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|STD: -X Session - 2024-2025 Date: 9.7 .2024

Subject: SocialStudies UNIT TEST -1 Marks: 50

Answer the following questions:
1. Which country can be considered as adeveloped country in the modern
world? Select your answer from the following statements. (1)
(a) Countries which have accumulated huge amount of wealth and always
secures the future of their citizens. These countries are considered to be
(b) Countries which are among the highest in the Human Development Index'
are considered to be the developed countries.
(c) Only rich countries are considered to be developed because people have
money to buy everything needed for human beings--both material and non
(d) Iran is a rich country and therefore it is a developed country.

1. Ans ;. (b) Countries which are among the highest in the Human
Development Index' are considered to be the developed countries.

2. Life expectancy at birth means: (1)

(a) average expected length of life ofa person at the timc of birth
(b) average expected length of life ofa person at the time of death
(c) average expected length of a child at the time of birth
(d) None of the above

2.Answer: (a) average expected length of life of a person at the time of


3. Match the following: (1)

Column A Column B
A. Shelter belts i) Deep channels
B. Bad land ii) Planting lines of trees to create shelter

C. Shect erosion iii)Land unfit for cultivation
D. Gullies iv) Watcr flows as a shect 0ver large arcas

(a) A(i).B (iii),C (iv),D (0)

(b) A (ii).B (i),C ().D (iv)
(c) A(i).B ().C (i),D (iv)
(d) A (ii),B (iv).C (i).D (i)

3. Ans :(a) A(ii).B (iii),.C(iv),D ()

4. You are a citizen of acountry that has a
Want to ensure that the democratic form of government. You
system of
that no one branch of government power-sharing in your country is effective and
has absolute power. Which of the
measures would best meet this goal? following
a. All power is (1)
b. Power is dividedconcentrated in the hands of the legislature only.
betveen the central government and the states or
with each level having its own
sphere of influence. provinces,
c. Power is separated among the legislative,
with cach branch having its own executive, and judicial branches.
d. Power is shared among differentresponsibilities and powers.
levels of government, such as the national.,
regional. and local governments, with each level
having some degree of
4. Ans. c. Power is separated among the legislative,
branches, with each branch having its own executive, and judicial
responsibilities and powers.
5. the columns. Find out
the correct options .
1. Column A (1)
Column B
i. Non-cooperation movement (a) Decenmber 1929
ii. Lahore session of
iii. Poona pact Congress (b) September 1932
(c) December 1920
iv. Nagpur session of
congress (d) January 1921.
(a) 1(d), 2(a), 3(b), 4(c)
(b) 1(c ), 2(b), 3(d), 4(a)
(c) 1(a),2(d),3(c),4(b)
(d) 1(c), 2(d), 3(a),4(b)
5. Ans. 1. A A) 1(d), 2(a), 3(b),

6.Along with Mahntma Gandhiand
Nationalist leader in this picture ? .Jawahorlal Nehru who is another

(a) MaulanaAbdul Azad

(b) Abdul Gaffar Khan
(c) Mohammed Ali Jinnah
(d) Syed Ahmed Khan

6. Ans. (a) MaulanaAbdul Azad

Directions: Mark the option which is most suitable :

(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true butR is false.
(d) A is false but R is true

7. ASSERTION(A): The Congress under Mahatma Gandhi tried to connect

different groups together into one movement.
REASON(R) : Unity didn't come without conflicts. (1)
7.Ans. (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

8. ASSERTION (A): The black soils are made up of extremely fine ie, clayey

REASONR) :They are well known for their capacity to hold moisture. (1)

Answer -(B) If both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is
not the correct explanation of assertion (A).

9. ASSERTION (A):Sri Lanka emerged as an independent country in

1946REASON(R): The leaders of the Sinhala community sought to secure
dominance over govern1ment by virtue of their majority. (1)
9. Ans.(d) A is false but R is true

10. Which of the following features are common to Indian and Belgian form of
power-sharing arrangements? (1)
A. Power is shared among governments at different levels.
B. Power is shared among different organs of government.
C. Power is shared among different social groups.
D. Power is shared among different parties and takes the form of competition.
(a) A, B, C, D
(b) B, C and D
(c) A andC
(d) A, C and D
10. Answer: (A) A,B,,D


Answer the following questions in Short. Answer to these question should

not exceced 40 words:
1. What is Human Development Index? (2)
Answer:Human Development Index is a composite index of achievements of a
nation in terms of three important variabies, namely -longevity, knowledge and
standard of lizing, tB:at determine the quality of life.

12. What is vertical division of power? (2)

Answer:When power is shared among governments at different levels, i.e., the
Union or the Central Government, the State Government and the Municipality
and Panchayat at the lower level. This division of power involving higher and
lower levels of government is called the vertical division of power.

Answer the following questions in Brief.Answer to these question should
not exceed 60 words:
13. "What may be development for one may not be development for the other."
Explain with a suitable example. (3)
Answer:Different persons have different notions of development because life
situations of persons are different. For example, Construction of dams leads to

generation of hydroelcciricity, thus development., However many people have to
be displaccd from their villages, hence it may not be devclopment for them.
14. What steps can be taken to control soil erosion in the hilly arcas?
Ans. The soil erosion in the hilly areas can becontrolled by taking steps as
mentioned below :

Contour ploughing: Ploughing along the contour lines can decelerate the
flow of water down the slopes. This is called contour ploughing.
Terrace cultivation: Steps can be cut out on the slopes making terraces.
Terrace cultivation restricts erosion.
Strip cropping: Large fields can be divided into strips. Strips of grass are
left to grow between the crops. This breaks up the force of the wind. This
is strip cropping.
15. Explain the reaction of Indian people against the Rowlatt Act passed through the
Imperial Legislative Council in 1919. (3)
Answer: Reaction of Indian people against the Rowlatt Act of 1919:

1. Rallies were organized against this Act.

2. Railways, workshops and shops closed down.
3. The procession in Amritsar provoked widespread attacks on buses, post
offices, railway stations, telegraphic lines, etc.
4. On Gth Ap. Gandhiji held Hartal agai:tst this urnjust iaw (Rowiatt Aci).
5. The peaceful demonstration in JallianwalaBagh led to a violent movement all
across the country

15) Why is the growth of nationalism in the colonies linked to an anti-colonial

Ans(15) The growth of Modern nationalism in the colonies is linked to an anti

colonial movement due to the factors as mentioned below :

1. People began discovering their unity in the process of their struggle with
colonialism. The sense of being oppressed under colonialism provided a
shared bond that tied many different groups together.
2. As each class and group felt the effects of colonialism differently, their
experiences were varied and their notions of freedom were not always the
same, so the Congress under Mahatma Gandhi tried to forge these groups
together within one movement.

Answer the following questions in Detail. Answer to these question should
not exceed 120 words.

16. "The Earth has enough resources to meet the need of all but not enough
to satisfy the greed of even one person." How is this statement relevant to
the discussion of development? Discuss. (5)
This statement is relevant to the discussion of development since both resources
and development go hand in hand. As the statement claims, our carth has
cnough resources -renewable and non-rencwable to satisfy cveryone's nccd if
we use them in an economic manner. For the sustainability of development, the
consumption and maintenance of resources is also crucial. We have to use the
resources kceping our cnvironment protected and clear so that there is a balance
betwecn the development and use of our resources. As
otherwise after a certain
point of time in future the development will be
16. What is per capita income? Mention any two limitations of per capita income as an
indicator of development.
The total
income of a country divided by its total population gives the Per Capita
Money cannot buy all the goods and services that are needed to live well. Income.
So income by
itself is not a completely adequate indicator of
able to use. For example, money can not buy amaterial
goods and services that citizens are
one gets uradlterated medicines, unless one can afford to shift environment or ensure that
to acommunity that already
has all these things.

17. "Power Sharing is the very spirit of democracy". Justify the

Answer: statement. (5)

1. A democratic rule involves sharing power with those affected by its

exercise. Power sharing ensures that people have the right to be consulted
and have equal participation the government.
2. In a democracy, each individual has a say in
govemance through
elected representatives. This is the essence of power sharing that their
equal rights to each citizen. grants
3. Sharing of power ensures that respect for diversity and
desire for
together becomes a shared ideal amongst different communities inliving a
country. It actually makes the country united and the
4. Prudential reasons stress that power sharing administration easier.
would bring out better
outcomes by helping to reduce the possibility of any conflict between the
social groups.

$. Poer sharing is a good wvay to ensure the
stability of politica a
through unity of the nation.

17. Why is the ethnic composition of Belypium complex'?

Belgium is asmallcountry in Europe, having a population of a litle over one

1. 59 per cent of' the country's total population lives in the Flemish region
and spcak Dutch language.
2. Another 40 per cent people live in Wallonia region and speak French.
Remaining one per cent of the Belgians speak German.
3. Whercas in the Belgian capital, Brussels, 80 per cent of the population is
French-speaking and 20 per cent is Dutch-speaking.
18. Read the given text and answer the following questions:
Mahatma Gandhi's thoughts on Satyagraha

It is said of "passive resistance" that it is the weapon of the weak, but the power which is the subject of this
articie can be used only by the strong. This power is not passive resistance; indeed it calls for intense activity.
The movement in South Africa was not passive but active ..."

Saty agraha is nut phy sical force. A satyagrahi does not inflict pain on the adversary; he does not seek his
destruction ... In the use ofsatyagraha, there is no ill-will whatever."

Satyagraha is pure soul-force. Truth is the very substance of the soul. That is why this force is called
satyagraha. The soul is informed with knowledge. In it burns the flame of love... Non-violence is the supreme
dharma ...

it is certain that India cannot rival Britain or Europe in force of arns. The British worship the war-god and they
can all of them become, as they are becoming, bearers of arns. The hundreds of millions in India can never
carry arms. They have made the religion of non-violence their own..."
(18.1) What type of movement Gandhiji organised in South Africa? |1]
(18.2) Why is satyagraha considered as pure soul-force? (1]
(18.3) How has Gandhiji described passive resistance? |2]

(18.1) Gandhiji successfully fought against the racist regime with a novel
method of mass agitation, which he called satyagraha.

as a pure soul-force because the idea of
(18.2)Satyagraha is considered of truth and the need to search for truth. Truth
satyagraha emphasiscd the powerThat is why this force is called satyagraha. The
is the very substance of the soul.
soul is infomed with
"passive resistance" that is it is the wcapon of the
(18.3) Satvagraha is said of of this article can be used only by
power which is the subject
weak. but the resistance: indccd, it calls for intense activity.
strong. 1his power is not passive
sccking vengeance or being aggressive, a satyagrahi could win the
Without be done hy appealing to the conscience
battle through non-violence. This could
of the oppressor.
below and answer the questions thatBetween follow:
19. Read the extract given
existence of regional ditlerences and cultural diversities
1970 and
1he Belgian kaders reogniscd the out an arrangement that would enable everyne
1Wi, thes amendd their constitution tour times so as to sork
io line together within the same countrs llie arrangement they worked out is diflercnt frorm any other ceanry
the Bclgian model:
and is ery innoative, Ilere are some of the elements of

ministers shall be equal in the

Constitution prescribes that the nun1ber of Dutch and French-speaking of members from ach
of' the majority
central government. Sone special laws require the support
linguistic group.
governments of the two regions of the
Mans pokers of the central government have been given to state
country. lhe state governnents are not subordinate to the Central Gov
Brussels has government in vhich both the conmunities have cqual representation. The
ng ipeonle accepted equal representation in Brussels because the Dutch-speaking
conmunity has accepted equal represcntation ir the Central Government. This
Apar fron the Certral and the Stiate Governmcat, there is a third kindof
community governiment' is elected by people helonging o one language community - Duteh. Fn
und ierman-speaking -n0 mutter wherc they live. This governnent hus the power regarding cultura!.
educational and language-related issues.,

Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option:

(19.1) and dealt with the question of power-sharing
differently. [1]
(a)lndia, Srilanka
(b)Bclgiun, Sri Lanka
(c)Wallonia, Brussels
(d)l lemish. Wallonia
(19.2) Which of the following is not the elenent of "Belgian model"?
(ajl'qual nun1ber of ministers for both thegroups
(b)Setting up ofConmunity Government
(cMore power to the central government
(d)lqual representalion at the stale and ecentral level

(19.3 )"Apart from the Central and the State Government, there is a
incorrect witn
third kind of government. Which of the following is
respect to this?
(a)The unique government ISCOmunity iovernment
to handle comimunity-reclated
(b)A single soCal grOup is given powers
(c)Elected by people belonging to Dutch, French and
(d)Power regarding cultural, cducational and language-related issues
(19.4) Which of the following title best describes thegiven passage?
(a)The ethnic composition of Belgium
(b)Accommodation in Sri Lanka
(c)Accommodation in Belgium
(d)The ethnic composition of Sri Lanka
Answer Key:
1. (b) Belgium, Sri Lanka powers of the
2. (c) More power to central government. [Explanation: Many
central government have been given to state governments of the two
to the
regions of the country. The state governments are not subordinate
Central Government.]
3. (b) Single social group is given p.wers to handle lhe in which different
afiairs. [Explanation: A community government is one
community-related affairs.]
socialgroups are given powers to handle
4. (c) Accommodation in Belgium
questions that
20. Read the extract given below and answer the
Life of the Workers

of workers. As news of possible jjobs travelled

The abundance of labour in the market aflected the lives getting a job depended on
actual possibility of'
to the countryside. hundreds tramped to the cities. The
cxisting networks of friendship and kin relations. Il you hud a relative or a friend in a factory. you were
connections. Many job- scekers had to
more likely to get a job quickly. But not everyone had social stayed in Night Refuges that were
wait weeks, spending nights under bridges or in nightshelters. Some
Wards maintuined by the Poor Law authorities.
sct up by private individuals; others went to the Casual
without work. Afier the busy season
Seavonality of work in many industries imeant prolonged periods
returned to the countrvside afler the winter, when
Mas o:er. the poor were on the streets again. Sonne places. But most looked for odd jobs, which till
the deinand for labour in the rural areas opened up in
lo find.
the mid-nincteentlh century were ditlicult
century. But they tell us little about the wellare of
Wages incrcased somewhat in the early nineleenth fluctuations from year to
between trades and the
the workers. The average ligures hide the variations
prolonged Napolconic War, the real value of
ycar. l'or instance, when prices rose sharply during the wages could now buy fewer things.
what the workers earned fell signiticantly, since the sanne

The fear of unemployment made workers hostile to the introduction of new technology. When the
Spinning Jemy was introluced in the woollen industry, women who survived on Iund spinning began
altacking the new machines. This conflict over the introduction of the jenny continued for a long time.
After the I840s. building activity intensified in the citics, opening up greater opportunities of
cmploy ment. Ronds were vwicdencdl, new railway stations cane up, railway lines were extended. tunncs
dug. drainage and sewers luid. rivers embanked. The number of workers employed in the transport
industry doubled in the 1840s, and doublcd again in the subScquent 30 ycars.

(20.1) What made the workers hostile?

Ans. (20.1) The lear of unemployment made workers hostile to the

introduction of new technology.
(20.2) What were the changes after 1840s?

Ans. (20.2) After the 1840s., building activity intensified in the

opening up greater opportunities of employment. Roads were widened,
new railway stations came up, railwav lines were extended, tunnels dug.
drainage and sewers laid. rivers embanked. The number of workers
employed in the transport industry doubled in the 1840s. and doubled
again in the subsequent 30 years.
(20.3)" The abundance of laboD: in the market affected the lives of
workers." Explain
Ans. (20.3 )1. As news of possible jobs travelled to the
hundreds tramped to the cities. The actual possibility ofgetting a job
depended on existing networks of friendship and kin relations.
2. Many job- scckers had to wait weeks. spending nights under
bridges or
in night shelters.
3. Seasonality of wvork in many industries meant prolonged periods
without work.
4. Wages increased somewhat in the carly
nineteenth century. But they
tell us litle about the welfare of the workers.

21(a) Features are marked by numbers in the given
Identify these features with the help of the followingpolitical map of India.
correct names on the lines marked in the map. information and write their
Ans A : . Chawra chauri (2xl)=2
2. Checdo 10
22(b). Features are marked by numbers in the given outline map of India.
Identify these features with the help of the following information and write their
correct names on the lines marked in the map.
1. Soil type that is formed where the rainfall is low- Arid Soil
2. Amajor soil type- Red and yellow soil
3. Soil type found mainl in hill slopes- orest soil

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