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JULY, 2022





A project work submitted to the Department of Computer Engineering, College of Engineering,

Bells University of Technology, Ota in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the
degree of Bachelor of Engineering (B.ENG) in Computer Engineering.

I, hereby declare that this project work was carried out by [Nwokoye Johncharles 2017/6010]

under the supervision of Engr. Olusesi of the Department of Computer Engineering, Bells

University of Technology Ota, Ogun state, Nigeria. I attest that the dissertation has not been

presented either wholly or partially for the award for any degree elsewhere. All sources of data

and scholarly information used in this Dissertation are duly acknowledged.


Nwokoye Johncharles




I certify that this project work titled ‘‘Design and development of an online clearance system for

graduating students’’ is an original research work carried out by NWOKOYE JOHNCHARLES

[2017/6010] in the Department of Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, Bells

University of Technology, Ota Ogun State, Nigeria, under the supervision of Engr. Olusesi. We

have examined and found this work acceptable as part of the requirements for the award of

Bachelor of Engineering (B.ENG) in Computer Engineering

………………….. ………………….

Engr. Olusesi Date


………………….. …………………..

Dr. P Olabisi Date

(Head of Department)


I dedicate my work on my project to my family. My caring parents, Engr. Nwokoye Charles and

Mrs. Nwokoye Ngozi, whose words of support and drive for tenacity echo in my heart, a special

feeling of gratitude to them both. I also devote this Project Work to my many friends who in the

process have helped me. I will really respect all that they have done to help me improve my

programming skills and for being there for me during the whole degree program. They were all a

big part of my trip.

I am hereby immense gratitude to God Almighty for his mercy, guidance and protection towards

me seeing through the rigors of this work. My supervisor Engr. Olusesi is also candidly

appreciated for her push and relentless efforts that helped to carry out this Project and

accomplished it in due time.

I must appreciate the Head of Department, Dr. P.O Olabisi and all my lecturers, for their

contributions, feedbacks and pieces of advice given in course of the work, God will uphold you

all. I am also grateful to all the technical and non-academic staff of the Department of Computer



The online clearing system for graduating students is a method that will provide a highly
dependable and efficient manner of completing students' clearance during graduation. Students
encountered issues such as queuing during clearing, delays in the processing of clearance forms,
and the unavailability of some essential staff when processing clearance forms, resulting in
students' frequent visits to a particular office. As a result of their failure to finish the time-
consuming manual clearance process, students have raised the problem of delayed youth service.
The project centered on the development of an online clearing system for students to address and
eliminate the inadequacies of the manual approach. This computer-based system will be
developed and implemented with PHP, HTML, and FIRESTORE as the database.


Figure 3.1 Waterfall model............................................................................................................18

Figure 3.2 Application Architecture..............................................................................................23

Figure 3.3 Application Architecture..............................................................................................24

Figure 3.4 Application Architecture..............................................................................................25

Figure 3.5 Application Architecture..............................................................................................26

Figure 3.6 Use Case.......................................................................................................................28

Figure 3.7 Activity Diagram..........................................................................................................30

Figure 4.1 Google Firebase............................................................................................................33

Figure 4.2 Sign up page.................................................................................................................36

Figure 4.3 User Login Page...........................................................................................................38

Figure 4.4 Administrator Panel......................................................................................................40

Figure 4.5 Clearance Page.............................................................................................................42

Figure 4.6 Payment Page...............................................................................................................44

Figure 4.7 Clearance Page.............................................................................................................46

Figure 4.8 Outstanding Fee Page...................................................................................................50

Figure 4.9 Notification Page..........................................................................................................52

Figure 4.10 Generated PDF...........................................................................................................54


Table 4.1 Statistics of Performance……………………………………………………………68


CHAPTER 1....................................................................................................................................1


1.1 OVERVIEW..........................................................................................................................1

1.2 BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION...............................................................................2

1.3 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM..............................................................................................2

1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY......................................................................................3

1.5 AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY........................................................................3

1.6 SCOPE OF STUDY...............................................................................................................3

1.7 LIMITATIONS......................................................................................................................4

1.8 DEFINITION OF TERMS:...................................................................................................4

CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................6

LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................6

2.0. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................6

2.1 HISTORICAL OVERVIEW.................................................................................................6


2.3 DATA AND INFORMATION..............................................................................................8


CLEARANCE SYSTEM.............................................................................................................9

2.5 COMPUTER-BASED ONLINE INFORMATION SYSTEM............................................11

2.6 DATABASES......................................................................................................................12


2.8 RELATED WORK..............................................................................................................15

CHAPTER 3..................................................................................................................................16


3.0 GENERAL ANALYSIS OF EXISTING SYSTEM............................................................16

3.1 PROPOSED MODEL..........................................................................................................17

3.2 APPROACH TO CHOSEN METHODOLOGY.................................................................18

3.3 TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES.............................................................................................19

3.4 METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION................................................................................20

3.5 PROBLEM OF THE CURRENT SYSTEM.......................................................................20

3.6 JUSTIFICATION FOR THE NEW SYSTEM....................................................................21

3.7 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION........................................................21

3.8 Non-Functional Requirement Specifications.......................................................................22

3.9 APPLICATION ARCHITECTURE....................................................................................22

3.11 USE CASE.........................................................................................................................27

3.12 ACTIVITY DIAGRAM.....................................................................................................29

CHAPTER 4..................................................................................................................................31

IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING........................................................................................31

4.0 OVERVIEW........................................................................................................................31

4.1 IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK...............................................................................31

4.2 FLUTTER............................................................................................................................31

4.3 GOOGLE FIREBASE.........................................................................................................32

4.5 SAMPLE INPUT/OUTPUT/RESULTS..............................................................................34

4.6 INPUTS................................................................................................................................35

4.6 OUTPUTS & RESULTS.....................................................................................................53

CHAPTER 5..................................................................................................................................56

DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATION..................................................57

5.0 OVERVIEW........................................................................................................................57

5.1 OBJECTIVE ASSESMENT................................................................................................58

5.2 LIMITATIONS AND CHALLENGES...............................................................................58

5.3 FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS............................................................................................58

5.4 SUMMARY.........................................................................................................................59




In the past and now, student clearance procedures were carried out by travelling from one office

to the next and keeping physical records. Every clearance task is completed by hand. This results

in a system that is unreliable and unclear in terms of keeping track of records, and it can be very

daunting and frustrating, to say the least. A clearance form, as we know it today, is widely used

at the end of the academic session. If students need to leave the school or institution, he or she

must submit a clearance request to their particular department (koc university registrars and

student affairs directorative, 2022). This technology automates the clearance process. Clearing

may be done online at any time and from any location, and it has all the features of the

traditional clearance system. However, many schools are required to automate their data

protection procedures, which led to the development of this online clearance system. We hope

this may help alleviate some of the difficulties and tension involved with manual clearances.

Members of the military, university graduates, and government employees and contractors are all

granted access to sensitive information, such as state secrets, if they have a clearance status.

When assessing individuals for access to sensitive information at a private company, the term

"clearance" is also used. Even if an individual has been cleared, they must first demonstrate that

they have a "need to know" about the material in order to gain entry. Only those who have been

cleared for access to classified information should be granted access to specific information or

the authority to leave the country, regardless of their rank or position in the military (Shawu

university, 2022).


The application of ICT in education encompasses not only educational and instructional

situations but also administrative duties. One such duty for management is the creation of the

Automatic Clearance System. By definition, clearance is a classification given to people who

have access to sensitive information, such as military personnel, college graduates, and

government officials and their contractors. Graduate student clearance systems are vital, ongoing

processes that cannot be avoided in any university. The clearance must be completed in order to

determine if the student is qualified for employment. After the student's last exam in the

classroom, where there was no carryover, it is customary at the university to carry out these

procedures. The necessity for automatic clearance is becoming increasingly obvious as members

of this generation become more reliant on the internet for information.


After graduating, BELLS UNIVERSITY requires all students to be validated by the university's

numerous departments and information divisions. Among them are:

I. Bursary clearance

II. Bells consult clearance

III. Security clearance

IV. Student Affairs clearance

V. Medical clearance

VI. Departmental Dues

Nevertheless, clearing a graduating student for youth service and securing a statement of results

takes time and entails various processes and delays. As a result, to solve the inadequacies of the

previous manual approach, a computer software-based online clearance system became



This system's architecture focuses on storing user information, facilitating data modification,

providing concurrent user access, and ensuring the integrity and reliability of the approved users'

information system handling. The online clearing procedure for graduate students would

minimize the need for students to wait in line to be cleared by the university. This model allows

the school to save money on things like labor and supplies. Information is transmitted relatively

quickly, and delays can be avoided. If there is an internet connection, it can be used from

anywhere at any time. The work being done on this project will help to alleviate the university's

wait system in a number of different ways.. For students, the online clearing system eliminates

the need for several office visits for permission.

Using online information processing over manual systems is a no-brainer because it is more

convenient and allows for access from anywhere. The online clearing system allows users to

check their clearance status, including if they owe the school money, fill out and submit their

clearance form, and receive their clearance letter.


The primary aim of this research is to design and develop an online clearance system for
graduating students.

The specific objectives of the study are:

I. To design and develop an online clearance.

II. To minimize the amount of time required to gather student data.
III. To manage student clearance in a timely and efficient manner.


An online clearing system for the Bells University of Technology is being developed in this

project employing MYSQL to administer the database as well as online software development

work is being conducted out.


Using Bells University as a case study, this research explores some of the aspects of a computer

software-based online clearing system.

However, there are certain limitations:

I. TIME CONSTRAINTS: It is evident that due to time constraints, the web page

focuses only on students' approval of the individual departments.

II. FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS: Because of the high cost of internet

connectivity, this sort of online method is out of reach for the majority of people.

A web-based clearance system would therefore be too expensive to build.


I. Computer network: In computing, a computer network is a group of computers that

may communicate and share resources. These networked devices require a set of rules

known as communications protocols in order to communicate data via physical or

wireless technologies.

II. World Wide Web: It is an internet-based information system that allows files to be

linked via hypertext links, so that users may search for information by moving

between pages.

III. Clearances: The granting of a degree certificate based on an official certification of

ineligibility, trustworthiness, or eligibility for graduation.

IV. File Transfer: Over the internet, users are able to send and receive virtually any type

of computer file they choose. Music and sound recordings, a spreadsheet of finances,

a graphic design, and so on can all be communicated in this manner.

V. Web Browser: Hypertext markup language (HTML) document processing software

of this type (HTML). An HTML-compliant web browser is an application that can

gather, arrange, and display a web page's content in accordance with those directives.

VI. Web sites: When an organization, corporation, or other entity on the internet creates

a website that includes web pages, it is called a "website" (goods and commodities).

Web servers store all of a website's content. Each of the several websites contains

tens of thousands of HTML pages. To learn and have fun, you can never go wrong

with the internet.

VII. Online: This means a computer is connected to or available through a central


VIII. Offline: This means a computer is disconnected or not available through a central

network system.




The purpose of this chapter is to address the issues identified in the report. This includes

problems with some of the current online clearance processes. It aims to demonstrate the

significance and nature of these factors in society, as well as how these factors all come together

in the end.


Numerous academics have proposed numerous answers to this challenge and to reaching the goal

of the topic. There are currently several advantages to online learning because so many colleges

have opted to pursue dynamic educational options. There are few if any time constraints, well-

integrated learning possibilities, and affordable degree alternatives for online classes,

registrations, approvals, and an online clearing process. In the debate over higher education, the

online model has taken center stage.

Online frameworks look to have a general appeal, given the tremendous demand for scheduling

flexibility and the everyday requirement for networking technologies and abilities. A big

learning community may always turn to the online platform for assistance. Thus, it is feasible for

an educator to give the student with individualized attention in an online classroom setting by

appropriately defining online education as the driving element and notion for making the shift

into online teaching, learning, and formal education. Schools and institutions are increasingly

using this method to provide online programs as an alternative for traditional face-to-face

training as the number of online system applications continues to rise.


In spite of the fact that computers have significantly reduced an organization's information needs,

the machine's performance is still reliant on the organization's knowledge base. As a result, you

may be inspired to inquire, "What is a computer?" out loud. When given instructions in the form

of preprogrammed programs, a computer can execute a series of logical operations at high speed,

according to Funk (2019), a computer. An electrical device capable of receiving data and

instructions, processing the data in accordance with the instructions, providing a result or output

that has never been replicated by any other machine known to humanity is a computer, according

to Anigbogu (2017).

computers are portrayed as loyal servants, constantly ready to free humans from tedious tasks

and deliver findings faster than the human brain can compute.

"A computer is a machine that accepts data from the user, stores and processes the data in

accordance with the user's instructions, and then generates expected results," writes Obilikwu


As defined by the World Wide Web, an information system (I.S.) is a collection of software and

hardware that includes all channels of communication employed within a business. Also, it can

be defined as the set of tools used by managers at all levels to make decisions, plan projects,

carry out operations, and keep track of the progress of those projects. All parties participating in

the university admissions process will benefit from a computer software-based online clearing

system that improves data quality and accuracy and reduces university management's effort by

allowing them to submit and report data more quickly and easily. For nearly four decades now,

technology has played a significant role in the educational process. Every aspect of commerce,

life, and society will undergo radical change in the near future, according to Hewlet (2007). This

shift in educational structure has been facilitated by the rise of internet technology. The term

"computer-based education" is defined by Taylor (2011) as including both computer-assisted

teaching programs that engage students and a wider variety of instructional computer

applications like simulations or computer programming tutorials. Students can now learn from

the comfort of their own homes, offices, or anywhere else in the world thanks to internet

technology. The university system has always benefited from advances in information

technology. An example or two would be: It is possible for students to obtain their clearance

letter without having to tote around piles of paperwork thanks to a process known as student

online clearance. In addition to being quick and easy to use, this method is secure. There are no

hazels to be found. It takes a long time to acquire approval by filling out paperwork, evaluating

options, and writing it all down. In this case, it's done online. As a result, the process has been

substantially streamlined, and approval is provided within a short amount of time.


Data and information principles are essential for understanding the issues that arise when

developing and implementing a computer software-based online clearing system.. Information

and data are inversely related in common usage, however this is not the case in academic

contexts. The same can be said for managers and information specialists, both of whom are

overrepresented. These two expressions, on the other hand, convey quite distinct meanings.

According to O'Leary (2008), data are merely raw data that have not been processed, whereas

information is processed data. A visible or textual description of facts, thoughts, numbers,

characters, symbols, or instructions that may be communicated, interpreted, or processed is

defined as data by Hordeski (2010). A fundamental sort of information, data describes objects,

concepts, events, and even situations. According to Lucy (2009), data and information are

statistics that include true occurrences, transactions, and other information that has been

recorded. A piece of information is a piece of data that has been crafted into something of value

to the intended audience, and thus, information. Records of daily activities of a company are

often included in the data that is collected by various ways, such as counting or measuring. Some

examples are invoice or check dates and amounts; payroll payment information; the number of

students in a hostel; and so on. For example. Enwerem (2013) argues that the concept of

information in the context of an organization is more subtle and challenging than its normal

usage implies. An information is a piece of data that has been communicated, received, grasped

and processed by the recipient, according to Oketunji (2009a). It's important to remember that

the recipient is just as much a part of the data translation process as the sender. A single message

might have many interpretations for different people because of the mental and comprehension

processes involved. For this reason there is "management information" in data that has been

examined, summarized or otherwise processed. When it's clearly labeled to that effect. A

valuable piece of information is one that is understood by the recipient. Because of this, the user

is in complete control. Identify whether or whether a report contains information or is merely

processed data..



This article by Jeremy v Ernest compares classic and hybrid internet communication platforms.

In the realm of higher education, the online system has emerged as a key matter of debate. An

online system looks to be becoming more and more popular as a result of today's constantly

evolving communication technology. Using the internet system, educators can reach a huge

audience at any time and from any location. The (Cox) 2015 edition. Indicating that online

learning is the driving force and template for the future Learning and teaching methods have

been revolutionized by online courses. A teacher's capacity to give individual attention to each

student in a large classroom would be challenging

As online system applications continue to improve, more institutions and colleges are beginning

to offer online courses as an alternative to traditional classroom training. Sixty-seven percent of

colleges and universities say that online lectures are a logical long-term strategy for their

institutions (Hill stock 2015). Significant disparities exist, though. Quality and pupils are the

primary causes of the rise in skepticism. Internet-based device (Yong and Conellus 2014). Aside

from the benefits, there are also some drawbacks. In addition, there are disadvantages to

disseminating instructions via an internet-based method. Previous research has shown that

students feel isolated when they are not involved in traditional face-to-face instruction, other

reports indicate large success while others do not indicate any Guhu and the rest There is still a

lack of clarity in online courses that are as effective as the conventional face-to-face method,

according to Hoffman et al (2014).

There is still a lot of research to be done on the benefits and cons of online system systems.

Assessing progress, performance, and development in an online classroom is critical. NC State

University statistician Jeremy Ernest is an assistant professor of statistics. A professor at North

Carolina State University, Ralugh, teaches science and technology. In the Spring 2014 issue of

the Journal of Technology Education (Volume 19, Number 2) (Creasy 2014). Hew Martinez,

Liu, and Hew Martinez According to the Bonk and Lee (2015) study, the current online

education system has three levels: macro, meso, and micro.

The online clearance method is nothing like what students go through in school. Hew and

colleagues (2015). A student's level of interest in a course is an important consideration when

grading micro-level courses. When compared to a regular face-to-face class, online courses often

fall short of what students expect in terms of their comfort level, communication skills, and

overall learning experience. To get a sense of what students think, a poll may be the only option.

When it comes to settling a debate, the information provided by an online system — no matter

how skewed its perception may be — rarely proves sufficient. Without enlarging on the students'



As Lucey (2015), a communication expert, puts it: "the combination of human and computer-

based management information systems." Collection, storage, retrieval, communication, and

distribution of data for operational management and business planning objectives. Almost every

large firm now has some sort of computerized data storage and retrieval system. According to

the research, there are four distinct types of computer-based learning systems. There are four

main types of business software: transaction processing systems, management information

systems, decision support systems, and systems for senior executives (ESS). Some systems keep

track of routine tasks, such as the number of employees hired, the amount of material purchased

or manufactured, and so on. Transactions are the terms used to describe these kinds of events

that have been recorded.

I. Transaction processing system (TPS): Systems like these keep tabs on daily activities

like bookings, invoices, stock-outs, and production output. The TPS provides a

database that may be used as a foundation for other data systems, which is helpful to


II. Decision support system (DSS): Analytical methods are adaptable with the DSS. An

event's impact and external trends are only two of the topics that the DSS helps

company managers and intermediaries analyze. Both the DSS and the MIS are built

on the detailed data of the transaction processing system.

III. Management information system (MIS): The transaction processing system standard

report is summarized for intermediary managers by summarizing the data. It is

possible to incorporate production timelines and other details in a report summarizing

the budget.

IV. Executive support system (ESS): It is a simple-to-use suite of technologies that

provide data in a compressed format. Executives can use it to keep an eye on the

company's activities and develop long-term strategy. The ESS combines internal and

external data from TPS and MIS.


Separate files for each application were typical in the early days of computerization. There was

very little online data enquiry since data was handled in batches at a single location. This

strategy is completely inefficient for the great majority of today's data processing systems. Using

the file system to store and organize data has a number of drawbacks, as detailed by Vossen


I. A high amount of redundancy exists across files as a result of the fact that

information is duplicated in several locations but that these replications are not

controlled by a central monitor.

II. Software may make changes to the files it uses without every other software using

the files making the same changes simultaneously. This might lead to a


III. In the event that additional events or actions arise, the software has the ability to

accommodate them, albeit at a large expense in terms of time.

IV. Many programmers' work is distinguished by low productivity and it appears that

program maintenance is expensive: if the syntax of an existing file has to be

modified throughout its lifespan, then all application programs must be altered as


V. Lastly, a standard must be established and maintained (in terms of coding, data

format, and so on) in order to facilitate data exchange or migration to a new

operating system or even a new computer system.

Databases were created to address these issues. Large organizations are increasingly

embracing database technology to arrange their operational data.

Many studies on database technology sufficiently tackle the topic of data. Clifton (2016)

defines a database as a collection of data that supports an organization's activities, Lucey

(2015), citing CIMA, offers a more thorough description.

It is a file of data constructed in such a manner that it may be used by various

applications without having its structure determined by any of them; the idea is that

programs are created around the database rather than files being organized to fit the

demands of individual applications.

Russell M. (2018) outlined the importance of computers in database systems like the

automated clearance system in great detail.

"The heart of every information system is a database, which is any set of related

information assembled as a fundamental item." In addition, the term may be used to

describe how information is manually cataloged and processed, stored, and exploited." "

Computer-aided candidate record processing is impossible without a computer, according

to Russell (2018a). According to Russell, a database is described as a whole rather than

as a collection of individual files (2018). According to the research, a database is a

collection of organized data whose structure is independent of the application being used

to access it. O’Leary (2007) offered the following advantages to justify the need for a


I. Fewer files: There are fewer files because several departments have access to the

same file, so surplus storage, also known as redundancy, is decreased.

II. Security: As a result, while the payroll department could have access to an

employee's pay rate, they would not be able to use it.

III. Sharing: Information from one unit of an organization can easily be shared with


IV. Data integrity: An older filing system frequently lacked integrity, meaning that a

modification made in one department's file might not be reflected in another

department's file. As one might assume, when data is utilized to make major

decisions impacting a department, this can lead to serious issues and



During the week, students and faculty have a number of communication methods at their

disposal. Two virtual communication platforms, each with its unique set of capabilities, are

provided by the partner universities (marratech and central). Internet and OCMS systems and a

relevant discussion forum can also be used to locate this information.


In order to connect, see each other, and exchange applications and data without needing to be in

the same room, building, or even nation, Marratech is a web-based solution that facilitates web-

based face-to-face meetings and video conferencing. Uses include online classes, research

papers, and project presentations for the energy online master's degree in which this software is



Central helps organizations run more efficiently by automating critical clearance systems and

training programs online using virtual classrooms, online meetings, and web conferencing. There

are several elements in Central that make it feasible to establish a web-based system that is live

and group-oriented. Hand-raising and cross-point conferences are only two of the many features

of the power online master program for online courses, project meetings and project

presentations. Text and fool-duplex charts are also included.

Each institution has a site for the online clearing system, as well as communication management



For Imo State University's 2015 clearance, Umezinwa, Uwakwe, and Abode used PHP,

JAVASCRIPT, CSS, APACHE, and a MySQL database. The technology was able to handle data

fast while also eliminating the error-prone human clearance approach.

The Makinde and Agbo-Ajala clearance system was created with PHP and MySQL in 2015 to

alleviate the difficulties associated with the manual final clearance procedure.

In 2013, Zuhaib led an ASP-based online clearance system installation project. To create system

interfaces that use the internet. Among the tools Quest Nawanshahr University has implemented

is a database that can hold all of the essential information for student clearance on the web sites

of students. Many colleges have chosen to follow the vibrant learning opportunities available

online, therefore the advantages of e cannot be assessed.




As of right now, the university's clearance process is entirely by hand. Because of these

considerations, the system becomes tedious and time-consuming. All clearing agencies need

students to bring a signed form attesting to their clearance. Both the personnel and students

participating in the process are under a lot of stress during the lengthy process. In the manual

approach, clearance documents are maintained in a file cabinet. Every time a clearance form is

needed, the file cabinet is searched for a specific clearance form for a student.

In this chapter, the framework's requirements evaluation and configuration and the information

collecting instruments used in the planning of the framework will be fully investigated, and

Requirement Gathering Techniques will be used in the framework's creation. Additionally, the

areas for improvement and updates have been identified, grouped, and data frameworks

established to fulfill them, as well as design a concept for the new structure. A workable data

structure will be constructed, and a prototype for the new format will also be developed.



The waterfall model was chosen for this project since it is considered the most traditional

approach to programming development. It is a sequential process whereby each stage of the

progression cycle is completed sequentially. The waterfall model was used because of the

projects limited scope. The functions and specifications are clear, simple, and confined.

Figure 3.1 Waterfall model


The approach chosen to implement the selected waterfall methodology

will be explained in this section. The specifications, design, implementation, verification, and

maintenance aspects of the waterfall technique are divided into many phases.

We were able to access Bells University's Clearance Management System throughout the

requirements phase. We were able to determine the requirement to systematize the registration

and clearing of students after speaking with the management and staff. We spoke with students

about the current proposal and discovered that they want a feature that allows them to easily

navigate through the three phases of clearance and track their progress. All of the

recommendations were then double-checked with the school to ensure that they met the


During the design phase, a thorough idea of the software architecture and user interface was

developed in the form of a design template, thanks to ideas from management. This layout was

then used as the system's basic design template, with changes being made until a finished

template was created. After that, the derived structure was employed as a foundation for the

implementation phase. The implementation step would begin once you've gathered all of the

functional and non-functional requirements, as well as a vision for how the UI should look. This

is where all of the codings took place. After completing the previous stages, the program

development and UI design were completed with only a few hiccups over the course of a few


The project was then tested adequately with help from stakeholders (admin, students, and staff)

after the implementation was completed to guarantee that it satisfies all of the requirements. All

mistakes or bugs discovered during testing were isolated from the entire system, following which

the code for that piece was rewritten and corrected.

Lastly, during the maintenance phase, errors and problems were discovered and rectified along

with system updates to ensure that it was always up to date. There will also be further code

enhancement modifications to ensure that the system is operating at its best level as a unit of

measurement for data, and the client's increase


The PHP programming language was used to create the project’s feature. This was chosen since

it is one of the most straightforward methods for developing software that works really well with

HTML and databases. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, and bootstrap code were used to create

the web application's front end. The database was built with MYSQL, a widely used universal

database engine for storing data locally and on the client side in applications like web browsers.


Many sources were used to gather information for this project's investigation. This study's

system evaluations yielded significant data and information that was then analyzed using two

distinct fact-finding methodologies.

I. Primary source: An empirical approach like personal interviews was used to

acquire data for this study.

II. Secondary Source: The researcher gathered secondary data from publications,

journals, newspapers, library materials, and internet downloads. The information

gathered through these methods was discussed in the second chapter's literature



The university's manual approach of keeping track of student clearance has resulted in a variety

of problems, including the inability to verify student status:

I. Processing of the clearance paperwork takes longer than expected.

II. Due to the unavailability of several core staff while processing clearance forms,

students are required to visit a specific office multiple times in order to sign their

clearance forms.

III. Since the filing system is manual, important documents are lost.

IV. Document damage as a result of a fire or a rainstorm

V. Fraudulent employees removing forms illegally, resulting in insecurity.


The new technology is designed to remedy the present manual method's shortcomings. As an

online tool, it alleviates the burden on students and faculty alike that comes with a reliance on a

manual approach. An online internet connection is required for this to evaluate and save data,

which may be done either automatically or interactively Others will be included as part of the

proposed scheme:

I. Accuracy in the data processing

II. Excellent response time and a high rate of operation

III. In the event of data loss, a simple method of backing up or replicating data on a

diskette is available.

IV. System for better storing and retrieval of data.


The functional requirements specify the properties and behaviors that the platform must have

based on the information gathered during the customer interviews. It specifies the precise

characteristics that must be included for the system to be complete.

I. Since the system runs on an Apache server, it is required that the server have at

least version 2.0 of Apache installed.

II. We used HTML for server-side coding so the most recent update of HTML

should be installed.

III. The site's data is stored in a MySQL database.

IV. The application layout was created using HTML.

V. CSS is used for frontend designing

VI. PHPScript scripting language is used to manage client-side authentication.

3.8 Non-Functional Requirement Specifications

The non-functional requirements outline features that are needed for the platform to operate as

intended. These are the characteristics that make the app secure, dependable, effective, and

accessible. Because non-functional requirements are important to the architectural requirement,

the plan for implementing them is outlined in the system architecture.

I. Reliability: To avoid data inconsistency, database updates should come after

processing transactions

II. Security: We've invested a great deal in security measures to prevent intruders

from hacking the system.

III. Performance: The system is expected to accommodate several individuals using

any of the web browsers at the same time.

IV. Maintainability: The system is relatively simple to maintain. The software is

designed using HTML, so anyone with a basic understanding of HTML can

simply manage it.

V. Portability: Yes, this technology is portable, and we can quickly transfer servers.


The application architecture is shown here, along with a visual depiction of the

application. It also highlights the possible connections and interactions inside the system

Figure 3.2 Application Architecture

Figure 3.3 Application Architecture

Figure 3.4 Application Architecture

Figure 3.1 Application Architecture


The communication between users and the computer program is illustrated in the Use Case

model below. It lists the system's functions in chronological sequence, as well as the specific

people who interact with them.

Figure 3.2 Use Case


The activity diagram below illustrates the process flow of actions throughout the system, as well

as the users who perform those tasks.

Figure 3.3 Activity Diagram




This chapter describes the tools used in the development of the final year clearance system for

Bells University, the main problems encountered and measures the usefulness, through data

gotten from actual users, of the system.

The frameworks adopted for this project are Flutter, a Google cross-platform development

framework which develops seamlessly for mobile, web and desktop platforms. I chose the

platform to be web-based as it makes the process to be carried out effortlessly from any device

on the planet. Firebase, which is also a Google framework was used for the authentication,

databases and logic for the whole system. Since they are both Google frameworks, it was easy to

connect both products to develop the system. Flutter served as the frontend (the graphical user

interface which helps the user interact with the system) of the system while firebase was the

backend, which contains the database, cloud storage, and authentication which were all used for

the logic of the system.


This section describes the technologies used for this system which were already introduced in the

first paragraphs, how they operate, and how they were used by the system.


To construct multi-platform apps from a single codebase, Flutter is an open source framework

owned by Google. Web apps, mobile and desktop apps can be built all from one single codebase.

This framework used dart, an OOP-based language for its development. The framework is very

easy to use and development is fast and seamless.


If you're looking to build apps for the iOS, Android, and Web, you can use Google Firebase.

Authentication, database services/management, cloud storage, machine learning features, and

more are all provided by this platform.. Students' and administrators' information, as well as

other types of data. would be stored in the database. It also provides additional features like

running database queries which are part of the system’s logic. Authentication services help with

system features like user signup, login and logout which all would be used in the system.

Figure 4.1 Google Firebase

As testing is an important stage in the software development phase, the system would be tested

for correctness and efficiency based on the provided features to each user on the system. For the

working of the system, a user signs up on the system, if his details are already on the database

the procedure is approved and he is requested to upload a profile picture for the clearance portal.

The clearance system is done orderly as a user cannot proceed to the next unit till he completes

the current department’s clearance (until he’s cleared in the present department).

Units head can choose to deny or approve clearance applications for their unit. When a student

has been cleared in all units in the system only then can he proceed to print out the clearance pdf.


The system uses the Firestore database which is a NoSQL database from firebase. It is used to

store information about students, clearance unit statuses, and also administration information.

Users would need to sign up to the system after which a mini- authentication to confirm if the

details supplied(Matric number) corresponds to the one in the database which would be handled

by the school management as this information would help the users gain access to their various

accounts. However, the administrators for the various units would not be required to log in as

their accounts are already hardcoded in the database/authentication system.


This section consists of pages/classes which would require user interaction in order to

provide/generate a suitable output. Examples of such pages would include a login page with

forms that would require user input to process the authentication and output if the details are

correct and also to output particular results etc. Listed below is the list of pages that requires user

interaction on the system.

I. Signup page

II. User Login page

III. Admin Login page

IV. Clearance Menu Page

V. Payment page

VI. Generate Clearance Pdf files

VII. Application List Page

VIII. Outstanding Fee Page

IX. Notification Page

4.6.1 Signup page

From the figure below, this page is developed to register users to the database. Users are required

to sign up with compulsory fields so as to develop a means of authenticating users. The database

contains a collection of students’ matric numbers hereby granting access to only users whose

matric number exists on the database.

Figure 4.2 Sign up page

4.6.2 User Login Page

This page is developed to authorize students to their various accounts, based on records existing

in the database, registered during the signup process. This page requires users to sign in to their

account using pre-registered matric numbers and account passwords.

Figure 4.3 User Login Page

4.6.2 Admin Login Page

This page is developed to authorize unit admins to their various accounts, based on records

existing in the database, which are already hard-coded in the database. This page requires admins

to sign in to their account using custom account emails and account passwords.

Figure 4.4 Administrator Panel

4.6.3 Clearance Menu Page

To get to a student portal that displays the status of every unit in the school, click on the link on

this page. Application here is done orderly (unit by unit), which means once clearance is started

in a particular unit, you cannot proceed to the next until cleared in that unit.

Figure 4.5 Clearance Page

The default status of a clearance unit is "null". In the null state, the user is yet to begin he’s

clearance application in a particular unit, as when this application is made the status changes to

"pending" stating that it is yet to be attended to by the unit admin (that is neither accepted nor

declined). It is changed to "cleared" status if the application is granted, and to "queried" if the

application is refused, which indicates that the student needs to pay an outstanding balance for

that unit. Once this payment is made, the unit status automatically changes to "cleared" by the

system, and the user can proceed to the next unit.

4.6.4 Payment Page

According to the figure below, this page grants access to student to pay up their outstanding fees

for each clearance unit.

Figure 4.6 Payment Page

4.6.5 Generate clearance Pdf Page

This feature allows the student to generate their clearance receipt if and only if the student has

completed clearance in all eleven units in the system.

Figure 4.7 Clearance Page

4.6.6 Application List Page

As per the figure below, the page is a component of the admins unit account. This displays

applications per unit initiated by students on their own respective portals. The application is

shown in a list view where staff can choose to deny or approve the application.

Figure 4.8 Department Unit

4.6.7 Outstanding Fee Page

This page is within the application list page. It is a modal window in which the authorized admin

can fill out the outstanding fees by the particular student who applied for the clearance.

Figure 4.8 Outstanding Fee Page

4.6.8 Notification Page

This page contains important updates from the clearance process. It shows when the application

has been denied or accepted and even links to the payment portal.

Figure 4.9 Notification Page


It is based on the existing manual bells university clearance system, which needs students to

travel to the bank many times to pay unpaid fees, wait in line for authorized signatures of a

specialized clearing unit to sign their forms, or regularly check their clearance statuses. This

solution automates the entire manual procedure, reducing the necessity for physical presence at

such offices with minimum effort because an application may be launched from anywhere. The

program will be evaluated and benchmarked against the following parameters.

1. Speed

2. Correctness

3. Efficiency

4. Security


This section outlines the results from the system after a user successfully completes the clearance

application in all units. The system automatically generates a pdf document which signifies the

student has been cleared.

Figure 4.10 Generated PDF

The figure above shows that the software meets the project goal of processing a student

clearance with little effort, all of which could be done from the convenience of anywhere using

an internet-enabled device, and therefore it can fully substitute the manual human model already

in place.

Statistics of performance Conclusion

Speed Students create accounts and start the clearance

process while staff from their offices reject or

accept this application. When a student

completes all units, a receipt is generated. The

system processes are all automated and fast

Correctness The system accomplishes its required objective

as all processes are how they should be and

there are no breaks or errors in the process


Efficiency The system is capable of generating a

clearance pdf following a successful clearing

procedure while assuring process adherence

with minimal physical effort.

Security The system is completely secured with strict

authentication rules in place as account

passwords are required for login to user


Table 4.1 Statistics of performance




This project achieves the goal that was mentioned earlier. It gives users step by step guidance

On how to use this clearance system and how to understand it quickly. Around the same time,

The clearance process was eased, and the new system effectively transitioned to a computerized

System. An objective review of the method is addressed in section 5.1 and the constraints and

Issues found in section 5.2, while possible changes are discussed in section 5.3. Finally, in

Sections 5.3 and 5.4, any proposals for future system changes and a review of all aspects

Discussed in this chapter will be included


There is no need for a person to manually complete the clearance prior to convocation, since this

project provides an efficient manner of doing so. The government is actively promoting the value

of information technology by stepping up educational and training efforts. If a lower-cost PC

were released, it may encourage more individuals to have a computer in their house. With this

technology, we'll be able to conduct the clearance electronically or via our smartphones instead

of manually. Multiple parties benefit from the framework because it is built in a relatively small

area. Saving space, time, locating data and information quickly, reducing labor costs, and adding

value are just a few of the benefits that may be reaped. The department will also train its

personnel how to utilize a computerized system, so that the staff will not have any difficulty

when they are forced to use a more advanced system.


As I wanted to keep things straightforward and simple and all the factors happened to be in my

favor, this project did not attract a lot of obstacles, but of course I noticed a few such as.

I. it was a bit hard to obtain those implementations included in the code

II. learning a new language such as PHP

III. having to do a lot of research pertaining the new language I learnt


I. Measures like enhancing the security of the online clearance framework can be

taken - As the creator of the system, it is known that the protection of the system

needs to be changed. Two main security issues are taken into account in this

framework. The permission to enter the device is first and the session maintained

by the system is second. The machine will specifically ask him/her to login if one

attempts to alter the session. This computer does not have a firewall like the one

on the UTP server. I would like to assume that it will be more reliable when the

device is merged with the UTP server

II. More user-friendly, appealing interface for all web-based interface


For example, the Online Clearance System is highly user-friendly and performs validation very

successfully, as determined in the requirements review process, which is efficient. Future

upgrades and modifications may be easily implemented without sacrificing the core functionality

of this system. The traditional manual process has a number of drawbacks. As a means of

meeting modern-day expectations, this initiative was conceived.


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