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Resolution No.

07Series of 2019


WHEREAS, the resulting vacancy in the sangguniang barangay, due to the resignation
ofKagawad ADAWIYA JAMSURI ISMAEL, where the rule of succession is no longer
applicableshall be filled up by appointment to be issued by the City Mayor upon the
recommendation ofSanguniang Barangay concerned.

WHEREAS, VINA ARAH ISMAEL have all the qualifications and none of the
disqualificationsfor appointment as Barangay Kagawad of this Barangay.

WHEREAS, to the distinction between elective and appointive officials, an elective official is
onewho acquired official relations to his office by way of election while appointive official is
onewho acquired official relation to his office by way of appointment in accordance with
law.Elective positions are thus occupied by elective officials. However, there are elective
positionswhere the law mandates that the same be filled up by appointment in case of vacancy
therein. Anexample of that is the appointment of a sanggunian member to fill up a permanent
vacancy in thesanggunian as provided for Section 45 of the Local Government Code. In such
case, though thereplacement acquired her official relation to the office through appointment, she
is considered asan elective official because she is occupying an elective position

NOW THEREFORE, on motion of Barangay Kagawad NADZMIL H.

ANUDDIN, dulyseconded by Barangay Kagawad TADI A. JALA.BE

IT RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved by the Barangay Council in session assembled thata

resolution recommending and approving the appointment of VINA ARAH ISMAEL as
theBarangay Kagawad.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that copies of this resolution be forwarded to government

officesconcerned for their information and guidance.

UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED, adopted on July 18, 2019 at Barangay Tulay, Jolo, Sulu.

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