b. .d88P X88 repackaged
// 888 888 T88b 8888888888 8888888888 d88P 888 88888888 "Y8888P88
"Y88888P" 88888P' into one
// FAQ
// Why?
// I want you to see what you are willing to pay hundereds of dollars a month

// Has the code been leaked/hacked?

// No, this code has been created only using common sense and public information
from the internet

// What's the accuracy I can expect from this version of the indicator?
// I'd say it's about 95% the same as the one you would pay

// Can I suggest an indicator to get a FREE ALGOs version?

// Write me a private message on TradingView (Nick42_for_win)

// Enjoy ;)

strategy("FREE ALGOs [007 Swing System] FTM 2h", overlay=true,
currency=currency.NONE, initial_capital = 300, default_qty_type =
strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 100, commission_value = 0.07)

// Strategy code begins here

mult = 2.0 // MACD Std Dev Multiplier
src = input(close)
length =, title="Length", minval=1) //recommended length is 7 based on


basis = ta.sma(src, length) // Get the Moving Average

dev = ta.stdev(src, length) // Get the Standard Deviation
dev2 = mult * dev //Calculate the deviation based on the multiplier

upper1 = basis + dev // The mid-upper bollinger band

lower1 = basis - dev // The mid-lower bollinger band
upper2 = basis + dev2 // The upper bollinger band
lower2 = basis - dev2 // The bottom bollingr band

import TradingView/Strategy/2 as css

i_tradeDirection = input.string(title='Trade Direction',
defval=strategy.direction.all, options=[strategy.direction.all,
strategy.direction.long, strategy.direction.short], group='Trade Filters')
i_startTime = input.time(defval=timestamp('01 Jan 2022 00:00 +0000'), title='Start
Time', group='Trade Filters')
i_endTime = input.time(defval=timestamp('01 Jan 2099 00:00 +0000'), title='End
Time', group='Trade Filters')
inDateRange = time >= i_startTime and time <= i_endTime
string sltp= "STOP/TAKE PROFIT"
usetpsl = input.bool(true, 'Use TP/SL', inline=sltp, group=sltp)
float percentStop = input.float(10.0, "SL %", minval = 1.0, step = 1.0,
group=sltp, inline='percent')
float percentTP = input.float(88.0, "TP %", minval = 1.0, step = 1.0, group=sltp,
i_alert_txt_entry_long = input.text_area(defval = "", title = "Long Entry Message",
group = "Alerts")
i_alert_txt_entry_short = input.text_area(defval = "", title = "Short Entry
Message", group = "Alerts")
i_alert_txt_exit_long = input.text_area(defval = "", title = "Long Exit Message",
group = "Alerts")
i_alert_txt_exit_short = input.text_area(defval = "", title = "Short Exit Message",
group = "Alerts")

// Using the input stop/ limit percent, we can convert to ticks and use the ticks
to level functions.
// This can be used to calculate the take profit and stop levels.
float sl = css.ticksToStopLevel (css.percentToTicks (percentStop))
float tp = css.ticksToTpLevel (css.percentToTicks (percentTP))

exitPrice = strategy.closedtrades.exit_price(strategy.closedtrades-1)
bias = math.sign(strategy.position_size)
avg = strategy.position_avg_price

// Conditions used to reference position and determine trade bias

bool long = strategy.position_size > 0
bool short = strategy.position_size < 0
bool enterLong = long and not long [1]
bool enterShort = short and not short[1]
bool enter = enterLong or enterShort
bool exit = strategy.position_size == 0 and not (strategy.position_size ==
bool flat = strategy.position_size == 0

if usetpsl == true and long

css.exitPercent("exit long", percentStop, percentTP, comment="TP Hit. Exit
Long", alertMessage=i_alert_txt_exit_long)

if usetpsl == true and short

css.exitPercent("exit short", percentStop, percentTP, comment="TP Hit. Exit
Short", alertMessage=i_alert_txt_exit_short)
//------------ 007 Swing System | -------------//
// Get user input
tolBuy = input.float (0.07 , "Tolerance for buy"
, group="CHART")
col1 = input.color ( , 50), ""
, inline="COL0", group="CHART")
col2 = input.color ( , 50), ""
, inline="COL0", group="CHART")
col3 = input.color ( , 20), ""
, inline="COL0", group="CHART")
col4 = input.color (, 20), ""
, inline="COL0", group="CHART")
col5 = input.color (, 20), ""
, inline="COL0", group="CHART")
sizeBlock = (200 , "Bars in profile block"
, 10, 500 , group="VOLUME PROFILE")
slices = (40 , "Slices"
, 1, 40 , group="VOLUME PROFILE")
rowWidth = (100 , "Visual row width"
, 10 , group="VOLUME PROFILE")
showPeaks = input (true , "Show peaks"
customSrcVol = input (false , "Use custom volume source"
srcVolSym = input.symbol("" , "Custom volume source
symbol" , group="VOLUME PROFILE")
colBounds = input.color ( , 20), ""
, inline="COL1", group="VOLUME PROFILE")
colProfile = input.color ( , 20), ""
, inline="COL1", group="VOLUME PROFILE")
colPeak = input.color (, 20), ""
, inline="COL1", group="VOLUME PROFILE")
// Get components
maFast = ta.ema(close, 24)
maSlow = ta.ema(close, 52)
maMorB = ta.sma(close, 103)
custom_volume = customSrcVol ?, timeframe.period,
volume, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on) : volume
block_high = ta.highest(high, sizeBlock)
block_low = ta.lowest(low, sizeBlock)
float highest_row_value = 0
float row0_price = na
int row0_width = 0
float row0_value = 0.0
row0_is_peak = false
float row1_price = na
int row1_width = 0
float row1_value = 0.0
row1_is_peak = false
float row2_price = na
int row2_width = 0
float row2_value = 0.0
row2_is_peak = false
float row3_price = na
int row3_width = 0
float row3_value = 0.0
row3_is_peak = false
float row4_price = na
int row4_width = 0
float row4_value = 0.0
row4_is_peak = false
float row5_price = na
int row5_width = 0
float row5_value = 0.0
row5_is_peak = false
float row6_price = na
int row6_width = 0
float row6_value = 0.0
row6_is_peak = false
float row7_price = na
int row7_width = 0
float row7_value = 0.0
row7_is_peak = false
float row8_price = na
int row8_width = 0
float row8_value = 0.0
row8_is_peak = false
float row9_price = na
int row9_width = 0
float row9_value = 0.0
row9_is_peak = false
float row10_price = na
int row10_width = 0
float row10_value = 0.0
row10_is_peak = false
float row11_price = na
int row11_width = 0
float row11_value = 0.0
row11_is_peak = false
float row12_price = na
int row12_width = 0
float row12_value = 0.0
row12_is_peak = false
float row13_price = na
int row13_width = 0
float row13_value = 0.0
row13_is_peak = false
float row14_price = na
int row14_width = 0
float row14_value = 0.0
row14_is_peak = false
float row15_price = na
int row15_width = 0
float row15_value = 0.0
row15_is_peak = false
float row16_price = na
int row16_width = 0
float row16_value = 0.0
row16_is_peak = false
float row17_price = na
int row17_width = 0
float row17_value = 0.0
row17_is_peak = false
float row18_price = na
int row18_width = 0
float row18_value = 0.0
row18_is_peak = false
float row19_price = na
int row19_width = 0
float row19_value = 0.0
row19_is_peak = false
float row20_price = na
int row20_width = 0
float row20_value = 0.0
row20_is_peak = false
float row21_price = na
int row21_width = 0
float row21_value = 0.0
row21_is_peak = false
float row22_price = na
int row22_width = 0
float row22_value = 0.0
row22_is_peak = false
float row23_price = na
int row23_width = 0
float row23_value = 0.0
row23_is_peak = false
float row24_price = na
int row24_width = 0
float row24_value = 0.0
row24_is_peak = false
float row25_price = na
int row25_width = 0
float row25_value = 0.0
row25_is_peak = false
float row26_price = na
int row26_width = 0
float row26_value = 0.0
row26_is_peak = false
float row27_price = na
int row27_width = 0
float row27_value = 0.0
row27_is_peak = false
float row28_price = na
int row28_width = 0
float row28_value = 0.0
row28_is_peak = false
float row29_price = na
int row29_width = 0
float row29_value = 0.0
row29_is_peak = false
float row30_price = na
int row30_width = 0
float row30_value = 0.0
row30_is_peak = false
float row31_price = na
int row31_width = 0
float row31_value = 0.0
row31_is_peak = false
float row32_price = na
int row32_width = 0
float row32_value = 0.0
row32_is_peak = false
float row33_price = na
int row33_width = 0
float row33_value = 0.0
row33_is_peak = false
float row34_price = na
int row34_width = 0
float row34_value = 0.0
row34_is_peak = false
float row35_price = na
int row35_width = 0
float row35_value = 0.0
row35_is_peak = false
float row36_price = na
int row36_width = 0
float row36_value = 0.0
row36_is_peak = false
float row37_price = na
int row37_width = 0
float row37_value = 0.0
row37_is_peak = false
float row38_price = na
int row38_width = 0
float row38_value = 0.0
row38_is_peak = false
float row39_price = na
int row39_width = 0
float row39_value = 0.0
row39_is_peak = false
if barstate.islast
block_height = block_high - block_low
row_height = block_height / slices
row0_low = block_low + row_height * 0
row0_high = block_low + row_height * 1
row1_low = block_low + row_height * 1
row1_high = block_low + row_height * 2
row2_low = block_low + row_height * 2
row2_high = block_low + row_height * 3
row3_low = block_low + row_height * 3
row3_high = block_low + row_height * 4
row4_low = block_low + row_height * 4
row4_high = block_low + row_height * 5
row5_low = block_low + row_height * 5
row5_high = block_low + row_height * 6
row6_low = block_low + row_height * 6
row6_high = block_low + row_height * 7
row7_low = block_low + row_height * 7
row7_high = block_low + row_height * 8
row8_low = block_low + row_height * 8
row8_high = block_low + row_height * 9
row9_low = block_low + row_height * 9
row9_high = block_low + row_height * 10
row10_low = block_low + row_height * 10
row10_high = block_low + row_height * 11
row11_low = block_low + row_height * 11
row11_high = block_low + row_height * 12
row12_low = block_low + row_height * 12
row12_high = block_low + row_height * 13
row13_low = block_low + row_height * 13
row13_high = block_low + row_height * 14
row14_low = block_low + row_height * 14
row14_high = block_low + row_height * 15
row15_low = block_low + row_height * 15
row15_high = block_low + row_height * 16
row16_low = block_low + row_height * 16
row16_high = block_low + row_height * 17
row17_low = block_low + row_height * 17
row17_high = block_low + row_height * 18
row18_low = block_low + row_height * 18
row18_high = block_low + row_height * 19
row19_low = block_low + row_height * 19
row19_high = block_low + row_height * 20
row20_low = block_low + row_height * 20
row20_high = block_low + row_height * 21
row21_low = block_low + row_height * 21
row21_high = block_low + row_height * 22
row22_low = block_low + row_height * 22
row22_high = block_low + row_height * 23
row23_low = block_low + row_height * 23
row23_high = block_low + row_height * 24
row24_low = block_low + row_height * 24
row24_high = block_low + row_height * 25
row25_low = block_low + row_height * 25
row25_high = block_low + row_height * 26
row26_low = block_low + row_height * 26
row26_high = block_low + row_height * 27
row27_low = block_low + row_height * 27
row27_high = block_low + row_height * 28
row28_low = block_low + row_height * 28
row28_high = block_low + row_height * 29
row29_low = block_low + row_height * 29
row29_high = block_low + row_height * 30
row30_low = block_low + row_height * 30
row30_high = block_low + row_height * 31
row31_low = block_low + row_height * 31
row31_high = block_low + row_height * 32
row32_low = block_low + row_height * 32
row32_high = block_low + row_height * 33
row33_low = block_low + row_height * 33
row33_high = block_low + row_height * 34
row34_low = block_low + row_height * 34
row34_high = block_low + row_height * 35
row35_low = block_low + row_height * 35
row35_high = block_low + row_height * 36
row36_low = block_low + row_height * 36
row36_high = block_low + row_height * 37
row37_low = block_low + row_height * 37
row37_high = block_low + row_height * 38
row38_low = block_low + row_height * 38
row38_high = block_low + row_height * 39
row39_low = block_low + row_height * 39
row39_high = block_low + row_height * 40
for i = 0 to sizeBlock + 1 by 1
n_rows_affected = 0
bar_row0_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row0_high and high[i] > row0_low
bar_row0_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row1_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row1_high and high[i] > row1_low
bar_row1_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row2_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row2_high and high[i] > row2_low
bar_row2_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row3_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row3_high and high[i] > row3_low
bar_row3_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row4_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row4_high and high[i] > row4_low
bar_row4_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row5_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row5_high and high[i] > row5_low
bar_row5_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row6_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row6_high and high[i] > row6_low
bar_row6_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row7_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row7_high and high[i] > row7_low
bar_row7_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row8_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row8_high and high[i] > row8_low
bar_row8_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row9_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row9_high and high[i] > row9_low
bar_row9_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row10_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row10_high and high[i] > row10_low
bar_row10_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row11_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row11_high and high[i] > row11_low
bar_row11_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row12_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row12_high and high[i] > row12_low
bar_row12_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row13_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row13_high and high[i] > row13_low
bar_row13_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row14_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row14_high and high[i] > row14_low
bar_row14_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row15_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row15_high and high[i] > row15_low
bar_row15_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row16_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row16_high and high[i] > row16_low
bar_row16_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row17_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row17_high and high[i] > row17_low
bar_row17_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row18_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row18_high and high[i] > row18_low
bar_row18_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row19_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row19_high and high[i] > row19_low
bar_row19_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row20_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row20_high and high[i] > row20_low
bar_row20_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row21_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row21_high and high[i] > row21_low
bar_row21_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row22_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row22_high and high[i] > row22_low
bar_row22_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row23_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row23_high and high[i] > row23_low
bar_row23_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row24_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row24_high and high[i] > row24_low
bar_row24_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row25_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row25_high and high[i] > row25_low
bar_row25_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row26_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row26_high and high[i] > row26_low
bar_row26_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row27_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row27_high and high[i] > row27_low
bar_row27_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row28_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row28_high and high[i] > row28_low
bar_row28_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row29_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row29_high and high[i] > row29_low
bar_row29_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row30_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row30_high and high[i] > row30_low
bar_row30_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row31_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row31_high and high[i] > row31_low
bar_row31_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row32_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row32_high and high[i] > row32_low
bar_row32_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row33_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row33_high and high[i] > row33_low
bar_row33_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row34_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row34_high and high[i] > row34_low
bar_row34_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row35_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row35_high and high[i] > row35_low
bar_row35_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row36_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row36_high and high[i] > row36_low
bar_row36_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row37_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row37_high and high[i] > row37_low
bar_row37_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row38_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row38_high and high[i] > row38_low
bar_row38_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
bar_row39_value = 0.0
if low[i] < row39_high and high[i] > row39_low
bar_row39_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
n_rows_affected += 1
row0_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row0_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
row1_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row1_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
row2_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row2_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
row3_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row3_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
row4_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row4_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
row5_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row5_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
row6_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row6_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
row7_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row7_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
row8_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row8_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
row9_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row9_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
row10_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row10_value / n_rows_affected :
row11_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row11_value / n_rows_affected :
row12_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row12_value / n_rows_affected :
row13_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row13_value / n_rows_affected :
row14_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row14_value / n_rows_affected :
row15_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row15_value / n_rows_affected :
row16_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row16_value / n_rows_affected :
row17_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row17_value / n_rows_affected :
row18_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row18_value / n_rows_affected :
row19_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row19_value / n_rows_affected :
row20_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row20_value / n_rows_affected :
row21_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row21_value / n_rows_affected :
row22_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row22_value / n_rows_affected :
row23_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row23_value / n_rows_affected :
row24_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row24_value / n_rows_affected :
row25_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row25_value / n_rows_affected :
row26_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row26_value / n_rows_affected :
row27_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row27_value / n_rows_affected :
row28_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row28_value / n_rows_affected :
row29_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row29_value / n_rows_affected :
row30_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row30_value / n_rows_affected :
row31_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row31_value / n_rows_affected :
row32_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row32_value / n_rows_affected :
row33_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row33_value / n_rows_affected :
row34_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row34_value / n_rows_affected :
row35_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row35_value / n_rows_affected :
row36_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row36_value / n_rows_affected :
row37_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row37_value / n_rows_affected :
row38_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row38_value / n_rows_affected :
row39_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row39_value / n_rows_affected :
highest_row_value := math.max(highest_row_value, row0_value, row1_value,
row2_value, row3_value, row4_value, row5_value, row6_value, row7_value, row8_value,
row9_value, row10_value, row11_value, row12_value, row13_value, row14_value,
row15_value, row16_value, row17_value, row18_value, row19_value, row20_value,
row21_value, row22_value, row23_value, row24_value, row25_value, row26_value,
row27_value, row28_value, row29_value, row30_value, row31_value, row32_value,
row33_value, row34_value, row35_value, row36_value, row37_value, row38_value,
row0_price := (row0_low + row0_high) / 2
row0_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row0_value / highest_row_value)
row1_price := (row1_low + row1_high) / 2
row1_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row1_value / highest_row_value)
row2_price := (row2_low + row2_high) / 2
row2_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row2_value / highest_row_value)
row3_price := (row3_low + row3_high) / 2
row3_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row3_value / highest_row_value)
row4_price := (row4_low + row4_high) / 2
row4_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row4_value / highest_row_value)
row5_price := (row5_low + row5_high) / 2
row5_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row5_value / highest_row_value)
row6_price := (row6_low + row6_high) / 2
row6_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row6_value / highest_row_value)
row7_price := (row7_low + row7_high) / 2
row7_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row7_value / highest_row_value)
row8_price := (row8_low + row8_high) / 2
row8_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row8_value / highest_row_value)
row9_price := (row9_low + row9_high) / 2
row9_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row9_value / highest_row_value)
row10_price := (row10_low + row10_high) / 2
row10_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row10_value / highest_row_value)
row11_price := (row11_low + row11_high) / 2
row11_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row11_value / highest_row_value)
row12_price := (row12_low + row12_high) / 2
row12_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row12_value / highest_row_value)
row13_price := (row13_low + row13_high) / 2
row13_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row13_value / highest_row_value)
row14_price := (row14_low + row14_high) / 2
row14_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row14_value / highest_row_value)
row15_price := (row15_low + row15_high) / 2
row15_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row15_value / highest_row_value)
row16_price := (row16_low + row16_high) / 2
row16_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row16_value / highest_row_value)
row17_price := (row17_low + row17_high) / 2
row17_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row17_value / highest_row_value)
row18_price := (row18_low + row18_high) / 2
row18_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row18_value / highest_row_value)
row19_price := (row19_low + row19_high) / 2
row19_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row19_value / highest_row_value)
row20_price := (row20_low + row20_high) / 2
row20_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row20_value / highest_row_value)
row21_price := (row21_low + row21_high) / 2
row21_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row21_value / highest_row_value)
row22_price := (row22_low + row22_high) / 2
row22_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row22_value / highest_row_value)
row23_price := (row23_low + row23_high) / 2
row23_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row23_value / highest_row_value)
row24_price := (row24_low + row24_high) / 2
row24_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row24_value / highest_row_value)
row25_price := (row25_low + row25_high) / 2
row25_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row25_value / highest_row_value)
row26_price := (row26_low + row26_high) / 2
row26_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row26_value / highest_row_value)
row27_price := (row27_low + row27_high) / 2
row27_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row27_value / highest_row_value)
row28_price := (row28_low + row28_high) / 2
row28_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row28_value / highest_row_value)
row29_price := (row29_low + row29_high) / 2
row29_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row29_value / highest_row_value)
row30_price := (row30_low + row30_high) / 2
row30_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row30_value / highest_row_value)
row31_price := (row31_low + row31_high) / 2
row31_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row31_value / highest_row_value)
row32_price := (row32_low + row32_high) / 2
row32_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row32_value / highest_row_value)
row33_price := (row33_low + row33_high) / 2
row33_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row33_value / highest_row_value)
row34_price := (row34_low + row34_high) / 2
row34_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row34_value / highest_row_value)
row35_price := (row35_low + row35_high) / 2
row35_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row35_value / highest_row_value)
row36_price := (row36_low + row36_high) / 2
row36_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row36_value / highest_row_value)
row37_price := (row37_low + row37_high) / 2
row37_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row37_value / highest_row_value)
row38_price := (row38_low + row38_high) / 2
row38_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row38_value / highest_row_value)
row39_price := (row39_low + row39_high) / 2
row39_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row39_value / highest_row_value)
if row0_value >= row1_value and row0_value >= row2_value and row0_value >=
row3_value and row0_value >= row4_value and row0_value >= row5_value
row0_is_peak := true
if row1_value >= row0_value and row1_value >= row2_value and row1_value >=
row3_value and row1_value >= row4_value and row1_value >= row5_value and row1_value
>= row6_value
row1_is_peak := true
if row2_value >= row0_value and row2_value >= row1_value and row2_value >=
row3_value and row2_value >= row4_value and row2_value >= row5_value and row2_value
>= row6_value and row2_value >= row7_value
row2_is_peak := true
if row3_value >= row0_value and row3_value >= row1_value and row3_value >=
row2_value and row3_value >= row4_value and row3_value >= row5_value and row3_value
>= row6_value and row3_value >= row7_value and row3_value >= row8_value
row3_is_peak := true
if row4_value >= row0_value and row4_value >= row1_value and row4_value >=
row2_value and row4_value >= row3_value and row4_value >= row5_value and row4_value
>= row6_value and row4_value >= row7_value and row4_value >= row8_value and
row4_value >= row9_value
row4_is_peak := true
if row5_value >= row0_value and row5_value >= row1_value and row5_value >=
row2_value and row5_value >= row3_value and row5_value >= row4_value and row5_value
>= row6_value and row5_value >= row7_value and row5_value >= row8_value and
row5_value >= row9_value and row5_value >= row10_value
row5_is_peak := true
if row6_value >= row1_value and row6_value >= row2_value and row6_value >=
row3_value and row6_value >= row4_value and row6_value >= row5_value and row6_value
>= row7_value and row6_value >= row8_value and row6_value >= row9_value and
row6_value >= row10_value and row6_value >= row11_value
row6_is_peak := true
if row7_value >= row2_value and row7_value >= row3_value and row7_value >=
row4_value and row7_value >= row5_value and row7_value >= row6_value and row7_value
>= row8_value and row7_value >= row9_value and row7_value >= row10_value and
row7_value >= row11_value and row7_value >= row12_value
row7_is_peak := true
if row8_value >= row3_value and row8_value >= row4_value and row8_value >=
row5_value and row8_value >= row6_value and row8_value >= row7_value and row8_value
>= row9_value and row8_value >= row10_value and row8_value >= row11_value and
row8_value >= row12_value and row8_value >= row13_value
row8_is_peak := true
if row9_value >= row4_value and row9_value >= row5_value and row9_value >=
row6_value and row9_value >= row7_value and row9_value >= row8_value and row9_value
>= row10_value and row9_value >= row11_value and row9_value >= row12_value and
row9_value >= row13_value and row9_value >= row14_value
row9_is_peak := true
if row10_value >= row5_value and row10_value >= row6_value and row10_value >=
row7_value and row10_value >= row8_value and row10_value >= row9_value and
row10_value >= row11_value and row10_value >= row12_value and row10_value >=
row13_value and row10_value >= row14_value and row10_value >= row15_value
row10_is_peak := true
if row11_value >= row6_value and row11_value >= row7_value and row11_value >=
row8_value and row11_value >= row9_value and row11_value >= row10_value and
row11_value >= row12_value and row11_value >= row13_value and row11_value >=
row14_value and row11_value >= row15_value and row11_value >= row16_value
row11_is_peak := true
if row12_value >= row7_value and row12_value >= row8_value and row12_value >=
row9_value and row12_value >= row10_value and row12_value >= row11_value and
row12_value >= row13_value and row12_value >= row14_value and row12_value >=
row15_value and row12_value >= row16_value and row12_value >= row17_value
row12_is_peak := true
if row13_value >= row8_value and row13_value >= row9_value and row13_value >=
row10_value and row13_value >= row11_value and row13_value >= row12_value and
row13_value >= row14_value and row13_value >= row15_value and row13_value >=
row16_value and row13_value >= row17_value and row13_value >= row18_value
row13_is_peak := true
if row14_value >= row9_value and row14_value >= row10_value and row14_value >=
row11_value and row14_value >= row12_value and row14_value >= row13_value and
row14_value >= row15_value and row14_value >= row16_value and row14_value >=
row17_value and row14_value >= row18_value and row14_value >= row19_value
row14_is_peak := true
if row15_value >= row10_value and row15_value >= row11_value and row15_value >=
row12_value and row15_value >= row13_value and row15_value >= row14_value and
row15_value >= row16_value and row15_value >= row17_value and row15_value >=
row18_value and row15_value >= row19_value and row15_value >= row20_value
row15_is_peak := true
if row16_value >= row11_value and row16_value >= row12_value and row16_value >=
row13_value and row16_value >= row14_value and row16_value >= row15_value and
row16_value >= row17_value and row16_value >= row18_value and row16_value >=
row19_value and row16_value >= row20_value and row16_value >= row21_value
row16_is_peak := true
if row17_value >= row12_value and row17_value >= row13_value and row17_value >=
row14_value and row17_value >= row15_value and row17_value >= row16_value and
row17_value >= row18_value and row17_value >= row19_value and row17_value >=
row20_value and row17_value >= row21_value and row17_value >= row22_value
row17_is_peak := true
if row18_value >= row13_value and row18_value >= row14_value and row18_value >=
row15_value and row18_value >= row16_value and row18_value >= row17_value and
row18_value >= row19_value and row18_value >= row20_value and row18_value >=
row21_value and row18_value >= row22_value and row18_value >= row23_value
row18_is_peak := true
if row19_value >= row14_value and row19_value >= row15_value and row19_value >=
row16_value and row19_value >= row17_value and row19_value >= row18_value and
row19_value >= row20_value and row19_value >= row21_value and row19_value >=
row22_value and row19_value >= row23_value and row19_value >= row24_value
row19_is_peak := true
if row20_value >= row15_value and row20_value >= row16_value and row20_value >=
row17_value and row20_value >= row18_value and row20_value >= row19_value and
row20_value >= row21_value and row20_value >= row22_value and row20_value >=
row23_value and row20_value >= row24_value and row20_value >= row25_value
row20_is_peak := true
if row21_value >= row16_value and row21_value >= row17_value and row21_value >=
row18_value and row21_value >= row19_value and row21_value >= row20_value and
row21_value >= row22_value and row21_value >= row23_value and row21_value >=
row24_value and row21_value >= row25_value and row21_value >= row26_value
row21_is_peak := true
if row22_value >= row17_value and row22_value >= row18_value and row22_value >=
row19_value and row22_value >= row20_value and row22_value >= row21_value and
row22_value >= row23_value and row22_value >= row24_value and row22_value >=
row25_value and row22_value >= row26_value and row22_value >= row27_value
row22_is_peak := true
if row23_value >= row18_value and row23_value >= row19_value and row23_value >=
row20_value and row23_value >= row21_value and row23_value >= row22_value and
row23_value >= row24_value and row23_value >= row25_value and row23_value >=
row26_value and row23_value >= row27_value and row23_value >= row28_value
row23_is_peak := true
if row24_value >= row19_value and row24_value >= row20_value and row24_value >=
row21_value and row24_value >= row22_value and row24_value >= row23_value and
row24_value >= row25_value and row24_value >= row26_value and row24_value >=
row27_value and row24_value >= row28_value and row24_value >= row29_value
row24_is_peak := true
if row25_value >= row20_value and row25_value >= row21_value and row25_value >=
row22_value and row25_value >= row23_value and row25_value >= row24_value and
row25_value >= row26_value and row25_value >= row27_value and row25_value >=
row28_value and row25_value >= row29_value and row25_value >= row30_value
row25_is_peak := true
if row26_value >= row21_value and row26_value >= row22_value and row26_value >=
row23_value and row26_value >= row24_value and row26_value >= row25_value and
row26_value >= row27_value and row26_value >= row28_value and row26_value >=
row29_value and row26_value >= row30_value and row26_value >= row31_value
row26_is_peak := true
if row27_value >= row22_value and row27_value >= row23_value and row27_value >=
row24_value and row27_value >= row25_value and row27_value >= row26_value and
row27_value >= row28_value and row27_value >= row29_value and row27_value >=
row30_value and row27_value >= row31_value and row27_value >= row32_value
row27_is_peak := true
if row28_value >= row23_value and row28_value >= row24_value and row28_value >=
row25_value and row28_value >= row26_value and row28_value >= row27_value and
row28_value >= row29_value and row28_value >= row30_value and row28_value >=
row31_value and row28_value >= row32_value and row28_value >= row33_value
row28_is_peak := true
if row29_value >= row24_value and row29_value >= row25_value and row29_value >=
row26_value and row29_value >= row27_value and row29_value >= row28_value and
row29_value >= row30_value and row29_value >= row31_value and row29_value >=
row32_value and row29_value >= row33_value and row29_value >= row34_value
row29_is_peak := true
if row30_value >= row25_value and row30_value >= row26_value and row30_value >=
row27_value and row30_value >= row28_value and row30_value >= row29_value and
row30_value >= row31_value and row30_value >= row32_value and row30_value >=
row33_value and row30_value >= row34_value and row30_value >= row35_value
row30_is_peak := true
if row31_value >= row26_value and row31_value >= row27_value and row31_value >=
row28_value and row31_value >= row29_value and row31_value >= row30_value and
row31_value >= row32_value and row31_value >= row33_value and row31_value >=
row34_value and row31_value >= row35_value and row31_value >= row36_value
row31_is_peak := true
if row32_value >= row27_value and row32_value >= row28_value and row32_value >=
row29_value and row32_value >= row30_value and row32_value >= row31_value and
row32_value >= row33_value and row32_value >= row34_value and row32_value >=
row35_value and row32_value >= row36_value and row32_value >= row37_value
row32_is_peak := true
if row33_value >= row28_value and row33_value >= row29_value and row33_value >=
row30_value and row33_value >= row31_value and row33_value >= row32_value and
row33_value >= row34_value and row33_value >= row35_value and row33_value >=
row36_value and row33_value >= row37_value and row33_value >= row38_value
row33_is_peak := true
if row34_value >= row29_value and row34_value >= row30_value and row34_value >=
row31_value and row34_value >= row32_value and row34_value >= row33_value and
row34_value >= row35_value and row34_value >= row36_value and row34_value >=
row37_value and row34_value >= row38_value and row34_value >= row39_value
row34_is_peak := true
if row35_value >= row30_value and row35_value >= row31_value and row35_value >=
row32_value and row35_value >= row33_value and row35_value >= row34_value and
row35_value >= row36_value and row35_value >= row37_value and row35_value >=
row38_value and row35_value >= row39_value
row35_is_peak := true
if row36_value >= row31_value and row36_value >= row32_value and row36_value >=
row33_value and row36_value >= row34_value and row36_value >= row35_value and
row36_value >= row37_value and row36_value >= row38_value and row36_value >=
row36_is_peak := true
if row37_value >= row32_value and row37_value >= row33_value and row37_value >=
row34_value and row37_value >= row35_value and row37_value >= row36_value and
row37_value >= row38_value and row37_value >= row39_value
row37_is_peak := true
if row38_value >= row33_value and row38_value >= row34_value and row38_value >=
row35_value and row38_value >= row36_value and row38_value >= row37_value and
row38_value >= row39_value
row38_is_peak := true
if row39_value >= row34_value and row39_value >= row35_value and row39_value >=
row36_value and row39_value >= row37_value and row39_value >= row38_value
row39_is_peak := true
// Signals
trendBull = maFast > maSlow and ta.rising (maFast, 2) and ta.rising (maSlow, 2)
trendBear = maFast < maSlow and ta.falling(maFast, 2) and ta.falling(maSlow, 2)

// Colors
none =, 100)
// Plots
plot(maFast, "MA Fast", col3, 2)
plot(maSlow, "MA Slow", col4, 2)
plot(maMorB, "Make or Break", col5, 4)
bgcolor(trendBull ? col1 : (trendBear ? col2 : na))
var int first_bar_time = time
if barstate.isfirst
first_bar_time := time
var line block_high_line =, high, bar_index, high,
var line block_low_line =, low, bar_index, low, color=colBounds)
var label row0_label = slices > 0 ?, close, "", xloc.bar_time,
yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, : na
var label row1_label = slices > 1 ?, close, "", xloc.bar_time,
yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, : na
var label row2_label = slices > 2 ?, close, "", xloc.bar_time,
yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, : na
var label row3_label = slices > 3 ?, close, "", xloc.bar_time,
yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, : na
var label row4_label = slices > 4 ?, close, "", xloc.bar_time,
yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, : na
var label row5_label = slices > 5 ?, close, "", xloc.bar_time,
yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, : na
var label row6_label = slices > 6 ?, close, "", xloc.bar_time,
yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, : na
var label row7_label = slices > 7 ?, close, "", xloc.bar_time,
yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, : na
var label row8_label = slices > 8 ?, close, "", xloc.bar_time,
yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, : na
var label row9_label = slices > 9 ?, close, "", xloc.bar_time,
yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, : na
var label row10_label = slices > 10 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row11_label = slices > 11 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row12_label = slices > 12 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row13_label = slices > 13 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row14_label = slices > 14 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row15_label = slices > 15 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row16_label = slices > 16 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row17_label = slices > 17 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row18_label = slices > 18 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row19_label = slices > 19 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row20_label = slices > 20 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row21_label = slices > 21 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row22_label = slices > 22 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row23_label = slices > 23 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row24_label = slices > 24 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row25_label = slices > 25 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row26_label = slices > 26 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row27_label = slices > 27 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row28_label = slices > 28 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row29_label = slices > 29 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row30_label = slices > 30 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row31_label = slices > 31 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row32_label = slices > 32 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row33_label = slices > 33 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row34_label = slices > 34 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row35_label = slices > 35 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row36_label = slices > 36 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row37_label = slices > 37 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row38_label = slices > 38 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
var label row39_label = slices > 39 ?, close, "",
xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, :
if barstate.islast
line.set_xloc(block_high_line, math.max(time[sizeBlock], first_bar_time),
time_close, xloc.bar_time)
line.set_y1(block_high_line, block_high)
line.set_y2(block_high_line, block_high)
line.set_xloc(block_low_line, math.max(time[sizeBlock], first_bar_time),
time_close, xloc.bar_time)
line.set_y1(block_low_line, block_low)
line.set_y2(block_low_line, block_low)
row0_text = ""
for i = 0 to row0_width + 1 by 1
row0_text += "#"
row0_color = showPeaks and row0_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row0_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row0_label, row0_price)
label.set_color(row0_label, row0_color)
label.set_text(row0_label, row0_text)
row1_text = ""
for i = 0 to row1_width + 1 by 1
row1_text += "#"
row1_color = showPeaks and row1_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row1_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row1_label, row1_price)
label.set_color(row1_label, row1_color)
label.set_text(row1_label, row1_text)
row2_text = ""
for i = 0 to row2_width + 1 by 1
row2_text += "#"
row2_color = showPeaks and row2_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row2_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row2_label, row2_price)
label.set_color(row2_label, row2_color)
label.set_text(row2_label, row2_text)
row3_text = ""
for i = 0 to row3_width + 1 by 1
row3_text += "#"
row3_color = showPeaks and row3_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row3_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row3_label, row3_price)
label.set_color(row3_label, row3_color)
label.set_text(row3_label, row3_text)
row4_text = ""
for i = 0 to row4_width + 1 by 1
row4_text += "#"
row4_color = showPeaks and row4_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row4_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row4_label, row4_price)
label.set_color(row4_label, row4_color)
label.set_text(row4_label, row4_text)
row5_text = ""
for i = 0 to row5_width + 1 by 1
row5_text += "#"
row5_color = showPeaks and row5_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row5_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row5_label, row5_price)
label.set_color(row5_label, row5_color)
label.set_text(row5_label, row5_text)
row6_text = ""
for i = 0 to row6_width + 1 by 1
row6_text += "#"
row6_color = showPeaks and row6_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row6_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row6_label, row6_price)
label.set_color(row6_label, row6_color)
label.set_text(row6_label, row6_text)
row7_text = ""
for i = 0 to row7_width + 1 by 1
row7_text += "#"
row7_color = showPeaks and row7_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row7_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row7_label, row7_price)
label.set_color(row7_label, row7_color)
label.set_text(row7_label, row7_text)
row8_text = ""
for i = 0 to row8_width + 1 by 1
row8_text += "#"
row8_color = showPeaks and row8_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row8_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row8_label, row8_price)
label.set_color(row8_label, row8_color)
label.set_text(row8_label, row8_text)
row9_text = ""
for i = 0 to row9_width + 1 by 1
row9_text += "#"
row9_color = showPeaks and row9_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row9_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row9_label, row9_price)
label.set_color(row9_label, row9_color)
label.set_text(row9_label, row9_text)
row10_text = ""
for i = 0 to row10_width + 1 by 1
row10_text += "#"
row10_color = showPeaks and row10_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row10_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row10_label, row10_price)
label.set_color(row10_label, row10_color)
label.set_text(row10_label, row10_text)
row11_text = ""
for i = 0 to row11_width + 1 by 1
row11_text += "#"
row11_color = showPeaks and row11_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row11_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row11_label, row11_price)
label.set_color(row11_label, row11_color)
label.set_text(row11_label, row11_text)
row12_text = ""
for i = 0 to row12_width + 1 by 1
row12_text += "#"
row12_color = showPeaks and row12_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row12_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row12_label, row12_price)
label.set_color(row12_label, row12_color)
label.set_text(row12_label, row12_text)
row13_text = ""
for i = 0 to row13_width + 1 by 1
row13_text += "#"
row13_color = showPeaks and row13_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row13_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row13_label, row13_price)
label.set_color(row13_label, row13_color)
label.set_text(row13_label, row13_text)
row14_text = ""
for i = 0 to row14_width + 1 by 1
row14_text += "#"
row14_color = showPeaks and row14_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row14_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row14_label, row14_price)
label.set_color(row14_label, row14_color)
label.set_text(row14_label, row14_text)
row15_text = ""
for i = 0 to row15_width + 1 by 1
row15_text += "#"
row15_color = showPeaks and row15_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row15_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row15_label, row15_price)
label.set_color(row15_label, row15_color)
label.set_text(row15_label, row15_text)
row16_text = ""
for i = 0 to row16_width + 1 by 1
row16_text += "#"
row16_color = showPeaks and row16_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row16_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row16_label, row16_price)
label.set_color(row16_label, row16_color)
label.set_text(row16_label, row16_text)
row17_text = ""
for i = 0 to row17_width + 1 by 1
row17_text += "#"
row17_color = showPeaks and row17_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row17_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row17_label, row17_price)
label.set_color(row17_label, row17_color)
label.set_text(row17_label, row17_text)
row18_text = ""
for i = 0 to row18_width + 1 by 1
row18_text += "#"
row18_color = showPeaks and row18_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row18_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row18_label, row18_price)
label.set_color(row18_label, row18_color)
label.set_text(row18_label, row18_text)
row19_text = ""
for i = 0 to row19_width + 1 by 1
row19_text += "#"
row19_color = showPeaks and row19_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row19_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row19_label, row19_price)
label.set_color(row19_label, row19_color)
label.set_text(row19_label, row19_text)
row20_text = ""
for i = 0 to row20_width + 1 by 1
row20_text += "#"
row20_color = showPeaks and row20_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row20_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row20_label, row20_price)
label.set_color(row20_label, row20_color)
label.set_text(row20_label, row20_text)
row21_text = ""
for i = 0 to row21_width + 1 by 1
row21_text += "#"
row21_color = showPeaks and row21_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row21_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row21_label, row21_price)
label.set_color(row21_label, row21_color)
label.set_text(row21_label, row21_text)
row22_text = ""
for i = 0 to row22_width + 1 by 1
row22_text += "#"
row22_color = showPeaks and row22_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row22_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row22_label, row22_price)
label.set_color(row22_label, row22_color)
label.set_text(row22_label, row22_text)
row23_text = ""
for i = 0 to row23_width + 1 by 1
row23_text += "#"
row23_color = showPeaks and row23_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row23_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row23_label, row23_price)
label.set_color(row23_label, row23_color)
label.set_text(row23_label, row23_text)
row24_text = ""
for i = 0 to row24_width + 1 by 1
row24_text += "#"
row24_color = showPeaks and row24_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row24_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row24_label, row24_price)
label.set_color(row24_label, row24_color)
label.set_text(row24_label, row24_text)
row25_text = ""
for i = 0 to row25_width + 1 by 1
row25_text += "#"
row25_color = showPeaks and row25_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row25_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row25_label, row25_price)
label.set_color(row25_label, row25_color)
label.set_text(row25_label, row25_text)
row26_text = ""
for i = 0 to row26_width + 1 by 1
row26_text += "#"
row26_color = showPeaks and row26_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row26_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row26_label, row26_price)
label.set_color(row26_label, row26_color)
label.set_text(row26_label, row26_text)
row27_text = ""
for i = 0 to row27_width + 1 by 1
row27_text += "#"
row27_color = showPeaks and row27_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row27_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row27_label, row27_price)
label.set_color(row27_label, row27_color)
label.set_text(row27_label, row27_text)
row28_text = ""
for i = 0 to row28_width + 1 by 1
row28_text += "#"
row28_color = showPeaks and row28_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row28_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row28_label, row28_price)
label.set_color(row28_label, row28_color)
label.set_text(row28_label, row28_text)
row29_text = ""
for i = 0 to row29_width + 1 by 1
row29_text += "#"
row29_color = showPeaks and row29_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row29_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row29_label, row29_price)
label.set_color(row29_label, row29_color)
label.set_text(row29_label, row29_text)
row30_text = ""
for i = 0 to row30_width + 1 by 1
row30_text += "#"
row30_color = showPeaks and row30_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row30_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row30_label, row30_price)
label.set_color(row30_label, row30_color)
label.set_text(row30_label, row30_text)
row31_text = ""
for i = 0 to row31_width + 1 by 1
row31_text += "#"
row31_color = showPeaks and row31_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row31_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row31_label, row31_price)
label.set_color(row31_label, row31_color)
label.set_text(row31_label, row31_text)
row32_text = ""
for i = 0 to row32_width + 1 by 1
row32_text += "#"
row32_color = showPeaks and row32_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row32_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row32_label, row32_price)
label.set_color(row32_label, row32_color)
label.set_text(row32_label, row32_text)
row33_text = ""
for i = 0 to row33_width + 1 by 1
row33_text += "#"
row33_color = showPeaks and row33_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row33_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row33_label, row33_price)
label.set_color(row33_label, row33_color)
label.set_text(row33_label, row33_text)
row34_text = ""
for i = 0 to row34_width + 1 by 1
row34_text += "#"
row34_color = showPeaks and row34_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row34_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row34_label, row34_price)
label.set_color(row34_label, row34_color)
label.set_text(row34_label, row34_text)
row35_text = ""
for i = 0 to row35_width + 1 by 1
row35_text += "#"
row35_color = showPeaks and row35_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row35_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row35_label, row35_price)
label.set_color(row35_label, row35_color)
label.set_text(row35_label, row35_text)
row36_text = ""
for i = 0 to row36_width + 1 by 1
row36_text += "#"
row36_color = showPeaks and row36_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row36_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row36_label, row36_price)
label.set_color(row36_label, row36_color)
label.set_text(row36_label, row36_text)
row37_text = ""
for i = 0 to row37_width + 1 by 1
row37_text += "#"
row37_color = showPeaks and row37_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row37_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row37_label, row37_price)
label.set_color(row37_label, row37_color)
label.set_text(row37_label, row37_text)
row38_text = ""
for i = 0 to row38_width + 1 by 1
row38_text += "#"
row38_color = showPeaks and row38_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row38_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row38_label, row38_price)
label.set_color(row38_label, row38_color)
label.set_text(row38_label, row38_text)
row39_text = ""
for i = 0 to row39_width + 1 by 1
row39_text += "#"
row39_color = showPeaks and row39_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
label.set_x(row39_label, time_close)
label.set_y(row39_label, row39_price)
label.set_color(row39_label, row39_color)
label.set_text(row39_label, row39_text)

if trendBull and inDateRange

strategy.close("Short", immediately = true, comment=".", alert_message =
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, comment="Long Opened", alert_message =

if trendBear and inDateRange

strategy.close("Long", immediately = true, comment=".", alert_message =
strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, comment="Short Opened", alert_message =

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