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Social changes in modern society

 Socialogical theories of social change.

 Development and dependency.
 Educa on and social change.
 Science, technology and social change.

 Social change refers to change in social structure, Ins tu ons, values, norms as well as social
systems. The term social change also is used to indicate the changes that take place in
human interac ons and interrela ons. In other words social change it first to change in social
structure and social system. (social structure consists of Ins tu ons values and norms). It
refers to change in social ac on as well as interac on. Example of change in social ac on:
Tradi onal social ac on interac ons to legal ra onal social ac on and interac on in modern
 According to Morris Ginsberg social change is a change in the social structure.
 2 related facts –
1. Change in the system- it means all the small changes occurring in the system come
under this form of social change. Karl Marx has described in the form of quan ta ve
changes. Such changes keep going in all the socie es like premature communism,
ancient society, similarly plenty of changes coming up in modern socie es in all areas
are the ways of change in the system. Given so much importance to children women
in today's family, is indicator of change in rela ons. Parsons has also talked about
such kind of change.
2. Change of the system: Though, this form of change, brings change in the whole
system, for example the qualita ve change explained by Karl Marx described, this
kind of change, because under qualita ve change, the whole system is replaced by
another system. Similarly, if it happens in India, caste system is completely abolished
and absolute class system is established then it would be said to be change of the
3. Social change occurs in the system. Change in force of produc on, change in labour
power, change in rela ons of produc on is example of change in the system. In
Marxian theory he talks about change in the system and change of the system. When
Change in the system happens it will need to change of the system. ED- in tradi onal
socie es in view of increasing volume of popula on, moral density increases-
example of change in the system leading to division of labour which is change of the
 Direc on of social change:
1. Changes in backward direc on- tradi onaliza on, Some changes occur upwards
ini ally, but later on a process of degenera on starts, economic change is the best
example of it. Metropolitan ci es also decay a er a big change. Ex- In 50's 60's
afghanistan was modern society. It was influenced by Europe, europeanisa on has
happened. Towards 70's 80's 90's change in backward direc on.
2. changes in forward direc on- modernisa on. Another is wave like changes- at mes
tradi on at mes modern. Shows a definite posi ve change. This is usually seen in
the field of science and technology, which in turn, change the existence of life and
3. Wave like change: Another direc on of change happens as a wave ambulance like
mo on and example of such kind of changes are seen in field of fashion, style of
Living, a res etc. Which a er some me repeat itself. It does not have any fixed
direc on of high level of change. Ex- Indo Western Changes
 Factors of social change:
1. Internal factors: Change and popula on and geographical condi ons, change in
produc on Process Migra on, individual interests, communal conflicts, change in
physical consumerism like in science and Technology industrialisa on, urbanisa on,
consumerism Lifestyle etc.
2. External factors: Cultural contact is the main external factor, which could be direct or
indirect and which brings change in the form of accultura on, assimila on and
diffusion for example. India realised change under the direct influence of islam and
western culture and especially westernisa on has put a great impact on our
socie es, in all spheres of life.
 Nature of social change:
1. Social change is a Universal phenomenon. Social change occurs in all socie es. No
society remains completely sta c.
2. Social changes is community change. Social change does not refer to the change in
the life of an individual or the life pa erns of individuals. It is change which occurs in
the life of the en re community. Social change is social and not individual.
3. Speed of social changes not uniform. While social change occurs in all the socie es,
it's speed is not uniform in every society.
4. Nature and speed of changes affected by and related to me factor. The speed of
social change is not uniform in each age or period in the same society. Modern Times
the speed of social changes faster today then before 1947. A er LPG the speed has
5. Social change occurs as an essen al law. Change is a law of nature. Social change is
also natural. It may occur either in natural course or as a result of planned efforts.
6. Definite predic on of social change is not possible. It is difficult to make any
predic on about exact forms of social change.
7. Social change shows Chain Reac on sequence. Socie es pa erns of living is a
dynamic system of interrelated parts. Therefore change in one part of usually
reac on others un l they bring a change in the whole mode of life of many people.
Example- industrialisa on has destroyed the domes c system of produc on. The
destruc on of domes c system of produc on brought women from home to factory
and the office. The employment of women meant there independent from Bond age
of man. It brought a change of a tude and ideas. It maintain your social life for
8. Social change results from interac on of a number of factors.
9. Social changes are universal in nature. Some form of social change is found in all
socie es. It is universal.
10. Social change refers to community change. Change in the groups and community.
The speed of change / the rate of changes related to me. Example - rate of change
at mes our slow and a mes high. Rate of change in Indian society was very high
a er LPG. In Millennium decade the rate of change was slow. During Bri sh period
rate of change was low. Post independent rate of change was high.
11. Social change does not benefit to all members of society equally. This means it is not
uniform. It is objec ve to social factor.
12. It is difficult to predict social change in the society.. Interac on among number of
factors leads to social change in the society.
 Sociological theories:
1. Classical evolu onary Theory of social change: Evolu onary theories are based on
the assump on that socie es gradually changed from simple to more Complex
forms. Early sociologist beginning with Auguste Comte believed that human socie es
evolve in a unilinear way- that is one in the line of development. They also change as
FUNCTIONAL and beneficial. This evolu onary view of change was highly influenced
by Charles Darwin's theory of organic evolu on.
2. August Comte Ideas rela ng to three stages in the development of human thought
and Society namely - theological, metaphysical and the posi ve in a way represent
the three stages of social change. According to him the social changes are result of
social evolu on. And social change and development in all the stages is result of
development of human knowledge and thought.
3. L.H.Morgan:- And social change and development in all the stages is result of
development of human knowledge and thought.


Barbarism With development of Technology group of

humans entered into conflict for resources.

Humans used to kill each other for survival. No

Civic sense for sustainable social relations.

4. Emile Durkheim:- Refer to theory of division of labour.

5. L.T.Hobhouse:- According to him change in knowledge, literacy, educa on has led to
progress and change in the society. According to him advancement in human
knowledge is indica on of social change. He has presented the evolu onary stages
through which society has progress and developed. 1. Stage of Pre-literate society. 2.
stage of literacy. 3. Stage of reflec ve thought. 4. Stage of cri cal thought. 5. Stage of
modern science.
6. Harbert Spencer: Evolu on is a twin process of differen a on and integra on. He
provided analogy between human body and Society. Socie es are made up of
interconnected parts and interdependent parts. These parts are social ins tu ons.
The network of interdependent parts cons tutes of the social structure. Like
organisms socie es are also characterized by progressive increase in size. Increasing
sizes followed by increase in differen a on and integra on. The simple socie es are
rela vely and differen ated. So socie es either due to change in environment or due
to internal growth of popula on gradually undergo evolu onary change. The
changes viewed as progressive and Uni direc onal process involving transi on from
small and simple to large and complex type of socie es.
7. Neo - evolu onary Theorist: Talco Parson: He was very much influenced by
Herbert Spencers concept of organic analogy. According to him social change in
society depends on the capacity for adapta on, differen a on and integra on. ex-
Adapta on capacity of people in Jharkhand Chha sgarh/ tribes is very low- s ll
dependent on the forest produce. Rate of industrialisa on is very low in Chha sgarh
and Jharkhand- so social change very low. Capacity of adapta on depends on
differen a on of social structure. If in the society Structures differen ate as per the
func onal needs of humans social change occurs. Differen a on further depends on
new values for integra on of the members of society. Example - american society
differen ated, democra sed - but due to the lack of new values, s ll women
representa on in Senate is very low. So even if structures have differen ated, if
integra onal values are not there, social change doesn't occur.
a. Applying evolu onary model, Parsons has dis nguished five stages of
evolu on: 1. First type is primi ve society, like Australian aborigine. 2.
Second typist archiac society like Mesopotamia and Egyp an Empire. 3. The
third type is the historical society like China in India. 4. The fourth type is the
seedbed society like Israel and Greece and 5. The fi h type is modern society
like U.S, Soviet Union and Europe.

Cri cism of classical evolu onist theory: These theories tended to have value bias and hence lacked
objec vity a pre-condi on for scien fic study. This bias is evident from the fact that they cynically
labelled the simple socie es as primi ve or Savage etc while describing European culture and
socie es as a model of high civiliza on. Ironically when first world war broke out in European society
which was advancing to be towards apex of human progress and Civiliza on and Europe witnessed
the human savagery at its worst. Most sociologist and anthropologist belonging to classical
evolu onists of tradi on were the arm chair theorist.

 Cyclical theories of social change:- cyclical theories of social change focus on the Rise and
fall of Civiliza on, and a empt to discover pa erns of growth and decay. Spengler, Tonybee
and Sorokin can be regarded as the champion of this theory
1. Acc. To Spengler Each civiliza on is like a biological organism and has a similar life
cycle,birth, maturity, old age and death a er making a study of 8 major civiliza ons
Including the west he said that modern Western society is in the last stage i.e., the
old age. He concluded that the Western society is where entering a period of decay
as evidenced by Wars, conflicts and social breakdown that Herald their Doom. Ex-
Major western powers are in conflict with the middle east or East.
2. Arnold Toynee: Study focuses on the key concept of challenges and responses.
Challenges posed by the environment and later challenges from internal and external
enemies. The nature of responses determines the socie es fate. The achievement of
a Civiliza on consists of its successful responses to the challenges. He does not believe
that all civiliza ons will inevitably decay. He pointed out that history is a series of cycles
of decay and growth. But each new civiliza on is able to learn from the mistakes and
to borrow from cultures of others. It is therefore possible for each new cycle to offer
higher level of achievement. If response is not posi ve that leads to decay. If posi ve
society leads to a be er. External example - floods,draught. Internal example –
3. Elite theory of VILFREDO PARETO: He divided the whole social system into two parts:
Elites and masses. Elite consists of both governing and non governing elites. According
to him change in the society occurs with change in elite. There are governing and non
governing elites. Elites with residues of combina on and persistence. Circula on of
Elites. Refer to previous theory.
 Cri cal analysis and arguments: In context of two opposite ideologies: Pareto's opinion about
lions and foxes, in the form of two opposite ideologist is nowhere absolutely found. Aware
ci zens of any country want a party to be pragma c, reconciliatory and based on stability. And
this cannot be found in a single group i.e, lion or Fox. This is the reason that in today's
leadership the characteris cs of both lion and foxes are present.
1. In context of non governing elements: But Pareto's theory: Is relevant in the form of
opposi on party. Opposi on party keeps acknowledging the people, the faulty
policies and their wrong implementa ons and in that way, they stop the government
to be authoritarian. Some mes they becomes successful replacing the governing
elites .
 4. Sorokin: Socio cultural dynamics: In his cyclical theory of social change: Cultural changes in
society leads to social changes and these changes happen in a cyclical manner. In his book"
socio cultural dynamics " culture of society has three aspects 1. Sensate Culture 2. Idealis c
Culture & 3. Idea onal Culture. Here Sensate & Idea onal are extreme cultural stages.
1. Sensate culture recording to him is characterised by material and sensual aspects of
development. All aspect of the society has all the belief and values, norms, social
rela ons, mo ons etc based on materialism. Members of society are oriented towards
the accomplishments which gets utmost sensual and materialis c pleasure. Power is
concentrated in the hands of those who are materialis cally superior. In such society
religion, customs, tradi on have limited impact on social rela ons and social ac on.
Sorokin preferred the modern culture of Western society as Sensate Culture.
2. Different from Sensate, in the Idea onal Culture religion, tradi on, customs, past
values and norms are of prime concern. In every aspect of social life determined by
religion, customs, tradi on etc. Instead of material pleasure, socie es controlled and
regulated by transcendental ethics, religion, truth, non-violence etc. In the socio-
cultural system individuals’ posi on in the society is determined by religious or
spiritual success and accomplishments. Ex- Socio Cultural System in Europe in Dark
3. Idealis c-Socio cultural system reflects the a ributes of both Sensate and Idea onal.
It is a Transi onal stage which falls in between these two.
4. According to him the principle of eminent change: According to the principal all the
socie es are bound to change in accordance with change in cultural system. And every
social cultural system over period of me changes from sensate to idea onal &
idea onal to sensate. There is a principal of limits of development. ex- european
society people are seeking spiritualism. Indian society is moving from idea onal to
5. Irregular mo on of change: Whether the changes from sensate to idea onal or
idea on to sensate, the speed of change is some mes high and some mes low and
next me it may stagnate temporary. The mo on of change is irregular. It is in the form
of fluctua on. It cannot be predicted when one cultural stage would reach to second
cultural stage.
 This theory subject to cri cism: Because Sorokin has highlighted changes in socio cultural
system has ignored the minor changes in the society. It lacks microscopic explana on.
 According to him, change in a different direc on occurs only a er reaching to
the extreme level of cultural stage. But the same has not been seen prac cally.
It is extremely difficult to determine what is the extremity of a cultural stage.
Ex- Afghanistan Idealis c to Idealism. 70’s 80’s Taliban emerged and took up
the power. Syria never a ained Sensate. Iran, Iraq never a ained Sensate – so
this doesn’t support empirically to the thesis.
 Relavence: Conserva on of environment, peace talks, conserva on of water,
coopera on for conserva on- this indicates socie es a er a aining
materialis c development, socie es are rever ng back.
 Xenocentrism:- obsession for other culture. Ethnocentrism: - obsession for our own culture
example: Parsis.
 R.K.Mertons theory- Malintegra on Theory of Social Change:- According to him over a period
of me, part become dysfunc onal and these disfunc onal parts give rise to malintegra on
and Maladjustment with the social system. Malintegra on are manifested in the form of
conflict. Therefore, dysfunc onal parts maybe replaced by its func onal alterna ve or
func onal equivalent.
 NEIL J SMELSER: According to him over a period of me incompa bili es may develop
between parts of the social system. These incompa bili es causes inconsistences in the social
system and social rela ons. These inconsistence is may generate structural strain in the
system. Such situa on of structural strain in the system may some mes lead to collec ve
mobiliza on and social movement may emerge to bring about social changes. Ex- joint family
- collec ve obliga ons towards family. But Industrial society required members employed in
factory. So incompa bility between family and economy. Ex- Colonial government replaced by
democra c government. Ex- LPG due to previous economy dysfunc onal

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