Hostel Rules & Regulations 2024 - Copy

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P. O. Box 35136, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Mikocheni B Industrial Area
Fax: 022-2781315. Head of School: 0786096667, 0739 928 344, Academic office:0713642873, 0739 990 246
Manager: 0734-036 010; 0784 848 686 Administration; 0739-924 500
Website:; Email:


Alpha High School has hostel / dormitory facilities with spacious rooms, spacious dining hall and other modern
amenities to ensure comfortable stay of the students. The hostel / dormitory has four storeys two wing blocks
for boys with a capacity to accommodate about 500 students. Boys’ dormitory is within the School premises.
The girls are accommodated in a two-storey building block with a capacity to accommodate about 250 students.
The girls’ hostel is located in Mikocheni area about 1 km from the School. Students will be carried to and from
School by School buses.


Application for admission to the Hostel in the prescribed format is available at the School. The applicant should
duly fill up the application form with all the required information. Confirmation of admission to the hostel /
dormitory will be intimated to the applicant through letter with a due date. The applicant has to take admission
by the given due date failing which his/her seat will be allotted to the next student. As per existing procedure
available accommodation is allocated to students on first come, first served basis. The decision of the School
regarding admission to the hostel / dormitory shall be final.

Every student, before being admitted to the Hostel / Dormitory, shall give an undertaking in writing, endorsed
by the parents that he / she will abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Hostel / Dormitory. Students
admitted to the hostel / dormitory shall be full boarders of the hostel / dormitory. Before admission, each student
has to pay boarding fees, which may be revised from time to time.

A Student admitted to the School is not automatically eligible to become a member of the
Dormitory / Hostel. While every effort will be made to accommodate all the aspirants in the Hostel / Dormitory,
the following categories of students will not be provided accommodation.
(a) Those who have not cleared Boarding/hostel fees.
(b) Those who have bad habit and unruly behavior in the hostel / dormitory or the school premises.

The School reserves the right to refuse admission to any student without furnishing any reason.

Students will pay the full term accommodation at the time of admission. Allotment of hostel / dormitory rooms
will be for one year. In case the student decides not to attend and use the hostel/dormitory facility, the hostel /
dormitory charges already paid shall stand forfeited. Likewise, in case the student wants to leave in the middle
of the course, hostel /dormitory charges already paid shall stand forfeited. For that reason, proper decision
must be reached before payments are done since no payments are refundable or transferable once done.

No. Installment Due Date Amount (Tshs)

1. First Installment 03.01.2024 900,000/=
2. Second Installment 21.03.2024 950,000/=
3. Third Installment 13.06.2024 950,000/=

All payments must be done through any of the given banks within the country. Then submit the endorsed
copy of the pay-in bank slip to the school bursar’s office. The school banks account numbers are listed below:


Please be advised that the payment structure shown in the Table above is strictly for students who have joined
boarding/ hostel at the beginning of academic year. A student who wishes to join boarding/hostel at the middle
of the academic year will be provided with a special mode of payment arrangement of accommodation fees
upon fulfillment of the minimum admission requirements to hostel.


(i) Additional uniforms for boarding students.
Uniforms for boarders commonly known as Shamba Dress must be obtained at school only. These include
two maroon Polo T-shirts and two black trousers/skirts. The total cost for full Shamba Dress is Tshs.

(ii) Boarding/hostel requirements

Some requirements are provided at school after paying Tshs. 100,000/=. These items include 1 Mattress, 2
Bed Sheets, 1 Pillow, 2 Pillow Cover, 6 Hangers, 12 Pegs and 2 Buckets. A supplementary list of hostel
requirements is provided with this document.

(iii) Medical Deposit

All boarding / hostel students are required to deposit Tshs.140,000/= (one hundred forty thousand) to
enable the school to provide emergency medical services when required. Out of Tshs.140,000/=, the
Tshs.20,000/= is non-refundable since it caters for transport on medical purposes. If the whole of this
amount is spent when the student is still in the school, the same additional amount should be deposited.
Similarly, any unspent money will be refunded when the student leaves the school. Students with medical
insurance will be required to pay Tshs.20,000/= only for transport on medical purposes. Parents are
advised to make sure that student’s medical insurance is active at all times.

(iv) You shall pay Tsh.10,000/= to cover costs for shaving/plaiting. This amount must be paid in cash at the
bursar’s office.

All fees shall be paid in bank account numbers as indicated in the fee structure provided to you.

Admission shall be cancelled and resident has to evict from the Dormitory / Hostel if he/she is found to be
indulging in any of the following acts:
(a) Bad habit, disobedience and disrespect towards Staff Members.
(b) If the school feels that He / She is of dubious moral character.
(c) Irregular attendance of classes.
(d) Distribution or introduction of harmful, obscene literature.
(e) For leaving the school without the expressed permission of the Head of School.
(f) Habitual late payments by the parents.
(g) Smoking cigarettes, use of tobacco, snuffs, etc.
(h) Taking drugs or alcohols.
(i) Possessing or using mobile phones, charges, headphones, sim card, vouchers, radios, MP3s, etc.
(j) Keeping guests without permission.
(k) Mischief causing damage to the hostel / dormitory and school property.
(l) Bribing or attempting to bribe Staff of Alpha High School.
(m) Violent behavior, threatening to kill or attack fellow students and Staff.
(n) Ceases to be a student of Alpha High School.
(o) Any other unruly behavior in the hostel / dormitory or the School premises.
(p) Bullying or Harassing fellow students.
(q) Importation of food, confectionery(s) such as cake, candies, biscuits etc.
(r) Shouting and whistling.
In case the student has been suspended or expelled from the hostel, charges already paid for the remaining
period shall stand forfeited.

The ideal of discipline at Alpha High School is to enable students to move from externally imposed discipline
to self-discipline. The main emphasis will be to foster wholesome behavior and relationships in conjunction
with the entire community. The goal or vision of Alpha High School is that students show:
• Courtesy to all others
• Clarity and honesty in their communications
• Acceptance of each other
• Respect for the difference of others
• Genuine concern for their fellow students

• Responsibility for their conduct and values
• Responsibility for their work and assignments
Therefore, responsibilities of students are to:
• Obey the law, board policies, and administrative procedures
• Be polite and courteous at all times
• Respect the person and the property of others
• Respect School property and use them carefully and return all materials and equipment
• Attend School regularly and punctually unless ill or legally excused
• Come to class with necessary books and materials
• Complete all in-class homework and assignments and meet required deadlines
• See to it that School information to parents reaches home
• Students responsible for willful damage to any School property or that of fellow students will repair or
replace the damaged property.
• Graffiti by an individual or group is classified as a very serious "Damage to School Property"
• Students should keep their possessions and rooms in a neat, tidy manner. Any litter in or out of the
School reflects unfavorably on the School
• Be diligent in pursuing his/her studies
• Co-operate fully with everyone authorized by the School to provide education programs and other
• Comply with the rules of the School
• Account to his/her teachers for his/her conduct
• Respect the rights of others to study and learn.
• Harassment of peers, shouting, sloganeering are considered as serious misconduct.


The dormitory / hostel residents are advised to strictly adhere to the following rules and regulations:

6.1 General Information

(a) The dormitory / hostel resident are required to provide names, addresses, contact numbers along with
latest photographs of his/her parents and local guardians in dormitory admission form. The students will
be allowed to go out of the hostel / dormitory with a written request from their parents/declared local
guardians, to the full satisfaction of the authorities.
(b) All students who are allotted room in the hostel / dormitory shall be required to obtain valid Identity Card
from the School and will show the same for gaining access to the dormitory premises when required to do
(c) All the students must submit a fresh declaration about their home address at the beginning of each
academic year session. In case Boarders parents change their residence the same should be intimated
within a week to the Head of School in writing.
(d) Parents are advised to adhere to the fees payment schedule issued by the School administration; failing
will result in expulsion of the student from the Hostel / Dormitory.

(e) Female students are strictly prohibited to enter the Boys dormitory. Similarly, male students are also
strictly prohibited to enter the Girls hostel / dormitory. Any violation in this regard shall be a fit and cogent
ground for evicting the student from the hostel / dormitory and rusticating him/her from the School, without
any notice.
(f) All students are required to obtain prior permission before leaving the hostel / dormitory during vacation/
(g) Students may use the playing fields in campus in the evening from 4:30 to 5:45pm only. Sports days will
be fixed by the Sports Master / Mistress.
(h) Every student must bring his/her own pillow, bed sheets, mattress, water buckets and cup for drinking
(i) Perfumes / sprays and skin bleaching lotions are not allowed in the dormitory / hostel. However,
deodorants (roll-on) may be used instead.
(j) Food and confectionary (e.g. juice, candies, biscuits, cakes, etc.) from outside the school is STRICTLY
PROHIBITED. Violation of this rule will lead to expulsion from dormitory / hostel.
(k) All students shall be in their respective rooms by 11:00pm and lights switched off. Beyond that there will
be no access in class rooms, dining hall, assembly hall, etc.
(l) In order to make students know the value of time and be punctual and active at their every activity, we
follow a strict daily time-table at hostel / dormitory. Timetable will be availed to the Students on arrival.
(m) During the absence of a Teacher; it is essential that the student heed to the supervising prefect or monitor.
(n) While every care will be taken to prevent accidents, the school will not be liable for injuries sustained by
the student in the course of everyday activities.
(o) Students / Pupils must leave and re-join School on the stipulated date of School holidays.
(p) Parents must visit their children only on dates stipulated in the School Calendar.
(q) It is compulsory for parents to take their children home during the Mid-Term, and End of the term holidays.
(r) All complaints should be lodged with the administration. Students should not take the law in their hands.
The decision of the complaint committee will be binding.
(s) Students should not borrow or appropriate anyone’s property without permission of the owner. Students
caught for theft will be expelled from hostel / dormitory.
(t) Allocations of rooms and seats for sleeping will be the sole prerogative of the administration. Students
cannot change their seats / rooms without official approval.
(u) Discipline in the dormitory / hostel will be under the control of the Warden (Patron or Matron), Boarding
Master/Mistress and the Dean of Students.

2. Code of Conduct
Children / Students / Pupils grow and mature in a supportive environment and therefore our guidelines for
conduct are designed to support, not restrict students / pupils. We hope to create a School that we can all be
proud to attend and where there is freedom to learn and explore in a humane atmosphere. Our students /
Pupils are expected to conduct themselves as responsible members of the School community. Behavior is
ultimately the students’/ pupils’ responsibility. Both the school and the family share the responsibility for
nurturing good behavior. The following guidelines will attempt to provide a vehicle for co-operative effort in
promoting good behavior of our students / pupils.

(a) Ragging in the hostel/dormitory / institute premises is unlawful. Any resident found indulging in such
activities may be handed over to the Police, apart from rustication from the school.
(b) Day scholars are not allowed to go to students’ boarding wing. If any day scholar is found visiting a
hostel dormitory room the resident of that room who allows him/her to visit him/her shall invite
disciplinary action.

(c) Every student / pupil is responsible for the care of the room and its furnishing allotted to him/her and the
furniture provided to him/her. No furniture will be removed from the room. Similarly no additional furniture
will be brought into the room without prior permission of the warden. Charges will be recovered for all
damages and losses caused by students / pupils.
(d) Students/ Pupils are required to maintain cleanliness within the premises, toilets, common spaces, lawns
and adjoining areas of the Hostel / Dormitory. Photographs, pictures etc. shall not be pasted or displayed
on the walls of the room/corridor.
(e) Any forbidden articles such as heaters, immersion rods, irons, stoves, electric kettle, mobile phonesetc.,
if found in the room will be confiscated and student / pupil is expelled from boardingfor the violation of
the rule. The items shall be confiscated.
(f) Students / pupils, at all times, are expected to conduct themselves well with regard to the comfort and
convenience of other residents. No student/ pupil is allowed to indulge in any activity in his/her room/
premises, which may cause disturbance to others. Shouting, Whistling or otherwise causing disturbance in
the hostel / dormitory will be considered as a breach of discipline. Radios are not allowed. Any violation of
these regulations will lead to confiscation of these articles and expulsion from the hostel / dormitory.
(g) Every student / pupil, on going out of his/her room, shall switch off the light and fan.
(h) Smoking, chewing tobacco, consuming alcoholic drinks or any other intoxicating drugs etc. are strictly
prohibited. Any students / pupils, found indulging in such practices, shall be asked to vacate the hostel /
dormitory, forfeiting the hostel / dormitory charges already paid.
(i) Students/ Pupils shall not conduct group meetings; organize parties or get-together inside the hostel /
dormitory premises.
(j) Students/ Pupils are advised not to keep valuables (money) in their rooms. Management shall not be
responsible for any loss.
(k) A Bed check will be taken daily and all students are supposed to be present. Any student who does not
enter the hostel / dormitory positively by 11:00pm will be considered to have left the hostel / dormitory
premises without permission.
(l) Parents/Guests/Guardians of the student/ pupil shall not be allowed access to the hostel rooms without
prior permission of the management of the School.
(m) Students/ Pupils shall not entertain any vendors or any unauthorized persons inside the hostel /
dormitory premises.
(n) Students / Pupils staying in the hostel / dormitory are supposed to attend classes daily. If any student /
pupil, staying in the hostel / dormitory doesn’t attend classes or frequently misses his/her classes, he/
she can be asked to vacate the hostel / dormitory as hostel / dormitory is meant to provide him/her
facilities to attend the classes not to miss the classes.
(o) The Hostel / Dormitory seat will be re-allotted to another student / pupil if a student/ pupil fails to return to
the hostel / dormitory by stipulated date at the end of vacation and without giving any information and
valid reasons duly attested by his/her parents to the hostel / dormitory administration in advance.
(p) The room of any student / pupil can be inspected at any time by the Warden or management of the
(q) Students / Pupils must get his/her belongings checked before coming to hostel / dormitory and also
before leaving the hostel / dormitory.
(r) It is expected of the students / pupils to take care of furniture, electric, plumbing, sanitary fixtures, fittings
etc. in the hostel /dormitory premises. Any student / pupil who is found damaging these items will invite
disciplinary action with costs.
(s) At the time of leaving the hostel / dormitory, every resident must hand over the hostel / dormitory
property carefully and shall obtain a ‘No Dues Certificate’ from the Warden, countersigned by the Head
of School. The cost of items lost or damaged shall be recovered from the residents.
(t) Students / Pupils are not allowed to put up notice without the Warden’s written permission.
(u) Students / Pupils shall not interfere with the work of the hostel / dormitory staff and cases of misconduct,
if any, should only be brought to the notice of the warden for appropriate action.
(v) Physical fighting, harassment and quarrelling is strictly prohibited.
(w) Use of dangerous weapons, drugs and gambling is strictly forbidden in the hostel / dormitory and School
(x) No student / pupil is allowed to sublet, exchange or transfer allocated rooms without the permission of
the Dean of Students or Boarding Master or Mistress.
(y) A student / pupil whose name is removed from School rolls shall by that very fact forfeit the hostel /
dormitory membership and must vacate the room.
(z) Student / Pupil who has been suspended from hostel / dormitory shall not use hostel / dormitory facilities
including dinning services and hostel / dormitory rooms.


(a) Alpha High School serves four meals every day, and each day the meal items change according to our
specified menu so that boarders keep on to their appetite. Utmost care and attention is given that meals
are cooked fresh and delicious and favor to health and taste. Vegetarians and Students / Pupils with
specific allergies are requested to inform the School on their specific needs.
(b) It shall be mandatory for every resident to avail the dinning facility of the hostel / dormitory. Individual
cooking is strictly prohibited. The dinning timings will be made available to you at the School.
(c) No Student / Pupil shall enter the kitchen or issue any instruction to the cooks or other servants.
Complaints, if any regarding dinning services, may be brought to the notice of the Warden (Patron or
Matron) Boarding Master / Mistress and Dean of Students.
(d) No hostel / dormitory property may be removed from the dinning hall under any circumstances.
(e) Food should not be carried out of the dinning hall.
(f) Students / Pupils are expected to eat and drink in the dinning hall. Food and drink are not to be
consumed in the classrooms or hostel / dormitory rooms.
(g) No Chewing gums will be tolerated in the School and hostel / dormitory premises.


(a) Students / Pupils are advised to discard all rubbish neatly without littering them all over the places.
(b) Brushing teeth on the corridor is strictly prohibited. Students / Pupils are advised to use the wash-hand
basins in the bathrooms.
(c) Students / Pupils should make use of laundry rooms for all washing.
(d) All toilet facilities in the hostel / dormitory must be used in decent and mature manner. Sanitary towels
should be dumped into the plastic buckets with cover provided.
(e) Ordinary papers will block the toilets and as such they should not be used.


Students' hostel / dormitory representatives are to be elected by occupants and their functions should be to:
(a) Identify and report repairs that need the attention of the School to the Dean of Students, through the
hostel / dormitory Wardens (Patrons and Matrons), Boarding Master / Mistress.
(b) Report all emergency cases of illness directly to the Wardens (Patrons and Matrons).
(c) Ensure that individual students / pupils adhere to the School's rules and regulations by educating,
enlightening and encouraging them.
(d) Settle minor disputes between and among students / pupils, as well as report major disputes to the Dean
of Students or Boarding Master / Mistress or Wardens (Patrons and Matrons).
(e) Ensure silence during night preparation in the hostel / dormitory.
(f) Organize periodic sanitary exercise in the hostel / dormitory.
(g) Work hand-in-hand with the hostel / dormitory care-takers.
Students / Pupils may only be visited on specified visiting days. Parents must visit their children only on
dates stipulated in the School Calendar. Parents may be allowed to visit their students on other days only
after receiving permission from the Head of School, Deputy Head of School or Dean of Students. Students /
Pupils will be responsible for the conduct of their visitors. During such visits parents / visitors are strictly not
allowed to give the student / pupil a phone to keep or call anyone.
All students / pupils are advised to carry identification cards always for possible identification by any
authorized person. Students / Pupils are also advised to declare their valuables at the gate for security
Since the students / pupils are provided with basic necessities such as four meals per day, medical care,
clean and safe water, among others, by the school. Students / Pupils are allowed to posses pocket money
not exceeding Tshs. 40,000/= (forty thousand only) per half a term. Students / Pupils should budget their
pocket money carefully in order to avoid extravagant spending. Borrowing and lending of money from / to
one another is strictly discouraged.
These Rules and Regulations are subject to amendments and wherever amended,
will have immediate effect and shall be binding on all residents. Any matter not
covered by the above rules shall be decided by the Head of School, Deputy Head of
School or Dean of Students.



That upon Alpha High School accepting my son/daughter to board, I as parent/guardian agree to the terms and
conditions below:

1. That my son/daughter shall conform to the rules and regulations relating and pertaining to Alpha High
School hostel / boarding. In the event that my son/daughter breaches the rules and regulations of the
Hostel / Boarding, the School shall be entitled to terminate this boarding contract, whereupon my son/
daughter shall immediately vacate Hostel/ Boarding and I shall pay to the School an amount of boarding
fees pursuant to the provisions of this clause.
2. That I shall pay to the School when requested, and before the commencement of each school term, any
term boarding fees or reasonable sundries item costs so required to be paid by the School to a third party.
In the event of such boarding fees not being paid within such period of time, and in the further event of such
boarding fees not being paid within seven days of the parents being advised of such outstanding fees, then
this contract shall terminate immediately, and a boarding position will not be available for the following term.
3. That the School may conduct activities and outings for boarding students for which the parents/guardians
accept the School to make reasonable arrangements for transport, costing, supervision and medical needs,
and for which the parents/guardians agree are made on behalf of their son/daughter, who must participate if
in residence unless given dispensation by the Management.
4. That the School reserves the right to amend these Rules and Regulations and wherever amended, will
have immediate effect and is binding on all students.
5. That the School reserves the right to suspend or expel students who fail to abide by the rules and
regulations of the School and Hostel / Boarding without prior consultation with the parent.

I have read and understood the above rules as being a condition of my child boarding at Alpha High School
Hostel / Dormitory. I will support the Management of Alpha High School in their effort to enforce these rules and
directions in the care of my child, and I accept that disciplinary action may be taken against my child should he/
she fail to comply with them.

I also understand that the rules and directions of Alpha High School hostel/ dormitory may change without
notice being given by the School, and that I will be informed of such changes as deemed necessary by the
Head of School.

Name: …………………………….……… Signature of parent/guardian: _________________________________

Date: ______________________


I have read and understood the rules as being a condition of my boarding at Alpha High School Hostel /
Dormitory. I will endeavor to present and conduct myself so that I do not bring disrepute to Alpha High School. I
understand that disciplinary action may be taken against me should I fail to comply with Hostel/ Boarding rules
and regulations.

Name: …………………………………………. Signature of student: _____________________Date: __________

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