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Fluids at Rest:

Pressure and its Effect



Course: CE F212 Transport Phenomena 3 0 3

Fluids at Rest - Pressure and its Effects
The study of fluids that are at rest or moving in such a
manner that there is no relative motion between adjacent
particles is what we are going to discuss in these lectures.

There will be no shearing stress in the fluid and the only

forces that develop on the surfaces of the particles will be
due to pressure.

Our first concern is to investigate pressure and its

variation throughout a fluid and the effect of pressure on
submerged surfaces.

Course: CE F212 Transport Phenomena 3 0 3

Image of hot air balloon
An example1: use of fluid static

heated air, which is less

dense than the surrounding
air, is used in hot air balloon
to create an upward buoyant
force. According to
Archimedes’ Principle, the
buoyant force is equal to the
weight of the air displaced
by the balloon.

Course: CE F212 Transport Phenomena 3 0 3

Image of hurricane Allen
An example2: use of fluid static

Although there is
considerable motion and
structure to a hurricane, the
pressure variation along
vertical plane is
approximated by pressure-
depth relationship for a
static fluid

Course: CE F212 Transport Phenomena 3 0 3

Fluid Pressure
A liquid or gas cannot sustain a
shearing stress - it is only restrained
by a boundary. Thus, it will exert a
force against and perpendicular to
that boundary.

The force F exerted by a fluid on the

walls of its container always acts Water flows
perpendicular to the walls.

Course: CE F212 Transport Phenomena 3 0 3

Fluid Pressure

Fluid exerts forces in many

directions. Try to submerge
a rubber ball in water to see
that an upward force acts on
the float.

• Fluids exert pressure in all


Note: Fluid pressure always acts in a perpendicular direction

Course: CE F212 Transport Phenomena 3 0 3

Pressure at a Point

The term pressure is used to indicate the normal

force per unit area at a given point acting on a
given plane within the fluid mass of interest.
There are no shearing stresses present in a fluid at rest
The pressure at a point in a fluid at rest or in motion is
independent of direction as long as there are no shearing
stresses present

This important result is known as Pascal’s law named in

honor of Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), a French mathematician
who made important contributions in the field of hydrostatics

Course: CE F212 Transport Phenomena 3 0 3

Pressure at a Point (Pressure is a scalar quantity)

How the pressure at a point varies with the orientation of the plane
passing through the point?
Forces on arbitrary wedge
shaped element of fluid
Course: CE F212 Transport Phenomena 3 0 3 12
Basic equation for pressure field

Consider a small rectangular element or differential fluid

element of size dxdydz
There are two types of forces acting on this element:

Surface forces due to the pressure

Body forces due to the weight of the element

Other possible body forces (like magnetic fields) are not

taken into consideration
Pressure may vary across a fluid particle

Course: CE F212 Transport Phenomena 3 0 3

Pressure variation in a static fluid
For example, a tire gage might indicate 207 kPa; the absolute pressure would
be about 308 kPa.
Ex. 3.1 Systolic and Diastolic Pressure : Normal blood pressure for a human is
120/80 mm Hg. By modeling a sphyg-monometer pressure gage as a U-tube
manometer, convert these pressures to kPa.

Assumptions 1) Static fluid

2) Incompressible fluids
3) Neglect air density

Answers: 16 kpa and 10.67 Kpa

Manometers are simple and inexpensive devices used
frequently for pressure measurements. Because the liquid level
change is small at low pressure differential, a u-tube
manometer may be difficult to read accurately.
Analysis of Inclined –Tube Manometer
Gage Liquid (0.8), Diameter Ratio
(0.1), inclination angle 10o

Combining the best values (SG=0.8, d/D=0.1, and Ɵ=10 degrees) gives a manometer
sensitivity of 6.81. Physically this is the ratio of observed gage liquid deflection to
equivalent water column height. Thus deflection in the inclined tube is amplified 6.81
times compared to vertical water column.
Multiple liquid manometer
Multiple-Liquid Manometer : Water flows through pipes A and B. Lubricating oil is in
the upper portion of the inverted U. Mercury is in the bottom of the manometer bends.
Determine the pressure difference , pA –pB , in units of kPa.
Given : Multiple-liquid manometer as shown.
Find : Pressure difference, pA-pB, in kPa. Take SG of oil = 0.88 & SG of Mercury = 13.6
Answer: pA- pB = 25.33 kpa

1 Inch = 2.54 cm
Atmospheric pressure may be obtained from barometer, in which the
height of a mercury column is measured. Measured height can be convert
in to pressure using equation

The density of gases generally depends on pressure and

temperature. The ideal gas equation of the state,

P= ρRT
Where R is the gas constant= 8314 N.M/(Kg mole. K)
T is absolute temperature
Ex. 3.4 Pressure and Density Variation in the Atmosphere :The maximum power
output capability of a gasoline or diesel engine decreases with altitude because the
air density and hence the mass flow rate of air decrease. A truck leaves Denver
(elevation 1610 m) on a day when the local temperature and barometric pressure
are 27oc and 630 mm of mercury, respectively . It travels through vail pass
( elevation 3230 m), where the temperature is 17oc. Determine the local barometric
pressure at vail pass and the percent change density. For air take R = 286.9 J/(kg.K)

Case a Assume temperature varies linearly with attitude

Case b Assume density is constant
Case c Assume temperature is constant
Centroids of areas:
 The location of the centroid of a plane area is an important geometric
property of the area.
 To define the coordinates of the centroid, let us refer to the area A and the x y
coordinates system shown. In addition, the first moments of the area about
the x and y axes, respectively, are
Moments of inertia of areas:
Parallel-Axis theorem for moments of inertia

The moment of inertia of an area with respect to any axis in the plane of the area is
related to the moment of inertia with respect to a parallel centroidal axis by the parallel-
axis theorem.
Properties for some Common sectional areas
Hydrostatic force on submerged surfaces
Hydrostatic force on submerged surfaces
Total pressure and Centre of pressure

Total pressure (F): Total pressure is defined as the force exerted by a static fluid on a
surface either plane or curved when fluid comes in contact with the surfaces. This forces
always acts normal to the surface.
( Shear force is equal to zero)

Centre of Pressure (h*): Centre of Pressure is defined as the point of application of

the total pressure on the surface.

The submerged surfaces may be :

1. Vertical plane surface 2. Horizontal plane surface
3. Inclined plane surface 4. Curved surface
Hydrostatic Forces on Vertical Plane Surface
Consider a vertical plane surface of some arbitrary shape immersed in a liquid of
mass density r as shown in Figure below:

Let, A = Total area of the surface

h- = Depth of Centroid of the surface from the
free surface
G = Centroid of the immersed surface
C = Centre of pressure
h*= Depth of Centre of pressure
Consider a rectangular strip of breadth b and
depth dh at a depth h from the free surface.
Total pressure (F):
- -
F= ρgAh = ɣAh

Where ɣ is the specific weight of Water,

For water, ρ=1000 kg/m3 and g = 9.81 m/s2. The force will be expressed in Newton (N)

Centre of pressure (h*) :

- -
h* =( IG / Ah ) + h

1) A rectangular plane surface is 2 m wide and 3 m deep. It lies in vertical plane in

water. Determine the total pressure ( F) and position of Centre of pressure on the
plane surface when its upper surface is horizontal and
a) Coincides with water surface,
b) 2.5 m below the free water surface.

Answers: Case a) F = 88290 N

h*= 2 m
Case b) F= 235440 N
h*= 4.1875

2) Determine the total pressure on a circular plate of diameter 1.5 m which is placed
vertically in water in such a way that the Centre of the plate is 3 m below the free
surface of water. Find the Centre of pressure also.

Answers: F= 52002.81 N
h*= 3.0468 m
Problem: Determine the total pressure and Centre of pressure on an isosceles triangular
plate of base 4 m and altitude 4 m. when its immersed vertically in an oil of specific
gravity 0.9. The base of the plate coincides with free surface of oil.

Answers: F = 93940.6 N
h* = 1.99 m
Hydrostatic Forces on horizontal Plane Surface

Total pressure (F):

Free surface
- -
F= ρgAh = ɣAh
- *
Where ɣ is the specific weight of Water, h h

For water, ρ=1000 kg/m3 and g = 9.81 m/s2. The P

force will be expressed in Newton (N) CG

Centre of pressure (h*) :

h* = h
0.4 m
Problem: Fig shows a tank full of water , Find:
1) Total pressure on the bottom of tank. --
2) Weight of water in the tank --
Take width of tank = 2 m -- 3m
0.6 m


Answers: F on the bottom is 282.5 kN

Weight of water in tank is 70.63 kN
Problem: A tank contains water up to a height of 0.5 m above base. An immiscible liquid
of sp. Gravity 0.8 is filled on the top of water up to 1 m height, find
a) Total pressure on side of the tank
b) Position of h* on one side of tank which is 2 m wide.

Answer: F = 18.14 kN
h* = 1.009 from top.
Important equations
Answers: Fr= 588 KN Y’ = 6.22 m X’ = 2.5 m
Let dA is the area of small strip at a depth of h from water surface.
But here as the direction of forces on the small areas is not in the same direction,
but varies from point to point.
Problem: Compute the horizontal and vertical components of the total force
acting on a curved surface AB, which is in the form of a quadrant of a circle of
radius 2 m as shown in fig, take the width of the gate as unity.

Answer: Fx = 49.05 kN
h* = 2.633 from free surface
Fy = 60.24 kN

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