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Studies in Conservation

ISSN: 0039-3630 (Print) 2047-0584 (Online) Journal homepage:

Spherical Copper Resinate on Coromandel Objects:

Analysis and Conservation of Matt Green Paint

Lucia Burgio, Shayne Rivers, Catherine Higgitt, Marika Spring & Ming Wilson

To cite this article: Lucia Burgio, Shayne Rivers, Catherine Higgitt, Marika Spring & Ming Wilson
(2007) Spherical Copper Resinate on Coromandel Objects: Analysis and Conservation of Matt
Green Paint, Studies in Conservation, 52:4, 241-254

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Spherical Copper Resinate on

Coromandel Objects: Analysis and
Conservation of Matt Green Paint
Lucia Burgio, Shayne Rivers, Catherine Higgitt, Marika Spring and Ming Wilson

An unusual green pigment was found on a seventeenth-century kuan cai (Coromandel) lacquer screen at the Victoria and Albert
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Museum, London.The particles are perfectly spherical and translucent, with the appearance of green fish roe. Analysis revealed
that the pigment is a copper resinate, produced by reacting a copper salt with a resin, probably one from a Pinus species.The
binding medium for the pigment is proteinaceous.The unusual spherical morphology of the particles results from the method of
manufacture. A pigment with the same microscopic appearance was also found on two other Coromandel objects from the same
collection. In light or olive green areas, where the pigment is mixed with lead white, the paint is glossy and well preserved. In
contrast, in the dark green areas where the pigment was used alone, the paint is matt and powdery and there is significant paint
loss and abrasion.The problem of consolidation of the powdery paint, while still preserving the matt appearance of the surface, was
resolved by the use of immiscible solvents and consolidant.

INTRODUCTION morphology, which was used extensively on the screen.

Figures 2 and 3 show details of areas of decoration from
Following extensive renovation, the Victoria and Albert the screen containing this pigment. In Figure 2 there
(V&A) Museum’s British Galleries opened to the public are several shades of light green paint, all of which are
in late 2001. These galleries illustrate the historical hard and glossy, and which survive in good condition.
progression of British art and design, showcasing In contrast, the dark green paint of the underside of
significant influences along with examples from the most the bladed leaves where this pigment was used alone
important designers and manufacturers. A small display is powdery and matt, presenting particular problems in
sets out examples of objects from China, Japan and the conservation treatment. Although minor losses are
India alongside their British-derived counterparts, with apparent in the areas illustrated, some other dark green
Chinese lacquer represented by a twelve-fold kuan cai areas have suffered more extensive loss (Figure 3). This
(Coromandel) lacquer screen (Figure 1). Conservation of paper describes the identification of the pigment and
the screen was a challenging undertaking because of its the paint binding medium, as well as the method used to
size and condition, and because little detailed technical consolidate the matt green paint.
information on kuan cai was available. The V&A initiated
a technical study of the object, both to inform the
conservation treatment and to increase understanding Historical context
of this decorative form of Chinese lacquer. One of The technique of kuan cai (‘cut colour’) lacquer was
the most interesting results of the examination was unique to China and involved incising designs into a
the discovery of a previously unknown translucent lacquer surface and then decorating the resulting lacunae
green copper resinate pigment with a striking spherical with polychrome paint. Historical European terms used
to describe this technique include ‘Bantam work’ in
Received October 2006 late seventeenth-century England and ‘Coromandel’ in

S T U D I E S I N C O N S E RVAT I O N 5 2 ( 2 0 0 7 ) PA G E S 2 4 1 – 2 5 4
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Figure 1 Coromandel screen, V&A accession number 130-1885.

early eighteenth-century France [1, 2]. The front of the while the more brightly coloured glossy areas, such as
kuan cai screen examined in this study is decorated with the deer and flowers, advance into the foreground.
a pastoral scene of animals and birds among trees and A limited range of pigmented lacquer was produced
flowers alongside waves topped with spindrift, while the prior to the nineteenth century, typically black, brown,
back is characterized by incised fan-shaped and square red and yellow [3]. There are two reasons for this limited
cartouches inscribed with extracts from the works of palette. First, the drying of lacquer occurs through
well-known poets, an allusion to the screen-owner’s a combination of oxidation and enzyme-catalysed
literary knowledge. Both front and back are bordered (therefore pH-specific) cross-linking and many pigments
with the ‘hundred antiques’ design depicting flower disrupt the curing process [4]. Second, pigments used in
vases, urns and animals such as dogs, terrapins, dragons combination with lacquer must have the ability to mask
and phoenix. the natural dark brown colour of this binding medium,
The artistic quality of kuan cai can be judged by the so it is not possible to make white lacquer, for example.
intricacy and conception of the overall design, while A wider range of colours, including the greens, whites,
craft skill is evident in the execution of the decoration. and blues typical of kuan cai polychromy, are possible if
Fine-lined and smooth-flowing curves are the most other binding media are used.
technically difficult incised decoration to produce. Texts on Chinese lacquer, historical documentary
The large areas given over to the depiction of fine sources and contemporary conservation literature give
bundles of coniferous needles and waves are testament little information on kuan cai, while the materials and
to the exceptionally high quality of this screen. The techniques used to create it rarely warrant more than a
polychrome decoration utilizes a wide range of colours single sentence (see for example [5]).Typical descriptions
in combination with delicate glazes, which are used for of the polychromy technique refer to the use of oil as
both pictorial detail and graduated shadowing. Matt the binding medium, or lacquer for certain colours,
and gloss paint are juxtaposed to create an impression although two authors refer to the use of water-based
of three-dimensionality in the design. The combination colours [6, 7].
of fine line incised work with matt muted colour in The sixteenth-century Chinese lacquerist Huang
the coniferous needle bundles, for example, causes the Cheng listed kuan cai along with 90 other lacquering
overhanging tree greenery to recede within the design, techniques in Xiu Shi Lu (The Lacquering Handbook)

S T U D I E S I N C O N S E RVAT I O N 5 2 ( 2 0 0 7 ) PA G E S 2 4 1 – 2 5 4

written between 1567 and 1572.1 Although this suggests

that incised polychrome lacquer was already being
made in the latter half of the sixteenth century, if not
earlier, kuan cai objects are generally attributed to the
Kangxi period (1622–1722). Describing polychrome
decoration, Huang Cheng states: ‘Kuan cai, some
colours are compatible with lacquer, some with oil.
Those compatible with lacquer should be applied using
the dry method, those compatible with oil should be
applied with lead powder. Some add gold and silver
to the palette, which makes it more beautiful’ [8,
paragraph 129]. Huang Cheng goes on to describe the
‘dry method’, in which lacquer was brushed onto an
intaglio area, followed by the application of powdered
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pigments on top. In the ‘wet method’, pigments were

mixed with oil and brushed directly onto the surface.
The handbook, under the heading of ‘oil’, explains that
several colours such as sky blue, white and peach pink
cannot be obtained by mixing the pigment with lacquer
and therefore have to be mixed with oil. ‘Oil’ refers to
paulownia oil, obtained from the seeds of the paulownia
tree [8, paragraphs 16 and 97]. Water-based media are
not referred to in this text. Glues derived from cowhide,
staghorn and fish bladder are mentioned, though only in
reference to joining wood or bamboo pieces together to
form the substrate [8, paragraph 41].
While there is a substantial body of literature dealing
with general principles of the conservation of lacquer
[3, 9–11], there are very few references dealing with the
conservation of kuan cai (Coromandel) lacquer. Passing
reference to the restoration of kuan cai screens is made
Figure 2 Glossy green paint on the Coromandel screen. The matt green by Skálová [12] and Piert-Borgers [13]. Bresinsky gives
can be seen in some of the long thin leaves (note the paint losses in their
a historical overview of the use of Coromandel and
Japanese lacquer in eighteenth-century French furniture
but does not address conservation issues [14]. Piert-
Borgers undertook the examination and limited analysis
of several Coromandel objects, including three screens
[7]. Breidenstein examined a gilded Chinese screen
and incorporated information on the materials and
techniques in the foundation layers [15], which may be
similar to those found on Coromandel screens.


Samples taken from the glossy green areas on the screen

revealed that the uppermost layer contained lead white

Figure 3 Matt dark green leaves on the Coromandel screen, showing

In 1625 the lacquerist Yang Ming wrote commentaries to Huang’s
extensive damage. A few paler glossy leaves, still in perfect condition, can text, and further annotations to both texts were made by Wang
also be seen and are marked with arrows. Shixiang [8].

S T U D I E S I N C O N S E RVAT I O N 5 2 ( 2 0 0 7 ) PA G E S 2 4 1 – 2 5 4

mixed with a translucent dark green spherical pigment malachite, and is more frequently observed when
(see the Appendix and Figure 4). The spheres ranged preparing dispersions of copper-containing glaze paint
from approximately 2 to 100 µm in diameter. In the sam- where verdigris has reacted with oil. In addition, emerald
ples from the matt areas a thick layer composed of the green and spherical malachite yield distinctive Raman
same translucent green spheres was always present, used spectra, unlike the green pigment from the Coromandel
alone rather than with lead white, giving the appearance screen (only fluorescence was observed with 514.5 and
under the microscope of green fish roe. The pigment in 632.8 nm excitation).
these areas was very leanly bound and there were voids Other occurrences of a green pigment described
between the spherical particles. In a few areas there as resembling fish roe have been reported on Chinese
was a layer of malachite over the layer containing the objects, but the pigment is either not discussed in
translucent green spherical pigment, and in these places detail [20], or it is described, based on its microscopic
the matt green paint is in better condition (Figure 5). appearance rather than on analytical results, as a synthetic
The appearance and colour of the translucent form of malachite, ‘showing a white centre surrounded
green pigment was typical of a copper-containing by a shell of green’ [21].
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material. The shape of the particles might at first have

suggested that the pigment could be either emerald SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AND
green (copper acetoarsenite, the particles of which are ENERGY DISPERSIVE X-RAY ANALYSIS
usually characterized by a spherical shape) [16] or so-
called spherical malachite (either synthetic or naturally The flawless geometrical shape of the particles and the
precipitated) [17–19]. However, the green pigment smoothness and perfection of their surface could be
found on the Coromandel screen was darker and more appreciated fully only with the aid of a scanning electron
translucent than either of these pigments, and was microscope (Figure 6). Cross-sections of samples from
isotropic when viewed in transmitted light between the screen, from both matt and glossy green areas, were
crossed polars. analysed by energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) in
The green spheres seemed to partially dissolve the scanning electron microscope (SEM). Unmounted
when heated in Cargille Meltmount to be viewed as samples were also imaged with a tabletop scanning
a dispersion, particularly at higher temperatures, and electron microscope under conditions suited to the
their morphology was no longer visible (dispersions examination of the topography and pigment particle
were made in the temperature range 65–95°C). This shape (see the Appendix). Perfect dark grey spheres of
behaviour is not typical of emerald green or spherical variable diameter are visible in the SEM images, which

Figure 4 Photomicrograph of a cross-section of a sample from a pale, Figure 5 Photomicrograph of a cross-section of a sample from a matt
glossy green area on the Coromandel screen, showing translucent, dark green area on the Coromandel screen showing a layer of malachite on top
green spheres of variable size embedded in a lead white matrix. of a layer of translucent, dark green spheres.

S T U D I E S I N C O N S E RVAT I O N 5 2 ( 2 0 0 7 ) PA G E S 2 4 1 – 2 5 4

are particularly clear in the glossy green areas because of copper-containing pigments such as malachite. In the
the strong contrast with the lead white in which they are backscattered images of some of the cross-sections there
embedded (Figures 7 and 8). is a more highly scattering feature in the centre of the
The EDX spectra confirm that the spherical green largest spheres (Figure 9), in which some chlorine was
pigment contains copper, although at a relatively low detected in association with copper.
level compared to the background, which is more
typical of copper salts of organic acids than other
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Figure 6 Tabletop electron microscope backscattered electron images of an unmounted sample from a matt green area on the Coromandel screen, at
two different magnifications.

Figure 7 SEM backscattered electron image of a cross-section of a Figure 8 Tabletop electron microscope backscattered electron image
sample from a pale, glossy green area on the Coromandel screen. of an unmounted sample from a glossy green area on the Coromandel

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on a seventeenth-century Coromandel cabinet in the

Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst, Berlin [7].
A sample from a dark green area containing only
the copper resinate pigment was analysed by gas
chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) (see
the Appendix). The diterpenoid content of the sample
suggests that a conifer resin is present, probably
from a Pinus species (the diterpenoid region of
the chromatogram is shown in Figure 11 and the
components identified are listed in Table 1). It is not
possible to determine if the pine resin has a European
or Asian origin, but the absence of the methyl esters
of lambertianic (mass spectrum with base peak, B+ 121
and molecular ion, M+ 330) or merkusic (B+ 121, M+
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364) acids rules out certain East Asian Pinus species

such as P. armandii, P. wallichiana, P. koraiensis and P. sibirica
or P. merkusii [27, pp. 100–101]. The unusual degree of
Figure 9 SEM backscattered electron image of dark green spheres preservation of the resin components is undoubtedly
from the Coromandel screen. Two of the particles show the presence of a
related to the presence of copper in the pigment, which
nucleus, marked with arrows.
acts as an antioxidant. A sesquiterpene component was
also detected (B+ 161, M+ 204) but its identity cannot
readily be assigned, as a number of sesquiterpenes show
FOURIER TRANSFORM INFRARED MICROSCOPY similar mass spectral patterns. The sesquiterpene could
AND GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY–MASS be a component of the Pinus resin used in the copper
SPECTROMETRY ANALYSES resinate, or could represent the residues of some form of
oil of turpentine or other essential oil.
The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra obtained GC-MS analysis also gave some indication of the
from a sample of the matt green paint from the screen identity of the paint medium. The absence of saturated
(Figure 10) indicated the presence of a true copper fatty acids in the chromatograms argues against the
resinate [22, 23] and were in good agreement with use of an egg-based binder or a number of oils. The
those obtained from standard samples [24], as well as paulownia oil mentioned as a binder in the historic
samples produced at the National Gallery by heating literature contains only low levels of saturated fatty
verdigris with pine resin (based on a recipe in the De acids, which could be almost undetectable in a leanly
Mayerne manuscript, see [25]). The bands at 1696 and bound paint, but there was also no indication of the
1242 cm-1 are characteristic of resin acids, and the band
at 1607 cm-1 is characteristic of the copper–resin acid
interaction (asymmetric copper carboxylate stretching
frequency) [26].When the green particles were placed in
a diamond micro-compression cell, a few deeper blue-
green particles could be seen within the compressed
green matrix. These are presumably the residues of the
copper salt used to prepare the copper resinate (possibly
copper chloride, based on the EDX results), but attempts
to characterize this material by infrared microscopy
failed. Examination of a sample from a glossy pale green
area confirmed the presence of the same green copper
resinate pigment, mixed with lead white. Although no
information is given about the particle morphology,
a light green translucent pigment which gave a good
match with copper resinate reference spectra when
Figure 10 FTIR spectrum of a sample from a matt green area on the
examined by IR spectroscopy has also been reported Coromandel screen.

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Table 1 Results of the analysis of a green sample from the Coromandel screen by GC-MS

Peak Retention time (minutes) Component m/z [M+, B+]

1 22.50 methyl seco-dehydroabietate type (bicyclic) 316, 284, 146, 101

2 22.71 methyl seco-dehydroabietate type (monocyclic) 316, 284, 146
3 23.51 methyl pimarate 316, 121
4 23.68 methyl sandaracopimarate 316, 121
5 24.04 methyl palustrate 316, 301, 241, 105, 91
6 24.11 methyl isopimarate 316, 241, 121, 105, 91
7 24.41 methyl dehydroabietate 314, 299, 239
8 24.96 methyl abietate 316, 256, 241, 121, 105
9 25.42 methyl 3- or 7-hydroxydehydroabietate (?) 330, 312, 237
10 25.53 methyl neoabietate 316, 135
11 26.12 methyl 3- or 7-hydroxydehydroabietate (?)a 330, 312, 237 (344, 329)
12 26.54 methyl 15-hydroxydehydroabietate (?) 330, 315, 312, 255, 237
13 27.20 methyl 7-oxodehydroabietate 328, 253
14 27.53 unassigned 345(?), 342(?), 330, 270, 253, 235, 149, 121
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15 27.60 unassignedb 358, 340, 283, 265, 225

16 28.13 unassigned 340, 280, 265, 227
17 30.06 unassigned 358, 313, 253
18 30.20 methyl 7-oxo-15-hydroxydehydroabietate (and dehydrated 344, 329 (326, 251)
19 30.24 unassigned 360(?), 358, 313, 253
20 30.68 unassigned 370, 355
21 31.49 unassignedd 356, 341, 338, 281, 278, 263, 238, 225, 197
The use of TMTFTH (3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyltrimethylammonium hydroxide) as the derivatizing reagent normally yields a single derivative for each
component and these are reported in the table. However, the results obtained here suggest that minor quantities of some additional components are being
formed, much as are seen with the more alkaline reagent, tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH). In addition, a few components show signs of some
dehydration occurring during the run and co-elution: perhaps reflection problems with the injector system or the GC column [28].
Two species appear to be co-eluting. The minor component elutes too early to be the methyl 7-oxo-15-hydroxydehydroabietate but might be a methoxy
version of methyl 15-hydroxydehydroabietate [29].
This may be the methylated enol-form of methyl 7-oxo-15-hydroxydehydroabietate [29].
Two species appear to be co-eluting. The minor component appears to be the dehydrated form of methyl 7-oxo-15-hydroxydehydroabietate.
Two species are possibly co-eluting here. One species may yield 356/341 and the other 338/225/263.

38]. A proteinaceous or polysaccharide-based binder is

therefore more likely, a conclusion supported by the fact
that the green spheres have not ‘dissolved’ and lost their
distinctive morphology as might have been expected in
a resin-, oil- or lacquer-based binder.
No bands assignable to a polysaccharide binder
could be seen by FTIR microscopy. Where the pigment
was used alone, the very strong bands associated with
the copper resinate pigment masked the regions of
the spectrum where absorbances associated with a
proteinaceous binder would be expected, although
shoulders at around 1650 and 1550 cm-1 in the spectrum
for the sample containing the green pigment mixed
with lead white were suggestive of a protein binder.
Figure 11 Chromatogram of a sample from a matt green area on the
Coromandel Screen.
To remove the pigment interference, a sample of the
matt green paint was extracted with hot water and the
dried extract examined. The IR spectrum (not shown)
presence of unsaturated fatty acids in which paulownia confirmed the use of a protein-based binding medium
[30, p. 234] and other drying oils are rich (no residual (probably animal glue).
unsaturated fatty acids and no oxidative degradation No descriptions of the manufacture of a pigment such
products such as azelaic acid were detected) [29, pp. 36– as that on the screen have been found in accounts of

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Coromandel craftsmanship. The term ‘copper resinate’ is brush marks. White accretions along the edges of many
more commonly encountered in the context of Western incised areas were identified as paraffin wax [34]. The
European easel painting, where it has traditionally been varnished surface had a greenish-white autofluorescence
used for green translucent copper-containing glazes, under ultraviolet (UV) illumination, which is consistent
although recent work has shown that these glazes in with several Western natural resin varnishes. By contrast,
fact generally consist of verdigris which has wholly or photo-degraded black oriental lacquer frequently
partially reacted and dissolved in the oil binding medium. exhibits a muted orange autofluorescence [35]. These
A small amount of varnish was sometimes added to these factors, combined with the solubility characteristics,
glazes, so that some ‘copper resinate’ can be present, but suggested the presence of a wax–resin varnish.
formed through reaction with the resin on ageing of the Although alcohols and ketones would usually be used
paint rather than by deliberate reaction [22, 23, 31]. to remove this type of varnish, contact with such solvents
The unusual morphology of the copper resinate often causes blanching in photo-degraded oriental
particles on the Coromandel screen suggests that it did lacquer. The more light-damaged the lacquer and the
not simply result from the reaction of a copper pigment longer it is exposed to these solvents, the more likely it
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with an organic binding medium but is a deliberately is that significant blanching will occur [36]. Solvent tests
manufactured copper resinate pigment. It seems likely on the varnish demonstrated that aromatic hydrocarbon
that the molten copper resinate mix was quenched solvents caused sufficient swelling to allow removal of
in water and that the spherical green particles then the varnish from the lacquer using a combination of
separated out of the emulsion as the copper resinate solvent and mechanical action.
cooled and solidified. Such a method of production Solubility tests on the matt green copper resinate
would account for the shape and the variable size of paint were undertaken using small samples viewed
the pigment particles. Where the copper resinate has under 100–200× magnification. The pigment was
not been mixed with lead white, the lean proteinaceous readily soluble in ethanol and acetone and insoluble in
binder does not fill the voids between the large pigment deionized water, aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon
particles, explaining why the paint appears rather matt solvents. The overlapping solubility parameters of
and is very powdery and brittle. The lighter green areas pigment and varnish combined with the friability of the
contain the same pigment and also have a proteinaceous paint layer meant that no attempt was made to remove
binding medium, but contain lead white, which fills the the Western varnish from the matt paint. However, it was
voids between the green particles giving a glossier, more still necessary to consolidate the matt paint decoration
durable paint. without further altering its appearance.
The aims of the consolidation treatment for the
CONSERVATION matt paint on the screen were to introduce enough
consolidant to prevent further loss of pigment, ideally
In contrast to the gloss painted areas, which were largely without altering the appearance of the paint, and to allow
intact, areas of matt painted decoration were powdery for the possibility of future re-treatment without damage
and friable and had suffered significant losses, as is to the paint or adjacent lacquer. Common approaches
typical of matt paints with their high ratio of pigment for the consolidation of matt paint include reducing the
volume to binder volume [32, p. xxxix]. Adhesive failure concentration of consolidant, using multiple applications
had occurred both within the paint layer, which is of very dilute consolidant solutions (sometimes less than
0.5–1.5 mm thick, and at the interface with the white 1%) or using a nebulizer [37] or ultrasonic mister [38];
preparation layer. SEM images showed that this paint had increasing penetration of consolidant into the paint layer
a rough surface, was poorly bound and contained large by means of a slow-evaporating solvent [39] or a vapour-
voids. This paint presented a particular challenge, since saturated atmosphere [40]; the use of additives such as
any conservation treatment that alters these properties matting agents in the consolidant and experimentation
will cause a marked change in the appearance of such with traditional materials in new ways, for example
paint, due to a reduction in the diffuse reflection of light funori, an alginate used in Japanese conservation [37, 41,
from the surface of the paint [33, p. 164]. 42]. Several methods and materials were tested, including
Both the front and rear of the screen had been ParaloidTM B72 in dilute solutions and in the slow-
varnished in the past, probably in an attempt to unify the evaporating aromatic solvent diethylbenzene, a range of
appearance of wax repairs and the adjacent lacquer. The cellulose ethers, and the use of fumed silica as a matting
semi-matt varnish was characterized by thick, uneven agent. All were unsuccessful, providing either insufficient

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adhesion or darkening the matt green paint. However, forming a coherent film on top of the pigment particles.
during informal discussions of this consolidation problem, By the time the white spirit has evaporated, the isinglass
colleagues from the V&A sculpture conservation studio has gelled below the surface. The low concentration of
referred to their use of immiscible solvents to prevent the isinglass provides sufficient adhesion within the paint
penetration of aqueous cleaning agents into uncoated layer without filling the voids and darkening the paint.
porous plaster surfaces during cleaning [43]. Typically Consolidation of the fr iable matt paint using
the plaster surface was wetted with a hydrocarbon immiscible solvents facilitated the rapid treatment of
solvent (white spirit) which acted as a barrier to prevent substantial areas of matt paint on the Coromandel
water-soluble dirt being carried further into the porous, screen. These vertical surfaces have suffered no further
water sensitive plaster surface as the surface was cleaned loss in the years since the screen was redisplayed at the
with a dampened swab. The use of immiscible solvent V&A in a gallery where relative humidity ranges from
combinations has been reported for aqueous cleaning 32 to 57%. Two other matt painted objects, a small
of paintings (hydrocarbon solvent layer/ammonium eighteenth-century Chinese polychrome sculpture and
hydroxide–water solution [44]) and paper objects with a nineteenth-century Japanese ceiling panel, have also
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water-sensitive media (cyclododecane barrier layer [45]). been treated successfully using this method.
There is only a single anecdotal reference to the use
of immiscible solvents for consolidation of matt paint CONCLUSION
(footnoted as Futernick, personal communication):
‘sensitive flaking paint has been successfully adhered The green areas of the Coromandel screen contain
with acrylic emulsions while the paint was saturated a translucent dark green pigment with an unusual
with toluene… the toluene was allowed to dry, leaving spherical particle form. It was identified using FTIR
the flaking paints still porous but adhered’ [32, p. lvi]. microscopy and GC-MS as copper resinate, which had
These experiences with porous materials prompted been deliberately prepared as a pigment using resin that
consolidation tests following a similar approach. was probably from a species of pine. This is the first
An acrylic dispersion, PrimalTM WS24 (5% solids), time to the authors’ knowledge that a pigment of this
and isinglass 5% w/v were tested. First, drops of a description, which was used extensively in the green
hydrocarbon solvent (white spirit) were applied to the areas on the screen, has been reported. A pigment with
friable paint from a pipette, followed by application of the same microscopic appearance has also been found on
the consolidant, drawn off by capillary action from a two other Coromandel objects, a casket and a cabinet
fine sable brush touched to the surface. Once dry, the dating from the late seventeenth century, which were
treatment was evaluated by brushing lightly over the sampled for comparison (Figure 12). It seems likely that
surface with a dry sable brush while observing the effect further analysis of Coromandel objects will uncover
under low magnification. No loose pigment particles more examples of its use.
were observed when isinglass was used, but 5% PrimalTM The paint was glossy, hard and well preserved where
WS24 was insufficient to secure the pigment. In both the spherical green pigment was used in admixture with
cases, the appearance of the surface was unchanged. lead white, and matt and porous where it was not. The
After further successful trials, isinglass was selected binding medium was identified as proteinaceous in both
as the consolidant for the matt painted areas of the cases, which contradicts historical sources that document
Coromandel screen. Some collagen-derived adhesives the materials and techniques used to create Coromandel
can offer long-term stability if natural contaminants are lacquer. Consolidation of the matt paint was achieved
minimized, relative humidity fluctuations limited and without altering the appearance of the paint using a
high light levels avoided [33, p. 165]. combination of the immiscible materials white spirit and
The most likely explanation for the effectiveness of isinglass.
the treatment is simple displacement. Isinglass used on
its own as a consolidant forms a thin layer on the surface
that saturates and darkens matt paint. Pre-wetting the
surface with a hydrophobic solvent such as white spirit Optical microscopy
prevents this. As the isinglass is applied, the white spirit is
displaced and forms a layer at the surface of the paint, on Samples were embedded in clear casting polyester
top of the isinglass. The hydrophobic white spirit layer resin, polished and examined under visible and UV
acts as a barrier that repels the isinglass and prevents it illumination with a Leica Aristomet microscope and a

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Figure 12 Photomicrograph of a cross-section of a sample from a matt green area on the Coromandel cabinet (V&A accession number FE.39-1981)
showing a layer of green spheres. Image width: approximately 0.8 mm.

Leica Laborlux 12 ME microscope. Dispersions were GC-MS

prepared using Cargille Meltmount (refractive index:
1.662) as the dispersing medium and a hotplate, the The paint samples were placed in 1 mL tapered reac-
temperature of which was set between 65 and 95°C. tion vials and treated with microlitre quantities of 5%
(The pigment discoloured slightly when heated at methanolic TMTFTH (3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyltri
100ºC in water.) methylammonium hydroxide). The vials were sealed
and heated at ~70ºC for about five hours. Each sample
was centrifuged before 1 µL of the supernatant was
SEM-EDX injected. Thermolytic methylation was accomplished,
Polished carbon-coated cross-sections were examined under moderate conditions, upon injection into the
at 25 kV using a Cambridge Instruments S200 SEM GC injection port at a temperature of 270ºC. Analysis
equipped with a backscattered electron detector and was carried out on a Trio 2000 quadrupole mass
energy dispersive X-ray analyser (Oxford Instruments spectrometer coupled to a Hewlett-Packard 5890 Series
INCA 300 EDX system). An Hitachi tabletop scanning II gas chromatograph. 30 m × 0.32 mm bore BPX5-
electron microscope TM-1000 operating at 15 kV was coated silica capillary column with 1 µm film thickness
also used to produce backscattered electron images of (5% phenyl (equiv.) polysilphenylene-siloxane stationary
unmounted samples of the spherical green pigment phase), injector temperature 250ºC, helium carrier,
(working distance ~5 mm, chamber pressure ~50 Pa). column head pressure 48 kPa, splitless mode, column
programme: 70ºC (for one minute) and then ramp at
10ºC per minute to 300ºC (held for 105 minutes), line
FTIR microscopy temperature 290ºC. Mass spectrometer conditions: 70 eV
Spectra were acquired using a Nicolet 710 Series FTIR electron impact, source temperature 210ºC, scan range
spectrometer with a NicPlan infrared microscope, fitted 40–600 Daltons, scan time 1 s, interscan time 0.1 s.
with a mercury-cadmium-telluride (MCT) Type A
detector (cooled with liquid nitrogen). Measurements ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
were made in transmission mode, using a Spectra-Tech
Reflachromat Cassegrain ×15 objective. 128 scans The authors are grateful to Dr Daffydd Griffiths,
were made at a resolution of 4 cm-1 with Happ-Genzel Institute of Archaeology, UCL for providing access to
apodization. Both spectrometer and microscope were SEM-EDX facilities at the early stages of this research
purged with water- and CO2-free air. Samples were in 2001; to Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation for
placed between the windows of a Spectra-Tech micro- kindly making available instrument time on a TM-1000
compression diamond cell. tabletop microscope; to Julie Arslanoǧlu, Sarah Medlam

S T U D I E S I N C O N S E RVAT I O N 5 2 ( 2 0 0 7 ) PA G E S 2 4 1 – 2 5 4

and Julia Hutt for discussions on Coromandel lacquer; to 12 November 1993, ed. K. Nishikawa, Tokyo National Research
Edgar Mantz, Barbara Schertel and Nanke Schellmann Institute of Cultural Properties, Tokyo (1993) 49–62.
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in International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of
Cultural Property: Conservation of Urushi Objects, 10–12 November
1993, ed. K. Nishikawa, Tokyo National Research Institute of
Cultural Properties, Tokyo (1993) 147–165.
14 Bresinsky, H., ‘Montierter Lack’ (Mounted oriental lacquer:
ParaloidTM B72 and PrimalTM WS24: Conservation Resources, 18th century French furniture made with East Asian lacquer
1 Pony Road, Cowley, Oxford OX4 2RD, www.conservation work), Restauro 94 (1988) 195–210 [in German]. 15 Breidenstein, I., ‘Considerations regarding the restoration of a
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Clear casting polyester resin: Alec Tiranti Ltd, 27 Warren Street, Arbeitshefte des Bayerischen Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege,Vol. 96,
London W1T 5NB, UK. ed. M. Kühlenthal, Lipp Verlag, Munich (2000) 561–585.
16 Fiedler, I., and Bayard, M.A., ‘Emerald green and Scheele’s
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Cargille Meltmount: McCrone Ltd,. McCrone House, 155a

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in Ostasiatische und europäische Lacktechniken, International 22 van Eikema Hommes, M.H., ‘Interpreting historical sources
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10 Kühlenthal, M. (ed.), Japanese and European Lacquerware, 24 IRUG Spectral Database (2000) Section 9, pp 6 and 215.
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resins: In situ derivatization procedures using quaternary 257–275 [in German].
ammonium hydroxides’, Studies in Conservation 47 (2002) 42 Geiger, T., and Michel, F., ‘Studies on the polysaccharide
257–272. JunFunori used to consolidate matt paint’, Studies in Conservation
29 van den Berg, K.J., Boon, J.J., Pastorova, I., and Spetter, L.F.M., 50 (2005) 193–204.
‘Mass spectrometric methodology for the analysis of highly 43 Hubbard, C., and Kosinova, A., Victoria and Albert Museum,
oxidized diterpenoid acids in Old Master paintings’, Journal of personal communication (1997).
Mass Spectrometry 35 (2000) 512–533. 44 Hook, J., ‘The use of immiscible solvent combinations for
30 Hilditch, T.P., and Williams, P.N., The Chemical Constitution of the cleaning of paintings’, Journal of the American Institute for
Natural Fats, 4th edn, Chapman and Hall, London (1964). Conservation 27 (1988) 100–104.
31 Spring, M., and Higgitt, C., ‘Analyses reconsidered: The 45 Brückle, I., Thornton, J., Nichols, K., and Strickler, G.,
importance of the pigment content of paint in the interpretation ‘Cyclododecane: Technical note on some uses in paper
of the results of examination of binding media’, in Medieval and objects conservation’, Journal of the American Institute for
Painting in Northern Europe, ed. J. Nadolny, K. Kollandsrud, Conservation 38 (1999) 162–175.
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M.L. Sauerberg and T. Frøysaker, Archetype, London (2006)

32 Hansen, E.F., Walston, S., and Bishop, M.H., Matte Paint: Its AUTHORS
History and Technology, Analysis, Properties and Conservation
Treatment, with Special Emphasis on Ethnographic Objects: A L UCIA B URGIO graduated in chemistry from the
Bibliographic Supplement to the Art and Archaeology Technical University of Palermo, Italy, in 1996. She completed a
Abstracts (AATA) 30 (1993). PhD degree in chemistry at University College London
33 Hansen, E.F., Sadoff, E.T., and Lowinger, R., ‘A review of in 2000 with a thesis on the analysis of pigments
problems encountered in the consolidation of paint on ethno- on art objects using Raman microscopy and other
graphic wood objects and potential remedies’, in ICOM techniques. After a few months working at ENEA
Committee for Conservation, 9th Triennial Meeting, Dresden, ed. (New Technologies, Energy and Environment Agency)
K. Grimstad, ICOM Committee for Conservation/Getty
in Italy, she joined the Science Section, Conservation
Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1990) Vol. I 163–168.
34 Russell, J., Analysis of Accretions from a Coromandel Screen, V&A
Department, at the Victoria and Albert Museum in
Conservation Science Report 01/70/JER (2001). 2000. Her research interests include the analysis of
35 Rivers, S., and Umney, N., Conservation of Furniture, Butterworth- pigments and other artists’ materials (including lacquer)
Heinemann, Oxford (2003) 761. on museum objects, and the application of scientific
36 Rivers, S., ‘Removal of varnish from japanned and lacquered techniques to art and cultural heritage issues. She is
surfaces: Principles and practice’, in The Meeting of East and West currently senior object analysis scientist at the Victoria
in the Furniture Trade, Sixth International Symposium on Wood and Albert Museum as well as honorary research fellow
and Furniture Conservation, Stichting Ebenist: Postprints, ed. P. at University College London. Address: Science Section,
van Duin and H. Piena, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (2002) Conservation Department,Victoria and Albert Museum, South
Kensington, London SW7 2RL, UK and Christopher Ingold
37 Grantham, S., Byobu and Fusuma: Developing an Approach to the
Conservation of Japanese Screens through Technical Study and an
Laboratories, University College London, 20 Gordon Street,
Investigation of Current Practices, unpublished PhD thesis, Royal London WC1H 0AJ, UK. Email:
College of Art/Victoria and Albert Museum Conservation
Programme (1998). SHAYNE RIVERS graduated from the Royal College of
38 Michalski, S., Dignard, C., van Handel, L., and Arnold, D., ‘The Art/V&A Conservation Programme in 1998 with an
ultrasonic mister: Applications in the consolidation of powdery MA in furniture and decorative surfaces conservation.
matte paint on wooden artifacts’, in Painted Wood: Conservation Since 1999 she has been a senior conservator at the
and History, ed.V. Dorge and F.C. Howlett, Getty Conservation Victoria and Albert Museum, London. She is co-editor
Institute, Los Angeles (1998) 498–513. and a principal contributor to the Conservation of
39 Welsh, E.C., ‘A consolidation treatment for powdery matte Furniture, published in 2003 as part of the Butterworth-
paint’, in Preprints of Papers Presented at the Eighth Annual
Heinemann Museology Series. In recent years her
Meeting of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and
Artistic Works, American Institute for Conservation (AIC), San
primary research interest has been the conservation of
Francisco (1981) 141–150. oriental lacquer. Address: Furniture Conservation, Victoria
40 Hansen, E.F., Lowinger, R., and Sadoff, E., ‘Consolidation of and Albert Museum, South Kensington, London SW7 2RL
porous paints in a vapour saturated atmosphere’, Journal of the UK. Email:
American Institute for Conservation 32 (1993) 1–14.

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CATHERINE HIGGITT graduated in chemistry from the Institute in Cambridge in 1991. She joined the Scientific
University of York in 1994 and completed a PhD degree Department in the National Gallery in 1991. Her
in chemistry at the same institution in 1998. After one principal interests are the study of historical painting
year working for the Historic Scotland Conservation technique and materials, particularly pigments, and
Centre in Edinburgh, she joined the Scientific research into the mechanisms of their deterioration.
Department at the National Gallery in London in 1999, She is currently senior scientific officer at the National
working with Raymond White. Here she specialized Gallery. Scientific Department, The National Gallery,
in the study of natural organic materials in old master Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DN, UK. Email: marika.
paintings using spectroscopic, chromatographic and
spectrometric methods. The study described in this
paper was undertaken while she was senior organic MING WILSON, Chinese by birth, has an MA degree from
analyst at the National Gallery. At the beginning of 2007 the School of Oriental and African Studies, London
Catherine moved to the British Museum to take up the University. She joined the Victoria and Albert Museum
post of head of the Science Group. Address: Department in 1994 and is now a senior curator in the Asian
Department, where she is responsible for the collection
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of Conservation, Documentation and Science, The British

Museum, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG, UK. of Chinese decorative arts. Her recent publications
Email: include Rare Marks on Chinese Ceramics (1998), Souvenir
from Canton, Chinese Export Paintings from the V&A (2003)
MARIKA SPRING graduated in natural sciences, specializing and Chinese Jades (2004). Address: Asian Department,
in chemistry, from the University of Cambridge in Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington, London
1988, and completed a postgraduate diploma in the SW7 2RL, UK. Email:
conservation of easel paintings at the Hamilton Kerr

Résumé — Un pigment vert inhabituel a été trouvé dans un paravent laqué kuan cai (Coromandel) du XVIIe siècle du
Victoria and Albert Museum, à Londres. Les particules sont parfaitement sphériques et translucides et ont l’apparence d’œufs de
poisson. Les analyses ont montré que le pigment est un résinate de cuivre produit par la réaction d’un sel de cuivre avec une résine,
probablement de l’espèce Pinus. Le liant pour ce pigment est protéinique. La morphologie sphérique inhabituelle des particules est
due à la méthode de fabrication. Un pigment d’apparence semblable a aussi été trouvé sur deux autres objets Coromandel de la
même collection. Dans les zones vert clair ou vert olive, où le pigment est mélangé avec du blanc de plomb, la peinture est brillante
et bien conservée. En revanche, dans les zones vert sombre, où le pigment est utilisé seul, la peinture est mate et pulvérulente et
on observe des lacunes et des zones d’abrasion. L’emploi de solvants non miscibles entre eux et d’un consolidant a permis de
consolider la peinture pulvérulente tout en préservant l’aspect mat de la surface.

Zusammenfassung — Auf einer kuan cai (Coromandel) Lacktafel des 17. Jahrhunderts aus dem Besitz des Victoria
and Albert Museum, London wurde ein ungewöhnliches Grünpigment gefunden. Die Partikel sind perfekt sphärisch und
durchscheinend und haben das Aussehen von grünen Fischrogen. Analytisch konnte das Pigment als Kupferresinat bestimmt
werden, das durch Reaktion eines Kupfersalzes mit einem Harz, wahrscheinlich aus einer Pinus – Species, entstanden ist.
Das Bindemittel des Pigmentes ist proteinisch. Die ungewöhnliche sphärische Morphologie des Pigmentes ist Ergebnis des
Herstellungsprozesses. Ein Pigment des gleichen mikroskopischen Aussehens wurde auf zwei anderen Coromandel Objekten
derselben Sammlung gefunden. In den hellgrünen bzw. olivgrünen Bereichen, wo das Pigment mit Bleiweiß ausgemischt ist, ist
die Malschicht glänzend und gut erhalten. Im Gegensatz dazu sind die dunkelgrünen Bereiche, in denen das Pigment alleine
verwendet wurde, matt und abgepudert und ein Malschichtverlußt sowie Abrieb ist feststellbar. Das Problem der Konsolidierung
der pudernden Malerei unter gleichzeitigem Erhalt des matten Oberflächencharakters wurde durch die Verwendung von
unmischbaren Lösungs- und Konsolidierungsmitteln.

Resumen — Un pigmento verde inusual fue identificado en un panel de laca kuan cai (Coromandel), del siglo XVII,
perteneciente al Victoria and Albert Museum, Londres. Las partículas son perfectamente esféricas y translúcidas, con la apariencia
de huevos de pescado verdes. Los análisis revelaron que el pigmento es un resinato de cobre producido por la reacción de la sal

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de cobre con una resina, probablemente una de la especie Pinus. El aglutinante para este pigmento es proteínico. La inusual
morfología de las partículas es fruto del proceso de elaboración. Un pigmento con la misma apariencia microscópica se detectó en
otros dos objetos Coromandel de la misma colección. En las áreas claras o de color verde oliva, donde el pigmento está mezclado
con blanco de plomo, la pintura es brillante y está bien presentada. Por el contrario, en las zonas de verde oscuro, donde el
pigmento se ha empleado puro, la pintura se presenta mate y pulverulenta con abundantes pérdidas y abrasión. El problema de
la consolidación de la pintura pulverulenta manteniendo la apariencia mate se resolvió con el uso de disolventes inmiscibles y de
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