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Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me present it to you our performance of The Crying Stone.

Once upon a time, in a small village, there is a girl lives with her
mother. The girl is very beautiful. She always dressed up every day.
But, She has very bad personalities. She doesn’t like to help her
mother work in a field nor even doing any of house chores. The girl is
very lazy and arrogant.

One day, the mother asks the girl to accompany her to go to the
market to buy some foods.

Mother : "Daughter, could you accompany mother to the market,

Girl : "No."
Mother : "Let's buy new clothes for you."
Girl : "Fine, but you have to walk behind me!"

She is really cruel. She doesn’t want to walk side by side with her
mother. Although her mother is very sad, she agrees to walk behind
her daughter.
On the way to the market, everybody admires the girl’s beauty. They
are also curious. it is because behind the beautiful girl, there is an old
woman with a simple dress. which is she girl and her mother look very
different. So, one by one, people in the market approach them and ask
the beatiful girl.

NPC 1 : “Hello, you are so beautiful. But, who is that old lady?”
Girl : “She is my servant.”
NPC 2 : “Hi, you are so pretty. Is that old lady your mother?”
Girl : “No, she is my servant.”
NPC 3 : “Hi, you are so gorgeous. Is that your mother behind you?”
Girl : “No, she is my servant.”

The girl is really cruel to her mother. The mother is very sad and really-
really disappointed. but she doesn’t say anything. Again and again, the
girl answers that her mother is her servant. She always says that every
time they meet people.
And at last, the mother can not hold the pain anymore. She prays to
God to punish her daughter.

Mother : "God, please punish my daughter! She hurts my feeling."

Immediately, god answers her praying. Slowly, the girl’s leg turns
into stone. And the girl is very panic.

Girl : “Mother, Help me! Please, I am so sorry! Mother, please!”

The girl is begging to her mother. asking for her forgiveness. But it’s
too late. The process continues to the upper part of the girl’s body,
until finally, her whole body becomes a big stone.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

From this story we can learn that don't ever hurt our parent's feelings.
Always respect our parents. Because, no matter what we do, parent's
love towards us will always last forever. In additional, always be kind to
anyone. Whether it is our family or others. Because there will always
be an effect of what we do in the present.
Thus our performance, and the last but not least..... thank you for

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