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Love Between Walls

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F
Fandom: Wednesday (TV 2022)
Relationships: Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair, Divina & Yoko Tanaka, Wednesday
Addams/Divina, Enid Sinclair & Yoko Tanaka, Ajax Petropolus/Enid
Characters: Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair, Divina (Wednesday), Yoko Tanaka,
Thing (Addams Family), Tyler Galpin, Ajax Petropolus
Additional Tags: Wenclair - Freeform
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-07-07 Words: 9,924 Chapters: 2/2
Love Between Walls
by U_dontknow_me0


Enid had just moved into what she thought was the perfect apartment in New Jersey. She was
finally going to be able to follow her dreams of becoming a famous pianist and perform for
her biggest audition of her life. Her new apartment was the perfect place to start. The only
problem with this apartment? It had a very defective thin wall that connected to a different
apartment in which EVERYTHING could be heard between both walls. Will this cause
problems between the two renters? Who lived on the other side of her apartment?

Neighbors AU

Wenclair adaptation based on a movie that I watched, called Love, Divided.


NEW STORY!! I kinda had this one sitting on my docs for a while now. I saw this one movie
and I liked it so I thought I should adapt it to wenclair. Hope you guys enjoy it! It was meant
to be a one shot but I divided it into two chapters so I'll upload the next one later.
Part 1

Enid was never one to be afraid of changes, she usually liked them, she was always open to
new changes and always feeling excited for what’s to come. In fact, she was about to make a
big change with her musical career, she had an audition in the next couple of weeks where
she has the chance to prove the judges how good of a pianist she is and win the chance to
grow to be performed in famous musical theaters. But this new change that she was about to
expect, was different, and she couldn’t help but to feel scared. After she had recently broken
up with her ex-boyfriend Ajax, she of course needed to find a new place for her to live, and
this was the change she feared for, because she didn’t know how much this was going to take,
and therefore this was going to be a great distraction for her piano practices before her
audition. She needed to find a place quickly so she could continue to practice for her

Luckily for her, she didn’t have to look anymore. She was able to find a small apartment with
the help from her best friend, Yoko. The apartment was perfect for her and her piano. Even
luckier for her, the rent was cheap. She didn’t understand why but she also didn’t care. As
long as she can have her piano and practice for the audition, she doesn't mind anything else.
She just wanted to move in already.

And that is exactly what she was doing right now. She was standing outside the building
where she was going to live, she was staring up at her precious piano as it was getting pulled
to her apartment's floor, which unfortunately was all the way at the top of the building.

“Careful…Slower.” She whispered, afraid that it was going to fall. She got interrupted when
someone stood beside her.

“Looking good.” Yoko greeted her, also staring up at the piano.

“You're late! You were supposed to be here an hour ago.” The blonde claimed, scolding at

“Well excuse me for having to pick up my car from the auto repair and running through some
red lights just to try to come to you as fast as I could.” She responded with sarcasm.
“You still could’ve let me know” The blonde spoke back, not taking her gaze away from her

“Relax puppy, it’s all under control.” She told her as she tried to relax the blonde.

Before the blonde could respond, the piano was suddenly stuck up there, making it shake
roughly through the air. The worker couldn't control the remote.

“What is happening?!” The blonde shouted with fear, still looking at her piano.

“Hey careful! What do you think you're doing? If you scratch a single key from that piano we
will not pay you a single scent!” Yoko shouted at the man as she walked towards him.

“Calm down! I am working on it.” The man spoke, trying to press the remote again.

“Will clearly you don’t know what you're doing. Give me that!” Yoko said as she snatched
the remote away from the worker.

“Hey! You can’t do that! Give it back, you crazy lady!” The man shouted to her struggling to
get the remote away from Yoko.

“LADY? How dare you!”

A fight was formed by the worker and the dark-haired girl to get the remote. Enid, still very
focused on her piano, let out a scream of fear as she saw how the piano had suddenly dropped
a few inches from the floor. This created a distraction for the worker to finally snatch back
the remote.

“Stop! Step back and please let me do my work.” He claimed going back to getting the piano
back up.
“Well I’m not moving from here until you get that piano up to that apartment!” Yoko
claimed, still standing close enough to the worker.

The blonde finally turned to glare murdersly at her best friend for almost dropping her very
precious piano.


Enid was now in her new apartment while starting to take out her things from the boxes that
were already there, including her piano. Yoko, on the other hand, was looking around.

“So? What do you think? Isn't it lovely?” She asked and turned to stare at the blonde.

“Yeah, it's very nice!” She responded, as she opened a box and took out something that was
safely wrapped with a cloth and began to walk towards her piano.

“Oh by the way! I got you a job, one of the employers quit so there’s an open spot waiting
just for you!”

“What?! No, I can't, I have to practice for my audition.” She said, as she was putting down
the object she was holding, it was an antique mechanical metronome, she used it to keep a
steady time when playing.

“And how are you going to pay the rent? Giving piano lessons? You don’t let anyone touch
your precious piano!”

The blonde was no longer paying attention to her friends since she was too focused playing
with the keys of her piano.
“Enid!” She called her again.

“Fine, what is it about?” She said, focusing on her friend again.

“Don’t worry about it, it will fit you perfectly!” She told her as she began to walk to the door
to leave.


“So, Miss Sinclair, do you have any experience behind the bar?” The owner of the coffee
shop asked her, as he was cleaning his coffee machine

Enid was in the shop where Yoko had sent her to find a job. The cafe was located not too far
from where she now lived. It was a small coffee shop called The Weathervane, which was
very well known, therefore it got pretty busy. The owner, Tyler Galpin, was the one who was
currently interviewing Enid.

“I don’t” She said

“How about the front?” He asked again.

“Also no” She replied again.

Tayler raised his head confused. About to deny her, a client walked towards the front, where
they were currently standing, he stood next to the blonde and ordered.

“I'd like a grande Caramel macchiato in a venti cup, 1/3 whole milk, 1/3 almond milk”
“Venti?” Tyler asked, confused, not knowing what a venti cup was, his coffee shop was
vintage, definitely not a starbucks.

“Would you like that with an espresso shot?” Enid interrupted.

“Yes, two shots please! And extra caramel drizzle.” The clients replied as he started walking
to one of the tables to wait for his order.

Tyler turned to look at Enid with confusion.

“My ex used to get starbucks a lot” She responded smiling.


Meanwhile in a different apartment not far from there, was a women working intensely on
one of her many medieval invention of torture. Wednesday has been working for exactly
three years to create the perfect guillotine. Sure, for many people a guillotine is just some
pieces of wood, a rope and a very sharp blade. But for Wednesday, who has worked on
ancient medieval torture devices since the longest, knows that it’s more than just wood, rope
and a blade. She had to get the wood from the finest tree, and the blade from the best metal
that could ever exist. She made her torture devices from scratchs. That is why, she was
perfectly sharpening the blade she made. But she was interrupted by a sudden sound that
came from her couch.


“I know it’s not shiny enough Thing, I will polish it once I'm done sharpening it. ” The
brunette spoke to her cat.

The door suddenly opened to reveal Divina, her friend, who was carrying grocery bags.
“Are you talking to the cat again?” Her friend spoke, making her way to her friend’s kitchen.

“Did you bring my coffee?” The brunette responded with another question.

“You should really open these windows, the air will do you good.” She said while unpacking
the groceries.

“Not a chance. There is too much sound outside, I need to concentrate.” She replies while
working on a piece from the guillotine.

“Anything new?” She asks, trying to continue the conversation with her friend.

“There seems to be movement on the other side of the wall. It seems that they have rented the
apartment again.” She spoke as she continued working.

“Seriously?! Who?”

“Does it matter? They will be gone in a flash, I’ll make sure of that.” The brunette spoke with
determination. Finally turning to see her friend.

“Again Wednesday? You should stop doing that. It’s not good for you.” She said tirelessly.

“I will feel good once they are gone.”

“You should at least give them a chance, what if they’re nice?” She tried to convince her

“I doubt that.” She said while going back to her piece.

“Well you cannot keep living like this. Look at you! You’re still in pajamas! When was the
last time you went outside? 3 years!” Divina spoke, desperately trying to convince her friend
to go outside.

“I am perfectly fine! You are worrying over nothing.” She replied, not taking her eyes away
from the piece she was working on.

“You know you will lose all the rights for vintage vault if you continue to isolate yourself

“For then I'll be finally done with this.”

“What if it’s not?”

“Don’t you have to go open the store?” She spoke, starting to get irritated.

“Fine! But please stop talking to the cat, it’s weird.” She said while grabbing her bag and
walking towards the door.

“His name is Thing.” She shouted and got back to work.


On the other side of the thin wall, Enid was getting ready for bed. It was going to be her first
night in her new apartment, and she couldn’t be more excited. Once she finished brushing
teeth she began to walk towards her bed when all of a sudden she heard a terrifying noise,
like screams. She stood still, trying to hear where they came from, she noticed they came
from the wall from the other side of her window, when she heard that same horrifying sound
again she ran towards her phone and called Yoko.
“Come on! Pick up! Please answer!” She whispered as the sounds were still there. After a
few minutes with no answer, the sound stopped, and Enid slowly began to walk towards the
end of her apartment towards the wall. Once she stood in front of it, she pressed her ear on
the wall, trying to hear anything. Suddenly the horrifying sound was back but this time
louder, making Enid scream and jump, she ran towards the door while grabbing her bag and
coat and she fled out of her apartment.


Back to the other side of the wall, Wednesday smirked when she heard the screams from her
neighbor. She stopped her machine and turned to look at Thing.

“I think we scare her away, Thing” She told her cat.

The cat responded with a meowing and layed down on his owner’s bed.


Enid was in Ajax’s apartment. After Yoko didn’t pick up her phone, she didn’t know where
else to go, she didn’t have anybody else, the only option left was her ex. Good thing they
were still close friends.

“Relax Enid, I'm pretty sure there’s an explanation, plus maybe it was a sign for you to come
back, everything is just as you left it. Here, spearmint with extra honey, your favorite.” He
tried to convince the girl as he sat beside her and gave her the cup of tea.

“Thanks Ajax, but that won’t be necessary, i’m only spending the night here”

“That’s fine, but let’s talk about something else, how have you been?” Ajax asked.

“I’m fine! I have been working." she said, distracted.

“Working?” He asked in a more serious tone.

“Amm… yeah working… on my piano.” She spoke nervously.

The boy was a musician himself. When Enid and him were still together, Ajax would teach
Enid how to play better, even though he was very strict to her. He even was the one who
enrolled Enid for the audition, since he was friends with the judges. Ever since he had
enrolled her, he used to practice everyday with Enid, but the boy would be extra strict and
would get frustrated whenever the blonde got the notes wrong. He wanted Enid to be ready
for the auditions.

“I hope you have, we don’t want you to get distracted, we both know you still have a long
way to go, so keep it up! I trust you’ll do great!” He told her.

The blonde only gave him a half smile.

“You know what? I am so exhausted and I should really get some sleep.” She told him.

“Oh! Of course! You’ll take the bed and I’ll be staying here.” He pointed to the couch.

“Oh no! It’s okay I’ll be staying on the couch.” She tried to tell him.

“I insist Enid stay on the bed, besides I have to leave early for a trip.” He told her.

The blonde finally gave in and waved the boy a good night and began to walk towards his

The next day, Enid was going up the stairs to her apartment, but the closer she got, the more
she started to hear the noises from last night. She stood still for a few minutes, hesitant to go
back there. But she knew she couldn’t just walk away forever. Her piano was back there.
Therefore, with determination, she decided to walk towards her apartment. Once she was
inside, she slowly walked towards the wall, from where the sounds were coming from. She
stood there for a moment and finally decided to try to confront the sounds.

“Hey! Stop that now!” She shouted and started banging on the wall.


“Leave me alone!”

Wednesday stood on the other side of the wall while she continued using her machine that
created these terrifying noises. She was pulling on the levers when suddenly the machine
stopped. Wednesday stood still and began to quietly walk towards her tools to grab a
screwdriver, but as she was walking back towards the machine, she dropped the tool making
a loud sound.

Both neighbors were now standing on each side silently, neither wanting to make a noise,
Wednesday didn’t want to be caught, and Enid wanted to stay quiet to catch any sounds.
When Enid heard the sound of something falling, she gasped with surprise at the sudden

“Hello?” She whispered to the other side.

The brunette continued to stay still, that was until she heard Thing meowing, she quickly
snapped her head to stare at her cat with a serious gaze.

“Thing! Silence! I will cut your ear off if you make another sound!” She whispered, trying to
make as little noise as possible.
Unfortunately for her, the walls were too thin and the blonde from the other side was able to
catch the whispering.

“Hello!? Who’s there? I heard you! You have a cat!!” The blonde yelled.

Wednesday sighed with disappointment for getting caught. She began to walk towards the

“Hello.” Was all she said.


Enid stepped back with surprise. There was actually someone on the other side of her wall.

“Hi! Who are you?” She asked, intrigued.

“I’m your neighbor.” She heard again.

She stood there for a few seconds, not knowing what to say, then she then remembered the
creepy sounds.

“And why were you trying to scare me?!” She asks now with disbelief.

“Look, there is a problem with the soundproofing between both apartments. I tried working
on it but none of the other neighbors wanted to provide help so yeah, this wall is too hollow.”
She spoke while banging the wall. “Meaning that you can hear everything.” Enid heard the
other women saying.
“Okay? Why don’t we both meet outside and talk about this in person.” The blonde
responded while starting to walk towards her door.

“We are not in the same building. We don’t even live in the same district so that complicates
things for the worse.” The voice interrupted her.

“Well that’s a disaster.” The blonde replied.

“The point is, I work from home, and I need absolute silence to be able to concentrate on my
work. Absolute silence.” The voice claimed.

The blonde stood confused.

“But I don’t make any noises.”

“You play the piano”

“But… that's no noise! That’s music.” Enid tried to explain, feeling indignation.

“Well, either way I can’t concentrate.” The voice claimed.

The blonde took a slow breath and tried to think of something.

“Okay I understand. I think… Maybe we can set a schedule to not bother each other.” She
tried again.


Wednesday walked towards the kitchen trying for the person on the other side to make the
other girl understand.
“You don’t get it.” She said, while grabbing her coffee pot and her mug. “When I say you can
hear everything…” She started pouring the coffee on her mug. “I mean everything.”


Enid, still standing on her side of the wall, was able to hear the person on the other side
pouring something.

“What are we going to do then?” She asked, starting to get desperate.

“Easy! One of us has to go, and by one of us I mean you.” The voice sounded calm.

“Me?! Why me?” The blonde responded exasperated.

“I was here first.” The voice replied.

“Well that’s absurd.” She claimed. “This woman is crazy.” She later whispered.

“Flattery will get you nowhere.” The voice on the other side whispered too.

Enid looked at the wall again with surprise.

“Well I’m afraid I won’t be leaving. It took forever to find this apartment and I will not give
it up.” She claimed confidently.

“Well then, I guess we'll just have to see about that…Neighbor.” The other voice said.
Leaving Enid more angry.

And just like that, a war between both neighbors had begun. They would each annoy
themselves with different methods. While one of them would wake up early in the morning
and make exaggerated noises while working on her machines, waking the other girl up. The
other would play her piano louder when hearing the person on the other side, reading or
writing, making her sighed with frustration. They continued the war for days. Both of them
were getting very annoyed but the blonde was starting to feel very tired since she wasn’t
getting enough sleep. This was starting to cause the blonde to almost fall asleep at work.

“I can’t stand this no more Yoko! She is very annoying! I haven’t had time to practice and I
barely sleep!” She told her friend, feeling desperate with her situation.

“What can I tell you puppy? She has been using one of the most basic methods of torture,
which is deprive you from sleeping. You have only been bothering her with playing the piano
for a few hours. You have to do something a little more extreme.” She tried to explain to her

“I don’t know Yoko, I am too tired...”

“Okay I'm going to stop you right there Enid. You did not just pull your piano to the fifth
floor, just for you to give up now!” Spoke, trying to convince her.


“And you are not going back with Ajax or to San Francisco with your parents!” She spoke

“Yeah, you are right! I’m not giving up!” She spoke feeling confident again.
“Yeah you're not! It’s your time to attack!” Yoko encouraged her friend.


The next morning, in the blonde’s apartment, Enid was placing her antique mechanical
metronome on top of her piano. She decided to leave the metronome ticking all day while she
went to work. Once it was set, she smiled to herself as she closed the door and headed to


Wednesday was suddenly woken up at the sound of ticking. She didn’t know where it came
from at first, until she realized it came from the other side of her wall. She understood her
neighbor’s intentions, but she definitely was not going to let her win.

Therefore, without paying too much attention to it, she decided to continue with her day, like
any other regular day.
She had her coffee. Tick… tick… tick…
She continued working on her guillotine. Tick… tick… tick…
She was writing down her work advancement. Tick… tick… tick…
She tried reading. Tick… tick… tick…
She tried eating.Tick… tick… tick…
She tried brushing her teeth. Tick… tick… tick…

Tick… tick… tick…Tick… tick… tick…Tick… tick… tick…

The sound was still going as she was in bed. She wasn’t able to close her eyes. Every time
she tried, the sound was all she could focus on, she tried ignoring it, but at this point it was
impossible. The ticking was driving her mad. She couldn’t do it anymore. She tried.

She finally gave in and stood up from her bed and walked towards the wall.

“Okay! You win! I gave up! Just please make it stop!” She pleads.
Enid smiled to herself once she heard the voice from the otherside of her wall. She walked
towards the wall, where she had moved the metronome and stopped it.

“What was that? I couldn’t hear?” She asked.

“You can play your piano in the afternoon, and in the mornings I get to work.” She hears the
voice again.

“But… I can’t, I have to work in the afternoons. Can I take the morning?” She spoke

“That’s too bad. I can concentrate more in the morning.” She hears the girl say.

Enid set her metronome again, waiting. After a few seconds she heard the neighbor again.

“Fine! Take the mornings, please make it stop!”

“That’s what I thought.” She said smiling, and went back to her bed.

“Finally!” Was the last thing the blonde heard the other girl whisper.


The next morning, Enid set her piano notes ready to start her morning practices. She began
with warming up. To later set for the song that she was going to perform at her audition. It
was a Beethoven piece. Once her time ran up, she left for work.

The days went by, and both neighbors continued with their new routines. In the mornings the
blonde would play her piano until she had to leave for work and Wednesday had the rest of
the day to work on her guillotine.


One morning. As their routine went by. Wednesday, sighed once she heard the notes from the
piano. She stopped what she was doing and went to prepare a coffee to later sit on her couch
besides Thing and waited.

“Guess we have to wait now, Thing.” She said, trying not to fully pay attention to the notes.

A few hours later. As the brunette was checking on her notes for what to work on her
guillotine, and a few more of her inventions. She checked her clock, noticed the time, and
turned to hear her neighbor was still playing. Wednesday noticed that morning how her
neighbor had been struggling in the middle of the song, she would get the notes wrong and
start all over from the beginning. She even knew the song by now. Even though she had been
struggling, her time was up.

“It’s my turn” She let her neighbor know that her time was up.


On the other side of the wall, Enid, frustrated, still continues to play after listening to her

“One more minute! I need to get this! I almost got it!” She tried to convince the girl.

“That’s too bad! Your time is up!” She heard again.

“I almost got it!” She said again.

“No you don’t! You will never get it, because you are not capable of understanding

The blonde suddenly stopped playing.

“Excuse me?” She asked with confusion and indignation.

“You're supposed to play from the heart. That’s what classical music it’s all about. You're just
playing like a robot. You don’t feel it when you play.”

“Oh I'm sorry! Now all of a sudden you are also a musician? What do you know about
classical music?”

“I grew up listening to classical music thanks to my father. He would talk to me about every
single musician. So yeah I know about classical.”

“You are so annoying!” The blonde scoffed while going back to her piano and playing the
piece again. This time however, she was feeling frustrated as she hit the keys.


Wednesday, stood still and listened to the whole play, finally listening to the right tone. The
girl was playing the piano with her heart. She was letting the emotions take her away at every
note she played. She sounded beautiful. Suddenly the music stopped and Wednesday spoke

“That's how you play Beethoven.” She told the girl.

The neighbor didn’t respond to her. Wednesday was only able to catch a “Shoot i’m late.”
from the other girl and the door getting close. The brunette only went back to her work.
Part 2
Chapter Notes

harder than what I thought 🙂

Here's the last chapter!! Hope you guys enjoyed it! Had fun adapting this, though it is
Anyways! Thanks for taking the time to read my story,
feel free to let me know what you thought in the comments, and if you have any more
movie ideas you want to read as wenclair, let me know :) BYE...

Later that same night. As Wednesday was working in fixing a piece from one of her torture
devices. She heard the sound of the door opening from the other side. She quickly raised her
head, trying to catch the sound of her neighbor. A few minutes went by when suddenly she
heard her voice.

“Amm.. neighbor?” She called her.

“Yes?” She replied to her and started to walk in front of the wall.

“I just wanted to apologize for this morning. I think I crossed the line.”

“No, I was the one who crossed the line. I apologize for my behavior from earlier.”

They stood quiet for a moment. Until the girl on the other side spoke again.

“I’ve been wondering, you know… What have you been working on all day?” She tried to
make a conversation

“Oh! Well I make antique medieval torture devices. It’s a family business. Right now I'm
working on a human sized guillotine that I build from scratch.” She replied.
“You build a guillotine?” The voice on the other side asked.

“Yes, I have been working on it for a long time now, I build it using Grenadil which is an
African Blackwood, one of the most expensive and the best quality of wood.” She spoke,
letting her excitement out. “I’m sorry I don't want to bore you, I just put a lot of time and
effort on this device… Anyway, you're a professional pianist right?” She asked back, starting
to feel nervous all of a sudden. She doesn't speak with many people.


Enid was smiling on the other side. Listening to that monotone, yet hypnotizing voice.

“Well, that’s what I’m trying. I have this big audition coming up in a few weeks. If the judges
choose you, you get to play in different future concerts.” She explained as she sat leaning on
the wall.

“I’ve also heard you sing… You have a… very nice voice. You should play and sing for your
audition” She heard.

“Thanks…I just don't really feel comfortable singing in public. I don’t really feel ready.” She

They both were leaning against the walls while talking. They sit there for a long time, getting
to know eachother better. Wednesday was able to tell her how she doesn’t feel comfortable
going outside and having to socialize or be around people. They spoke more about what they
like and dislike. Both having a good time. The more they spoke the more they felt
comfortable together.

“Would it sound crazy if we could maybe have dinner together?” Enid asked.

Wednesday stood still, not knowing how to reply. She wanted to meet the girl, but she was
still not comfortable going outside. Suddenly all the insecurities started to fill her head. What
if when they meet, the girl doesn’t like her?

“I would love to, but I'm afraid I don’t feel quite ready yet.” She tried to explain.

“Oh! I get it! I’m sorry for asking.” She heard the disappointment in the girl's voice.

She tries to think of a way to fix her mistake. She clearly wants to have dinner but she felt
scared. Suddenly a thought crossed her mind.

“I tell you what. What if we have dinner together, but each on our side of the room? We can
put a table in front of the wall. It would be like a blind date. We could even make it a double
date, you bring a friend and I’ll bring one too.” She said, waiting for the other girl’s answer.

“Yes! I would love that!”


The next day, both neighbors woke up very early in the morning, they began to work
together, to get ready for their date. They have decided to have a double blind date, therefore
they would each invite their close friend to their dinner tonight.

“Are you ready to get started with the lasagna?” The blonde heard the voice from her
neighbor on the other side.

The blonde was standing in front of the kitchen table with all kinds of ingredients hoping she
had all the necessary for lasagna. If she were to be honest, she had no idea how to cook,
much less a dish such as lasagna. She was used to alway asking for takeouts.
The two neighbors had decided on that dish, since it was something that they both liked. Enid
did not expect to be cooking the whole dish from scratch.

“Yes! Of course! I have everything ready!” She told her neighbor.

“Alright then, we should get started first with preparing the pasta.” She started to give
instructions to the blonde.


“The trick for a perfect pasta dough is butter. If you add more or less than what the recipe
says, it will turn out a disaster.” The brunette was saying as she measured the proper amount
of butter in her scale.


“Of course…How much butter does it need?” The blonde said as she ran through the table
trying to find the butter.

“50 grams.” She heard her neighbor telling her.

Enid just toss half a bar of butter in the container and added flour, making it go all over the

“Milk is also an important part for the pasta. You need to add just a cup of it to the mix…”

“Milk?!” The blonde asked with fear. Running to the fridge, trying to look for milk, realizing
she doesn’t have any.
“Yes. You don’t have any?”

“Of course I do, haha” She said nervously.


“For the vegetables, you need to cut them as thin as possible, it's okay if they're not thin
enough.” Wednesday spoke as she was cutting zucchini skillfully.

“How’s it turning out?” She asked her neighbor.


“Perfectly.” Enid spoke as she cut her vegetables in big chunks.

“You are really an expert in the kitchen huh?” She said to her neighbor.

“I am a bit rusty but I find it quite easy and peaceful.” She heard the girl on the other side say.

“Peaceful huh?” She said to herself still struggling to cut her vegetables.


A couple of hours later their lasagnas were now cooking in the oven. Wednesday went to
check on her lasagna. She took her oven glass container, putting it carefully on her table,
admiring her masterpiece. Her lasagna was perfectly well done, looking appetizing.
“How’s yours coming along?” She asked out loud.


“Fine!…” The blonde replied as she was cutting her cheese.

She suddenly heard an alarm coming from her oven. She turned towards it and noticed the
smoke coming out of it. She ran towards the oven and opened it, letting all the smoke pour
out the oven. She grabbed her gloves and quickly took it out, throwing it out on the table. She
removed the smoke away from her dish, showing the burned pasta.

“Phew… what a disaster…” She let out a frustrated sigh.


Both neighbors opened their door, showing their closest friend on the other side. Divina
raised a brow at Wednesday as she walked inside her apartment. She started looking around,
noticing the table pushed up against the wall, fully set up with plates and wine glasses.
Divina turned confused towards Wednesday.

“Is this an apology dinner? Why are you smiling?”

“I’m not smiling.” The raven replied.

“What is all this?” She pointed at her outfit and her hair.

“I just did my hair.” She said not wanting her to pay much attention.
Divina suddenly sniffed the air and got closer towards the brunette, sniffing her.

“You smell good… Wednesday, why do you smell good? What is going on?” The girl said,
already freaking out.


On the other side, Yoko was walking inside smiling towards the blonde.

“Hey pup, what’s going on?” She greeted her while hanging up her coat.

“Nothing much…Glad you could make it.” Enid greeted her back, whispering.

“Why are we whispering?” The dark-haired friend whispered to her back. She later sniffed
something burning.

“Why does it smell like burn?” She started to look around, noticing the table against the wall
fully laid out. “What’s this?” She turned to the blonde pointing at the table.

“Sooo… I met someone…” She confessed nervously.

“Oh my! Pup, that’s awesome! I’m so happy for you.” She congratulated her friend, hugging


“Really you met someone? That’s great!” Divina got closer, trying to hug the girl, who just
moved aside, avoiding the physical touch.
“No hugs. Anyway… I would like for you to meet her…” Wednesday stood against the wall
and pointed towards it, waiting for her friend’s reaction.

Divina stood confused, waiting.

“And… where is she?” She asked, impatiently.

“She’s right here.” Wednesday turned towards the wall. “Hello…” She spoke to the wall.

“Oh my god… Wednesday, you're talking to the wall now?! I knew I should’ve insisted more
on taking you out of here… ” She scowled to herself.


Yoko turned surprised towards the blonde when she heard the voice coming from the other
side of the wall. She turned back to the wall and slowly walked towards it. Unsure of what to
do next.

“Hello?” She said, confused and turned back to the blonde who just gave her an encouraging


Divina jumped at the sudden voice coming from the other side of the wall from where
Wednesday was standing. She looked at her friend and later realized what her friend meant.

“Oh…It’s the neighbor.” She whispered slowly to her friend.

Wednesday only nodded and spoke again.



“Hey!...Hello…I’m Yoko. I'm friend’s with En-” Yoko spoke again to the mysterious voice
from the other side, still confused.

“Ah! No names!” Enid interrupted her friend with a whisper.

“Nice to meet you Yoko. This is my friend Divina.” She heard the voice.

“Hi! Nice to meet you!” A different voice was heard.

Yoko, not knowing what to do, turned to stare back at her friend for assistance, while still
listening to the people from the other side.

“Why are you talking like that?!”

“Talking like what?! That’s my voice! Uhm anyways… I see lasagna! It looks delicious.” The
voice claimed.

Yoko looked at the dish in front of her. Only seeing black and very burned ingredients mixed
in a container. She turned to her friend who was only smiling to the wall.

“Is this supposed to be lasagna?” She whispered towards her.

“Shut up!” She whispered back. “Shall we sit?”

The girls sat in front of the burned dish.

“Mmm this looks…appetizing” Yoko said aloud “I am not eating this!” she whispered to the


“Are we seriously going to eat in front of the wall?” Divina whispered.

“Yes! Just sit down!” Wednesday scowled at her friend.

They continued dinner with talks regarding how both girls plan to meet without even seeing
each other. Their friends tried to convince them that it was a bad idea, but both neighbors
were determined to let the beginning of their relationship flow. Convince them that they will
make it work. At the end of dinner. Yoko and Divina both decided to leave, still telling
Wednesdays and Enid how crazy they were. Ending a perfect night for both girls.


As the days went by. Wednesday and Enid started a small routine. They began by moving
stuff around to be closer to each other, ending their night with their bed against the wall,
somewhat lying close to each other. They would each wake up, greeting each other, having
coffee together while talking about the silliest things. They would cook together, with
Wednesday giving Enid instructions. While Wednesday was working on her projects, she
would describe to Enid what she was currently working on, and as Enid practiced her piano,
she would sing only for Wednesday. Enid would come back from her job and talk about her
day at the coffee shop, and Wednesday would lay in her bed with Thing and would just listen
to her. It was as if they started living together. Their relationship was developing with each
day they shared with each other. Together they had created their own routine, and they both
couldn’t be more happy about it.
One afternoon, as Enid was practicing her piano, she got interrupted when she heard
somebody knocking at her door. She went to open it, only to find her ex-boyfriend standing
on the other side.

“Hello Enid!” He greeted her.

“Ajax! What are you doing here?” She spoke low, trying not to get the attention from her

“I haven’t seen you in a while. Just wanted to check how you were doing with your practice
before the audition, and see if I can help” He explained to her, smiling.

Enid stood for a moment, thinking if this was a good idea. She knows Ajax is a great
musician, she thought that she could really use his help, and he knew the judges after all. She
felt that she definitely needed the opinion of a musician.

“Sure! Come on in! I’ll get my sheet notes and we could start practicing.” She let him in as
she went to get her notes, turning for a second towards the wall.


Meanwhile Wednesday was already in front of her wall, trying to catch who was on the other
side. She didn’t want to interrupt the girl so she went back to her work and waited for Enid to
be done with her visit.


Enid began to play for Ajax. But the problem was that she wasn’t very concentrated in the
music. She began to feel anxious about her audition, it was just a few days away, and she
didn’t feel ready. She continued playing while missing a few notes. Ajax seemed to notice
and decided to interrupt the blonde.
“Stop. You are getting easily distracted.” Ajax interrupted her, tiring of hearing the wrong

“I can play it I’m just–”

“I know you can. I believe in you… But maybe this is too much for you.”

“What?” She turned to face Ajax, confused.

“Yes. All this moving out and the audition it's just too much for you. What if until the day of
the audition you come to stay with me? I could help you improve better.”

“I already told you Ajax, I’m not going back with you. I’m fully capable of doing this on my


Wednesday frowned her eyebrows together. Who did this guy think he was? Inviting the girl
to live with him. She put together the pieces and figured that it was the girl’s ex. The girl had
mentioned something about him to her before. She definitely didn’t like him, and she had to
do something about it.


“I’m just trying to help you, Enid. I miss you” He tries to convince the blonde. Suddenly
getting closer.

“Well you are not. I think it’s better for you to leave.” She told him as she stepped back.
“Enid, come on.” he insisted.

Suddenly they were both interrupted by a sudden creepy sound.

“What is that?” Ajax asked.

“Oh! It’s nothing! The apartment has some issues so it sometimes makes this sound at most
inappropriate times!” She said loudly, knowing her neighbor had something to do with it.

“I’ll walk you out.” Enid started pushing Ajax towards the door. Once she was at the door,
she opened it and pushed him out. “Thanks for helping me out.”

“Enid, I’m sorry, I- '' The boy tried to apologize.

“Just forget it, I’ll see you at the auditions.” She closed the door in his face.

She leaned against the door, now closed. She turned to the wall on the other side and began to
walk towards it. Once she was in front of it, she confronted her neighbor.

“What do you think you're doing? Why would you do that?”


Wednesday was sitting on her couch, listening to her neighbor on the other side.

“How could you go out with someone like him?” She asked, with a frown.
“Whatever he and I had, doesn’t really concern you.” She heard the girl say.

“Right… But why do you let him treat you that way?” Wednesday spoke again.

“You didn’t need to listen!” The voice on the other side scolds her.

“Well what else was I supposed to do?”


“I don’t know…maybe go outside to give me some privacy?” The blonde said, exasperated.

“So you wanted to stay alone with him?” She said the girl said with a more serious tone.

“What?! What are you even saying?” Enid said, raising her voice.

“You could've introduced me to him. ” The girl told her.

The blonde widened her eyes at the realization.

“Great! Just what I needed…you're jealous of Ajax! You really think we can maintain a
relationship with a wall between us and zero trust?”

“Yes!...No..I mean maybe? Well-” The other girl spoke confusedly.

“Look! I don’t need a person telling me how to live my own life. I am tired of it. Tired!”


“You have no idea what I went through to get here…and I am not letting anybody stop me!”
Enid claimed before storming out of her apartment, slamming the door behind her.

She knew she was too harsh on her neighbor, but her ex-boyfriend's unexpected visit stressed
her out. Hearing those words from Ajax, about how the audition was too much for her, made
her feel upset. She grew up trying to please everyone. Her mother always controlling her so
that she could be someone in life, only to end up with an ex-boyfriend who also wanted to
control her. She didn't want to be controlled by anyone else again. She wanted to live her own


Wednesday stood in front of the wall, hearing the slamming sound coming from the other
side. Her neighbor’s words echoed in her head. What on earth was she thinking? Of course
something between them was not going to work out. Building trust without even knowing
what the other person looked like? It sounds foolish now that she thinks about it. Of course
her neighbor wasn’t going to agree to have something with someone like her. Who would
want to go out with someone who can’t even step foot out of her own apartment? She wasn’t
built to be with somebody. She doesn’t like people. She doesn’t like physical contact. She
doesn’t do emotions.

She admits there was something about the girl from the other side that made her feel a
tenderness in her chest ever since they first spoke. The way her voice sounds so incredibly
sweet and charming, it just attracts Wednesday. The girl made her want to leave her
apartment and go to her neighbor just so she could see what the girl looked like. But she
knew that would never happen. She knew it was too good to be true. Her neighbor was right,
they would never work. It would be better for Wednesday to end whatever they had.

Enid was making her way back home from the coffee shop, she had the rest of her shift to
think about her fight with her neighbor. She thought about apologizing to her as soon as she
got home, and maybe have a chance to talk. She also needed to practice for her audition.

Once she arrived at her door, she stepped inside and made her way to her bed, close to the

“Neighbor?” She tried calling her. No answer.

“Can we talk?” She called again.

“There’s nothing to talk about.” She suddenly heard her voice.

“If this is about what I said I-” She tried to apologize.

“You were right…I have been thinking and this is not going anywhere. We would only be
wasting both of our time. It’s better if we just stop this now. It was a stupid idea.” She heard
the other girl say.

Enid stood still. Not knowing what to say, or what to think. Maybe she was right after all,
whatever they had was not going anywhere. It was just not gonna work. But that doesn’t
make it any less hurtful.

“Okay… I guess you're right.. This is not going to work. It'd be best if this never happened.
I’ll look for a new place…I should’ve probably done that in the first place.” The blonde
claimed as she walked away from the wall and left her apartment.


“I can’t believe it. You always do the same thing, Enid. You really rather run away before
facing a new relationship just because you’re scared of what may happen?” Yoko scolded her
friend, who was sitting with her on the couch, staying the night with her. The blonde was
currently talking to her friend about her situation with her neighbor.

“And what is going to happen? With a girl that I’ve never seen? What do we even have? A
stupid wall between us, where we used to talk for hours about nothing?” She asked, upset.

“Well, what you say you have with your neighbor is more than other relationships have.”
Yoko told her as she stood up and started heading to her room. “Good night pup.” She
disappeared to her room, leaving the blonde lost in her thoughts.


Wednesday was walking down the street for the first time in three years. She was holding two
coffees in her hand and was heading to meet her friend Divine at their store. Wednesday has
been working in the family's business store ever since she was old enough to work. But since
the accident that sent one of her closest friends, Eugene, to the hospital, the girl decided to
isolate herself from the world and work from her apartment, leaving her friend Divina in
charge of the store. She walked in and looked around, noticing the shortness in merchandise
and the lack of people in the store. She walked to the counter trying to look for Divina.

“Welcome, everything is 50% off.” She saw her friend carrying some boxes heading towards
her, still not noticing her.

She dropped the boxes to the side and finally stared up at the client. Surprised at finding her
goth friend standing right in front of her.

“Wednesday?” She asked her friend who was just staring around at her store.

“What happened?” Wednesday asked.

“There hasn’t been anything new and people are coming less and now the store is at risk to
close. I tried telling you but never really had enough courage. I have been doing my best to
keep it going.” Divina explained as they were now sitting down together in one of the chairs
around the store. She took a sip from the coffee that her friend brought her and stared back up
at her, suddenly furrowing both eyebrows together.

“Wait, what are you doing here?” She asked her friend.

“What does it look like? I’m here to see you.” She lied not wanting to tell her the truth.

Divina stared at her, still confused for a few seconds and later gave her a teasing look,
figuring out what was wrong with her friend.

“You screwed up! With your neighbor!” She pointed at her.

“That has nothing to do with anything. It was a foolish idea anyway.” She finally gave in. Her
mood suddenly dropped, remembering her neighbor.

“Hold on a sec, you miraculously meet a cheerful and charming girl, who accepts you for
who you are and you just decide to let her go?”

“It was never going to work out. And plus, she's leaving.” She said with a serious yet
sorrowful tone.

“Then just look for her! You can’t just give up now!” She encouraged her friend.

“I don’t have time for that. I have to finish my projects.”

“Bullshit. Wednesday, tried looking for a better excuse but you can’t give up on her. You
deserved to be loved. You deserve to find someone that will be there for you.” Divina told

Wednesday raised her gaze to her friend who just gave her an encouraging smile.

Enid was walking inside the theater. The day of her audition had finally come, and she did
not feel ready. She couldn’t practice last time because she didn’t want to go back to her
apartment and face her neighbor. She began to make her way behind the stage and wait for
her turn to audition. She felt nervous. She anxiously waited as she stared at the other
musicians presenting their piece. She stared up at the audience, noticing Yoko and Tyler, who
became very close friends with her, sitting in the chairs to cheer and be there for Enid. The
blonde smiled softly, but her smile faded as she also noticed Ajax who was greeting the
judges and also took a seat, watching the previous performer.

“Okay, that’s enough!” One of the judges claimed. Making the performer stop playing and
walking away behind the stage.

“Performer 142?” She heard the judges calling her number.

She took one last deep breath and began to walk through the stage. Standing in the center,
facing the judges and waiting for their instructions.

“Beethoven, please.” The judge claimed.

She nodded and began to make her way towards the piano, sitting in front of it, and
beginning to play. She felt that she started playing in a rush, but continued, only hoping for
the best.


Among the halls of the same theater. Wednesday was walking amongst the people, trying to
find her way to the stage. She got distracted once she heard the notes of a piano playing, she
instantly recognized the familiarity of her neighbor’s way to play. She made her way
backstage, trying to not get caught. She made it in the wing side of it, and noticed the girl
playing in the center of the stage.The girl had her back turned to her. Not being able to look at
her face. Wednesday stood still, hypnotized by the girl. She had short blonde hair with
strange pink and blue tips. She decided to walk towards her, still staying away from the
center stage, calling her.

“Neighbor!” She tried getting her attention.


“Neighbor!” The blonde heard someone calling her from the back.

Without stopping playing the piano, she slightly turned. But I was not able to see anyone.
They called again and she finally recognized her neighbor.


“What are you doing here?” She whispered.

“Why are you playing like that? You know you could do it better than that!” The girl tried to
encourage her. Remembering her melodies every morning.

“Shut up!” She exclaimed mad at her, now feeling upset.

“That’s it! Get mad at me! Take your frustration out! Feel it!” She encouraged. “Use that to
play only like we know you can.”

“Leave me alone! Go away!” She tried to concentrate but was feeling frustrated and

Wednesday saw her neighbor struggling to keep it together. She tried to speak to her again
but was interrupted by security.
“Hey! You can’t be here!”

“Give me a second.” She turned to the blonde. “Look, I know you're right, ok? I am the most
insufferable and idiot person in the world. An idiot that failed you, but who hasn’t stopped
believing in you. So please, show them how to play Beethoven.”

The blonde continued playing, but she began to play the notes with more passion. She put her
frustration into every note she played. Frustration from feeling nervous, frustration from not
being able to concentrate, frustration from feeling intimidated by her ex-boyfriend, and
finally, frustration from not being able to turn around and look at her neighbor.

Wednesday stared at her one last time and turned to the security.

“I’m leaving now.” She began to walk away from the stage. Walking away from the blonde.

“Okay that’s enough, thank you! Next!” The judge suddenly stopped her.

Enid did not move away from the piano.

“Can you give way to the next participant, please?” The judge tried to call her.

Wednesday was walking towards the exit of the theater, suddenly stopping when hearing the
notes of the piano again, but she recognized the song, it was her neighbor’s song. Suddenly,
she heard her voice. She was signing. She smiled to herself and continued to make her way
outside the theater.

When Enid finished her piece, she smiled to herself and saw everybody applaud her, with
Yoko and Tyler shouting and cheering for her.

“Whoooo! That's my best friend!” She shouted.

Suddenly, a few seats in the back, Divina turned to the voice, recognizing it from the blind


Outside the stage, Enid ran towards her friends, hugging them while congratulating her.

“Congrats pup! You did great back there.”

“You did awesome Enid.” Tyler congratulated her.

“Well I'm not sure that’s what the judges are thinking.” She said to them.

“Well then they are just a bunch of idiots if-” Yoko tries to confront her, suddenly being

“Miss Sinclair?” The judge addressed the blonde. You only gave a stare to her friend who
was already standing behind Tyler. The blonde walked towards the lady with a guilty look.

“I believe you are aware of the time you made us waste?” The judge spoke to her with a
serious tone.

“Yes. I really apologies for-” She spoke, feeling disappointed.

“Don’t apologize. Just because you didn’t pass this audition doesn't mean you don't have
talent. You have a lot. Take this, he’s a music producer, a very good friend of mine. He is
always looking for new voices… and your’s is just… delightful. ” The judge handed the
blonde a card with the information printed in it, before giving her a nod and walking away.
The blonde held the card with excitement, smiling as she turned to her friends, and showed
them the card.

“Enid.” Her ex-boyfriend walked towards her.

“Don’t worry there will always be more auditions.” He tried to encourage her, once he was
standing in front of the girl.

“No Ajax, there will not be any more auditions, I don’t want that anymore. I will sing my
own songs now. So thanks for everything, Ajax.” The blonde told him as she gave him a last
smile and walked away with her friends. Leaving the boy alone.

She suddenly remembered her neighbor and how she was so close to meeting her but
couldn’t. She thought of an idea. Might be a crazy one, be she was willing to do it. She turned
to her friends.

“Hey guys I have to go, I’ll explain later. Bye!” She ran to her apartment.

Both of her friends stood there as they stare at the blonde running away.

“I also have to go. I need to open the coffee shop.” Tyler told Yoko, leaving her there.

Yoko was about to head outside but heard someone calling her.

“Amm…Yoko?” A strange and attractive woman approached to her.

“That’s me”
“Are you Enid’s best friend?”

“Divina? From the lasagna dinner?” Yoko suddenly recognized the women.

“Our’s was delicious.” Divina smiled at her.

“Our’s was burned and hard as a rock.” She confessed to the girl.

“That sucks. Well it’s really nice to finally meet you.”

“Yeah, same! I was actually on my way to get some ice cream, would you like to come?”
Yoko asked her.

“Amm, yeah, I would love that.” The girls began to walk together to the closest ice cream
shop, while getting to know each other more.


Enid continued to run through the streets, eager to get to her apartment. She ran through the
stairs, dodging an old man with a market cart. Smiling as she opened her door.


Wednesday was currently at her desk, typing in her typewriter, suddenly listening to her
neighbor on the other side.

“Neighbor?” The blonde called her.

“Neighbor?” She called again.

Wednesday walked in towards the wall, standing in front of it.

“Hello, neighbor.” She greeted her.


“Hi” The blonde smiled. “I just wanted to-”



The goth girl interrupted her.

“I want to apologize first. I never intended to get in your life, well I did, but not in the way
you imagine. I am able to trust, and I trust you. You make me wish to come out of my


The blonde stood listening, smiling excitedly at the girl's words. Suddenly moving her bed
and her thing away from the wall


“Hello?” Wednesday tried to hear her, only listening to stuff getting moved around. Suddenly
she heard a loud bang on the wall.
“Are you alright?” She asked worriedly.

“More than ever.” She heard her neighbor before another bang hit the wall.

Wednesday stepped back, staring at the wall, to later realize what the girl was doing, she
turned to her equipment, carrying a hammer and turning to Thing.

“I’m going to do it.” She told her cat and ran to the wall again, hitting it with the hammer
over and over again.


Both girls began to break the wall between them, starting to make a hole in it. They were
both anxious. They had been waiting for this moment since the first day they met. They both
really wanted this. Wednesday continued hitting her wall while Enid walked away from it as
she smiled. The girl hit her hammer against the wall until she was finally able to see through
the hole in the middle. She stopped as she lowered her head and she directed her gaze for the
first time towards the other apartment, meeting a pair of ocean blue eyes, staring right back at
her, she found the blonde with her head bowed and sideways, smiling at her. Wednesday was
perplexed for a few seconds, admiring her. The girl was really beautiful. She headed back to
the wall and continued to break it to make the hole bigger. Once she was done, she extended
her hand toward the blonde, inviting her inside. Enid slowly approached, still smiling to her,
never taking her gaze away from her, and slowly took the girl by the hand, entering her
apartment. They both looked at each other while still holding each other.

“Hello” Wednesday greeted her as she stared at her for the first time.

The blonde doesn't respond, she directs both hands towards the other girl's face and pulls her
towards her, crashing their lips together, initiating a sweet and soft kiss. Wednesday grabbed
the blonde by her wrist and pulled her closer to her, not wanting the girl to pull away from
her. She didn't want to lose her, but she had the feeling that the blonde wasn't going
anywhere, and the two of them would be together for many years.
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