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Five Years After To Err Is Human

What Have We Learned?
Lucian L. Leape, MD
Five years ago, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) called for a national effort
Donald M. Berwick, MD to make health care safe. Although progress since then has been slow, the

IVE YEARS AFTER THE INSTITUTE IOM report truly “changed the conversation” to a focus on changing sys-
of Medicine (IOM) reported that tems, stimulated a broad array of stakeholders to engage in patient safety,
as many as 98 000 people die and motivated hospitals to adopt new safe practices. The pace of change is
annually as the result of medi- likely to accelerate, particularly in implementation of electronic health rec-
cal errors and called for a national ef- ords, diffusion of safe practices, team training, and full disclosure to pa-
fort to make health care safe, it is time tients following injury. If directed toward hospitals that actually achieve high
to assess our progress. Is health care
levels of safety, pay for performance could provide additional incentives. But
safer now? And, if not, why not?
The IOM’s report, To Err Is Human: improvement of the magnitude envisioned by the IOM requires a national
Building a Safer Health System,1 galva- commitment to strict, ambitious, quantitative, and well-tracked national goals.
nized a dramatically expanded level of The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality should bring together all
conversation and concern about pa- stakeholders, including payers, to agree on a set of explicit and ambitious
tient injuries in health care both in the goals for patient safety to be reached by 2010.
United States and abroad. Patient safety, JAMA. 2005;293:2384-2390
a topic that had been little understood
and even less discussed in care sys-
tems, became a frequent focus for jour- Although these efforts are affecting major cause of bad care is bad phy-
nalists, health care leaders, and con- safety at the margin, their overall im- icians, and that if miscreant clinicians
cerned citizens. pact is hard to see in national statis- were removed everything would be all
Small but consequential changes tics. No comprehensive nationwide right.6 Some have claimed that the em-
have gradually spread through hospi- monitoring system exists for patient phasis on systems, and particularly, not
tals, due largely to concerted activities safety, and a recent effort by the Agency blaming individuals for errors, will
by hospital associations, professional for Healthcare Research and Quality weaken accountability for physician
societies, and accrediting bodies. All (AHRQ) to get a national estimate by performance.7 Related concerns have
hospitals have implemented some new using existing measures showed little led to legislation imposing stricter re-
practices to improve safety. Fewer pa- improvement. 5 Although that esti- porting requirements on hospitals and
tients die from accidental injection of mate was largely based on insurance physicians.8 The latest surge in the mal-
concentrated potassium chloride, now claims data, measures known to have practice premium crisis has deflected
that it has been removed from nursing low sensitivity for detecting quality im- interest of lawmakers from error pre-
unit shelves2; fewer patients have com- provement, little evidence exists from vention to an effort to put caps on mal-
plications from warfarin, now that many any source that systematic improve- practice settlements.
taking anticoagulants are being treated ments in safety are widely available. Although the proven measured
in dedicated clinics3; and serious infec- Perhaps inevitably, critics have fruits of the IOM report so far are few,
tions have been reduced in hospitals pushed back against viewing safety as
that have tightened infection control a problem of science—of system de- Author Affiliations: Department of Health Policy and
Management, Harvard School of Public Health, Bos-
procedures ( J. Whittington, written sign. Public support for improving ton (Dr Leape); and the Institute for Healthcare Im-
communication, March 2005; K. patient safety often turns instead on provement, Cambridge, and Department of Pediat-
rics, Harvard Medical School, Boston (Dr Berwick),
McKinley, Geisinger Clinic, written fixing blame. Despite the widely dis- Mass.
communication, April 2005; and P. Pro- seminated message from the IOM that Corresponding Author: Lucian L. Leape, MD, Depart-
ment of Health Policy and Management, Harvard
novost, Johns Hopkins Hospital, writ- systems failures cause most injuries, School of Public Health, 677 Huntington Ave, Bos-
ten communication, January 2005).4 most individuals still believe that the ton, MA 02215 (

2384 JAMA, May 18, 2005—Vol 293, No. 19 (Reprinted) ©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

its impact on attitudes and organiza- rors and injuries, which is a crucial sci- fied. Importantly, it is much clearer now
tions has been profound. In addition, entific foundation for improvement of that the most effective method to im-
thanks to research sponsored by safety in all successful high-hazard in- prove either safety or quality overall is
AHRQ, health care leaders have also dustries, has become a mantra in health to change the systems.
learned a great deal about safety that care. Skeptics abound but more and Enlisting the Support of Stakeholders.
they did not know in 1999. In sum, more health care leaders appear to ac- The second major effect of the IOM
the groundwork for improving safety cept the corollary that blaming indi- report was to enlist a broad array of
has been laid these past 5 years but viduals is usually neither fair nor ef- stakeholders, some quite surprising, to
progress is frustratingly slow. Building fective as a mainstay approach in advance patient safety. The first stake-
a culture of safety is proving to be an pursuit of safety. Interest in technolo- holder was the federal government.
immense task and the barriers are for- gies to support safer care has in- Responding to the IOM recommenda-
midable. Whether significant progress creased, most especially with respect to tion, the US Congress in 2001 appro-
will be achieved in the next 5 years computer-assisted physician order- priated $50 million annually for pa-
depends on how successfully those entry systems; the decades-old stalled tient safety research. That support,
barriers are addressed. discussions about electronic health care although a tiny fraction of the $28 bil-
Our goal is to summarize what has records have acquired new life. Before lion budget for the National Institutes
happened, analyze the reasons why im- the IOM report, deficient safety was of Health, was enough to enlist hun-
provement has not been greater, and simply not a problem widely known in dreds of new investigators into patient
make recommendations for what needs the health care industry. Now, it is. safety research, essentially launching the
to be accomplished to realize the IOM’s Some ambiguity exists about the re- academic base for that work. Research
vision. lationship between safety as a desired in error prevention and patient safety be-
characteristic of health care and the came a legitimate academic pursuit.
What Have We Accomplished? broader issues of health care quality in Unfortunately, in 2004 after only 3
The effects of the IOM report are evi- general. The IOM Roundtable on Qual- years of support, federal funding for pa-
dent in at least 3 important areas: view- ity of Care categorized threats to qual- tient safety research through AHRQ be-
ing the task of error prevention, enlist- ity in 3 broad families: overuse (receiv- came almost entirely earmarked to-
ing the support of stakeholders, and ing treatment of no value), underuse ward studies of information technology.
changing practices. (failing to receive needed treatment), As crucial as such technologies are, this
Viewing the Task of Error Prevention. and misuse (errors and defects in treat- reallocation revealed a serious misun-
First, the IOM report profoundly ment).19 In its narrowest form, a focus derstanding of the broad array of re-
changed the way many health care pro- on safety addresses only the third fam- search that will be needed to address
fessionals and managers think and talk ily, that is, a subset of the whole do- the safety problem, and is quickly starv-
about medical errors and injury. It truly main of quality of care. ing the new recruits who would have
changed the conversation. Although a However, mistakes by caregivers that pursued aspects of safety other than in-
substantial minority among both clini- lead to physical injuries are much less formation technology.
cians and the lay public continue to acceptable to patients than overuse or Congress, however, did codify AHRQ
doubt that injury and mortality rates are underuse, and cause far more emo- as the lead federal agency for patient
as high as the IOM claimed,6,9,10 subse- tional reaction. Indeed, the focus on ac- safety and AHRQ established a Center
quent data from various sources sug- tive harm—misuse—may help ex- for Quality Improvement and Safety,
gest that the IOM may have substan- plain the intense public interest in safety which has become the leader in edu-
tially underestimated the magnitude of compared with quality improvement in cation, training, convening agenda-
the problem.11-16 Nosocomial infections general. Health care professionals, too, setting workshops, disseminating in-
alone, most of which are preventable, ac- may feel far worse if they harm a pa- formation, developing measures, and
count for more than 90 000 deaths per tient directly than if they provide in- facilitating the setting of standards. De-
year,17 and hospital-acquired blood- appropriate care. spite its limited budget, AHRQ has been
stream infections alone may rank as the As attention to patient safety has an important voice for safety through
eighth leading cause of death in the deepened, the boundaries among over- its support for evaluating best prac-
United States.18 Few individuals now use, underuse, and misuse have blurred. tices, demonstrations to enhance re-
doubt that preventable medical injuries It seems logical that patients who fail porting of adverse events, errors and
are a serious problem. Far more physi- to receive needed treatments or who are near misses, its development of pa-
cians and nurses today ask not whether subjected to the risks of unneeded care tient safety indicators now used by
there is a problem but rather what they are also placed at risk for injury every many hospitals, and its development of
can do about it. bit as objectionable as direct harm from a roadmap of evidence-based best prac-
The concept that bad systems, not a surgical mishap. Operationally, the tices used by the National Quality Fo-
bad people, lead to the majority of er- terrain of quality is becoming more uni- rum (NQF).
©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, May 18, 2005—Vol 293, No. 19 2385

The Veteran’s Health Administra- tion projects, system changes, and train- changes, not primarily in response to
tion quickly emerged as a bright star in ing in implementation of safe prac- mandates, but rather to improve the
the constellation of safety practice, with tices for thousands of physicians, quality of care for their patients.
system-wide implementation of safe nurses, and pharmacists. Several Qual- Changing Practices. The third effect
practices, training programs, and the es- ity Improvement Organizations have of the IOM report was to accelerate the
tablishment of 4 patient-safety re- become skilled at helping hospitals re- changes in practice needed to make
search centers.20,21 duce medication injury rates and other health care safe. Initially, adoption of
A host of nongovernmental organi- hazards. new safe practices was entirely volun-
zations have made safety a priority. The Regional coalitions have sprung up tary. Some hospitals responded to rec-
Joint Commission on Accreditation of across the country to facilitate stake- ommendations for medication safety
Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) has holders to work together to set goals, from regional coalitions or the Ameri-
led the way, tightening up accountabil- collect data, disseminate information, can Hospital Association. Other orga-
ity within health care organizations and and provide education and training to nizations sent teams to Institute for
requiring hospitals to implement new improve safety. The original list of Healthcare Improvement programs that
safe practices.22 The NQF, a public- medication safety practices for hospi- trained them in rapid cycle improve-
private partnership to develop and ap- tals was disseminated in 1999 by the ment and the application of human fac-
prove measures of quality of care, de- Massachusetts Coalition for the Pre- tors principles in the redesign of their
veloped a consensus process that vention of Medical Errors and later processes. Still others began to change
generated standards for mandatory re- adopted by the American Hospital As- practices in response to the Leapfrog
porting23 and created a list of high- sociation. Several large, integrated Group mandate.
impact evidence-based safe practices health care systems, notably Kaiser- Following the 2002 publication by
that the JCAHO and other organiza- Permanente, Ascension, and the Vet- the NQF of a list of 30 evidence-based
tions are now beginning to require hos- eran’s Health Administration, have safe practices ready for implementa-
pitals to implement.24 The Centers for been leaders in implementing new tion, the JCAHO in 2003 required hos-
Medicare & Medicaid Services and the safe policies and practices. Hospital pitals to implement 11 of these prac-
Centers for Disease Control and Pre- group−purchasing organizations, such tices, including improving patient
vention have joined with more than 20 as VHA and Premier, have made ma- identification, communication, and sur-
surgical organizations in a new pro- jor commitments to disseminating gical-site verification.22 Additional prac-
gram to reduce surgical complica- safety information and practices. tices have been added for implemen-
tions,25 and many other specialty soci- Purchasers and payers have entered tation in 2005.
eties, particularly the American College the arena, particularly the Leapfrog It is too soon to evaluate the effect
of Physicians, have incorporated safety Group, formed by a number of major US of the JCAHO requirements, and few
topics into their meetings, education, corporations. The Leapfrog Group has large controlled studies of previously
and research. strongly encouraged the adoption of a implemented changes have been per-
The National Patient Safety Foun- number of safer practices in hospitals, formed. However, time-series data from
dation, originally housed by the Ameri- including computerized physician or- hospitals and systems that have been
can Medical Association, has become der entry systems, proper staffing of in- working to improve safety are encour-
a major force in increasing awareness. tensive care units, and the concentra- aging. The results achieved in imple-
Although the National Patient Safety tion of highly technical surgery services menting 12 practice changes are pre-
Foundation remains short of stable in high-volume centers. The most re- sented in the TABLE.4,28-35 If these results
funding, it has gained a national fol- cent “Leap” focuses on implementa- were replicated nationwide, the im-
lowing and the annual conferences are tion of the NQF’s Safe Practices. pact would be substantial.
a wellspring of education and re- But the most important stakehold- Finally, a major practice change oc-
search findings in patient safety.26 The ers who have been mobilized are the curred in teaching hospitals in 2003
Accreditation Council on Graduate thousands of devoted physicians, when all residency training programs
Medical Education and the American nurses, therapists, and pharmacists at implemented new residency training
Board of Medical Specialties are en- the ground level—in the hospitals and work hour limitations. These limita-
gaged in a massive effort to define com- clinics—who have become much more tions were promulgated by the Accredi-
petencies and measures in each spe- alert to safety hazards. They are mak- tation Council on Graduate Medical
cialty, both for residency training and ing myriad changes, streamlining medi- Education and based on strong but not
continuing evaluation of practicing cation processes, working together to previously acknowledged scientific in-
physicians.27 eliminate infections, and trying to im- formation on the relationships be-
The Institute for Healthcare Improve- prove habits of teamwork. The level of tween fatigue and errors at work.36-39
ment has helped hospitals redesign their commitment of these frontline profes- While these work hour restrictions are
systems for safety through demonstra- sionals is inspiring. Most are making an enormous step forward, they do not
2386 JAMA, May 18, 2005—Vol 293, No. 19 (Reprinted) ©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

address the most important cause of fa-

Table. Clinical Effectiveness of Safe Practices
tigue: sleep deprivation due to ex-
Intervention Results
tended duty shifts. Recent studies have
Perioperative antibiotic protocol Surgical site infections decreased by 93%*
provided specific evidence of the per-
Physician computer order entry 81% Reduction of medication errors28,29
nicious effect of sleep deprivation on
Pharmacist rounding with team 66% Reduction of preventable adverse drug events30
resident performance.40
78% Reduction of preventable adverse drug events31
Barriers to Progress Protocol enforcement 95% Reduction in central venous line infections†
92% Reduction in central venous line infections‡
The diversity and level of engagement Rapid response teams Cardiac arrests decreased by 15%32
in improving safety in health care is im- Reconciling medication 90% Reduction in medication errors33
pressive. Ten years ago, no one was talk- practices
ing about patient safety. Five years ago, Reconciling and standardizing 60% Reduction in adverse drug events over 12 mo (from 7.6 per
before the IOM report, a small num- medication practices 1000 doses to 3.1 per 1000 doses)33
ber in a few pioneering places had de- 64% Reduction in adverse drug events in 20 mo (from 3.8 per
1000 doses to 1.39 per 1000 doses)4
veloped a strong commitment, but its Standardized insulin dosing Hypoglycemic episodes decreased 63% (from 2.95% of patients
impact was limited and most of health to 1.1%)34
care was unaffected. Now, the major- 90% Reduction in cardiac surgical wound infections (from 3.9%
ity of health care institutions are in- of patients to 0.4%)§
volved to some extent and public aware- Standardized warfarin dosing Out-of-range international normalized ratio decreased by 60%
(from 25% of tests to 10%)33
ness has soared. A growing patient Team training in labor and 50% Reduction in adverse outcomes in preterm deliveries||
safety movement is afoot. delivery
But if so much activity is going on, Trigger tool and automation Adverse drug events reduced by 75% between 2001 and 200335
why isn’t health care demonstrably and Ventilator bundle protocol Ventilator-associated pneumonias decreased by 62%*
measurably safer? Why has it proved *J Whittington, written communication, March 2005.
†P. Pronovost, Johns Hopkins Hospital, written communication, January 2005.
so difficult to implement the practices ‡R. Shannon, written communication, January 2005.
and policies needed to deliver safe pa- §K. McKinley, Geisinger Clinic, written communication, April 2005.
||B. Sachs, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, written communication, October 2004.
tient care? Why are so many physi-
cians still not actively involved in pa-
tient safety efforts? What needs to be industries. The dean of safety research- dous mortality data published by the
done to accelerate the pace of improve- ers, Professor James Reason, has ob- IOM with disbelief and concern that the
ment in patient safety? served that health care is also more information would undermine public
The answers to these questions are to complex than any other industry he trust. The normal human resistance to
be found in the culture of medicine, a knows in terms of relationships, with change was amplified by fear of loss of
culture that is deeply rooted, both by more than 50 different types of medi- autonomy, antipathy toward attempts
custom and by training, in high stan- cal specialties and subspecialties inter- by others outside the profession to im-
dards of autonomous individual perfor- acting with each other and with an prove practice, and skepticism about the
mance and a commitment to progress equally large array of allied health pro- new concept that systems failures are
through research. It is the same culture fessions (oral communication, Octo- the underlying cause of most human er-
that in the latter half of the 20th cen- ber 2003). The more complex any sys- rors. An understandable fear of mal-
tury brought profound advances in tem is, the more chances it has to fail. practice liability inhibits willingness to
biomedical science and delivered un- A second challenge is medicine’s te- discuss, or even admit, errors.
precedented cures to millions of US in- nacious commitment to individual, pro- The combination of complexity, pro-
dividuals. This culture is technically au- fessional autonomy. Creating cultures fessional fragmentation, and a tradi-
dacious and productive; many of today’s of safety requires major changes in be- tion of individualism, enhanced by a
most powerful drugs and treatments havior, changes that professionals eas- well-entrenched hierarchical author-
were not available as recently as 2 de- ily perceive as threats to their author- ity structure and diffuse accountabil-
cades ago. ity and autonomy. Overlay this demand ity, forms a daunting barrier to creat-
However, these advances created to change individual behavior with the ing the habits and beliefs of common
challenges to safety not faced by other challenges of learning a nonblaming purpose, teamwork, and individual ac-
hazardous industries that have suc- systems-oriented approach to errors and countability for successful interdepen-
ceeded far better than medical care in establishing new lines of accountabil- dence that a safe culture requires.
becoming safe, even ultra-safe. The first ity, and it is not surprising that progress In addition to these powerful cul-
such challenge is complexity. Modern in achieving safety in health care is slow. tural factors, lack of leadership at the
health care technology is almost cer- Fear poses a third major challenge. hospital or health plan level impedes
tainly more complex than that of other Many physicians greeted the horren- progress. Changing the culture, even
©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, May 18, 2005—Vol 293, No. 19 2387

changing a few practices and policies, care professionals receive a premium for Services, have indicated their interest
requires that all personnel share a com- a defective product; physicians and hos- in furthering the adoption of the NQF
mon vision and personally own safety. pitals can bill for the additional ser- proven safe practices. As hospitals have
This cannot happen without commit- vices that are needed when patients are wrestled with implementing the ini-
ment at the top level of the organiza- injured by their mistakes.44 tial set of practices required by the
tion. Although the JCAHO requires all JCAHO over the past 2 years, they have
hospitals to implement safe practices, What Do We Need to Do? developed considerable expertise in
and the NQF has issued a clear state- Despite these formidable barriers, making changes, and the capacity of the
ment about the responsibility of health care is well poised to increase the Quality Improvement Organizations to
boards,41 few of the chief executive of- pace of improving patient safety in the help them has also grown. Hospitals will
ficers and boards of hospitals and health near future. As a result of the ad- now be able to implement new prac-
plans have made safety a true priority vances by the many stakeholders over tices faster, and will find increasing in-
in their institutions or committed sub- the past 5 years, a critical mass of in- centives to do so.
stantial resources toward safety. formed and concerned physicians, Training physicians, nurses, and
Another key barrier to making nurses, pharmacists, administrators, other professionals to work in teams is
progress is a paucity of measures. Iden- risk managers, and other individuals is another idea whose time seems to have
tifying problems, measuring progress, in place to help organizations make sub- come. The interest in team training has
and demonstrating that improvement stantial changes. Not only do these grown rapidly over the past several
has been achieved all depend on the highly motivated individuals have the years, abetted by the adoption of simu-
availability of robust measures. Some ex- skills and knowledge needed to make lation techniques. The Accreditation
ist, such as measures of specific types of changes, they have the tools they need Council on Graduate Medical Educa-
infections, certain laboratory tests (blood in the form of tested and effective safe tion has now articulated practice-
glucose), AHRQ’s recent promulgation practices awaiting implementation. based learning and systems-based prac-
of a set of patient safety indicators,42 and Dramatic advances are likely within tice as 2 of the core professional skills
the Institute for Healthcare Improve- the next 5 years in at least 4 important to be inculcated in all approved resi-
ment’s trigger tools for measurement of areas: implementation of electronic dency training schemes. Whole sys-
harm,43 but many more measures are health records; wide diffusion of proven tems and hospitals are now providing
needed. More global measures are es- and safe practices, such as those ap- team training to their entire medical
pecially necessary, such as the Adverse proved by the NQF; spread of training staffs.
Outcomes Index developed by the Qual- on teamwork and safety; and full dis- Finally, the ethically embarrassing de-
ity Assurance Committee of the Ameri- closure to patients following injury. bate over disclosure of injuries to pa-
can College of Obstetricians and Gyne- The electronic health record may be, tients is, we strongly hope, drawing to
cologists, which is used in labor and finally, an idea whose time has come. a close. Although actual practice still lags
delivery and includes weighted values Many of the technical problems, such far behind the rhetoric,45 few health care
for all complications (B. Sachs, Beth Is- as the lack of standards for data ele- organizations now question the impera-
rael Deaconess Medical Center, writ- ments and ensuring interoperability that tive to be honest and forthcoming with
ten communication, October 2004). have held back adoption, are resolved patients following an injury. As evi-
Measures are crucially necessary to be or well on their way to solution. The dence accumulates that full disclosure
able to demonstrate that changes im- federal government has appointed an does not increase the risk of being sued,
prove safety and decrease costs. information technologies czar, Dr David it is becoming easier for physicians and
The current reimbursement struc- Brailer, within the Department of Health nurses to do what they know is the right
ture works against improving safety and and Human Services to oversee and thing—tell the patient everything they
actually rewards less safe care in many stimulate dissemination. Major payers know when they know it.
instances. For example, insurance com- and health care systems have begun to These advances will be welcomed
panies sometimes will not pay for new realize that the substantial up-front in- and will have a measurable impact on
practices that reduce errors, such as an- vestment that is required to put sys- reducing medical errors and injuries
ticoagulation clinics operated by nurses, tems in place in every hospital and ev- over the next 5 years. However, these
new information technologies, or coun- ery physician’s office will be paid back advances represent only a small frac-
seling of patients by retail pharma- handsomely within a few years by in- tion of the work that needs to be done.
cists. However, payers often subsidize creases in efficiency and decreases in A truly national response to the IOM’s
unsafe care quite well, although un- charges for costly adverse events. call to reduce preventable patient in-
knowingly. In most industries, de- The pace of adoption of safe prac- juries by 90% requires that every health
fects cost money and generate war- tices will almost certainly accelerate. care board, executive, physician, and
ranty claims. In health care, perversely, The JCAHO and several payers, includ- nurse make improving safety an abso-
under most forms of payment, health ing Centers for Medicare & Medicaid lutely top strategic priority—fully equal
2388 JAMA, May 18, 2005—Vol 293, No. 19 (Reprinted) ©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

to the corporate priority of financial iors, but it seems insufficient to do the It may be equally important to
health. At a national level, such a com- job of transforming cultures, where the begin to create negative financial con-
mitment has yet to emerge; indeed, it deeper solutions lie. sequences, or at least disincentives
is not in sight. Can reimbursement provide the pres- rather than financial rewards, for hos-
If the experience of the past 5 years sure for change? The current method pitals and other health care organiza-
demonstrates anything, it is that nei- of financing health care not only fails tions that continue to tax the public
ther strong evidence of ongoing seri- to provide incentives for safe care, it re- and their patients with the burden of
ous harm nor the activities, examples, wards unsafe care. That can change, and unsafe practices and resulting compli-
and progress of a courageous minority in fact, is changing. The pay for per- cations. Payment should not reward
are sufficient to generate the national formance movement is gathering steam. poor safety. In this regard, the recent
commitment needed to rapidly ad- Experiments with bonuses for physi- decision by payers in Minnesota to
vance patient safety. Such a commit- cians and plans who achieve goals of cease paying hospitals for serious pre-
ment is not likely to be forthcoming providing needed care, such as annual ventable adverse events49 makes good
without more sustained and powerful eye examinations for patients with dia- sense and should be emulated by pay-
pressure on hospital boards and lead- betes mellitus, are well under way. Un- ers nationwide.
ers—pressure that must come from out- der the recent Medicare Moderniza-
side the health industry. tion Act, the Centers for Medicare & Setting Safety Goals
Medicaid Services is launching some But for nationwide impact, we cannot
Mobilizing Pressure for Change important and promising demonstra- rely on these piecemeal efforts to pro-
Where will this pressure come from? tion experiments that may offer evi- vide the pressure needed for change. If
In England, the governmental re- dence on the effect of improved pay- the payers and other parties are to have
sponse has been to establish a Na- ment schemes on safety efforts. a significant impact on patient safety in
tional Patient Safety Agency under the Whether these schemes will result in the next 5 years, their efforts must be
National Health Service, charged with measurable improvements in safety re- aligned behind common national safety
stimulating and coordinating safety ef- mains to be seen. An important con- goals. The most important single step
forts throughout the system.46 In the cern is whether current performance that should be taken by the United
current US political climate, it is hard measures have sufficiently high sensi- States to align the forces of change
to imagine a similar effort by the fed- tivity and specificity to accurately iden- would be to set and adhere to strict, am-
eral government within the foresee- tify safer care when used in report cards bitious, quantitative, and well-tracked
able future. or reimbursement plans. A second ques- national goals.
Can public outrage provide the pres- tion is whether we have a sufficient In November 2004, at the Common-
sure needed for change? Although sur- number of validated measures to have wealth Fund–IOM meeting commemo-
veys continue to show the public is con- a significant impact on safety, or on re- rating the fifth anniversary of the IOM
cerned about medical errors and imbursement. Finally, it seems likely report, participants called for a con-
sensational cases provoke bursts of out- that pay for performance, like all other certed effort to set clearly defined
rage, public concern is evanescent and methods of reimbursement, will have achievable goals for improving pa-
thus an inadequate motivator for its own unanticipated perverse incen- tient safety over the next 5 years—
change. Even campaigns from patient tives that could undermine its effec- goals with measurable end points.
advocacy groups47,48 have failed to stir tiveness. We call upon the AHRQ to bring
many boards of trustees of hospitals to A better approach would be to favor together the JCAHO, NQF, American
call for major organizational changes. in-payment hospitals and physicians Hospital Association, American Medi-
What about regulation? One of the who actually achieve high levels cal Association, Leapfrog Group, and
star players in the safety movement over of safety. What about incentive bo- all of the major payers, including the
the past 5 years has been the JCAHO, nuses for driving levels of ventilator- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Ser-
which has steadily increased the de- associated pneumonia, surgical site in- vices, to agree on a set of explicit and
mands on hospitals to take patient fections, or central line infections to ambitious goals for patient safety to be
safety seriously and indicated its com- zero, or close to zero? These levels have reached by 2010. The list provided by
mitment to continue to press for adop- already been achieved in a small num- the Commonwealth Fund−IOM would
tion of more proven safe practices. But ber of hospitals committed to safe care be a good place to start. It is short,
regulation works as a sustainable force (P. Pronovost, Johns Hopkins Hospi- concrete, and achievable. This list
for change only when those organiza- tal, written communication, January called for a 90% reduction in nosoco-
tions being regulated see those changes 2005).4 Payment incentives could ac- mial infections, a 50% reduction in
to be in their longer-run self-interest. celerate widespread adoption of these medication errors, a 90% reduction in
The threat of decertification can pro- practices with savings in life and money errors associated with high-harm
duce evanescent, compliant behav- that would be enormous. medications, and 100% elimination of
©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, May 18, 2005—Vol 293, No. 19 2389

the NQF “never” list.24 In its 100 000 Technically, results like these are not our time is that we will not become safe
Lives campaign, 50 the Institute for out of reach. With sufficient will and until we choose to become safe.
Healthcare Improvement has adopted leadership, they lie entirely within our
these as well as so-called rapid grasp. The primary obstacles to achiev- Financial Disclosures: None reported.
response teams to prevent failures to ing these results for the patients who de- Funding/Support: This study was supported in part
rescue.51 Not only would these results pend on physicians and health care or- by the Commonwealth Fund. Dr Leape is the recipi-
ent of an Investigator Award from the Robert Wood
measurably improve safety overall, but ganizations are no longer technical; the Johnson Foundation.
also achieving them would require obstacles lie in beliefs, intentions, cul- Role of the Sponsor: The Commonwealth Fund did
not participate in the design of this report or in the
institutions to make a high-level com- tures, and choices. All of those can preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript.
mitment and to develop effective change. The most important lesson of the Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those
of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opin-
teams, 2 critical elements of the cul- past 5 years since the IOM spoke out on ions of the Commonwealth Fund or its directors, of-
ture change that is needed. one of the major public health issues of ficers, or staff.

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