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Tier and Category

Tier and Category: Skilled Worker (New hires - defined)

Certificate of sponsorship status

Sponsor license number: KTK2RB6V2

Certificate number: C2G4A74532N
Current certificate status: ASSIGNED
Current certificate status date: 08 June 2024
Date assigned: 08 June 2024
Expiry date (use by): 07 September 2024
Sponsorship withdrawn:
N Sponsor note:
Migrant application status:

Personal information

Family name: PATEL

Other names:
Nationality: INDIA
Place of birth: BHARUCH
Country of birth: INDIA
Date of birth: 27/04/1999
Gender: MALE
Country of residence: INDIA

Passport or travel document

Passport number: N2904467

Issue date: 04 SEPTEMBER 2015
Expiry date: 03 SEPTEMBER 2025
Place of issue of passport: AHMEDABAD

Current home address

City or town:
BHARUCH,GUJARAT County, area district or province: Postcode:

Country: INDIA

Identification numbers

UK ID card number:
UK National Insurance number:
National ID card number:
Employee number: G6If4MOPPM
Work dates

Start date: 29 JULY 2024

End date: 29 JULY 2029
Does the migrant need to leave and re-enter N
the UK during the period of approval?
Total weekly hours of work: 50.00

Main work address in the United Kingdom (mandatory for assignment):

Address: Network hub, 300 Kensal Road

City or town: North Kensington
County, area district or province: LONDON
Postcode: W10 5BE

Other regular work addresses in the United Kingdom:

Migrant's employment

Job title: Stock ,Controller

Job type: 1242 Managers in storage and warehousing
Managing the stocks and helping the managers
and directors.
Summary of job description: Job Function Helping the clients who at times come in
the company to buy the product at big
bulk.Encouraging fellow individuals on Performing well
and as well as helping them if in need and do other
mobility-related tasks towards the company. Ensuring
clients are well satisfied while they leave after making
the purchase as well as while making the purchase .
Maintaining accurate records of visits and actions.
Enabling clients to develop greater independence.
Updating databases and records and scheduling and
canceling clients appointments. Maintaining clean and
sterile examination rooms. Assisting other workers
with their respective duties. Maintaining office
equipment and ordering supplies. Preparing
documentation and correspondence

New Entrant? N
Gross salary in pounds sterling (Skilled Worker only: excluding any 18.80
allowances and guaranteed bonuses; all other routes: including any
allowances and guaranteed bonuses):

For each: Hour

Is the job on the current shortage occupation list?: Y
Tick to confirm that the post is at the appropriate skill level as set out in Y the
sponsor guidance:
Tick to certify maintenance for migrant (and dependants, if applicable): Y
Does the worker require an Academic Technology Approval Scheme N (ATAS)
certificate for this role?

Migrant's employment - PAYE

PAYE reference supplied? Y

PAYE reference number: 120/FB07832

Migrant's employment - PhD

Is PhD Level qualification required for post? N

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