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Structural Preservation Rhinoplasty: A Hybrid

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AQ1 Dean M. Toriumi, M.D. Summary: Structural preservation rhinoplasty merges two popular philoso-
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Milos Kovacevic, M.D. phies of rhinoplasty—structure rhinoplasty and preservation rhinoplasty—in

Aaron M. Kosins, M.D. an effort to maximize patient outcomes, aesthetics, and function. This allows
Chicago, Ill.; Hamburg, Germany; and the surgeon to both preserve the favorable attributes of the nose, and also to
Orange and Newport Beach, Calif. structure the nasal tip and dorsum with grafts to maximize contour and sup-
port. The concept of dorsal preservation is to preserve favorable dorsal aesthetic
lines without the creation of an “open roof.” However, the addition of some
structure concepts can expand the utility of dorsal preservation in primary rhi-
noplasty patients. The authors discuss these structure concepts and their appli-
cability to dorsal preservation. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 149: 1105, 2022.)

tructural preservation rhinoplasty is a combi- struts and shield tip grafts to shape the nasal tip.2
nation of two philosophies: (1) dorsal pres- A traditional Joseph dorsal resection approach was
ervation techniques in combination with used to remove the dorsal hump, using spreader
structural grafting to optimize patient outcomes grafts to reconstruct the middle nasal vault.2,3
for the nasal dorsum, and (2) structural graft- Structure rhinoplasty evolved over the years with
ing techniques to manage the lower third of the the incorporation of the caudal septal extension
nose. Both philosophies have similar underlying graft to support the nasal base, replacing the colu-
principles that center around “optimizing nasal mellar strut.4 Shield tip grafting was used less fre-
structure” to maximize long-term aesthetic and quently and was replaced with dome suturing with
functional outcomes. These two philosophies ini- alar rim grafts or lateral crural strut grafting with
tially appeared to be conflicting in nature; however, or without repositioning.5–10 Nasal tip contour-
efforts made by a small group of committed sur- ing focused less on narrowing and more on mov-
geon educators brought the two schools together ing shadows into more favorable positions using
in 2018.1 Surgical indications were stressed as tech- suture and grafting maneuvers.7
nical details improved, and it became clear that The term “preservation rhinoplasty” was
certain patients benefit from preservation, cer- coined by Rollin K. Daniel and the philosophy
tain patients benefit from structure, and certain focused on “preservation” of as much of the native
patients benefit from a hybrid approach. This is nasal structure as possible.11 The early innova-
true not just for dorsal preservation, but also for tors of the dorsal preservation techniques were
the other two components of preservation rhi- Goodale in 1898 and Lothrop in 1914.12,13 Many
noplasty: soft-tissue envelope and alar cartilage would agree that Yves Saban is the primary per-
preservation. A tailored approach seemed more son responsible for the resurgence of dorsal pres-
appropriate for each individual patient. ervation in this era.14 Baris Cakir, Aaron Kosins,
Structure rhinoplasty was first introduced in and Rollin K. Daniel have championed all com-
1989 by Johnson and Toriumi when Open Structure ponents of preservation rhinoplasty that include
Rhinoplasty was published, describing the use of (1) elevation in a subperichondrial/subperiosteal
structural grafting to support the nasal structures plane with preservation of supporting ligaments,
by means of the open rhinoplasty approach.2 This
technique initially involved the use of columellar
Disclosure: The authors have no financial interests or
From Rush University Medical School and Toriumi Facial
conflicts of interest to declare in relation to the content
Plastics; private practice; and University of California, of this article.
Irvine School of Medicine.
Received for publication February 6, 2021; accepted August 19,
2021. Related digital media are available in the full-text
Copyright © 2022 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons version of the article on
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000009063 1105
Copyright © 2022 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May 2022

(2) preservation of the nasal dorsum to avoid the flattening, such as reduction of the bony cap,
“open roof”(dorsal preservation), and (3) preser- placement of a radix graft, and maximal stretch-
vation of the alar cartilages with minimal excision ing of the dorsal hump.16 Cartilage vault modifica-
and shaping using sutures.11,15,16 tions, piezoelectric rhinosculpture, and cartilage
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In structural preservation rhinoplasty, dorsal vault preservation techniques were developed to

preservation techniques are used to manage the deal with these issues that mostly occurred in the
upper two-thirds of the nose in appropriate pri- native nasal bony anatomy such as S-shaped nasal
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mary rhinoplasty cases, whereas structural car- bones, wide nasal bones, nasal bone asymmetries,
tilage grafting techniques are used to optimize and a low radix. These techniques largely sepa-
dorsal aesthetic lines (in combination with dor- rated the cartilaginous vault from the nose, with
sal preservation) and to structure the nasal tip. or without the bony cap, and lowered it separately
Dorsal preservation techniques have the strongest from the nasal bones. The nasal bones were then
indications for primary rhinoplasty cases with cer- treated with traditional osteotomies. However,
tain anatomical criteria such as a V-shaped dorsal certain issues have still persisted even with these
hump, normal radix height, and uncomplicated techniques that principally affect the cartilaginous
deviations involving axis deviation.16 Surface mod- vault of the nose. These include cartilage vault wid-
ifications (bony cap removal, trimming upper lat- ening and asymmetries, cartilage vault concavities,
eral cartilages, and radix grafting) are well known and caudal septal deformities. Surgical techniques
and can be used to convert primary cases to allow are discussed for the treatment of the above-men-
effective execution of dorsal preservation tech- tioned surgical problems.
niques.17 However, structure techniques such as
spreader grafting can be used in some cases that
would otherwise not be good candidates for dorsal
preservation to expand the indications. Subdorsal Dorsum
septal work can also take on a “structural” con-
cept as directional forces are used to control dor- Plane of Dissection
sal contour while treating septal deformities. The Two planes of dissection have been tra-
following article will discuss patient selection and ditionally used for dissection of the nasal
structural techniques that can be combined with
dorsal preservation to expand indications for dor-
sal preservation. In addition, structural grafting of
the nasal tip will be discussed in the context of our
dorsal preservation procedure.

Traditional dorsal preservation involves (1)
removal of a septal strip to release the dorsum
from the septum, (2) osteotomies to release the
dorsum from the face (foundation methods),
and (3) a push-down or let-down of the dorsum
to lower the nasal profile and to flatten a dorsal
hump. Although this was shown to work well in a
subset of patients, certain dorsa can be converted
to optimize dorsal aesthetics. The shape of the dor-
sal convexity is important in selecting good candi-
dates for dorsal preservation techniques. V-shaped
dorsal humps have a straight-line configuration
from nasion to rhinion, whereas an S-shaped dor-
sal hump has a distinct angulation from nasion to
kyphion (most prominent point of the dorsum) Fig. 1. (Left) V-shaped dorsal hump with a straight line from
and minimal curvature from kyphion to rhinion17,18 nasion to rhinion. (Right) S-shaped hump with curvature from
(Fig. 1). The V-shaped humps are ideal for dorsal nasion to kyphion. (Reprinted with permission from Toriumi DM,
preservation, whereas the S-shaped humps may Davis RE. Marina Medical Rhinoplasty Cadaver Dissection Course
require surface modification to allow adequate Videos. St. Louis: Quality Medical Publishing; 2021.)

Copyright © 2022 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 149, Number 5 • Structural Preservation Rhinoplasty

dorsum—subperichondrial/subperiosteal and a simplified form of the classic Cottle technique,

sub–superficial musculoaponeurotic system. which incorporates the entire cartilaginous sep-
Surgeons have the option to dissect in the subp- tum as a reverse Z-flap (as opposed to a simplified
erichondrial and subperiosteal tissue planes and subdorsal Z-flap). After exposure is complete, a
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to preserve the supporting ligaments (Pitanguy needle is placed exactly on the top of the keystone
ligament, scroll ligament, and nasomaxillary area, and the subdorsal cuts are made. The first
suture line ligament).16 Cakir developed this dis- cut goes from the keystone area approximately 7
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section plane using an open approach and con- to 10 mm posteriorly into the septum, and the sec-
verted to a closed approach.15 The benefits are ond cut moves caudally, creating a triangle toward
a thicker and preserved soft-tissue envelope and the supratip. Whether or not the caudal exten-
theoretically less swelling and soft-tissue damage. sion reaches the W-point depends on whether the
The authors prefer the subperichondrial/sub- supratip needs to be lowered. Now that the sub-
periosteal plane even in an open approach. The dorsal triangle can be moved out of the way, a third
full open approach can be used if piezosurgery is cut is made under the cranial dorsum underneath
being used, or a limited dorsal dissection over the the nasal bones up to the area of the proposed
nasal dorsum can be used performing the bony radix osteotomy. We leave a 2- to 3-mm strip of car-
work through small stab incisions externally or tilage below the cartilaginous midvault to prevent
subdorsally with subperiosteal tunnels laterally. deformation of the middle vault. One should avoid
leaving cartilage and/or bone below the bony pyr-
Septum-Subdorsal Z-Flap Technique for
amid, as this can frequently act as a blocking point
Reducing Dorsal Humps
that can result in a recurrent hump. This cartilage
One of the most important concepts in dor-
and/or bone can be removed with a Takahashi or
sal preservation is the lowering and flattening of
Blakesley forceps or with the Piezotome (Acteon, AQ3
the dorsal hump using caudal/posterior forces at
Mount Laurel, N.J.) if available. AQ4
a pivot point on the undersurface of the dorsal
Once the osteotomies are completed (as
convexity. With the high septal strip technique
detailed below), a strip of cartilage is removed
as advocated by Saban, the hump is lowered and
from below the triangle to allow posterior and
flattened as the osseocartilaginous vault relaxes
caudal movement. Depending on the shape and
in a posterior direction. With the low septal strip
extent cranially of the hump, a strip of cartilage
techniques, a septal rotation-advancement flap
and possibly some bone are then removed from
is “pulled” posteriorly and caudally to flatten the
below the upper dorsum extending to the radix
hump. The use of this particular maneuver is
osteotomy. The benefit of the subdorsal Z-flap lies
most helpful in cases with larger or S-shaped dor-
in the ability to stretch flat the dorsal hump and
sal humps where maximal flattening is needed.
allow for significant cartilage harvest below the
Dorsal preservation techniques that have power-
triangle still leaving a 1-cm strut of dorsal support
ful stretching capability include the Cottle tech- F3
(Fig. 3). In addition, the triangular shape helps to
nique, Finocchi’s simplified preservation quick
prevent drop of the dorsum in the supratip area.
rhinoplasty, Neves’ segmental preservation rhi-
It is important to note that Goksel advocates
noplasty technique (Tetris concept), and oth-
the lateral keystone release (ballerina maneuver)
ers.16,19–21 What these techniques have in common
to allow proper stretching and flattening of the
is the firm, “structural” connection of subdorsal
dorsal hump. This maneuver can be performed
septal cartilage to the undersurface of the dorsal
sharply with a no. 15 blade or sharp scissors, allow-
hump to allow the hump to be pulled posterior
ing release of the bony attachment to the upper
and caudally to stretch it flat. These are “struc- F4
lateral cartilages16 (Fig. 4). We believe this is par-
tural” forces that are acting on the undersurface
ticularly important in patients with larger dorsal
of the dorsal prominence to flatten the dorsal
humps and deviated noses. Once the hump is
allowed to lower and flatten, incremental strips of
The “subdorsal Z-flap” technique was intro-
cartilage can be removed from below the triangle
duced by Milos Kovacevic to stretch and flatten the
to further lower the dorsum.
dorsal hump. This dorsal preservation technique
incorporates a subdorsal triangle-shaped attach- Osteotomies
ment to the undersurface of the dorsal hump to The osteotomies are performed only after
allow for posterior and caudal traction on the the initial septal cuts to release the septum from
F2 middle vault22 (Fig. 2). [See Video 1 (online), the osseocartilaginous vault are executed. This
AQ2 which demonstrates the subdorsal Z-flap.] This is is necessary to avoid excessive forces applied

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Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May 2022
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Fig. 2. Subdorsal Z-flap technique in the straight nose. (Left) Subdorsal Z-flap
is indicated by the dotted red line. Also noted is the extension of the subdorsal
cut to meet the oblique radix osteotomy. A segment of cartilage is removed
from below the subdorsal Z-flap. (Right) The Z-flap is pulled inferior and cau-
dally and fixated with two 4-0 polydioxanone sutures. (Reprinted with permis-
sion from Toriumi DM, Davis RE. Marina Medical Rhinoplasty Cadaver Dissection
Course Videos. St. Louis: Quality Medical Publishing; 2021.)

to the ethmoid bone at the skull base. For the to allow full release of the bony vault and allow
bony work, our preference is the let-down over a let-down maneuver to reduce the bony hump.
the push-down to remove any potential block- If the bony vault has an axis deviation, a bone
ing points such as Webster’s triangle. A strip of strip is removed on the side opposite the devia-
bone is removed at the site of the lateral oste- tion of the bone and a conventional osteotomy
otomies, and bilateral transverse osteotomies are is executed on the side of the deviation (Fig. 6). F6

finally connected to an obliquely oriented radix This will allow the bony vault to tilt back to the
F5 osteotomy (Fig. 5). [See Video 2 (online), which midline.
AQ5 demonstrates bone cuts for let-down.] Once the Fixation
osseocartilaginous vault has been released from Once the dorsum has been released from the
the face, the pyramid can be lifted with a long face with osteotomies and is allowed to descend,
speculum and any excess cranial part of the a forceps is used to stretch and flatten the hump
remaining strip is removed under direct vision. longitudinally. Incremental strips of cartilage are
This maneuver allows for incremental reduc- removed from underneath the triangle caudally
tion of the cephalic part of the hump and also and underneath the bone cephalically to fur-
prevents axis shift postoperatively, which can ther lower the dorsum. The dorsal keystone is
occur if the subdorsal remnant shifts off midline. in essence a “joint” that can be flexed by pulling
Using these techniques, Kovacevic observed no down posteriorly and caudally on the undersur-
hump recurrences in 57 consecutive cases over a face of the hump. With the firm grip provided by
6-month period. the subdorsal Z-flap in combination with the let-
As stated above, a full open approach is down bone cuts and lateral keystone area release, AQ6
used over the osseocartilaginous vault or a lim- maximal stretching and flattening of the dorsal
ited dorsal dissection combined with a lateral hump is possible. Finally, fixation is performed
dissection along the ascending process of the with one or two sutures of 4-0 polydioxanone
maxilla to provide exposure. With the full open attaching the triangle down to the remaining sep-
approach, the Piezotome is used to remove bone tal strut.
strips bilaterally to perform a let-down maneuver. If there is an axis deviation of the nasal dor-
When a limited lateral dissection is used, a bone sum, the subdorsal triangle can be overlapped
rongeur is introduced through lateral endona- to the contralateral side of the underlying sep-
sal incisions. Transverse osteotomies can be per- tal strut to allow straightening of the dorsum.
formed with a 2-mm osteotome or Piezotome Instead of excising the cartilage, the triangle is
or through small percutaneous stab incisions. overlapped and sutured, giving maximal strength
Likewise, the radix osteotomy can be performed to the repair (Fig. 7). This overlapped fixation
with a 2-mm osteotome through a small stab inci- provides maximal “structural” support to prevent
sion from above or from below the bony vault, or hump recurrence in addition to straightening the
with the Piezotome. The bone cuts are created nose (Fig. 8).

Copyright © 2022 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 149, Number 5 • Structural Preservation Rhinoplasty
KQCskJe7IurN2I8lVFpQvCIbOZQVO2GWc0sT3mHVdcAeofVRoa4RZRp2Q+3bEDTZgY+XzY1qgppT/8NX9V+4V on 03/26/2024
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Fig. 3. Patient with V-shaped dorsal hump and deviation to the right
treated using overlapping subdorsal Z-flap. Lateral crural strut grafts with
dome sutures (no repositioning) were placed to flatten the lateral crura.
(Left) Preoperative frontal, lateral, and base views. (Right) One-year postop-
erative frontal, lateral, and base views.
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Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May 2022
KQCskJe7IurN2I8lVFpQvCIbOZQVO2GWc0sT3mHVdcAeofVRoa4RZRp2Q+3bEDTZgY+XzY1qgppT/8NX9V+4V on 03/26/2024
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Fig. 4. Lateral keystone release. (Left) A knife or sharp scissors are used to release
the upper lateral cartilage from nasal bone laterally. (Right) This allows the
upper lateral cartilage to release caudally and stretch the hump flat. (Reprinted
with permission from Toriumi DM, Davis RE. Marina Medical Rhinoplasty Cadaver
Dissection Course Videos. St. Louis: Quality Medical Publishing; 2021.)

Fig. 5. Osteotomy and bone cuts for let-down. (Left) Red lines indicate path of bilateral bone strip excision, transverse osteotomies,
and radix osteotomies. (Center) Osteotomies completed. (Right) Gaps closed and hump reduced. (Reprinted with permission from
Toriumi DM, Davis RE. Marina Medical Rhinoplasty Cadaver Dissection Course Videos. St. Louis: Quality Medical Publishing; 2021.)

EXPANDING DORSAL PRESERVATION lateral cartilage “horns,” particularly when a

TECHNIQUES WITH STRUCTURAL subperichondrial dissection is used and/or with
MODIFICATIONS removal of the bony cap. Often, the bony cap is
One of the key aspects of this article is to provide convex, and this will not flatten by simply removing
the reader with “structural” surgical techniques to a subdorsal strip of septal cartilage and lowering
expand the indications of dorsal preservation to the osseocartilaginous vault. The bony convexity
cases that otherwise would be poor candidates. can be rasped or reduced using the Piezotome to
decrease some of the curved component of the
Segmental Spreader Flaps convexity. These are “surface” techniques of dor-
One major limitation of dorsal preservation sal preservation as described by Ferreira et al.,
is a wide cartilaginous vault or prominent upper Gerbault et al., Zholtikov et al., and others.23–26 It

Copyright © 2022 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 149, Number 5 • Structural Preservation Rhinoplasty
KQCskJe7IurN2I8lVFpQvCIbOZQVO2GWc0sT3mHVdcAeofVRoa4RZRp2Q+3bEDTZgY+XzY1qgppT/8NX9V+4V on 03/26/2024
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Fig. 6. Osteotomy bone cuts for deviated nasal dorsum. (Left) Deviated nasal dorsum requiring bone strip on side opposite
the deviation and lateral osteotomy on side of deviation. (Center) Bone cuts completed. (Right) bony vault tilts back to midline.
(Reprinted with permission from Toriumi DM, Davis RE. Marina Medical Rhinoplasty Cadaver Dissection Course Videos. St. Louis:
Quality Medical Publishing; 2021.)

Fig. 7. Subdorsal Z-flap for deviated nose. (Above, left) Proposed septal cuts.
(Above, right) Z-flap incised with vertical limb at rhinion. (Below, left) Subdorsal
triangle pulled inferior and caudal to stretch hump flat. (Below, right)
Subdorsal triangle overlapped on side opposite deviation and sutured into
place. (Reprinted with permission from Toriumi DM, Davis RE. Marina Medical
Rhinoplasty Cadaver Dissection Course Videos. St. Louis: Quality Medical
Publishing; 2021.)

is preferable to avoid removing the entire bony one can perform “segmental spreader flaps” to
layer of the hump; otherwise, Y-shaped rhinion turn in the prominent area of the upper lateral
horns may protrude up, recreating the hump cartilages to reduce the rhinion horns and/or to
or causing dorsal irregularity in thin-skinned narrow a wide middle vault.27 The upper lateral
patients.16,17 The rhinion horns can be trimmed cartilages at the site of the rhinion horns or wide
without opening the mucosa in thicker skinned middle vault are divided from the dorsal sep-
patients. In patients with thin skin or a wide nose, tum, rolled in, and sutured to the dorsal septum

Copyright © 2022 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May 2022
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Fig. 8. Patient with deviated nose to the left and S-shaped dorsal hump. The
patient was treated with removal of bone strip on left and conventional lat-
eral osteotomy on the right to tilt the bony vault to the midline. Subdorsal
Z-flap overlapped on the left as well. Lateral crural strut grafts and dome
sutures for her tip (no repositioning). (Left) Preoperative frontal, lateral, and
base views. (Right) One-year postoperative frontal, lateral, and base views.
Copyright © 2022 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 149, Number 5 • Structural Preservation Rhinoplasty

F9 to flatten the prominence (Fig. 9). [See Video 3 lateral cartilage, or in a tunnel along the superior
AQ7 (online), which demonstrates segmental spreader aspect of the septum where an area of mucosa is
flaps.] A perichondrial flap can be sutured over left intact/attached to the septum.10
the top of the spreader flaps to secure the width
Treating Concavity
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and positioning of the segmental spreader flaps.

Submucosal spreader grafts can be placed at
sites of asymmetries of the upper lateral cartilages
Submucosal Spreader Grafts
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to correct unilateral concavities and allow execu-

In many primary rhinoplasties, there are some tion of dorsal preservation techniques in primary
anatomical features that do not lend themselves patients who would otherwise be poor candidates.
to dorsal preservation techniques. Kosins and In patients where there is a unilateral concavity of
Daniel popularized cartilage vault modification the middle vault with one upper lateral cartilage
techniques that can be used to transform many positioned inferomedially, 5 to 8 mm of mucosa
suboptimal primary cases into appropriate candi- is left attached high on the septum during the
dates for dorsal preservation.28 These maneuvers septal dissection. A narrow subperichondrial
include bony cap resection, trimming the upper tunnel is created separately from the septal dis-
lateral cartilage shoulders without opening the section using a narrow Cottle elevator (Fig. 10). F10
mucosa, radix grafting, and placing spreader [See Video 4 (online), which demonstrates sub- AQ8
grafts concurrent with dorsal preservation.16,17 mucosal spreader grafts.] A key point is that the
Our preference for placing spreader grafts when tunnel for the spreader graft is positioned at the
performing dorsal preservation techniques is junction between the upper lateral cartilage and
to place “submucosal spreader grafts,” that are dorsal septum, and not solely against the sep-
positioned under the mucosal layer of the upper tum. As the Cottle elevator is advanced into the

Fig. 9. Segmental spreader flaps. (Above, left) Wide middle nasal vault. Dotted
lines indicate planned incisions. (Below, left) Perichondrial flap elevated off of
the middle vault. (Above, right) Spreader flaps turned in and sutured with 5-0
polydioxanone sutures. (Below, right) Spreader flaps sutured to dorsal septum
narrowing middle vault. Perichondrium sutured over the top of the middle
vault. (Reprinted with permission from Toriumi DM, Davis RE. Marina Medical
Rhinoplasty Cadaver Dissection Course Videos. St. Louis: Quality Medical
Publishing, 2021.)

Copyright © 2022 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May 2022

cartilages. If this method is used to place bilat-

eral spreader grafts, a subdorsal Z-flap, modified
Ishida intermediate strip, and other dorsal pres-
ervation techniques can be used to flatten the
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hump (Fig. 13).29 Patel et al. describe a similar F13

lower strip excision that allows for placement of
spreader grafts bilaterally as well.30
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Extended Spreader Grafts

Submucosal spreader grafts can be left longer
to extend beyond the anterior septal angle to sta-
bilize an end-to-end septal extension graft. The
extended spreader grafts can also straighten slight
deviations or deformities of the caudal septum.

Extension Grafted Cottle Rotation-Advancement

The extension grafted Cottle rotation-advance-
Fig. 10. Submucosal spreader graft placed unilaterally to correct ment flap is a dorsal preservation technique that
concavity. Note the mucoperichondrium left attached around incorporates a caudal septal reconstruction into
the spreader graft. (Reprinted with permission from Toriumi DM, the Cottle rotation flap for the treatment of
Davis RE. Marina Medical Rhinoplasty Cadaver Dissection Course patients with severe caudal fractures of the sep-
Videos. St. Louis: Quality Medical Publishing; 2021.) tum. In 1994, Toriumi published the subtotal sep-
tal reconstruction technique, where segments of
the septum are excised, and the L-shaped septal
subperichondrial tunnel, it must be gently rotated
strut is reconstructed.31 In this operation, a dor-
to allow the instrument to slide over the cartilage
sal remnant is left attached to the ethmoid bone
and not cut through the cartilage. The end of the
and the remainder of the cartilaginous septum is
spreader graft should be beveled to allow easy pas-
removed, followed by reconstructing the L-strut.
sage into the tunnel. Most spreader grafts are 2
The extension grafted Cottle rotation flap allows
to 3 mm in thickness and should span the area
for caudal septal reconstruction in patients with
of concavity. As the spreader graft passes into
a fractured or severely deviated caudal septum,
the tunnel, one will note the lateralization of the
while also performing dorsal preservation.22
upper lateral cartilages. A 6-0 Monocryl (Ethicon,
Unlike our traditional Z-flap, this technique
Inc., Somerville, N.J.) suture can be placed cau-
must be combined with a full release of the quad-
dally to fix the graft into position. One advantage
rangular cartilage, not just a triangle. Initially, a
of the Z-flap over a high septal strip procedure
complete reverse Z is cut in the septum (Cottle
is the ability to place these grafts without having
procedure) releasing it from the ethmoid bone,
to release the upper lateral cartilages. The graft
F11 vomer, and maxillary crest, including the nasal
can span the entire length of the Z-flap (Fig. 11).
spine. Some septal cartilage is left on the vomer,
It should be noted that with larger humps, asym-
ethmoid, and posterior maxillary crest to allow
metries of the dorsum can occur if a unilateral
harvesting septal cartilage for a septal extension
spreader graft is placed and the hump is flattened.
graft. The cartilaginous flap is left attached to
For this reason, unilateral spreader grafts should
the undersurface of the middle vault cartilages
only be placed when smaller humps are reduced
F12 and the flap is rotated caudally and posteriorly
to avoid deformity (Fig. 12).
to stretch and flatten the dorsal hump. The frac-
Treating a Narrow Cartilaginous Vault tured or deviated segment of the caudal septum
Bilateral spreader grafts can be placed to is excised, shortening the cephalocaudal septal
widen an overly narrow middle vault by making length. Then, the posterocaudal corner of the sep-
bilateral submucosal tunnels under the medial tal flap is fixed into a notch made in the nasal spine
margin of the upper lateral cartilages as they meet with two 4-0 polydioxanone sutures. In addition,
the dorsal septum. In this case, bilateral mucop- a notch can be made along the inferior margin
erichondrial flaps are elevated off of the septum, of the septal flap to allow the septum to sit firmly
leaving mucosa attached to the upper 5 mm of in the spine and not shift cranially (Fig. 14). To
the dorsal septum as it meets the upper lateral maximize caudal support and open the nasolabial

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Volume 149, Number 5 • Structural Preservation Rhinoplasty
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Fig. 11. Submucosal spreader grafts are placed along the base of the subdorsal Z-flap. (Left) Note positioning of spreader grafts at
junction between upper lateral cartilage and dorsal septum. (Center) After Z-flap rotated with graft in place. (Right) Z-flap sutured
into position overlapping on the right side of the septum. (Reprinted with permission from Toriumi DM, Davis RE. Marina Medical
Rhinoplasty Cadaver Dissection Course Videos. St. Louis: Quality Medical Publishing; 2021.)

angle, the notch can be placed in front of the adequate nasal length and to avoid overrotation
nasal spine to prevent cranial displacement. If the of the nasal tip. A medial crural footplate suture
nasal spine is off midline, it can be fractured back should be placed to maximize stability of the base
to the midline with a 5-mm straight osteotome.10 of the nose.10
The fixation to the nasal spine is critical and must One of advantages of this technique is that
be stable to avoid loss of dorsal septal support. the nose can be straightened without perform-
To reconstitute appropriate septal length, a ing a subtotal septal reconstruction. In the past,
caudal septal extension graft is sutured end-to-end we would have removed the caudal septum and
and fixed with slivers of cartilage or vomer bone reconstructed with extended spreader grafts and
to stabilize the reconstruction and to extend the a caudal septal replacement graft. This would
caudal dimension of the septal flap. The size and likely have required going to the ear or rib to have
shape of the extension graft is based on the need adequate cartilage to complete the reconstruc-
for projection, rotation, and/or nasal length. The tion. The advantage of the Cottle technique is
septal cartilage for the extension graft is either the that by releasing the septum from the nasal spine,
repurposed segment that was removed caudally or maxillary crest, vomer, and ethmoid, the forces on
a segment that can be harvested from the poste- the septum are allowed to relax and straighten.
rior inferior septum. Using this technique, a dorsal By leaving the middle vault intact, the need for
hump can be corrected in addition to reconstruct- spreader grafts is eliminated, allowing this opera-
ing a severely deviated caudal septum (Fig. 15). tion to be performed using the patient’s existing
F15 [See Video 5 (online), which demonstrates an septal cartilage. The authors believe this to be a
AQ10 extension grafted Cottle rotation-advancement significant advantage of this technique.
flap. This is a video of the patient in Fig. 15.]
Key points with this technique are to initially SURGICAL TECHNIQUES: TIP
assess the amount of harvestable septal cartilage
that is available. If only small amounts of harvest- Plane of Dissection
able septal cartilage are available, one may need As originally championed by Cakir in a
to harvest costal or auricular cartilage to complete closed approach, and later Kosins in a full open
the reconstruction. One can estimate the size of approach, surgeons have the option to dissect
the extension graft needed based on the fractured in the subperichondrial and subperiosteal tissue
segment. It should be noted that some vomerine planes and to preserve the supporting ligaments
bone can be harvested and thinned out to use in (Pitanguy ligament, scroll ligament, and naso-
the reconstruction. This bone can be used to help maxillary suture line ligament).16 By using a sub-
fixate the caudal septal extension graft to the cau- perichondrial dissection over the lateral crura,
dal end of the septal flap. There should be mini- surgeons should be aware that surface tension,
mal tension on the septal flap when transposed to especially of thin cartilage, can be altered. As a
minimize any bending or deformity. The medial consequence, the lower lateral cartilage may lose
crura are then sutured to the caudal septal exten- its elasticity and can fracture or deform when tip
sion graft in a “tongue-in-groove” fashion to set sutures are used. This can leave visible bossae in
nasal tip position. Care must be taken to ensure patients with thin skin.

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Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May 2022
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Fig. 12. Patient with a deviated nose and concave right upper lateral carti-
lage. She underwent placement of a unilateral submucosal spreader graft
to correct the concavity. (Left) Preoperative frontal, lateral, and base views.
(Right) One-year postoperative frontal, lateral, and base views showing
improved dorsal aesthetic lines.
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Volume 149, Number 5 • Structural Preservation Rhinoplasty
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Fig. 13. Submucosal spreader grafts placed high on the septum in the submucoperichondrial tunnel above intermediate level
Ishida type septal strip. (Left) Note the position of spreader graft above the septal cut. (Center) Note vertical releasing incision to
allow stretching. (Right) Hump reduced, stretched flat, and sutured into position. (Reprinted with permission from Toriumi DM,
Davis RE. Marina Medical Rhinoplasty Cadaver Dissection Course Videos. St. Louis: Quality Medical Publishing; 2021.)

Fig. 14. Extension grafted Cottle rotation-advancement flap. (Left) Reverse Z-shaped septal flap with planned septal incisions.
(Center) Septal cuts made and rotation of septal flap with resection of the deviated/fractured caudal septal segment. (Right) The
caudal septal extension graft is used to extend the length of the septum after deformed caudal septum has been excised. Note
the notched base of the septal flap caudal to the nasal spine to prevent cranial displacement of the fixation point. (Reprinted with
permission from Toriumi DM, Davis RE. Marina Medical Rhinoplasty Cadaver Dissection Course Videos. St. Louis: Quality Medical
Publishing; 2021.)

In the case where the surgeon may dissect how structural grafting maneuvers can be used to
the vestibular skin off of the undersurface of the enhance dorsal preservation techniques (exten-
lateral crura (e.g., when performing lateral cru- sion grafted Cottle rotation-advancement flap and
ral strut grafts), we recommend dissecting over submucosal spreader grafts). The most important
the lateral crura in a supraperichondrial plane to structural graft used in the lower third of the nose
keep perichondrium on one surface of the lateral is the caudal septal extension graft.4,7,10 The caudal
crura. Perichondrium should be left on at least septal extension graft provides maximal tip sup-
one surface to ensure adequate support and vas- port to aid in setting tip position and preventing
culature to the cartilage. We will frequently dissect postoperative loss of tip projection. In most cases,
supraperichondrially over the tip and then in a we prefer an end-to-end placement of the caudal
subperichondrial and subperiosteal plane for the septal extension graft stabilized with extended
nasal dorsum. The ultimate choice for plane of submucosal spreader grafts, slivers of cartilage, or
dissection of the nasal tip depends on the strength ethmoid bone. When performing dorsal preser-
of the cartilage and the need for vestibular muco- vation techniques, torque can be placed on the
sal dissection. caudal septum, resulting in deviation or curvature
of the caudal septum. In these cases, an overlap-
Structure Tip Techniques ping caudal septal extension graft can be used to
With structural preservation rhinoplasty, struc- straighten, support, and set midline tip position.
tural grafting techniques are used to treat the Our preference for managing the tip cartilages
lower third of the nose. We have already discussed is a progressive approach starting with obliquely

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Fig. 15. Patient with severely deviated nose with large dorsal hump and
severe caudal septal deviation. Treated with extension grafted Cottle rota-
tion-advancement flap. (Left) Preoperative frontal, lateral, and base views.
(Right) One-year postoperative frontal, lateral, and base views.

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Volume 149, Number 5 • Structural Preservation Rhinoplasty

oriented domes sutures or cranial tip sutures.7,10,32 the lower third of the nose for both stability and
Alar rim grafts with or without articulation can long-term lateral wall support to maximize nasal
support the junction between tip lobule and alar function.10,34,35 Eliminating the resection of the
lobule and promote favorable tip shadowing.6,7,10,33 roof of the bony dorsum and cartilaginous mid-
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With cephalically oriented lateral crura, and asym- vault removes the potential for long-term issues
metric and/or overprojected tip cartilages, we will with dorsal irregularity or progressive narrowing
frequently use lateral crural release, placement of (inverted-V deformity) over time. In addition,
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lateral crural strut grafts, and repositioning.7,10,34,35 the possibility of creating excessive width with
Shield tip grafts have particular utility in patients spreader grafts is no longer an issue. Structural
with an underprojected tip with thicker skin.7,10,34 preservation rhinoplasty will likely continue to
At the end of the procedure, one may wish evolve as more surgeons embrace this hybrid
to reattach the Pitanguy ligament to the anterior approach to primary rhinoplasty.
septal angle to reset the position of the supratip
Dean M. Toriumi, M.D.
skin.18,27 Proper realignment of the Pitanguy liga- Toriumi Facial Plastics
ment may not be possible if the nasal tip is length- 60 East Delaware Place, Suite 1425
ened, shortened, rotated, or counterrotated.22 It Chicago, Ill. 60611
is also possible to reattach the scroll ligaments.27,36
The significance of this maneuver is not clear;
however, it is likely beneficial to decrease dead PATIENT CONSENT
space, to preserve the vestibular valve, and to Patients provided written informed consent for the
decrease the chance of cephalic displacement of use of their images.
the lateral crura during the healing process.
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Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May 2022

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