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SMS Interface – Cranes – Sparrows UKCS-CSM-002


Authorisation for Issue

Amendment Record
Amendment Summary
Distribution List

SMS Interface – Cranes – Sparrows

March 2001 Issue 1 i/ii

SMS Interface – Cranes – Sparrows UKCS-CSM-002

Authorisation for Issue

Issue Authority
Name: Trevor Garlick

Signature: ________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________

Position: Delivery Manager


Technical Authority
Name: Bernie Smith

Signature: ________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________

Position: HSE Adviser, Bruce

March 2001 Issue 1 iii/iv

SMS Interface – Cranes – Sparrows UKCS-CSM-002

Amendment Record

For Audit Use

Amendment Incorporated By
Name Signature Date Signature Date


March 2001 Issue 1 v/vi

SMS Interface – Cranes – Sparrows UKCS-CSM-002

Amendment Summary

Issue No Date Description

Issue 1 March 2001 First issue.

March 2001 Issue 1 vii/viii

SMS Interface – Cranes – Sparrows UKCS-CSM-002

Distribution List

Holders of Controlled Hard Copy

Copy Copyholder Location

01 Manager of BP Contracts Sparrows

02 Data Control Centre (DCC) ODL, Aberdeen

Virtual Copyholders

Copy Copyholder

01 Document Issue Authority (Trevor Garlick)

02 Document Technical Authority (Bernie Smith)
03 Business Unit Leader (Mike Ivy)
04 Supply Chain Management (Richard Horne)
05 Maintenance Consultant (Pat McCrory)
06 Offshore Marine Engineer, Schiehallion (Chris Mee)
07 Mechanical Engineer (Malcolm Webster)
08 Mechanical Engineer (Jim Mosley)
09 Mechanical Engineer (Paul Orlandi)
10 Integrity Engineer (Keith Miller)
11 Mechanical Engineer (John Scott)
12 Mechanical Engineer (Mike Clark)

March 2001 Issue 1 ix/x

SMS Interface – Cranes – Sparrows UKCS-CSM-002


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March 2001 Issue 1 xi/xii

BP /
Sparrows Offshore Services Limited

Mechanical Handling Equipment Operation

and Maintenance Services

HSE Management System

Interface Document

Document No: TBA

Rev Date Description Prepared by  BP Amoco

Approval Approval
Issue 18.7.00 Issue for use and feedback Jim Bennett
0 pending review in 4Q 2000

The Federal custodian of this document is Bernie Smith HSE Adviser, Bruce
The custodian of the Asset or BU specific version is the BU MHC Contact Rep.
BP / Sparrows HSE Management System Interface Document


1.0 Introduction

2.0 Scope of Interface Arrangements

3.0 Approach to Interfacing

4.0 Business Management System (BMS)

5.0 Management Systems Interfacing Arrangements

5.1 Setting Interface Policy and Objectives

5.2 Organising for HSE
5.3 Communications
5.4 Shared Activities
5.5 Planning and Setting Performance Standards
5.6 Measuring Performance
5.7 Auditing and Reviewing Performance

6.0 Scope of Service

7.0 Key Contacts


8.0 Appendices:

Appendix 1: Mechanical Handling Scope of Service

Appendix 2: Offshore SMS Monthly Interface report
Appendix 3: Quarterly Performance Reviews (Score Card)
Appendix 4: Annual Interfacing Review Checklist
Appendix 5: HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Appendix 6: Business Unit Key Contacts
1.0 Introduction

This document describes the Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE)

management system interface arrangements between BP/Sparrows
Offshore Services Limited (Sparrows). It is based on the UKOOA
(United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association) guidance document:
ìGuidance for Health and Safety Management Systems Interfacing 1998,
with modifications to include environmental aspects.

The purpose of this document is to ensure that BP/Sparrows and their

employees, clearly understand the organisational arrangements, their
individual roles and responsibilities and which management controls
apply whilst carrying out their duties on each Business Unit. The focus
is on establishing and maintaining a safe, healthy and environmentally
friendly place of work, particularly where shared activities are
undertaken. The joint aim is to achieve a set of shared objectives, targets
and standards whilst complying with legislative, BP and Sparrows
company requirements.

2.0 Scope of Interface Arrangements

All work within the BP Amoco Business Unit is carried out under the
umbrella of the Business Management System (BMS) (see S4.0). The
arrangements described in this interface document apply to the control
of shared activities and the interfaces between the respective HSE
Management Systems (HSEMS) of the companies involved.

3.0 Approach to Interfacing

The approach taken is to only describe the management arrangements

required to control activities that are shared by both BP and Sparrows.

3.1 An interface matrix has been prepared in support of this

document (see Appendix 5: HSE Management Systems
Interface Matrix). It was prepared by both parties and clearly
defines where shared and non-shared responsibilities lie and
which company’s management system applies. The matrix it
is not exhaustive however, and only covers the routine
activities carried out as part of the scope of service as
specified in the federal contract. If the scope of service
changes has variations on any of the Business Units then the
interface arrangements must be reviewed accordingly.
BP / Sparrows HSE Management System Interface Document

3.2 The level of risk involved in the shared activities is reflected

in the extent to which they are described, i.e. the higher the
risk, the more detailed the explanation given. Both parties
arrived at the level of risk through a process of consultation
and agreement.

3.3 Activities undertaken by Sparrows personnel as an integral

part of the Business Unit core team are not considered to be
shared activities. Similarly, nor are activities where
Sparrows personnel are performing work of a specialist
nature, i.e. the Mechanical Handling Equipment ñ Operation
and Maintenance specific services/tasks they were
contracted to do. These are carried out under the control of
the contractor’s HSE management system (albeit still under
the BMS umbrella). Details of the Mechanical Handling
Equipment Contract scope of services are detailed in
Appendix 1.

4.0 Business Unit - Business Management System (BMS) /


The BMS (see S2) is the term used in this interface document to identify
the management system used by The Business Units to manage their
health, safety, environmental, quality and business activities. It contains
policies, strategies, and organisation charts, roles and responsibilities,
management and co-ordination processes. It enables the Business Unit
to meet its legislative obligations, its core business objectives and to
improve safety and environmental efficiency.

4.1 The BMS can be a single system used by the Management

Team, core resource groups and major contractors involved
with the Unit or may be a series of management systems i.e.
safety, environmental, business quality and businesses which
are integrated.

4.2 The BMS applies once personnel have checked in at the BP

Amoco heliport. They stay under its control until returning
to the heliport having completed their trip offshore.

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BP / Sparrows HSE Management System Interface Document

5.0 Management Systems Interfacing Arrangements

5.1 Setting Interface Policy and Objectives

For the purposes of the Mechanical Handling Equipment -

Operations and Maintenance Services contract and
Sparrows have reviewed the BP Amoco Commitment to
Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Performance
statement (see below), and share the commitment expressed.
Sparrows wholly supports its principles, which align with
those set out in its own company HSE policies and
objectives. BP / Sparrows have agreed that a joint policy and
objectives statement is not necessary.

5.1.1 For a detailed breakdown of the activities covered by Setting

Interface Policy and Objectives, see Appendix 5, Section

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BP / Sparrows HSE Management System Interface Document

5.1.2 BP’s Commitment to Health, Safety and Environmental

Performance (HSE)

Everybody who works for BP, anywhere, is responsible for getting HSE
right. Good HSE performance and the health, safety and security of
everyone who works for us are critical to the success of our business.

Our goals are simply stated - no accidents, no harm to people, and no

damage to the environment.

We will continue to drive down the environmental and health impact of

our operations by reducing waste, emissions and discharges, and using
energy efficiently. We will produce quality products that can be used
safely by our customers.

We will:

_ consult, listen and respond openly to our customers, employees,

neighbours, public interest groups and those who work with us;

_ work with others - our partners, suppliers, competitors and

regulators - to raise the standards of our industry;

_ openly report our performance, good and bad;

_ recognise those who contribute to improved HSE performance.

Our business plans include measurable HSE targets. We are all

committed to meeting them.

John Browne
Group Chief Executive HSE Policy
January 1999

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BP / Sparrows HSE Management System Interface Document

5.2 Organising for HSE

The responsibility for "day to day" mechanical handling

safety rests with line management. The Installation Manager,
or his nominated person, ensures that statutory and company
standards are met. Operational integrity/technical support is
provided by the Mechanical Handling Contractor's offshore
representative and technical support engineering team. The
Offshore Safety Adviser provides operational safety advice
and liaison between on and offshore safety teams.

The Business Unit provides performance management and

report on a quarterly basis to the Sector Team. The Sector
Team provide a Federal overview with framework support.

As part of the BPA Performance Management Process, the

HSE contact for Federal Mechanical Handling contract is the
Bruce HSE Safety Adviser. He is responsible for ensuring
the Federal Mechanical Handling Interface framework is in
place and provides a focal point for performance
improvement feedback.

Business Unit Key Representatives co-ordinate the local

interface implementation.

The focal points for HSE related issues within the Business
Units, is the HSE Team Leader/Adviser for BP Business
Unit and the HSE Team Leader for OCE / Sparrows.

See Figure 1.0 for the Contract Interface Organisation


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BP / Sparrows HSE Management System Interface Document

Business Unit Leader Managing Director

BP Amoco OCE

Operations Director
Delivery Manager OCE
BP Amoco

UTG Ops Support Contracts Manager H.S.E

Consultant OCE Manager
HSE Adviser

Onshore BU Rep Technical Support Engineer



BP Amoco Platform
Nominated Crane Mechanic
Person Operator
Offshore Safety


Primary Contacts

Secondary Contacts

Figure 1

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BP / Sparrows HSE Management System Interface Document

5.2.1 Key Responsibilities

Key accountabilities and responsibilities are documented in

individual roles and responsibilities/job descriptions
prepared for each organisational position. These are
supported by further more specific task related
responsibilities at procedure level.

5.2.2 BP Amoco Primary Sector Team

The Primary Sector team for mechanical handling has the

following responsibilities:-
• Provide an overview on contractor performance and
facilitate consistent treatment of contractors:
• Provide a conduit for information sharing between BUs
within the relevant market sector.
• Provide market awareness (in conjunction with the
Procurement Strategy team)
• Maintain sector strategy

The current team members are: -

Business Unit Leader Mike Ivy

Delivery Manager Trevor Garlick
Procurement Richard Horne
Upstream Technology Pat McCrory
HSE Bernie Smith

Local implementation of the interface contract rests with the

Business Unit Representative.

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5.2.3 Business Unit Representatives

The Business Unit Representatives role is to: -

• Act as a focal point for the implementation and manage

the interfaces.
• Agree performance with contractor via sector scorecard
at least quarterly, with appropriate input measures from
• Attendance at pre-QPR and QPR meetings
• Management of BU and cross-BU work prioritisation
with contractor
• Liaise with UTG and the Sector Team for cross BU
performance comparison, synergy’s/learning’s and
• Liaise with Sector Team on contractor performance

The current team members are: -

West of Shetland C. Mee

East of Shetland A. Beattie/J. Preacher
Bruce A. McDonald/J.Nicholson
Miller A. McDonald/J.Mosley
Harding P. Orlandi
CNS Gas K. Miller
Greater Forties J. Scott
Southern North Sea M. Clark

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5.2.4 Sparrows Operations Director

The Director's interface management responsibilities involve

the setting of HSEQ policy and managing the supporting
audit programmes. Reviewing performance on a regular
basis with the repective Business Unit Leaders and agreeing
actions. Also, planning and organising action plans for the
coming year. The day to day operations are delegated to the
Contract Manager.

5.2.5 Sparrows Contract Manager

The Contract Manager, or his nominated deputy, reports to

the Operations Director and is responsible for the
implementation of operational plans, performance standards,
systems and procedures, and the provision of the necessary
physical and human resources and information across a
number of Sparrows contracts. He will provide timely
feedback on performance -including successes and failures
and any deficiencies in plans, standards, procedures and
systems and will ensure participation at all levels in health
and safety activities.
He is responsible for ensuring that the operations of his
personnel offshore are conducted safely in accordance with
statutory and contractual obligations, particularly LOLER.

The Contracts Manager is further responsible for the

pedestal crane above the pedestal interface, overhead cranes
and the platform fixed and loose lifting equipment, in so far
as BP Amoco maintain ownership and final jurisdiction on
inspection and remedial work undertaken.

Platform drilling equipment, lifeboats and personnel lifts

along with
transit slings are not the responsibility of the Mechanical
Handling Contractor.

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BP / Sparrows HSE Management System Interface Document

5.2.6 Sparrows HSE Manager

The Sparrows HSE Manager reports to the Sparrows

Managing Director to ensure the Division discharges its
corporate responsibility for all aspects of health, safety,
environmental activities and drives continuous improvement
in these areas.

He provides HSE advice, guidance; inspection and

investigation support to the Management Team and Line
Managers in the delivery of HSE performance He liaises
with Client Management and HSE focal points on areas of
interface, both Federal and Business Unit Level.

5.2.8 HSE Adviser (BP - Business Unit)

The HSE Adviser is based onshore and reports directly to

Delivery Unit Team Leader. He provides authoritative and
independent advice on all HSE matters to the Business Unit.

He provides HSE advice, guidance; inspection and

investigation support to the Management Team and Line
Managers in the delivery of HSE performance He liaises
with Client Management and HSE focal points on areas of
interface, both Federal and Business Unit Level.

5.2.9 Sparrows Technical Support Engineer

The technical support engineer is the onshore focal point and

provides day to day operational support to the mechanical
handling contract offshore representative for contract

He provides first line technical support to the asset, Reviews

quality management data on a regular basis and plans
remedial actions. Manages planning of personnel and spares
logistics. Ensures work is executed in compliance with
inspection and maintenance programmes. Conducts
offshore technical audits and inspections.

5.2.10 OIM
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The OIM or his nominated person is responsible for

• that suitable persons are appointed for planning and
supervising mechanical handling activities.
• that suitable and sufficient management arrangements
are in place.
• that the management arrangements are reviewed for
adequacy on a regular basis.
• monitoring and reviewing performance, plus
contributing to the QPR process (see 5.6.1).
• that the impact of co-contractors on the interface is
recognised and that arrangements address this

5.2.11 Nominated Representative

The OIM's nominated representative is responsible for

ensuring that the provisions of SI1998/2307 Lifting
Equipment and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) in
respect to Mechanical handling Operations are implemented.

Further Federal Guidance has been provided by a LOLER

BP Network Group in a guidance document entitled
" LOLER Lifting Operations Regulations". These may be
endorsed in entirety by Business Units or with exceptions, or
alternatively, they may prepare Business Unit specific

5.2.12 Offshore Safety Adviser (OSA)

The OSA is responsible for providing "day to day"

operational safety advice to offshore personnel involved in
Mechanical Handling operations.

Safety Engineering support being provided via the

Mechanical Handling Contractor and the onshore Business
Unit HSE Team Leader/Safety Adviser.

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5.2.13 Sparrows Offshore Representative

The Mechanical Handling Contractor's nominated Site

Accountable Person (normally the Crane
Mechanic/Electrician Operator) is responsible to both the BP
Amoco nominated competent person for lifting operations
and the Mechanical Handling Contractor's Contract
Manager, or his nominated deputy.

Under normal operational conditions, the Crane

Mechanic/Electrician Operator is responsible for the safe
operation and maintenance of the pedestal cranes, overhead
cranes and the management of the loose and fixed lifting

When a specialist maintenance crew comes on board the

platform, responsibility for the safe implementation and
completion of the maintenance rests with the senior
Sparrows person on the platform for the duration of the
work, although the Sparrows resident will be the person
responsible for the sign-off of the work to confirm project

The Sparrows Crane Mechanic Operator shall be responsible

for the safe issue and management of the platform loose
lifting equipment in the rigging store but may not actually
issue the equipment.

The Mechanical Handling Contractor's Crane Operator

Roustabout is
responsible to both the BP Amoco nominated competent
person for lifting operations, the Drilling Tool Pusher and
the Mechanical Handling Contractor's Contract Manager.

Under normal operational conditions, the Crane Operator is

responsible for the safe operation, cleaning and first line
simple maintenance activities of the pedestal cranes,
overhead cranes and the management of the loose and fixed
lifting equipment in conjunction with the Crane
Mechanic/Electrician Operator.

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The Crane Operator Roustabout shall work as an integral

part of the drilling crew for normal operational conditions,
providing assistance to the Roustabout crew in their
assigned deck tasks.

5.2.14 Co-Contractors

From time to time the Mechanical Handling Contractor may

work with co-contractors on joint tasks.
When specific activities involve a multi-discipline/company
team the specific interfaces shall be risk assessed and an
agreed lead company nominated to manage, supervise and
control the activity. As detailed in the Federal Guidance
Document D/UTG/070/00 "The Requirements for Risk
Assessment for Lifting Operations on Offshore

Appendix 5 "HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix "

3.1 - Hazard Analysis and Controlling Risks details regular
activities involving this principle at Business Unit/platform
level and agreed procedures. Ad hoc activities will be
subject to interface risk assessment.

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5.3 Communications

Personnel forming part of the core crew (irrespective of their

employer or if working on a visiting basis), will be subject to
the Business Unit internal processes for two-way
communication and active involvement of the workforce,
e.g. in Safety Representatives System, HSE
Committees/meetings and Toolbox Talks.

Each company is responsible for communicating to its

personnel the interface arrangements set out in this

Shared activities will be the subject of risk assessment and a

"lead company" will be nominated to have overall control
and supervison of the task in hand - communicating the
hazards and control methods used to all person involved or
affected by the operations.

Monthly offshore meetings are held between the contract

nominated representative and the platform OIM to discuss
performance and interface communications - the SMS
monthly interface, Appendix 2, providing a "vehicle" for the

Quarterly HSE Business Unit Forum meetings between BP /

Sparrows will be held to discuss contract performance
(including HSE issues and initiatives). Appendix 3 details
information to be presented for review. Each company is
responsible for cascading the output to its respective

Federal Team Meetings may be held between BP / Sparrows

to discuss contract-wide issues and performance. Periodic
"diagonal slice" HSE workshops may be held with a cross-
section of representation from on and offshore.

For a detailed breakdown of the activities covered by

Organising for HSE, see Section 2.0, Appendix 5

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5.4 Shared Activities

When specific activities involve a multi-discipline/company

team the specific interfaces shall be risk assessed and an
agreed lead company nominated to manage, supervise and
control the activity.

Appendix 5 "HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix "

3.1 - Hazard Analysis and Controlling Risks details regular
activities involving this principle at Business Unit/platform
level and agreed procedures. Ad hoc activities will be
subject to interface risk assessment.

5.5 Planning and Setting of Performance Standards

This aspect of HSE interfacing includes:

_ hazard analysis and controlling risks

_ competence and training
_ change control
_ selection and control of third parties
_ control of emergencies
_ occupational health
_ environmental

For a detailed breakdown of the activities covered by

Planning and Setting of Performance standards, see Section
3.0, Appendix 5.

5.6 Measuring Performance

The Federal Mechanical Handling Contract Team will agree

rules and responsibilities and contract-wide Key
performance Measures for the Mechanical Handling
Equipment Services contract.

Business Unit HSE interfacing includes:

_ active monitoring
_ investigation and recording of accidents and incidents
(re-active monitoring)
_ shared learning

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5.6.1 Quarterly Performance Review

The quarterly performance review process is as follows:-

For a detailed breakdown of the activities covered by

Planning and Setting of Performance standards, see Section
4.0, Appendix 5.

A monthly offshore HSE interface report (Appendix 2)

between the company representative and the OIM forms the
basis of a proactive communications tool. This is
summarised into a quarterly "score card" Appendix 3.

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5.7 Auditing and Reviewing Performance

This aspect of HSE interfacing includes:

_ audit scheduling
_ auditing
_ follow-up and close out
_ reviewing performance (management review)

Detailed auditing is not normally a shared activity. Hence

there are no formal interface arrangements required. Not
withstanding this, both companies liaise on their individual
audit activities to avoid duplication of effort and conflicting

However, annually a contract interfacing review based on

the Cross-Industry Working Party guidance for interfacing
checklist (Appendix 4) will be carried out jointly. This does
not preclude the use of joint "theme audits" if it is deemed

Bi-annual benchmarking will be carried out using the "First

Point" assessment approach.

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6.0 Scope of Service

The management of all crane and lifting equipment operations,

maintenance and modification services to applicable to Legislative and
BP Amoco Standards and Processes as detailed in Appendix 1

_ Act as BP Amoco technical authority for crane and lifting integrity.

_ Support BP Amoco on all HSE matters relating to Mechanical
Handling Equipment.
_ Develop & implement equipment maintenance strategies and
planned maintenance routines based on criticality and business risk.
_ Prepare annual and maintenance activity plans for Business Unit
_ Compile clear and precise annual contract service budgets to
facilitate BU approval and actual expenditure payment to be easily
_ Provide transparent and understandable, easy to read invoices with
supporting accurate cost data that makes invoice approval simple
and integral to business.
_ Manage day-to-day contract delivery.
_ Provide continuous improvement.
_ Provide materials and inventory management.
_ Provide management of circulating lifting equipment service.
_ Provide management reporting.
_ Provide management of technical integrity.
_ Ensure valid equipment history is input and maintained in the BP
Amoco CMMS.

Platform drilling equipment, lifeboats and personnel lifts along with

transit slings are not the responsibility of the Mechanical Handling
Contractor. The Federal Guidance Document D/UTG/031/00 "Guidance
on Lifting Equipment Supply, Control and Operations" gives further

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7.0 Key Contacts

The following are details of primary contacts for technical support and
emergency response: -

7.1 Sparrows Sparrows Offshore Services Limited,

Denmore Road,
Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23 8JW

EMERGENCY Sparrows Reception

Tel: 01224 704868,
Fax: 01224 825191
Request assistance from
Operations Director
Mobile: 0374 641245

Contract Management:
Graham Thomson
Tel: 01224 227004
Fax: 01224 825191
Mobile: 0374641234

Technical Co-Ordinator:
Ian Hepworth
Tel: 012224 227071
Fax: 01224 825191,

Out of Hours: Duty Manager

Tel: 01224 704868
Fax: 01224 825191
Mobile: 0374 641239

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8.0 Appendices

Appendix 1: Mechanical Handling Scope of Service

Appendix 2: Offshore SMS Monthly Interface report

Appendix 3:Quarterly Perform. Reviews (Score Card)

Appendix 4: Annual Interfacing Review Checklist

Appendix 5: HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix

Appendix 6: Business Unit Key Contacts

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Appendix 1: Mechanical Handling Equipment Contract Services

1. Management and delivery of Mechanical Handling

Equipment Services

2. Provision of Core Personnel Offshore Crane

Operation & Maintenance

3. Training Services

4. Offshore Crane Maintenance Support

5. Onshore Repair and Refurbishment Services

6. Spare Parts Management

7. Portable and Fixed Lifting Equipment service

8. Engineering & Technical Services

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1. Management & Delivery of Mechanical Handling

Equipment Services
Manage all crane and lifting equipment operations, maintenance and
modification services to applicable to Legislative and BP Amoco
Standards and Processes including:
_ Act as BP Amoco technical authority for crane and lifting integrity
_ Support BP Amoco on all HSE matters relating to Mechanical
Handling Equipment
_ Develop & implement equipment maintenance strategies and
planned maintenance routines based on criticality and business risk
_ Prepare for Business Unit approval annual and maintenance activity
_ Compile clear and precise annual contract service budgets to
facilitate BU approval and actual expenditure payment to be easily
_ Provide transparent and understandable, easy to read invoices with
supporting accurate cost data that makes invoice approval simple
and integral
_ Manage day-to-day contract: delivery
_ Responsible for all Safety and Technical Integrity related matters
associated with Mechanical Handling Equipment
_ Act as the focal point for onshore and offshore BU personnel on
lifting services
_ Provide first-line technical support to the BU
_ Manage personnel and crane spares logistics
_ Manage all engineering activity associated with mechanical handling
equipment and specialist lifts
_ Provide continuous improvement:
_ Management and analysis of condition monitoring data
_ Develop and manage performance standards & measures (KPIís) for
crane maintenance activity. These measures and standards should
include but are not limited to: Compliance with Health Safety & the
Environmental standards, activity delivery (against an agreed plan),
Compliance with set PM programme, cost forecast and expenditure,
_ Review maintenance history reports and make recommendations for
_ Investigation and Root Cause analysis of breakdowns and incidents
_ Manage equipment performance, reliability and availability
_ Materials and inventory management:
_ Optimise/rationalise spare parts requirements
_ Provide warehousing facilities for non master agreement spares
_ Procure spare parts utilising BP Amoco master agreements
_ Management of circulating lifting equipment service
_ Provide fixed lifting equipment examination & re-certification
_ Provide portable lifting equipment supply & control
_ Optimise offshore portable lifting equipment inventories
_ Management reporting
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_ Prepare quarterly financial and technical contract performance

_ Provide quarterly safety performance reports
_ Management of technical integrity
_ Conduct offshore safety and technical audits of mechanical handling
_ Provide an appropriate Competence assurance system to
demonstrate individual and team competence
_ Ensure valid equipment history is input and maintained in the BP
Amoco CMMS following maintenance and modification activity

2. Provision of Core Personnel for Offshore Crane

Operation & Maintenance
Provide competent personnel for the Safe operations and maintenance of
pedestal cranes which includes:

_ Liase with drilling and deck crews to plan lifting operations

_ Perform preventative maintenance on platform cranes
_ Collate condition monitoring data
_ Assist with risk assessment of all major lifting operations
_ Requisition and control of crane spares offshore
_ Control and issue of portable lifting equipment
_ Update En-Garde maintenance management system
_ Daily platform performance reporting
_ Other platform specific duties where applicable, such as:
_ Coxswain
_ platform process plant maintenance support

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3. Training
Provide competency assurance and training of personnel with crane
operating responsibilities (in house and external supply) as requested by
BP Amoco BUís

4. Offshore Crane Maintenance Support

4.1 Provision of personnel, equipment and materials to
undertake the following activities:
_ major planned maintenance routines
_ breakdown repairs
_ maintenance overhauls
_ crane modifications and improvements

4.2 Provide ad hoc specialist support in the following


_ mechanical (including in situ machining and bolt

_ structural,
_ electrical
_ hydraulic systems

5. Onshore Repair and Refurbishment Services

Provide personnel and facilities for the repair and refurbishment of
crane and lifting equipment including:

_ mechanical strip down, inspection and re-assembly

_ refurbishment and testing hydraulic systems and components
_ electrical equipment repairs
_ structural refurbishment of crane booms, A-frames, etc.
_ fabric maintenance of crane and lifting components

6. Spare Parts Management

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Provision of comprehensive materials management and supply

service incorporating:

6.1 Procurement:
_ specification, purchasing, and Quality Assurance
6.2 Inventory management:
_ review and optimise stock levels, maintain records, and
provide financial reporting
6.3 Warehousing:
_ dedicated storage and maintenance of general and
insurance spares,
6.4 Dispatch:
_ packaging and delivery to client dispatch point

7. Portable and Fixed Lifting Equipment Services

7.1 Supply personnel and equipment to undertake the

Fixed lifting equipment services:

_ management of inspection and re-certification
_ supply of competent inspection personnel
_ maintenance of records
_ portable lifting equipment services:
_ supply and control of circulating rigging lofts
_ supply of ad-hoc project rigging on hire

7.2 Portable Lifting Equipment for Drilling and Special


For drilling, shutdowns or other special projects, the MHC

may be required to supply additional lifting equipment.

Equipment will be supplied via the BPA master agreement,

equipment supplied under these circumstances will require
to be identified with the current installation colour code.

The Business Unit will by means of its planning and

scheduling process, compile a list of lifting equipment and
forward at least one month in advance.

Rev 0 25
BP / Sparrows HSE Management System Interface Document

8. Engineering & Technical Support Services

Provide engineering services to undertake the design, development
and implementation of crane and lifting projects, typically

_ feasibility studies and evaluation exercises

_ Failure Modes and Effects analysis (FMEA)
_ project implementation and maintenance procedures
_ crane modification and improvement schemes
_ review of crane and handling requirements
_ crane replacement and installation
_ lifting equipment design and analysis

Rev 0 26
Appendix 2:





Injuries : (DAFWC/RWI/MTI/FAI) during month

High Potential Incidents during month (based BP Amoco Risk Potential Matrix)

Statutory Reportables (RIDDOR)

Near Misses during month

STOP Cards completed during month

Advanced Safety Audits during month .

Outstanding Actions Assigned to Company (Incidents, audits, etc) for month

Number of site visits v planned visits for the month by Company Management

Number of Company New Starts per month

Has there been changes to procedures ? Details required. .

Outstanding Training Requirements (statutory, skill based, emergency, etc)

Has there been any change of material, equipment or personnel that could
affect the safety of the people or the site ?
• What risk assessment been carried out ?

Interface Issues or Proposals to Improve interface with BP Amoco or other

Companies working on site ?

Any Environmental Initiatives (Waste Management, etc) ?






Appendix 3
Mechanical Handling Equipment - Operation and Maintenance Services Quarter
Contract Performance Scorecard - FEDERAL

Key Performance Areas Section Type of Guidelines / Targets Score

Weighting Measure (0 - 5)

HSE Management HSE Visits (% complete vs planned & on time)

Input Management's Leadership & Commitment Actions (% actions complete on time)
Corrective Actions (audits, inspections, external (FPAL) - % closed on time)
35 Dropped Objects Initiative
OSHA Recordables
Zero OSHA Recordables in Quarter = Score of 5
Up to 1 OSHA Recordable in Quarter = Score of 3
>+ 1 DAFWC / RWI or > 1 OSHA Recordable in Quarter = Score of 0

Operational Platform Crane Availability / System Availability (Crane Uptime = THIP - UDT / THIP x 100)
99-100% Crane Availability = Score 5
98% 99% = Score 4
Availability 97% - 98% = Score 3
96% - 97% = Score 2
95% - 96% = Score 1
35 < 95% = Score 0
PM Programme Compliance (PM's Completed x 100 / PM's Scheduled)
100% PM Compliance = Score of 5
99% = Score of 4
Planned Maint. 98% = Score of 3
97% = Score of 2
96% = Score of 1
95% or less = Score of 0

Cost Actual BU Spend v Approved BU Budgeted Spend

Actual Spend 10% under Budgeted = Score of 5
20 Cost Containment Actual Spend = Budgeted Spend = Score of 3
Actual Spend 10% over Budgeted = Score of 0
(Linear in between)

People Contractor's People Plan

10 Competency The Conntractor shall report to the BU Rep. On progress against its People Plan. This will involve discussion
around its performance against the BP Amoco federal People measures detailed within Section II(d) of the
Staff Turnover(Leavers x 100 / Original Crew)
BP Amoco Service(Crew Service for BPA x 100 / All Service)
Delivery Competence(Arrivals Fully Competent x 100 / No. of Arrivals)
Competency Update(No. of Assessments x 100 / No. of Crew)
Staff Attitude(No. of Assessments)
Service Visits (By Line Management / Corporate Management)
Annual Training Days(Av. Days / Crew / year)
Appraisal Completion(Av. Completion / Crew / year)
Annual Working(Total Hours (all contracts) / No. of Crew)
I.R. Stoppages(No. of Incidents offshore)
Grievance Handling(No. of cases resolved x 100 / Total No. of cases)
Appendix: 4
1.0 Set Interfacing Policy / Objectives Yes Partly No N/A
1.1 Policy Objectives and Corporate Acceptance of Responsibility

Is there a fully endorsed joint statement of health and safety commitment for the shared

Have health and safety goals and objectives for the shared activity been defined?


2.0 Organise
2.1 Structure and Accountability Yes Partly No N/A

Is there an agreed integrated organigram?

Have key accountabilities and responsibilities been assigned and defined for all personnel on
the integrated organigram? (Responsibility Statements)

Have owners for all key SMS Interfacing issues been identified in the integrated
organigram/responsibility statements?

Is the integrated organigram ( with accompanying responsibility statements) compatible with

those defined in the respective parties' SMS's and Safety Cases?

Have the personnel on the integrated organigram confirmed their understanding and
acceptance of their assigned accountabilities and responsibilities?

Has the integrated organigram (and responsibility statements) been tested with all people on it
to ensure that potential conflicts, gaps and overlaps in accountabilities which may prejudice
health and safety are identified and resolved?

Have the documented SMS Interfacing Arrangements been properly prepared, circulated,
communicated and approved?

Have any necessary changes to the SMS Interfacing Arrangements been made, agreed and
revision status recorded?

Has a check been made to establish if resources are adequate to manage the SMS
Interfacing issues and risks arising from the shared activity?

Have additional resources been provided?

If 'Yes', what resources?

Have routine communication arrangements covering relevant areas of work execution been


2.2 Involvement of the Workforce Yes Partly No N/A

Have arrangements been agreed for consulting, involving and communicating with the
workforce on health and safety?

Is there a plan to involve Employee Safety Representatives in specific health and safety
management activities? (eg performance monitoring and reviews, worksite inspections, audits
and accident and incident investigations)

Page 1
Have Employee Safety Representatives been consulted on and participated in these SMS
Interfacing discussions and agreements

3.0 Plan and Set Standards

3.1 Hazard Analysis and Controlling Risks Yes Partly No N/A

Have the parties agreed a process for identifying and assessing health and safety hazards that
may arise from the shared activity?

Have arrangements for identifying, assessing and controlling the health and safety risks
arising from the work of third parties been defined and agreed?

Have the parties confirmed that all significant workplace and activity risks arising from the
shared activity have been identified, assessed and documented and appropriate controls and
recovery measures put in place?

Have all job specific risk assessments, including manual handling, COSHH assessments, etc,
been completed and documented?

Have the parties agreed how the results of risk assessments will be communicated to
appropriate personnel?

Has a check been made to establish the statutory health and safety provisions relevant to the
shared activity?

Have the parties identified and drawn up a list of their respective systems, policies, standards,
procedures etc which they propose to apply to manage the health and safety risks arising from
the shared activity?

Has a review of the content of the agreed standards, procedures etc, been carried out to
confirm that the arrangements and controls in them comply with the law, are adequate to
manage the health and safety risks, and do not present any conflicts which may prejudice
health and safety?

Are processes in place to ensure that all work equipment and plant is suitable for its purpose
and maintained in an efficient state, efficient working order and in good repair?

Have QA, certification and/or verification requirements with respect to materials, plant and
equipment to be used been met?

Have arrangements been agreed and defined for reporting any known hazard or risk related
deficiencies with work equipment or plant?

Have arrangements been agreed and defined for ensuring that materials hazardous to health
are identified, risks arising from exposure adequately assessed, and suitable controls applies?
(Including the necessary information, instruction and training.)


3.2 Competency and Training Yes Partly No N/A

Have arrangements for selecting, placing and assessing personnel with the necessary
competencies been discussed and agreed?

Is there a system to confirm that all personnel involved in the shared activity have the
necessary competencies to fulfil the requirements of their job/role?

Have specific arrangements for induction training, additional health and safety training, and
emergency response training been defined and agreed?


Page 2
3.3 Control of Change Yes Partly No N/A

Is there an agreed method of developing, agreeing and keeping under review the programme
for execution of the shared activity?

Have responsibilities and arrangements been defined for managing changes which may
impact upon health and safety? (eg changes to work programmes, plans, key personnel, work
instructions, method statements, materials and equipment, health and safety standards and
procedures, etc.)


3.4 Selection and Control of Third Parties Yes Partly No N/A

Have arrangements been defined and agreed for qualifying and selecting third parties in terms
of their health and safety management capability and performance?

Have arrangements for interfacing with the SMS's of third parties been defined and agreed?

Have the parties verified that suitable SMS Interfacing Arrangements with third parties have
been established and documented? (and tested by a check similar to this one?)


3.5 Control in Emergencies Yes Partly No N/A

Have the parties' respective responsibilities for emergency response, including evacuation and
rescue, and onshore/offshore emergency control and recovery been defined and agreed?

Has the information to be communicated between parties and to third parties in the event of an
emergency been defined and agreed?

Is there an agreed schedule of emergency exercises and drills?


3.6 Occupational Health Yes Partly No N/A

Have arrangements for ensuring that personnel meet the standards of health and fitness
required by the job, including pre-employment health screening, drug and alcohol abuse
policy, smoking, hygiene and welfare, been defined and agreed?

Have any additional health and fitness requirements specific to the shared activity been

Are joint health screening and monitoring arrangements required?


4.0 Measure Performance

4.1 Active Monitoring Yes Partly No N/A

Has a set of key health and safety performance indicators been agreed, and has a system
been set up to gather, collate and analyse the information and report it to all parties?

Have joint health and safety targets been agreed?

Have arrangements for the regular review of health and safety performance against targets
been agreed and defined? (Including implementation of improvement actions and shared

Page 3
Is there an agreed schedule of health and safety meetings at all levels within the shared
activity? (With agreed scope and participants.)

Is there a structured health and safety monitoring system in place? (Including observation of
work behaviour, worksite, plant and equipment inspections, joint management visits etc.)

Does worksite health and safety monitoring cover all work tasks materials, equipment and
plant, relevant to the shared activity, including the work tasks, equipment etc, of third parties?


4.2 Investigation and Recording of Accidents and Incidents Yes Partly No N/A

Have the arrangements and responsibilities for accident and incident notification (both
internally and to the authorities) been defined and agreed?

Have arrangements for jointly investigating and reviewing accidents and incidents, including
cases of occupational illness, been defined and agreed? (Including arrangements for
communication, tracking and implementation of corrective actions and shared learning.)


5.0 Audit and Review

5.1 Audit, Review and Apply the Lessons Yes Partly No N/A

Is there an agreed programme for health and safety audits and management reviews?
(including arrangements for tracking and implementation of audit and review actions.)

Has participation in and the scope of health and safety audits and management reviews been
defined and agreed?

Do health and safety audits cover the effective implementation of SMS's at all levels within the
shared activity? (Including the health and safety management of third parties.)

Is there an agreed programme for reviewing the effectiveness of the SMS Interfacing
Arrangements? (Including periodic review and update of relevant documentation and
demobilisation and close out reviews.)

Is there an agreed programme for joint management review of health and safety performance
and confirming the achievement of agreed targets and improvement plans?

Have arrangements for communicating lessons from audits and management reviews to
relevant personnel, including senior management, been defined and agreed?


Page 4
Appendix 5: BP Amoco / Sparrows (MHC) HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Reference Documentation
Fed Unit

(where applicable BP Amoco Federal Documentation Sparrows Business Unit

to the scope of the Documentation Specific
contract) Documentation

1.0 Set Interfacing Policy / Objectives

1.1 Policy Objectives and Corporate Acceptance of Responsibility

Health and safety    BP Amoco, What we stand for….. our Business Policies, Commitments and
Expectations, Sir John Browne, Feb 1999
Identification of any
objectives Business Unit specific
Sparrows health and Safety
BP Amoco HSE Policy, Sir John Browne, February 1999 policy statements.
BP Amoco Safety Charter, Alan Jones, February 1999

Getting HSE Right, January 1999

Joint statement of not applicable
commitment (if

2.0 Organise
2.1 Structure and Accountability

Integrated   Hierarchical Organigram representing the key positions within the scope of the contract Sparrows Contract Business Unit
organigram identified within this document. – see 5.2 Figure 1 Organigram requirements identified.

Responsibility   Reference to specific key positions within each management system, or short statements Specific Contract Job
statements required in this document .See 5.2 Descriptions

Communication of    Specific Contract Job Business Unit requirement

SMS Interfacing Descriptions
Arrangements to
persons on

22/11/00 Page 1
Appendix 5: BP Amoco / Sparrows (MHC) HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Reference Documentation
Fed Unit

(where applicable BP Amoco Federal Documentation Sparrows Business Unit

to the scope of the Documentation Specific
contract) Documentation

Communication of    Business Unit requirement

SMS Interfacing
Arrangements to

Additional resources   Identified at Business Unit

for SMS Interfacing level is required

Working time    Identified prior to the commencement of the contract and monitored by each Business
arrangements Unit.

2.2 Involvement of the Workforce

SMS Interfacing   BP Amoco Safety Representatives Communication Forum Communicated via annual Business Unit specific
Arrangements for away days with Contract staff arrangements.
employee Safety
Representatives and
Safety Committees

22/11/00 Page 2
Appendix 5: BP Amoco / Sparrows (MHC) HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Reference Documentation
Fed Unit

(where applicable BP Amoco Federal Documentation Sparrows Business Unit

to the scope of the Documentation Specific
contract) Documentation

3.0 Plan and Set Standards

3.1 Hazard Analysis and Controlling Risks

Review of applicable   UK Offshore Safety Legislation, HSQ 01.05.13 Business Unit specific
health and safety Rev2, March 1996 systems, e.g. Westons on-
regulations line, Oilrig software.

Process for hazard   HSE Risk Analysis Standard, HSQ 01.02.01, Rev AMOEX Procedure and Guidance Sparrows risk assessment
identification & 0, Nov 1992 (prepared by Saf Eng approved by for Hazard Identification and Risk procedure.doc
assessment HSQ Mngr) Assessment, AMO-O-011

Methodology for Hazard Identification and Hazard

Crane safe operating
Assessment for Existing Installations,
HSQ/MC/92/004, Rev A1, May 1992

22/11/00 Page 3
Appendix 5: BP Amoco / Sparrows (MHC) HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Reference Documentation
Fed Unit

(where applicable BP Amoco Federal Documentation Sparrows Business Unit

to the scope of the Documentation Specific
contract) Documentation

Risk assessments (see below for typical issues to be addressed)

QRA/Hazop/Hazid  Guidelines for HAZID Studies, HSQ Amoex Safety Case and COMAH Safety
01.05.01 Report Management Manual, AMO-O-012

Guidelines for HAZOP Studies, HSQ

01.05.26 Rev0, Dec 1995 (prepared by
Safety Case and CIMAH Report
Saf Eng approved
Management, AMO-S-206
Guidelines for Carrying Out Critical;
Safety Reviews, HSQ 01.05.16

Quantified Risk Assessment Guidance on

Best Practice, HSQ 01.05.27, Rev 0a,
Feb 1995

Formal Safety Assessment: Risk

Management Model, Rev R1, HSQ
01.05.12, May 1996 (prepared by Saf Eng
approved by Saf Mngr)

Task/activity specific   Task Risk Assessment, HSE Practice No

Workplace Risk Assessments, AMO-S-213 Risk assessment
procedure.doc - Sparrows
risk assessments
 MHSWR - Risk Assessment Guidelines,
Amoex Procedure and Guidance for
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment,

HSQ 01.05.11 AMO-O-011

 Federal Guidance Doc D/UTG/031/00

Guidance on Lifting Equipment Supply,
Amoex Operations Procedure Review
Process, AMO-S-218
Control and Operations.

22/11/00 Page 4
Appendix 5: BP Amoco / Sparrows (MHC) HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Reference Documentation
Fed Unit

(where applicable BP Amoco Federal Documentation Sparrows Business Unit

to the scope of the Documentation Specific
contract) Documentation

COSHH/workstation/   Control of Substances Hazardous to Amoex Occupational Health and Hygiene Coshh system.doc with
manual handling Health, HSE Practice No18 Manual, AMO-H-001, Part A, Section 1, records retained on site
assessments Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Guidance on the Implementation of
COSHH in UKOps HSQ 21.06.01 Amoex Occupational Health and Hygiene
Display screen self
Manual, AMO-H-001, Part A, Section 6,
Display Screen Equipment Regulations assessment documents
Display Screen Equipment.
Guidance for Co-ordinators, HSQ
01.05.19, Rev0 April 1993 Amoex Occupational Health and Hygiene
Manual, AMO-H-001, Part A, Section 7, General manual handling
Manual Handling Operations, Guidelines
Manual Handling assessments produced by
for Risk Assessment and Mitigation, HSQ
HSE dept.

Method statements   QP2, QP7 Engineering Business Unit specific.

and work instructions Guidelines

Communication of   Carried out via toolbox talks Toolbox talks, safety

risk assessments by task Supervision. meetings, pre-work

Permit to Work  Permit to Work System, HSE Practice

Permit to Work, AMO-S-211 Strict adherence to BPA BU
permit to work system
system (and AMOEX Permit to Work Procedure, AMO-
associated activities) BPX Guidance in the use of the Permit to O-002A
Work System, HSQ 01.05.03
Amoex Production Operational Guidelines,
Breaking Containment, HSE Practice No AMO-O-003, Section 2, Pressure Pipework,
12 Tanks and Vessels.

Isolations, HSE Practice No31 Amoex Process Isolation Procedure AMO-


Equipment Isolation, AMO-S-210

General Standards (See below of typical issues to be addressed)

22/11/00 Page 5
Appendix 5: BP Amoco / Sparrows (MHC) HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Reference Documentation
Fed Unit

(where applicable BP Amoco Federal Documentation Sparrows Business Unit

to the scope of the Documentation Specific
contract) Documentation

Passenger and  Helicopter Operations HSEP No 22 Amoex Production Operational Guidelines, QP10 mobilisation of
freight transportation AMO-O-003, Addendum 1 Helicopter personnel
Sparrows guidelines for
contact numbers

Basket transfers  Business Unit specific

Adverse Weather  Business Unit specific

Working Policy

Scaffolding/Access/   Confined Space Entry, HSE Practice Amoex Production Operational Guidelines,
Working No16 AMO-O-003, Section 3 Mechanical and
Environment Construction, Para 2, Access

Tools and equipment   Amoex Production Operational Guidelines, Safe working instructions as
AMO-O-003, Section 3 Mechanical and required
Construction, Para 3, Use of Tools and
Para 4, Mechanical Equipment and

Electrical  Working with Electricity, HSE Practice

AMOEX Electrical Procedures, AMO-O-
HSE Practice No 15

Ignition sources  Business Unit specific

Housekeeping   Business Unit specific

Personal Protective   Personal Protective Equipment (PPE),

HSE Practice No 5
Amoex Occupational Health and Hygiene
Manual, AMO-H-001, Part A Occupational
.HSE Practice No 5
Equipment Hygiene, Section 9 Personal Protective

22/11/00 Page 6
Appendix 5: BP Amoco / Sparrows (MHC) HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Reference Documentation
Fed Unit

(where applicable BP Amoco Federal Documentation Sparrows Business Unit

to the scope of the Documentation Specific
contract) Documentation

Equipment  XEU BP Procurement Handbook, October General Procurement AMO-S-242 Sparrows procurement
Procurement 1996 procedure ref. QP4
XEU Procurement Vision, Policy and
Strategy Statement

En Garde Guidelines

Offshore Contractors Charter

Equipment  Goods inward procedure QP5

Business Unit specific

Equipment QC  Goods inward procedure QP5 Business Unit specific


Safety critical   Interpretation and Guidance on Amoex Verification Manual, AM-I-001 Goods inward procedure QP5 Business Unit specific
equipment Performance Standards and Written (combined PFEER and DCR) verification arrangements
verification Schemes of Examination SI 1995 No743 - for compliance with DCR
PFEER PSR/G/96/0052 and PFEER Regs.

Guidance on Where to Apply PFEER

Regulations Performance Standards HSQ

Guidance Notes on DCR, SPR/G/97/0018

Occupational Hygiene Standards (See below for typical issues to be addressed)

Hazardous  Hydrogen Sulphide, HSEP No10 Amoco NSDG H2S Contingency Manual –
Offshore, AMO-D-003
QP17 Material control,
substances/materials Engineering guidelines

COSHH/OCNS   Control of Substances Hazardous to

Amoex Occupational Health and Hygiene
Manual, AMO-H-001, Part A Occupational
Control of substances
Health (COSHH) HSEP No 18 Hygiene, Section 1 Control of Substances Hazardous to health HSEP
Hazardous to Health (COSHH). No 18
Guidance on the Implementation of
COSHH in UKOps, HSQ 21.06.01

22/11/00 Page 7
Appendix 5: BP Amoco / Sparrows (MHC) HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Reference Documentation
Fed Unit

(where applicable BP Amoco Federal Documentation Sparrows Business Unit

to the scope of the Documentation Specific
contract) Documentation

Dangerous Goods  As per IATA Regulations QP17 Material control

Declaration – IATA

Noise and vibration  Noise Risk Management HSEP No 21 Amoex Occupational Health and Hygiene Noise risk management HSE
Manual, AMO-H-001, Part A Occupational Practice No 21
Guidance on the Implementation of the
Hygiene, Section 5 Noise Management
Noise at Work Regs in UKOps, HSQ

Thermal radiation  Business Unit specific

Ionising/Non-Ionising  Radioactive Materials HSE Practice No 17 AMOEX Manual of Work for Radioactive
Substances, AMO-S-003
Client procedures used.
radiation Procedures Related to the Storage, Use
and Disposal of Radioactive Materials,
HSQ 34.04.05

Manual for Work with Radioactive

Material, HSQ 01.05.25

Manual of Working for Equipment

Contaminated by LSA Radioactive Scale,
HSQ 34.04.03
Pressure  Pressure/Leak Testing HSE Practice Amoex Production Operational Guidelines,
AMO-O-003, Section 3 Mechanical and
Pressure/Leak Testing
No 26
Construction, Para 13 Pressure Testing. HSE Practice No 26
Manual handling   Manual Handling Operations, Guidelines Amoex Occupational Health and Hygiene Manual handling risk
for Risk Assessment and Mitigation, HSQ Manual, AMO-H-001, Part A, Section 7, assessments dz\abase
01.05.14 Manual Handling

Display screen  Display Screen Equipment Regulations Amoex Occupational Health and Hygiene Display screen equipment
equipment Guidance for Co-ordinators, HSQ Manual, AMO-H-001, Part A, Section 6, regulations - Self assessment
01.05.19, Rev0 April 1993 Display Screen Equipment. forms

Food hygiene   Offshore Medics Policies and Procedures Occupational Health and Hygiene Manual
Manual, HSQ 02.04.01 AMO-H-001

22/11/00 Page 8
Appendix 5: BP Amoco / Sparrows (MHC) HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Reference Documentation
Fed Unit

(where applicable BP Amoco Federal Documentation Sparrows Business Unit

to the scope of the Documentation Specific
contract) Documentation

Potable water,  Offshore Medics Policies and Procedures Occupational Health and Hygiene Manual
Legionella sampling Manual, HSQ 02.04.01 AMO-H-001

BP Potable Water Quality Performance

Standard, Occupational Health Dept.,
BPX/OHPRAC/001 (Rev 01) March 1998

BP Group Portable Water Systems

Recommended Practice RP-60, July

22/11/00 Page 9
Appendix 5: BP Amoco / Sparrows (MHC) HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Reference Documentation
Fed Unit

(where applicable BP Amoco Federal Documentation Sparrows Business Unit

to the scope of the Documentation Specific
contract) Documentation

3.2 Competency and Training

Competence   BP Amoco : CMAS (Competency

Amoex Competency Assurance System
Sparrows competency
assurance process Management Assurance System) Assurance system
Amoex Safety Management System, AMO-
Health, Safety and Environmental
S-001, Section 15 Training.
Competence Assurance Programme HSQ
00.01.02. Rev0.

Competency Asurance for Onshore Based

Staff XEG/G/93/004

Onshore induction    BP Amoco Dyce Office Induction QP19 Personnel, Safety and BU Specific Induction
Quality Depts

Offshore induction –   Step Change Common Induction to be

Amoex Safety Management System, AMO-
S-001, Section 10, General Safety
Adherence to platform Platform specific induction
health and safety instigated Offshore. required inductions

Offshore induction –  S125 Crane Induction Job specific induction

job familiarisation.

PTW system formal  X XEU Central Training Guidance, Use of

training Permit to Work System Manual

Job and task training  Offshore Training Manual M-7118 QP19 - Line manager in line
with annual plan

Hazardous  COSHH Awareness / Assessors Training Coshh awareness training

substances training (Occupational Hygiene, Dyce)

Occupational health  BP Group Principals of Occupational Business Unit specific

and hygiene training Hygiene (Occupational Hygiene,

22/11/00 Page 10
Appendix 5: BP Amoco / Sparrows (MHC) HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Reference Documentation
Fed Unit

(where applicable BP Amoco Federal Documentation Sparrows Business Unit

to the scope of the Documentation Specific
contract) Documentation

Emergency   Offshore Emergency Training Standards

Training, Drills and Simulations, AMO-S-
Sparrows emergency
response training HSQ 01.02.10. Rev0 May 1995 response procedures

22/11/00 Page 11
Appendix 5: BP Amoco / Sparrows (MHC) HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Reference Documentation
Fed Unit

(where applicable BP Amoco Federal Documentation Sparrows Business Unit

to the scope of the Documentation Specific
contract) Documentation

3.3 Control of Change

Method for    BP Amoco Procurement Management Process Business Unit specific

developing, agreeing
BP Amoco Change Management Process (TBA)
and reviewing
programme of BP Amoco (Federal) / MHCBusiness Forum
shared activity

Responsibilities and arrangements for managing change to : (See below for typical issues to be addressed)

Programme of    Change Assessment and Management Design changes QP02, QP07

shared activity Process, AMO-S-212 - Project management and
(workscope/program workpacks
Amoex Change Assessment Procedure
(CAP) AMO-O-007

Management   BP Amoco Procurement Management Process Contract specific Business Unit specific

Key personnel   BP Amoco Procurement Management Process S124 Crew change handover Business Unit specific

SMS Interfacing    Management of Contractors HSE Practice HSE (65) guidance document
Arrangements No 33

Step Change Guidance on SMS

Interfacing, Jan 1999

Engineering,  Technical Integrity Performance Standards Amoex Change Assessment Procedure QP07 Project management Business Unit specific
hardware mods. (TIPS) XEG/G/93/029 (CAP) AMO-O-007 and workpacks process.

22/11/00 Page 12
Appendix 5: BP Amoco / Sparrows (MHC) HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Reference Documentation
Fed Unit

(where applicable BP Amoco Federal Documentation Sparrows Business Unit

to the scope of the Documentation Specific
contract) Documentation

Safety Case impact  Offshore Safety Cases - Change Safety Case and COMAH Report
Management and Material Change Criteria, Management, AMO-S-012
HSQ 01.05.10, Rev2, Jan 1996

Health and safety   Amoex Change Assessment Procedure HSE practices FX-0320
standards and (CAP) AMO-O-007

3.4 Selection and Control of Third Parties

Third party   Management of Contractors HSE Practice QP4 Purchasing and

qualification and No 33 selection of third party

Third party SMS   Management of Contractors HSE Practice QP4 Purchasing and
Interfacing No 33 selection of third party

22/11/00 Page 13
Appendix 5: BP Amoco / Sparrows (MHC) HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Reference Documentation
Fed Unit

(where applicable BP Amoco Federal Documentation Sparrows Business Unit

to the scope of the Documentation Specific
contract) Documentation

3.5 Control in Emergencies

Emergency  BP Amoco Dyce Emergency Response Procedures Manual Sparrows Emergency

response response procedure
organigram/plan/resp document

Emergency  BP Amoco Dyce Emergency Response Procedures Manual Sparrows Emergency

communication response procedure

Exercises and drills  Business Unit specific

schedule schedule.

3.6 Occupational Health (See below for typical issues to be addressed)

Health and fitness  Offshore Medics Policies and Procedures QP19 Personnel dept
screening/monitoring Manual, HSQ 02.04.01 procedures

Drug and alcohol  Sparrows drug and alcohol Business Unit specific
abuse policy abuse policy

Smoking, hygiene  Business Unit specific

and welfare

Medical  Offshore Medics Policies and Procedures Business unit specific

treatment/emergenci Manual, HSQ 02.04.01

3.7 Environmental

22/11/00 Page 14
Appendix 5: BP Amoco / Sparrows (MHC) HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Reference Documentation
Fed Unit

(where applicable BP Amoco Federal Documentation Sparrows Business Unit

to the scope of the Documentation Specific
contract) Documentation

Waste HSE Practice Incorporated in HSEQ

Management  Management System

Waste disposal

Special Waste   Control of Substances Hazardous to

Health, HSE Practice No18

Oil and Chemical   Incorporated in HSEQ Business Unit specific

Spills Management System

Re-cycling of waste   Incorporated in HSEQ Business Unit specific

Management System

CO2 emissions   BP Amoco Environmental KPI's

4.0 Measure Performance

4.1 Active Monitoring

Key health and   Identified in BP Amoco Procurement Management of Contractors, HSE Practice Monthly meetings attended
safety performance Management Process and specific for 33 by management
indicators each contract.
Quarterly meetings with client
BP Amoco (Federal) / MHCBusiness

Joint health and   Management of Contractors, HSE Aligned with BPA as part of Additional Business Unit
safety performance Practice 33 federal contract requirements.

22/11/00 Page 15
Appendix 5: BP Amoco / Sparrows (MHC) HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Reference Documentation
Fed Unit

(where applicable BP Amoco Federal Documentation Sparrows Business Unit

to the scope of the Documentation Specific
contract) Documentation

Structured health and safety monitoring programme (see below for typical issues to be addressed)

Health and safety   BP Amoco Procurement Management Process Monthly contract meetings Business Unit specific
meetings schedule

Worksite/plant/equip   BP Amoco Procurement Management Process Scheduled by contract Business Unit specific /
ment inspections support Eng. - annual basis
site schedule

Observation of   STOP Programme Be Safe Programme STOP, Movesmart,

work/behaviour Advanced Safety Auditing
Advanced Safety Auditing

Competence reviews  Competence assurance Business Unit specific


General  Part of offshore field visits by Business Unit specific

housekeeping contract manager and
inspections contract support engineer

Joint management   Annual schedule produced by Identified by Business Unit

worksite visits contract manager

Workforce surveys   Annual appraisal system Business Unit specific

Recognition/incentiv   BP Amoco Procurement Management Process Quarterly safety suggestion Business Unit specific
e schemes system

Involvement in client SRA


22/11/00 Page 16
Appendix 5: BP Amoco / Sparrows (MHC) HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Reference Documentation
Fed Unit

(where applicable BP Amoco Federal Documentation Sparrows Business Unit

to the scope of the Documentation Specific
contract) Documentation

Improvement   BP Amoco Procurement Management Process Quarterly safety suggestion Additional Business Unit
initiatives system specific initiatives.
BP Amoco (Federal) / MHC KPI’s
Involvement in client SRA

Health and safety    BP Amoco Procurement Management Process, Monthly Performance Reporting and Monthly performance
performance reports Performance Reviews reporting and performance
(Review of performance reviews
against targets etc.)

Communication/track   Federal Action Tracking System QP16, QP 18 Corrective and Business Unit specific
ing/follow-up of preventive action - Safety processes
improvement actions Bulletins, Memos,
– shared learning Newsletters

22/11/00 Page 17
Appendix 5: BP Amoco / Sparrows (MHC) HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Reference Documentation
Fed Unit

(where applicable BP Amoco Federal Documentation Sparrows Business Unit

to the scope of the Documentation Specific
contract) Documentation

4.2 Investigation and Recording of Accidents and Incidents

Accident and   Standard for Notification and Recording of RIDDOR Reporting, AMO-S-228 RIDDOR reporting
incident notification Fatalities, HSQ 01.02.05 Rev0
(internally and externally to
User Guide for Serious Occurrence
authorities) Accident/ incident reporting
Reporting, HSQ 01.05.02 Rev1, Jan 1993
Guidance on the Loss Potential Matrix,
HSQ 01.05.05. Rev4, Feb 1995

Accident and   Incident Reporting and Investigation, HSE Accident/Incident Investigation and RIDDOR reporting
incident reporting, Practice No2 Analysis, AMO-S-225
investigation and
Standard for the Measurement, Valuation SH&E Data Collection and Reporting
review Accident/ incident reporting
and Reporting of Loss, HSQ 10.02.01 Mar (Prosafe), AMO-S-230

Reporting of Halon/CFC Releases HSQ

43.06.01 Oct 1991

Involvement of Offshore Safety Reps in

Accident/Incident Investigations, HSQ
34.06.01, Feb 1990

Communication/track   Lessons Learned, HSE Practice No34 Safety Bulletins, safety Business Unit specific
ing/follow-up of memos, safety newsletter processes
Federal Action Tracking System
accident and incident
corrective actions –
shared learning Contract away days

22/11/00 Page 18
Appendix 5: BP Amoco / Sparrows (MHC) HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Reference Documentation
Fed Unit

(where applicable BP Amoco Federal Documentation Sparrows Business Unit

to the scope of the Documentation Specific
contract) Documentation

5.0 Audit and Review

5.1 Audit, Review and Apply the Lessons

Structured joint health and safety audit and review programme (See below for typical issues to be addressed)

Pre-execution audits Annual third party audit plan Business Unit specific

Audits of third parties   QP 18 Offshore audits Business Unit specific

SMS audits   QP 18 Offshore audits Business Unit specific

Audits to check   QP 18 Offshore audits Business Unit specific

compliance with

Audits to assist the   QP 18 Offshore audits Business Unit specific

implementation of
health and safety

Final review of the   BP Amoco Procurement Management Process Final review by Contract
SMS Interfacing Mgr./ HSEQ Mgr.
Management of Contractors, HSE Practice No33
Arrangements before
start of operations

Periodic reviews of   BP Amoco Procurement Management Process Monthly performance reviews

safety performance by management
reports, including
reviews of accident
and incident reports
and statistics

22/11/00 Page 19
Appendix 5: BP Amoco / Sparrows (MHC) HSE Management Systems Interface Matrix
Reference Documentation
Fed Unit

(where applicable BP Amoco Federal Documentation Sparrows Business Unit

to the scope of the Documentation Specific
contract) Documentation

Audits to check   QP 18 Offshore audits Business Unit specific

compliance with
SMS Interfacing

Review and update   QP 16 - Corrective and Business Unit specific

of SMS Interfacing preventive action

Demobilisation and   QP 18 - Close-out of offshore Business Unit specific

close out reviews audit reports

Communication/track    Federal Action Tracking System QP 16 - Monitored by HSEQ Business Unit specific
ing/follow-up of audit Mgr. Using Q pulse database
and review
recommendations –
shared learning of
lessons from audits
and reviews

22/11/00 Page 20
Appendix 6.2






Tel 01224 227023
GFU - Allan McBeath
Tel 01224 227030
Tel 01224 227004 CNS - John Gauld Tel 01224 227071 Tel 01224 704868 Tel 01224 704868
Fax 01224 825191 Tel 01224 227070 Fax 01224 825191 Fax 01224 825191 Fax 01224 825191
Mobile Miller, Bruce Mobile – n/a
0374641234 Harding Michael Laird
E mail: ian.hepworth@ Request assistance Request assistance from
E mail:graham.thomson@ Tel 01224 227075 from Duty Manager Operations Director Fax 01224 825191 Mobile Mobile
E mail individuals name 0374 641239 0374 641245

Responsibilities Responsibilities Responsibilities Responsibilities Responsibilities

Ultimately responsible for all aspects of Focal point for day to day contract Focal point for providing a
the contract. delivery. comprehensive spares service in respect of
Provide first line technical support to the the contract. Responsible for resolving urgent Responsible for co-ordination of all
Responsible for all Safety & Technical asset. problems which occur at week-ends Medivacs, Compassionate evacuation
Integrity issues related to Mechanical Review CM data on a regular basis and This will include:- or out of hours as per Sparrows or any General Offshore Emergency as
Handling. plan any remedial actions. Inventory Management procedure SP05. per Sparrows procedure SP01.
Manage planning of personnel and spares Procurement, storage, packaging, handling
Support BP Amoco on all HSE matters logistics and arrangement of transportation.
It is the responsibility of the Duty
relating to Mechanical Handling E nsures work is executed in compliance
E quipment. with Inspection and Maintenance Constantly review the federal spares Manager to escalate the problem to
programme. holding with respect to cranes and make the Contract Dept if the issue cannot
Management Reporting and budget Continuous review of routines to ensure recommendations for disposal / be resolved.
compilation. compliance. procurement.
Offshore technical audits and inspections.
All issues relating to HRM or Quality

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