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Laboratory Exercise
A Basic Dashboard
At the end of the exercise, the students should be able to:

• Build a basic dashboard.

• Power BI account
• Financial Sample.xlsx

1. Activate your Power BI trial account at
2. In My workspace, select New > Dataset > Excel.
3. Click Browse this device and navigate to where you saved the Financial Sample Excel file.
Then select Open.
4. Click Create a report > Auto-create. The report opens in Editing view and displays the blank
report canvas.
Your Excel workbook table data appears in the Fields pane. At the top is the name of the table,
financials. Under that, Power BI lists the column headings as individual fields.
Power BI detected the fields with Sigma symbols as numeric. Those with a globe symbol were
detected as geographic fields.
5. Untick the checkboxes in the Fields list. Then, tick the checkboxes for Product and Date.
6. On the Sum of Profit by Date visual, click the Personalize this visual icon.

Figure 1. Sum of Profit by Date.

11 Laboratory Exercise 1 *Property of STI

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7. Change the Visualization type to Clustered column chart.

Figure 2. Clustered column chart.

8. Tick the checkboxes for Sales, Product, and Segments.

9. On the Sum of Sales by Product visual, click the Personalize this visual icon.
10. Change the Visualization type to Stacked column chart. Under Legend, click Add a new
field, then select Segment.

Figure 3. Stacked column chart.

11. Save your report with the file name in this format: LastName_FirstName (Ex. Pena_Nika)
12. Click Share > Apply > Copy link and submit the link through the eLMS assignment.

Grading Rubric:

• Completeness – 30 points
• Correctness – 20 points

11 Laboratory Exercise 1 *Property of STI

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