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1. Explain class with example.

2. What are constructors? Explain with example. Explain two types of
3. Explain the following: i) this keyword ii) Garbage collection in java iii)
finalize() method
4. What is inheritance? Discuss different types of inheritance with suitable
5. Explain method overriding with suitable example.
6. Explain abstract class and abstract method with example.
7. Explain recursion in java with example.
8. Explain different access specifiers with example.
9. Explain the following keywords supported in java: i) this ii) super iii)
static iv) final
10.Differentiate method overloading and method overriding with an
11.What is dynamic method dispatch? Explain.
12.Explain Creation of multiple hierarchy in java with example.
13.Write a note on this keyword.
14.How do you overload constructor? Explain with program.
15.Mention and explain the use of super keyword in java.
16.Explain static variable and static methods in JAVA.
17.Write a program to perform Stack operation using proper class and
methods. (OR) Write a program to implement stack operation.
18.Explain memory allocation and use of garbage collector in JAVA.

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