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 Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is a project management tool used to
schedule, organize, and coordinate tasks within a project. It is basically a method to analyze the
tasks involved in completing a given project, especially the time needed to complete each task, and
to identify the minimum time needed to complete the total project. It was developed by the
Booz-Allen Hamilton organization & the U.S Navy, 1958 .
 PERT shows the time taken by each component of project & the total time required for its
completion .
 PERT breaks down the project into events, activity & lays down their proper sequence
relationship & duration in the form of network. PERT is a technique of representing project plan
in network. This is represented in a graphic from known as network diagram .


Program : A set of related measures or activities with a particular long-term aim.

Activity : It designates a task or sub-project of the total project . It can also be defined as the
action which goes on between the event with which an activity begins and the event with which
it concludes .
Event : It is described by using the verb ‘ to receive’ . Usually it terminates one activity
and simultaneously represents the beginning of any other activity .
A PERT Event : It is a point that marks the start or completion of one or more tasks . It consumes
no time , and uses no resources .
A predecessor event : An event that immediately precedes some other event without any other
events intervening . It may be the consequences of more than one activity .
A successor event : An event that immediately follows some other events without any other
event intervening . It may be the consequences of more than one activity .
A PERT activity : It is the actual performance of a task . It consumes time, it requires resources
( such as labor, materials ,space, machinery ) , and it can be understood as representing the time,
effort, and resources required to move from one event by at least the same amount .
Critical path : It is the longest possible continuous pathway taken from the initial event to
the terminal event . It determines the total calender time required for the project ; and, therefore ,
any time delays along the critical path will delay the reaching of the terminal event by at least
the same amount .
Critical activity : An activity that has total float equal to zero . Activity with zero float does not
mean it is on critical path .
Slack : The slack of an event is a measure of the excess time and resources available in achieving
this event . Positive slack would indicate ahead of schedule ; negative slack would indicate
behind schedule ; and zero slack would indicate on schedule .
Expected time of activity : A weighted average time that is widely used in a real life application
of PERT to a complex project, where the completion times for activities are not certain.


The program (or project) evaluation and review technique, commonly abbreviated PERT, is a
statistical tool, used in project management, which was designed to analyze and represent the
tasks involved in completing a given project & to illustrate the flow of events in a project.

 PERT is complex, require a series of sequential tasks, performed in parallel with other project.
 PERT is a very famous project model that has found its use in various professions,
including nursing. 
 This model helps in judging the time required in completing an activity. 
 Nurse administrators can use this model to delegate and assign the work schedule to the nurses in
a hospital. 
 It not only evidences the cost effectiveness of nursing care but also has great impact on reducing
the expenditure by the patient.
 This model helps to reduce the patient’s hospital stay by judging beforehand the actual care time,
manpower, money and the material required. Therefore, following this model helps to prevent
waste of time, money and material, benefiting the patient and the hospital management .


 The main objective of PERT is to facilitate decision making and to reduce both the time and cost
required to complete a project.
 To schedule the project. 
 To organize the project.
 To coordinate the tasks. 
 To manage the time. 
 To analyze the work.


PERT includes :

 The finished product or service desired. 

 The total time and budget needed to complete the project or program. 
 The starting date and completion date. 
 The sequences of steps or activities. 
 The estimated time and cost of each step or activity. 
 It is a model for project management designed to analyze and represent the task involved in
completing a given project.


There are two types of network diagrams, 

Activity on arrow (AOA) –

i. In the first variant the duration is denoted on arrow connecting diagram nodes. Such diagram
type called AOA.
ii. It is composed of arrows and nodes. The arrows represent the activities and nodes represent the
iii. Each activity carries a brief description usually printed on the logical diagram, the activity
name or symbol and the time duration.
iv. At present, this method seems to be the most popular method and it was the first method to
be introduced, developed and computerized .

Activity on node (AON)

I. In such diagram the information about the task duration is denoted in the diagram node &
each task is represented in the form of rectangle with definite set of fields.
II. In A-O-N networks, the nodes represent the activities and the arrows, their inter dependencies or
precedence relationships.
III. Nodes are usually represented by squares or rectangles, but circles and other convenient
geometrical shapes may also be used.
IV. Activity number and description are written within the boxes representing the nodes.
V. Length and direction of the arrows have no significance as they indicate only the dependency of
one activity on another.


PERT is used when activity times are uncertain.

In many instances , managers have attempted to apply PERT principles to other types of projects
 Hospital planning for such issues as costs and social security.
 Educational planning and development.
 Various Accounting Functions.
 Real Estate Development.
 PERT and Computer Project-Scheduling Software.


 In any project work, an activity is performed and the events in that activity are marked as
milestones. Before the start of any activity, all the possible predecessor activities should be
completed. This blue print or the network diagram of the PERT model uses arcs and nodes to
represent the activities on the arcs and the events on the nodes .
 The starting nodes of an activity have smaller numbers while the ending nodes have bigger

A PERT chart is a graphical representation of the activities of a project, showing the sequence that
has to be performed continuously. It has the critical path of tasks that has to be finished in time. This
chart helps to focus only the needed activity and omit the unwanted arms: therefore it saves time,
energy and material.


PERT planning following steps :-

1. Identity Activities & events : The activities are tasks require to complete the project. The
events marking the beginning & end of one or more activities. It is helpful to list the tasks in a
table that in later steps can be expanded to include on sequence is duration .
2. Determine the proper sequence of the activities : This steps may be combine with the
activity identification steps since the activity sequence is event for some task . Other tasks may
require more analysis to determine exact order in which they must be perform .
3. Construct a network diagram :  Using the activity sequence information , a network
diagram can be drawn showing the sequence of the serial is & parallel activities .For the original
activity –on-are model, the activities are depicted by arrowed lines & milestones are depicted by
4. Estimate the time required for activity : A distinguishing feature of PERT is its ability to
deal with uncertainty in activity completion times .

For each activity , the model usually includes three time estimates :-

 Optimistic time (O):  Generally the shortest time in which the activity can be completed .

 Most likely time (M) : The completion time having the highest probability note that this time is
different for the expected time.
 Pessimistic time(P) : The longest time that an activity might require.
 Expected time (E) : (Optimistic + 4 x Most likely + Pessimistic) / 6

5 . Determine the critical path :  The critical path is determine by adding the times for the
activities in each sequence & determining the longest path in project. The critical path determines
the total time require.

6. Update the PERT chart as the project progresses :  Make adjustment in the PERT chart
as the project progresses. As the project unfolds ,the estimated times can be replaced with actual
times. The PERT chart may be modified & improved to reflect the new situation.


Nurse managers use the PERT system for controlling

 It forces planning and shows how pieces fit together. 
 It does this for all nursing line managers. 
 It establishes a system for periodic evaluation and control at critical points in the program. 
 It reveals problems and is forward – looking. 
 PERT is generally used for complicated and extensive projects or programs. 
 Many records are used to control expenses and otherwise conserve the budget.

These include
 Personnel staffing reports.
 Overtime reports.
 Monthly financial reports and others.
All these reports should be available to nurse managers to help them monitor, evaluate the use
of people and money as a part of the controlling process.

 Expected project completion time.
 Probability of completion before a specified date.
 The critical path activities that directly impact the completion time.
 The activities that have stack time and that can lend resources to critical path activities.
 Activity start and end dates.


 The activity time estimates are somewhat subjective and depend on judgment. In other cases,
if the person or group performing the activity estimates the time there may be bias in the estimate.
 Even if the activity times are well – estimated, PERT assumes time estimates, but the actual
distribution may be different . 


 Simple to understand and use. 

 Show whether the project is on schedule; or behind /ahead of the schedule. 
 Identify the activities that need closer attention . 
 Determine the flexibility available with activities .
 Show potential risk with activities .
 Provide good documentation of the project activities .
 Help to set priorities among activities & resource allocation as per priority .
 Useful at any stages of project management .
 Mathematically simple .
 Give critical path and slack time .
 Provide project documentation .
 Useful in monitoring costs .


 It emphasis only on time, not on costs. 

 The cost of setting up such system are extensive .
 It is difficult to estimate accurate time & cost of various activities involved in a project .
 Errors in estimation makes the PERT charts ,unreliable as a control aid . 
 These systems will not help managers to solve all their problem.

PERT accounts for uncertainty in activity times .Assumptions : Project completion time is sum
of activity times on critical path .Activities are probablistically independent .
PERT provides : Expected project completion time .Probability of completion
by deadline .Concerns : Activities not necessary independent .More than one critical path .


PERT may have been created by the US Navy as part of a nuclear submarine project, but it has
become widely-used in all industries where project management is required, as Booz-Allen Hamilton
organization explained in 1958: “Since that time, it has been used extensively not only by the
aerospace industry but also in many situations where management desires to achieve an objective or
complete a task within a scheduled time and cost expenditure; it came into popularity when the
algorithm for calculating a maximum value path was conceived.” PERT is a method of analyzing the
tasks involved in completing a given project, especially the time needed to complete each task, and to
identify the minimum time needed to complete the total project. PERT is a very famous project model
that has found its use in various professions, including nursing.




The Program (or Project) Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Method
(CPM) are two analytical techniques which could be applied in monitoring and control of health
programmes and projects. The technique helps in answering the expected time of completion of
projects, identifying the jobs and activities and their start and finish times, the effect of delay of
certain activities, what resources are required at various points of time, revising and rescheduling the
projects and what additional resources are required, etc.This research specifically discusses the use
of PERT technique in carrying out Vaccination Programme and will try answer questions like
expected project completion time, effect of delay in completion of activities and associated
probability of completing the project by the specified time .


 Deepak.k, Sarath Chandran.C, Mithun Kumar. B.P. A Comprehensive Text book on Nursing
Management, 2nd Edition ed. Bangalore: EMMESH Medical Publishers; 2019; page no. 81-83.
 Bassie L. Marquis, Carol J. Huston. Leadership Roles & Management functions in Nursing.,
Eight Edition ed. New Delhi: Wolters Kluwer pvt, Ltd.; 2016; page no- 23.
 basavanthappa bt. management of nursing services & education, 1st ed. new delhi: jaypee
brothers medical publishers (p) ltd; 2011;page no - 58-59
 Masih Shabnam. Essentials of Nursing Management, 2nd edition ed. Jalandhar, Panjab: Rajinder
Kapoor; 2017, page no : 74-75
 Vati Jogindra. Principles & Practice of Nursing Management & Administration, 2nd edition ed.
New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2016. page no : 161-162


 Rosovsky R, Chang Y, Rosenfield K, Channick R, Jaff MR, Weinberg I, Sundt T, Witkin A,

Rodriguez-Lopez J, Parry BA, Harshbarger S. Changes in treatment and outcomes after creation
of a pulmonary embolism response team (PERT), a 10-year analysis. Journal of thrombosis and
thrombolysis. 2019 Jan 15;47(1):31-40.
 Jain S. Application Of Pert Technique In Health Programme Monitoring And Control. Indian
Institute of Health Management Research. International Journal of Research in Comerce, IT &
Management. 2013.


 KUMARI MS. SANTOSH. seminar on pert. (accessed 28 January 2021).
 V Mathew Varghese . Programme evaluation and review technique &Gantt Chart.
technique-gantt-chart (accessed 28 January 2021).
 DENGALE MR. YOGESH A. . Pert and gantt chart. (accessed 28 January







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