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Ways to Connect to Epicor :

1. Rest Api : For api of epicor we need URL where rest interface is hosted :
<server_name>/<epicor_instance_name>/api/help/v2 (V2 -> with epicor 10, V1 -> below epicor 10) as
well as username and password (to login).

2. Third Party Libraries :

Like Cdata jdbc driver (CData JDBC Driver for Epicor Kinetic 2023). Need information like server
name, instance of ERP, service, username and password
Default ERP tables :

1. Customers
o Table Name: Customer
2. Suppliers/Vendors
o Table Name: Vendor
3. Products/Parts
o Table Name: Part
4. Inventory
o Table Name: PartBin (for bin-level inventory)
o Table Name: PartTran (for inventory transactions)
5. Sales Orders
o Table Name: OrderHed (Sales Order Header)
o Table Name: OrderDtl (Sales Order Detail)
6. Purchase Orders
o Table Name: PODetail (Purchase Order Detail)
o Table Name: POHeader (Purchase Order Header)
7. Jobs/Work Orders
o Table Name: JobHead (Job Header)
o Table Name: JobOper (Job Operations)
o Table Name: JobAsmbl (Job Assembly)
8. Invoices
o Table Name: InvcHead (Invoice Header)
o Table Name: InvcDtl (Invoice Detail)
9. General Ledger (GL)
o Table Name: GLJrnDtl (GL Journal Detail)
o Table Name: GLAcct (GL Account)
10. Employees
o Table Name: EmpBasic
11. Time and Expense
o Table Name: LaborHed (Labor Header)
o Table Name: LaborDtl (Labor Detail)
12. Shipments
o Table Name: ShipHead (Shipment Header)
o Table Name: ShipDtl (Shipment Detail)
13. Receipts
o Table Name: ReceiptHead (Receipt Header)
o Table Name: ReceiptDtl (Receipt Detail)
o Table Name: QuoteHed (Quote Header)
o Table Name: QuoteDtl (Quote Detail)
15. Bank Accounts
o Table Name: BankAcct
16. Chart of Accounts
o Table Name: GLChart
17. Currency
o Table Name: Currency
18. Tax
o Table Name: TaxConnect
Entities in RDP server :

Table Name Description

ECOMtl Engineering Change Order table (used to document all the changes in the update process of
design of the product to record material affected etc )
ECOOpr Engineering Change Order Operation Table (used to manage the operations or tasks associated
with Engineering Change Orders (ECOs))
ECORev Engineering Change Order Revision table (document all the revision made as the part of the
Equip Equipment Stores information about equipment
EquipPlan Equipment Plan stores information about planned activities and schedules related to equipment
usage. It helps in organizing and optimizing the use of equipment to ensure efficient production
and operations
JobOper Job Operation used to manage task or operation associated with work order
JobPart used to store parts information required to complete a job or operation
JobProd Job Production stores detailed information about the production process, including quantities
produced, labor hours worked, scrap generated, and other metrics related to manufacturing
efficiency and output
JobSched - stores information about when specific manufacturing jobs or work orders are scheduled to
start and finish
OrderDtl Order Detail stores specific details about each product or line item ordered by a customer. This
includes information such as product descriptions, quantities ordered, prices, and delivery dates.
OrderHed Order Detail Head stores key information about the sales order as a whole. This includes
customer information, order dates, order status, and other general details not specific to
individual line items.
Part stores part information
PartBin Part Bin (particular bin of warehouse/facility) tracks inventory quantities, locations, and
statuses of parts or products stored in different bins within a warehouse or storage facility
PartBOM Part Bill Of Material stores structured lists of components and materials (sub-assemblies, parts,
raw materials) required to produce a finished product or part.
PartDtl – Part Detail stores part information
PartDim Part Dimensions stored physical traits of the part like height, width etc
PartRev Part Revision stores information about changes, updates, or revisions made to parts or products
over time. This includes details such as revision numbers, effective dates, descriptions of
changes, and other relevant information.
PartTran Part Transaction stores records of various transactions and activities related to parts like
inventory movements.
PartWhse Part Warehouse maintains warehouse-specific inventory data, including quantities on hand,
allocated quantities, available quantities, and other relevant information.

PODetail Part Order Details stored Part Order Details

POHeader Part Order Header stored Part Order Header Details
Vendor stores vendor information
VendorGrup categorize vendor
Warehse Warehouse stores warehouse information
Mapping between Tables in Idataops and RDP Server Tables :

Equipment -
,[EquipID]  name
,[Plant]  Facility
,[InActive]  is_active
,[Description]  description
,[SerialNum]  serial Number
,[Model]  model number
,[InServiceDate]  purchase_date
,[WarrantyExpDate]  from equipment Warranty table : end_date

Order Detail -
,[OrderNum]  order_id
,[PartNum]  part_name
,[UnitPrice]  part table:unit_cost
,[OrderQty]  quantity
,[RequestDate]  created_on
,[ChangedBy]  updated_by
,[ChangeDate]  updated_on
,[ChangeTime]  updated_on

Order Header -
,[OrderNum]  order_id
,[OrderDate]  created_on

Part -
,[PartNum]  part_id
,[SearchWord]  part_name
,[PartDescription] description
,[UnitPrice]  unit_cost
,[InActive]  is_active
,[WarrantyCode]  warranty
,[ImageFileName]  image
,[Specification]  description
,[PhotoFile]  image
,[CreatedBy]  created_by
,[CreatedOn]  created_on
,[ChangedOn]  updated_on
,[IsServices]  is_active

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