AE402 Unit 7 self-review no KEY

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Royal University of Phnom Penh Advanced English (AE402)

Institute of Foreign Languages Lecturer: Prak Lungdy (PLD)

Department of English Academic Year: 2023-2024
Unit 7 Self-Review Exercises
TOTAL SCORE: _________/45 marks
I. TED Talk Video Section (10 marks)
A. Instruction: Choose the best answer for each question. (5 marks)
1. According to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, what is the danger of a single story?
a) It limits our understanding and empathy for others.
b) It promotes cultural diversity.
c) It encourages critical thinking.
d) It fosters a sense of belonging.
2. In her talk, Adichie mentions a childhood experience involving a houseboy. What lesson did
she learn from this experience?
a) The importance of education.
b) The power of storytelling.
c) The impact of cultural stereotypes.
d) The value of friendship.
3. According to Adichie, why is it important to have multiple perspectives and stories?
a) It helps to establish power dynamics.
b) It ensures the dominance of a single narrative.
c) It fosters empathy and understanding.
d) It reinforces cultural stereotypes.
4. Adichie discusses the portrayal of Africa in Western literature. What does she say is often
missing from these narratives?
a) Stories of hope and resilience.
b) Stories of economic development.
c) Stories of political power struggles.
d) Stories of tribal conflicts.
5. What is the significance of Adichie's experience of reading American and British books as a
a) It shaped her writing style.
b) It made her appreciate her own culture.
c) It reinforced her stereotypes about other cultures.
d) It inspired her to become a writer.
6. How does Adichie suggest we overcome the danger of a single story?
a) By embracing our own cultural narratives.
b) By avoiding exposure to different cultures.
c) By imposing our own narratives on others.
d) By disregarding the power of storytelling.
7. Adichie mentions a Nigerian student who wrote a story about living in a remote African
village. What was Adichie's response to the story?
a) She praised the student's creativity.
b) She criticized the student for perpetuating stereotypes.
c) She encouraged the student to write more stories.
d) She dismissed the story as unimportant.

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8. According to Adichie, why is it dangerous to reduce people to a single story?
a) It perpetuates ignorance and stereotypes.
b) It simplifies complex human experiences.
c) It limits our capacity for empathy and understanding.
d) All of the above.
9. Adichie talks about the importance of representation. What does she mean by this?
a) The portrayal of diverse perspectives in literature and media.
b) The promotion of national identity.
c) The celebration of cultural differences.
d) The exclusion of certain narratives.
10. In conclusion, what does Adichie encourage her audience to do?
a) Embrace the power of storytelling.
b) Question and challenge the narratives we encounter.
c) Promote a single story as a unifying force.
d) Focus on the similarities rather than the differences.
Write your answer here.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

B. Instruction: Match the words in A with the words / meanings in B. (5 marks)

desperate (meaning) to make something look new again
unintended eight years old
turn wisdom
conventional people of
loosely consequence
job (meaning) to take someone’s money dishonestly
rob desire
follow translated
fleece vacancy
refurbish my dreams
II. Vocabulary from Reading Section (10 marks)
Instruction: Match words in ‘A’ with their meanings in ‘B.’ (10 marks)
1. debilitating A. Causing weakness, fatigue, or impairment, often to a severe
2. sit on the fence extent.
3. the lesser of two evils B. Choosing a familiar or known option, even if it's not the best,
4. regroup because it is perceived to be preferable to an unknown or
5. daunting potentially worse alternative.
6. cherry-picked C. Based on or derived from observation, experience, or
7. against my better judgment experimentation, rather than theory or speculation.
8. no-brainer D. Carefully selected or chosen, often with a bias toward favorable or
9. inflict desirable options.
10. empirical E. The act of rearranging or reorganizing, often in response to a
11. permutations setback or changing circumstances.
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12. subsistence F. Choosing between two unfavorable options, but selecting the one
13. merits that is perceived to be less harmful.
14. plague G. Overwhelming or discouraging due to the perceived difficulty or
15. judicious complexity.
16. take the plunge H. To afflict or trouble persistently, causing widespread suffering,
17. efficacy distress, or annoyance. 1
18. better the devil you know I. Contrary to what I believe is the right or sensible decision.
19. plethora J. A large or excessive amount or number of something, often to the
20. hedge my bets point of excess or overabundance.
K. The effectiveness or ability to produce a desired result or
L. To minimize the risk or uncertainty by adopting multiple options
or strategies, spreading out one's resources or investments.
M. The different possible arrangements or combinations of a set of
N. Something that requires little thought or effort to decide or
understand because it is obvious or easy.
O. To cause suffering, harm, or damage, usually intentionally.
P. The state of having just enough resources or means to survive,
typically at a basic level.
Q. To make a bold or decisive move, often involving a significant
risk or commitment.
R. The advantages, good qualities, or positive aspects of something.
S. Showing good judgment, discretion, or wisdom in making
decisions or taking action.
T. To remain undecided or neutral, not taking a clear position or
making a decision.
Write your answers here.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

III. Content of Reading Section (5 marks)

Instruction: Complete the summary of the reading text using ONE WORD only for each gap. The first letter
of each word is given.
 The author describes a common situation where 1. e______________ choices overwhelm consumers,
using the example of buying 2. j______________.
 Barry Schwartz, in his book "The 3. P______________ of Choice," explores the abundance of choices in
various 4. a______________ of our lives and its psychological 5. i______________.
 Schwartz acknowledges that choice can be 6. e______________ but argues that when the number of
choices becomes overwhelming, the negative consequences 7. o______________ the benefits.
 The increase in choices is linked to economic 8. p______________ and our material 9. wealth.
 Decision-making involves setting 10. g______________and evaluating 11. o______________, but it is not
always rational or based on empirical evidence.
 Schwartz categorizes people into 12. m______________ (seeking the best option) and 13.
s______________ (settling for a good enough option).
 Being a 14. m______________ in a consumer-driven society can lead to psychological 15.
d______________and constant 16. r______________.
 Schwartz advises being a 17. s______________and being selective about what we 18. p______________.
 Embracing 19. c______________ and accepting that we can't always have everything we want is 20.
 The book is described as 21. u______________with 22. h______________and interesting illustrations of
the problem.
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IV. Grammar Section (10 marks)

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V. Writing Section (10 marks)

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