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Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management — Volume 00, Number 00—pp.

Received: 10 October 2018 | Returned for Revision: 8 January 2019 | Accepted: 20 June 2019 1

Environmental Policy & Regulation

Is It Safe to Paint Your Wall White? A Case Study on Titanium

Dioxide Classification
E Elina Kähkönen*†
†Aalto University, Design Factory, Espoo, Finland

Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is in the process of being classified as a suspected carcinogenic substance (Carc 2). The present
case study probes the outcomes of this potential classification in terms of the reduction of hazardous exposure to TiO2 due
to its classification. Furthermore, the case study examines the elements that are causing ambiguity during the classification
process. This study was conducted by walking through the process from the present exposure to TiO2 to the hazard
assessment associated with TiO2 exposure, to the regulatory classification process, and to practical outcomes affecting TiO2
usage. Finally, the impact of the classification on exposure, which was originally considered potentially hazardous, is eval-
uated. The case study shows that TiO2 classification as a carcinogen will not directly reduce respiratory exposure to TiO2,
which was the original reason for the classification. Instead, the classification will lead to restrictions on recycling. Moreover,
the classification will have an impact on certain solid artifacts and liquid mixtures for which hazardous exposure was not
detected. Altogether, the present case raises questions concerning hazard communications associated with the Carc 2
classification; treatment of poorly soluble low toxicity (PSLT) particles and nanoparticles in the Registration, Evaluation,
Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) and the Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) classifications; and
use of human exposure studies for the purposes of chemical regulations. Based on the present study, the following rec-
ommendations are made: the final decision on the TiO2 classification should be reconsidered together with those of other
PSLT particles and take into account extensive developments in the field of nanoscience. Furthermore, the European
Chemicals Agency (ECHA) should develop state‐of‐the‐art guidance on how to use the available human exposure data.
Finally, the authorities that are in charge of European Union chemicals management are advised to further develop the
regulatory network to utilize the information generated in REACH processes as efficiently as possible and to verify that the
connections between the regulations result in the intended outcome. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2019;00:1–12. © 2019

Keywords: REACH regulation CLP regulation Titanium dioxide Hazard assessment Hazard communication

INTRODUCTION from nanoscale to microscale, and TiO2 is commonly placed

In the near future, consumers buying white paint may see in the group of “poorly soluble low toxicity particles” (PSLT
a “Health hazard” warning label (Figure 1) and the text particles) (ECHA 2017a). Furthermore, the nanoparticles of
“Suspected of causing cancer via inhalation” on the paint TiO2 belong to a keenly studied group of substances. A
can, which was formerly marked with an ecolabel. The previous study of nanoparticles focused on hazard assess-
reason behind this change lies in a new harmonized classi- ment and the development of hazard assessment methods
fication of titanium dioxide (TiO2)—the white pigment in suitable for nanoparticles (Drobne 2018). Development in
paint and ink—as a carcinogenic substance. Globally, TiO2 this field is keenly followed by the European Chemicals
is, by far, the most widely used pigment, with an average Agency (ECHA) Nanomaterial Working Group, which seeks
annual production of more than 30 million metric tons from to find common ground with regard to hazard evaluation
1916–2011 (Jovanović 2014). Titanium dioxide is used in a and regulatory implementation for nanomaterials (ECHA
wide range of applications, from foodstuff to cosmetics and 2015a). The warning label on a paint can and the text con-
technochemical products. Titanium dioxide is an inorganic stitute one, but not the only, result of this classification. In-
substance with differing crystal structures and surface deed, the emerging classification establishes new
chemistries. Additionally, the particle size of TiO2 ranges restrictions for the use of TiO2 from raw material to product,
recycling, and as a waste. Evidently, TiO2 is not the only
substance that has been given a carcinogenicity classi-
* Address correspondence to
fication. However, this case provides an interesting and
Published 9 July 2019 on
topical insight for the implementation of major European

Integr Environ Assess Manag 2019:1–12 DOI: 10.1002/ieam.4186 © 2019 SETAC

2 Integr Environ Assess Manag 000, 2019—EE Kähkönen

protection for the safe use of the product. This seemingly

simple, unambiguously agreed‐upon goal is, after all, far
from simple. First, the definition of a hazardous substance
calls for thorough scientific testing, and second, the com-
munication calls for a defined process for bringing the re-
sults of hazard assessment into relevant warnings and clear
instructions. In practice, REACH and the associated Regu-
lation on Test Methods (EC 2008b) focus on the first point,
whereas CLP focuses on the second point. As an indication
of its complexity, REACH with its Test Methods Regulation
and CLP have in total nearly 5000 pages (EC 2006, 2008a,
The REACH regulation lays a common ground for as-
sessing hazards related to substances that are placed on the
EU market (as such, or as mixtures or in articles). The tools in
the hazard assessment comprise physicochemical, ecotox-
icological, and toxicological tests for the substances (EC
Figure 1. Health hazard‐warning label.
2008b). The present study focuses on the toxicological and,
more specifically, on the carcinogenicity studies; a brief
overview on these test procedures is given here.
Union (EU) chemical regulations: Regulation 1907/2006
concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Carcinogenicity assessment in brief
Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) and Regulation 1272/2008
Carcinogenicity studies comprise toxicological assess-
on Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) of sub-
ments in which human, animal, or bacteria cells, or animals,
stances and mixtures, which aim at “ensuring high level of
are exposed to the substance being tested. The responses
protection of human health and the environment” (EC 2006,
in terms of neoplasm development, chromosomal changes,
2008a). Notably, CLP is an adaptation of the Globally
micronucleus formation, and DNA and gene mutations, for
Harmonized System (GHS) of classification and labeling of
example, indicate carcinogenicity (EC 2008b). The mode of
chemicals in the European Union (ECHA 2019a). The GHS
action in cancer evolvement in test animals is considered
has been developed within the United Nations to unify
highly important in assessing interspecies correlations. The
globally the communication on substances and mixtures.
mode of action assessment is built on the assessment of
Specifically, the pictograms for hazard labeling and hazard
biochemical, cellular, and molecular key events (OECD
classification are globally consistent (ECHA 2019a). The
2012). In addition, available data on human exposure, such
prevalence of these pictograms is increasing, along with a
as epidemiological studies on occupational exposure, are
continually increasing number of substances in Annex 4 of
used (EC 2008a).
the CLP on harmonized classifications for substances (EC
2008a). In addition to the official warnings, consumers have
Communication on carcinogenic substances and products
access to ubiquitous digital information. Riley (2014) pres-
ents both increasing prevalence and digital information as The CLP regulation sets rules for translating the hazard
potential reasons for diminishing attention to warnings. assessment results into instructions for safe use and warn-
Furthermore, Riley (2014) is concerned about reducing the ings attached to a product that contains a hazardous sub-
ability for source criticism among people. Together, these stance. In the case of carcinogenicity, CLP translates the
factors do not necessarily lead to an optimal situation re- toxicological test results into 3 human carcinogenicity cat-
garding safe choices in the use of chemical products, which egories: Carc 1A: Known to have carcinogenic potential for
would result in the desired reduction in unwanted exposure humans; Carc 1B: Presumed to have carcinogenic potential
to chemical substances. The present case study on the TiO2 for humans; and Carc 2: Suspected human carcinogens
classification examines the process behind the simplified (EC 2008a).
warning label on consumer products and aims to 1) pinpoint The carcinogenicity classification is made on the basis of
the ambiguous process steps that may lead to differing strength of evidence, that is, according to demonstrated
conclusions regarding hazard assessment and communica- causality between the exposure to a substance and the
tion, and 2) assess the outcomes of the entire process in development of cancer (sufficient evidence) or a positive
terms of improved health protection related to products association between the exposure and the development of
containing TiO2. cancer (limited evidence). Further, additional consid-
Briefly, the goal of improved health protection through erations, such as tumor type, multisite responses, responses
hazard assessment and communication may be framed as in one or both sexes, responses in a single or several spe-
follows: When a product contains a hazardous substance, cies, and mode of action and its relevance for humans, are
the user will be aware of the hazard and take adequate made (EC 2008a).

Integr Environ Assess Manag 2019:1–12 © 2019 SETAC

A Case Study on TiO2 Classification—Integr Environ Assess Manag 000, 2019 3

Carc 1A and 1B trigger hazard statement H350: May cause namely, the authorities (ANSES 2016; ECHA 2017a) and
cancer, and Carc 2 triggers the hazard statement H351: industry (CEPE 2017; TDMA 2018). The other previous re-
Suspected of causing cancer. All categories trigger the search on REACH and CLP focuses largely on various test
“Health hazard” warning label (Figure 1) when the defined methods and their applicability in a regulatory context (e.g.,
concentration of a classified substance is exceeded. In the Cappelli et al. 2015; Alépée et al. 2017; Sobanska et al.
cases of Carc 1 (A and B), the concentration limit is 0.1 weight 2017) and in the specific impacts of REACH and CLP on
% (wt%) of the Carc 1A or 1B classified substance in a mix- products and applications that are not directly within the
ture, and in the case of Carc 2 the limit is 1 wt% (EC 2008a). scope of these regulations, such as wastes and recycling
(Bodar et al. 2018), as well as food materials (Geueke and
Harmonized classification process Muncke 2017). Moreover, references to bending regulatory
situation for substance groups regarding their assessment
Substances are mainly self‐classified by companies that
according to REACH, for example, nanomaterials and plas-
are placing the substances on the EU market. To achieve a
tics, are discussed (Walser and Studer 2014; Raucher et al.
uniform EU‐wide classification for a substance, the Member
2016; Steensgaard et al. 2017; Drobne 2018). However,
State Competent Authority (MSCA), a manufacturer, im-
none of these studies display a crosscutting approach
porter, or downstream user of a substance can initiate a
similar to that of the present study.
harmonized classification process. A simplified process from
its initiation to the final inclusion in the Annex 6 of the CLP
regulation proceeds as follows. First, the ECHA receives a CASE STUDY
notice of intention and a dossier for a harmonized classi- The present study probes the TiO2 classification process,
fication dossier preparation from an entitled party. The its impacts on TiO2 exposure, and the consequent reduction
ECHA publishes these intentions and dossiers on its website of the risk related to TiO2 exposure. The research questions
for public consultation and comment. Second, public con- are as follows:
sultation, during which interested parties can comment on
the harmonized classification dossier, lasts for 60 d. Third, 1) How will the TiO2 classification process improve safety in
ECHA’s Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC), which is the production and use of TiO2?
composed of 54 members, develops the RAC opinion 2) Which steps in the TiO2 classification process are am-
based on the dossier and its comments jointly with the biguous with multiple interpretations?
parties concerned. The RAC opinion on the harmonized
classification proposal is adopted within 18 mo from re- The present study approaches the research questions by
ceiving the dossier on the classification proposal. The examining the TiO2 classification process in 5 steps
opinion is published on the ECHA web page. Finally, ECHA (Figure 3).
sends the RAC opinion to the European Commission, which
makes the decision on the inclusion of the substance in 1) The first step focuses on the current exposure to TiO2
Annex 6 of the CLP regulation (ECHA 2018) (Figure 2). that may lead to health impacts. Here, the core attempt
is to define the starting point from which stems the
further process for safety improvements. The data here
Previous studies related to TiO2 classification
are mainly based on the publication of the International
Previous reviews and comments on the specific case of Agency for Research of Cancer (IARC) on TiO2
TiO2 are published by the parties involved in the process, (IARC 2010).

Figure 2. Harmonized classification process. ECHA = European Chemicals Agency; RAC = ECHA’s Committee for Risk Assessment.

Integr Environ Assess Manag 2019:1–12 DOI: 10.1002/ieam.4186 © 2019 SETAC

4 Integr Environ Assess Manag 000, 2019—EE Kähkönen

Figure 3. Case study approach.

2) The second step continues with the studies on occupa- countries for TiO2 exposure range from 3 to 10 mg/m3 (8‐h
tional exposure and animal test on toxicity of TiO2. The average) of TiO2 in the air (IARC 2010). Respiratory exposure
focus here is in summarizing different toxicity studies and to TiO2 also takes place during painting. However, the ex-
the differing results that are achieved from the studies. posure to paints that contain TiO2 may not lead to exposure
Here, the data are collected from the review of IARC to TiO2 particles, given that the TiO2 in paint is a component
(2010) on the carcinogenicity of TiO2 (and carbon black of a liquid mixture instead of dry particles (Boffetta
and talcum); the French Agency for Food, Environmental et al. 2001).
and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES) proposal The highest dermal exposure to TiO2 is achieved when
on harmonized classification of TiO2 (ANSES 2016); and using sunscreens, which may contain up to 25% of TiO2
the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) assessment (EFSA 2016). Furthermore, accidental splashes of paint or
on TiO2 (EFSA 2016). touching almost any white surface, painted or paper, may
3) The third step reviews the decisions and dialogue during lead to dermal exposure to TiO2. However, the dermal TiO2
the 4‐step classification process. In this step the analysis exposure in the latter cases remains negligible compared to
focuses on the different interpretations of the test results that of sunscreen administration. Oral exposure may occur
by different parties in the process. Here, the primary
when eating white‐colored candies, pharmaceuticals, or
sources of information are the RAC opinion (ECHA 2017)
when using toothpaste. According to EFSA (2016), the es-
and ANSES (2016).
timated maximum oral intake of TiO2 as a food additive is
4) The fourth step evaluates the impacts of the carcinogen
32.4 mg/kg (body weight) per day, that is, 2.2 g/d for a 70‐kg
classifications in TiO2 use as a raw material, in products,
and as waste. Here, the analysis focuses on detecting
connections between different guidance and CLP classi- Health impacts related to TiO2 exposure
fications. During this stage the regulations, directives,
and other guidance documents that refer to hazard A multitude of toxicological and epidemiological assess-
classification are reviewed. ments on TiO2 have been conducted in previous studies.
5) The fifth step assesses how the exposure to TiO2 will For instance, EFSA, IARC, and ANSES have compiled large
change with the reclassification. The focus here is on the reviews that focus on the health impact of TiO2 use and
realization of how the use of TiO2 will change after production. IARC (2010) reviewed approximately 60 studies,
the classification and how this change in use will impact which focus directly on the health impacts of TiO2 exposure,
the exposure. whereas ANSES (2016) and EFSA (2016) reviewed about 80
and about 90 similar (partly the same) studies, respectively.
These reviews present findings on human exposure studies,
animal studies, and studies conducted with cells and genetic
CASE STUDY APPROACH material. These studies aim at determining the health im-
pacts related to oral, dermal, and respiratory exposure to
Current TiO2 exposure
TiO2. All the mentioned reviews concluded that TiO2 shows
The use of TiO2 extends from the paint, paper, and no carcinogenicity in oral or dermal use. The main concern
plastics industries to those producing foodstuffs, pharma- and debate is around respiratory exposure to TiO2.
ceuticals, and cosmetics. Titanium dioxide is used in a wide The IARC (2010) reviewed 5 epidemiological studies on
range of products, such as paper, ink, white prints, chewing TiO2 impacts in occupational respiratory exposure. In total,
gum, pharmaceuticals, and sunscreens. more than 20 000 cases of exposure were screened in 5
The routes for TiO2 exposure are oral, respiratory, and studies on at least 1‐mo occupational exposure to TiO2.
dermal contact. Respiratory exposure is the most discussed None of the studies suggested a statistically significant in-
topic, and it is the highest in TiO2 production. Notably, the crease in any type of cancers. In addition to these, 6 case
exposures have decreased from about 14 mg/m3 in the studies on 1 to 13 individuals who were exposed to TiO2
1970s to about 3 mg/m3 in the 2000s (Fryzek et al. 2003). were reported. The studies disclosed, for instance, TiO2
The current occupational exposure standards of 25 findings in blood and lungs (IARC 2010). Both ANSES and

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A Case Study on TiO2 Classification—Integr Environ Assess Manag 000, 2019 5

IARC (2010) conclude that there is no evidence for carci- RAC published its opinion on TiO2 harmonized classification
nogenicity of TiO2 based on human exposure. The major (14 September 2017) (ECHA 2017).
critique of the human exposure studies, case studies, or All parties agreed on the overall substance charac-
epidemiological studies was on uncertainties related to the terization; TiO2 particles are of different sizes from
background information (other exposure, including tobacco nanoscale to microscale, with fibrous or granular shapes
smoking) and to the exposure levels and time. For instance, having various kinds of coating. The parties agreed on
the relevance of 1 mo of exposure for carcinogenicity giving different TiO2 qualities a uniform classification. In
studies may well be questioned. general, TiO2 particles were considered to resemble
Reviews of IARC (2010) and ANSES (2016) compiled res- other PSLTs. All parties agreed that there is no evidence
piratory exposure studies on approximately 1000 test animals. for TiO2 carcinogenicity via oral or dermal admin-
The inhaled TiO2 quantities varied from 5 to 250 mg/m3, and istration. Moreover, it was agreed that human evidence
the exposure times ranged from 3 to 24 mo. Different daily, on respiratory exposure did not indicate carcinogenicity
weekly, and monthly exposure cycles were used. A total of in humans. In general, all parties agree that ex-
trapolation from animal exposure results to human re-
5 inhalation studies on TiO2 carcinogenicity were included in
sponse is controversial due to interspecies differences
the IARC review. Three of the studies suggested no carcino-
but also due to restricted animal lifespans in chronic
genicity, and 2 studies found that TiO2 was carcinogenic. To
exposure testing (ANSES 2016; ECHA 2017). The major
complement the inhalation exposure data, 27 animal studies
differences in interpretations regarding the respiratory
have been conducted with various rodents (rats, mice,
exposure among ANSES, commentary opinions, and
and hamsters in the order of prevalence) by intratracheal final RAC opinions are listed in items a through c below.
instillation (TiO2 is led via a tube directly into the lungs) to It should be noted that “comments” in the points a
learn about the retention by and clearance of the lungs. The through c refers to extensive comments from industry.
results with female rats indicated carcinogenicity (IARC 2010). The ECHA received contradictory comments from more
To determine the mutagenicity and genotoxicity potential than 200 named companies and more than 90 named
of TiO2, in vitro studies were conducted on human, animal, associations around the world and representing TiO2
and bacteria cells, and on DNA plasmids. While IARC (2010) producers and users (ECHA 2017).
summarized the results of 36 in vitro studies to be incon- a) Substance properties: Comments questioned
clusive, ANSES (2016) found also indications of a potential whether the adverse impacts of TiO2 are related to
direct genotoxic mode of action, which means that substance its chemistry or rather to TiO2 properties as insoluble
is able to interact directly with DNA or other genetic material. particles with similar particle toxicity regardless of
the chemical properties. The RAC agrees on the
Classification of TiO2 according to CLP
particle toxicity aspect and that TiO2 properties are
Before the present process, 88% of the companies that equal to other PSLT particles. However, RAC con-
have registered TiO2 according to REACH have self‐classi- cludes that, according to CLP regulations, the toxicity
fied TiO2 as nonclassified. The rest of the classifications in- assessment results define the classification regardless
clude, for example, Carc 2 and 1B, Acute toxicity 4, Skin of the property that causes toxicity. This conclusion
irritation 2, and Mutagenicity 2 (Table 1) (ECHA 2019b). applies equally to any other PSLT particles.
The harmonized classification process started when ECHA b) Human exposure: The parties considered differently
received an intention (17 March 2015) and a dossier for the significance of human evidence. Although such
harmonized classification (27 May 2016) from ANSES (ECHA evidence was seen as strong evidence supporting
2019b). The proposed harmonized classification was Carc nonclassification (as a human carcinogen), ANSES,
1B, presumed to have carcinogenic potential for humans. A MSCAs, and RAC questioned the reliability of the
public consultation was started on the ECHA website. studies regarding the exact measurement of TiO2
exposure and the lack of background data on the
1) During the 60‐d public consultation period, 514 com- other exposures (e.g., tobacco smoking). Specifically,
ments were received: 5 from MSCAs, 38 from individuals, neither RAC nor ANSES considered that the negative
and 471 from organizations. Four of the MSCAs agreed results from human exposure are strong enough to
with the proposed classification whereas 1 MSCA con- rule out the positive results on rat carcinogenicity.
sidered that due to uncertainties related to material c) Animal studies: In the case of the animal studies, the
characterization, high concentrations, and relevance to parties had differing opinions regarding the dose,
humans arising from species differences TiO2 would in- response, and correlation between the animal carci-
stead meet the criteria of Carc 2: Suspected human nogenicity results and human carcinogenicity.
carcinogen. Industry opinions were in favor of sustaining Major arguments regarding the dose included
the nonclassified status (ECHA 2017). whether the high overdose (up to 250 mg/m3 ) in
2) The RAC examined both the dossier and the comments, rat studies resulted in relevant data for human
consequently forming an opinion regarding the 3 proposed carcinogenicity assessment. High dose results
classifications: Carc 1B, Carc 2, and no classification. The were considered a key finding by ANSES, whereas

Integr Environ Assess Manag 2019:1–12 DOI: 10.1002/ieam.4186 © 2019 SETAC


Table 1. TiO2 self‐classifications as published in ECHA’s CLP inventorya

Hazard class and Prevalence in self‐

category Hazard statement Hazard statement as written in generalized form Self‐classification (nr) classification (%)

Not classified 3909 88

Integr Environ Assess Manag 2019:1–12

Carc 2 H351 Suspected of causing cancer (state route of exposure if it is conclusively proven that 170 4
no other routes of exposure cause the hazard)

Acute Tox 4 H332 81 2

STOT SE 3 H335 May cause respiratory irritation 81 2

Eye Irrit 2 H319 Causes serious eye irritation 74 2

STOT RE 1 H372 Causes damage to organs (state all organs affected, if known) through prolonged or 71 2
repeated exposure (state route of exposure if it is conclusively proven that no
other routes of exposure cause the hazard)

Skin Irrit 2 H315 Causes skin irritation 12 0.3

STOT SE 2 H371 May cause damage to organs (state all organs affected, if known) (state route of 11 0.2
exposure if it is conclusively proven that no other routes of exposure cause the
Carc 1B H350 May cause cancer (state route of exposure if it is conclusively proven that no other 8 0.2
routes of exposure cause the hazard)

Muta 2 H341 Suspected of causing genetic defects (state route of exposure if it is conclusively 1 0.02
proven that no other routes of exposure cause the hazard)

Resp Sens 1B H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled 1 0.02

Acute Tox = acute toxicity; Carc 1B = presumed to have carcinogenic potential for humans; Carc 2 = suspected carcinogenic substance; CLP = Classification, Labelling and Packaging regulation; ECHA = European
Chemicals Agency; Eye Irrit = eye irritation; Muta = mutation; Resp Sens = respiratory sensitivity; Skin Irrit = skin irritation; STOT RE = specific target organ toxicity–repeat exposure; STOT SE = specific target organ
toxicity–single exposure.
ECHA 2019b.

© 2019 SETAC
Integr Environ Assess Manag 000, 2019—EE Kähkönen
A Case Study on TiO2 Classification—Integr Environ Assess Manag 000, 2019 7

comments from the industry claimed them to be substances. The latter is likely to include carcinogens. For
unrealistic compared to the maximal occupational instance, EU guidance for green public procurement (EC
exposures. Moreover, the intratracheal method 2018) provides detailed instructions for specifying green
of administering the dose was questioned in the products. These criteria for paint, textile, paper, and furni-
industry comments, whereas ANSES considered ture products include prohibition of substances with any
the results as supporting evidence for carcinoge- cancer classification (EC 2018).
nicity. Instead, RAC argued that the evidence of
extremely high doses may not have a major role in Product. Carc 2 classification has a direct impact on the
defining the classification. product information. Mixtures containing at least 1% of TiO2
Animal carcinogenicity of TiO 2 was tested in become equally classified (as a suspected human carci-
mice, rats, and hamsters. The positive findings nogen). As a consequence of the classification, products
were all in female rats. Here, ANSES considered that fall into the regime of the CLP regulation, such as
the sole test on mice as inconclusive because the paints, will have a warning label attached (Figure 1) and will
control group of mice had a high number of neo- include statement H351: Suspected of causing cancer via
plasms. Accordingly, the negative result in the inhalation (CLP, Annex 1, Table 3.6.3). Food, cosmetic, and
case of hamsters was concluded to be due to an pharmaceutical products are exempted from the CLP reg-
effective lung clearance system and antioxidant ulation because they have their own safety regulations and
mechanisms, which differ between humans and safety assessment requirements (EC 2008a). Product‐
rats (ANSES 2016, p 61). The RAC concluded TiO 2 specific restrictions for toys ban the use of any class of car-
to be a carcinogen to rats but did not conclude cinogenic substances (EC 2009b). Other articles, which are
that there is evidence for TiO 2 carcinogenicity in 2 in the scope of REACH or other product‐specific regu-
or more species. Moreover, RAC mentions TiO2 to lations, such as The Restriction of the use of certain Haz-
be a relatively weak rat carcinogen. The views on ardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment
the mode of action of TiO2 carcinogenicity and its (RoHS; EC 2011), do not have a direct link to CLP classi-
relevance to humans were different. Although fications (Molander and Rudén 2011).
ANSES interpreted direct genotoxicity via particle Commonly applied ecodesign guidance for product: eco-
accumulation in the nucleus to be possible, RAC labels, ban substances with a classification as carcinogenic of
instead referred to studies, for example, research any category, for example, the EU ecolabel criteria for textiles,
by EFSA, and weighed oxidative stress to be the footwear, paints and varnishes, and furniture (EU 2018).
likely mode of action instead of direct genotox-
icity. The RAC concluded that the mode of action Waste. Mixtures that contain ≥1% of substances with Carc 2
in rats may be different from humans and that the classification become hazardous waste (EC 2008c). This waste
human evidence is not conclusive enough to prove is to be separated from waste streams (EC 2008c, Point 28)
that rat carcinogenicity does not correlate with and labeled accordingly by industry (EC 2008c, Point 34).
human carcinogenicity. Moreover, the producers and the other actors dealing with
3) The RAC concluded the classification as Carc 2: Sus- hazardous waste must keep records of quantities, nature of
pected human carcinogen (and not Carc 1B) based on origin, and other such information related to hazardous waste.
TiO2 showing no other than respiratory effects, no con-
Further, the Waste Framework Directive sets a ban on all kinds
clusive data on species other than rats (and only in fe-
of mixing of hazardous waste with other material (EC 2008c,
males), indications that other rodents and humans are
Article 18). This ban will have an impact on the recyclability of
less sensitive to TiO2, and the consistent evidence of
the products containing TiO2 ≥ 1%. Titanium dioxide is
epidemiological studies that do not support a correlation
present in varying contents in wastes, such as printed material
between TiO2 exposure and lung cancer. However, TiO2
and painted building waste. Unlike the Waste Framework Di-
was found to be a rat carcinogen in 2 independent
rective (EC 2008c), the Water Framework Directive (EC 2000),
studies and RAC did not consider there to be enough
and the Sewage Sludge Directive (EEC 1986) do not refer to
evidence in human data to exclude the possibility of the
substance classifications (Molander et al. 2012).
rat‐like effect in humans (ECHA 2017).
Reduced TiO2 exposure?
Impacts of classification of TiO2 as Carc 2
This section considers changes in exposures (respiratory,
Raw material. In the production of TiO2 and its inclusion in oral, and dermal) to TiO2 due to the new classification. Ex-
various products, the occupational safety standards are posures are related to different uses in the present situation
defined for the individual substances, and they do not have and in the case in which Carc 2 classification is applied. The
a direct link to the hazard classification. section adopts the same approach as in the previous section
Purchasing of raw materials is strongly tied to the com- Impacts of classification of TiO2 as Carc 2 and proceeds
panies’ own ecodesign guidance, which may contain spe- from exposure to TiO2 as a raw material to TiO2 in different
cific lists, for example, Volvo’s black, gray, and white lists products and, finally, TiO2 exposure in waste treatment and
(Volvo 2018), or more generic advice to avoid hazardous recycling.

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8 Integr Environ Assess Manag 000, 2019—EE Kähkönen

The new classification does not directly reduce respiratory original cause for the classification. The regulatory con-
exposure to TiO2 in raw material production and in other sequences are summarized in Table 2.
production processes in which TiO2 is used. This ob-
servation results from the fact that occupational regulations DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
are not tied to CLP classifications (IARC 2010). Similarly, oral
Impacts of Carc 2 classification in hazardous exposure
and dermal exposure to TiO2 in food, pharmaceuticals, and
cosmetics will not change due to the new classification, According to the present analysis, the proposed Carc 2
given that the regulations for these products do not refer to classification for TiO2 will not directly reduce exposure re-
CLP (EFSA 2016). Instead, the TiO2 classification will reduce lated to health hazards, which was the main concern and the
dermal and oral exposure from toys, ecolabeled products, origin of the classification proposal. The original cause for
and recycled materials (EC 2009a, 2008c; EU 2018). How- the classification proposal stemmed from possible carcino-
ever, none of these exposures (especially when related to genicity associated with respiratory exposure to pure TiO2
solid artifacts) were considered hazardous (ECHA 2017). In particles. Instead, the direct consequences impact TiO2 in
the case of TiO2‐containing paints and other products, the mixtures and solid artifacts in which the hazard was not
warning labels will be attached to products. Here, too, this claimed (Boffetta 2001). Evidently, we may speculate on
kind of respiratory (and dermal) exposure to liquid paint was how much the classification will reduce the total production
not considered hazardous (Boffetta 2001). In waste treat- of TiO2 and, hence, lead to reduced exposure in production.
ment, various kinds of exposures take place. Control of However, due to the high price of TiO2, there has been a
these exposures again under occupational regulations, re- long‐standing and continual attempt to reduce its use. The
gardless of the waste type (normal waste or hazardous attempts at price reduction are mainly discussed in trade
waste). magazines, for example, those of the coating industry
In conclusion, the direct reduction in the exposure due to (Bussell and Verheijen 2011) but are also referred to in sci-
the new classification will be achieved in dermal and oral entific articles (Narayan and Kothapalli 2000; Ruzala et al.
exposure in toys, recycled materials, and ecolabeled prod- 2015). Despite all the effort, TiO2 still accounts, by far, for
ucts. In regard to products for which the “Health hazard” the largest (and growing) global pigment volume (Jovanović
warning label is required, the impact on exposure is am- 2014). Consequently, there are no easy replacements for
biguous. In none of these cases was the hazard associated TiO2 or an evident route toward reducing TiO2 production
with the TiO2 exposure considered significant nor was it the and consequently reducing exposure in this way.

Table 2. Expected changes in TiO2 hazardous exposure due to classification as suspected carcinogen

Exposure No classification Carc 2

Raw material

Respiratory exposure: particles in production Exposure restricted by Exposure restricted by

occupational regulationsa occupational regulationsa


Oral exposure: Additive in food, medical, and cosmetics Use controlled by food, medical, Use controlled by food, medical,
products and cosmetics regulationsb and cosmetics regulationsb

Dermal exposure: Additive or pigment in cosmetics, Use controlled by food, medical, Use controlled by food, medical,
medical, and food products, and pigment in toys, and cosmetics regulationsb and cosmetics regulationsb
paper, paint, ecolabel, and recycled materials
Use banned in toysc, ecolabel
productsd, and recycled

Respiratory exposure: Additive or pigment in cosmetics Use controlled by cosmetics Use controlled by cosmetics
and paint spray regulationsb regulationsb

“Health hazard” warning label

attached in productsc


Dermal, respiratory: Additive, pigment, and residual in Exposure controlled by Exposure controlled by
waste treatment and recycling occupational regulationsa occupational regulationsa
IARC 2010.
EFSA 2016.
EC 2009b.
EU 2018.
EC 2008c.

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A Case Study on TiO2 Classification—Integr Environ Assess Manag 000, 2019 9

Impacts of Carc 2 classification in waste treatment and concerning nanotoxicology before making the final decision
recycling on classification of TiO2. More particularly, Drobne (2018)
emphasized the role of scientists in regulatory decision
Although not directly reducing the health hazard asso-
making. In practice, focused scoping papers were mentioned
ciated with TiO2 exposure, the classification will directly
as one way in which scientists may support the process.
reduce the recycling of materials that contain or may contain
TiO2. For instance, paper is currently recycled regardless of Differing opinions during classification process
the printing ink pigmentation used in it. Instead of recycling,
Regulatory processes include dialogue among authorities,
the material containing TiO2 will end as hazardous waste.
industry, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and
The obstacles in recycling are clearly in conflict with material
differing perspectives are a basic element in these dis-
efficiency and circular economy requirements. Here, TiO2
cussions. The debated topic varies from case to case. For
showcases a clash of regulations similar to that of bromi-
instance, in the case of glyphosate, the weighing of evi-
nated fire retardants in plastics recycling. Plastics that con-
dence from animal studies resulted in different conclusions
tain brominated fire retardants, for example, are not to be
by RAC and IARC. Here, IARC proposed Carc 2 classi-
recycled in order to avoid exposure to hazardous sub-
fication, whereas RAC concluded there was no adequate
stances. There are no evident solutions to the dilemma of
evidence for carcinogenicity (ECHA 2016a). Another recent
balancing the goals of waste reduction and a circular
debate concerns the restriction on bisphenol A (BPA) use in
economy and the goal of reducing hazardous substances in
thermal paper. Here, the main emphasis in the recent de-
society (Janssen et al. 2016). What is specific to the case of
bates focused on the socioeconomic consequences and
TiO2 is that the circulated solid (e.g., printed material) or
(non)availability of substitutes (ECHA 2015b; Pivnenko et al.
liquid (e.g., paint), that contain TiO2, will not lead to the
2018), whereas in the case of the identification of bis(pen-
exposure that was suspected for the carcinogenicity, that is,
tabromophenyl) ether (DecaBDE) as a substance of very high
the respiratory exposure to TiO2 particles. Consequently, in
concern (SVHC) the focus is on the test methods for bio-
the case of TiO2 the goals of a circular economy are missed
degradability and bioaccumulation and on the definitions
without reducing the prevalence of cancer.
for persistent, bioaccumulative, toxic (PBT) and very persis-
tent, very bioaccumulative substances (vPvB) (ECHA 2012).
Classification of mixtures with PSLT particles
In the present case of TiO2 classification, ANSES and RAC
The TiO2 classification challenges CLP in regard to arrived at different conclusions on the basis of genotoxicity
dealing with the hazards associated with liquid mixtures that assessments. The challenge in interpretation of in vitro
contain PSLT particles. The special focus here is on nano- genotoxicity results was recently elaborated by Charles et al.
particles, which are undergoing extensive research today. (2018). The study sought an explanation of why 36 studies
Strikingly, the volume of the research in the field of nano- did not lead to a clear picture on TiO2 genotoxicity. The
toxicology has reached the point at which it has become study suggested further studies on TiO2 genotoxicity but
unmanageable by regulators. Drobne (2018) highlights the also further development of in vitro assessment. The as-
importance of dialogue among all the stakeholders. Spe- sessment methods in the study included comet assays, ox-
cifically, scientists in the field were entitled to provide idative stress assays, and micronucleus assays. Regardless of
comprehensive, transparent, reproducible, and updateable the method used, the researchers were advised to take into
summaries regarding hazards associated with TiO2. account possible interference between the studied nano-
In practice, respiratory exposure of PSLT particles may particles and an assay when choosing a method or a com-
lead to hazard findings, which (as in the present case) lead to bination of methods. The recommendations for developing
a classification requirement for a liquid mixture containing nanoparticle testing included detailed instructions, such as
the particle. However, in a liquid mixture, for example, in taking the UV light into account, using different durations,
paint, the possibility for respiratory exposure associated with and paying attention to the choice of cell line. Furthermore,
health hazards remains minimal according to Boffetta et al. general instruction to develop mechanistic studies for as-
(2001). Accordingly, it appears questionable whether the sessing the genotoxic mode of action was given.
severe “Health hazard” warning regarding respiratory ex- In the present study, it became clear where the views of
posure is in its appropriate place when it strongly warns the authorities and industry differ in the hazard assessment
against a hazard related to the respiratory exposure to dry of TiO2, that is, weighing the results from human exposure
particles when using a liquid product, such as the afore- studies and the results from animal studies. Neither of the
mentioned paint. A similar debate will undoubtedly take strategies offers bulletproof results. On one hand, the set-
place on the ANSES proposal for another commonly used ting in human exposure studies was not perfect, but com-
PSLT substance; carbon black will be in a similar classification prised variables, such as duration and level of exposure, and
process (ECHA 2016b). Hence, it is necessary to lay down as exposure to other substances (e.g., tobacco smoke). On
rules for the classification of PSLT substances in mixtures to the other hand, the correlation between animal tests with
avoid warnings and restrictions in those applications in which the short exposure time and high quantities to longtime
they are misleading. This recommendation is in accordance exposure to low quantities in humans is not straightforward
with Drobne (2018), who recommends further dialogue either. These debates are a rule rather than an exception in

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10 Integr Environ Assess Manag 000, 2019—EE Kähkönen

the regime of chemical regulation. However, in the case of Rudén 2011), avoiding illogical treatment of substances in
TiO2 the extensiveness of the human exposure studies different products (Sobek et al. 2013), and avoiding poten-
(more than 20 000 humans) and the consensus on the out- tial unintended outcomes of combined regulations, such as
comes (not showing carcinogenicity) highlights the differ- reducing the application of regulatory risk where risk did not
ence in weighing evidence. One aspect here is the second exist and, simultaneously, not reaching the area where the
aim of REACH: “the promotion of alternative methods for risk was suspected, as indicated in the present study.
assessment of hazards of substances.” The case of TiO2
Hazard communication attached with Carc 2 classification
shows that the traditional animal tests are likely to outweigh
other evidence. Notably, this resolution complies with the One interesting question rising from the TiO2 case is re-
carcinogenicity classification rules that are laid down in CLP lated to Carc 2 classification itself. Although Carc 1 classi-
(EC 2008a). Consequently, the animal tests sustain their fication causes a clear‐cut ban on the use of a substance
status as the gold standard of hazard assessment despite with this classification in consumer mixtures, these mixtures
argumentation against their reliability. In an esteemed may contain Carc 2–classified substances. As discussed, the
study, the interspecies correlation between rats, mice, and mixtures will obtain the most severe “Health hazard” warning
rabbit is 40% to 63%, that is, in the range of tossing a coin, labels. Even as the label indicates a severe warning, the true
and there is no reason to expect higher correlation between meaning of the “Health hazard” label is more perplexing.
rodents and humans (Hartung 2009). However the in vitro What is the intended guidance for consumers? Is this
methods are not currently feasible direct substitutes for product not safe to use due to carcinogenicity? Then, it is
animal tests, especially in higher tier testing such as carci- more logical to ban the product. Is it safe to use this product
nogenicity testing (ECHA 2017b). The challenges are in the despite the suspected carcinogenicity? Then, the warning
development of new methods and in standardization itself, label does not support this message. Are you to use this on
and there are major challenges in achieving applicability of your own responsibility with caution? In this case, in order to
methods alternative to animal tests in regulatory decision be able to make informed choices, the consumer should
making (OECD 2019). Altogether, the push toward new have access to information that states the findings and un-
toxicological methods is also accepted by regulators, and certainties related to the suspected carcinogenicity. Ac-
there is a strong aim at promoting alternative, nonanimal cordingly, ECHA puts effort into the dissemination of the
test methods. For instance, the Joint Research Centre of the substance information in the “Information on Chemicals”
European Commission has provided a state‐of‐the‐art re- database (ECHA 2019b). However, in the current form, the
view of alternative methods to ECHA (Worth et al. 2014). strictly regulated discussion is not easily accessible even to
Similarly, ECHA provides guidance on using nonstandard those who want to know more. For instance, the recent
test methods (Brautigam 2016). However, none of the study by Ingre‐Khan (2018) concluded that scrutiny of the
guidance specifies criteria for the reliability of exposure or substance information in ECHA’s database remains chal-
epidemiological studies in the human population. The lenging to the public audience. The requirement of acces-
human exposure studies are conducted, and the information sible communication is a challenge for the scientific
from them should be utilized when available, according to community, and there are no quick fixes to it. However,
REACH (Annex 1). The present case study delivers a dis- ECHA and other scientific communities must put effort into
couraging message on the utility of these studies. Con- producing understandable messages for varying audiences.
sequently, the author recommends the production of “state The EHCA is the key actor here and should further develop
of the art” instruction and criteria on how to use exposure the readability of substance information in its database.
studies in a regulatory context. In summary, as a response to research question 1, TiO2
classification as Carc 2 will not directly reduce the assumed
Gaps in the regulatory network
and debated hazard related to respiratory exposure. The
The present study clearly visualizes connections and gaps sources of the ambiguity during the process (research
between the different instruments in the EU chemical man- question 2) are pointed to weighing the evidence of human
agement. The basic division may be drawn between the and animal studies and to contradicting interpretations of
regulations that refer to CLP classification, namely, Toy genotoxicity studies. The present study revealed an unin-
Safety Directive (EC 2009a), REACH (restrictions) (EC 2006), tended outcome of the classification process: the negative
Waste Framework Directive (EC 2008c), and those that do impact on material recycling without reduction of hazardous
not have a link to CLP, namely, RoHS (EC 2011), Water substances in society. Moreover, the case visualized more
Framework Directive (EC 2000), Sewage Sludge Directive general topics of interest: treatment of PSLT particles in
(EEC 1986), occupational regulations (EC 2017), cosmetics CLP, lack of guidance for using human exposure data, and
regulations (EC 2009b), food regulations (EC 2002), and lack of effort in communicating chemical hazards to non-
pharmaceutical regulations (Molander and Rudén 2011; professionals. The author’s recommendations are as follows:
Molander et al. 2012; Sobek et al. 2013). This kind of sit-
uation calls for further development. The goals of the de- 1) The final classification of TiO2 classification should be
velopment should be in getting the most out of the postponed and dealt with together with other PSLT
resources invested in the REACH processes (Molander and particles. A common guideline is needed for assessing

Integr Environ Assess Manag 2019:1–12 © 2019 SETAC

A Case Study on TiO2 Classification—Integr Environ Assess Manag 000, 2019 11

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