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The Meaning of

The Eternal Book of Guidance

Translated into plain English

Dr. Sahib Mustaqim Bleher
with a Brief Index of Subjects

Islamic Dawah Centre International
Copyright © 2019 IDCI & Dr. S.M. Bleher. All rights reserved.

1st Edition printed 2018.

2nd Edition printed 2019
3rd Edition printed 2023

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 978-1-910432-03-7

Translated by Dr. Sahib Mustaqim Bleher

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Published by IDCI
Islamic Dawah Centre International
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Typeset, cover design and Index compilation by Abdul-Majid Zameer

Printed by Avea Basim - Mega Print, Istanbul, Turkey
Table of Contents
Translator’s preface 5 Surah 32: As-Sajdah216
Surah 1: al-Fatihah 9 Surah 33: Al-Ahzab 217
Surah 2: al-Baqarah 9 Surah 34: Saba’222
Surah 3: Al ‘Imran 31 Surah 35: Fatir 226
Surah 4: An-Nisa45 Surah 36: Ya Sin 229
Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah59 Surah 37: As-Saffat232
Surah 6: Al-An’am69 Surah 38: Sad 237
Surah 7: Al-A’raf 80 Surah 39: Az-Zumar 240
Surah 8: Al-Anfal 93 Surah 40: Ghafir245
Surah 9: At-Taubah98 Surah 41: Fussilat249
Surah 10: Yunus 108 Surah 42: Ash-Shura 252
Surah 11: Hud 114 Surah 43: Az-Zukhruf 256
Surah 12: Yusuf 122 Surah 44: Ad-Dukhan259
Surah 13: Ar-Ra’d 128 Surah 45: Al-Jathiyah261
Surah 14: Ibrahim 132 Surah 46: Al-Ahqaf 263
Surah 15: Al-Hijr135 Surah 47: Muhammad266
Surah 16: An-Nahl138 Surah 48: Al-Fath268
Surah 17: Al-Isra’145 Surah 49: Al-Hujurat 270
Surah 18: Al-Kahf151 Surah 50: Qaf 271
Surah 19: Maryam157 Surah 51: Adh-Dhariyat273
Surah 20: Ta Ha162 Surah 52: At-Tur 275
Surah 21: Al-Anbiya’167 Surah 53: An-Najm276
Surah 22: Al-Hajj172 Surah 54: Al-Qamar 278
Surah 23: Al-Mu’minun 177 Surah 55: Ar-Rahman280
Surah 24: An-Nur 182 Surah 56: Al-Waqi’ah282
Surah 25: Al-Furqan186 Surah 57: Al-Hadid 284
Surah 26: Ash-Shu’ara’190 Surah 58: Al-Mujadilah 287
Surah 27: An-Naml197 Surah 59: Al-Hashr 288
Surah 28: Al-Qasas 201 Surah 60: Al-Mumtahinah290
Surah 29: Al-Ankabut 207 Surah 61: As-Saff292
Surah 30: Ar-Rum 211 Surah 62: Al-Jumu’a 292
Surah 31: Luqman214 Surah 63: Al-Munafiqun 293

Surah 64: At-Taghabun294 Surah 97: Al-Qadr322
Surah 65: At-Talaq 295 Surah 98: Al-Bayyinah322
Surah 66: At-Tahrim296 Surah 99: Al-Zalzalah322
Surah 67: Al-Mulk297 Surah 100: Al-'Adiyat323
Surah 68: Al-Qalam 299 Surah 101: Al-Qari’ah323
Surah 69: Al-Haqqah300 Surah 102: At-Takathur323
Surah 70: Al-Ma’arij302 Surah 103: Al-`Asr 323
Surah 71: Nuh 303 Surah 104: Al-Humazah 324
Surah 72: Al-Jinn304 Surah 105: Al-Fil 324
Surah 73: Al-Muzammil305 Surah 106: Quraysh 324
Surah 74: Al-Mudathir306 Surah 107: Al-Maun324
Surah 75: Al-Qiyamah 307 Surah 108: Al-Kauthar 324
Surah 76: Al-Insan 308 Surah 109: Al-Kafirun 324
Surah 77: Al-Mursalat309 Surah 110: An-Nasr325
Surah 78: An-Naba’310 Surah 111: Al-Masad 325
Surah 79: An-Nazi’at311 Surah 112: Al-Ikhlas325
Surah 80: ‘Abasa 313 Surah 113: Al-Falaq 325
Surah 81: At-Takwir313 Surah 114: An-Nas 325
Surah 82: Al-Infitar 314 Brief Index of Subjects326
Surah 83: Al-Mutaffifin315
Surah 84: Al-Inshiqaq316
Surah 85: Al-Buruj 316
Surah 86: At-Tariq 317
Surah 87: Al-A’la317
Surah 88: Al-Ghashiyah 318
Surah 89: Al-Fajr318
Surah 90: Al-Balad 319
Surah 91: Ash-Shams 320
Surah 92: Al-Lail320
Surah 93: Ad-Duha320
Surah 94: Ash-Sharh 321
Surah 95: At-Tin 321
Surah 96: Al-’Alaq321
Translator’s preface
Why another attempt at translating the Qur’an? The Qur’an is a book of guidance,
which can only be followed if properly understood. Language continually develops,
and the language of yesterday can prove a barrier to understanding for the reader
of today. Most translators have in the past tried to enhance the esteem of the Qur’an
by choosing a distinguished, learned and complicated language. The result has been
that the message was lost on the ordinary reader. Furthermore, translators have been
at pain to achieve the greatest possible accuracy. This being a worth-while objective,
even more so when dealing with the divine word, it very often destroyed the clarity of
expression as a result by keeping the translation too literal. It is my belief that those
who would like to explore the fine details of the Qur’anic text best do so by learning
Arabic as it is entirely impossible to consistently mirror in another language the full
richness and detail of the original.
In any case it is a fallacy that there should only be one authoritative translation into a
given other language. Since a full understanding, and thus transferring, the complete
content of the book of Allah is not given to any human, perfection being a prerogative
of the divine, there must by necessity be several translations, some focusing on the
meaning, some on the literary and poetic style, for example. Furnishing another
translation does not imply that existing ones are inadequate, but simply that they are
unsuitable for the intended purpose.
My attempt at translating the Qur’an is therefore not a scholarly exercise, but an effort
to make these words of guidance and wisdom reach as large an audience as possible
and enable them to act upon it by absorbing the meaning of the divine address and
the images it contains in a language they can relate to as their own. The Qur’an states
that it was revealed in “clear (or plain) Arabic”. For its meaning to be transferred to
another language, in this case English, one must equally strive for the same clarity of
expression which speaks directly to the soul without requiring the mind to engage in
complicated decoding first.
An important condition for translating the Qur’an is that one’s own interpretation
does not overtake the wider meaning. Language is open to interpretation, and
interpretations differ in accordance with time and culture. For that reason, the
Qur’an cannot be correctly implemented without reference to the life example of the
prophet Muhammad, peace be with him, who not only transmitted the Qur’an but
also demonstrated its practicability and viability. To include this dimension, classical
writings on Tafsir (Qur’anic exegesis), predominantly amongst them the very detailed
work of Al-Qurtubi, were extensively consulted when preparing this translation.
Yet, one must also avoid the mistake of making the translation of the Qur’an itself
into a commentary by substituting words in order to force their interpretation. The
Qur’an speaks for itself, and as far as possible the words and phrases chosen by the
Creator should remain unchanged. Adaptations are, however, required where a literal
translation of the Arabic sentence would violate the syntax of the English and thus
sound outlandish.
To illustrate the approach described above I would like to give a few examples of the
choices made when completing the translation.
As for clarity of expression being achieved by not adhering unnecessarily closely to the
word sequence in the original, the phrase “did you not see the water which you drink”
is appropriately rendered as “take a look at your drinking water”. Likewise, the single
letter word “wa”, meaning “and”, is often used in the same way as a comma in English
and when it occurs in a list, the repetitive insertion of “and” will make the sentence
difficult to follow.
Another example is prepositions which differ between languages, and to use the same
preposition just to “stay close to the original” actually distorts it. Previous English
translations of the Qur’an describe the gardens of paradise “underneath which rivers
flow”, conjuring the image of some kind of sewage system. The Arabic word “below” is
used in connection with rivers because the river bed is below the earth surface, but in
English rivers flow “through” the land, since different cultures have different concepts
of space and time. Thus in English children, for example, play “in the street”, which
does not mean the inside of it but the inside of the space between buildings which is
defined by the street. In German, on the other hand, they play “on the street”, the street
here being defined as the actual road surface. Likewise, when we are told in the Qur’an
to travel “in” the earth, we use “on” the earth in English.
Another difficulty when translating between languages belonging to distant
geographical environments is that it is not always possible to use the same equivalent
of a word throughout. On the one hand, Arabic has a multitude of names for an object,
for example a camel, for which English only has one or two. On the other hand, the
reverse is also often the case, and the same Arabic word needs to be represented by a
different English word dependent on context. A “kafir” is, for example, both the one
who rejects the truth and the one who rejects the blessings he received. In the latter
case he needs to be described as ungrateful. So in the Qur’anic statement “if you were
to count the blessings of Allah you could not enumerate them - man is unjust and
ungrateful” it would be wrong to use “disbelieving” instead.
I have avoided the word “disbelief ” and used “rejection” instead, because the concept is
of somebody who rejects the truth after having been exposed to it. As for “abd”, literally
a slave, I have used “servant”, although man is not just in the service of Allah but
also owned by Him. I have made this choice not only because of the tarnished image
of slavery but because it allows to retain the correlation between the noun and the
verb, so Allah’s “servant” is somebody who “serves” Him, rather than just “worships”
Him, as the concept of worship in the Qur’an is much more extensive than the English
word implies.
If this translation were aimed exclusively at Muslims who are already familiar with
key Arabic terms, then it would be legitimate to leave many such terms in Arabic
without translating them, but because I want this translation to make the Qur’an more
accessible not only to Muslims but also those who have not previously encountered
the message of Islam, I decided to opt for a translation of terms wherever possible,
even if such a translation is not always adequate to convey the complete meaning, for
example, I have rendered Salah as prayer in spite of the different associations various
cultures attach to this word. Whilst the Qur’an is the foundation of Islam, it is not
possible to learn everything about Islam exclusively from the Qur’an, less so from a
translation, and an exploration of the meanings of key Islamic terms will need to be
pursued elsewhere.
I have made an exception from this rule of translating key technical terms of Islam in
two cases in particular: Zakat and Injil. A simple translation does not do justice to the
concept of Zakat which forms the third pillar of Islam. Zakat is a specified share of
surplus wealth to be redistributed to a specified group of disadvantaged members of
society. Due to its obligatory nature it is more than charity, yet it is not a tax, because it
can, and preferably should, be given directly to the recipients without the involvement
of the state. So in this case I have left the Arabic term without further explanation. I
have also left Injil as the revelation given to ‘Isa (Jesus), because it is not equivalent to
the Gospel, the latter representing third party accounts about his life rather than the
actual revelation he received.
A particular difficulty in translation is posed by idioms and metaphors. Where there is
a direct correlation, the familiar idiom should be used. For example, the woman who
untwists her thread after having spun it is, in fact, the woman who undoes her knitting
after completing it, and to cling to the literal wording means losing the power of this
well-known expression. Other idioms have become common but are based on earlier
incorrect translations, so for example, the “camel fitting through the eye of a needle”
is based on a mistranslated Biblical metaphor. Etymologically the term “jamal” used
in the Qur’an, which also means camel, here means a thick rope, and the expression
makes a lot more sense with this meaning, so in spite of everybody having heard the
camel version, I chose to move away from it.
Finally, there is the issue of tense: Many future events are described in the Qur’an in
the past tense, because in the knowledge of Allah they have already happened, and
present tense is used to convey a sense of regularity or immediacy also for events of
the past. Whether this appeared equally strange to Arab listeners at the time of first
revelation we do not know, but in order to make the text more approachable, all those
who have previously translated the Qur’an into English have substituted those tenses
with the ones one would normally expect in a continuous narrative.
These are not always ideal choices. As a result of settling for one option above another,
some of the depth of the meaning of the original will be lost, especially where the
Arabic word has layers of meaning. Here, only the dominant meaning can be conveyed,
and to access the fine nuances of alternative interpretations the reader would have to
consult a book of Tafsir. Similarly, when legal rulings are derived from the Qur’an,
these cannot be based on a translation but require full consideration of the original
wording and its context. Where it is possible, however, to leave an ambiguity in place,
it is best to do so. A day in the Qur’anic text often means a time period rather than a
day, but this inference is also possible in English, so there is no problem in keeping
to the six “days” of creation, for example. Ultimately, every translation of a perfect
text such as the Divine revelation will be a compromise, and I pray that I will have
achieved my aim of introducing the reader of my translation to some of the beauty of
the original without diverting from its meaning but, most of all, make it easy to read
and comprehend and allow it to speak both to the intellect and the heart.
A number of Qur’an translations add an introductory chapter to each Surah, explaining
its background and relevance, as well as footnotes to provide additional explanations
to the text. After carefully considering this option I have decided against it as the
result is the mixing of divine and human discourse and such interpolated passages
distract from the cohesion and flow of the Qur’anic text. A detailed Tafsir (exegesis) of
the Qur’an in English may well be of benefit but represents an enormous task which
could not be done justice with the occasional interjection of a few interpretative or
explanatory notes in this translation in any case. I therefore resolved to let available
Arabic books of Tafsir inform my translation but ultimately let the text speak for itself.
I ask Allah to forgive me all the shortcomings in my work and to accept my efforts
by making use of my translation to help guide people to the truth. I pray that this
translation will open the doors to understanding the message of the Qur’an for many
speakers of English who are unable to unlock its treasures in the original Arabic and,
maybe, even encourage them to learn Arabic in order to discover the much greater
depth and beauty of the original word of Allah.
Completed by the grace of Allah in the month of Rajab 1439 (2018).
Sahib Mustaqim Bleher

Surah 1: Al-Fatihah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
7. Allah has sealed their hearts and
Surah 1: al-Fatihah their hearing and placed a blindfold
(The Opening Surah) over their eyes, and severe punishment
awaits them.
1. In the name of Allah,
8. There are also those kind of people
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
who say, we believe in Allah and the
2. Allah is praised, the Lord of all worlds Last Day, but they believe not.
3. The Owner and Giver of Mercy 9. They try to cheat Allah and the
4. The King of the Day of Repayment believers, but cheat only themselves,
5. We serve only You and ask only You without realising.
for help 10. There is an illness in their hearts,
6. Guide us on the straight path and Allah increases that illness for
them, and painful punishment awaits
7. The path of those You have favoured,
them because of their lying.
Not of those deserving anger, Nor of
those who lose their way. 11. And when they are told: do not
cause corruption on earth, they say, we
Surah 2: al-Baqarah are only making things better.
(The Cow) 12. Oh no, they are the corrupters, but
they realise it not.
In the name of Allah,
13. And when they are told: believe as
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
ordinary people do, they say, should
1. Alif, Lam, Mim. we believe as the fools do? - oh no,
2. This Book contains without doubt they are the fools, but they know it not.
a guidance for those who beware (of 14. And when they meet those who
Allah). believe, they say: we believe, but
3. Those who believe in what is when they are alone with their devils,
hidden, and keep up prayer, and spend they say: we are with you, we are just
from what We have provided for them. making fun of them.
4. And those who believe in what has 15. Allah makes fun of them, and lets
been revealed to you, and in what them get lost in their rebellion.
had been revealed before you, and are 16. Those are the ones who have
certain about the Hereafter. traded error for guidance, and their
5. They are the ones who follow the trade will not prosper, and they are not
guidance from their Lord, and they are going to be guided.
the ones who will succeed. 17. Their example is like someone
6. Those, however, who reject (the who lights a fire, and when it lights
truth), it makes no difference to them up his surroundings, Allah takes their
whether you warn them or warn them light away and leaves them in darkness
not, they will not believe. unable to see.
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
18. Deaf, dumb and blind - so they what we were provided with before -
cannot return. and they will be given what is similar
19. Or like a rain cloud from the sky to it - and they will have purified
with darkness, thunder and lightning partners in there and they will remain
in it; they put their fingers in their there forever.
ears out of mortal fear of the lightning 26. Allah is not shy to use a fly, or even
strike, and Allah surrounds those who something smaller, as an example.
reject (the truth). Those who have faith will say this is
20. The lightning almost takes away the truth from their Lord, whereas
their eyesight; whenever it lights up those who reject (faith) will say: what’s
for them, they walk with it, and when the point of Allah giving this example.
it becomes dark for them, they stop. He leads many astray with it, and He
If Allah wished, He would have taken guides many with it, and He only leads
away their hearing and their eyesight. those astray with it, who are sinful.
Allah has the power to do anything. 27. The ones who break their
21. Oh people, serve your Lord who agreement with Allah after it has been
created you and those before you, so entered into and who cut off what
that you beware of Him. Allah commanded to be kept together
22. He who made the earth spread out and who cause corruption on earth -
for you, and the sky a cover, and sent those are the losers.
water down from the sky, with which 28. How can you reject (faith in) Allah
He makes fruit grow as provision when you were dead and He brought
for you. So do not knowingly set up you to life? Then He makes you die
partners for Allah. again, then He brings you to life again
23. And if you have doubts about to return to Him.
what We have revealed to Our servant 29. He alone created for you
(Muhammad), produce a similar everything on earth, then He turned
Surah with the help of anyone you like to the heaven and shaped it into seven
besides Allah, if you are truthful. heavens, and He knows everything.
24. But if you don’t do that - and you 30. When your Lord said to the angels,
can never do it - then beware of the “I am going to place a representative
fire promised for those who reject on earth”, they said, “Are you going to
(the truth), which is fuelled by people place someone there who will cause
and stones. corruption and spill blood, whilst we
25. And announce to those who (already) sing your praise and glorify
believe and do good work that they you?” He said, “I know what you
will have gardens with rivers in them; don’t know.”
whenever they are given provision 31. And He taught Adam all the
of fruit from it they will say, this is names and then presented (things) to
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
the angels and said: “tell me the names the inmates of the fire where they
of these if you are right.” will remain.
32. They said: “Glory be to you, we 40. Oh Children of Israel, remember
have no knowledge except what My blessing with which I favoured
You have taught us. You are the you, and keep your deal with Me, I
knowledgeable and wise.” will keep My deal with you, and fear
33. He said: “Oh Adam, tell them their only Me.
names.” And when he told them their 41. And believe in that which I have
names, He said: “Did I not tell you that sent as confirmation of what you
I know the secrets of the heavens and already have and be not the first to
the earth and that I know what you let reject it, and don’t sell My signs for a
on and what you hide?” small gain, and beware of Me only.
34. And when We said to the angels: 42. And don’t cover the truth with
“Prostrate before Adam”, they falsehood, hiding the truth knowingly.
prostrated except for Iblis (the devil); 43. And keep up prayer and give the
he refused, was arrogant and rejected Zakat, and bow down with those
(the truth). who do.
35. And We said: “Oh Adam, live with 44. Would you command people to
your wife in the garden, and eat from do right and forget about yourselves,
anywhere in it as you please, but do whilst you read the book (of
not approach this tree, because then revelation)? Don’t you think straight?
you would be wrongdoers. 45. And ask for help, - with patience
36. But the devil made them trip up and prayer -, which is surely difficult
on this and had them thrown out from except for those who are humble.
their environment, and We said: “Get 46. Those who imagine that they will
down as enemies one to another. There meet their Lord and return to Him.
will be a place to settle and a limited 47. Oh Children of Israel, remember
provision for you on earth.” My blessing with which I favoured
37. Then Adam received words (of you and that I preferred you over
guidance) from his Lord, and He everybody else.
turned back to him, for He is full of 48. And beware of a day when no soul
acceptance and mercy. will be of benefit to another and no
38. We said: “Get down from here, word of support nor any betterment
all of you. And when a guidance will be accepted from her, and they
from Me comes to you, then if you shall not be helped.
follow My guidance, you shall have 49. And when We rescued you
no fear nor worry. from the family of Pharaoh who
39. And those who reject (the truth) afflicted you with bad punishment,
and deny Our signs, they will be slaughtering your sons and sparing
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
your women, which was a tremendous and We shall give more to those who
test from your Lord for you. do good.
50. And when We split the sea for 59. Yet the wrongdoers changed their
you and rescued you, but drowned instructions into something else, so
Pharaoh’s people whilst you looked on. We sent the wrongdoers punishment
51. And when We arranged a meeting from the sky because of their excesses.
with Musa (Moses) for forty days; 60. And when Musa (Moses) asked for
then you wrongfully took the calf (as something to drink for his people, We
an idol) after he (had gone). said: Strike the rock with your stick.
52. Then We forgave you afterwards so Then twelve springs gushed forth from
that you would be grateful. it. All the people straight away knew
their drinking places. Eat and drink
53. And when We gave Musa
from the provision of Allah, but do not
(Moses) the book (of revelation) and
spread corruption on earth.
the distinction, so that you would
be guided. 61. And when you said: Oh Musa
(Moses), we can’t bear having just one
54. And when Musa (Moses) said
kind of food, so call your Lord that He
to his people: My people, you have
produces for us from the herbs and
wronged yourselves in taking to the
cucumber and lentils and garlic and
calf, so repent to your Maker, and kill
onions which the earth grows. He said:
your own; that is better for you with
Do you want to change what is lower
your Lord, so that He returns to you:
for what is better? Go down to Egypt
He accepts repentance and is Merciful.
where you will have what you asked
55. And when you said: Oh Musa for. And humiliation and disgrace
(Moses), we shall not believe you until were brought upon them and they
we see Allah clearly, and then the earned the anger of Allah, because
lightning struck you whilst you saw. they denied Our signs and killed the
56. Then We raised you after your prophets without right; because they
death, so that you would be grateful. disobeyed and transgressed.
57. And We placed you under the 62. The believers, the Jews, the
shade of a cloud and sent upon you Christians, and the Sabeans – whoever
honeydew and quails: eat from the believes in Allah and the last day and
good which We have provided for does good work, they will have their
you. They did wrong not to Us but reward with their Lord and shall not
to themselves. fear nor worry.
58. And when We said: Enter this 63. And when We made an agreement
township and eat there freely from with you and raised the mountain
where you like, and enter the gate above you: Take what We gave you with
submissive and ask to be accepted, We strength and remember its contents so
shall forgive you your shortcomings, that you will beware (of Allah).
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
64. Then you turned away afterwards, 72. And when you killed someone
and if Allah’s favour and mercy and then argued about it, and Allah
were not with you, you would have exposes what you want to hide.
been losers. 73. So We said strike the body with
65. And you knew of those amongst some of (the cow); this is how Allah
you who transgressed the Sabbath, brings the dead to life and shows you
and so We said to them: Be His signs so that you would think.
despicable monkeys. 74. Then your hearts hardened
66. And We made this a punishment afterwards and became like stone or
for what lead up to it and what came harder; for even amongst stone there
after and an admonition to those who are some from which rivers gush
beware (of Allah). forth, and amongst them are some
67. And when Musa said to his people: which break up and water emerges
“Allah commands you to slaughter a from them, and amongst them are
cow.” They said: “Are you making fun some which fall down out of fear of
of us?” He said: “I seek refuge in Allah Allah. And Allah is not unaware of
that I should be so ignorant.” what you do.
68. They said: “Call your Lord for us 75. Do you hope that they will
to explain to us what she is to be like.” believe you when some of them
He said: “He says, she is to be a cow heard Allah’s word before and then
which is not too old nor too young, knowingly changed it after they had
but middle-aged, so do what you have understood it?
been commanded.” 76. And when they meet the believers,
69. They said: “Call your Lord for us to they say: we believe; and when they
explain to us what colour she should are alone amongst each other, they
be.” He said: “He says, she should be say: are you going to tell them what
of an intense yellow colour that is Allah has decided against you, so that
pleasing to look at.” they can use it as an argument against
you before your Lord? Don’t you
70. They said: “Call your Lord for us to
think straight?
explain to us what she is to be like, for
the cows all look the same to us, but if 77. Don’t they know that Allah
Allah wants we shall be guided.” knows what they conceal and what
they disclose?
71. He said: “He says, she is a cow
which is not subjugated to plough the 78. And amongst them are unlettered
earth or water the crops, a healthy cow people who know the book only from
without any fault.” They said: “Now hearsay and only presume.
you have come out with the truth.” 79. So woe to those who make up the
Then they slaughtered her, but had book themselves and then say this is
almost not done it. from Allah, so that they gain a small
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
profit from it. Woe to them for what day of resurrection they will be put
they make up, and woe to them for through the severest punishment, and
what they gain. Allah is not unaware of what you do.
80. And they say: the fire shall only 86. They are the ones who have bought
touch us a limited number of days. the worldly life for the price of the
Say: have you got a promise from hereafter, so the punishment shall not
Allah, for Allah does not break his be lightened for them, nor shall they
promise, or do you say about Allah be helped.
what you don’t know. 87. And We gave Musa (Moses) the
81. Oh no, whoever does evil, and his book before and followed it up by
sin surrounds him, they belong in the messengers after him, and We gave
fire (of hell), where they will remain. ‘Isa (Jesus) the son of Maryam (Mary)
82. And those who believe and do clear proofs and helped him with the
good work, they belong in the garden Holy Spirit. Do you then become
(of paradise), where they will remain. arrogant whenever a messenger comes
to you with something you don’t like,
83. And when We took a promise
and you reject some and kill others?
from the Children of Israel: don’t
serve anyone but Allah and be good to 88. And they say: our hearts are
parents and relatives and the orphans sealed. But Allah has cursed them for
and the poor, and speak well to people, their rejection, and they believe little.
and keep up prayer and give Zakat; 89. And when a book from Allah
then you turned away, except a few of comes to them which confirms
you, and became rebellious. what they already have, as they were
84. And when We took a promise previously asking for victory against
from you: do not spill each other’s the disbelievers, so when that which
blood and do not throw each other they recognise comes to them, they
out of your homes, then you agreed reject it, so Allah’s curse is upon those
and were witnesses to it. who reject (the truth).
85. Then you were the ones killing 90. Bad is what they have sold
each other and throwing some of themselves for, that they reject that
you out of their homes, behaving which Allah has revealed, envious
sinful and showing enmity against that Allah favours for His revelation
them. And when they came to you whom He pleases from His servants.
as captives you would buy them out, So they deserved anger upon anger,
when it was unlawful for you in the and for those who reject (the truth) is
first place to throw them out. Do a humiliating punishment.
you believe only in part of the book 91. And when they are told to believe
and reject the rest? Whoever of you in that which Allah has revealed,
does that, his punishment will only they say: we believe in that which
be disgrace in this world, and on the was revealed to us; and they reject
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
that which came after it, although 98. If someone is an enemy to Allah
it is the truth which confirms what and His angels and His messengers
they have. Say: Why then did you kill and Jibril (Gabriel) and Mika’il
the prophets of Allah before, if you (Michael), then Allah is an enemy to
were believers? those who reject (the truth).
92. And Musa (Moses) already came 99. And We did send clear proofs to
with clear proofs to you; then you you, and only the sinful reject it.
wrongfully took the calf (for worship) 100. Is it that whenever they make a
after him. deal, a group from them throw it out?
But most of them believe not.
93. And when We took your promise
and raised the mountain above you: 101. And whenever a messenger from
take what We gave you with strength Allah comes to them to confirm what
and listen. They said: We listen and we they already have, a group from those
who were given the book throw the
disobey, and they let the calf sink into
book of Allah behind themselves as if
their hearts because of their rejection.
they did not know it.
Say: Bad is what your faith commands
you, if you are believers. 102. And they follow that which
the devils ascribe to the kingdom of
94. Say: If the abode of the hereafter Sulayman (Solomon), yet Sulayman
was exclusively for you and not for did not reject (the truth), but the devils
other people, then you should wish for rejected it, teaching people magic and
death if you are truthful. that which had been revealed to the two
95. But they shall never wish for angels in Babylon, Harut and Marut;
death because of the deeds they and the two did not teach anyone
have sent ahead, and Allah knows without saying, “we are a test, so don’t
the wrongdoers. reject (the truth)”; so they learn from
them how to split a man from his wife,
96. And you will find them the most but they cannot harm anybody with it
greedy of people for life, even more except by Allah’s permission; and they
than the idolaters. Each one of them learn what harms them and does not
wishes to live a thousand years, but benefit them. And they knew already
it would not save them from the that whoever sells out to it will have no
punishment if they lived that long, and share in the hereafter. Bad is what they
Allah sees what they do. sold themselves for if they knew.
97. Say: Who is an enemy to Jibril 103. And if they believed and were
(Gabriel)? We have sent him onto aware (of Allah), the reward from
your heart with Allah’s permission Allah would have been better if
to confirm that which was revealed they knew.
before and as a guidance and good 104. Oh you believers, do not say:
news to the believers. pay attention to us!, but say: look at
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
us! (drawing attention to yourselves paradise). Those are their own desires.
in a polite way) and listen; for those Say bring your proof, if you are right.
who reject (the truth) there is a 112. Oh no, anyone who submits
painful punishment. himself to Allah and does good will
105. Those who reject (the truth) have his reward with his Lord and
from amongst the people of the Book need not fear nor worry.
and the idolaters don’t want anything 113. And the Jews say the Christians
good to come to you from your Lord, have no foundation, and the
but Allah selects for His mercy whom Christians say the Jews have no
He pleases, and Allah possesses foundation, but they read the (same)
immense favours. book. Those without knowledge make
106. We do not replace a sign or cause similar statements to theirs, so Allah
it to be forgotten without bringing will judge between them on the day of
something better or alike. Don’t you resurrection with regard to what they
know that Allah is able to do anything? used to differ in.

107. Don’t you know that to Allah 114. And who is more sinful than
one who stops His name from being
belongs the kingdom of the heavens
mentioned in mosques of Allah and
and the earth, and you have besides
hurries to destroy them. Those shall
Allah no protector nor helper?
not be permitted to enter them except
108. Or would you like to question in fear. They shall have disgrace in
your messenger like Musa (Moses) this world and severe punishment in
was questioned before him? Anyone the hereafter.
who replaces belief with denial (of 115. And to Allah belongs the East
the truth) has already come off the and the West, so wherever you turn,
level way. Allah’s presence is there, Allah is far-
109. Many from the people of the reaching, knowing.
Book would like to bring you back 116. And they say Allah has adopted a
from your belief into denial, out of son. Glory be to Him. But whatever is
jealousy of their own after the truth has in the heavens and in the earth is His,
become clear to them. So let them be and everything is submissive to Him.
and ignore them until Allah settles the
117. He is the originator of the
matter; Allah is able to do anything. heavens and the earth, and when He
110. And keep up prayer and give decides a matter, He simply says to it
Zakat. Whatever good you send ahead “Be!”, and it is.
for yourselves, you will find it with 118. And those without knowledge
Allah; Allah sees what you do. say: “Why does not Allah speak to us,
111. And they say nobody but a Jew or a sign comes to us?” Those before
or a Christian will enter the garden (of them made similar statements to
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
theirs. Their hearts are alike. We have should take the position of Ibrahim
explained the signs to people who (Abraham) as a location for prayer.
are sure. And when We instructed Ibrahim and
119. We have sent you with the truth Isma’il (Ishmael): Purify My house
to bring good news and to warn, for those who go round it, those who
and you will not be asked about the seclude themselves, and those who
inmates of hell-fire. bow down in prayer.
120. And neither Jews nor Christians 126. And when Ibrahim (Abraham)
shall be pleased with you until you said: My Lord, make this land safe
and provide its inhabitants with fruit,
follow their religion. Say: “Allah’s
those of them who believe in Allah
guidance is the (only) guidance.” If
and the last day. He said: And those
you followed their desires after the
who reject (the truth), I will give them
knowledge you have received, you
provision for a while, then I will drag
would have no protector nor helper
them into the punishment of the fire,
from Allah.
and it is a bad destination.
121. Those whom We have given the
127. And when Ibrahim (Abraham)
book read it as it should be read: They
and Isma’il (Ishmael) raised the
believe in it. And whoever denies it,
foundations of the house, (saying:)
they are the losers. Our Lord, accept from us, for You are
122. Oh Children of Israel, remember who hears and knows.
My blessing with which I favoured 128. Our Lord, and make us
you and that I preferred you over both submit to You and from our
everybody else. descendants a community who submit
123. And fear a day when no soul will to You, and show us our rituals and
benefit another soul in any way, and no turn to us (in acceptance), for You are
(promise of) justice will be accepted full of acceptance and mercy.
from her, and nobody shall be able to 129. Our Lord, and send them a
speak in her favour, and they shall not messenger of their own kind to recite
be helped. Your signs to them and to teach them
124. And when His Lord tested Ibrahim the book and the wisdom and to purify
(Abraham) with some words (of them, for You are the mighty and wise.
instruction) which he fulfilled, He said: 130. And no-one turns away from the
I shall make you a leader for mankind. religion of Ibrahim (Abraham) but he
He asked: What about my descendants? fools himself. We have chosen him
He said: My agreement does not stretch in this world, and in the hereafter he
as far as the wrongdoers. belongs to the righteous.
125. And when We made the house 131. When his Lord said to him:
(Kaaba) a place of return and of submit!, he said: I have submitted to
safety for the people, and that you the Lord of all worlds.
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
132. And Ibrahim instructed his sons 139. Say: Do you dispute with us
like this, and so did Ya’qub (Jacob): about Allah, when He is our Lord and
Oh my sons, Allah has chosen a way your Lord, and our work is for us,
of life for you, so do not die but in and your work is for you, and we are
submission to Him. sincere to Him.
133. Or were you witnesses when 140. Or do you claim that Ibrahim
death appeared to Ya’qub (Jacob), (Abraham) and Isma’il (Ishmael) and
when he asked his sons: Whom will Ishaq (Isaac) and Ya’qub (Jacob) and
you serve after me. They said: we shall the tribes were Jews or Christians? Say:
serve your god and the god of your Do you know better or Allah? And who
fathers Ibrahim (Abraham) and Isma’il is more sinful than he who hides an
(Ishmael) and Ishaq (Isaac), a single evidence he has from Allah, and Allah
god, and we shall submit to Him. is not unaware of what you do.
134. They are a community which has 141. They are a community which has
gone before. Their earnings are theirs gone before. Their earnings are theirs
and your earnings are yours, and you and your earnings are yours, and you
will not be asked about what they did. will not be asked about what they did.
135. And they keep saying: you have 142. The fools amongst people will
to be Jewish or Christian to be guided. say: What has turned them away
Say: Not at all, the religion of Ibrahim from the prayer direction they used to
(Abraham), sincerely devoted, for he follow? Say: To Allah belongs the East
was not one of the idolaters. and the West, He guides whom He
136. Say you all: We believe in Allah pleases unto a straight path.
and what has been revealed to us, and 143. In this way We have made you
what has been revealed to Ibrahim a balanced community, so that you
(Abraham), and Isma’il (Ishmael), and would be witnesses against mankind,
Ishaq (Isaac), and Ya’qub (Jacob), and and the messenger would be a witness
the tribes, and what was given to Musa against you. And We only arranged for
(Moses) and ‘Isa (Jesus), and what was the prayer direction which you used
given to the prophets from their Lord; to follow, so that We could tell the
we make no difference between any of one who follows the messenger from
them, and we submit to Him. the one who makes a U-turn. And it
137. Then if they believe in the like was surely a big deal except for those
which you believe in, they are guided, whom Allah guided; and Allah won’t
and if they turn away, then they are the waste your faith, for Allah is lenient
ones at odds, and Allah will be enough and merciful towards people.
for you, and He listens and knows. 144. We saw you turn your face
138. The character-imprint of Allah, towards the sky, so We certainly give
and who imprints a better character you a prayer direction with which
than Allah, and we serve Him. you will be content. So turn your
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
face towards the sacred mosque, and favour over you and so that you will
wherever you may be, turn your faces be guided.
towards it. Those who received the 151. Just as we sent to you a messenger
book know for sure that this is the from amongst yourselves to recite Our
truth from their Lord, and Allah is not verses to you and to cleanse you and
unaware of what they do. to teach you the book and the wisdom
145. And if you gave those who and teach you what you did not know.
received the book every possible proof, 152. So remember Me, and I will
they would not follow your prayer remember you, and thank Me and
direction, nor do you follow their don’t reject (My guidance).
prayer direction, and they don’t even 153. Oh you believers, ask for help,
follow each other’s prayer direction, - with patience and prayer -, Allah is
and if you followed their desires after with those who have patience.
the knowledge you have received, you
154. And don’t refer to those who
would definitely be a wrongdoer.
have been killed in the way of Allah as
146. Those whom We gave the book dead, for they are alive but you do not
know it like they know their own realise it.
children, yet a group of them hide the 155. We shall test you with some fear
truth knowingly. and hunger and loss of property, and
147. The truth from your Lord, so be life, and fruits; and give good news to
not amongst the doubters. the patient,
148. Everybody has a direction that 156. Who when affliction strikes them
he turns to, so strive to do good; say: We belong to Allah and to Him
wherever you are, Allah will bring we return.
you all together, for Allah is able to 157. Upon them are blessings and
do anything. mercy from their Lord, and they are
149. From wherever you come out, the guided.
turn your face towards the sacred 158. As-Safa and Al-Marwah are
mosque, and this is the truth from signs of worship from Allah, so if
your Lord, and Allah is not unaware someone does Hajj or Umrah to the
of what you do. house it is no sin for him to go to and
150. From wherever you come out, fro between them, and if someone
turn your face towards the sacred does good voluntarily, then Allah
mosque, and wherever you are, turn appreciates and knows.
your faces towards it, so that people 159. Those who hide the clear proofs
have no argument against you, except and guidance Allah has revealed after
for the wrongdoers amongst them We have made it clear for people in the
– you must not fear them but fear book, Allah curses them and everyone
Me -, and so that I can complete My able to do so curses them, too.
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
160. With the exception of those who them, and they see the punishment
repent and make amends and make and all ties with them are cut off.
things clear; I turn back to them, I am 167. And those who followed will
the One who accepts repentance and say: “If only we could return, so we
gives mercy. would denounce them just like they
161. Those who reject (the truth) and denounce us.” This is how Allah shows
die whilst in rejection, the curse of them their work as a lost opportunity,
Allah, and the angels and all people is and they shall not escape the fire.
upon them. 168. Oh people, eat what is permitted
162. They shall remain in it; the and good on earth and do not follow
punishment shall not be lightened the footsteps of the devil, for he is an
for them and they shall not be given open enemy to you.
time off. 169. He only commands you evil and
163. Your god is one single god, there indecency and to say about Allah what
is no god but Him, the Owner and you do not know.
Giver of mercy. 170. And when they are told to follow
164. In the creation of the heavens what Allah has revealed they say: “No,
and the earth, and the change of night we follow what we found our ancestors
and day, and the ship which sails the doing.” What if their ancestors never
sea with what benefits people, and understood anything nor were guided?
the water which Allah sends down 171. The example of those who reject
from the sky and then revives with it (the truth) is like the one who depends
the earth after its death and spreads on something which cannot hear but
on it all kinds of creatures, and the (the sound of) the prayer and the
turning of the winds and the heavy calling; they are deaf and dumb, and
clouds between the sky and the earth, so they understand not.
in this are truly signs for people 172. Oh you believers, eat from the
who understand. good things which We have provided
165. And there are people who take for you and give thanks to Allah if you
other than Allah as alternatives and truly serve Him.
love them like Allah should be loved; 173. He has only forbidden you
yet the believers are stronger in love carrion, blood and pork and whatever
for Allah. If only the wrongdoers has been consecrated for other than
could see, when the punishment is Allah. But whoever is forced without
before them, that all power belongs (wilful) transgression or habit is
to Allah and that Allah is strong not to be blamed: Allah is forgiving
in punishment. and merciful.
166. When those who were followed 174. Those who hide part of the
will denounce those who followed book which Allah has revealed and
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
gain a small price for this will only 180. It is prescribed for you that when
eat fire into their bellies, and Allah any of you is near death and leaves
will not speak to them on the day of any goods behind, he must make a
resurrection nor will He purify them, will for the parents and relatives in
and painful punishment awaits them. a proper way, a duty for those who
175. Those are the ones who purchase beware (of Allah).
error instead of guidance, and 181. And if someone changes it after
punishment instead of forgiveness – he has heard it, the sin of that will be
so how long will they last in the fire? upon those who change it, Allah hears
176. This is because Allah has and knows.
revealed the book in truth, and those 182. But if someone fears from the
who differ about the book are far issuer of the will a mistake or a sin
away (from the truth). and makes peace between them (the
177. Godliness is not that you turn recipients), it is no sin for him, Allah
your faces to the East or the West, is forgiving and merciful.
but it is to believe in Allah and the 183. Oh you believers, fasting has
last day and the angels and the books been prescribed for you, like it was
and the prophets, and to give wealth prescribed for those before you, so
out of love for Him to the relatives that you become aware (of Allah).
and the orphans and the poor and the 184. A limited number of days, but if
traveller and those who ask and the one of you is ill or on a journey, then a
liberation (of prisoners), and to keep number of other days, and those who
up prayer and give Zakat, and to keep can should compensate by feeding the
promises once given, and to be patient poor, and whoever does good out of
in adversity and hardship and distress. his own accord, it is better for him,
Those (who do this) are the truthful, and that you fast is better for you if
and they beware (of Allah). you knew.
178. Oh you believers, revenge for 185. The month of Ramadan is the
killing has been prescribed for you: a one when the Qur’an was revealed
free person for a free person, a slave as a guidance for mankind and a
for a slave, a woman for a woman, but clarification of the guidance and
whoever is let off by his brother for the distinction (between right and
something, he must obey in a good wrong). So if one of you witnesses the
way and give to him in goodness. This month, let him fast it. And if someone
is a relief for you from your Lord and is ill or on a journey, then a number
a mercy, so whoever transgresses after of other days. Allah wills ease for you
that, he deserves a painful punishment. not hardship, and that you should
179. And revenge holds life for you, complete the number and exalt Allah
oh you who have understanding, so for having guided you, so that you
that you are careful. should give thanks.
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
186. And when My servants ask you 191. And kill them wherever you
about Me, I am near: I answer the call get hold of them and drive them out
of (every) caller, if he calls on Me. So from where they drove you out, for
let them respond to Me and believe in corruption is more severe than killing,
Me, so that they go right. but do not kill them near the sacred
187. It is permitted for you on the mosque (in Makkah) unless they fight
nights of the fast to be with your wives, you in there, but if they fight you, kill
they are a garment for you, and you them. Thus is the reward of those who
are a garment for them. Allah knows reject (the truth).
that you over-burdened yourselves 192. But if they stop, then Allah is
and turned to you in forgiveness and forgiving and merciful.
made it lighter for you. So go onto 193. And fight them until there is
them now and seek what Allah has no corruption and the religion is
prescribed for you. And eat and drink completely for Allah, but if they stop,
until you can distinguish the white then there should be no enmity except
thread of daybreak from the black against the wrongdoers.
thread, then continue the fast until 194. The forbidden month is for
nightfall. And do not go onto them the forbidden month, and what is
whilst you seclude yourselves in the forbidden should be revenged, so if
mosques. These are the limits of Allah, someone transgresses against you,
so do not overstep them. This is how transgress against him in the same way
Allah explains His signs to people so that he transgressed against you, and
that they become aware. beware of Allah and know that Allah is
188. And don’t consume the wealth of with those who beware (of Him).
people foolishly amongst yourselves, 195. And spend in the way of Allah
nor offer it to the judges so that a and do not bring about destruction
clique consumes people’s wealth with your own hands, and do good,
sinfully whilst you know it. Allah loves those who do good.
189. They ask you about the moon 196. And complete the Hajj (greater
phases, say they are time-markers pilgrimage) and Umrah (lesser
for people and the pilgrimage. And pilgrimage) for Allah, and if you are
godliness is not that you enter the prevented then send whatever offering
houses from their back doors, but is easy, and do not shave your heads
godliness is that you beware (of until the offering has reached its
Allah). Enter the houses from their destination, but if any of you is ill or
doors and beware of Allah, so that you has an irritation on his head, then
can be successful. he can compensate with fasting or
190. And fight in the way of Allah those charity or a sacrifice, then when you
who fight you, but do not transgress. are safe and well, whoever combines
Allah does not love the transgressors. Umrah with Hajj should give whatever
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
offering is easy, but who does not find 202. Those will get paid from what
any should fast three days during Hajj they have earned, and Allah is swift
and seven when you return – that is in counting.
ten altogether. This is for whose family 203. And remember Allah on a
do not live near the sacred mosque. number of days: but if someone has to
And beware of Allah and know that hurry within two days, then it is no sin
Allah punishes severely. for him, and if he stays behind, it is no
197. The Hajj is during known sin for him, as long as he is aware (of
months, and whoever decides to go Allah), so beware of Allah and know
on pilgrimage in them must abstain that you will be gathered back to Him.
from indecent behaviour, mischief 204. And amongst people is the one
and quarrel during the Hajj. Allah whose talk in this world amazes you,
knows whatever good you do. And and he takes Allah as a witness for that
take provision, but the best provision which is in his heart, and he excels
is awareness (of Allah), so beware of in argument.
Me, oh you who have sense. 205. But when he turns away he tries to
198. It is no sin for you to seek favours cause corruption on earth and destroy
from your Lord, but when you come people’s livelihood and continuity, and
out from Arafat, remember Allah at Allah does not love corruption.
the sacred location and remember 206. And when he is told to beware
Him how He guided you when you of Allah, self-importance leads him to
were before that amongst those sin, so hell is good enough for him, a
in error. bad place to be.
199. Then come out from where the 207. And amongst people is the one
people come out and seek Allah’s who gives himself fully to seeking the
forgiveness, Allah is forgiving contentment of Allah, and Allah is
and merciful. lenient towards (His) servants.
200. Then, when you have completed 208. Oh you believers, enter altogether
your rituals, remember Allah as you into submission and do not follow the
would remember your forefathers or footsteps of the devil, for he is an open
more than that. For amongst people enemy to you.
is the one who says: Our Lord give us 209. And if you step out of line after
in this world, and he has no share in the clear evidence has come to you,
the hereafter. then know that Allah is mighty
201. And amongst them is the one and wise.
who says: Our Lord give us good in 210. Do they just wait for Allah and
this world and good in the hereafter the angels to come to them in the
and guard us from the punishment shade of a cloud and everything is
of the fire. decided? Everything returns to Allah.
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
211. Ask the Children of Israel how and travellers, and whatever good you
many a clear sign We gave them. But do, Allah knows of it.
when someone changes the favour 216. Fighting has been prescribed for
of Allah after he has received it, then you although you resent it. It may be
Allah is severe in retribution. that you resent something whilst it is
212. The life of this world appeals good for you, and it may be that you
to those who reject (the truth) and love something whilst it is bad for you.
they mock the believers, but those Allah knows and you do not know.
who beware (of Allah) are above 217. They ask you about fighting
them on the day of resurrection, and during the sacred months, say fighting
Allah provides for whom He pleases during them is a big deal, but diverting
without counting. from the way of Allah – or just to
213. People were one single disbelieve in Him – and the sacred
mosque, and expelling its people from
community; then Allah sent the
it, is a bigger deal for Allah: Temptation
prophets as bringers of good news
is worse than killing, and they will not
and warners and sent with them the
stop fighting you until they bring you
book with the truth so that they would
back from your religion, if they can
judge between people with regard to
manage, and if any of you gives up
what they differed in – and they did his religion and dies a rejecter, their
not differ about it until it was given work in this world and the hereafter is
to them, after the clear proofs had wasted; they will be the inmates of the
come to them, out of transgression fire, where they will remain.
amongst each other – so Allah guided
218. Those who believe and those who
by His permission those who believed
emigrate and fight in the way of Allah,
towards that of the truth which they
they desire Allah’s mercy, and Allah is
differed in, and Allah guides whom He
forgiving and merciful.
pleases unto a straight path.
219. They ask you about narcotic
214. Or did you count on entering the drugs and gambling; say: in them
garden (of paradise) without facing is great sin but also some benefit for
something similar to those who went people, and their sin is greater than
before you? Adversity and hardship their benefit. And they ask you what
befell them and they shook until the they should spend; say: what is spare.
messenger and those with him said: This is how Allah explains the signs for
When comes the help from Allah? But you to consider.
no, the help from Allah is close. 220. About this world and the
215. They ask you what they should hereafter. And they ask you about
spend, say: whatever good you spend, orphans; say: it is better to treat them
it should be for the parents and well, and if you mix with them, then
relatives and the orphans and poor they are your brothers. Allah knows
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
the one who does bad from the one what your hearts intend, and Allah is
who does good, and if Allah wanted forgiving and patient.
He could have made it difficult for 226. For those who separate from
you; Allah is mighty and wise. their women is a waiting period of
221. And do not marry idolatrous four months, then if they go back,
women until they believe, for a Allah is forgiving, merciful.
believing slave girl is better than an 227. And if they decide on divorce,
idolatress even if she looks attractive then Allah listens and knows.
to you; and don’t marry idolatrous
228. And divorced women must
men until they believe, for a believing
wait for three menstrual cycles, and
slave is better than an idolater, even
it is not permitted for them to hide
if he looks attractive to you. They
whatever Allah created in their
call towards the fire, and Allah calls
wombs if they believe in Allah and
towards paradise and forgiveness by
the Last Day. And their husbands are
His permission, and He explains His
in that case entitled to take them back
signs to people so that they remember.
if they want to make up. And women
222. And they ask you about have similar rights as they have
menstruation; say: it is an illness, duties, but men are one stage above
so leave the women alone during them, and Allah is mighty and wise.
menstruation and do not come
229. Divorce can be issued twice; then
near them until they have cleansed
(women) must be kept honourably or
themselves. Then when they have
let go amicably. You are not allowed
cleansed themselves, approach them
to take back anything which you have
the way Allah has commanded you,
given them, except if both of them
for Allah loves those who repent and
fear that they cannot keep the limits of
loves those who keep clean.
Allah. So if you fear that they cannot
223. Your women are for your keep the limits of Allah, then there is
cultivation, so go to cultivate them no sin upon them in what she gives up
as you like, and produce a future for to release herself. These are the limits
yourselves, and beware of Allah and of Allah, so do not overstep them.
know that you will meet Him, and give Whoever oversteps the limits of Allah,
good news to the believers. they are the wrongdoers.
224. And do not make your oaths by 230. So if he divorces her, then she is
Allah an excuse not to do good or be not lawful for him afterwards unless
god-fearing or make peace between she has married somebody else, and if
people. Allah hears and knows. he divorces her as well, then there is
225. Allah does not hold you to no sin upon the two that they get back
account for unintentionally spoken together if they think that they can
oaths, but He holds you to account for keep the limits of Allah. These are the
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
limits of Allah which He explains to beware of Allah and know that Allah
people who know. sees what you do.
231. And if you divorce women and 234. And if any of you die and leave
they reach the end of their waiting wives behind, those must wait four
period, then keep them honourably months and ten days, then when they
or let them go honourably, and do have reached the end of their waiting
not keep them by force out of spite. period there is no sin upon you in
Whoever does that wrongs himself. what they do with themselves within
And don’t take the signs of Allah as the rules, and Allah is informed of
a joke, and remember Allah’s favour what you do.
for you and the book and the wisdom 235. It is no sin for you to declare
He revealed to admonish you, and a proposal to women or keep it to
beware of Allah and know that He yourselves. Allah knows that you
knows everything. think of them, but you must not
232. And if you divorce women and date them secretly and only say what
they reach the end of their waiting is appropriate, and you must not
period, then do no prevent them from decide a marriage contract until after
marrying their husbands if they have the completion of the obligation (of
agreed amongst themselves in the waiting). Know that Allah knows what
proper way. This is an admonition for is within you, so keep Him in mind,
each of you who believe in Allah and and know that Allah is forgiving
the Last Day. It is purer and cleaner for and patient.
you. Allah knows and you don’t know. 236. It is no sin for you to divorce
233. Mothers should breast-feed their women whom you have not touched
children two full years if they wish to or not yet declared a bridal gift for
complete the breast-feeding, and the them, but give them a gift – the well-
father is responsible for their adequate to-do according to his means, and the
feeding and clothing - no soul shall be constrained according to his means –
burdened beyond her capacity, and a gift out of decency, an obligation for
neither should a mother come to harm those who do good.
on account of her child nor a father 237. And if you divorce women
on account of his child, and the same before you have touched them but
goes for the heir. But if both decide in have already declared a bridal gift for
mutual agreement and consultation them, then pay half of what you have
to wean (the child) it is no sin on declared, unless they or the one in
them, and if you decide to give your charge of the marriage arrangements
children away to be breast-fed (by a let you off; and it is closer to god-
wet nurse) it is no sin upon you if you consciousness that you should give it
pay properly what you promised, and up. And do not forget to be generous
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
amongst yourselves, for Allah sees prophet: appoint a king for us and
what you do. we will fight in the way of Allah. He
238. Keep up prayers, especially the said: What if fighting is prescribed for
middle prayer, and stand humbly you and you don’t fight? They said:
before Allah. How should we not fight in the way of
Allah when we have been thrown out
239. And if you are in fear, then pray
of our homes and families? But when
standing or travelling, then when you
are safe, remember Allah how He fighting was prescribed for them they
taught you what you did not know. turned away except for a few of them,
and Allah knows the wrongdoers.
240. And if any of you die and leave
wives behind, they must leave a 247. And their prophet said to them:
provision behind for their wives for Allah has appointed Talut (Saul) as
a year without forcing them out (of a king for you. They said: How can
the home). But if they leave, there is he have the kingdom over us when
no sin upon you in what they do with we have more right to the kingdom
themselves within the rules. Allah is than he and he hasn’t been given
mighty and wise. enough wealth? He said: Allah has
preferred him over you and given him
241. And for divorced women must
extra knowledge and strength, and
be an appropriate provision. This is
Allah gives His kingdom to whom
an obligation for those who beware
He pleases, and Allah considers
(of Allah).
everything and knows.
242. This is how Allah explains His
248. And their prophet said to them:
signs for you to consider.
A sign of his kingdom is that he will
243. What do you make of those who bring you the Ark which contains
left their homes in thousands trying to reassurance from your Lord and a
avoid death? Allah said to them: die, remainder of what the families of
then he revived them, for Allah is full Musa (Moses) and Harun (Aaron) left
of generosity towards people, but most behind; it is carried by angels. In this is
people give no thanks. a sign for you if you are believers.
244. So fight in the way of Allah and 249. And when Talut (Saul) departed
know that Allah hears and knows. with the soldiers he said: Allah will
245. Who will lend Allah a good loan, test you with a river; so whoever
so that He will increase it for him drinks from it, does not belong to me,
manifold? Allah tightens and expands and who does not taste it, belongs to
(the provision), and you return me, except for one who takes a quick
to Him. scoop with his hand. But they drank
246. What do you make of the leaders from it except a few of them. So when
of the children of Israel after Musa he and the believers with him crossed
(Moses), when they said to their over, they said: We have no strength
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
today against Jalut (Goliath) and his a day will come when there will be
soldiers. Those who were sure that no deals nor friendship nor advocacy
they would meet Allah said: How and the deniers (of truth) will be
often did a small group overcome a big the wrongdoers.
group with Allah’s permission – Allah 255. Allah, there is no God but Him,
is with those who are steadfast. the Living, the Eternal. Neither
250. And when they faced Jalut slumber nor sleep overtake Him.
(Goliath) and his soldiers they said: Whatever is in the heavens and on
Our Lord, fill us with steadfastness earth is His. Who will intervene in
and make our foothold firm and His presence without His permission?
help us against the people who reject He knows what lies before them and
(the truth). behind them, and they don’t grasp
251. So they defeated them with Allah’s any of His knowledge except what He
permission, and Dawud (David) killed permits. His footstool is as wide as the
Jalut (Goliath), and Allah gave him the heavens and the earth; maintaining
kingdom and the wisdom and taught them does not tire Him, and He is the
him whatever He wanted. And if Allah exalted and great.
did not make some people drive out 256. There is no compulsion in
others, the earth would be corrupted, religion. Right and wrong are self-
but Allah is full of generosity towards evident. One who rejects idols and
the whole world. believes in Allah holds on to a reliable
252. These are the signs of Allah link which cannot break, and Allah
which We recite to you with truth, and listens and knows.
you are one of the messengers. 257. Allah is the protector of the
253. Those are the messengers, We believers. He takes them out from
have favoured some of them above all darkness into the light. But the
others. Amongst them is whom Allah protectors of those who reject (the
spoke to, and some of them He has truth) are the idols. They take them
raised in stages. We gave ‘Isa (Jesus) out from the light into all darkness.
the son of Maryam (Mary) the clear They are inmates of the fire, where
proofs and helped him with the Holy they will remain.
Spirit. If Allah willed, those after them 258. What do you make of the one who
would not argue once the clear proofs disputed with Ibrahim (Abraham)
have come to them, but they differ, about his Lord that Allah had given
so that amongst them are those who him the kingdom. When Ibrahim
believe and those who reject (the said to him: “my Lord gives life and
truth). If Allah willed, they would not death”, he replied: “I give life and
argue, but Allah does what He wills. death”. Ibrahim said: Allah brings the
254. Oh you believers, spend from sun from the East, so bring it from the
what We have provided for you before West. Then the one who rejected (the
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
truth) was dumbfounded, and Allah with their Lord and shall have no fear
does not guide wrongdoing people. nor worry.
259. Or the one who walked past a 263. An appropriate word and
town which was abandoned in ruins forgiveness are better than charity
and said: “How will Allah revive this followed by insult, and Allah is rich
after its death?” So Allah made him and gentle.
dead for a hundred years and then 264. Oh you believers, do not spoil
raised him. He said: “How long did your charity with reproach and insult
you stay?” He said: “I stayed a day or like the one who spends his wealth to
part of a day.” He said: “No, you stayed
be seen by people and does not believe
a hundred years, so look at your food
in Allah and the last day. His example
and your drink, it has not gone off,
is like that of a rock covered with soil
and look at your donkey, and this is to
hit by a torrent, which leaves it arid.
make you a sign for people. And look
They have no power over anything
at the bones, how We place them upon
they earn, and Allah does not guide
each other and then cover them with
ungrateful people.
flesh.” So when it became clear to him,
he said: “I know that Allah is able to 265. And the example of those
do anything”. who spend their wealth seeking
260. And when Ibrahim (Abraham) the contentment of Allah and to
said: “My Lord, show me how You strengthen themselves is like that of a
revive the dead”, He said: “Don’t you garden on a hill hit by a torrent, and it
believe?”, he said: “Sure, but it would gives double its produce, and if it is not
put my heart at ease.” He said: “So take hit by a torrent then by a drizzle, and
four birds and train them on you, then Allah sees what you do.
place some of them on each mountain 266. Would any of you like to have a
and call them, they will come to you garden with date trees and grape vines
hurriedly. And know that Allah is with rivers flowing through it, and he
mighty and wise.” has all kind of fruit in it, and old age
261. The example of those who spend hits him whilst he has weak children;
their wealth in the way of Allah is like then a fiery tornado hits it and burns it
that of a seed which grows seven ears, – This is how Allah explains the signs
each ear containing a hundred seeds, to you, so that you ponder.
and Allah gives increase for whom 267. Oh you believers spend of the
He pleases, and Allah is generous good things you have earned and what
and knows. We let come out of the earth for you,
262. Those who spend their wealth and do not try to spend the bad of it
in the way of Allah without following which you wouldn’t want to receive
their expenditure with reproach and yourselves, and know that Allah is rich
insult, they will have their reward and praiseworthy.
Surah 2: al-Baqarah Surah 2: al-Baqarah
268. The devil promises you poverty because they say interest is like trade,
and commands you indecency, and yet Allah has permitted trade and
Allah promises you forgiveness from forbidden interest. So when someone
Himself and abundance, and Allah is receives admonition from his Lord
generous and knows. and stops, what is in the past remains
269. He gives wisdom to whom He his, and his affairs belong to Allah, and
pleases, and when someone has been those who persist are inmates of the
given wisdom, he has been given fire, where they will remain.
a lot of good, but only those with 276. Allah destroys interest and gives
understanding appreciate it. increase to charity, and Allah does not
270. Whatever you give and pledge, love anyone ungrateful and sinful.
Allah knows it, and the wrongdoers 277. Those who believe and do good
have no helpers. work and keep up prayer and give
271. If you give charity openly, then Zakat, they will have their reward
this is excellent, and if you hide it and with their Lord and shall have no fear
give it to the poor, that is better for you, nor worry.
and it will undo some of your bad deeds 278. Oh you believers beware of Allah
for you, and Allah knows what you do. and abandon what remains in interest
272. Their guidance is not up to you, if you are believers.
but Allah guides whom He pleases, 279. And if you don’t do that, then
and any good you spend is for your take a declaration of war from Allah
own selves, and you only spend to seek and His messenger, and if you repent,
the presence of Allah, and any good then your capital sums are yours. Do
you spend will be repaid to you, and not wrong and do not be wronged.
you will not be wronged. 280. And if someone is in hardship
273. For the poor who are constrained then wait until he is at ease, and if
in the way of Allah unable to travel on you give charity it is better for you if
earth; the ignorant considers them to you knew.
be rich due to (their) modesty, you can 281. And fear a day when you will
tell them by their sign, they do not ask return to Allah, then each soul will be
people incessantly, and any good you given in full what it has earned and
spend, Allah knows of it. they will not be wronged.
274. Those who spend their wealth 282. Oh you believers, if you borrow
night and day, secretly and openly, from each other until a future date,
they will have their reward with their then write it down. And let a scribe
Lord and shall have no fear nor worry. amongst you write impartially, and
275. Those who consume interest will the scribe must not refuse to write as
not stand other than the one whom the Allah has taught him; so let him write,
devil has struck with madness – This is and let the one who owes dictate and
Surah 2: Al-Baqarah Surah 3: Al ‘Imran
let him beware of Allah, his Lord, and you to account for it. Then He will
not omit anything of it. And if the one forgive whom He pleases and punish
who owes is mentally unable or weak whom He pleases, and Allah is able to
or cannot dictate, then let his guardian do anything.
dictate impartially. And let two from
285. The messenger believes in what
amongst your men be witnesses, and
has been revealed to him from His
if there are not two men then one man
Lord, and so do the believers. They
and two women of those whom you
all believe in Allah, His angels, His
are content with as witnesses, so if
one of the two forgets, the other one books, and His messengers – we make
reminds her. And the witnesses must no difference between any of His
not refuse to be called. And do not messengers – and they say we listen
consider it a bother to write it down and we obey, Your forgiveness, oh our
for the future, whether it be small or Lord, and to You is the journey.
big, as that is more just before Allah 286. Allah does not burden a soul
and more stable in evidence and less beyond its capacity, in its favour is
likely to cause you doubt. Except what it has earned, and against it is
when it is an immediate exchange what it has appropriated. Our Lord,
you conduct amongst yourselves, do not grab us if we forget or make a
then there is no sin upon you if you mistake; our Lord, and do not place
don’t write it down. And have your upon us a burden like you have placed
trade transactions witnessed and let
upon those before us; our Lord and do
no harm come to either the scribe
not burden us beyond our strength;
or the witness. Should you do that, it
and let us off and forgive us and have
would be immoral of you, and beware
mercy on us: You are our Protector, so
of Allah, and Allah will teach you, and
Allah knows everything. help us against the people who reject
(the truth).
283. And if you are on a journey and
can’t find a scribe, then a tangible Surah 3: Al ‘Imran
security, and when you entrust
(The Family of ‘Imran)
something to each other, then the one
who has been entrusted must return In the name of Allah,
what he has been entrusted with, and the Owner and Giver of Mercy
let him beware of Allah, his Lord, and
1. Alif, Lam, Mim.
do not hide the evidence, for the one
who hides it has a sinful heart, and 2. Allah, there is no god but Him, He
Allah knows what you do. is the Living, the Eternal.
284. To Allah belongs what is in the 3. He revealed the book to you with
heavens and what is on the earth, the truth, confirming that which came
and whether you expose what is before it, and He revealed the Torah
within you or hide it, Allah will take and the Injil.
Surah 3: Al ‘Imran Surah 3: Al ‘Imran
4. An earlier guidance for mankind, on account of their sins. Allah is severe
and He revealed the distinction in punishment.
(between right and wrong). For those 12. Say to those who reject (the truth):
who reject the signs of Allah there You will be overcome and gathered in
is severe punishment, and Allah is hell, a bad place to be.
mighty and vengeful. 13. There is a sign for you in the two
5. Nothing in the earth or the heaven parties who met, one party fighting in
is hidden from Allah. the way of Allah and another rejecting
6. He is the One who shapes you in the (the truth), which outwardly appeared
wombs as He pleases. There is no god to them to be twice (their strength),
but Him, the mighty, the wise. yet Allah helps with His victory whom
He pleases. In that is a lesson for those
7. He is the One who sent to you
who see.
the book of which there are decisive
verses, which are the core of the 14. The love of desires (aroused) by
book, and other ambiguous ones. women and children and accumulated
As for those in whose hearts there treasures of gold and silver and
branded horses and cattle and land
is distraction, they follow that of it
appeals to people. That is the provision
which is ambiguous in an attempt
of this world, and with Allah is the
to cause temptation and seeking a
best return.
specific outcome, yet no-one knows its
outcome but Allah. And those firm in 15. Say: Shall I inform you of better
knowledge say: We believe in it, it is than that. For those who beware (of
all from our Lord. And only those with Allah) there are gardens with their
understanding remember. Lord through which rivers flow – they
will remain there – and pure partners
8. Our Lord, do not distract our hearts and contentment from Allah, and
after You have guided us and grant us Allah sees (His) servants.
mercy from You, for You are the one
16. Those who say, our Lord, we
who gives.
believed, so forgive us our sins and
9. Our Lord, you will gather all people guard us from the punishment of
for a day without doubt, for Allah does the fire.
not break the promise.
17. The patient, the truthful, the
10. Those who reject (the truth), humble, the charitable, and those who
neither their wealth nor their children ask forgiveness at dawn.
will benefit them against Allah. They 18. Allah bears witness that there is no
are the fuel of the fire. god but Him, and so do the angels and
11. Like the practice of the family of those with knowledge; He upholds
Pharaoh and those before them, they justice. There is no god but Him, the
denied our signs, so Allah seized them mighty and wise.
Surah 3: Al ‘Imran Surah 3: Al ‘Imran
19. The obligation towards Allah is 26. Say: O Allah, King of the kingdom,
submission (Islam), and the people of You give the kingdom to whom You
the book only differed out of jealousy please and take away the kingdom
amongst each other after having from whom You please, You honour
received the knowledge. If someone whom You please and humiliate whom
denies the signs of Allah, Allah is swift You please, the good is in Your hand,
in counting. You have power over of all things.
20. And if they dispute with you say: 27. You blend the night into the day
and the day into the night, and You
I have submitted fully to Allah and so
bring out the living from the dead
have those who follow me. And ask
and the dead from the living, and
those who were given the book and
You provide for whom You please
the unlettered people: Do you submit? without counting.
Then if they submit, they are guided,
28. The believers must not take those
and if they turn away, your only duty
who reject (the truth) as protectors
is to convey, and Allah sees (His)
besides the believers. If someone
does so then he has nothing to do
21. Those who reject the signs with Allah, except if he does so as a
of Allah and kill the prophets precaution against them, and Allah
without justification and kill those cautions you about Himself, and to
who command justice amongst Allah is the journey.
people, announce to them a 29. Say, whether you hide what is
painful punishment. inside you or reveal it, Allah knows it.
22. They are the ones whose work will He knows what is in the heavens and
be wasted in this world and in the in the earth, and Allah has power over
hereafter and they have no helpers. all things.
23. What do you make of those who 30. On the day when every soul finds
received a portion of the book being all the good she has done present and
all the bad she has done, she wishes
called to the book of Allah to judge
there was a long distance between it
between them, then a party amongst
and her. And Allah cautions you about
them turned away in opposition?
Himself, and Allah is kind to (His)
24. This is because they say: The fire servants.
will only touch us a limited number 31. Say: If you love Allah, then follow
of days. And their inventions mislead me and Allah will love you and forgive
them in their religion. you your sins. Allah is forgiving
25. How then when We gather them to and merciful.
a day without doubt and every soul is 32. Say: Obey Allah and the messenger.
repaid what it has earned and they will But if you turn away, then Allah does
not be wronged? not love those who reject (the truth).
Surah 3: Al ‘Imran Surah 3: Al ‘Imran
33. Allah chose Adam and Nuh 40. He said: My Lord, how can I have
(Noah) and the family of Ibrahim a son when old age has caught up with
(Abraham) and the family of ‘Imran me and my wife is barren? He said:
over everybody else. thus Allah does what He pleases.
34. They are descendants one of the 41. He said: My Lord, appoint a sign
other, and Allah listens and knows. for me. He said: Your sign is that you
35. When the wife of ‘Imran said: My will not speak to people for three days
Lord, I have promised the content of other than by gestures; and remember
my womb to be devoted to You, so your Lord much and give praise in the
accept it from me, for You are [the evening and the morning.
One] who listens and knows.
42. And when the angels said: O
36. So when she delivered it she said: Maryam (Mary), Allah has chosen
My Lord, I have delivered a female you and purified you and chosen you
– and Allah knew best what she had above all the women of the world.
delivered, and the male and the female
are not alike – and I have named her 43. O Maryam (Mary), be humble
Maryam (Mary) and I seek refuge in towards your Lord and prostrate and
You for her and her descendants from bow down with those who do.
the cursed devil. 44. This is information We reveal to
37. So her Lord accepted her in the you from the unseen. You were not
best way and made her grow up well amongst them when they drew straws
and entrusted her care to Zakariya as to who should take care of Maryam
(Zachariah); whenever Zakariya (Mary) and you were not amongst
entered her place of seclusion he them when they argued.
found provision with her. He asked: 45. When the angels said: O Maryam
O Maryam (Mary), where did you get (Mary), Allah gives you good news
this from? She said, it is from Allah,
of a word from Him whose name
Allah provides for whom He pleases
shall be the Messiah ‘Isa (Jesus) son
without counting.
of Maryam, honoured in this world
38. Upon this Zakariya called His and amongst those brought close in
Lord, saying: My Lord, give me a the Hereafter.
good offspring from You, for You hear
the prayer. 46. He will talk to people whilst in the
cradle and in adulthood and will be
39. Then the angels called him
amongst the righteous.
whilst he was standing in prayer in
the secluded place that Allah gives 47. She said: My Lord, how can I have
you good news of Yahya (John) as a son when no man has touched me.
confirmation of a word from Allah He said: Thus Allah creates what He
and noble and chaste and a prophet pleases. When He decides a matter
from amongst the righteous. then He says to it: Be – and it is.
Surah 3: Al ‘Imran Surah 3: Al ‘Imran
48. And He will teach him the book, who reject (the truth) until the day
the wisdom, the Torah and the Injil. of resurrection, then your return will
49. And he will be a messenger to the be to Me and I will judge between
Children of Israel saying “I have come you with regard to what you used to
to you with a sign from your Lord; I differ in.
will create for you from clay the shape 56. As for those who reject (the truth),
of a bird and breathe into it so that it I will punish them with a severe
will be a (real) bird by permission of punishment in the world and the
Allah, and I will heal the blind and hereafter and they will have no helpers.
the leper, and will bring back to life 57. And as for those who believe and
the dead by permission of Allah, and I do good work, they will be given
will tell you what you eat and what you their reward. Allah does not love the
store in your houses. In that is a sign wrongdoers.”
for you if you are believers. 58. This is what We recite to you from
50. And confirming that which went the signs and the wise reminder.
before me from the Torah and to make 59. The likeness of ‘Isa (Jesus) with
lawful for you some of that which was Allah is as the likeness of Adam: He
forbidden for you. I have come to you created him from soil and then said to
with a sign from my Lord, so beware him: Be - and he is.
of Allah and obey me.
60. The truth from your Lord, so be
51. Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so not amongst the doubters.
serve Him. This is a straight path.”
61. So if anyone disputes with you
52. Then, when ‘Isa (Jesus) noticed the about it after you have received
denial amongst them, he said: “Who knowledge then say: Come, let us call
are my helpers towards Allah?” The our children and your children, and
disciples said: “We are the helpers of our women and your women, and
Allah, we believe in Allah and be you a ourselves and yourselves, then we
witness that we have submitted. shall pray for the curse of Allah to be
53. Our Lord, we believe in what brought upon the liars.
You have revealed and follow the 62. This is indeed the true story. There
messenger, so list us amongst the is no god but Allah, and Allah is the
witnesses.” mighty and wise.
54. And they schemed and Allah 63. Then if they turn away, Allah
schemed, and Allah is the best knows the corrupters.
of schemers. 64. Say, oh people of the Book, come to
55. When Allah said: “O ‘Isa (Jesus), a common word between us and you
I will take you away and raise you that we serve none but Allah and do
to Myself and purify you and make not associate anything with Him nor
those who follow you above those take each other as overlords instead of
Surah 3: Al ‘Imran Surah 3: Al ‘Imran
Allah. Then if they turn away, say: Be Allah - (and do not accept) that he has
witnesses that we have submitted. received something similar to what
65. Oh people of the Book, why do you have received nor (accept) that
you dispute about Ibrahim (Abraham) he may dispute with you before your
when the Torah and the Injil were only Lord. Say: All benefit is in Allah’s hand
revealed after him – don’t you think? who gives it to whom He pleases, and
Allah is far-reaching and knows.
66. You are the ones who used to
dispute about that which you had 74. He selects for His mercy whom
knowledge of, so why do you dispute He pleases, and Allah possesses
about that which you have no immense favours.
knowledge of? Allah knows and you 75. Among the people of the book are
do not know. some who, if you entrust them with
67. Ibrahim (Abraham) was neither a large amount, they will return it to
Jew nor Christian, he was one you, and among them are some who,
dedicated to Allah, submitted to Him if you entrust them with a single coin,
(a Muslim), and was not amongst will not return it to you unless you
the idolaters. keep constantly at it. This is because
they say: There is no redress against
68. The closest to Ibrahim (Abraham) us concerning the gentiles; and they
are surely those who follow him and speak a lie against Allah knowingly.
this prophet and those who believe,
and Allah is closest to the believers. 76. But no, if someone fulfils his
agreements and bewares, then Allah
69. A group amongst the people of the loves those who beware (of Him).
Book would love to lead you astray
but they only lead themselves astray 77. Those who sell their agreement
without realising it. with Allah and their oaths for a small
gain, they will have no share in the
70. Oh people of the Book, why do hereafter and Allah will not speak to
you reject the signs of Allah when you them nor look at them on the day of
witness them? resurrection nor will He purify them,
71. Oh people of the Book, why do and painful punishment awaits them.
you clothe the truth in falsehood and 78. And amongst them there is a
hide the truth knowingly? faction who distort the book in their
72. A group amongst the people of the speech so that you consider it to be
Book said: Let’s believe in that which part of the book when it is not part of
was revealed to the believers during the book, and they say it is from Allah
the day and reject it at the end of it so when it is not from Allah, and they
that they revert. speak a lie against Allah knowingly.
73. And do not believe anyone unless 79. And no person has a right that
he follows your religion - Say: the when Allah gives him the book and
only guidance is the guidance of sound judgement and prophethood he
Surah 3: Al ‘Imran Surah 3: Al ‘Imran
should say to people be my servants and he will be amongst the losers in
instead of Allah’s, but he should say: the hereafter.
guide people to your Lord on account 86. How is Allah going to guide a
of what you know and teach of the people who reject (the truth) after
book and what you study. they believed and were witnesses that
80. Nor would he command you to the messenger is truthful and came to
take the angels and prophets as lords; them with clear proofs. Allah does not
is he going to command you to reject guide wrongdoing people.
(the truth) after you have submitted? 87. Their reward will be that that the
81. And when Allah took a promise curse of Allah and the angels and all
from the prophets that after I gave you mankind will be upon them.
part of the book and the wisdom and 88. They shall remain in it; the
then there comes to you a messenger punishment shall not be lightened
who confirms that which you have,
for them and they shall not be given
you will believe in him and help him,
time off.
He said: do you agree and take my
covenant on that basis? They said: We 89. Except those who repent
agree. He said: Then be witnesses and afterwards and make amends, for
I shall be a witness with you. Allah is forgiving, merciful.
82. Then if anyone turns away 90. Those who reject (the truth) after
afterwards they will be the sinful. they believed and then increase in
rejection, their repentance will not be
83. Do they then seek a different
accepted and those are the ones who
religion to that of Allah when
have lost their way.
everything in the heavens and
the earth submits to Him (both) 91. Those who reject (the truth)
obediently and reluctantly and to Him and die in the state of rejection, the
will they be brought back? weight of the earth in gold would
84. Say: We believe in Allah and not be accepted from any of them
what has been revealed to us and in redemption. Painful punishment
what has been revealed to Ibrahim awaits those and they will have
(Abraham) and Isma’il (Ishmael) no helpers.
and Ishaq (Isaac) and Ya’qub (Jacob) 92. You will not achieve righteousness
and the tribes and what was given to until you spend from that which you
Musa (Moses) and ‘Isa (Jesus) and the love. And whatever you spend, Allah
prophets from their Lord, we make knows of it.
no difference between any of them, 93. All food was permitted to the
and we submit to Him. Children of Israel except what Israel
85. And if anyone seeks another forbade for himself before the Torah
religion than Islam (submission), was revealed. Say: bring the Torah and
it will not be accepted from him recite it if you are truthful.
Surah 3: Al ‘Imran Surah 3: Al ‘Imran
94. Therefore, if someone invents a lie not die except in submission to Him
against Allah afterwards, then they are (as Muslims).
the wrongdoers. 103. And hold on to the connection
95. Say: Allah has spoken the truth, with Allah altogether and do not break
therefore follow the religion of Ibrahim up, and remember Allah’s favour upon
(Abraham), sincerely devoted, for he you when you were enemies and He
was not one of the idolaters. brought your hearts together and you
96. The very first house placed for became brothers by His blessing, and
people (to worship at) is that in you were at the brink of falling into the
Bakkah as a blessing and guidance for fire and He rescued you from it, this is
all the worlds. how Allah explains His signs to you so
97. It contains clear signs, the that you may be guided.
location of Ibrahim (Abraham), and 104. And there should be amongst
whoever used to enter it was safe, you a community who call to what
and Allah obliges mankind to make is good and command good conduct
the pilgrimage (Hajj) to the House if and forbid wrongdoing, and those will
he finds a way to do so, and whoever be the successful.
denies it, Allah is independent of all
105. And be not like those who break
the worlds.
up and differ after the clear proofs
98. Say: Oh people of the (previously came to them, severe punishment
revealed) Book, why do you reject the
awaits those.
signs of Allah when Allah is a witness
of what you do? 106. On the day when faces will
be whitened and faces will be
99. Say: Oh people of the book, why
blackened. As for those whose faces
do you divert somebody who believes
will be blackened: Did you reject
from the way of Allah desiring it to be
crooked when you are witnesses and (the truth) after your belief? Then
Allah is not unaware of what you do? taste the punishment on account of
your rejection.
100. Oh you believers, if you follow a
faction of those who were given the 107. As for those whose faces will be
book, they would turn you back to whitened, they are in the mercy of
reject (the truth) after your belief. Allah in which they remain.
101. Yet, how should you reject (it) 108. Those are the signs of Allah
when the signs of Allah are recited to which We recite to you in truth, and
you and His messenger is amongst you. Allah does not will oppression for
He who holds on to Allah has already the worlds.
been guided on to a straight path. 109. And to Allah belongs whatever is
102. Oh you believers, beware of Allah in the heavens and what is on earth,
with the awareness due to Him and do and to Allah return all things.
Surah 3: Al ‘Imran Surah 3: Al ‘Imran
110. You are the best community 117. The likeness of what they spend in
brought forth for mankind: you the life of this world is that of a freezing
command good conduct and forbid wind which hit the harvest of people
wrongdoing and believe in Allah. who have wronged themselves and
If the people of the Book believed, destroyed it, and Allah did not wrong
it would have been better for them. them but they wronged themselves.
Amongst them are believers, but most
of them are sinful. 118. Oh you believers, do not take
confidants from outside your own;
111. They will not harm you except by
they will not stop harming you, they
insult, and if they fight you they will
love what ruins you, their hatred is
turn to flee and will then not be helped.
already apparent from (what comes
112. Humiliation is brought upon
out of) their mouths, and what they
them wherever they are found except
hide in their chests is more severe. We
(when holding on to) the connection
have already explained the signs to
to Allah and the connection to the
people; and they are burdened with you if you understand.
the anger of Allah and misery is 119. There you are the ones who have
brought upon them; this is because affection for them, whereas they have
they rejected the signs of Allah and no affection for you, and you believe
killed the prophets without right; in all of the book, and when they meet
this is because they disobeyed and you they say “we believe”, and when
were transgressing. they are alone they bite their fingers
113. They are not (all) the same. against you out of anger. Say, die from
Amongst the people of the Book there your anger, for Allah knows what is
is an upright community who read the kept inside.
signs of Allah during part of the night
120. When good befalls you, it hurts
and prostrate.
them, and when harm befalls you they
114. They believe in Allah and the rejoice in it, but if you are patient and
last day and command good conduct beware (of Allah), their deception
and forbid wrongdoing and hasten
will not harm you at all, for Allah
towards good deeds, and they are
surrounds what they do.
amongst the righteous.
121. And when you left your home
115. Whatever good they did will not
be denied to them, and Allah knows early in the morning to order the
those who beware (of Him). believers for battle, and Allah listens
and knows.
116. Those who reject (the truth),
neither their wealth nor children will 122. When two groups amongst you
help them the least against Allah, and tended to despair whilst Allah is their
those are the inmates of the fire where protector, and on Allah should the
they will remain. believers rely.
Surah 3: Al ‘Imran Surah 3: Al ‘Imran
123. And Allah already gave you garden whose width is that of the
victory at Badr when you were few, so heavens and the earth, which has been
beware of Allah in order to be grateful. prepared for those who beware (of
124. When you said to the believers: Allah).
will it not suffice you that your Lord 134. Those who spend in ease and
helps you with three thousand angels hardship and those who restrain
sent down? their anger and those who are gentle
125. More so, if you have patience towards people, and Allah loves those
and beware (of Allah) when they who do good.
come upon you suddenly, then your
135. And those who, if they have
Lord will help you with five thousand
committed an indecency or wronged
marked angels.
themselves, remember Allah and ask
126. And Allah only gave this as good forgiveness for their sins - for who
news for you and to contend your forgives sins except Allah? - and did
hearts with it, and victory is only from not knowingly persist in what they did.
Allah the mighty and wise.
136. For those the reward is
127. So that He cuts off a portion
forgiveness from their Lord and
of those who reject (the truth) or
gardens through which rivers flow
subdues them to make them turn back
in failure. where they will remain; blessed is the
reward of those who work.
128. You have no say in the matter. Or
He may turn back to them or punish 137. Examples have already passed
them because they are wrongdoers. before you, so travel on the earth and
see what the outcome was like for
129. And to Allah belongs what is in
the heavens and on earth. He forgives the deniers.
whom He pleases and punishes whom 138. This is a clear exposition
He pleases, and Allah is forgiving for mankind and a guidance and
and merciful. admonition for those who beware (of
130. Oh you believers, do not devour Allah).
usury multiplied several times and 139. And do not lose heart nor grieve
beware of Allah so that you may and you will come out on top if you
be successful. are believers.
131. And beware of the fire which has 140. If a wound has afflicted you, then
been prepared for those who reject a similar wound has also afflicted
(the truth). the people, and we alter these days
132. And obey Allah and the amongst mankind and for Allah to
messenger so that you may find mercy. know those who believe and to take
133. And hurry towards the witnesses from you, and Allah does
forgiveness from your Lord and a not love the wrongdoers.
Surah 3: Al ‘Imran Surah 3: Al ‘Imran
141. And for Allah to test those who 149. Oh you believers, if you obey
believe and to destroy those who reject those who reject (the truth) they will
(the truth). make you turn back and you will turn
142. Or did you count on entering the back as losers.
garden without Allah knowing those 150. But Allah is your protector, and
who strive amongst you and knowing He is the best of helpers.
the patient? 151. We shall place fear in the hearts
143. And you already hoped for death of those who reject (the truth) on
before you met it, and you already saw account of having associated with
it with open eyes. Allah that for which He has not sent
144. And Muhammad is only a any authority, and their abode is the
messenger who was preceded by the fire and miserable is the home of
messengers, so if he dies or is killed, the wrongdoers.
will you turn back on your heels? And 152. And Allah already made His
if someone turns back on his heels he promise come true for you when you
will not harm Allah at all. And Allah rooted them by His permission, until
will repay the grateful. you weakened and argued about the
matter and disobeyed after He showed
145. And no soul will die without
you what you loved - among you are
Allah’s permission as a fixed
those who want the world and among
appointment, and if someone wants
you are those who want the hereafter;
the reward of this world, We give him
then He turned you away from them
of it, and if someone wants the reward
in order to test you, and He has
of the hereafter, We give him of it, and
already forgiven you, and Allah is full
We will repay the grateful.
of generosity for the believers.
146. And how many a prophet was
153. When you ascended and did not
there with whom a large multitude
stop for anybody whilst the messenger
fought, and they did not waver on called you from behind you, and
account of what happened to them in additional grieve afflicted you so that
the cause of Allah nor weaken or give you would not worry about what
in, and Allah loves the patient. had escaped you nor about what had
147. And all they said was: Our Lord, befallen you, and Allah knows what
forgive us our sins and excesses in you do.
our affair and make our foothold firm 154. Then after this grief He sent you
and help us against people who reject a calming safety which enveloped a
(the truth). group amongst you, and another group
148. So Allah gave them the reward of troubled themselves with improper
this world and the best reward of the thoughts about Allah in the manner
hereafter, and Allah loves those who of the assumptions of (the days of)
do good. ignorance, saying do we have any
Surah 3: Al ‘Imran Surah 3: Al ‘Imran
choice in this matter? Say the matter 160. If Allah helps you, then nobody
is entirely up to Allah. They hide in can overcome you, and if He abandons
themselves what they do not disclose you, then who is there to help you
to you, saying that if we had any choice afterwards? And on Allah let the
in the matter we would not have been believers rely.
killed here. Say, had you stayed at 161. It is not befitting for a prophet to
home, those who were destined to be take advantage (of anyone), whoever
killed would have come out, and thus takes advantage will bring what he
Allah tests what you keep inside and has taken advantage of on the day of
purifies your hearts, and Allah knows resurrection, then every soul will be
what is kept inside. given in full what it has earned and
155. Those amongst you who turned they will not be wronged.
to flee when the two troops met, the 162. Is he who pursues the approval
devil wanted to make them slip on
of Allah like him who brings upon
account of some of their deeds, and
himself disapproval from Allah and
Allah has already let them off, for
his refuge is hell, a bad destination?
Allah is forgiving and gentle.
163. They have (different) stages with
156. Oh you believers, do not be like
Allah, and Allah sees what they do.
those who reject (the truth) and say
to their brothers when they travel or 164. Allah already bestowed His
attack: if they had been with us they favours on the believers when He
would not have died or been killed, so raised amongst them a messenger of
that Allah makes them feel this as a their own kind who recites to them His
loss in their hearts, and Allah gives life signs and purifies them and teaches
and death, and Allah sees what you do. them the book and the wisdom, when
before that they were in clear error.
157. And if you were killed in the way
of Allah or died, the forgiveness and 165. Or is it that when a misfortune
mercy from Allah would be better afflicts you after you already afflicted
than what they amass. twice as much, you say: Where did
158. And if you died or were killed this come from? Say: This came
you would be gathered to Allah. from yourselves, for Allah is able to
do anything.
159. It is out of mercy from Allah that
you are lenient towards them. And if 166. What afflicted you on the day
you were harsh with an unforgiving the two troops met was with the
heart, they would disperse around permission of Allah and in order for
you, so let them off and forgive them Him to know the believers.
and consult them in the matter, and 167. And to know those who pretend,
when you have decided, then rely on and they were told: Come and fight in
Allah, for Allah loves those who rely the way of Allah or defend yourselves,
(on Him). and they said: Had we known about a
Surah 3: Al ‘Imran Surah 3: Al ‘Imran
fight we would have followed you. They 175. It is only the devil who scares
were closer to rejecting belief that day those who seek his protection, so
than to believing. They say with their do not fear him but fear Me, if you
mouths what is not in their hearts, and are believers.
Allah knows what they hide. 176. And do not let those who rush to
168. Those who say to their brothers, disbelief make you sad, for they will
whilst staying behind, if they had not harm Allah at least, Allah wills to
followed us they would not have been not give them a share in the hereafter
killed; say: then avert death from and severe punishment awaits them.
yourselves if you are truthful. 177. Those who exchange belief for
rejection, they will not harm Allah
169. And don’t count those who were
the least, and painful punishment
killed in the way of Allah as dead, but
awaits them.
they are alive and have provision with
their Lord. 178. And those who reject (the truth)
should not count it as good for them
170. Rejoicing about what Allah has that We give them time; We give them
given them from His favours and glad time so that they increase in sin, and
that those behind them who have humiliating punishment awaits them.
not met them yet will have no fear
179. Allah would not leave the believers
nor worry. in the state you are in until He would
171. Glad about the blessing from separate the worthless from the good,
Allah and favours and that Allah does and Allah would not give you access
not waste the reward of the believers. to the unseen, but Allah chooses from
172. Those who responded to Allah His messengers whom He pleases, so
and the messenger after being afflicted believe in Allah and His messengers,
by the wound, for those amongst them and if you believe and beware, an
immense reward awaits you.
who did good and bewared there is
immense reward. 180. And do not count that those who
withhold what Allah has given them of
173. Those to whom the people said:
His favours have the better (deal), but
The people have gathered against
they have the worse (deal), that which
you, so fear them, and it increased they withheld will surround them on
them in faith and they said: Allah is the day of resurrection, and to Allah
enough for us and most excellent to be belongs the inheritance of the heavens
relied upon. and the earth, and Allah knows what
174. So they turned around by the you do.
favour and generosity of Allah without 181. Allah has heard the talk of those
any harm touching them and pursued who said Allah is poor and we are rich,
the approval of Allah, and Allah We will write down what they said as
possesses immense favours. well as their killing of the prophets
Surah 3: Al ‘Imran Surah 3: Al ‘Imran
without right, and We will say: taste do, don’t count that they will escape
the punishment of burning. from the punishment, and a painful
182. This is for the deeds you have punishment awaits them.
sent ahead and that Allah does not 189. And to Allah belongs the
wrong (His) servants. kingdom of the heavens and the earth
183. Those who said: Allah took a and Allah is able to do anything.
covenant from us that we should 190. In the creation of the heavens and
not believe in any messenger until the earth and the alteration of night
he comes with a sacrifice consumed and day are indeed signs for those
by fire; say: messengers came to you with understanding.
before with clear proofs and with what 191. Those who remember Allah
you said, so why did you kill them if standing, sitting and on their sides
you are truthful? and reflect about the creation of the
184. So if they deny you, they already heavens and the earth: Our Lord, you
denied messengers before you who have not created this without purpose,
came with clear proofs and scriptures glory be to You, so guard us from the
and the enlightened book. punishment of the fire.
185. Every soul must taste death and 192. Our Lord, whoever You enter
they will be receiving their rewards on into the fire you have humiliated, and
the day of resurrection, so whoever is there is no helper for the wrongdoers.
removed from the fire and entered into 193. Our Lord, we heard a caller call
the garden is successful, and the life of to faith that you should believe in
this world is only a passing provision. your Lord, so we believed, our Lord
186. You will be tested in your so forgive us our sins and reject our
property and your selves and you bad deeds and make us die with
will hear from those who were given the righteous.
the book before you and from the 194. Our Lord, and give us what You
idolaters much insult, but if you have promised us through your messengers
patience and beware then this is one and do not humiliate us on the day
of the firmest things (to do). of resurrection, for You do not break
187. And when Allah took a promise the promise.
from those given the book that you 195. So their Lord answered them that
will explain it to the people and not I do not waste the work of a worker, be
hide it, then they threw it behind their they male or female, one of you belong
backs and sold it for a small price, so to another, so those who emigrated
bad is what they buy (with it). and were forced out of their homes and
188. Don’t count those who rejoice harmed in the way of Allah and fought
in what they were given and love and killed, I will reject their bad deeds
to be praised for what they did not and enter them into gardens through
Surah 4: An-Nisa Surah 4: An-Nisa
which rivers flow, a reward from do not consume their property with
Allah, and Allah has the best reward. your property, for it is a great sin.
196. Let not the movements of those 3. And if you fear that you cannot do
who reject (the truth) in the country justice to the orphans, then marry
mislead you. from the women permitted to you,
197. A short provision, then their two, three and four, and if you fear
abode is hell, a bad place to be. that you cannot be fair, then one, or
one who is in your possession, that is
198. But for those who beware of their
closer to you avoiding transgression.
Lord there are gardens through which
rivers flow, where they will remain, a 4. And give the women their
gift from Allah, and what is with Allah (marriage) gifts willingly, but if
is better for the righteous. they make some of it permissible
to you themselves, then consume it
199. Yet amongst the people of the
legitimately and content.
book there are those who believe in
Allah and what has been revealed to 5. And do not give the mentally unable
you and what has been revealed to your property which Allah has given
them, humble before Allah, not selling you as maintenance, and provide for
Allah’s signs for a small price; those them and clothe them and say to them
will have their reward with their Lord, appropriate words.
and Allah is swift in counting. 6. And put the orphans to the test
200. Oh you believers, have patience until, when they reach (the age of)
and hold out and hold together and marriage, if you observe maturity in
beware of Allah so that you may them, then give them their property,
be successful. and do not consume it wastefully and
in a hurry before they come of age,
Surah 4: An-Nisa and whoever is rich, let him abstain,
(Women) and whoever is poor, let him consume
what is appropriate, and when you give
In the name of Allah, them their property, have it witnessed
the Owner and Giver of Mercy against them, and Allah is sufficient
1. Oh people, beware of your Lord for keeping count.
who created you from a single soul and 7. For men there is a share of what
created from it its partner and spread parents and relatives leave behind and
from them both numerous men and for women there is a share of what
women, and beware of Allah through parents and relatives leave behind, be
whom you have claims on each other it little or much, a mandatory share.
and (respect) relationships, for Allah 8. And when the relatives and orphans
watches over you. and poor are present during the
2. And give the orphans their property division, then provide for them from
and do not exchange bad for good and it and say to them appropriate words.
Surah 4: An-Nisa Surah 4: An-Nisa
9. And let them fear for them as if children and has a brother or sister,
they had left weak offspring behind then for each of them is a sixth, and
themselves, and let them beware if there are several of them, then they
of Allah and let them speak within share in a third after any will which has
the limits. been made or debt, without causing
10. Those who consume the property harm, a prescriptive inheritance from
of the orphans wrongfully, they eat fire Allah, and Allah is knowledgeable
into their bellies, and they will reach and lenient.
the blaze. 13. These are the limits of Allah, and
who obeys Allah and His messengers,
11. Allah prescribes inheritance for
He will enter him into gardens
you regarding your children, for a
through which rivers flow where
male is the equivalent of the share
they will remain, and that is the
of two females, and if there are more
ultimate success.
than two women, then theirs is a
third of what he leaves behind, and 14. And who disobeys Allah and
if there is one, then hers is half, and His messenger and transgresses His
for his two parents, for each of them limits, He will enter him into a fire
is a sixth of what he leaves behind if to remain in it forever and his is a
he has children, and if he does not humiliating punishment.
have children and his parents inherit 15. And for those of your women
from him, then for his mother there who commit adultery, let four from
is a third, and if he has siblings, then amongst you witness against them,
for his mother there is a sixth after any and if they witnessed, then keep
will he has made or debt; your parents them in their homes until death
and your children, you do not know overtakes them or Allah provides a
who is of more benefit to you. This is way out for them.
an obligation from Allah, for Allah is 16. And challenge the two who
knowledgeable and wise. commit it, but if they repent and make
12. And for you is half of what your amends, then let them be, for Allah is
wives leave behind if they do not have accepting, merciful.
children, and if they have children, 17. Repentance is only accepted by
then for you is a fourth of what they Allah from those who do bad due to
leave behind after any will they have ignorance and then repent soon after,
made or debt, and theirs is a fourth Allah accepts it from those, and Allah
of what you leave behind if you have is knowledgeable and wise.
no children, and if you have children, 18. Repentance is not accepted from
then theirs is an eighth of what you those who do bad deeds until when
leave behind after any will you have death approaches one of them he
made or debt; and if a man or woman says: I repent now; nor from those
leaves inheritance without parents or who die whilst rejecting (the truth).
Surah 4: An-Nisa Surah 4: An-Nisa
For those We have promised a 24. And the chaste women except
painful punishment. what is in your possession, a
19. Oh you believers, it is not prescription of Allah for you, and
permissible for you to inherit women anything beyond that is permitted
forcibly, and do not prevent them from for you to seek out with your wealth,
marrying in order to take away some chaste and not through fornication,
of that which you have given them, and give those whom you have made
lawful their marital gifts by way of
unless they commit evident adultery.
obligation, and there is no sin upon
And give them appropriate company,
you in whatever you are content with
and should you resent them, then it
beyond the obligation, for Allah is
may be that you resent something
knowledgeable and wise.
wherein Allah has placed much good.
25. And who amongst you does not
20. And if you wish to exchange a wife
have the means to marry free believing
for another, and you have given one women, then from amongst what is
of them a treasure, then do not take in your possession of the believing
anything from it; are you going to take servants, and Allah knows your faith
it by way of deception and evident sin? best, you all share a common origin,
21. And how can you take it when one so marry them with the permission
of you has already spent time with the of their family and give them their
other and We have taken from you a marital gifts appropriately, as long
binding promise? as they are chaste, not given to
22. And do not marry women whom prostitution nor fornication, so when
your fathers married, except what has they are married and then commit
gone before, for it is an indecency, adultery, then their punishment is
abhorrence and bad way. half that of free women; this if for him
amongst you who fears hardship, but
23. Forbidden to you are your to have patience is better for you, and
mothers, daughters, sisters, paternal Allah is forgiving and merciful.
aunts, maternal aunts, brother’s
26. Allah wills to explain it to you and
daughters, sister’s daughters, nursing
guide you the paths of those before
mothers, nursing siblings, mother-
you and turn back to you, and Allah is
in-laws and the step-daughters from
knowledgeable and wise.
the women in your household with
whom you have cohabited, and if you 27. And Allah wants to turn back to
have not cohabited with them, then you, and those who follow desires
there is no sin against you, and your want you to stray badly.
daughter-in-laws and that you should 28. Allah wants to make it light for
keep two sisters (simultaneously), you, and man was created weak.
except what has gone before, and 29. Oh you believers, do not consume
Allah is forgiving, merciful. your wealth between yourselves
Surah 4: An-Nisa Surah 4: An-Nisa
ignorantly, but it should only be by Allah will make them agree, for Allah
way of trade you have consented to, is knowledgeable and informed.
and do not kill your own, Allah is 36. And serve Allah and do not
merciful with you. associate anything with Him, and
30. And who does so in enmity and goodness to parents and relatives
oppression, We will soon burn him in and the orphans and the poor and
fire, that is easy for Allah. the immediate neighbour and distant
31. If you avoid the major ones which neighbour and anybody you share
you have been forbidden, We cancel company with and the traveller and
your (minor) bad deeds and give you those in your possession, for Allah
an honoured entry. does not love one who is arrogant
32. And do not wish for what Allah and boastful.
has favoured with some of you above 37. Those who are mean and command
others; for men there is a share of what people to be mean and hide what Allah
they have earned and for women there has given them of His favours, and We
is a share of what they have earned, have prepared for those who reject
and ask Allah of His favour for Allah (the truth) a humiliating punishment.
knows all things. 38. And those who spend their wealth
33. And in each case We have to be seen by people and do not
assigned somebody to inherit what believe in Allah nor the last day; to
parents and relatives leave behind, whom the devil is an associate - what a
and give to those to whom you have bad associate.
made promises their share, for Allah
39. And what harm would it have
witnesses everything.
done them if they believed in Allah
34. Men look after women on account and the last day and spent of that what
of what Allah has favoured some of Allah provided for them, and Allah
them above others and of what they knows about them.
spend from their property, so the
40. Allah does not wrong by the
righteous women are humble and
weight of a tiny speck, and if it is good,
preserve in absence that which Allah
he multiplies it and gives an immense
has preserved, and those of whom you
fear rebellion, admonish them and reward from Himself.
ban them from your beds and slap 41. So how will it be when We bring
them, and if they obey you then don’t a witness from every community and
seek a way against them, for Allah is bring you as a witness against these?
elevated and great. 42. On that day those who reject (the
35. And if you fear a break-up between truth) and disobeyed the messenger
the two, then send a referee from his wish for the earth to be flattened with
family and a referee from her family, them and they will not hide a word
if the two want reconciliation, then from Allah.
Surah 4: An-Nisa Surah 4: An-Nisa
43. Oh you believers, do not come near whom He wants, and who associates
prayer whilst you are intoxicated until anything with Allah has already
you know what you are saying, and invented a tremendous sin.
not whilst in a state of sexual impurity 49. What do you make of those who
until you have showered, except when declare themselves pure? and Allah
on a journey, and if you are ill or on a purifies whom He wants and they will
journey or one of you comes from the not be wronged the least.
toilet or you have touched women and
50. See how they invent lies against
you do not find water, then look for
Allah, and that is sufficient as an
clean soil and wipe over your faces and
apparent sin.
hands, for Allah is lenient, forgiving.
51. What do you make of those who
44. What do you make of those who
were given a portion of the book
were given a portion of the Book and
believing in magicians and fortune
purchase (with it) error and want you
tellers and saying to those who reject
to go astray?
(the truth) that they are better guided
45. Allah knows your enemies best, on a way than the believers?
and Allah is sufficient as protector and
52. Those are the ones Allah has
Allah is sufficient as helper.
cursed, and whom Allah curses, you
46. Of those who are Jews and twist will find no helper for him.
the meaning of words and say “we
53. Or do they own a share in the
listen and disobey” and “listen without
kingdom; and if so, they wouldn’t give
being listened to”, with smooth
people the tiniest bit.
tongues whilst attacking the religion,
and had they said “we listen and obey” 54. Or do they envy people for what
and “listen and pay attention to us” it Allah has given them from His
would have been better for them and favours? We gave the family of Ibrahim
more upright, but Allah has cursed (Abraham) the book and the wisdom
them due to their denial and they do and gave them a mighty kingdom.
not believe but a little. 55. And amongst them there is he who
47. Oh you who were given the book, believes in Him and amongst them
believe in what We have revealed, there is he who turns away from Him,
confirming that which is with you, and hell is sufficient as a fire.
before We disfigure faces so they are 56. Those who reject Our signs, We
turned back to front or curse them will burn them in fire; each time their
like We cursed the companions of the skins are cooked, We will replace them
Sabbath, and Allah’s command will be with different skins for them so they
carried out. taste the punishment. Allah is mighty
48. Allah does not forgive that and wise.
anything should be associated with 57. And those who believe and do
Him and forgives anything else to good work, We will enter them into
Surah 4: An-Nisa Surah 4: An-Nisa
gardens through which rivers flow 64. And We did not send a messenger
where they will remain forever, they except that he be obeyed by Allah’s
have purified partners there and We permission, and if they had after
will shade them with (abundant) wronging themselves come to you and
shade, asked Allah for forgiveness and the
58. Allah commands you to return messenger had asked forgiveness for
items given in trust to their owners them, they would have found Allah
and if you judge between people to accepting and merciful.
judge with justice, beneficial is what 65. But no, by your Lord, they do not
Allah admonishes you with, for Allah believe until they seek your judgement
listens and sees. in what they dispute about between
59. O you believers, obey Allah and themselves and then do not find within
obey the messenger and those placed themselves any resentment to what
in authority from amongst you, and you have decided and submit fully.
if you dispute about something then
66. And if We had prescribed for
refer it to Allah and the messenger if
you believe in Allah and the last day, them to kill your own or to leave your
that is better and better in outcome. houses, they would not have done it,
with the exception of a few of them,
60. What do you make of those who
but if they had done what they were
claim that they believe in what has
admonished with it would have been
been revealed to you and what has
better for them and of greater firmness.
been revealed before you, wanting to
seek judgement from fortune tellers 67. And We would then have given
yet were commanded to reject that, them from Us an immense reward.
and the devil wants to send them 68. And We would have guided them
far astray. on a straight path.
61. And when it is said to them: come 69. And whoever obeys Allah and
to that which Allah has revealed and to the messenger, those are amongst
the messenger, you see the pretenders those whom Allah has favoured from
oppose you entirely. amongst the prophets and the truthful
62. So how will it be if an affliction and the martyrs and righteous, and
befalls them on account of what they those are excellent companions.
have sent ahead and then they come
70. This is a favour from Allah, and
to you swearing by Allah that we only
Allah is sufficient in knowledge.
wanted goodness and reconciliation.
63. Those are the ones of whom Allah 71. Oh you believers, be on your guard
knows what is in their hearts, so turn and move out in groups or move
away from them and admonish them out altogether.
and say profound words to them 72. And among you is the one who
about themselves. stays behind, and if an affliction befalls
Surah 4: An-Nisa Surah 4: An-Nisa
you he says: Allah has favoured me for towers, and when good befalls them
not having been a martyr with them. they say this is from Allah, and when
73. And if generosity from Allah bad befalls them they say this is from
befalls you, he will say - as if there had you, say: all is from Allah, so what is
been no love between you and him: if (wrong) with these people that they
only I was with them and had achieved hardly understand a word?
a tremendous success. 79. Whatever good befalls you is from
74. So let those fight in the way of Allah, and whatever bad befalls you is
Allah who buy with the worldly life from yourself, and We have sent you
the hereafter, and who fights in the to mankind as a messenger and Allah
way of Allah and then is killed or is sufficient as a witness.
overcomes, We will soon give him an 80. Whoever obeys the messenger has
immense reward. already obeyed Allah, and whoever
75. And what is the matter with you turns away, We did not send you as a
that you do not fight in the way of guardian over them.
Allah and for the weak amongst the 81. They say obedience, then when
men and women and children who they depart from you a group of
say: our Lord, take us out from this them contrive something other than
town of wrongdoing people and assign what they say, and Allah writes down
us a protector from You and assign us what they contrive, so turn away from
a helper from You? them and rely on Allah, and Allah is
76. Those who believe fight in the way sufficient to be relied upon.
of Allah, and those who reject (the 82. Do they not reflect on the
truth) fight in the way of the idols, so Qur’an? If it were from other than
fight the allies of the evil one, for the Allah, they would have found many
plot of the devil is weak. contradictions in it.
77. What do you make of those who 83. And when a matter regarding
were told to hold back and keep up security or danger is presented to
prayer and give Zakat, then when them, they publicise it, and if they had
fighting was prescribed for them a referred it to the messenger and those
group amongst them feared people like placed in authority from amongst
the fear for Allah or in greater fear and them, those who analyse it amongst
said: our Lord, why did You prescribe them would have known it, and if
fighting for us, why did You not leave Allah’s favour and mercy was not on
us a little longer? Say: the provision of you, you would follow the devil except
the world is small, and the hereafter is for a few.
better for him who bewares (of Allah) 84. So fight in the way of Allah, you
and you will not be wronged the least. have only been charged with your
78. Wherever you are death will own self, and encourage the believers,
reach you even if you were in fortified maybe Allah will avert the harm of
Surah 4: An-Nisa Surah 4: An-Nisa
those who reject (the truth), and Allah offer peace to you, then Allah does not
is more severe in harm and more give you a way against them.
severe in repulsion. 91. You will find others who seek
85. Whoever encourages a good protection from you and seek
deed will profit from it, and whoever protection from their people. Each
encourages a bad deed will be time they return to temptation they
burdened by it, and Allah has power fall back into it, so if they do not leave
over all things. you and offer peace to you and keep
86. And if you are greeted with a off, then seize them and kill them
greeting, respond with a better one or wherever you apprehend them, and
return it, for Allah counts everything. Allah has given you clear authority
over those.
87. Allah, there is not god but Him,
He will gather you towards the day of 92. And it is not permitted for a
believer to kill a believer except by
resurrection without doubt, and who
mistake. And who kills a believer by
is more truthful in speech than Allah?
mistake, then the freeing of a believing
88. So what is the matter with you prisoner and direct compensation to
that you are two groups concerning his family are due unless they cancel
the pretenders when Allah has thrown it as charity; and if he is from a people
them back for what they have earned. who are an enemy to you and he is a
Do you want to guide whom Allah has believer, then the freeing of a believing
let go astray? And whom Allah has prisoner, and if he is from a people
let go astray, you will not find a way with whom you have a treaty, then
for him. direct compensation to his family and
89. They want you to reject (the truth) the freeing of a believing prisoner, and
like they rejected it so that you would who does not find the means, then
be equal, so do not take allies from fasting of two consecutive months as
them until they migrate in the way repentance offered from Allah, and
of Allah, and if they turn away, then Allah is knowledgeable and wise.
seize them and kill them wherever you 93. And whoever kills a believer
apprehend them and do not take from deliberately, his reward is hell where
them a protector nor helper. he remains forever, and Allah is angry
90. Except those who are connected to with him and curses him and has
people with whom you have a treaty prepared for him severe punishment.
or come to you with no inclination of 94. Oh you believers, when you go out
fighting you or fighting their people, in the way of Allah then make sure and
and if Allah wanted He would have do not say to anyone who offers you
given them power over you and they peace ‘You are not a believer’, desiring
would have fought you. So if they leave the offering of this world when with
you alone and do not fight you and Allah there is plenty of gain; you
Surah 4: An-Nisa Surah 4: An-Nisa
yourselves were like this before, then prayer if you fear that those who reject
Allah bestowed His favours on you, so (the truth) will harm you, for those
make sure, for Allah is aware of what who reject are clear enemies to you.
you do. 102. And when you are amongst them
95. Not alike are those who sit back and lead the prayer for them, then let
amongst the believers without excuse a group of them stand with you and let
and those who strive in the way of them take their weapons, and when
Allah with their wealth and lives. Allah they prostrate then let them be behind
has set those who strive with their you and let another group who have
wealth and their lives a stage above not yet prayed pray with you and take
those who sit back, and to all Allah their guard and weapons. Those who
has promised good, and Allah has reject (the truth) would love you to
preferred those who strive over those be careless about your weapons and
who sit back with an immense reward. provisions so that they strike you at a
96. Stages from Him and forgiveness single blow. And there is no sin upon
and mercy, and Allah is forgiving, you if you are troubled by rain or
merciful. if you are ill that you lay down your
97. Those whom the angels receive weapons, but be on your guard, Allah
at death whilst they were wronging has promised to those who reject (the
themselves, saying: what were you up truth) a humiliating punishment.
to?, they say: we were weak on earth, 103. And when you have finished the
they say: was not Allah’s earth spacious prayer, remember Allah standing,
so you could migrate in it? - the abode sitting and lying down, and when
of those is hell, a bad destination. you are safe, then keep up prayer,
98. Except those who are weak for the prayer is a timed obligation
amongst men, women and children for believers.
and cannot do anything nor find a way. 104. And do not lose heart when
99. Those Allah may let off, and Allah pursuing people, if you are suffering,
is lenient, forgiving. then they suffer as you suffer, and you
100. Whoever migrates in the way look forward to from Allah what they
of Allah will find plenty of refuge do not look forward to, and Allah is
and facility on earth, and whoever knowledgeable, wise.
leaves his home migrating towards 105. We revealed to you the book
Allah and His messenger and then with truth so that you judge between
death overcomes him, his reward will people with what Allah has shown you
already be present with Allah, and and do not argue on behalf of those
Allah is forgiving, merciful. who deceive.
101. And when you travel on the 106. And seek forgiveness from Allah,
earth it is no sin for you to shorten the for Allah is forgiving, merciful.
Surah 4: An-Nisa Surah 4: An-Nisa
107. And do not dispute on behalf contentment of Allah, He will soon
of those who deceive themselves, for give him an immense reward.
Allah does not love the deceiving 115. And whoever breaks away from
and sinful. the messenger after the guidance has
108. They try to hide from people but become clear to him and follows a
cannot hide from Allah and He is with way other than that of the believers,
them when they contrive unacceptable We turn him to where he wants to
statements, and Allah surrounds what turn and make him enter hell, a
they do. bad destination.
109. Are you the ones who dispute 116. Allah does not forgive that
on behalf of them in this world? Then anything should be associated with
who will dispute on their behalf on Him and forgives anything else to
the day of resurrection or who will be whom He wants, and who associates
their representative? anything with Allah has gone far astray.
110. And whoever does harm or 117. They call only unto idols instead
wrongs himself and then seeks of Him and they call only unto a
Allah’s forgiveness, Allah is forgiving, rebellious devil.
118. Allah cursed him and he said
111. And whoever commits a sin, I will take an allocated share of
commits it against himself, and Allah Your servants.
is knowledgeable, wise.
119. I will lead them astray, and I will
112. And whoever commits an error
give them hope, and I will order them
or a sin and then blames it on an
to cut off the ears of cattle, and I will
innocent person, he is guilty of slander
order them to alter the creation of
and a tremendous sin.
Allah; and whoever takes the devil as
113. And if Allah’s favour and mercy a protecting friend instead of Allah, he
was not with you, a group of them is already in clear loss.
would have attempted to lead you
120. He promises them and gives them
astray, but they only lead themselves
hope, and the devil only promises
astray and they do not harm you at all,
and Allah has revealed to you the book them an illusion.
and the wisdom and taught you what 121. The abode of those is hell, and
you did not know, and Allah’s favour they will not find an escape from it.
on you is immense. 122. And those who believe and do
114. There is no good in many of their good work, We will enter them into
secret meetings except for him who gardens through which rivers flow
commands charity or good conduct where they will remain forever - a
or peace-making between people, promise from Allah, and who is more
and whoever does that seeking the truthful in speech than Allah!
Surah 4: An-Nisa Surah 4: An-Nisa
123. It is not in accordance with your 129. And you will not be able to act
hopes or the hopes of the people of justly between women even if you
the Book; whoever does harm will be tried, so be not completely partial
punished for it and will not find any leaving her like suspended, and if you
protecting friend or helper instead make an arrangement and beware,
of Allah. then Allah is forgiving, merciful.
124. And whoever does good work, 130. And if they both separate, then
whether male or female, and is a Allah will enrich each in means, and
believer, those will enter the garden Allah is full of means, wise.
(of paradise) and will not be wronged
131. And to Allah belongs whatever is
the tiniest bit.
in the heavens and what is on earth,
125. And who has a better system than and We already instructed those to
who submits his orientation to Allah whom the Book was given before you
and does good and follows the religion and yourselves to beware of Allah, and
of Ibrahim (Abraham), sincerely if you reject (the truth), then to Allah
devoted, and Allah took Ibrahim as belongs whatever is in the heavens
a friend. and what is on earth, and Allah is rich
126. And to Allah belongs whatever is and praiseworthy.
in the heavens and what is on earth, 132. And to Allah belongs whatever
and Allah surrounds all things. is in the heavens and what is on
127. They seek a ruling from you earth, and Allah is sufficient to be
about women, say Allah will give relied upon.
you a ruling about them and what
133. If He pleases, oh people, He
has been recited to you in the Book
will take you away and replace you
about female orphans whom you do
with others, and Allah is capable of
not give what has been allocated for
doing that.
them when you want to marry them
and about the weak amongst children 134. Whoever wants the reward of
and that you should treat the orphans this world, with Allah is the reward of
with fairness, and whatever good you this world and the hereafter, and Allah
do, Allah knows of it. listens and sees.
128. And if a woman fears from 135. Oh you believers, be upright with
her husband mistreatment or fairness as witnesses for Allah even if
abandonment, then it is no sin upon it be against yourselves or your parents
them if they make an arrangement and relatives; if either be rich or poor,
between themselves, and an Allah is nearest to both of them, so
arrangement is better, and selfishness do not follow inclination in order to
is present in all souls, and if you do act justly, and if you lean towards or
good and beware then Allah knows turn away from one, then Allah knows
what you do. what you do.
Surah 4: An-Nisa Surah 4: An-Nisa
136. Oh you believers, believe in they stand for prayer they stand lazy,
Allah and His messenger and the wanting to be seen by people, and
Book which He has revealed to His remember Allah only little.
messenger and the Book which He has 143. Torn in between, belonging
revealed before, and who rejects Allah neither to these nor those, and whom
and His angels and His books and His Allah has let go astray, you will not
messengers and the last day, he has find a way for him.
already gone far astray.
144. Oh you believers, do not take the
137. Those who believe, then reject rejecters as protecting friends instead
(the truth), then believe, then reject of the believers, do you want to give
(it), then increase in rejection, Allah Allah clear authority over you?
will not forgive them nor guide them
145. The pretenders are at the lowest
on a way.
level of the fire and you will not find a
138. Announce to the pretenders that helper for them.
for them is a painful punishment.
146. Except for those who repent and
139. Those who take the rejecters (of do good deeds and hold on to Allah
the truth) as protecting friends instead and make their religion sincere for
of the believers; do they seek strength Allah, and Allah will soon give the
from them, when all strength belongs believers an immense reward.
to Allah?
147. Allah will not bring about
140. And He has already revealed to your punishment if you are grateful
you in the Book that if you hear Allah’s and believe, and Allah appreciates
signs rejected and made fun of, then and knows.
do not sit with them until they engage
in a different conversation, for you 148. Allah does not love evil to be
are otherwise like them, for Allah will talked about except by one who
gather all the pretenders and rejecters has been wronged, and Allah hears
in hell. and knows.
141. Those who wait what happens 149. If you do good openly or secretly
to you, and if you have victory from or let go of an evil deed, Allah is
Allah they say: were we not with you?, lenient and powerful.
and if the rejecters have success they 150. Those who reject Allah and
say: did we not assist you and protect His messengers and want to make
you against the believers? So Allah a difference between Allah and His
will judge between them on the day messengers and say we believe in some
of resurrection, and Allah will not and reject some and want to take a way
make way for the rejecters against in between;
the believers. 151. Those are the true rejecters, and
142. The pretenders try to cheat We have promised the rejecters a
Allah and He cheats them, and when humiliating punishment.
Surah 4: An-Nisa Surah 4: An-Nisa
152. And those who believe in Allah 158. But Allah raised him to Himself,
and His messengers and do not make and Allah is mighty, wise.
a difference between any of them, He 159. And there is none amongst the
will soon give them their rewards, and people of the Book who will not
Allah is forgiving, merciful. believe in him before his death, and
153. The people of the Book ask you on the day of resurrection he will be a
that a book be sent down from the sky witness against them.
for them, and they asked even greater 160. And because of the wrongdoing
things of Musa (Moses) before and of the Jews we made unlawful for
said “show us Allah openly”, then the them good provision which was made
lightning struck them because of their lawful for them, and because of their
wrongdoing, then they took the calf frequent diverting from of the way
after clear signs had come to them, of Allah.
then we forgave that and gave Musa 161. And because they took interest
(Moses) clear authority. when it had been forbidden to them
154. And we raised the mountain and consumed the property of
above them for their agreement people without justification, and we
and said to them: “Enter the gate promised the rejecters amongst them
submissively”, and we said to them: a painful punishment.
“Do not violate the Sabbath”, and we 162. However, those amongst them
took a binding agreement from them. who are grounded in knowledge and
155. And because they fell short on are believers who believe in what has
their agreement and rejected the been revealed to you and what has
signs of Allah and killed the prophets been revealed before you and keep up
without right and said: “Our hearts prayer and give Zakat and believe in
are protected”, but Allah sealed them Allah and the last day, to those we will
due to their rejection, so they do not give an immense reward.
believe but little. 163. We have given revelation to
156. And because they rejected (the you as We have given revelation to
truth) and uttered against Maryam Nuh (Noah) and the prophets after
(Mary) a serious slander. him, and we have given revelation to
157. And they said we killed the Ibrahim (Abraham), Isma’il (Ishmael),
Messiah ‘Isa (Jesus), the son of Maryam Ishaq (Isaac), Ya’qub (Jacob) and the
(Mary), the messenger of Allah, and tribes and ‘Isa (Jesus), and Ayyub
they did not kill him and did not crucify (Job), Yunus (Jonah), Harun (Aaron)
him, but it appeared to them as if, and and Sulayman (Solomon) and gave
those who argue about him are unsure Dawud (David) the Psalms.
about it, they have no knowledge about 164. And to messengers whom We
it but only follow assumptions, and have told you about before and to
they did not kill him for sure. messengers We have not told you
Surah 4: An-Nisa Surah 4: An-Nisa
about, and Allah spoke to Musa is whatever is in the heavens and on
(Moses) directly. earth, and Allah is sufficient to be
165. Messengers bringing good news relied upon.
and warnings so that people would 172. The Messiah is not too proud
not have an argument against Allah to be a servant of Allah, nor are the
after the messengers, and Allah is closest angels, and whoever is too
mighty, wise. proud to serve Him and is arrogant,
166. But Allah is a witness that what He will round them all up before Him.
He revealed to you He revealed with 173. Then those who believe and
His knowledge, and the angels are do good work, He will give them
witnesses, and Allah is sufficient as their reward in full and give them
a witness.
an increase of His favours, and those
167. Those who reject (the truth) and who are too proud and arrogant,
divert from the way of Allah have He will punish them with a painful
already gone far astray. punishment and they will not find
168. Those who reject (the truth) and for themselves a protector or helper
do wrong, Allah will not forgive them besides Allah.
nor guide them a path.
174. Oh people, a proof from your
169. Except the path to hell where Lord has already come to you and We
they will remain forever, and that is have sent down to you a clear light.
easy for Allah.
175. So those who believe in Allah and
170. Oh people, the messenger has hold on to Him, He will enter them
already come to you with the truth into mercy and favours from Him
from your Lord, so believe, it is better
and guide them on a straight path
for you. And if you reject (the truth),
to Himself.
then to Allah belongs whatever is in
the heavens and on earth, and Allah is 176. They ask you for a ruling,
knowledgeable, wise. say Allah gives you a ruling on
171. Oh people of the book, do not childlessness, if a man dies and has no
transgress in your religion and do child and he has a sister, then for her is
not say anything about Allah except half of what he leaves behind, and he
the truth, indeed the Messiah ‘Isa inherits from her if she has no child,
(Jesus), the son of Maryam (Mary), is and if there is two of them (sisters),
a messenger of Allah and a word He then for the two of them is two thirds
gave to Maryam and a breath of life of what he leaves behind, and if there
from Him; so believe in Allah and His are male and female siblings, then for
messengers and do not say Three, stop, the male is the share of two females.
it is better for you, for Allah is one god, Allah explains to you so you do not go
glorified is He above having a son, His astray, and Allah knows everything.
Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah
(the truth) give up on your religion, so
Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah do not fear them but fear Me; today I
(The Table) have completed your religion for you
In the name of Allah, and perfected My favour upon you and
the Owner and Giver of Mercy am content with Islam (submission)
as a religion for you, then, whoever is
1. Oh you believers, observe your
forced from hunger without intending
commitments; lawful for you are
to sin, Allah is forgiving and merciful.
domestic cattle except what you have
been told, but hunting is not lawful for 4. They ask you what is permitted
you whilst you are on pilgrimage, for for them, say, the good things are
Allah decides what He wills. permitted for you, and the hunting
animals you have trained and teach
2. O you believers, do not desanctify
them what Allah has taught you, eat
the rites of Allah, nor the sacred
from what they catch for you and
month, nor the offering, nor the
mention the name of Allah over it
traditions, nor those on their way to
and beware of Allah, for Allah is swift
the house of Allah seeking favour from
in counting.
their Lord and contentment, and when
you come out of the state of being a 5. Today the good things have been
pilgrim, you may go hunting, and do permitted for you, and the food of
not let the condition of people who those who were given the Book before
want to prevent you from the sacred you is permitted for you and your food
mosque mislead you to transgress, is permitted for them, and the chaste
and help each other in righteousness women amongst the believers and
and awareness (of Allah) and do not the chaste women of those who were
help each other in sin and enmity, and given the Book before you if you gave
beware of Allah, for Allah is severe them their (marital) dues, chaste and
in retribution. not through fornication nor taking
3. Forbidden to you are carrion, girlfriends, and whoever rejects faith,
blood, pork and whatever has been his work is wasted and in the hereafter
consecrated for other than Allah, he is amongst the losers.
and what has been strangled, killed 6. Oh you believers, when you get up
by impact, died from falling, died in for prayer rinse your faces and your
a fight (between animals), and what hands up to the elbows and wipe
has been eaten from by beasts of prey, over your heads and your feet up to
(and permitted is) only what you have the ankles. And if you are in a state
slaughtered correctly, and (forbidden of sexual impurity, then have a full
is) what has been sacrificed (to idols) cleansing. And if you are ill or on a
on an altar and that you should journey or one of you comes from
divine with arrows, (all) that is an the toilet or you have touched women
abomination. Today those who reject and you do not find water, then look
Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah
for clean soil and wipe with it over truth) after that from amongst you, he
your faces and hands. Allah wills not has strayed from the level way.
to place hardship on you but Allah 13. Then because they went back on
wills to purify you and to complete their promise We cursed them and
His favour upon you so that you made their hearts remorseless. They
are grateful. twist the meaning of words and forget
7. And remember Allah’s favour upon part of what they had been reminded
you and His promise He gave you with, and you will always find betrayal
when you said we listen and we obey, in them except a few of them, so let
and beware of Allah, for Allah knows them be and ignore them, for Allah
what is kept inside. loves those who do good.
8. Oh you believers be upright for 14. And from those who said: we
Allah as witnesses with fairness and let are disciples (Christians), We took
not the condition of a people mislead their promise, but they forgot part of
you not to be just; be just, it is closer what they had been reminded with,
to awareness (of Allah), and beware of so We brought about enmity and
Allah, for Allah knows what you do. hatred between them until the day
of resurrection, and soon Allah will
9. Allah has promised those who
inform them about what they used
believe and do good work that for them to fabricate.
is forgiveness and immense reward.
15. Oh people of the book, Our
10. And those who reject (the truth) messenger has come to you to clarify
and disbelieve Our signs, they will be for you much of what you used to hide
the inmates of hell-fire. of the book, and much he lets be. A
11. Oh you believers remember the light and clear book has come to you
favour of Allah upon you when people from Allah.
tried to get hold of you but He kept 16. By it Allah guides who pursues
them out of reach from you, and His approval to the ways of peace and
beware of Allah, and on Allah let the takes them out of darkness to the light
believers rely. by His permission and guides them
12. And Allah already took a promise unto a straight path.
from the Children of Israel and We 17. Those have already rejected
raised twelve chiefs from amongst (the truth) who say that Allah is the
them, and Allah said: I am with you; if Messiah, the son of Maryam (Mary);
you keep up prayer and give Zakat and say then who has any power over Allah
believe in My messengers and assist if He wanted to destroy the Messiah,
them and extend to Allah a beneficial the son of Maryam, and his mother
loan, I will cancel your bad deeds and and all those who are on earth? And
enter you into gardens through which to Allah belongs the kingdom of the
rivers flow; and whoever rejects (the heavens and the earth and what is
Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah
between them. He creates what He 24. They said, oh Musa (Moses), we
wills, and Allah is able to do anything. will never enter it while they are in it,
18. And the Jews and Christians say, so go you and your Lord and fight, we
we are the children of Allah and His will stay here.
beloved, say then why does He punish 25. He said, oh my Lord, I am only in
you for your sins, but you are humans charge of myself and my brother, so
from amongst His creation, He forgives differentiate between us and the sinful.
whom He pleases and punishes whom 26. He said, so it will be forbidden for
He pleases, and to Allah belongs the them for forty years (during which)
kingdom of the heavens and the earth they wander the earth, so do not feel
and what is between them, and to Him sad for the sinful people.
is the journey.
27. Recite to them the true account
19. Oh people of the book, Our of the two sons of Adam when they
messenger has come to you to clarify
offered a sacrifice and it was accepted
(the truth) for you, following a break
from one of them and not accepted
after the (earlier) messengers, in case
from the other. He said ‘I shall kill
you might say no bringer of good
you’; he said ‘Allah only accepts from
news nor warner has come to us; so
those who beware (of Him).
a bringer of good news and warner
has come to you, and Allah is able to 28. If you stretch out your hand to kill
do anything. me, I will not stretch out my hand to
kill you, for I fear Allah the Lord of
20. And when Musa (Moses) said to
all worlds.
his people, oh my people, remember
the favours of Allah upon you when 29. For I want that you will earn my
He placed prophets amongst you and sin and your sin and will be amongst
placed you in charge and gave you the inmates of the fire, and that is the
what He did not give to anyone else. reward of the wrongdoers.’
21. Oh my people, enter the holy land 30. Then his self caused him to kill his
which Allah has ordained for you and brother, and he killed him and became
do not turn your backs on it so you of the losers.
would turn out losers. 31. Then Allah sent a raven who
22. They said, oh Musa (Moses), there uncovered the earth to show him how
are giants in there, and we will not to bury the body of his brother. He
enter it until they leave it, and if they said, woe to me, am I not able to be
leave it, then we will enter. like this raven and bury the body of my
23. Two men from those who were brother? and he became remorseful.
fearful, whom Allah had blessed, said 32. On account of that we prescribed
enter against them the gate, then when for the Children of Israel that whoever
you enter it you will be victorious, and kills a soul other than (in retaliation)
rely on Allah if you are believers. for a killing or for a crime on earth,
Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah
it is as if he had killed all mankind, 40. Don’t you know that to Allah
and whoever revives one, it is as if belongs the kingdom of the heavens
he had revived all mankind, and Our and the earth, He punishes whom
messengers came to them before with He pleases and He forgives whom
clear proofs, after which many of them He pleases, and that Allah is able to
were wasteful on earth. do anything.
33. For the punishment of those who 41. Oh messenger, let not those sadden
wage war on Allah and His messenger you who are quick to reject (the truth)
and strive to cause corruption on earth amongst those who say we believe with
is that they shall be killed or crucified their mouths whilst their hearts do not
or have their hands and feet cut off on believe and of those amongst the Jews
opposite sides or be banned from the who listen to lies and listen to other
earth. This is a disgrace for them in people who have not come to you,
this world and immense punishment twisting the meaning of words and
awaits them in the hereafter. saying: if you get this, then take it, and
34. Except those who repent before if you don’t get it, then be wary, and
you overpower them, so know that whomever Allah wills to tempt, you
Allah is forgiving and merciful. will not have control over anything
for him regarding Allah. Those are
35. Oh you believers, beware of Allah the ones whose hearts Allah does not
and seek to get closer to Him and strive will to purify; disgrace is theirs in this
in His way so you may be successful. world and in the hereafter immense
36. Those who reject (the truth), if punishment awaits them.
they had all that is on earth and the 42. They listen to lies and consume
same again to ransom themselves with bribes, and when they come to you,
it from the punishment of the day of judge between them or turn away
resurrection, it would not be accepted from them. And if you turn away from
from them and a painful punishment them, then they will not harm you the
awaits them. least, and if you judge between them,
37. They want to escape from the then judge between them with justice,
fire but will not escape from it, and a for Allah loves the just.
lasting punishment awaits them. 43. And why should they ask you for
38. As for the male thief and the female judgement when they have the Torah
thief, cut their hands as a penalty for containing the judgement of Allah,
what they did and a warning from then they turn away after that, and
Allah, and Allah is mighty and wise. most of them are not believers.
39. But whoever repents after his 44. We revealed the Torah containing
wrongdoing and does good, then guidance and light by which the
Allah accepts it from him, for Allah is prophets, who submitted to it, judged
forgiving and merciful. the Jews, as did the scholars and rabbis
Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah
with what had been entrusted to them return altogether, then He will inform
of the book of Allah, and they were you about what you used to differ in.
witnesses to it. So do not fear people 49. And you must judge between
but fear Me and do not sell My signs them with what Allah has revealed
for a small price, and whoever does not and not follow their desires and be
judge with what Allah has revealed, wary that they do not tempt you away
those are rejecters (of the truth). from some of what Allah has revealed
45. And We prescribed for them in it a to you. And if they turn away, then
life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose know that Allah wills to afflict them
for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for on account of some of their sins, for
a tooth, and wounds in retaliation, but many of the people are sinful.
if someone is charitable about it, then 50. Do they desire the judgement of
it is an expiation for him, and whoever (the days of) ignorance? And who is
does not judge with what Allah has better in judgement than Allah for
revealed, those are the wrongdoers. people who are sure?
46. And We had ‘Isa (Jesus) the son 51. Oh you believers, do not take the
of Maryam (Mary) follow into their Jews and the Christians as protecting
footsteps, confirming that which came friends, they are protecting friends
before him of the Torah, and We gave of each other, and whoever amongst
him the Injil containing guidance you befriends them is from amongst
and light and confirming what came them, for Allah does not guide
before it of the Torah and a guidance wrongdoing people.
and admonition for those who beware 52. Then you see those in whose
(of Allah). hearts there is a disease hurrying to
47. So let the people of the Injil judge be amongst them, saying: we fear
with what Allah has revealed in it, and that a turn of events will befall us,
whoever does not judge with what but maybe Allah will bring victory
Allah has revealed, those are the sinful. or some other outcome from Him so
48. And We revealed to you the Book that they start regretting what they hid
in truth, confirming what came before within themselves.
it as scripture and preserving it, so 53. And the believers will say: are
judge between them with what Allah those the ones who swore by Allah the
has revealed and do not follow their greatest oaths that they were with you?
desires away from the truth which has There deeds were wasted and they
come to you. To each we have given have become losers.
a path and a direction, and if Allah 54. Oh you believers, if any of you
willed, He would have made you a turns away from his religion, soon
single community but for Him to Allah will bring a people whom He
test you in what He had given you, so loves and who love Him, humble
pursue what is right, to Allah is your towards the believers and assertive
Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah
towards the rejecters, who fight in the rejection and left with it, and Allah
way of Allah and do not fear anybody’s knows best what they hide.
criticism, that is a favour from Allah 62. You see many of them hurrying
which He gives to whom He pleases, towards sin and enmity and their
and Allah is generous and knows. consumption of bribes, bad is indeed
55. For your protecting friend is Allah what they used to do.
and His messenger and the believers 63. Why do not their scholars and
who keep up prayer and give Zakat rabbis stop them from sinful talk and
and who bow down (in prayer). consuming bribes, bad is indeed what
they used to fabricate.
56. And whoever seeks the protection
of Allah and His messenger and the 64. And the Jews say: Allah’s hand is
believers, then the party of Allah are tied up. Their hands are tied up, and
the winners. they are cursed for what they say.
Rather, His hands are wide open, He
57. Oh you believers, do not take spends how He wills. And what has
those who joke and make fun of your been revealed to you from your Lord
religion from amongst those who were only increases the rejecters amongst
given the book before you nor the them in disobedience and rejection,
rejecters as protecting friends, and and We have placed between them
beware of Allah if you are believers. enmity and hatred until the day of
58. And when you call to prayer resurrection. Whenever they ignite
they joke and make fun of it, that a fire for war, Allah extinguishes it,
is because they are people who do and they hasten to cause corruption
not understand. on earth, and Allah does not love
the corrupters.
59. Say: oh people of the book, do
you resent us for anything other than 65. And if the people of the book
believed and bewared (of Allah), We
that we believe in Allah and what He
would cancel their bad deeds and
has revealed to us and what He has
enter them into gardens of blessing.
revealed before and that most of you
are sinful? 66. And if they upheld the Torah and
the Injil and what has been revealed to
60. Say: shall I inform you of a worse them from their Lord, they would eat
outcome with Allah? Whom He has from above and from below; amongst
cursed, and with whom He is angry, them is a well-meaning community,
and from whom He made monkeys but what many of them do is bad.
and pigs and worshippers of the devils,
67. Oh messenger, convey what has
those are in a worse place and further been revealed to you from your Lord,
astray from the level way. and if you did not do that, you would
61. And when they come to you they not have conveyed His message, and
say: we believe, whilst they entered in Allah protects you against mankind,
Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah
for Allah does not guide people who trinity, and there is no god but a single
reject (the truth). god, and if they do not stop what they
68. Say: O people of the book, you are saying, then a painful punishment
have no argument until you uphold will afflict those who reject (the truth)
the Torah and the Injil and what has amongst them.
been revealed to you from your Lord. 74. Are they then not going to repent
And what has been revealed to you to Allah and ask Him for forgiveness?
from your Lord only increases many And Allah is forgiving and merciful.
of them in disobedience and rejection,
so do not worry about the people who 75. The Messiah, the son of Maryam
reject (the truth). (Mary) is only a messenger -
messengers have already come before
69. The believers and the Jews, the
him - and his mother was a truthful
Sabeans and the Christians – whoever
woman. They both ate food. See how
believes in Allah and the last day and
does good work, they shall not fear We explain for them the signs, then
nor worry. see where to they are diverted.
70. And We already took a promise 76. Say: do you serve besides Allah
from the Children of Israel and sent what has no power to harm or benefit
to them messengers. Whenever a you, and Allah listens and knows?
messenger came to them with what 77. Say: Oh people of the book, do not
they themselves did not desire, they transgress in your religion away from
denied some of them and killed some the truth and do not follow the desires
of them. of people who have already gone
71. And they counted on not being astray before and have led astray many
tested, so they closed their eyes and and strayed from the level way.
ears, then Allah turned back to them, 78. Those who reject (the truth) were
then many of them closed their eyes
cursed in the words of Dawud (David)
and ears, and Allah sees what they do.
and ‘Isa (Jesus) the son of Maryam
72. And those have already rejected (Mary) because they disobeyed
(the truth) who say: Allah is the and transgressed.
Messiah, the son of Maryam (Mary),
and the Messiah said: O Children of 79. They did not stop each other from
Israel, serve Allah, my Lord and your the wrongdoing they committed, bad
Lord, for who associates anything with is indeed what they used to do.
Allah, Allah has already forbidden the 80. You see many of them befriending
garden (of paradise) for him and his those who reject (the truth), bad is
abode is the fire, and the wrongdoers indeed what they have sent ahead for
have not helpers. themselves so that Allah is displeased
73. Those have already rejected (the with them and they will remain in
truth) who say: Allah is the third of a the punishment.
Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah
81. And if they believed in Allah 89. Allah does not hold you to account
and the prophet and what has been for unintentionally spoken oaths, but
revealed to him, they would not have He holds you to account for oaths you
taken them as protecting friends - but have confirmed, and the compensation
many amongst them are sinful. (for not keeping them) is to feed ten
82. You will certainly find fiercest of poor people from the average of what
people in enmity against the believers you feed your families or to clothe
the Jews and the idolaters, and you will them or to free a slave, and who does
certainly find most inclined of them not find (the means), then fasting for
to love towards the believers those three days, that is the compensation
who call themselves Christians; this is for your oaths once you have sworn
because amongst them are priests and them, so keep your oaths, this is how
monks and that they are not arrogant. Allah explains to you His signs so that
you may be grateful.
83. And when they hear what has
90. Oh you believers, narcotic drugs
been revealed to the messenger you
and gambling and idolatry and
see their eyes overflow with tears on
divining are filth from the work
account of what they knew of the truth
of the devil, so shun it in order to
and they say: our Lord, we believe, so
be successful.
list us amongst the witnesses.
91. The devil wants to place enmity
84. And how should we not believe in
and hatred amongst you with narcotic
Allah and the truth which has come to
drugs and gambling and to divert you
us and hope that our Lord will enter us
from the remembrance of Allah, so
amongst the righteous people?
will you stop?
85. So Allah gave them on account of
92. And obey Allah and the messenger
what they said gardens through which
and be wary, and if you turn away, then
rivers flow where they will remain,
know that the duty of Our messenger
and this is the reward of those who is only to convey clearly.
do good.
93. There is no sin for those who
86. And those who reject (the truth) believe and do good works in what
and disbelieve Our signs, they will be they used to eat if they bewared (of
the inmates of hell-fire. Allah) and believed and did good
87. Oh you believers, do not prohibit works and then bewared and believed
the good things which Allah has and then bewared and did good, and
made lawful for you and do not Allah loves those who do good.
transgress, for Allah does not love 94. Oh you believers, Allah will
the transgressors. certainly test you with some animals
88. And eat of what Allah has provided for hunting in reach of your hands
you with as lawful and good, and and spears, so that Allah knows who
beware of Allah in whom you believe. fears Him secretly. Then whoever
Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah
transgresses afterwards, for him is a you who have understanding, in order
painful punishment. to succeed.
95. Oh you believers, do not kill 101. Oh you believers, do not ask
animals by hunting whilst you are on about matters which if they were made
pilgrimage, and whoever of you kills known to you would trouble you. And
them intentionally, his punishment if you ask about them at the time the
is equal to what he has killed of the Qur’an is being revealed, they will be
catch, judged by two just people made known to you. Allah forgives
amongst you, as an offering to reach this, and Allah is forgiving and gentle.
the Ka’bah, or the compensation is to 102. People before you asked about
feed poor people or fasting in place of them and then started to reject them.
it so that he feels it and comprehends
103. Allah has not made any Bahirah,
his situation. Allah has forgiven what
Sa’ibah, Wasilah or Ham (types of
happened in the past, and whoever
cattle exempted from being utilised for
returns, Allah will avenge it from him,
food or work due to superstition), but
and Allah is mighty and vengeful.
those who reject (the truth) invented a
96. Lawful for you are the animals lie against Allah and most of them do
for hunting on sea and its food as a not understand.
provision for you and for those on a
104. And when they are told to accept
journey, and forbidden to you are the
what Allah has revealed and the
animals for hunting on land for as long
messenger they say: What we found
as you are on pilgrimage, and beware
our ancestors doing is sufficient for
of Allah to whom you will be gathered.
us. What if their ancestors never knew
97. Allah has made the Ka’bah, anything nor were guided?
the sacred house, a focal point for
105. Oh you believers, you are
mankind, and (likewise) the sacred
responsible for yourselves, nobody
month and the offering and the
who has gone astray will harm you if
traditions, this is in order for you to
you are guided, to Allah is your return
know that Allah knows what is in the
altogether, then He will inform you of
heavens and what is on earth and that
what you used to do.
Allah knows everything.
106. Oh you believers, evidence
98. Know that Allah is severe in
between you at the time of making
punishment and that Allah is forgiving
a will, if death comes to any of you,
and merciful.
is (provided) by two just men from
99. The duty of the messenger is only amongst your own - or two others
to convey, and Allah knows what you from people other than your own if you
let on and what you hide. travel on the earth and the affliction of
100. Say: bad and good are not death befalls you. You shall keep them
alike even if the abundance of bad behind after prayer and if you are in
astonishes you, so beware of Allah oh doubt they shall swear by Allah that
Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah Surah 5: Al-Ma’idah
we will not buy any gain for it even if and those who rejected amongst them
it concerned a relative and we will not said this is only plain magic.
hide the evidence given before Allah, 111. And when I inspired the disciples
as then we would be sinful. to believe in Me and My messenger
107. And should it be discovered and they said: we believe, and be you a
that they committed a sin, then two witness that we have submitted.
others from those who were wronged 112. When the disciples said: oh ‘Isa
by the first two, who will then swear (Jesus) son of Maryam (Mary), is
by Allah that our evidence is more your Lord able to send down to us a
truthful than their evidence and we laden table from the heaven? He said:
do not transgress, as then we would beware of Allah if you are believers.
be wrongdoers.
113. They said: we want to eat from it
108. In this way it is more likely that and put our hearts at ease and know
they will disclose the evidence or fear that you have said the truth to us and
that their oaths will be opposed by to be witnesses to it.
subsequent oaths; and beware of Allah
and listen, and Allah does not guide 114. ‘Isa (Jesus) son of Maryam
the sinful people. (Mary) said: Oh Allah, our Lord, send
down to us a laden table from the
109. On the day Allah will gather the heaven to be a feast for the first and
messengers and say: what reply did last of us and a sign from You, and give
you receive? They will say: We have no us provision, and You are the best who
knowledge, for you are the One who give provision.
knows the unseen.
115. Allah said: I will send it down
110. When Allah will say: Oh ‘Isa to you, then who rejects (the truth)
(Jesus) son of Maryam (Mary),
afterwards from amongst you, I will
remember My favour upon you and
punish him with a punishment with
upon your mother when I helped you
which I will not punish anybody else.
with the holy spirit and you spoke to
people in infancy and as an adult, and 116. And when Allah will say: Oh
when I taught you the book and the ‘Isa (Jesus) son of Maryam (Mary),
wisdom and the Torah and the Injil, did you say to people take me and
and when you created the shape of a my mother as gods besides Allah? He
bird from clay by My permission and will say: glorified are You above that I
breathed into it and it became a bird should say what I have no right to; if I
by My permission, and you cured the said it, You would already know, You
blind and the leper by My permission, know what is inside me and I do not
and when you brought back the dead know what is inside You, for you know
by My permission, and when I kept the all the unseen.
Children of Israel back from you when 117. I did not say to them except what
you came to them with clear proofs You commanded me with: that you
Surah 6: Al-An’am Surah 6: Al-An’am
serve Allah, my Lord and your Lord, 5. And they previously denied the
and I was a witness against them truth when it came to them, and soon
whilst I stayed amongst them, and information of what they made fun of
when you took me, You were watching will reach them.
over them, and you are a witness 6. Do they not consider how many
over everything. times before them We destroyed a
118. If You punish them, then they are generation whom We had established
Your servants, and if You forgive them, on earth more than We established
then You are the mighty and wise. you, and We sent abundant rain from
119. Allah will say: this day their the sky for them and made rivers flow
truthfulness will benefit those who between them, then We destroyed
were truthful. For them are gardens them for their sins and brought about
through which rivers flow where they after them another generation.
will remain forever. Allah is pleased 7. And had We sent down to you a
with them and they are pleased with book on paper so they could touch it
Him. That is the ultimate success. with their hands, those who reject (the
120. And to Allah belongs the truth) amongst them would have said:
kingdom of the heavens and the earth this is only plain magic.
and what they contain and Allah is 8. And they said: why was not an angel
able to do anything. sent down to him? And had We sent
an angel, the matter would have been
Surah 6: Al-An’am
decided against them and they would
(The Cattle) not be given time.
In the name of Allah, 9. And had We made him an angel,
the Owner and Giver of Mercy we would have made him into a man
1. Allah is praised, who created the and would made them wear what
heavens and the earth and made they wear.
darkness and light, then those who 10. And messengers before you were
reject (the truth) turn away. made fun of, and those who laughed
2. He is who created you from clay at them were overcome by what they
then set a term, which is a fixed term made fun of.
with Him, then you express doubt. 11. Say: travel on the earth, then
3. And He is Allah in the heavens and see what the outcome was like for
on earth; He knows your secrets and the deniers.
your pronouncements and He knows 12. Say: To whom belongs what is in
what you achieve. the heavens and on earth? Say: To
4. And whenever one of the signs of Allah. He has prescribed for Himself
their Lord comes to them, they tend to mercy. He will gather you on the
turn away from it. day of resurrection without doubt -
Surah 6: Al-An’am Surah 6: Al-An’am
those who have lost themselves do denies His signs: the wrongdoers will
not believe. not succeed.
13. And to Him belongs what exists in 22. And on the day We gather them
the night and in the day and He listens altogether, then say to the idolaters:
and knows. Where are the associates whom
14. Say: Should I take other than Allah you claimed?
as protecting friend, the Originator 23. Then they will try to say: By Allah
of the heavens and the earth, and He our Lord, we were not idolaters.
feeds and is not in need of feeding. 24. See how they lie against
Say: I have been commanded to be the themselves, and what they used to
first to submit and not to be amongst invent deserted them.
the idolaters.
25. And amongst them is he who
15. Say: I fear, if I disobeyed my Lord, listens to you, and We have placed a
the punishment of a tremendous day. cover over their hearts, so they do
16. Whoever is let off on this day, He not understand it, and a weight upon
has been merciful to him, and that is their ears, and if they see every sign,
the clear success. they will not believe it until when they
17. And if Allah afflicts you with come to you arguing, the rejecters say
harm, there is nobody to take it away these are only stories of old.
but Him, and if He afflicts you with 26. And they boycott him and keep
good, then He is able to do anything. away from him, and they only destroy
18. And He has power over His themselves without realising it.
servants and He is wise and informed. 27. And if you could see when they
19. Say: What is greatest in evidence? are placed in the fire and they say: If
Say: Allah is a witness between me and only we could return without denying
you, and this Qur’an has been revealed the signs of our Lord and could be of
to me to warn you and whom it the believers.
reaches. Are you going to witness that 28. But what they concealed previously
there are other gods alongside Allah? will become apparent to them, and
Say: I will not witness (this). Say: He is if they were to return, they would go
a single god and I am innocent of what back to what they were prohibited
you associate (with Him). from and they are certainly liars.
20. Those whom We gave the book 29. And they say, there is only this
know it like they know their own worldly life of ours and we will not
children - those who have lost be resurrected.
themselves do not believe. 30. And if you could see when they are
21. And who is more sinful than he placed before their Lord, He will say:
who invents a lie against Allah or is this not true? They will say: Sure,
Surah 6: Al-An’am Surah 6: Al-An’am
by our Lord. So taste the punishment except that they are communities just
because you used to reject (the truth). like you. We have not left anything out
31. Those are already lost who deny in the book. Then they are gathered to
the meeting with Allah until when the their Lord.
hour comes upon them suddenly, they 39. And those who deny Our signs
say: how unfortunate where we have are deaf and blind in darkness. Whom
ended up, and they carry their burden Allah wills, He lets go astray, and
on their backs. Bad is what they carry. whom He pleases He leads on to a
32. And the life of this world is only straight path.
play and pastime, and the abode of 40. Say: Have you considered if the
the hereafter is better for those who punishment of Allah reaches you or
beware (of Allah) - don’t you think? the Hour comes upon you, do you call
33. We know that what they say on other than Allah if you are truthful?
saddens you, yet they do not deny you, 41. But you call on Him, then He
but the wrongdoers dispute the signs removes what you called for if He wills,
of Allah. and you forget what you associated
34. Messengers before you were (with Him).
already denied, and they endured 42. And We sent (messengers) to
denial and harm until Our help communities before you, then took
reached them, and the words of Allah them with adversity and hardship so
will not be changed, and information that they would humble themselves.
of the messengers has already 43. So why do they not humble
reached you. themselves when Our adversity reaches
35. And if their opposition weighs them, but their hearts hardened and
heavy on you, then if you can, find a the devil made appealing to them
passage into the earth or a stairway what they did.
into the sky to bring them a sign, and 44. And when they forgot what they
if Allah willed, He would have united were reminded with, We opened for
them on the guidance, so be not of them the doors of everything until
the ignorant. when they rejoiced in what they had
36. Only those who listen respond, been given, We took them suddenly
and the dead, Allah will resurrect and then they were left with nothing.
them, then they return to Him. 45. Then the wrongdoing people were
37. And they say, why is not a sign uprooted, and Allah is praised, the
from his Lord sent down to him? Say: Lord of all worlds.
Allah is able to send a sign, but most of 46. Say: Have you considered if Allah
them don’t know. took away your hearing and your sight
38. And there is not a creature on and sealed your hearts, what god other
earth nor a bird flying on its wings than Allah would give them to you?
Surah 6: Al-An’am Surah 6: Al-An’am
See how We spell out the signs and mercy for Himself so that if any of
then they turn away. you does evil ignorantly, then repents
47. Say: Have you considered if Allah’s afterwards and does good, He is
punishment reached you suddenly forgiving, merciful.
or expectedly, would any but the 55. And like this We explain the signs
wrongdoing people be destroyed? and in order for you to clearly see the
48. And We only send the messengers path of the offenders.
to bring good tidings and warnings, so 56. Say: I have been forbidden to serve
whoever believes and does good, they those you call besides Allah. Say: I do
shall not fear nor worry. not follow your desires, otherwise I
49. And those who deny Our signs, would have gone astray and would not
the punishment will afflict them on be guided.
account of their excesses. 57. Say: I follow a clear sign from my
50. Say: I am not telling you that I have Lord and you deny it. I do not have
the treasures of Allah, nor that I know that which you want expedited. The
the unseen, nor am I telling you that judgement is with Allah alone, He
I am an angel, I only follow what has tells the truth and He provides the
been revealed to me. Say: Are the blind best explanation.
and the seeing alike? Don’t you reflect?
58. Say: If I had that which you want
51. And warn with it those who fear expedited, the matter would have been
that they will be gathered to their
decided between me and you, and
Lord, they have no protecting friend
Allah knows the wrongdoers best.
nor advocate besides Him, so that they
will beware. 59. With Him are the keys of the
unseen which nobody but Him knows,
52. And do not dismiss those who
and He knows what is on land and on
call their Lord in the mornings and
evenings seeking His presence. Their sea, and no leaf falls except with His
reckoning is not your concern and knowledge, and there is no seed in the
your reckoning is not their concern, so darkness of the earth nor anything wet
if you were to dismiss them you would or dry except that it is in a clear book.
be of the wrongdoers. 60. And He is who takes you away at
53. And this is how We test some of night and knows what you do during
them by others so that they say: Are the day, then He brings you back
these the ones Allah has bestowed His to complete a fixed term, then your
favours on from amongst us. Does not return is to Him, then He makes clear
Allah know best who is grateful? to you what you used to do.
54. And when those who believe in 61. And He has power over His
Our signs come to you, say: peace be servants and sends a guardian over
with you, your Lord has prescribed you until when death comes to any of
Surah 6: Al-An’am Surah 6: Al-An’am
you, Our messengers take him away, soul will be destroyed by what it has
and they do not miss. earned, it will not have any protecting
62. Then they are returned to Allah friend or advocate besides Allah, and
their true master, His is the judgement if it offered any kind of compensation
and He is the fastest in taking account. it would not be accepted from it;
63. Say: Who rescues you from the those are the ones who are destroyed
darkness of the land and sea when you by what they earned, they will have a
call Him in hardship and fear that if drink of boiling water and a painful
You rescue us from this we will be of punishment on account of having
the grateful? rejected (the truth).
64. Say: Allah rescues you from it and 71. Say: Should we call besides Allah
from every distress, then you associate that which does not benefit us nor
(others with Him). harm us and should we reverse our
65. Say: He is able to send upon you course after Allah has guided us, like
a punishment from above or from the one whom the devils have tempted
below you or turn you into factions into confusion? He has companions
and make some of you taste the harm calling him to the guidance: come
of others. See how We spell out the with us! Say: The guidance of Allah,
signs so that they understand. that is the guidance, and we were
commanded to submit to the Lord of
66. And your people denied it whilst
all worlds.
it is the truth. Say: I am not in charge
of you. 72. And (saying): keep up prayer and
beware, and He is the One to whom
67. For every information there is an
outcome and you will soon know. you will be gathered.
68. And when you see those who 73. And He is the One who created the
converse disputing Our signs, then heavens and the earth in truth, and on
turn away from them until they the day He says “Be”, it is. His word is
engage in a different conversation, and the truth and His is the kingdom on
if the devil makes you forget, then do the day the horn is blown, He knows
not sit with the wrongdoing people the unseen and the apparent and He is
after having remembered. wise and informed.
69. And those who beware (of Allah) 74. And when Ibrahim (Abraham)
are in no way responsible for their said to his father Azar: Do you take
reckoning but for reminding them so idols as gods, I sure see you and your
that they beware. people in clear error.
70. And leave those who take their 75. And thus We showed Ibrahim
religion as play and pastime whilst the (Abraham) the kingdoms of the
life of this world has deluded them, heavens and the earth so that he would
and remind (them) of the fact that a have certainty.
Surah 6: Al-An’am Surah 6: Al-An’am
76. And when the night fell upon him 84. And We gave him Ishaq (Isaac) and
he saw a star. He said: This is my Lord. Ya’qub (Jacob), each We guided, and
And when it set, he said: I do not love We had guided Nuh (Noah) before,
those who set. and from amongst his descendants are
77. And when he saw the moon rising, Dawud (David), Sulayman (Solomon),
he said: This is my Lord. And when it Ayyub (Job), Yusuf (Joseph), Musa
set, he said: if my Lord does not guide (Moses) and Harun (Aaron), and this
is how We reward those who do good.
me, I will be from the people who lose
their way. 85. And Zakariya (Zacharia), ‘Isa
(Jesus) and Ilyas (Elias), each were
78. And when he saw the sun rising,
from the righteous.
he said: This is my Lord, this is the
greatest. And when it set, he said: Oh 86. And Isma’il (Ishmael), and Al-Yasa’
people, I am free of what you associate (Elisha), Yunus (Jonas) and Lut (Lot),
(with Allah). each We favoured over everybody else.
79. For I have turned my face to the 87. And from their fathers,
originator of the heavens and the descendants and brothers, we selected
them and guided them on to a
earth, sincerely devoted, and I am not
straight path.
of the idolaters.
88. This is the guidance of Allah by
80. And his people disputed with him.
which He guides whom He pleases
He said: do you dispute with me about
from amongst His servants. And if
Allah when He has already guided
they had been idolaters, all they did
me? And I do not at all fear what you
would have been lost to them.
associate with Him unless my Lord
wills, my Lord’s knowledge extends to 89. Those are the ones whom We gave
everything, do you not then reflect? the book and sound judgement and
prophethood, and if these reject it,
81. And how should I fear what you then We have entrusted a people with
associate when you don’t fear that you it who will not reject it.
associate with Allah what He has not
90. Those are the ones whom Allah
sent to you any authority for? Which
guided, so follow their guidance. Say:
of the two factions then has more right
I do not ask you for a reward for it, it
to safety if you knew?
is only a reminder for all the worlds.
82. Those who believe and do not 91. And they do not appreciate the
cover their belief with wrongdoing, true ability of Allah when they say:
for those is safety and they are guided. Allah has not revealed anything to a
83. And this is the argument we gave to human being. Say: Who revealed the
Ibrahim (Abraham) against his people. book which Musa (Moses) brought
We raise whom We will in stages, for as light and guidance for mankind,
your Lord is wise and knows. which you put on paper which you
Surah 6: Al-An’am Surah 6: Al-An’am
disclose whilst hiding much, and you is the arrangement of the mighty
were taught what neither you nor your and knowing.
fathers knew? Say: Allah. Then leave 97. And He is who made the stars
them to play in their bubble.
for you to be guided by them in the
92. And this book We have revealed darkness of the land and the sea; We
as a blessing and confirming that have already explained the signs for
which came before it and to warn the
people who know.
leading township and those around it,
and those who believe in the hereafter 98. And He is who brought you into
believe in it and keep up their prayers. existence from a single soul, then (set)
93. And who is more wrong than he a location and destination; We have
who invents a lie against Allah or who already explained the signs to people
says: I have received revelation when who understand.
nothing has been revealed to him, and 99. And He is who sent down from
who says: I shall reveal the like of what the sky water, then We make all kinds
Allah has revealed, and if you saw the of plants grow with it and make grow
wrongdoers during the hardship of with it greenery from which We bring
death when the angels stretch out their
out stacked seeds, and from the pollen
hands: let go of your souls, today you
of the palm tree low hanging date
will be rewarded with a humiliating
punishment on account of what you clusters, and gardens of grapes and
used to say about Allah other than the olives and pomegranates, similar and
truth and that you used to be arrogant dissimilar; look at their fruit when it
about His signs. grows and ripens - in this are indeed
94. And you will have come to Us signs for people who believe.
alone just as We created you the first 100. And they assign to Allah
time and will have left behind what associates from the Jinn when He
We had enabled you with, and We do created them, and they falsely attribute
not see with you your mediators you to Him sons and daughters without
claimed were partners with you, you knowledge, glorified and exalted is He
will be cut off from them and will have above what they make out.
lost what you claimed (to have).
101. The originator of the heavens and
95. Allah splits the seed and the
the earth, how can He have a son and
kernel, He brings out the living from
the dead and is Who brings out the not have a spouse? And He created
dead from the living, that is Allah for everything and knows everything.
you, so where to are you diverted? 102. This is Allah, your Lord, there
96. He splits the daybreaks and is no god but Him, the creator of
makes the night for rest and the everything, so serve Him, and He is a
sun and the moon for measure, this protector of everything.
Surah 6: Al-An’am Surah 6: Al-An’am
103. The eyesight cannot reach Him, and We would gather everything
but He reaches the eyesight, and He is before them, they would not believe
kind and informed. unless Allah willed, but most of them
104. You have already received from are ignorant.
your Lord an insight, and he who sees, 112. And like this We made for every
does so for his own self, and he who is prophet enemies from the devils
blind, does so against his own self, and amongst the Jinn and mankind who
I am not a guardian over you. inspire each other with deceptive idle
105. This is how We spell out the signs talk, and if your Lord willed, they
so that they would say: you studied would not do it, so leave them and
(them), and so that We clarify it to what they invent.
people who know. 113. And so that the hearts of those
106. Follow that which has been who do not believe in the hereafter
revealed to you from your Lord, there incline to it and are content with it
is no god but Him, and turn away and commit what they were going
from the idolaters. to commit.
107. And if Allah willed, they would 114. Do I then seek other than Allah
not have been idolaters, and We did as judge when He is the One who
not place you as a guardian over them, revealed the book to you in detail? And
and you are no protector over them. those who received the book know
that it was revealed from your Lord in
108. And do not insult those they call
truth, so do not be of the doubters.
besides Allah, so they (in turn) insult
Allah in enmity without knowledge. 115. And the word of your Lord has
This is how for every community We been completed in truth and justice,
make their deeds appeal (to them), then there is no changing His words, and
their return is to their Lord, then He will He listens and knows.
inform them what they used to do. 116. And if you were to obey most
109. And they swear by Allah their of those on earth they would lead
utmost oaths that if a sign came to you astray from the way of Allah, for
them, they would believe in it. Say: they follow only assumptions and
The signs are with Allah, and what do only guess.
you know that if it came to them, they 117. For your Lord knows best who
would not believe. has strayed from His way and He
110. And We change their hearts and knows best those who are guided.
perception as they did not believe it to 118. So eat from that over which the
start with, and We let them get lost in name of Allah has been mentioned if
their rebellion. you believe in His signs.
111. And if We sent down to them 119. And what is the matter with
the angels and the dead spoke to them you that you do not eat from that
Surah 6: Al-An’am Surah 6: Al-An’am
over which the name of Allah has submission (Islam), and whom He
been mentioned, when He has pleases to let go astray, He tightens his
already explained to you what He chest severely as if he were rising up
has forbidden to you, except for that into the sky; this is how Allah places
what you are compelled to? And many disgrace on those who do not believe.
lead astray with their desires without 126. And this is the straight path of
knowledge. Your Lord knows best your Lord, We have already explained
those who transgress.
the signs to people who remember.
120. And leave what is apparent and
127. They will have a place of peace
what is hidden of sin, for those who
with their Lord, and He is their
commit sin will be rewarded for what
protector on account of what they did.
they invented.
128. And on the day He gathers
121. And do not eat from that over
them altogether (He will say): oh
which the name of Allah has not been
mentioned as it is an abomination, congregation of Jinn, you had lots
and the devils inspire their allies to of dealings with mankind; and their
argue with you, and if you obey them, allies amongst mankind will say:
then you are idolaters. our Lord, we assisted each other and
reached our appointed time which
122. Is he who was dead, then We
You defined for us; He will say: the fire
brought him to life and gave him light
is your abode where you will remain
to walk with amongst people, like him
except for what Allah wills, for your
who is as in darkness from which he
Lord is wise and knows.
cannot emerge? This is how their
deeds are made appealing to those 129. And in this way We make the
who reject (the truth). wrongdoers turn to each other on
123. And thus we have placed in every account of what they used to commit.
town its greatest sinners to plot in it, 130. Oh congregation of Jinn and
and they only plot against themselves Mankind, did not messengers from
but do not realise it. amongst you reach you and tell you
124. And when a sign comes to them, about My signs and warn you of the
they say: we will not believe until we meeting of this day? They will say: We
are given something similar to that are witnesses against ourselves, and
which the messengers of Allah were the life of this world deceived them
given. Allah knows best where to place and they became witnesses against
His message. Those who sin will be themselves that they rejected (the
afflicted with humiliation with Allah truth).
and a severe punishment on account 131. This is because your Lord
of what they plotted. never destroyed a township due
125. And whom Allah wills to to wrongdoing whilst its people
guide, He expands his chest towards were unaware.
Surah 6: Al-An’am Surah 6: Al-An’am
132. And for everyone are stages on 139. And they say: what is in the
account of what they did, and your wombs of these cattle is reserved
Lord is not unaware of what they do. for our males and forbidden to our
133. And your Lord is self-sufficient wives, and if it is dead, then they share
and owner of mercy, if He willed He in it; He will punish them for their
would remove you and replace you innovation, for He is wise and knows.
afterwards with what He willed just 140. Lost are those who kill their
as He brought you into existence from children ignorantly without
the descendants of other people. knowledge and prohibit what Allah
134. For what you were promised will has provided as an invention against
come and you will not escape. Him, they have gone astray and are
not guided.
135. Say: Oh people, do your work as
you do, I do my work, then soon will 141. And He is the One who
you know who will reach the abode (of brought into existence cultivated
the hereafter), for the wrongdoers do and uncultivated gardens and palm
not succeed. trees and plants of various taste and
136. And they assign for Allah a olives and pomegranates, similar and
share of the harvest and the cattle He dissimilar; eat from its fruit when it
created and say: this is for Allah, in grows and give its due on the day of
accordance with their claim, and this harvesting, and do not waste, for He
is for our idols, and that which was for does not love those who are wasteful.
their idols does not reach Allah, and 142. And from the cattle are those for
that which was for Allah, it reaches carrying and those for wool and food.
their idols, bad is how they judge. Eat from what Allah has provided for
137. And likewise to many of the you and do not follow the footsteps
idolaters the killing of their children of the devil, for he is an open enemy
for their idols appeals to them, so that to you.
it ruins them and entangles them in 143. Eight in pairs, two of the sheep
their religion, and if Allah willed, they and two of the goats - say: are both
would not have done it, so leave them males forbidden, or both females, or
and what they invent. that which the wombs of both females
138. And they say: these cattle and contain? Inform me with knowledge,
harvest are prohibited, nobody but if you are truthful.
whom we will shall eat from it, in 144. And two of the camels and two
accordance with their claim, and the of the cows - say: are both males
backs of these cattle are sacred, and forbidden, or both females, or that
there are cattle over whom they do which the wombs of both females
not mention the name of Allah as an contain? Or were you witnesses when
invention against Him; He will punish Allah commanded you this? Then who
them for what they invented. is more wrong than he who invents a
Surah 6: Al-An’am Surah 6: Al-An’am
lie against Allah to lead people astray desires of those who deny Our signs
without knowledge, for Allah does not and those who do not believe in
guide wrongdoing people. the hereafter and turn away from
145. Say: I do not find in what has been their Lord.
revealed to me any food forbidden 151. Say: Come, let me tell you what
to eat other than carrion or running your Lord has forbidden to you, not
blood or pork, for it is unclean, or to associate anything with him, and
an abomination consecrated for goodness towards parents, and not
other than Allah, but if someone is to kill your children out of (fear of)
forced without (wilful) transgression poverty - We provide for them and for
or habit, then your Lord is forgiving you -, and not to come near open or
and merciful. hidden indecency, and not to kill any
146. And to the Jews We made unlawful soul which Allah has forbidden except
everything with uncleft hooves, and by right, that is what He orders you for
from the cows and small cattle we have you to consider.
forbidden to them their fat, except what 152. And not to approach the wealth
is carried on their backs or the offal of the orphan, except to improve it,
or the bone marrow. This is how We until he reaches full strength, and
punished them for their transgression, to observe just measure and weight,
and We are telling the truth. no soul shall be burdened beyond its
147. Then, if they deny you, say: your capacity, and if you speak, be just, even
Lord is full of extensive mercy, and if it concerns a relative, and observe
His adversity cannot be averted from the agreement with Allah, that is what
sinful people. He orders you for you to take heed.
148. The idolaters say: had Allah 153. And that this is My straight path,
willed, neither we nor our fathers so follow it, and do not follow other
would have been idolaters and we paths to divert you from His path,
would not have forbidden anything. that is what He orders you for you
Likewise those before them denied to beware.
until they tasted Our adversity. Say: 154. Then We gave Musa (Moses) the
Have you got any knowledge, then book as a complete (guide) for him
produce it for us. You only follow who does good and explanation of
assumptions and only guess. everything and guidance and mercy
149. Say: to Allah belongs the ultimate so that they would believe in meeting
argument, and if He willed, He would their Lord.
have guided you all. 155. And this book We have revealed
150. Say: bring forward your witnesses as a blessing, so follow it and beware
who witness that Allah forbade that. (of Allah) so that you may find mercy.
Then, if they witness, do not witness 156. In case you might say: the book
with them, and do not follow the has been revealed to the two groups
Surah 6: Al-An’am Surah 7: Al-A’raf
before us and we were unaware of 163. He has no partner, and this is
their studies. what I have been commanded, and I
157. Or you might say: if the book had am the first to submit (as Muslim).
been revealed to us we would have 164. Say: Should I seek other than
been more guided than them. So a Allah as Lord when He is the Lord of
clear sign has come to you from your everything, and every soul’s earnings
Lord and a guidance and mercy, so are on its own account, and no-one
who is more wrong than the one who burdened will carry another’s burden,
denies the signs of Allah and turns then your return is to your Lord and
away from them? We will punish those He will inform you about what you
who turn away from Our signs with used to differ in.
the worst punishment due to having
turned away. 165. And He is the One who made
you successors on the earth and raised
158. Do they expect nothing but that
some of you above others in stages so
the angels should come to them or
He would test you in what He gave you,
your Lord should come or some of
for your Lord is swift in retribution
the signs of your Lord should come?
and He is forgiving and merciful.
The day some of the signs of your Lord
will come, nobody’s belief will benefit
Surah 7: Al-A’raf
anyone who has not believed before
(The Elevations)
then or earned good within his belief.
Say: wait, we are also waiting. In the name of Allah,
159. Those who split their religion the Owner and Giver of Mercy
into factions, you have nothing to do 1. Alif, Lam, Mim, Sad.
with them; their affair is with Allah,
2. A book revealed to you, not so you
then He will inform them what they
feel distressed on account of it, but
used to do.
to warn with it and a reminder for
160. Whoever brings a good deed, for the believers.
him are ten the like of it, and whoever
brings a bad deed, he is not punished 3. Follow that which has been revealed
except with the like of it, and they will to you from your Lord and do not
not be wronged. follow allies besides Him, little do you
take heed.
161. Say: my Lord has guided me to
a straight path, an upright system, 4. And how many towns have We
the religion of Ibrahim (Abraham), destroyed when Our adversity reached
sincerely devoted, for he was not one them at night or whilst they rest in
of the idolaters. the day.
162. Say: my prayer, my sacrifice, my 5. Then their only call, when Our
life and my death are for Allah, the adversity reached them, was to say: we
Lord of all worlds. were wrongdoers.
Surah 7: Al-A’raf Surah 7: Al-A’raf
6. Then We shall question those who 18. He said: get out of here rebuked
were sent to, and We shall question and rejected, whoever of them follows
the messengers. you, I will fill hell with you altogether.
7. Then We shall tell them with 19. And oh Adam, live with your wife
knowledge, and We were not absent. in the garden, and eat from anywhere
8. And the weight shall be true that as you please, but do not approach
day, so whose weight is heavy, those this tree, because then you would
will be successful. be wrongdoers.
9. And whose weight is light, those 20. Then the devil whispered to them
will have lost themselves by doing to disclose to them what had been
wrong against Our signs. hidden from them of their bodies and
said: your Lord only forbids you from
10. And already have We established
this tree so that you would not be two
you on earth and given you a livelihood
angels or would be living forever.
on it, little thanks do you give.
21. And he swore to them: I am giving
11. And We created you, then shaped
you both sincere advice.
you, then said to the angels: prostrate
to Adam, and they prostrated except 22. So he led them astray with
Iblis (the devil) who was not amongst deception, and when they tasted from
those prostrating. the tree their bodies became disclosed
to them and they began to cover them
12. He said: what prevented you from with leaves from the garden, and their
prostrating when I commanded you? Lord called them: did I not forbid you
He said: I am better than him, You this tree and tell you that the devil is
created me from fire and created him an open enemy to you?
from clay.
23. They said: our Lord, we have
13. He said: get down from here, you wronged ourselves, and if You do not
have no right to be arrogant here, forgive us and have mercy on us, we
so get out, you are from amongst will be lost.
those humiliated.
24. He said: get down as enemies one
14. He said: give me time till the day to another. There will be a place to
when they are resurrected. settle and a limited provision for you
15. He said: you are given time. on earth.
16. He said: because You let me go 25. He said: you will live on it and
astray, I shall discourage them from die on it and you will be resurrected
Your straight path. from it.
17. Then I shall come to them from in 26. Oh children of Adam, We have
front and from behind and from their revealed for you clothes to hide
right and from their left, and You will your bodies and as ornament, and
find most of them ungrateful. the clothing of awareness is better;
Surah 7: Al-A’raf Surah 7: Al-A’raf
this is of the signs of Allah so that 33. Say: my Lord has forbidden
they remember. indecency, both open and hidden,
27. Oh children of Adam, let not the and sin and transgression without
devil tempt you like he expelled both right and that you associate with Allah
that for which He has not sent any
your parents from the garden (of
authority and that you say about Allah
paradise), removing from them their
what you don’t know.
clothing to disclose to them their
bodies, for he and his tribe see you 34. And for every community there is
from where you do not see them. We a fixed term, then when its term is up,
they will not delay it for an hour nor
have made the devils allies for those
speed it up.
who do not believe.
35. Oh children of Adam, messengers
28. And when they commit an
of your own have reached you to relate
indecency, they say: we found
to you My signs, so who bewares
our fathers doing so and Allah and does good, they shall not fear
commanded us to do so. Say: Allah nor worry.
does not command indecency; do you
36. And those who deny Our signs
say about Allah what you don’t know?
and are arrogant about them, they will
29. Say: my Lord commands justice be the inmates of the fire where they
and that you face towards Him will remain.
wherever you pray and call Him with a 37. Who then is more wrong than
sincere religion; as He originated you, him who invents a lie against Allah or
you will return. denies His signs? Their share of what
30. A group He has guided and a has been written will come to them
group deserves error for they took until, when Our messengers come to
the devils as allies besides Allah and take them away, they will say: where
reckoned that they were guided. is what you called on besides Allah?
They will say: they have abandoned
31. Oh children of Adam, use
us, and they will be witnesses against
presentable clothing wherever you
themselves that they were rejecting
pray and eat and drink and do not
(the truth).
waste, for He does not love those who
38. He will say: enter the fire with
are wasteful.
communities who have gone before
32. Say: who has forbidden presentable you of the Jinn and mankind.
clothing which Allah brought forth Whenever a community enters it
for His servants and good food? Say: curses its counterpart until, when
on the day of resurrection they are they have all arrived there, the last of
exclusively for those who believed in them will say to the first: our Lord,
this world. This is how We explain the these have led us astray, so give them
signs to people who know. double the punishment of the fire. He
Surah 7: Al-A’raf Surah 7: Al-A’raf
will say: all will have double, but you 45. Those who divert from the way of
don’t know. Allah and desire it to be crooked and
39. And the first will say to the last: reject the hereafter.
you were no better than us, so taste the 46. And between them is a barrier,
punishment for what you used to do. and on its elevations there are men
40. Those who deny Our signs and who know each by their signs. And
are arrogant about them, the doors of they call the inhabitants of the garden,
heaven will not be opened for them saying: peace be with you. They haven’t
and they will not enter the garden entered it yet, but they are hoping.
(of paradise) until a thick rope fits 47. And when their eyes are turned
through the eye of a needle, and this is towards the inmates of the fire they
how We punish the sinners. say: our Lord, do not place us with the
41. They will have hell as an abode and wrongdoing people.
as a covering from above them, and 48. And those on the elevations call
this is how We punish the wrongdoers. men whom they know from their
42. And those who believe and do characteristics, saying: your grouping
good work: We do not task any soul together and your arrogance did not
beyond its capability, they belong in benefit you.
the garden (of paradise), where they 49. Are those the ones you swore
will remain. Allah’s mercy would not reach? Enter
43. And We remove what is within the garden, no fear shall you have nor
them of ill feeling, rivers flow between shall you worry.
them and they will say: Allah is praised 50. And the inmates of the fire call
who guided us to this, and we would the inhabitants of the garden: pass
not have been guided had not Allah us of the water or of what Allah has
guided us; the messengers of our Lord provided you with. They say: Allah
came to us with the truth; and it will has forbidden it to those who rejected
be announced that this is the garden (the truth).
you have inherited on account of what 51. Those who took their religion
you used to do. as pastime and play and the life of
44. And the inhabitants of the garden the world deceived them, so today
will call the inmates of the fire, saying: We forget them just as they forgot
we found what our Lord promised us the meeting of this day and disputed
to be true, so have you found what Our signs.
your Lord promised you to be true? 52. And We gave them a book and
They will say: yes. And a caller will call explained it with knowledge as a
from among them that the curse of guidance and mercy for people
Allah is upon the wrongdoers. who believe.
Surah 7: Al-A’raf Surah 7: Al-A’raf
53. Are they only waiting for its people, serve Allah, you have no god
outcome? The day its outcome arrives other than Him. I fear for you the
those who forgot before will say: punishment of a tremendous day.
the messengers of our Lord came to 60. The leaders of his people said: we
us with the truth, so are there any see you in clear error.
mediators to speak up for us or will
61. He said: oh my people, there is no
we return to act differently from what
error with me, but I am a messenger
we did? They have lost themselves and
from the Lord of all worlds.
what they invented has deserted them.
62. I convey to you the messages of my
54. Your Lord is the One who created
Lord and give you sincere advice and
the heavens and the earth in six
know from Allah what you don’t know.
days, then He rose onto the throne,
He makes the night cover the day 63. Or are you astonished that a
pursuing it constantly, and the sun and reminder reaches you from your Lord
the moon and the stars travel by His through a man from amongst you to
command, indeed to Him belongs the warn you and so that you beware (of
creation and the command, exalted is Him) and find mercy?
Allah the Lord of all worlds. 64. But they denied him, so We
55. Call your Lord humble and secretly, rescued him and those with him in the
for He does not love the transgressors. ship and drowned those who denied
Our signs, for they were blind people.
56. And do not cause corruption on
earth after it has been set right, and 65. And to ‘Ad (We sent) their brother
call Him in fear and hope, for the Hud, saying: oh my people, serve
mercy of your Lord is close to those Allah, you have no god other than
who do good. Him, do you not beware (of Him)?
57. And He is who sends the winds 66. The leaders of his people who
as an advance announcement of His rejected (the truth) said: we see you
mercy, until when it carries heavy are foolish and we consider you a liar.
clouds We direct them to dead land 67. He said: oh my people, there is
and send with them water and with no foolishness with me, but I am a
it make all kinds of fruit grow. This is messenger from the Lord of all worlds.
how We bring out the dead so that you 68. I convey to you the messages of
take heed. my Lord and I am a reliable advisor
58. And the good land brings out its to you.
fruit by the permission of its Lord, 69. Or are you astonished that a
and that which is bad only brings out reminder reaches you from your
very little. This is how We spell out the Lord through a man from amongst
signs for people who are grateful. you? Remember when He made you
59. We previously sent Nuh (Noah) successors after the people of Nuh
to his people, and he said: oh my (Noah) and He made you very tall in
Surah 7: Al-A’raf Surah 7: Al-A’raf
creation, so remember the blessings of 76. Those who were arrogant said: We
Allah in order to succeed. reject that which you believe in.
70. They said: Have you come to us 77. Then they bled the she-camel
so we should serve Allah alone and to death and violated their Lord’s
abandon what our fathers served? command and said: oh Salih, bring
Then bring us what you have promised us what you promised us if you are
us if you are truthful. a messenger.
71. He said: disgrace and anger from 78. So the earthquake overtook them
Allah have already fallen upon you. and they were found face down in
their houses in the morning.
Do you argue with me about names
which you and your fathers have given 79. So he turned away from them and
without Allah having sent an authority said: oh my people, I already conveyed
for it? So wait, I will wait with you. to you the messages of my Lord and
gave you sincere advice but you do not
72. So we rescued him and those like those who give sincere advice.
with him by Our mercy and uprooted
80. And Lut (Lot) when he said to his
those who denied Our signs and did
people: do you bring an indecency no-
not believe.
one in the whole world has preceded
73. And to Thamud (We sent) their you with?
brother Salih, saying: oh my people, 81. For you come to men with lust
serve Allah, you have no god other instead of women, but you are a
than Him; clear proof has reached you wasteful people.
from your Lord: this is Allah’s she-
82. And the reply of his people was
camel as a sign for you, so let her eat
merely that they said: expel them from
on Allah’s earth and do not harm her your town for they are people who
or a painful punishment will take you. want to keep clean.
74. And remember when He 83. So We rescued him and his family
made you successors after ‘Ad and except his wife who was of those who
accommodated you on earth, whose stayed behind.
plains you use for castles and whose
84. And we sent a downpour on them,
mountains you use for dwellings, so so see what the outcome was like for
remember the blessings of Allah and the sinners.
do not spread corruption on earth.
85. And to Madyan (Midian) (We
75. The leaders of his people who were sent) their brother Shu’ayb (Jethro),
arrogant said to the believers amongst saying: oh my people, serve Allah, you
those who were weak: do you know have no god other than Him. A clear
that Salih has been sent from his Lord? proof has reached you from you Lord,
They said: We believe in what he was so give full measure and weight and do
sent with. not short-change people and do not
Surah 7: Al-A’raf Surah 7: Al-A’raf
cause corruption on earth after it has in them, those who denied Shu’ayb
been set right. This is better for you if (Jethro), they were the losers.
you are believers. 93. So he turned away from them and
86. And do not block every path said: oh my people, I already conveyed
threatening and diverting from the to you the messages of my Lord and
way of Allah those who believe in gave you sincere advice, so how can
Him and desiring it to be crooked, I be sorry for people who reject (the
and remember when you were few truth).
and He increased you in number, and 94. And We never sent a prophet to a
see what the outcome was like for town without afflicting its inhabitants
the corrupters. with adversity and hardship so that
87. And if a party of you believe in they would humble themselves.
that which I have been sent with and 95. Then We replaced the harm with
a party do not believe, then wait until good, until they recovered and said:
Allah judges between us, and He is the hardship and ease previously afflicted
best to judge. our fathers, then We took them
88. The leaders of his people who suddenly without them realising it.
were arrogant said: we will expel you, 96. And if the inhabitants of the towns
oh Shu’ayb (Jethro) and those who had believed and bewared (of Allah),
believe with you from our town unless We would have opened for them
you return to our religion. He said: blessings from the sky and the earth,
What if we resent it? but they denied, so We took them on
89. We would have invented a lie account of what they used to commit.
against Allah if we returned to your 97. Are then the inhabitants of the
religion after Allah rescued us from it, towns safe from Our distress reaching
and it is not for us to return to it unless them at night whilst they sleep?
Allah, our Lord, wills it; our Lord’s 98. Or are then the inhabitants of the
knowledge extends to everything, towns safe from Our distress reaching
we trust in Allah - our Lord decide them in the morning whilst they play?
between us and our people with truth,
99. Are they then safe from Allah’s
and You are the best to decide.
scheme? Nobody feels safe from
90. And the leaders of his people who Allah’s scheme except people who
rejected (the truth) said: if you follow are losers.
Shu’ayb (Jethro), you will be losers.
100. Is it not evident to those who
91. So the earthquake overtook them inherited the earth after its inhabitants
and they were found face down in that if We willed We would afflict
their houses in the morning. them on account of their sins? And
92. Those who denied Shu’ayb We imprint upon their hearts so that
(Jethro), as if they had not prospered they do not listen.
Surah 7: Al-A’raf Surah 7: Al-A’raf
101. Those are the towns of whose 112. To bring you every
information We tell you. Our knowledgeable magician.
messengers reached them with clear 113. And the magicians came to
proofs, but they would not believe Pharaoh saying: for sure we will have
that which they denied before. This is a reward if we are the winners?
how Allah imprints on the hearts of 114. He said: yes, and you will be of
the rejecters. the inner circle.
102. And We found most of them 115. They said: oh Musa (Moses),
without commitment, and We found either you throw or we are the ones
most of them sinful. who throw.
103. Then after them We sent Musa 116. He said: you throw, then when
(Moses) with Our signs to Pharaoh they threw, they bedazzled the eyes
and his leaders, but they did not of people and frightened them and
do justice to them, so see what the brought tremendous magic.
outcome of the corrupters was like. 117. And we inspired Musa (Moses):
104. And Musa (Moses) said: oh throw, then it will take over what
Pharaoh, I am a messenger from the they invent.
Lord of all worlds. 118. Then the truth was established
and what they did was cancelled.
105. It is binding upon me that I do
not say about Allah anything but the 119. So they were overcome at this
truth. I have come to you with a clear point and turned humiliated.
proof from your Lord, so send the 120. And the magicians fell prostrate.
children of Israel with me. 121. They said: we believe in the Lord
106. He said: if you have come with a of all worlds.
sign, then show it if you are truthful. 122. The Lord of Musa (Moses) and
107. So he threw down his staff and it Harun (Aaron).
became a real snake. 123. Pharaoh said: do you believe
in him before I have given you
108. And he pulled out his hand and it
permission? This is a scheme you have
could be seen as white.
schemed in the city to expel from it its
109. The leaders of the people inhabitants, but soon you will know.
of Pharaoh said: this is a 124. I shall cut off your hands and feet
knowledgeable magician. on opposite sides, then I shall crucify
110. He wants to expel you from your all of you.
land, so what do you command? 125. They said: we will turn to
111. They said: defer him and his our Lord.
brother and send mobilisers to 126. And you only hold against us that
the cities, we believed in the signs of our Lord
Surah 7: Al-A’raf Surah 7: Al-A’raf
when they came to us. Our Lord, grant 134. And when the punishment
us patience and take us away whilst fell upon them, they said: oh Musa
having submitted (as Muslims). (Moses), call your Lord for us on
127. And the leaders of the people of account of His agreement with you
Pharaoh said: are you going to leave that if you remove the punishment
Musa (Moses) and his people to cause from us, we will believe in you and
corruption on earth and abandon you send the Children of Israel with you.
and your gods? He said: we will kill 135. Then when We removed the
their sons and spare their women and punishment from them until a
we have power over them. future date set for them, they broke
128. Musa (Moses) said to his people: their promise.
seek the help of Allah and be patient, 136. So We took revenge on them and
for Allah gives the earth as inheritance drowned them in the sea, because they
to whom He will of His servants, and denied Our signs and were careless
the outcome is for those who beware about them.
(of Him). 137. And We gave to the people who
129. They said: we were punished had been oppressed the East and West
before and after you came to us. He of the earth which We had blessed as
said: maybe your Lord will destroy an inheritance, and the good word of
your enemy and make you successors your Lord was accomplished for the
on earth to see how you behave. Children of Israel on account of their
130. And We previously afflicted patience, and we destroyed the work
the family of Pharaoh with years of of Pharaoh and his people and what
drought and lack of fruit so that they they had built.
would remember. 138. And We made the Children of
131. And when something good Israel cross the sea and they came to
reached them, they said: this is for a people devoted to idols of theirs and
us, and when something bad afflicted said: oh Musa (Moses), make us an
them, they ascribed it to Musa (Moses) idol like they have idols. He said: you
and those with him. But no, what they are foolish people.
ascribe is from Allah but most of them 139. For what they engage in will be
don’t know. wiped out and what they used to do
132. And they said: whatever sign you will be worthless.
bring to bewitch us with it, we will not 140. He said: should I desire any god
believe you. other than Allah for you when He has
133. So We sent on them the floods, favoured you over everybody else?
the locusts, the lice, the frogs and the 141. And when We rescued you from
blood as distinct signs, but they were the family of Pharaoh who afflicted
arrogant and were sinful people. you with bad punishment, killing your
Surah 7: Al-A’raf Surah 7: Al-A’raf
sons and sparing your women, which sign, they do not believe in it, and when
was a tremendous test from your Lord they see the path of righteousness, they
for you. do not take it as a path, and when they
142. And We set a time of thirty nights see the path of transgression, they take
for Musa (Moses) and supplemented it it as a path, that is because they deny
with (another) ten, so the appointment Our signs and are ignorant of them.
with his Lord was completed in forty 147. And those who deny Our signs
nights, and Musa (Moses) said to his and the meeting of the hereafter, their
brother Harun (Aaron): represent deeds are wasted - are they rewarded
me amongst my people and make for anything but what they did?
peace and do not follow the way of
148. And after he had gone, the people
the corrupters.
of Musa (Moses) fashioned some of
143. And when Musa (Moses) came their jewellery into the shape of a calf
for Our appointment and his Lord which had a mooing sound; did they
spoke to him, he said: my Lord, show not consider that it did not speak to
Yourself to me so I can look at You. them nor guide them the way? They
He said: you will not see Me, but look fashioned it and were wrongdoers.
at the mountain, and if it stays in its
149. And when they gave up on it and
place, then you will see Me. And when
his Lord covered the mountain with saw that they had gone astray they
His glory, He made it crumble and said: if our Lord does not have mercy
Musa (Moses) fell struck down. Then on us and forgive us, we will be lost.
when he rose up, he said: glorified 150. And when Musa (Moses)
are You, I repent to you and am first returned to his people angry and sad,
amongst the believers. he said: bad is what you did in my
144. He said: oh Musa (Moses), I have absence. Do you want to hasten the
chosen you above mankind with My outcome from your Lord? And he
messages and speech, so take what I threw the tablets and took his brother
have given you and be of those who by the head and pulled him towards
are grateful. him. He said: son of my mother, the
people overpowered me and almost
145. And We decreed all manner of
things for him on the tablets as an killed me, so do not show enmity
admonition and an explanation of towards me and do not place me
everything, so take it with strength amongst the wrongdoers.
and command your people to take of 151. He said: My Lord, forgive me
its best (content); I will show you the and my brother and enter us into Your
abode of the sinful. mercy and You are the most merciful
146. I will turn away from My signs of all.
those who are arrogant on earth 152. Those who fashioned the calf,
without right, and when they see each anger from their Lord and humiliation
Surah 7: Al-A’raf Surah 7: Al-A’raf
will reach them in this world, and that believe in him and support him and
is how We punish the inventors. help him and follow the light which
153. And those who do bad deeds, has been sent with him, those are
then repent afterwards and believe, the successful.
your Lord is afterwards forgiving 158. Say: oh people, I am the
and merciful. messenger of Allah to all of you, of the
154. And when the anger left Musa One to whom belongs the kingdom of
(Moses) he took the tablets and within the heavens and the earth, there is no
them was guidance and mercy for god but Him, He gives life and death,
those who are in awe of their Lord. so believe in Allah and His messenger,
155. And Musa (Moses) chose seventy the prophet, the unlettered, who
men from his people to meet Us, and believes in Allah and His words, and
when the trembling overtook them he follow him in order to be guided.
said: My Lord, if you willed, You could 159. And from the people of Musa
have destroyed them and me before, (Moses) is a community who guide
are You going to destroy us on account with the truth and do justice to it.
of what the fools amongst us did? This
160. And We divided them into twelve
is only Your test by which You lead
tribes as communities and revealed to
astray whom You will and guide whom
Musa (Moses) when his people asked
You will; You are our protector, so
him for water to strike with your staff
forgive us and have mercy on us, and
the rock, then twelve springs gushed
You are the best of those who forgive.
out from it - each people knew their
156. And decree good for us in this drinking place -, and We shaded the
world and in the next for we repent cloud over them and sent to them
to You. He said: My punishment, I honeydew and quails: eat from the
will afflict with it whom I will, and my good things We have provided you
mercy extends to everything, so I will
with. And We did not wrong them, but
decree it for those who beware and
they wronged themselves.
give the Zakat and those who believe
in Our signs. 161. And when it was said to them:
live in this town and eat from it as
157. Those who follow the messenger,
you please and ask to be accepted and
the prophet, the unlettered, whom
enter the gate submissive, We shall
they find described with them in the
Torah and the Injil, who commands forgive you your shortcomings and
them good conduct and forbids them shall give more to those who do good.
wrongdoing and permits them of 162. Then the wrongdoers amongst
the good things and prohibits them them changed their instructions into
harmful things and relieves them something else, so We sent to them a
of their burden and the restrictions punishment from the sky because of
which were upon them, so those who their wrongdoing.
Surah 7: Al-A’raf Surah 7: Al-A’raf
163. And ask them about the town from them that they should not say
which was near the sea, when they anything about Allah except the truth,
transgressed the Sabbath, when their and they studied what it contained?
fish came to them in shoals on their And the abode of the hereafter is
Sabbath day, and on the day they did better for those who beware (of Allah)
not observe the Sabbath it did not - don’t you think?
come to them. This is how We tried 170. And those who hold on to the
them because of their excesses. book and keep up prayer, We do
164. And when a community from not waste the reward of those who
amongst them said: why do you do good.
admonish a people whom Allah will
171. And when We lifted the mountain
destroy or punish severely? They said:
above them as if it were a cloud cover
as an excuse before our Lord and so
and they thought it would fall onto
that they beware.
them: take what We give you with
165. And when they forgot what they strength and remember its contents so
were reminded with, We saved those that you will beware (of Allah).
who prohibited evil and overtook the
172. And when your Lord took from
wrongdoers with a nasty punishment
the midst of the children of Adam
because of their excesses.
their descendants and made them
166. And when they persisted in what witness against themselves: Am I not
they had been prohibited from, We your Lord? They said: Sure, we are
said to them: be despicable monkeys.
witnesses. So that you would not say
167. And when your Lord announced: on the day of resurrection that we
I will raise against them until the day were unaware of this.
of resurrection those who will afflict
173. Or that you would say: our
them with the worst punishment, for
fathers were idolaters before and
your Lord is swift in retribution and
we are descendants after them, are
He is forgiving, merciful.
You going to destroy us for what the
168. And We split them on earth inventors did?
into communities, amongst them are
174. And this is how We explain the
the righteous and amongst them are
otherwise, and We tested them with signs so that they return.
good and bad so that they return. 175. Recite to them the account of the
169. Then there were descendants one whom We gave Our signs, then he
after them who inherited the book; abandoned them and the devil pursued
they take from the availability of him, so he was of the misguided.
this lesser world and say: we will 176. And had We willed We could
be forgiven. And when a similar have elevated him through them, but
availability reaches them, they take it. he wanted to live forever on earth and
Was not the promise of the book taken followed his desire, so his likeness is
Surah 7: Al-A’raf Surah 7: Al-A’raf
like that of the dog, if you burden him So in what statement after that do
he pants or if you leave him he pants. they believe?
That is the likeness of people who deny 186. Whom Allah lets go astray,
Our signs, therefore relate the story so nobody will guide him, and He lets
that they reflect. them get lost in their rebellion.
177. Bad is the likeness of people 187. They ask you about the hour, for
who deny Our signs and were when is it fixed? Say: knowledge about
wrongdoers themselves. it is with my Lord, nobody discloses
178. Whom Allah guides, he is guided, it at its time but He; it is heavy in the
and whom He lets go astray, those are heavens and the earth; it does not
the losers. come upon you but suddenly. They ask
179. And already did We create many you as if you were informed of it. Say:
of the Jinn and mankind for hell. They knowledge about it is with Allah but
have hearts with which they do not most people do not know.
understand and they have eyes with 188. Say: I do not master benefit or
which they do not see and they have harm for myself except for what Allah
ears with which they do not hear. They wills, and if I were to know the unseen
are like cattle but more astray. They are I would have abundance of good and
the careless. bad would not afflict me. I am only a
180. And to Allah belong the most warner and bringer of good news to
beautiful names, so call Him by people who believe.
them. And leave those who distance 189. He is who created you from a
themselves from His names, they will single soul and produced from it its
be punished for what they did. spouse so that he would find rest in
181. And from those We have created her, and when he covers her she carries
is a community who guide with the a light burden and moves along with it,
truth and do justice to it. and when it becomes heavy, they both
182. And those who deny Our signs, call on Allah their Lord: if you give us
We gradually pursue them from where what is healthy we will be grateful.
they are unaware. 190. And when He gave them what
183. And I give them some space, for is good, they assigned partners for
my plot is firm. it in what He gave them, but Allah
184. Do they not reflect? There is no is elevated above what they assign
madness in their companion, he is as partners.
only a clear warner. 191. Do they assign as partners what
185. Do they not look at the kingdom does not create a thing and who are
of the heavens and the earth and what themselves created?
Allah has created and that perhaps 192. And they are unable to help them
their term has already come close? nor help themselves?
Surah 7: Al-A’raf Surah 8: Al-Anfal
193. And if you call them to the been revealed to me by my Lord.
guidance, they do not follow you. It This is clear evidence from my Lord
makes no difference to them whether and a guidance and mercy for people
you call them or remain silent. who believe.
194. Those you call upon besides 204. And if the Qur’an is recited, then
Allah are servants just like you, so listen to it and be silent in order to
call them and let them respond if you receive mercy.
are truthful.
205. And remember your Lord within
195. Do they have feet to walk with, or
yourself humble and secretly and
do they have hands to grip with, or do
without speaking out in the morning
they have eyes to see with, or do they
have ears to hear with? Say: call your and in the evening and do not be
associates, then plot against me and do amongst the careless.
not hesitate. 206. Those near your Lord are not
196. For my protector is Allah who too arrogant to serve Him, and they
has revealed the book and He protects glorify Him and prostrate to Him.
the righteous.
197. And those whom you call upon Surah 8: Al-Anfal
besides Allah are unable to help you (The Booty)
and cannot help themselves. In the name of Allah,
198. And if you call them to the the Owner and Giver of Mercy
guidance they do not hear, and you
1. They ask you about the booty.
see them gazing at you but they do
Say: the booty is for Allah and the
not see.
messenger, so beware of Allah and
199. Accept excuses and command
make peace between yourselves and
good conduct and turn away from
obey Allah and His messenger if you
the ignorant.
are believers.
200. And if you are in any way
provoked by the devil then seek refuge 2. The believers are those who if Allah
in Allah, for He listens and knows. is mentioned their hearts become
fearful and if His signs are recited to
201. Those who beware (of Allah),
them they increase them in faith and
when a suggestion from the devil
touches them, they reflect and then they rely on their Lord.
they see clearly. 3. Those who keep up prayer and
202. Whilst their brothers lead them spend from what We have provided
into error, then they do not desist. for them.
203. And if you do not bring them a 4. Those are the true believers. For
sign they say: why did you not bring them are stages with their Lord and
it about? Say: I only follow what has forgiveness and generous provision.
Surah 8: Al-Anfal Surah 8: Al-Anfal
5. Just as your Lord sent you out from 13. This is because they break away
your home with the truth even if a from Allah and His messenger, and
section of the believers resent it. whoever breaks away from Allah and
6. They argue with you about the His messenger, then Allah is severe
truth after it has been made clear as in punishment.
if they were driven towards death in 14. This is for you, so taste it as for
plain sight. those who reject (the truth) is the
7. And when Allah promised you that punishment of the fire.
one of the two parties would be yours 15. Oh you believers, when you meet
and you wished that the one with less those who reject (the truth) in battle,
sting would be yours and Allah willed then do not turn your backs on them.
to verify the truth with His words and
16. And whoever turns his back that
cut off the future of those who reject
day, except to reposition for fighting
(the truth).
or to join a detachment, he has
8. So that He would verify the truth already brought upon himself the
and nullify falsehood even if the anger of Allah and his abode is hell, a
sinners resent it. bad destination.
9. When you asked your Lord for 17. For you did not kill them, but
success and He responded to you that Allah killed them, and you did not
I will help you with a thousand angels
throw when you threw, but Allah
in succession.
threw in order for the believers to be
10. And Allah only gave this as good tested by Him in a beautiful manner,
news and to contend your hearts with for Allah listens and knows.
it, and victory is only from Allah the
18. So it was, and Allah always
mighty and wise.
weakens the plot of those who reject
11. When He covered you with a (the truth).
calming safety from Him and sent
19. If you seek victory, victory has
down to you from the sky water to
already overcome you, and if you stop
purify you with and to remove from
it is better for you, and if you return,
you the affliction of the devil and to
fortify your hearts and make your We return and your numbers, however
foothold firm. great, will not benefit you, and Allah is
with the believers.
12. When your Lord revealed to the
angels that I am with you, so make 20. Oh you believers, obey Allah and
firm those who believe; I will throw His messenger and do not turn away
fear into the hearts of those who reject from him whilst you listen.
(the truth), so strike them on the 21. And do not be like those who say
necks and strike every limb of them. we listen, yet they do not listen.
Surah 8: Al-Anfal Surah 8: Al-Anfal
22. For the worst creatures before and Allah plots, and Allah is the best
Allah are the deaf and dumb, those of plotters.
who do not understand. 31. And when Our signs are recited
23. And if Allah knew any good in to them, they say we have heard; if
them, He would have made them we wanted we could say something
hearing, and if He had made them similar for these are only stories of old.
hearing they would turn away 32. And when they said: oh Allah, if
in opposition. this is the truth from You, then rain
24. Oh you believers, respond to Allah upon us stones from the sky or bring
and the messenger when he calls you us a painful punishment.
to what revives you, and know that 33. And Allah was not going to punish
Allah comes between a man and his them whilst you were amongst them,
heart and that you will be gathered and Allah was not going to punish them
to Him. whilst they were seeking forgiveness.
25. And beware of a corruption which 34. And why should Allah not punish
will not only afflict those who do them whilst they divert from the
wrong amongst you, and know that sacred mosque when they were not its
Allah is severe in punishment. protectors, for its protectors are only
those who beware (of Allah), but most
26. And remember when you were
of them do not know.
few and oppressed on earth, fearing
that the people would seize you, then 35. And their prayer near the House
He gave you refuge and helped you was nothing but screaming and
with His victory and provided well for clapping, so taste the punishment on
you so that you would be grateful. account of having rejected (the truth).

27. Oh you believers, do not betray 36. Those who reject (the truth) spend
their wealth to divert from the way
Allah and the messenger nor betray
of Allah, then they will have spent it
your trust knowingly.
after which it will be a loss for them;
28. And know that your wealth and after that they will be overpowered
children are a test and that with Allah and those who reject (the truth) will
is immense reward. be gathered to hell.
29. Oh you believers, if you beware 37. In order for Allah to separate the
of Allah, He will provide a break- bad and the good and stack up the bad
through for you and cancel your bad and pile it all up and place it in hell;
deeds from you and forgive you, and those are the losers.
Allah possesses immense generosity. 38. Say to those who reject (the truth),
30. And when those who reject (the if they stop, they will be forgiven what
truth) plot against you to capture went before, and if they return, then
you, kill you or expel you - they plot the example of old has already passed.
Surah 8: Al-Anfal Surah 8: Al-Anfal
39. And fight them until there is 45. Oh you believers, when you meet
no corruption and the religion is a detachment, be firm and remember
completely for Allah, but if they stop, Allah a lot in order to succeed.
then Allah sees what they do. 46. And obey Allah and His messenger
40. And if they turn away, then know and do not dispute, so that you weaken
that Allah is your protector, the best and your spirit departs, and be patient,
protector and the best helper. for Allah is with the patient.
41. And know that whatever booty 47. And do not be like those who
you seize, a fifth of it is for Allah and emerged from their houses proud and
the messenger and the relatives and to be seen by people and divert from
the orphans and the poor and the the way of Allah, and Allah surrounds
traveller if you believe in Allah and what they do.
what He has revealed to His servant 48. And when the devil made their
on the day of separation, the day the
deeds appeal to them and said to them,
two troops met, and Allah is able to
none of the people will overpower you
do anything.
today and I will stand by you, and
42. When you were on the nearer when the two groups saw each other
slope and they were on the more he turned on his heels and said: I am
distant slope and the caravan was free of you, I see what you do not
below you, and had you promised see, I fear Allah, and Allah is severe
(to fight), you would have disagreed in punishment.
about the promise, but it happened
49. When the pretenders and those
so that Allah would decide a matter
with a disease in their hearts said,
which had to be so that whoever was
their religion has deceived these,
destroyed would be destroyed upon
and whoever relies on Allah, Allah is
evidence and whoever lived would
mighty and wise.
live upon evidence, and Allah listens
and knows. 50. And if you could see how the
43. When Allah showed them to you angels took away those who reject (the
in your sleep as few, and had He shown truth), striking their faces and backs
them to you as many, you would have and (saying): taste the punishment
weakened and disputed about the of burning.
matter, but Allah gave reassurance, for 51. This is for the deeds you have sent
He knows what is kept inside. ahead and that Allah does not wrong
44. And when He showed them to (His) servants.
you when you met as few in your eyes 52. Like the practice of the family of
and made you look few in their eyes, Pharaoh and those before them, they
so that Allah would decide a matter rejected the signs of Allah, so Allah
which had to be, and to Allah return seized them on account of their sins.
all things. Allah is strong, severe in punishment.
Surah 8: Al-Anfal Surah 8: Al-Anfal
53. This is because Allah never 62. And if they want to cheat you, then
changes a blessing He has blessed a Allah is sufficient for you, He is the
people with until they change what One who aided you with His help and
is in themselves, and because Allah the believers.
listens and knows. 63. And He attuned their hearts; if you
54. Like the practice of the family of spent all that is on earth you could not
Pharaoh and those before them, they have attuned their hearts, but Allah
denied the signs of their Lord, so He attuned them, for He is mighty and wise.
destroyed them on account of their sins 64. Oh prophet, Allah is sufficient for
and drowned the family of Pharaoh, you and those amongst the believers
and they were all wrongdoers. who follow you.
55. For the worst creatures before 65. Oh prophet, encourage the
Allah are those who reject (the truth) believers to fight; if there are twenty
so do not believe. steadfast amongst you, they will
overpower two hundred, and if
56. Those whom you took a promise there are a hundred of you, they will
from, then they break their promise overpower a thousand of those who
each time, and they do not beware. reject (the truth), for they are a people
57. Then when you capture them in who do not understand.
war, frighten with them those behind 66. Now Allah has lightened things for
them so that they will remember. you and knows that there is weakness
58. And if you fear from a people in you, so if there are a hundred
treachery, then repudiate them in a steadfast amongst you, they will
fair manner, for Allah does not love overpower two hundred, and if there
the treacherous. are a thousand, they will overpower
two thousand with the permission of
59. And those who reject (the truth) Allah, and Allah is with those who
should not count on prevailing, they are steadfast.
will not escape.
67. It is not fit for the prophet to take
60. And prepare for them what you captives until he has established himself
can in strength and well-arranged in the land; you want the offering of the
horses to frighten with it the enemy of world and Allah wants the hereafter,
Allah and your enemy as well as others and Allah is mighty and wise.
besides them whom you do not know; 68. If there was not a previous decree
Allah knows them. And whatever from Allah, you would have met a
you spend in the way of Allah, it will severe punishment on account of what
be repaid to you and you will not you took.
be wronged. 69. Then eat of what you have taken
61. And if they incline to peace, then in booty as lawful and good and
incline to it and rely on Allah, for He beware of Allah, for Allah is forgiving
listens and knows. and merciful.
Surah 8: Al-Anfal Surah 9: At-Taubah
70. Oh prophet, say to the captives
in your possession: if Allah knows Surah 9: At-Taubah
any good in your hearts, He will give (Repentance)
you better than what has been taken 1. A repudiation from Allah and
from you and forgive you, and Allah is His messenger for the idolaters with
forgiving and merciful. whom you have a treaty.
71. And if they want to betray you, 2. Travel then on earth for four months
then they have already betrayed Allah and know that you cannot defeat Allah
before, then He took hold of them, and that Allah humiliates those who
and Allah is knowing and wise. reject (the truth).
72. Those who believe and have 3. And an announcement from Allah
emigrated and fought with their and His messenger to the people on the
wealth and their lives in the way of day of the greater pilgrimage (Hajj) that
Allah, and those who gave refuge and Allah and His messenger repudiate the
helped, those are mutual protectors of idolaters, so if you repent it is better
each other, and those who believe but for you, and if you turn away, then
have not emigrated, their protection is know that you cannot defeat Allah,
not your concern until they emigrate, and announce to those who reject (the
and if they seek your help in the truth) a painful punishment.
religion, then it is your duty to help 4. Except those of the idolaters with
except against a people with a treaty whom you have a treaty and who then
between you and them, and Allah sees did not withhold anything from you
what you do. and did not assist anyone against you,
73. And those who reject (the truth), then complete their treaty for them
until their (agreed) term, for Allah
they are mutual protectors of each
loves those who beware.
other, if you do not do this, there will be
corruption and great mischief on earth. 5. Then, when the sacred months have
passed, kill the idolaters wherever
74. And those who believe and
you find them and capture them and
have emigrated and fought in the besiege them and intercept them
way of Allah, and those who gave wherever possible, but if they repent
refuge and helped, those are the true and keep up prayer and give Zakat,
believers, for them is forgiveness and then let them go their way, for Allah is
generous provision. forgiving and merciful.
75. And those who believed afterwards 6. And if any of the idolaters seeks
and emigrated and fought with you, your protection, then protect him
those are from amongst you, and until he has heard the word of Allah,
relatives are mutual protectors of each then deliver him to his place of safety;
other in the book of Allah, for Allah this, because they are people who do
knows everything. not know.
Surah 9: At-Taubah Surah 9: At-Taubah
7. How can the idolaters have a treaty 15. And remove the anger from their
with Allah and with His messenger? hearts, and Allah turns back to whom
Except those with whom you entered He pleases and Allah is knowing
into a treaty at the sacred mosque - and wise.
so if they uphold it for you, uphold 16. Or did you count on being left
it for them, for Allah loves those
alone without Allah knowing those
who beware.
who strive amongst you and do not
8. How (can they), whilst when they take besides Allah and His messenger
gain the upper hand against you they and the believers any close friends,
respect neither relationships nor and Allah knows what you do.
obligations regarding you. They try to
17. It is not befitting for the idolaters
please you with their mouths, but their
hearts disagree, and most of them to visit the mosques of Allah bearing
are sinful. witness against themselves of
rejection; their deeds are wasted and
9. They have sold the signs of Allah for
they will remain in the fire forever.
a small price so that they divert from
His way, bad is what they used to do. 18. Only those shall visit the mosques
of Allah who believe in Allah and
10. They respect neither relationships
the last day and keep up prayer and
nor obligations regarding a believer,
and those are the transgressors. give Zakat and do not fear other than
Allah, and those will likely be amongst
11. Yet if they repent and keep up
the guided.
prayer and give Zakat, then they are
your brothers in religion, and We 19. Do you equate the provision
explain the signs to people who know. of water to the pilgrim and the
maintenance of the sacred mosque
12. And if they break their promises
with someone’s belief in Allah and
after their treaty and attack your
religion, then kill the leaders of the last day and effort in the way of
rejection, for they keep no promises, Allah? They are not the same before
so that they stop. Allah, and Allah does not guide
wrongdoing people.
13. Will you not fight a people who
broke their promises and strove to 20. Those who believe and emigrated
expel the messenger when they started and strove in the way of Allah with
against you first? Do you fear them? their wealth and their lives have a
Then Allah has more right that you higher stage with Allah, and those are
fear Him if you are believers. the winners.
14. Fight them, Allah will punish 21. Their Lord gives them good news
them by your hands and humiliate of mercy from Him and approval and
them and help you against them and gardens containing lasting blessings
heal the feelings of believing people. for them.
Surah 9: At-Taubah Surah 9: At-Taubah
22. They will remain in them forever, 29. Fight those amongst the people of
for with Allah is immense reward. the book who do not believe in Allah
23. Oh you believers, do not take nor in the last day and do not hold
your fathers or brothers as protecting sacred what Allah and His messenger
friends if they prefer rejection over have forbidden and do not observe the
belief; whoever amongst you seeks true religion until they personally pay
their protection, they are wrongdoers. the protection tax and are submissive.
24. Say: if your fathers and your sons 30. And the Jews claimed ‘Uzayr to
and your brothers and your partners be the son of Allah and the Christians
and your relatives and wealth you claimed the Messiah to be the son
have acquired and trade whose loss of Allah; they say with their mouths
you fear and homes you are content what resembles the claims of those
with are dearer to you than Allah who denied (the truth) before - may
and His messenger and to strive in Allah destroy them, where to are
His way, then wait until Allah settles they diverted?
the matter, and Allah does not guide 31. They took their rabbis and monks
sinful people. as lords besides Allah and the Messiah,
25. Allah has already helped you at the son of Maryam (Mary), and they
many locations and on the day of were only commanded to serve a
Hunayn when you were impressed single god, there is no god but Him,
with your multitude, yet it did not glorified is He above what they assign
benefit you at all, and the earth became as partners.
tight for you in spite of its vastness, 32. They want to extinguish the light
then you turned back. of Allah with their talk, and Allah
26. Then Allah sent His reassurance to refuses all but to complete His light
His messengers and the believers and even if the rejecters resent it.
sent soldiers whom you did not see 33. He is who sent His messenger with
and punished those who rejected (the the guidance and the religion of truth
truth), and that is the reward of those to make it manifest over all religion
who reject. even if the idolaters resent it.
27. Then afterwards Allah turns back 34. Oh you believers, many of the
to whom He pleases, and Allah is rabbis and monks consume the wealth
forgiving and merciful. of people by deception and divert from
28. Oh you believers, the idolaters are the way of Allah, and those who hoard
unclean, so they must not come near gold and silver and do not spend it in
the sacred mosque after this year they the way of Allah, announce to them a
were given, and if you fear poverty, painful punishment.
then soon will Allah enrich you from 35. On the day it will be heated in
His favours if He pleases, for Allah is the fire of hell, then their foreheads
knowing and wise. and sides and backs will be branded
Surah 9: At-Taubah Surah 9: At-Taubah
with it: this is what you hoarded for cave and he said to his companion:
yourselves, so taste what you hoarded. do not worry, Allah is with us; then
36. The number of months with Allah Allah sent His reassurance to him and
is twelve months by the decree of Allah assisted him with soldiers you do not
on the day He created the heavens and see and made the word of those who
the earth, four of which are sacred. reject (the truth) the lowest, and the
This is the upright religion, so do not word of Allah is the highest, and Allah
wrong yourselves in them, and fight is mighty and wise.
the idolaters as a whole just like they 41. Move out, lightly and heavily
fight you as a whole and know that equipped, and strive with your wealth
Allah is with those who beware (of and your lives in the way of Allah, that
Him). is better for you if you knew.
37. Substitution is an increase in 42. Had it been a nearby opportunity
rejection by which those who reject and short journey, they would have
(the truth) lead astray, making it followed you, but the distance was too
permissible one year and sacred far for them, and they will swear by
another in order to preserve the Allah that had we been able we would
number Allah has made sacred but have gone out with you; they destroy
permit what Allah has prohibited. themselves and Allah knows that they
Their bad deeds appeal to them, and are lying.
Allah does not guide people who
reject (the truth). 43. Allah lets you off, but why did you
excuse them before those who were
38. Oh you believers, what is the
truthful were apparent to you and you
matter with you that when you are
knew the liars?
told to move out in the way of Allah
you cling to the earth? Are you content 44. Those who believe in Allah and
with the life of this world over the the last day do not ask to be excused
hereafter? But the provision of the life by you from fighting with their wealth
of this world is only little compared to and lives, and Allah knows those who
the hereafter. beware (of Him).
39. If you don’t move out, He will 45. Only those ask to be excused by
punish you with a painful punishment you who do not believe in Allah and the
and replace you with other people last day and their hearts are in doubt
and you will not harm Him at all, and and they waver in their uncertainty.
Allah is able to do anything. 46. And if they wanted to go out,
40. If you do not help him, then Allah they would have prepared for it, but
already helped him when those who Allah dislikes dispatching them and
reject (the truth) expelled him as one prevented them and it was said: stay
of two, when they both were in the with those who stay behind.
Surah 9: At-Taubah Surah 9: At-Taubah
47. If they went out with you, 55. So do not be amazed by their
they would only add disorder and wealth nor by their children, for Allah
cause disturbance for you, seeking wants to punish them with it in the life
corruption for you, and there are those of this world and let them die whilst
amongst you who listen to them, and rejecting (the truth).
Allah knows the wrongdoers. 56. And they swear by Allah that they
48. They already sought corruption are from amongst you when they are
before and caused problems for you not from amongst you, but they are
until the truth came and Allah’s people who cause division.
command became manifest whilst 57. If they find a refuge or a hide-out
they resented it. or an entry, they will turn to it hastily.
49. And amongst them is he who says: 58. And amongst them is who blames
excuse me and do not tempt me; they you regarding charity, so if they are
have already fallen into temptation given of it, they are content, and if they
and hell surrounds those who reject are not given of it, they are annoyed.
(the truth). 59. And if (only) they were content
50. If good befalls you, it hurts them, with what Allah and His messenger
and if an affliction befalls you, they gave them and said: Allah is enough
say: we already took care of our affairs, for us, Allah and His messenger will
and they turn away rejoicing. give us from His favours, we look in
hope to Allah.
51. Say: nothing will befall us except
what Allah has written for us, He is 60. Charity is only for the poor and
our protector and on Allah let the the needy and those engaged in its
believers rely. administration and those whose
hearts are to be reconciled and to free
52. Say: do you wait for other than one slaves and for those in debt and in the
of two good things for us, whereas we way of Allah and for the traveller, an
wait for you that Allah afflicts you with obligation from Allah, and Allah is
a punishment from Him or by our knowing and wise.
hands, so wait, we wait with you.
61. And amongst them are those who
53. Say: spend obediently or insult the prophet and say he listens
reluctantly, it will not be accepted of (to anyone), say: he listens to what is
you, for you were sinful people. good for you; he believes in Allah and
54. And the only thing which believes the believers and is a mercy to
prevented them from their spending those who believe amongst you. And
being accepted of them is that they for those who insult the messenger of
rejected Allah and His messenger and Allah is a painful punishment.
do not pray except lazily and do not 62. They swear by Allah to you in
spend except grudgingly. order to please you, but Allah and
Surah 9: At-Taubah Surah 9: At-Taubah
His messenger have more right to be like they joked; those - their deeds are
pleased if they were believers. wasted in this world and the hereafter,
63. Did they not know that for and those are the losers.
whoever opposes Allah and His 70. Did not the account of those before
messengers there is the fire of hell them reach them, of the people of Nuh
where he will remain, that is the (Noah) and ‘Ad and Thamud and the
tremendous disgrace. people of Ibrahim (Abraham) and
64. The pretenders are concerned that the inhabitants of Madyan (Midian)
a Surah should be revealed about them and the overturned places? Their
to disclose to them what is in their messengers came to them with clear
hearts, say: make fun, for Allah will proofs, so Allah did not wrong them
expose what you are concerned about. but they wronged themselves.

65. And if you asked them, they would 71. And the believers, men and
women, are protectors of each other,
say: we were only joking and playing.
they command good conduct and
Say: did you make fun of Allah and
forbid wrongdoing and keep up prayer
His signs and His messenger?
and give Zakat and obey Allah and
66. Don’t make excuses, you already His messenger, those - Allah will have
rejected (the truth) after having mercy on them, for Allah is mighty
believed. If We let a party of you off, and wise.
We will punish another party because
72. Allah has promised the believers,
they were sinners.
men and women, gardens through
67. The pretenders, men and women, which rivers flow, where they will
are of one kind, they command remain, and good habitations in the
wrongdoing and forbid good conduct gardens of Eden, and contentment
and are tight-fisted. They abandoned from Allah is even greater, that is the
Allah, so He abandoned them. The ultimate success.
pretenders are the sinful. 73. Oh prophet, fight the rejecters
68. Allah has promised the pretenders, and the pretenders and be tough
men and women, and the rejecters the with them, and their abode is hell, a
fire of hell where they will remain, bad destination.
it is enough for them, and Allah 74. They swear by Allah that they
has cursed them and for them is a didn’t say it, but they already said a
lasting punishment. word of rejection and rejected (the
69. Like those before you who were truth) after their submission (Islam)
stronger than you in power and had and were distressed about what they
more wealth and children, then they couldn’t reach, and they only resented
enjoyed their share, then you enjoyed that Allah and His messenger made
your share just like those before you them rich from His favours, then if
enjoyed their share, and you joked just they repent it will be better for them,
Surah 9: At-Taubah Surah 9: At-Taubah
and if they turn away, Allah promises 82. So let them laugh a little and cry a
them a painful punishment in this lot as a punishment for what they used
world and the hereafter and they will to commit.
have no protector or helper on earth. 83. Then when Allah returns you to
75. And amongst them is who made a party of them and they ask your
a promise to Allah that if He gives us permission to go out, then say: you
from His favours we will give charity will never go out with us and never
and be of the righteous. fight an enemy with me, you were
76. Then when He gave them from His content with sitting idle the first time,
favours they withheld it and turned so stay with those who are left behind.
away in opposition. 84. And never pray over any of them
77. So He rewarded them with who died and do not stand at his
pretence in their hearts until the day grave, for they rejected Allah and His
they meet Him on account of having messenger and died whilst sinful.
broken their promise and having 85. And do not be amazed by their
been liars. wealth or their children, for Allah
78. Did they not know that Allah knows wants to punish them with it in this
their secrets and their secret meetings world and let them die whilst rejecting
and that Allah knows the unseen. (the truth).
79. Those who insult the believers 86. And when a Surah was revealed
who give generously as well as those (saying): believe in Allah and strive
who only find the bare minimum, so with His messenger, the capable
they make fun of them, Allah makes amongst them asked to be excused
fun of them, and a painful punishment by you and said: leave us to stay with
awaits them. those who stay behind.
80. Ask forgiveness for them or do not 87. They were content to be with
ask forgiveness for them - if you asked those left behind and their hearts were
forgiveness for them seventy times, sealed so that they do not understand.
still Allah will not forgive them. That
88. But the messenger and those who
is because they rejected Allah and His
believe with him strove with their
messenger and Allah does not guide
sinful people. wealth and their lives and for those
there is all the good and those are
81. Those who were left behind the successful.
rejoiced at their idleness in opposition
to the messenger of Allah and disliked 89. Allah promised them gardens
to strive with their wealth and their through which rivers flow, where
lives in the way of Allah and said: do they will remain, and this is the
not move out in the heat; say: the fire great success.
of hell is more severe in heat, if they 90. And those who were excused
only understood. amongst the desert Arabs came to be
Surah 9: At-Taubah Surah 9: At-Taubah
excused, and those who denied Allah with them, still Allah is not content
and His messenger stayed behind. A with sinful people.
painful punishment will afflict the 97. The desert Arabs are the severest
rejecters amongst them. in rejection and pretence and most
91. There is no blame on the weak likely not to know the limits which
nor the ill nor those who do not find Allah has revealed to His messenger,
anything to spend if they are sincere to and Allah is knowing and wise.
Allah and His messenger. There is no 98. And amongst the desert Arabs is
way against those who do good, and he who considers what he spends as a
Allah is forgiving and merciful. loss and waits for things to change for
92. Nor against those to whom, when you; things will change for the worse
they came to be equipped by you, you for them, and Allah listens and knows.
said: I do not find anything to equip you 99. And amongst the desert Arabs is
with. They turned away with their eyes he who believes in Allah and the last
overflowing with tears in sadness that day and considers what he spends as
they did not find anything to spend. a means to get closer To Allah and
93. There is only a way against those to obtain the messenger’s blessings;
who ask to be excused by you whilst indeed it is a means of closeness for
they are rich and who were content them - Allah will enter them into
to be with those left behind, and His mercy, for Allah is forgiving
Allah sealed their hearts, yet they do and merciful.
not know. 100. And the earliest of the emigrants
94. They offer excuses to you when and the helpers and those who
you return to them, say: do not make followed them with good conduct,
excuses, we will not believe you, Allah Allah is content with them and they are
has already informed us about your content with Him, He has promised
affairs, and Allah will see your work, them gardens through which rivers
and (so will) His messenger, then flow where they will remain forever,
you will be returned to the One who that is the ultimate success.
knows the unseen and the apparent 101. And amongst those desert
and He will inform you of what you Arabs around you and amongst the
used to do. inhabitants of al-Madinah there are
95. They will swear to you by Allah pretenders, they persist in pretending,
when you return to them so that you you do not know them, We know
leave them alone. Leave them alone, them, We will punish them twice,
for they are filth and their abode is hell then they will be returned to a
as a punishment for what they used severe punishment.
to commit. 102. And there are others who
96. They swear to you to be content acknowledge their sins, who have
with them, yet if you were content mixed good and bad deeds, maybe
Surah 9: At-Taubah Surah 9: At-Taubah
Allah will turn back to them, for Allah a falling cliff and it falls into the fire
is forgiving and merciful. of hell with him, and Allah does not
103. Take charity from their wealth guide wrongdoing people.
to cleanse and purify them with it 110. The building they have
and pray for them, for your prayer constructed will not stop causing
is a reassurance for them, and Allah unease in their hearts unless their
listens and knows. hearts are broken, and Allah is
104. Did they not know that Allah knowing and wise.
accepts the repentance from His 111. Allah has bought from the
servants and receives charity and believers their lives and their wealth
that Allah is the One who accepts so that they would have paradise; they
repentance and gives mercy? strive in the way of Allah and kill and
105. And say: work, then Allah and are killed. This is a binding promise
His messenger and the believers upon Him in the Torah and the Injil
will see your work, and you will be and the Qur’an. And who keeps His
returned to the One who knows the promise better than Allah, so rejoice
unseen and the apparent, then He will in the deal you have made, and that is
inform you of what you used to do. the ultimate success.
106. And there are others who look 112. Those who repent, worship, praise,
forward to Allah’s command whether fast, bow down, prostrate, command
He punishes them or turns back to good conduct and forbid wrongdoing
them, and Allah is knowing and wise. and observe the limits of Allah, and
107. And those who adopted a mosque give good news to the believes.
intending harm and rejection and 113. It is not fit for the prophet and
division between the believers and as a those who believe to ask forgiveness
staging post for those who fought Allah for the idolaters, even if they are their
and His messenger before - they will relatives, after it has become clear to
swear that we only wanted good, and them that they are inmates of hell-fire.
Allah is a witness that they are liars. 114. And when Ibrahim (Abraham)
108. Do not ever stand in it (in prayer), asked forgiveness for his father it was
for a mosque which was founded on only on account of a promise he had
awareness (of Allah) from the first given him, then when it became clear to
day has more right that you should him that he was an enemy to Allah, he
stand in it; in it are men who love to renounced it, for Ibrahim (Abraham)
keep clean and Allah loves those who was devoted to prayer and gentle.
keep clean. 115. And it is not fit for Allah to let
109. Is not he better who founds his people go astray after He guided
building on the awareness of Allah them until He has made clear to them
and for His contentment than he who what they should beware of, for Allah
founds his building on the edge of knows everything.
Surah 9: At-Taubah Surah 9: At-Taubah
116. To Allah belongs the kingdom of 122. And the believers should not
the heavens and the earth, He gives life all move out as one. A party of every
and death, and you have besides Allah group amongst them should keep
no protector nor helper. back to study the religion and warn
117. Allah has already turned back their people when they return to them
to the prophet and the emigrants and so that they are on guard.
the helpers who followed him in an 123. Oh you believers, fight those of
hour of difficulty after the hearts of a
the rejecters who are nearby and let
group amongst them almost swerved,
them find you determined and know
then He turned back to them, for He is
lenient with them and merciful. that Allah is with those who beware
(of Him).
118. And to the three who were left
behind until the earth became tight 124. And when a Surah is revealed
for them although it is spacious, and there is amongst them he who says:
their own selves became tight for them whom does this increase in belief?, but
and they considered that there was no as for the believers it increases them in
refuge from Allah except towards Him, belief and they rejoice.
then He turned back to them so that 125. And as for those in whose hearts
they repent, for Allah is the One who is a disease, it increases them in
accepts repentance and gives mercy.
disgrace upon their disgrace and they
119. Oh you believers, beware of Allah die whilst rejecting (the truth).
and be with the truthful.
126. Do they not consider that they
120. It is not fit for the inhabitants are being tested every year once
of al-Madinah or the desert Arabs
or twice, then they do not repent
around them that they should stay
nor remember.
behind the messenger of Allah nor
that they should consider themselves 127. And when a Surah is revealed,
above him. That is because no thirst some look at others: does anybody see
nor exhaustion nor hunger afflicts you? Then they turn away. Allah turns
them in the way of Allah nor do they away their hearts because they are
go anywhere to enrage the rejecters (of people who do not understand.
the truth) nor gain anything from the
128. A messenger from amongst
enemy but a good deed is written for
you has already reached you. Your
them on account of it, for Allah does
not waste the reward of those who concerns bear heavy on him, he is
do good. eager for your benefit and lenient and
merciful to the believers.
121. Nor do they spend anything
small or large in expenditure nor cross 129. And if they turn away, say: Allah
a valley but it is written in their favour is sufficient for me, there is no god but
so that Allah rewards them for the best Him, on Him I rely and He is the Lord
they did. of the great throne.
Surah 10: Yunus Surah 10: Yunus
the heavens and earth are signs for
Surah 10: Yunus people who beware (of Allah).
7. Those who do not look forward to
In the name of Allah, meeting Us and are content with the
the Owner and Giver of Mercy life of this world and are at ease in
1. Alif Lam Ra. These are the signs of it and those who are careless about
the wise book. our signs,
2. Are people astonished that We 8. Their abode is the fire on account of
revealed to a man amongst them to what they used to commit.
warn people and give good news to 9. Those who believe and do good
the believers that the truthfulness they work, their Lord guides them by their
have sent before will be theirs with belief; rivers flow amongst them in
their Lord? The rejecters (of the truth) gardens of blessing.
say: this is a plain magician.
10. Their call there is glory be to You
3. For your Lord is Allah who created oh Allah, and their greeting there is
the heavens and the earth in six peace, and their final call is praised is
days, then He rose to the throne, He Allah the Lord of all worlds.
manages all affairs, there is nobody
11. And if Allah hastened for people
who could intercede with Him except
the bad as they ask to hasten the good,
after His permission, that is Allah
their term would have already been
your Lord, so serve Him, do you not
take heed? decided, so leave those who do not
look forward to meet Us to get lost in
4. To Him is the return of all of
their rebellion.
you, a true promise of Allah, for He
initiates creation then repeats it in 12. And if harm afflicts man he calls
order to reward those who believe and Us on his side or sitting or standing,
do good work in justice; and those then when We remove the harm from
who reject (the truth), for them is a him, he moves on as if he never called
drink of boiling water and a painful Us regarding any harm that afflicted
punishment on account of having him. In this way appeals to the wasteful
rejected (the truth). what they used to do.
5. He is who made the sun a torch and 13. And We already destroyed
the moon a light and decreed for it generations before you when they did
stages so that you know the number of wrong and their messengers came to
years and counting; Allah only created them with clear proofs but they did
this with truth, He explains the signs not believe; this is how we reward
to people who know. sinful people.
6. For in the alternation of night and 14. Then We made you successors on
day and in what Allah has created in earth after them to see how you behave.
Surah 10: Yunus Surah 10: Yunus
15. And when Our clear signs are 22. He is who carries you on land
recited to them those who do not look and on sea until, once you are in the
forward to meet Us say: bring us a ship - and We let them travel with a
different reading (Qur’an) or change good wind and they rejoice about it - a
it. Say: It is not fit for me to change strong wind follows it and the waves
it by myself, I only follow what has come to them from everywhere and
been revealed to me, for I fear, if I they think they are surrounded by
disobeyed my Lord, the punishment them, they call Allah with a sincere
of a tremendous day. religion: if You rescue us from this, we
16. Say: if Allah willed, I would not will be amongst the grateful.
have recited it to you nor would He 23. Then when We rescue them, they
have acquainted you with it, for I transgress on earth without right. Oh
already stayed amongst you quite people, your transgression is against
some time before that, so do you yourselves, the provision of this world,
not think? then your return is to Us and We
17. So who is more wrong than he who inform you of what you used to do.
invents a lie against Allah or denies 24. The likeness of the life of this
His signs: the sinful will not succeed. world is like water which We send
18. And they serve besides Allah what down from the sky, and the plants of
does not harm them nor benefit them the earth, of which people and cattle
and say these are our intercessors with eat, absorb it until when the earth has
Allah. Say: Are you informing Allah of adorned itself and looks appealing and
what He does not know in the heavens its inhabitants think that they have
and on earth? Glorified and exalted is power over it, Our command comes to
He above what they assign as partners. it at night or in the day and We make
19. And people were a single it cut down as it if had not existed the
community, then they differed, and if day before. This is how We explain the
a word from your Lord had not gone signs to people who reflect.
before, it would have been decided 25. And Allah calls to the abode of
between them what they differed on. peace and guides whom He pleases to
20. And they say, why is not a sign a straight path.
sent down to him from his Lord? So 26. To those who do good will be
say: the unseen is Allah’s, so wait, I am good and more than that and neither
waiting with you. impurity nor humiliation will cover
21. And when We make people taste their faces. Those are the inhabitants
a mercy after harm afflicted them, of the gardens where they will remain.
they have a scheme against Our signs. 27. And those who committed bad,
Say: Allah is faster in scheming, for their reward will be a comparable
our messengers write down what bad and humiliation will cover them.
you scheme. They will have no protector against
Surah 10: Yunus Surah 10: Yunus
Allah, as if a piece of dark night was more right to be followed who guides
wrapped around their faces. Those to the truth or he who cannot guide
are the inmates of the fire where they except if he is guided? So what is the
will remain. matter with you, how do you judge?
28. And on the day We gather them 36. And most of them only follow
all, then say to the idolaters: stay where assumptions, but assumptions are of
you are, you and your idols, then we no value compared to the truth, for
part them, and their idols say: you did Allah knows what they do.
not serve us.
37. And this Qur’an has not been
29. Allah is sufficient as witness invented by someone besides Allah,
between us and you that we were but it is a confirmation of what came
unaware of your worship. before it and an explanation of the
30. There catches up with each book without doubt from the Lord of
soul what it left behind and they all worlds.
are returned to Allah their true 38. Or do they say he invented it? Say:
master, and what they used to invent bring a comparable Surah and call on
deserted them.
whomever you can besides Allah if
31. Say: who provides for you from you are truthful.
the sky and the earth, or who controls
39. But they deny what they do
hearing and eyesight, and who brings
not grasp in knowledge and whose
out the living from the dead and brings
outcome has not yet reached them.
out the dead from the living, and who
Likewise those before them denied, so
manages all affairs? Then they will say:
Allah, so say: will you not then beware see what the consequence was like for
(of Him)? the wrongdoers.
32. For that is Allah, your true Lord, 40. And amongst them is he who
and what is there after the truth except believes in it, and amongst them is he
error, so where to are you diverted? who does not believe in it, and your
Lord knows the corrupt best.
33. This is how your Lord’s word about
the sinful comes true that they do 41. And if they deny you, then say:
not believe. for me is my work and for you is your
work, you are free of what I do and I
34. Say: is there any amongst your
idols who initiates the creation then am free of what you do.
repeats it? Say: Allah initiates the 42. And amongst them are those who
creation then repeats it, so where to listen to you, can you make the deaf
are you deceived? hear even if they do not understand?
35. Say: is there any amongst your 43. And amongst them are those who
idols who guides to the truth? Say: look at you, can you guide the blind
Allah guides to the truth. Has then He even if they do not see?
Surah 10: Yunus Surah 10: Yunus
44. Allah does not wrong people at all, 54. And if every wrongdoing soul had
but people wrong themselves. what is on earth, it would give it up,
45. And on the day He gathers them and they start regretting when they see
as if they had stayed only an hour of the punishment, and it will be decided
the daytime, acknowledging each between them in justice and they will
other; those will have already lost who not be wronged.
denied the meeting with Allah and 55. For sure to Allah belongs whatever
were not guided. is in the heavens and on earth, for sure
46. And whether We let you see some Allah’s promise is true, but most of
of what We promise them or take you them don’t know.
away, to Us is their return, then Allah 56. He gives life and death and to Him
is a witness of what they do. you are returned.
47. And every community has its 57. Oh people, an admonition has
messenger, then when their messenger already reached you from your Lord
comes, it is decided between them in and a healing for what is within
justice and they are not wronged. you and a guidance and mercy for
48. And they say: when will this the believers.
promise happen if you are truthful? 58. Say: Let them rejoice with the
49. Say: I do not master harm for favours of Allah and His mercy, that is
myself nor benefit except for what better than what they amass.
Allah wills. For every community is a 59. Say: Have you considered the
fixed term; then when its term is up, provision Allah has sent you, then you
they will not delay it for an hour nor turn it into forbidden and lawful. Say:
speed it up. Did Allah give you permission or did
50. Say: Have you considered if His you invent against Allah?
punishment reached you at night or in 60. And what do those who invent a
the day, what of it would the sinful be lie against Allah think about the day of
in a hurry for? resurrection? Allah is full of generosity
51. Are you then going to believe in it towards people, but most of them give
when it happens? Now, but you were no thanks.
already in a hurry for it? 61. And there is no condition you are
52. Then will be said to the in nor do you recite any of the Qur’an
wrongdoers: taste the punishment of nor do you carry out any work except
eternity. Are you being rewarded for We are witnesses when you engage in
anything but what you committed? it; and not the weight of a tiny speck on
53. And they ask you: is this true? Say: earth nor in the sky escapes your Lord,
Sure, by my Lord, this is true and you and there is nothing smaller or greater
will not escape. than that but it is in a clear book.
Surah 10: Yunus Surah 10: Yunus
62. For sure the allies of Allah shall trouble you, but bring it to me and do
have no fear nor worry. not hesitate.
63. Those who believe and constantly 72. And if you turn away, then I do
beware (of Allah). not ask any reward from you, for my
64. For them is good news in the life reward is only upon Allah and I was
of this world and the next; Allah’s commanded to be amongst those who
words will not be changed - that is the submit (as Muslims).
ultimate success. 73. Then they denied him, so We
65. And do not worry about what they rescued him and those with him in
the ship and left them behind and
say. All power belongs to Allah, He
drowned those who denied Our signs,
listens and knows.
see then what the consequence was
66. For sure to Allah belongs whoever like for those who had been warned.
is in the heavens and whoever is on
74. Then We sent messengers
earth, and those who call on associates
afterwards to their people and they
besides Allah only follow assumptions
came to them with clear proofs,
and only guess.
but they were not going to believe
67. He is who made the night for you in what they denied before; this is
to rest in and the day to see. In that are how we imprint on the hearts of
signs for people who listen. the transgressors.
68. They say Allah has adopted a son. 75. Then We sent afterwards Musa
Glory be to Him. He is self-sufficient. (Moses) and Harun (Aaron) to
To Him belongs whatever is in the Pharaoh and his leaders with Our
heavens and on earth. Do you have signs, but they were arrogant and were
any authority for this or do you say a sinful people.
about Allah what you don’t know? 76. And when the truth from Us
69. Say: Those who invent a lie against reached them they said: this is only
Allah will not succeed. plain magic.
70. A provision in this world, then 77. Musa (Moses) said: do you say
their return is to Us, then We make about the truth when it reaches you
them taste the severe punishment on that this is magic? The magicians do
account of having rejected (the truth). not succeed.
71. And recite to them the account 78. They said: did the two of you
of Nuh (Noah) when he said to his come to tempt us away from what we
people: oh my people, if it burdens you found our fathers doing and you have
that I stand here and remind you of supremacy on earth? We are not going
the signs of Allah, then I rely on Allah, to believe you.
so agree on your affairs and your 79. And Pharaoh said: Bring me every
associates, then let not your affairs knowledgeable magician.
Surah 10: Yunus Surah 10: Yunus
80. And when the magicians came, 89. He said: the prayer of you both has
Musa (Moses) said to them: throw already been answered, so be steadfast
what you can throw. and do not follow the way of those
81. Then when they threw, Musa who do not know.
(Moses) said: what you have brought 90. And We made the Children of
is magic, Allah will nullify it, for Israel cross the sea, then Pharaoh and
Allah does not make good the work of his soldiers followed them full of envy
the corrupters. and enmity, until when he came to
drown he said: I believe that there is
82. And He verifies the truth with His
no god except the one the Children of
words even if the sinners resent it.
Israel believe in and I am of those who
83. And nobody believed Musa submit (as Muslims).
(Moses) except descendants of his
91. Now, when you disobeyed before
people, out of fear that Pharaoh and
and were of the corrupters?
their leaders would harm them, for
Pharaoh exalted on earth and was 92. So today we rescue your body to
amongst the wasteful. be a sign for those after you, and many
people are careless about Our signs.
84. And Musa (Moses) said: oh my
93. And We provided a good place of
people, if you believe in Allah then
settlement for the Children of Israel
rely on Him if you have submitted (as
and provided well for them, and
they did not differ until knowledge
85. So they said: We rely on Allah, our had reached them. Your Lord will
Lord, do not make us a target for the decide between them on the day of
wrongdoing people. resurrection with regard to what they
86. And rescue us by Your mercy from used to differ in.
the people who reject (the truth). 94. And if you are in doubt about what
87. And We revealed to Musa (Moses) We have revealed to you, then ask
and his brother: dedicate houses in those who read the book before you.
Egypt for your people and make them The truth from your Lord has already
a prayer location and keep up prayer come to you, so be not amongst
and give good news to the believers. the doubters.
88. And Musa (Moses) said: Our 95. And be not amongst those who
Lord, You have given Pharaoh and deny the signs of Allah, for then you
his leaders adornments and wealth in would be of the losers.
the life of this world, our Lord, so that 96. Those upon whom the word
they lead astray from Your way. Our of your Lord has come true do
Lord, destroy their wealth and harden not believe.
their hearts, so they do not believe 97. Even if each sign came to them,
until they see the painful punishment. until they see the painful punishment.
Surah 10: Yunus Surah 11: Hud
98. And why was there not a town you, for if you did that, you would be
who believed and its belief benefited amongst the wrongdoers.
it? Except the people of Yunus (Jonah), 107. And if Allah afflicts you with
when they believed We removed from harm, then nobody can remove it but
them the punishment of disgrace in Him, and if He wills good for you, then
this world and gave them provision for nothing prevents His favour; He gives
a limited time. it to whom He pleases of His servants,
99. And if your Lord had willed, and He is the forgiving and merciful.
everyone on earth would have 108. Say: oh people, the truth has
believed, so are you going to compel reached you from your Lord, so who
people until they believe? wants to be guided, then he is guided
100. And no soul will believe without for his own good, and who goes astray,
the permission of Allah, and He then he goes astray against himself,
places disgrace on those who do and I am not a guardian over you.
not understand. 109. And follow what has been
101. Say: look at what is in the heavens revealed to you and be patient until
and on earth, but the signs and Allah judges, and He is the best
warnings do not benefit a people who of judges.
do not believe.
102. So do they wait for anything Surah 11: Hud
else but the days of those who passed
before them? Say: then wait, I will wait In the name of Allah,
with you. the Owner and Giver of Mercy
103. Then We will rescue Our 1. Alif Lam Ra. A book whose
messengers and those who believed; verses have been pronounced, then
the rescue of the believers is thus a explained, by One wise and informed.
duty upon Us. 2. That you should serve none but
104. Say: Oh people, if you are in Allah, for I am a warner and bringer of
doubt about my religion, then I do not good news to you from Him.
serve those whom you serve besides 3. And that you should ask your Lord
Allah but serve Allah who will take for forgiveness, then repent to Him, He
you away (in death), and I have been will provide you with a good provision
commanded to be of the believers. until a fixed date and gives everyone
105. And to turn your face to this who gives favours His favours. And if
religion sincerely devoted and be not you turn away, then I fear for you the
amongst the idolaters. punishment of a great day.
106. And do not call besides Allah on 4. To Allah is your return and He is
what does not benefit you nor harm able to do anything.
Surah 11: Hud Surah 11: Hud
5. But they bend over to hide from only a warner, and Allah is guardian
Him, yet when they wrap around their over everything.
clothes He knows what they conceal 13. Or do they say he invented it? Say:
and what they disclose, for He knows bring ten comparable invented Surahs
what is kept inside. and call on whomever you can besides
6. And there is no creature on earth Allah if you are truthful.
but its provision is upon Allah, 14. Then if they do not respond to
and He knows its place of rest and you, know that it has been revealed
its destination, everything is in a with the knowledge of Allah and that
clear book. there is no god but Him, so will you
7. And He is who created the heavens submit (as Muslims)?
and the earth in six days and His 15. Whoever wants the life of this
throne was upon water, so that He world and its adornment, We fully
would test you as to who of you is best repay them their work in it and they
in work, and if you say: you are going will not be short-changed in it.
to be raised after death, those who 16. Those are the ones who have
reject (the truth) will say: this is only nothing but the fire in the hereafter
plain magic. and whatever they have produced is
8. And if We delayed the punishment wasted and what they did is futile.
for them to a fixed term, they would 17. Unlike him who follows a clear
say: what holds it back? For sure, on proof from his Lord, recited by a
the day it reaches them, it will not witness from Him, and before it the
leave them and that which they used book of Musa (Moses) as a guide
to make fun of will overcome them. and mercy. Those believe in it, and
9. And if We make man taste mercy whoever rejects it of the allies, the fire
from Us, then take it away from him, is his abode. So do not be in doubt
he is despondent and ungrateful. about it, it is the truth from your Lord,
10. And if We make him taste a but most people do not believe.
blessing after a harm touched him, he 18. And who is more wrong than he
would say: the bad things have left me, who invents a lie against Allah? They
for he rejoices and brags. will be presented before their Lord
11. Except those who are patient and and the witnesses will say: these lied
do good work, for those is forgiveness about their Lord, may Allah’s curse be
and a great reward. upon the wrongdoers.
12. So should you abandon some of 19. Those who divert from the way of
what has been revealed to you and be Allah and desire it to be crooked and
uptight because they say: why has not they reject the hereafter.
a treasure been sent down to him or 20. Those will not escape on earth
did an angel come with him? You are and will not have any protectors
Surah 11: Hud Surah 11: Hud
besides Allah. The punishment will be will meet their Lord , but I see you as
multiplied for them. They were unable an ignorant people.
to listen and unable to see. 30. And oh my people, who will help
21. They are the ones who have lost me against Allah if I were to send
themselves, and what they used to them away? Do you not reflect?
invent deserted them. 31. And I do not say to you that I have
22. Without fail they will be the losers the treasures of Allah nor that I know
in the hereafter. the unseen, nor do I say that I am an
23. Those who believe and do good angel, nor do I say to those who are
work and are humble before Allah, despicable in your eyes that Allah will
they belong in the garden (of paradise), not give them any good - Allah knows
where they will remain. best what is within them - for then I
24. The likeness of the two groups is would be amongst the wrongdoers.
like the blind and deaf and the seeing 32. They said: Oh Nuh (Noah) you
and hearing, are they alike? Do you have argued with us and extended the
not take heed? argument with us, so bring us what
25. And We already sent Nuh (Noah) you promise us if you are truthful.
to his people that I am a clear warner 33. He said: Allah will bring it to you if
for you. He wills, and you will not escape.
26. That you should serve none but 34. And my advice will not benefit you
Allah, for I fear for you the punishment if I wanted to advise you if Allah wills
of a painful day. to let you go astray; He is your Lord
27. And the leaders who rejected (the and to Him you return.
truth) from his people said: we see 35. Or do they say he has invented
in you only a human like us and we it? Say: if I invented it, then my sin is
see that apparently only those most
upon me and I am free of your sins.
despised by us follow you, and we do
not see any superiority of you over us 36. And it was revealed to Nuh (Noah)
but think you are liars. that none of his people would believe
besides who already believed, so do
28. He said: oh my people, have you
not be sad about what they do.
considered that I am following a clear
proof from my Lord and He has given 37. And construct the ship under Our
me mercy from Him and you are blind supervision and in accordance with
to it? Are we going to impose it on you Our revelation and do not plead with
whilst you resent it? Me about the wrongdoers, for they
29. And oh my people, I do not ask you will drown.
for any wealth for it, for my reward is 38. And he constructed the ship, and
only upon Allah, and I am not going to each time leaders of his people passed
send away those who believe, for they him, they made fun of him. He said: if
Surah 11: Hud Surah 11: Hud
you make fun of us, then we will make 46. He said: oh Nuh (Noah), he is not
fun of you like you made fun of us. of your family for his deeds are not
39. Then soon will you know whom good, so do not ask Me of what you
a humiliating punishment will have no knowledge of, I admonish you
reach and who will deserve a lasting not to be of the ignorant.
punishment. 47. He said: my Lord, I seek refuge in
40. Until when Our command came You that I should ask you what I have
no knowledge of, and if You do not
and the earth burst open We said:
forgive me and have mercy on me, I
carry on it a pair of each kind and your
will be of the losers.
family, except on whom the word has
gone before, and those who believe, 48. It was said: oh Nuh (Noah),
and only a few believed with him. disembark with peace from Us
and blessings upon you and on the
41. And he said: ride on it; in the name
communities which are with you;
of Allah be its journey and arrival, and there are communities whom we
for my Lord is indeed forgiving will give provision and then a painful
and merciful. punishment will touch them from Us.
42. And it sailed with them on waves 49. This is information We reveal to
like mountains, and Nuh (Noah) you from the unseen, neither you
called his son who was at a distance: nor your people knew it before, so be
oh my son, ride with us and do not be patient, the outcome is for those who
with those who reject (the truth). beware (of Allah).
43. He said: I will seek shelter on a 50. And to ‘Ad (We sent) their brother
mountain to protect me against the Hud, saying: oh my people, serve
water. He said: there is no protection Allah, you have no god other than
today against the command of Allah Him, you are only inventing things.
except for whom He has mercy. And 51. Oh my people, I do not ask you for
the wave came between them and he a reward for it, for my reward is only
was of those drowned. upon the One who originated me, do
44. And it was said: oh earth, swallow you not understand?
your water, and oh sky, desist, and 52. And oh my people, ask forgiveness
the water receded and the matter from your Lord, then repent to Him,
was decided and it came to rest on He will send abundant rain from the
Judi, and it was said: away with the sky for you and increase your existing
wrongdoing people. strength, and do not turn away sinful.
45. And Nuh (Noah) called his Lord 53. They said: oh Hud, you have not
and said: my Lord, my son is of my brought us a clear proof, and we are
family and Your promise is true and not going to abandon our idols on
You are the wisest of judges. your say so, and we do not believe you.
Surah 11: Hud Surah 11: Hud
54. We can only say that some of 62. They said: oh Salih, we had hopes
our idols have harmed you with evil. for you before that; are you stopping
He said: I have Allah as a witness, us from serving what our fathers
so do witness that I am free of what served whilst we are in severe doubt of
you associate, what you call us to?
55. Besides Him, so plot altogether 63. He said: oh my people, have you
against me, then do not hesitate. considered that I follow a clear proof
56. For I rely on Allah, my Lord and from my Lord and He has given me
your Lord. There is no creature which mercy from Him? Then who will help
He does not control, for my Lord is on me against Allah if I disobey Him, so
a straight path. you would only increase me in loss.
57. Then if you turn away, then I have 64. And oh my people, this is the
already conveyed what I was sent to she-camel of Allah as a sign for you,
you with, and my Lord will replace so let her eat on Allah’s earth and do
you with another people and you will not touch her with harm or a nearby
not harm Him at all, for my Lord is punishment will take you.
keeper of everything. 65. Then they bled her to death, so he
58. And when Our command came, said: enjoy your homes for another
We rescued Hud and those who three days, that is an unfailing promise.
believed with him through mercy 66. Then when Our command came,
from Us and rescued them from an
We rescued Salih and those who
unrelenting punishment.
believed with him through mercy
59. And that is ‘Ad, they disputed the from Us from the disgrace of that day,
signs of their Lord and disobeyed for your Lord is strong and mighty.
His messengers and followed the
67. And the roar overtook them
command of every obstinate tyrant.
and they came to lie prostrate in
60. And they are followed by a curse their homes.
in this world and on the day of
68. As if they had not prospered in
resurrection, indeed ‘Ad rejected their
them, indeed Thamud rejected their
Lord, so away with ‘Ad the people
of Hud. Lord, so away with Thamud.

61. And to Thamud (We sent) their 69. And Our messengers came to
brother Salih, saying: oh my people, Ibrahim (Abraham) with the good
serve Allah, you have no other news, saying: peace. He said: peace,
god than Him, He brought you and did not hesitate to bring a
into existence from the earth and roasted calf.
established you on it, so ask Him for 70. Then when he saw that their hands
forgiveness, then repent to Him, for did not reach for it he became weary
my Lord is near and responding. of them and felt afraid of them. They
Surah 11: Hud Surah 11: Hud
said: fear not, we were sent to the 80. He said: If only I had strength over
people of Lut (Lot). you or could resort to a strong support.
71. And his wife was standing there 81. They said: oh Lut (Lot), we are
and laughed, so We gave her good messengers of your Lord, they will
news of Ishaq (Isaac) and after Ishaq not get to you, so travel with your
Ya’qub (Jacob). family part of the night and let not any
72. She said: woe to me, am I to give of them look back, except your wife,
birth whilst I am an old woman and what afflicts them will afflict her. Their
this my husband is an old man? This promised time is the morning. Is not
is strange. the morning near?
73. They said: are you astonished by 82. And when Our command came
the command of Allah? The mercy of We turned them upside down and
Allah and His blessings be upon you rained upon them hardened stones in
members of the household, for He is quick succession.
the owner of praise and glory.
83. Embossed by your Lord; and it is
74. Then when the fright left Ibrahim not far from (these) wrongdoers.
(Abraham) and he received the good
news, he argued with Us about the 84. And to Madyan (Midian) (We
people of Lut (Lot). sent) their brother Shu’ayb (Jethro),
saying: oh my people, serve Allah, you
75. For Ibrahim (Abraham) was
have no god other than Him, and do
gentle, devoted to prayer, repenting.
not give short measure and weight,
76. Oh Ibrahim (Abraham), leave it, for I see you are doing well, and I
your Lord’s command has already fear for you the punishment of a day
come and a punishment will reach
surrounding all.
them which cannot be averted.
85. And oh my people, give full
77. And when Our messengers
measure and weight in fairness and
reached Lut (Lot), he was concerned
do not withhold from people their
and uneasy about them and said: this
is a troublesome day. rights and do not spread corruption
on earth.
78. And his people came rushing to
him and had before been doing bad 86. What Allah leaves you is better for
deeds. He said: oh my people, here you if you are believers, and I am not a
are my daughters, they are purer for guardian over you.
you, so beware of Allah and do not 87. They said: oh Shu’ayb (Jethro),
disgrace me with my guests, is there does your prayer command you that
not a righteous man amongst you? we should abandon what our fathers
79. They said: you know that we have served or that we should do with our
no right to your daughters and you wealth as we please? You are indeed
know what we want. the gentle and righteous.
Surah 11: Hud Surah 11: Hud
88. He said: oh my people, have you the wrongdoers and they came to lie
considered that I follow a clear proof prostrate in their homes.
from my Lord and He has provided 95. As if they had not prospered in
me with good provision from Him? them, so away with Madyan (Midian)
And I do not want to differ from you as Thamud have been done away with.
in what I have forbidden you, I only
96. And We sent Musa (Moses) with
want improvement as much as I can
Our signs and a clear authority.
and my success is only from Allah, I
have relied on Him and repent to Him. 97. To Pharaoh and his leaders who
followed Pharaoh’s command, and
89. And oh my people, let not
Pharaoh’s command was not righteous.
disagreement with me mislead you
so that the like of what afflicted the 98. He leads his people on the day of
people of Nuh (Noah) or the people of resurrection and delivers them to the
Hud or the people of Salih afflicts you, fire, what a bad delivery location.
and the people of Lut (Lot) are not far 99. And they are followed by a curse
from you. in this world and on the day of
90. And ask forgiveness from your resurrection, what a bad gift to receive.
Lord, then repent to Him, for my Lord 100. This is information from the
is merciful and loving. towns We tell you about, some
91. They said: oh Shu’ayb (Jethro), (still) stand and some have been
we do not understand much of what knocked down.
you say and we see that you are weak 101. And We did not wrong them but
amongst us, and if it were not for your they wronged themselves, and their
clan, we would have stoned you, and idols whom they served besides Allah
you have no power over us. did not benefit them at all when the
92. He said: oh my people, is my clan command of your Lord came, and
more powerful to you than Allah and they only increased them in ruin.
you have already turned your backs 102. That is how your Lord’s grasp
on Him? My Lord surrounds what was when He overtook the towns
you do. whilst they did wrong, for His grasp is
painful and severe.
93. And oh my people, do your
work as you do, I do my work. Soon 103. In that is indeed a sign for
you will know whom a humiliating whoever fears the punishment of the
punishment will reach and who is hereafter. That is a day when all people
the liar. Wait and see, I am waiting will be gathered and that is a day
with you. which will be witnessed.
94. And when Our command came, 104. And We only delay it for a
We rescued Shu’ayb (Jethro) and limited term.
those who believed with him through 105. On the day it comes, no soul will
mercy from Us, and the roar overtook speak except with His permission, and
Surah 11: Hud Surah 11: Hud
amongst them will be the distressed good deeds take away bad deeds, that
and the happy. is a reminder for those who pay heed.
106. As for those who are distressed, 115. And be patient, for Allah does
they will be in the fire. In it will be not waste the reward of those who
sighing and wailing for them. do good.
107. They will remain in it as long as 116. So why were there not amongst
the heavens and the earth last except the generations before you those who
for what your Lord wills, for your Lord insisted on prohibiting corruption
does what He wills. on earth, except a few amongst them
108. And as for those who are happy, whom We rescued? Those who did
they will be in the garden (of paradise) wrong pursued the luxury they had
where they will remain as long as the and were sinful.
heavens and the earth last except for 117. And your Lord would not destroy
what your Lord wills, a gift which will a town due to wrongdoing whilst its
not diminish. inhabitants improve.
109. So have no doubt about what 118. And if your Lord willed, He
these serve: they only worship like would have made all people a
their fathers worshipped before,
single community, but they will not
and We will pay them their full
stop differing.
share unreduced.
119. Except those whom your Lord
110. And We already gave Musa
has mercy on, and for that He created
(Moses) the book, then they differed
them, and the word of your Lord has
about it, and if a word from your Lord
come to pass that I will fill hell with
had not gone before, it would have
been decided between them, and they Jinn and people altogether.
are indeed in severe doubt about it. 120. And in each case We tell you
111. And your Lord will pay each in information about the messengers to
full for their work, for He is informed strengthen your heart with it, and in
of what they do. this the truth and an admonishment
and reminder for the believers has
112. So continue straight as you
reached you.
were commanded, together with
whoever repents with you, and do not 121. And say to those who do not
transgress, for He sees what you do. believe: do your work as you do, we
are working.
113. And do not lean towards those
who do wrong, so the fire would 122. And wait, we are waiting.
touch you and you would not have 123. And to Allah belongs the unseen
any protector besides Allah, then you of the heavens and the earth and all
would not be helped. affairs return to Him, so serve Him
114. And keep up prayer at the ends and rely on Him, and your Lord is not
of the day and a part of the night, for unaware of what you do.
Surah 12: Yusuf Surah 12: Yusuf
which your father will only look at you
Surah 12: Yusuf and you will be righteous people.
10. A speaker amongst them said:
In the name of Allah, do not kill Yusuf (Joseph) but throw
the Owner and Giver of Mercy him into the depth of the well, some
1. Alif Lam Ra. These are the signs of caravan will pick him up, if you have
the clear book. to do it.
2. We revealed it as an Arabic Qur’an 11. They said: oh our father, what is
so that you might understand. the matter with you that you do not
trust us with Yusuf (Joseph) whilst we
3. We tell you the most beautiful
are sincere to him?
of stories We have revealed to you
in this Qur’an, whilst you were 12. Send him with us tomorrow to
unaware before. enjoy himself and play and we will
look after him.
4. When Yusuf (Joseph) said to his
father, oh my father, I saw eleven stars 13. He said: It worries me that you
and the sun and the moon, I saw them should take him and I fear the wolf
prostrate to me. will eat him whilst you are careless
about him.
5. He said: oh my son, do not tell your
dream to your brothers, so they will 14. They said: If the wolf should eat
plot against you, for the devil is an him and we are a large group, then we
open enemy to man. would be losers.
6. And this is how your Lord will 15. And when they took him and
choose you and teach you of the agreed to place him in the depths of
interpretation of meanings and the well, We revealed to him that you
complete His favours upon you and will inform them of this affair of theirs
upon the family of Ya’qub (Jacob) just when they will not realise.
as He completed it upon your fathers 16. And they came to their father in
before, Ibrahim (Abraham) and Ishaq the evening crying.
(Isaac), for your Lord is knowing
17. They said: oh our father, we went
and wise.
ahead and left Yusuf (Joseph) with
7. In Yusuf (Joseph) and his brothers our provisions, then the wolf ate him.
there are signs for those who enquire. And you will not believe us even if we
8. When they said: Yusuf (Joseph) is are truthful.
dearer to our father than us whilst we 18. And they brought false blood on
are a large group. Our father is indeed his shirt. He said: but you have made
in clear error. something up yourselves, so (I will
9. Kill Yusuf (Joseph) or drive him have) beautiful patience and ask Allah
away to some (distant) land, after for help against what you make out.
Surah 12: Yusuf Surah 12: Yusuf
19. And a caravan came, so they sent except that he should be imprisoned
their water carrier and he lowered his or some other painful punishment?
bucket. He said: good news, there is a 26. He said: she desired me, and a
boy, and they hid him as merchandise, witness of her family gave evidence
and Allah has knowledge of what that if his shirt is torn from the front
they do. then she is telling the truth and he
20. And they sold him for the price of is lying.
only a few Dirham in order to get rid 27. And if his shirt is torn from
of him. behind, then she is lying and he is
21. And the one who bought him telling the truth.
from Egypt said to his wife: look after 28. Then when they saw his shirt torn
him well. Perhaps he will benefit us from behind he said: this is one of
or we will adopt him as a son. This is
your plots, the plots of you women
how We plotted for Yusuf (Joseph) on
are enormous.
earth and in order to teach him of the
interpretation of meanings, and Allah 29. Yusuf (Joseph), let go of this, and
prevails in His affairs but most people you (woman) seek forgiveness for
don’t know. your sin, for you are guilty.
22. And when he attained his full 30. And some women in the town
strength We gave him the ability to said: the wife of the governor desired
judge and knowledge, and this is how her male servant, he has infatuated
We reward those who do good. her with love, we consider her
clearly astray.
23. And she in whose house he was
desired him and locked the doors and 31. Then when she heard of their plot
said: come here! He said: Allah forbid, she sent for them and prepared for
my master has provided me with them couches and gave each of them
excellent lodgings and the wrongdoers a knife and said: come out to them.
will not succeed. Then when they saw him they praised
24. And she was attracted to him and him and cut their hands and said:
he was attracted to her had he not Allah save us, this is not a man but this
considered the evidence of his Lord. is a noble angel!
This was so that We would turn evil 32. She said: so that is what you blamed
and indecency away from him, for he me about and I did desire him but he
was of Our sincere servants. resisted, and if he does not do what I
25. And they ran to the door and she command him, he will be imprisoned
tore his shirt from behind and they and will be of those humiliated.
found her master near the door. She 33. He said: my Lord, prison is dearer
said: what other punishment is there to me to what they call me to, and
for him who wants bad for your family if You do not divert their plot from
Surah 12: Yusuf Surah 12: Yusuf
me, I will give in to them and be of 41. Oh my companions in prison, as
the ignorant. for one of you, he will pour wine for
34. So his Lord responded to him and his master, and for the other, he will
diverted their plot from him, for He be crucified and the birds will eat from
hears and knows. his head. Decided is the matter about
which you asked.
35. Then it seemed right to them
after seeing the signs that they should 42. And he said to the one of them
imprison him for some time. who thought he would be saved:
mention me to your master, but
36. And two male servants entered the
the devil made him forget to make
prison with him. One of them said: I
mention to his master, so he stayed in
saw myself press wine, and the other
prison a number of years.
said: I saw myself carry bread on my
head of which the birds ate. Tell us 43. And the king said: I saw seven
its interpretation for we consider you fat cows being eaten by seven
amongst those who do good. skinny cows and seven green ears of
grain and another dried batch. Oh
37. He said: I will tell you its
leaders, explain me my visions if you
interpretation before your provision of
understand visions.
food will come to you. This is of what
my Lord has taught me, for I left the 44. They said: confused dreams, and
religion of people who do not believe we do not know the interpretation
in Allah and who reject the hereafter. of dreams.
38. And I followed the religion of my 45. And the one of the two who was
fathers Ibrahim (Abraham), Ishaq saved and remembered after some
(Isaac) and Ya’qub (Jacob). We would time said: I will inform you of the
not associate anything with Allah. interpretation of it, so send me.
That is of the favours of Allah upon us 46. Yusuf (Joseph), oh you truthful
and upon mankind, but most people one, explain to us seven fat cows
give no thanks. being eaten by seven skinny ones and
39. Oh my companions in prison, are seven green ears of grain and another
different masters better or Allah, the dried batch, so that I can return to the
one and dominant? people so that they will know.
40. You only serve besides Allah 47. He said: sow for seven years and
names which you have invented, you what you harvest, leave it on its ear but
and your fathers. Allah has not sent for a little which you eat.
any authority for it. The judgement is 48. Then seven severe years will come
Allah’s alone, He has commanded that after that which will consume what
you serve only Him, that is the upright you have stored up for them but for a
religion but most people do not know. little which you keep safe.
Surah 12: Yusuf Surah 12: Yusuf
49. Then a year will come after that 58. And the brothers of Yusuf (Joseph)
during which people receive rain and came and entered upon him, and he
press (grapes and oil). recognised them whilst they did not
50. And the king said: bring him to recognise him.
me, and when the messenger came to 59. And when he issued them with
him he said: go back to your master their supplies he said: bring me your
and ask him about the women who brother from your father, do you not
cut their hands, for my master knows see that I give full measure and am one
their plots. of the best hosts?
51. He said: what do you women have 60. But if you do not bring him, then
to say about when you desired Yusuf you will have no measure with me and
(Joseph)? They said: Allah save us, you shall not come close.
we do not know any bad about him. 61. They said: we will implore our
The wife of the governor said: now the father, we will certainly do that.
truth has come out, I desired him and
62. And he said to his male servants:
he is telling the truth.
place their merchandise in their
52. This so that he would know that luggage so that they find it when they
I did not deceive him secretly and return to their family so that they
that Allah does not guide the plot of come back.
the treacherous.
63. Then when they got back to
53. And I do not call myself blameless, their father they said: oh our father,
for the soul commands evil except measure has been denied to us, so send
when my Lord has mercy, for my Lord our brother with us, we will obtain
is forgiving and merciful. measure and we will look after him.
54. And the king said: bring him to 64. He said: shall I entrust him to you
me, I will keep him for myself, and like I entrusted his brother to you
when he spoke to him he said: you are before? But Allah is the best keeper
influential and safe with us today. and the most merciful of all.
55. He said: place me over the 65. And when they opened their
storehouses of the earth, for I am a provisions they found their
knowledgeable keeper. merchandise had been returned
56. And this is how We established to them. They said: oh our father,
Yusuf (Joseph) on earth to settle what more do we want? This our
wherever he liked. We grant Our mercy merchandise has been returned to us,
to whom We will and do not waste the and we will provide for our family and
reward of those who do good. add the measure of a camel, that will
57. And the reward of the hereafter is be an easy measure.
even better for those who believe and 66. He said: I will not send him with
beware (of Allah). you until you give me a promise by
Surah 12: Yusuf Surah 12: Yusuf
Allah that you will bring him back 74. They said: and what is the
unless you are surrounded. Then when punishment if you are lying?
they gave him their promise he said: 75. They said: the punishment is that
Allah is a guardian over what we say. whoever it is found in his luggage, he
67. And he said: oh my children, do will be the punishment, this is how we
not enter from a single gate but enter punish the wrongdoers.
from different gates, and I will not
76. Then he started with their bags
benefit you in any way against Allah,
before the bag of his brother, then he
for the judgement is only for Allah,
took it out of the bag of his brother.
on Him I have relied, and on Him
This is how We plotted for Yusuf
let all those rely who want to rely
(Joseph): he could not have taken his
on something.
brother under the king’s rule unless
68. And when they entered from where Allah willed. We raise in stages whom
their father had commanded them,
We will, and above everybody with
it did not benefit them in any way
knowledge is He who knows.
against Allah but was a need within
Ya’qub (Jacob) which he discharged, 77. They said: if he stole, then his
and he had much knowledge of what brother stole before, but Yusuf
We taught him, but most people (Joseph) kept it inside and did not
don’t know. disclose it to them. He said: you are in
69. And when they entered upon a bad situation, and Allah knows best
Yusuf (Joseph), he took his brother in what you make out.
his care and said: I am your brother, 78. They said: oh governor, he has a
so don’t be sad about what they used very old father, so take one of us in his
to do. place, we consider you of those who
70. Then when he issued their do good.
supplies he placed the drinking cup 79. He said: Allah forbid that we
in his brother’s luggage, then a caller take except him whom we found our
announced: oh you travellers, you belongings with, otherwise we would
are thieves. be wrongdoers.
71. They said, whilst they approached 80. And when they gave up on him,
them: what are you missing? they drew apart to consult. Their eldest
72. They said: we are missing the said: don’t you know that your father
king’s measuring cup, and whoever has already taken your promise by
brings it will have a camel’s load, and Allah and how you abandoned Yusuf
I am going to claim it. (Joseph)? So I will not leave this land
73. They said: by Allah, you know that until my father gives me permission or
we did not come to cause corruption Allah judges for me and He is the best
on earth and that we are not thieves. of judges.
Surah 12: Yusuf Surah 12: Yusuf
81. Go back to your father and say: oh 90. They said: are you actually Yusuf
our father, your son has stolen, and we (Joseph)? He said: I am Yusuf (Joseph)
only witness that which we know and and this is my brother. Allah has
we are not keepers of the unseen. bestowed His favours on us, for if
82. So ask the town we were in and the someone bewares (of Allah) and is
caravan that we came with, and we are patient, then Allah does not waste the
telling the truth. reward of those who do good.
83. He said: but you have made 91. They said: by Allah, Allah
something up yourselves, so (I will has preferred you over us and we
have) beautiful patience. Maybe Allah were guilty.
will bring them all to me, for He is 92. He said: you will not be blamed
knowing and wise. today, may Allah forgive you, and He
84. And he turned away from them is the most merciful of all.
and said: oh my grief over Yusuf 93. Go with this shirt of mine and
(Joseph), and his eyes turned white throw it onto my father’s face, he will
from suppressed worry. become sighted (again), and come to
85. They said: by Allah, you will not me with all your family.
stop remembering Yusuf (Joseph) 94. And when the caravan broke up
until you ruin your health or will (on arrival) their father said: I notice
be destroyed. the scent of Yusuf (Joseph) even if you
86. He said: I only disclose my anguish contradict me.
and worry to Allah and I know from 95. They said: by Allah, you are in
Allah what you do not know. your old aberration.
87. Oh my sons, go and look for Yusuf 96. Then when the bringer of good
(Joseph) and his brother and do not news came, he threw it over his face
despair of relief from Allah, for only and he became sighted again. He said:
people who reject (the truth) despair did I not say to you that I know from
of relief from Allah. Allah what you do not know?
88. And when they entered upon him 97. They said: oh our father, ask
they said: oh governor, hardship has forgiveness for our sins, for we
afflicted us and our family and we were guilty.
have come with meagre merchandise, 98. He said: I will ask my Lord for
but give us full measure and give us forgiveness, for He is the forgiving
charity, for Allah rewards those who and merciful.
give charity. 99. And when they entered upon
89. He said: Do you know what you Yusuf (Joseph) he took care of his
did with Yusuf (Joseph) and his parents and said: enter Egypt safely if
brother when you were ignorant? Allah wills.
Surah 12: Yusuf Surah 13: Ar-Ra’d
100. And he raised his parents on those who follow me, and glorified is
to the throne and they fell prostrate Allah, and I am not of the idolaters.
before him, and he said: oh my father, 109. And before you We did not
this is the outcome of my earlier send anything else but men from
dream, Allah has made it come true the people of the towns to whom We
and He was good to me when He revealed. Do they not travel on the
brought me out of prison and brought
earth so they see what the outcome
you from the desert after the devil
was like for those before them? And
came between me and my brothers, for
the abode of the hereafter is better for
my Lord is kind to whom He pleases,
those who beware (of Allah), do you
for He is the knowing and wise.
not understand?
101. My Lord, you have given
me a kingdom and taught me the 110. Until when the messengers gave
interpretation of meanings, originator up and thought they had already been
of the heavens and the earth, You are denied, Our help reached them, so We
my protector in this world and the rescue whom We will, and Our distress
hereafter, take me away whilst having is not averted from the sinful people.
submitted (as Muslim) and join me 111. In their story is a lesson for
with the righteous. those with understanding. It is not
102. This is of the information of the an invented tale but a confirmation of
unseen which We reveal to you, and what came before it and an explanation
you were not with them when they of everything and a guidance and
agreed on their affairs and schemed. mercy for people who believe.
103. And most people do not believe
even if you are eager. Surah 13: Ar-Ra’d
104. And you do not ask them for a
reward for it, for it is only a reminder In the name of Allah,
for all the worlds. the Owner and Giver of Mercy
105. And how many signs in the 1. Alif Lam Ra. These are the verses of
heavens and on earth do they pass by the book, and what has been revealed
and turn away from them? to you from your Lord is the truth but
106. And most of them do not believe most people do not believe.
in Allah without being idolaters. 2. Allah is who raised the heavens
107. Are they then safe that a disaster without visible support, then He rose
from the punishment of Allah reaches to the throne and subjugated the sun
them or the hour reaches them and the moon, each floats for a fixed
suddenly without them realising it? term, He manages all affairs, He
108. Say: this is my way, I call to Allah explains the signs so that you would
based on my understanding - I and be certain about meeting your Lord.
Surah 13: Ar-Ra’d Surah 13: Ar-Ra’d
3. And He is who expanded the earth proclaims it and whether he hides at
and placed on it stabilisers and rivers night or is visible in the day.
and placed pairs of every fruit on it; He 11. He is accompanied ahead of him
makes the night cover the day, indeed and behind him by those who guard
in this are signs for people who reflect. him by the command of Allah, for
4. And on earth there are continuous Allah does not change the condition of
sections and gardens of grapes and a people until they change their own
grain and palms, with and without condition, and if Allah wants harm for
clusters, which are fed from the same people, then it cannot be averted, and
water, and We made some taste better they have no protection besides Him.
than others. In that are signs for people 12. He is who shows you the lightning
who understand. in fear and hope and makes the heavy
5. And if you are astonished, then clouds grow.
astonishing is their saying: when we 13. And the thunder glorifies His
are dust, shall we be in a new creation? praise and the angels out of fear of
Those are the ones who reject their Him, and He strikes down with it
Lord and those are the ones with whom He pleases, yet they argue about
cuffs around their necks and those Allah and He is severe in response.
are the inmates of the fire where they
will remain. 14. He has the right to be called, and
those whom they call besides Him
6. And they ask you to hasten the bad do not answer them any more than
before the good, and examples have someone who stretches out his hands
gone before them, and your Lord is to the water will thereby make it reach
full of forgiveness to people in spite his mouth, and the calling of those
of their wrongdoing, and your Lord is who reject (the truth) is only in error.
severe in punishment.
15. And to Allah prostrates whoever is
7. And those who reject (the truth)
in the heavens and on earth obediently
say: why has not a sign been sent to
and reluctantly as well as their shadow
him from his Lord? But you are only a
in the mornings and afternoons.
warner, and for every people is a guide.
16. Say: who is the Lord of the heavens
8. Allah knows what every female
and the earth? Say: Allah. Say: So do
carries and what the wombs retain less
you take protectors besides Him who
or longer, and everything is measured
have no power to benefit or harm
with Him.
themselves? Say: Are the blind and
9. The One who knows of the the sighted alike or are the darkness
unseen and the apparent, the great and the light alike? Or do they assign
and elevated. to Allah associates who created like
10. It makes no difference whether His creation so that the creation looks
any of you keeps his speech secret or similar to them? Say: Allah is the
Surah 13: Ar-Ra’d Surah 13: Ar-Ra’d
creator of everything and He is the one 23. The gardens of Eden which they
and dominant. and whoever of their parents and
17. He sends water down from the sky partners and children who were
and its force makes it flow through righteous will enter and, the angels
channels, then the torrent carries a will enter upon them from every gate.
foam on top, and of what they melt 24. Peace be with you on account
in the fire to fashion into jewellery of your patience, so blessed is the
or utensils there is a similar foam, final abode.
this is how Allah points out truth 25. And those who break their
and falsehood. So as for the foam, agreement with Allah after it has been
it is carried away as useless, and as entered into and who cut off what
for what benefits people, it remains Allah commanded to be kept together
on the ground; this is how Allah and who cause corruption on earth
coins examples. - those will be cursed and theirs is a
18. For those who respond to their bad abode.
Lord is good, and those who do not 26. Allah expands the provision for
respond to Him, even if they had all whom He pleases and tightens it, and
that is on earth and the like again, they they rejoice in the life of this world,
would give it up. For those is a bad yet the life of this world is only a short
reckoning and their abode is hell, a provision compared to the hereafter.
bad place to be. 27. And those who reject (the truth)
19. Is then the one who knows say: why has not a sign been sent down
that what has been revealed to you to him from his Lord? Say: Allah lets
from your Lord is the truth like the go astray whom He pleases and guides
one who is blind? Only those with to Him who turns (to Him).
understanding remember. 28. Those who believe and their hearts
20. Those who uphold their find reassurance in the remembrance
agreement with Allah and do not of Allah, for in the remembrance of
break their promise. Allah do hearts find reassurance.
21. And those who keep together what 29. Those who believe and do good
Allah commanded to keep together work, for them are delights and a
and fear their Lord and are afraid of a good return.
bad reckoning. 30. This is how We sent you to a
22. And those who are patient seeking community which was preceded by
the presence of Allah and keep up other communities to recite to them
prayer and spend of what We have that which We revealed to you, yet
provided them with, secretly and they reject the Merciful. Say: He is my
openly, and repel a bad deed with a Lord, there is no god but Him, on Him
good one, for those is the final abode. I rely and to Him I repent.
Surah 13: Ar-Ra’d Surah 13: Ar-Ra’d
31. And even if it were a Qur’an by those who dislike some of it. Say: I
which the mountains were moved have been commanded to serve Allah
or the earth was cut up or the dead and not to associate anyone with Him.
would speak - but all affairs belong to I call on Him and repent to Him.
Allah. Do not the believers know that 37. And this is how We revealed to
if Allah willed He could have guided
you wisdom in Arabic, and if you
all of mankind? But those who reject
were to follow their desires after the
(the truth) will continue to be afflicted
knowledge you have received, you
by misfortune on account of what they
would have neither protector nor
have produced or it will get close to
them until Allah’s promise comes, for defence against Allah.
Allah does not break His promise. 38. And We sent messengers before
32. And messengers before you were you and gave them wives and children,
made fun of, so I gave those who reject and no messenger was able to bring a
(the truth) some time, then I overtook sign except by permission of Allah.
them, and how was My punishment! Everything is ordained in time.
33. So who maintains every soul in 39. Allah obliterates or confirms
line with what it has earned? And they what He wills, and with Us is the
assign to Allah associates. Say: name original book.
them! Or will you inform Him of what 40. And whether We show you some of
He does not know on earth, or is it just what We have promised them or take
talk? But their scheming and diversion you away, your duty is the delivery (of
from the way of Allah appeals to those the message) and Ours the reckoning.
who reject (the truth), and when Allah
lets somebody go astray, there is no 41. Do they not consider how We
guide for him. reduce the earth from its ends? And
Allah judges, there is no appeal
34. Theirs is a punishment in this
against His judgement, and He is swift
world, and the punishment of the
in counting.
hereafter is even heavier and they have
no defence against Allah. 42. And those before them already
35. The likeness of the garden (of schemed, and with Allah is all their
paradise) promised to those who scheming, He knows what every
beware (of Allah): rivers flow through soul earns, and those who reject (the
it, its food and shade are permanent. truth) will know for whom the final
This is the outcome for those who outcome is.
beware, and the outcome for those 43. And those who reject (the truth)
who reject (the truth) is the fire. say: you are no messenger. Say: Allah
36. And those whom We have given is sufficient as a witness between me
the book rejoice in what Allah has and you as well as those who have
revealed to you. And of the allies are knowledge of the book.
Surah 14: Ibrahim Surah 14: Ibrahim
7. And when your Lord announced:
Surah 14: Ibrahim if you are grateful, I give you increase,
(Abraham) and if you reject, then My punishment
In the name of Allah, is severe.
the Owner and Giver of Mercy 8. Musa (Moses) said: if you and all
those who are on earth reject (the
1. Alif Lam Ra. A book which We have
truth), then Allah is independent
revealed to you to bring people out of
and praiseworthy.
darkness to the light by permission
of their Lord - onto the path of the 9. Did not the account of those before
reach you, the people of Nuh (Noah),
mighty and praiseworthy;
‘Ad and Thamud and those after
2. Allah, to whom belongs what is in them? Only Allah knows them. Their
the heavens and what is on earth, and messengers came to them with clear
woe to those who reject (the truth) proofs but they bit on their hands and
due to a severe punishment. said: we reject what you have been
3. Those who prefer the life of this sent with and we are in severe doubt
world over the hereafter and divert about what you call us to.
from the way of Allah and desire it to be 10. Their messengers said: are you in
crooked, those are in extensive error. doubt about Allah, the originator of
4. And We always sent each messenger the heavens and the earth who calls
with the language of his people to you to forgive you your sins and give
you respite until a fixed date? They
make things clear to them, then Allah
said: you are only humans like us. You
lets go astray whom He pleases and
want to divert us from what our fathers
guides whom He pleases, and He is the
served, so bring us a clear authority.
mighty and wise.
11. Their messengers said to them:
5. And We previously sent Musa we are only humans like you but
(Moses) with Our signs: take your Allah blesses whom He pleases of
people out from darkness to the light His servants, and we cannot bring
and remind them of the days of Allah, you an authority except with the
for in that are signs for everyone who permission of Allah, and on Allah let
is patient and grateful. the believers rely.
6. And when Musa (Moses) said to 12. And how could we not rely on
his people: remember the blessing Allah when He has already guided
of Allah upon you when He rescued us our ways? And we will endure
you from the family of Pharaoh who what you harm us with, and on Allah
afflicted you with bad punishment and let all those rely who want to rely
slaughtered your sons and spared your on something.
women, which was a tremendous test 13. And those who rejected (the
from your Lord for you. truth) said to their messengers: we
Surah 14: Ibrahim Surah 14: Ibrahim
will drive you out of our land unless a true promise and I promised you but
you return to our religion. Then their betrayed you, and I had no authority
Lord revealed to them: We will destroy over you except to call you and you
the wrongdoers. responded to me, so do not blame me
14. And We will let you live in the land but blame yourselves, I cannot assist
after them. That is for him who fears you and you cannot assist me, I already
My presence and fears My promise. rejected that which you associated me
with, for the wrongdoers there is a
15. And they asked for a decision,
painful punishment.
and every obstinate tyrant was
brought down. 23. And those who believed and did
good work will be entered into gardens
16. After that there is hell and he is
through which rivers flow where they
given repulsive water to drink.
will remain by the permission of their
17. He gulps it down and it is hard Lord. Their greeting in it is peace.
to swallow, and death reaches him
from everywhere but he does not die, 24. Have you not considered how
and after that there is an unrelenting Allah coins the example of a good
punishment. word like a good tree with its roots
firm and its branches into the sky?
18. The likeness of those who reject
their Lord: their works are like ash 25. It produces its fruit every season
stirred up by the wind on a stormy with the permission of its Lord, and
day, they have no control over Allah coins the examples for people so
anything they obtained, that is the that they reflect.
extensive error. 26. And the example of a bad word is
19. Do you not see that Allah created like a bad tree with its roots exposed
the heavens and the earth in truth? If above the earth that has not got
He wills He will remove you and bring established.
a new creation. 27. Allah strengthens the believers
20. And that is not difficult for Allah. with firm speech in this world and
the hereafter, and Allah lets the
21. And they are all presented to Allah,
wrongdoers go astray, and Allah does
then the weak will say to those who
as He pleases.
were arrogant: we followed you, so will
you avert any of Allah’s punishment 28. Have you not considered those
from us? They will say: if Allah had who replaced the blessing of Allah
guided us we would have guided you. with rejection and lead their people to
It is the same for us whether we are the abode of ruin?
anxious or patient, there is no escape 29. Hell, which they will enter, a bad
for us. place to stay.
22. And the devil will say when the 30. And they set up partners for Allah
matter is decided: Allah promised you to lead astray from His way. Say: enjoy
Surah 14: Ibrahim Surah 14: Ibrahim
for a while, for your journey is to them and provide them with fruit so
the fire. that they may be grateful.
31. Tell My servants who believe to 38. Our Lord, You know what we
keep up prayer and spend of what conceal and what we disclose, and
We have provided them with secretly nothing on earth nor in the sky is
and openly before a day reaches concealed from Allah.
them on which there is neither trade 39. Allah is praised who granted me
nor friendship. in old age Isma’il (Ishmael) and Ishaq
32. Allah is who created the heavens (Isaac), for my Lord hears the call.
and the earth and sent down water 40. My Lord, make me keep up prayer
from the sky with which He makes and my children, our Lord, and accept
fruit grow as provision for you, and my call.
He made the ship of service to you to 41. Our Lord, forgive me and my
sail on the sea by His command, and parents and the believers on the day
He made the rivers of service to you. the reckoning takes place.
33. And He made the sun and the 42. And don’t count on Allah being
moon of service to you, both in unaware of what the wrongdoers do,
constant motion, and has made the We only give them time until a day
night and the day of service to you. when the eyes will be fixed in a stare.
34. And He gave you of whatever you 43. Stretching their necks and raising
asked Him for, and if you were to their heads, but they see nothing, and
count the blessings of Allah you could their hearts are feeble.
not enumerate them - man is unjust
44. And warn people of a day when
and ungrateful.
the punishment will reach them and
35. And when Ibrahim (Abraham) those who did wrong will say: our
said: my Lord, make this land safe Lord, give us a little bit more time, we
and prevent me and my children from will respond to Your call and follow
serving idols. the messengers. Did you not swear
36. My Lord, they have lead many previously that there would be no end
people astray. So if someone follows for you?
me he belongs to me, and if he 45. And you lived in the homes of
disobeys me, then You are forgiving those who wronged themselves and
and merciful. it was clear to you how We dealt with
37. Our Lord, I have settled some them and We coined examples for you.
of my children in a valley without 46. They previously came up with
vegetation near Your sacred house, their scheme and their scheme is with
our Lord, so that they keep up prayer. Allah, even if their scheme would
So make the hearts of people incline to make the mountains disappear.
Surah 15: Al-Hijr Surah 15: Al-Hijr
47. So do not count on Allah breaking 7. Why don’t you bring us the angels if
His promise to His messengers, for you are truthful?
Allah is mighty and vengeful. 8. We only send the angels with the
48. On the day the earth will be truth, and then they will not be spared.
replaced with another earth, and the 9. For We have revealed the reminder
heavens, and they are presented to and We guard it.
Allah the one and dominant.
10. And before you We sent to the
49. And you see the sinful on that day
earliest communities.
tied in cuffs.
11. And whenever a messenger came
50. Their clothes are made of tar and
to them, they made fun of him.
the fire covers their faces.
12. This is how We let it pass through
51. So that Allah rewards every soul in
the hearts of the sinful.
line with what it has earned, for Allah
is swift in counting. 13. They do not believe in it, and the
example of the earliest communities
52. This is a declaration for mankind to
be warned with and so that they know has already gone before.
that He is one single god, and so that 14. And even if We opened a door of
those with understanding remember. heaven for them so they could climb
up through it,
Surah 15: Al-Hijr 15. They would say: our eyesight
(The Stone Dwellings) has been fooled, no we have been
In the name of Allah, bewitched as people.
the Owner and Giver of Mercy 16. And We place constellations in the
1. Alif Lam Ra. These are the signs of sky and made it appealing to look at.
the book and a clear reading (Qur’an). 17. And We guarded them against
2. It may happen that those who reject every cursed devil.
(the truth) wish they were Muslims 18. But if one tries to listen
(who submit). secretly, then a visible shooting star
3. Leave them to eat and enjoy pursues him.
and entertain hope, for soon they 19. And We expanded the earth and
will know. placed on it stabilisers and made grow
4. Whenever We destroyed a town, on it of everything in proportion.
there was a known decree for it. 20. And We placed on it a livelihood
5. No community precedes its fixed for you and those for whom you
term nor do they delay it. don’t provide.
6. And they say: oh you whom the 21. And whatever there is, its reserves
reminder has been revealed to, you are with Us, and We only send it down
are possessed. with a known measure.
Surah 15: Al-Hijr Surah 15: Al-Hijr
22. And We sent the pollinating wind, 38. Till the day of the time known.
then sent down from the sky water to 39. He said: my Lord, because You
give you to drink from it and it is not allowed me to stray I shall make it
you who keep its reserves. appealing for them on earth and lead
23. And indeed We give life and give them all astray.
death and We are the inheritors. 40. Except Your sincere servants
24. We already know those of you who amongst them.
go ahead and those who stay behind.
41. He said: this is a straight path
25. And your Lord is who will gather for Me.
them, for He is wise and knows.
42. You have no authority over My
26. And We created man from a servants except those who follow you
cement of altered mud. of the misguided.
27. And the Jinn We created before 43. And hell is the abode for all
from dry hot fire. of them.
28. And when your Lord said to the 44. It has seven gates, for each gate a
angels: I am creating a human from a
portion of them will be assigned.
cement of altered mud.
45. Those who beware (of Allah) will
29. Then when I have fashioned him
be in gardens and springs.
and breathed into him of My spirit, fall
prostate before him. 46. Enter safely with peace.
30. Then all the angels prostrated. 47. And We remove what is within
them of ill feeling, they accept each
31. Except Iblis (the devil), he refused
to be with those who prostrated. other happily as brothers.

32. He said: oh Iblis, what is the matter 48. No hardship afflicts them there and
with you that you were not with those they will not be expelled from there.
who prostrated. 49. Inform My servants that I am the
33. He said: I am not going to prostrate forgiving and merciful.
to a human whom You created from a 50. And that My punishment is a
cement of altered mud. painful punishment.
34. He said: then get out of here, for 51. And inform them of the guests of
you are cursed. Ibrahim (Abraham).
35. And the curse will be upon you 52. When they entered upon him and
until the day of repayment. said: peace. He said: we are afraid
36. He said: my Lord, then give of you.
me time till the day when they 53. They said: don’t be afraid,
are resurrected. for we give you good news of a
37. He said: then you are given time. knowledgeable boy.
Surah 15: Al-Hijr Surah 15: Al-Hijr
54. He said: do you give me good news 70. They said: did we not forbid you
after old age has afflicted me? On what contact with everybody else?
account do you give me good news? 71. He said: these are my daughters if
55. They said: we give you good news you have to do it.
based on the truth, so do not be of 72. By your life, they were blind in
those who despair. their intoxication.
56. He said: and who would despair 73. Then the roar overtook them
of the mercy of his Lord except those at sunrise.
in error?
74. Then We turned them upside
57. He said: So what have you come down and rained upon them
for, oh messengers? hardened stones.
58. They said: we were sent to the 75. In this are indeed signs for those
sinful people. who observe.
59. Except the family of Lut (Lot), we 76. And they are on an
will rescue all of them. established route.
60. Except his wife, we have decided 77. In this is indeed a sign for
that she is of those who stay behind. the believers.
61. Then when the messengers came 78. And the inhabitants of the
to the family of Lut (Lot), woodlands were wrongdoers.
62. He said: you are unfamiliar people. 79. So we took revenge on them and
63. They said: but we have come to they are clearly visible ahead.
you with what they were in doubt of. 80. And the inhabitants of the stone
64. And we have reached you with the dwellings denied the messengers.
truth and we tell the truth. 81. And they brought them Our signs,
65. So travel with your family part of but they turned away from them.
the night and follow behind them and 82. And they carved out safe homes
let not any of them look back and go from the mountains.
to where you have been commanded. 83. Then the roar overtook them in
66. And We decided for him in this the morning.
matter that the remainder of these will 84. And what they had gathered did
be cut off in the morning. not benefit them.
67. And the people of the town 85. And We did not create the heavens
came rejoicing. and the earth and what is between
68. He said: these are my guests, so do them except with truth, and the hour
not dishonour me. will come, so leave them nicely alone.
69. And beware of Allah and do not 86. For your Lord is the
disgrace me. knowledgeable creator.
Surah 16: An-Nahl Surah 16: An-Nahl
87. And We gave you seven of the 2. He sends the angels with the
repeated (verses) and the great Qur’an. revelation by His command to anyone
88. Do not extend your eyes to the He pleases of His servants: issue a
enjoyment We have given some warning that there is no god but I, so
couples of them and do not worry beware of Me.
about them and give comfort to 3. He created the heavens and the
the believers. earth in truth, exalted is He above
89. And say: I am the clear warner. what they assign as partners.
4. He created man from a sperm, then
90. Like We sent to those who like to
he argues openly.
cause division.
5. And the cattle He created which
91. Those who are selective about the
provide warmth and benefits for you
and you eat of them.
92. By your Lord, We will ask them all.
6. And there is beauty in them for
93. About what they used to do. you when you bring them in and take
94. So declare what you have been them out to graze.
commanded with and turn away from 7. And they carry your burden to
the idolaters. a land you could not have reached
95. We suffice you against those who without personal exertion, for your
mock you. Lord is lenient and merciful.
96. Those who claim there is another 8. And the horses, the mules and the
god with Allah, they will soon know. donkeys for you to ride and as an
adornment, and He creates what you
97. And We know that what they say
do not know.
makes you uptight.
9. And Allah directs the way, and some
98. So glorify the praise of your Lord
deviate from it, and had He willed, He
and be of those who prostrate.
would have guided all of you.
99. And serve your Lord until the
10. He is who sent water from the
inevitable reaches you.
sky which produces drinking water
and trees amongst which you let
Surah 16: An-Nahl
them graze.
(The Bee)
11. With it He makes grain grow for
In the name of Allah, you and olives, palms and grapes and
the Owner and Giver of Mercy every kind of fruit; in that is a sign for
1. Allah’s command has come, so do people who reflect.
not be in a hurry for it, glorified and 12. He made the night and day of
exalted is He above what they assign service to you, and the sun, moon
as partners. and stars are put into service by His
Surah 16: An-Nahl Surah 16: An-Nahl
command; in that are signs for people 24. And when they were asked what
who understand. did your Lord reveal, they said: stories
13. And what He has spread for you of old.
on earth in different colours; in that is 25. So that they carry their burden in
a sign for people who remember. full on the day of resurrection and of
14. And He is who made the sea of the burden of those whom they lead
astray without knowledge; bad is what
service so that you eat fresh meat
they carry.
from it and extract from it jewellery
which you wear. And you see the 26. Those before them schemed,
ship cut through it, so that you seek then Allah shook their building from
of His bounty and so that you would its foundations and the roof fell on
be grateful. them from above and the punishment
reached them from where they did
15. And He placed stabilisers on earth
not realise.
so it does not shake you up, and rivers
and pathways for you to be guided. 27. Then on the day of resurrection
He will humiliate them and say: where
16. And as signposts, and by the stars are My associates on whose behalf
they are guided. you were in opposition? Those with
17. Is then He who creates like he who knowledge will say: today disgrace and
does not create? Do you not reflect? troubles is upon those who rejected
18. And if you were to count the (the truth).
blessings of Allah you could not 28. Those whom the angels take away
enumerate them, for Allah is forgiving whilst they wronged themselves, and
and merciful. they offer peace, saying: we didn’t do
19. And Allah knows what you anything wrong, but no, Allah knows
what you did.
conceal and what you disclose.
29. So enter the gates of hell to
20. And those they call besides
remain there, and bad is the home of
Allah do not create anything and are
the arrogant.
themselves created.
30. And it will be said to those who
21. They are dead, not alive, and they
bewared (of Allah), what did your
have no idea when they will be raised.
Lord reveal, they will say: that which
22. Your god is one single god, and is good. There is good for those
those who do not believe in the who did good in this world, and the
hereafter, their hearts are averse and abode of the hereafter is (even) better,
they are arrogant. and blessed is the home of those
23. Without fail Allah knows what who beware.
they conceal and what they disclose, 31. The gardens of Eden which they
and He does not love the arrogant. will enter; rivers flow through it and
Surah 16: An-Nahl Surah 16: An-Nahl
they have there whatever they wish. promise upon Him, but most people
This is how Allah rewards those who don’t know.
beware (of Him). 39. So that He explains to them what
32. Those whom the angels take away they differed in and so that those who
whilst they are good, saying: peace be rejected (the truth) will know that
with you, enter the garden on account they were liars.
of what you used to do. 40. For whenever We want something,
33. Do they wait that the angels We say to it: Be, then it is.
will come to them or the command 41. And those who migrate for Allah
of your Lord will come? This is after having been wronged, We will
what those before them did, and arrange for them good in this world
Allah did not wrong them but they and the reward of the hereafter will be
wronged themselves. greater, if they only knew.
34. Then their bad deeds caught up 42. Those who were patient and relied
with them and what they used to make on their Lord.
fun of overcame them.
43. And before you We only sent men
35. And the idolaters say: if Allah to whom We gave revelation, so ask
willed we would not have served those who keep the reminder if you
anything besides Him, neither us nor don’t know.
our fathers, and we would not have
sanctified anything besides Him. This 44. With clear proofs and the
is what those before them did, so are scriptures, and We revealed to you the
the messengers tasked with anything reminder to explain to mankind what
but to convey clearly? has been revealed to them so that
they reflect.
36. And We sent amongst every
community a messenger saying: 45. Are then those who scheme evil
serve Allah and shun the idols. Then safe that Allah should not make the
amongst them are those whom Allah earth swallow them up or bring them
guides and among them are those for the punishment from where they do
whom error comes true, so travel on not realise?
the earth, then see what the outcome 46. Or overtake them whilst they
was like for the deniers. move about, then they will not escape?
37. You may desire their guidance, but 47. Or take things away from them?
Allah does not guide those who lead For your Lord is lenient and merciful.
astray, and they have no helpers. 48. Do they not see that whatever
38. And they swear their utmost Allah created, its shadow turns
oaths by Allah that Allah will not submissively to the right and left in
raise the dead, but no, it is a binding prostration to Allah?
Surah 16: An-Nahl Surah 16: An-Nahl
49. And to Allah prostrates whatever Allah has the highest attributes, and
creature is in the heavens and on He is mighty and wise.
earth and the angels, and they are 61. And if Allah held people to account
not arrogant. for their wrongdoing, He would not
50. They fear their Lord above them leave a single creature (on earth), but
and do as they are commanded. He gives them time until a fixed date,
51. And Allah stated: do not take two then when their date comes, they will
gods, for He is one single god, so fear not delay it for an hour nor speed it up.
only Me. 62. And they assign to Allah what they
52. And to Him belongs whatever is dislike, and their tongues invent lies
in the heavens and on earth, and His that they will have the best, without
is the lasting religion, so would you fail they will have the fire and they will
beware of other than Allah? be abandoned.
53. And whatever blessing you have, 63. By Allah, We sent to communities
it is from Allah, then, when hardship before you, then the devil made
afflicts you, you pray to Him. their deeds appeal to them, so he is
54. Then, when He removes the their protector today, and theirs is a
hardship from you, a group of you painful punishment.
assign partners to their Lord. 64. And We only revealed the book to
55. So that they reject that which We you to explain to them that in which
gave them, then enjoy it for a while, they differed and as a guidance and
you will soon know. mercy for people who believe.
56. And they assign a share of what 65. And Allah sent down from the sky
We have provided them with to that water then revived with it the earth
which they do not know. By Allah, you after its death, in that is a sign for
will be asked about what you invented. people who listen.
57. And they assign daughters to 66. And there is a lesson for you in
Allah, glorified is He, and for them is the cattle, We give you pure milk to
what they desire? drink from their bellies, originating in
58. And when any of them is given between the waste matter and blood,
news of a female, his face darkens and pleasant to drink.
he is upset. 67. And of the fruit of the palm tree
59. He hides from the people on and grape vine you obtain intoxicants
account of the news he received: and good provision, in that is a sign
should he keep it in shame or bury it for people who understand.
in the ground? Bad is how they judge. 68. And your Lord inspired the bee
60. For those who do not believe in to adopt houses in the mountains and
the hereafter have evil attributes and the trees and in what they construct.
Surah 16: An-Nahl Surah 16: An-Nahl
69. Then eat of every fruit and travel 76. And Allah coins the likeness of
on the paths made available by your two men, one of them dumb, unable to
Lord. From its belly emerges a syrup do anything and useless to his master,
of different colours in which there is wherever he directs him, he does not
healing for people. In that is a sign for do any good - is he the same as the one
people who reflect. who commands justice and is on the
70. And Allah created you, then He straight path?
takes you away, and amongst you is he 77. And to Allah belongs the unseen
who is returned to most feeble old age, of the heavens and the earth, and the
so that he knows nothing after having Hour will happen in the blink of an
had knowledge, for Allah knows and eye or is even closer, for Allah is able
is able. to do anything.
71. And Allah preferred some of you 78. And Allah brought you out of the
over others in provision, and those wombs of your mothers when you
who were preferred do not reject knew nothing and gave you hearing
their provision in favour of those in and eyesight and hearts, so that you
their possession so that they would would be grateful.
be equal in it. Do they then dispute 79. Do they not consider the birds
Allah’s blessings? held suspended in the air of the sky.
72. And Allah gave you partners Only Allah holds them up, for in that
from amongst yourselves and gave are signs for people who believe.
you from your partners children and 80. And Allah gave you dwellings
grandchildren and provided well for in your houses and gave you houses
you. Do they then believe in falsehood from the skins of cattle which are
and reject the blessings of Allah? lightweight on the days you depart
73. And they serve besides Allah that and camp, and of their wool and fur
which does not have control of any and hair you obtain furnishings and
provision for them from the heavens provision for a while.
or the earth nor could they. 81. And Allah gave you shade from
74. So do not coin likenesses for Allah, what He created and gave you
for Allah knows and you don’t know. shelter in the mountains and gave
75. Allah coins the likeness of a wholly you clothing to protect you against
owned slave unable to do anything the heat and clothing to protect you
and him whom We have provided against harm. Like this He completed
with good provision of which he His favours for you, so that you would
spends secretly and openly - are they submit (as Muslims).
the same? Allah is praised, but most of 82. But if they turn away, then your
them don’t know. duty is only to convey clearly.
Surah 16: An-Nahl Surah 16: An-Nahl
83. They know the favours of Allah, them when you have made Allah a
then they negate them and most of guarantor over you, for Allah knows
them are rejecters (of the truth). what you do.
84. And on the day We raise a witness 92. And do not be like the woman who
of every community, no excuses will be completely undoes her knitting after it
accepted from those who rejected (the has been put together, using your oaths
truth) nor will they be allowed redress. as a means of gaining an advantage
85. And when those who did wrong between you when one community is
see the punishment it will not be stronger than the other, for Allah tests
lightened for them and they will not you with it in order to explain to you
be spared. on the day of resurrection what you
86. And when the idolaters see their used to differ in.
idols, they will say: our Lord, these are 93. And had Allah willed, He would
our idols on whom we called besides have made you a single community,
You, but they respond to them: you but He lets go astray whom He pleases
are liars. and guides whom He pleases, and you
87. And that day they will offer will be asked about what you did.
submission to Allah and what they 94. And do not use your oaths to gain
used to invent deserted them. an advantage between you, derailing
88. Those who reject (the truth) and things after they were established, so
divert from the way of Allah, We you will experience hardship because
increase the punishment manifold for you diverted from the way of Allah
them because of their corruption. and you will have a severe punishment.
89. And on the day We raise in every 95. And do not sell your promise to
community a witness against them Allah for a small price, for what is with
from amongst themselves and bring Allah is better for you if you knew.
you as a witness against these - and
We revealed to you the book as an 96. What is with you vanishes and
explanation of everything and a what is with Allah remains, and We
guidance and a mercy and good news will give those who have patience their
for those who submit (as Muslims). reward in line with the best of what
they did.
90. Allah commands justice and
goodness and to give to relatives and 97. Whoever does good work, male or
forbids indecency, wrongdoing and female, and is a believer, We let them
transgression; He admonishes you so live a good life and give them their
that you take heed. reward in line with the best of what
91. And observe your promise to they did.
Allah when you have promised and do 98. And when you read the Qur’an seek
not violate your oaths after confirming refuge in Allah from the cursed devil.
Surah 16: An-Nahl Surah 16: An-Nahl
99. For he has no authority over those 109. Without fail they will be the
who believe and rely on their Lord. losers in the hereafter.
100. He only has authority over those 110. Then your Lord is forgiving and
who befriend him and who take him merciful to those who migrated after
as an associate. having been persecuted, then they
101. And when We replace one verse fought and were steadfast.
with another, and Allah knows best 111. On the day when every soul will
what He reveals, they say: you invented come arguing on its own behalf and
it. But most of them don’t know. every soul will be given in full what
102. Say: the holy spirit revealed it it has worked for and they will not
from your Lord in truth to strengthen be wronged.
those who believe and as a guidance 112. And Allah coins the likeness of
and good news for those who submit a town which was safe and content,
(as Muslims). with its provision reaching it freely
103. We know that they say: a man from everywhere, but they rejected
taught him. The language of the one the blessings of Allah, so Allah made
they refer to is foreign and this is a them taste the garment of hunger and
clear Arabic language. fear on account of what they used
104. Those who do not believe to fabricate.
in the signs of Allah, Allah does 113. And a messenger from amongst
not guide them and theirs is a them had previously come to
painful punishment. them, but they denied him, so the
105. The ones who invent lies are punishment overtook them whilst
those who do not believe in the signs they were wrongdoers.
of Allah, and they are the liars. 114. So eat of what Allah has provided
106. Whoever rejects Allah after you with as lawful and good and be
having believed, except for one who grateful for the blessings of Allah if
has been compelled whilst his heart you serve Him.
is content with belief, but whoever 115. He has only forbidden you
openly shows rejection, upon them carrion, blood and pork and whatever
is anger from Allah and theirs is a has been consecrated to other than
severe punishment. Allah. But whoever is forced without
107. This is because they prefer the (wilful) transgression or habit, then
life of this world to the hereafter and Allah is forgiving and merciful.
that Allah does not guide people who 116. And do not state from your own
reject (the truth). fabrications that this is lawful and this
108. Those are the ones whose hearts, is forbidden in order to invent a lie
hearing and eyesight Allah has sealed, against Allah, for those who invent a
and those are the careless. lie against Allah will not succeed.
Surah 16: An-Nahl Surah 17: Al-Isra’
117. They will have a short provision not worry about them and do not be
and a painful punishment. uptight about what they are scheming.
118. And to the Jews We made 128. For Allah is with those who
unlawful what We previously told you beware (of Him) and those who
about, and We did not wrong them, do good.
but they wronged themselves.
119. Then your Lord is forgiving and Surah 17: Al-Isra’
merciful to those who do bad out of (The Night Journey)
ignorance, then repent and do good. In the name of Allah,
120. Ibrahim (Abraham) was a the Owner and Giver of Mercy
humble leader, sincerely devoted to 1. Glorified is He who took His
Allah, and was not of the idolaters. servant on a journey by night from
121. He was grateful for His blessings, the sacred mosque (the Ka’bah) to
and He chose him and guided him on the furthest mosque (al-Aqsa), whose
a straight path. surroundings We blessed, to show him
122. And We gave him good in this of Our signs, for He listens and sees.
world, and in the hereafter he is 2. And We gave Musa (Moses) the
amongst the righteous. book and made it a guidance for the
123. Then we revealed to you to follow Children of Israel, (saying): do not
the religion of Ibrahim (Abraham), take any protector besides Me.
sincerely devoted, for he was not one 3. They were descendants of those We
of the idolaters. carried with Nuh (Noah), for he was a
124. The Sabbath was imposed on grateful servant.
those who differed about it, and your 4. And We decreed for the Children
Lord will judge between them on the of Israel in the book: you will cause
day of resurrection with regard to corruption on earth twice and will
what they used to differ in. display great arrogance.
125. Call to the way of your Lord with 5. Then when the first of the promises
wisdom and beautiful admonition and came We raised against you servants
argue with them through that which is of Ours with terrifying strength and
better, for your Lord knows best who they devastated your homes and it was
strays from His way and He knows an accomplished promise.
best those who are guided. 6. Then We returned to you the
126. And if you punish, then punish advantage over them and helped
with the like of what you were afflicted you with wealth and children and
with, and if you have patience, then it increased you in numbers.
is better for those who have patience. 7. If you do good, you do good for
127. And be patient, and your your own souls, and if you do bad,
patience is only through Allah, and do then against them; then when the
Surah 17: Al-Isra’ Surah 17: Al-Isra’
second of the promises came for them 16. And if We want to destroy a
to strike your faces and to enter the town, We give authority to its affluent
temple as they had done the first time people, then they act immorally in
and to completely destroy what they it, so it deserves the decree, and We
conquered: annihilate it completely.
8. Maybe your Lord will have mercy 17. And how many a generation after
on you, but if you do it again, We will Nuh (Noah) did We destroy, and your
do it again, and we have made hell a Lord is sufficient to know and see the
prison for those who reject (the truth). sins of His servants.
9. This Qur’an guides to that which is 18. Whoever wants the immediate
more upright and gives good news to life, We hasten for whoever We please
the believers who do good that they whatever We please in it, then We
will have a great reward. arrange hell for him in which he burns
10. And that We have prepared for condemned and rejected.
those who do not believe in the 19. And whoever wants the
hereafter a painful punishment. hereafter and makes an effort for
11. And man calls for bad as much as it and is a believer, their effort will
he calls for good, and man is always be acknowledged.
in haste.
20. To all of them We extend the gifts
12. And We made the night and the of your Lord, and the gifts of your
day as two markers and We erased Lord are not held back.
the marker of the night and made
21. See how We prefer some over
the marker of the day visible for you
to seek the favours from your Lord others, and the hereafter will have
and so that you know the number of even greater grading and preferment.
years and counting, and We arranged 22. Do not place another god with
everything in detail. Allah or you will be left condemned
13. And We attached every man’s and abandoned.
destiny to his neck and produce a book 23. And your Lord decreed that you
for him on the day of resurrection should serve none but Him and show
which he finds laid open. kindness to parents. If one or both of
14. Read your book, it will suffice as them reach old age with you, then do
your own account against you today. not say words of irritation to them
15. Whoever wants to be guided is nor scold them but speak to them
guided for his own good and who with respect.
goes astray, goes astray only against 24. And give them comfort in humility
himself, and no-one burdened will out of mercy and say: my Lord, have
carry another’s burden, and We never mercy on them as they looked after me
punish until We send a messenger. when I was little.
Surah 17: Al-Isra’ Surah 17: Al-Isra’
25. Your Lord knows best what is 35. And always give full measure and
within you. If you are righteous, then weigh with a level balance, that is
He is forgiving to those who repent. better and better in outcome.
26. And give relatives their due and 36. And do not support anything of
the poor and the traveller and do not which you have no knowledge, for the
be wasteful. hearing and eyesight and hearts all
will be asked about.
27. For the wasteful are the brothers of
37. And do not walk triumphant on
the devils, and the devil was ungrateful
earth, for you cannot cut through
to his Lord.
the earth nor reach the mountains
28. And if you turn away from them in height.
seeking mercy from your Lord which 38. The evil of all that is disliked by
you look forward to, then say words of your Lord.
ease to them.
39. This is of the wisdom your Lord
29. And do not keep your hands tied revealed to you, and do not place
to your neck nor stretch them out another god with Allah, so that you
completely, so that you would be left will be thrown regretful and rejected
regretful and destitute. into hell.
30. For your Lord expands the 40. Does your Lord then select
provision for whom He pleases and sons for you and take females from
tightens it, for He knows and sees amongst the angels? You make some
His servants. great claim!
31. And do not kill your children due 41. We have repeatedly explained
to fear of poverty, We provide for them things in this Qur’an so that they
would reflect, but it only increases
and for you. Killing them is a great sin.
their disagreement.
32. And do not go near fornication,
42. Say: if there were other gods with
for it is indecency and a bad way.
Him as you say, then they would try to
33. And do not kill a soul, which Allah contest the owner of the throne.
has forbidden, except with right. And 43. Glorified and exalted is He greatly
if somebody was killed wrongfully, We above what they say.
have given authority to his successor,
44. The seven heavens and the earth
but let him not be excessive in killing, and whoever is within them glorify
for he will be helped. Him, and there is nothing which does
34. And do not approach the wealth not glorify His praise, but you do not
of the orphan, except to improve it, understand their glorification, for He
until he reaches full strength, and is gentle and forgiving.
keep promises, for promises will be 45. And when you read the Qur’an
asked about. We place between you and those
Surah 17: Al-Isra’ Surah 17: Al-Isra’
who do not believe in the hereafter a 55. And your Lord knows best who
protective barrier. is in the heavens and on earth, and
46. And We place a cover over their We have favoured some prophets
hearts, so they do not understand over others and gave Dawud (David)
it, and a weight upon their ears, the Psalms.
and if you mention your Lord 56. Say: call on those whom you claim
alone in the Qur’an, they turn away besides Him, then they will have no
in disagreement. power to remove harm from you nor
47. We know best what they listen to change it.
when they listen to you and when they 57. Those on whom they call compete
talk secretly, when the wrongdoers (themselves) as to who gets closest
say: you only follow a deranged man. to Allah and look forward to His
mercy and fear His punishment, for
48. See how they coin likenesses for
the punishment of your Lord is to be
you and go astray and can’t find a way.
guarded against.
49. And they say: when we are bones
58. And there is no town which We
and dust, are we going to be raised as a
will not destroy before the day of
new creation?
resurrection or punish severely, that is
50. Say: even if you were stones recorded in the book.
or iron,
59. And nothing prevented us from
51. Or some creation which seems sending signs except that the earliest
greater to you. Then they will say: who communities denied them, and We
will bring us back? Say: the One who gave Thamud the she-camel as a
originated you the first time. Then visible sign but they wronged her, and
they will shake their heads at you and We only send signs as a warning.
say: when will it be? Say: maybe it will
60. And when We told you: your Lord
be soon.
has surrounded the people, and We
52. On the day He will call you and you only made the dream We showed you
will respond with His praise and think a test for the people, and the cursed
that you only stayed a little while. tree in the Qur’an, and We frighten
53. And tell My servants to speak them but it only increases them in
nicely as the devil causes provocation major transgression.
between them, for the devil is a clear 61. And when We said to the angels:
enemy to man. Prostrate before Adam, they prostrated
54. Your Lord knows best about you. except for Iblis (the devil); he said: am
If He pleases, He has mercy on you or, I going to prostrate before someone
if He pleases, He punishes you, and You created from clay?
We did not send you as a guardian 62. He said: Look at the one You have
over them. favoured above me, if You give me
Surah 17: Al-Isra’ Surah 17: Al-Isra’
delay until the day of resurrection I 71. On the day We call every people
will mislead his descendants except with their leader, then who is given his
for a few. book in his right hand, those will read
63. He said: Go, then whoever follows their book and will not be wronged
you among them, hell is your reward, the least.
an ample reward! 72. And whoever was blind in this
64. And incite whoever you can world, he will be blind in the hereafter
among them with your voice and and most astray from the way.
impress them with your horses and 73. And they were about to tempt you
men and share in their wealth and away from what We revealed to you so
children and promise them, and the that you would invent something else
devil only promises them an illusion. against us, and then they would have
65. As for My servants, you have no taken you as a friend.
authority over them, and your Lord is 74. And had We not made you firm
sufficient as protector. you would have inclined to them
66. Your Lord is the One who makes a little.
the ship move on the sea for you
75. Then We would have made you
so you seek of His favours, for He is
taste double (the punishment) in life
merciful to you.
and double in death, then you would
67. And when harm afflicts you on not have found for yourself a helper
sea, all whom you call upon besides against Us.
Him disappear, then when He rescues
76. And they were about to drive you
you on to land, you renounce, and
man is ungrateful. out from the land in order to expel you
from it, and then they would not have
68. Are you then safe from Him stayed behind after you except a little.
subjecting you to a landslide or
sending a storm against you? Then you 77. This was the custom for whoever
will not find a protector for yourselves. We sent as messenger before you,
and you will not find an alteration in
69. Or are you safe that He returns you
Our custom.
to it another time and sends against
you a raging wind, then drowns you 78. Keep up prayer from the lowering
because you rejected (the truth), then of the sun to the darkness of night and
you will not find anyone to assist you recite the Qur’an at daybreak, for the
against Us. recitation of the Qur’an at daybreak
70. And We have honoured the is witnessed.
children of Adam and carried them 79. And spend some of the night
on land and sea and provided well for in prayer as an additional effort for
them and favoured them greatly above you, your Lord might raise you to a
many of those We created. recognised position.
Surah 17: Al-Isra’ Surah 17: Al-Isra’
80. And say: my Lord, provide me 91. Or you have a garden of palm
an honourable entrance and an trees and grapes and the rivers run
honourable exit, and give me authority through it.
and assistance from You. 92. Or you make the sky fall on us like
81. And say: the truth has come and you claimed or you bring Allah and
falsehood has vanished, for falsehood the angels in front of us.
always vanishes. 93. Or you have a house of gold or
82. And We have revealed of the ascend in the sky, and we will not
Qur’an that which is a healing and believe in your ascent until you bring
mercy for the believers, and it only down to us a book we can read. Say:
increases the wrongdoers in loss. Glorified is my Lord, am I anything
83. And when We give blessings but a man and messenger?
to man, he rebels and keeps aside, 94. And nothing prevents people from
and when harm afflicts him, he believing when the guidance comes to
is despondent. them except that they say: did Allah
84. Say: let everyone do as he sees fit, raise a man as a messenger?
for your Lord knows best who is most 95. Say: if angels walked safely on
guided on the way. earth, We would have sent upon them
85. And they ask you about the Spirit. from the sky an angel as a messenger.
Say: the Spirit is from the command of 96. Say: Allah is sufficient as a witness
my Lord and you were only given very between me and you, for He knows
little knowledge. and sees His servants.
86. And if We pleased, We would take 97. And whomever Allah guides, he is
away that which We revealed to you, guided, and whom He lets go astray,
then you would not find for yourself a you will not find protectors besides
protector against Us. Him for them, and We gather them on
87. Except by the mercy of your Lord, the day of resurrection on their faces,
for His favours upon you are great. blind, dumb and deaf. Their abode is
88. And if men and jinn combined hell; whenever it dies out We increase
to bring similar to this Qur’an, they the flame for them.
would not bring anything similar to it, 98. This is the punishment for having
even if they supported each other. rejected Our signs. And they say:
89. And We have explained to people when we are bones and dust, are we
in this Qur’an all kind of examples, going to be raised as a new creation?
but most people refuse anything 99. Have they not considered that
but rejection. Allah, who created the heavens and
90. And they say: we will not believe the earth, is capable of creating the
until you make a spring gush out of like of them? And He has appointed
the earth for us. for them a fixed term in which there
Surah 17: Al-Isra’ Surah 18: Al-Kahf
is no doubt, but the wrongdoers refuse 109. And they fall prostrate on their
anything but rejection. faces crying, and it increases them
100. Say: if you were to own the in humility.
treasures of your Lord’s mercy you 110. Say: call on Allah or call on the
would withhold out of fear of poverty, Merciful, whatever you call on, His are
and man is always stingy. the most beautiful names. And do not
101. We gave Musa (Moses) seven be loud in your prayer nor hide it, and
clear signs, so ask the Children of seek a way between that.
Israel, when he came to them and 111. And say: Allah is praised who did
Pharaoh said to him: Oh Musa not adopt a son nor does He have a
(Moses), I think you are deranged. partner in the kingdom nor does He
have an ally from beneath Him, and
102. He said: you already know
proclaim His greatness.
that these were sent by the Lord of
the heavens and the earth as clear
Surah 18: Al-Kahf
evidence, and oh Pharaoh, I think you
(The Cave)
are doomed.
103. And he wanted to drive them out In the name of Allah,
of the land, so We drowned him and the Owner and Giver of Mercy
all those with him. 1. Allah is praised who revealed to His
104. And after that We said to the servant the book and did not place any
Children of Israel: live on the land, deviation in it.
then when the final promise comes, 2. Upright as a warning of severe
We bring you herded together. harm from Him and good news to the
105. And We revealed it in truth and believers who do good work that they
in truth it came down, and We only will have a beautiful reward.
sent you as a bringer of good news 3. In which they will remain forever.
and warner. 4. And as a warning to those who say
106. And it is a Qur’an which We Allah has adopted a son.
have divided so that you recite it to 5. They have no knowledge of it nor
people gradually, and We have sent it have their fathers, grave is the word
down successively. that comes out of their mouths, they
107. Say: believe in it or do not believe only speak a lie.
in it, those who were given knowledge 6. So you almost kill yourself with
before fall prostrate on their faces worry pursuing them as they do not
when it is recited to them. believe in this word.
108. And they say: glorified is our 7. For We have placed everything on
Lord, the promise of our Lord will earth as an adornment for it to test
come to pass. them who of them is best in deeds.
Surah 18: Al-Kahf Surah 18: Al-Kahf
8. And We will turn what is on it into He lets go astray, you will not find a
barren soil. guardian for him to lead him right.
9. Or do you consider the companions 18. And you consider them awake
of the cave and the inscription whilst they are asleep, and We turn
amongst Our amazing signs? them to the right and the left, and
10. When the youths sought refuge their dog stretches out its paws at the
in the cave and said: our Lord, give entrance. If you were to stumble across
us mercy from You and grant us them, you would have run away and
righteousness in our affair. been filled with fear of them.
11. So We sealed their ears in the cave 19. And likewise We raised them so
for a number of years. that they would ask each other. One
of them said: how long did you stay?
12. Then We raised them in order to
They said: we stayed a day or part of a
know which of the two groups would
day. They said: your Lord knows best
best count the duration they stayed.
how long you stayed, so send one of
13. We tell you their account in truth. you with these coins of yours to the
They were youths who believed in town and let him see which food is
their Lord and We increased them purest and bring you provision from
in guidance. it, and let him be discrete, so nobody
14. And We fortified their hearts when notices you.
they rose and said: our Lord is the 20. For if they discover you, they
Lord of the heavens and the earth, we will stone you or return you to their
shall not call on any god besides Him religion and you will never succeed.
or we would say something excessive.
21. And like this We had them found
15. These our people have adopted out so that they would know that
gods besides Him. Why do they not Allah’s promise is true and that there
bring a clear authority for them? is no doubt about the hour when they
So who is more wrong than he who argued amongst each other about
invents a lie against Allah? their affair and said: construct a
16. And when you part from them building over them. Your Lord knows
and what they serve besides Allah, best about them. Those who won the
seek refuge in the cave, your Lord argument said: we will erect a prayer
will spread out His mercy for you and place over them.
grant you ease in your affair. 22. They will say (they were) three and
17. And you see the sun pass to the their dog the fourth, and they say five
right of their cave when it rises and and their dog the sixth, guessing the
avoid them on the left when it sets unseen, and they say seven and their
whilst they are in a gap between. This dog the eighth. Say: my Lord knows
is from the signs of Allah. Whom their number best, only few know
Allah guides, he is guided, and whom about them, so do not openly dispute
Surah 18: Al-Kahf Surah 18: Al-Kahf
about them regarding anything that is like lava which roasts their faces -
not apparent nor ask any of them their what a bad drink and what a bad
opinion about them. resting place.
23. And do not say about anything 30. Those who believe and do good
that I will do this tomorrow, work, We do not waste the reward of
24. Except if Allah pleases. And anyone with good deeds.
remember your Lord if you forgot and 31. For them are the gardens of Eden
say: maybe my Lord will guide me to through which rivers flow, they are
greater righteousness than this. adorned there with bracelets of
25. And they stayed in their cave for gold and wear green clothes from
three hundred years, to which they silk and brocade, reclining there on
add nine. couches - what a blessed reward and
what a beautiful resting place.
26. Say: Allah knows best how long
32. And coin for them the likeness of
they stayed, His is the unseen of the
two men: one of them We gave two
heavens and the earth, He sees and
gardens of grapes and surrounded
hears all; they have no protector
them with palm trees and placed
besides Him nor does He share His
between them land for cultivation.
judgement with anyone.
33. Each of the gardens produced its
27. And recite to them what has been
fruit without any reduction and We
revealed to you from the book of
made a river emerge between them.
your Lord, there is no changing His
words and you will not find a refuge 34. And he had abundance, so he
besides Him. said to his companion, challenging
him, I have more wealth than you and
28. And be yourself patient together
stronger numbers.
with those who call their Lord in the
mornings and evenings seeking His 35. And he entered his garden, doing
presence, and do not avert your eyes wrong to himself, saying: I don’t think
from them seeking the adornment of this will ever disappear.
this world, and do not obey the one 36. And I don’t think the hour will
whose heart We have made careless happen, and if I were to be brought
about remembering Us and he follows back to my Lord, I would find even
his desire and his effort is wasted. better than this in its place.
29. And say: the truth from your Lord, 37. His companion said to him,
so whoever pleases, let him believe, challenging him, do you reject the
and whoever pleases, let him reject, One who created you from soil, then
for We have prepared a fire for the from a sperm, then shaped you into
wrongdoers which surrounds them a man?
completely, and when they ask for 38. But He is Allah, my Lord, and I do
drink, they are given to drink water not associate anyone with my Lord.
Surah 18: Al-Kahf Surah 18: Al-Kahf
39. Why did you not say, when you 48. And they will be presented before
entered your garden, whatever pleases your Lord in ranks; you have come to
Allah! There is no power except in Us as We created you the first time,
Allah, if you look at me, I have less but you claimed We would not have
wealth and children than you. an appointment for you.
40. But maybe my Lord will give me 49. And the book will be placed and
better than your garden and send you see the sinners anxious about
against it a torrent from the sky so that what it contains and they say: woe to
it becomes washed away soil. us, this book does not leave anything
small or big without counting it. And
41. Or its water recedes, so you will
they find present what they had done
not be able to find it.
and your Lord does not wrong anyone.
42. And his abundance was rounded
50. And when We said to the angels:
up and he wrung his hands regarding
prostrate before Adam, they prostrated
what he had spent on it whilst it was
except Iblis (the devil) who was from
abandoned in ruins and said: if only I
among the Jinn and deviated from the
did not associate anyone with my Lord.
command of his Lord - are you then
43. And he had no party to help him going to take him and his descendants
besides Allah and was not going to as protecting friends besides Me when
be helped. they are an enemy to you? A bad swap
44. There the only true protection for the wrongdoers.
is with Allah, with Him is the best 51. I did not let them witness the
reward and the best outcome. creation of the heavens and the earth
45. And coin for them the likeness nor the creation of themselves and I
of the worldly life as water which did not take the support of those who
We send down from the sky and the lead astray.
plants of the earth absorb it, then they 52. And on the day He says: call whom
become dry stalks which the winds you claim to be My associates, then
carry off, and Allah has power over they call them but they do not respond
all things. to them and We place a barrier
46. Wealth and children are the between them.
adornment of the worldly life, and 53. And the sinners see the fire and
the lasting good deeds have a better think that they will be thrown in it and
reward with your Lord and give better will not find an escape from it.
rise to hope. 54. We have explained to people in
47. And on the day We move the this Qur’an all kind of examples but
mountains and you see the earth man argues about most things.
exposed, and We gather them and 55. And nothing prevented people
leave not any of them out. from believing when the guidance
Surah 18: Al-Kahf Surah 18: Al-Kahf
came to them and to seek forgiveness 62. And when they had passed beyond
from their Lord except (that they he said to his male servant: bring us
waited) for the example of the earliest our food, we have earned our share
communities to reach them or the from this journey.
punishment to face them. 63. He said: see, when we went
56. And We only send the messengers towards the rock I forgot the fish,
as bringers of good news and warners, and only the devil made me forget to
and those who reject (the truth) argue mention it, and it amazingly made its
with falsehood in order to refute the way into the sea.
truth with it and take My signs and 64. He said: this is what we were
their warnings as a joke. looking for, so they retraced their steps.
57. And who is more wrong than he 65. Then they found one of Our
who has been reminded by the signs servants whom We had given mercy
of his Lord and turns away from them from Us and taught him knowledge
and forgets what he has sent ahead for from Us.
himself. We have placed a cover over
66. Musa (Moses) said to him: may I
their hearts, so they do not understand follow you so you will teach me of the
it, and a weight upon their ears, and if righteousness you have been taught?
you call them to the guidance they will
never be guided. 67. He said: you cannot bear patience
with me.
58. And your Lord is forgiving, full
of mercy; if He overtook them on 68. And how can you bear patience
with what you do not understand?
account of what they have earned,
He would hasten the punishment for 69. He said: if Allah wills you will find
them, but there is a fixed term for me patient and I will not disobey you
them which they cannot avoid. in anything.
59. As for the towns We have destroyed 70. He said: then if you follow me,
when they did wrong, We decreed a do not ask me about anything until I
fixed term for their destruction. mention it to you.
60. And when Musa (Moses) said to 71. So they set off until they boarded a
his male servant: I will not stop until boat in which he made a hole. He said:
I have reached the crossing between did you make a hole in it to drown its
the two seas even if it takes a very people? You’ve done a strange thing.
long time. 72. He said: did I not say that you
61. And when they reached the cannot bear patience with me?
crossing between them they forgot 73. He said: do not take me to account
their fish and it quickly made its way for having forgotten and do not make
into the sea. the matter difficult for me.
Surah 18: Al-Kahf Surah 18: Al-Kahf
74. So they set off until they met treasure as a mercy from your Lord.
a boy and he killed him. He said: And I did not do it on my own accord.
did you kill someone pure other That is the interpretation of what you
than in retaliation, you have done could not bear patience with.
something unacceptable. 83. And they ask you about the one
75. He said: did I not tell you that you with two horns. Say: I will recite to you
cannot bear patience with me? a reminder about him.
76. He said: if I ask you anything after 84. We established him on earth and
that, then do not accompany me; you gave him the means for everything.
will have found an excuse with me. 85. So he pursued a matter.
77. So they set off until when they 86. Until when he reached the setting
reached the inhabitants of a town they point of the sun he found it set in a
asked them for food but they refused muddy spring and found near it a
to entertain them. Then they found a people. We said: oh two-horned one,
wall there which was about to fall, so he you can punish them or you can treat
strengthened it. He said: if you wanted, them well.
you could have taken a reward for it.
87. He said: whoever does wrong,
78. He said: this is the parting between we will punish him, then he will be
me and you. I will inform you of the returned to his Lord who will punish
interpretation of what you could not him severely.
bear patience with.
88. And whoever believes and does
79. As for the boat, it belonged to poor good, he will have a good reward and
people who worked on the sea, and I we will make it easy for him.
intended to damage it because there
89. Then he pursued a matter.
was a king after them who took every
boat by force. 90. Until when he reached the rising
point of the sun he found it rising near
80. And as for the boy, his parents were
a people whom We had not given any
believers and we feared that he would
screening from it.
overpower them with transgression
and rejection. 91. This is how it was, and We knew all
about him.
81. So we intended that their Lord
replaced him for them with someone 92. Then he pursued a matter.
purer and more merciful. 93. Until when he reached between
82. And as for the wall, it belonged to the two extremes, he found another
two orphans in the town and there was people who hardly understood
a treasure for them under it and their any speech.
father was a righteous man, so your 94. They said: Oh two-horned one,
Lord intended that they should reach Ya’juj and Ma’juj (Gog and Magog)
their full strength and take out their are spreading corruption on earth, so
Surah 18: Al-Kahf Surah 19: Maryam
shall we give you a tribute for you to and We assign no weight to them on
place between us and them a barrier? the day of resurrection.
95. He said: what my Lord has 106. This is their reward: hell, on
established me with is better, so help account of having rejected (the
me with labour, I will place between truth) and taken My signs and My
you and them a structure. messengers for a joke.
96. Bring me blocks of iron, then 107. Those who believe and do good
when he levelled the two ends he said: work, the gardens of paradise are
blow, until he made it glow, then he their gift.
said: bring me the melted mass to pour
108. They remain there and will not
on it.
want it to change.
97. And they could not climb over it
109. Say: if the sea was the ink for
nor could they cut through it.
the words of my Lord, the sea would
98. He said: this is of the mercy of my run out before the words of my Lord
Lord, but when my Lord’s promise would run out even if We brought a
comes to pass He will make it crumble, similar measure once more.
and my Lord’s promise is true.
110. Say: I am only a human like you
99. And on that day We let some of
to whom has been revealed that your
them mingle with others, and the horn
god is a single god, so whoever looks
is blown and We gather them all.
forward to meeting his Lord, let him
100. And We present hell to those who do good work and not associate in the
rejected (the truth) on that day. service to my Lord anyone.
101. Those whose eyes were closed
to My remembrance and who could Surah 19: Maryam
not listen. (Mary)
102. Do those who reject (the truth)
In the name of Allah,
count on taking My servants as
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
protectors besides Me? We have
prepared hell as a gift for those who 1. Kaf, Ha, Ya, ‘Ayn, Sad.
reject (the truth). 2. A mention of the mercy of your
103. Say: Shall I inform you whose Lord upon His servant Zakariya
work is most useless? (Zacharias).
104. Those whose effort went astray in 3. When he secretly called out to
the life of the world and they reckon his Lord.
that they have done well. 4. Saying: my Lord, my strength
105. Those are the ones who reject the is leaving me and my head has
signs of their Lord and the meeting turned grey and I have never been
with Him, so their deeds are wasted disappointed when calling to You.
Surah 19: Maryam Surah 19: Maryam
5. And I fear about my succession, and 17. Then she separated herself from
my wife is barren, so grant me from them and We sent to her Our spirit
Yourself a successor. and he appeared to her like a real man.
6. To inherit from me and the family 18. She said: I seek refuge in the
of Ya’qub (Jacob) and, oh Lord, make Merciful from you if you beware (of
him pleasing (to You). Allah).
7. Oh Zakariya (Zacharias), We are 19. He said: I am a messenger of your
giving you good news of a boy whose Lord to grant you a pure boy.
name is Yahya (John), We have not
20. She said: How can I have a boy
issued this name to anyone before.
when no man has touched me and I
8. He said: oh my Lord, how can I have have not been immoral.
a boy when my wife is barren and I
21. He said: this is what your Lord
have reached the end of my life.
states: it is easy for Me, and in order
9. He said: this is what your Lord for Us to make you a sign for people
states: it is easy for Me, I previously and a mercy from Us, and it was a
created you out of nothing.
decided matter.
10. He said: my Lord, assign me a
22. So she carried him and retreated
sign. He said: your sign is that you
with him to a far off place.
shall not talk to people for three
nights consecutively. 23. Then going into labour drove her
to a palm trunk. She said: woe to me,
11. So he went out to his people from
if only I died before this and would be
the prayer niche and gestured to them
completely forgotten.
to glorify (Allah) in the mornings
and evenings. 24. Then he called her from beneath
12. Oh Yahya (John), adopt the book her: do not worry, your Lord has
with strength, and We gave him sound placed a stream beneath you.
judgement as a young boy. 25. And shake the palm tree towards
13. And (he was given) compassion you, ripe fresh dates will fall on you.
and purity from Us, and he was aware 26. So eat and drink and rest your
(of Allah). eyes, and if you see any person, say: I
14. And devoted to his parents, and he promised a fast to the Merciful and will
was not oppressive or rebellious. therefore not speak to anyone today.
15. And peace is with him on the day 27. So she brought him to her people.
he was born and the day he dies and They said: oh Maryam (Mary), you
the day he is brought to life again. have brought something unacceptable.
16. And mention in the book Maryam 28. Oh sister of Harun (Aaron), your
(Mary) when she retreated from her father was not a bad man and your
family to a place facing East. mother was not immoral.
Surah 19: Maryam Surah 19: Maryam
29. Then she pointed to him. They 41. And mention in the book Ibrahim
said: how can we talk to someone who (Abraham), he was a truthful prophet.
is a child in a cradle? 42. When he said to his father: oh my
30. He said: I am the servant of Allah, father, why do you serve that which
He gave me the book and made me does not hear nor see nor benefit you
a prophet. in any way?
31. And He made me a blessing
43. Oh my father, I have received
wherever I am and He instructed me
knowledge you did not receive,
with prayer and Zakat as long as I live.
so follow me, I will guide you to a
32. And to be devoted to my mother level path.
and He did not make me oppressive
or rebellious. 44. Oh my father, do not serve the
devil, for the devil was disobedient to
33. And peace is with me on the day I
was born and the day I die and the day the Merciful.
I am brought to life again. 45. Oh my father, I fear that a
34. That is ‘Isa (Jesus), the son of punishment from the Merciful will
Maryam (Mary), the statement of afflict you and you will be a friend to
truth in which they have doubt. the devil.
35. It is not befitting for Allah to 46. He said: do you dislike my gods,
adopt a son. Glorified is He. When He oh Ibrahim (Abraham)? If you do not
decides a matter, then He says to it: Be, stop, I will curse you and you better
then it is. get out of my way.
36. And Allah is my Lord and 47. He said: peace be with you, I will
your Lord, so serve Him. This is a ask my Lord for forgiveness for you,
straight path. for He is always kind to me.
37. Then the allies differed amongst
48. I will move away from you and
themselves, so woe to those who reject
what you serve besides Allah and call
(the truth) from the assembly on a
tremendous day. on my Lord, hopefully I will not be
disappointed when calling to my Lord.
38. Hear and see them on the day they
come to Us, but the wrongdoers are in 49. Then when he moved away from
clear error today. them and what they served besides
39. And warn them of the day of loss Allah, We gave him Ishaq (Isaac) and
when the matter is decided, whilst Ya’qub (Jacob) and made each of them
they are careless and do not believe. a prophet.
40. We will indeed inherit the earth 50. And We granted them of Our
and whoever is on it and they will mercy and gave them a truthful and
return to Us. elevated reputation.
Surah 19: Maryam Surah 19: Maryam
51. And mention in the book Musa serve Him without seeing Him, for
(Moses), he was sincere and was a His promise will come to pass.
messenger and prophet. 62. They will not hear any idle talk
52. And We called him from the there, only peace, and they will have
mountain on the right and brought their provision in the mornings
him near in direct communication. and evenings.
53. And We gave him of Our mercy his 63. This is the garden which those of
brother Harun (Aaron) as a prophet. Our servants who bewared will inherit.
54. And mention in the book Isma’il 64. And we (the angels) only descend
(Ishmael), he was the one to fulfil by the command of your Lord. To Him
the promise and was a messenger belongs what lies before us and what
and prophet. lies behind us and what is in between,
55. And he instructed his family to and your Lord does not forget.
pray and give Zakat and was accepted 65. The Lord of the heavens and the
by His Lord. earth and what is in between, so serve
56. And mention in the book Idris Him and persist in His service. Do you
(Enoch), he was a truthful prophet. know anyone else like Him?
57. And We raised him to a high status. 66. And man says: when I die, am I
58. Those are the ones Allah has going to be brought back to life?
favoured of the prophets and the 67. Does man not remember that
descendants of Adam and of those We created him before when he
whom We carried with Nuh (Noah) was nothing?
and of the descendants of Ibrahim
68. So by your Lord, We shall
(Abraham) and Isra’il (Israel) and of
gather them and the devils, then We
those whom We guided and chose;
shall present them kneeling down
when the signs of the Merciful were
around hell.
recited to them, they fell prostrate
in tears. 69. Then We shall pick out from every
faction those who were most obstinate
59. And after them came a succession
(of people) who neglected prayer and against the Merciful.
followed desires, and they will soon 70. Then We will know best those who
meet their downfall. are most deserving to burn in it.
60. Except he who repents and believes 71. And all of you will approach it, this
and does good, for those will enter the is a final decision of your Lord.
garden and will not be wronged at all. 72. Then We rescue those who
61. The gardens of Eden which the bewared (of Allah) and abandon the
Merciful has promised to those who wrongdoers kneeling down in it.
Surah 19: Maryam Surah 19: Maryam
73. And when Our clear signs are 85. On the day We carry those who
recited to them, those who reject (the beware (of Allah) to the Merciful.
truth) say to those who believe: which 86. And We herd the sinners
of the two groups is more settled and towards hell.
better represented?
87. They have no power of intercession
74. And how many generations have
except for him who had an agreement
We destroyed before them who were
with the Merciful.
better in luxury and appearance?
88. And they say: the Merciful has
75. Say: whoever is in error, the
adopted a son.
Merciful will give him space until
when they see what they were 89. You have come up with
promised, either the punishment or something awful.
the hour, then they will know who is 90. The heavens almost split from
worse off and weaker in support. it and the earth shakes and the
76. And Allah increases those who are mountains crumble,
guided in guidance, and the lasting 91. That they claim for the Merciful
good deeds have a better reward with a son.
your Lord and are better in return.
92. And it is not befitting for the
77. Have you considered him who
Merciful to adopt a son.
rejects Our signs and says: I will be
given wealth and children. 93. For all who are in the heavens
and on earth come to the Merciful
78. Does he access the unseen or has
as servants.
he entered into an agreement with
the Merciful? 94. He has counted them and given
79. No way, We write down what them a number.
he says and extend the punishment 95. And each of them comes on the
for him. day of resurrection alone.
80. And We inherit what he says was 96. Those who believe and do good
his and he comes to Us alone. work, the Merciful will give them
81. And they adopt gods besides Allah a welcome.
to be a strength for them. 97. And We have made it easy on your
82. No way, they will reject their tongue so that you give good news to
service and be hostile to them. those who beware (of Allah) and warn
83. Have you not considered that We with it an obstinate people.
sent the devils to those who reject (the 98. And how many generations have
truth) to stir them up. We destroyed before them; do you
84. So be not in a hurry about them, notice any of them or hear the slightest
We have a count-down for them. sound from them?
Surah 20: Ta Ha Surah 20: Ta Ha
14. For I am Allah, there is no god
Surah 20: Ta Ha except Me, so serve Me and keep up
prayer to remember Me.
In the name of Allah, 15. The hour will come, I hardly hide
the Owner and Giver of Mercy it, so that every soul is rewarded for
1. Ta Ha. what it strives for.
2. We did not reveal the Qur’an to you 16. So let not one who does not believe
to be distressed. in it and follows his desire divert you
from it so that you are ruined.
3. Only as a reminder to whoever fears
(Allah). 17. And what is that in your right
hand, oh Musa (Moses)?
4. A revelation from the One
who created the earth and the 18. He said: it is my staff, I lean on it
elevated heavens. and I round up my sheep with it and it
has other uses for me.
5. The Merciful, who rose to
the throne. 19. He said: throw it, oh Musa (Moses).
6. To Him belongs what is in the 20. So he threw it and it became a
heavens and what is on earth and moving snake.
what is in between and what is below 21. He said: take it and do not fear, We
the ground. will return it to its original form.
7. And when you speak audibly, 22. And press your hand against your
He knows the secrets and what is side, it will come out white without
most hidden. harm, another sign.
8. Allah, there is no god but Him, His 23. So that We show you of Our
are the most beautiful names. great signs.
9. And has the story of Musa (Moses) 24. Go to Pharaoh, he is transgressing.
reached you? 25. He said: my Lord, expand my chest.
10. When he saw a fire and said to his 26. And make my task easy for me.
people: wait, I noticed a fire, maybe 27. And untie the knot from
I can bring you a spark of it or find my tongue.
guidance by the fire.
28. So they understand my speech.
11. Then when he came to it he was
29. And give me a deputy from
called: oh Musa (Moses).
my family.
12. I am your Lord, so take off your
30. Harun (Aaron), my brother.
sandals, for you are in the sacred
valley of Tuwa. 31. Increase with him my strength.
13. And I have chosen you, so listen to 32. And give him a share in my task.
what is being revealed. 33. So that we glorify You a lot.
Surah 20: Ta Ha Surah 20: Ta Ha
34. And remember You a lot. punish them. We have brought you
35. For You watched over us. a sign from your Lord, and peace be
with him who follows the guidance.
36. He said: your request has been
granted, oh Musa (Moses). 48. It has been revealed to us that the
37. And We already favoured you punishment is upon him who denies
another time. and turns away.
38. When We revealed to your mother 49. He said: and who is your Lord, oh
what was revealed: Musa (Moses).
39. Drop him into the basket and 50. He said: our Lord is the One
drop it into the river, then the river who gave everything its origin then
will carry it to the bank and an enemy directed it.
to Me and to him will take it. And I 51. He said: then what is the state of
poured love from Me on you so that the earliest generations?
you would grow up under My eyes.
52. He said: knowledge about them
40. When your sister went and said: is with my Lord in a book, my Lord
shall I point you to someone who will neither errs nor forgets.
care for him? So We returned you to
53. The One who gave you the earth as
your mother to comfort her eyes and
so she would not worry. And you killed an expanse and cut paths in it for you
a person and We rescued you from the and sent water from the sky by which
grief and tested you a great deal, then We bring out various pairs of plants.
you stayed a few years with the people 54. Eat and graze your cattle, for in
of Madyan (Midian), then you came as this are signs for those with reason.
decreed, oh Musa (Moses). 55. From it We created you and into it
41. And I have chosen you for Myself. you return and from it We will bring
42. Go, you and your brother, you out once again.
with My signs and do not tire of 56. And We showed him all Our signs,
My remembrance. but he denied and refused.
43. Go to Pharaoh, he is transgressing. 57. He said: did you come to expel us
44. And talk to him gently so that he from our land with your magic, oh
might reflect or fear. Musa (Moses)?
45. He said: Our Lord, we fear that he 58. So we will bring you similar magic.
will abuse us or transgress. Set an appointed time between us and
46. He said: do not fear, I am with you, you that neither we nor you will miss,
listening and seeing. at an open place.
47. So go to him and say: we are two 59. He said: your appointed time is
messengers of your Lord, so send with the day of celebration and let people
us the Children of Israel and do not gather in the morning.
Surah 20: Ta Ha Surah 20: Ta Ha
60. So Pharaoh turned away and on palm trunks and you will know
agreed his plot, then he came. who of us is more severe and lasting
61. Musa (Moses) said to them: woe to in punishment.
you, do not invent a lie against Allah 72. They said: we will not give you
so He afflicts you with punishment, priority over the clear proofs which
and whoever invents (a lie) will have come to us and the One who
be destroyed. originated us, so decide what you
62. Then they discussed their situation have to, you only decide about this
secretly amongst themselves. worldly life.
73. For we believe in our Lord so that
63. They said: these are two magicians
He forgives us our sins and the magic
who want to expel you from your
you compelled us to do, and Allah is
land with their magic and take away
better and more lasting.
your traditions.
74. Whoever comes to his Lord as a
64. So agree on your plot, then come
sinner, for him is hell where he will
in ranks, and today the one who comes
neither die nor live.
out on top will be successful.
75. And whoever comes to Him as
65. They said: oh Musa (Moses), either
a believer who does good work, for
you throw or we throw first. them are the highest stages.
66. He said: no, you throw, then their 76. Gardens of Eden through which
ropes and sticks appeared to move rivers flow where they will remain,
with their magic. and that is the reward for him who
67. So Musa (Moses) sensed fear purifies himself.
in himself. 77. And We revealed to Musa (Moses)
68. We said: do not fear, you will come to travel with My servants and strike a
out on top. dry path in the sea for them without
69. And throw what is in your right fearing to be overtaken or being afraid.
hand, it will take over the magician’s 78. Then Pharaoh followed them with
plot they have constructed, and the his soldiers and the sea completely
magician does not succeed, wherever surrounded them.
he goes. 79. And Pharaoh led his people astray
70. Then the magicians fell prostrate, and did not guide them.
saying: we believe in the Lord of 80. Oh Children of Israel, We rescued
Harun (Aaron) and Musa (Moses). you from your enemy and had a
71. He said: do you believe him before meeting with you with the mountain
I have given you permission? He must on the right and sent to you honeydew
be your chief who taught you magic, and quails.
so I will cut your hands and feet 81. Eat from the good things We
from opposite sides and crucify you have provided you with and do not
Surah 20: Ta Ha Surah 20: Ta Ha
transgress in this state, so My anger the Merciful, so follow me and obey
becomes lawful on you, and on my command.
whom My anger becomes lawful, he 91. They said: we will not stop being
has fallen.
devoted to it until Musa (Moses)
82. And I am forgiving to him who returns to us.
repents and believes and does good
92. He said: oh Harun (Aaron), what
work and then is guided.
prevented you, when you saw them
83. And why have you hurried away go astray,
from your people, oh Musa (Moses)?
93. From following me? Did you
84. He said: they are following behind
disobey my command?
me, and I hurried to you in order to
please You, my Lord. 94. He said: oh son of my mother, do
85. He said: We have tested your not grab me by the beard nor by the
people after you and Samiri led head, I feared that you would say: you
them astray. divided the Children of Israel and did
not heed my word.
86. So Musa (Moses) returned to his
people angry and sad, saying: oh my 95. He said: and what do you have to
people, did not your Lord give you a say, oh Samiri?
good promise? Was this taking too 96. He said: I saw what they did not
long for you or did you want anger see and took hold of a handful of the
from you Lord to become lawful on trace of the messenger and threw it
you, so that you broke your promise in, and this is what my soul suggested
to me?
to me.
87. They said: we did not break our
97. He said: so go and your destiny
promise to you on our own account,
in life will be that you will say: I am
but we carried loads of the jewellery of
untouchable, and you will have an
the people and cast it (in the fire) just
as Samiri told us to. appointed time which you will not
miss, and look at your god that you
88. Then he brought the body of a
were devoted to: we will burn it, then
calf out for them which had a mooing
scatter it in the sea.
sound, so they said: this is your god
and the god of Musa (Moses), but 98. For your god is Allah, the One
he forgot. besides whom there is no god
89. Do they not see that it does not and whose knowledge extends
talk back to them nor has any control to everything.
over harm or good for them? 99. This is how We tell you of the
90. And Harun (Aaron) said to information gone before and of
them before: oh my people, you are which We have given you a reminder
being tested by it and your Lord is from Ourselves.
Surah 20: Ta Ha Surah 20: Ta Ha
100. Whoever turns away from it, 112. And whoever did good work
he will carry a burden on the day and is a believer, he will not fear
of resurrection. wrongdoing nor injustice.
101. They will remain there and what 113. And this is how We revealed it as
they carry on the day of resurrection an Arabic Qur’an and explained the
will be bad for them. promise in it so that they beware (of
102. On the day the horn is blown and Allah) or are given a reminder.
We will gather the sinners on that day 114. Exalted, therefore, is Allah, the
with their eyes turning white. true king, and do not be in a hurry
with the Qur’an before its revelation
103. Whispering to each other: you
has been completed for you and say:
have only stayed ten days.
my Lord, increase me in knowledge.
104. We know best what they say
115. And We had an agreement with
when the one most reasonable of them
Adam before but he forgot and We did
says: you have only stayed a day.
not find that he had resolve.
105. And they ask you about the
116. And when We said to the
mountains, so say: my Lord will
angels: “Prostrate before Adam”, they
scatter them.
prostrated except for Iblis (the devil);
106. Then leave them as an he refused.
empty space. 117. So We said: oh Adam, this is an
107. In which you will see neither enemy to you and your wife, so let him
contours nor protrusion. not expel you from the garden, so you
108. On that day they will follow the would be distressed.
caller without deviation and the voices 118. For you are not hungry there nor
will be subdued to the Merciful and are you exposed.
you will not hear anything except 119. And you are not thirsty there nor
a whisper. are you hot.
109. On that day intercession will not 120. Then the devil whispered to him,
benefit anyone unless the Merciful has saying: oh Adam, shall I direct you
given him permission and is pleased to the tree of eternity and a kingdom
with what he says. which does not diminish?
110. He knows what lies before them 121. So they both ate from it and their
and behind them and they do not bodies became apparent to them and
grasp Him in knowledge. they began to cover themselves with
111. And the faces are humbled before leaves from the garden, and Adam
the Living, the Eternal, and whoever disobeyed his Lord and went astray.
is burdened with wrongdoing will 122. Then His Lord chose him and
be destroyed. turned back to him and guided him.
Surah 20: Ta Ha Surah 21: Al-Anbiya’
123. He said: Get down from here, all 132. And instruct your family to pray
of you, as enemies one to another. then and be consistent in it; We do not ask
when a guidance reaches you from Me, provision from you, We provide for
whoever then follows My guidance, he you, and the outcome is for those who
will not go astray nor be distressed. beware (of Allah).
124. And whoever turns away from My 133. And they say: why does not a
reminder, he will have a constrained sign come to us from our Lord? Did
life and on the day of resurrection We not a clear proof reach them from the
will gather him blind. earlier records?
125. He will say: my Lord, why did 134. And had We destroyed them
You gather me blind when I could see? with a punishment before that, they
would have said: our Lord, why did
126. He will say: likewise Our signs
You not send a messenger to us so we
came to you but you forgot them,
would follow Your signs before being
likewise you will be forgotten today.
humiliated and disgraced?
127. And this is how We punish the
135. Say: all are waiting, so wait, then
one who is wasteful and does not
you will know who are the companions
believe in the signs of his Lord, and the
on the level path and who is guided.
punishment of the hereafter is more
severe and more lasting. Surah 21: Al-Anbiya’
128. Are they not guided by how many (The Prophets)
generations We destroyed before them
in whose homes they walk? In this are In the name of Allah,
signs for those with reason. the Owner and Giver of Mercy
129. And if a word from your Lord had 1. People’s reckoning is coming close
not gone before, it would be inevitable, and they are turning away carelessly.
but it is a limited term. 2. Whenever a new reminder comes to
130. So have patience with what they them from their Lord, they listen to it
say and glorify the praise of your Lord whilst playing.
before sun rise and before it sets, and 3. Their hearts are distracted and the
during part of the night glorify Him wrongdoers meet secretly saying: is
and at the ends of the day, so that you this not a human like you? Are you
may be content. going to give in to the spell when you
can see?
131. And do not extend your eyes to
the enjoyment We have given some 4. He said: my Lord knows what is
couples of them as the splendour of spoken in the heaven and on earth and
this world in order to test them by He listens and knows.
it, and the provision of your Lord is 5. But they said: confused dreams,
better and more lasting. rather he invented it, rather he is a
Surah 21: Al-Anbiya’ Surah 21: Al-Anbiya’
poet, so let him bring us a sign like the and you will suffer for what you
messengers sent before. make out.
6. No town which We destroyed 19. And to Him belongs what is in the
before them believed, so are they heavens and on earth, and those near
going to believe? him are not too arrogant to serve Him
7. And before you We only sent men and do not tire of it.
to whom We gave revelation, so ask 20. They glorify night and day without
those who keep the reminder if you slowing down.
don’t know.
21. Or do they adopt gods from the
8. And We did not give them bodies
earth who resurrect the dead?
which do not consume food nor were
they immortal. 22. If there were gods other than Allah
in them (the heavens and the earth),
9. Then We fulfilled the promise
they would have been corrupted,
and rescued whom We please and
destroyed the wasteful. so glorified is Allah, the Lord of the
throne, above what they make out.
10. We have revealed to you a book
containing your reminder, so will you 23. He is not questioned about what
not understand? He does, and they are questioned.
11. How often did We crush a town 24. Or do they adopt gods besides
who did wrong and brought into Him? Say: bring your proof! This is
existence other people after them? the reminder for those who are with
12. Then when they felt our adversity, me and was the reminder for those
they ran away from it. before me, but most of them don’t
know the truth and turn away.
13. Don’t run away but return to the
luxury you were in and your homes so 25. And whenever We sent a
you can be questioned! messenger before you We revealed
14. They said: woe to us, we to him that there is no god but I, so
were wrongdoers. serve Me.
15. And this call of theirs did not stop 26. And they say: the Merciful has
until We cut them down completely. adopted a son; glorified is He, but they
16. And We did not create the heaven are honoured servants.
and earth and what is between as 27. They do not precede Him in
a pastime. speech and carry out His command.
17. Had We wanted to find 28. He knows what lies before them
amusement, We could have found that and behind them and they do not
with Ourselves if We were to do so. intercede except for whom it is
18. But We pour the truth over accepted and they are anxious out of
falsehood so it repels it and it vanishes, fear of Him.
Surah 21: Al-Anbiya’ Surah 21: Al-Anbiya’
29. And if any of them says: I am a 40. But it will reach them suddenly
god besides Allah, We will punish and startle them, so they cannot avert
him with hell, this is how We punish it nor will they be given time.
the wrongdoers. 41. And messengers before you were
30. Do those who reject (the truth) made fun of, and those who laughed
not see that the heavens and the at them were met with what they made
earth were a continuous canvas, then fun of.
We separated them and made from
42. Say: who guards you night and
water every living thing, do they then
day against the Merciful? But they
not believe?
turn away from the remembrance of
31. And We placed stabilisers on their Lord.
earth to support it with and cut paths
through them so that you are guided. 43. Or do they have gods who protect
them against Us? They cannot help
32. And We placed the sky as a
themselves nor are they assisted by Us.
protected ceiling whilst they turn
away from Our signs. 44. But We gave enjoyment to these
and their fathers until they grew old.
33. And He is who created the night
Do they not see that we reduce the
and the day and the sun and the moon,
earth from its ends, so will they be
each travels in an orbit.
the winners?
34. And We did not give eternity to
any human before you, so when you 45. Say: I only warn you with the
die, will they live forever? revelation, and the deaf do not hear
the call when they are warned.
35. Every soul will taste death, and We
test them with bad and good as a trial 46. And when a hint of the punishment
and they return to Us. of your Lord touches them, they say,
woe to us, we were wrongdoers.
36. And when those who reject (the
truth) see you, they only take you as 47. And We set down the scales of
a joke: is this the one who mentions justice on the day of resurrection so
your gods? And they reject the that no soul will be wronged the least,
remembrance of the Merciful. and if it is the weight of a mustard
37. Man was created impatient; I will seed We will bring it out, and We are
show you My signs, so do not be in sufficient in counting.
a hurry. 48. And We gave Musa (Moses)
38. And they say: when will this and Harun (Aaron) the distinction
promise happen if you are truthful? (between right and wrong) and a light
39. If those who reject (the truth) and reminder for those who beware
knew the time when they cannot keep (of Allah).
the fire off their faces nor off their 49. Those who fear their Lord in secret
backs and they will not be helped. and are anxious about the hour.
Surah 21: Al-Anbiya’ Surah 21: Al-Anbiya’
50. And this is a blessed reminder 64. Then they turned back to
which We have revealed, so do you themselves and said: you yourselves
dislike it? are the wrongdoers.
51. And We gave Ibrahim (Abraham) 65. Then they shook their heads; you
his good sense before, and We knew know that these don’t speak.
all about him. 66. He said: do you then serve besides
52. When he said to his father and his Allah what does not benefit you the
people: what are these images you are least nor help you?
devoted to? 67. Worthless is what you serve besides
Allah, do you not then understand?
53. They said: we found our fathers
serving them. 68. They said: burn him and help your
gods if you want to act.
54. He said: you and your fathers were
in clear error. 69. We said: oh fire, be coolness and
peace for Ibrahim (Abraham).
55. They said: did you bring us the
70. And they wanted to plot against
truth or are you messing about?
him, but we made them the losers.
56. He said: but your Lord is the Lord
71. And We rescued him and Lut (Lot)
of the heavens and the earth, the
to the land which We have blessed for
One who originated you, and I am a all the world.
witness to that.
72. And We gave him Ishaq (Isaac)
57. And by Allah, I will plot against and Ya’qub (Jacob) in addition and
your idols after you have turned made each of them righteous.
your backs.
73. And We made them into leaders
58. Then he cut them into pieces who guide by Our command and
except for their chief so that they revealed to them to do good and to
would return to him. keep up prayer and give Zakat, and
59. They said: who did this to our they served Us.
gods, for he is a wrongdoer. 74. And Lut (Lot) We gave the ability
60. They said: we heard a youth to judge and knowledge and rescued
mention them, he is called Ibrahim him from the town which committed
obscenities, for they were a bad and
sinful people.
61. They said: then bring him before
75. And We admitted him into Our
the people so that they are witnesses.
mercy, for he is of the righteous.
62. They said: did you do this to our 76. And Nuh (Noah), when he called
gods, oh Ibrahim (Abraham)? Us before and We responded to him
63. He said: but this chief of theirs did and rescued him and his family from
it, so ask them if they speak. the tremendous distress.
Surah 21: Al-Anbiya’ Surah 21: Al-Anbiya’
77. And We helped him against the 86. And We admitted them into Our
people who denied Our signs, for they mercy, for they are of the righteous.
were a bad people, so We drowned 87. And the one in the fish (Jonah),
them altogether. when he went angrily and thought
78. And Dawud (David) and that We had no control over him, then
Sulayman (Solomon), when they he called in the dark that there is no
judged about the harvest, when the god but You, glorified are You, I was of
sheep of the people strayed into it, and the wrongdoers.
We witnessed their judgement. 88. So We responded to him and
79. And We let Sulayman (Solomon) rescued him from the grief, and this is
understand it, and each of them how we rescue the believers.
We gave the ability to judge and 89. And Zakariya (Zacharias), when
knowledge, and We made the
he called his Lord: my Lord, do not
mountains and the birds subservient
leave me on my own, and you are the
to glorify with Dawud (David), and
best of inheritors.
this is what We did.
90. So We responded to him and gave
80. And We taught him the
him Yahya (John) and healed his wife
manufacture of armour for you to
for him, for they strived for good
protect you against your harm, so will
deeds and called Us in hope and in
you be grateful?
awe and were humble before Us.
81. And for Sulayman (Solomon) We
91. And the one who guarded her
made the strong wind travel by his
chastity, so We blew into her of Our
command to the land the surroundings
spirit and made her and her son a sign
of which We have blessed, and We
for all the world.
knew about everything.
92. This is your community, a single
82. And of the devils were those who
community, and I am your Lord, so
dived for him and did other work, and
We guarded them. serve Me.

83. And Ayyub (Job), when he called 93. And they divided their affairs
his Lord: harm has befallen me and amongst them; each will return to Us.
You are the most merciful of all. 94. Then whoever does good work
84. So We responded to him and and is a believer, his effort will not be
removed all harm from him and gave rejected and We will write it down.
him his family and the like of it in 95. And it is forbidden for a town
addition as a mercy from Us and a which We destroyed that they should
reminder to those who serve. come back.
85. And Isma’il (Ishmael) and Idris 96. Until Ya’juj and Ma’juj (Gog and
(Enoch) and Dhu-l-Kifl (Ezekiel), Magog) are let loose and appear
each were of the patient. from everywhere.
Surah 21: Al-Anbiya’ Surah 22: Al-Hajj
97. And the true promise has come whether what you have been promised
close, then the eyes of those who reject is close or far off.
(the truth) will be glazed over: woe to 110. He knows what is said openly and
us, we were careless about this, but we knows what you hide.
were wrongdoers.
111. And I have no idea whether it
98. You and what you serve besides may be a trial for you and a provision
Allah are the fuel of hell, you will be for a while.
led to it. 112. He said: Lord, judge with the
99. If these were gods, they would not truth! And our Lord is the Merciful,
be led to it, and they will all remain in it. who is to be implored against what
100. There will be sighing for them in you make out.
it, yet they will not hear in it.
Surah 22: Al-Hajj
101. Those whom We have given good
(The Pilgrimage)
before will be far removed from it.
102. They will not hear its hissing In the name of Allah,
and will remain in what their souls the Owner and Giver of Mercy
long for. 1. Oh people, beware of your Lord,
103. The great terror will not for the trembling of the hour is a
worry them and the angels will tremendous thing.
welcome them: this is the day you 2. On the day when you see every
were promised. nursing mother neglect what she
104. On the day We roll up the sky like nurses and every pregnant mother
a scroll for writing. As We began the drop her burden and you see people
first creation We will bring it back, a as drunk when they are not drunk, but
promise upon Us, We will do it. the punishment of Allah is severe.
105. And We previously wrote in 3. And amongst people is he who
the Psalms after the reminder that argues about Allah without knowledge
Our righteous servants will inherit and follows every defiant devil.
the earth. 4. It has been decreed for him that
106. In that is a declaration for people whoever befriends him, he will lead
who serve. him astray and guide him to the
punishment of the fire.
107. And We only sent you as a mercy
for all the world. 5. Oh people, if you are in doubt of
the resurrection, then (consider that)
108. Say: it has been revealed to me We created you from soil, then from
that your god is a single god, so will a sperm, then from an implant, then
you submit? from a partly shaped piece of flesh in
109. Then if they turn away, say: I order to make it clear for you, and We
told you anyway, and I have no idea retain in the wombs what We please
Surah 22: Al-Hajj Surah 22: Al-Hajj
until a fixed date, then We bring you 14. Allah enters those who believe and
out as a child, then let you reach your do good work into gardens through
full strength, and amongst you is he which rivers flow, for Allah does what
who dies (early) and amongst you is he He pleases.
who ends up in the most feeble old age, 15. Whoever thinks that Allah will not
so that he knows nothing after having help him (His messenger) in the world
had knowledge, and you see the earth and the hereafter, let him find a means
lifeless, then when We send water onto
to ascend the heaven and try to cut off
it, it comes to life and swells and grows
(the help), then see if his plot removes
of every splendid species.
what enrages him.
6. This is because Allah is the truth,
16. And this is how We revealed clear
and He revives the dead and He is able
signs and that Allah guides whom
to do anything.
He pleases.
7. And the hour will come without
doubt, and Allah will raise those in 17. Those who believe and the Jews,
the graves. the Sabeans, the Christians, the
Zoroastrians and the idolaters, Allah
8. And amongst people is he who
will judge between them on the day
argues about Allah without knowledge
of resurrection, for Allah is a witness
or guidance or enlightening book.
to everything.
9. He turns away in order to lead
18. Do you not see that whoever is in
away from the way of Allah. His is
the heavens and on earth prostrates
disgrace in this world and on the day
to Allah, and the sun and the moon
of resurrection We make him taste the
punishment of burning. and the stars and the mountains and
the trees and the creatures and many
10. This is for the deeds you have sent of the people? And many deserve the
ahead and that Allah does not wrong
punishment, and whomever Allah
(His) servants.
humiliates, nobody can honour him,
11. And amongst people is he who for Allah does what He pleases.
serves Allah borderline, so if good
19. These are the two adversaries who
befalls him, he is content with it, and
dispute about their Lord, so those who
if a trial befalls him, he turns away; he
reject (the truth), a garment of fire will
has lost the world and the hereafter -
that is the clear loss. be cut for them and boiling water will
be poured over their heads.
12. He calls besides Allah on what
does neither harm nor benefit him - 20. It melts what is in their bellies and
that is the extensive error. their skins.
13. He calls on whose harm is more 21. And they will have iron chains.
likely than his benefit - a bad protector 22. Whenever they want to escape
and a bad friend. from it due to the distress, they will
Surah 22: Al-Hajj Surah 22: Al-Hajj
be returned to it: taste the punishment you are permitted the cattle except
of burning. that which has been revealed to you,
23. Allah enters those who believe and so shun the abomination of idols and
do good work into gardens through shun false speech.
which rivers flow; they are adorned 31. Sincerely devoted to Allah without
there with bracelets of gold and pearls associating anything with Him, and
and their clothing there will be of silk. whoever associates anything with
24. And they are guided to good Allah, it is as if he falls out of the sky
speech and are guided to the path of and the birds snatch him or the wind
the Praiseworthy. blows him to a remote place.
25. Those who reject (the truth) and 32. This is how it is, and whoever
divert from the way of Allah and the honours the rites of Allah, it is from
sacred mosque which We have placed the awareness of the hearts.
for people, both the resident and the 33. They contain benefits for you until
visitor - whoever wants to incline to a fixed date, then they are delivered to
wrongdoing there, We make him taste the ancient house.
a painful punishment.
34. And to every community We have
26. And when We provided Ibrahim given a sacrifice to mention the name
(Abraham) with the location of the of Allah over that which We have
house: do not associate anything provided them with from the domestic
with Me and purify My house for cattle, so your Lord is a single god, so
those who go around, and those who submit to Him and give good news to
stand (in prayer) and those who bow those who are humble.
in prostration.
35. Those who when Allah is
27. And announce to people the mentioned, their hearts become
pilgrimage, they will come to you on fearful, and those who bear patiently
foot and on every conveyance, they with what afflicts them, and those who
will come from every distant direction. keep up prayer and spend from what
28. In order to witness benefits for We have provided for them.
them and remember the name of Allah 36. And We have made the fattened
on known days over the domestic sacrificial animals signs of worship
cattle He has provided for them, so eat from Allah for you, you have (much)
of it and feed the unfortunate poor.
good in them, so mention the name of
29. Then they complete their rituals Allah over them when they are lined
and fulfil their pledges and go round up. Then when their sides fall, eat from
the ancient house. them and feed those who are content
30. This is how it is, and whoever and those who ask; this is how We
honours the prohibitions of Allah, it made them of service to you so that
is better for him with his Lord, and you would be grateful.
Surah 22: Al-Hajj Surah 22: Al-Hajj
37. Neither their meat nor their blood 45. And how many wrongdoing towns
reaches Allah, but your awareness did We destroy, so they are abandoned
reaches Him; this is how We made in ruins, and how many dried up wells
them of service to you so that you and elevated castles?
exalt Allah for having guided you, and 46. Do they not travel on the earth
give good news to those who do good. with hearts that understand or ears
38. For Allah defends the believers, that hear? The eyes do not go blind,
for Allah does not love any faithless but the hearts inside go blind.
rejecter (of the truth). 47. And they ask you to hasten the
39. Permission is given to those who punishment, and Allah does not break
have been fought because they have His promise. And a day with your
Lord is like a thousand years of what
been wronged, and Allah is able to
you count.
help them.
48. And how many wrongdoing towns
40. Those who were expelled from
did I give time, then I overtook them,
their homes without right only
and to Me is the journey.
because they say: our Lord is Allah.
And if Allah did not repel some 49. Say: oh people, I am a clear warner
for you.
people by others, the monasteries,
churches, synagogues and mosques 50. So for those who believe and do
where Allah’s name is mentioned a lot good work will be forgiveness and
would have been destroyed, but Allah generous provision.
helps those who help Him, for Allah is 51. And those who strive to undermine
strong and mighty. Our signs will be the inmates of hell-
41. Those who when We establish
them on earth keep up prayer and give 52. And whenever We sent a
Zakat and command good conduct messenger or prophet before you, the
and forbid wrongdoing, and the devil interfered with his recitation
outcome of affairs belongs to Allah. when he recited, then Allah cancels
the devil’s interference, then Allah lays
42. And if they deny you, then the down His signs, and Allah is knowing
people of Nuh (Noah) and ‘Ad and and wise.
Thamud denied before them.
53. So that Allah makes the
43. And the people of Ibrahim interference of the devil a test for
(Abraham) and the people of Lut (Lot). those with a disease in their hearts
44. And the inhabitants of Madyan and whose hearts are hardened, and
(Midian), and Musa (Moses) was the wrongdoers are far away (from the
denied, so I gave time to those who truth).
rejected (the truth), then I overtook 54. And so that those who have been
them, and how was My rebuttal! given knowledge know that it is the
Surah 22: Al-Hajj Surah 22: Al-Hajj
truth from your Lord, so they believe 63. Do you not see that Allah sends
in it and their hearts are humbled down water from the sky, then the
towards it, and Allah guides the earth becomes green, for Allah is kind
believers to a straight path. and informed.
55. And those who reject (the truth) 64. To Him belongs what is in the
will remain in doubt about it until heavens and what is on earth, and
the hour comes upon them suddenly Allah is the rich and praiseworthy.
or the punishment of an endless day 65. Do you not see that Allah makes
reaches them. whatever is on earth of service to you,
56. The kingdom on that day belongs and the ship sails on the sea by His
to Allah, He judges between them, so command, and He prevents the sky
those who believed and did good work from falling onto the earth except by
will be in gardens of blessing. His permission, for Allah is lenient
and merciful with mankind.
57. And those who rejected (the truth)
66. And He is who gave you life, then
and denied Our signs, for those will be
He lets you die, then He revives you,
a humiliating punishment.
but man rejects (the truth).
58. And those who migrated in the
67. To every community We have
way of Allah and were then killed
given a sacrifice to observe, so let
or died, Allah provides them with a
them not challenge you in the matter
good provision, for Allah is the best and call to your Lord, for you are on
of providers. straight guidance.
59. We let them enter from an 68. And if they dispute with you, say:
entrance they are pleased with, and Allah knows best what you do.
Allah is knowing and gentle.
69. Allah judges between you on the
60. This is how it is, and whoever day of resurrection with regard to
inflicts punishment comparable to what you used to differ in.
what had been inflicted on him and 70. Don’t you know that Allah knows
is then overcome, Allah will help him, what is in the heaven and on earth?
for Allah is lenient, forgiving. All that is in a book, for that is easy
61. This is because Allah blends the for Allah.
night into the day and blends the 71. And they serve besides Allah that
day into the night and Allah hears which no authority has been sent
and sees. to them for and which they have no
62. This is because Allah is the truth, knowledge about, and the wrongdoers
and whatever they call besides Him have no helper.
is falsehood and Allah is exalted 72. And when Our clear signs are
and great. recited to them, you notice in the
Surah 22: Al-Hajj Surah 23: Al-Mu’minun
faces of those who reject (the truth)
the dislike, they would almost attack Surah 23: Al-Mu’minun
those who are reciting Our signs to (The Believers)
them. Say: Shall I inform you of worse In the name of Allah,
than that? The fire, Allah has promised the Owner and Giver of Mercy
it to those who reject (the truth), and it
1. Successful are the believers,
is a bad destination.
2. Who are humble in their prayers,
73. Oh people, a likeness has been
coined for you, so listen to it: those 3. And who turn away from idle talk,
whom you call besides Allah cannot 4. And who give Zakat,
create a fly even if they combined 5. And who guard their chastity,
their efforts to do so, and if the fly
6. Except with regard to their partners
takes something off them, they cannot
and those in their possession, for then
recover it from it; week is the seeker
they are not to blame.
and the one sought.
7. Then if anyone desires beyond that,
74. They do not measure Allah’s true
then those exceed the limits.
ability, for Allah is strong and mighty.
8. And who look after their trust
75. Allah selects from the angels
and agreements,
messengers and from people, for Allah
hears and sees. 9. And who guard their prayers,
76. He knows what lies before them 10. Those are the inheritors,
and behind them and to Allah return 11. Who inherit paradise where they
all things. will remain.
77. Oh you believers, bow down and 12. And We created man from an
prostrate and serve your Lord and do extract of clay.
good in order to succeed. 13. Then We place it as sperm in a
78. And strive in the way of Allah with protective location.
true effort, He has chosen you and did
14. Then We shaped the sperm into an
not place any hardship on you in the
implant and shaped the implant into a
religion, the persuasion of your father
piece of flesh and shaped the piece of
Ibrahim (Abraham); he called you
flesh into bones and covered the bones
Muslims (those who submit) before,
with meat, then We bring it out as a
and in this case the messenger will be
different creation, so exalted is Allah
a witness against you and you will be
the best of creators.
witnesses against mankind, so keep up
prayer and give Zakat and hold on to 15. Then after that you will die.
Allah, He is your protector, the best 16. Then on the day of resurrection
protector and the best helper. you will be raised.
Surah 23: Al-Mu’minun Surah 23: Al-Mu’minun
17. And We created above you seven with your family, except those of them
passages and We were not careless on whom the word has gone before,
with the creation. and do not address Me regarding the
18. And We sent water in measure wrongdoers, for they will be drowned.
from the sky and let it settle on earth, 28. Then when you and those with
and We are able to make it disappear.
you have boarded the ship say: praised
19. Then We produce with it gardens is Allah who rescued us from the
of palm trees and grapes in which you wrongdoing people.
have plenty of fruit and from which
you eat. 29. And say: my Lord, grant me a
blessed landfall, and You are the best
20. And a tree which emerges from
mount Sinai, which grows oil and to grant it.
seasoning for those who eat. 30. In this are indeed signs, and We
21. And there is a lesson for you in the did test them as always.
cattle: We give you to drink from what 31. Then We raised another generation
is in their bellies and you have plenty after them.
of uses in them and you eat of them.
32. And We sent amongst them a
22. And you are carried on them and messenger of their own: serve Allah,
on the ship.
you have no god other than Him, do
23. And We previously sent Nuh you not beware (of Him)?
(Noah) to his people, saying: oh my
people, serve Allah, you have no god 33. And the leaders of his people who
other than Him, do you not beware (of rejected (the truth) and denied the
Him)? meeting of the hereafter and whom
24. Then the leaders of his people who We had made comfortable in this life
rejected (the truth) said: this is only said: this is only a human like you who
a human like you who wants to be eats of what you eat and drinks of what
better than you, and if Allah pleased, you drink.
He would have sent angels, we never 34. And if you were to obey a human
heard of this amongst our forefathers. like you, you would be losers.
25. He is only a man who is possessed, 35. Does he promise you that when
so wait with him for a while.
you die and are dust and bones, you
26. He said: my Lord, help me against will be brought out again?
their denial.
36. Most shocking is what you
27. So We revealed to him to construct
are promised.
the ship before Our eyes and with Our
revelation, then when Our command 37. There is only this worldly life of
comes and the earth bursts open, lead ours, we live and we die and we will
into it a pair of each kind together not be resurrected.
Surah 23: Al-Mu’minun Surah 23: Al-Mu’minun
38. He is only a man who has invented 51. Oh messengers, eat from the good
a lie against Allah and we do not things and do good work, I know what
believe him. you do.
39. He said: my Lord, help me against 52. And this your community is a
their denial. single community, and I am your
Lord, so beware of Me.
40. He said: Soon they will come
to regret. 53. Then they split their affairs
amongst them into doctrines, each
41. So the roar rightfully overtook
party rejoicing in what they have.
them and We scattered them, so away
with the wrongdoing people. 54. So leave them in their misery for
a while.
42. Then We raised other generations
55. Do they reckon that when We
after them.
expand wealth and children for them,
43. No community precedes its fixed
56. We hasten the good for them? But
term nor do they delay it.
they don’t realise.
44. Then We send Our messengers in
57. Those who are humble out of fear
succession. Each time their messenger of their Lord,
came to a community they denied him
58. And those who believe in the signs
and We made them follow one another
of their Lord,
and made them history, so away with
people who do not believe. 59. And those who do not associate
anything with their Lord,
45. Then We sent Musa (Moses) and
his brother Harun (Aaron) with Our 60. And those who give what they
were given and their hearts are fearful
signs and a clear authority.
that they will return to their Lord,
46. To Pharaoh and his leaders,
61. Those are racing towards the good
but they were arrogant and were
and they are the first to achieve it.
proud people.
62. And We do not burden a soul
47. So they said: are we going to
beyond its capacity, and We have a
believe two humans like us when their record which speaks the truth and
people serve us? they will not be wronged.
48. So they denied the two and were of 63. But their hearts are sealed against
those to be destroyed. it and they have other work which
49. And We gave Musa (Moses) the they busy themselves with.
book, so that they would be guided. 64. Until when We overtake the
50. And We made the son of Maryam affluent ones amongst them with the
(Mary) and his mother a sign and punishment, then they pray.
lead them towards a hill with shelter 65. Don’t pray today, for you will not
and springs. be helped.
Surah 23: Al-Mu’minun Surah 23: Al-Mu’minun
66. You previously denied Our signs 78. And He is who arranged hearing,
when they were recited to you and and eyesight and hearts for you, little
turned away on your heels. thanks you give.
67. Arrogant with it, talking boldly 79. And He is who spread you out on
at night. earth, and to Him will you be gathered.
68. Do they not understand speech, 80. And He is who gives life and death,
or has something come to them which and His is the alternation of night and
did not come to their forefathers? day, so will you not understand?
69. Or don’t they know their 81. But they say things similar to what
messenger and dislike him? the earliest communities said.
70. Or do they say he is mad? But he 82. They said: when we have died and
brought them the truth, and most of are dust and bones, are we going to be
them resent the truth. raised again?
71. And if the truth were to follow 83. We and our fathers were promised
their desires the heavens and the earth this before, these are only stories
and whoever is in them would be of old.
corrupted, but We brought them their
84. Say: to whom belongs the earth
reminder and they turn away from
and whoever is on it, if you know?
their reminder.
85. They will say: to Allah. Say: so will
72. Or do you ask them for a
you not take heed?
contribution, but the contribution of
your Lord is better and He is the best 86. Say: who is the Lord of the
of providers. seven heavens and the Lord of the
great throne?
73. And you do call them to a
straight path. 87. They will say: (it belongs) to Allah.
Say: so will you not beware (of Him)?
74. And those who do not believe in
the hereafter deviate from the path. 88. Say: in whose hand is the
75. And if We were to have mercy on ownership of everything and He gives
them and take away any hardship they protection and there is no protection
face, they would continue to get lost in against Him, if you know?
their rebellion. 89. They will say: (it belongs) to Allah.
76. And We previously overtook Say: so how are you conceited?
them with the punishment, and they 90. But We brought them the truth,
did not give in to their Lord nor and they deny.
humble themselves. 91. Allah did not adopt a son and there
77. Until when We open for them a is no other god with Him, otherwise
door full of severe punishment, then every god would take what he created
they are left with nothing. and they would exalt one above the
Surah 23: Al-Mu’minun Surah 23: Al-Mu’minun
other; glorified is Allah above what 106. They will say: our Lord. our
they make out. misfortune has overtaken us and we
92. The One who knows the unseen were people who went astray.
and the apparent, so exalted is He 107. Our Lord, take us out from
above what they associate. here, then if we return, we will
be wrongdoers.
93. Say: my Lord, if you show me what
108. He will say: Off with you in there
they have been promised,
and do not talk to Me.
94. Then, my Lord. do not place me
109. For there was a group of My
amongst the wrongdoing people.
servants saying: our Lord, we believe,
95. And We are able to show you what so forgive us and have mercy on us,
We promise them. and You are the best of those who
96. Repel bad with what is better, We have mercy.
know best what they make out. 110. So you ridiculed them until they
made you forget to remember Me and
97. And say: my Lord, I seek refuge in
you laughed about them.
You from the suggestions of the devils.
111. Today I reward them for having
98. And I seek refuge in you, my Lord,
had patience, for they are the winners.
that they should be present.
112. He will say: how many years did
99. Until when death reaches any of you stay on earth?
them, he says: my Lord, send me back.
113. They will say: we stayed a day
100. So that I do good work in or part of a day; ask those who
what I left behind; no way, it is only keep count.
something he says, and behind them is 114. He will say: you stayed only a
a barrier until the day of resurrection. little while if you had known.
101. Then when the horn is blown, 115. Did you then reckon that We
there will be no connection between created you without purpose and that
them on that day and they will not ask you would not be brought back to Us?
each other. 116. So exalted is Allah, the true king,
102. So whose weight is heavy, those there is no god but Him, the Lord of
will be successful. the noble throne.
103. And whose weight is light, those 117. And whoever calls on another
will have lost themselves, they will god alongside Allah for whom he has
no proof, his reckoning is with his
remain in hell.
Lord, for those who reject (the truth)
104. The fire will burn their faces and do not succeed.
they will be eaten away in it. 118. And say: my Lord, forgive and
105. Were not My signs recited to you have mercy, and you are the best of
but you denied them? those who have mercy.
Surah 24: An-Nur Surah 24: An-Nur
8. And the punishment is averted
Surah 24: An-Nur from her if she witnesses four times by
(Light) Allah that he is a liar.
In the name of Allah, 9. And a fifth time that the anger of
the Owner and Giver of Mercy Allah shall be upon her if he is truthful.
1. A Surah which We have revealed 10. And you depend on Allah’s favour
and made obligatory and revealed in it and mercy upon you and that Allah is
accepting and wise.
clear signs so you pay heed.
11. Those who brought the falsehood
2. The female and the male fornicator,
are a large group amongst you; do not
beat each one of them with a hundred
consider it bad for you, it is good for
beatings and let not pity for both you; for every man amongst them is
overcome you regarding the religion the sin he has earned, and for the one
of Allah if you are believers in the last amongst them who owns the greatest
day, and let a group of the believers share of it is a severe punishment.
witness their punishment. 12. Why, when you heard it, did not
3. The male fornicator may not the believing men and women think
marry except a female fornicator or good within themselves and say: this
idolatress, and the female fornicator is a clear falsehood?
may not be married except by a 13. Why did they not bring four
male fornicator or idolater, and it is witnesses for it? So if they did not
forbidden for the believers. bring the witnesses, then they are liars
4. And those who accuse innocent before Allah.
women and then do not bring four 14. And if it were not for the favours
witnesses, beat them with eighty and mercy of Allah upon you in this
beatings and do not ever accept world and the hereafter, a severe
evidence from them, and those are punishment would have afflicted you
the sinful. for having spread it.
15. When your tongues uttered it and
5. Except those who repent afterwards
your mouths said things of which you
and make amends, for Allah is
had no knowledge and you considered
forgiving, merciful.
it trivial, but with Allah it is serious.
6. And those who accuse their partners 16. And why, when you heard it,
and have no witnesses but themselves, did you not say: it is not for us to
the evidence of any of them will be to say this, glorified are You, this is a
witness four times by Allah that he serious slander.
is truthful. 17. Allah admonishes you not to
7. And a fifth time that the curse of return to something similar ever if you
Allah shall be upon him if he is a liar. are believers.
Surah 24: An-Nur Surah 24: An-Nur
18. And Allah explains to you His men for good women - these are
signs, and Allah is knowing and wise. innocent of what they say, theirs is
19. Those who love indecency to forgiveness and generous provision.
spread amongst the believers, for them 27. Oh you believers, do not enter
is a painful punishment in this world houses other than your own houses
and the hereafter, and Allah knows until you have asked for permission
and you don’t know. and greeted their inhabitants, that is
20. And you depend on Allah’s favour better for you, so you pay heed.
and mercy upon you and that Allah is 28. And if you do not find anyone
lenient and merciful. there, then do not enter unless
21. Oh you believers, do not follow permission has been given to you, and
in the footsteps of the devil; whoever if you are told to go back, go back, it is
follows in the footsteps of the purer for you, and Allah knows what
devil, he commands indecency and you do.
wrongdoing, and if it were not for the 29. It is no sin for you to enter
favour and mercy of Allah upon you, uninhabited houses where there is
none of you would ever be purified, provision for you, and Allah knows
but Allah purifies whom He pleases, what you let on and what you hide.
and Allah listens and knows. 30. Tell the believing men to lower
22. And let not the generous and their eyes and guard their chastity,
affluent amongst you stop giving that is purer for them, for Allah is
to relatives and the poor and the informed of what they get up to.
emigrants in the way of Allah - let 31. And tell the believing women
them be lenient and pardon; don’t to lower their eyes and guard their
you love that Allah forgives you? And chastity and not to display their beauty
Allah is forgiving and merciful. except of what is apparent, and to
23. Those who accuse unaware throw their head coverings over their
innocent believing women are cursed chests and not to display their beauty
in this world and the hereafter and for except to their husbands or their
them is a severe punishment. sons or their husband’s sons or their
brothers or their brothers’ sons or
24. On the day their tongues, hands
their sisters’ sons or their womenfolk
and feet will witness against them as
or those in their possession or
to what they used to do.
the incapable amongst their male
25. On that day Allah repays them attendants or the children who are not
their rightful dues and they know that aware of women’s nakedness, and not
Allah is the clear truth. to stamp their feet to attract attention
26. Bad women are for bad men and in spite of hiding their beauty; and
bad men for bad women, and good repent to Allah altogether, oh you
women are for good men and good believers, in order to be successful.
Surah 24: An-Nur Surah 24: An-Nur
32. And marry those who are single 37. By men whom neither trade
from amongst you and the righteous nor business distracts from the
from amongst your male and female remembrance of Allah and from
servants; if they are poor, Allah will keeping up prayer and giving Zakat;
enrich them from His favours, and they fear a day when the hearts and
Allah is generous and knows. eyesight will be overturned.
33. And let those who cannot find a 38. So that Allah rewards them the
marriage opportunity abstain until best of their deeds and increases them
Allah enriches them from His favours. from His favour, and Allah provides for
And those who want freedom of those whom He pleases without counting.
in your possession, set them free if you 39. And those who reject (the truth),
know of good in them and give them their deeds are like a mirage on empty
of the wealth of Allah that He gave flat land which the thirsty thinks is
you, and do not compel your female water, until when he reaches it he finds
servants to transgress if they want to nothing and finds Allah present who
be chaste, desiring the offering of this pays him his account in full, and Allah
world, and if anyone compels them, is swift in counting.
then Allah is forgiving and merciful 40. Or like darknesses in the deep sea
after they have been compelled. covered by waves with waves above,
above which are clouds, darkness
34. We have revealed to you clear
layered on top of each other, if he takes
signs and the example of those who
out his hand he can hardly see it, and
went before you and an admonition
to whom Allah does not give any light,
for those who beware (of Allah). he has no light.
35. Allah is the light of the heavens 41. Do you not see that everyone in
and the earth; the example of His light the heavens and on earth glorifies
is that of a niche in which there is a Allah, and the birds in flocks? Each
lamp; the lamp is within a glass; the know their prayers and glorifications,
glass is as if it were a bright star set and Allah knows what they do.
ablaze by a blessed olive tree whose oil 42. And to Allah belongs the kingdom
is neither from the East nor the West; of the heavens and the earth, and to
its oil almost glows without fire having Allah is the journey.
touched it; light upon light; Allah
43. Do you not see that Allah makes
guides to His light whom He pleases,
clouds move, then combines them,
and Allah coins examples for people,
then turns them into stacks, then you
and Allah knows everything. see the precipitation emerge from
36. In houses where Allah has within, and He sends it down from the
permitted His name to be elevated and sky from towering clouds containing
remembered, where He is glorified in hailstone and afflicts with it whom He
the mornings and the evenings, pleases and withholds it from whom
Surah 24: An-Nur Surah 24: An-Nur
He pleases; its flash of lightning almost 53. And they swear by Allah their
blinds the eyes. utmost oaths that if you commanded
44. Allah alternates the night and day, them, they would move out; say: don’t
for in that is a lesson for those who see. swear, (show) appropriate obedience,
for Allah knows what you do.
45. And Allah created every creature
from water; amongst them are those 54. Say: obey Allah and obey the
who crawl on their bellies, and messenger, then if you turn away, then
upon him is what he has been tasked
amongst them are those who walk
with and upon you is what you have
on two legs, and amongst them are
been tasked with, and if you obey him
those who walk on four. Allah creates
you are guided, and the duty of the
what He pleases, for Allah is able to
messenger is only to convey clearly.
do anything.
55. Allah has promised the believers
46. We have already revealed clear
who do good work amongst you to
signs, and Allah guides whom He make them successors on earth like He
pleases to a straight path. made those before you successors and
47. And they say: we believe in Allah to establish their religion for them,
and the messenger and obey, then a which He is content with for them,
group of them turns away after that, and to exchange their fear for hope.
and they are not believers. They serve Me and do not associate
48. And when they are called to Allah anything with Me. And whoever
and His messenger to judge between rejects (the truth) after that, those are
them, a group of them are opposed the sinful.
to it. 56. And keep up prayer and give Zakat
49. And if the right is in their favour and obey the messenger in order to
they come to him voluntarily. receive mercy.
57. Don’t think that those who reject
50. Is there a disease in their hearts
(the truth) will escape on earth.
or are they in doubt or do they fear
Their abode is the fire, and it is a
that Allah and His messenger would
bad destination.
do them injustice? But they are
the wrongdoers. 58. Oh you believers, let those in
your possession and those who of you
51. The statement of the believers,
who have not yet reached puberty
whenever they are called to Allah and ask your permission (to enter) on
His messenger to judge between them, three occasions: before the prayer at
is that they say: we listen and we obey, daybreak and when you take off your
and those are the successful. outer garments during the mid-day
52. And whoever obeys Allah and heat and after the night prayer; three
His messenger and fears Allah and times of privacy for you. There is no
bewares of Him, those are the winners. sin for them or you outside those
Surah 24: An-Nur Surah 25: Al-Furqan
times if they move amongst you and so if they ask for your permission
you mingle. This is how Allah explains on account of some affair of theirs,
the signs to you, and Allah is knowing then give permission to whom you
and wise. please from them and ask Allah to
59. And once your children have forgive them, for Allah is forgiving
reached puberty, they should ask and merciful.
permission as those before them did. 63. Do not address the messenger
This is how Allah explains His signs to amongst you like you address each
you, and Allah is knowing and wise. other. Allah knows those of you who
60. And the elderly women who have sneak away secretly, so let those who
no hope of marriage, it is no sin for deviate from His command watch out
them to take off their outer garments for a trial or painful punishment to
without displaying their beauty, and to afflict them.
refrain from it is better for them, and
64. For sure to Allah belongs whatever
Allah listens and knows.
is in the heavens and on earth; He
61. There is no harm for the blind, nor knows your situation and on the
is there harm for the lame, nor is there day they are returned to him He will
harm for the sick nor for yourselves inform them of what they did, and
that you eat from your houses or the Allah knows everything.
houses of your fathers or the houses
of your mothers or the houses of your Surah 25: Al-Furqan
brothers or the houses of you sisters (The Distinction)
or the houses of you paternal uncles
or the houses of your maternal uncles In the name of Allah,
or the houses of your paternal aunts the Owner and Giver of Mercy
or the houses of your maternal aunts 1. Exalted is He who revealed the
or of which you hold the keys or of distinction (between truth and
a friend of yours; there is no sin for falsehood) to His servant for him to
you to eat together or apart; so if you
be a warner to all the world.
enter houses, offer their inhabitants a
blessed good greeting from Allah; this 2. He to whom belongs the kingdom of
is how Allah explains the signs for you the heavens and the earth and who did
to consider. not adopt a son nor does He have any
partner to share in the kingdom, and
62. For the believers are those who
believe in Allah and His messenger He created everything and arranged it
and when they are gathered with him in measure.
for some matter they do not leave until 3. And they take gods besides Him
they ask his permission; those who who do not create anything and are
ask your permission are the ones who themselves created, and they have
believe in Allah and His messenger, no power over harm or benefit for
Surah 25: Al-Furqan Surah 25: Al-Furqan
themselves and are not in charge of 14. Do not call for a single destruction
death, life or the resurrection. today, but call for many destructions.
4. And those who reject (the truth) 15. Say: is this better or the garden of
say: this is only a falsehood he eternity those who beware (of Allah)
invented and other people helped him have been promised as their reward
with it; what they have come up with is and destination?
wrong and dishonest. 16. They have there whatever they
5. And they say: stories of old which he please, being immortal, a promise
has written down, and they are recited your Lord will make good.
to him in the mornings and evenings. 17. And on the day He gathers them
6. Say: it has been revealed by Him and what they serve besides Allah and
who knows the secrets of the heavens says: did you lead these servants of
and the earth, for He is forgiving Mine astray or did they lose the way?
and merciful. 18. They will say: glorified are You,
7. And they say: what is the matter it was not befitting for us to take
with this messenger that he eats food protectors besides You, but You gave
and walks in the market? Why was not them and their fathers provision until
an angel sent to him to be a warner they forgot the reminder and were
with him? ruined as people.
8. And why was he not given a treasure 19. So they deny what you say and
or owns a garden to eat from it. And you can neither bring about change
the wrongdoers say: you only follow a nor help, and whoever does wrong
deranged man. amongst you, We make him taste a
great punishment.
9. See how they coin likenesses for you
and go astray and can’t find a way. 20. And whenever We sent messengers
before you they ate food and walked
10. Exalted is He who, if He pleases, in the markets, and We made some of
will give you better than that: gardens you a test for others as to whether you
through which rivers flow, and will are patient, and your Lord is watching.
give you castles.
21. And those who do not look
11. But they deny the hour, and We forward to meet Us say: why are not
have promised for one who denies the the angels sent down to us or do we
hour a fire. see our Lord? They are arrogant in
12. When it sees them from afar, they themselves and highly insulting.
hear its fury and hissing. 22. On the day they see the angels
13. And when they are thrown into a there will be no good news for the
tight place there in which they are tied sinful and they will order them to
together, then they call for destruction. stay put.
Surah 25: Al-Furqan Surah 25: Al-Furqan
23. And We turn to the work they did 34. Those who are gathered into hell
and turn it into dispersed dust. on their faces, they are worst off and
most astray from the way.
24. The inhabitants of the garden will
be in the best outcome that day and 35. And We gave Musa (Moses) the
the most beautiful place of rest. book and made his brother Harun
(Aaron) a deputy with him.
25. And on the day the sky, with the
36. And We said: go both to the
clouds, will be split open and the
people who deny Our signs, then We
angels will come down in a descent; annihilated them completely.
26. On that day the true kingdom will 37. And the people of Nuh (Noah),
belong to the Merciful, and it will be when they denied the messengers, We
a difficult day for those who rejected drowned them and made them a sign
(the truth). for mankind, and We promised the
27. And on the day the wrongdoer wrongdoers a painful punishment.
will bite his hands and say: woe to 38. And ‘Ad and Thamud and the
me, if only I had chosen a way with people around the waterhole (ar-Rass)
the messenger. and many generations between them.
28. Woe upon woe to me, if only I did 39. For each of them We coined
likenesses, and each of them We
not choose this fellow for a friend.
destroyed completely.
29. He lead me astray from the
40. And they have come across the
reminder after it came to me, and the town on which an evil rain fell - did
devil always abandons man. they not see it? But they did not hope
30. And the messenger will say: oh my for the resurrection.
Lord, my people turned away from 41. And when they see you, they only
this Qur’an. make fun of you: is this the one whom
31. And likewise We arranged for Allah sent as a messenger?
every prophet an enemy from amongst 42. He almost made us stray from our
the sinful, and your Lord is sufficient gods if we did not hold on to them.
as a guide and helper. And soon will they know, when they
see the punishment, who is most
32. And those who reject (the truth) astray from the way.
say: why is not the Qur’an revealed
43. Have you considered him who
to him in one go? In this manner We
takes as his god his desire? Are you
strengthen your heart and recite it going to protect him?
44. Or do you think that most of them
33. And whenever they bring you an listen or understand? They are like
example We bring instead the truth the cattle; rather they are more astray
and best explanation. from the way.
Surah 25: Al-Furqan Surah 25: Al-Furqan
45. Do you not see how your Lord 56. And We only sent you as a bringer
extends the shadow, and if He pleased of good news and a warner.
He could have made it stationary? 57. Say: I do not ask you for a reward
Then We made the sun a pointer for it. for it, but whoever pleases may choose
46. Then We gradually reduce it a way towards his Lord.
towards Us. 58. And rely on the One who lives and
47. And He is who made the night a does not die and glorify His praise,
cover for you and sleep for rest and and He is sufficiently informed about
made the day for rising. the sins of His servants.
48. And He is who sent the winds as 59. The One who created the heavens
good news in advance of His mercy, and the earth and what is between
and We send clean water down from them in six days, then He rose onto
the sky. the throne, the Merciful, so ask anyone
49. To revive a dead land with it, and informed about Him.
We give it to drink to many animals 60. And if they are told to prostrate
and people We have created.
to the Merciful, they say: who is the
50. And We have circulated it amongst Merciful, are we to prostrate to whom
them so that they would take heed, you command us to? and it increases
but most people refuse anything their disagreement.
but rejection.
61. Exalted is He who placed
51. And if We pleased, We would have constellations in the sky and
raised a warner in every town. placed amongst them a light and a
52. So do not obey those who reject radiant moon.
(the truth) and fight them with it in a 62. And He is who made the night and
major effort.
day alternate for anyone who wishes to
53. And He is who mingled the take heed or give thanks.
two bodies of water, one sweet
63. And the servants of the Merciful
and palatable, the other salty and
are those who walk gentle on the earth
unpalatable, and He placed a barrier
and when the ignorant address them,
and impassable border between them.
they say: peace.
54. And He is who created a human
64. And those who spend the night
being from water and gave him lineage
and relationships, and your Lord prostrating to their Lord and standing
is powerful. (in prayer).
55. And they serve besides Allah what 65. And those who say: our Lord,
neither benefits nor harms them, and avert from us the punishment of hell,
the one who rejects (the truth) is for its punishment is unbearable.
openly rebellious against his Lord. 66. It is a bad outcome and abode.
Surah 25: Al-Furqan Surah 26: Ash-Shu’ara’
67. And those who when they spend
are neither wasteful nor stingy, and Surah 26: Ash-Shu’ara’
the right balance is between the two. (The Poets)
68. And those who do not call on any In the name of Allah,
other god alongside Allah and do not the Owner and Giver of Mercy
kill anyone whom Allah has forbidden
1. Ta, Sin, Mim.
except in justice and do not fornicate,
and whoever does this commits 2. These are the signs of the clear book.
a crime. 3. You almost kill yourself with worry
69. The punishment will be multiplied that they are not believers.
for him on the day of resurrection and 4. If We please, We would send a sign
he will remain in it disgraced. from the sky down to them and their
70. Except for him who repents and necks would remain humbled by it.
believes and does good work, for those 5. And whenever a new reminder
Allah replaces their bad deeds with comes to them from the Merciful, they
good deeds, and Allah is forgiving
tend to turn away from it.
and merciful.
6. So they denied, then the news of
71. And whoever repents and does
what they used to make fun of will
good, he truly repents to Allah.
reach them.
72. And those who do not witness
falsehood and when they pass by idle 7. Do they not look at the earth, how
talk, they pass by dignified. many a precious species We grew on it.
73. And those who when they are 8. For in that is a sign, and most of
reminded of the signs of their Lord do them are not believers.
not ignore them deaf and blind. 9. And your Lord is the mighty
74. And those who say: our Lord, make and merciful.
our partners and offspring pleasing to 10. And when your Lord called
look at and make us leaders for those Musa (Moses) to go to the
who beware (of You). wrongdoing people.
75. Those will be rewarded a high 11. The people of Pharaoh, as to why
station on account of their patience they do not beware (of Allah).
and will meet there greetings
and peace. 12. He said: my Lord, I fear that they
deny me.
76. They will remain there, a good
outcome and abode. 13. And my chest tightens and my
77. Say: my Lord would not pay tongue does not loosen, so send for
attention to you but for your prayer, Harun (Aaron).
yet you denied, so soon the inevitable 14. And they hold a crime against me,
will happen. so I fear that they will kill me.
Surah 26: Ash-Shu’ara’ Surah 26: Ash-Shu’ara’
15. He said: no way, go both with My 30. He said: even if I bring you
signs, We are with you listening. something clear?
16. So they both came to Pharaoh 31. He said: then bring it if you
and said: we are a messenger from the are truthful.
Lord of all worlds. 32. So he threw down his staff and it
17. That you should send with us the became a real snake.
Children of Israel. 33. And he pulled out his hand and it
18. He said: did we not look after you could be seen as white.
amongst us as a child and you stayed 34. The leaders around him said: this
amongst us some years of your life? is a knowledgeable magician.
19. And you did the deed you did and 35. He wants to expel you from your
were of the ungrateful. land with his magic, so what do
you command?
20. He said: I did it when I was astray.
36. They said: defer him and his
21. Then I fled from you when I
brother and dispatch mobilisers to
feared you, and my Lord granted me the cities,
the ability to judge and made me of
37. To bring you every
the messengers.
knowledgeable magician.
22. And is this the favour you hold
38. Then the magicians were gathered
against me, that you enslaved the
for an appointment on a specified day.
Children of Israel?
39. And the people were told: are you
23. Pharaoh said: and who is the Lord going to gather?
of all worlds?
40. So we can follow the magicians if
24. He said: the Lord of the heavens they are the winners?
and the earth and what is between
41. And when the magicians came
them, if you are certain.
they said to Pharaoh: will we have a
25. He said to those around him: are reward if we are the winners?
you not listening? 42. He said: yes, and you will then be
26. He said: your Lord and the Lord of of the inner circle.
your forefathers. 43. Musa (Moses) said to them: throw
27. He said: your messenger who has what you can throw.
been sent to you is possessed. 44. So they threw their ropes and sticks
28. He said: the Lord of the East and and said: by the might of Pharaoh, we
the West and what is between them, if will be the winners.
you understand. 45. Then Musa (Moses) threw his stick,
29. He said: if you take a god other then it took over what they invented.
than me, I will certainly imprison you. 46. Then the magicians fell prostrate.
Surah 26: Ash-Shu’ara’ Surah 26: Ash-Shu’ara’
47. They said: we believe in the Lord 62. He said: no way, for my Lord is
of all worlds. with me, He will guide me.
48. The Lord of Musa (Moses) and 63. Then We revealed to Musa (Moses)
Harun (Aaron). to strike the sea with your stick, then
49. He said: do you believe in him it parted and each part was like a
before I have given you permission? great mountain.
For sure he is your chief who taught 64. Then We made the others advance
you magic, so soon you will know: after that.
I will cut your hands and feet from 65. And We rescued Musa (Moses)
opposite sides and will crucify you all. and all who were with him.
50. They said: no harm, we will turn to 66. Then We drowned the others.
our Lord. 67. For in that is a sign, and most of
51. For we hope that our Lord will them are not believers.
forgive us our sins because we are the 68. And your Lord is the mighty
first amongst the believers. and merciful.
52. And We revealed to Musa (Moses) 69. And recite to them the news about
to travel with My servants, for you will Ibrahim (Abraham).
be followed. 70. When he said to his father and his
53. Then Pharaoh sent mobilisers to people: what do you serve?
the cities. 71. They said: we serve idols and
54. These are a small group. remain devoted to them.
55. And they have angered us. 72. He said: do they hear you when
56. And we are force to be you call?
reckoned with. 73. Or benefit you or do harm?
57. So We drove them out of gardens 74. They said: but we found our fathers
and springs. do the same.
58. And treasures and 75. He said: then look at what you
honoured dwellings. serve;
59. This is what happened, and 76. You and your forefathers:
We made the Children of Israel 77. They are an enemy to me, except
inherit them. for the Lord of all worlds.
60. So they pursued them in 78. The One who created me then
the morning. guided me.
61. And when the two groups faced 79. And the One who feeds me and
each other the companions of Musa gives me to drink.
(Moses) said, we have been overtaken. 80. And if I am ill, He heals me.
Surah 26: Ash-Shu’ara’ Surah 26: Ash-Shu’ara’
81. And the One who makes me die, 100. So we have no intercessors.
then brings me to life. 101. And no dear friend.
82. And the One of whom I hope that 102. If only we could return and be of
He forgives me my sins on the day the believers.
of repayment.
103. For in that is a sign, and most of
83. My Lord, grant me the ability to them are not believers.
judge and make me join the righteous.
104. And your Lord is the mighty
84. And give me a truthful reputation and merciful.
amongst those to come.
105. The people of Nuh (Noah) denied
85. And make me of those who inherit the messengers.
the garden of blessings.
106. When their brother Nuh (Noah)
86. And forgive my father, for he was said to them: will you not beware (of
of those astray. Allah)?
87. And do not humiliate me on the 107. For I am a reliable messenger
day they will be raised. to you.
88. On the day when neither wealth 108. So beware of Allah and obey me.
nor children are of benefit.
109. And I do not ask you for a reward
89. Except for him who comes to for it, for my reward is only with the
Allah with a clean heart. Lord of all worlds.
90. And the garden will be brought 110. So beware of Allah and obey me.
near to those who beware (of Allah).
111. They said: should we believe
91. And hell-fire will be presented to in you when the down and out
the transgressors. follow you?
92. And they will be told: where is 112. He said: I have no knowledge of
what you used to serve? what they used to do.
93. Besides Allah, are they going to 113. For their reckoning is upon my
help you or help themselves? Lord, if only you realised.
94. So they and the transgressors will 114. And I am not going to drive away
be dumped into it. the believers.
95. And all the soldiers of Iblis (the 115. For I am only a clear warner.
116. They said: if you do not stop, oh
96. They will say, whilst they argue Nuh (Noah), you will be stoned.
117. He said: my Lord, my people
97. By Allah, we were in clear error. deny me.
98. When we equated you with the 118. So decide clearly between me and
Lord of all worlds. them and rescue me and the believers
99. And only the sinful lead us astray. with me.
Surah 26: Ash-Shu’ara’ Surah 26: Ash-Shu’ara’
119. So We rescued him and those 139. So they denied him and We
with him in the loaded ship. destroyed them, for in that is a sign,
120. Then We drowned the remainder. and most of them are not believers.
121. For in that is a sign, and most of 140. And your Lord is the mighty
them are not believers. and merciful.
122. And your Lord is the mighty 141. Thamud denied the messengers.
and merciful. 142. When their brother Salih said to
123. ‘Ad denied the messengers. them: will you not beware (of Allah)?
143. For I am a reliable messenger
124. When their brother Hud said to
to you.
them: will you not beware (of Allah)?
144. So beware of Allah and obey me.
125. For I am a reliable messenger
to you. 145. And I do not ask you for a reward
for it, for my reward is only with the
126. So beware of Allah and obey me.
Lord of all worlds.
127. And I do not ask you for a reward
146. Are you going to be left safe here?
for it, for my reward is only with the
Lord of all worlds. 147. In gardens and springs?
128. Do you pointlessly construct a 148. And plantations and palm trees
marker on every elevated place? with packed date clusters?

129. And adopt fortified buildings as 149. And you carve out strong homes
from the mountains?
if you lived forever?
150. So beware of Allah and obey me.
130. And when you strike out you
strike out as tyrants? 151. And do not obey the command
of the wasteful.
131. So beware of Allah and obey me.
152. Those who cause corruption on
132. And beware of the One who
earth and do not reform.
furnished you with what you know.
153. They said: you are deranged.
133. Furnished you with cattle
and children. 154. You are only a human like us, so
bring a sign if you are truthful.
134. And gardens and springs.
155. He said: this is a she-camel, she
135. For I fear for you the punishment will drink and you will drink on a
of a tremendous day. known day.
136. They said: It is the same for us 156. And do not touch her with
whether you caution us or do not harm so that the punishment of a
caution us. tremendous day overtakes you.
137. For there is only the first creation. 157. So they bled her to death, then
138. And we will not be resurrected. came to regret.
Surah 26: Ash-Shu’ara’ Surah 26: Ash-Shu’ara’
158. Then the punishment overtook 175. And your Lord is the mighty
them, for in that is a sign, and most of and merciful.
them are not believers. 176. And the inhabitants of the
159. And your Lord is the mighty woodlands (al-Ayka) denied
and merciful. the messengers.
160. The people of Lut (Lot) denied 177. When Shu’ayb (Jethro) said to
the messengers. them: will you not beware (of Allah)?
161. When their brother Lut (Lot) 178. For I am a reliable messenger
said to them: will you not beware (of to you.
179. So beware of Allah and obey me.
162. For I am a reliable messenger
180. And I do not ask you for a reward
to you.
for it, for my reward is only with the
163. So beware of Allah and obey me. Lord of all worlds.
164. And I do not ask you for a reward 181. Give full measure and do not
for it, for my reward is only with the reduce it.
Lord of all worlds.
182. And weigh with a level scale.
165. Do you go for males
amongst everyone? 183. And do not withhold from people
their belongings and do not spread
166. And leave the wives your Lord
corruption on earth.
has created for you? But you are
outrageous people. 184. And beware of the One who
created you and the earlier creation.
167. They said: if you do not stop, oh
Lut (Lot), you will be expelled. 185. They said: you are deranged.
168. He said: I am only describing 186. And you are only a human like
your deeds. us, and we consider you a liar.
169. My Lord, rescue me and my 187. So drop on us a piece of the sky if
family from what they do. you are truthful.
170. So We rescued him and his 188. He said: my Lord knows best
family altogether. what you do.
171. Except an old woman who 189. So they denied him, then the
stayed behind. punishment of the day of obscuration
172. Then We destroyed the others. overtook them, and it was the
173. And We let it rain on them, and punishment of a tremendous day.
it was an evil rain for those who had 190. For in that is a sign, and most of
been warned. them are not believers.
174. For in that is a sign, and most of 191. And your Lord is the mighty
them are not believers. and merciful.
Surah 26: Ash-Shu’ara’ Surah 26: Ash-Shu’ara’
192. And it is a revelation from the 211. And it is not befitting for them,
Lord of all worlds and they are unable to.
193. He sent with it the trusted Spirit. 212. For they are cut off from listening.
194. Unto your heart, so that you 213. So do not call on any other god
would be of the warners. with Allah, then you would be of those
195. In a clear Arabic language. to be punished.
196. And it is in the earlier scriptures. 214. And warn your
197. Is it not a sign for them that immediate relatives.
the scholars of the Children of Israel 215. And give comfort to the believers
know it?
who follow you.
198. And had We revealed it to
216. And if they disobey you, then
some foreigners,
say: I am free of what you do.
199. Then he would have read it to
them, they would not have believed 217. And rely on the mighty
in it. and merciful.
200. This is how We let it pass through 218. Who sees you when you stand up.
the hearts of the sinful. 219. And when you bend amongst
201. They do not believe in it until the prostrate.
they see the painful punishment. 220. For He listens and knows.
202. And it reaches them suddenly 221. Shall I inform you on whom the
when they are not aware.
devils descend?
203. Then they will say: will we be
222. They descend on every sinful liar.
given time?
223. They listen out, but most of them
204. Do they hasten Our punishment?
are liars.
205. Have you considered that if We
give them provision for some years, 224. And the poets, the misguided
follow them.
206. Then what they were promised
reaches them, 225. Do you not see that they wander
207. The provision they were given about in every valley,
will not benefit them? 226. And that they say what they
208. And We never destroyed a town don’t do.
unless there was a warner for it. 227. Except those who believe and do
209. A reminder, and We were good and remember Allah a lot and
not oppressors. defend themselves after having been
210. And the devils do not descend wronged, and the wrongdoers will
with it. soon know which way they will turn.
Surah 27: An-Naml Surah 27: An-Naml
11. Except he who has done wrong,
Surah 27: An-Naml then replaces bad with good, for I am
(Ants) forgiving and merciful.
In the name of Allah, 12. And place your hand on your chest,
the Owner and Giver of Mercy it will come out white without harm
amongst seven signs for Pharaoh and
1. Ta Sin. These are the signs of the
his people, for they were sinful people.
reading (Qur’an) and a clear book.
13. And when Our signs reached
2. A guidance and good news for
them clearly visible they said: this is
the believers.
plain magic.
3. Those who keep up prayer and
14. And they disputed them sinfully
give Zakat and are certain about and arrogantly whilst their own souls
the hereafter. acknowledged them, so see what the
4. Those who do not believe in the outcome was like for the corrupters.
hereafter, We make their deeds appeal 15. And We gave Dawud (David)
to them, so they get lost. and Sulayman (Solomon) knowledge
5. For those is the worst punishment and they said: praised is Allah
and they will be the losers in who favoured us over many of His
the hereafter. believing servants.
6. And you have received the Qur’an 16. And Sulayman (Solomon)
from One wise and knowing. inherited from Dawud (David) and
said: oh people, we were taught
7. When Musa (Moses) said to his
the speech of birds and have been
family: I noticed a fire, I will bring
given of everything, this is indeed a
you news from there or will bring
clear favour.
you a glowing ember so you can
warm yourselves. 17. And his soldiers from the Jinn
and humans and birds were gathered
8. Then when he reached it, he was before Sulayman (Solomon) and
called: blessed is who is in the fire arranged into divisions.
and who surrounds it and glorified is
18. Until when they came upon the
Allah, the Lord of all worlds.
valley of the ants, an ant said: oh ants,
9. Oh Musa (Moses), I am Allah the enter your homes so that Sulayman
mighty and wise. (Solomon) and his soldiers do not
10. And throw your stick, then when crush you without realising.
he saw it move as if it was a snake, 19. Then he smiled amused at her
he turned away and did not turn words and said: my Lord, grant me
around; oh Musa (Moses): do not that I am grateful for Your blessing
fear, the messengers have no fear in which You have blessed me and my
My presence. parents with and that I do good work
Surah 27: An-Naml Surah 27: An-Naml
which You will be pleased with and 31. Do not exalt above me and come
enter me by Your mercy amongst Your to me in submission (as Muslims).
righteous servants. 32. She said: oh leaders, advise me in
20. Then he inspected the birds and the matter, I do not decide a matter
said: how come I don’t see the hoopoe unless you are witnesses.
(Hudhud) or is he absent? 33. They said: we possess power and
21. I shall punish him severely or terrifying strength, and the matter
slaughter him unless he brings a is for you to decide, so see what you
clear authority. will command.
22. But he wasn’t far off and said: 34. She said: when kings enter a
I discovered what you had not town they ruin it and make the most
discovered and brought you from respected of it the most humiliated,
Sheba (Saba’) reliable information. and that is what they do.
23. I found a woman ruling over them 35. And I shall send a gift to them, then
who has been given of everything and wait what the messengers return with.
has a mighty throne.
36. And when it reached Sulayman
24. And I found her people prostrate (Solomon) he said: are you providing
to the sun instead of Allah, and the me with wealth when what Allah has
devil made their deeds appeal to them given me is better than what He has
so he diverted them from the way and given you? But you rejoice in your gift.
they are not guided.
37. Return to them, for we will come
25. That they do not prostrate to Allah to them with soldiers they cannot face
who brings out what is hidden in the up to and will expel them humiliated
heavens and the earth and knows what and conquered.
you conceal and what you disclose.
38. He said: oh leaders, who of you
26. Allah, there is no god but Him, the will bring me her throne before they
Lord of the mighty throne. come to me in submission?
27. He said: we shall see whether you 39. A cunning Jinn said: I will bring
are truthful or a liar. it to you before you get up from your
28. Go with this letter of mine and seat and I am certainly able to do that.
deliver it to them, then turn away 40. The one who had knowledge of
from them and see what they come the book said: I will bring it to you
back with.
in the wink of an eye; then when he
29. She said: oh leaders, an honourable saw it positioned near him he said:
letter has been delivered to me. this is of the favour of my Lord to
30. It is from Sulayman (Solomon) test me whether I am grateful or
and is in the name of Allah, the Owner ungrateful, and whoever is grateful,
and Giver of Mercy. he is grateful for his own good, and
Surah 27: An-Naml Surah 27: An-Naml
whoever is ungrateful, my Lord is rich 50. And they schemed their scheme
and generous. and We schemed Our scheme, and
41. He said: we will alter her throne they did not realise.
for her to see if she is guided or of 51. So see what the outcome of their
those who are not guided. scheme was like: We destroyed them
42. Then when she came, she was and their people altogether.
told: is your throne like this? She 52. And these their houses are
said: as if it was the one. And we were deserted because of their wrongdoing.
given knowledge before her and had In that is a sign for people who know.
submitted (as Muslims).
53. And We rescued those who
43. And what she used to serve besides believed and constantly bewared (of
Allah diverted her, for she belonged to Allah).
people who rejected (the truth).
54. And Lut (Lot) when he said
44. She was told: enter the palace. to his people: do you visibly go
Then when she saw it, she thought it for indecency?
was water and bared her legs. He said:
55. Do you come to men with lust
it is a palace made of crystal. She said:
instead of women? But you are an
my Lord, I have wronged myself and
submit with Sulayman (Solomon) to ignorant people.
Allah, the Lord of all worlds. 56. And the reply of his people was
45. And to Thamud We sent their merely that they said: expel the family
brother Salih, (saying) serve Allah, of Lut (Lot) from your town for they
then they became two arguing factions. are people who want to keep clean.
46. He said: oh my people, why do you 57. So We rescued him and his family
hasten the bad before the good? Why except his wife whom We decreed to
don’t you ask Allah for forgiveness in stay behind.
order to receive mercy? 58. And We let it rain on them, and
47. They said: we see a bad omen in it was an evil rain for those who had
you and those with you. He said: your been warned.
bad omen is with Allah, but you are 59. Say: Allah is praised and peace
being tried as a people. upon His servants whom He has
48. And there were nine clans in the chosen. Is Allah better or what you
town who caused corruption on earth assign as partners?
and did not reform. 60. Or who created the heavens and
49. They said: let’s swear by Allah that the earth and sent water for you from
we will attack him and his family at the sky, so that We grow with it gardens
night then say to his protector that we full of splendour? You could not grow
did not witness the destruction of his its trees! Is there a god with Allah? But
family and that we are truthful. they are people who turn away.
Surah 27: An-Naml Surah 27: An-Naml
61. Or who made the earth firm and 70. And do not worry about them
made rivers run through it and made nor be uptight about what they
stabilisers for it and placed a barrier are scheming.
between the two bodies of water? Is 71. And they say: when will this
there a god with Allah? But most of promise happen if you are truthful?
them don’t know.
72. Say: maybe some of what you
62. Or who responds to the distressed hasten will befall you quickly.
when he calls Him and removes the
73. And your Lord is full of generosity
harm and makes you successors on
towards people, but most of them give
earth? Is there a god with Allah? Little
no thanks.
do you reflect.
74. And your Lord knows what they
63. Or who guides you in the darkness
hide inside and what they disclose.
on land and on sea and who sends the
wind as a bringer of good news before 75. And there is nothing hidden
His mercy? Is there a god with Allah? in the sky or on earth but it is in a
Exalted is Allah above what they clear record.
assign as partners. 76. This Qur’an relates to the Children
64. Or who originates the creation of Israel most of what they differ in.
then repeats it and who provides for 77. And it is a guidance and mercy for
you from the sky and the earth? Is the believers.
there a god with Allah? Say: bring 78. Your Lord decides between them
your proof if you are truthful. by His judgement and He is the mighty
65. Say: nobody in the heavens and and knowing.
the earth knows the unseen except 79. So rely on Allah, for you are upon
Allah and they have no idea when they the clear truth.
will be raised. 80. For you cannot make the dead
66. But does their knowledge extend hear and cannot make the deaf hear
to the hereafter? No, they are in doubt when they turn away.
of it. No, they are blind to it. 81. And you will not guide the blind
67. And those who reject (the away from their error. You can only
truth) say: when we are dust as well make those hear who believe in Our
as our fathers, are we going to be signs and submit (as Muslims).
brought back? 82. And when the word against them
68. We and our fathers were promised comes to pass We bring out a creature
this before, these are only stories from the earth for them to speak to
of old. them that mankind were not sure
69. Say: travel on the earth, then about Our signs.
see what the outcome was like for 83. And on the day We gather a
the sinful. portion from each community of
Surah 27: An-Naml Surah 28: Al-Qasas
those who denied Our signs and 93. Say: Allah is praised, He will show
arrange them into divisions. you His signs so that you know them,
84. Until when they come, He will and my Lord is not unaware of what
say: did you deny My signs without you do.
grasping them in knowledge, or what
did you do? Surah 28: Al-Qasas
85. And the word against them (The Story)
comes to pass on account of their In the name of Allah,
wrongdoing, so they cannot speak.
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
86. Do they not see that We made the
1. Ta, Sin, Mim.
night for them to rest in and the day
to see? In that are signs for people 2. These are the signs of the clear book.
who listen. 3. We recite to you in truth of the
87. And on the day the horn is blown, information about Musa (Moses) and
whoever is in the heavens and on earth Pharaoh for people who believe.
is terrified except whom Allah pleases, 4. Pharaoh exalted on earth and
and all come to Him in submission. turned its people into factions, a group
88. And you will see the mountains, of whom he oppressed, slaughtering
which you consider solid, disperse their sons and sparing their women,
like the clouds. This is the design of for he was of the corrupters.
Allah who perfected everything, for
5. And We wanted to show favour to
He knows what you do.
those who were oppressed on earth
89. Whoever brings a good deed will and make them leaders and make
have better than it, and they will be them the inheritors.
safe from the terror of that day.
6. And to establish them on earth and
90. And whoever brings a bad deed,
show Pharaoh and Haman and their
their faces will be thrown into the fire.
soldiers from them what they were
Are you being punished except for
afraid of.
what you did?
7. And We revealed to the mother of
91. I have only been commanded
to serve the Lord of this land which Musa (Moses) to suckle him, then
He has made sacred, and everything when you fear for him, throw him into
belongs to Him, and I have been the river and do not fear nor worry, for
commanded to be the first to submit We will return him to you and make
(as Muslim). him of the messengers.
92. And to recite the Qur’an; so 8. Then the family of Pharaoh picked
whoever wants to be guided, is guided him up so he would be an enemy
for his own good, and to whoever goes and worry for them, for Pharaoh and
astray say: I am only a warner. Haman and their soldiers were guilty.
Surah 28: Al-Qasas Surah 28: Al-Qasas
9. And the wife of Pharaoh said: a 16. He said: my Lord, I have wronged
comfort for my eyes and yours, do not myself, so forgive me. Then He forgave
kill him, maybe he will benefit us or him, for He is forgiving and merciful.
we will adopt him as a son, and they 17. He said: my Lord, because you
did not realise. have favoured me I will not support
10. And the heart of the mother of the sinful.
Musa (Moses) became empty and 18. Then he became fearful and
she almost disclosed him had We not apprehensive in the town when the
made her heart firm so that she would one who had sought his help the
be of the believers. day before called out for his help.
11. So she said to his sister, go after Musa (Moses) said to him: you are a
him, then she saw him from the side- clear hothead.
lines whilst they did not realise. 19. Then when he wanted to strike
the one who was an enemy to them
12. And We had forbidden to him
both he said: oh Musa (Moses), do
wet-nurses before, so she said: shall I
you want to kill me like you killed
point you to the people of a house who
someone yesterday? You only want to
will take care of him for you and be
be a tyrant on earth and don’t want to
sincere to him?
be of the reformers.
13. So We returned him to his mother 20. And a man came running from the
so that her eyes would be comforted other end of town, saying: oh Musa
and she would not worry and would (Moses), the leaders are commanding
know that the promise of Allah is true, to kill you, so leave, I am sincere
but most of them don’t know. to you.
14. And when he attained his full 21. So he left from there fearful and
strength and stature We gave him apprehensive and said: my Lord, rescue
the ability to judge and knowledge me from the wrongdoing people.
and this is how We reward those who 22. Then when he faced towards
do good. Madyan (Midian) he said: maybe my
15. And he entered the town when its Lord will guide me to the level way.
inhabitants were unaware and found 23. And when he arrived at the
there two men fighting, one from his water of Madyan (Midian) he found
faction and one from his enemies; a community of people there who
then the one from his faction asked watered (their flocks) and found
for his assistance against the one from besides them two women staying
his enemies, so Musa (Moses) hit him away. He said: what is the matter with
and finished him off. He said: this is you? They said: we will not water (our
from the devil’s work, for he is a clear flock) until the shepherds have gone,
misleading enemy. and our father is an old man.
Surah 28: Al-Qasas Surah 28: Al-Qasas
24. So he watered them for them, then 31. And throw your stick, then when
turned towards the shade and said: my he saw it move as if it was a snake, he
Lord, I am in need of any good you turned away and did not turn around;
may send to me. oh Musa (Moses): come close and do
25. Then one of them came walking not fear, for you are safe.
shyly and said: my father calls you to 32. Insert your hand onto your chest,
pay you a reward for having watered it will come out white without harm,
(our flock) for us. Then when he came and bring your arms together (over
and related to him the story he said: do your chest) to calm your fear. So these
not fear, you have been rescued from are two proofs from your Lord for
the wrongdoing people. Pharaoh and his leaders, for they are
sinful people.
26. One of them said: oh my father,
hire him, for the best you can hire is 33. He said: my Lord, I killed someone
from them and fear that they will
the strong and trusted.
kill me.
27. He said: I want to marry one of
34. And my brother Harun (Aaron)
these two daughters of mine to you
is more eloquent in speech than me,
on condition that you work for me
so send him with me in support to
for eight seasons, but if you complete
confirm me, for I fear that they will
ten then that is up to you, and I do not deny me.
want to overburden you, you will, if
35. He said: We will strengthen your
Allah pleases, find me of the righteous.
support with your brother and give
28. He said: that is between me and you both authority, so they will not
you, whichever of the two terms I get to you; with Our signs you both
complete, there shall be no enmity and those who follow you will be
against me, and Allah is a guardian the winners.
over what we say. 36. Then when Musa (Moses) came to
29. Then when Musa (Moses) had them with Our clear signs they said:
completed the term and travelled with this is only invented magic and we have
his family, he noticed on the side of the not heard this from our forefathers.
mountain a fire. He said to his family: 37. And Musa (Moses) said: my Lord
wait, I noticed a fire, maybe I bring you knows best who comes with the
news from there or a burning log from guidance from Him and to whom
the fire so you can warm yourselves. belongs the final abode, for the
30. Then when he reached it he was wrongdoers do not succeed.
called from the right side of the valley 38. And Pharaoh said: oh leaders, I do
at the blessed location of the tree: oh not know any other god for you than
Musa (Moses), I am Allah, the Lord of myself, so supply me, oh Haman, with
all worlds. clay and build me a structure from
Surah 28: Al-Qasas Surah 28: Al-Qasas
which to ascend to the god of Musa sent ahead they cannot say: our Lord,
(Moses), for I consider him a liar. why did You not send a messenger to
39. And he and his soldiers were us so we could follow Your signs and
arrogant on earth without right and be of the believers?
thought that they would not return 48. Then when the truth from Us came
to Us. to them they said: why hasn’t he been
40. So We overtook him and his given the like of what Musa (Moses)
soldiers and threw them into the sea, was given? Did they not reject what
then see what the outcome of the Musa (Moses) had been given before,
wrongdoers was like. saying: two magicians supporting
each other, and saying: we reject each
41. And We made them leaders
of them.
calling to the fire and on the day of
resurrection they will not be helped. 49. Say: then bring a book from Allah
42. And We had them followed by a which is more guided than those two,
curse, and on the day of resurrection and I will follow it, if you are truthful.
they are amongst the despised. 50. Then if they do not respond to
43. And We gave Musa (Moses) the you, then know that they only follow
book, after having destroyed the their desires, and who is more astray
earlier generations, as clear evidence than he who follows his desire without
for mankind and a guidance and guidance from Allah, for Allah does
mercy so that they might reflect. not guide the wrongdoing people.
44. And you were not on the Western 51. And We made the word reach
side when We decided the matter for them continuously so that they
Musa (Moses) and you were not of might reflect.
the witnesses. 52. Those to whom We gave the book
45. But We raised generations until before believe in it.
the time seemed too long for them; 53. And when it is recited to them
and you did not live amongst the they say: we believe in it, for it is the
inhabitants of Madyan (Midian) to truth from our Lord, we submitted (as
recite to them Our signs, but We Muslims) before.
sent others. 54. Those will be given their reward
46. And you were not on the side of twice on account of having had
the mountain when We called, but it patience and warding off bad with
is a mercy from your Lord in order good and spending of what We
for you to warn a people to whom no provided them with.
warner has come before you, so that 55. And if they hear idle talk, they turn
they reflect. away from it and say: our work is for
47. So that when an affliction befalls us and your work is for you, peace be
them on account of what they have with you, we do not seek the ignorant.
Surah 28: Al-Qasas Surah 28: Al-Qasas
56. For you do not guide whom we disown them before You, they did
you love but Allah guides whom not serve us.
He pleases, and He knows best who 64. And it will be said: call your
is guided. associates, so they call them but they
57. And they say: if we follow the will not respond to them, and they
guidance with you we will be forced out see the punishment - if only they
from our land. Did We not establish were guided.
for them a safe sanctuary where fruit 65. And on the day He calls them,
of all kinds arrives as provision from then will say: how did you respond to
Us, but most of them don’t know. the messengers?
58. And how many a town have We 66. And they will be blind to any
destroyed which took pride in its information on that day and will not
living standards, so these are their ask each other.
homes which were not inhabited after
67. So whoever repents and believes
them except a little, and We were
and does good, he will likely
the inheritors.
be successful.
59. And your Lord never destroys
a town until he raises in its midst 68. And your Lord creates what He
a messenger who recites to them pleases and chooses, they do not have
Our signs, and We never destroy a choice, glorified is Allah and exalted
towns unless their inhabitants above what they associate.
are wrongdoers. 69. And your Lord knows what they
60. And whatever you have been given hide inside and what they disclose.
is the provision of the life of the world 70. And He is Allah, there is no god
and its adornment, and what is with but Him, He is praised in this world
Allah is better and more lasting, do and the next, and His is the judgement
you not then understand? and to Him you will return.
61. Is he whom We have given a good 71. Say: have you considered if Allah
promise and he achieves it like the one made the night continuous for you
whom We have given provision in the until the day of resurrection, what
life of the world, then on the day of god other than Allah would bring you
resurrection he is of those summoned? light? Do you not then listen?
62. And on the day He calls them and 72. Say: have you considered if Allah
says: where are My associates whom made the day continuous for you until
you claimed? the day of resurrection, what god other
63. Those against whom the word than Allah would bring you a night to
comes to pass will say: our Lord, these rest in? Do you not then see?
are the ones whom we lead astray, we 73. And of His mercy He made for you
lead them astray just as we were astray, the night and the day so that you rest
Surah 28: Al-Qasas Surah 28: Al-Qasas
in it and seek of His favours and so is better for those who believe and do
that you are grateful. good, and only the patient achieve it.
74. And on the day He calls them and 81. Then We made the earth collapse
says: where are My associates whom with him and his house, and there was
you claimed? no detachment to help him besides
75. And We take a witness from each Allah and he was not being helped.
community, then say: bring your 82. And those who wished for his
proof, then they know that the truth place the day before started saying:
belongs to Allah and what they used wow, Allah expands the provision
to invent deserts them. for whom He pleases of His servants
and tightens it, and if Allah had not
76. Qarun (Korah) was of the people
bestowed favours on us, He would
of Musa (Moses) but transgressed
have made (the earth) collapse with
against them, and We gave him
us, wow, those who reject (the truth)
treasures whose keys weighed down a do not succeed.
strong camel, when his people said to
him: do not show off, Allah does not 83. This is the abode of the hereafter
which We made for those who do
love the show-offs.
not seek arrogance nor corruption on
77. And seek with that what Allah has earth, and the outcome is for those
given you the abode of the hereafter who beware (of Allah).
and do not forget your share of this
84. Whoever brings a good deed,
world and do good like Allah has
he will receive better than it, and
done good to you and do not seek
whoever brings a bad deed, those who
corruption on earth, for Allah does do bad will only be punished for what
not love the corrupters. they did.
78. He said: I was given it on account 85. The One who prescribed the
of my own knowledge. Did he not Qur’an for you will return you to the
know that Allah destroyed generations promised place. Say: my Lord knows
before him who had greater strength best who brings the guidance and who
and larger numbers than him? And is in clear error.
the sinful will not be questioned about
86. And you could not hope that the
their sins.
book would be given to you except
79. So he came out to his people in his as a mercy from your Lord, so do not
adornments. Those who wanted the provide support to those who reject
life of the world said: if only we had (the truth).
like what Qarun (Korah) has been 87. And let them not divert you from
given, for he is full of good fortune. the signs of Allah after they were
80. Those who were given knowledge revealed to you and call upon your
said: woe to you, the reward of Allah Lord and do not be of the idolaters.
Surah 29: Al-Ankabut Surah 29: Al-Ankabut
88. And do not call with Allah on any 9. And those who believe and do good
other god, there is no god but Him, work, We will enter them amongst
everything will be destroyed except the righteous.
His presence, His is the judgement 10. And amongst people is he who
and to Him you will return. says: we believe in Allah, then when
he is harmed because of Allah he
Surah 29: Al-Ankabut makes out the trials of people as the
(The Spider) punishment of Allah, and if a victory
comes from your Lord, he will say: we
In the name of Allah, were with you. Does not Allah know
the Owner and Giver of Mercy best what everyone keeps inside?
1. Alif, Lam, Mim. 11. And Allah will surely know those
2. Do people think that they will be who believe and will surely know
left alone saying: we believe, and will those who pretend.
not be tested? 12. And those who reject (the truth)
3. We tested those before them, so that say to the believers: follow our way and
Allah knows those who are truthful we will carry your shortcomings, yet
and knows the liars. they carry none of their shortcomings,
for they are liars.
4. Or do those who do bad think
that they will precede Us? Bad is how 13. And they will carry their burdens
they judge. and other burdens with them, and
they will be asked on the day of
5. Whoever hopes to meet Allah,
resurrection about what they used
Allah’s appointed time will come, and to invent.
He listens and knows.
14. And We sent Nuh (Noah) to his
6. And whoever makes an effort, people, then he stayed amongst them
makes an effort for his own good, for a thousand years minus fifty years,
Allah is independent of all the worlds. then the floods took them whilst they
7. And those who believe and do good were wrongdoers.
work, We cancel their bad deeds and 15. And We rescued him and his
reward them for the best of what they companions in the ship and made it a
used to do. sign for all the worlds.
8. And We instructed man to be kind 16. And Ibrahim (Abraham), when
to his parents, and if they argue with he said to his people: serve Allah and
you to associate with Me what you beware of Him, that is better for you if
have no knowledge of, then do not you knew.
obey them. To Me is your return, 17. For you serve besides Allah idols
then I will inform you of what you and create a falsehood; those whom
used to do. you serve besides Allah do not control
Surah 29: Al-Ankabut Surah 29: Al-Ankabut
provision for you, so seek provision 27. And We bestowed on him Ishaq
with Allah and serve Him and thank (Isaac) and Ya’qub (Jacob) and
Him; to Him you will return. placed amongst his descendants the
18. And if you deny, then communities prophethood and the book and gave
before you already denied, and the him his reward in this world, and in the
duty of the messenger is only to hereafter he is amongst the righteous.
convey clearly. 28. And Lut (Lot) when he said to his
19. Do they not see how Allah initiates people: you bring an indecency no-
the creation then repeats it? For that is one in the whole world has preceded
easy for Allah. you with!
20. Say: travel on earth and see how 29. For you come to men and cut off
He initiated the creation, then Allah the way and come up with what is
brings about the final existence, for objectionable in your meetings, but
Allah is able to do anything. the answer of his people was only that
21. He punishes whom He pleases and they said: bring us Allah’s punishment
has mercy on whom He pleases, and to if you are truthful.
Him will you be brought back. 30. He said: my Lord, help me against
22. And you will not escape on earth the corrupt people.
nor the sky, and you have besides 31. And when Our messengers came
Allah no protector nor helper. to Ibrahim (Abraham) with the
23. And those who reject Our signs good news, they said: we will destroy
and the meeting with Him, those the inhabitants of this town, for its
despair of My mercy and for those is a inhabitants are wrongdoers.
painful punishment. 32. He said: but Lut (Lot) is in there.
24. But the answer of his people was They said: we know best who is in
only that they said: kill him or burn there, we will rescue him and his
him, so Allah rescued him from the family except his wife who is of those
fire, for in that are signs for people who stay behind.
who believe. 33. And when Our messengers came
25. He said: you have between to Lut (Lot), he was concerned and
yourselves adopted idols besides Allah uneasy about them. They said: do not
in this world whom you love, then on fear nor worry, for we will rescue you
the day of resurrection you will reject and your family except your wife who
each other and curse each other, and is of those who stay behind.
your abode is the fire and you will not 34. We shall send down on the
be helped. inhabitants of this town a punishment
26. Then Lut (Lot) believed in him from the sky because of their excesses.
and said: I will migrate towards my 35. And We left a clear sign of it for
Lord, for He is the mighty and wise. people who understand.
Surah 29: Al-Ankabut Surah 29: Al-Ankabut
36. And to Madyan (Midian) (We 44. Allah created the heavens and the
sent) their brother Shu’ayb (Jethro) earth in truth, for in that is a sign for
who said: oh my people, serve Allah the believers.
and hope for the last day and do not 45. Recite what has been revealed to
spread corruption on earth. you of the book and keep up prayer,
37. But they denied, so the earthquake for prayer prevents indecency and
overtook them and they were wrongdoing, and the remembrance of
found face down in their houses in Allah is greater, and Allah knows what
the morning. you do.
38. And ‘Ad, and Thamud, as is 46. And do not argue with the people
apparent to you from their homes, and of the book except with what is better,
the devil made their deeds appeal to except for the wrongdoers amongst
them, so he diverted them from the them, and say: we believe in that
way whilst they were aware of it. which has been revealed to us and
39. And Qarun (Korah) and Pharaoh which has been revealed to you, and
and Haman, and Musa (Moses) came our Lord and your Lord is one, and we
to them with clear proofs but they submit to Him (as Muslims).
were arrogant on earth but did not 47. And this is how We revealed to
get ahead. you the book, and the ones to whom
40. And each did We overtake due to we gave the book believe in it, and
his sin, so of them is on whom We sent of those there is who believes in it,
a storm, and of them is whom the roar and only those who reject (the truth)
overtook, and of them is with whom object to Our signs.
We made the earth collapse, and of 48. And you did not recite from a
them is whom We drowned, and book before nor write it with your own
Allah did not wrong them, but they hand, otherwise the ignorant would
wronged themselves. have doubted.
41. The likeness of those who adopt 49. But they are clear signs in the
protectors besides Allah is that of the hearts of those who were given
spider adopting a dwelling, and the knowledge, and only the wrongdoers
most feeble of dwellings is the dwelling object to Our signs.
of the spider if they only knew. 50. And they say: why were not signs
42. Allah knows whatever they call sent down to him from his Lord? Say:
upon besides Him, and He is mighty the signs are with Allah, and I am only
and wise. a plain warner.
43. And these are the likenesses We 51. Is it not sufficient for them that
coin for people, and only those with We revealed to you the book which is
knowledge understand them. recited to them, for in that is indeed
Surah 29: Al-Ankabut Surah 29: Al-Ankabut
a mercy and reminder for people made the sun and the moon of service,
who believe. they would say: Allah. So where to are
52. Say: Allah is sufficient as a witness they diverted?
between me and you, He knows what 62. Allah expands the provision for
is in the heavens and on earth, and whom He pleases and tightens it, for
those who believe in falsehood and Allah knows everything.
reject Allah, those are the losers.
63. And if you were to ask them who
53. And they ask you to hasten the sent down water from the sky to revive
punishment, and if it was not a fixed with it the earth after its death, they
date, the punishment would have would say: Allah. Say: Allah is praised.
reached them, and it will reach them
But most of them do not understand.
suddenly when they are not aware.
64. And this worldly life is only
54. They ask you to hasten the
pastime and play, and the abode of
punishment, and hell surrounds those
the hereafter is the real life, if only
who reject (the truth).
they knew.
55. On the day the punishment covers
them from above and from below 65. And when they board the ship
them and He will say: taste what you they call Allah making their religion
used to do. sincere for Him, then when We rescue
them to land, they associate (others
56. Oh My servants who believe, My
with Him).
earth is spacious, so serve Me.
66. So that they reject that which We
57. Every soul will taste death, then
you will return to Us. gave them and in order to enjoy it for a
while, but they will soon know.
58. And those who believe and do
good, We will arrange chambers for 67. Do they not see that We have
them in the garden (of paradise) made a safe sanctuary whilst people
through which rivers flow where they are attacked all around them? Do they
will remain; blessed is the reward of then believe in falsehood and reject
those who work. the blessings of Allah?
59. Those who were patient and relied 68. And who is more wrong than
on their Lord. he who invents a lie against Allah or
60. And how many a creature does denies the truth when it reaches him?
not carry its provision; Allah provides Is not in hell a home for those who
for it and for you, and He listens reject (the truth)?
and knows. 69. And those who strive for Us, We
61. And if you were to ask them who will guide them Our ways, and Allah
created the heavens and the earth and is with those who do good.
Surah 30: Ar-Rum Surah 30: Ar-Rum
10. Then the outcome of those who
Surah 30: Ar-Rum did bad was bad for that they denied
(The Romans) the signs of Allah and made fun
In the name of Allah, of them.
the Owner and Giver of Mercy 11. Allah initiates the creation, then
repeats it, then you will return to Him.
1. Alif, Lam, Mim.
12. And on the day the hour happens,
2. The Romans have been defeated.
the sinful will despair.
3. In the nearside land, and they will
13. And they will have no mediator
after their defeat be victorious.
from their associates and will reject
4. In a few years. To Allah belongs the their associates.
matter before and after, and on that 14. And on the day the hour happens,
day the believers will rejoice. on that day they will be separated.
5. In the victory of Allah. He gives 15. As for those who believed and did
victory to whom He pleases and He is good work, they will be settled happily
mighty and merciful. in the garden.
6. A promise from Allah. Allah does 16. And as for those who rejected (the
not break His promise, but most truth) and denied Our signs and the
people don’t know. meeting of the hereafter, those will be
7. They know the apparent of the presented for punishment.
life of this world and are careless of 17. So glorified is Allah when you
the hereafter. enter the night and when you get up in
8. Do they not reflect about the morning.
themselves? Allah did not create 18. And He is praised in the heavens
what is in the heavens and on earth and on earth and in the afternoon and
and what is between them except when you reach mid-day.
with truth and for a fixed term, but 19. He brings out the living from the
many people reject the meeting with dead and brings out the dead from
their Lord. the living and revives the earth after
9. Do they not travel on earth and its death, and likewise you will be
see what the outcome of those before brought out.
them was? They were stronger than 20. And of His signs is that He created
them in power and made their mark you from soil, then you spread out
on the earth and cultivated it more as humans.
than these cultivated it, and their 21. And of His signs is that he created
messengers came to them with clear for you partners from amongst
proofs, so Allah did not wrong them yourselves to find rest in them, and
but they wronged themselves. He placed love and mercy between
Surah 30: Ar-Rum Surah 30: Ar-Rum
you, for in that are signs for people who will guide whom Allah lets go
who reflect. astray? And they have no helpers.
22. And of His signs is the creation 30. So turn your face to this religion
of the heavens and the earth and the sincerely devoted; the natural
difference in your languages and disposition upon which Allah created
colours, for in that are signs to those people. There is no changing the
who know. creation of Allah. That is the upright
23. And of His signs is your sleep at religion, but most people do not know.
night and in the day and that you seek 31. Repent to Him and beware of Him
of His favours, for in that are signs for and keep up prayer and do not be of
people who listen. the idolaters.
24. And of His signs He shows you 32. Of those who divide their religion
the lightning in fear and hope and and are factions, each party rejoicing
sends down from the sky water, then in what they have.
revives with it the earth after its death,
33. And when harm befalls people,
for in that are signs for people who
they call their Lord, repenting to Him,
then when He lets them taste mercy
25. And of His signs is that the sky and from Him, a group of them associate
the earth function by His command, (others) with Allah.
then when He calls you with a call from
the earth, you will be brought out. 34. So that they reject that which We
gave them, then enjoy it for a while,
26. And to Him belongs what is in the
you will soon know.
heavens and on earth, everything is
submissive to Him. 35. Or did We send an authority to
them, someone who tells them of that
27. And He is who initiates the
which they associate?
creation, then repeats it, and this is
most easy for Him, and His are the 36. And when We let people taste
most exalted attributes in the heavens mercy, they rejoice in it, and when
and on earth and He is the mighty something bad afflicts them on
and wise. account of what they have sent ahead,
28. Allah coins a likeness for you of they are depressed.
yourselves: do those in your possession 37. Do they not see that Allah expands
share what We have provided you with the provision for whom He pleases
to the extent that you are equal in it and tightens it, for in that are signs for
and you fear them as you fear each people who believe.
other? This is how Allah explains the 38. So give the relatives their due and
signs for people who understand. the poor and the traveller, that is better
29. But the wrongdoers follow their for those who want to please Allah,
own desires without knowledge, so and those are the successful.
Surah 30: Ar-Rum Surah 30: Ar-Rum
39. And whatever you give in interest 47. And We sent messengers before
to increase the wealth of people, it you to their people and they brought
does not increase with Allah, and them clear proofs, then We took
whatever you give in Zakat, seeking to revenge on those who sinned, and it is
please Allah, those are the ones who a duty upon Us to help the believers.
achieve growth. 48. Allah is who sends the winds,
40. Allah is who created you, then then they promote the clouds, then
provided for you, then lets you die, He spreads them in the sky as He
then revives you. Is there any of your pleases, and He darkens them and you
associates who does anything of that? see precipitation emerge from within,
Glorified and exalted is He above what then when He afflicts with it whom He
they associate. pleases of His servants, they rejoice.
41. Corruption is becoming apparent 49. When before it was sent down on
on land and on sea on account of what them they were in despair.
people have brought about, so that He 50. So look at the effects of the mercy
makes them taste some of what they of Allah, how He revives the earth after
have done so that they return. its death, for likewise the dead will be
42. Say: travel on earth and see what revived, and He is able to do anything.
the outcome was like for those before, 51. And if We send a wind and they
most of them were idolaters. see it turn yellow, they will still reject
43. So turn your face to the upright (the truth) after that.
religion before a day comes when 52. For you cannot make the dead
there is no turning back from Allah. hear and cannot make the deaf hear
On that day they will be parted. when they turn away.
44. Who rejected (the truth), his 53. And you will not guide the blind
rejection is upon him, and who away from their error. You can only
did good, they paved the way make those hear who believe in Our
for themselves. signs and submit (as Muslims).
45. So that Allah rewards those who 54. Allah is who created you weak,
believe and do good work from His then gave strength after weakness,
favours, for He does not love those then gave weakness and grey hair
who reject (the truth). after strength, and He creates what
46. And of His signs is that He sends He pleases and He is the knowing
the winds as bringers of good news and powerful.
and to let you taste of His mercy and 55. And on the day the hour happens,
for the ship to sail by His command the sinful will swear that they did not
and for you to seek of His blessings stay longer than an hour, this is how
and so that you would be grateful. they were diverted.
Surah 31: Luqman Surah 31: Luqman
56. And those who were given and makes fun of it; for those is a
knowledge and belief will say: you humiliating punishment.
stayed in accordance with the decree 7. And when Our signs are recited
of Allah until the day of resurrection, to him he turns away arrogantly as if
so this is the day of resurrection, but he didn’t hear them, as if there was a
you did not know. weight upon his ears, so announce to
57. So on that day their excuses do not him a painful punishment.
benefit the wrongdoers nor will they 8. Those who believe and do good
be allowed redress. work, for them are gardens of blessing.
58. And We have coined in this Qur’an 9. They remain there, a true promise of
all kinds of likenesses for people, and Allah, and He is the mighty and wise.
if you were to bring them a sign, those 10. He created the heavens without
who reject (the truth) would say: you supports that you can see and placed
are only making it up. stabilisers on earth so it doesn’t shake
59. This is how Allah imprints on the you up and spread on it all kinds of
hearts of those who do not know. creatures, and We send water from
the sky, then We grow on it every
60. So have patience, for the promise
precious species.
of Allah is true, and let not those who
are unsure distract you. 11. This is the creation of Allah, so
show me what those besides Him
created! But the wrongdoers are in
Surah 31: Luqman clear error.
12. And We gave Luqman the wisdom
In the name of Allah, to be grateful to Allah, and whoever is
the Owner and Giver of Mercy grateful to Allah is grateful to himself,
1. Alif, Lam, Mim. and whoever is ungrateful, Allah is
2. These are the signs of the wise book. rich and praiseworthy.
13. And when Luqman said to his son,
3. A guidance and mercy for those
admonishing him: my dear son, do
who do good.
not associate anything with Allah, for
4. Those who keep up prayer and this association is a great wrongdoing.
give Zakat and are certain about
14. And We instructed man regarding
the hereafter.
his parents - his mother carried him
5. They are the ones who follow the with increasing weakness, and his
guidance from their Lord, and they are weaning took two years: be grateful
the ones who will succeed. to Me and to your parents, to Me is
6. And among people is he who the journey.
acquires idle talk to divert from the 15. And if they argue with you to
way of Allah without knowledge associate with Me what you have no
Surah 31: Luqman Surah 31: Luqman
knowledge of, then do not obey them, good, he has held on to a reliable link,
and accompany them in this world and to Allah belongs the outcome
with good conduct and follow the way of things.
of whoever turns to Me, then your 23. And whoever rejects (the truth),
return is to Me and I will inform you do not worry about his rejection; their
of what you did. return is to Us, then We inform them
16. Oh my dear son, if there is the about what they did, for Allah knows
weight of a mustard seed inside a rock what is kept inside.
or in the heavens or on earth, Allah 24. We give them provision for a
will bring it out, for Allah is kind while, then force them towards an
and informed. unrelenting punishment.
17. Oh my dear son, keep up prayer 25. And if you were to ask them who
and command good conduct and created the heavens and the earth,
forbid wrongdoing and be patient with they would say: Allah. Say: praised is
what befalls you, for that is one of the Allah, but most of them don’t know.
firmest things (to do). 26. To Allah belongs what is in the
18. And do not brush off people and heavens and on earth, for Allah is the
do not walk carelessly on earth, for rich and praiseworthy.
Allah does not love an arrogant show- 27. And if all the trees on earth were
off. pens and he would expand the sea
19. And be measured in your walk with another seven seas (as ink), the
and subdue your voice, for the most words of Allah would not run out, for
disliked of voices is the voice of Allah is mighty and wise.
the donkey. 28. Your creation and resurrection is
20. Do you not see that Allah made only like that of a single soul, for Allah
subservient to you what is in the hears and sees.
heavens and what is on earth and 29. Do you not see that Allah blends
showered upon you His blessings the night into the day and blends
openly and secretly? And among the day into the night and made
people is who argues about Allah subservient the sun and the moon,
without knowledge or guidance or each floats up to a fixed term, and that
enlightening book. Allah is informed of what you do?
21. And when they are told to follow 30. This is because Allah is the truth,
what Allah has revealed they say: No, and whatever they call besides Him
we follow what we found our ancestors is falsehood and Allah is exalted
doing. What if the devil calls them to and great.
the punishment of the fire? 31. Do you not see that the ship sails
22. And whoever submits his on the sea with the blessings of Allah
orientation towards Allah and does so that He shows you of His signs, for
Surah 32: As-Sajdah Surah 32: As-Sajdah
in that are signs for everyone patient the throne, you have neither protector
and grateful. nor mediator besides Him, do you not
32. And when the waves cover them then reflect?
like darkness, they call Allah, making 5. He directs the command from the
their religion sincere for Him, then heaven to the earth, then it ascends to
when He rescues them onto land, Him within a day whose measure is a
there is the wavering among them, and thousand years of your counting.
only every faithless rejecter objects to 6. That is the One who knows the
Our signs. unseen and the apparent, the mighty,
33. Oh people, beware of your Lord the merciful.
and fear a day when a father cannot 7. The One who beautified everything
save his son nor a son save his father He created and originated the creation
in the least, for the promise of Allah of man from clay.
is true, so let not the life of the world
8. Then He made his descendants
mislead you nor let passing provisions
from an extract of insignificant fluid.
mislead you about Allah.
9. Then He shaped him and breathed
34. For with Allah is the knowledge of
into him of His spirit and gave you
the hour, and He sends down the rain,
hearing and eyesight and hearts, little
and He knows what is in the wombs,
thanks do you give.
and no soul has an idea what it will
earn the next day, and no soul has an 10. And they say: once we got lost in
idea on which land it will die, for Allah the earth, are we going to be in a new
knows and is informed. creation? But they reject the meeting
with their Lord.
Surah 32: As-Sajdah 11. Say: the angel of death who has
(Prostration) been entrusted with you will take
you away, then you will return to
In the name of Allah, your Lord.
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
12. And if you could see when the
1. Alif, Lam, Mim. sinful will hang their heads low before
2. A revelation of the book without their Lord: our Lord, look at us and
doubt from the Lord of all worlds. listen to us and send us back, we will
3. Or do they say he has invented it? do good, for we are certain.
But it is the truth from your Lord 13. And if We pleased, We would
in order for you to warn a people to give each soul its own guidance, but
whom no warner has come before the word from Me has come to pass
you, for them to be guided. that I will fill hell with the Jinn and
4. Allah is who created the heavens humans altogether.
and the earth and what is between 14. So taste (it) on account of having
them in six days, then He rose onto forgotten the meeting of this day of
Surah 32: As-Sajdah Surah 33: Al-Ahzab
yours, for We have forgotten you, and were patient and were certain about
taste the punishment of eternity on Our signs.
account of what you did. 25. For your Lord will judge between
15. Those believe in Our signs who them on the day of resurrection
when they are reminded by them fall regarding what they used to differ in.
prostrate and glorify the praise of their 26. Are they not guided by how many
Lord and are not arrogant. generations We destroyed before them
16. They abstain from resting to call in whose homes they walk? In this are
their Lord in fear and hope and spend signs, will they then not listen?
of what We have provided them with. 27. Do they not see that We give the
17. For no soul knows what comfort dry earth water to drink, then We
is hidden for them as reward for what bring out vegetation with it from
they used to do. which their cattle and they themselves
eat, so do they not look?
18. Is then the believer like the sinful?
They are not the same. 28. And they say: when will this
victory happen if you are truthful?
19. As for those who believe and do
good work, their accommodation is 29. Say: on the day of victory their
in gardens as a gift for what they used belief will not benefit those who
to do. rejected (the truth) and they will not
be given time.
20. And as for those who were sinful,
their accommodation is the fire; each 30. So turn away from them and wait,
time they want to leave it they are for they are waiting.
returned to it and are told: taste the
Surah 33: Al-Ahzab
punishment of the fire that you used
to deny. (The Allies)

21. And We will let them taste the In the name of Allah,
lesser punishment before the greater the Owner and Giver of Mercy
punishment so that they turn back. 1. Oh prophet, beware of Allah and
22. And who is more wrong than he do not obey those who reject (the
who is reminded of the signs of his truth) and the pretenders, for Allah is
Lord, then turns away from them, for knowing and wise.
We will take revenge on the sinful. 2. And follow that which has been
23. And We gave the book to Musa revealed to you from your Lord, for
(Moses), so have no doubt about Allah is informed of what you do.
the meeting with him, and made it a 3. And rely on Allah, and Allah is
guidance for the Children of Israel. sufficient as a protector.
24. And We made from them leaders 4. And Allah did not give any man
to guide by Our command as they two hearts inside him, and He did not
Surah 33: Al-Ahzab Surah 33: Al-Ahzab
make the wives whom you divorce by 10. When they came upon you from
likening them to your mothers your above and below and when your
mothers, and He did not make your eyesight faded and you lost heart and
adopted children your children; that is had second thoughts about Allah.
what you say with your mouths, and 11. There the believers were tested and
Allah tells the truth and He guides shaken severely.
the way. 12. And when the pretenders and
5. Call them after their fathers, it is those with a disease in their hearts
more just before Allah, and if you said: Allah and His messenger only
don’t know their fathers, then they promised us an illusion.
are your brothers in religion and your 13. And when a party from them
protégés, and there is no sin upon you said: oh inhabitants of Yathrib, you
in your mistakes but in what your have no foothold so turn back, and a
hearts intend, and Allah is forgiving group from them asked the prophet
and merciful. to be excused saying: our houses
6. The prophet is more protective of are unprotected, but they were not
the believers than they are themselves unprotected, they only wanted to flee.
and his wives are their mothers, and 14. And if they had been overrun and
relatives are mutual protectors of each been asked into temptation (to rebel),
other in the book of Allah, before the they would have done so and hesitated
believers and the emigrants, but you only little.
should treat your protégés well; this is 15. And they had previously promised
laid down in the book. Allah that they would not turn their
7. And when We took of the prophets backs, and the promise to Allah will
their promise and of you and Nuh be asked about.
(Noah), Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa 16. Say: fleeing will not benefit you
(Moses), ‘Isa (Jesus) the son of when you flee from death or fighting
Maryam (Mary), and We took a and then only enjoy it a little.
binding promise of them. 17. Say: who will protect you against
8. So that He will ask the truthful Allah if He wants harm for you or
about their truthfulness, and He has mercy? And they will not find besides
promised to those who reject (the Allah any protector or helper.
truth) a painful punishment. 18. Allah already knows those of
9. Oh you believers, remember the you who cause a hindrance and
blessings of Allah upon you when those who say to their brothers:
fighters reached you and We sent come, join us, when they rarely show
against them a wind and fighters courage themselves.
you did not see, and Allah sees what 19. They are jealous of you, and at
you do. times of fear you see them look at
Surah 33: Al-Ahzab Surah 33: Al-Ahzab
you, their eyes turning like one whom 26. And He made those of the people
death has overtaken; then when the of the book who had assisted them
fear passes, they scald you with a harsh come down from their fortresses and
tongue, greedy for the benefit. Those cast terror into their hearts; you killed
do not believe, so Allah has frustrated a group and took a group captive.
their efforts, and that is easy for Allah. 27. And He made you inherit their
20. They think that the allies had not land and homes and wealth as well
gone, and if the allies came, they wish as land you never passed before, and
they could hide amongst the desert Allah is able to do anything.
Arabs asking for news about you, and 28. Oh prophet, say to your wives: if
if they were amongst you, they would you desire the life of this world and its
not fight much. ornaments, then come, I will give you
21. You have in the messenger of provision and let you go in a nice way.
Allah a beautiful example for whoever 29. And if you desire Allah and His
hopes for Allah and the last day and messenger and the abode of the
remembers Allah a lot. hereafter, then Allah has promised
22. And when the believers saw the those who do good among you an
allies, they said: this is what Allah and immense reward.
His messenger promised us, and Allah 30. Oh women of the prophet, whoever
and His messenger were truthful, of you commits a clear indecency, the
and it only increases them in belief punishment will be doubled for her,
and submission. and that is easy for Allah.
23. Amongst the believers are men 31. And whoever of you is content
who are true to what they promised with Allah and His messenger and
Allah, and amongst them is he who does good, We give her her reward
has discharged his obligation, and twice and have promised her a
amongst them is he who waits, and dignified provision.
they did not change the least. 32. Oh women of the prophet, you
24. So that Allah rewards the truthful are not like any other woman, if you
for their truthfulness and punishes beware (of Allah), then be not too
the pretenders if He pleases or turns accommodating in speech so that he
back to them, for Allah is forgiving in whose heart there is a disease takes
and merciful. hope, and speak appropriately.
25. And that Allah turns back those 33. And remain in your homes and
who reject (the truth) with their anger, do not show off like in the early days
not having gained any benefit, and of ignorance and keep up prayer and
Allah is sufficient for the believers in give Zakat and obey Allah and His
battle, and Allah is strong and mighty. messenger. Allah wants to avert any
Surah 33: Al-Ahzab Surah 33: Al-Ahzab
disgrace from you, oh members of the 38. There is no blame on the prophet in
household, and purify you completely. what Allah has prescribed for him, the
34. And remember what is being custom of Allah amongst those who
recited in your homes of the signs of went before, and Allah’s command is
Allah and the wisdom, for Allah is a firm decree.
kind and informed. 39. Those who convey the messages of
35. For men and women who submit Allah and fear Him and fear nobody
(as Muslims), and men and women except Allah, and Allah is sufficient for
who believe, and men and women keeping count.
who are humble, and men and women 40. Muhammad is not the father of
who are truthful, and men and women any of your men but the messenger of
who are patient, and men and women Allah and the seal of the prophets, and
who are devote, and men and women Allah knows all things.
who are charitable, and men and 41. Oh you believers, remember
women who fast, and men and women Allah often.
who guard their chastity, and men and 42. And glorify Him in the mornings
women who remember Allah often, and evenings.
Allah has promised them forgiveness
43. He is who sends blessings on you,
and a tremendous reward. and so do His angels, in order to bring
36. And it is not befitting for a you out of darkness to the light, and
believing man or woman that, when He is merciful with the believers.
Allah and His messenger have decided 44. Their greeting on the day they
a matter, they should have a choice meet Him will be peace, and He has
in the matter; and whoever disobeys promised them a generous reward.
Allah and His messenger has clearly
45. Oh prophet, We have sent you
gone astray.
as a witness, bringer of good news
37. And when you said to him whom and warner.
Allah had favoured and whom you
46. And one who calls to Allah and a
had favoured: hold on to your wife and
radiant light.
beware of Allah, and you concealed
within you what Allah will disclose 47. And give good news to the
and feared people when Allah has believers that they will have great
more right to be feared; so when Zayd favours from Allah.
had parted from her, We married 48. And do not obey those who reject
her to you so that there would be no (the truth) and the pretenders and
sin upon the believers regarding the ignore their harm and rely on Allah,
wives of their adopted sons when they and Allah is sufficient as a protector.
have parted from them, and Allah’s 49. Oh you believers, if you marry
command comes to pass. believing women and then divorce
Surah 33: Al-Ahzab Surah 33: Al-Ahzab
them before touching them, then having been given permission for food
there is no waiting period for them and without waiting around for it, but
to count, so give them provision and if you have been called, then enter, and
release them in a nice way. once you have eaten, then disperse
50. Oh prophet, We have made without socialising in talk, for that
permissible for you your wives troubles the prophet but he is shy of
whom you have given their dues and you, yet Allah is not shy of the truth.
those in your possession from the And if you ask them (his wives) for
captives Allah has given you, and the provision, then ask them from behind
daughters of your paternal uncles and a curtain, that is purer for your hearts
paternal aunts and the daughters of and their hearts. And it is not befitting
your maternal uncles and maternal for you to trouble the prophet nor to
aunts who migrated with you, and any ever marry his wives after him, for that
believing woman who wants to give would be a serious matter with Allah.
herself to the prophet if the prophet 54. If you disclose something or hide
wants to marry her - exclusively for it, Allah knows everything.
you and not the believers, We know 55. There is no sin upon them
what We have prescribed for them regarding their fathers, sons, brothers,
regarding their wives and those in brothers’ sons, sisters’ sons nor
their possession - so that there will their womenfolk and those in their
be no blame on you, and Allah is possession; and beware of Allah, for
forgiving and merciful. Allah is a witness to everything.
51. Let be whom you please and draw 56. Allah and His angels send
close to you whom you please, and blessings upon the prophet; oh you
if you desire one whom you have set believers, send blessings upon him
aside, it is no sin for you; that is more and abundant peace.
likely to give them comfort and not 57. Those who insult Allah and the
to make them worry and let them prophet, Allah has cursed them in this
be content with what you have given world and the hereafter and prepared
each of them, and Allah knows what for them a humiliating punishment.
is in your hearts, and Allah is knowing 58. And those who insult the believing
and gentle. men and women without cause are
52. No further women are permitted guilty of slander and clear sin.
to you after that, nor that you replace 59. Oh prophet, tell your wives,
them with other wives, even if you daughters and the women of the
like their beauty, except for those in believers to draw their outer garments
your possession, and Allah watches around them, that makes it more
over everything. likely for them to be recognised and
53. Oh you believers, do not enter not molested, and Allah is forgiving
the homes of the prophet except after and merciful.
Surah 33: Al-Ahzab Surah 34: Saba’
60. If the pretenders and those with a 71. He will improve your work and
disease in their hearts and those who forgive you your sins, and whoever
spread rumours in Madinah do not obeys Allah and His messenger has
stop, We will let you deal with them, achieved ultimate success.
then they will not remain in your 72. We presented the trust to the
neighbourhood for long. heavens and the earth and the
61. They will be cursed, wherever mountains, and they refused to bear
they are found they will be captured it and were apprehensive about it, and
and killed. man bore it, for he was transgressing
62. The custom of Allah with those and foolish.
who went before, and you will not find 73. In order for Allah to punish the
a change in the custom of Allah. male and female pretenders and
63. People ask you about the hour, say: idolaters and for Allah to turn in
knowledge of it is with Allah, and how acceptance to the male and female
can you tell whether the hour might believers, and Allah is forgiving
be near. and merciful.

64. Allah has cursed those who reject Surah 34: Saba’
(the truth) and prepared a flame (Sheba)
for them.
65. They will remain in it forever; they In the name of Allah,
will not find a protector nor helper. the Owner and Giver of Mercy

66. On the day their faces will be flung 1. Praised is Allah to whom belongs
into the fire they will say: woe to us, we what is in the heavens and what is
on earth, and He is praised in the
should have obeyed Allah and obeyed
hereafter and He is wise and informed.
the messenger.
2. He knows what enters the earth
67. And they will say: our Lord, we
and what emerges from it and what
obeyed our masters and chiefs, so they
descends from the sky and what
lead us astray from the path.
ascends through it, and He is merciful
68. Our Lord, give them twice the and forgiving.
punishment and curse them with a
3. And those who reject (the truth)
mighty curse.
say: the hour will not come upon us.
69. Oh you believers, do not be like Say: but no, by my Lord, it will come
those who insulted Musa (Moses), so upon you. He knows the unseen; not
Allah cleared him of what they said the weight of a tiny speck escapes Him
and he was respected before Allah. in the heavens and on earth, nor what
70. Oh you believers, beware of Allah is smaller than that nor what is bigger,
and talk within limits. but it is in a clear record.
Surah 34: Saba’ Surah 34: Saba’
4. So that He rewards those who his Lord, and any of them who defies
believe and do good work, theirs will Our command, We make him taste the
be forgiveness and generous provision. punishment of the fire.
5. And those who strive to obscure 13. They make for him whatever he
Our signs, theirs is a punishment of wants of elevated structures, statues,
painful affliction. large watering basins and permanent
6. And those who were given cooking vessels: be grateful, oh family
knowledge see that what has been of Dawud (David), and few of My
revealed to you from your Lord is the servants are grateful.
truth and guides to the path of the 14. Then when We decreed death for
mighty and praiseworthy. him, only the earth worms who ate
7. And those who reject (the truth) his staff pointed them to his death,
say: shall we direct you to a man so when it fell apart, it became clear
who informs you that once you are to the Jinn that if they had known the
totally disintegrated you will be in a unseen, they would not have remained
new creation. in the humiliating punishment.
8. Has he invented a lie against 15. There was a sign for Saba’ (Sheba)
Allah or is he mad? But those who in their homes: gardens both on
do not believe in the hereafter are in the right and the left, eat from the
punishment and extensive error. provision of your Lord and thank Him,
9. Do they not see the sky and earth a good land and a forgiving Lord.
before and behind them? If We
16. But they turned away, so We sent
pleased, We could make the earth
against them a flood from the dam
swallow them up or drop a piece of the
and replaced both their gardens with
sky on them. In that is a sign for every
gardens of bitter food and tamarisk
repenting servant.
and some cedar trees.
10. And We gave Dawud (David)
favours from Us: oh mountains, and 17. This is how We punished them for
oh birds, echo his worship; and We having been ungrateful, and do We
made the iron pliable for him. not only punish the ungrateful?
11. So that you make (protective) 18. And We placed between them
garments and design them well; and and the towns We had blessed clearly
do good work, for I see what you do. visible towns and facilitated travel
between them: travel there night and
12. And to Sulayman (Solomon) (We
subjected) the wind - it took a month day safely.
to go and a month to return - and We 19. But they said: our Lord, extend
let a spring of brass flow for him, and our journeys, and they wronged
(subjected) of the Jinn who worked in themselves, so We made them history
front of him with the permission of and scattered them completely; for
Surah 34: Saba’ Surah 34: Saba’
in this are signs for everyone who is to all of mankind, but most people
patient and grateful. don’t know.
20. And Iblis (the devil) made his 29. And they say: when will this
thought about them come true and promise happen if you are truthful?
they followed him except a group of
30. Say: you have an appointed day
the believers.
which you cannot hold back by an
21. And he had no authority over hour nor bring forward.
them other than that We would tell
31. And those who reject (the truth)
apart who believes in the hereafter
say: we will not believe in this Qur’an
from who is in doubt of it, and your
Lord is keeper of everything. nor that which came before it, and
if you saw the wrongdoers standing
22. Say: call those whom you claim
before their Lord, some of them
besides Allah, they do not own the
responding to others, with those who
weight of a tiny speck in the heavens
were weak saying to those who were
nor on earth and they have no share
arrogant: if it had not been for you we
in them and He does not take any
support from them. would have been believers.

23. And intercession does not benefit 32. Those who were arrogant will
with Him except for whom permission say to those who were weak: did we
has been given, until when their hearts prevent you from the guidance after
have calmed down they say: what did it reached you? But you were sinners.
your Lord say? They say: the truth, and 33. And those who were weak will
He is the exalted and great. say to those who were arrogant: but
24. Say: who provides for you from the the (constant) scheming night and
heavens and the earth? Say: Allah, and day when you commanded us to
we or you are either upon guidance or reject Allah and set up partners for
in clear error. Him. And they start regretting when
25. Say: you will not be asked about they see the punishment, and We
what we have committed and we will have placed cuffs around the necks of
not be asked about what you do. those who reject (the truth), are they
26. Say: our Lord will bring us together, punished for anything other than what
then He will judge between us in truth, they did?
and He is the knowing judge. 34. And never have We sent a warner
27. Say: show me those you have to a town but its affluent people said:
attached to Him as partners, but no, we reject what you were sent with.
He is Allah the mighty and wise. 35. And they said: we have more
28. And We have only sent you as wealth and children and we will not
a bringer of good news and warner be punished.
Surah 34: Saba’ Surah 34: Saba’
36. Say: my Lord expands the provision 45. And those before them denied,
for whom He pleases and tightens it, and they did not even achieve a tenth
but most people don’t know. of what We had given them, so they
37. And it is not your wealth or denied My messenger, and how was
children which bring you closer to Us, My rebuttal!
but whoever believes and does good 46. Say: I only admonish you with
work, those will be rewarded twice
one thing: that you stand before Allah
for what they did and will be safe
together or alone and reflect: there is
in chambers.
no madness in your companion, for he
38. And those who strive to
is only a warner to you of a pending
undermine Our signs will be presented
severe punishment.
for punishment.
39. Say: my Lord expands the 47. Say: I did not ask any reward from
provision for whom of His servants He you, but it is for you, for my reward is
pleases and tightens it, and whatever only upon Allah and He is a witness
you spend, He replaces it, and He is to everything.
the best provider. 48. Say: my Lord pronounces the
40. And on the day He gathers them truth, He knows the unseen.
all, He will then say to the angels: did 49. Say: the truth has come and
these serve you?
falsehood does not bring about or
41. They will say: glorified are You, confirm anything.
You are our protector without them,
50. Say: if I go astray, then I go astray
but they served the Jinn, most of them
believed in them. at my own loss, and if I am guided,
then due to what my Lord has revealed
42. So today they cannot benefit nor
to me, for He listens and is near.
harm each other, and We will say to
the wrongdoers: taste the punishment 51. And if you saw when they are
of the fire which you used to deny. terror-stricken without escape and
43. And when Our clear signs are taken from nearby.
recited to them they say: this is only 52. And they say: we believe in it, and
a man who wants to divert you from to where will they return from afar?
what your forefathers served. And
53. And they rejected it before and
they say: this is only a falsehood he
invented. And those who reject the made predictions about the unseen
truth say when it comes to them: this from afar.
is only plain magic. 54. And they are prevented from what
44. And We did not give them a book they wanted just like it happened to
which they study nor did We send a their kind before, for they were in
warner to them before you. severe doubt.
Surah 35: Fatir Surah 35: Fatir
it as good? For Allah lets go astray
Surah 35: Fatir whom He pleases and guides whom
(The Originator) He pleases. So do not trouble yourself
In the name of Allah, about them, for Allah knows what
the Owner and Giver of Mercy they get up to.
1. Allah is praised, the originator of 9. And Allah is who sends the winds,
the heavens and the earth who made then they promote the clouds, then
the angels messengers with two, We direct them to a dead land and
three and four wings. He increases in revive the earth with it after its death;
creation what He pleases, for Allah is like that will be the resurrection.
able to do anything. 10. Whoever seeks strength, all
2. When Allah opens up mercy for strengths belongs to Allah, He
people, nobody can withhold it, and supports the good word and elevates
when He withholds it, nobody after the righteous deed. And those who
Him can send it, and He is mighty scheme bad deeds, for them is a
and wise. severe punishment and their scheme
3. Oh people, remember the blessings is ruined.
of Allah upon you. Is there a creator 11. And Allah created you from soil,
other than Allah who provides for then from a sperm, then made you
you from the sky and the earth? There into pairs; and no female carries nor
is no god but Him, so where to are gives birth but with His knowledge,
you diverted? and nobody grows old or has his age
4. And if they deny you, then reduced but it is in a record, for that is
messengers before you were previously easy for Allah.
denied, and to Allah return all things. 12. And the two bodies of water are
5. Oh people, Allah’s promise is true, not the same: this one is sweet and
so let not the life of the world mislead palatable and can be drunk, and this is
you and let not passing provisions salty and unpalatable. And of each you
mislead you about Allah. eat fresh meat and extract jewellery
6. For the devil is an enemy to you, which you wear. And you see the ship
so treat him as an enemy, for he calls cut through them so that you seek
his party to be amongst the inmates of of His bounty and that you would
the fire. be grateful.
7. Those who reject (the truth) will 13. He blends the night into the day
have a severe punishment, and those and blends the day into the night and
who believe and do good work will made subservient the sun and the
have forgiveness and a great reward. moon, each floats for a fixed term.
8. So what about him whose bad That is Allah your Lord, His is the
work appeals to him and he regards kingdom, and those you call besides
Surah 35: Fatir Surah 35: Fatir
Him do not own even the skin on a 25. And if they deny you, then those
date stone. before them already denied; their
14. When you call them, they do not messengers came to them with clear
hear your call, and if they heard it, proofs and with the scriptures and
they would not respond to you, and with the enlightening book.
on the day of resurrection they will 26. Then I overtook those who rejected
reject your idolatry, and only one who (the truth), and how was My rebuttal!
is informed can give you information.
27. Do you not see that Allah sends
15. Oh people, you are the poor in down water from the sky, then We
the sight of Allah, and Allah is rich make fruit of different colours grow
and praiseworthy. with it. And of the mountains there
16. If He pleases, He can remove you are white and red streaks, of different
and bring a new creation. colours, and raven black.
17. And that is not difficult for Allah. 28. And of the people and the animals
18. And no-one burdened will carry and the cattle there are also different
another’s burden, and if someone colours. Only those with knowledge
weighed down asks for it to be lifted, amongst His servants fear Allah, for
nothing of it will be lifted, not even by Allah is mighty and forgiving.
a relative; for you warn only those who 29. Those who recite the book of Allah
fear their Lord in secret and keep up and keep up prayer and spend of what
prayer, and whoever purifies himself, We have provided them with secretly
purifies himself for his own good, and and openly hope for a trade which
to Allah is the journey. does not diminish.
19. And the blind and the seeing are 30. So that Allah will repay them
not the same.
their reward and give them increase
20. Nor the darkness and the light. from His bounty, for He forgives
21. Nor the shade and the full heat. and appreciates.
22. Nor are the living and the dead 31. And what We have revealed to you
the same, for Allah makes whom He of the book is the truth, confirming
pleases listen, and you cannot make what came before, for Allah is
those in the graves listen. informed of and sees His servants.
23. For you are only a warner. 32. Then We gave the book as an
24. For We have sent you with the inheritance to those of Our servants
truth as a bringer of good news and We chose, but amongst them is he who
a warner, and there has not been wrongs himself, and amongst them is
a community without a warner he who is half-hearted, and amongst
amongst them. them is he who moves forward with
Surah 35: Fatir Surah 35: Fatir
good deeds by the permission of Allah they have created of the earth, or do
- that is the great blessing. they have a share in the heavens,
33. The gardens of Eden which they or have We given them a book and
will enter, where they will be adorned they follow evidence from it? But the
with bracelets of gold and pearls, and wrongdoers only promise each other
their clothing there will be of silk. an illusion.
34. And they will say: praised is Allah 41. Allah prevents the heavens and
who took the worry from us, for our the earth from disintegrating, and
Lord forgives and appreciates. if they disintegrated, nobody after
35. Who permitted us the lasting Him could stop them, for He is gentle
abode by His blessing, no hardship and forgiving.
afflicts us there and no exhaustion 42. And they swear by Allah their
afflicts us there. utmost oaths that if a warner came
36. And those who reject (the truth), to them they would be better guided
theirs is the fire of hell, it will not be than any other community, then
terminated for them so that they when a warner comes to them, it only
die, and its punishment will not be increases their disagreement.
lightened for them - this is how We
43. Arrogant on earth and scheming
reward every rejecter (of the truth).
evil, and evil scheming only overtakes
37. And they will scream there: our
its owners; so do they wait but for the
Lord, take us out, we will do good work
example of the earliest communities?
other than what we used to do. Did
For you will not find in the custom of
We not give you enough life to reflect,
Allah any change, and you will not find
should anybody have wanted to, and
the warner came to you? So taste, for in the custom of Allah any alteration.
there is no helper for the wrongdoers. 44. Do they not travel on earth and see
38. For Allah knows the secrets of the what the outcome was like for those
heavens and the earth, for He knows before them, and they were stronger
what is kept inside. than them in power? And nothing
39. He is who made you successors on escapes Allah in the heavens nor on
earth, so whoever rejects (the truth), earth, for He is knowing and able.
his rejection is upon himself, and 45. And if Allah held people to
their rejection only increases those account for what they committed (on
who reject in being detestable before earth), He would not leave a single
their Lord, and their rejection only creature on its back, but He gives them
increases those who reject in loss. time until a fixed date, then when
40. Say: Look at your associates whom their date comes, then Allah did watch
you call besides Allah; show me what His servants.
Surah 36: Ya Sin Surah 36: Ya Sin
14. When We sent two to them but
Surah 36: Ya Sin they denied them, so We added a
third, and they said: we have been sent
In the name of Allah, to you.
the Owner and Giver of Mercy 15. They said, you are only humans
1. Ya Sin. like us, and the Merciful has not sent
anything, for you are only lying.
2. By the wise Qur’an.
16. They said: our Lord knows that we
3. You are one of the messengers. were indeed sent to you.
4. On a straight path. 17. And our duty is only to
5. A revelation from the mighty convey clearly.
and merciful. 18. They said: we see a bad omen in
6. To warn people whose fathers you, if you do not stop we will stone
had not been warned and they you and a painful punishment from us
were careless. will afflict you.
7. The word has already come to 19. They said: your bad omen is with
pass against most of them, so they you once you have been reminded, but
don’t believe. you are wasteful people.
8. For We have placed cuffs around 20. And a man came running from
their necks and they reach up to their the far end of the town saying: oh my
chins so they are stiffened. people, follow the messengers.
9. And We placed a barrier before 21. Follow those who do not ask you
them and a barrier behind them and for a reward and are guided.
sealed them in, so they don’t see. 22. And how should I not serve the
10. It makes no difference to them One who originated me and you
whether you warn them or warn them return to Him?
not, they will not believe. 23. Should I take gods besides Him? If
11. For you warn only who follows the Merciful wants harm for me, their
the reminder and fears the Merciful intercession does not benefit me the
in secret, so give him good news of least and they don’t save me.
forgiveness and a generous reward. 24. I would then be in clear error.
12. For We revive the dead and record 25. I surely believe in your Lord, so
what they have sent ahead and their listen to me.
traces, and We list everything in a 26. He was told: enter the garden
clear ledger. (of paradise); he said: if only my
13. And coin for them the likeness of people knew.
the inhabitants of the town when the 27. How my Lord has forgiven me and
messengers came to it. made me of the honoured.
Surah 36: Ya Sin Surah 36: Ya Sin
28. And We did not send soldiers to precede the day, and each travels in
from the sky against his people after an orbit.
him, and We never send them. 41. And a sign for them is that We
29. For it was only a single scream and carried their descendants on the
they were extinct. laden ship.
30. What loss for My servants: never 42. And created something similar for
does a messenger reach them but they them which they board.
make fun of him. 43. And if We please, We drown them,
31. Do they not see how many towns and there will be no one to call for help
We destroyed before them and that and they will not be saved.
they do not return to them? 44. Except by a mercy from Us and as
32. And that they will altogether be a provision for a while.
presented before Us? 45. And when they are told: beware
33. And a sign for them is the dead of what is ahead of you and what is
earth. We revive it and grow from it behind you so that you find mercy;
seed crops from which they eat. 46. And whenever one of the signs of
their Lord comes to them, they tend to
34. And We place gardens of palm
turn away from it.
trees and grapes on it and make
springs gush out from it. 47. And when they are told: spend
of what Allah has provided you with,
35. So that they eat from its fruit whilst
those who reject (the truth) say to
they did not produce it themselves.
those who believe: should we feed
Will they not be grateful?
whom Allah would have fed if He
36. Glorified is He who created all pleased? You are surely in clear error.
pairs of that which the earth grows 48. And they say: when will this
and of themselves and of what they do promise happen if you are truthful?
not (yet) know.
49. They are only waiting for a
37. And a sign for them is the night. single scream to overtake them, yet
We remove the day from it and they they argue.
are in darkness.
50. Then they cannot raise a warning
38. And the sun travels to its nor return to their families.
destination, that is the arrangement of
51. And the horn will be blown and
the mighty and knowing. they will stream to their Lord from
39. And for the moon We have the graves.
arranged phases until it returns like a 52. They will say: woe to us, who has
withered palm leaf. dispatched us from our resting place?
40. It is not befitting for the sun to This is what the Merciful did promise
overtake the moon nor for the night and the messengers were truthful.
Surah 36: Ya Sin Surah 36: Ya Sin
53. For it was only a single scream and 68. And whomever We give long life,
they all are presented before Us. We reverse his development, so do
54. Then today no soul will be they not understand?
wronged the least and you will only be 69. And We did not teach him poetry,
rewarded for what you did. nor would it befit him, for it is only a
reminder and a clear reading (Qur’an).
55. The inhabitants of the garden will
be happily busy today. 70. To warn whoever is alive and so
that the word comes to pass against
56. They and their partners will be those who reject (the truth).
reclining on couches in the shade.
71. Do they not consider that We
57. They will have fruit there and have created for them from Our handiwork
whatever they ask for. cattle, so they own it?
58. Peace offered by a merciful Lord. 72. And We made them submissive
59. And keep away today oh sinners. to them, and they are carried by them
60. Did I not take your promise, oh and they eat from them.
children of Adam, not to serve the 73. And they have benefits and drink
devil, for he is a clear enemy to you? from them, so are they not grateful?
61. And to serve Me, that is a 74. And they adopt gods besides Allah
straight path? so they would help them.
75. They cannot help them but they
62. And he had already led astray
are ever ready to defend them.
a large group of you, so did you
not understand? 76. So do not worry about what they
say, for We know what they conceal
63. This is hell which you
and what they disclose.
were promised.
77. Does man not see that We
64. Enter it today on account of having created him from a sperm, then he
rejected (the truth). argues openly.
65. Today We seal their mouths, and 78. And he coins a likeness for Us and
their hands will talk to Us and their forgets his creation; he says: who will
feet will give evidence of what they revive the bones when they decayed?
used to commit. 79. Say: the One who brought them
66. And if We pleased We would have into existence the first time will revive
obliterated their eyesight, so they them, and He knows all creation.
search for a path but how can they see? 80. The One who gave you fire from a
67. And if We pleased We would have green tree, so that you kindle with it.
frozen them on the spot, so they could 81. Is not the One who created the
neither go forward nor back. heavens and the earth able to create
Surah 37: As-Saffat Surah 37: As-Saffat
the like of them? For sure, He is the 13. And when they are reminded they
knowing creator. do not remember.
82. For His command whenever He 14. And when they see a sign they
wants something is to say to it: Be, belittle it.
then it is. 15. And say: this is only plain magic.
83. So glorified is the One in whose 16. When we have died and are
hand rests the kingdom of everything dust and bones, are we going to be
and to whom you will return. raised again?
Surah 37: As-Saffat 17. Or our forefathers?
(Those Lined Up) 18. Say: yes, and you will be submissive.
19. For it will be a single shout and
In the name of Allah,
the Owner and Giver of Mercy they will see.

1. By those lined up in rows. 20. And they will say: woe to us, this is
the day of repayment.
2. And those holding back.
21. This is the day of division which
3. And those reciting the reminder.
you used to deny.
4. Your god is indeed one.
22. Gather the wrongdoers and their
5. The Lord of the heavens and the partners and all that they served,
earth and what is between them and
23. Besides Allah, and guide them to
the Lord of the sunrises.
the path of hell-fire.
6. We have adorned the heaven of this
24. And arrest them, for they will
world with the adornment of stars.
be questioned.
7. And a protection against every
25. What is the matter with you that
rebellious devil.
you don’t help each other?
8. They cannot listen to the highest
26. But today they have surrendered.
counsel and are pelted from every side.
9. Chased away, and theirs is a 27. And some of them approach
lasting punishment. others, asking each other,

10. Except for one who tries to do so 28. Saying: you came to us (claiming
by stealth, then a bright shooting star to be) from the right.
pursues him. 29. They say: but you were
11. So ask them, are they stronger in not believers.
creation or whom else We created, for 30. And we had no authority over you,
We created them from sticky clay. but you were transgressing people.
12. Yet you are amazed and they 31. So the word of our Lord came to
make fun. pass for us that we had to taste it.
Surah 37: As-Saffat Surah 37: As-Saffat
32. And we led you astray for we 52. Who said: are you confirming the
were astray. truth of this?
33. So today they will share in 53. That when we have died and
the punishment. are dust and bones, are we going to
34. For this is how We deal with be judged?
the sinners. 54. He says: do you want to take
35. When they are told that there is no a look?
god but Allah they are arrogant. 55. Then he looks and sees him in the
midst of hell-fire.
36. And they say: are we going to
abandon our gods for a possessed poet? 56. He says: by Allah, he almost
ruined me.
37. But he brought the truth and the
messengers were right. 57. And had it not been for the favour
of my Lord, I would have been called
38. You will taste the
to account.
painful punishment.
58. So we will not die?
39. And you will only be punished for
what you did. 59. Except for our first death, and we
will not be punished.
40. Except the sincere servants
of Allah. 60. For this is the ultimate success.

41. For them is a known provision. 61. For the like of this should
everybody work.
42. Fruit, and they will be honoured.
62. Is this a better reward or the tree
43. In gardens of blessings. of Zaqqum?
44. They will face each other happily. 63. For We made it a trial for
45. They will be waited upon with a the wrongdoers.
cup of flowing beverage. 64. It is a tree which grows from the
46. White (in colour), delicious base of hell-fire.
to drink. 65. Its fruit is like the heads of devils.
47. With no harmful effect in it nor 66. Then they will be eating from it
will they be drained by it. and filling their stomachs with it.
48. And with them will be exclusive 67. Then they will have a cocktail of
women of rare beauty. boiling water on top of it.
49. As if they were hidden white pearls. 68. Then they will be returned to hell-
50. Then some of them approach fire.
others, asking each other. 69. For they found their fathers astray.
51. A speaker amongst them says: I 70. Then they eagerly followed into
had a friend. their footsteps.
Surah 37: As-Saffat Surah 37: As-Saffat
71. And most of the earliest 91. So he turned to their gods and
communities before them went astray. said: don’t you eat?
72. And We did send warners 92. What is the matter with you that
amongst them. you don’t speak?
73. So see what the outcome of those 93. Then he struck them with his
warned was like. right hand.
74. Except the sincere servants 94. Then they hurried towards him.
of Allah. 95. He said: do you serve what you
75. And We previously called Nuh carve yourselves?
(Noah), and he responded well. 96. When Allah created you and what
76. And We rescued him and his you do?
family from the tremendous distress. 97. They said: build a structure for
77. And We made his descendants him and throw him into the fire.
the survivors. 98. So they wanted to plot against him,
78. And We left him to be remembered but We made them the lowest.
by those afterwards. 99. And he said: I will go towards my
79. Peace be with Nuh (Noah) in all Lord, He will guide me.
the worlds. 100. My Lord, make me from amongst
80. For this is how We reward those the righteous.
who do good. 101. Then We gave him good news of
81. For he is of Our believing servants. a gentle son.
82. Then We drowned the others. 102. Then when he was old enough to
83. And of his faction is Ibrahim go out with him, he said, oh my son, I
(Abraham). saw in my dream that I should sacrifice
you, so see what you think. He said:
84. When he came to his Lord with a
oh my father, do what you have been
clean heart.
commanded, you will find me if Allah
85. When he said to his father and his pleases of the patient.
people: what do you serve?
103. So when they had both submitted
86. Do you want invented gods and he turned him face down,
besides Allah?
104. We called him: oh Ibrahim
87. So what do you think of the Lord (Abraham)!
of all worlds?
105. You have already fulfilled the
88. Then he took a look at the stars. dream; for this is how we reward those
89. Then he said: I feel sick. who do good.
90. Then they turned away from him. 106. For this is the clear test.
Surah 37: As-Saffat Surah 37: As-Saffat
107. And We ransomed him with a 124. When he said to his people: will
great sacrifice. you not beware (of Allah)?
108. And We left him to be 125. Do you call on Baal and abandon
remembered by those afterwards. the best of creators?
109. Peace be upon Ibrahim 126. Allah, your Lord and the Lord of
(Abraham). your forefathers.
110. This is how We reward those who 127. But they denied him, so they will
do good. be presented.
111. For he is of Our believing servants. 128. Except the sincere servants
112. And We gave him good news of Allah.
of Ishaq (Isaac) as a prophet from 129. And We left him to be
amongst the righteous. remembered by those afterwards.
113. And We blessed him and Ishaq, 130. Peace be upon Ilyas (Elijah).
and of their descendants are those
131. For this is how We reward those
who do good and those who clearly
who do good.
wrong themselves.
132. For he is of Our believing servants.
114. And We already favoured Musa
(Moses) and Harun (Aaron). 133. And Lut (Lot) is one of
the messengers.
115. And We rescued them and their
people from the tremendous distress. 134. When We rescued him and his
family altogether.
116. And We helped them and they
were the victorious. 135. Except an old woman who
stayed behind.
117. And We gave them the
clarifying book. 136. Then We destroyed the others.
118. And We guided them on the 137. And you pass by them in
straight path. the mornings.
119. And We left them to be 138. And at night, so don’t
remembered by those afterwards. you understand?
120. Peace be upon Musa (Moses) and 139. And Yunus (Jonah) is one of
Harun (Aaron). the messengers.
121. For this is how We reward those 140. When he ran away to the
who do good. laden ship.
122. For they are of Our 141. Then after drawing lots
believing servants. was defeated.
123. And Ilyas (Elijah) is one of 142. Then the fish swallowed him
the messengers. whilst he blamed himself.
Surah 37: As-Saffat Surah 37: As-Saffat
143. And had he not been of those 162. You will not tempt anyone
who glorify (Allah), against Him,
144. He would have stayed in its belly 163. Except him who enters the hell-
till the day when they are resurrected. fire.
145. Then We flung him into the open 164. And each of us has a known place.
whilst he was sick. 165. And We are the ones lined up.
146. And We grew a marrow plant 166. And We are the ones who glorify.
for him.
167. And they used to say:
147. And We sent him to a hundred
thousand (people) or more. 168. If only we had a reminder from
the earlier communities,
148. Then they believed and We gave
them provision for a while. 169. We would have been sincere
servants of Allah.
149. So ask them: does your Lord have
daughters whilst they have sons? 170. But they rejected him, so they
shall soon know.
150. Or did We create the angels
female whilst they were witnesses? 171. And Our word has gone before
regarding Our messengers,
151. It is of their inventions that they
say: 172. That they will be helped,
152. Allah has fathered children, and 173. And that Our forces will
they are lying. be victorious.
153. That he has chosen daughters 174. So turn away from them for
over sons. a while.
154. What is the matter with you, how 175. And watch them, for soon they
do you judge? will see.
155. Don’t you reflect? 176. Do they hasten Our punishment?
156. Or do you have a clear authority? 177. Then when it comes down on
157. Then bring your letter (of their habitations, bad is the awakening
authority) if you are truthful. of those who have been warned.
158. And they claimed a relationship 178. And turn away from them for
between Him and the Jinn, when a while.
the Jinn already knew that they will 179. And watch, for soon they will see.
be presented. 180. Glorified is your Lord, the Lord
159. Glorified is Allah above what of Might, above what they make out.
they make out. 181. And peace be upon
160. Except the sincere servants the messengers.
of Allah. 182. And Allah is praised, the Lord of
161. For you and what you served, all worlds.
Surah 38: Sad Surah 38: Sad
12. The people of Nuh (Noah) and
Surah 38: Sad ‘Ad and the Pharaoh with all his
monuments denied before them.
In the name of Allah, 13. And Thamud and the people of
the Owner and Giver of Mercy Lut (Lot) and the inhabitants of the
woodlands (al-Ayka); those were
1. Sad. By the Qur’an as the reminder.
the allies.
2. But those who reject (the truth) are
14. Each of them denied the
in arrogance and far away (from it).
messengers, so the punishment came
3. How many generations have We to pass.
destroyed before them, then they 15. And these are only waiting
called out when it was too late to for a single scream, which cannot
escape. be prevented.
4. And they were astonished that a 16. And they said: our Lord, hasten
warner from amongst themselves our share for us before the day
came to them, and those who reject of reckoning.
(the truth) said: this is a lying magician. 17. Have patience with what they say
5. Does he make all the gods one god? and remember Our powerful servant
This is a strange thing. Dawud (David) who was repentant.
6. And their leaders urge them on: 18. For We made the mountains of
go and help your gods, this is what service to glorify with him in the
is needed. evenings and at sunrise.
7. We haven’t heard of this in any other 19. And the assembled birds all
religion, this is an invention. returned to him.
8. Has the reminder been revealed to 20. And We strengthened his kingdom
him from amongst us? But they are in and gave him wisdom and the power
doubt about My reminder. But they of speech.
have not yet tasted My punishment. 21. And has the information of the
antagonists reached you when they
9. Do they own the treasures of the
climbed up to the secluded area?
mercy of your Lord, the mighty
and generous? 22. When they entered upon Dawud
(David) and he was startled by them.
10. Or do they own the kingdom of
They said: don’t be afraid, we are
the heavens and the earth and what is
two antagonists one of whom has
between them? Then let them ascend transgressed against the other, so
by any means. judge between us with the truth and
11. The forces of the allies will be do not deviate and guide us to the
defeated in this. level path.
Surah 38: Sad Surah 38: Sad
23. For this brother of mine has 30. And We gave Dawud (David)
ninety-nine sheep and I have one Sulayman (Solomon), a blessed
sheep, so he said: entrust it to me, and servant, for he was repentant.
he overpowered me in speech. 31. When the best-bred horses were
24. He said: he has wronged you by presented before him in the evening.
asking for your sheep to be added to his 32. Then he said: I was overtaken with
sheep, and many partners transgress love for beautiful horses above the
against each other except those who remembrance of my Lord until they
believe and do good work, and they disappeared out of sight.
are few. And Dawud (David) knew 33. Return them to me, then he began
that We had tested him and asked his to pass (his hands) over their legs
Lord for forgiveness and went down in and necks.
prostration and repented.
34. And We tested Sulayman
25. So We forgave him that, and he will (Solomon) and placed a (mere) body
be close to Us and have a good return. onto his throne, then he repented.
26. Oh Dawud (David), We have made 35. He said: my Lord, forgive me and
you a representative on earth, so judge grant me a kingdom which will not
between people with the truth and do befit anyone after me, for you are
not follow desire to lead you astray the generous.
from the way of Allah, for those who 36. Then We made the wind of service
lead away from the way of Allah will to him to travel by his command
have a severe punishment for having willingly wherever he directed it.
forgotten the day of reckoning.
37. And the devils, all the builders
27. And We did not create the heaven and divers.
and the earth and what is between
38. And others tied in cuffs.
them without purpose. That is the
assumption of those who reject (the 39. This is Our gift, so give or withhold
truth), so woe to those who reject (the (of it) without counting.
truth) from the fire. 40. And he will be close to Us and
28. Or did We make those who believe have a good return.
and do good work like those who 41. And remember Our servant Ayyub
spread corruption on earth? Or did (Job) when he called his Lord that the
We make those who beware (of Allah) devil has touched me with affliction
like those immoral? and punishment.
29. It is a blessed book We revealed 42. Stir with your foot: there is cold
to you so that they might understand water to wash and drink.
its signs and so that those with 43. And We granted him his family
understanding will reflect. and the like of it in addition as a mercy
Surah 38: Sad Surah 38: Sad
from Us and a reminder to those 57. So it is, so they shall taste it with
with understanding. boiling water and freezing cold.
44. And take a bunch of leaves in 58. And other similar combinations.
your hand and strike with it and do 59. Here is a group to join you, there
not break your vow. We found him is no welcome for them, for they will
to be patient, a blessed servant, for he enter the fire.
was repentant.
60. They will say: but there is no
45. And remember Our servants
welcome for you, you prepared this for
Ibrahim (Abraham), Ishaq (Isaac)
us, and it is a bad place to stay.
and Ya’qub (Jacob) full of strength
and insight. 61. They will say: our Lord, whoever
prepared this for us, give them double
46. We chose them for their sincere
punishment in the fire.
remembrance of the (final) abode.
62. And they will say: how come we
47. And they are amongst the chosen
don’t see men we counted amongst
few with Us.
the worst?
48. And remember Isma’il (Ishmael),
63. We ridiculed them, but they have
Al-Yasa’ (Elisha) and Dhu-l-Kifl
become invisible.
(Ezekiel), and each was of the select.
49. This is a reminder, and for 64. This arguing of the inhabitants of
those who beware (of Allah) is the the fire is indeed true.
best destination. 65. Say: I am only a warner, and
50. Gardens of Eden with the doors there is no god but Allah the one
opened for them. and dominant.
51. They recline there asking for lots of 66. The Lord of the heavens and the
fruit and drink. earth and what is between them, the
mighty and forgiving.
52. And with them will be exclusive
women companions. 67. Say: this is serious news.
53. This is what you were promised for 68. You turn away from it.
the day of reckoning. 69. I have no knowledge of the highest
54. This is Our provision which will counsel when they argue.
not deplete. 70. It has only been revealed to me
55. So it is, and for the transgressors that I am a plain warner.
will be the worst destination. 71. And when your Lord said to
56. Hell, which they will enter, a bad the angels: I am creating a human
place to be. from clay.
Surah 38: Sad Surah 39: Az-Zumar
72. Then when I have fashioned him
and breathed into him of My spirit, fall Surah 39: Az-Zumar
prostate before him. (The Clusters)
73. Then all the angels prostrated. In the name of Allah,
74. Except Iblis (the devil), he was the Owner and Giver of Mercy
arrogant and was of those who rejected 1. The revelation of the book is from
(the truth). Allah the mighty and wise.
75. He said: oh Iblis, what prevented 2. For We revealed to you the book
you from prostrating to what I created with the truth, so serve Allah, making
with both My hands? Have you religion sincere for Him.
become arrogant or were you proud? 3. For sure to Allah belongs the
76. He said: I am better than him, You sincere religion, and those who take
created me from fire and created him protectors besides Him, (saying) we
from clay. only serve them to bring us closer to
77. He said: then get out of here, for Allah, Allah will judge between them
you are cursed. regarding what they used to differ in,
for Allah does not guide any liar and
78. And My curse will be upon you
rejecter (of the truth).
until the day of repayment.
4. If Allah wanted to adopt a son, He
79. He said: my Lord, then give
would have chosen what He pleased
me time till the day when they
from what He created, glorified is He,
are resurrected.
He is Allah the one and dominant.
80. He said: then you are given time.
5. He created the heavens and the earth
81. Till the day of the time known. with truth, He makes the night cover
82. He said: then by Your power I will the day and the day cover the night
mislead them all. and made subservient the sun and the
83. Except Your sincere servants moon, each floats for a fixed term; for
amongst them. sure He is the mighty and forgiving.
84. He said: let this be true, and I 6. He created you from a single soul,
pronounce the truth. then made from it its partner and
sent you from the cattle eight in pairs;
85. I will fill hell-fire with you and all
He creates you in the wombs of your
of them who follow you.
mothers in a successive creation in
86. Say: I do not ask you for a reward three layers of darkness; that is Allah
for it and I do not impose. your Lord, His is the kingdom, there
87. It is only a reminder for all is no god but Him, so where to are
the world. you diverted?
88. And you will soon know the news 7. If you reject (the truth), then Allah
of it. is independent of you, yet He is not
Surah 39: Az-Zumar Surah 39: Az-Zumar
content with the rejection from His 15. So serve what you please besides
servants, and if you give thanks, Him. Say: the losers are those who
He is content with you, and no-one have lost themselves and their families
burdened will carry another’s burden, on the day of resurrection; for sure
then your return is to your Lord and this is the clear loss.
He will inform you what you used to 16. They will be shut off by fire from
do, for He knows what is kept inside. above and from below, this is what
8. And if harm befalls man, he calls Allah scares His servants with: oh My
his Lord, turning to Him, then when servants, beware of Me!
He grants him a favour from Him, he 17. And those who shun the idols and
forgets what he called for before and do not serve them and turn to Allah,
sets up partners for Allah to be lead for them is good news, so give good
astray from His way. Say: enjoy your news to My servants.
rejection for a while, for you are of the 18. Those who listen to the speech and
inmates of the fire. follow the best of it, those are the ones
9. Or what about him who is devoted Allah has guided and those are the
throughout the night in prostration ones with understanding.
and standing (in prayer), concerned 19. So he for whom the word about
about the hereafter and hoping for the punishment comes to pass, are you
the mercy of his Lord? Say: are those going to rescue him from the fire?
who know and those who do not 20. But for those who beware of their
know the same? For only those with Lord will be chambers with chambers
understanding reflect. built above them and rivers flowing
10. Say: oh My servants who believe, below them, a promise from Allah -
beware of your Lord. For those who Allah does not break His promise.
do good in this world will be good, 21. Do you not see how Allah sends
and the earth of Allah is spacious, and water from the sky, then He makes it
the patient will be paid their reward pass through springs, then He makes
without counting. vegetation of different colour grow
11. Say: I have been commanded to from it, then it dries out and you see
serve Allah, making religion sincere it yellow, then He makes it crumble -
for Him. in that is surely a reminder for those
with understanding.
12. And I have been commanded to be
the first to submit (as Muslim). 22. Consider then him whose chest
Allah has expanded towards Islam
13. Say: I fear, if I disobeyed my Lord, and he follows a light from his Lord,
the punishment of a tremendous day. and woe to those whose hearts are
14. Say: I serve Allah, making my hardened against the remembrance of
religion sincere for Him. Allah, they are in clear error.
Surah 39: Az-Zumar Surah 39: Az-Zumar
23. Allah has revealed the best account 33. And he who brings truthfulness
in a book replete with similarities and confirms it, those are the ones
from which the skins of those who who beware (of Allah).
fear their Lord shiver, then their skins 34. They will have what they please
and hearts incline to the remembrance with their Lord, that is the reward for
of Allah. This is the guidance of Allah
those who do good.
by which He guides whom He pleases,
and whomever Allah lets go astray, 35. So that Allah ignores from them
there is no-one to guide him. the worst they did and gives them their
reward for the best they used to do.
24. Consider then him who tries to
keep the harm of the punishment off 36. Is not Allah enough for His
his face, and the wrongdoers will be servant? And they try to scare you with
told: taste what you have earned. those besides Him, and whomever
25. Those before them denied, then Allah lets go astray, there is no-one to
the punishment reached them from guide him.
where they were not aware. 37. And whomever Allah guides,
26. And Allah made them taste the there is no-one to lead him astray. Is
humiliation in the life of this world, not Allah mighty and vengeful?
and the punishment of the hereafter is 38. And if you asked them who
even greater if they only knew. created the heavens and the earth,
27. And We have coined for people they would say: Allah. Say: consider
every kind of likeness in this Qur’an then what you call on besides Allah, if
so that they reflect. Allah wanted harm for me, would they
28. An Arabic reading (Qur’an) remove His harm, or if He wanted
without distortion, so that they beware mercy for me, would they withhold
(of Allah). His mercy? Say: Allah is sufficient for
29. Allah coins the similitude of a man me, on Him let all those rely who want
who is owned by quarrelling partners to rely on something.
and a man who belongs exclusively 39. Say: oh my people, act as you do, I
to one man - are they alike? Allah is also act, then soon you will know.
praised, but most of them don’t know. 40. Whom a humiliating punishment
30. You will die, and they will die. will reach and who will deserve a
31. Then on the day of resurrection lasting punishment.
you will argue before your Lord. 41. We have revealed to you the book
32. And who is more wrong than for mankind with truth, so whoever
he who lies about Allah or denies wants to be guided, does so for his
truthfulness when it reaches him? Is own good, and who goes astray, goes
not in hell a home for those who reject astray against himself, and you are not
(the truth)? a guardian over them.
Surah 39: Az-Zumar Surah 39: Az-Zumar
42. Allah receives the souls when they 50. Those before them already said
die, and those which did not die in this but what they gathered did not
their sleep, then He retains those for benefit them.
whom death has been decreed and 51. Then the evil of what they
sends the others until a fixed term, for committed afflicted them, and the
in that are signs for people who reflect. wrongdoers amongst these, the evil of
43. Or do they take mediators what they committed will afflict them
besides Allah? Say: even though they and they will not escape.
do not have power over anything 52. Do they not know that Allah
nor understand? expands the provision for whom He
pleases and tightens it, for in that are
44. Say: to Allah belongs all mediation,
signs for people who believe.
his is the kingdom of the heavens and
the earth, then you will return to Him. 53. Say: oh My servants who have
been extravagant against themselves,
45. And when he mentions Allah do not despair of the mercy of Allah,
alone, the hearts of those who do for Allah forgives all sins, for He is the
not believe in the hereafter shudder, forgiving, merciful.
and when those besides Him are
54. And turn to your Lord and submit
mentioned, then they rejoice.
to Him before the punishment reaches
46. Say: oh Allah, originator of the you - then you will not be helped.
heavens and the earth who knows the 55. And follow the best of what has
unseen and the apparent, You judge been revealed to you from your Lord
between Your servants in what they before the punishment reaches you
used to differ in. suddenly when you are unaware.
47. And if those who did wrong had 56. When a soul will say: what a loss
all that is on earth and the like again, that I neglected the cause of Allah
they would give it up to avert the when I was of those who made fun.
harm of the punishment on the day 57. Or will say: if only Allah had
of resurrection, and they become guided me I would have been of those
aware from Allah of what they did not who bewared (of Allah).
count on. 58. Or will say when it sees the
48. And they become aware of what punishment: if only I could return and
they committed and what they used to would be of those who do good.
make fun of overcomes them. 59. But no, My signs came to you
49. And if harm befalls man, he calls before and you denied them and
Us, then when We grant him a favour were arrogant and were of those who
from Us he says: I achieved this by rejected (the truth).
knowledge, but it is a test and most of 60. And on the day of resurrection you
them don’t know. will see those who denied Allah with
Surah 39: Az-Zumar Surah 39: Az-Zumar
blackened faces - is not in hell a home decided between them with truth and
for the arrogant? they will not be wronged.
61. And Allah will rescue those 70. And every soul will be repaid what
who bewared on account of their it did and He knows best what you do.
accomplishment, no harm will touch
71. And those who rejected (the truth)
them and they will not worry.
will be driven to hell in clusters until
62. Allah is the creator of everything when they reach it, its gates will be
and He is a guardian over everything.
opened and its guards will tell them:
63. To Him belong the keys of the did not messengers of your own
heavens and the earth, and those reach you and recite to you the signs
who reject the signs of Allah, they are of your Lord and warn you about the
the losers. meeting of this day of yours? They
64. Do you command me to serve will say: sure, but the word about the
other than Allah you fools? punishment has come to pass about
65. And it has been revealed to me and those who rejected (the truth).
to those before me that if you associate 72. They will be told: enter the gates
(anything with Allah) your work is of hell to remain there, and bad is the
wasted and you will be of the losers.
home of the arrogant.
66. But serve Allah and be of
73. And those who bewared of their
the grateful.
Lord will be driven to the garden in
67. And they do not measure Allah’s clusters until when they reach it, its
true ability, and the whole earth will be gates will have been opened and its
in His grasp on the day of resurrection
guards will tell them: peace be with
and the heavens rolled up in His right
you, you were good, so enter it forever.
hand, glorified and exalted is He above
what they associate. 74. And they will say: praised is Allah
who kept His promise and gave us the
68. And the horn will be blown and
earth as an inheritance to settle in the
whoever is in the heavens and whoever
is on earth will be struck down except garden where we please, so blessed is
whom Allah pleases; then it will be the reward of those who work.
blown again and they will stand up 75. And you will see the angels circling
and see. the throne, glorifying the praise of
69. And the earth will shine with the their Lord, and it has been decided
light of its Lord, and the book will between them with truth and it will
be laid out, and the prophets and be said: praised is Allah the Lord of
witnesses will be brought and it will be all worlds.
Surah 40: Ghafir Surah 40: Ghafir
righteous amongst their parents and
Surah 40: Ghafir partners and children, for you are the
(He Who Forgives) mighty and wise.
In the name of Allah, 9. And safeguard them from (the
the Owner and Giver of Mercy punishment for) bad deeds, and
1. Ha Mim. whomever You safeguard (from the
2. The revelation of the book is from punishment for) bad deeds on that
Allah the mighty and knowing. day You have already shown mercy,
and that is the ultimate success.
3. He who forgives sin and accepts
repentance, who has severe 10. Those who reject (the truth) will
punishment and full power, there is be called: Allah’s aversion is greater
no god but Him, to Him is the journey. than your own aversion when you
4. Only those who reject (the truth) were called to faith but rejected.
argue about the signs of Allah, so be 11. They will say: our Lord, you made
not deceived by how they move about us die twice and revived us twice, then
in the land. we acknowledged our sins, so is there
5. The people of Nuh (Noah) before a way out?
them and the allies after them denied, 12. This is your outcome because
and each community wanted to when Allah alone was called, you
overtake their messenger and argued rejected, and when something was
in ignorance in order to refute the associated with Him, you believed,
truth, then I overtook them, and how then the judgement belongs to Allah,
was My punishment! the exalted and great.
6. And this is how your Lord’s word 13. He is who shows you His signs and
about those who reject (the truth) sends for you from the sky provision,
comes true that they are inmates of and only those who repent reflect.
the fire.
14. So call Allah, making the religion
7. Those who carry the Throne and sincere for Him, even if the rejecters
those surrounding it glorify the praise
resent it.
of their Lord and believe in Him and
ask for forgiveness for those who 15. He is above all ranks and owns
believe: our Lord, Your mercy and the throne, He sends the Spirit by His
knowledge extends to everything, so command to whom He pleases of His
forgive those who repent and follow servants to warn of the day of meeting.
Your way and safeguard them from 16. On the day they are exposed
the punishment of hell-fire. nothing of them will be hidden from
8. Our Lord, and let them enter the Allah. To whom does the kingdom
gardens of Eden which you have belong today? To Allah the one
promised them, and those who are and dominant.
Surah 40: Ghafir Surah 40: Ghafir
17. Today every soul will be repaid for I fear that he will change your religion
what it has earned, there is no injustice or bring about corruption on earth.
today, for Allah is swift in counting. 27. And Musa (Moses) said: I seek
18. And warn them of the day to come refuge in my Lord from every arrogant
when the hearts will be stuck near person who does not believe in the day
the throats; the wrongdoers will have of reckoning.
no close confidant nor mediator to 28. And a believing man from the
be followed. family of Pharaoh who had hidden his
19. He knows every secret glance and belief said: are you going to kill a man
what is hidden inside. for saying ‘my Lord is Allah’ whilst he
has already brought you clear proofs
20. And Allah decides with the truth,
from his Lord? And if he is a liar, then
and those they call besides Him
his lie is upon him, and if he is truthful,
cannot decide anything, for Allah
some of what he has promised you will
listens and sees.
afflict you, for Allah does not guide
21. Do they not travel on earth and see whoever is an exaggerating liar.
what the outcome was like for those
29. Oh my people, yours is the
before them? They were greater in
kingdom today and you dominate on
power and impact on earth than them, earth, but who will help us against
then Allah seized them on account of Allah’s harm when it reaches us.
their sins, and they had no defence Pharaoh said: I only show you what I
against Allah. see and I only guide you to the way of
22. This is because their messengers good conduct.
came to them with clear proofs but 30. And the one who believed said: oh
they rejected, so Allah seized them, for my people, I fear for you the like of the
He is strong and severe in punishment. day of the allies.
23. And We sent Musa (Moses) with 31. The like of the fate of the people of
Our signs and a clear authority. Nuh (Noah), ‘Ad, Thamud and those
24. To Pharaoh and Haman and after them, and Allah does not want to
Qarun (Korah), but they said: a wrong His servants.
lying magician. 32. And oh my people, I fear for you
25. Then when he brought them the day of being called.
the truth from Us, they said: kill the 33. The day when you will turn your
children of those who believe with backs, you will have no protector
him and spare their women, and the against Allah, and whomever Allah
plot of those who reject (the truth) is lets go astray, there is no-one to
only in vain. guide him.
26. And Pharaoh said: let me kill Musa 34. And Yusuf (Joseph) already
(Moses), then he can call his Lord, for brought you clear proofs before, but
Surah 40: Ghafir Surah 40: Ghafir
you remained in doubt about what knowledge of, and I call you to the
he brought you until when he passed mighty and forgiving.
away you said: Allah will not raise a 43. Without fail that which you call
messenger after him. This is how Allah me to has no claim in this world and
lets the extravagant and doubtful go the next, and our return is to Allah,
astray; and the extravagant will be inhabitants
35. Those who argue about the signs of the fire.
of Allah without authority given by 44. Then you will remember what I
Him, which is highly offensive to said to you and I will entrust my affairs
Allah and those who believe. This is to Allah, for Allah sees His servants.
how Allah imprints on the heart of 45. Then Allah protected him against
every arrogant tyrant. the evil they were scheming whilst the
36. And Pharaoh said: oh Haman, family of Pharaoh was surrounded by
build me a structure so that I can reach the worst punishment.
the connections; 46. The fire to which they will be
37. The connections to the heavens presented in the mornings and
and take a look at the god of Musa evenings, and on the day the hour
(Moses), and I surely consider him happens: let the family of Pharaoh
a liar. And this is how his bad deeds enter the severest punishment.
appealed to Pharaoh and he was 47. And they dispute with each other
diverted from the way, and the plot of in the fire, then the weak say to the
Pharaoh lead only to destruction. arrogant: we followed you, so will you
38. And the one who believed said: oh avert a portion of the fire from us?
my people, follow me, I will guide you 48. The arrogant say: we are all in it,
to the way of good conduct. for Allah has already judged between
39. Oh my people, this worldly life is His servants.
only a provision, and the hereafter is 49. And those in the fire say to the
the lasting abode. guards of hell: call your Lord to reduce
40. Whoever does bad, he will only for us a day of the punishment.
be rewarded with the like of it, and 50. They say: did not your messengers
whoever does good, male or female, reach you with clear proofs? They say:
and is a believer, those will enter the sure. They say: then call, and the call of
garden where they will be provided for those who rejected (the truth) is only
without counting. in vain.
41. And oh my people, how come I 51. For We help Our messengers and
call you to the garden and you call me the believers in the worldly life and on
to the fire? the day the witnesses stand up.
42. You call me to reject Allah and 52. On the day when their excuses
associate with Him what I have no will not benefit the wrongdoers and
Surah 40: Ghafir Surah 40: Ghafir
they will be cursed and theirs is a 63. This is how those are diverted who
bad abode. dispute the signs of Allah.
53. And We gave Musa (Moses) 64. Allah is who made the earth firm
guidance and made the Children of for you and the sky a cover and shaped
Israel inherit the book. you and made your shape beautiful
54. A guidance and reminder for those and provided well for you, this is Allah
with understanding. for you, your Lord, so exalted is Allah
the Lord of all worlds.
55. So be patient, for the promise of
Allah is true, and ask for forgiveness for 65. He is the living, there is no god but
Him, so call Him, making the religion
your sin and glorify the praise of your
sincere for Him, praised is Allah the
Lord in the evenings and mornings.
Lord of all worlds.
56. Those who argue about the signs
66. Say: I have been forbidden from
of Allah without authority given by
serving those you call besides Allah
Him, they are only filled with pride
when the clear proofs reached me from
and will not win the argument, so seek
my Lord, and have been commanded
refuge in Allah, for He listens and sees.
to submit to the Lord of all worlds.
57. The creation of the heavens and
67. He is who created you from
the earth is greater than the creation soil, then from a sperm, then from
of mankind, but most of mankind an implant, then He brings you out
don’t know. as a child in order for you to reach
58. And the blind and the seeing are your strength, then you are going to
not the same, nor those who believe age, and amongst you is he who dies
and do good work and the evil-doer, before, and you will reach a fixed term
little do you reflect. so that you might understand.
59. The hour will come, there is no 68. He is who gives life and death, and
doubt in it, but most of mankind when He decides a matter, He simply
don’t believe. says to it “Be!”, then it is.
60. And your Lord says: call Me, I will 69. Do you not consider how those
respond to you, for those who are too who argue about the signs of Allah
arrogant to serve Me will enter hell are diverted?
in submission. 70. Those who deny the book and
61. Allah is who made the night for what We sent Our messengers with,
you to rest in and the day to see, for but soon they will know.
Allah is full of favours for mankind, 71. When the cuffs will be on their
but most of mankind are ungrateful. necks and the chains, they will
62. This is Allah for you, your Lord, the be dragged.
creator of everything, there is no god 72. Through boiling water, then they
but Him, so where to are you diverted? will be heated in the fire.
Surah 40: Ghafir Surah 41: Fussilat
73. Then they will be told: where is power and impact on earth, but what
what you associated? they gathered did not benefit them.
74. Besides Allah? They say: they 83. Then when their messengers
have deserted us, but we did not call came to them with clear proofs, they
on anything before, that is how Allah rejoiced in whatever knowledge
leads those astray who reject (Him). they had, and what they made fun of
75. This is on account of you having overcame them.
rejoiced on earth without right and 84. Then when they saw Our affliction
having been triumphant. they said: we believe in Allah alone and
76. Enter the gates of hell to remain reject what we associated with Him.
there, for bad is the home of 85. But their belief did not benefit
the arrogant.
them when they saw Our affliction.
77. So be patient, for the promise of This is the custom of Allah which
Allah is true, then whether We show already came to pass amongst His
you some of what We have promised servants, and those who reject (the
them or take you away, to Us they truth) were the losers by then.
will return.
78. We previously sent messengers, Surah 41: Fussilat
some of whom We related to you and (Explained)
some of whom We did not relate to
you, and no messenger would bring In the name of Allah,
a sign except with the permission of the Owner and Giver of Mercy
Allah, then when the command of 1. Ha Mim.
Allah came, it was decided with truth
2. A revelation from the Owner and
and the followers of falsehood were
Giver of Mercy.
the losers by then.
3. A book whose verses have been
79. Allah is who gave you the cattle to
explained, an Arabic reading (Qur’an)
ride on and to eat.
for people who know.
80. And you have benefits in them
and can attain with them things you 4. Good news and a warning, but most
desire, and on them and on the ship of them turn away and do not listen.
you are carried. 5. And they say: our hearts are
81. And He shows you His signs, covered against what you call us to and
so which of the signs of Allah do in our ears is a weight and between
you dislike? us and you is a barrier, so act, for we
82. Do they not travel on earth and are acting.
see what the outcome was like for 6. Say: I am only a human like you
those before them? They were more whilst it has been revealed to me that
numerous than them and stronger in your god is a single god, so go straight
Surah 41: Fussilat Surah 41: Fussilat
to Him and ask Him for forgiveness, them is stronger in power than them?
and woe to the idolaters. And they disputed Our signs.
7. Those who do not give Zakat and 16. Then We sent against them an
reject the hereafter. icy wind over days of disaster to
8. Those who believe and do good make them taste the punishment of
work, for them is a limitless reward. humiliation in the worldly life, and the
punishment of the hereafter is even
9. Say: do you reject the One who
more humiliating and they will not
created the earth in two days and you
be helped.
set up partners for Him? That is the
Lord of all worlds. 17. And as for Thamud, We guided
them but they preferred blindness
10. And He placed stabilisers on
to guidance, so the humiliating
it from above it and blessed it and
arranged its provision in four days in punishment struck them down on
fair measure for those who seek it. account of what they committed.

11. Then He moved to the heaven 18. And We rescued those who
which was smoke and said to it believed and constantly bewared (of
and to the earth: come obediently Allah).
or reluctantly; they said: we come 19. And on that day the enemies of
obediently. Allah will be gathered to the fire and
12. Then He arranged it into seven arranged into divisions.
heavens in two days and revealed 20. Until when they reach it, their
to each heaven its affairs, and We hearing and eyesight and skins will
adorned the lowest heaven with lights witness against them as to what
and protection, that is the arrangement they did.
of the mighty and knowing. 21. And they will say to their skins:
13. Then if they turn away, say: I have why did you witness against us? They
warned you of being struck down like will say: Allah has given us speech, He
‘Ad and Thamud. who gives speech to everything, and
14. When their messengers came to He created you the first time and to
them continuously (saying:) do not Him you return.
serve anything but Allah, they said: if 22. And you did not expect that your
our Lord pleased He would have sent hearing and eyesight and skins would
angels, so we reject what you have witness against you, but you thought
been sent with. that Allah did not know much of what
15. Then as for ‘Ad, they were arrogant you did.
on earth without right and said: who 23. And this thought you held about
is stronger in power than us? Did they your Lord has ruined you so you
not consider that Allah who created became losers.
Surah 41: Fussilat Surah 41: Fussilat
24. So if they are patient, the fire 33. And who is better in speech than
is their home, and if they ask for him who calls to Allah and does good
reprieve, they will not be reprieved. and says: I am of those who have
25. And We assigned them friends submitted (as Muslims).
so that they made appealing to them 34. And the good deed and the bad
what lay before them and what lay deed are not the same; repel with that
behind them, and the word came true which is better, then the one with
for them which had gone before in enmity between you and him will
communities of the Jinn and mankind become like a dear friend.
that they would be losers. 35. And only those who are patient
26. And those who reject (the truth) achieve this and only those with good
say: do not listen to this Qur’an and fortune achieve this.
belittle it so that you will prevail. 36. And if you are in any way provoked
27. So We will make those who reject by the devil then seek refuge in Allah,
(the truth) taste a severe punishment for He is who listens and knows.
and will reward them in line with the 37. And of His signs are the night and
worst they did. the day and the sun and the moon;
28. That is the punishment of the do not prostrate to the sun nor to
enemies of Allah, the fire, they will the moon but prostrate to Allah who
have an eternal home in it as a reward created them if you serve Him.
for having disputed Our signs. 38. And if they are arrogant, then
29. And those who reject (the truth) those near your Lord glorify Him
say: our Lord, show us those of the night and day and do not grow weary.
Jinn and mankind who lead us astray 39. And of His signs is that you see the
so that we trample them under our earth bare, then when We send water
feet so that they are the lowest. upon it, it comes to life and swells.
30. Those who say: our Lord is Allah, For sure, the One who gives life to it
then uphold it, the angels descend on will revive the dead, for He is able to
them, saying: fear not and worry not do anything.
and look forward to the garden which 40. Those who dispute Our signs are
you have been promised. not hidden from Us. Is then he better
31. We are your protectors in this who is thrown in the fire or he who
world and the hereafter and you will arrives safe on the day of resurrection?
have there whatever your souls desire Do as you please, for He sees what
and you will have there whatever you you do.
ask for. 41. Those who reject the reminder
32. A gift from One who is forgiving when it comes to them: it is certainly
and merciful. a mighty book.
Surah 41: Fussilat Surah 42: Ash-Shura
42. Falsehood does not reach it from 50. And if We make him taste mercy
before or behind, it is a revelation from from Us after harm afflicted him, he is
One who is wise and praiseworthy. likely to say: this is for me and I don’t
43. You are only told what messengers think the hour will happen, and if I
before you were told, for your Lord were to return to my Lord, I would find
is full of forgiveness and full of even better with Him, then We will
painful punishment. inform those who rejected (the truth)
of what they did and will make them
44. And had We made it a foreign
taste an unrelenting punishment.
reading (Qur’an) they would have
said: why have its verses not been 51. And when We give blessings
explained? Foreign and Arab? Say: it is to man, he rebels and keeps aside,
a guidance and healing for those who and when harm afflicts him, he
believe, and those who do not believe, prays excessively.
there is a weight upon their ears and 52. Say: have you considered that if it
they are blind to it, those will be called is from Allah and then you reject it,
from a distant place. who is more astray than him who is
45. And We already gave Musa far away (from the truth)?
(Moses) the book, then they differed 53. We will show them Our signs in
about it, and had not a word gone the cosmos and in themselves until
before from your Lord, it would have it becomes clear to them that it is the
been decided between them, and they truth. Is it not sufficient that your Lord
are indeed in severe doubt about it. is a witness to everything?
46. Whoever does good, it is for 54. But they are in doubt about
himself, and who does bad, it is meeting their Lord, yet He
against himself, and your Lord does surrounds everything.
not wrong His servants.
47. To Him is the knowledge of the Surah 42: Ash-Shura
hour referred, and no fruit emerges (Consultation)
from its shell and no female is
In the name of Allah,
pregnant or gives birth but with His
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
knowledge, and on the day they will be
asked: where are your associates? They 1. Ha Mim.
will say: let us be, we have no evidence. 2. ‘Ayn Sin Qaf.
48. And what they called on before 3. This is how Allah reveals to you and
deserted them, and they realise they those before you, Allah, the mighty
have no escape. and wise.
49. Man does not grow weary of 4. To Him belongs what is in the
calling for good, and when harm heavens and what is on earth, and He
afflicts him, he is weary and depressed. is the exalted and great.
Surah 42: Ash-Shura Surah 42: Ash-Shura
5. The heavens almost break up from 13. He has ordained for you in the
above and the angels glorify the praise religion what He instructed Nuh
of their Lord and ask forgiveness for (Noah) with and what He revealed to
those on earth, for sure Allah is the you and what We instructed Ibrahim
forgiving and merciful. (Abraham) with and Musa (Moses)
and ‘Isa (Jesus): that you uphold the
6. And those who adopt protectors
religion and do not break up regarding
besides Him, Allah is their keeper and
it. It is a big deal for the idolaters what
you are not their guardian.
you call them to. Allah chooses whom
7. And this is how We revealed to you He pleases to come to Him and guides
an Arabic reading (Qur’an) to warn the to Him who repents.
leading township and those around it 14. And they only broke up after the
and warn of the day of gathering in knowledge had reached them out of
which there is no doubt; a group will transgression amongst each other, and
be in the garden and a group will be had not a word from your Lord gone
in the fire. before until a fixed term, it would have
8. And if Allah pleased He would been decided between them, and those
have made you a single community, who inherited the book after them are
but He enters whom He pleases into in severe doubt about it.
His mercy, and the wrongdoers have 15. So call to that and be steadfast as
neither protector nor helper. you have been commanded and do not
9. Or do they take protectors besides follow their desires and say: I believe
Allah? But Allah is the protector and in any book Allah has revealed and
He revives the dead and He is able to have been commanded to deal justly
with you, Allah is our Lord and your
do anything.
Lord, our deeds are for us and your
10. And whatever you differ in, the deeds are for you, there is no dispute
judgement about it belongs to Allah, between us and you, Allah will gather
that is Allah your Lord, on Him I rely us and to Him is the journey.
and to Him I repent. 16. And those who dispute about
11. The originator of the heavens and Allah after He has been responded
the earth who gave you partners from to, their argument is void before their
amongst yourselves and the cattle in Lord and upon them is (His) anger
pairs, thus He made you spread out, and theirs is a severe punishment.
there is nothing like Him, and He 17. Allah is who revealed the book
listens and sees. with truth and (set up) the balance,
12. To Him belong the keys of the and how can you tell whether the hour
heavens and the earth, He expands the might be near.
provision for whom He pleases and 18. Those are in a hurry for it who
tightens it, for He knows everything. do not believe in it, and those who
Surah 42: Ash-Shura Surah 42: Ash-Shura
believe are anxious about it and know truth with His words, for He knows
that it is the truth. For sure, those who what is kept inside.
are in doubt about the hour are in 25. And He is who accepts repentance
extensive error. from His servants and overlooks bad
19. Allah is kind to His servants; He deeds and knows what you do.
provides for whom He pleases and He 26. And He responds to those who
is the strong and mighty. believe and do good work and
20. Whoever wants the fruit of the increases them of His favours, and
hereafter, We increase its fruit for him, for those who reject (the truth) is a
and whoever wants the fruit of this severe punishment.
world, We give him of it and he has no 27. And if Allah expanded the
share in the hereafter. provision for His servants, they would
21. Or do they have partners who transgress on earth, but He sends in
ordain for them in the religion what measure what He pleases, for He is
Allah did not permit? And if it had not informed of and sees His servants.
been for the promise of judgement, it 28. And He is who sends down
would have been decided between the rain after they despair and
them, and for the wrongdoers is a spreads out His mercy, and He is the
painful punishment. praiseworthy protector.
22. You will see the wrongdoers 29. And of His signs is the creation of
anxious about what they committed the heavens and the earth and all the
and it will fall upon them, and those creatures He spread on it, and He is
who believe and do good work will able to gather them when He pleases.
be in the greenery of the gardens (of
30. And whatever affliction befalls
paradise) where they will have what
you, it is due to what you yourselves
they please with their Lord, that is the
have brought about, and He overlooks
great favour.
a lot.
23. This is the good news Allah gives
31. And you will not escape on
to His servants who believe and do
earth, and you have besides Allah no
good work. Say: I do not ask you for
protector nor helper.
a reward for it except love towards
relatives, and whoever performs a 32. And of His signs are the towering
good deed, We increase good for ships traversing the sea.
him through it, for Allah forgives 33. If He pleases, He makes the wind
and appreciates. stop and they remain motionless on
24. Or do they say he invented a lie top of it.
against Allah? But if Allah pleased, 34. Or He destroys them on account
He would seal your heart, and Allah of what they committed, and He
eradicates falsehood and verifies the overlooks a lot.
Surah 42: Ash-Shura Surah 42: Ash-Shura
35. And those who argue about 45. And you see them presented
Our signs will know that they have before it, fearful in humiliation,
no escape. cautiously looking around, and the
36. For whatever you have been given believers will say: the losers today are
is the provision of the life of the world, those who lost themselves and their
and what is with Allah is better and families on the day of resurrection,
more lasting for those who believe and for sure the wrongdoers will be in a
rely on their Lord. lasting punishment.
37. And those who shun the major 46. And they had no protectors to help
sins and indecencies, and whenever them besides Allah, and whomever
they are angry, they forgive. Allah lets go astray, there is no way
for him.
38. And those who respond to their
Lord and keep up prayer and decide 47. Respond to your Lord before a
their affairs in consultation between day arrives when there is no avoiding
them and spend of what We have Allah; on that day you will have no
provided them with. refuge and you will have no defence.
39. And those who when they 48. And if they turn away, then We
are afflicted by transgression help have not sent you as a guardian over
each other. them, for your duty is only to convey,
and when We let man taste a mercy
40. And the punishment for harm from Us, he rejoices in it, and when
is a similar harm, but whoever lets harm afflicts them on account of
it be and does good, his reward is what they have sent ahead, then man
with Allah, for He does not love is ungrateful.
the wrongdoers.
49. To Allah belongs the kingdom of
41. And whoever takes revenge after the heavens and the earth, He creates
having been wronged, they should not what He pleases, He grants whom He
be prevented. pleases females, and grants whom He
42. Only those should be prevented pleases males.
who wrong people and transgress 50. Or He pairs them up as males
on earth without right, for those is a and females, and He makes whom
painful punishment. He pleases barren, for He is knowing
43. And whoever is patient and and powerful.
forgives, that is one of the firmest 51. And it is not befitting for a human
things (to do). that Allah should talk to him except
44. And whomever Allah lets go by revelation or from behind a barrier,
astray, He has no protector after that, or He sends a messenger to pass on
and you see the wrongdoers, when of the revelation what He pleases by
they see the punishment, say: is there His permission, for He is knowing
a way of preventing it? and wise.
Surah 43: Az-Zukhruf Surah 43: Az-Zukhruf
52. And this is how We revealed to 10. The One who gave you the earth as
you through a Spirit We command, an expanse and cut paths in it for you
you had no idea what the book was so that you might be guided.
or the faith, but We made it a light 11. And the One who sent water from
to guide with it whom We please of the sky in measure, then We revive
Our servants, and you certainly guide with it a dead land; likewise you will
towards a straight path. be brought out.
53. The path of Allah to whom belongs 12. And the One who created all pairs
what is in the heavens and what is and gave you the ship and the cattle
on earth, for sure to Allah return which you mount.
all matters. 13. So that you are well established on
them, then remember the blessings of
Surah 43: Az-Zukhruf your Lord when you are established
(Golden Decorations) on them and say: glorified is He who
made this subservient to us, we could
In the name of Allah, not have subjected them.
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
14. And we will turn to our Lord.
1. Ha Mim.
15. And they assign for Him a portion
2. By the clear book. of His (own) servants, for man is
3. We made it an Arabic reading clearly ungrateful.
(Qur’an) so that you might understand. 16. Has He then taken daughters
4. And in the original book with Us it from what He created and chosen for
is exalted and wise. you sons?
5. Should We then withdraw the 17. And when any of them is given
reminder from you entirely because news of what they coin as a likeness
you are wasteful people? for the Merciful, his face darkens and
he is upset:
6. And how many a prophet have We
sent to the earliest communities. 18. Someone brought up amongst
pleasantries - and he cannot sustain
7. And whenever a prophet came to the argument.
them, they made fun of him.
19. And they make the angels who are
8. So We destroyed those with a grip amongst the servants of Allah female.
stronger than theirs and the example Did they witness their creation? Their
of the earliest communities came evidence will be recorded and they
to pass. will be asked.
9. And if you asked them who created 20. And they say: if the Merciful
the heavens and the earth, they will pleased, we would not serve them
say: the mighty and knowing has besides Him. They have no knowledge
created them. of this, for they only guess.
Surah 43: Az-Zukhruf Surah 43: Az-Zukhruf
21. Or did We give them a book before stages so that some of them take others
so that they hold on to it? in service, and the mercy of your Lord
22. But they say: we found our fathers is better than what they amass.
upon a practice and we are guided by 33. And if it wouldn’t turn mankind
their traditions. into a single community We would
23. And this is how We never sent a have granted those who reject the
warner before you to a town but its Merciful silver roofs on their houses
affluent people said: we found our and stairs on which they ascend.
fathers upon a practice and we emulate 34. And (silver) doors for their houses
their traditions. and couches on which they recline.
24. He said: what if I brought you 35. And golden decorations, but all
something better guided than what of that would only be the provision of
you found your fathers doing? They this world, and the hereafter with your
said: we reject what you have been Lord is for those who beware.
sent with. 36. And whoever is blind to the
25. So We took revenge on them, then reminder of the Merciful, We assign
see what the outcome of those who for him a devil who will be a friend
denied was like. for him.
26. And when Ibrahim (Abraham) 37. And they divert them from the way
said to his father and his people: I am but they think that they are guided.
free of what you serve. 38. Until when he comes to Us he says:
27. Except for the One who originated if only there was the distance of the
me, for He will guide me. two Easts between me and you, what
28. And He made this into a lasting a bad friend.
word amongst his descendants so they 39. And today it will not benefit you,
would return. if you did wrong, that you will share
29. But I have given provision to those the punishment.
and their fathers until the truth reaches 40. Can you then make the deaf
them and a clearly spoken messenger. hear or guide the blind or who is in
30. And when the truth reached them, clear error?
they said: this is magic and we reject it. 41. And if We take you away, We will
31. And they said: why was not this take revenge on them.
Qur’an revealed to a man of the two 42. Or if We show you what We have
great towns? promised them, We have power
32. Do they divide the mercy of your over them.
Lord? We divide amongst them their 43. So hold on to that which has
livelihood in the worldly life and been revealed to you, for you are on a
raised some of them above others in straight path.
Surah 43: Az-Zukhruf Surah 43: Az-Zukhruf
44. And it is a reminder for you 55. Then when they provoked Us We
and your people, and you will soon took revenge on them and drowned
be asked. them altogether.
45. And ask the messengers whom We 56. Then We made them a precedent
sent before you, did We allow gods and an example for those to come.
besides the Merciful to be served? 57. And when the son of Maryam
46. And We sent Musa (Moses) with (Mary) is given as an example, your
Our signs to Pharaoh and his leaders people protest against it.
and he said: I am a messenger of the 58. And they say: are our gods
Lord of all worlds. better or he? They only present it to
47. Then when he came to them with you as a contradiction, for they are
Our signs, they made fun of them. argumentative people.
59. For he is only a servant whom
48. And every sign We showed
We have favoured and made him an
them was greater than the previous
example for the Children of Israel.
one, and We overtook them with
the punishment so that they might 60. And if We pleased, We could
turn back. replace you with angels to be
successors on the earth.
49. And they said: oh you magician,
call your Lord for us on account of 61. And there is sure knowledge of the
hour, so do not doubt it, and follow
what He has promised to you, for we
me, that is a straight path.
will be guided.
62. And let not the devil divert you,
50. Then when We removed the
for he is a clear enemy to you.
punishment from them, they broke
their promise. 63. And when ‘Isa (Jesus) came with
clear proofs he said: I have brought
51. And Pharaoh announced amongst
you wisdom and am to clarify to you
his people, saying: oh my people, do some of that in which you differed, so
I not own the kingdom of Egypt and beware of Allah and obey me.
these rivers which flow before me?
64. For Allah is my Lord and
Don’t you see?
your Lord, so serve Him. This is a
52. Am I not better than him who is a straight path.
low cast and can hardly speak clearly?
65. Then the allies differed amongst
53. Then why have not golden themselves, so woe to those who do
bracelets been given to him or did the wrong from the punishment of a
angels come in tow with him? painful day.
54. So he fooled his people and 66. Do they just wait that the hour
they obeyed him, for they were reaches them suddenly when they are
sinful people. not aware?
Surah 43: Az-Zukhruf Surah 44: Ad-Dukhan
67. Close friends will be enemies to 81. Say: if the Merciful had a son, then
each other on that day, except those I would be the first to serve (him).
who beware (of Allah). 82. Glorified is the Lord of the heavens
68. Oh My servants, you shall not fear and the earth, the Lord of the throne,
today nor shall you worry. above what they make out.
69. Those who believe in Our signs 83. So leave them to busy themselves
and did submit (as Muslims). and play until they meet their
promised day.
70. Enter the garden, you and your
partners, happily. 84. And He is god in the heaven
and god on earth, and He is the wise
71. They will be waited upon with and knowing.
golden plates and cups and it will
85. Exalted is He to whom belongs the
contain whatever the souls desire and
kingdom of the heavens and the earth
what the eyes delight in, and you will
and what is between them, and He has
remain there forever.
knowledge of the hour and to Him
72. And this is the garden which you you return.
have inherited on account of what
86. And those whom they call besides
you did. Him have no power of intercession
73. You have lots of fruit in it and eat except for him who is a witness to the
from it. truth and with knowledge.
74. For the sinful remain in the 87. And if you were to ask them who
punishment of hell-fire. created them, they would say: Allah.
75. It will not be lightened for them So where to are they diverted?
and they will be left with nothing. 88. And his saying (will be): oh my
76. And We did not wrong them, but Lord, these people did not believe.
they were the wrongdoers. 89. So ignore them and say: peace, for
they will soon know.
77. And they will call: oh angel, let
your Lord finish us off. He will say: Surah 44: Ad-Dukhan
you will stay.
78. We previously brought you
the truth, but most of you disliked In the name of Allah,
the truth. the Owner and Giver of Mercy
79. Or do they decide any matter? 1. Ha Mim.
We decide. 2. By the clear book.
80. Or do they think that We do not 3. We revealed it during a blessed night,
hear their secrets and secret meetings? for We continually issued warnings.
But no, Our messengers are with 4. During it every matter to be judged
them, recording. is decided.
Surah 44: Ad-Dukhan Surah 44: Ad-Dukhan
5. A command from Us, for We 21. And if you do not believe me then
continually sent (messengers). leave me alone.
6. As mercy from your Lord, for He 22. Then he called his Lord that these
listens and knows. people are sinful.
7. The Lord of the heavens and the 23. So travel with My servants at night,
earth and what is between them, if you for you will be followed.
are certain. 24. And leave through the sea calmly,
8. There is no god but He, He gives life for they are forces to be drowned.
and death, your Lord and the Lord of
25. How many gardens and springs
your forefathers.
did they leave behind.
9. But they play whilst in doubt.
26. And plantations and
10. So look out for a day when the sky honoured dwellings.
brings clear smoke.
27. And blessings which they enjoyed.
11. Which surrounds people, that is a
28. This is what happened, and We
painful punishment.
made others inherit them.
12. Our Lord, remove the punishment
29. And the sky and the earth did not
from us, for we believe.
cry for them, and they were not spared.
13. How can they have a reminder
(now), when a clear messenger came 30. And We did rescue the
to them before? Children of Israel from the
humiliating punishment.
14. Then they turned away and said:
he has been taught and is possessed. 31. From Pharaoh, for he was
extravagantly wasteful.
15. We will remove the punishment a
little, for you will return. 32. And We knowingly chose them
above everybody else.
16. On the day We take a major grip,
for We take revenge. 33. And We gave them signs which
contained a clear test.
17. And We tested before them the
people of Pharaoh and an honourable 34. For these say:
messenger came to them. 35. There is only our first death, and
18. (Saying): Return to me the servants we will not be raised.
of Allah, for I am a reliable messenger 36. Then bring our forefathers, if you
to you. are truthful.
19. And do not exalt against Allah, for 37. Are they better or the people of
I have brought you a clear authority. Tubba’ (in Yemen) and those before
20. And I seek refuge in my Lord and them, We destroyed them, for they
your Lord that you would abuse me. were sinful.
Surah 44: Ad-Dukhan Surah 45: Al-Jathiyah
38. And We did not create the heavens 57. A favour from your Lord, that is
and earth and what is between as the ultimate success.
a pastime. 58. And We have made it easy (to
39. We only created them with the recite) in your language so that they
truth, but most of them don’t know. might reflect.
40. The day of division is the 59. So watch out, for they will
appointment for all of them. watch out.
41. The day when no protector will
benefit his protégée the least and they Surah 45: Al-Jathiyah
will not be helped. (Kneeling)
42. Except for the one on whom In the name of Allah,
Allah has mercy, for he is the mighty the Owner and Giver of Mercy
and merciful. 1. Ha Mim.
43. For the tree of Zaqqum,
2. The revelation of the book is from
44. Is the food of the sinner, Allah the mighty and wise.
45. Like lava bubbling in the bellies, 3. In the heavens and the earth there
46. Like the bubbling of boiling water. are signs for the believers.
47. Take him and carry him into the 4. And in your creation and in the
midst of hell-fire. creatures He spread out are signs for
48. Then pour the punishment of people who are certain.
boiling water over his head. 5. And in the alternation of night
49. Taste it, for you are the mighty and day and the provision Allah has
and honourable. sent from the sky to revive with it the
earth after its death and the turning
50. For this is what you doubted.
of the winds are signs for people
51. Those who beware (of Allah) will who understand.
be in a safe place.
6. These are the signs of Allah which
52. In gardens and springs. We recite to you in truth, so in what
53. They will wear silk and brocade, tale after Allah and His signs do
facing each other. they believe?
54. This is how it is, and We will marry 7. Woe to every sinful liar.
them to women of rare beauty. 8. Who hears the signs of Allah recited
55. They will ask there for any kind of to him, then he arrogantly persists as if
fruit in safety. he did not hear them, so announce to
56. They will not taste death there him a painful punishment.
after the first death, and He will 9. And if he comes to know of any of
protect them from the punishment of Our signs he makes fun of them; for
hell-fire. those is a humiliating punishment.
Surah 45: Al-Jathiyah Surah 45: Al-Jathiyah
10. Hell will follow them and what so follow them and do not follow the
they have gathered will not benefit desires of those who don’t know.
them nor that they took protectors 19. For they will not benefit you the
besides Allah, and theirs is a least with Allah, and the wrongdoers
severe punishment. are protectors of each other, and Allah
11. This is a guidance, and for those is the protector of those who beware
who reject the signs of their Lord is a (of Him).
punishment of painful affliction. 20. This is an eye-opener for mankind
12. Allah is who made of service to and a guidance and a mercy for people
you the sea so that the ship sails on it who are certain.
by His command and you seek of His 21. Or do those who commit bad think
favours in order to be grateful. that We make them equal to those who
13. And He made of service to you believe and do good during their lives
what is in the heavens and what is on and after death? They judge badly.
earth, entirely from Him, these are 22. And Allah created the heavens
signs for people who reflect. and the earth with truth and so
that every soul will be rewarded for
14. Tell those who believe to forgive
what it committed and they will not
those who do not hope for the days of
be wronged.
Allah, so that He may reward people
in line with what they did. 23. Have you considered the one
who takes his desire as god and
15. Whoever does good, it is for
Allah lets him go astray knowingly
himself, and who does bad, it is against
and seals his hearing and heart and
himself, then you return to your Lord. places a blindfold over his eyes, so
16. And We gave the Children of Israel who will guide him after Allah, don’t
the book and the judgement and the you reflect?
prophethood and provided them with 24. And they say: there is only our
good food and favoured them over worldly life, we die and live, and only
everybody else. time destroys us, and they have no
17. And We gave them clear proofs knowledge about it, they only presume.
by way of the commandments, then 25. And when Our clear signs are
they did not differ except after the recited to them, their argument is only
knowledge had reached them out of that they say: bring our forefathers if
transgression amongst each other, for you are truthful.
your Lord will decide between them 26. Say: Allah gives you life, then He
on the day of resurrection with regard makes you die, then He gathers you
to what they used to differ in. to the day of resurrection in which
18. Then We placed you upon a code there is no doubt, but most people
of conduct by way of commandments, don’t know.
Surah 45: Al-Jathiyah Surah 46: Al-Ahqaf
27. And to Allah belongs the kingdom 36. So Allah is praised, the Lord of the
of the heavens and the earth, and on heavens and the Lord of the earth, the
the day the hour happens, on that day Lord of all worlds.
the followers of falsehood are losers. 37. And to Him belongs greatness in
28. And you will see every community the heavens and on earth, and He is
kneeling down; every community will the mighty and wise.
be called towards its record: today you
will be rewarded for what you used Surah 46: Al-Ahqaf
to do. (The Sand Dunes)
29. This is Our record which speaks In the name of Allah,
to you with the truth, for We used to the Owner and Giver of Mercy
write down what you used to do. 1. Ha Mim.
30. Then as for those who believed 2. The revelation of the book is from
and did good, their Lord will enter Allah the mighty and wise.
them into His mercy, that is the
3. We did not create the heavens and
clear success.
the earth and what is between them
31. And as for those who rejected (the except with truth and for a fixed
truth): were not My signs recited to term, and those who reject (the truth)
you but you were arrogant and were turn away from what they have been
sinful people? warned of.
32. And when it was said that the 4. Say: have you considered that which
promise of Allah is true and there is you call on besides Allah? Show me
no doubt about the hour you said: what they created of the earth, or do
we have no idea what the hour is, we they have a share in the heavens? Bring
follow only assumptions and we are me a book preceding this one or a
not sure. trace of knowledge if you are truthful.
33. And they become aware of the bad 5. And who is more astray than who
they had committed and what they calls besides Allah on those who will
used to make fun of overcame them. not respond to him until the day of
34. And it is said: today We forget you resurrection and who are unaware of
just as you forgot the meeting of this their prayers?
day of yours and your abode is the fire 6. And when mankind is gathered,
and you have no helpers. they will be enemies to them and will
35. This is because you made fun of reject their service.
the signs of Allah and the worldly life 7. And when Our clear signs are
deceived you, so today they will not recited to them, those who reject (the
emerge from it and they will not be truth) say about the truth when it
allowed redress. reaches them: this is plain magic.
Surah 46: Al-Ahqaf Surah 46: Al-Ahqaf
8. Or do they say he invented it? Say: if carrying and weaning him takes thirty
I invented it, then you are powerless to months, then finally when he reaches
help me against Allah, He knows best full strength and reaches forty years
what you engage in, He is sufficient as he says: my Lord, grant me that I am
witness between me and you and He is grateful for your blessings which You
the forgiving and merciful. have blessed me with and my parents
9. Say: I am not the first of the and that I do good work which You
messengers, and I don’t know what will be pleased with, and make my
will happen to me nor to you, I only children good for me, for I turn to You
follow what has been revealed to me and am of those who have submitted
and I am only a clear warner. (as Muslims).
10. Say: have you considered that 16. Those are the ones of whom We
if it is from Allah and you reject it - will accept the best of what they did
whereas a witness from the Children and whose bad deeds We disregard
of Israel gives evidence to something from amongst the inhabitants of
similar, then he believes - that you are the garden, a true promise that they
arrogant? For Allah does not guide were given.
wrongdoing people. 17. And he who says to his parents: get
11. And those who reject (the truth) off, are you promising me that I will
say to those who believe: if it was good, be raised when generations before me
they would not have got it before us. have gone by? And they implore Allah,
And as they are not guided by it they (saying) woe to you, believe, for the
will say: this is an ancient falsehood. promise of Allah is true, but he says:
12. And before it came the book of these are only stories of old.
Musa (Moses) as a guide and mercy, 18. Those are the ones upon whom the
and this book is a confirmation in the word has come true (as it did) amongst
Arabic language to warn those who do the communities of Jinn and mankind
wrong and give good news to those who have passed before them, for they
who do good. were losers.
13. Those who say: our Lord is Allah, 19. For all there are stages on account
then uphold it, they shall have no fear of what they did, and He will repay
nor worry. them their deeds and they will not
14. Those are the inhabitants of the be wronged.
garden in which they remain as a 20. On the day those who reject
reward for what they used to do. (the truth) are presented to the fire:
15. And We admonished man to you spent all the good you had in
be good to his parents. His mother your worldly life and enjoyed it, so
carried him in discomfort and gave today you will be rewarded with a
birth to him in discomfort, and humiliating punishment for having
Surah 46: Al-Ahqaf Surah 46: Al-Ahqaf
been arrogant on earth without right 28. Then why did not those whom
and for having been corrupt. they adopted as gods to endear them
21. And remember the brother of ‘Ad to Allah help them? But they deserted
when he warned his people in the sand them, and that is their falsehood and
dunes, and there have been warnings what they used to invent.
before him and after him, that you 29. And when We dispatched to you
should not serve anyone but Allah, a group of the Jinn to listen to the
for I fear for you the punishment of a Qur’an, then when they were in its
tremendous day. presence they said: be quiet, then
when it was completed, they went
22. They said: did you come to us
back to their people as warners.
to divert us from our gods? Then
bring us what you promise us if you 30. They said: oh our people, we
are truthful. have listened to a book which has
been revealed after Musa (Moses),
23. He said: knowledge rests with confirming what came before it,
Allah, and I convey to you what which guides to the truth and to a
I was sent with, but I see you are straight path.
ignorant people.
31. Oh our people, respond to the
24. Then when they saw clouds invitation of Allah and believe in Him,
approaching their valleys they said: He will forgive you of your sins and
these are clouds to bring us rain. But it protect you from a painful punishment.
is what you were in a hurry for: a wind
32. And whoever does not respond
containing a painful punishment.
to the invitation from Allah, he will
25. It destroys everything by the not escape on earth and will have no
command of its Lord, so they ended protectors besides Him, those are in
up with only their homes left to clear error.
be seen; this is how we punish the 33. Do they not consider that Allah,
sinful people. the One who created the heavens
26. And We had established them and the earth and did not tire of their
more than We established you and gave creation, is able to revive the dead, for
them hearing and eyesight and hearts, sure He is able to do anything.
but neither their hearing nor their 34. And on the day those who rejected
eyesight nor their hearts benefited (the truth) are presented to the fire
them the least when they disputed the (it is said): is this not true? They will
signs of Allah, and what they used to say: Sure, by our Lord. So taste the
make fun of overcame them. punishment because you used to reject
27. And We destroyed towns around (the truth).
you before and explained the signs so 35. So be patient like those firm
that they might turn back. amongst the messengers were patient,
Surah 47: Muhammad Surah 47: Muhammad
and do not be in a hurry for them; 6. And enter them into the garden
on the day they see what they were which He has made known to them.
promised it is as if they will not have 7. Oh you believers, if you help Allah,
stayed except an hour of the day. This Allah helps you and makes your
is a declaration, so will anyone but the foothold firm.
sinful people be destroyed? 8. And those who reject (the truth),
they will be ruined and their work
Surah 47: Muhammad is lost.
9. That is because they disliked
In the name of Allah, what Allah revealed, so He wastes
the Owner and Giver of Mercy their work.
1. Those who reject (the truth) and 10. Do they not travel on earth and
divert from the way of Allah, their see what the outcome was like for
work is lost. those before them? Allah brought
destruction upon them, and for those
2. And those who believe and do who reject (the truth) is a similar fate.
good work and believe in what has
11. This is because Allah is the
been revealed to Muhammad, which
protector of the believers and
is the truth from your Lord, He will
those who reject (the truth) have
cancel their bad deeds and improve
no protector.
their situation.
12. Allah enters those who believe and
3. That is because those who reject
do good work into gardens through
(the truth) follow falsehood and those which rivers flow, and those who
who believe follow the truth from reject (the truth) will have enjoyment
their Lord; this is how Allah coins and eat like the cattle eat, and the fire
their examples for mankind. is their home.
4. So when you meet those who reject 13. And how many towns which were
(the truth) - until the war settles -, strike stronger than your town, which threw
their necks until you have weakened you out, did We destroy and they had
them, then tie them up firmly, after no helper.
which you may be generous or ransom 14. Is then one who follows clear
them; that is how it is, and if Allah proof from his Lord like one to whom
pleased, He could have struck them his bad deeds appeal and they follow
down, but it is for Him to test some of their desires?
you through others, and those who are 15. The likeness of the garden, those
killed in the way of Allah, their work who beware (of Allah) have been
will not be lost. promised: there are rivers of water
5. He will guide them and improve which is not polluted and rivers of
their situation. milk which does not change its taste
Surah 47: Muhammad Surah 47: Muhammad
and rivers of wine which is pleasant for 22. Would you not, if you turn away,
those who drink it and rivers of pure cause corruption on earth and cut off
honey, and they will have all kinds of your family ties?
fruit there and forgiveness from their 23. Those are the ones whom Allah
Lord; unlike those who remain in the has cursed and whom He makes deaf
fire and are given boiling water to and blinds their eyesight.
drink, so it cuts their intestines. 24. Do they not reflect on the Qur’an?
16. And amongst them is he who Or are there locks upon their hearts?
listens to you until when they emerge 25. Those who turn their backs after
from your presence they say to those the guidance has been made clear to
who were given knowledge: what did them, the devil gives them suggestions
he just say? Those are the ones whose and hope.
hearts Allah has sealed and they follow
26. That is because they say to those
their desires. who dislike what Allah has sent: we
17. And those who follow the guidance, obey you in some matters, and Allah
He increases them in guidance and knows their secrets.
gives them their awareness. 27. So how will it be when the angels
18. Are they then only waiting that take them away and strike their faces
the hour is upon them suddenly, and backs?
whilst its signs have already come? So 28. That is because they followed
what reminder will they have when it what displeases Allah and dislike His
reaches them? pleasure, so He wastes their work.
19. Know then that there is no god 29. Or do those with a disease in their
but Allah and seek forgiveness for hearts think that Allah will not expose
your sins and for the believing men their grudges?
and women, and Allah knows your 30. And if We pleased, We would show
movements and your abode. them to you so that you know them by
20. And the believers say: why is no their mark, but you will know them
Surah being revealed? Then when a from the way they talk, and Allah
decisive Surah is revealed and fighting knows your work.
is mentioned in it, you see those in 31. We shall test you until We know
whose hearts is a disease looking at those who strive amongst you and
you as if surrounded by death - more those who have patience, and We shall
befitting for them would be: test your intelligence.
21. Obedience and appropriate 32. Those who reject (the truth) and
words, then, once the matter has been divert from the way of Allah and break
decided, if they were true to Allah it away from the messenger after the
would be better for them. guidance has been made clear to them,
Surah 48: Al-Fath Surah 48: Al-Fath
they will not harm Allah the least, and 3. And so that Allah helps you with
He will waste their work. mighty support.
33. Oh you believers, obey Allah and 4. He is who sent tranquillity into
obey the messenger and do not spoil the hearts of the believers to increase
your work. them further in their faith, and to
34. Those who reject (the truth) and Allah belong the forces of the heavens
divert from the way of Allah and and the earth, and Allah is knowing
then die in rejection, Allah will not and wise.
forgive them. 5. So that He enters the believing men
35. So do not lose heart and call for a and women into gardens through
truce when you will come out on top, which rivers flow, where they will
and Allah is with you and will not remain, and cancels their bad deeds,
deprive you of your work. and this is the ultimate success
with Allah.
36. For the life of this world is only play
and pastime, and if you believe and 6. And punishes the pretending men
and women and idolatrous men and
beware, He will give you your reward
women who thought bad of Allah - the
and will not ask you for your wealth.
bad turns back on them, and Allah is
37. If He asked you for it and persisted angry with them and curses them and
you would withhold and He would promises them hell, a bad destination.
expose your grudges.
7. And to Allah belong the forces of
38. You are the ones called to spend the heavens and the earth, and Allah
in the way of Allah, but amongst you is mighty and wise.
is he who withholds - and whoever
8. We sent you as a witness and bringer
withholds only withholds from
of good news and a warner.
himself, and Allah is rich and you are
poor; and if you turn away He will 9. So that you would believe in Allah
replace you with a different people and His messenger and strengthen
who will not be like you. him and defend him and glorify Him
in the mornings and evenings.
Surah 48: Al-Fath 10. Those who pledged allegiance to
(Victory) you have pledged allegiance to Allah;
Allah’s hand was above their hands.
In the name of Allah, Then if someone falls short, he falls
the Owner and Giver of Mercy short against himself, and if someone
1. We have given you a clear victory. keeps what he promised to Allah, He
2. So that Allah forgives you any sin will give him a tremendous reward.
that has been and that is to come and 11. Those desert Arabs who stayed
completes His favours upon you and behind will say to you: our wealth and
guides you on a straight path. families kept us busy, so forgive us.
Surah 48: Al-Fath Surah 48: Al-Fath
They say with their mouths what is not which rivers flow, and whoever
in their hearts. Say: then who has any turns away, He punishes him with a
power for you over Allah if He wants painful punishment.
harm or benefit for you? But Allah is 18. Allah was content with the
informed of what you do. believers when they pledged allegiance
12. But you thought that the messenger to you under the tree, and He knew
and the believers would never return what was in their hearts and sent
to their families, and that appealed to tranquillity upon them and rewarded
you in your hearts and you thought them with a near victory.
bad and were ruined as people. 19. And much booty for them to
13. And whoever does not believe in acquire, and Allah is mighty and wise.
Allah and His messenger, We have 20. And Allah promised you that you
promised a flame for those who reject would acquire much booty and sped
(the truth). this up for you and kept the people’s
14. And to Allah belongs the kingdom hands off you, to make it a sign for
of the heavens and the earth; He the believers and to guide you on a
forgives whom He pleases and straight path.
punishes whom He pleases, and Allah 21. And more which you have not
is forgiving and merciful. yet obtained but which Allah has full
15. Those who stayed behind say when knowledge of, and Allah is able to
you leave to acquire booty: allow us to do anything.
follow you. They want to change the 22. And if those who reject (the truth)
word of Allah. Say: you will not follow fought you, they would turn their
us; this is what Allah said before. Then backs and then not find any protector
they will say: you only envy us - but or helper.
they hardly understand. 23. The custom of Allah which has
16. Say to the desert Arabs who stayed gone before, and you will not find a
behind: you will be called against a change in the custom of Allah.
people with terrifying strength whom 24. And He is who kept their hands
you will fight unless they surrender, off you and your hands off them in the
then if you obey, Allah will give you valley of Makkah after He had given
a good reward, and if you turn away you victory over them, and Allah saw
as you turned away before, He will what you did.
punish you with a painful punishment. 25. They are the ones who reject
17. There is no blame on the blind, (the truth) and prevent you from the
nor is there blame on the lame, nor is sacred mosque and the intercepted
there blame on the sick, and whoever offering from reaching its destination,
obeys Allah and His messenger, He and if there were not believing men
enters him into the gardens through and believing women whom you don’t
Surah 48: Al-Fath Surah 49: Al-Hujurat
know and whom you would pass over to annoy those who reject (the truth).
and for whom you would unknowingly Allah has promised those of them who
be to blame - for Allah enters into His believe and do good forgiveness and
mercy whom He pleases -, if those had an immense reward.
left We would have punished those
who reject (the truth) amongst them Surah 49: Al-Hujurat
with a painful punishment. (The Private Rooms)
26. When those who reject (the
In the name of Allah,
truth) placed rage into their hearts,
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
the rage of ignorance, Allah sent His
tranquillity upon His messenger and 1. Oh you believers, do not put
upon the believers and held them to yourselves before Allah and His
the word of awareness (that there is no messenger and beware of Allah, for
god but Allah), which they had most Allah listens and knows.
right to and which belonged to them, 2. Oh you believers, do not raise your
and Allah knows everything. voices above the voice of the prophet
27. Allah has verified His messenger’s and do not talk loudly with him like
vision with the truth that you will you do with each other so that your
enter the sacred mosque, if Allah work would be wasted whilst you
don’t realise.
pleases, safe, with shaved and cropped
heads, without fear, for He knew what 3. Those who subdue their voices
you did not know and gave a near near the messenger of Allah, they are
victory besides that. those whose hearts Allah has purified
towards awareness; for them is
28. He is who sent His messenger with
forgiveness and a tremendous reward.
the guidance and the religion of truth
to make it manifest over all religion, 4. Those who call you from behind
and Allah is sufficient as a witness. your private rooms, most of them
don’t understand.
29. Muhammad is the messenger of
Allah, and those with him are stern 5. And if they had patience until you
against those who reject (the truth) come out to them, it would be better
and merciful amongst themselves. for them, and Allah is forgiving
You see them bowing and prostrating, and merciful.
seeking favours from Allah and 6. Oh you believers, if a sinner comes
approval. Their marks are on their to you with information, verify it
faces from the traces of prostration. before you afflict people in ignorance
That is their likeness in the Torah, and and then regret what you have done.
their likeness in the Gospel is that of 7. And know that the messenger of
a seed from which a shoot emerges, Allah is amongst you. If he followed
then strengthens, then rises straight you in many matters, you would be
from its stalk to please the planter and in trouble, but Allah made faith dear
Surah 49: Al-Hujurat Surah 50: Qaf
to you and made it appealing in your amongst you before Allah is the most
hearts and made you dislike rejection aware (of Him) amongst you, for Allah
and sin and transgression - those are is knowing and informed.
the righteous. 14. The desert Arabs say: we believe.
8. As a favour and blessing from Allah, Say: you don’t believe yet, but say: we
and Allah is knowing and wise. submit, and faith has not yet entered
9. And if two groups of believers fight, your hearts. And if you obey Allah
make peace between them, then if one and His messenger He will not deprive
of them transgresses against the other, you of any of your work, for Allah is
fight the one which transgresses until forgiving and merciful.
it returns to the command of Allah,
15. For the believers are those who
then when it returns, make peace
between them with impartiality and believe in Allah and His messenger
be just, for Allah loves the just. and then have no doubt and strive
with their wealth and their lives in the
10. For the believers are brothers, so
way of Allah, those are the truthful.
make peace between your brothers
and beware of Allah in order to 16. Say: are you teaching Allah your
receive mercy. religion? And Allah knows what is in
11. Oh you believers, let not one the heavens and what is on earth, and
people make fun of another people, Allah knows everything.
perhaps they are better than them, nor 17. They consider it as a favour to you
let some women make fun of other that they have submitted. Say: don’t
women, perhaps they are better than consider your submission a favour to
them, and do not talk bad of each me, but Allah did you a favour that He
other nor call each other derogatory guided you to faith if you are truthful.
names - bad is a name of immorality
18. For Allah knows the secrets of the
after faith -, and those who do not
repent are the wrongdoers. heavens and the earth, and Allah sees
what you do.
12. Oh you believers, greatly shun
assumptions, for some assumptions
are sinful, and do not spy nor backbite Surah 50: Qaf
about each other. Would any of
you want to eat the flesh of his dead
In the name of Allah,
brother? No, you dislike it. And
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
beware of Allah, for Allah is accepting
and merciful. 1. Qaf. By the glorious Qur’an.
13. Oh mankind, We have created 2. But they are astonished that a
you from male and female and made warner from amongst themselves
you into clans and tribes so that you came to them, so those who reject (the
know each other. The most honoured truth) say: this is a strange thing.
Surah 50: Qaf Surah 50: Qaf
3. That when we have died and 16. And We created man and know
are dust, we will be brought back what his soul suggests to him and We
from beyond. are closer to him than his jugular vein.
4. We know what the earth takes of 17. When the two who keep meeting
(him) sit on the right and the left.
them, and with Us is a protected record.
18. He does not utter a word but there
5. But they deny the truth when it
is an observer present with him.
reaches them and they are in a state
19. And the delirium of death comes
of confusion.
in truth, that is what you tried to avoid.
6. Don’t they look at the sky above 20. And the horn is blown, that is the
them how We constructed it and promised day.
ornamented it and it has no cracks?
21. And every soul comes with a
7. And We expanded the earth and driver and a witness.
placed on it stabilisers and made grow 22. You were unaware of this, then We
on it of every splendid species. removed your covering from you and
8. As an enlightenment and reminder your eyesight today is firm.
for every repenting servant. 23. And his companion will say: this is
what I have brought.
9. And We sent water as a blessing
from the sky and grow with it gardens 24. Throw every obstinate rejecter (of
and crops from seed. the truth) into hell.
25. Who forbids what is good in
10. And tall date trees with layered
transgression and doubt.
date clusters.
26. Who placed another god
11. As a provision for the servants (of with Allah, so throw him into the
Allah), and We revive with it a dead severe punishment.
land. Likewise will be the resurrection. 27. His companion will say: our Lord,
12. The people of Nuh (Noah) and the I did not cause him to be excessive, but
people around the waterhole (ar-Rass) he was in extensive error.
and Thamud denied before them. 28. He will say: do not argue before
13. And ‘Ad and Pharaoh and the Me, I have already advanced My
promise to you.
brothers of Lut (Lot).
29. The word will not be changed
14. And the inhabitants of the before Me, and I do not wrong
woodlands (al-Ayka) and the people of My servants.
Tubba’ (in Yemen); they all denied the
30. On the day We will say to hell: are
messengers, so the promise came true. you full? and it will say: is there more?
15. Are We then exhausted by the first 31. And the garden will be brought
creation? But they are uncertain about near to those who beware (of Allah),
the new creation. without distance.
Surah 50: Qaf Surah 51: Adh-Dhariyat
32. This is what you were promised for
every one who repents and is mindful. Surah 51: Adh-Dhariyat
(Those Dispersing)
33. Who fears the Merciful in secret
and comes with a repentant heart. In the name of Allah,
34. Enter it with peace, that is the day the Owner and Giver of Mercy
of eternity. 1. By those dispersing (winds).
35. They will have what they please 2. And those load-carrying (clouds).
there, and with Us is more. 3. And those (ships) travelling
36. And how many generations have with ease.
We destroyed before them with a 4. And those (angels) arranging affairs.
stronger grip than theirs, so search the 5. What you have been promised
land, is there an escape? is true.
37. In this is a reminder for whoever 6. And the repayment will take place.
has a heart or listens and is a witness.
7. By the well-textured sky.
38. And We created the heavens
8. You differ in your claims.
and the earth and what is between
them in six days, and no exhaustion 9. Those are diverted from it who
afflicted Us. are avert.
10. Death to the liars.
39. So have patience with what they
say and glorify the praise of your Lord 11. Who are carelessly inattentive.
before the rising of the sun and before 12. They ask: when will the day of
its setting. repayment be?
40. And glorify Him during the night 13. The day when they will be tried on
and after your prostrations. the fire.
41. And listen out on the day the caller 14. Taste your trial, this is what you
calls from a nearby place. were in a hurry for.
42. On the day they hear the roar in 15. Those who beware (of Allah) will
truth, that is the day of resurrection. be in gardens and springs.
43. We give life and give death and to 16. They will take what their Lord gives
Us is the journey. them, for they did good before then.
44. On the day the earth will rapidly 17. They slept little at night.
spit them out, that will be an easy 18. And at dawn they asked
assembly for Us. for forgiveness.
45. We know best what they say, 19. And in their wealth those who
and you are no tyrant over them, so asked and the destitute had a right.
remind with the Qur’an those who 20. And on the earth are signs for
fear the promise. those who are certain.
Surah 51: Adh-Dhariyat Surah 51: Adh-Dhariyat
21. And in yourselves, so don’t 37. And We left in it a sign for those
you see? who fear the painful punishment.
22. And in the heaven is your provision 38. And in Musa (Moses) when
and what you have been promised. We send him to Pharaoh with a
23. So by the Lord of the heaven and clear authority.
the earth, it is the truth just as you are 39. Then he turned away with
able to speak. his support and said: a magician
24. Has the story of the honoured or possessed.
guests of Ibrahim (Abraham)
40. So We overtook him and his forces
reached you?
and flung them into the sea whilst he
25. When they entered upon him
blamed himself.
and said: peace. He said: Peace, oh
unfamiliar people. 41. And in ‘Ad when We sent against
them the relentless wind.
26. Then he went back to his family
and brought a well-fed calf. 42. It leaves nothing that it comes
27. Then he put it before them and upon without turning it rotten.
said: won’t you eat? 43. And in Thamud when they were
28. Then he felt afraid of them. They told enjoy yourselves for a while.
said: fear not, and they gave him good 44. So they violated the command of
news of a knowledgeable boy. their Lord and the lightning struck
29. Then his wife approached with a them whilst they looked on.
shriek and struck her face and said: a 45. And they could neither stand up
barren old woman? nor were they helped.
30. They said: this is what your Lord
46. And the people of Nuh (Noah)
said, for He is wise and knowing.
before, for they were sinful people.
31. He said: So what have you come
47. And We constructed the heaven
for, oh messengers?
with support and We are expanding it.
32. They said: we were sent to the
sinful people. 48. And We spread out the earth and
how well did We level it.
33. To send upon them stones of clay.
34. Embossed by your Lord for 49. And of everything We created
the wasteful. pairs so that you would reflect.
35. So We took out all the believers 50. So flee to Allah, for I am a clear
who were there. warner from Him to you.
36. And We did not find there except 51. And do not place with Allah any
one household of those who submitted other god, for I am a clear warner from
(as Muslims). Him to you.
Surah 52: At-Tur Surah 52: At-Tur
52. Likewise no messenger came to 9. On the day the sky will sway.
those before them but they said: a 10. And the mountains will move.
magician or possessed.
11. Woe on that day to those who deny.
53. Is this their legacy? But they are
12. Who play in a bubble.
transgressing people.
13. The day they will be forced into the
54. So turn away from them and you
fire of hell.
are not to blame.
14. This is the fire you used to deny.
55. And remind, for the reminder
benefits the believers. 15. Is this magic or don’t you see?
56. And I did not create Jinn and 16. Enter it, then have patience or
mankind except to serve Me. don’t have patience, it will be the same
for you, for you are rewarded for what
57. I do not want provision from them you used to do.
and don’t want them to feed Me.
17. Those who beware (of Allah) will
58. For Allah is the provider with be in gardens and blessings.
firm strength.
18. Enjoying what their Lord gave
59. And the wrongdoers will have them, and their Lord guarded them
their share just like the share of their from the punishment of hell-fire.
companions, so let them not be in
19. Eat and drink legitimately on
a hurry.
account of what you used to do.
60. And for those who reject (the
20. They will recline on couches
truth) the day they have been promised
arranged in rows, and We will marry
will prove a calamity.
them to women of rare beauty.
Surah 52: At-Tur 21. And those who believed and their
(The Mountain) descendants followed them in faith,
We unite them with their descendants
In the name of Allah, and will not deprive them of any of
the Owner and Giver of Mercy their work; everyone will secure what
1. By the mountain. he has earned.
2. And the book with the record. 22. And We give them abundance of
the fruit and meat they desire.
3. In spread-out scrolls.
23. They will pass on a cup there which
4. And the constantly visited house.
gives rise to neither idle talk nor sin.
5. And the raised canopy.
24. And boy servants of their own
6. And the overflowing sea. will wait on them as if they were
7. The punishment of your Lord will hidden pearls.
take place. 25. And some of them approach
8. It cannot be averted. others, asking each other,
Surah 52: At-Tur Surah 53: An-Najm
26. Saying: we were anxious amongst 42. Or do they want to plot? But those
our families before. who reject (the truth) are the ones
27. Then Allah bestowed favours on us plotted against.
and guarded us from the punishment 43. Or do they have a god other than
of scorching heat. Allah? Glorified is Allah above what
they associate.
28. For we called Him before, as He is
the charitable and merciful. 44. And if they saw a piece of the sky
fall down, they would say: a heap
29. So remind, for by the blessing of
of clouds.
your Lord you are neither a fortune
teller nor possessed. 45. So leave them until they meet the
day on which they will be struck down.
30. Or do they say: a poet, we will wait
46. The day when their plot will not
until his luck runs out.
benefit them the least and they will
31. Say: wait, I shall wait with you. not be helped.
32. Or does their imagination dictate 47. And for the wrongdoers will be a
this to them, or are they transgressing punishment beyond that, but most of
people? them don’t know.
33. Or do they say: he made it up? But 48. And have patience with the
they don’t believe. judgement of Allah, for you are in Our
34. So let them bring a statement eyes, and glorify the praise of your
comparable to it if they are truthful. Lord when you get up.
35. Or were they created from nothing, 49. And during the night, then glorify
or are they the creators? Him when the stars fade.
36. Or did they create the heavens and Surah 53: An-Najm
the earth? But they are not certain. (The Star)
37. Or do they have the treasures of
your Lord, or are they in charge? In the name of Allah,
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
38. Or do they have a ladder (to access
1. By the star when it came down.
heaven) from which they listen? Then
let the one of them who listens bring 2. Your companion is not in error
some clear authority. nor mislead.
39. Or are daughters for Him and sons 3. And he does not speak from desire.
for you? 4. It is only a revelation given.
40. Or do you ask them for a reward 5. Taught to him by the One strong
and they are burdened by debt? in power.
41. Or do they have access to the 6. Then he rose in full splendour.
unseen so they write it down? 7. And he was on the highest horizon.
Surah 53: An-Najm Surah 53: An-Najm
8. Then he approached and has given permission to whom He
came down. pleases and is content with.
9. And was at a distance of two bow 27. Those who do not believe in
lengths or less. the hereafter name the angels by
10. Then He revealed to His servant female names.
what He revealed. 28. They have no knowledge of this.
11. The heart did not belie what it saw. They only follow assumptions, and
12. Do you then doubt him in what assumptions do not have any value in
he sees? the face of truth.
13. And he saw him another time. 29. So leave whoever turns away from
14. Near the sacred cedar tree. Our remembrance and only wants the
15. Where the garden of home is. life of this world.
16. When the cedar tree was 30. That is the extent of their
completely covered. knowledge, for your Lord knows best
who has strayed from His way, and He
17. The eyes looked neither aside
nor beyond. knows best who is guided.

18. He saw of the greatest signs of 31. And to Allah belongs what is in the
his Lord. heavens and what is on earth, so that
He will reward those who did bad on
19. Have you considered Al-Lat and
account of what they did, and rewards
those who did good with the best.
20. And Manat, the other third one?
32. Those who stay away from major
21. Do you have males and He
sins and indecencies, but for the
has females?
unintentional, for your Lord is far-
22. This would be an unfair division. reaching in forgiveness and knew best
23. They are only names you and your about you when He originated you on
fathers have given. Allah has not sent the earth and when you were embryos
any authority for it. They only follow in the wombs of your mothers, so do
assumptions and what their souls not declare yourselves pure, He knows
desire, when guidance has already best who bewares.
reached them from their Lord.
33. Have you considered him who
24. Or does man get what he
turns away.
wishes for?
34. And gives little and withholds.
25. But to Allah belongs the hereafter
and this world. 35. Does he have knowledge of the
26. And how many angels are there in unseen, so he sees?
the heavens whose intercession does 36. Or has he not been informed of
not benefit the least except after Allah what is in the books of Musa (Moses),
Surah 53: An-Najm Surah 54: Al-Qamar
37. And Ibrahim (Abraham), who 57. The imminent has come close.
gave in full? 58. Nobody besides Allah can
38. That no-one burdened will carry prevent it.
another’s burden. 59. Are you then astonished about
39. And that man only gets what he this statement?
strives for. 60. And laugh and do not cry?
40. And that what he strives for will 61. And you are stuck up?
soon be seen.
62. But prostrate to Allah and
41. Then he will be given his serve Him.
full reward.
42. And that the final destination is to Surah 54: Al-Qamar
your Lord. (The Moon)
43. And that He makes him laugh
In the name of Allah,
and cry.
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
44. And that He makes him die
1. The hour has come close and the
and live.
moon has split.
45. And that He created male and
female in pairs. 2. And if they were to see every
sign, they would turn aside and say:
46. From a sperm when it is ejaculated. fleeting magic.
47. And that upon Him is the
3. And they deny and follow their
second creation.
desires, and everything has its time
48. And that He gives independence and place.
and contentment.
4. And information has already
49. And that He is the Lord of Sirius. reached them to prove them wrong.
50. And He destroyed ‘Ad of old. 5. Far-reaching wisdom, but the
51. And Thamud, so they did not last. warnings will be of no use.
52. And the people of Nuh (Noah) 6. So turn away from them; on the day
before, for they were most sinful the caller calls to something abhorrent,
and transgressing. 7. They will emerge from the graves
53. And those who were turned with downcast eyes as if they were
upside down. swarming locusts.
54. And completely covered. 8. Rushing towards the caller. Those
55. Then which of the blessings of who rejected (the truth) will say: this
your Lord do you doubt? is a difficult day.
56. This is a warning like the 9. The people of Nuh (Noah) denied
earlier warnings. before them, so they denied Our
Surah 54: Al-Qamar Surah 54: Al-Qamar
servant and said: he is possessed, and 25. Did he receive the reminder
he was rejected. amongst us? But he is an
10. So he called his Lord: I have been impertinent liar.
overcome, so help me. 26. Tomorrow they will know who is
the impertinent liar.
11. Then We opened the gates of
heaven with water pouring down. 27. We will send them the she-camel
as a trial for them, so watch them and
12. And We caused springs to
be patient.
gush out of the earth, and the
28. And inform them that the water is
water met in accordance with a
to be shared between them, each drink
pre-arranged command.
will be apportioned.
13. And We carried him on a
29. Then they called their companion,
construction from planks and nails,
so he grabbed her and bled her
14. To float under Our eyes; a to death.
punishment for those who reject (the 30. And how was My punishment
truth). and warning!
15. And We left it as a sign, so does 31. We sent against them a single
anyone pay heed? scream, then they were like dried up
16. And how was My punishment fencing twigs.
and warning! 32. And We made the Qur’an easy to
17. And We made the Qur’an easy to remember, so does anyone pay heed?
remember, so does anyone pay heed? 33. The people of Lut (Lot) denied
18. ‘Ad denied, so how was My the warnings.
punishment and warning! 34. We sent against them a storm,
except for the family of Lut (Lot), We
19. We sent against them an icy wind
rescued them at dawn.
on a final day of disaster.
35. As a blessing from Us; this is how
20. It uprooted people as if they were
We reward the grateful.
the stumps of cut down palm trees.
36. And he had warned them of Our
21. And how was My punishment grip, but they doubted the warnings.
and warning!
37. And they desired his guests, so
22. And We made the Qur’an easy to We blinded them, then taste Our
remember, so does anyone pay heed? punishment and warnings.
23. Thamud denied the warnings. 38. And the next morning the
24. So they said: are we to follow a inevitable punishment greeted them.
single human from amongst us? This 39. So taste My punishment
would be error and madness for us. and warning!
Surah 54: Al-Qamar Surah 55: Ar-Rahman
40. And We made the Qur’an easy to
remember, so does anyone pay heed? Surah 55: Ar-Rahman
(The Owner of Mercy)
41. And the warnings came to the
family of Pharaoh. In the name of Allah,
42. But they denied all of Our signs, the Owner and Giver of Mercy
so We overtook them in a mighty and 1. The Owner of mercy.
powerful way. 2. He taught the Qur’an.
43. Are your rejecters (of the truth) 3. He created man.
better than those, or do you have an
4. He taught him speech.
exemption in the scriptures?
5. The sun and the moon are set on
44. Or do they say: we are a
a course.
victorious crowd?
6. And the stars and the trees prostrate.
45. The crowd will be defeated and
they will turn their backs. 7. And He has raised the sky and
placed the balance.
46. But they have been promised
the hour, and the hour is worse and 8. So that you do not upset the balance.
more bitter. 9. And uphold equity in justice and do
47. The sinners are in error not fall short of the balance.
and madness. 10. And He placed the earth for
48. On the day they will be dragged on living creatures.
their faces into the fire: taste the touch 11. On it are fruit and palms with
of hell. protected fruit stalks.
49. For We created everything 12. And seed crop with leaves and
in measure. scented herbs.
50. And Our command is (given) just 13. Then which of the blessings of
once, like a quick glance. your Lord do you both deny?
51. And We destroyed your factions, 14. He created man from a cement like
so does anyone pay heed? in pottery.
52. And everything they did is in 15. And He created Jinn from an
the record. extract of fire.
53. And everything small or big 16. Then which of the blessings of
is recorded. your Lord do you both deny?
54. Those who beware (of Allah) will 17. The Lord of the two Easts and the
be in gardens and rivers. Lord of the two Wests.
55. In a position of sincerity with a 18. Then which of the blessings of
powerful king. your Lord do you both deny?
Surah 55: Ar-Rahman Surah 55: Ar-Rahman
19. He allowed the two seas to flow 35. You will be bombarded with
and meet. flames of fire and copper and will not
20. Between them is a barrier they do help each other.
not transgress. 36. Then which of the blessings of
your Lord do you both deny?
21. Then which of the blessings of
your Lord do you both deny? 37. Then when the sky breaks up and
is like red tanned leather.
22. He makes pearls and corals emerge
from them. 38. Then which of the blessings of
your Lord do you both deny?
23. Then which of the blessings of
your Lord do you both deny? 39. On that day neither Mankind nor
Jinn will be asked about their sins.
24. And His are the towering ships
40. Then which of the blessings of
spread across the sea like mountains.
your Lord do you both deny?
25. Then which of the blessings of
41. The sinners will be known by their
your Lord do you both deny?
mark and taken by their forelocks
26. All that is on (earth) will vanish. and feet.
27. And the presence of Allah will 42. Then which of the blessings of
remain full of glory and dignity. your Lord do you both deny?
28. Then which of the blessings of 43. This is hell which the
your Lord do you both deny? sinners denied.
29. Whoever is in the heavens and 44. They will move between it and
on earth implores Him; every day He boiling water.
is busy. 45. Then which of the blessings of
30. Then which of the blessings of your Lord do you both deny?
your Lord do you both deny? 46. And whoever fears standing before
31. We will deal with you, you two his Lord will have two gardens.
burdensome creations. 47. Then which of the blessings of
32. Then which of the blessings of your Lord do you both deny?
your Lord do you both deny? 48. Full of diversity.
33. Oh congregation of Jinn and 49. Then which of the blessings of
Mankind, if you are able to penetrate your Lord do you both deny?
the distances of the heavens and the 50. Two springs emerge in them.
earth, then do it, you will not penetrate 51. Then which of the blessings of
them except with an authority. your Lord do you both deny?
34. Then which of the blessings of 52. In them are all kinds of fruit
your Lord do you both deny? in pairs.
Surah 55: Al-Rahman Surah 56: Al-Waqi’ah
53. Then which of the blessings of 71. Then which of the blessings of
your Lord do you both deny? your Lord do you both deny?
54. They will recline on cushions 72. Exclusive beauties in tents.
whose lining will be of brocade, and 73. Then which of the blessings of
the harvest of the two gardens is close- your Lord do you both deny?
by. 74. Neither man nor jinn has touched
55. Then which of the blessings of them before them.
your Lord do you both deny? 75. Then which of the blessings of
56. In them will be exclusive women your Lord do you both deny?
companions whom neither man nor 76. They will recline on green cushions
jinn has touched before them. and splendid carpets.
57. Then which of the blessings of 77. Then which of the blessings of
your Lord do you both deny? your Lord do you both deny?
58. As if they were pearls and coral. 78. Exalted is the name of your Lord
59. Then which of the blessings of full of glory and dignity.
your Lord do you both deny?
Surah 56: Al-Waqi’ah
60. Is the reward of goodness anything (The Event)
but goodness?
61. Then which of the blessings of In the name of Allah,
your Lord do you both deny? the Owner and Giver of Mercy
62. And there are two gardens 1. When the event happens.
beyond them. 2. There is no denying its happening.
63. Then which of the blessings of 3. Subduing, elevating.
your Lord do you both deny? 4. When the earth trembles.
64. With dense vegetation. 5. And the mountains crumble.
65. Then which of the blessings of 6. And are like scattered dust.
your Lord do you both deny? 7. And you will be three types.
66. Two springs spill out in them. 8. So the companions on the right,
67. Then which of the blessings of who are the companions on the right?
your Lord do you both deny? 9. And the companions on the left,
68. In them are fruit and palms who are the companions on the left?
and pomegranates. 10. And those going ahead, they
69. Then which of the blessings of go ahead.
your Lord do you both deny? 11. They are the ones brought close.
70. In them are women of goodness 12. In gardens of blessings.
and beauty. 13. A multitude of the early ones.
Surah 56: Al-Waqi’ah Surah 56: Al-Waqi’ah
14. And a few of the later ones. 41. And the companions on the left,
15. On decorated couches. who are the companions on the left?
16. They recline on them facing 42. In scorching heat and boiling water.
each other. 43. And shaded by black smoke.
17. Eternal youths wait on them. 44. Neither cool nor gentle.
18. With tumblers and glasses and 45. For they were affluent before.
cups of flowing beverage. 46. And persisted in great sin.
19. They will not get a headache from 47. And said: when we have died and
it nor be drained by it. are dust and bones, are we going to be
20. And fruit of their choosing. raised again?
21. And meat of birds they desire. 48. Or our forefathers?
22. And women of rare beauty. 49. Say: the early ones and the
late ones,
23. Like hidden pearls.
50. They will be gathered for an
24. A reward for what they used to do. appointment on a specified day.
25. They will hear neither idle nor 51. Then, oh you stray deniers,
sinful talk.
52. You will eat from the tree
26. Only the saying: peace, peace. of Zaqqum.
27. And the companions on the right, 53. And fill your bellies with it.
who are the companions on the right?
54. And drink boiling water after it.
28. Amongst cedar trees
55. And drink mad with thirst.
without thorns.
56. This is their share on the day
29. And layered banana plants. of repayment.
30. And extensive shade. 57. We created you, so why don’t you
31. And flowing water. confirm it?
32. And plenty of fruit. 58. Have you considered your issue?
33. Neither in short supply 59. Do you create it, or are We
nor forbidden. the creators?
34. And raised cushions. 60. We apportion death amongst you,
35. We recreated them. and We will not be stopped,
36. And made them virgins. 61. To replace you with the like of you
and bring you into an existence you
37. Loving and young. don’t know.
38. For the companions on the right. 62. And you know about the first
39. A multitude of the early ones. creation, so why don’t you reflect.
40. And a multitude of the later ones. 63. Have you considered your harvest?
Surah 56: Al-Waqi’ah Surah 57: Al-Hadid
64. Do you grow the seed, or do We 84. And you look on,
grow it? 85. And We are closer to him than
65. If We pleased, We could make you, but you don’t see,
it crumble, so you would be left 86. Why, if you are not accountable,
exclaiming: 87. Don’t you bring it back, if you
66. We are broke. are truthful?
67. No, we are destitute. 88. So if he was of those brought close,
68. Have you considered your 89. Then it is rest and provision and a
drinking water? blessed garden.
69. Do you send it down from the rain 90. And if he was of the companions
clouds, or do We send it down? on the right,
70. If We pleased We could make it 91. Then it is “peace with you” from
brackish, so why are you not grateful? the companions on the right.
71. Have you considered the fire 92. And if he was of the deniers
you kindle? gone astray,
72. Did you create its trees, or did We 93. Then it is a gift of boiling water,
create them? 94. And entry to hell.
73. We made it a reminder and a 95. For this is the certain truth.
comfort for the weary. 96. So glorify the name of your
74. So glorify the name of your mighty Lord.
mighty Lord.
75. But I swear by the locations of Surah 57: Al-Hadid
the stars, (Iron)
76. And this is a mighty oath, if you In the name of Allah,
knew: the Owner and Giver of Mercy
77. This is a distinguished reading 1. What is in the heavens and on earth
(Qur’an). glorifies Allah, and He is the mighty
78. In a preserved book. and wise.
79. Only the pure touch it. 2. To Him belongs the kingdom of
the heavens and the earth, He gives
80. A revelation from the Lord of life and death, and Allah is able to
all worlds. do anything.
81. Do you reject this statement? 3. He is the first and the last, the
82. And repay your provision apparent and the concealed, and He
with denial? knows everything.
83. So why, when it (the soul of a dying 4. He is who created the heavens and
person) reaches the throat, the earth in six days, then He rose onto
Surah 57: Al-Hadid Surah 57: Al-Hadid
the throne, He knows what enters the 11. Who will lend to Allah an excellent
earth and what emerges from it and loan so that He multiplies it for him
what descends from the sky and what and he has a generous reward?
ascends through it, and He is with you 12. On the day you see the believing
wherever you are, and Allah sees what men and women with their light racing
you do. before them and on their right - good
news for you today: gardens through
5. To Him belongs the kingdom of the
which rivers flow where they will
heavens and the earth, and to Allah
remain, that is the ultimate success.
return all affairs.
13. On the day the pretending men
6. He blends the night into the day and and women will say to those who
blends the day into the night, and He believed: look at us so that we can
knows what is kept inside. borrow some of your light. They will
7. Believe in Allah and His messenger be told: turn back to what you left
and spend of what He has allowed behind and look for light. Then a wall
to be passed on to you, so for those will be stuck between them with a
door which has mercy on the inside
of you who believe and spend is a
and outside of it is the punishment.
great reward.
14. They will call them: were we not
8. And what is the matter with you with you? They will say: sure, but
that you don’t believe in Allah and His you corrupted yourselves and waited
messenger who calls you to believe and doubted, and hopes mislead you
in your Lord, when He has already until Allah’s command came to pass,
taken a promise from you, if you and passing provisions mislead you
are believers? about Allah.
9. He is who sent down clear proofs to 15. So today no compensation will be
His servant to take you out of darkness taken from you nor from those who
into the light, and Allah is lenient and rejected (the truth), your abode is the
merciful with you. fire, it is your master, a bad destination.
16. Has not the time come for the
10. And what is the matter with you
believers that their hearts humble
that you don’t spend in the way of Allah
towards the remembrance of Allah
when to Allah belongs the inheritance and what He has revealed of the truth
of the heavens and the earth? Those and that they should not be like those
of you who spent and fought before who were given the book before them,
the victory are not alike but are of a but time went too slowly for them and
higher level than those who spent and their hearts hardened, and many of
fought afterwards, and to all has Allah them were sinful?
promised good, and Allah is informed 17. Know that Allah revives the
of what you do. earth after its death; We have already
Surah 57: Al-Hadid Surah 57: Al-Hadid
explained the signs to you so that you what you were given, and Allah does
might understand. not love an arrogant show-off.
18. The truthful men and women who 24. Those who are mean and
lend an excellent loan to Allah, He command people to be mean, and
multiplies it for them and they have a whoever turns away, Allah is the rich
generous reward. and praiseworthy.
19. And those who believe in Allah 25. We sent Our messengers with
and His messengers, those are the clear proofs and sent the book with
truthful and the witnesses before their them and the balance so that mankind
Lord, they will have their reward and upholds justice, and We sent iron
their light; and those who reject (the which contains severe harm and
truth) and deny Our signs, those are benefits for mankind and so that
the inmates of hell-fire. Allah knows who helps Him and
His messengers in secret, for Allah is
20. Know that the life of this world is
strong and mighty.
only play and pastime and adornment
and boasting amongst you and 26. And We sent Nuh (Noah) and
amassing of wealth and children - Ibrahim (Abraham) and placed the
like the rain when those who reject prophethood and the book amongst
(the truth) like its vegetation, then it their descendants, yet amongst them
dries out and you see it yellow, then are those who are guided, and many of
it crumbles, and in the hereafter them are sinful.
there is severe punishment and 27. Then We let Our messengers
forgiveness and contentment from follow into their footsteps and made
Allah, and the life of this world is only ‘Isa (Jesus), the son of Maryam
a passing provision. (Mary), follow and gave him the Injil
and placed in the hearts of those who
21. Strive for the forgiveness of your
followed him kindness and mercy,
Lord and a garden whose width is
and monasticism they invented, We
like the width of the heavens and the
did not prescribe it for them except
earth which has been prepared for
that they should seek the contentment
those who believe in Allah and His
of Allah, and they did not observe
messengers. That is the favour of Allah it properly, so We gave those who
which He gives to whom He pleases, believed amongst them their reward,
and Allah possesses immense favours. and many of them were sinful.
22. No affliction strikes on earth nor 28. Oh you believers, beware of Allah
within yourselves but it is in a record and believe in His messenger, He will
before We discharge it, for that is easy give you double measure of His mercy
for Allah. and give you a light by which you walk
23. So that you don’t worry about and forgive you, and Allah is forgiving
what has passed you by nor rejoice in and merciful.
Surah 58: Al-Mujadilah Surah 58: Al-Mujadilah
29. Let the people of the Book know be defeated just like those before
that they have no power whatsoever them were defeated, and We have
over the favours of Allah and that all already sent clear proofs, and for
favours are in Allah’s hand, He gives those who reject (the truth) is a
them to whom He pleases, and Allah humiliating punishment.
possesses immense favours. 6. On the day Allah raises them all and
informs them of what they did, Allah
Surah 58: Al-Mujadilah counted it and they forgot it, and Allah
(The Disputing Woman) is a witness to everything.
In the name of Allah, 7. Don’t you see that Allah knows what
the Owner and Giver of Mercy is in the heavens and on earth, and
there is not a secret meeting of three,
1. Allah has heard the speech of her
but He is the fourth with them, nor
who disputed with you about her
of five, but He is the sixth with them,
husband and complained to Allah,
nor of less or more than that but He
and Allah hears your discussion, for
is with them wherever they are, then
Allah listens and sees.
He informs them of what they did
2. Those of you who divorce their on the day of resurrection, for Allah
women by likening them to their knows everything.
mothers, they are not their mothers,
8. Don’t you see how those who
their mothers are only those who gave
were forbidden from secret meetings
birth to them, and they say something
returned to what they were forbidden
unacceptable and false, and Allah is
from and conspired to sin and
lenient and forgiving.
rebellion and disobedience to the
3. And those who divorce their women messenger, and when they came to
by likening them to their mothers and you they greeted you in a way Allah
go back on their word, they must free a does not have you greeted and say
slave before the two touch, that is what to themselves: why does Allah not
you are admonished with, and Allah is punish us for what we say? Hell is
informed of what you do. enough for them, they will enter it,
4. And who is unable, he must fast two and it is a bad journey.
consecutive months before the two 9. Oh you believers, when you
touch, and he who does not find (the meet in secret, do not conspire to
means) must feed sixty poor, that is in sin and rebellion and disobedience
order for you to believe in Allah and to the messenger, but conspire to
His messenger, and these are the limits righteousness and awareness (of
of Allah, and for those who reject (the Allah), and beware of Allah to whom
truth) is a painful punishment. you will be gathered.
5. Those who transgress the limits 10. For secret meetings are from the
of Allah and His messenger will devil so that he worries the believers,
Surah 58: Al-Mujadilah Surah 59: Al-Hashr
and he will not harm them at all except 18. On the day Allah raises all of them
by the permission of Allah, and on and they swear to Him like they swore
Allah let the believers rely. to you and think that they have a case,
11. Oh you believers, when you are but no, they are liars.
told to make room in gatherings, 19. The devil has taken possession
make room, Allah will make room of them and made them forget the
for you, and when you are told to get remembrance of Allah; those are the
up, get up, Allah will elevate those of party of the devil, for sure the party of
you who believe and who were given the devil are the losers.
knowledge in rank, and Allah is 20. Those who transgress the limits
informed of what you do. of Allah and His messenger, those are
12. Oh you believers, when you have the lowest.
a private meeting with the messenger, 21. Allah has decreed that I and My
give charity in advance of your private messengers will win, for Allah is
meetings, that is better and purer for strong and mighty.
you, and if you don’t find (the means), 22. You will not find people who
then Allah is forgiving and merciful. believe in Allah and the last day
13. Do you hesitate to give charity showing love to those who transgress
before your private meetings? If you the limits of Allah and His messenger,
don’t do it and Allah has turned to you even if they were their fathers or sons
in forgiveness, then keep up prayer or brothers or families; for those,
and give Zakat and obey Allah and Allah has written faith in their hearts
His messenger, and Allah is informed and helps them with a spirit from Him
of what you do. and enters them into gardens through
14. Don’t you see those who befriend a which rivers flow where they will
people whom Allah is angry with, they remain. Allah is content with them
are neither part of you nor them and and they are content with Him. Those
knowingly swear upon a lie. are the party of Allah, for sure the
party of Allah are the successful.
15. Allah has promised them a severe
punishment, for bad is what they used Surah 59: Al-Hashr
to do.
(The Gathering)
16. They adopt their faith by way
of protection then divert from In the name of Allah,
the way of Allah, so theirs is a the Owner and Giver of Mercy
humiliating punishment. 1. What is in the heavens and what is
17. Neither their wealth nor children on earth glorifies Allah, and He is the
will help them the least against Allah; mighty and wise.
those are the inmates of the fire where 2. He is who expelled those who
they will remain. rejected (the truth) from the people of
Surah 59: Al-Hashr Surah 59: Al-Hashr
the Book from their homes for a first 8. For the poor of the emigrants who
gathering. You did not think that they left their homes and wealth to seek
would come out, and they thought favour from Allah and contentment
that their strongholds would keep and help Allah and His messenger,
Allah out, so Allah came to them from those are the truthful.
where they did not expect and cast 9. And those who prepared the home
fear into their hearts. They destroyed and had faith before they came, loving
their houses with their own hands and those who migrated to them and
the hands of the believers, so take a not finding within themselves any
lesson oh you who see. desire for what they were given and
3. And if Allah had not written preferring them over themselves even
expulsion for them, He would have if they were in poverty, and whoever
punished them in this world and in is protected from the greed of his own
the hereafter the punishment of the soul, those are the successful.
fire would be theirs. 10. And those who came after them
4. This is because they break away saying: our Lord forgive us and our
from Allah and His messenger, and brothers who preceded us in faith and
whoever breaks away from Allah, then do not place in our hearts any spite
Allah is severe in punishment. towards those who believe, our Lord,
5. You did not cut down a tree or leave for you are lenient and merciful.
it standing on its roots but with the 11. Have you not seen those who
permission of Allah and so that He pretend, saying to their brothers who
would humiliate the sinful. reject (the truth) from the people of
6. And whatever Allah gave to His the Book: if you are expelled, we will
messenger from them, you did not migrate with you and we will not obey
spur on any horses or camels for it, but anybody against you ever, and if you
Allah gives His messengers control are fought, we will help you, and Allah
is a witness that they are liars.
over what He pleases, and Allah is able
to do anything. 12. If they are expelled, they do not
migrate with them, and if they are
7. And whatever Allah gave to His
fought, they do not help them, and if
messenger from the inhabitants of
they were to help them, they would
the towns, it belongs to Allah and
turn their backs, then they will not
His messenger and the relatives
be helped.
and the orphans and the poor and
the traveller, so that it does not just 13. They have more fear in their
circulate amongst the rich of you, and hearts of you than of Allah, that
what the messenger gives you, take it, is because they are people who do
and what he forbids you, leave it, and not understand.
beware of Allah, for Allah is severe 14. They will not fight you all out
in punishment. except from fortified towns or from
Surah 59: Al-Hashr Surah 60: Al-Mumtahinah
behind walls, their adversity amongst 23. He is Allah the One besides whom
themselves is strong, you think they there is no god, the king, the holy, the
are together, but their hearts are apart, origin of peace, the safeguard, the
that is because they are people who do controller, the mighty, the compelling,
not think. the elevated, glorified is Allah above
15. Like those before them nearby, what they associate.
they tasted the evil outcome of their 24. He is Allah the creator, the
affairs and a painful punishment originator, the artist, to him belong
is theirs. the most beautiful names, whatever is
in the heavens and on earth glorifies
16. Like the devil when he says to
Him, and He is the mighty, the wise.
man: reject (the truth), then when he
rejects (it) he says: I am free of you, for Surah 60: Al-Mumtahinah
I fear Allah the Lord of all worlds.
(The Woman Being Tested)
17. So the outcome of both is that they
will be forever in the fire, and that is In the name of Allah,
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
the punishment of the wrongdoers.
1. Oh you believers, do not take My
18. Oh you believers, beware of Allah
enemy and your enemy as protectors,
and let each soul mind what it sends
showing love towards them when
ahead for tomorrow, and beware of
they have rejected the truth you have
Allah, for Allah is informed of what
received and expelled the messenger
you do.
and you because you believe in Allah,
19. And be not like those who forgot your Lord, when you go out striving in
Allah, so He made them forget My way and seeking My contentment,
themselves, those are the sinful. but you secretly show love towards
20. The inhabitants of the fire and them, and I know best what you
the inhabitants of the garden are not conceal and what you disclose, and
alike, the inhabitants of the garden are whoever amongst you does that, he
the successful. has strayed from the level way.
21. Had We sent this Qur’an onto 2. When they get hold of you they are
a mountain you would see it break enemies to you and stretch their hands
down out of fear of Allah, and these out against you and talk bad of you
are the examples We coin for mankind and love that you would reject (the
so that they reflect. truth).
22. He is Allah the One besides whom 3. Your family ties and children will not
there is no god, who knows the unseen benefit you on the day of resurrection
and the apparent, He is the owner and when He will judge between you, and
giver of mercy. Allah sees what you do.
Surah 60: Al-Mumtahinah Surah 60: Al-Mumtahinah
4. There is a beautiful example for them. Allah knows best about their
you in Ibrahim (Abraham) and those faith. Then when you find them to be
with him when they said to their believers, do not return them to those
people: we are free of you and what who reject (the truth) - they are not
you serve besides Allah, we reject you, permitted for each other. And give
and enmity and hatred will forever them what they have spent, and it is no
exist between us until you believe sin for you to marry them if you give
in Allah alone; except for Ibrahim them their dues, and do not hold on to
(Abraham) saying to his father: I will the bonds with those who reject (the
ask forgiveness for you, and I cannot
truth), but ask for what you have spent
avail you the least before Allah; our
and let them ask for what they have
Lord, on You we rely and to You we
spent, that is the judgement of Allah
repent and to You is the journey.
who judges between you, and Allah is
5. Our Lord, do not make us a target knowing and wise.
for those who reject (the truth), and
forgive us, our Lord, for You are the 11. And if you have lost wives to those
mighty and wise. who reject (the truth), and you have
obtained booty, then give those who
6. There is a beautiful example for you
have lost their wives the measure of
in them for whoever hopes for Allah
and the last day, and whoever turns what they have spent and beware of
away, Allah is rich and praiseworthy. Allah in whom you believe.
7. Perhaps Allah will place love 12. Oh prophet, when the believing
between you and your enemies, and women come to you, let them give
Allah is capable, and Allah is forgiving allegiance to you that they will not
and merciful. associate anything with Allah and
8. Allah does not stop you from doing will not steal nor fornicate nor kill
good and being just to those who did their children nor come up with
not fight you due to religion and did some false invented claim regarding
not expel you from your houses, for the parentage of their children nor
Allah loves the just. disobey you in anything appropriate.
9. Allah only stops you from So let them give allegiance and ask
befriending those who fought you forgiveness from Allah for them, for
and expelled you from your houses Allah is forgiving and merciful.
and helped in your expulsion, and 13. Oh you believers, do not befriend
whoever befriends them, those are a people with whom Allah is angry,
the wrongdoers. they despair of the hereafter like those
10. Oh you believers, when emigrating who reject (the truth) despair of the
believing women come to you, test inhabitants of the graves.
Surah 61: As-Saff Surah 62: Al-Jumu’a
will complete His light even if those
Surah 61: As-Saff who reject (the truth) resent it.
9. He is who sent His messenger with
In the name of Allah, the guidance and the religion of truth
the Owner and Giver of Mercy to make it manifest over all religion
even if the idolaters resent it.
1. What is in the heavens and what is
on earth glorifies Allah, and He is the 10. Oh you believers, shall I point you
mighty and wise. to a trade which will rescue you from
a painful punishment?
2. Oh you believers, why do you say
what you don’t do? 11. Believe in Allah and His messenger
and strive in the way of Allah with
3. It is highly offensive to Allah that your wealth and your lives, that is
you say what you don’t do. better for you if you knew.
4. Allah loves those who fight in 12. He will forgive you your sins and
His way in ranks as if they were a enter you into gardens through which
tight-fitting structure. rivers flow and good accommodation
5. And when Musa (Moses) said to his in the gardens of Eden, that is the
people, oh my people, why do you give ultimate success.
me troubles when you know that I am 13. And other things which you love,
the messenger of Allah to you, then help and victory from Allah are near,
when they turned aside, Allah turned and give good news to the believers.
their hearts, and Allah does not guide 14. Oh you believers, be helpers
sinful people. of Allah like ‘Isa (Jesus) the son of
6. And when ‘Isa (Jesus) the son of Maryam (Mary) said to the disciples:
Maryam (Mary) said: oh children of who will be my helpers towards Allah?
Israel, I am the messenger of Allah The disciples said: we are the helpers
to you, confirming what came before of Allah, then a group of the Children
me of the Torah and giving you good of Israel believed and a group rejected
news of a messenger to come after me (the truth), so We strengthened those
whose name is Ahmad, then when he who believed against their enemies
came to them with clear proofs they and they became dominant.
said: this is plain magic.
Surah 62: Al-Jumu’a
7. And who is more wrong than
(The Friday Congregation)
he who invents against Allah a lie
when he is called to submission In the name of Allah,
(Islam), and Allah does not guide the Owner and Giver of Mercy
wrongdoing people. 1. What is in the heavens and what is
8. They want to extinguish the light on earth glorifies Allah, the king, the
of Allah with their mouths, and Allah holy, the mighty, the wise.
Surah 62: Al-Jumu’a Surah 63: Al-Munafiqun
2. He is who raised amongst the favours of Allah and remember Allah
gentiles a messenger from amongst a lot in order to be successful.
them who recites to them His signs 11. And when they see trade or
and purifies them and teaches them pastime, they disperse towards it and
the book and the wisdom, when before leave you standing; say: what is with
that they were in clear error. Allah is better than pastime and trade,
3. And others of them whom they and Allah is the best of providers.
have not yet met, and He is the mighty
and wise. Surah 63: Al-Munafiqun
4. This is the favour of Allah which He (The Pretenders)
gives to whom He pleases, and Allah In the name of Allah,
possesses immense favours. the Owner and Giver of Mercy
5. The likeness of those who were 1. When the pretenders come to you
entrusted with the Torah and then they say: we witness that you are the
did not act on it is like the donkey messenger of Allah, and Allah knows
who carries scrolls, bad is the likeness that you are indeed His messenger, and
of people who deny the signs of Allah witnesses that the pretenders
Allah, and Allah does not guide are lying.
wrongdoing people.
2. They adopt their faith by way of
6. Say: oh you Jews, if you claim that protection then divert from the way of
you are protected friends of Allah Allah, bad is what they used to do.
besides (the rest of) mankind, then
3. That is because they believed, then
wish for death if you are truthful. rejected, so their hearts were sealed so
7. And they never wish for it because that they do not understand.
of the deeds they have sent ahead, and 4. And when you see them, their
Allah knows the wrongdoers. physique amazes you, and when they
8. Say: death, which you run away speak, you listen to their speech as if
from, will catch up with you, then they were towering trees; they think
you will be returned to the One who that every shout is against them, they
knows the unseen and the apparent are the enemy, so be wary of them,
and He will inform you of what you may Allah destroy them, where to are
used to do. they diverted?
9. Oh you believers, if you are called 5. And when they are told: come
to prayer on Friday, hurry to the so that the messenger of Allah asks
remembrance of Allah and leave for forgiveness for you, they turn
your business, that is better for you if their heads aside and you see them
you knew. arrogantly moving away.
10. Then when the prayer has finished 6. It is the same for them whether you
spread out on earth and seek the ask forgiveness for them or don’t ask
Surah 64: At-Taghabun Surah 64: At-Taghabun
forgiveness for them - Allah will not he who believes, and Allah sees what
forgive them, for Allah does not guide you do.
sinful people. 3. He created the heavens and the
7. They are the ones who say: don’t earth with truth and shaped you and
spend on those who are with the made your shape beautiful, and to
messenger of Allah until they break Him is the journey.
away, and to Allah belong the treasures
of the heavens and the earth, but the 4. He knows what is in the heavens
pretenders don’t understand. and on earth and knows what you
8. They say: when we return to conceal and what you disclose, and
Madinah the stronger will drive the Allah knows what is kept inside.
weaker out of it, and to Allah belongs 5. Did not the information of those
all strength and to His messenger and who rejected (the truth) before
to the believers, but the pretenders reach you, so they tasted the evil
don’t know. outcome of their affairs and theirs is a
9. Oh you believers, let not your painful punishment.
wealth and children distract you
6. That is because their messengers
from the remembrance of Allah, and
came to them with clear proofs but
whoever does so, those are the losers.
they said: are we to be guided by a
10. And spend of what Allah has
human? So they rejected (the truth)
provided you with before death comes
and turned away, and Allah does
to any of you and he will say: my Lord,
if only You delayed me for a little not need them, and Allah is rich
longer, so that I can give charity and and praiseworthy.
be of the righteous. 7. Those who reject (the truth) claim
11. And Allah will not delay any soul that they will not be resurrected,
when its term has come, and Allah is say: sure, by my Lord, you will be
informed of what you do. resurrected, then you will be informed
of what you did, that is easy for Allah.
Surah 64: At-Taghabun
8. So believe in Allah and His
messenger and the light which We
In the name of Allah, have sent down, and Allah is informed
the Owner and Giver of Mercy of what you do.
1. Whatever is in the heavens and 9. On the day He will gather you to the
what is on earth glorifies Allah, His is day of congregation, that is the day of
the kingdom and His is the praise and dispossession, and whoever believes
He is able to do anything. in Allah and does good, He will cancel
2. He is who created you, and amongst his (minor) bad deeds and enter him
you is he who rejects (the truth) and into gardens through which rivers
Surah 64: At-Taghabun Surah 65: At-Talaq
flow where they will remain forever,
Surah 65: At-Talaq
that is the ultimate success.
10. And those who reject (the truth)
and deny Our signs, those are the In the name of Allah,
inmates of the fire where they will the Owner and Giver of Mercy
remain, and it is a bad destination. 1. Oh prophet, when you divorce
11. No affliction strikes except with women, then divorce them for their
the permission of Allah, and whoever waiting period and observe the
waiting period and beware of Allah
believes in Allah, He will guide his
your Lord. Do not expel them from
heart, and Allah knows everything.
their houses and let them not leave
12. And obey Allah and the unless they have come up with a clear
messenger, but if you turn away, then indecency, and these are the limits of
the duty of Our messenger is only to Allah, and whoever transgresses the
convey clearly. limits of Allah has wronged himself.
13. Allah, there is no god but Him, so You don’t know if Allah might bring
on Allah shall the believers rely. about a different situation after that.

14. Oh you believers, there are 2. Then when they have reached their
term, keep them honourably or part
enemies of you amongst your partners
from them honourably, and let two
and children, so be wary of them, and
just people amongst you be witnesses
if you are lenient and forgive and seek
and let them uphold the evidence
forgiveness, then Allah is forgiving before Allah. That is the admonition
and merciful. for whoever believes in Allah and the
15. For your wealth and children last day, and who bewares of Allah, He
are a test and with Allah is a will find him a way out.
tremendous reward. 3. And He provides for him from
16. So beware of Allah as much as you where he does not expect it, and
can and listen and obey and spend for whoever relies on Allah, He is
the good of yourselves, and whoever sufficient for him, for Allah enforces
is protected from the greed of his own His command; Allah has given a
soul, those are the successful. measure to everything.
4. And for those of your women who
17. If you lend Allah an excellent
have the menopause and you are
loan, He will multiply it for you and
unsure, their waiting period is three
forgive you, and Allah is appreciative
months as for those who missed a
and gentle. period, and those who are pregnant,
18. The One who knows the unseen their waiting period is until they have
and the apparent, the mighty, the wise. given birth, and whoever bewares of
Surah 65: At-Talaq Surah 66: At-Tahrim
Allah, He will make his affairs easy which rivers flow where they will
for him. remain forever; Allah has already
5. This is the command of Allah He prepared the best provision for him.
revealed to you, and whoever bewares 12. Allah is who created seven
of Allah, He cancels his bad deeds and heavens and likewise of the earth. The
increases his reward. command comes down between them
6. Accommodate them where you so that you know that Allah is able to
accommodate yourselves and do not do anything and that Allah has full
harm them to constrain them, and if knowledge of everything.
they are pregnant, then spend on them
Surah 66: At-Tahrim
until they have given birth, and if they
breast-feed for you, then give them (The Prohibition)
their reward, and consult each other In the name of Allah,
appropriately, and if you disagree, then the Owner and Giver of Mercy
let someone else breast-feed for him.
1. Oh prophet, why do you prohibit
7. Let the one with abundance spend what Allah has permitted to you,
of his abundance, and whose provision seeking the contentment of your wives,
is tightened, let him spend of what and Allah is forgiving and merciful.
Allah gave him, Allah does not burden
2. Allah has already prescribed for you
a soul beyond what He has given it.
the expiation of your oaths, and Allah
Allah will grant ease after hardship.
is your protector and He is knowing
8. And how many towns disobeyed and wise.
the command of their Lord, so We 3. And when the prophet talked in
subjected them to a severe reckoning confidence to one of his wives, then
and punished them severely? when she announced it and Allah
9. Then they tasted the evil outcome of disclosed it to him, he made known
their affairs, and the outcome of their some of it and withheld some, so when
affairs was a loss. he informed her of it she said: who
10. Allah has promised them severe told you this? He said: the Knowing
punishment, so beware of Allah oh and Informed has told me.
you who have understanding and 4. If both of you repent to Allah,
believe; Allah has already sent you your hearts will have deviated, and if
a reminder. you support each other against him,
11. A messenger who recites the clear then Allah is his protector, and Jibril
signs of Allah to you in order to take (Gabriel) and the righteous of the
those who believe and do good out of believers, and the angels will support
darkness into the light, and whoever him also.
believes in Allah and does good, He 5. If he divorced you, his Lord might
will enter him into gardens through replace you with better wives who
Surah 66: At-Tahrim Surah 67: Al-Mulk
submit (as Muslims), believe, are garden and rescue me from Pharaoh
humble, repent, serve (Allah), fast, and his deeds and rescue me from the
were previously married or are virgins. wrongdoing people.
6. Oh you believers, protect yourselves 12. And Maryam (Mary), the daughter
and your families from a fire whose of ‘Imran, who guarded her chastity,
fuel is people and stones, guarded so We blew into her of Our spirit, and
over by stern and strong angels who she confirmed the words and books of
do not disobey Allah in what He her Lord and was of the humble.
commands them and do what they
have been commanded. Surah 67: Al-Mulk
7. Oh you who reject (the truth), (The Kingdom)
don’t make excuses today, for you are
In the name of Allah,
rewarded on account of what you did.
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
8. Oh you believers, turn in sincere
1. Exalted is He in whose hand is the
repentance to Allah, maybe Allah will
cancel your bad deeds and enter you kingdom and He is able to do anything.
into gardens through which rivers 2. The One who created death and
flow on the day when Allah will not life to test you as to who does the
humiliate the prophet and those who best deeds, and He is the mighty
believed with him; their light will race and forgiving.
before them and on their right, they
3. The One who created seven heavens
will say: our Lord, perfect our light for
in layers; you don’t see any neglect in
us and forgive us, for You are able to
the creation of Allah. Look again, do
do anything.
you see any gaps?
9. Oh prophet, fight the rejecters
and the pretenders and be tough 4. Then look yet another time,
with them, and their abode is hell, a your gaze will return to you weak
bad destination. and exhausted.
10. Allah coins as similitude for those 5. And We have adorned the heaven of
who reject (the truth) the wife of Nuh this world with lights and made them
(Noah) and the wife of Lut (Lot): a repellent for the devils and promised
they were in the care of two righteous them the punishment of the fire.
servants of Ours but deceived them, 6. And for those who reject their
so they did not avail them the least
Lord is the punishment of hell, a
against Allah and they will be told:
bad destination.
enter the fire with those who enter.
7. When they are thrown in it they
11. And Allah coins as a similitude
for those who believe the wife of hear it gulping and bubble up.
Pharaoh when she said: my Lord, 8. It almost bursts with anger,
build me a house with You in the whenever a group is thrown into it,
Surah 67: Al-Mulk Surah 67: Al-Mulk
its guards ask them: did not a warner Those who reject (the truth)
reach you? deceive themselves.
9. They will say: sure, a warner reached 21. Or who will provide for you if He
us, but we denied and said: Allah has withholds His provision? But they
not revealed anything, you are just in a persist in insolence and resentment.
great delusion.
22. Is he who walks with his face stuck
10. And they will say: if we listened or
to the ground better guided or who
pondered, we would not be inmates of
walks upright on a straight path?
the fire.
23. Say: He is who brought you into
11. So they acknowledge their sins, so
away with the inmates of the fire. existence and gave you hearing and
eyesight and hearts, little thanks
12. For those who fear their Lord in
you give.
secret is forgiveness and a great reward.
13. So conceal your speech or disclose 24. Say: He is who spread you out on
it, He knows what is kept inside. earth, and to Him will you be gathered.
14. Does not He who created know? 25. And they say: when will this
And He is the kind and informed. promise happen if you are truthful?
15. He is who made the earth stretch 26. Say: the knowledge is with Allah,
out for you, so walk on its back and eat and I am only a clear warner.
of His provision, and towards Him is 27. Then when they see it close by, the
the resurrection.
faces of those who reject (the truth)
16. Are you safe that He who is in will be gloomy and they are told: this
the heaven will not make the earth is what you asked for.
swallow you up and it will quake?
28. Say: have you considered if Allah
17. Or are you safe that He who is
destroyed me and those with me, or
in the heaven will not send a storm
has mercy on us, who will protect
against you, then you will know what
My warning means? those who reject (the truth) from a
painful punishment?
18. And those before them denied,
then how was My rebuttal! 29. Say: He is the Owner of Mercy,
19. Don’t they look at the birds above we believe in Him and rely on Him,
them extending and retracting their then you will soon know who is in
wings? None but the Owner of Mercy clear error.
holds them up, for He sees everything. 30. Say: have you considered if your
20. Or who will be a force to help water would turn brackish, who will
you besides the Owner of Mercy? bring you flowing water?
Surah 68: Al-Qalam Surah 68: Al-Qalam
20. And it became as if depleted.
Surah 68: Al-Qalam
21. Then they called each other in the
(The Pen)
In the name of Allah, 22. Let’s go to your plantation if you
the Owner and Giver of Mercy want to cut it down.
1. Nun. By the pen and what they write. 23. So they set off, urging each other
2. By the grace of your Lord, you are to keep out of view,
not possessed.
24. So that no poor person would
3. And you will have a limitless reward. enter it against your will.
4. And you are of great character. 25. And they set out determined
5. So you will see and they will see. and strong.
6. Who of you has been tempted. 26. Then, when they saw it, they said:
7. For your Lord knows best who has we have been mistaken.
strayed from His way and He knows 27. No, we are destitute.
best those who are guided.
28. The most level-headed amongst
8. So do not obey the deniers.
them said: did I not tell you to glorify
9. They want you to compromise, so (Allah)?
they compromise.
29. They said: glorified is our Lord, we
10. And do not obey anyone who
did wrong.
makes empty promises.
30. Then they turned to each other,
11. Who incites and spreads dissent.
12. Who forbids what is good in
transgression and sin. 31. They said: woe to us, we did wrong.
13. A demagogue and a low-life. 32. Maybe our Lord will replace it
with something better for us, for We
14. Though he has wealth and children.
look in hope to our Lord.
15. When Our signs are recited to him
he says: stories of old. 33. This is what the punishment is like,
and the punishment of the hereafter is
16. We will brand him on the snout!
greater if they only knew.
17. We tested them like We tested
the inhabitants of the garden when 34. Those who beware (of Allah)
they swore: we will harvest it in will have gardens of blessings with
the morning. their Lord.
18. And they did not have 35. Do We equate those who submit
any reservations. with the sinful?
19. Then, a delegation from your Lord 36. What is the matter with you, how
encircled it whilst they were asleep. do you judge?
Surah 68: Al-Qalam Surah 69: Al-Haqqah
37. Or do you have a book which 51. And those who reject (the truth)
you study? would like to kill you with their eyes
38. Does it give you what you want? when they hear the reminder and say:
he is possessed.
39. Or do you have an oath from
Us which extends to the day of 52. Yet it is only a reminder for all
resurrection that you will have your the world.
own judgement?
Surah 69: Al-Haqqah
40. Ask them, who of them claims this.
(The True Event)
41. Or do they have associates? Then
let them bring their associates if they In the name of Allah,
are truthful. the Owner and Giver of Mercy
42. On the day He will manifest 1. The true event.
Himself and they will be called to 2. What is the true event?
prostrate but can’t do it. 3. And how do you know what the
43. Their eyes downcast, covered in true event is?
humiliation, and they were previously 4. Thamud and ‘Ad denied the calamity.
called to prostrate when they
5. As for Thamud, they were destroyed
were sound.
by their transgression.
44. So leave Me and those who deny 6. And as for ‘Ad, they were destroyed
this statement, We will gradually lead by a raging icy wind.
them on from where they don’t know.
7. He directed it against them for seven
45. And I give them some space, for nights and eight days consecutively,
My plot is firm. then you saw the people thrown to the
46. Or do you ask them for a reward ground as if they were stumps of cut
and they are burdened by debt? down palm trees.
47. Or do they have access to the 8. So do you see any remnant of them?
unseen so they write it down? 9. And Pharaoh and those before him
48. So have patience for the judgement and the overturned towns produced
of your Lord and do not be like the sinful acts.
one inside the fish when he called 10. So they disobeyed the messenger
in distress. of their Lord, then He overtook them
49. If a favour from your Lord had not in a powerful way.
reached him, he would have stayed in 11. When the water breached its
the hollow condemned. boundaries, We carried you in the ship.
50. But his Lord chose him and made 12. To make it a reminder for you and
him of the righteous. to be retained by attentive ears.
Surah 69: Al-Haqqah Surah 69: Al-Haqqah
13. Then, when the horn will be 32. Then lock him into a chain
blown once, measuring seventy arms’ length.
14. And the earth and the mountains 33. For he did not believe in Allah,
will be lifted and levelled in one go. the mighty.
15. On that day the event happens. 34. And did not encourage the feeding
16. And the sky will break up and be of the poor.
fragile that day. 35. So he will not have any dear friend
17. And the angels will be in the here today.
vicinity and eight will carry the throne 36. And no food except waste product.
of your Lord above them that day. 37. Only the sinners eat it.
18. That day you will be presented, 38. But I swear by what you see,
nothing will be hidden of you. 39. And by what you don’t see,
19. Then who is given his record in his 40. It is the speech of an
right hand, he will say: come and read honourable messenger,
my record.
41. And it is not the speech of a poet,
20. I thought I would meet little do you believe,
my reckoning.
42. Nor the speech of a fortune-teller,
21. And he will be in a life little do you reflect,
of contentment.
43. A revelation from the Lord of
22. In an elevated garden. all worlds.
23. Its pickings will be close by. 44. And if he made up some sayings
24. Eat and drink legitimately on against Us,
account of what you left behind in the 45. We would take his right hand,
days gone by. 46. Then cut his arteries,
25. And who is given his record in his 47. And none of you could save him.
left hand, he will say: woe to me, if
48. And it is a reminder for those who
only I wasn’t given my record.
beware (of Allah).
26. And wouldn’t know my reckoning.
49. And We know that there are
27. If only this was the end. deniers amongst you.
28. My wealth did not help me. 50. And it is a loss for those who reject
29. My authority has departed (the truth).
from me. 51. And it is the certain truth.
30. Take him and shackle him. 52. So glorify the name of your
31. Then throw him into hell-fire. mighty Lord.
Surah 70: Al-Ma’arij Surah 70: Al-Ma’arij
21. And when good afflicts him,
Surah 70: Al-Ma’arij he withholds,
22. Except those who pray,
In the name of Allah, 23. Who are constant in their prayers,
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
24. And in whose wealth there is a
1. A questioner asks about the known share,
punishment to befall,
25. For those who ask and are deprived,
2. Those who reject (the truth), which
cannot be averted, 26. And who confirm the day
of repayment,
3. From Allah, who owns
all connections. 27. And who fear the punishment of
their Lord,
4. The angels and the Spirit ascend to
Him on a day the measure of which is 28. For nobody is safe from the
fifty thousand years. punishment of their Lord,
5. So have beautiful patience. 29. And who guard their chastity,
6. They see it far off. 30. Except with regard to their
7. And We see it close by. partners or those in their possession,
for then they are not to blame.
8. On the day the sky will be like sludge.
9. And the mountains will be like wool. 31. Then if anyone desires beyond
that, then those exceed the limits.
10. And dear friends will ask another.
32. And who look after their trust
11. They see them, and the sinful
and agreements,
would like to be ransomed from
the punishment on that day by 33. And who uphold their testimony,
his children, 34. And who guard their prayers,
12. And his spouse and his brother, 35. They will be honoured in gardens.
13. And his family, which shelters him, 36. So what is the matter with those
14. And all who are on earth, so he who reject (the truth) that they run
could be rescued. towards you,
15. But no, it is ablaze, 37. In scattered groups from the right
16. It tears away the flesh, and the left?
17. It calls whoever turned away and 38. Does every one of them hope to
turned his back, enter a garden of blessings?
18. And hoarded and accumulated. 39. But no, We created them from
19. For man has been created impatient, what they know.
20. When harm afflicts him, he 40. But I swear by the Lord of the
is anxious, sunrises and sunsets that we are able,
Surah 71: Nuh Surah 71: Nuh
41. To replace them with better than 9. Then I talked to them frankly and
them, and We will not be outdone. in private.
42. So leave them to busy themselves 10. And I said: seek forgiveness from
and play until they meet their your Lord, for He is forgiving.
promised day. 11. He will send abundant rain from
43. The day they will rapidly emerge the sky for you,
from the graves as if they were racing 12. And will expand wealth and
towards a goal. children for you and give you gardens
44. Their eyes downcast, covered and give you rivers.
in humiliation, that is the day they 13. What is the matter with you
were promised. that you don’t have any hope for the
greatness of Allah?
Surah 71: Nuh
(Noah) 14. When He created you in stages.
15. Don’t you see how Allah created
In the name of Allah, seven heavens in layers?
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
16. And He placed the moon in them
1. We sent Nuh (Noah) to his people: as a light and placed the sun as a lamp.
warn your people before a painful
17. And Allah made plants grow for
punishment reaches them.
you from the earth.
2. He said: oh my people, I am a clear
18. Then He returns you to it and
warner to you,
brings you out again.
3. That you must serve Allah and
19. And Allah spread the earth out
beware of Him and obey me.
for you.
4. He will forgive you of your sins
20. So that you follow its cut-out paths.
and give you time until a fixed date,
for when the date of Allah comes, it 21. Nuh (Noah) said: my Lord, they
cannot be delayed, if only you knew. disobey me and follow those whose
5. He said: my Lord, I called my people wealth and children only increase
night and day. them in loss.
6. But my call only made them avoid 22. And they schemed a grand scheme.
me more. 23. And said: don’t abandon your
7. And each time I call them so You gods and don’t abandon Wadd, Suwa’,
forgive them, they place their fingers Yaghuth, Ya’uq and Nasr.
in their ears and pull their clothes 24. And they mislead many and only
over themselves and persist and increase the wrongdoers in error.
are arrogant. 25. On account of their sins they were
8. Then I called them openly. drowned and entered the fire, and
Surah 72: Al-Jinn Surah 72: Al-Jinn
you will not find a helper for them 8. And We searched out the heaven
against Allah. and found it filled with stern guards
26. And Nuh (Noah) said: my Lord, and shooting stars.
do not leave a single house of those 9. And we sat on listening posts there,
who reject (the truth) on earth. but whoever listens now, he finds a
27. For if you leave them, they will shooting star waiting for him.
mislead your servants and only give 10. And we don’t know whether bad is
birth to those who are immoral and intended for those on earth or whether
reject (the truth). their Lord wants righteousness
28. My Lord, forgive me and my for them.
parents and those who enter my home
11. And there are righteous ones and
as believers, and the believing men
others amongst us, our ways differ.
and women, and only increase the
wrongdoers in ruin. 12. And we figured that we cannot
outwit Allah on earth and cannot
Surah 72: Al-Jinn outwit Him by fleeing.
(Jinn) 13. And when we heard the guidance,
we believed it, and who believes
In the name of Allah,
in his Lord, he will not fear loss
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
nor oppression.
1. Say: it has been revealed to me that
14. And there are those who submit
a group of the Jinn listened and said:
(as Muslims) amongst us and there are
we have heard an amazing reading
(Qur’an). those who are unjust, and those who
submit, they aspire to righteousness.
2. It guides to righteousness, so we
believe in it and will not associate 15. And the unjust, they are fuel
anyone with our Lord. for hell.
3. And, exalted is the greatness of 16. And if they stayed on the path,
our Lord, He did not adopt a spouse We would give them water to drink
or son. in abundance.
4. And our fools said excessive things 17. To test them with it, and whoever
about Allah. turns away from the remembrance
5. And we thought mankind and the of his Lord, He will lead him into
Jinn would not say lies about Allah. heavy punishment.
6. And men from mankind used to 18. And the mosques are for Allah, so
seek assistance from men from the do not call on anyone with Allah.
Jinn and they increased their rebellion. 19. And when the servant of Allah
7. And they thought, like you thought, stood up to call Him, they almost
that Allah would not resurrect anyone. clung to him.
Surah 73: Al-Muzammil Surah 73: Al-Muzammil
20. Say: I call on my Lord and I do not 4. Or more, and recite the Qur’an
associate anyone with Him. in measure,
21. Say: I have no power to harm or 5. We shall entrust you with a
guide you. heavy statement.
22. Say: nobody will protect me 6. The night-time has greater impact
from Allah, and I have no refuge and speech is more pronounced in it.
besides Him. 7. During the day you have a
23. It is only a declaration from busy schedule.
Allah and His message, and whoever 8. And remember the name of your
disobeys Allah and His messenger, the Lord and devote yourself to Him.
fire of hell is for him where they will
9. The Lord of the East and the West,
remain forever.
there is no god but Him, so take Him
24. Then when they see what they as a protector.
have been promised, they will know
whose help is the weakest and smallest 10. And have patience with what they
in numbers. say and part from them nicely.
25. Say: I have no idea whether what 11. And leave the deniers in their
you have been promised is close by or comfort to Me and give them
whether my Lord prolongs it. some time.
26. He knows the unseen, and He does 12. We have shackles and hell-fire.
not disclose His secret to anyone. 13. And food which causes choking
27. Except for a messenger He is and a painful punishment.
content with, then He dispatches a 14. On the day the earth and
guard before and behind him. mountains will tremble, and the
28. So that He knows that he has mountains will be a pile of rubble.
conveyed the message of his Lord, and 15. We sent a messenger to you as
He has full knowledge of them and a witness against you like We sent a
takes full account of everything. messenger to Pharaoh.
16. But Pharaoh disobeyed the
Surah 73: Al-Muzammil messenger, so We overtook him with
(The One Invested a strong grip.
(with the mission)) 17. So how, if you reject (the truth),
can you guard yourselves against a day
In the name of Allah, which will turn children grey-haired?
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
18. The sky will break up then, His
1. Oh you invested (with the mission), promise will be accomplished.
2. Stand (in prayer) most of the night, 19. This is a reminder, so let whoever
3. Half of it, or a little less, pleases take a way towards his Lord.
Surah 74: Al-Mudathir Surah 74: Al-Mudathir
20. Your Lord knows that you stand 12. And gave him wealth in abundance,
(in prayer) almost two thirds of the 13. And children as witnesses,
night, or half of it, or a third of it, and
14. And gave him comfort,
a party of those with you also, and
Allah measures the night and the day. 15. Then he hopes for more.
He knows that you don’t count it, so 16. But no, he resisted Our signs.
He turned to you in forgiveness. So 17. I will make him suffer hardship.
read what comes easy of the Qur’an.
He knows that some of you will be ill, 18. He pondered and evaluated,
and others travelling on earth to seek 19. But how badly he evaluated,
of the favours of Allah, and others 20. Again, how badly he evaluated,
who strive in the way of Allah, so
21. Then he looked,
read what comes easy of it, and keep
up prayer and give Zakat and lend 22. Then he frowned and
Allah an excellent loan, and whatever showed displeasure,
good you send ahead for yourselves, 23. Then he turned away and
you will find it with Allah even better became arrogant,
and of greater reward. And ask Allah 24. And said: this is only handed
for forgiveness, for Allah is forgiving down magic,
and merciful.
25. It is only the speech of a human.
Surah 74: Al-Mudathir 26. We will enter him into a fire.
(The One Wrapped Up) 27. And how do you know what fire
it is?
In the name of Allah,
the Owner and Giver of Mercy 28. It does not leave anything
nor desist.
1. Oh you wrapped up,
29. It disfigures humans.
2. Get up and warn,
30. Nineteen are set over it.
3. And exalt your Lord,
31. And We only appointed angels as
4. And keep clean,
wardens of the fire, and We only made
5. And shun filth, their number a test for those who
6. And do not grant just to get more, reject (the truth), so that those who
7. And have patience for your Lord, were given the book would be certain
8. Then when the horn is blown, and the believers would increase in
faith and those who were given the
9. That will be a difficult day, book and the believers would not
10. Not easy for those who reject (the doubt, but those with a disease in their
truth), hearts and those who reject (the truth)
11. Leave Me and whom I would say: what does Allah want by
alone created, this similitude? This is how We let
Surah 74: Al-Mudathir Surah 75: Al-Qiyamah
go astray whom We please and guide 53. But no, they do not fear
whom We please, and nobody knows the hereafter.
the forces of your Lord but He, and it 54. No, it is a reminder.
is only a reminder for mankind.
55. So whoever pleases can
32. But no, by the moon, remember it.
33. And the night when it recedes, 56. And they will only remember
34. And the morning when it it if Allah pleases, He is in charge of
turns bright, awareness and of forgiveness.
35. It is one of the great signs,
Surah 75: Al-Qiyamah
36. A warning to mankind,
37. For whoever of you wants to go
ahead or stay behind, In the name of Allah,
38. Every soul is liable for what the Owner and Giver of Mercy
it commits, 1. I swear by the day of resurrection.
39. Except for the companions of 2. And I swear by the
the right, self-depreciating soul.
40. They ask each other in gardens, 3. Does man count on Us not gathering
41. About the sinful, his bones?
42. What lead you to the fire? 4. For sure, We are able to restore
his fingertips.
43. They will say: we were not of those
who pray, 5. But man wants to contradict what
44. And we did not feed the poor, lies before him.
45. And we joked with those 6. He asks: when will the day of
who joked, resurrection be?
46. And we denied the day 7. Then when the eyes are dazed,
of repayment, 8. And the moon has disappeared,
47. Until certainty reached us. 9. And the sun and the moon
48. So the intercession of those who have collided,
intercede will not benefit them. 10. Man says that day: where is
49. So what is the matter with them the escape?
that they turn away from the reminder? 11. But no, no shelter!
50. As if they were frightened donkeys, 12. To your Lord is the destination
51. Running away from the whip, that day.
52. But each man amongst them wants 13. That day man will be told what he
to be given his own scripture. sent ahead and what he left behind.
Surah 75: Al-Qiyamah Surah 76: Al-Insan
14. But man is observant of himself. 37. Was he not a sperm in an
15. Even if he offers excuses. ejaculated fluid?
16. Do not pronounce it (the Qur’an) 38. Then he was an implant, then He
in a hurry, created and shaped (it),
17. Upon Us is to collate and recite it, 39. And produced from it male and
female in pairs.
18. Then once We have recited it,
follow its recitation. 40. Is He then not able to revive
the dead?
19. Then Upon Us is its explanation.
20. But no, you love the immediate life, Surah 76: Al-Insan
21. And abandon the hereafter. (Man)
22. Faces will shine on that day, In the name of Allah,
23. Looking towards their Lord, the Owner and Giver of Mercy
24. And faces will be gloomy that day, 1. Has man heard of a period of time
25. Suspecting that the worst will when he wasn’t even mentioned?
happen to them. 2. We created man from sperm made
up of cells We put to the test, then We
26. But no, when it (the soul of the
gave him hearing and eyesight.
dying person) reaches the collarbone,
3. We guided him the way, so he may
27. And it is said: who will carry it up?
be grateful or reject it.
28. And He knows that it is 4. We have promised those who reject
the departure. (the truth) chains and cuffs and a fire.
29. And agony will be heaped 5. The righteous will drink from a cup
upon agony. containing a mixture of camphor,
30. To your Lord is the journey 6. A spring of which the servants
that day. of Allah will drink, whose flow
31. Yet he did not confirm the truth they direct.
nor pray. 7. They kept their promises and
32. But he denied and turned away. feared a day the harm of which
is overpowering.
33. Then he went proudly to his family.
8. And they fed food out of love for
34. Woe to you and woe again.
Him to the poor and orphans and
35. Once more, woe to you and their relatives.
woe again. 9. We only feed you to please Allah,
36. Does man count on being left to we don’t want any reward or thanks
his own devices? from you.
Surah 76: Al-Insan Surah 77: Al-Mursalat
10. For we fear from our Lord an 25. And remember the name of your
extensive gloomy day. Lord in the mornings and evenings.
11. So Allah protected them from the 26. And at night, then prostrate to
harm of that day and granted them Him and glorify Him throughout
luxury and happiness. the night.
12. And rewarded them for their 27. For these love the immediate life
patience with a garden and silk. and leave a grave day behind them.
13. They recline there on couches and 28. We created them and strengthened
do not face the (heat of the) sun or their physique, and if We pleased,
freezing cold. We could replace them with others
14. Its shade is close over them and its like them.
pickings hang low. 29. This is a reminder, so let whoever
15. They will be waited upon with pleases take a way towards his Lord.
silver dishes and crystal glasses, 30. And it will not please you unless
16. Crystal made of silver, which they Allah pleases, for Allah is knowing
will measure out. and wise.
17. And they will be given to drink 31. He enters whom he pleases into
there from a cup containing a mixture His mercy, and for the wrongdoers He
of ginger, has promised a painful punishment.
18. A spring there which is called Surah 77: Al-Mursalat
Salsabil (Delicious Flow). (Those Dispatched)
19. And they will be waited upon by
eternal youth, if you saw them, you In the name of Allah,
would consider them scattered pearls. the Owner and Giver of Mercy
20. And if you looked again, you would 1. By those dispatched repeatedly,
see blessings and a vast kingdom. 2. And those blowing violently,
21. They wear clothes of green silk 3. And those scattering
and brocade and are adorned with and propagating,
bracelets of silver, and their Lord gives 4. And those parting and dividing,
them a pure drink.
5. And those bringing the reminder,
22. This is a reward for you and your
6. By way of excuse or warning,
effort is appreciated.
7. What you have been promised will
23. For We revealed to you the Qur’an
take place.
in succession.
8. Then when the stars fade,
24. So wait for the judgement of your
Lord and do not obey any sinner or 9. And the sky breaks up,
rejecter (of the truth) amongst them. 10. And the mountains crumble,
Surah 77: Al-Mursalat Surah 78: An-Naba’
11. And the messengers are gathered 35. On that day they will not speak.
on time, 36. Nor be given permission to
12. For which has this been reserved? make excuses.
13. For the day of division. 37. Woe on that day to those who deny.
14. And how do you know what the 38. This is the day of division,
day of division is? We gathered you and the
15. Woe on that day to those who deny. earlier communities.
16. Did We not destroy the 39. Then plot, if you have a plot.
earlier communities? 40. Woe on that day to those who deny.
17. Then made the others follow them? 41. Those who beware (of Allah) will
18. This is how We deal with be in shade and springs.
the sinners. 42. And fruit of what they desire.
19. Woe on that day to those who deny. 43. Eat and drink legitimately on
20. Did We not create you from an account of what you used to do.
insignificant fluid? 44. For this is how We reward those
21. And placed it in a who do good.
protective location? 45. Woe on that day to those who deny.
22. For a known term? 46. Eat and enjoy a little, for you
23. For We arrange it all in an are sinful.
excellent manner. 47. Woe on that day to those who deny.
24. Woe on that day to those who deny. 48. And when they are told to bow
25. Did We not make the earth down, they don’t bow down.
a container, 49. Woe on that day to those who deny.
26. For the living and the dead, 50. So what statement will they believe
27. And placed on it tall stabilisers and after this?
gave you potable water to drink.
Surah 78: An-Naba’
28. Woe on that day to those who deny.
(The News)
29. Go away to what you denied.
30. Go away to a shadow dividing into In the name of Allah,
three branches. the Owner and Giver of Mercy
31. It does not grant shade nor benefit 1. What do they ask each other about?
against the flame. 2. About the serious news,
32. It throws out enormous sparks. 3. About which they differ.
33. Like brass cables. 4. But no, they will soon know,
34. Woe on that day to those who deny. 5. Again no, they will soon know.
Surah 78: An-Naba’ Surah 79: An-Nazi’at
6. Did We not make the earth 29. And We have preserved everything
an abode, in a record.
7. And the mountains fixtures, 30. Taste then, We will only increase
8. And created you in pairs? your punishment.
31. For those who beware (of Allah)
9. And We made your sleep for rest,
is accomplishment,
10. And made the night a cover,
32. Enclosed gardens and grapes,
11. And made the day for livelihood.
33. And youthful maidens,
12. And We built above you seven
34. And filled cups.
strong structures,
35. They will hear neither idle talk nor
13. And placed a glowing light. lies there.
14. And We sent from the clouds 36. A reward from your Lord, a
driven by wind streaming rain, measured gift.
15. To bring out greenery and plants 37. The Lord of the heavens and the
with it, earth and what is between them, the
16. And lush gardens. Owner of mercy, they cannot speak
before Him.
17. For the day of division is
an appointment. 38. On the day the Spirit and the
angels stand in rows nobody will speak
18. On the day the horn is blown, then
except whom the Owner of mercy has
you come like swarms.
given permission and he says what
19. And the heavens will be opened is right.
and have gates. 39. That is the day of truth, so let
20. And the mountains will be moved whoever pleases set his destination
and become a mirage. towards his Lord.
21. For hell lies in wait, 40. We warn you of a close-by
22. As a destination for the transgressors. punishment on the day a man will
look at what he has sent ahead and the
23. They will stay trapped in it. one who rejected (the truth) will say: if
24. They will neither taste coolness only I was dust.
there nor a drink,
25. Except boiling water and Surah 79: An-Nazi’at
freezing liquid. (The Collectors)
26. A befitting reward. In the name of Allah,
27. For they did not hope for the Owner and Giver of Mercy
the reckoning, 1. By the collectors (of the soul),
28. And denied Our signs outright. 2. Who tie it down,
Surah 79: An-Nazi’at Surah 79: An-Nazi’at
3. And travel (with it), 27. Are you stronger in creation or the
4. Then move ahead, sky which He built?
5. Then organise affairs. 28. He raised its canopy and made it
6. On the day of trembling,
29. And made its night dark and
7. Followed by another,
brought out its morning light.
8. Hearts will be pounding that day,
30. And after that He spread out
9. With eyes downcast. the earth,
10. They will say: are we to be returned 31. Brought out its water from it and
to our prior state, its pasture,
11. When we were decayed bones? 32. And anchored the mountains.
12. They will say: this return would be 33. A provision for you and for
a loss. your cattle.
13. But it is only a single shout. 34. Then, when the great
14. Then they are in wakefulness. calamity comes,
15. Has the story of Musa (Moses) 35. That day man will remember what
reached you? he strove for.
16. When his Lord called him in the 36. And hell-fire will be presented to
sacred valley of Tuwa: those who see.
17. Go to Pharaoh, he is transgressing. 37. So whoever transgressed,
18. And say: are you willing to 38. And preferred the life of this world,
purify yourself, 39. Hell-fire is his home.
19. And I guide you to your Lord, so 40. And whoever feared standing
you fear (Him)? before his Lord and prevented his soul
20. And he showed him the great sign. from desire,
21. But he denied and disobeyed. 41. The garden is his home.
22. Then he turned away hastily, 42. They ask you about the hour, when
23. And gathered and announced, it will happen.
24. And said: I am your highest Lord. 43. How could you know about it?
25. Then Allah overtook him with 44. Its conclusion is up to your Lord.
punishment in the hereafter and 45. You only warn those who fear it.
this world. 46. On the day they see it, it will be as
26. In this is a lesson for those if they had only stayed an evening or
who fear. a morning.
Surah 80: ‘Abasa Surah 81: At-Takwir
22. Then, when He pleases, He
Surah 80: ‘Abasa resurrects him.
(He Frowned)
23. But no, he does not comply with
In the name of Allah, what He ordered him.
the Owner and Giver of Mercy 24. So let man look at his food:
1. He frowned and turned away, 25. We made the water pour out,
2. When the blind man came to him. 26. Then We made the earth split open,
3. And how can you tell that he might 27. And grew greenery on it,
have purified himself, 28. And grapes and fresh dates,
4. Or remembered, so the 29. And olive trees and date palms,
remembrance benefited him? 30. And abundant enclosed gardens,
5. As for him who is arrogant, 31. And fruit and fodder.
6. You busy yourself with him, 32. A provision for you and for
7. And it is not up to you whether he your cattle.
purifies himself. 33. Then, when the scream comes,
8. And as for him who hurries 34. That day man will run away from
towards you, his brother,
9. And fears, 35. And his mother and his father,
10. You pay no attention to him, 36. And his spouse and his children.
11. No, it is a reminder. 37. Every one of them will have
12. So whoever pleases can something to keep him busy that day.
remember it. 38. Faces will be bright on that day,
13. On distinguished pages, 39. Laughing and happy,
14. Elevated and purified, 40. And faces will be covered in dust
15. In the hands of ambassadors, that day,
16. Dignified and dutiful. 41. Impurity will cover them,
17. So man is destroyed when he 42. Those are the immoral ones who
rejects it. rejected (the truth).
18. From what did He create him?
Surah 81: At-Takwir
19. From a sperm He created him and (The Collapse)
shaped him.
20. Then He made the way easy In the name of Allah,
for him. the Owner and Giver of Mercy
21. Then He made him die and 1. When the sun collapses,
be buried. 2. And when the stars darken,
Surah 81: At-Takwir Surah 82: Al-Infitar
3. And when the mountains move, 27. It is only a reminder for all
4. And when heavily pregnant camels the world.
are neglected, 28. For whoever of you pleases to
5. And when the wild beasts go straight.
are gathered, 29. And it won’t please you unless
6. And when the seas overflow, Allah pleases, the Lord of all worlds.
7. And when the souls are paired up, Surah 82: Al-Infitar
8. And when the buried infant is asked, (The Rupture)
9. For what sin she was killed,
In the name of Allah,
10. And when the pages are opened, the Owner and Giver of Mercy
11. And when the sky is torn away, 1. When the sky ruptures,
12. And when hell-fire is lit, 2. And when the stars disperse,
13. And when the garden is 3. And when the seas break out,
brought near,
4. And when the graves are overturned,
14. Each soul will know what it
5. Each soul will know what it has sent
has brought.
ahead and left behind.
15. But I swear by the persisting stars, 6. O man, what deceived you about
16. As they move along, your generous Lord?
17. And the night when it darkens, 7. Who created you and shaped you
18. And the morning when it and proportioned you.
gains strength, 8. He made you into any shape
19. It is the speech of an He pleased.
honourable messenger, 9. But no, you deny the debt.
20. Powerful and established in the 10. And there are guardians set over you.
presence of the owner of the throne. 11. Dignified scribes.
21. Obeyed and trusted. 12. They know what you do.
22. And your companion is 13. The righteous will be in blessings.
not possessed. 14. And the immoral will be in hell-
23. And he saw him clearly on fire.
the horizon. 15. They will enter it on the day
24. And he is not holding back of repayment.
any secrets. 16. And they will not be able to keep
25. And it is not the speech of a away from it.
cursed devil. 17. And how do you know what the
26. What are you claiming! day of repayment is?
Surah 83: Al-Mutaffifin Surah 83: Al-Mutaffifin
18. Again, how do you know what the 17. Then they will be told: this is what
day of repayment is? you denied.
19. The day when no soul will be able 18. But no, the record of the righteous
to help another soul and the matter is in (the lofty place of) ‘Illiyin.
that day belongs to Allah.
19. And how do you know what
Surah 83: Al-Mutaffifin ‘Illiyin is?
(Those Who Short-Change) 20. A sealed record.

In the name of Allah, 21. Those brought close witness it.

the Owner and Giver of Mercy 22. The righteous will be in blessings.
1. Woe to those who short-change, 23. Looking on on couches.
2. Who, when they take measure from 24. You can tell the radiance of
people, take it in full, blessings on their faces.
3. And when they measure and weigh 25. They are given to drink from a
up for them, reduce it. sealed nectar.
4. Don’t these know that they will 26. Its seal is musk, and that is what all
be resurrected? who compete should strive for.
5. On a tremendous day. 27. Its mixture is of Tasnim.
6. The day people will stand before the 28. A spring from which those who
Lord of all worlds.
are brought close drink.
7. But no, the record of the immoral is
29. For the sinful used to make fun of
in (the vault of) Sijjin.
the believers.
8. And how do you know what
Sijjin is? 30. And when they passed them by,
they winked at each other.
9. A sealed record.
31. And when they returned to their
10. Woe on that day to those who deny.
families, they returned joking.
11. Who deny the day of repayment,
32. And when they saw them, they
12. And only a sinful transgressor
said: these are misled.
denies it.
13. When Our signs are recited to him 33. Yet they were not sent as guardians
he says: stories of old. over them.
14. But no, what they committed has 34. So today the believers make fun of
taken possession of their hearts. those who rejected (the truth).
15. No, on that day they will be barred 35. Looking on on couches.
from their Lord. 36. Did those who rejected (the truth)
16. Then they will enter hell-fire. get the reward for what they did?
Surah 84: Al-Inshiqaq Surah 85: Al-Buruj
21. And when the Qur’an is recited to
Surah 84: Al-Inshiqaq them they don’t prostrate.
(The Splitting)
22. But those who reject (the truth)
In the name of Allah, deny (it).
the Owner and Giver of Mercy 23. And Allah knows best what
1. When the sky splits up, they conceal.
2. And listens to its Lord and obeys, 24. So announce to them a
painful punishment.
3. And when the earth is flattened,
25. Except those who believe
4. And throws out what is in it and
and do good work, for them is a
is depleted,
limitless reward.
5. And listens to its Lord and obeys,
Surah 85: Al-Buruj
6. Oh man, you will work hard to
(meet) your Lord, and you will
meet Him. In the name of Allah,
7. Then, who is given his record in his the Owner and Giver of Mercy
right hand, 1. By the sky with its constellations,
8. He will soon be given an 2. And the promised day,
easy reckoning,
3. And the witness and the evidence,
9. And return to his family happy.
4. Death to the companions of
10. And who is given his record from the ditch,
behind his back, 5. The well-fuelled fire,
11. He will soon call for destruction, 6. When they sat around it,
12. And enter the fire, 7. And witnessed what they did to
13. For he was happy amongst the believers.
his family. 8. And they only held against them
14. He thought he would not return, that they believed in Allah the mighty
15. But no, your Lord used to and praiseworthy.
watch him. 9. The One to whom belongs the
16. But I swear by the twilight, kingdom of the heavens and the earth
and Allah is a witness to everything.
17. And the night and what it covers,
10. Those who persecute the believing
18. And the moon when it grows full,
men and women and then do not
19. You will travel stage by stage. repent, the punishment of hell is theirs
20. So what is the matter with them and they will have the punishment
that they don’t believe? of burning.
Surah 86: At-Tariq Surah 87: Al-A’la
11. Those who believe and do good 9. On the day the secrets will
work, theirs are gardens through which be exposed,
rivers flow, that is the great success. 10. And he has neither strength
12. For the grip of your Lord is strong. nor helper.
13. He initiates and repeats. 11. By the sky with its returning objects,
14. And He is the forgiving and loving. 12. And the earth with its crevices,
15. Owner of the glorious throne. 13. This is a distinguished statement,
16. Who does what He wants. 14. And it is not a joke.
17. Has the story of the forces 15. For they plot a plot,
reached you? 16. And I plot a plot,
18. Of Pharaoh and Thamud? 17. So give those who reject (the
truth) time and leave them for a while.
19. But those who reject (the truth)
are in denial.
Surah 87: Al-A’la
20. And Allah catches them (The Most Elevated)
from behind.
In the name of Allah,
21. But it is a glorious reading
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
1. Glorify the name of your Lord, the
22. In a tablet kept safe.
most elevated.
Surah 86: At-Tariq 2. Who created and shaped,
(The Pulsating Star) 3. And proportioned and guided,

In the name of Allah, 4. Who brings out the vegetation,

the Owner and Giver of Mercy 5. Then makes it darkened chaff.
1. By the sky and the pulsating (star). 6. We will make you recite, so you
don’t forget,
2. And how do you know what the
7. Except what Allah pleases, for He
pulsating (star) is?
knows what is spoken openly and
3. The luminous star. what is concealed.
4. Each soul has a guardian set over it. 8. And We will make it easy for you.
5. So let man look from what he was 9. So remind where the reminder is
created: of benefit.
6. He was created from a gushing fluid. 10. He who fears will pay heed.
7. Which emerges from between the 11. And the most unfortunate will
loins and the chest. avoid it,
8. He is able to bring him back. 12. Who enters the greatest fire,
Surah 88: Al-Ghashiyah Surah 89: Al-Fajr
13. Then he will neither die nor 16. And spread-out carpets.
live there. 17. Don’t they look at the camel, how
14. Successful is who purifies himself, it has been created?
15. And remembers the name of his 18. And at the sky, how it has
Lord and prays. been raised?
16. But you prefer the life of this world, 19. And at the mountains, how they
17. Whereas the hereafter is better and have been erected?
more lasting. 20. And at the earth, how it has been
18. This is found in the earliest records, made smooth?
19. The records of Ibrahim (Abraham) 21. So remind, for you are a reminder.
and Musa (Moses). 22. You don’t control them.
23. But for those who turn away and
Surah 88: Al-Ghashiyah reject (the truth),
(The Disaster)
24. Allah will punish them with the
In the name of Allah, greatest punishment.
the Owner and Giver of Mercy 25. For to Us is their return,
1. Has the story of the disaster 26. Then upon Us is their reckoning.
reached you?
2. Faces will be downcast that day, Surah 89: Al-Fajr
3. Struggling, exhausted,
4. They will enter a scorching fire. In the name of Allah,
5. They will be given to drink from a the Owner and Giver of Mercy
hot spring. 1. By the Daybreak,
6. They will not have food 2. And the ten nights,
except thorns, 3. And the even and the odd,
7. Which do not nourish nor benefit 4. And the night when it recedes,
against hunger. 5. Does this contain an oath for those
8. Faces will be happy that day, of understanding?
9. Content with their effort, 6. Did you not see how your Lord
10. In an elevated garden. dealt with ‘Ad?
11. They do not hear idle talk there. 7. (The clan of) Iram with their
tall buildings,
12. In it is a flowing spring.
8. The like of which had not been
13. In it are raised couches, created on the land.
14. And cups put in place, 9. And Thamud who carved out rocks
15. And cushions lined up, in the valley.
Surah 89: Al-Fajr Surah 90: Al-Balad
10. And Pharaoh with his monuments,
Surah 90: Al-Balad
11. Who all transgressed in the land,
(The City)
12. And increased corruption in it,
13. So your Lord poured severe In the name of Allah,
punishment over them. the Owner and Giver of Mercy
14. For your Lord is watchful. 1. I swear by this city.
15. So when his Lord tries man by 2. And you are entitled to this city.
honouring and blessing him, he says: 3. And by the father and his child,
my Lord has honoured me. 4. We created man in (a state of)
16. And when He tries him by suffering.
tightening his provision, he says: my 5. Does man count on nobody having
Lord has humiliated me. power over him?
17. But no, you do not honour
6. He says: I have blown lots of money.
the orphan,
7. Does he count on nobody having
18. And do not encourage the feeding
seen him?
of the poor,
8. Did We not give him two eyes,
19. And devour the
inheritance completely, 9. And a tongue and two lips,
20. And love wealth greatly. 10. And guided him the two pathways.
21. But no, when the earth will be 11. But he did not embark on the
shaken to the ground again and again, steep path.
22. And your Lord and the angels will 12. And how do you know what the
come in ranks, steep path is?
23. And hell will be brought that day - 13. The setting free of a slave,
that day man remembers, but what use 14. Or feeding on a day of famine,
is the remembrance for him? 15. Of an orphan from
24. He will say: woe to me, if only I had amongst relatives,
sent (something) ahead for my life. 16. Or someone poor from amongst
25. But today, nobody will punish like the destitute,
He does,
17. Then to be of those who believe
26. And nobody will restrain like and encourage each other to patience
He does. and encourage each other to mercy.
27. Oh agreeable soul! 18. Those are the companions of
28. Return to your Lord, content the right.
and accepted, 19. And those who reject Our signs,
29. And enter amongst My servants, they are the companions of the left.
30. And enter My garden. 20. A fire will close in on them.
Surah 91: Ash-Shams Surah 93: Ad-Duha
3. And the creation of male and female,
Surah 91: Ash-Shams
4. Your effort is diverse.
(The Sun)
5. So whoever gives and bewares (of
In the name of Allah, Allah),
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
6. And trusts in goodness,
1. By the sun and its light,
7. We will make it easy for him.
2. And the moon when it follows it,
8. And whoever is stingy and arrogant,
3. And the day when it makes it shine,
9. And denies goodness,
4. And the night when it hides it,
10. We will make it hard for him,
5. And the sky and how it is structured,
11. And his wealth will not benefit
6. And the earth and how it is
him when he dies.
spread out,
7. And the soul and how it has 12. For upon Us is the guidance,
been balanced, 13. And Ours is the hereafter and
8. And instinctively knows both this life.
immorality and awareness (of Allah). 14. I warn you therefore of a raging fire.
9. Successful is who purifies it, 15. Only the worst will enter it.
10. And failed has he who allows it 16. The one who denied and
to transgress, turned away.
11. Thamud denied in its transgression, 17. And the pious will be kept away
12. When they sent their worst, from it.
13. And their messenger of Allah said 18. The one who gives his wealth to
to them: this is the she-camel of Allah purify himself.
and her drinking place,
19. And he does not ask anyone for
14. But they denied him and bled reward for a blessing,
her to death, then their Lord came
over them on account of their sin and 20. But seeks the presence of his Lord
levelled them, the most elevated.
15. And did not fear the outcome. 21. And soon he will be content.

Surah 92: Al-Lail Surah 93: Ad-Duha

(The Night) (The Morning Light)

In the name of Allah, In the name of Allah,

the Owner and Giver of Mercy the Owner and Giver of Mercy
1. By the night when it covers, 1. By the morning light,
2. And the day when it exposes, 2. And the night when it is still,
Surah 94: Ash-Sharh Surah 96: Al-’Alaq
3. Your Lord neither abandoned you 2. And by mount Sinai,
nor hated you. 3. And this safe city,
4. And the hereafter is better for you 4. We created man in the best stature.
than the first part.
5. Then We return him to the lowest
5. And soon your Lord will give to you of states.
and you will be content.
6. Except those who believe
6. Did He not find you an orphan and and do good work, for them is a
sheltered you? limitless reward.
7. And found you lost and guided you? 7. So what makes you deny after that
8. And found you in need and the debt?
enriched you? 8. Is not Allah the wisest of judges?
9. So do not overpower the orphan,
10. And do not brush off the one Surah 96: Al-’Alaq
who asks, (The Implant)
11. And talk of the favours of In the name of Allah,
your Lord. the Owner and Giver of Mercy
Surah 94: Ash-Sharh 1. Recite in the name of your Lord
who created,
(The Expansion)
2. Created man from an implant.
In the name of Allah,
3. Recite, and your Lord is the
the Owner and Giver of Mercy most generous,
1. Did We not expand your chest, 4. Who taught with the pen,
2. And relieved you of your burden, 5. Taught man what he did not know.
3. Which weighed down your back, 6. But man transgresses,
4. And elevated your mention? 7. When he considers
5. So with hardship comes ease, himself independent,
6. With hardship comes ease. 8. For to your Lord is the return.
7. Then when you are done, rise, 9. Have you considered him
8. And place your hope in your Lord. who prevents,
10. A servant from praying?
Surah 95: At-Tin
11. Have you considered whether he is
(The Fig)
upon guidance,
In the name of Allah, 12. Or orders awareness (of Allah)?
the Owner and Giver of Mercy 13. Have you considered whether he
1. By the fig and the olive, denies and turns away?
Surah 97: Al-Qadr Surah 99: Al-Zalzalah
14. Does he not know that Allah sees? 3. Containing lasting statements.
15. But no, if he does not stop, We 4. Nor did those who were given the
shall grab him by the forelock, book differ except after the clear proof
16. The lying, sinful forelock, reached them.
17. Then let him call his supporters, 5. And they were only ordered to
18. We will call the enforcers. serve Allah, making religion sincere
19. Oh no, don’t obey him; prostrate for Him and devoted, and to keep up
and draw close (to Allah). prayer and give Zakat, and that is the
lasting religion.
Surah 97: Al-Qadr 6. Those who reject (the truth)
(The Destiny) amongst the people of the Book and
In the name of Allah, the idolaters are in the fire of hell
where they will remain; they are the
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
worst creatures.
1. We revealed it during the night
7. Those who believe and do good
of destiny.
work, they are the best creatures.
2. And how do you know what the
night of destiny is? 8. Their reward with their Lord is the
gardens of Eden through which rivers
3. The night of destiny is better than a
flow where they will remain forever.
thousand months.
Allah is content with them and they
4. The angels and the Spirit descend are content with Him; that is for him
during it by the permission of their who is fearful of his Lord.
Lord with all affairs.
5. It means peace until the start Surah 99: Al-Zalzalah
of daybreak. (The Shaking)
In the name of Allah,
Surah 98: Al-Bayyinah
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
(Clear Proof)
1. When the earth shakes its last,
In the name of Allah,
2. And the earth expels its burden,
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
3. And man says: what is the matter
1. Those who reject (the truth)
with it?
amongst the people of the Book and
the idolaters will not give up until the 4. That day it will tell its story,
clear proof reaches them. 5. Because your Lord inspired it.
2. A messenger from Allah who recites 6. That day mankind will proceed in
to them from purified pages. groups to have their deeds inspected.
Surah 100: Al-’Adiyat Surah 103: Al-`Asr
7. Then who did a tiny speck’s weight 5. And the mountains will be like
of good, will see it. puffed up wool.
8. And who did a tiny speck’s weight of 6. Then he whose scales are heavy,
bad, will see it. 7. Will be in a life of contentment.
8. And he whose scales are light,
Surah 100: Al-'Adiyat
(The Battle Horses) 9. The pit will take care of him,
10. And how do you know what it is?
In the name of Allah,
the Owner and Giver of Mercy 11. A scorching fire.

1. By the snorting battle horses, Surah 102: At-Takathur

2. Who strike up sparks, (Competition for Riches)
3. And attack in the morning, In the name of Allah,
4. Stirring up dust, the Owner and Giver of Mercy
5. And breaking through the crowd, 1. Competition for riches keeps you busy,
6. Man is ungrateful of his Lord, 2. Until you enter your graves.
7. And he is a witness to that, 3. But no, you will soon know,
8. And he loves affluence greatly. 4. But no again, you will soon know,
9. Does he not know that when what is 5. For sure, if you had knowledge of
in the graves will be overturned, the inevitable,
10. And what is kept inside will 6. You would see hell-fire,
be exposed, 7. Then you will see it with your
own eyes,
11. Your Lord will be informed about
him that day? 8. Then you will be asked that day
about blessings.
Surah 101: Al-Qari’ah
(The Calamity) Surah 103: Al-`Asr
In the name of Allah,
In the name of Allah,
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
1. The Calamity.
1. By Time,
2. What is the calamity?
2. Man is at a loss,
3. And how do you know what the
3. Except those who believe and do
calamity is? good work, admonish each other with
4. That day mankind will be like the truth and encourage each other
scattered moths, to patience.
Surah 104: Al-Humazah Surah 109: Al-Kafirun
2. Their unity during the winter and
Surah 104: Al-Humazah summer journey,
(The Slanderer)
3. Let them serve the Lord of
In the name of Allah, this house,
the Owner and Giver of Mercy 4. Who fed them against hunger and
1. Woe to every mocking slanderer. protected them against fear.
2. Who gathers wealth and counts it.
3. He thinks his wealth will let him Surah 107: Al-Maun
live forever. (Assistance)
4. But no, he will be flung into In the name of Allah,
the shredder. the Owner and Giver of Mercy
5. And how do you know what the 1. Have you considered him who
shredder is?
denies his (religious) debt?
6. Allah’s lit fire,
2. He is who snubs the orphan,
7. Which engulfs the hearts.
3. And does not encourage the feeding
8. It closes in on them, of the poor.
9. In extensive columns. 4. Woe then to those who pray,

Surah 105: Al-Fil 5. Who are negligent of their prayers,

(The Elephant) 6. Who show off,
7. And refuse assistance.
In the name of Allah,
the Owner and Giver of Mercy Surah 108: Al-Kauthar
1. Did you not see how your Lord dealt (Abundance)
with the companions of the elephant?
In the name of Allah,
2. Did He not make their plot go astray,
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
3. And sent against them flocks of birds,
1. We have given you abundance.
4. Who pelted them with
hardened stones, 2. So pray to your Lord and sacrifice,
5. So He made them like eaten 3. For your adversary is bereft.
up stalks?
Surah 109: Al-Kafirun
Surah 106: Quraysh (Those Who Reject the Truth)
(Quraysh) In the name of Allah,
In the name of Allah, the Owner and Giver of Mercy
the Owner and Giver of Mercy 1. Say: Oh you who reject (the truth),
1. For the unity of Quraysh, 2. I do not serve what you serve,
Surah 110: An-Nasr Surah 114: An-Nas
3. And you are no servants of what
Surah 112: Al-Ikhlas
I serve,
4. And I am no servant of what you
used to serve, In the name of Allah,
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
5. And you are no servants of what
1. Say: He is Allah alone,
I serve,
2. Allah the everlasting,
6. You have your religion and I
3. He does not reproduce nor has
have mine. been reproduced,
4. And nobody is a match for Him.
Surah 110: An-Nasr
(The Help) Surah 113: Al-Falaq
In the name of Allah, (Dawn)
the Owner and Giver of Mercy In the name of Allah,
1. When help and victory come the Owner and Giver of Mercy
from Allah, 1. Say: I seek refuge in the Lord
of dawn,
2. And you see people entering in the
2. From the harm of what He created,
religion of Allah in large groups,
3. And from the harm of darkness
3. Then glorify the praise of your when it sets in,
Lord and ask His forgiveness, for He 4. And from the harm of women
is accepting. blowing on knots,
5. And from the harm of the envious
Surah 111: Al-Masad when he shows envy.
(Palm Fibre)
Surah 114: An-Nas
In the name of Allah, (Mankind)
the Owner and Giver of Mercy
In the name of Allah,
1. May the hands of the father of flame the Owner and Giver of Mercy
perish, and may he perish. 1. Say: I seek refuge in the Lord
2. His wealth and what he earned will of mankind,
not benefit him. 2. The king of mankind,
3. The god of mankind,
3. He will enter a fire full of flames.
4. From the harm of the
4. And his wife, the carrier of gossip, secret whisperer,
5. Will have a rope of palm fibre 5. Who whispers within people,
around her neckline. 6. From amongst Jinn and mankind.
Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Brief Index of Subjects
A creates what He pleases/ will, 3:47; 5:17;
24:45; 28:68; 30:54; 35:1; 42:49; 82:8
‘Ad, people of 7:65-74; 9:70; 11:50-60; 14:9;
22:42; 25:38; 26:123-140; 29:38; 38:12; does not change the condition of a
40:31; 41:13-16; 46:21-26; 50:13; 51:41-42; people until they change, 13:11
53:50; 54:18-21; 69:4; 69:6-8; 89:6 does not waste the work of a worker,
3:195; 9:120; 12:56; 12:90; 18:30; 21:94;
Ablution, 4:43; 5:6
Abu Lahab (Father of Flame), 111:1-5 does what He will, 2:253; 3:40; 11:107;
Adam, 2:31; 2:33-35, 2:37, 3:33, 3:59, 5:27, 14:27; 22:14-18; 85:16
7:11, 7:19, 7:26-27, 7:31, 7:35, 7:172, 17:61, do not associate anything with him,
17:70, 18:50, 19:58, 20:115-117, 20:120- 3:64; 4:36; 4:48; 4:116; 5:72; 6:14; 6:81;
122, 36:60 6:88; 6:136; 6:148; 6:151; 9:31; 10:28-
29; 13:16; 13:33; 13:36; 16:51-57; 16:73;
Ahmad (Praised One), 61:6
16:86; 17:22; 17:39-40; 17:56-57; 18:110;
Adultery, see Zina 22:31; 23:59; 23:117; 24:55; 25:68; 28:87-
Alcohol (narcotic drugs), 2:219; 5:90-91 88; 29:8; 30:31; 31:13; 35:13-14; 39:64-
65; 40:41-43; 40:66; 41:6; 43:45; 46:4-6;
Allah*, 50:26; 51:51; 60:12; 72:2; 72:18
accepts repentance, 2:54; 2:160; 9:104; exalted is He, 7:54; 23:14; 25:1; 25:10;
9:118; 40:3; 42:25
25:61; 43:85; 55:78;
all beings in the Heavens and Earth
expands provision and tightens it, 13:26;
glorify Him, 17:44; 21:19-20; 24:41; 57:1;
17:30; 28:82; 29:62; 30:37; 34:36; 34:39;
59:1; 59:24; 61:1; 62:1; 64:1
39:52; 42:12; 42:27; 89:15-16
all benefit is in His hand, 3:73
feeds but is not fed, 6:14; 51:57-58
all faces shall be humbled before Him,
forgives sins, 2:284; 3:31; 3:195; 4:116;
5:18; 5:39-40; 7:161; 8:29; 8:70; 12:92;
all good is from Him, 4:78-79; 16:30; 13:6; 14:10; 26:82; 28:16; 33:71; 36:27;
16:53 39:53; 40:3; 42:25; 42:30; 42:34; 46:31;
all things are from Him, 4:78 48:14; 67:28; 61:12; 64:17; 71:4
begets not, nor is He begotten, 112:3 gives life to the dead, 2:28; 2:243; 2:259-
belief in, 2:62; 2:177; 2:256; 3:179; 3:193; 260; 3:27; 6:36; 7:57; 10:31; 22:6; 30:19;
4:38-39; 4:59; 4:136; 4:152; 4:162; 4:171; 30:40; 30:50; 36:12; 36:79; 41:39; 42:9;
4:175; 7:158; 9:18-19; 9:44-45; 24:2; 46:33; 50:11; 75:40; 80:22; 86:8
24:62; 36:25; 40:84; 48:13; 49:15; 57:7- gives provisions, 2:57; 2:126; 2:172; 3:27;
8; 57:19; 58:22; 60:4; 60:11; 61:11; 64:8; 3:37; 3:169; 5:114; 6:151; 7:50; 7:160;
64:11; 65:2; 67:29; 72:13; 85:8 8:26; 10:31; 10:93; 11:88; 14:37; 16:72;
believers love Him, 2:165; 2:177; 3:31; 16:75; 17:31; 17:70; 20:81; 20:132; 27:64;
5:54; 76:8 29:60; 30:40; 34:24; 35:3; 40:13; 40:40;
call upon Him, 6:52; 6:63; 7:29; 7:55-56; 40:64; 42:19; 45:5; 45:16; 50:11; 65:3;
7:180; 13:36; 18:28; 40:14; 40:60; 40:65 67:15; 67:21; 106:4
* Due to the recurrence of the mention of the name of Allah throughout the Qur’an, only verses
containing specific information on the given subjects have been included for reference

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Allah, (cont’d.) nearness to Him, 2:186; 7:206; 11:61;
glory be to Him, 2:32; 2:116; 3:191; 34:37; 34:50; 39:3; 50:16; 83:21; 83:28;
4:171; 5:116; 6:100; 7:143; 9:31; 10:10; 96:19
10:18; 10:68; 12:108; 16:1; 17:43-44; never breaks His promise, 3:9; 3:194;
17:108; 21:22; 21:26; 21:87; 24:16; 24:36; 13:31; 14:47; 30:6
25:18; 27:8; 28:68; 30:17; 30:40; 33:42; no affliction strikes except with His
34:41; 36:83; 37:159; 37:180; 39:4; 39:67; permission, 64:11
40:64; 43:13; 43:82; 59:23; 68:28-29; no God but Him (One God), 2:133;
69:52; 76:26; 87:1 2:163; 2:255; 3:2; 3:6; 3:18; 3:62; 4:87;
guides whom He wills, 2:213; 2:272; 5:73; 6:102; 6:106; 7:59; 7:65; 7:85; 7:158;
10:25; 13:27; 13:31; 14:4; 16:93; 22:16; 9:31; 9:129; 11:14; 11:50; 11:61; 11:84;
24:35; 24:46; 28:56; 35:8; 39:23; 42:52; 16:2; 20:8; 20:14; 20:98; 20:14; 20:98;
74:31 21:22; 21:25; 21:87; 23:23; 23:32; 23:116-
has no partner, 6:163; 7:191-198; 9:31; 117; 27:26; 27:60-64; 28:70; 28:88; 35:3;
10:66; 17:111; 23:91; 25:2; 35:40; 42:21; 38:65; 39:6; 40:3; 40:62; 40:65; 44:8;
68:41; 72:3 47:19; 52:43; 59:22-23; 64:13
has no son, 2:116; 4:171; 6:101; 9:30; no power except in Him, 18:39
10:68; 17:111; 18:4; 19:35; 19:88-92; 21:26; no refuge from Him except towards
23:91; 25:2; 37:152; 39:4; 43:81-82; 72:3 Him, 9:118; 72:22
is enough, 2:137; 3:173; 4:6; 4:45; 4:70; obey Him, 3:132; 4:59; 4:69; 8:1; 8:20-21;
4:79; 4:81; 4:132; 4:166; 4:171; 8:62; 8:64; 8:46; 9:71; 24:51-54; 33:33; 33:71; 47:33;
9:59; 9:129; 10:29; 13:43; 17:17; 17:65; 48:16-17; 49:14; 58:13; 64:12; 64:16
17:96; 25:31; 25:58; 29:52; 33:3; 33:48; Praise be to Him, 1:2; 6:1; 6:45; 10:10;
39:38; 46:8; 48:28; 65:3 14:39; 15:98; 16:75; 17:111; 18:1; 23:28;
is not unaware of what you do, 2:74; 2:85; 25:58; 27:15; 27:59; 27:93; 28:70; 29:63;
2:140; 2:144; 2:149; 3:99; 6:132; 11:123; 30:18; 31:25; 34:1; 35:1; 35:34; 37:182;
14:42; 22:68; 23:17; 27:93 39:29; 39:74-75; 40:55; 40:65; 50:39-40;
is the best of schemers, 3:54; 8:30; 13:42 52:48-49; 64:1; 110:3
knows all you let on and hide, 2:33; 2:77; prostration to Him, 15:98; 16:49; 19:58;
2:284; 3:29; 5:99; 6:3; 11:5; 14:38; 16:19; 20:70; 22:77; 25:64; 32:15; 39:9; 48:29;
16:23; 21:110; 27:25; 27:74; 28:69; 33:54; 50:40; 53:62; 76:26; 96:19
36:76; 60:1; 64:4; 87:7 responds to the distressed, 27:62
knows best who is guided, 6:117; 16:125; says “Be!” and it is, 2:117; 3:47; 3:59; 6:73;
17:84; 28:56; 53:30; 68:7 16:40; 19:35; 36:82
knows the Unseen, 2:33; 5:109; 5:116; seek His forgiveness, 2:285-286; 3:16;
6:59; 6:73; 9:78; 9:94; 9:105; 10:20; 3:135; 3:147; 3:193; 4:64; 5:74; 7:155;
11:123; 13:9; 16:77; 18:26; 20:7; 23:92; 11:3; 11:52; 11:61; 11:90; 12:29; 12:98;
25:6; 27:65; 32:6; 34:3; 34:48; 49:18; 14:41; 19:47; 23:109; 23:118; 24:62; 28:16;
72:26; 84:23 40:55; 41:6; 47:19; 51:18; 60:5; 71:10;
manages affairs, 10:3; 10:31; 13:2; 32:5 71:28; 73:20; 110:3
meeting with Him, 2:46; 2:223; 2:249; seek His help, 1:5; 2:45; 2:153
6:154; 10:11; 10:15; 10:45; 13:2; 18:110; seek refuge in Him, 7:200-201; 16:98;
25:21; 29:5; 29:23; 30:8; 32:10; 33:44; 19:18; 23:97-98; 40:56; 41:36; 113:1;
41:54; 84:6 114:1

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Allah, (cont’d.) Best of Helpers [Al-Nasir], 3:150; 4:45;
serve Him (alone), 1:5; 3:64; 6:56; 6:102; 8:40; 9:116; 22:78; 25:31
7:59; 7:65; 7:85; 7:206; 11:2; 11:26; 11:50; Best of Providers [Khayr ul-Raziqeen],
11:61; 11:84; 11:123; 12:40; 13:36; 17:23; 5:144; 15:20; 22:58; 23:72; 34:39; 62:11
19:65; 21:25; 22:77; 23:23; 24:55; 25:60; Best of those who have/ show mercy,
39:66; 41:37; 46:21; 53:62; 71:3; 98:5; [Arham al Rahimin], 7:151; 12:64; 12:92;
21:83 [Khayr al-Rahimin], 23:109; 23:118
shapes you in the wombs, 3:6; 39:6
Best to judge (command) [Khayr al-
there is nothing like Him, 42:11 Hakimin], 7:87; 10:109; 11:45; 12:80
the return to Him, 2:46; 2:156; 6:36; 6:60;
Charitable [Al-Barr], 52:28
6:108; 10:23; 10:46; 10:70; 11:4; 11:34;
13:36; 19:40; 19:80; 21:93; 23:60; 26:50; Compelling [Al-Jabbar], 59:23
29:8; 29:17; 31:23; 39:7; 40:43; 40:77; Concealed [Al-Batin], 57:3
89:28; 96:8 Controller [Al-Muhaymin], 59:23
to Him belong the forces of the Heavens Counts everything, keeps account [Al-
and the earth, 48:4; 48:7 Hasib], 4:6; 4:86; 6:62; 17:14; 21:47; 33:39
to Him belong the keys of the Heavens Creator [Al-Khaliq; Al-Khallaq], 6:102;
and the Earth, 39:63; 42:12 13:16; 15:28; 15:86; 35:3; 36:81; 37:125;
to Him belong the Most Beautiful 38:71; 39:62; 40:62; 59:24
Names, 7:180; 17:110; 20:8; 59:24 Dominant [Al-Qahir, Al-Qahhar], 6:18;
to Him you shall return, 2:28; 2:46; 2:156; 6:61; 12:39; 14:48; 38:65; 39:4; 40:16
2:281; 3:158; 5:96; 6:12; 6:36; 6:38; 6:60;
Elevated [Al-Mutakabbir], 59:23
8:24; 10:4; 10:23; 10:45; 10:56; 11:4; 19:40;
21:35; 23:115; 24:64; 28:70; 28:88; 29:8; Eternal [Al-Qayyum], 2:255; 3:2; 20:111
29:57; 30:11; 31:15; 32:11; 36:22; 36:32; Ever-lasting [Al-Samad], 112:2
36:83; 39:44; 43:85; 45:15; 67:24; 96:8 Far-reaching (generous) [Al-Wasi’],
trust (rely) in Him, 3:159-160; 3:173; 2:115; 2:247; 2:261; 2:268; 3:73; 4:130;
4:81; 5:11; 5:23; 7:89; 8:2; 9:51; 9:129; 5:54; 24:32; 53:32
10:71; 10:84-85; 11:56; 11:88; 11:123; Firm strength [Al-Matin], 51:58
12:67; 13:30; 14:11-12; 16:42; 16:99; First [Al-Awwal], 57:3
17:65; 25:58; 26:217; 27:79; 29:59; 33:3;
Forgiving [Al-Ghaffar], 20:82; 38:66;
33:48; 39:38; 42:10; 42:36; 58:10; 60:4;
39:5; 40:42; 71:10
64:13; 65:3
Full of acceptance [Al-Tawwab], 2:37;
Allah’s attributes, 7:180; 17:110; 20:8, 59:24 2:54; 2:160; 4:16; 4:64; 9:104; 9:118;
Apparent [Al-Zahir], 57:3 24:10; 49:12
Artist [Al-Musawwir], 59:24 Full of Glory and Dignity [Dhu al-Jalal
Aware (knows what you do) [Al-Khabir], wa al-Ikram], 55:27; 55:78
2:234; 2:271; 3:153; 3:180; 4:35; 4:94; 4:128;
Generous [Al-Karim], 27:40; 82:6
4:135; 5:8; 6:18; 6:73; 6:103; 9:16; 11:1;
11:111; 17:17; 17:30; 17:96; 22:63; 24:30; Gentle [Al-Halim], 2:225; 2:263; 3:155;
24:53; 25:58; 25:59; 27:88; 31:16; 31:29; 4:12; 5:101; 17:44; 22:59; 33:51; 35:41;
31:34; 33:2; 33:34; 34:1; 35:14; 35:31; 42:27; 64:17
48:11; 49:13; 57:10; 58:3; 58:11; 58:13; Has power over all things [Al-Muqtadir],
59:18; 63:11; 64:8; 66:3; 67:14; 100:11 18:45; 43:42; 54:42

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Allah’s attributes, (cont’d.) Lord of All Worlds [Al-Rabb], 1:2 2:131;
Hears all things [Al-Sami’], 2:127; 2:224; 5:28; 6:45; 6:71; 6:162; 7:54; 7:61; 7:67;
2:256; 3:34; 4:58; 4:134; 4:148; 5:76; 6:13; 7:104; 7:121; 10:10; 10:37; 26:16; 26:23;
6:115; 8:17; 8:42; 8:53; 8:61; 9:103; 10:65; 26:47; 26:77; 26:98; 26:109; 26:127;
14:39; 17:1; 21:4; 22:61; 22:75; 24:21; 26:145; 26:164; 26:180; 26:192; 27:8;
26:220; 29:5; 29:60; 31:28; 34:50; 40:20; 27:44; 28:30; 32:2; 37:87; 37:182; 39:75;
40:56; 41:36; 42:11; 44:6; 49:1; 58:1 40:64-66; 41:9; 43:46; 45:36; 56:80; 59:16;
Holy [Al-Quddus], 59:23; 62:1 69:43; 81:29; 83:6; 96:1
Inheritor [Al-Warith], 15:23 Lord of all Worlds [Rabb al ‘Alamin], 1:2;
Judge [Al-Fattah], 34:26 2:131; 5:28; 6:45; 6:71; 6:162; 7:54; 7:61;
Kind [Al-Latif], 6:103; 12:100; 22:63; 7:67; 7:104; 7:121; 10:10; 10:37; 26:16;
33:34; 42:19; 67:14 26:23; 26:47; 26:77; 26:98; 26:109; 26:127;
26:145; 26:164; 26:180; 26:192; 27:8;
King of the Day of Repayment [Malik
27:44; 28:30; 32:2; 37:87; 37:182; 39:75;
Yawm al-Din], 1:4
40:64-66; 41:9; 43:46; 45:36; 56:80; 59:16;
King of the Kingdom [Malik al-Mulk],
69:43; 81:29; 83:6
Lord of Might [Rabb al-‘Izzah], 37:180
Knows all things [Al-‘Alim], 2:224; 2:227;
Lord of the Dawn [Rabb al-Falaq], 113:1
2:256; 3:34; 3:73; 4:12; 4:17; 4:24; 4:26;
4:32; 4:39; 4:70; 4:147-148; 4:170; 4:176; Lord of the East and the West [Rabb
5:76; 5:97; 6:13; 6:83; 6:96; 6:101; 6:115; al-Mashriq wa al-Maghrib; Rabb al-
6:128; 8:17; 8:42; 8:53; 8:61; 8:71; 8:75; Mashriqayn wa al-Maghribayn; Rabb al-
9:15; 9:28; 9:98; 9:103; 9:106; 9:115; 10:36; Mashariq wa al-Magharib], 26:28; 37:5;
10:65; 12:76; 12:83; 12:100; 15:25; 15:86; 55:17; 70:40; 73:9
21:4; 22:52; 22:59; 24:18; 24:21; 24:28; Lord of the heavens and the earth [Rab
24:35; 24:41; 24:58-60; 24:64; 26:220; 27:6; al-Samawat wa al-Ard], 17:102; 18:14;
27:78; 29:5; 29:60; 29:62; 30:54; 31:23; 19:65; 21:56; 26:24; 37:5; 38:66; 43:82;
31:34; 33:34; 33:40; 33:51; 34:26; 35:8; 44:7; 45:36; 51:23; 78:37
35:38; 35:44; 36:81; 40:2; 41:12; 41:36; Lord of the Throne [Rabb al-‘Arsh],
42:12; 42:50; 43:9; 43:84; 44:6; 48:4; 48:26; 9:129; 17:42; 21:22; 23:86-87; 23:116;
49:1; 49:16; 51:30; 57:3; 58:7; 60:10; 62:7; 27:26; 40:15; 43:82; 85:15
64:11; 66:2-3; 67:13; 76:30 Loving [Al-Wadud], 11:90; 85:14
Knows the Unseen and apparent [‘Alim Mighty [Al-‘Aziz], 2:209; 2:220; 2:228;
al-Ghayb wa al-Shahadah], 2:33; 6:59; 2:240; 3:6; 3:18; 3:62; 3:126; 4:56; 4:158;
9:94; 9:105; 10:20; 11:123; 13:9; 16:77; 4:165; 5:38; 5:118; 6:96; 8:10; 8:63; 9:40;
18:26; 23:92; 27:65; 32:6; 34:3; 35:38; 9:71; 11:66; 14:4; 14:47; 16:60; 22:40;
39:46; 49:18; 59:22; 62:8; 64:18; 72:26
22:74; 26:9; 26:104; 26:122; 26:140;
Last [Al-Akhir], 57:3 26:159; 26:175; 26:191; 26:217; 27:9;
Lenient [Al-Ra’uf], 2:143; 2:207; 3:30; 27:78; 29:26; 29:42; 30:27; 31:9; 31:27;
9:117; 9:128; 16:7; 16:47; 22:65; 24:20; 32:6; 33:25; 34:6; 34:27; 35:2; 35:28;
57:9; 59:10 36:5; 38:9; 38:66; 39:1; 39:5; 39:37; 40:2;
Lenient [Al-’Afu], 4:43; 4:99; 4:149; 40:42; 41:12; 42:3; 42:19; 43:9; 44:42;
22:60; 58:2 45:2; 45:37; 46:2; 48:7; 48:19; 54:42; 57:1;
Light of the heavens and the earth [Al- 57:25; 58:21; 59:1; 59:23-24; 60:5; 61:1;
Nur], 24:35 62:1; 62:3; 64:18; 67:2; 85:8

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Allah’s attributes, (cont’d.) Near and responding [Al-Mujib], 11:61
Most Appreciative [Al-Shakur], 35:30; One (Single) God [Al-Wahid; Al-Ahad],
35:34; 42:23; 64:17 2:133; 2:163; 4:171; 5:73; 6:19; 9:31;
Most Exalted [Al-‘Ali; Al-A’la; Al- 12:39; 13:16; 14:48; 14:52; 16:22; 16:51;
Muta’ali], 2:255; 4:34; 13:9; 22:62; 31:30; 18:110; 21:108; 29:46; 37:4; 38:65; 39:4;
34:23; 40:12; 42:4; 42:51; 87:1 40:16; 41:6; 112:1
Most Forgiving [Al-Ghafur], 2:173; Originator [Al Bari’], 59:24
2:182; 2:192; 2:199; 2:218; 2:225-226; Originator of heavens and the earth [Al-
2:235; 3:31; 3:89; 3:129; 3:155; 4:23; 4:25; Fatir], 6:14; 12:101; 14:10; 35:1; 39:46; 42:11
4:43; 4:96; 4:99-100; 4:106; 4:110; 4:129; Originator of the heavens and the earth
4:152; 5:3; 5:34; 5:39; 5:74; 5:98; 5:101; [Al-Badi’], 2:117; 6:101
6:145; 6:165; 7:153; 7:167; 8:69; 8:70;
9:5; 9:27; 9:91; 9:99; 9:102; 10:107; 11:41; Origin of peace [Al-Salam], 59:23
12:53; 12:98; 14:36; 15:49; 16:18; 16:110; Owner and Giver of mercy [Al-
16:115; 16:119; 17:25; 17:44; 18:58; 22:60; Rahman], 1:1; 1:3; 2:163; 13:30; 17:110;
24:22; 24:33; 24:62; 25:6; 25:70; 27:11; 19:18; 19:26; 19:44-45; 19:58; 19:61;
28:16; 33:5; 33:24; 33:50; 33:59; 33:73; 19:69; 19:75; 19:78; 19:85; 19:88; 19:91-
34:2; 35:28; 35:30; 35:34; 35:41; 39:53; 93; 19:96; 20:5; 20:90; 20:108-109; 21:26;
41:32; 42:5; 42:23; 46:8; 48:14; 49:5; 21:36; 21:42; 21:112; 25:26; 25:59-60;
49:14; 57:28; 58:2; 58:12; 60:7; 60:12; 25:63; 26:5; 27:30; 36:15; 36:23; 36:52;
64:14; 66:1; 67:2; 71:10; 73:20; 85:14 41:2; 43:17; 43:20; 43:33; 43:36; 43:45;
Most Generous [Al-Akram], 96:3 43:81; 50:33; 55:1; 59:22; 67:3; 67:19-20;
Most Great [Al-Kabir], 4:34; 13:9; 22:62; 67:29; 78:37-38
31:30; 34:23; 40:12 Owner of Glory [Al-Majid], 11:73; 85:15
Most Great [Al-‘Azim], 2:255; 42:4; 56:74; Owner of mercy [Dhu al-Rahmah],
56:96; 69:52 6:133; 6:147; 18:58
Most Merciful [Al-Rahim], 1:1; 1:3; Owns all connections, [Dhu al-Ma’arij],
2:160; 2:163; 2:192; 2:218; 2:226; 3:31; 70:3
3:89; 4:16; 4:23; 4:25; 4:29; 4:96; 4:100; Possesses immense favour [Dhu al-Fadl
4:106; 4:110; 4:129; 4:152; 5:3; 5:34; 5:39; al-‘Azim], 2:105; 3:174; 57:21; 57:29; 62:4
5:74; 5:98; 6:145; 6:165; 7:153; 7:167; Possesses immense favours [Dhu al
9:91; 9:99; 9:102; 9:104; 9:117-118; Fadl], 2:105; 2:243; 2:251; 3:74; 8:29;
10:107; 11:90; 12:98; 15:49; 16:7; 16:18; 10:58; 10:60; 27:73; 40:61; 57:21; 62:4
16:47; 16:110; 16:115; 16:119; 17:66;
Praiseworthy [Al-Hamid], 4:131, 11:73;
22:65; 24:5; 24:20; 24:22; 24:33; 24:62;
25:6; 25:70; 26:9; 26:104; 26:122; 26:140; 14:1; 14:8; 22:24; 22:64; 31:12; 31:26;
26:159; 26:175; 26:191; 26:217; 27:11; 34:6; 35:15; 41:42; 42:28; 57:24; 60:6;
27:30; 28:16; 32:6; 33:5; 33:24; 33:43; 64:6; 85:8
33:50; 33:73; 34:2; 36:5; 36:58; 39:53; Protector [Al-Wali; Al-Mawlaa], 2:107;
41:2; 41:32; 42:5; 44:42; 46:8; 48:14; 49:5; 2:120; 2:257; 2:286; 3:68; 3:150; 4:45;
49:12; 52:28; 57:9; 57:28; 58:12; 59:10; 4:75; 6:14; 6:62; 7:155; 7:196; 8:40; 9:51;
59:22; 60:7; 60:12; 66:1; 73:20 9:116; 12:101; 22:78; 34:41; 42:9; 42:28;
Most Merciful of all (those) who show 45:19; 47:11; 66:2; 66:4
mercy [Arham al-Rahimin], 7:151; 12:64; Provider [Al-Razzaq; Al-Raziq], 51:58
12:92; 21:83 Provider with firm strength [Dhu al-
Near [Al-Qarib], 2:186; 11:61; 34:50 Quwwah], 51:58

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Allah’s attributes, (cont’d.) 24:58-59; 27:6; 27:9; 29:26; 29:42; 30:27;
Provides the best explanation [Khayr al- 31:9; 31:27; 33:1; 34:1; 34:27; 35:2; 39:1;
Fasilin], 6:57 41:42; 42:3; 42:51; 43:84; 45:2; 45:37;
Rich [Al-Ghani], 2:263; 2:267; 4:131; 46:2; 48:4; 48:7; 48:19; 49:8; 51:30; 57:1;
6:133; 10:68; 14:8; 22:64; 27:40; 29:6; 59:1; 59:24; 60:5; 60:10; 61:1; 62:1; 62:3;
31:12; 31:26; 35:15; 39:7; 47:38; 57:24; 64:18; 66:2; 76:30
60:6; 64:6 Wisest of Judges [Ahkam al-Hakimin], 95:8
Sees all things [Al-Basir], 2:96; 2:110; Witness everything [Al-Shahid], 4:33;
2:233; 2:237; 2:265; 3:15; 3:20; 3:156; 4:79; 4:166; 5:117; 10:46; 13:43; 17:96;
3:163; 5:71 8:39; 8:72; 11:112; 4:58; 4:134; 29:52; 33:55; 34:47; 46:8; 48:28; 58:6; 85:9
8:72; 11:112 17:1; 17:17; 17:30; 17:96; Allah’s blessings on the Prophet, 33:56
20:35; 22:61; 22:75; 25:20; 31:28; 33:9;
34:11; 35:31; 35:45; 40:20; 40:44; 40:56; Allah’s Bounty, 2:105; 2:251; 3:174; 4:130;
41:40; 42:11; 42:27; 48:24; 49:18; 57:4; 4:173; 8:29; 9:28; 9:59; 9:74-76; 10:58;
58:1; 60:3; 64:2; 67:19; 84:15 17:20-21; 30:45; 31:20; 35:30; 35:35; 38:54;
42:22-23; 42:26; 44:57; 57:21; 57:29; 62:4;
Strict in punishment [Shadid al-Iqab],
2:196; 2:211; 3:11; 5:2; 5:98; 8:13; 8:52;
8:48; 8:52; 13:6; 40:3; 40:22; 59:4; 59:7 seek of it, 4:32; 16:14; 17:12; 17:66; 28:73;
30:23; 30:46; 35:12; 45:12; 62:10; 73:20
Strong [Al-Qawi], 8:52; 11:66; 22:40;
22:74; 33:25; 40:22; 42:19; 57:25; 58:21 Allah’s Commands, 7:54; 11:76; 16:1-2;
Sufficient as a protector [Al-Wakil], 16:33; 21:73; 22:65; 28:70; 28:88; 30:25;
4:171; 6:102; 17:65; 28:28; 33:3; 33:48; 30:46; 33:38-39; 40:15; 40:78; 51:44; 52:48;
39:62; 73:9 57:14; 65:8; 68:48
Swift in counting [Sari ‘al-Hisab], 2:202; His Command descends down, 65:12
3:19; 3:199; 5:4; 6:62; 13:41; 14:51; 24:39; His Command is like the twinkling of an
40:17 eye, 54:50
Swift in retribution [Sari ‘al-‘Iqab], 6:165; Allah’s Covenant, 2:27; 3:77; 6:152; 9:75-77;
7:167 9:111; 13:20; 13:25; 16:91; 16:95; 33:23; 57:8;
The Living [Al-Hayy], 2:255; 3:2; 20:111; with the Children of Israel, 2:40; 2:83-84;
25:58; 40:65 2:93
True King [Al-Malik; Al-Maalik], 1:4; Allah’s curse, 2:89; 2:161; 3:61; 3:87; 7:44;
20:114; 23:116; 54:55; 59:23; 62:1; 114:2 9:68; 11:18; 24:7; 28:42; 38:78; 47:23; 48:6;
Truth [Al-Haqq], 22:6; 22:62; 23:116; 63:4
24:25; 31:30
Allah’s Face [Wajh], 2:115; 6:52; 13:22;
Vengeful [Dhu Intiqam], 3:4; 14:47; 39:37
18:28; 28:88; 30:38; 30:39; 55:27
Watcher [Al-Raqib], 5:117
Wise [Al-Hakim], 2:32; 2:209; 2:129; Allah’s help, 8:62; 8:64; 12:110; 22:40; 40:51;
2:220; 2:228; 2:240; 2:260; 3:6; 3:18; 3:62; 61:13, 110:1
3:126; 4:11; 4:17; 4:24; 4:26; 4:56; 4:92; Allah’s promise, 3:152; 4:122; 6:134; 10:4;
4:104; 4:111; 4:158; 4:165; 4:170; 5:118; 10:55; 14:22; 17:108; 18:21; 18:98; 20:86;
6:18; 6:73; 6:83; 6:128; 6:139; 8:10; 8:49; 21:9; 21:104; 22:47; 25:15-16; 28:13; 28:61;
8:63; 8:67; 8:71; 9:15; 9:28; 9:40; 9:60; 30:6; 30:60; 31:9; 31:33; 35:5; 36:52; 39:20;
9:71; 9:97; 9:106; 9:110; 11:1; 12:6; 12:83; 39:74; 40:8; 40:55; 40:77; 45:32; 46:16-17;
12:100; 15:25; 16:60; 22:52; 24:10; 24:18; 48:20; 48:29; 51:5; 73:18

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Allah’s signs (revelations), 2:73; 2:242; given female names, made female, by
2:252; 3:103; 3:108; 4:155; 5:75; 5:89; 6:33; those who disbelieve, 43:19; 53:27-28
6:35; 6:37; 6:157-158; 7:26; 7:40; 7:175-177; glorify and praise Allah, 2:30; 4:172;
8:2; 10:71; 16:104-105; 17:1; 18:9; 18:17; 13:13; 16:49-50; 21:19-20; 37:164-166;
18:57; 18:105; 19:58; 19:73; 19:77; 20:22- 39:75; 40:7; 42:5
23; 20:42; 20:126-128; 21:37; 22:52; 23:30; guardians, 6:61; 13:11; 82:10
23:58; 24:1; 25:73; 27:13-14; 27:93; 29:47;
implore forgiveness for those who
29:49-50; 32:22; 32:24; 33:34; 36:46; 39:52;
believe, 40:7-9
40:4; 40:13; 40:34-35; 40:63; 40:81; 41:15;
42:35; 43:69; 45:6-9; 45:31; 46:27; 57:9; on the Day of Judgment, 34:40-41; 39:75;
62:2; 68:15; 74:16 50:20-21; 69:17; 78:38; 89:22
explained, 2:187; 2:221; 6:46; 6:55; 6:65; Pray for forgiveness for all beings on
6:97-98; 6:105; 7:32; 7:58; 7:174; 9:11; Earth, 42:5
10:5; 10:24; 11:1; 13:2; 24:58-59; 24:61; recording, 50:17-18
30:28; 41:3; 57:17 send blessings, 33:43
not for a miserable price, 3:199; 5:44; 9:9 send blessings on the Prophet, 33:56
not to be treated as a jest or falsehood, sent to Babylon, 2:102
2:231; 4:140; 6:150; 7:37; 17:59; 18:56; take the souls of the dying, 4:97; 6:61;
18:106; 23:105; 37:14; 45:9; 45:35; 46:26; 6:93; 7:37; 8:50; 16:28; 16:32-33; 32:11;
62:5; 64:10; 78:28; 47:27; 79:1-2
shown in the furthest regions and in see also Gabriel and Michael
souls, 41:53
Apostates, 47:25
the greatest, 53:18
see also Signs in creation Assumptions, 49:12
Allah’s Throne, 2:255; 7:54; 10:3; 11:7; 13:2; B
20:5; 25:59; 39:75; 40:7; 57:4; 69:17
Babylon, 2:102
Al-Yasa’ (Elisha), 6:86; 38:48
Backbiting, 49:12; 104:1
Angels, 2:98; 2:161; 2:210; 2:248; 3:18; 3:39;
3:42; 3:45; 3:80; 3:87; 4:166; 6:8-9; 6:111; Badr (battle of), 3:13, 8:5-19, 8:42-48
6:158; 11:12; 13:23; 15:7-8; 17:40; 17:92; Balance,
17:95; 21:103; 22:75; 23:24; 25:7; 25:21-22; in Creation, 15:19; 55:7-9
41:14; 43:60; 51:1-4; 53:26; 66:4; 79:1-5 in weighing, 17:35; 26:181-182
and Adam, 2:31-34; 7:11; 15:28-30; on the Day of Judgment, 7:8-9; 21:47;
17:61; 18:50; 20:116; 38:71-73 23:102-103; 101:6-9
appointed over the fire, 39:71; 66:6-7;
Barrier [Barzakh]
67:8; 74:30-31; 96:18
a barrier between (the two seas), 21:61;
ascent of, 70:4
25:53; 27:61; 55:19-20
belief in, 2:177; 2:285; 4:136
Beast (of the last days), 27:82
creation of, 35:1; 37:150
descent of, 16:2; 19:64; 25:25; 41:30-32; Bedouins (desert Arabs), 9:90; 9:97-99;
97:4 9:101; 9:120; 33:20; 48:11; 48:16; 49:14
fighting, 3:124-125; 8:9; 8:12; 9:26 Bee, S.16, 16:68-69

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Believers, Betray (treachery/ treason), 8:58; 8:71
Allah forgives them, 33:73 Birds, 2:260; 3:49; 5:110; 6:38; 12:36-41;
Allah has bought from them their lives 16:79; 21:79; 22:31; 24:41; 27:16-20; 34:10;
and their wealth, 9:111 38:19; 56:21; 67:19; 105:3
Allah has put affection between their
Blood-Money, 2:178-179; 4:92
hearts, 8:63
Allah is with them, 8:19; 47:35 Bribery, 2:188; 5:42; 5:62
Allah listens to them, 42:26 Burden,
Allah will remove their ills and improve Allah burdens not a soul beyond its
their condition, 3:195; 47:2; 48:5; 64:9 capacity, 2:233; 2:286; 6:152; 7:42; 23:62;
among Egyptians, 7:120-126; 10:83; 65:7
20:70-73; 26:46-51; 40:28-45; 66:11 carried on the Day of Judgment, 16:25;
are but a single Brotherhood, 49:10 20:100-101; 29:12-13
best of creatures, 98:7 no bearer of burdens can carry the
descriptions of, 2:285; 8:2-4; 8:74; 9:112; burden of another, 6:164; 17:15; 35:18;
13:19-22; 13:28; 23:1-11; 24:51; 24:62; 39:7; 53:38
27:2-3; 32:15-19; 47:3; 48:29; 49:15; relieved by Muhammad, 7:157
58:22; 66:5; 70:22-35; 90:17; 103:3 removed from Muhammad, 94:1-6
do not betray Allah and the messenger,
8:2 C
do not disrespect one another, 49:11-12 Camel, 6:144; 7:40; 88:17
loved by Allah, 19:96
Captives, 8:67; 8:70-71; 76:8
make peace between your brothers, 49:9-
10 see also Prisoners of War
men and women, 9:71-72; 33:35-36 Cattle, 3:14; 4:119; 5:1; 6:136; 6:138-139;
on them is no fear, nor shall they grieve, 6:142; 7:179; 16:5-8; 16:66; 20:54; 22:28;
2:38; 2:62; 2:112; 2:262; 2:274; 2:277; 22:30; 23:21; 25:44; 26:133; 32:27; 35:28;
3:170; 5:69; 6:48; 7:35; 10:62; 39:61; 46:13 36:71-73; 39:6; 40:79; 42:11; 43:12-13;
overflowing in their love for Allah, 2:165 47:12; 79:33; 80:32
protectors of one another, 8:72; 9:71; Cave, people of the, 9:40; 18:9-22; 18:25;
42:39 18:26
rewarded, 2:62; 2:277; 3:171-172; 17:9; Cave of Thawr, 9:40
18:2-3; 23:10-11; 32:17; 33:35; 33:44;
Charity [Sadaqah], 2:196; 2:263-265; 2:271;
33:47; 34:4; 34:37; 41:8; 45:30; 48:29;
2:276; 2:280; 4:92; 4:114; 9:75; 9:103-104;
57:7; 57:19; 84:25; 95:6
12:88; 35:29; 58:12-13; 64:10
rewarded with Gardens, 2:25; 9:72;
13:22-24; 14:23; 19:60-63; 20:75-76; Children, 7:189-190; 8:28; 13:38; 16:72;
22:23; 32:19; 42:22; 43:68-73; 47:12; 48:5; 17:64; 24:31; 42:49-50; 46:15; 60:3; 63:9;
57:12; 58:22; 61:10-13; 64:9; 65:11; 66:8; 64:14-15; 71:12; 90:3
70:35; 85:11; 98:7-8 after divorce, 2:233; 65:6
saved, 10:103; 26:118-119; 27:53 and inheritance, 4:11
true to what they promised Allah, 33:23 do not kill, 6:137; 6:140; 6:151; 17:31;
why do you say what you don’t do, 61:2-3 60:12

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Children of Israel, 2:211; 2:246-252; 3:49; in six days, 7:54; 10:3; 11:7; 25:59; 32:4;
3:93; 5:12; 5:32; 7:159-171; 10:93; 17:2; 50:38; 57:4
17:101; 20:80; 26:17; 26:22; 32:23-24; 40:53 not without purpose, 21:16; 38:27;
and Jesus, 3:49-51; 5:46; 5:72; 5:110; 44:38-39
61:14 purpose of, 51:56
and the calf, 2:51-54; 2:93; 4:153; 7:148;
7:152; 20:87-97 D
and the Qur’an, 26:197; 27:76; 46:10 David [Dawud], 4:163; 5:78; 6:84; 17:55;
changed their instructions, 3:78; 5:14-15; 21:78-80; 27:15; 27:16; 34:10; 34:13; 38:17-
7:162 33
decreed for the, 17:4-8; 17:104 fights Goliath, 2:249-251
deliverance from Pharaoh, 2:48-49; Day of Judgment, 1:4; 2:281; 3:9; 3:25;
7:136-141; 10:90; 14:6; 20:77-80; 26:60- 3:106-107; 3:161; 3:185; 3:194; 4:87; 4:109;
67; 44:30-33 5:14; 6:12; 6:16; 6:22-23; 7:53; 7:59; 7:167;
forty years in the wilderness, 5:26 10:45; 10:93; 11:3; 11:84; 11:103-108;
gave Prophethood, 45:16 14:31; 14:41-42; 14:48-51; 16:25; 16:27-
houses in Egypt, 10:87 34; 16:92; 16:124; 17:13-14; 17:97; 18:98-
like a donkey which carries huge scrolls, 101; 18:105; 19:37-40; 20:100-109; 22:7;
62:5 22:56; 23:16; 23:100-103; 25:17-30; 26:82;
told to remember Allah’s favours, 2:40; 26:87-102; 30:12-16; 30:43-44; 30:55-57;
2:47; 2:122; 5:20 39:15; 39:31; 39:47-48; 39:67-75; 40:15-18;
42:45-47; 43:65-77; 45:26-35; 50:42-44;
Christians, 2:111; 2:113; 2:120; 2:135; 5:14; 55:39-41; 56:1-56; 58:6-7; 58:18; 60:3; 60:6;
5:18; 22:17 66:7-8; 67:27; 68:42-43; 69:13-37; 70:1-4;
believers rewarded, 2:62; 5:82-85; 57:27- 75:1; 75:6-13; 75:7-15; 77:28-49; 78:17-40;
29 79:34-46; 80:33-42; 81:1-14; 84:1-15; 85:2;
kindness and mercy in their hearts, 57:27 86:9-10; 89:21-30; 99:1-8; 100:9-11; 102:8
love towards the believers, 5:82 a Day of dire difficulty, 25:26;
recognise the Truth, 5:83-84 a Day of distress 74:9-10
Confederates, 33:22 a Day of mutual loss and gain, 64:9
a Day well-known, 56:50
Creation, 2:164; 3:190-191; 6:1-2; 6:73;
all mankind will stand before the Lord of
9:36; 10:6; 14:19; 14:32-33; 15:85; 16:3-4;
the Worlds, 83:4-6
17:70; 18:51; 20:50; 21:30-33; 21:56; 25:2;
27:64; 29:61; 30:8; 30:22; 31:10-11; 35:1; belief in, 2:177; 3:114; 4:38-39; 4:59;
36:81; 39:5-6; 39:38; 40:57; 42:29; 43:9-13; 4:136; 4:162; 5:69; 9:18-19; 9:44-45; 24:2;
45:4; 45:22; 46:3; 46:33; 51:47-49; 52:36; 40:27; 42:18; 58:22; 65:2; 70:26
56:59; 64:3; 65:12; 77:20; 78:6-16; 79:27-33; Compelling Cry 79:13-14
88:17-20 covering is removed from your sight,
a new, 13:5; 14:19; 17:49; 17:98; 34:7; 50:22
35:16; 53:47; 56:60-61 Day of Assembly, 42:7; 64:9
creates what you do not know, 16:8; 36:36 Day of Decision, 37:19-74
in pairs 13:3; 35:11; 36:36; 42:11; 43:12; Day of Division, 44:40-42; 77:13-15;
51:49; 53:45; 78:8 77:38; 78:17

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Day of Judgment, (cont’d.) Deeds,
Day of Eternal Life, 50:34 attached to his neck, 17:13
Day of Gathering, 50:44; 64:9 bad deeds seem appealing, 47:14
Day of Noise and Clamour, 101:1-11 good and bad, are for and against
Day of Reckoning, 38:16; 38:26; 38:53; himself, 41:46; 45:15
40:27 ours is for us, yours is for you, 28:55;
Deafening Noise 80:33 42:15
draws near, 21:1; 40:18; 53:57-58; 54:1; 70:7 Desire,
fixed date of the Hour, 7:187; 10:48-54; one who takes for his god his desire,
11:104; 16:61; 16:77; 18:21; 20:15; 21:38- 25:43
40; 27:71-72; 31:34; 32:28-30; 33:63; 34:3; those who follow their own desires,
34:29-30; 36:48-50; 40:59; 41:47; 42:17- 47:14; 47:16
18; 43:61; 43:66; 43:85; 45:32; 47:18;
Devil (Iblis, Shaytaan, Satan), 2:36; 2:168-
51:12-14; 54:1; 56:1; 67:25-26; 70:6-7;
169; 2:208; 2:268; 2:275; 3:35-36; 3:155;
72:25-26; 78:17; 79:42-46
3:175; 4:38; 4:60; 4:76; 4:83; 4:119; 4:120;
no excuses, 66:7; 75:13-15 5:91; 6:43; 6:68; 6:142; 7:11-23; 7:27; 7:175;
no one can avail another, 31:33; 44:41; 7:200-202; 8:48; 16:63; 16:98-100; 20:116-
80:34-37; 82:19 124; 24:21; 25:27-29; 27:22-25; 41:36;
not able to speak, 11:105; 77:35-36; 58:10; 58:19
78:37-38 an enemy 12:5; 35:6; 36:60
Overwhelming event, 88:1-16 excites enmity and hatred, 5:91
people will not be unjustly dealt with, has no authority over those who believe,
17:71; 18:49; 19:60; 21:47; 36:54; 39:69- 16:98-100
70; 40:17; 43:76; 45:22 made their sinful acts seem alluring to
single scream (horn blown), 36:49; 36:53; them, 8:48
38:15; 50:42; 69:13 promised you, then failed you, 14:22
the Caller will call out from a place quite proposes a temptation, 22:52-53
near, 50:41 seeks refuge with Allah, 7:200-201
the Sure reality, 69:1-3; 78:39
Dhu’l-Kifl, 21:85
will take place, 51:5-6; 52:7-8; 74:46-47; 77:7
Dhu al-Qarnayn, 18:83-98
Death, 2:243; 3:143-145; 3:154; 3:156-158;
4:78; 4:97; 4:100; 5:106; 6:61; 6:162; 7:25; Distress, 3:154; 16:127
8:50; 16:28; 16:32; 16:70; 23:15; 23:99; distraction and anguish, 12:86
31:34; 39:30; 45:21; 50:19; 56:60; 56:83-87; Ditch (pit), people of the, 85:4-10
62:6-8; 63:10; 67:2; 75:22-30; 80:21; 102:2
Divorce, S. 65; 2:226-232; 2:236-237; 2:241;
every soul shall have a taste of, 3:185;
33:49; 58:2-4
21:35; 29:57
only happens once, 37:58-60; 44:56 E
Debts, 2:280-283 Earth,
Decree, Allah gives it as inheritance to whom he
when He decrees a matter, he says to it, wills, 7:128
“Be,” and it is, 2:117 an abode, 78:6

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Earth, (cont’d.) Eyes, ears and skins will testify against
becomes clothed with green, 22:63 sinners, 41:20-23
bestowed blessings on it, 41:10 Ezekiel, see Dhu’l Kifl
corruption (mischief; evil) in, 2:251;
7:56; 7:74; 8:73; 11:116; 12:73; 13:25; F
26:152; 26:183; 27:48; 30:41; 47:22 Faith (belief), 2:108; 3:165-167; 3:177;
created seven, 65:12 3:193; 5:5; 9:23; 16:106; 30:56; 40:10; 42:52-
creation in four days, 41:9-10 53; 49:14-15; 52:21; 58:22; 59:9-10
expanded (smoothed/ spread/ stretched certain, 44:7; 45:4; 45:20; 51:20
out), 13:3; 15:19; 51:48; 67:15 ; 71:19-20; He has guided you as a favour, 49:17
88:20; 79:30; 91:6 increased, 3:173
for the living and dead, 77:25-26 False Gods, 7:194-198; 16:20-22; 16:73-74;
made firm for you, 40:64 16:86-87; 21:21-22; 21:24; 34:22; 34:27;
on the Day of Judgment. 14:48; 18:47; 41:47-48; 46:5-6; 53:19-24; 71:23-24
20:105-107; 39:67; 39:69; 50:44; 52:10; do not insult those they call besides
56:4-6; 69:14-15; 70:9; 73:14; 77:10; Allah, 6:108
78:20; 81:3-6; 82:3-4; 84:3-5; 89:21; Falsehood [Batil], 2:42; 3:71; 8:8; 13:17;
99:1-5 17:81; 22:62; 29:52; 29:67; 31:30; 34:49;
precious species grow on it, 26:7; 31:10; 41:41-42; 42:24; 47:3
50:7 vanishes, 21:18
revive it after its death, 2:164; 7:57; 16:65;
22:5; 25:48-49; 29:63; 30:19; 30:24; 30:50;
in compensation, 2:184; 2:196; 4:92; 5:89;
35:9; 36:33-36; 41:39; 43:11; 45:5; 50:11;
5:95; 58:4
in Ramadan, 2:183-185; 2:187
split, 80:26; 86:12
men and women, 33:35
wide and spacious, 4:97; 4:100; 29:56;
39:10 Fear of Allah, 2:223-224; 3:175; 4:77; 7:56;
9:13; 9:18; 22:1; 23:57; 32:16; 33:37; 35:28;
Elephant army, 105:1-5 39:23; 59:21; 64:16; 70:27; 79:26; 79:40-41;
Emigration, 2:218; 3:195; 4:97; 4:100; 8:72; 87:10; 98:8
8:74; 9:20; 16:41; 16:110; 22:58; 24:22 in secret, 35:18; 36:11; 50:33; 67:12
Evil (Bad), 4:123; 10:27-30; 19:83; 59:15 Fear no evil, 3:175
appeared on land and sea, 30:41 Fear, none for the Righteous, 2:38;
consequence for those who do, 30:10-16 or for Allah’s devotees, 43:68
from yourselves, 4:78-79 or for Believers, 2:62
punished with the like of it, 6:160 or for friends of Allah, 10:62
repel, 13:22; 23:96; 41:34 or for those who remain firm in Allah,
Evil One, see Satan
or those who believe and do good work,
Excess forbidden, 2:277
in food, 20:81 or those who believe and mend their
in religion, 4:171; 5:77-81 lives, 6:48; 7:35

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Fear, none for the Righteous, (cont’d.) Forbidden conduct, 6:151-152; 7:33
or those who believe in Allah and the Forgiveness, 7:199; 39:53; 45:14; 53:32;
Last Day, 5:69 57:20-21
or those who submit to Allah, 2:112 a duty of Believers, 45:14
or whoever spends in the way of Allah, Allah forgives all sins, 39:53
Allah forgives to whom he pleases, 4:48;
Female infanticide, 16:58-59; 81:8-9 4:116
Fig, 95:1 Allah forgives not joining other partners
with Him, 4:116
Fighting (strive),
Angels pray for, for for all beings on
against those who believe not in Allah,
Earth, 42:5
forgive, when they are angry, 42:37
by Children of Israel, 2:246-251
forgive and make reconciliation, 42:40-43
in the Cause of Allah, 4:74-78
not to pray for forgiveness for idolators,
in the way of Allah against wrongdoers
(who fight against you), 2:190-193; 4:74-
76; 4:84; 4:95; 8:72; 8:74-75; 9:12-16; people of the book wish to take you to
9:20; 9:36; 9:123; 47:4; 61:11 infidelity, 2:109
in sacred months, 2:217; 9:5 be foremost in seeking, 57:21
no blame for the blind, lame and sick, seek Allah’s, 4:110
48:16-17 Fornication, see Zina
prescribed, 2:216 Fraud, 83:1-6
permission given to those who are
wronged, 22:39-41 Free will,
until there is no more tumult or take a straight path to his Lord, 76:29
oppression, 8:39 limited by Allah’s will (plan), 6:107;
twenty overpowering two hundred, 8:65- 10:99; 74:56; 76:31; 81:28-29
66 to go straight, 81:28
in whose hearts is a disease (hypocrites), whosoever, let him: believe and
47:20 disbelieve, 18:29
Food, Friday prayers, 62:9-11
in paradise, 2:25; 19:62; 37:41-42; 38:51; Fruit, 16:11
43:73; 44:55; 47:15; 52:22; 55:52-54; all they desire, 77:42
55:68; 56:20-21; 56:32-33; 69:23-24;
all kinds, of 47:15
76:14; 77:42-43
in abundance in Paradise, 43:72-73;
lawful and unlawful (Halal and Haram),
2:168; 2:172-173; 5:1-6; 5:88; 6:118-119;
6:121; 6:136-146; 10:59; 16:114-115; G
make not unlawful which Allah has Gabriel, 2:97-98; 66:4
made lawful, 5:87; 7:32 spirit of faith and truth, 26:193
no sin for what they ate in the past, 5:93 Gambling, 2:219; 5:90-92

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Gardens, 6:141; 13:4; 23:19; 26:57; Good,
26:134; 26:147; 34:15-16; 44:25; 50:9; Allah revealed all, 16:30
71:12; 78:16; 80:30 Allah rewards those who do, 53:31
Gardens of Paradise, 3:15; 3:133; 3:136; an increase of, 42:23
3:195; 3:198; 4:57; 4:122; 5:85; 5:119; 7:19; do, as Allah has been, to you, 28:77
7:42-43; 7:49; 9:21-22; 13:35; 15:45-48; for those who do, in this world, 39:10
18:31; 18:107-108; 20:76; 22:14; 22:23;
repel with that which is better, 28:54-55;
25:10; 25:15-16; 25:24; 31:8-9; 35:33-35;
36:26; 36:55-58; 38:49-54; 39:73-75; 40:40;
43:70-73; 44:51-57; 51:15; 52:17-28; 54:54- reward, 55:60
55; 56:11-40; 59:22; 76:5-22; 78:31-36; 79:41 rewarded double, 28:54
as the width of the heaven and earth, rewarded ten times, 6:160
57:21 you dislike a thing which is, for you,
Bliss and a Realm Magnificent, 76:20 2:216
brought near, 50:31-35; 81:13 Good and Evil,
carpets, 55:76; 88:16 every soul will be confronted with all the,
drink in, 37:45-47; 38:51; 52:23; 56:18- it has done, 3:30
19; 76:5-6; 76:15-18; 76:21; 77:43; 78:34;
83:25-28 Gospel, 3:3; 3:48; 3:65; 5:46-47; 5:66; 5:68;
5:110; 7:157; 9:111; 48:29; 57:27
eternal homes, 35:35
Garden of Home, 53:15 Greeting (Salutation), 4:86; 10:10; 14:23;
Gardens of Blessing, 5:65; 10:9; 22:56; 24:61; 25:75; 33:44
26:85; 31:8; 56:12; 56:89; 68:34; 76:20
Gardens of Eden (Eternity), 9:72; 13:23;
16:31; 18:31; 19:61; 20:76; 25:15-16; Hands and Feet will bear witness, 36:65
35:33; 38:50; 40:8; 50:31-34; 61:12; 98:8 Hardship (difficulty), 94:5-6
Gardens of Felicity, 37:43-49
Harun [Aaron], 2:248; 4:163; 6:84; 7:122;
home of Peace, 6:127; 10:25
7:142; 10:75-78; 19:53; 20:29-33; 20:70;
in a high garden, 69:22-24; 88:10-16 20:90-94; 21:48; 23:45-48; 25:35-36; 26:13;
likeness of, 47:15 26:48; 28:34; 37:114; 37:120
lofty mansions, 39:20
no hardship or exhaustion, 35:35
a disease, 2:10; 5:52; 8:49; 9:125; 22:53;
place of peace and security, 44:51; 44:55 24:50; 33:12; 33:32; 33:60; 47:20; 47:29;
reclining on thrones and couches, 18:31; 74:31
36:56; 52:20; 56:15-16; 56:34; 76:13-14; covered, 6:25; 17:46; 41:5
83:22-23; 83:35; 88:13
divided, 59:14
sorrow removed, 35:34
hardened, 2:74; 6:43; 22:53; 39:22; 57:16
two Gardens, 55:46-47
humbled, 22:54; 57:16
youths to serve them, 52:24; 56:17; 76:19
locked up, 47:24
Gog and Magog, [Ya’juj and Ma’juj], 18:94- sealed, 2:7; 2:88; 6:46; 7:100-101; 9:87;
99; 21:96 9:93; 40:35; 47:16; 63:3
Goliath, 2:249-251 when Allah is mentioned, 22:35

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Heavens, belief in, 6:92; 6:113; 6:150; 11:19; 16:22;
as a canopy (roof), 2:22; 21:32; 40:64; 17:19; 27:3-4; 31:4; 34:21; 39:45
52:5; 79:27-29 better than worldly life, 2:86; 3:77; 3:152;
as smoke, 41:11 4:74; 6:32; 7:169; 9:38; 13:26; 14:27;
built with power and skill, 51:47 16:30; 20:131; 28:80; 29:64; 40:39; 42:20;
completed them in two days, 41:12 43:35; 57:20; 87:14-17
ladder to (hypothetical), 6:35; 52:38 Hour,
no flaws in it, 50:6; 67:3-4 comes upon them suddenly, 6:31; 12:107;
on the Day of Judgment, 14:48; 21:104; 43:66
25:25; 39:67-68; 52:9; 55:37; 69:16-17; comes upon you, 6:40; 20:15; 34:3
70:8; 73:18; 77:8-9; 78:19; 81:1-2; 82:1-2; convulsion (trembles) of the, 22:1; 56:4-
84:1-2 6; 72:14
raised by Allah, 13:2; 55:7; 79:27-28 is as the blink of an eye, 16:77
seven in number, 2:29; 17:44; 23:17; is near, 54:1-5
23:86; 41:12; 65:12; 67:3; 71:15; 78:12 the knowledge of it is with Allah only,
Hell, 2:206; 3:12; 3:103; 3:131; 3:151; 7:187; 33:63; 41:47
3:191-192; 3:197; 4:56; 4:121; 7:18; 7:37-38; there is no doubt about its coming, 45:32
9:34-35; 9:81; 14:16-17; 14:28-30; 15:43- the sinful will despair, 30:12
44; 16:28-29; 17:97-98; 18:29; 21:98-100; will certainly come, 40:59
22:19-22; 23:103-111; 25:65-66; 29:54-55;
32:20-21; 36:63-64; 38:55-64; 39:16; 39:60; Houses, manners about entering, 24:27-29
40:71-76; 43:74-77; 44:43-50; 45:10; 50:24- Hunayn (battle), 9:25-26
26; 52:13-16; 54:47-48; 55:41-44; 56:41-
56; 56:93-94; 57:13-15; 58:8; 59:3; 67:7-8; Hypocrites,
69:30-37; 70:15-18; 72:23; 73:12-13; 74:26- afraid of being found out, 9:64-65
31; 74:42-48; 76:4; 77:29-33; 78:21-30; Allah punishes, 9:85; 33:73
81:12; 82:14-16; 83:16-17; 88:4-7; 90:19-20; beware of them, 63:4
92:14-16; 101:11; 102:6-7; 111:3 Curse of Allah is on them, 9:67-69
filled with Jinn and men, 7:18; 7:38; deaf, dumb and blind, 2:17-20
7:179; 11:119; 32:13; 38:85 deceive themselves, 2:9
fuel is people and stones, 2:24; 66:6 disbelievers success, 4:141
insatiable, 50:30 disease in their hearts, 2:10; 8:49; 22:53;
neither dying nor living there, 14:16-17; 33:12; 47:29
20:74; 35:36; 87:12-13 go for judgment to Satan, 4:60-63
placed in full view, 79:36-39; 89:23 in fear of death and darkness, 2:19-20
punishment of Eternity, 10:52-53; 32:14; in the lowest depths of the Fire, 4:145
mischief makers, 2:11-12
Hereafter, 2:94; 2:200-202; 2:220; 3:22; mockers, 2:13-15
3:85; 3:145-148; 4:77; 4:134; 9:69; 10:63- most contentious enemies, 2:204-206
64; 12:57; 12:101; 13:34; 16:107; 16:120-
not to be taken as friends, 4:89-90
122; 17:72; 20:127; 22:11; 22:15; 24:14;
24:19; 24:23-25; 27:66; 29:27; 38:46; 39:9; not to pray for, 9:84
39:26; 40:43; 41:16; 41:31; 59:3; 60:13; seek to deceive Allah, 4:142-143
68:33-34; 75:21 strive against, 66:9

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Hypocrites, (cont’d.) J
their hearts are sealed, 63:3 Jacob [Yaqub], 2:132-133; 2:136; 2:140;
they are liars, 59:11-14 3:84; 4:163; 6:83-87; 11:71; 12:6; 12:38;
they do not believe, 2:8 12:68; 19:6; 19:49; 21:72; 29:27; 38:45
they do not understand, 63:7-8
Jesus (Isa), son of Mary
they say a thing which is not in their
and the Holy Spirit, 2:87; 2:253; 5:110
hearts, 3:167
annunciation of, 3:45-51; 19:16-21
truly evil are their deeds, 63:2
a sign, 21:91; 23:50; 43:57-61
I belief in, 4:159
Ibrahim [Abraham], S. 14; 2:124-127; covenant with Allah, 33:7
2:130; 2:132-133; 2:135-136; 2:140; 2:258; cursed the Children of Israel, 5:78
2:260; 3:33; 3:65-68; 3:84; 3:95; 3:97; 4:54; disciples of, 3:52-54; 5:111-114; 61:14
4:125; 4:163; 6:74-83; 6:161; 9:70; 9:114; given the revelation, 2:87; 2:136; 3:48;
11:69; 11:74-76; 12:6; 12:38; 14:35; 15:51; 3:84; 4:163; 5:46-47; 19:30; 57:27
16:120-123; 19:41-49; 19:58; 21:51-72;
22:26; 22:43; 22:78; 26:69; 29:16; 29:31-32; gives good tidings of the Praised One
33:7; 37:83-109; 38:45; 42:13; 43:26; 51:24; (Ahmad), 61:6
53:37; 57:26; 60:4; 87:19 he is not Allah (God), 5:17; 5:72-75;
Ilyas [Elias; Elijah; Ilyasin], 6:85; 37:123-132
like Adam, 3:59
messenger to Children of Israel, 3:45-57;
daughter of, 66:12
5:46; 5:72; 43:57-59; 61:6; 61:14
wife of, 3:35-36
miracles of, 5:110; 5:113-115
Inheritance, 2:180-182; 2:240; 4:7-9; 4:11- no more than a Messenger, 4:171; 5:75;
12; 4:33; 4:176; 5:106-108 43:59
Injustice, 4:30; 4:148 raised up to Allah, 3:55; 4:157-158
Intercession, 6:51; 6:70; 6:94; 10:3; 19:85- religion of, 42:13
87; 20:109; 30:12-14; 34:23; 39:43-44; serves and worships Allah, 4:172; 19:27-
40:18; 43:86; 53:26; 74:46-48 30; 43:63-64
Interest [Riba, Usury], 2:275-276; 2:278- spoke in childhood, 3:45-46; 19:27-33;
280; 3:130; 4:161; 30:39 5:110; 19:30-33
Intoxicants (narcotic drugs), 2:219; 5:90-91 testifies before Allah, 5:116-119
Isaac [Ishaq], 2:133; 4:163; 6:84; 19:49-50; was not killed, 4:157
21:72-73; 29:27; 37:112-113 was of the righteous, 6:85
Ishmael [Isma’il], 2:125-129; 2:133; 4:163; Jews, 2:111; 2:113; 2:120-122; 2:135; 4:160-
6:86; 19:54-55; 21:85; 38:48 161; 5:18; 16:118
Islam, 3:19-20; 3:85; 5:3; 6:125-126; 39:22; among them some believe, 2:62; 4:162;
61:7 5:69
as a favour, 49:17 became apes and swine, 2:65-66; 5:60;
first of those who submit as Muslims, 7:166
6:14; 6:163; 39:12 claim that they are favoured by Allah,
whose heart Allah has opened, 39:22 62:6-8

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Jews, (cont’d.) Killing,
cursed, 4:46-47; 5:78; 9:30 if anyone slew a person, 5:32
enmity, of 5:64; 5:82 not to kill anyone, 17:33
greediest of people, 2:96 Kind words 2:263; 4:5; 4:8; 47:21
judged, by the Torah 5:44
Kindred, rights of, 4:7-12; 4:36; 8:41; 16:90;
slew prophets, 2:87; 2:91; 3:21; 3:181;
17:26; 30:38; 42:23
4:155; 5:70
took usury, 4:161 Knowledge,
unbelief and reject the truth, 5:41; 5:64; not a leaf falls, except with His
59:2; 59:11 knowledge, 6:59
work iniquity, 5:41-42; 5:78-81; 59:2-4; of five things, with Allah alone, 31:34
59:11-17 slain their children without, 6:140
write the Book with their own hands, 2:79 Korah [Qarun], 28:76-82; 29:39-40; 40:24
Jinn, 6:100; 6:112; 15:27; 34:41; 46:18;
46:29-32; 55:15; 55:33; 55:39; 72:1-15 L
Job [Ayyub], 4:163; 6:84; 21:83 Lamp, 24:35; 67:5; 71:16
he suffered, 21:84; 38:41-44 Languages,
John, the Baptist [Yahya], 19:7-15 variations in, 30:22
glad tidings of, 3:38-41; 21:89-90 Law, prescribed, 5:48
wise; kind; devout, 19:12-15 Liars, 26:221-223
Jonah [Jonas or Yunus], 4:163; 6:86-87; Life, if anyone saves a, 5:32
10:98; 37:139-148
Life of this World,
Joseph [Yusuf], 6:84; 12:4-101; 40:34
bought the, at the price of the Hereafter,
false blood on his shirt, 12:18 2:86
Judgment Day, see Day of Reserruction desires the, 11:15-16; 17:18; 42:20
Judi, Mount, 11:44 good tidings in the, 10:64
is passing provision, 3:185
Justice, 4:58; 4:135; 7:29; 16:90-92
love for, 75:20-21; 76:27
K mutual boasting, 57:20
Ka’bah, 2:144, 2:149-150; 3:96-97; 5:2; play and amusement, 6:32; 29:64; 47:36
5:95-97; 9:19; 17:1; 22:25-29; 22:33; 48:27 sell the, for the Hereafter, 4:74
and the disbelievers, 8:34-35; 9:7; 9:28; similitude of the, 10:24
22:25; 48:25 deceived Jinns and humans, 6:130
built by Abraham and Ishmael, 2:125-127 Hereafter is better, 87:16-17
fighting at, 2:191; 2:217-218 Light,
Keys, from Allah, 5:15-16; 64:8
of the Heavens and the Earth, 39:63; of Allah, 9:32; 24:35; 61:8
42:12 of the Believers, 57:12-13; 57:19; 57:28;
of the invisible, 6:59 66:8

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Lightning, 2:55; 4:153; 24:43; 51:44 disputatious, 16:4; 18:54; 22:3; 22:8;
in fear and hope, 13:12-13; 30:24 36:49; 36:77
similitude of, 2:19-20 is hasty, 17:11; 21:37
Loan, not assigned with two hearts, 33:4
lend to Allah a beautiful loan, 2:245; stages of growth, 46:15
73:20 toiling towards Allah, 84:6
multiply it, 57:11; 57:18; 64:17 travel from stage to stage, 84:19
undertook the Trust, 33:72
Lot [Lut], 6:86; 7:80; 11:70; 11:74; 11:77-
83; 11:89; 21:71; 21:74-75; 22:43; 26:160- was nothing mentioned, 76:1
174; 27:54-58; 29:26-34; 37:133-136; 38:13; Mankind,
50:13; 54:33; 54:33-38 beware of your Lord, 4:1
his disobedient wife, 11:81; 15:60; 66:10 made you into nations and tribes, 49:13
Luqman, S.31, 31:12-14 makes you in the wombs of your
mothers, 39:6
M transgression is only against your own
Madinah [Yathrib], 9:120; 33:13; 63:8 souls, 10:23
witnesses, 2:143
Midian, [Madyan], 7:85-93; 11:84-95;
20:40; 22:44; 28:22-28; 29:36-37 Manna and the Quails, 2:57; 7:160; 20:80-81
Mahr (bridal-gift), 2:229; 2:236-237; 4:4; Manners,
4:19-21; 4:24-25; 5:5; 33:50; 60:10-11 about entering houses, 2:189; 24:27-29;
Makkah [Bakkah], 3:96; 48:24 25:61
City, 90:1-2 in assemblies, 58:11
Ciy of security, 95:3 in the home, 24:58-62
in the Prophet’s house, 33:53
Allah is nearer to him than his jugular in the Prophet’s presence, 2:104; 24:62;
vein, 50:16 49:1-5
created according to the will of Allah, not to mock another, 49:11
30:30; 82:8 send blessings on the Prophet, 33:56
created in the best of moulds, 95:4 Marriage, 2:221; 2:235; 4:3-4; 4:19-25;
created into toil and struggle, 90:4 4:34-35; 4:128-130; 23:6; 24:3; 24:26; 24:32-
created to serve (worship) Allah, 51:56 33; 25:54; 30:21; 60:10-11
created very impatient, 21:37; 70:19-21 of the Prophet, 33:50-52; 66:5
created weak, 4:28; 30:54 prohibited degrees in, 4:22-24
creation of, 2:30; 4:1; 6:2; 6:98; 7:11; 7:189;
with women among the People of the
15:26; 15:28-29; 15:33; 16:4; 18:37; 19:67;
22:5; 23:12-14; 25:54; 30:20; 30:54; 32:7- Book, 5:5
9; 35:11; 36:36; 36:77-79; 37:11; 38:71-72; Martyrs,
39:6; 40:57; 40:64; 40:67-68; 45:4; 49:13; bounty provided by Allah, 3:169-171
50:16; 53:45-47; 55:3-4; 55:14; 56:57-59;
67:23; 71:14; 74:11; 75:36-39; 76:2; 76:28; not dead, 2:154; 3:169
77:20-23; 78:8; 79:27; 80:18-19; 82:7-8; receive a goodly provision, 22:58; 22:59
86:5-7; 90:4-9; 96:2 receive forgiveness and mercy, 3:157-158

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Mary (mother of Jesus), testify before Allah, 5:109; 7:6; 39:69;
a sign for all people, 21:91; 23:50 40:51; 43:45; 77:11
birth, 3:35-36 threatened, 14:13
brought Jesus to her own people, Messiah, see Jesus
Michael [Mikail], 2:98
false charge, 4:156
glad tidings of Jesus, 3:42-51; 19:16-21 Months, number of, 9:36-37
guarded her chastity, 21:91; 66:12 Moon, 7:54; 10:5; 16:12; 22:18; 25:61;
in childbirth, 19:23-26 36:39; 36:40; 54:1; 71:16; 91:2;
Meeting, Moses [Musa],
with Allah, 6:31 and calf-worship of his people, 7:148-
of an Momentous Day, 19:37 156; 20:86-98
of the Hereafter, 30:16 and his people, 2:51-61; 5:20-29; 7:138-
141; 7:159-162; 14:5-8; 61:5
Messengers, 2:253; 4:163-165; 57:25-28
Books (Scripture) of, 53:36; 87:18-19
an angel as a, 17:95; 25:7
called and given messengership, 19:51-
and their wives and children, 13:38
53; 20:9-97; 28:29-35
as a witness from every nation, 16:89
came with clear signs, 29:39
belief in, 2:177; 2:285; 3:179; 4:171; 5:12;
given the Book, 17:2
57:19; 57:21
granted the Criterion, 21:48
believing in some and rejecting others,
4:150-152 guided by Allah, 6:84
for every people (nation), was sent a, guided to the Straight way, 37:114-122
10:47; 16:36 his book, differences arose in it, 11:110
gathering of the, 5:109 his childhood, mother and sister, 20:38-
mocked, 6:10; 13:32; 15:11; 21:41; 30:10; 40; 28:7-13
36:30 his mishap in the city, 28:15-21
no more than human beings, 14:10-12; in Madyan, 20:40; 28:22-28
17:94; 21:8; 25:7-8; 25:20 junction of the two seas, 18:60-82
rehearsing Allah’s signs, 7:35-37 magicians converted, 20:70-73; 26:46-52
rejected by their people, 3:183-184; mountain and Lord’s appearance, 7:142-
4:150-152; 5:70; 6:34; 7:101; 10:13; 10:74- 145
86; 14:8-13; 16:113; 22:42-44; 23:44-48; mystic fire, 27:7-12; 28:29-35
23:69-70; 26:105-191; 30:9-10; 34:34-35; Pharaoh, and his people (chiefs), 2:49-
34:45; 35:4; 35:24-26; 36:13-19; 38:12- 50; 7:103-141; 10:75-92; 11:96-99;
14; 40:22; 40:83; 41:14; 43:24; 50:12-15; 17:101-103; 20:17-53; 20:56-79; 23:45-
51:52-53; 54:9; 54:23-26; 54:33; 54:42; 49; 26:10-68; 28:3-21; 28:31-42; 40:23-
64:5-7; 67:9; 69:9-10 46; 43:46-56; 51:38-40; 73:15-6; 79:15-26
sent as givers of good news and warners, seven clear signs, 7:133; 17:101-102
6:48; 18:56
sent to make things clear, 14:4-9 Mosque (of Jerusalem),
slain, 3:183 temple, 17:7
succession of, 2:87; 23:44 Mosque (of Quba), 9:107-110

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Mosques, 2:187; 9:17-19; 22:40 send blessings on, 33:56
maintained by, 9:18 sent as a great favour to the believers, 3:164
Mountains (hills), 15:19; 16:15; 20:105- sent in truth, 4:170
107; 21:31; 22:18; 31:10; 59:21; 77:10; sent to all mankind, 34:28
77:27; 81:3; 101:5 sent to be a witness, 16:89; 22:78; 33:45;
Muhammad, 48:8; 73:15
Allah is Witness between me and you, sent to mankind as the Messenger of
13:43; 29:52; 46:8 Allah, 7:158; 48:9; 48:29
a mercy to the believers, 9:61 swore allegiance under the tree, 48:18
and the blind man, 80:1-12 to bow down and draw near to Allah,
as a mercy from Allah, 28:46-47
to make Religion of truth victorious over
ask no reward, 25:57; 38:86; 42:23
all religions, 61:9
a warner, 7:184; 7:188; 11:2; 15:89; 33:45;
to strive hard against the unbelievers and
34:28; 48:8; 53:56
hypocrites, 66:9
a witness over believers, 2:143
unlettered, 7:157; 62:2
close to the believers, 33:6
verses regarding family, of 33:28-34;
covenant to believe in, 3:81 33:50-53; 33:59; 66:1; 66:3-6
devoted to prayer, 73:1-8; 73:20
who slanders you, 9:58
foretold by Jesus, 61:6
witness from among the Children of
from darkness to light, 65:11 Israel, 46:10
good example to follow, 33:21 you are of an exalted standard of
has been commanded to, 27:91-93; 66:9 character, 68:4
his sayings, 11:2-4; 12:108; 34:46-50
Mules, Horses, 16:8
his work, 3:164; 7:157; 36:6; 52:29
lenient with them, 3:159 Murder, 2:178-179
men who insult the, 9:61; 33:57 Muslims,
mocked, 25:41-42; 34:7-8 first of those, 6:14; 6:163; 9:100; 39:12
no more than a Messenger, 3:144 prepared for them forgiveness and a
not a madman or possessed, 68:2; 81:22 great reward, 33:35
not a poet or a soothsayer, 69:41-42 He has named you, 22:78
nothing new among the Messengers,
not to be distressed, 16:127 Necessity, if one is forced by, 2:173; 6:145
only a man, 41:6 Neighbour, 4:36
only follow that which is inspired, 10:15-
New moons, 2:189
16; 46:9
rehearsing scriptures, 98:2-3 Night, 92:1; 93:2
respect the Messenger, 2:104; 49:1-5 as a covering, 78:10
reward is from Allah only, 34:47 covers the day, 13:3
saw Gabriel, 53:4-18; 81:22-25 for rest, 10:67
seal of the Prophets, 33:40 Night of Power [Al-Qadr], 44:3-4; 97:1-5

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Noah [Nuh], S.71, 3:33; 4:163; 6:84; 7:59- fallen from the heaven and snatched by
69; 9:70; 10:71-74; 11:25-49; 17:3; 21:76- birds, 22:31
77; 23:23-29; 25:37; 26:105-122; 29:14-15; garden, 2:265-266
37:75-82; 51:46; 54:9-15 goodly tree, 14:24-25
unrighteous son not saved, 11:45-47 grain of corn, 2:261
unrighteous wife, 66:10 hard, barren rock, 2:264
with them for a thousand years, 29:14 icy wind, 3:117
O light is a niche, 24:35-36
mirage, 24:39
Oaths, 2:224-225; 5:89; 6:109; 16:38; 16:91-
mountain humbled, 59:21
96; 24:53; 66:2; 68:39
partners, 30:28
Obedience, 3:132; 4:34; 4:59; 4:64-66; 4:80- people of the garden, 68:17-34
81; 24:51-54; 47:33; 64:12
rain, 10:24; 18:45
Offspring, rainstorm from the sky, 2:19-20
He bestows male and female, according seed growing, 48:29
to His will, 42:49-50
slave and a man, 16:75
Olive, 6:99; 6:141; 16:11; 23:20; 24:35; spider, 29:41
80:29; 95:1 two men with gardens of grapes, 18:32-44
Orphans, 2:83; 2:177; 2:215; 2:220; 4:2-3; vegetation after rain, 57:20
4:8; 4:10; 4:36; 4:127; 6:152; 8:41; 17:34-35; water were to disappear, 67:30
18:82; 59:7; 76:8; 89:17; 90:15; 93:6; 107:2
who kindles fire, 2:17-18
guardians of, 4:6
Paradise, see Gardens of Paradise
P Parents, kindness to 2:83; 2:215; 4:36;
Pairs, in all creatures, 13:3; 36:36; 42:11; 6:151; 17:23-24; 29:8; 31:14-15; 46:15-17
43:12; 51:49; 53:45 Path,
Palm tree, 13:4; 19:23; 19:25; 20:71; 59:5 even way 5:77
Parables (likeness, example, similitudes), straight way 42:52-53; 43:43
a fly, 22:73 Patience, 3:186; 3:200; 8:46; 10:109; 11:115;
a man belonging to many partners, 39:29 16:126-127; 20:130; 39:10; 40:55; 40:77;
ashes which the wind blows furiously, 42:43; 46:35; 70:5; 73:10
14:18 seek help in, and prayer 2:45; 2:153
blind and deaf, 11:24 Peace,
city, secure and well content, 16:112-113 after war, 8:61; 9:11
companions of the city, 36:13-32 greeting in Paradise, 10:10; 13:24; 14:23;
darkness in a vast deep ocean, 24:40 15:46; 16:32; 19:62; 25:75; 33:44; 36:58;
dog who lolls out his tongue, 7:176 39:73 56:26; 56:91
donkey, 62:5 sent down by Allah, 9:40; 48:4; 48:26
dumb man who is a burden to his master upon Allah’s servants and Messengers,
(owner), 16:76 27:59; 37:79-81; 37:108-111; 37:119-122;
evil tree, 14:26 37:129-132; 37:181

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Pen 68:1; 96:4 Poor, 2:177; 2:215; 2:273; 2:277; 4:6; 4:8;
People of the Book (Scripture), 2:146; 3:20; 4:36; 8:41; 9:60; 17:26; 24:22; 24:32; 30:38;
3:98-99; 3:110-115; 3:187; 4:51; 4:123; 47:38; 51:19; 59:7-9; 69:34; 74:44; 76:8;
4:131; 4:153-159; 4:171; 5:65-66; 5:68; 6:20; 89:18; 90:16; 93:6-10; 107:2-3
74:31 Prayer, 1:1-7; 3:8; 3:26; 3:27; 3:147; 3:191-
among them are those who believe, 2:62; 194; 4:103; 17:80; 23:118
3:113-115; 3:199; 4:162; 5:65-66; 5:82-83; do not be loud voiced nor yet silent,
28:52-53; 29:47; 57:27-29 17:110
among them are unbelievers, 59:2-4; approach not, whilst you are intoxicated,
59:11-15; 98:1; 98:6 4:43
differed among themselves, 2:213; 3:19; facing towards Qiblah, 2:144-145; 2:149-
3:66; 27:76; 32:25; 41:45; 42:14; 43:65; 150
45:17; 59:14; 98:4 guard your prayers, 2:238
do not exceed the bounds, 5:77 in travel and attack, 2:239; 4:101-103
relationship to Muslims, 3:64-80; 3:99- not to pray for pagans, 9:113-114
101; 4:44; 5:5; 5:57-59; 5:82-83; 29:46 of disbelievers, 13:14
treachery of, 33:26-27; 59:2-4 purifying for, 5:6
warner has come to them, 5:15-16; 5:19 times of, 11:114; 17:78-79; 20:130; 30:17-
Pharaoh, 18; 50:39-40; 52:48-49; 73:1-7; 73:20
a believing man from among the people when you have performed the, 4:103
of Pharaoh 40:28-45 Precautions in danger, 4:71-72
building of a lofty palace, 40:36-37
Prisoners of war, 8:67-72; 33:26
claims to be god 28:38; 79:15-25
dead body out from sea 10:90-92 Promise of Truth, 46:16
dealings with Moses 7:103-137; 10:75-92 Property, wealth, 2:188; 3:186; 4:5-10; 4:29;
destroyed 29:39-40 51:19; 59:7-9
drowned 2:50 Prophets, 3:33; 3:146-148; 4:163-165; 6:84-
people of 2:49; 3:11; 7:141; 28:7-8; 44:17- 90; 23:23-50; 42:13; 57:26-28
33 an enemy to every, 6:112
righteous wife of 28:9; 66:11 covenant of, 3:81; 33:7-8
transgressed all bounds, committed sins not for any, to be false to his trust, 3:161
and disobeyed 20:24; 20:43-56; 69:9-10;
73:16; 89:10-14 Provision (sustenance), 10:59; 13:26;
14:32-34; 16:73; 34:36; 34:39; 42:12; 51:57-
Plead 58; 67:21;
not on behalf of such who deceive
Psalms, 4:163
themselves, 4:107-109
Punishment, 3:178
Poetry, 36:69-70
cutting of hands or feet, 5:33-34
Poets, 26:224-227; 69:40-43 in this life and in the Hereafter, 24:19;
Pomegranates, 6:99; 6:141; 55:68 68:33

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Q revelation of, 2:176; 2:185; 2:213; 2:231;
3:3-4; 3:7; 4:105; 4:113; 5:48; 5:101; 6:19;
Qur’an, 3:7; 4:82; 9:111; 10:15-16; 11:1;
6:114; 6:154-157; 7:2-3; 14:1; 15:87;
12:1-3; 13:1; 13:31; 14:1 ;15:1; 15:87; 15:91;
16:64; 17:82; 17:105-106; 18:1-2; 20:2-4;
17:41; 17:89; 18:54; 25:30; 26:2; 27:1; 28:2;
20:113-114; 21:10; 24:1; 25:6; 26:192-
30:58; 36:69-70; 39:27-28; 43:44; 47:20;
199; 29:51; 32:2 36:5; 38:29; 39:1-2;
47:24; 50:45; 55:2; 69:43-51; 86:13-14;
39:23; 40:2; 41:2-4; 42:17; 44:3-6; 45:2;
Arabic, 12:2; 13:37; 16:103; 20:113;
46:2; 69:43
26:192-195; 39:28; 41:3; 41:44; 42:7;
the truth, 17:105; 32:3; 34:6; 35:31; 39:2;
39:41; 46:30; 47:2-3; 56:95; 57:16; 69:51
a Light, 42:52
when read, listen to it with attention,
a Message for the heart, 50:37 7:204; 46:29
a reminder to all the world, 38:87; 68:52;
Quraysh, 106:1-4
belief in, 2:177; 17:107; 42:15; 72:1-2; R
Rain, sent down by Allah, 2:22; 2:164; 6:6;
Book of Wisdom, 10:1; 31:2; 36:2
6:99; 7:57; 8:11; 11:52; 13:17; 14:32; 15:22;
confirms earlier Scripture, 5:48; 6:92; 16:10-11; 16:65; 18:45; 20:53; 22:5; 22:63;
10:37; 46:12 23:18; 24:43; 25:48-49; 27:60; 29:63; 30:24;
full of admonition, 38:1 30:48-50; 31:10; 31:34; 32:27; 39:21; 41:39;
full of blessings, 38:29 42:28; 43:11; 45:5; 50:9; 56:68-70; 57:20;
glorious, 50:1; 85:21 71:11; 78:14-16
guarded by Allah, 15:9; Ramadan, 2:185
guidance, 2:2; 2:159; 12:111; 16:64; 16:89;
16:102; 17:9; 27:1-2; 27:76-77; 31:2-3;
between believers, 49:9-10
41:44; 42:52-53; 45:20; 72:2
between man and wife 4:35
heard by Jinn, 46:29-32; 72:1-2
honourable, 56:75-82; 80:11-16 Record,
inimitability of, 17:88 a register fully inscribed, 83:7-9; 83:18-
made easy, 44:58; 54:17; 54:22; 54:32;
54:40 every community will be called to its,
makes things clear, 43:2; 44:2
scrolls are laid open, 81:10
no falsehood can approach it, 41:41-42
which speaks the truth, 23:62
no one touches except the clean, 56:77-79
power of, 13:31; 59:21 Religion,
preserved, 85:21-22 before Allah is Islam, 3:19
pure and holy, 98:2-3 fathers following a certain, 43:22-24
recitation of, 10:61; 16:98; 17:45-46; imposed no difficulties in, 22:78
17:106; 18:27; 27:92; 29:45; 35:29-30; no compulsion in, 2:256
73:2-4; 73:20; 75:16-18; 84:21; 87:6-7 of Allah, 3:83-84
96:1-3 other than Islam, 3:85
reflect on its signs, 38:29 perfected, 5:3

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Religion, (cont’d.) mixture of camphor 76:5-6
same, for other Prophets, 42:13-14 shall inherit the Earth, 21:105
transgress not in your, 5:77 the best of company, 4:69
transgression in, 4:171 Righteousness, 2:112; 2:177; 2:207-208;
who divide their, into communities, 3:16-17; 3:92; 3:133-136; 3:191-195; 4:36;
6:159; 23:52-53; 30:32 4:124-125; 5:93; 7:42-43
who take their, to be play and Rivalry in worldly increase, 102:1-4
amusement, 6:70
Roads, way, 43:10
Remembrance of Allah, 63:9
hearts find satisfaction in, 13:28 Romans, 30:2-5

Repentance (turn to Allah), 2:54; 2:160; S

3:89-90; 4:17-18; 5:34; 5:74; 6:54; 7:153;
9:3; 9:112; 9:118; 9:126; 11:3; 11:52; 11:61;
11:90; 16:119; 17:25; 19:60; 24:5; 25:70-71; appointed only for, 16:124
28:67; 30:33; 39:8; 39:17; 39:54 transgress not the, 2:65-66; 4:154-155;
accepted by Allah, 40:3; 42:25 7:163-166
of Adam and Eve, 2:37; 7:19-23 Sabians, 5:69; 22:17
of Moses, 7:143 Safa and Marwah, 2:158
Respite for evil, 3:178-179; 10:11; 12:110; Salih, 7:73-79; 11:61-68; 26:141-159;
14:42; 14:44; 29:53-55; 86:15-17 27:45-53
Restraint from evil, 7:26 Samiri, 20:85
Resurrection, 16:38-39; 17:49-52; 19:66- Scripture,
72; 22:5-9; 23:15-16; 40:11; 46:33-34; 50:3; belief in 2:285; 4:136; 6:92
50:19-29; 50:41-44; 75:1-15; 79:6-14; 86:5-8
Revelation, 6:92-93; 10:2; 10:109; 12:102; are suffered to burst, 82:3
17:86; 42:3; 42:7; 42:51-53; 53:4; 53:10
the two, 25:53; 35:12; 55:19-20
a guidance and a mercy, 7:203-204;
16:64; 31:2-3 Secret, 4:114
do not abrogate or cause to be forgotten, consultation between three, 58:7
2:106 private consultation with the Messenger,
explained, 41:2-4 58:12-13
for people who understand, 6:98 Senses (ears, eyes), 23:78
if you are in doubt, 2:23-24 Shadow,
in truth, 6:114-115 extended 25:45-46
is from Allah, 46:2 prostrating to Allah 13:15
the Holy Spirit, 16:102-103; 26:192-196 turn around from the right and the left
Righteous, 16:48
in gardens and springs, 51:15-22 She-camel as a clear sign to the people of
will drink from a cup containing a Thamud, 7:73; 17:59; 26:155-158

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Ships, will be confronted with all the good it
are of His signs, 42:32-34 has done, 3:30
for the profit of mankind, 2:164 will be held in pledge for its deeds , 74:38
made for you, 43:12-13 will be recompensed for all its actions,
ploughing the waves, 16:14; 35:12 16:111
sail by His command, 17:66; 22:65; 45:12 Spending in the cause of Allah, 2:177;
sail by the grace of Allah, 31:31 2:195; 2:215; 2:261-274; 3:134; 4:39; 8:60;
subject to you, 14:32 9:34; 9:53-54; 9:60; 25:67; 47:38; 92:18-20

Siege of Al-Madinah, 33:9-27 Spirit, the 15:29; 17:85; 21:91; 26:193;

38:72; 40:15; 58:22; 70:4; 78:38; 97:4
Signs in creation, 2:164; 3:190; 6:99; 10:6;
10:67; 16:69; 17:12; 20:53-54; 24:44-46; Spoils of war, 8:1; 8:41; 8:69; 48:15
26:7-8; 27:86; 29:44; 30:20-25; 30:46; 31:31; Spying, 49:12
32:26-27; 34:15; 36:33-34; 41:37; 41:39;
Star, 16:16; 53:1; 86:1-4
42:29; 42:32; 45:3-6; 45:12-13; 50:6-11;
51:20-21; 71:14-20; 78:6-16; 79:27-33; Stars, 7:54; 16:12; 22:18; 37:6-10; 56:75;
88:17-21 77:8; 81:2

Sin, 7:100; 74:41-56 Straight Path, 1:6; 6:153

Allah, who forgives all, 39:53-54 Striving, 4:95; 9:20-22; 9:24; 9:81; 22:78;
associating anything with Allah, 4:116 25:52; 29:69; 60:1; 61:11
blaming the innocent, 4:112 Suckling, the term of, 2:233
cannot hide their crimes from Allah,
Sulayman [Solomon], 2:102; 4:163; 6:84;
21:78-82; 27:15-44; 34:12-14; 38:30-40
earned against his own soul, 4:111
and the ants, 27:16-19
if you avoid the most heinous things,
and the Queen of Sheba [Saba], S.34;
27:22-44; 34:15
those who, will never succeed, 10:17
Sun, 7:54; 10:5-6; 14:33; 16:12; 22:18; 36:38;
those who shun the major sins and
36:40; 71:16; 81:1; 91:1-4
indecencies, 42:37
will get due recompense for their T
earnings, 6:120
Talut (Saul), 2:247-249
Sinai, Mount, 19:52; 23:20; 95:2
Term, every community has its, 7:34; 10:49;
Slanderer, 68:11-12; 104:1 15:4-5; 16:61; 20:129
Slaves, 2:177-178; 4:25; 4:36; 4:92; 5:89; Test, by Allah, 3:154
24:33; 58:3-4; 90:12-13
Thamud, 7:73-79; 11:61-68; 17:59; 25:38;
Sodomy, 7:80-82; 11:77-83; 29:28-29 26:141-159; 27:45-53; 29:38-39; 41:17-18;
Soul, 51:43-45; 54:23-31; 69:4-5; 85:17-20; 89:9-
Allah does not place a burden greater 14; 91:11-15
than it can bear, 2:286; 7:42; 23:62 Thief, punishment of, 5:38-39

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
Throne, 7:54; 9:129; 10:3; 13:2; 20:5; 23:86; Trusts (pledges), 2:283; 8:27; 33:72; 70:32
23:116; 32:4; 40:15; 57:4; 85:15 Truth, 5:48; 23:70-71; 23:90; 25:33; 69:51
angels surrounding the, 39:75 cover not, with falsehood, 2:42
eight will uphold the, 69:17 has arrived and falsehood has perished,
over the water, 11:7 17:81
those who sustain the, 40:7 the promise of Allah, 46:16-17
Thunder, 13:13
Time, 9:36; 10:5-6; 17:12; 22:47; 32:5; 76:1;
103:1-3 Uhud, battle of, 3:121-128; 3:140-175
destroys disbelievers, 45:24 Unbelievers (those who reject the truth),
3:156; 3:176-178; 3:196; 4:42; 4:76; 4.84;
Torah [Tawrah], 3:3-4; 3:48-51; 3:65-66; 4:151; 6:1; 8:30-40; 8:55; 8:73; 9:73; 14:2;
3:93; 5:43-46; 5:66; 5:68; 5:110; 6:91; 7:157; 16:107; 22:72; 29:68; 40:4; 61:8; 66:9-10;
9:111; 11:17; 48:29; 61:6; 62:5 74:10-26; 74:43-53; 75:31-35; 78:40; 80:42;
confirmed by Jesus, 61:6 88:23-24; 109:1-6
confirmed by the Gospel, 5:46 astray (in clear error, in extensive error),
confirmed by the Qur’an, 46:12 1:7; 4:136-137; 6:110; 14:18; 17:48; 17:72;
mention of Muhammad in, 7:157 23:106; 25:9; 25:34; 25:44; 42:18; 42:44;
revelation of, 7:144-145 43:40; 45:23; 46:32
cursed, 2:89; 2:161-162; 4:52
Trade and wealth, 4:29
deaf, dumb and blind, 2:18; 2:171; 6:39;
Travel, in the land, 6:11; 10:22; 12:109; 17:72; 17:97; 20:124-127; 21:45; 27:66;
22:46; 27:69; 29:20; 30:9; 30:42; 34:18; 27:80-81; 30:52-53; 31:7; 41:44; 47:23
35:44; 40:21; 40:82; 47:10 deny the Day of Judgment, 34:3; 41:50;
Traveller, 2:177; 2:215; 8:41; 17:26; 30:38; 42:18; 45:32; 64:7; 83:10-13
59:7 despair of Mercy, 15:56
despair of the Hereafter, 60:13
Treachery, 8:58; 22:38
do not obey them, 33:48; 96:19
Treasures of Allah, 6:50 do not take for friends or helpers, 3:28;
Tree of eternity, 20:120 4:139; 4:144; 5:57; 9:23; 60:1-2; 60:9;
Trees, 22:18
doubt Revelation, 6:7-8; 6:24-26; 16:101-
Trials and tests, 2:49; 2:124; 2:155-157; 108; 25:4-8; 30:58; 34:31; 37:12-17; 37:35-
2:214; 2:249; 3:142; 3:154; 3:186; 5:48; 36; 37:170; 38:4-8; 40:70-74; 43:30-31;
5:94; 6:53; 6:165; 7:141; 7:155; 7:163; 45:11; 50:2; 52:30-44; 67:9; 68:15; 74:24-
7:168; 8:17; 8:28; 9:49; 9:126; 11:9-11; 25; 84:20-22
14:6; 16:92; 16:110; 17:60; 18:7; 21:111; forbidden Paradise, 7:50-51; 70:38-39
22:11; 23:30; 25:20; 27:47; 33:11; 37:106; fuel for the Fire, 3:10-12; 3:151; 21:98;
39:49; 44:17; 47:4; 47:31; 64:15; 67:2; 72:15
68:17; 72:17; 89:15-16 humiliated, 3:112; 3:192; 16:27; 68:42-43;
Trumpet, on the Day of Resurrection, 6:73; 70:44
18:99; 20:102; 23:101; 27:87; 36:51; 39:68; imprint on their hearts, 2:7; 7:101; 10:74;
50:20; 69:13; 74:8; 78:18 16:108; 30:59; 40:35; 45:23; 47:24; 63:3

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
in delusion, 67:20-21 25:48-50; 25:53-54; 35:12; 38:42; 47:12;
inmates of hell-fire, 5:10; 5:86; 22:19-22; 47:15; 54:11-12; 54:28; 55:19-20; 56:31;
40:6; 57:19; 67:10-11; 72:15 56:68-70; 67:30; 77:27; 79:30-31; 80:25
on the Day of Resurrection, 3:90-91; Allah’s Throne upon the, 11:7
5:36; 13:18 every living thing made of 21:30; 24:45;
ordered to prostrate, but do not, 68:42- 25:54
43; 77:47-48
Way, right (straight) path, 1-6; 42:52-53
persecuting the Believers, 85:4-8; 85:10
plotting and planning, 8:30; 13:42; 14:46; Wealth, 104:2-4
52:42; 71:22; 86:15-17; 105:2 allurement of the life of this world, 18:46
prefer the life of this world over the Widows, 2:234; 2:240
hereafter, 14:3
Will of Allah, 10:99-100; 30:5; 81:29; 82:8
protectors of one another, 8:73; 45:19
takes as his god, his own desires, 45:23- Winds, 7:57; 30:46; 77:1-7
24 pollinating, 15:22
their deeds are as a mirage, 24:39 who sends the, and they raise the clouds,
their own deeds seem appealing to them, 30:48
6:122; 8:48; 9:37; 27:4; 35:8 Wine, 2:219; 5:90-91; 12:36; 12:41; 47:15;
their work (deeds) are lost, 47:1; 47:8-9 76:21; 83:25-28
will blame each other on the Day of
Judgement, 34:31-33; 37:24-32; 38:59-64; Witnesses, 3:81
40:47-48; 41:29 against mankind, 2:143; 22:78
will not be successful, 23:117 for adultery/ fornication, 4:15-16; 24:4
wish to be muslims, 15:2 hands and legs will bear, 36:65
Unseen, the man is a telling, against himself, 75:14
belief in, 2:3; 52:41 when you contract, 2:282
keys of, 6:59 Wives,
Uzayr [Ezra], 9:30 are for your cultivation, 2:223
garment for you, 2:187
V from amongst yourselves, 16:72
Verses, 2:151; 3:7; 11:1; 13:1; 15:87; 41:3; Women, 2:222-223; 3:14; 4:15; 4:19-25;
41:44; 4:34; 4:127; 9:71; 24:26; 24:31; 24:60; 33:32;
Victory, S48. 33:35; 33:73; 47:19; 48:5; 48:25; 65:1-2;
from Allah, 3:13; 3:123; 3:126; 5:52; 8:10; 71:28
8:26; 29:10; 30:5; 61:13; 110:1 in pregnancy, 7:189; 31:14; 39:6; 41:47;
46:15; 65:4-6
W modesty of, 24:30-31; 33:53; 33:55
Wait, 7:71; 9:52; 10:102; 11:121-122; Wood, dwellers of the, 15:78-79; 26:176-
20:135; 44:59; 52:31 191; 38:13-14; 50:14
Waste not, 6:141; 7:31; 17:26-27 Wrongdoers, 11:18-22; 11:101-104; 11:116-
Water, 13:4; 13:14; 13:17; 15:22; 24:39; 117; 39:47-48

Brief Index of Subjects Brief Index of Subjects
No references

Yathrib [Al-Madina], people of, 33:13

Zachariah [Zakariya], 3:37-41; 6:85; 19:2-
11; 21:89-90
Zakat, 2:43; 2:83; 2:110; 2:177; 2:277; 4:77;
4:162; 5:12; 5:55; 7:156; 9:5; 9:11; 9:18;
9:71; 19:31; 19:55; 21:73; 22:41; 22:78; 23:4;
24:37; 24:56; 27:3; 30:39; 31:4; 33:33; 41:7;
58:13; 74:20; 98:5
recipients of, 9:60
Zeyd bin Haritha, 33:37
Zina, 4:15-16; 17:32; 24:2-9; 25:68-69;
accusations of, 24:4-9; 24:11-19; 24:23-


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