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The Greatest Accident

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: Wednesday (TV 2022)
Relationship: Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair
Characters: Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair, Yoko Tanaka, Divina (Wednesday)
Additional Tags: Accidental Relationship, Werewolf Courting, Werewolf Culture,
Oblivious Wednesday Addams, Good Friend Yoko Tanaka, Eventual
Fluff, Wednesday Addams is Soft for Enid Sinclair, Light Angst,
Misunderstandings, Wednesday Addams is Bad at Feelings, Asexual
Wednesday Addams
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-06-12 Completed: 2024-07-07 Words: 7,058 Chapters:
The Greatest Accident
by The_Squishy_Sapphic


“Okay, but, Addams doesn't even use the internet. And you and I both know there's no way in
hell she asked any of the furs here how, so how would she even know the steps?”

The pastel werewolf presses her face into the vampire's pillow and lets out a long whine
before answering.


“No, Thing. I'm certainly not taking this too far.”

She aims her crossbow at the bear from her perch in the tall pine tree.

“She must learn that I'm still just as threatening as I've always been.”

Basically, Wednesday tries to prove that she's not going soft, but accidently starts courting
Enid instead.

See the end of the work for notes
Do you mean it?

She stood stone still in the doorway of their shared dorm. Right there, on her colorful side of
the room, lies a massive dead black bear. But that's not what's giving her pause. It's the neat
calligraphy note written on parchment paper that reads "From Wednesday Addams".

She stares at the the note for what feels like hours before her brain catches up with her and
her face faces burns red. Wednesday Addams. The Wednesday Addams has just done the first
step of the traditional werewolf courting process. to her.

She started running before she knew what she was doing, because she HAD to talk this over
with someone before wednesday got back. She was in no state to face the goth right now.

Thanks to Yoko's superhuman hearing, she knew when frantic footsteps stopped in front of
her door. she sighed, as she also knew what to expect by now, opening the door before a
panting Enid even had to knock.

"Just come in and tell me what short, pale and creepy did this time"

Enid, still struggling to catch her breath, flopped down onto the vampire's bed. Yoko stood
over her, taking in her disheveled appearance. "So... is it finally time for me to hunt the little
psychopathic princess down?"

Suddenly getting enough air to speak, Enid barks out a frantic "NO!" Yoko lifts her hands in
surrender at the unexpected aggressive reaction. "I was only joking, pup." She sits down on a
beanbag chair next to the bed. "Seriously though, I know you care about her, but this
shouldn't be a weekly occurrence."

Enid sits up to face her, still looking like she's about to pass out. "No, it's different this time,
this is something new, and I'm freaking out, Yoko!" She's speaking almost too quickly to

"Yeah, I can see that, Wolfie, but you need to take a breath. Whatever this is, it can't be that
much worse than the other things she's done" the vampire says, putting a comforting hand on
her knee.

"SHE WANTS TO BE MY MATE!" ... "Alright, you've gotta start from the beginning,
because what the actual fuck."

Yoko paces the room while Enid drinks from a water bottle. "Are you absolutely, completely,
positively sure that's what this is? There's no other freaky Addams-esque reason she could
have to kill a bear for you?"

"Uh, yeah! Like, what are the odds that there just so happens to be ANOTHER centuries old
tradition related to killing a black bear specifically!?"
"Okay, but Addams doesn't even use the internet. And you and I both know there's no way in
hell she asked any of the furs here how, so how would she even know the steps?

The pastel werewolf presses her face into the vampire's pillow and lets out a long whine
before answering.

ROOMMATE IS COURTING ME!" Yoko stopped pacing and looked at her. "Well, I mean,
Wednesday's a... somewhat rational person. I'm sure she'd accept it if you just told her you
aren't interested."

Enid looks up from the pillow with one eye and whines again. "You... aren't interested in her,
right?" This time, Enid screams into the pillow.
Yoko takes a deep breath "OKAY-... okay, I feel like that should've been mentioned...
sometime before right now... but we'll deal with this now, I guess."

Seeing no movement from her best friend, she sighs and sits down next to her. "Look, pup, I
may not exactly know what you see in her, but you know I'd never judge you, right? If this is
what you want, then I'm happy for you! I'm just kind of wondering why you're freaking out if
you're into her too? Shouldn't you be celebrating and all that junk?"

The wolf sits up, but keeps her eyes firmly on her lap. "I should. I should be happy, but I
don't think I'm allowed to be." There was a long silence, Yoko waited patiently for Enid to
gather her thoughts. "I finally wolfed out. I thought that would solve all of my problems, and
I guess it sort of did, with my family at least. I'm not just any wolf, I'm a blood moon wolf,
and my mom is finally proud of me. I'm supposed to be the alpha of our pack after her, and
I'm supposed to have a mate that's just as strong a wolf as I am, and have pups. But the only
reason I Wolfed out at all is because of her. My wolf only wants her. I- I think she's my true
mate, Yoko." Enid was crying now, the only thing Yoko could do was hold her.

Enid continued through tears "I- I thought that I could just ignore it, to avoid being exiled
from my pack and becoming a lone wolf. but I can't now. A wolf can't survive rejecting or
being rejected by their true mate." Yoko strokes her hair "shh I know, pup. It'll be okay. Even
if your pack is a bunch of assholes, you'll never be a lone wolf. You have so many people
who love you. And apparently, you got a goth girlfriend now." Enid manages a giggle despite
her tears.


Thing Tapped on the bark of the tree branch "This seems a little bit... excessive." Wednesday
didn't look away from her task. "You should be quiet before I decide the amount of fingers
you have is 'excessive'."

The hand isn't deterred by her empty threat, and taps again. "I just mean that you seem a little
too affected by such an insignificant comment."
At this, Wednesday seethes. "I let her share the occasional embrace with me, and how does
she repay my kindness?"

"To be fair, cuddling for two hours straight during movies for three nights in a row doesn't
seem that 'occasional' to me."

Wednesday pretends to look behind them to hide her crimson face. "That is of no
importance." She snaps, "And it certainly does not give her the right to call me a... Snuggle
Bear" she spits the name out like it's poison, jaw cleched in anger.

"Aha, over there, perfect. My crossbow, Thing." Below them is a large black bear.
Reluctantly handing the weapon over, Thing tries one more time to reason with her. "You're
taking things too far."

She squares her shoulders, "No, Thing. I'm certainly not taking this too far." She aims her
crossbow at the bear from her perch in the tall pine tree. "She must learn that I'm still just as
threatening as I've always been"
Of course I mean it.
Chapter Notes

Thank you for all the lovely comments on my first chapter 💕 😅

I really didn't expect this

enjoy 🥰
to do so well, and now I'm kinda scared of disappointing you all Hope you guys

Enid has learned a thing or two about hunting since wolfing out, so when she gets back to her
dorm and sees that Wednesday's still absent, she decides to take the bear outside and sort it

As tradition goes, she's supposed to make a blanket from its hide, which would then be used
on her and her mate's bed. She wonders secretly if she and Wednesday are going to start
sharing a bed right away, and then scolds herself for moving too fast.

She decides that she'll let Wednesday set the pace for their relationship, as she's still getting
used to not completely closing herself off from even platonic affection. Just starting the
courting process must've been scary for her. Enid feels a surge of appreciation for her
(maybe?) Girlfriend.

Unfortunately she doesn't have the space in her mini-fridge for all of the meat, but she does at
least take enough to cook them dinner that night, as per tradition.

Dinner had just finished cooking and the pelt is out drying over the balcony when Wednesday
finally comes back to their dorm.

She stops short in the doorway. She had expected a lot of reactions upon her return. Maybe
Enid would have passed out, the way she did at Wednesday's murder board. Maybe she'd be
angry, the way she was when Wednesday removed the color from half of the window. Maybe
she'd be mad enough to actually use her claws on Wednesday this time. She was sort of
hoping for that last one. For science, of course.

Never, though, had she imagined she'd come back to no bear, a blinding smile, a homemade
meal and Enid's bed already set up for another so called ‘movie night’.

Enid quickly stands and walks towards the shorter girl “Finally! You really couldn't just
forget about your investigations for one day?”

Still confused, the raven replies “Of course not.” There's a long stretch of silence where
they're both just looking at each other. Enid starts fidgeting, clearly getting anxious.
Wednesday decides to break the awkward silence with an equally as awkward question, as
she's becoming less and less self assured during this strange interaction. She tries to look as
threatening as possible to compensate.

“Did you find what I left for you this morning?” At this, and at Wednesday's stiff posture,
Enid seems to lose all of her anxiety, and her smile is now back and even wider than before.
Wednesday currently reminds her of the way cats puff up to try and look bigger than they are.

With barely contained excitement, “Yeah, I did.” She's beaming and looking expectantly at
the dark haired girl. Wednesday has never felt more confused.

She raises an eyebrow and tries to sound more assertive. “And… You understand?” She
thinks back to the horrid bear themed term of endearment from last night and the strange way
it made her feel.

Enid sways back and forth on the heels of her feet. “I mean, yeah? I might not be the best at
reading this sort of thing, but I don't think any wolf could miss that sign.”

Wednesday relaxes. She had been expecting a bit more negative of a reaction, but she
supposed that if Enid understood that such assaults on her character aren't to be tolerated and
has now surrendered, all went well. and they could now settle back into their routine with the
mutual knowledge that Wednesday Addams is not and will never be “cute”. And, as such,
should never be referred to by any such grotesque terms of affection.

Just as Wednesday is about to start walking towards her beloved typewriter, Enid is already
rushing around the room, setting up her laptop and their plates on her bed, speaking excitedly

“Okay, everything is good to go! I couldn't keep all of it, obviously, but I grilled up a couple
cuts for us! Oh, and I know we usually only watch slashers together, but I think, given the
situation, that something a little bit more like this is in order. The only thing missing is our
nice, fluffy new blanket! That's still drying, so in the meantime, I guess you'll just have to
snuggle in close, Babycakes!”

Wednesday stands, wide eyed, finally noticing everything and putting the pieces together.
Enid has taken her threatening gesture and made a meal and a pelt out of it. Not only that, but
Enid has delivered her own sadistic challenge to Wednesday in return. She said she
understood, and yet she has given Wednesday a new title that's even worse than the last.

Plus, there's the movie she’s chosen. The cover is a photo of a peppy blonde In a pink dress,
and the title has something to do with cheerleaders. Wednesday finally realizes what's
actually going on here.

This isn't an act of surrender. This is an act of war.

She tried to intimidate Enid, and Enid was not just unaffected, she managed to actually
benefit from Wednesday's attempt at a personal attack. And now, Enid is blatantly trying to
intimidate her back. Goading her with an even more heinous insult than the inciting one, and
challenging her to watch a movie about cheerleaders of all things.
She'll show her. She'll show her that An Addams never backs down from a challenge.

Wednesday straightens her back, marches to the colorful side of the room, and speaks in a
very dangerous tone. “I'd love to.”

She kicks herself for assuming Enid would be weak based on her style. After all, the most
colorful beasts in nature are always the most poisonous. And she can feel Enid's poison
coursing through her veins already. At the happy squeal Enid let out after her last sentence,
and when she lays her head on Wednesday's neck after the movie starts. She feels it.

The movie's ear-bleedingly upbeat opening music plays, but Wednesday is too busy thinking
up a new plan to register any of what happens during the entire movie. She may have lost the
battle, but she will not lose this war.
What does this mean?
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Wednesday's new plan is simple. Even though outcasts have been made to conform to normie
human society, Enid is still, at her heart, a wolf.

Once Enid is finally asleep (after several more disgustingly colorful movies), Wednesday and
Thing sneak out past curfew to research in the library how wolves show dominance.

While she's busy flipping through books, the disembodied hand tries once again at reasoning
with her. “if you're really gonna go through with this, shouldn't we at least research
werewolves instead?”

She only glances up from the book for a split second. “Of course not. Werewolves are
notorious for lying to researchers to keep their habits secret. Furthermore, by doing it this
way I'll gain an advantage by tapping into base evolutionary instincts that she doesn't even
know she has.”

If Thing had eyes, he'd be rolling them. “Or instead of going through all this trouble, you
could just talk to her? And tell her that the pet names upset you?”

Wednesday shoots him a look and neatly stacks the books she thinks will prove useful. “I am
not upset. I have merely been issued a challenge. And if she really desires for me to prove my
strength, then that's exactly what I'm going to do.”

“And just why does it matter so much to you whether or not she thinks you're strong?”

He dodges the book thrown at him easily and follows as she stomps back to their dorm.

Thanks to a little over a week of late night study sessions (And their frequent movie nights of
course), Wednesday was slightly late for class.

Enid was in her usual seat at the front of the room. She was a little disappointed, but didn't
think much of it when Wednesday didn't take the seat next to her. Wednesday always
preferred sitting In the back.

This is Enid's least favorite class, as the teacher really isn't pleasant to her specifically. So
she'd kind of hoped Wednesday would at least be close for this one, to support her. But she
would respect Wednesday's need for space during this new situation. The seat was soon filled
by Yoko, which lifted her spirits.

Meanwhile, Wednesday decides to finally put her plan into action. Several sources had
claimed that one way wolves assert their dominance by a mix of rigid posture, pinned back
ears and maintained staring.Wednesday doesn't have lupine ears, but the other two are almost
her default, so she assumes it will be easy to just exaggerate those behaviors.

“Hey, uh, Wolfie?” The blonde is too focused on stressing over their test to catch her best
friend's concerned tone. “Yeah?” “Did you and short stuff have an argument or something?”

Now finally paying attention she shoots the vampire a confused look “What? No!” She
realizes how loud she's speaking and lowers her voice as several other students glance at
them. “Why would you ask that?”

Yoko subtly motions her head towards the back corner where Wednesday is sitting.

Enid sneaks a quick glance and sees Wednesday staring at her, unblinking. Enid does a
double take, and when she realizes what's going on she grins wolfishly at the psychic, her
canines unwittingly extending slightly.

Enid's heart warms even more at the blush that takes over her girlfriend's face, and the way
she shyly averted her eyes.

Enid turns back to her own paper, still wearing an overjoyed smile despite her friend's
confusion. “Did I miss something or has she already driven you insane enough to enjoy her
death glares?”

Enid suppresses a giggle. “It's not a death glare, Yoko. She's protecting me.”

She raises an eyebrow “Protecting you by… staring angrily?”

“Yeah, kinda. It's a thing with mated werewolves. When you're around someone who's acted
threatening to your mate in the past, you stay poised to attack and keep your eyes on your
person, so everybody knows not to mess with them. She knows that Mrs. Hudson is always
mean to me.” Enid looks completely smitten.

Yoko looks even more confused. “Y’know, I should really learn not to ask, but isn't it the
least bit weird that that Wednesday knows all this stuff about werewolf courting while not
even being a werewolf?”

Enid's face doesn't change from her lovesick grin “It just means that she's extra considerate of
my heritage. And even though she's not a wolf, it's still cute that she's trying to follow our
traditions for my sake.”

The vampire shrugs “If you say so, girl. But if she turns out to be a mind reading alien
parasite or some shit, just remember that I called it.”

Wednesday tastes bitter defeat once again.

After the disappointment of her first attempt, she knew that Enid would push back once
again, and the books she read had also stated that baring one’s teeth was another way to show
aggression in wolf language.
So, by all accounts she should've been prepared, and she should've been able to stand her
ground and not break eye contact.

But those fangs.

It's an image she can't get out of her head the entire rest of the day, along with an emotion she
can't quite place. So, she focuses on the emotion she can place

Unfortunately for her, it is the feeling of complete and utter failure.

After classes are over, Enid is spending time with Yoko and Divina. Which leaves
Wednesday to look for another strategy to make the werewolf pay for daring to underestimate

Upon explaining the events of her day to Thing, he began to shake in what was the closest
approximation to a laugh for a disembodied hand.

Wednesday's voice is carefully emotionless, but her face betrays a mix of anger and
embarrassment “Perhaps I will prove my strength to her by murdering you in cold blood.”

“That isn't really much of a feat when someone else already did 99% of the job.” She chooses
not to dignify his quip with a response and instead resume her studies on wolf behavior.

By the time Enid gets back for the night, Wednesday is already asleep, having come to the
conclusion that she needs to be in perfect mental and physical condition for her next plan.

After all, what better way is there to prove your strength than to beat your opponent in a fair

Chapter End Notes

I'm not proud of how much time I spent trying to figure out what percentage of the

average human body a single hand makes up for that one stupid joke Thing makes, only
to give up and just say 1%
I Didn't mean for this to happen.
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Wednesday put away her typewriter and stood from her desk. She carefully approached the
colorful bed where Enid, Yoko and Divina were speaking about some unimportant band.

“You will meet me in the woods tomorrow at noon.” She tries her best to sound assertive, but
Enid notices the shake in her voice, and can't help but smile and tease her. “And why's that,

She shivers at the unexpected new nickname and then steels herself “We are going to engage
in combat, as I have been led to believe that is the only way forward at this point.”

A shocked and angry Yoko is about to reply, only to be cut off by a beaming Enid. “Great! I'll
be there!” The vampire's mouth hangs open for a beat before responding “Wait, seriously?
That's a thing?!”

Enid turns her smile towards Yoko. “Oh yeah, totally. Fighting is an important step. Well, I
mean, getting to the point where you feel safe enough to do it with the other person is, but
after the first time, sparing is just a regular part of werewolf life.”

Wednesday manages to hide how shocked and hurt she is. Apparently Enid has been talking
to her friends about their situation. That means that all of them know about her failures. And
those friends have also most likely been telling other people.

That won't do. She can't have the entire school thinking of her as a weakling. Now if she's
going to prove herself, she must have a bigger audience.

Before she can voice this, Enid speaks again.“Ooh! you two should totally come with us!
We'll have a picnic first, it'll be like a double date!” Yoko looks from Enid to Divina, taking a
long sip of her blood bag.

“I dunno, Pup. I'm not really sure we wanna see one your weird ass werewolf rituals first
hand.” Divina elbows her. “We'd love to, but is this something Wednesday would rather do
alone? We know socializing isn't really her favorite thing. Unless it's with you, of course.”

Enid instantly feels bad and is about to apologize for not asking her first, but Wednesday
surprisingly Agrees. “On the contrary. I believe that we should bring others along. The more
people seeing my fighting prowess, the better.”

The vampire gave her a smug smile. “is that your antisocial way of saying that you're
warming up to us, Shortie?”

Wednesday is confused again. That nickname is certainly less severe than most of the ones
Enid has been calling her lately. Yet, instead of the just slightly unsettling buzzing she feels at
Enid's words, this one makes her angry.

She pushes off finding out why for now. “If you ever call me that again I'll be wearing your
fangs as jewelry.”

Enid has been far too cocky during this conversation for her liking, shaking Wednesday's own
confidence in her abilities. She stomps away from the other three girls to do some last minute
training, while they plan their picnic.

Wednesday was in the woods several hours before anyone else, learning the terrain they'd be
fighting on. By the time everyone is there and the picnic is set up, Wednesday is more than
certain she has the advantage.

Wednesday doesn't want to eat a large meal before the fight for fear it will make her sluggish,
but she politely drinks the coffee they brought for her.

Eventually she feels like she's waited enough and stands up. “Are you ready to begin, or do
you want to finish… Whatever that is?” Wednesday glares at a pink cake pop like it
personally offends her.

“I'm ready when you are, Honey bunny.” Enid quickly stood up as well and ended her
sentence with a kiss on Wednesday's cheek, before skipping over to the clearing which they
had chosen for the fight.

She's oblivious to the way her innocent action affected Wednesday, who stays fixed in place,
letting several revelations wash over her.

That strange feeling that has been with her almost constantly since meeting the werewolf, it
has a name.

A horrible, disgusting name that she had vowed she'd never utter about another person.

Wednesday Addams is in love with Enid Sinclair. She Suddenly feels as if everything is
spinning. She's in love, but her beloved was downright eager at the prospect of fighting her.
And the only reason she kissed her was for some cruel taunt.

Wednesday is filled with a new mix of anger and determination. Even with those colorful
claws embedded in her heart, she will show that werewolf and her imbecile friends that
Wednesday Addams is not a weakling. She marches forward.

Enid doesn't know what just happened. Last she checked, they were all just having fun. Sure,
Wednesday was kind of intense at first, and knives aren't usually involved in this sort of
thing, but werewolf instincts allowed her to dodge them pretty easily, and she supposed that
since she had claws and Wednesday didn't, it was fair enough.

But then, once she had finally pinned Wednesday and allowed herself a little relieved giggle,
Wednesday turned more red than Enid had ever seen her, and made a face Enid couldn't
recognize. It got even worse when Yoko and Divina began walking over, clapping and

As soon as Enid got up, Wednesday pushed past her and ran. Enid would've been able to
catch up to her if she wasn't still out of breath from the fight.

Yoko and Divina rushed over to where Enid was standing, dumbfounded. She heard a blur of
questions “Woah, what was that?” “Did she say anything?” “She isn't hurt, is she?”

Enid wished she could answer, but truthfully, she had no idea what could've caused this.

Chapter End Notes

Sorry, friends. I had to make use of that "light angst" tag eventually. The humor will be
back in the next chapter, I promise
I REALLY didn't mean that!
Chapter Notes

Just a heads up, there are mentions of sex in this chapter, but there is no actual sex, (And

there won't be in this fic.) it's just another funny misunderstanding. Stay safe, lovelies

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Wednesday doesn't even remember how she got back to their dorm. She just remembers that
she had failed. And then Enid had laughed at her. That laugh simultaneously stabbed her
heart and made it feel more alive than it ever had.

She has failed. Not just at the fight. At everything.

This wasn't supposed to happen. She wasn't supposed to fall in love. She's supposed to end up
alone. Everyone in her life had always told her as much. Even her own long dead ancestor.

Her fate was so much easier to swallow when she didn't care about anyone. But now, she's
fallen hopelessly for someone who doesn't feel the same way. Someone who probably never

Her eyes fall onto her bed. Enid had insisted that the black bear pelt be placed on it. No doubt
as a cruel and sadistic reminder of her failures. No wonder Wednesday has fallen for her.

Wednesday can't stand looking at it right now. She can't stand looking at any of it right now.
Everything is too overwhelming. She stomped to the monochrome half of the room and
started throwing things.

She wasn't completely out of control, she only threw things that wouldn't break. pillows,
blankets, clothing, and soft toy animals (which were placed there by Enid every movie night,
like a multiplying bacteria) now lay in a pile in the middle of their room.

She immediately feels even worse afterwards. Now she has both an emotional AND a
Physical mess she has to clean up. It was a display of no self control and it serves as another
reminder of her weakness.

She takes a deep breath and heads to the bathroom for a shower.

She'll formulate a plan on how to deal with her situation afterwards, when her senses aren't in
overdrive and her skin doesn't feel so ill-fitting.
Enid is once again standing in the doorway, unable to move. Her eyes are wide and locked on
the comfortable pile in the center of the room, with their courting pelt at the center of it. She
gathers the strength to run before Wednesday can get out of the shower.

Yoko had just closed her door after getting back from the woods when she heard the familiar
panicked footsteps once again. With a sigh, she pulled it back open before Enid was even
halfway across the hall.

She didn't even speak this time, she just motioned for her friend to come inside and then
waited patiently for her to catch her breath and explain.

The moment she got enough air in her lungs she squeaked out only two words. “A nest!” She
looks at Yoko expectantly. Yoko just stares, blank faced, so Enid tries again. “She made a

Yoko only blinks. “Uh, yeah, okay. You're gonna need to say more, because I've got no clue
what that means.” Enid's cheeks turn a bright red. “It- Well, it means- it… Uhm... It means
several things…”

Yoko's face shows confusion for a moment, but then it changes to an expression of pure
amusement as she tries to hold back her laughter. “Oh. My. God. Really!?”

Enid lets out a frustrated growl and sits down on the bed. “Take this seriously! I don't know
what to do!” … “I know what Wednesday wants you to d‐” “STOP!”

“Well, I mean, do you want to-” “NO! I mean, someday, maybe!? It's only been a few weeks!
And that's not even why I'm panicking!”

Enid puts her head in her hands and starts speaking almost too quickly to understand. “I'm
like ninety-nine percent sure that Wednesday doesn't want that either. This is really out of left
field and so was her reaction after I won the fight, and now I'm starting to wonder if she's
even getting her werewolf info from a credible source.”

“if only someone had brought up that concern from the beginning.” Yoko deadpans.

Enid glares dangerously up at her.

“Okay, okay, geez. It's Alright, it's just gonna be awkward as hell for a little bit, but you've
only gotta talk to her.” Enid's expression suddenly changes. She looks at Yoko with puppy
dog eyes.

Yoko raises her hands and turns around. “Nope. That won't work on me anymore. She's your
little psycho, and your problem.”

Yoko stands outside of the dorm, trying to think of the most tactful way to start this delicate
conversation. Before she can come up with anything, she overhears a conversation going on
“I surrender, Thing. I can't do this anymore. I'm going to tell Enid that I'm done.” If Thing
had a response, it's cut short by the vampire bursting into the room, having forgotten all
thoughts of approaching this tactfully. Thing scuttles away, sensing the drama of the
conversation ahead.

Wednesday is caught off guard, and that makes her even angrier at the intrusion. “Enid is not
here, Leech. And even if she was, you do have the right to break into our room.”

“Oh no, you don't get to be the upset one here. I heard what you just said.” Wednesday's glare
became even sharper. “And? Do you wish to be congratulated for your breach of my

Yoko is rendered speechless for several moments at her reaction, but eventually the anger on
behalf of her best friend takes over. “What the actual hell, Addams!? Is this really all because
she won at that stupid little wrestling match?”

Wednesday turns and starts cleaning up her mess. “I don't wish to discuss this with you. And
I regret the fact that Enid spoke to anybody else about our situation in the first place.”
Despite not being able to see Wednesday's face, Yoko can hear the hurt In her voice, and she
softens at it.

“I'm sure Enid would apologize if you told her that. And she'd respect that boundary in the
future.” Yoko moves forward and puts a hand on the shorter girl's shoulder. “She cares so
much about you, but sometimes she gets carried away. You've just gotta talk to her about this
sort of thing.”

Wednesday shrugs the vampire's hand off and turns to face her again. “And what good will
her apologies do now? When everybody already knows of my weakness and my failure?”

Yoko backs away slightly to give her more space. “Woah, Woah, what are you even talking
about?” Wednesday steps towards her. “Don't play dumb, bloodsucker. I know how pathetic
you all think I am. I know that she's told you of every failed attempt I've made to show her
my strength.”

Yoko meets her intense gaze with a look of confusion and pity. “She hasn't said anything
about any of that. And the last word she'd ever use to describe you is ‘pathetic’. she's crazy
about you, and she'd hate hearing you talk about yourself this way.”

Wednesday huffs and returns to the task of cleaning their room. “It doesn't matter anymore.
She wins. I shall leave her in peace from now on.” She isn't doing anything to hide how upset
she is anymore.

Yoko is still trying to make the goth see sense. “Peace? Can't you see how much this is gonna
hurt her?” Wednesday finally snaps at the vampire, “Can't you see how much this is hurting

Wednesday only realizes that tears are falling when her face is pushed into Yoko's shoulder.
She doesn't know who initiated the hug, but she ends it quickly, wiping all signs of her
emotional outburst from her face.
Yoko's voice is impossibly soft now. “I just want you to tell me what about this is hurting
you. I know that Enid would do almost anything to make you feel more comfortable.”

Wednesday stays silent for a long while, obviously fighting and an Internal battle. She ends
up choosing to be vulnerable. “Because… I desire for our relationship to change in a way I'm
almost certain Enid would be opposed to.”

There's a beat where Yoko processes that information, combined with her earlier conversation
with Enid. “HOLY SHIT. For real!?”

Wednesday nods curtly. “Yes, ‘for real’. I would appreciate it if you were matur-” “You're
only ending things with her because she's not ready to have sex!?” Yoko's surprise turns back
into anger as her thoughts catch up to her.

Wednesday looks even paler than normal and her face is one of disgust. “What a disturbing
and unwarranted assumption. Not that it should be any of your concern, but I am asexual. Is
your mind so warped that you cannot imagine a romantic love that doesn't include sex?”

Yoko sputters for a few seconds before saying the first thing that comes to her mind. “But,
the nest!?”

Wednesday now looks nothing short of bewildered. “What do you mean ‘nest’? Are you
having some sort of episode? Am I going to have to call for medical aid?”

Yoko desperately motions towards the soft pile in the middle of the room, “That is a nest!
And that means you want to have sex in the werewolf world, apparently!”

Wednesday stands motionless, staring at the mess. “Has Enid seen this?” She manages to ask
through tight lips. Yoko can only nod slightly.

When the psychic doesn't move for far too long, Yoko tries to comfort her. “Look, it's not that
bad. Enid sent me here because she was pretty certain that you didn't know what you did, and
she didn't want to make you feel any more awkward than she had to.”

Wednesday visibly relaxes and sighs in relief at the fact that she won't have to explain the

Yoko gives her a friendly pat on the back. “Don't beat yourself up about it. So what if you got
it wrong this once? It's honestly impressive that you managed to figure out these centuries old
werewolf courting traditions without any help or the internet. Plus, killing a bear just to ask a
girl out is pretty hard-core.”

It's only when she catches Wednesday's wide eyed look and bloodless face that Yoko
remembers the conversation they got sidetracked from. If Wednesday wasn't talking about
sex, what was she talking about?

“What do you mean by ‘werewolf courting traditions’?”

Chapter End Notes

I tried to juggle the angst and the humor in this one, hope I did an okay job lol
What you mean to me
Chapter Notes

Sorry this one took so much longer than the other chapters. things have been kind of
crazy for me lately, but I'm alive

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Yoko burst back into her dorm, making an anxious Enid jump. “Did things go okay with

Yoko doesn't break stride, grabbing Enid's hand and practically dragging her out of the room.
“What are you-” “Nope. This is gonna be the last time I involve myself in this until you two
dumbasses sort yourselves out.”

Yoko walks quickly back to the werewolf's room, pulling her the entire way.

Wednesday is still rooted to the same spot, next to the untouched mess on the ground.

“Alright, I've officially done all I can do.” Yoko says with finality, as she pushes Enid in front
Wednesday and leaves, the door slamming behind her.

There's a long moment where neither of them dare to say anything. Enid tries to break the
silence, but Wednesday surprises her by speaking suddenly, with her gaze still glued to the
ground. “I didn't understand what I was doing.”

Enid blinks and looks at the mess on the floor. “Oh! Yeah, I kind of guessed that. You've
never really shown any interest in sex or anything like-”

“Not just that.” Wednesday's face looks as if just saying the words physically hurts her. “I
didn't know any of your courting traditions.”

Meanwhile, “hurt” doesn't even begin to describe what Enid feels.

She's going to run. She can't be here. She needs to go somewhere else. She doesn't even know

Wednesday seems to read her mind, quickly becoming as panicked as Enid is. But she doesn't
know how to say it. She can't say it. Why doesn't she know how to say those three little words
that would fix all of this?!

Time seems to slow down as she finally understands. It's the very same reason they got into
this situation in the first place: Wednesday Addams is a woman of actions, not words.
And In that realization comes the answer. She has to make it clear through her actions how
she feels. Intentionally this time. Wednesday squares her shoulders and stands taller.

She marches over and takes Enid's face into her hands.

All thoughts of running leave her mind. Thoughts in general leave her mind, as the goth
lightly traces her fingers over the scars on her cheek.

Wednesday moves forward, slow enough that the werewolf can move away if she's
uncomfortable. Enid wouldn't have moved away even if the building was on fire.

Their kiss is gentle, loving. It's Wednesday showing Enid the depth of the emotions she's
otherwise never been able to convey. Enid reciprocates by showing the emotions she's been
struggling to reign in, for fear of being overbearing.

They have one beautiful moment where they understand each other perfectly. That moment
only ends when Enid disconnects their lips just long enough to ask a question.

“Hey, Wends?” Wednesday doesn't bother to stop kissing. “Mmm?”

“If you don't know any of the werewolf courting traditions, why the hell did you kill a 500
pound black bear and leave it on my side of the room?”

Wednesday finally pulls away, even if just slightly. Her face is somehow redder now than it
was during the kiss. She mumbles her answer while looking anywhere but Enid's eyes.

“You called me a ‘Snuggle Bear’... Such disrespect is not to be tolerated.” Despite the stern
choice of words, her voice was anything but.

Enid didn't speak for a long moment, just processing the entire situation she's found herself
in. Eventually, she begins to laugh. Slowly at first, but soon it devolved into a full belly

Wednesday's embarrassment turns swiftly to offense. “I'm glad you still find your sadism
amusing.” She deadpans.

That only makes Enid laugh harder. “Sadism!? You think pet names are sadistic!?”

Wednesday's gaze sharpens. “Those are not pet names. They are an insult to the art of

She straightens her back and speaks curtly, as if finalizing a business deal. “Now that I will
officially be courting you, we will use only the most meaningful and classic terms of
affection, mi alma.”

Enid responds when her giggles finally subside. “Yeah, I'd totally fall for that boomer rant,
but the fact remains that every single time I've called you one of my ‘insults to the art of
endearment’, you blush like crazy and get those adorable wide eyes.”
She grins, showing off her fangs. “So, no, there's no chance I'm ever going to stop, honey

Wednesday wants to argue. She wants to say something, anything. She really does. She wants
to salvage any semblance of her pride that's left.

But those fangs.


Wednesday and Enid are walking together through the halls of nevermore. Enid is practically
skipping and Wednesday is parting crowds of people with her scowl and crossed arms.

“Come on, don't be like that! They're our friends!” The goth turns her glare towards Enid.
“They are your friends. They are nuisances at best to me.”

Enid's smile doesn't waver, she's too good at reading Wednesday by now. “You're only saying
that because you're embarrassed. All you have to do is ignore her and she'll stop teasing you
about it.”

Wednesday huffs and looks away. “You were just as much a part of that situation as I was,
and yet she doesn't see fit to bring it up to you every time.”

They knock on the vampire's door and Divina greets them. “Hey guys! We've got everything
all set up, and I just know you're gonna love the movies we picked!”

Wednesday is still wearing a scowl. “That's doubtful.” She sits down on the bed with Enid

Enid shoots Wednesday a puppy-eyed look while unpacking a few bags of candy from her
backpack. “Please be nice, Babycakes.”

Wednesday sighs and softens her expression. “Of course, mi amor.” Across the room
grabbing her laptop, Yoko mimics the sound of a whip crack, and a wooden stake lodges
itself in the wall behind her.

Yoko dodged it easily. “Nice try, small fry. But it turns out you're as good at missing targets
as you are at missing hints.” Divina gave Yoko a playful shove.

Enid has to hold Wednesday (who is somehow now holding two more wooden stakes) back.

Once Enid got Wednesday to stop her attempt on Yoko's life (and Divina got Yoko to stop
laughing about it), they all try to get comfortable on the bed. “Shit, there isn't enough room
for us all.”

“Don't worry, Yolks. I've got an idea.” Enid says happily, as she easily lifts Wednesday into
her lap.
“If you say a single word, Ii will personally dissect you and keep your tongue as a trophy.”
Wednesday spits, anticipating Yoko's incoming comment.

Before Yoko can make a witty retort, Divina sits down in the middle of bed to act as a buffer
between them. “I'm stopping this here, Babe. I'd prefer that you keep your tongue where it

“Okay, okay. I'll be good. But we're watching the movie I picked first.” Yoko sits down and
puts her arm around Divina after queuing up the movie.

Only once they're far enough into the movie that everyone else is distracted does Wednesday
let herself melt into her girlfriend's embrace. Enid takes notice and silently tightens her hold.

When they first met, Enid never would have guessed how much Wednesday enjoys cuddling.
She'll never admit it out loud, of course. But the monochrome bed has gone unused since
their misunderstanding was resolved.

And it stays that way for the remainder of their time at Nevermore.

Chapter End Notes

Hope you guys enjoyed this! Like I said, this is my first ever time posting fanfic, and I

had a lot of fun. all of you have just been so lovely and I can't wait to do this again

BTW, I have a Tumblr if anyone's interested. A lot of it is stuff related to the chucky
fandom, but I have been posting more to with Wednesday lately
End Notes

My first fic ever! Constructive feedback is appreciated <3

Please drop by the Archive and comment to let the creator know if you enjoyed their work!

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