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Project Name RED SEA SHURA Hotel East 01

Project No. R08-HE01
Document Type PLAN
Document No.
Introduction 1
1. Purpose and Objective............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 purpose………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1
1.2 objective…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….1

2. Statutory Requirement............................................................................................................. 1
3. Best Management Practices.................................................................................................... 1
4. COVID-19 Measures................................................................................................................. 2
5. Roles & responsibilities........................................................................................................... 2
5.1 grievance
5.2 grievance

6. Grievance mechanism Procedure...........................................................................................3

6.1 receive and register grievance………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
6.1.1. Method for receiving grievances.........................................................................4
6.2. Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
6.3. Screen…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4
6.4. Investigation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4
6.5. Response ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
6.6. Fallow up & close out ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5
6.7. Appeal ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5
7. First Aid…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
8. Training and auditing............................................................................................................... 5
9. Environmental Report.............................................................................................................. 5
Annex 1
Annex 3

This Worker Welfare Plan (WWP) is prepared as part of the project specific contractor registered activity for
precast supply to HE01 project on Shura island, PRAINSA factory is Specialized in precast supply (herein
after referred to as PRAINSA or Contractor). This plan will be the guideline of all activities in the project and
compliance of this will be mandatory by all Contractor and Sub-contractors

Purpose and Objective

The purpose of this WWP is to describe how to manage workers welfare and working conditions during
construction phase of the project.

1.2 Objective
The key objective of the WWP is to ensure worker rights throughout the Project. To achieve this
objective, the following will be undertaken:
 Ensure management approach towards working conditions of welfare of employees; and
 Ensure appropriate measures are implemented to comply with all relevant legislation.
2 Statutory Requirement
The primary legislative requirement in Saudi Arabia applicable to the project are:
 KSA Saudi Labor Law 2020
 IFC/EBRD Standard ‘Workers’ accommodation: processes and standards’ (IFC/EBRD, 2009).
 IFC General Health and Safety Guidelines (2007)
 TRSDC Environment and Sustainability Policy and Principle
 TRSDC TRS - HS - OCH - 0002 - Site welfare
 TRSDC TRSD-MNGL-HS-SPP-0003 Project Health & Safety Management Plan - Section-7
 IFC PS 2 Labor and Working Conditions
Project Name RED SEA SHURA Hotel East 01
Project No. R08-HE01
Document Type PLAN
Document No.

3 Best Management Practices and Control Measures

Contractor will provide accommodation for their workers and subcontractors.

The worker accommodation will comply with IFC PS 2 and IFC/EBRD, 2009 guidelines as well
as Saudi Arabian guidelines of COVID-19.
The WWP has been prepared in line with national and international best practices and IFC
The Plan includes the following:
 The management approach towards working conditions, entitlement to wages and any
benefits and terms of employment. The employees can express and register their concerns
and the system through which these grievances will be addressed.
 Kitchens and food halls will be required to meet national hygiene requirements.
 Welfare facility for worker to be provided as per the standard norms.
 Welfare facility provided with rest shelter, drinking water, prayer room, desk and chair etc.
 Sign needs to be placed for all the facilities.
 Anti-bacterial hand wash liquid available in the toilet hand wash area.
 Sufficient potable water will be available at the site along with water cooler filter.
 Adequate sanitation will be provided at the site and accommodation.

 Fire precautions will be designed and implemented at the site.

 Workers directly handle machineries and equipment must be trained as to avoid accidents.
 Contractor must have clinic and medical personnel on staff for the health and welfare of
 Safe access, egress and working areas will be maintained to prevent injury.
 First aid will be provided at all times at the site.
 Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) will be provided without charge to all staff,
and its use will be enforced on site at all times.
 Hazard warning signs will be erected at all appropriate locations including electrical hazards,
working at height, moving vehicles and plant etc.
 Workers will be transported to the site from designated accommodation by dedicated transport.
 Vehicles used in transportation of workers must be in good condition, clean and comfortable
and must always be driven in the speed limits in order to avoid accidents or injuries.
 Develop policies to promote non-discrimination and fair treatment and to prevent bullying in the
 Worker accommodation is provided by TRSDC. The worker accommodation will comply with
IFC PS 2 and IFC/EBRD, 2009 guidelines as well as Saudi Arabian guidelines of COVID-19.
 The Contractor shall provide all employees with a written Contract of Employment which is
compliant with National labor laws and IFC PS 2.
 At project site, TRSDC Site Welfare document no. TRS-HS-OCH-0002 and IFC PS 2 - Labor
and Working Conditions will be followed.
 A clear internal grievance mechanism will be enabled on the site to provide all employees a
method to report complaints about other employees or managers without fear of retribution.
 Ensure all employees are aware of internal grievance mechanism for reporting labor issues.

4 COVID-19 Measures
Following COVID-19 measures must be taken on the site:

 Prohibit workers who have contacted COVID19 from returning to the workplace until they
provide evidence (negatives test report) that they are clear of the virus.
 Ensure immediate access to the nearest adequate healthcare facilities, in coordination
with local health authority, in case of identification of COVID19 positive cases.
 Provide sufficient hygiene and disinfection means, and adequate sanitary facilities to all
workers, including subcontractors.
 Workers must be required to practice good hygiene. As a minimum, gloves and alcohol-
based hand sanitizer should be made available throughout the construction site.
 Implement the social distancing rules and restrictions if and as required by the National
and Local Authorities. Undertake all reasonably practicable measures to keep workers a
safe physical distance apart (at least 1.5 meters) while working onsite.

5 Roles & responsibilities

5.1 Grievance owner
 Employee investigating the grievance
 Consulting relevant departments or persons within the organization.
 Developing resolutions and actions to rectify any issues.
 Gaining necessary approvals form, and reporting to management.
 Follow up and track progress of grievance.
 Aggregating and forwarding feedback to Complainants.
 Document any interactions with stakeholders.

5.2 Grievance Officer

 Receive grievances and assign a grievance owner.
 Makes sure the grievance mechanism procedure is being adhered to and followed
 Maintains grievance register and monitor any correspondence.
 Raise internal awareness of the grievance mechanism among employees and contractors.
5.3 Management
 Review and endorse grievance resolution, as appropriate
 Provide oversight of grievance process and monitor consistency of resolutions and
 Review grievance reports on a regular basis and escalate as appropriate
 Ensure Grievance Officer has appropriate level of training to handle role and
 Support process in a timely fashion through review, leadership, and approvals.
 Ensure reporting is appropriate.
 Support appeal process.

6 Grievance mechanism Procedure

Grievance is defined as any type of problem, concern or complaint related to work or the work
environment. All grievances from workers will be received by the Grievance officer. A grievance
may be about any act, omission, situation or decision which a stake holder thinks is unfair,
discriminatory or unjustified. Examples of grievances are but not limited to:
 Workplace violence
 Sexual harassment
 Performance appraisal
 Discrimination
 Violent or threatening behavior
 In subordinate behavior grievance related to;
 The work environment
 Safety in the workplace
 Transfer or promotion
 Staff development or training
 Workload / hours of work
 Wages or salary levels
 Leave allocation
 Work environment
 Accommodation
 Transportation

The key task in implementing the grievance mechanism is presented below.

Receive &
Receive Acknowledge
respond screen investigate respond
&register Acknowledge Screen Investigate
Respond Grievance grievance.

Follow up &
Fallow Resolve
up&closee successfully Resolve appeal
out appeal
close out successfully

6.1 Receive and Register Grievance

In order to ensure that all whistle blowers are protected against inappropriate behaviors or
actions, such as retaliation, all information shall be treated confidential as far as reasonably
practicable. There may be circumstances where by due to the nature of the investigation or
disclosure, it will be necessary to disclose the identity of the complainant. In such circumstances
every effort will be made to inform such person(s) before such disclosure is made.
If it is necessary for a complainant to be involved in an investigation (for example by providing
evidence), the fact that the stake holder made the original disclosure will be kept confidential and
all reasonable steps will be taken to protect stake holder from any victimization or detriment as a
result of having made a disclosure.
6.1.1 Method for receiving grievances
Stake holders can submit grievances through a number of methods including
 In person: to Contractor Representative
 Electronic: through email address (to be provided)
 Written submissions in suggestion boxes - For anonymous complaints, it can be placed
in different accessible locations within the office. The fear of adverse managerial actions
can be avoided through this method.
These submissions should be factual and avoid language that is insulting or abusive.
To facilitate tracking, evaluation and response to grievances, standardized information would be
collected and recorded on the Grievance Recording Form (Annex 2).

8. First aid
 The minimum level of first aid that all organizations must provide is:

 a suitably stocked first aid kit

 an appointed person to take charge of first aid arrangements
 accessible information for employees about first aid arrangements
 You might need to provide more, depending on:

 the type of work done in your organization and associated risks

 the number of employees you have help you decide what is adequate and appropriate for your
organization, we recommend that you perform a first aid needs assessment.

6.2 Acknowledgement
A grievance will be acknowledged, by the grievance owner, within two working days of a
grievance being submitted. Communication will be made either verbally or in written form
(stakeholders will outline their preferred method of contact on the Grievance Form, see Appendix
Acknowledgement would include a summary of the grievance, Contractor’s approach to
responding to the grievance, and an estimated timeframe in which the final response will be
issued. If needed, use the acknowledgement opportunity to clarify issues from the grievance or
request further information if required.

6.3 Screen
Each grievance will be screened from Level 1 to 3, per definitions provided in below Table 1, in
order to determine the appropriate response.

Category issue description Issue type management approach

Level 1 A grievance for which there is already a contractor Routine Inform Contractor Management and then
management approved response and an answer can utilize approved answersto handle response
be provided immediately.

Level 2 Grievances characterized by being a one- time Routine Define grievance response planand draft a
situation local in nature, and that will not impact response for management approval.
Contractor’s reputation.

Level 3 Repeated, widespread or high-profile grievances Potentially Prioritize through Issues Management
that may result in a negative impact on contractor Process and define appropriate.
reputation. Significant management strategy

6.4 Investigation
The grievance owner is responsible for investigating the grievance. The investigation may require
the grievance owner to make site visits, consult employees, contact external stakeholders and
complete other activities. Records of meetings, discussions and activities all need to be recorded.
during the investigation. Information gathered during the investigation will be analyzed and will
assist in determining how the grievance is handled and what steps need to be taken in order to
resolve the grievance.

6.5 Respond
Before responding to the Complainant, the Grievance Owner will complete the following:
 Level 1 Grievances – Grievance Owner informs management and then utilizes recently
approved answers to respond to Complainant. Response requires approval of
 Level 2 Grievances – Grievance Owner defines plan for grievance response and crafts the
draft response for
management’s approval.
 Level 3 Grievances – Grievance Owner works directly with management to define plan for
grievance response, then drafts response. For grievances relating to physical or
economic displacement or damage claims or negotiations, sufficient evidence will be
collected, captured or verified to support damage or monetary claims. Level 3 grievance
responses need to be approved by Management.
Once the response has been approved, Grievance Officer will take final, approved language and
respond formally using appropriate communication in the appropriate languages.
The Grievance Owner is responsible for ensuring all information on the grievance is documented
and actions tracked in the Grievance Register (Annex 3).

6.6 Follow-up and Close Out

If the Complainant accepts the proposed resolution, the agreed actions are implemented.
The Complaint Owner is responsible for assigning action parties, actions, and deadlines to
implement the resolution. These are recorded in the Grievance Register with any supporting
After resolution, the grievance would be formally closed out. This includes requesting the
Complainant sign a completion form to document satisfaction with resolution actions, documenting
actions taken, and closing out in the Grievance Register.

6.7 Appeal
In cases where a Complainant is unsatisfied with and/or unwilling to accept the resolution actions
proposed, the grievance may be escalated to the Management for review and final decision.
The Management reviews the case and determines if further reasonable action is possible. If
options for reasonable, justified corrective actions are exhausted, a written notice should be
provided to the Claimant notifying him that their grievance is being closed. Supporting
documentation of resolution actions may be sent with the notice.

7 First aid
 The minimum level of first aid that all organizations must provide is:

 a suitably stocked first aid kit

 an appointed person to take charge of first aid arrangements
 accessible information for employees about first aid arrangements
 You might need to provide more, depending on:

 the type of work done in your organization and associated risks

 the number of employees you have help you decide what is adequate and appropriate for your
organization, we recommend that you perform a first aid needs assessment.

8 Training and auditing

The training includes the following:
8.6 Contractor will provide induction and awareness training for staff and visitors.
8.7 All employees will be trained on the grievance reporting method.
8.8 Workers, visitors etc., will not be allowed on site without initial induction training in HSE
8.9 Contractor to maintain records of all induction training.
8.10 Ensure worker grievance mechanism is in place and workers know of its existence.
8.11 Ensure workers have access to adequate healthcare.

Site inspection and auditing includes the following:

8.12 Weekly inspection checklist be completed (Annex 1).

8.13 Grievance reporting form (Annex 2).
8.14 Grievance register (Annex 3).
Environmental Manger will maintain document at construction site offices. All documents are to be
submitted to TRSDC on monthly basis.

 .

9 Environmental Report
PRAINSA will report on the environmental aspects of workers welfare and related environmental
performance to TRDSC on monthly basis.
Project Name RED SEA SHURA Hotel East 01
Project No. R08-HE01
Document Type PLAN
Document No.

Work area HE01 Date & Time
Auditor FAHEEM ULLAH Signature

Control Satisfactory
Best Management Practices Comments / action required
ID Yes No
Confirm that plenty of water is provided to the
Confirm that proper shade is provided to the
Confirm that adequate PPE is provided to all
Confirm that adequate sanitary and rest areas
are available at site
Confirm that training records of all induction
training is maintained
Confirm that gloves and alcohol-based hand
WW06 sanitizer are made available throughout the
construction site
Confirm that sanitary and rest areas are
maintained properly
Confirm that safe physical distance apart (at
WW08 least 1.5 meters) is practice while working

Additional comments
You can submit your concern anonymously. However, the more information provided, including contact details, the easier we will be able to
follow-up. This process is at no cost to you.
Grievant information

Details of event leading to grievance

Date, time & location Witness (if applicable)

Account of event Violations

Provide a detailed account of occurrence. Provide a list of any policies, procedures, or guidelines
Include name of additional persons involved, if any. that have been violated in the event described

Root causes generating the complaint:

Proposed preventive/corrective actions:

Employee signature Date

Received by: Printed name and Signature Date

For office use only

Grievance ID # Level: Grievance involves:
Grievance Grievance
Name of Date Grievance Description Caus 'Accepted' or Remarks
ID # Level
complainant e 'Not Accepted'.

Project Name RED SEA SHURA Hotel East 01

Project No. R08-HE01
Document Type PLAN
Document No.


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