Maths All Flowcharts Class 11.Cdr

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6 [XI – Mathematics]

7 [XI – Mathematics]
26 [XI – Mathematics]
 Maximum and minimum values of the expression Acos + Bsin
2 2 2 2
are A + B and – A + B respectively, where A and B are

45 [XI – Mathematics]
62 [XI – Mathematics]
Two numbers of expression related by the
symbols >, <, ,  from an inequality

Numerical Inequality Literal Inequality Slack inequality Strict inequality

which involve number which have variables inequality with inequality with
5 > 3, 2 < 4 x > 3, y  4 ,  sign >, < sign

Liner Inequality:
Variable occur only in 1st degree and the is no product of variables

Solution of inequality:
Variable of variables which make inequality true.

Rules for Solving inequality Important Result

1. Equal numbers may be added or 1. If | x | < a, –a < x < a
subtracted from both side of If | x | > a, x > a or x < a
inequality 2. If x2  a2 , x  or x  a
2. Equal positive numbers may be
multiplied and divided from both If x2  a2 , –a  x  a
side of inequality
3. When we multiplied and divide
equal negative numbers from both
side of inequality sign of inequality


1. Solve 5x < 24 when x  N

2. Solve 3 – 2x < 9 when x R. Express the solution in the form of


3. Show the graph of the solution of 2x – 3 > x – 5 on number line.

4. Solve 0 < < 1, x R

5. Solve –3  –3x + 2 < 4, x  R.

77 [XI – Mathematics]

1. How many ways are there to arrange the letters of the word
“GARDEN” with the vowels in alphabetical order?

2. In how many ways 7 pictures can be hanged on 9 pegs?

3. Ten buses are plying between two places A and B. In how many
ways a person can travel from A to B and come back?

90 [XI – Mathematics]
 Some important observations :
 In expansion (x + y)n
Cr , nCr 1,... nC0 are called binomial coefficients

 Sum of indices of x and y is n in each of the expansion.

 Tr+1 = [(r + 1)th term from beginning] = nCr xn–r yr

 Tr+1 = [(r + 1)th term from end] = nCn–r xr yn–r

 ( x  y )n  ( 1)r nCr x n  r y r
 (1  x )n   n cr x r
r 0
 (1  x )n   ( 1)r n cr x r
r 0

No. of Terms
= n +1

General Expansion General Term

(x + y)n = n C0 xny0 + n C1xn–1.y1 + ... + nCn x0 yn Tr+1 = n Cr x n–r yr

Middle terms
Binomial Theorem th
n 
if n is even =  2  1 
 n  1
if n is odd =  
 2 
Expansion n No. of term th
n n  n  1
(x + a) + (x – a) odd (n+1)/2 and  
 2 
(x + a)n – (x – a)n odd (n+1)/2
(x + a) n + (x – a)n even (n+2)/2
(x + a)n – (x – a)n even n/2 m th term from end
= (n – m + 2)th term
from beginning

105 [XI – Mathematics]

120 [XI – Mathematics]
141 [XI – Mathematics]
161 [XI – Mathematics]
191 [XI – Mathematics]
209 [XI – Mathematics]
227 [XI – Mathematics]

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