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Merging the lines

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F
Fandom: Wednesday (TV 2022)
Relationship: Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair
Characters: Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair, Morticia Addams
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-03-30 Completed: 2024-07-07 Words: 34,265 Chapters:
Merging the lines
by HogarPlinth


After agreeing to marry, Wednesday and Enid celebrate and then try to plan their wedding. It
won't be easy as there is sure to be interference from their family.
Your mother called

Your mother called

“Wow that actually happened?” Enid holds onto Wednesday not wanting to let her go. They
stand in their kitchen; she feels so happy she starts smiling again.

“Of course it happened. Don’t tell me that you have changed your mind already.”

“No, I haven’t. I want to marry you. I’ve always wanted to marry you. I’m going to marry
you.” Enid grins madly. “We are going to have a lot to do. Planning everything, telling
people, dresses. You will be wearing a dress?” Enid looks seriously at Wednesday.

“Enid, yes, I will be wearing a dress. It’s a wedding.”

“Brilliant!” Enid twirls Wednesday around again before stopping when she feels dizzy.

“Are you alright?” Wednesday asks as they come to an abrupt stand still.

“Yes, just a bit lightheaded. All this spinning around on an empty stomach. I was going to
cook pasta, but now I think we should celebrate with something a bit fancier. How about a

“Yes but cook mine properly.”

“Properly, but I always cook it properly.” Enid complains.

“The last steak you cooked hardly touched the pan before it was on my plate.”

Enid pouts and Wednesday relents. “Very well, cook it however you want but please give the
herbs a chance to flavor it.”

“OK, but you get to clear the table, we are not eating over the typewriter.”

“Yes, Mrs. Sinclair”

“Thank you. Mrs. Addams” Enid giggles before turning to investigate what they have in the
kitchen that will accompany their steaks.

Wednesday pauses in her tidying to watch Enid bustle around the kitchen picking vegetables
up and putting them down again, before making a decision. Once Enid has made her
decision, events move quickly and pans are put on the stove, vegetables are chopped ready
for when the pans are boiling. With the worktop cleaned up Enid watches the pans, willing
them to heat up quicker.

With her typewriter and paper packed away, Wednesday sets the table with a dark tablecloth
and their best cutlery, then she selects a bottle of wine. Getting the wine glasses is more of a
challenge since they are not used that often, so they are still in a packing box. She only has to
open two boxes before she finds them, she takes a minute to wash them before putting them
on the table.

With the table set to her satisfaction, Wednesday moves to investigate how Enid is getting on
with their dinner. When she gets closer to the stove, she notices that Enid has the steaks ready
for their all to brief introduction to the pan. As well as the two steaks there is a smaller piece
of beef to one side.

“What’s that for?” She asks.

“Chef’s treat” Enid says very smugly. before placing the piece in the pan, then watching it
cook before quickly turning it over and basting it with melted butter and herbs. Before
Wednesday can comment Enid has retrieved the piece of beef from the pan and cut it in two.
One piece is skewered on a fork and offered to Wednesday, who lets Enid pop it in her
mouth. It is delicious.

With the steak cooked to her satisfaction, Enid shoos Wednesday back to the table. “Can you
light the candles?” She asks before preparing two plates.

With the kitchen reduced to the light of the two flickering candles Enid places Wednesday’s
plate in front of her before fetching her own. Wednesday pours them each a glass of red wine.

Before they begin Wednesday raises her glass. “A toast. To married life.”

“To married life.” Enid replies and takes a sip of her wine before tucking into her meal. Her
steak is very raw, having made only the briefest of visits to the pan, but Wednesday’s is
cooked to perfection.

After dinner with the dishes washed and put away Enid helps Wednesday set up her desk
again. When they have finished Wednesday is sitting at the table winding a blank sheet of
paper into the typewriter.

“You are going to write now?”

“Yes, the last few days have given me some inspiration. I will just put some ideas down on
paper so that I have them for later.” Wednesday turns her attention back to the typewriter.

“Do you mind if I tell people our news?” Enid asks, pulling out her phone.

“No go ahead but let me tell my family. I’m not sure what reaction we’ll get.”

“OK” Enid gives her a kiss and skips off happily to their bedroom.


Wednesday is sitting at her typewriter reading the paragraph she has just finished. The voices
she could hear have stopped and a door slams in the apartment. She had thought that Enid
was talking to one of her friends, but door slamming was not her usual reaction.
The kitchen door is flung open with a crash and Enid stomps into the kitchen, her dramatic
entrance is ruined by a loud cough and a sniffle.

Wednesday looks up at Enid with a raised questioning eyebrow, Enid coughs again and rubs
her nose.

“Your mother just talked to me on the crystal ball.” She tells Wednesday.

“Ah that explains the door slamming, so what grim tidings did she have to impart?”

“Yes, sorry about the door but she made me so mad.”

“I know, she has that effect on me as well.”

Enid takes a deep breath and sneezes again.

“She” Enid coughs again before continuing.

“She says that she has sent out the wedding invitations. Who has she invited? Do we know
any of them? Apparently, the invitations have been handwritten on gold edged ivory board.
How? How has she done all this? She said that she has booked the ceremony and ordered the
flowers, and the reception will be a grand ball at the mansion with an orchestra. What did you
tell her?” Enid has to pause for breath after her rant and begins coughing again.

“Nothing. She is a seer she probably had a vision and took it from there.” Wednesday says

Enid takes another breath ready for another rant. “I get that she would know, but the
invitations? A date? Flowers? And a venue? How has she organized all of this so quickly, we
only made the decision earlier? She is not telling me what to wear! Not at my wedding. No.

Wendes day feels a bit sorry for Enid. “She does love to interfere in my life. Good luck with
the dress, she has probably already chosen it. Expect it to be delivered any day now, so that
you can confirm that it fits. In fact, expect several outfits to arrive for the different events that
she will have organized.”

Enid shakes her head. “No no no! what can we do?”

Wednesday smirks. “We could run off somewhere, Vegas perhaps, but she would probably
beat us to the ceremony or have us kidnapped and brought back.”

Enid slumps down in a chair. “So, we go with the flow and let her do everything?”

“No.” Wednesday says firmly taking hold of Enid’s hand. “Absolutely not. We fight, and
fight hard, on every issue to get the wedding we want.”

“Thank you Wednesday, I needed to hear that. What have we let ourselves in for?”

“Welcome to the family, you’re an Addams now.”

Enid tries to hug her but Wednesday backs away saying. “Stay back. You sound ill.”

“OK Wednesday, we’ll talk about your mother in the morning, but you’re right I don’t feel
well I’m going to bed now.”

“Ah! The malign influence of my mother at work.” Wednesday says triumphantly.

“No, I don’t think so. There was something going around at work. I’ll see how I feel in the
morning. Don’t stay up too late.”

“Definitely mother. Now get to bed and get some rest. You sound as if you need it.”

“Goodnight” Enid sniffles and makes her way back to her bed.

Enid’s news has her worried, Wednesday sits and ponders how to counter her mother’s latest
interference in their lives. Additionally, she needs to protect herself from whatever illness has
struck Enid.
The medicinal effects of soup
Chapter Summary

Wednesday tries to nurse Enid back to full health and to protect herself from what ever
disease Enid has picked up. She also resolves not to contact her mother just yet.

The medicinal effects of soup

Enid rolls over in bed and struggles to open her eyes. Her head feels heavy and fuzzy.
Something had woken her up, she did not know what it was. She can’t hear anything; the
room is dark and silent.

It was not her alarm; she could not hear it buzzing. She is still groggy with sleep and
struggles to raise herself up on her elbows to look around the room before collapsing back
onto her pillow in a fit of coughing.

On the other side of the room, balanced on top of a heap of packing boxes, Wednesday’s
crystal ball starts emitting a pulsing white light as it demands attention, this must be what has
woken her up. Enid is in no mood to deal with it or Morticia Addams at the moment, so she
closes her eyes and rolls over, burying her head in the pillows to hide from the light.

When her coughing fades she falls back to sleep without realizing that she is alone in the bed.

In her dream a dark mysterious figure is chasing her, no matter how hard she ran it was still
behind her, keeping pace with her. She dodges through the trees, but it keeps getting closer
and closer. It is now so close that she can hear its rasping breath just behind her.

She puts on a burst of speed to escape the figure; she is now out of the trees and running
down a corridor lined with closed doors. The thick carpet muffling her footsteps. Behind her
the figure’s footsteps get closer. She keeps running away from it and then a hand lands on her
shoulder and she screams.

Enid wakes up and looks around in panic, her breathing hard and ragged, her body soaked in
sweat. A monstrous figure dressed all in black, its breath rasping loudly in the still room,
stands over her. It is carrying a cloth covered tray in one hand, its other gloved hand reaching
out to her. The ghastly figure leans over the bed, its face hidden behind the tinted visor of its
helmet. Enid screams and struggles to get away from the figure, scrambling away from it
across the bed.

“Enid, it’s me, Wednesday.” The figure says its voice distorted and tinny but through the
distortion she can hear Wednesday’s voice.
Enid relaxes and tries to control her breathing; she rubs her eyes and tries to focus on the
figure in black.

“Wends?” She asks, holding herself still for a moment as she starts coughing, trying to
untangle herself from her sheets. She reaches above her head for the cord that turns on the
light. Her hand slaps the wall a couple of times before she grasps the cord, and the room is
filled with light.

The black garbed figure is Wednesday’s height, but it is baggy and shapeless so she cannot
recognize it as Wednesday.

“Yes, it’s me, I have brought you some soup.” Wednesday says, her voice coming crackling
through a speaker in the helmet of her black suit.

“Thanks?” Enid says trying to sit up straighter and avoid coughing again, “but what’s with
the suit?”

“I had to get this to protect myself from this dreadful lurgy you are contaminated with.”
Wednesday says as she passes over the tray holding the bowl of soup, a small plate of
croûtons, a spoon and a glass of water.

“Lurgy?” Enid asks, confused, this is something she has never heard of.

“Yes, the Dreaded Lurgy to give it its full name, I looked it up it sounds absolutely awful.
You should stay here and rest until you have recovered.” Wednesday stands up straighter and
waits for Enid to start on her soup.

Enid makes herself comfortable on the bed and picks up the spoon. “This soup looks good,
but surely a simple face mask would have sufficed.” She waves her other hand at Wednesday,
indicating the black suit.

“I wanted to be sure that I was safe.” Wednesday’s suit distorted voice huffs.

“And what is that?” Enid points to a box on wheels that Wednesday has dragged in after her.

“Oh that, it’s an air pump to provide filtered air to me and keep the suit air pressure higher
than the contaminated zone.” Wednesday explains as if it is perfectly normal to be followed
around by an air pump.

“Contaminated zone?” Enid asks looking around in alarm.

“Yes, your half of the bedroom.” Wednesday says with a short wave.

“I will eat the soup and pretend not to be offended. You will not be wearing that costume
when I get up.” Enid glares at Wednesday’s black clad figure next to her bed, trying to ignore
the gentle hum of the air pump.

Suddenly she grabs the figure’s wrist and pulls it closer to her, there is a gasp from the suit’s
speaker, then she peers into its face mask. Through the tinted plastic she can see Wednesday’s
pale face staring back at her. She relaxes and let’s go of Wednesday’s wrist.
“Sorry I had to be sure it was you. Thank you for the soup.”

“I felt that you would need something, eat up.” Wednesday turns to leave but Enid calls to
stop her. “Wends, can you stay with me for a bit?” Enid pats the bed beside her.

Seeing Wednesday hesitate, Enid sighs. “If that ridiculous get up protects you from my

“Lurgy” interrupts Wednesday.

“Very well the Lurgy, then it should protect you from my sheets.” She pats the bed again.

Reluctantly Wednesday climbs onto the bed being careful not to snag the air lines from her
suit. When Wednesday has stopped fidgeting Enid reaches out to take her gloved hand.

“Thank you again.”

“Now eat your soup, you don’t want it going cold.” Wednesday nudges her shoulder.

Enid sprinkles the croûtons onto her soup and stirs it before taking a spoonful. “What sort of
soup is this?”

“Chicken, it is quite tasty and allegedly very medicinal.” Wednesday’s helmeted head nods
towards the bowl.

Enid begins eating her soup with a spoonful including a floating croûton. “This is really
good; I shall have to leave you in charge of meals more often.”

Wednesday smirks behind her face mask. “It was nothing, the instructions on the packet were
quite straightforward.”

“Whatever, it still delicious and tastes better because you have made it.” Enid takes another

Enid thinks for a moment and waves her spoon at Wednesday. “Wednesday where did you
sleep? You weren’t in bed when I woke up in the night.”

“On the couch in the other room.” Wednesday says.

Enid is horrified. “Wends you shouldn’t do that, it’s not good for you.”

“But you are ill, I did not want to disturb you. And besides one of us need to be well enough
to look after the other.”

Enid sniffs at the suggestion “I would look after you, you know that.”

“Even if you were ill?”

“At any time, Wednesday, at any time.” Enid insists and takes another spoonful of soup.

Wednesday stands in the doorway watching Enid sleep, she flinches every time Enid coughs
or her breath stutters. She wants Enid to be well, she needs Enid to be well.

With Enid asleep again, Wednesday takes the crystal ball and the empty soup bowl with her
to the kitchen. She debates talking to her mother on the crystal ball, but the woman will only
want to pressure her into accepting more of her wedding plans. Wednesday wants to look
after Enid and maybe do some writing. The wedding can wait until Enid is well and they
have enjoyed their engagement for a little while.
The Visitors
Chapter Summary

As Enid recovers in bed from her sickness, Wednesday wants her to have a undisturbed
day of rest. This hope is destroyed by a series of callers to their apartment some less
welcome than others

The Visitors

Wednesday stands in their bedroom looking down at Enid sleeping, the room is quiet except
for Enid’s breathing and the hum of her air pump. She had tidied the covers and pulled them
up over Enid and moved her hair out of her face. She was afraid that it would interfere with
her breathing. Enid seems peaceful now and Wednesday watches her sleep.

The doorbell rings and Wednesday curses in her suit. It will go badly for whoever is at the
door if they wake Enid. She stomps out of the bedroom roughly dragging her air pump
behind, pausing only to jerk it when it gets caught on the door frame.

When she gets to the door, she almost rips it open to address their visitor, she is surprised to
find a young dark-skinned woman dressed in a smart business suit, her hair neatly braided
and hanging over one shoulder. The braids add a dash of color to the otherwise plain suit. She
almost does not recognize her as she is not carrying a baby.

Carly screams at Wednesday’s appearance and holds her hand to her mouth. Wednesday
removes her helmet and holds it under one arm so that she can address their visitor. “Hello,
Carly, isn’t it?”

After taking a step back, Carly recovers from her fright at seeing the black-clad figure and
blurts out. “Yes, Wednesday is Enid alright? We usually meet up to walk together to our
offices. She wasn’t there this morning, is she OK?”

Wednesday relaxes as she is impressed with Carly’s recovery, the woman is clearly stronger
than she had seemed. “Sadly, Enid has come down with something and needs bed rest. I am
looking after her.”

“How serious is it?” Carly stares at Wednesday’s suit, the air pump hissing to itself on the
floor beside her.

“She has been delirious, sick, and running a fever. I am afraid that it could be contagious.”
Wednesday glances back towards the bedroom.

“I’m not that bad.” Enid calls from their bedroom before coughing and staggering out into the
hallway to smile at Carly.
“You should be in bed” Wednesday admonishes her.

Ignoring Wednesday, Enid takes a couple more steps breathing heavily.

“Carly, I am just a bit under the weather.”

Wednesday rolls her eyes as Enid coughs.

“I’ll be fine in a day or two. Wednesday is being a bit over-cautious.”

She waves at the black outfit before coughing and trying to smile at Carly.

“OK, if, you’re sure.” Enid nods and Wednesday shakes her head, making Carly smile. “Look
after her Wednesday. Hope you are feeling better soon Enid.”

“Thanks for checking on me, Wednesday is looking after me. I’ll be fine.”

“Bye Enid, I’ll see you tomorrow, hopefully.” Carly gives Enid a smile and a wave before
smiling at Wednesday and turning to walk down the hallway.

Wednesday closes the door and turns to Enid. “I thought she would never leave, now back to
bed for you.”

“Be nice to her Wednesday, she is a good friend. Thank you for looking after me.”


Wednesday is sitting at the kitchen table, writing in her journal. She would like to type but
does not want to disturb Enid with the noise her old typewriter makes. The doorbell sounds
interrupting Wednesday’s train of thought, putting down her pen she gets up and goes to the
door, checking on Enid as she passes the bedroom door.

When she opens the apartment door there is no one there. She looks up and down the hallway
but there is no one in sight.

Sitting on the floor in front of the door is a small dark glass bottle with a cork stopper,
standing on top of a small black envelope.

Wednesday pulls on the suit gloves before picking it up.

There is a small handwritten label, brown with age, stuck to the side of the bottle. The text is
small and scratchy but reads ‘Tincture of Night Flowering Roses. One spoonful but small’,
Wednesday shrugs and picks up the envelope. She struggles to open it with her gloved hands
while holding the bottle. Eventually she rips open the flap, tearing it away from its wax
fastening and pulls out the small note.

‘A little something to help my darling Enid, M’ she reads. Mother! She curses silently.

Wednesday stomps back inside holding the bottle at arm’s length and places the bottle and
note on the kitchen table and glares at them, but they both stubbornly refuse to vanish under
her gaze.

The crystal ball begins flashing, desperate to get her attention, absentmindedly she places her
hand on it. She recoils her hand as her mother’s face appears.

“Wednesday my little monster you look positively frightful, now how is Enid?”

“She is still bed-ridden and ill.” Wednesday gestures towards their bedroom.

“Has the tonic I sent had any effect?”

“It has only just arrived. Where did you get it?”

“I cooked it up earlier after I had a vision of poor Enid in bed, she looked so ill. I need her to
be well for the wedding.”

“Earlier.” Wednesday is surprised. “It looks as if it has been lying around for centuries.”

“It is all part of the magic.”

Wednesday huffs. “And it will help her?”

“Of course, my little poisonous bloom, just follow the instructions. Now let me look at you.”
Morticia’s gaze hardens, and her face appears larger as she gets closer to her own crystal ball.
“What are you wearing?”

Wednesday flaps her arms before an idea strikes her. “It is a little something I might wear to
the wedding. What do you think?”

Before Morticia can express her outrage, Wednesday breaks the connection.

“I have to go, Enid needs me.”


She hears movement and coughing coming from the bedroom, so she gets up and searches
their cutlery drawer for the two smallest spoons they have.

Then she puts on the suit’s gloves and takes the bottle and the spoons to the bedroom. She
climbs onto the bed and sits next to Enid showing her the bottle.

“What is it?” Enid squints at the label.

“Mother cooked it up and sent it, it is supposed to cure you.” Wednesday explains.

Enid edges away from the bottle. “Is it safe?”

“An excellent question, shall we see.”

Wednesday struggles to pull the cork from the small bottle, it comes free with a faint ‘pop’
followed by a small cloud of yellow vapor.
“It does not look promising.” Wednesday says as she carefully pours a spoonful of thick red

“I’m not drinking that.” Enid protests.

“No. I was going to test it to see if it was safe for you.”

“Don’t do that” Enid tries to stop her but Wednesday puts the spoon in her mouth and pulls it
out empty. “Definitely a touch too sweet but it does have a flowery taste.” Wednesday
pronounces to a speechless Enid, before she pours another spoonful in the other spoon.

“Your turn.” Enid shakes her head. “Come on you big baby, it didn’t hurt me. It may do you
some good.”

Enid relents and opens her mouth to let Wednesday feed her the medicine.

“I’ll let you go back to sleep, hopefully we will not have any other visitors.


Wednesday’s train of thought is disturbed again when the doorbell sounds again. She gets up,
leaving the helmet on the table and stomps up the hall to the door and drags it open.

In front of her is a tall very thin woman, her face is so pale that Wednesday thinks she looks
ill, however her eyes sparkle with life. Her black hair, corralled in place by a series of pins,
seems darker in contrast to her almost white face. She is wearing a very finely tailored dark
blue suit with a long skirt, and a pair of sunglasses hanging from a chain around her neck.
Behind the pale woman is a team of similarly pale faced men and women carrying large but
light weight boxes judging by the ease with which they hold them. The boxes are
approximately 30 inches square and look to be made from white cardboard.

“Yes?” Wednesday snaps at the woman.

She looks down her nose at Wednesday’s black outfit and sniffs her disgust at the loose
fabric. “Mrs. Addams sent me to supervise your dress fittings.” She signals to her team of
assistants who begin moving forward.

“No thank, you we are not interested.” Wednesday says firmly and tries to close the door, but
the woman snaps out her hand against the door and holds it open. Wednesday cannot move
the door against her. “Mrs. Addams told me to insist.”

“Insist away, but we are still not interested.”

The woman pulls out a very thin sleek looking phone and with a few touches makes a call.

“Mrs. Addams, she says that they are not interested and have refused me to invite me into the

The woman nods as she listens to what Wednesday assumes is her mother’s reply.
“She wants to talk to you.” The woman hands over the phone reluctantly.

Wednesday takes the device in her gloved hand and raises it to her ear. “Mother?” she asks.

“Enough of this foolishness, Wednesday. Let Marlene carry out the dress fittings, she is the
best and comes highly recommended.”

“I’m sure she does, however I am busy at the moment and cannot afford to be distracted.”

“But Wednesday I am doing all this for you.”

“I’m sure you are mother, but now is not a good time. Can you send Marlene and her minions
away, we have things that we need to do.”

“Very well Wednesday but I will be sending Marlene back to your little home. You will be
fitted for your dresses.” Morticia says threateningly.

“Please do and please agree a date with Enid or myself. In writing. Goodbye mother.”

Wednesday hands the phone back to Marlene, the tall thin woman.

Marlene pulls a cloth from a pocket and wipes the phone with it before holding the cloth out
to an assistant who takes it away. Satisfied that the phone is clean before speaking into it.

“Mrs. Addams, your instructions.” She nods as she listens before signaling to her team to
begin walking away. She leans down to face Wednesday, opens her mouth to show her fangs
and growls at her “I’ll be back.”

Wednesday rolls her eyes and waits for Marlene and her followers to turn around and traipse
along the hallway. She watches until she is sure that they have all departed down the stairs
before closing the door and leaning back against it.

“Who was that?” Enid calls out and coughs.

Wednesday walks back to the bedroom before answering, she stands in the doorway looking
at Enid. “Marlene, apparently, she is mother’s on call dress fitter. I said that we were busy.”

“Thanks, I don’t think I could cope with that at the moment.”

“She will be back.” Wednesday warns.

“I’m sure but we will be better prepared when she does show up again. We will need to
decide what we want to wear before she comes back.”

“We will but after you are better. Now try to go back to sleep.”
Bachelorette Party
Chapter Summary

Enid it taken out for her Bachelorette Party leaving Wednesday to brood at home in the
apartment. She manages some reading and wedding planning while waiting for Enid to
The next morning they have to prepare for the return of Marlene the dress fitter

Bachelorette Party

Enid has spent the last couple of hours preparing herself while Wednesday looks on. “Is all of
this really necessary?” Wednesday asks as she watches the last stages of Enid’s preparations.

“Yes, a bachelorette party is traditional, and I am not going to miss out.” Enid says
brandishing a make-up brush in front of Wednesday who backs away from it.

“A tradition where you go out, get drunk and behave irresponsibly? From what Carly has told
me she is taking you out on some sort of initiation ritual that will involve lots of alcohol and
a degree of humiliation”

“Yes, that’s the plan. Carly has arranged it.” Enid puts down her brush and looks in the mirror
before getting up.

“Well, how do I look?” Enid twirls in front of her, while Wednesday cocks her head to one
side and frowns.

Enid panics, “You don’t like it, what’s wrong with it?”

Wednesday holds up a hand to calm her. “There is nothing wrong with it, it just reminds me
of when we were back at school. You were more colorful then, it suits you. You should do it
more often.”

“But I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I appreciate that, but you do look prettier in more colors.”

“Thanks, Wends, I’d kiss you, but I’ve just got this make up right.” She sits back down in
front of the mirror.

Wednesday gently takes hold of Enid’s hands. “Enid, stop. Your make-up is exquisite, your
clothes are fabulous, you are perfect..”

Enid frowns “Carly hasn’t told me where we are going.”

“She has given me a list of places, I’m sure you will have a good time. Just remember to stay
in control of your wolf.”

Enid seems to deflate in front of her. “I can’t go. I can’t be around normal people.”

“Enid, yes you can. I know you can control yourself. Now are you ready to go out and have a
good time?” Enid nods and Wednesday helps her to her feet.

Wednesday inspects her outfit as she stands. The bright yellow stockings and the red skirt
make her eyes water. Fortunately, Enid has chosen a plain white top, however this makes the
red jacket stand out even more. “You are beautiful Enid.”


When Carly arrives to pick her up, she is also dressed for a party in a short yellow dress with
matching ribbons in her braids. they jump up and down excitedly.

Wednesday shakes her head at their behavior. “Bring her back safely or there will be
consequences.” She warns Carly.

“Ignore her, come on let’s have some fun, where are we meeting the others?” Enid laughs as
she cavorts with Carly.

“It’s a secret.” Carly giggles.

“Great!” Enid turns to Wednesday and kisses her lightly. “I’ll be OK, don’t wait up. We’ll be
back later. Byeee.” With that Carly and Enid head for their night out, leaving Wednesday
alone in the apartment.

She puts her hand to her cheek; she can feel her skin reacting to Enid’s red lipstick. She has a
lotion that will deal with the inflammation.

Wednesday has a quiet evening alone; she reads and has a simple meal. Enid had prepared
something for her, all she had to do was re-heat it. As she ate, she picked up the dark leather-
bound book and continued to read, fascinated by the doomed relationship between Anne the
governess and the brooding Lord Charles. What the obviously intelligent woman saw in that
man she could not fathom but hopefully the later chapters would reveal an answer.

After she has cleared away her dinner things, she stares at the seating arrangement her mother
has prepared for the wedding reception with notes about who cannot sit next to whom and
who has ‘earned’ a place at a closer table. Why they can’t just sit where they like she cannot
understand, if they have to fight for places then that would bring a bit of excitement to the
proceedings. But her mother has devised a complex scheme to keep everyone happy or at
least keep the unhappiness to a minimum. Looking closely at the diagram some of the tables
seem to shift under her gaze, she concludes that her mother has been employing magic to
make everyone fit. Mother can deal with the fallout if anyone gets trapped in one of the other
dimensions she is utilizing.
Wednesday is getting ready for bed and worrying about Enid when the doorbell sounds.
Before answering the door, Wednesday fills a large glass with water and puts it on the kitchen

She opens the door to find Enid and Carly at the door, Enid is very drunk and is being held up
by Carly. Both of them look a bit disheveled. Carly’s ribbons have come undone and hang
from her braids which are now loose across her shoulders.

Enid cheers and staggers into the apartment proclaiming “I’m fine, but I could do with
another drink.”

“There’s one on the table. I’ll be back in a few minutes” Wednesday calls to her.

“Yippee party on” Enid replies.

“I’ll just take Carly home.” She says but Enid is already in the kitchen.

Wednesday steps into the hall and shuts the door behind her. Carly turns slowly to watch and
wobbles slightly as she tangles up her feet before following Wednesday unsteadily.

“Wednesday,” Carly says seriously when she has caught up with her. “Enid really loves you, I
mean really, really loves you. She was always talking about you.”

Wednesday stops and stares at Carly. “Thank you for bringing her home and thank you for
doing this for her. It means a lot to her.”

“It was nothing and it was fun.” She slurs. “Her friend Yoko is a bit odd. Sorry.”

“Don’t be. I find Yoko tolerable.”

Carly giggles. “You’re strange Wednesday, but I can see why Enid loves you.”

As they walk on Carly frowns. “Wednesday are you having a party or a night out. I thought
that the two of you would party together.”

“My brother will be organizing something.”

Carly pauses and looks up at the door in front of them. “Ohh. I’m home.” She leans on the
bell push making it ring repeatedly. “Thank you Wednesday, you did not have to walk me
home.” Wednesday stiffens as Carly hugs her.

“Who knows what stalks the mean hallways of the apartment block.” Carly giggles at
Wednesday’s reply but stops when the door opens to reveal an angry looking man. His
expression softens when he sees Carly.

“Carly, I have to go back to check on Enid.” Wednesday says looking up at the man.

“I have to check on Jasmine, thank you again.” Carly barges past the man and into the
“Thank you for getting her home.” He says in a soft voice, Wednesday nods to him and turns
to head home.


When she gets back to the apartment, she finds Enid in the kitchen slumped over the table.
She hopes she isn’t asleep as it will make getting her to bed harder.

She examines Enid, over the course of the evening someone had adorned Enid with an
assortment of strange items that she does not fully understand. Wednesday puts on a pair of
kitchen gloves to remove the most offensive articles. The silver-colored plastic inflatable
tiara is held in place by an elastic strap under Enid’s’ chin. Wednesday has to lift Enid’s head
to slip it off.

Carefully taking hold of the garish ‘Bride to be’ sash, she slips it off Enid’s shoulder and
watches as it falls to the floor. Tied to the back of her jacket is a small bunch of balloons that
are now deflated, wrinkled and sad looking. Wearing the thick gloves, Wednesday cannot
untie them, so she simply cuts them loose, they hang limply from her hand, she puts them on
the table with the tiara.

Enid wakes up and watches as Wednesday removes the bright blue garter from around Enid’s
arm. “I’m keeping that, something blue” Enid tries to snatch it from Wednesday, but
Wednesday puts it on the table out of reach.

“Mine.” Pleads Enid, so Wednesday relents and gives it back to her, Enid holds on to it
tightly. Finally, Wednesday untangles the red sequined thong hanging around Enid’s neck.
She holds this last item in front of Enid who tries to focus on it smiling inanely.

“Where did you get this? It isn’t yours.” She asks.

Enid reaches for it but Wednesday pulls it away and with her other hand stops Enid from
toppling off her chair. “No, it’s mine now, the stripper gave it to me, she said it was mine. She
was very pretty, not as nice as you but pretty.” Enid pouts reaching for the thong.

“THERE WAS A STRIPPER!” Wednesday shouts and Enid winces at the noise holding her
hands over her ears. Wednesday continues in a softer tone “Carly said nothing about that. She
said that you were just going for drinks.”

Enid carefully nods her head. “We did. We had lots of drinks, lots, and lots of drinks, some of
them were colorful, don’t drink them they were sticky. Yes, lots of drinks. Some of them
came with a stripper, is that normal? But don’t tell anyone because it was a secret. We
weren’t supposed to tell someone, Carly made us promise.” Enid pauses to concentrate as she
tries to remember the drunken promise. “Yes, that’s it. Don’t tell Wednesday, she said don’t
tell Wednesday. Oops, you’re Wednesday. You won’t tell, will you?”

Enid bows her head and starts to cry. “I’m sorry Wends.” Wednesday sits next to her and puts
an arm around her pulling her into a hug. “I am not upset about the stripper. I trust you; I was
worried about the drinking and about you getting home safely.”
Enid rests her head on Wednesday’s shoulder. “You’re the best Wends. Can I stay here for a
bit it’s nice here.”

Wednesday strokes her hair. “Yes, you can but you’ll need to get some sleep. Remember we
have Marlene coming tomorrow.”

“Marlene? Who’s Marlene? Another stripper?” Enid mumbles.

“No, the wicked witch of dress fitting.” Wednesday reminds Enid.

“Oh god!” Enid sits up suddenly and wobbles unsteadily on her chair as she remembers about
the dress fitting appointment. It has an instant sobering effect.

“Now stay there and drink this, then come to bed.” Wednesday puts a large glass of water in
front of Enid and waits until she begins to drink it.


Enid shrieks as the bedroom is flooded with light as Wednesday pulls open the curtains and
buries herself under her pillow. She does not feel well, her head aches, her tongue feels as if it
has dried out and this sudden shock to her system does not help matters.

“Enid, we have to get up we have a busy day today.”

“No, I don’t feel well, can we cancel the dresses, please.” Enid pleads from under her pillow.

Wednesday looks down at her. “You’re just hungover, a hot shower and breakfast will sort
that out. Now you have to get up.” Wednesday pulls the covers off Enid, who curls up into a
ball and whimpers.

Wednesday sighs. “I’ll start on breakfast, get yourself into the shower.” Enid groans and curls
up tighter. “I’ll do bacon.”

Enid moves her pillow and opens one eye to look at Wednesday and smiles. “Bacon?”

“Yes, now get into the shower.” Wednesday points in the direction of the bathroom.


Enid staggers into the kitchen drying her hair, Wednesday is pleased to note that she is
wearing the clothes that she laid out for her.

“Did the shower do you any good?”

Enid holds her head. “No, it didn’t. Do we have to do the dress fitting thing today?” She says

“We do, I got a text from Marlene she will be here at 10.”

Enid checks the time on her phone, it is unhappily too close to 10 am.
Enid slumps in her chair looking miserable, but Wednesday cheers her up by putting a large
bacon filled sandwich in front of her, followed by a large mug of sweet tea.

“Breakfast of champions, Enid.”

Enid is halfway through her sandwich when she notices the clothes that Wednesday is
wearing. “Wends, since when did you start wearing my sweatpants?”

“Since I got signed up to a frightful dress fitting exercise because you agreed to marry me.”

“Marrying you is a good thing, I’m sure of it. But the sweatpants.”

Wednesday pulls at her sweatpants. “Since I expect Marlene will want us to change into all
manner of costumes. I thought that this choice for us would make the repeated changes

Enid swallows another mouthful of bacon and looks at her own clothes, which match
Wednesday’s except they are more brightly colored. “Thank you Wends.”

She pulls out her phone again and stares apprehensively at the time waiting for the knock on
the door.
Chapter Summary

The dress fitter has arrived and Enid finds herself banished from the apartment while
Marlene works on Wednesday. When she returns she is ushered into their living room to
begin her own ordeal.


Marlene arrives promptly at 10 am with her caravan of box bearing minions following behind
her. Wednesday answers the door and reluctantly invites Marlene in. She has to walk
backwards as Marlene sweeps into their apartment inspecting their rooms as she advances.
“No this will not do, too small, maybe this will do.” She turns to her minions. “In here
everyone, shift the furniture so that we have enough space. Quickly everyone.” Marlene claps
her hands as she urges her minions into action.

The minions scurry in, carrying their parcels, Wednesday and Enid stand open-mouthed at the
desecration of their home.

Marlene turns to them with a nasty grin on her face and leans down towards them. “Right,
now little girls, when my team have things set up, we can begin,” rubbing her hands together
in anticipation.

Enid slips her hand into Wednesday’s and gives it a squeeze as she looks up nervously at
Marlene. She can feel her claws starting to extend but she controls them, there is something
about Marlene that she does not like.

“Yes, you little one, Miss Addams you will be first.” Marlene lifts Wednesday’s chin with a
long finger. “Yes, you will be first. And you Miss Sinclair, you will have to make yourself
scarce. Now run along.”
She waves Enid away dismissively.

Seeing that Enid is still standing there, open-mouthed in shock, Marlene turns to her. “Miss
Sinclair, I have to do both your dress fittings separately so you will have to leave. I can’t run
the risk of you seeing Miss Addams in her wedding dress. Or risk you interfering with my
process, now don’t you have a big city out there to explore. I will need at least two hours. Go,
go, go.”

Marlene’s assistants re-appear and stand behind her, their furniture moving having been
completed. Two of them step forward and take hold of her arms and gently lead her away,
while the rest of the assistants take hold of Wednesday and slowly move her into the living
Enid breaks free of their grasp to grab her keys and her phone from the kitchen counter and
stuffs them in her pockets. As she is herded towards the apartment door she looks back and
sees Wednesday vanish into the living room and the door closing behind her. Before she can
do more than call out “Wends,” she is outside in the hall looking at the closed door of her

She has the keys to the apartment so she could go back in at any time, but Marlene will just
throw her out again, so she flaps her arms in frustration before walking away.


Enid returns and is let back into the apartment by one of Marlene’s assistants and hurries past
him to the kitchen where she finds Wednesday and Marlene. Marlene looks less than box
fresh with stress lines having appeared on her face and a few hairs escaping from their pins.
Wednesday is dressed in her usual black and white outfit and looks smug and more relaxed
than when Enid had been chased out of the apartment.

Ignoring Marlene, she hugs Wednesday. “Wends, are you OK?”

“I have survived the ordeal of the dresses.” She glares at Marlene who looks away for a

“We thought we had lost you, Miss Sinclair.” Marlene says as she tries to usher Enid into
their living room.

“I was tempted but I’d miss Wednesday too much.” She says dodging past Marlene.

“I need you in the living room as soon as possible and Miss Addams you will keep your dress
details a secret until the wedding day.” Marlene heads back into the living room and
pointedly leaves the doors open.

“You look better for your time away from the apartment.” Wednesday says.

Enid grins and hugs Wednesday again. “I went for a walk and stumbled into the mall because
the sun was too bright. There I was trapped by marketeers and was too weak to escape. They
wanted volunteers to do taste testing, I had to agree.”

Wednesday rolls her eyes. “What were you tasting - steaks. You only look this happy after
devouring your own body weight in steak.”

“Are you saying I’m fat.”

“No, only that you have a voracious appetite. If not steaks then what were you taste testing,

“No, beers, craft beers” Enid looks very smug and quickly realizes that is the wrong answer
when Wednesday explodes in front of her. “You spent the morning drinking beer while I was
being tortured by the evil queen of dresses.”
“I’m sorry Wends, but I guess it is my turn now.” She tries to appease Wednesday with a kiss.
“Wish me luck.”

Wednesday hurries her into the living room where Marlene and her team are encamped and
closes the door loudly behind her. “Wends” Enid cries plaintively as she finds Marlene and
her assistants looking at her with hungry, calculating expressions.

Marlene grins at her, it is not a comfortable expression to be the subject of, and Enid feels her
wolf wanting to make itself known.

“Welcome Miss Sinclair, this will not take long, Mrs. Addams has selected an arrangement of
dazzling outfits for you. It will take only a moment for my team and I to ensure that they fit.
But first the essentials. Strip off those clothes.” Marlene almost chokes on the word ‘clothes’
as she indicates Enid’s current outfit. “We will need to measure you to ensure that the fit will
be perfect.”

Enid bugs her eyes at the command, but Marlene carries on. “You will have to maintain these
measurements for the wedding day. We will be checking up periodically.

“You will do no such thing.” Enid snaps.

“Mrs. Addams insists.”

“We’ll see about that.” Enid scoffs.

Marlene clicks her fingers to her team. “Scales, tapes, calipers, lasers.”


“For accuracy, obviously. Now hurry up and get those things off.”

Enid slowly kicks off her sneakers and pulls her sweatshirt over her head. She is very
conscious of having a whole team of strangers study her as she undresses.

“Yes, that tee-shirt as well and those pants.” Marlene hurries her along. Enid wriggles out of
her sweatpants and drops her tee-shirt on top of them.

“Stop!” Marlene calls out and Enid turns to glare at her.

“Now what?”

Marlene ignores her and turns to one of her assistants. “Make a note we will need Miss
Garcia-Lopez and a return visit for an underwear fitting.”

“What is wrong with my underwear?” Enid snaps.

Marlene waves a hand. “That bra clearly does not fit you properly and those things have no
place on a woman’s body.” Enid looks down at her snug fitting comfortable shorts.

Before Enid can complain, more instructions are issued.

“Now onto the scales.” Marlene prompts and Enid stomps onto the scales but before she can
look down at the readout Marlene issues more directions and manipulates Enid’s body “you
should always keep your head high and your back straight.”

Without caring for their victim’s sensitivities, the assistant reads out Enid’s weight and
another repeats loudly it before writing it down.

“Hey” Enid complains, but before she can say anything else Marlene says “Tapes and
measurements” Enid is suddenly crowded by the assistants clutching tape measures. She
flinches as the cold metal ends of the tapes touch her skin. When the end of a tape is forced
under the inside leg of her shorts she jumps.

“Please Miss Sinclair we are just being thorough.” Marlene sighs.

“A bit too thorough.” Enid tries to slap away a probing hand.

“Now hold still.” Enid grumpily complies as she is measured all over to a chorus of numbers.


Finaly, the first outfit is presented to her, it is a classically simple little black dress, Marlene
produces some shoes and white gold accessories to set it off. It looks stunning on Enid, and
she beams at her reflection in the mirrors held up by Marlene’s assistants. Marlene calls out
the changes needed to the dress before she clicks her fingers and Enid reluctantly takes it off.

This, however, is a high point as Enid soon glares at Marlene after she has struggled into the
wedding dress. It is blindingly white, the glare enhanced by the pearls and jewels adorning
the stiff bodice.

Marlene brushes away a tear to find Enid staring at her. “It is divine, don’t you agree?”

“No, it lacks color.” Enid complains.

“It is a wedding dress; tradition dictates the color.” Marlene insists.

“I am marrying a woman, an Addams woman, this is not going to be a traditional wedding.

So, color.” Enid retorts her hands on her hips.

“Well, I could add a small discrete spot of color somewhere where it will not distract from
the glory of the white.”

“No.” Enid snaps. “I am thinking more of a blaze of color backed up by the white. It needs
more color on the sleeves and the skirts. And down the front here.”

“Miss Sinclair!” Marlene gasps as she listens in horror to Enid’s suggestions.

“You.” Enid points at the assistant who was discreetly taking notes but now freezes upon
being noticed by Enid. “Do you have a picture of this dress?” He fumbles and hands over a
photograph from the folder he is holding.
“Pen?” He looks at Marlene before holding out a fine tipped sharpie.

“Not black, a colored pen.” Enid demands and he shakes his head.

“Right.” Enid hops off the stool she had been standing on and marches out of the room still
clutching the photograph.

“But you can’t be seen in your wedding dress.” Marlene wails as Enid departs.

“It’s not my wedding dress, yet.” Enid calls back as she roots through the small room looking
for a box, that she was sure she had labeled ‘office supplies’.

Triumphantly she returns to Marlene and her flunkies clutching a handful of colored pens.

She sits on the stool and smooths the picture of the dress on her knees. Using a red pen, she
draws on where she wants the colored highlights to be. She repeats this exercise with orange
and yellow until she has a dress that is ablaze with autumnal colors.

“There, that’s what I want, what do you think? It’s going to be an autumn wedding after all.”
She presents the altered image to Marlene who actually hisses at the picture.

“What’s wrong? It’s still a white dress and it’s what I want. These are only a few minor
alterations.” Marlene holds the picture by a corner with only her fingertips and hands it back
to the assistant.

“Good, now that that has been decided.” Enid carries on unaware of Marlene’s distress. “I
like the lines of this dress, but I have one or two suggestions for changes.”

“And I will need to mark some alterations.” Marlene holds up a set of pins, now back on the
stool, this will not hurt too much.”


Enid shakes her head at the next dress. “The wedding dress is flouncy enough it will do for
the ball; It is long enough for nobody to notice if I swap my shoes for sneakers. I will not be
spending my wedding day being a dress-up doll. Next.” Enid folds her arms defiantly as one
of Marlene’s assistants presents a dress that a fairy tale princess would reject as too
flamboyant. She glares at the young woman holding up the dress until she retreats around
Marlene and hides behind the dress.

Marlene decides to choose the battles she has a chance of winning and signals to the dress
holder now almost invisible behind a mass of pastel flounces and flourishes to put the dress

“Good, I don’t need to do another round with those pins. Do you sharpen them for each

Marlene looks even more smug than normal. “Of course, it is the only way to guarantee a
sharp enough point. Silver does lose it’s edge so quickly I find.”
“SILVER, you used silver pins on me” Enid barks thrusting a hand with long extended
colorful claws at Marlene.

Marlene does not flinch and claps her hands to get everyone’s attention. “I realize that this
has been a long day for everyone but finally we have the matching going away outfits.”

Enid extracts herself from the wedding dress. “If they must match then I’ll have the same as
Wednesday. What is she wearing?”

“I can’t tell you. It would be unlucky, and, in this case, matching does not mean identical it
means complimentary.”

“Well since you know what it is, dress me in it.”

“It will have to be different.”

“The same.” Enid says firmly before adding. “And anyway, what is a going away outfit?”

“It is what you will wear as you leave the mansion as a married couple for the first time.”
Marlene sighs.

“Oh, in that case, jeans, sneakers and some kind of baggy tee.” Enid suggests and the final
round of horse-trading begins. “Wednesday will be in black so if we are complimenting each
other, I have some band shirts that have a white background.”

Marlene squeaks in horror and holds her hand to her mouth. One of her team faints

“What?” Enid says pleased at the effect of her suggestion.

“No, that would not do.” Marlene finally says when she has recovered her composure. “The
going away outfit should convey an elegant and sophisticated image of you as you embark on
the next stage of your life’s journey.”

“As I said jeans, sneakers, baggy tee.

“No, no, no.” Marlene glares at her.

“Marlene, we will be getting in a car and then being driven to an airport before flying
halfway across the globe. I am not flying anywhere in some flouncy fairytale costume. I will
want to be comfortable.”

Marlene senses an opportunity and clicks her fingers at one of her assistants. The startled
young woman hurries forward holding a garment box and presents it to Marlene. With
practiced ease Marlene flicks open the box and lifts the garments out to show Enid. “This,
you will find is both comfortable and elegant.” The garments she holds up are gorgeous but
would suit an aspiring starlet going to the grand opening of an envelope not preparing to
spend eight hours on a plane.
“NO.” With her hangover beginning to make a reappearance, Enid is on the verge of losing
her temper, stamping her feet she growls at Marlene. “We are going on honeymoon not to the
Met gala, find something simpler. If you have to stitch the jeans yourself and hand print the
tees, do it. Simpler. And maybe add a short jacket. And while you are at it create a
complimentary outfit for Wednesday with no colors as she prefers.”

She looks around the room at a sea of shocked faces before settling on the young woman who
took notes for Marlene earlier and points at her. “You, write that down.”

Whilst ferocious scribbling takes place Enid hops off the stool and faces Marlene. “Are we
done here, because I need a lie down.” Marlene nods.

Enid storms off to find Wednesday, she needs to find solace in someone familiar. She wraps
her arms around Wednesday and kisses the back of her neck.

Wednesday takes hold of one of Enid’s hands. “Has she finished with you?”

“She better have, I have finished with her.” Enid sighs.

“Here put this on before you catch a cold.” Wednesday hands over a thick bathrobe that she
had hung on the back of a chair in anticipation.

As Enid puts on the robe. “OK, let’s get rid of Marlene and we can get back to normal.”

“Wends,” complains Enid tying the robe, “I don’t think we are going to have normal days
again until this wedding is over.”

“It’s our wedding, we will make time for normal. Now grab a glass of water and we will bid
goodbye to Marlene and make sure that none of her minions have taken up residence. Then
we can compare notes and see who won.”


“Yes, who will be wearing the fewest of mother’s suggestions.”

“Do you think your mother will be upset if we have rejected most of her dresses.” Enid asks,
beginning to recover from her ordeal with Marlene.

“She would be more upset if we simply accepted them without a fight.”

Waltzing and a surprise visit
Chapter Summary

Wednesday and Enid suffer through the first of the dance lessons Morticia has organized
for them.
When they finally have a Saturday Morning free they get an rude early morning

An early morning surprise

The morning after their dance lesson. Enid feels stiff when she wakes up. She reaches out for
Wednesday’s hand and smiles happily when Wednesday takes it.

“I can’t move, leave me here I’ll never walk again.” She moans.

Beside her Wednesday scoffs. “Stop being so dramatic. Have a stretch and go for a run.
You’ll feel better.”

“Why are we putting ourselves through this?”

“So that we can look vaguely competent when we dance at our wedding,”

“Do we have to?”

“Look competent? I would rather do something I disliked right.”

“No, go through with all this wedding palaver, can’t we just elope? Please.” Enid pleads.

Wednesday laughs. “Do you really want to be on the run whilst mother’s minions hunt us
down and drag us back?”

“No.” she says in a small voice.

“So, get up and go for a run.” Wednesday says firmly.

“How come you aren’t in pain?”

“I am, I’m just not complaining about it.” Wednesday gets out of bed and walks to Enid’s


“Really. Now take my hand and get up.”

Enid struggles heroically to her feet until she stands grinning next to Wednesday. “My hero.”

“I hope you will not be this dramatic every time we have a dance lesson.”

“It depends on how hard Filipe and Maria push us. They are monsters. However, we only
have to do three dances, each of us with your father and then with each other.” Enid says

Wednesday quickly corrects her. “I’m sure there will be others who will want to dance with
us, you will be the belle of the ball Miss Sinclair. You will have to be ready for everything.”

“Oh No.” Enid groans. “You’ll save me?”

“Only by dancing with you which will be unfair on everyone else. So, you will have to
learn.” Groaning Enid slumps in her arms.

“Are you going to get ready now? We have to be back at the dance studio at noon.”

“Too soon”

“Oh, my poor little wolf.” Wednesday hugs her. “But then we will have almost a week before
the next lesson.


Wednesday and Enid are in the dance studio, another gift from Morticia, to enable them to
learn a few dances before the wedding. Filipe, the dance instructor, has them perform some
warming up exercises and stretching routines before the lesson begins.

“Good afternoon, now that you are ready, we will be practicing the main dances and if we
have time, I may introduce the Two step. Now places.” He claps his hands.

Enid groans as Wednesday gets to her feet and walks on to the dance floor. She follows
slowly and takes up her position opposite Wednesday.

“Good, good.” Filipe tries to encourage them. “Maria the music.” At the side of the room,
Maria, his partner, selects a track on her laptop to play.

As The Blue Danube filters out of the speakers, Enid leans closer to Wednesday. “If I ever
catch up with Strauss he will wish he had drowned in that river.”

Wednesday smiles as she has wished for a similar fate for the unfortunate Strauss.

“Silence and begin.” Filipe commands and Wednesday leads off gently holding Enid’s hand.
Enid looks down watching where her feet are going. She really wants to avoid stepping on
Wednesday again.

“No Miss Sinclair hold your head up and look at your partner, take your lead from her. Do
not worry about her feet you will not trip her.”
As they dance he walks around them offers encouragement and instruction.

They dance the waltz over and over again until Enid leans over with her hands on her knees.

“Enough,” she says gulping in air. “If you say ‘Once More’ again, I will end you.”

Filipe claps his hands and very sniffily says. “Very well we will have a short break.” He
walks off to sit next to Maria.

“Great” Enid flops to the floor and leans back on her hands. Wednesday sits down next to her
in a more graceful fashion.

“Wends how can you do all this?”

“Mother!” Wednesday replies.


“Yes, she insisted that I have dance classes when I was younger, so I have been through this
ordeal before. I did not want to relive the memories, so I skipped dance class at Nevermore.”

“I skipped because I didn’t think I would ever do ballroom dancing outside of school.” Enid

“But you watch it all the time, those dance shows.”

“Watch it yes, want to do it never.”

“Why are you so tired, you run all the time.”

“Different type of exercise I guess, also frustration at all the repetition.” Enid suddenly
clambers to her feet. “I’m getting a drink; do you want your bottle.” Wednesday nods and
stays sitting, and she watches as Enid dusts off her yoga pants before walking over to their
bags and bending over to search for the weater bottles.

Filipe claps his hands to get their attention. “Now that you are rested and re-hydrated. We
will do the waltz again until you can do it properly. Only one of you can lead Miss Sinclair,
you have to stop taking over. He struts over to the laptop he has set up to control the music
and whispers something to Maria. After a second a different lively waltz is playing.

“Come on, on your feet. Miss Addams you will lead, Miss Sinclair stand a few feet away
from her now begin. Focus on your own steps.”

They begin dancing individually with Filipe following them and commenting on their steps.

When you have mastered the waltz, we will move on to the Foxtrot, the Paso Doble, and then
the Two-step.

“At least he isn’t asking us to do the can-can.” Enid giggles as Wednesday leads them in the
Viennese waltz.
“Focus on the dance, Miss Sinclair.” Filipe claps his hands to get their attention. “And let
Miss Addams lead.”

Finally, after they have been waltzed out, Filipe and Maria demonstrate the finer points of the
Two-step. They end up facing Wednesday and Enid and give a small bow and curtsy. Despite
her fatigue Enid smiles as the couple finish.


Enid blinks her eyes open panicking because she has not heard her alarm go off but then
relaxes when she remembers it is Saturday and she does not have to go to work. She rolls
over to find Wednesday staring back at her, she smiles. Reaching over she takes a gentle hold
of Wednesday’s shoulder and leans forward to kiss her.

“Good morning Mrs. Addams,”

“Good Morning Mrs. Sinclair,” Wednesday smiles at her.

Enid plucks at Wednesday’s t-shirt. “This will have to go” she whispers, Wednesday pulls the
garment over her head. ”And yours.” Quickly Enid tugs her shirt over her head before she
dives in for a kiss.

“You are still overdressed Mrs. Sinclair.”

“What are you going to do about that Mrs. Addams?”

Then Enid feels Wednesday’s hands slowly trace a path down her body, she shivers in
anticipation as her panties slide down her legs.

She screams as the lights come on and the covers are ripped completely off the bed, she
stares in horror as Morticia Addams stalks into the room.

Enid grabs a pillow and tries to hide behind it but Morticia rips that away as well, she ends up
clutching Wednesday.

“It smells like a Turkish brothel in here.” Morticia announces as she walks to the windows
and sweeps the curtains open with a flourish and pushes a window open.

”Ah, that’s better.”

“Mother, unlike you I don’t frequent brothels, Turkish or otherwise. What are you doing
here?” Wednesday sits up with Enid still clinging to her and scowls at her mother.

“I thought it was time we had a little pre-wedding chat about the basics of married life.” She
looks down at the pair of them sitting on the bed in front of her, “although I see that you have
the physical side of things in hand.”

Wednesday moves Enid’s hands, that she is using to try to cover her nakedness, aside. “That
is all very well mother but why this morning and could you not have called instead?”
“I have always wanted to see your new place; you have never invited your father and I over
to have a little housewarming party. So, I thought I would pop by.” Morticia says as she
wanders around the room inspecting the shelves and cupboards.

Then she stops and looks at them. “Well, why are you still sitting there. I can’t take you out
looking like that. Or are things that different in the cities these days that nakedness is
acceptable in fine dining establishments. Come on get up, chop chop. Find some decent
clothes, go and get yourselves cleaned up and presentable. Move, move.”

Morticia barks orders and claps her hands as Enid and Wednesday run around picking out
clothes before fleeing to their bathroom.

“And don’t dawdle in there and don’t lock the door.” Morticia calls after them and then says
to herself. “I suppose that I will have to find the kitchen myself, I hope it is not too much to
ask that you have some decent tea in this place.”

Enid leans against the bathroom door panting clutching the clothes she picked up. “What do
we do?” She hisses at Wednesday who is turning on the shower.

“I think we are going for breakfast with my mother.” Wednesday says gloomily.

“What have we done to deserve this?”

“I’m sure she will think of something wedding related.”

“Don’t dawdle and no gossiping” Morticia suddenly barks through the door making Enid
jump and drop her clothes.

“She has missed her calling she would have been a terrifying drill sergeant or a
schoolteacher. How did you cope growing up?”

“I lost myself in other activities and tried to keep away from her. Having my father around
does take the edge off her. Come on and get ready she will be worse if we keep her waiting.”

Morticia sips her tea and inspects them over the rim of the most delicate mug she could find
when they finally enter the kitchen.

“Do you girls not have any proper teacups? These mugs are simply awful.” She complains as
she twirls a finger in the air, and they spin around. Morticia sniffs and puts her tea down.
“You will have to do. It would cause even more of a fuss if I made you hide under blankets.
And Miss Sinclair you are wearing mismatched shoes, we are going to breakfast not to some
exhibition of outrageous art.”

Enid looks down at her feet in horror before running off to their bedroom.
“Wednesday, I will send you a tea service, these mugs will not do, not at all. How do you
girls cope?”

“We survive the travails and rigors of life, despite the lack of fine china teacups.” Wednesday
says while trying not to listen to the sounds of her bedroom being torn apart as Enid searches
for her shoes.

Enid clatters into the Kitchen holding onto the door frame to slow herself down.

Morticia inspects her shoes and does not comment as Enid has changed both of them. She
slowly rises to her feet and signals to Wednesday and Enid. “Now come along.”

She then leads them out of the apartment and along the hall, leaving Wednesday to lock up
behind them.

They pass Carly and Jasmine in the hallway who mouths “What?” at Enid as they hurry past
her. Enid shrugs her shoulders and mouths back “Later” and waves at Jasmine who is
clinging to her mother.

Without turning Morticia snaps “No dawdling Miss Sinclair.”

Enid rolls her eyes and grimaces at Carly and hurries to catch up.


Morticia sweeps out of the apartment building, not acknowledging Marco who is holding the
door for her and heads to her car which is idling on the street outside. Lurch is standing next
to the car holding the door open for her.

“Thank you, Marco, my mother-in-law.” Enid whispers in explanation as she hurries after
Morticia. She smiles at Marco’s horrified reaction.

One they are all aboard, Lurch squeezes himself into the driver’s seat and waits for an
instruction. Morticia nods and Lurch pulls away from the apartment building.

Enid and Wednesday sit quietly like naughty schoolgirls, on the jump seats facing Morticia,
with their hands in their laps not looking up.

When the car stops, they are outside a downtown restaurant, staff rush to open the doors and
escort Morticia into the building, Enid and Wednesday are escorted in with less

They are the only patrons and the Maître-d’ bows to Morticia and leads them to a table.

Staff appear from the shadows to pull out their chairs for them only to vanish again once they
are seated.

Morticia fixes them with a steely look “I thought that we could have some ‘Mother and
Daughter’ time and discuss some details of the wedding.”
“Shall I go?” Enid asks hoping to escape and winces slightly as Wednesday’s hand has hers
locked in a death grip preventing any escape.

“No Enid, I consider you to be my daughter as well, since your own mother abandoned you
in your hour of need, you became my little girl as well. This involves you so you will stay.”

Enid relaxes a little and flexes her fingers as Wednesday’s grip on her hand eases. “So, you
don’t mind your daughters marrying?” she asks.

Morticia sighs. “When Wednesday told me of your relationship my first thought was that she
was just trying to shock me. But then I saw visions of you two together and I knew that was
not the case. And when I saw you with my grandchildren, I could not have been happier.”

Enid looks at Wednesday who shrugs, while Morticia sighs happily and clutches her hands to
her chest.

“Won’t there be family members who will object to Wednesday marrying a woman? I expect
my mother will be furious.” Enid asks.

Morticia dismisses everyone else’s concerns with a wave of her hand. “There might be, but
they will not cross me if they know what is good for them. And yes, your mother is furious, if
the state of the returned invitation is anything to go by.”

“What? You invited her.” Enid is astonished.

“Well, she is your mother.”

“I was hoping to live the rest of my life without having to see her again.” Enid says angrily.

Morticia reaches out and takes Enid’s hand. “I know you are angry at her Enid, but that will
pass in time.”

“Maybe, but she is not ruining my wedding.”

“Don’t worry I have taken steps to see that she does not.” Morticia smiles as she assures her.

“Now, Marlene has told me what happened at the dress fitting. I am very disappointed in you
girls. You cruelly rejected all the lovely outfits. You would have looked divine in them.” She
dramatically raises her handkerchief to her eye to wipe away a tear.

Enid is about to respond when she feels Wednesday’s hand on hers under the table.

“Mother, we would have looked ridiculous in them. we did what we felt was right for OUR
wedding, so we chose the outfits we wanted.”

“But poor Marlene was so upset.” Morticia makes use of the hankie again.

“She’s a vampire she should be used to it by now and I’m sure she will get over it.”

“Really, a vampire.” Enid is shocked.

“Of course, could you not tell?”

Enid turns to Wednesday. “I only felt an urge to wolf out at something, It was all I could do to
control myself.”

Wednesday nods. “That would be the effect of her or her minions. I am proud of how much
you can control yourself.

“Thank you Wends, but Morticia, you sent a vampire to our home, how could you?”

“She came highly recommended and is very good at her job.”

“Still a vampire Morticia.”

“Well, she was very upset with how cruelly you girls treated her.”

“Still a vampire.” Enid says firmly.

In a low horrified voice Morticia says. “You wanted her to stitch jeans and produce T-shirts. I
fear that she may never speak to me again.”

“She will get over it, we are the Addams.” Wednesday adds before Enid continues.

“Again, a vampire and yes, I did. It was the right outfit for that part of the ordeal.”

“Ordeal?” Morticia is confused.

“Yes ordeal, we would have been happy with a small, simple ceremony.” Enid smiles at
Wednesday who nods.

“No that would not do. This is an Addams wedding, an important event, everyone will want
to be there.”

Enid huffs

“It will be magnificent Enid, I’m sure that you will appreciate it.”

“I’m sure, but we will have the outfits that we want so long as the vampire does not

“Marlene said that you rejected all of my suggestions.”

“That’s not true, I liked the little black dress and only made some minor suggestions to the
wedding dress. Wednesday only wanted some minor changes to her outfits. I decided on the
going away outfits.” Enid tries to correct Morticia.

“But Wednesday, a black wedding dress and a ‘mans’ suit?” Morticia puts on her shocked
expression and the handkerchief gets another workout.

“It is what makes her happy so that is all that matters to me.” Enid says.
“And what of the bridesmaids, pages, a best man or woman?”

Enid is firm. “No no and no. It’s our wedding so just the two of us. Also, most of my
candidates to those roles are not outcasts so I don’t think they can be considered.”

Not to be put off her vision of a grand wedding Morticia persists. “What about your cousins,
Wednesday, surely they must be someone suitable among them.”

Wednesday scoffs. “Of course not, you have met them, none of them are suitable also that
would not solve Enid’s problem. I am not going to fob her off with my cast-off bridesmaids.”

“But the wedding party would not be complete without a full complement of bridesmaids.”

“We are not having any.” Wednesday says firmly hoping to put a stop to the discussion.

“Very well then, Enid Gomez also asked permission to fight your wolf sometime over the
period that you are at the mansion.” while Enid gasps at the suggestion Morticia continues,
“and Wednesday, Pugsley is unhappy with you for some reason, he wanted me to tell you that
you can settle your differences in the usual fashion.”

Wednesday pats Enid on the back to try to restore her breathing. “Tell them both, that will be

“What?” Enid finally manages to get a word out. “What do you mean fight?”

“Enid, father is obsessed with fighting duels. Every time I go home, I have to fence with him.
I thought that you would enjoy it. Nature raw in tooth and claw and all that. I know you spar
with Jen.”

Morticia smiles. “Well, that is resolved I will pass on the good news.

She signals to the staff and a waiter floats silently over to take their orders. Morticia orders a
light fruit selection and toasted English muffin, while Wednesday orders an omelet. Enid
glances at the menu and decides to take advantage of the circumstances to go for the full fried
breakfast with all the trimmings.

With the staff departed back to the darkness Wednesday addresses her Mother. “So mother,
why are we here?”

“We will have breakfast and take the opportunity to go over the itinerary of events for the

“Events plural?”

“Yes there is a full itinerary, but we will eat first.” she signals to a waiter who is standing
discretely at the back of the room. She vanishes quietly into the kitchen and emerges with a
tray laden with a tall silver coffee pot.

“And tell me how the dance lessons are going?” Morticia asks, having had a full report from
“They are progressing.” Wednesday says without wanting to reveal the truth hoping that her
mother does not hear Enid’s groan.
The Wedding Planner
Chapter Summary

Morticia summons them on the crystal ball and goes through her plans for their
wedding. Wednesday and Enid struggles to put their own spin on the events.
With the wedding day almost upon them Enid gets some help with pacing while
Wednesday gets some surprising help with her writing.

The wedding planner

“Hi, Wends, I’m back, sorry I’m late I got stuck on a client call at work.”

Enid drops her work bag in her small office and walks into the kitchen to find Wednesday
glaring at a piece of paper that is sitting half wound out of the typewriter. At her feet is a drift
of rolled up pieces of paper, other screwed up balls of paper are scattered around the room.

Enid hugs her and plants a kiss on her cheek. “I’m sorry Wends.”

She can feel the tension fade from Wednesday’s body.

“My writer’s block is not your fault.”

“Let’s get this cleared up and we’ll go out. A change of scenery will be good for you.” Enid

“You don’t have to do this Enid.”

“I want to. You get ready while I tidy this mess up.”

“Thank you, Enid.”

After having tidied up the scattered remains of Wednesday’s failed attempts at writing the
latest chapter of her book, Enid is sitting at her dresser touching up her make-up ready to go
out, when Wednesday stalks up to her.

“Enid, I need you now, mother wants to speak to us.”

“Can’t we just fob her off with an excuse and talk to her later after we’ve gone out.” Enid
gesticulates with her make-up brush to emphasize her frustration.

“She insists on speaking to us now, she has important wedding preparations she wants to
dictate to us.”
“But I wanted to take you out, there’s this new place Sandi’s says is great. Please.”

“She said that it’s important and will have us dragged in chains to the mansion if we don’t
finalize the plans tonight.”

Dejectedly Enid puts down her make-up and stands up and hugs Wednesday before adding.
“Very well, take me to my doom.”

“A touch dramatic Mrs. Sinclair. Can you put something on, you can’t be talking to my
mother half-naked.”

“She’s seen me in less.”

Wednesday sighs. “Don’t remind me, do it for me please.”

Enid kisses Wednesday. “Anything for you.” She picks up the black jumper she was going to
wear and pulls it on. “Into the valley of death”

Wednesday giggles and drags her out of the bedroom to face her mother.


They sit side by side on the couch listening to Morticia outline her plans for their wedding
through the crystal ball. “I have, of course, had the chapel redecorated for this happy
occasion and the flowers will be delivered the morning of the ceremony. They will be divine,
I’m having some flown in from the Amazon.”

“By Amazon?”

“No, from the Amazon, they are rare South American blooms, quite exceptional colors.”

“A good deal rarer now.” Enid mutters.

“What was that?”

“Nothing I was just saying were you planning on decking out the chapel like a jungle.”

“No no no I just wanted a few of these specific blooms to provide emphasis to the floral

Enid is about to protest the extravagance of having a few flowers flown in from South
America when she feels Wednesday’s fingernails digging into her hand and holds her tongue.

“Next, we have the procession, normally the bride is walked up the aisle by her father to be
given away to the groom who waits at the altar. Since neither of you wants to be the groom,
I’m not sure what we shall do.”

Wednesday frowns “Since we are both brides and neither want or need a groom, we will do
something different.”
“But your father wants to give you away.” Protests Morticia, they can see her reaching for an
embroidered handkerchief and expect a flood of tears any second.

“Well, he can’t, I am not a spare couch to be cast aside.” Wednesday folds her arms.
“Anyway, there is no one from Enid’s side for me to be given to, and who would give away
Enid, if she consents to such an act?”

“But someone has to walk you up the aisle” complains Morticia.

“Enid can.”

“But she’s the bride, who will walk her up the aisle?”

“I will.” Wednesday has an expression that does not invite argument and glares at her mother
with her arms folded.

“And your father?”

“He can wait in the front row with you until we get there.”

“And Enid’s father?” Morticia tries to find a flaw in Wednesday’s argument.

“The same, assuming that he will be there. Enid’s mother controls him. He won’t be there
without her permission?” Enid nods in agreement and asks. “She might be a problem. Has
she accepted the invitation, I thought she had returned it? I trust that you have a plan for her.”

“Oh yes,” Morticia says with an evil cackle.

“Moving on, Mother, who have you got to perform the ceremony?” Wednesday asks
expecting some long-lost cousin who has disgraced the family and joined a church.

“The archbishop of course.”

Wednesday is surprised. “But his church opposes gay marriage, how did you get him to

“I have my ways.” Morticia says with a glint in her eyes.


Morticia waves away her protests. “He will think he is performing a regular wedding; he will
not be aware of who he is marrying.”

“And if he pronounces us husband and wife?”

“He won’t, he is under my control completely.”


The girls exclaim before Wednesday asks, “will it be safe.”

Morticia smiles “for us yes and for him so long as he does not fight me.”

“So, to recap. We will walk together to the altar, where the hypnotized cleric will conduct the
ceremony. Yada yada yada. We exchange rings. You may kiss the bride, finish.”

“Wait.” Enid interrupts. “I don’t have space in my dress to carry a ring, do you? I can only
imagine the hissy fit Marlene will pull if we suggest she adds pockets to our dresses.”

“No” Wednesday suddenly smiles, “Father!”

“What about him?

“He can carry the wedding rings and produce them at the right moment. It will make him feel

“Good idea Wends.”

“What about your brother? He could act as best man and carry the rings.” Morticia suggests,
she has not given up on enlarging the wedding party.

Wednesday scoffs “No. He is neither the best nor a man. No father will do it, he is at least
moderately competent.”

She pauses before continuing with her summary of the events. “So, father produces the rings,
we exchange them to complete the ceremony.”

“Except for the break to register the marriage with the civil authorities.” Morticia sniffs at the
thought of mundane society interfering with the wedding.


“Yes,” Enid agrees with Morticia “we have to register the marriage with the state.”

“When does this outrage happen?” Wednesday splutters indignantly.

“During the ceremony.”

“What, we suddenly drive off to city hall.”

Enid takes her hand. “No Wends, there will be a registrar at the chapel, who will record our
marriage. It will be quite quick. I spoke to Carly about her wedding, that’s what happened to
her when she got married”

“Enid is correct you don’t have to fret my little dagger.” Morticia tries to placate Wednesday.

“Very well. We get registered, complete the ceremony, and walk back down the aisle and out
of the chapel.”
“Yes, and then be greeted by the guests, have a few photographs taken before you will be
driven back to the mansion by Lurch.”

“Driven but it is only 100 yards.”

“Driven.” says Morticia firmly before continuing “and then at the mansion you will welcome
the guests to the mansion for the reception dinner.”

“After dinner there will be speeches, you father will say a few words.” Morticia looks
unhappy “normally the groom and best man also speak.”

“Well, I can say something, Enid do you want to.” Wednesday suggests hoping to move the
discussion along.

“Yes, I’ll say a few words.”

“Make your speeches appropriate, keep the lewdness to a minimum.” Morticia warns.

“You mean no off-color stories from our pasts.”

“Nothing like that.”

“That doesn’t leave a lot.” Grumbles Enid.

“If you can’t find anything appropriate, I can make a few suggestions.”

“We will have plenty of material of our own. And that’s it, the speeches are the end of it.”

“No, we will have a short break whilst photographs are taken in the grounds and then you can
prepare for the grand ball in the evening which will go on until the early hours if past events
are anything to go by.


Wednesday is sitting at the kitchen table typing, Enid and Carly are in their bedroom trying to
pack for her wedding, they are being picked up early in the morning for the trip to the

On the other side of the table Jasmine is sitting strapped into a collapsible baby chair that
Carly produced from her bag and tied to one of their kitchen chairs. Jasmine is currently
ignoring her toys and bottle and is fascinated by the noise and movement of the typewriter.
She reaches out and giggles every time the carriage returns and Wednesday starts a new line.
Wednesday looks over the top of her sheet of paper to see the little girl staring up at her


“Enid, calm down.” Carly holds her by her arms. “Take a breath.”

Enid focuses on her and nods.

“Good.” Carly says calmly, “so you have to pack for the wedding and the honeymoon?”

Enid nods and points at the two empty cases on the bed and the piles of clothes.

Carly picks up a pair of red high cut panties. “Hey girl, these are going in the wedding day

Enid snatches them off her but does put them down in the case Carly had indicated.

“Mind you they could see some action on honeymoon.” Carly teases.

“Oh god what am I doing?” Enid sits down on the bed with her head in her hands. There is a
small avalanche of t-shirts that slide off the bed onto the floor.

“You are marrying the woman you love. It is the right thing to do, you know it.”

When Enid has calmed a little, Carly asks “Where is your wedding dress?”

“At the mansion with the other outfits for events, we have a last-minute fitting session to
endure when we get there.”

“Events plural?”

Enid rolls her eyes “you do not want to know.”

“Go on.” Carly does want to compare it to the extravaganza that was her own wedding.

Enid sighs and counts on her fingers. “The Rehearsals, family gathering, pre-wedding
breakfast, then the ceremony itself, a formal dinner, then a reception ball and finally a ‘going

“A what?”

“Wednesday’s mother has turned being driven to the airport into a thing that apparently
needed a special outfit.” Enid sighs.

“Wow, I thought my mom went wedding crazy.” Carly shakes her head and surveys the two
small piles of clothing.

“OK so you will not need much then for the events?” She begins moving items from that pile
and dropping them in the case. “And the honeymoon?”

Enid smiles “it will be half a beach holiday and half museum tours.”

Carly raises her eyebrows, Enid shrugs “something for me and something for Wednesday, we
decided to compromise.”

“Thats sweet. So, where’s the swimsuit?”

Enid holds up a small neon yellow bikini.

“You will rock those museum tours.” Carly giggles and Enid joins in.

“And Wednesday’s stuff?”

Enid points to two small bags positioned against the wall. “She’s already finished packing.”

Carly then gets serious and with brutal efficiency helps Enid limit herself to the clothing that
she will actually need and then goes through what they have selected again discarding about a
third of it.

“Hey” protests Enid.

“You are staying in a decent hotel?” Enid nods “good, use the laundry service.”

“Now, I’ll just go check on Jasmine, I can’t hear her.”

“OK” Enid tries to choose between which of two almost identical white t-shirts to pack.

Carly rushes back and grabs hold of Enid’s hand. “Come quickly Enid and be quiet.”

“What is it? Is Wednesday all right? Jasmine?”

“Everyone’s OK, just come and look and be quiet” Carly takes her hand and leads her to the
kitchen hushing her attempts to speak.

They stop and watch from the doorway as Wednesday bounces Jasmine on her lap. The little
girl giggles as she is moved up and down clutching one of Wednesday’s braids in her little

Enid puts her hand to her mouth and stares in wonder.

Jasmine turns and sees her mother and reaches out smiling happily with both arms. Enid
ducks back and hopes that Wednesday has not seen her.

Carly picks up Jasmine “Hello baby have you been good for Wednesday?” The girl smiles
and snuggles closer to her mother.

“She is no trouble.”

Enid comes in trying to suppress a grin.

“Everything OK here?”

“Everything is fine, have you finished packing?” Wednesday asks, trying to pretend that she
hadn’t been playing with Jasmine.
The wedding rehearsal and a visit with werewolves
Chapter Summary

Wednesday and Enid are driven to the Addams mansion, when they arrive Morticia
immediately gets them to practice their roles the the actual ceremony. To her surprise
Enid finds her father waiting for her at the front of the chapel.
When they are free of rehearsals Wednesday and Enid go to pay Enid's mother a visit.

The wedding rehearsal and a visit with werewolves

There is a flash of lightning and an instant rumble of thunder as Lurch pulls the car into the
driveway in front of the mansion. Enid looks out of the windows examining the scene.

“What are you looking for?” Wednesday asks her.

“I was expecting more signs of preparation, decorations that sort of thing.”

“That will all be on the inside, wait and see. Although it looks as if the lightning generator is
back working.”

“The what?”

“Look around Enid it is a clear day, my great grandfather had Nikola Tesla install it.”
Wednesday gestures towards the clear blue cloudless sky.

Morticia greets them at the front of the mansion as soon as they step out of the car.

“Now come along we have everything set up for the rehearsal, Lurch will take your bags up
to your rooms.”

“Rooms?” stammers Enid thrown off guard by Morticia’s sudden flow of instructions.

“Of course, etiquette demands the bride and well other bride stay apart before the ceremony.
So, I have prepared separate rooms for you as well as a bridal suite for afterwards.” Morticia
beams with happiness. “Now come along.”

Enid and Wednesday reluctantly follow her, Enid points back to the car that Lurch is

Morticia leads them across the gravel driveway away from the mansion to a smaller building
almost hidden by a large stand of trees. the gravel driveway extends to the front of the
building and looks freshly laid.
When they arrive at the building Enid looks up and sees that the grey stonework has a
blotchy look to it. Catching her looking up at the stones Morticia says “I’ve had the ivy cut
back it was smothering the old chapel and blocking the windows. I was going to knock the
whole thing down as we have no other use for it but you two have given me the impetus to
have it renovated.”

Morticia pauses at the door. “Enid you will wait at the doorway here, the start of the wedding
march will be your queue to enter the chapel, Wednesday you will be waiting just inside
when Enid joins you, you both walk up the aisle. I’ll get everyone else in their places and we
can begin. Come along Wednesday.”

Enid is left waiting outside the chapel still a bit bamboozled by Morticia’s rapid fire
instructions. She looks up at the clean stonework and can see the holes the ivy has left in the
stones; she follows the holes up the side of the building.

She is dragged away from her architectural appreciation, by a burst of music and she pushes
open the door and steps inside. Wednesday rolls her eyes as Enid enters the chapel and blinks
as she tries to adjust her eyes to the darkness.

Now you begin your walk” Morticia instructs them and with a shrug of her shoulders
Wednesday starts walking and Enid begins to shuffle after her.

“No stop everything.” Morticia barks and the music fades away. “And back to your places
Enid and Wednesday. You are walking to happiness not filing a tax return. Now we’ll start
again and Wednesday try to smile. Now Music!” Morticia sits down again and as the music
starts Wednesday and Enid begin walking again through the almost empty chapel.

From the front row pew Morticia studies them and keeps up a running commentary on their
progress. “Heads up, backs straight. Don’t dawdle, look forward don’t gawp like a slack
jawed yokel. don’t hurry.”

When they finally get to the altar Enid spots her father standing at the front pew, he is in
chains and under guard he tries not to catch her eye and turns away. Enid glares at Morticia
who gives a small shrug and says cheerily. “I felt it was important that your parents witness
this happy occasion, so I had them brought here. Your mother was not keen, but she came
along anyway.”

“You did what?”

“I made sure that they accepted the invitation to their only daughter’s wedding.”

“You’re mad. My mother will be furious.”

“I think incandescent with rage is a more accurate description of her mood at the moment.”
Morticia gives the guards a signal and they take Enid’s father away.

“Hey” Enid protests but Morticia tries to placate her “this is not the right time Enid. Maybe
later. Now we’ll have a short break, some refreshments and we’ll start again.”
Enid drags Wednesday to a nearby pew and slumps down next to her. “We can still make a
break for Vegas.”

“I feel that it is too late, far too late” She watches her mother examine something shiny and
metallic on the front pew Enid’s father had been standing next to.

Morticia has them running through the ceremony until they are perfect and exhausted, only
then are they allowed to go to their rooms.

Wednesday stops immediately upon entering her room, instead of the comforting familiarity
of her old room she finds a smiling Marlene waiting for her.

“Good Miss Addams, you’re here at last, now get out of those ‘things’ and put on the suit, we
have to do a final fitting. I hope you have not put on too much weight.”

Wednesday is about to respond when hands reach out to assist her undressing, pulling at her
clothes and helping her into the first of her outfits.

Marlene fusses as Wednesday stands there uncomfortably with Marlene’s minions moving
her like a marionette taking measurements and making adjustments to her suit.


Wednesday glares at more of Marlene’s minions when they skitter out of her way as she
stalks down the corridor to Enid’s room.

Wednesday’s breath catches in her throat as she finds Enid admiring herself in a mirror
wearing her wedding dress.

“Wow” she whispers as she shuts the door behind her.

Enid turns quickly and smiles when she sees Wednesday. “Your mother will be furious if she
knew you were here.”

“I know, but it is your mother I want to talk about. You don’t have to worry about her, she is
only here because mother is a stickler for tradition. I believe that she will be shipped back
after the ceremony.”

“I know but I am not afraid of her.” Enid looks at Wednesday. “Also, should you be in here?
Isn’t it bad luck to see the bride in her dress before the ceremony?”

“Only if you’re the groom. As I am the bride that doesn’t apply to me.”

“No, I’m the bride and so’s my wife.” Enid breaks down in a fit of giggles and reluctantly
Wednesday joins her.

“So, get that thing off, you don’t need to wear it until tomorrow. And even then, you won’t be
able to wear it until after the swarm of beauticians descend upon us like a plague tomorrow.”

Enid takes one last look in the mirror before starting to take the dress off.
“You’re right but aren’t they coming to practice their dark arts on you as well. Please say you
are having your hair done in a huge beehive.”

“It’s bad luck to see your bride before the ceremony.” Wednesday teases.

“So, no beehive?”

“No, no beehive, it will be something different.”

“I liked how you wore it last week in the single braid, can you do it like that again?

Wednesday pauses as if she is thinking. “I will for my wife.”

“Thanks, now can you help me get out of this thing?” Enid turns and gestures towards the
fastening at the back of the dress.

“Of course.” Wednesday helps her out of her wedding dress and together they hang it and the
petticoats on the wooden frame Marlene had provided.

With the wedding dress hung up Enid puts on a plain loose fitting white shirt and a medium
length blue skirt. As she us putting on her shoes Wednesday comments.

“Very professional, I didn’t realize you had an interview.”

“No,” Enid grins “I want to go and see my mother.”

“You don’t have to dress up for her.”

“I’m not, this is for you I want you to come with me.”

“You don’t need to dress up for that, you can just ask and I’m not letting you go to see her

“So where is my mother being kept? I assume she is not in one of these rooms.” Enid
gestures with a hand.

“No, mother has her held in the under cellar beneath the mansion.”

Enid stands up and straightens her skirt “Come on. Time to rip off the band-aid and talk to
my mother. At least she will not be able to run off this time.”


Wednesday leads them to a nondescript door at the back of the mansion and they begin the
descent to the cellars. As they descend the walls become rougher as if less care has been
spent dressing the stone. The steps are also rougher, uneven, and worn in the center of the

The further down they go the damper the walls and steps get, until at the lowest level the
walls are damp to the touch. The air feels heavy with moisture. Enid thinks that a prolonged
stay down here would be ruinous for your health, which she concludes is probably part of the
function of a dungeon.

“You weren’t kidding when you said it was an under cellar, how far down do you think we

Wednesday frowns as she tries to estimate the depth. “100 feet.” At the bottom of the final
flight of stairs is a small room with a very modern solid metal door set in the far wall.

There is an armed guard talking on a radio while another watches them suspiciously.

He nods as he listens and holds up a hand to indicate that they should stop.

“You can go in Miss Addams, Miss Sinclair but do not approach the bars and do not pass
anything to the prisoners. Do you understand?”

“Yes” Wednesday says clearly, “yes” mumbles Enid.

The guard’s partner turns to the number pad set in the door and blocks their view of it as she
keys in a number. The door clicks and she opens it for them.

After they have stepped through the door it clangs shut behind them.

The lowest level is a simple corridor lined with alcoves, most are open and empty, but a few
are sealed off with newer looking walls constructed from modern bricks. There is a string of
lights fixed to the ceiling with a loop of cable hanging between each pair.

At the far end of the corridor the last alcove is lit up, it has been closed with a set of steel bars
that gleam in the light. As they get closer, Enid can see a narrow door has been set in the bars
to provide access. The last of the lights is fixed above the entrance to the alcove providing
light to the occupants. A cable has been run from the light to a control box on the wall next to
the alcove.

Enid can make out two guards standing in the darker space between the last pair of lights,
making them harder for the occupants of the cell to see them. Although she does not think her
family will have any trouble seeing the guards.

Enid examines the open wall of steel bars, as she gets closer, she can spot coils of silver wire
welded around them as an added defense. And from the warning signs she guesses that the
bars are also connected to the electrical supply.

Her father and brothers are huddled against the back wall, looking lost and bewildered. Her
mother simply looks angry, as always, and is pacing the cell looking for a weakness to exploit
so that she can escape.

She stops pacing when Enid and Wednesday approach the bars and glares at them, hatred
written all over her face.

The guards stop them a yard from the bars. “Do not approach any closer, Mrs. Addams’
Wednesday nods to the guard and tugs Enid to a halt.

“I forbid this marriage; you are not marrying that.” Her mother lunges at the steel bars and
recoils as her skin burns when it contacts the silver and the electricity.

Enid stands and looks at her mother snarling at her, and once again she is a little girl about to
be scolded for something, anything, but then Wednesday’s hand is on the small of her back
and she rallies. She is not that frightened little girl anymore and stands up straighter.

“It’s not up to you.” Enid says haughtily. “It is my choice, and I am marrying Wednesday.”

“No, you are not. It’s my pack and my rules, young lady. I forbid you from marrying that.”
Esther shouts jabbing her finger towards Enid.

Enid laughs “Her name is Wednesday and it’s not my pack anymore or don’t you remember
running away from me after the fight at school. You lost.” Enid pauses. “So maybe it is my
pack now and my rules after all. You have no hold over me anymore.”

Esther shrinks back and turns away from Enid who continues.

“You are here because Morticia thought that someone from my family should be present. If
you cannot behave yourself, you can stay here until the ceremony is over. I don’t care one
way or the other.”

Esther growls and folds her arms but cannot intimidate her daughter anymore. Enid grins and
takes Wednesday’s hand.

“Look very carefully mother, this is the woman that I am going to marry. There is nothing
you can do about it so just accept it.” She nods towards her father and brothers. “Father, boys,
goodbye.” The men look as if they are going to speak but glance towards Esther and stop.

Enid takes Wednesday’s hand, and they turn around and head out of the dungeon, behind
them they can hear the rattling of the bars and the angry howling of her mother.
The Pre-wedding gathering
Chapter Summary

Enid nervously gets ready to face the Addams clan, she is concerned that they will not
like her or worse. Wednesday tries to reassure her that it will be alright. But before she
knows it to doors to the ballroom are opened and everyone is examining her.

The Pre-wedding gathering

Enid looks at herself in the full-length mirror and smiles, satisfied that her black dress is
hanging straight and wrinkle free. It does look good on her and she is happy that she did not
reject it unlike the rest of Morticia’s choices. She is even happy with the accessories Marlene
selected and runs her fingers along the links of the necklace.

She looks unhappily around the room she has been marooned in by Morticia, she is already
beginning to miss Wednesday even though it has only been an hour or so and she is not
looking forward to sleeping alone.

Morticia has insisted that they stay in separate rooms in the mansion, so Wednesday has her
old room while she is stuck in this very spartan guest room.

Enid is still checking herself and her little black dress in the mirror when Wednesday walks
in wearing her suit and closes the door behind her.

“You look gorgeous.” Enid pretends to swoon and smiles when Wednesday rolls her eyes.

“And you are beautiful, I can see why you insisted on keeping that dress.”

“I am going to be using this more often when I take you out.” Enid sighs and looks around
the room.

“Why are we in separate rooms?”

“Mother is a stickler for tradition.” Wednesday shrugs.

“She does know we have been living together for years, she even dragged us naked from our
bed.” Enid waves her hands in the air. “We have even stayed in the same room here whenever
we have visited.”

Wednesday shrugs her shoulders. “I think it is the appearance of things rather than the reality
that matter for these traditions.”
“Well, the reality will be that I am sneaking into your room later. Your bed is more
comfortable than this one.”

Wednesday smiles at Enid’s rebelliousness. “That will save me from sneaking into your
room. Now is my tie on straight?”

Enid fusses over her, checking her tie and making sure her single braid is hanging straight
down her back. Enid picks a tiny piece of lint off the suit before brushing the lapels with her

“You look perfect Mrs. Addams.”

“Now Mrs. Sinclair will you join me as we are exhibited to the Addams clan.”

“Wends” Enid asks nervously.

“Enid, what’s wrong?”

“It’s this event, what if your relatives don’t like me?”

Wednesday squeezes her hand. “Don’t worry about them, I like you that’s all that matters.
Even my mother likes you.”

“Seriously Wends.”

“Very well, there will be some, a tiny minority, that will not accept us as us, and an even
smaller group will object to your wolf. Most will be happy for us and are looking forward to
the party.”

Enid smiles nervously and nods her head, hand in hand they leave Enid’s room to find
Morticia waiting for them outside the door with a disapproving look on her face.

“You girls were supposed to be in different rooms, your father has gone to escort you

“Mother, I am not helpless I know the way around my own home.”

“It is for the appearance of these things.” Morticia sniffs.

“Told you” Wednesday whispers to Enid ignoring her mother’s scowl of disapproval.

“What will the family think if you just wander about. It is traditional that you be introduced

“I don’t really care and that is a stupid tradition, I want to make sure that Enid is introduced
to the people I care about.”

At the sound of approaching footsteps Morticia turns, they see Gomez Addams rushing up
waving his hands dramatically.
“Morticia my love, She’s gone. Our little Wednesday is gone. It’s a disaster. What shall we
do, how can we tell the family?”

“Calm yourself my love, I have found her. These two are inseparable.” Morticia says sweetly
and stands to one side so that Gomez can see Wednesday. “You are truly wonderful my sweet
I was so worried.” He takes Morticia’s hand and begins kissing it.

Wednesday glances at Enid and nods towards the open corridor and their means of escape.
Enid nods and takes a step but before Wednesday can move her mother’s free hand whips out
and clamps down on her shoulder.

“My Darling Gomez.” Morticia continues. “Now that our precious little girls have been
found. We must continue with the presentation.”

“Of course, love of my life.” He gives her hand one final kiss before straightening up and
looking at Wednesday and Enid. “Now my two little storm clouds the family awaits.”

Wednesday and Enid are shooed along the corridor followed by Gomez and Morticia, to the
top of a huge flight of stairs that sweeps down to the grand entrance hall. The hall is empty
except for two uniformed figures standing guard outside the large double doors of the

The staircase is lined with similarly uniformed men and women, Enid turns briefly to
Wednesday a question unasked on her face.

“Ushers, mother has hired them to keep the family in some sort of order. they are also acting
as additional security for this event. These ones have nicer outfits than the ones downstairs.”
Wednesday whispers.

“Is that why they smell of guns?”

“Hush” Morticia hisses.

The uniformed ushers open the doors to the ballroom as they approach, Enid is taken aback
by the size of the crowd that have all turned to stare at them. Morticia nods to an usher in a
more elaborate outfit. He nods at her and turns to face the crowd and in a loud voice
announces their entrance.

“Miss Wednesday Addams and Miss Enid Sinclair.” he booms. Enid pauses but Wednesday
takes her hand so that she doesn’t stumble when Morticia nudges her in the back so that she
takes a step into the room.

Before they have taken more than a pace into the room, they find that a line is formed by the
Addams clan, the order dictated by unwritten rules centuries in the making and their origins
now lost to time. Enid looks at Wednesday who shrugs and rolls her eyes.

At the head of the line is a very elderly man being assisted by two men who by comparison
are merely very old. They totter slowly forward until they are in front of Wednesday and
Enid, when they then shuffle their positions into an unspoken order. They are the first to greet
Wednesday and Enid, their voices soft and raspy, their hands wrinkled and leathery.

The third and liveliest, and presumably the youngest pauses and looks at them before smiling
triumphantly as if he has just solved a particularly difficult puzzle, and mutters “girls” before
tottering off, giggling to catch up with his companions.

“Who was that?” Enid whispers after the trio have tottered away and are assisted by younger
clan members.

“He was the best man at my great-grandfather’s wedding, the other two are his sons.”

“Your great-grandfather’s wedding! How old is he?”

“Nobody knows, now smile and look happy it is my aunt Lucia.”

Enid turns around as an older woman forces her way into the line and brushes off complaints
and approaches them. She is followed by a younger plain looking woman who is trying to
guide her away from the line and apologizes to the others in the line.

The older woman spots them and fixes them with a predatory glint in her eye before pushing
her way forward forcing herself to the head of the line.

Enid thinks that her dress is a bit old-fashioned whilst still long and elegant, it might have
been the height of fashion sometime in the last century or earlier. The overall effect of
elegance is ruined by the several pairs of glasses hanging around her neck tangled with her
strings of pearls. Now that she is closer to them, she squints at Wednesday as if she cannot
properly see her.

“Wednesday, there you are, so you are finally getting married?” she asks.

“Yes, Aunt Lucia.” Wednesday answers politely.

“Where is your future husband?” Lucia asks and she makes a show of looking around.

“There isn’t one, I’m marrying Enid, Aunt Lucia” Wednesday turns to Enid to introduce her.
“Enid this is my aunt Lucia.”

“How do you do” Enid says as politely as she can and extends a hand. Lucia stares at it as if
it will bite.

“A woman! Is that why you are dressed as a man?”

“No, that is to upset my mother.”

“Good excellent, so this one must be a tiger in the sack, Wednesday?” Lucia winks at her

“Yes, superb” Wednesday confirms while beside her Enid blushes.

“Mother!” squeaks the plain woman and reaches out to pull her away, Lucia shrugs off her
attentions and turns to the woman and says loudly. “Do be quiet Carla and stop fussing. This
is Wednesday and Enid, they’re getting married, they’re lesbians and they go at it like rabbits.
You should try it; it might put some color in your cheeks.”

Carla if anything goes whiter as the color drains from her face in horror. She straightens up
and addresses Wednesday. “I’m sorry Wednesday, my mother means well but she is getting
on and is easily confused. Come on mother.” Carla begins to drag Lucia away.

“I’m 95.” Lucia says winking at Wednesday and Enid while helping herself to another drink
from a passing waiter and letting herself be led away.

“Wow she is a character” Enid whispers to Wednesday.

“Don’t let the mad old woman act fool you, she is as sharp as a tack.”

“However, Carla seems” Enid struggles for the right word.


“Yes, and then some.”


The line advances and more members of the Addams clan congratulate them and wish them
well. Enid has given up trying to remember who was related to whom, the Addams don’t
have a simple family tree and cousins, however far removed are introduced. The faces and
names blur into one, when there is a gap in the line she turns to Wednesday and whispers
“I’m lost, how do you keep track of them?”

“I don’t, clan gatherings this large are fortunately very rare.”

The line advances and another cousin wishes them a happy future, only a few stand out to


“Wednesday darling!” A young woman in a brightly colored dress hugs Wednesday and air
kisses her, Wednesday flinches and tries to pull away.

“Anastasia” Wednesday says recognizing her cousin.

Anastasia steps back to look at Wednesday’s suit. “You look very mannish. What do you
think of this? It’s a Keiko Suzuki” She does a twirl to show off her dress.

“It’s very girlish, this is Enid” Wednesday tries to introduce Enid.

“Do you think it goes with my Louboutin’s?” Anastasia ignores Enid and twists her feet to
show off her shoes. Before Wednesday can respond Anastasia waves to someone across the
room. “Got to go. Great party Wednesday!” and taking a quick selfie with a scowling
Wednesday she gives her another air kiss before she dashes off.

“What? Who was that.” Enid growls.

“My cousin Anastasia, many times removed.”

“Still too close, she was awful.”

“Yes ghastly, she is normally more self-centered. She could have been one of your
bridesmaids if mother had had her way.”

“I would have killed her in minutes.”

“A better punishment would have been to rip her new dress.” Wednesday giggles.

“If she comes near me again, I will.”

“Uncle Santiago” Wednesday says as an unhappy looking man approaches.

He sneers at her. “Wednesday, for your father’s sake I consent to be near you, I had hopes
that you would have tired of this nonsense and consented for a suitable husband to be found
for you.”

Without looking at Enid he gives a short bow, and retreats from their presence with a quiet
“Miss Addams.”

“I take it he does not approve of you marrying a woman.” Enid glares at his retreating figure.

“Apparently not, although I suspect that he is also upset that our marriage did not come as
part of a business transaction or merger.”

“As if we were commodities!”


Behind them Morticia looks very pleased with herself as if she is exhibiting her latest
masterpiece to her fawning patrons. Wednesday tries to get her attention but fails, she is
beginning to be bored of this meeting and greeting with relatives that she normally does not
have time for.

Eventually the line ends and with a loud sigh of relief Wednesday leads Enid to the table that
had been reserved for them.

“Wow I am glad to be off my feet.” Enid says as she flops down.

“Now we will be bothered by random people asking even more random questions.”
Wednesday sits next to her.

“Can we at least stay seated?”

“Yes, just remember to look pleased to see people.”

No sooner has Wednesday said this than the first person approaches them.

“Hi, I’m Josephine, Wednesdays’ cousin.”

“Hi Josephine take a seat.”

“I’m sure you’ve been asked this before but are you planning a family?”

Enid looks at Wednesday who rolls her eyes. “We haven’t discussed it yet. You’re the first to
ask me and I expect to be bombarded with that question all the time. In fact, I expect Morticia
to ask before we’ve left the chapel after the ceremony.”


Morticia leads Enid back through the mansion to her room, Wednesday having been escorted
by her father and has disappeared around a turn in the corridor. “Now you have a busy day
tomorrow, you will need to be up early for the family breakfast, then you will return to your
room to have your hair and make-up.”

Enid lets Morticia’s schedule for her wedding day wash over her, she is tired, and she just
wants Wednesday and to go to bed.
The ceremony
Chapter Summary

Today is the day, the actual wedding ceremony is happening today.

Wednesday and Enid are woken early as Morticia's schedule takes over. Their lives are
briefly taken over until they are standing together ready to enter the chapel

The Ceremony

The morning of her wedding, Wednesday is woken up by strange noises encroaching on her
dreams, a loud clatter brings her to consciousness. She opens her eyes to see a small crowd of
women trying to get into her bedroom, each clutching a large brightly colored toolbox.

“What is going on?” She demands of them.

An older, presumably more senior, member of the crowd steps forward. She is carrying a
large sky-blue toolbox. “We’re here to set up to do your hair and make-up for the ceremony.
Mrs. Addams said that you would be at the wedding breakfast now.”

Wednesday nudges Enid. “Enid, you have to get up.”

“Whaa,” grumbles Enid and then she screams as she sees the crowd watching them before
ducking back under the covers.

“She also said that you would be alone.” The senior crowd member adds disapprovingly.

Morticia pushes her way in through the crowd, “Wednesday, what are you still doing here?
You should be at the wedding breakfast we are all waiting for you.”

Enid pokes her head out from under the covers and smiles weakly at Morticia.

“Ah Enid” Morticia shakes her head. “that explains why you are not in your room nor at the
breakfast. Now get up as we are running behind schedule. You will only have time for a short

“Can you pass us our T-shirts” Enid asks extending a naked arm to point at the discarded

Morticia reluctantly picks up the articles and throws them onto the bed, Enid catches the
shirts and hands one to Wednesday before disappearing under the covers. The duvet writhes
and boils as Enid wriggles into her t-shirt. Wednesday sits up and lets the duvet fall from her
body and puts on the t-shirt not caring that she has an audience.
Enid emerges with her shirt on back to front and inside out, Wednesday helps her twist it
around so that the label isn’t showing.

“Thanks, Wends.”

“Put on this robe Wednesday, and I’ll take you to breakfast while Stephanie and her team get
ready.” Morticia announces trying to hurry them along and throws a black robe at

“Where is your robe, Enid?” She asks looking around for the garment.

“My room” she says sheepishly.

Morticia rolls her eyes. “Very well, get up and let’s go.” She marches to the bed and pulls the
covers off. “Come on, we don’t have all day, we’ll pick up your robe on the way to breakfast.
Don’t dawdle.”

She ushers them out of the bed, and herds them towards Enid’s room, Wednesday struggles to
put on her robe as Morticia pushes them into the corridor.

Turning back to Stephanie and her team. “You can get ready in here I will have her back here
in 30 minutes.”


Wednesday and Enid follow Morticia into the breakfast room and take their seats, as soon as
they are seated, plates are put in front of them.

“Enjoying your last moments of freedom Wednesday, before being attached to the old ball
and chain?” Pugsley teases his sister from across the table.

“Be quiet!” Enid threatens him with a sausage on the end of her fork before pulling it back
and taking a bite. While Wednesday aims a kick under the table at her brother

“Enough” says Morticia loudly. “We will have a nice quiet family breakfast before your sister
has to go to get her hair and make-up done.” Pugsley is about to say something but seeing his
mother’s expression thinks better of it and goes back to his breakfast.

The rest of the breakfast is finished in silence under the watchful eye of Morticia. Even
Gomez is quiet and tries to avoid his wife’s gaze.

Enid reaches for a sausage from Wednesday’s plate to supplement her own breakfast and
hurries to eat it before Morticia declares the breakfast over and herds them back to their


Morticia arrives at Enid’s room to escort her to the chapel having reassured herself that
Gomez is off to escort Wednesday.
“Are you ready Enid?” she announces herself from the doorway.

“Almost” Enid is trying to fight off the attentions of a hairdresser and a make-up artist who
are trying to do some last-minute touches.

Morticia claps her hands to get everyone’s’ attention. “Thank you, ladies, I’ll take it from
here.” They quickly gather up the tools of their trade, and stuff them into their toolboxes
before retreating out of the room and into the corridor. Enid takes the chance to relax and
look at herself.

When they are alone Morticia sighs. “You look lovely Enid, every inch the beautiful blushing
bride. Now stand up an let me see you properly.”

Enid stands and fluffs out her dress as she stands in front of Morticia. Morticia adjusts the
dress and helps Enid with the veil.

There is a sharp buzzing as a large insect lands on Morticia’s shoulder.

“What’s that?” Enid jumps back in alarm.

“A signal from Gomez he has begun escorting Wednesday to the chapel, we can leave in a
minute or two. We will be going a different route, so we won’t meet them until we are at the

Enid relaxes as the insect flies off and she picks up the small bouquet of white flowers that is
lying on her bed.

“Are you ready?” Morticia asks quietly.

“Yes,” Enid says nervously. “Yes I am.”

Morticia sighs. “There is no need to be so nervous. Everything will be fine; you are going to
be dazzling. Shall we go?”

“Yes, let’s go.”


Gomez is waiting for them outside of the chapel, hopping from foot to foot and waves
frantically at them, behind him latecomers are hurrying into the chapel.

“Don’t worry Enid, we will not be rushed.” Morticia reminds her. “Wait here a moment,
while I talk to Gomez.”

When Gomez hurries inside the chapel Morticia turns back to Enid. “I’ll leave you here Enid,
your signal will be the start of the wedding march. Wednesday is around the corner you will
join her there when you hear the music and then you will walk up the aisle as we did at the
rehearsal. It is going to be magnificent; you are going to be fine.”
Enid is left alone when Morticia vanishes inside the chapel. Her stomach roils as she frets
about all of the things that could go wrong. Her biggest fear being that when she turns the
corner Wednesday will not be there.

Or that she will trip and fall.

Or that she will rip her dress on something.

Or that she will drop her flowers.



Then the music starts, and she has to walk around the corner to face her future.

She takes a deep breath and begins to walk slowly it is only a few steps until she is level with
the corner. She pauses before she takes the next step.

Then with her right foot forward she takes the step into the unknown and lets out a sigh of
relief as she sees Wednesday standing there waiting for her in her black dress.

“I was beginning to fear that you had stood me up Mrs. Sinclair.” Wednesday smirks.

“Never Wends, never.” she nods towards the chapel. “shall we?”

As they enter the chapel Enid blinks in shock as she glimpses the crowd that Morticia has
invited to their wedding. Everyone turns to look at them, this was the one thing the rehearsal
could not prepare her for. Enid has never been so glad of the veil. She reaches out to find
Wednesday’s hand and clasps it eagerly, never wanting to let it go.

Wednesday’s black dress contrasts with her mostly white dress, She feels Wednesday moving
and looks quickly at her to find Wednesday looking back at her from under her own veil.

“Wends?” she whispers and Wednesday just nods. Enid takes a big breath and then a step

Slowly they proceed up the aisle towards the altar, Enid tries to block out the crowds lining
the aisle, the barrage of flashes as photographs are taken, the gasps as the crowd see them for
the first time. Enid tries to ignore it all and focuses on the altar, she cannot see anything apart
from the altar, except Wednesday moving beside her. She slowly places one foot in front of
the other trying to keep pace with Wednesday. As they walk, she slowly relaxes.

She spots Jen standing beside the aisle smiling at her, beside her is a sour faced but otherwise
handsome young man who as his face pointed away from the brides. Yoko and Davina wave
madly at her from their pew. Eugene holds up his son so that he can see over the crowd. She
smiles at them from under her veil.

As they approach the alter Wednesday sees Morticia standing weeping theatrically into a lace
handkerchief. It is the same deep red color as her dress. As they get closer Morticia starts to
collapse and reaches out to Gomez for support. Wednesday rolls her eyes at her mother’s
theatrics as they get closer to the altar.

On the other side of the aisle Esther Sinclair glares at them with wild angry, red-rimmed eyes.
Chains rattle as she tries to move, a large guard holds her in place his hand clamped tightly
on her arm to restrain her.

Esther has a mask strapped over her face making her look like a captive serial killer and
preventing her from shouting her displeasure at the ceremony. There must be something
preventing her from transforming, whatever it is it will not improve her temper. Her father is
similarly in chains but has a resigned expression on his face, he smiles happily when he sees
her. Morticia has allowed them to be present but not to participate.

Enid’s mother makes another lunge towards the aisle as they get closer. But is restrained by
her chains and the guards and cannot move more than a foot. Unlike the other nearby guests
Enid does not flinch at her mother’s lunge, still Enid moves so that she is between her mother
and Wednesday as they walk past Esther and her guards.

Wednesday spots her uncle Fester among the crowd, His head pops up furtively as he moves
among the crowd. No doubt relieving them of a few valuables as he goes. She smiles when
he stops and grins at her before vanishing into the crowd.

When they reach the altar the music fades and the crowd hushes, there is a flurry of flashes as
more photographs are taken.

The bishop raises his hands, and the crowd falls silent, he begins the service but speaks in a
dull monotone voice and appears to be going through the motions of the service, wherever he
is it is not in this chapel.

Wednesday glances towards her mother who is focused on the cleric muttering words under
her breath and jerking her fingers as if trying to operate a machine or a marionette.

Then they get to the part of the service that Enid had been dreading, she just knew that her
mother would cause a scene. Enid grimaces as the bishop says, “If anyone has any reason to
halt this marriage let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”

Esther Sinclair makes one last desperate lunge and almost breaks free of her guards, flinging
her arms around, trying to get away from them. The guests quickly and noisily move away,
some spilling into the aisle as they try to move away from the skirmish and the overturned

Enid turns to stare at her mother not moving backwards, she shakes her head at her mother’s
belligerence and insistence that she still controls her. She feels Wednesday’s hand on her arm
and turns away.

The guards wrestle her to the floor where she thrashes about trying to escape their clutches,
another guard rushes over and injects Esther with something and after a brief struggle she
goes limp. The guards pick her up and with a quick glance towards Morticia drag her away
towards a side entrance. The chattering dies down as everyone returns to their positions. The
bishop has remained frozen in place.

“Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

The bishop looks at Enid slightly dazed and bewildered.

“I do” she manages to say with a dry mouth. He repeats the question to Wednesday who
answers in a clear loud voice “I do.”

Gomez Addams moves forward and presents Wednesday with a larger than usual ring box, he
opens it to show that it contains two gold rings. Wednesday presents the case to the bishop,
who moves his hands over them giving them his blessing.

“Let these rings be a symbol of your marriage and a sign of your devotion to each other.”

Wednesday gives her father the box to hold and then takes out a ring. Enid lifts her hand and
gently Wednesday slides the ring on her finger. Smiling at Wednesday, Enid takes the other
ring and slips it onto Wednesday’s finger.

They turn to face each other to say their vows, they have written their own as well as the ones
they agreed with Morticia. Gomez tries to hand them the cue cards that Morticia had written
for them but is waved away. Enid stands tall and looks at Wednesday, her smile grows wider.

“Wednesday Addams I will support you through whatever life throws at us and will always
be at your side. I will be with you forever.”

Wednesday pauses before speaking. “Enid Sinclair, you are the rock that anchors my life, you
make me complete. I will be yours forever.”

“I now pronounce you married; you may kiss the bride.”

Enid raises her veil and Wednesday smiles; Enid has never looked so beautiful. Slowly she
raises her own black veil and moves closer so that she can kiss Enid in front of everyone. As
she gets closer the only person that she can see is Enid, there is only person that matters is
Enid, the only thing that exists for her is Enid, she closes her eyes, and they kiss for the first
time as a married couple.
The wedding Dinner
Chapter Summary

Morticia organizes Wednesday and Enid through a photo session and the fierce
competition for the brides' bouquets. After dinner and its unexpected interruption they
escape to have a few movements alone.

The wedding dinner

They break off the kiss and Enid just stares into Wednesday’s eyes lost in her love for her, she
holds onto Wednesday’s hand to stop herself floating away she is so happy.

Around them the chapel is full of noise and light, all the guests are on their feet taking
photographs, there is some cheering and applause.

Wednesday blinks and looks wide eyed past Enid taking in the chapel and the crowd, she
nods towards the aisle and whispers. “Shall we Mrs. Sinclair?”

“Yes, Mrs. Addams.” Enid whispers back before she turns to face the aisle and, still holding
Wednesday’s hand, begins to walk towards the chapel door. This time she can see the crowd
and spots faces she recognizes. She sees Wednesday’s aunt Lucia, her aunt now she corrects
herself, nudge Carla sharply with an elbow as they pass them. She is conscious of Morticia
behind her as they exit the chapel hand-in-hand.


“If you can stand over there, we will take photographs in front of the trees.” Morticia
shepherds them towards a stand of dark conifers that separate the chapel from the mansion.
Enid picks up her dress and delicately steps on the grass in front of the trees.

When she turns back the guest are spilling out of the chapel and Morticia is directing a thin
dark haired young woman with a camera hanging around her neck and a pair of large, padded
cases at her feet. The woman nods at Morticia and then picking up her case extracts a tripod
from it, she hands the case to her assistant, a small blond woman.

When she is happy with the camera placement, the tripod and her light meter, she begins
issuing orders in a loud commanding voice. “We’ll start with the happy couple.” She fixes
Enid and Wednesday with a look through her viewfinder.

“Smile?” she asks and gets a response from Enid and Wednesday which she snaps quickly
and then grins at them. Wednesday scowls prompting another click of the camera’s shutter.
Enid gives her hand a squeeze and whispers to Wednesday, “Behave it will be over quicker.”
Reluctantly Wednesday relents and they have their picture taken again.
With their picture taken they are joined by a parade of relatives and friends starting with
Morticia and Gomez and then Pugsley.

Aunt Lucia joins them and chases Carla out of shot before she consents to be photographed.
Enid catches Wednesday rolling her eyes and looks quizzically at her, Wednesday leans close
and says. “It’s nothing, I saw Anastasia taking a selfie.”

Enid giggles. “Maybe I will rip her dress later.”

“Which one is Anastasia?” Lucia asks, whispering loudly.

“The one looking at her own phone and not at us.”

“Oh her,” Lucia squints at the crowd, “yes rip her dress, it is frightful.”

Lucia is replaced by Yoko and Divina who almost bounce up to them. Divina gives Enid a
kiss and a hug, Wednesday waves off the kiss but allows herself to be hugged. “You did it
Wolfie! You actually got married.”

Enid hugs Yoko and whispers in her ear. “When are you marrying her?”

Yoko almost blushes behind her dark glasses. “Soon Wolfie, soon.”

“Good, We’ll be there for you.”

Eugene and his wife Julia are next in line with their children. Enid picks up Petie, their little
boy, when he reaches up with his arms. Wednesday is shocked when she looks down at Ellen,
Eugene’s daughter, who is gesturing to be picked up like her big brother. Reluctantly she
picks up the little girl and holds her so that they can be photographed.

As they chat with Eugene and Julia Wednesday tries to ignore the approving look, they are
getting from Morticia.

Very soon Wednesday is bored with the repetition and the bright lights being flashed in her
face and she glares at her mother. Recognizing the dangerous look, she is getting from
Wednesday and the pleading look from Enid, Morticia calls a halt to the photo session.

In her most commanding voice Morticia addresses the crowd outside the chapel. “Thank you
everyone, I’m sure that there will be opportunities for more photographs later. There is one
more ritual to be performed here before we head back to the mansion.” There is grumbling
from the crowd and some last-minute flashes, followed by excited chattering.

“So, ladies if you could gather on the green here.” Morticia herds the younger women onto
the green and fusses over Enid and Wednesday as she positions them with their backs to the
crowd. Enid smiles at the photographer and her assistant as they pack up their gear. The
assistant looks at the jostling women behind Enid and raises an eyebrow. Enid glances over
her shoulder before shrugging at the assistant who grins at her.

Morticia leads the countdown “One, two, three” they both throw their bouquets over their
The women all leap for the bouquets and jostle each other to get the best position. One
woman reaches up for Wednesdays’ bouquet but before she can grab it, she is knocked to the
ground and the bouquet flies beyond her. As she falls, she knocks over several other women.
There is an unsightly and undignified scrum as the younger female guests scramble and
wrestle for the bouquets.

One woman sits up and thrusts her arm in the air with Enid’s white bouquet held aloft like a
banner and then a second arm emerges from the melee holding Wednesday’s black bouquet in

The second woman is missing a sleeve from her dress but is grinning excitedly as she stands
up clutching the bouquet tightly. They see each other and hug, smiling and laughing.
Standing to one side a group of men watch the ritual in horror but eventually two of them are
being congratulated by their relieved colleagues.

Soon the rest of the women extract themselves from the melee and join in the laughter. There
are a few ripped dresses and grass stains that are being ineffectively brushed clean. Two of
the women are hopping on the grass looking for their missing shoes. Eventually they are all
reunited with their footwear and begin to join up with their family, friends and partners.

Finally, and slowly Anastasia struggles to her feet, blood running from her ruined nose. One
of her shoes is missing a heel and when she spots the blood dripping onto her dress she sits
back down and cries. No one goes to comfort her.

Wednesday turns to Enid and gives her a look under a raised eyebrow. Enid looks hurt and
says, “I was standing here with you, I didn’t do it.”

“It would appear that someone else was irritated by her antics.”

“Or the competition for the brides’ bouquets is fiercer than I had imagined.”

Before they have time to wonder who could have hit Anastasia they are bundled towards the
waiting car.

Showered with rice which gathers on Wednesday’s dress making her look as if she has been
out in the snow, Enid shakes it off her veil and helps her brush it off her dress.

Before they can get into the car for the very short journey to the mansion they have to pose
for more photographs. Morticia gets them to swap places so that Enid is closer to the car, her
dress contrasting with the dark livery of the vehicle.

With the photographs taken they are finally allowed to get aboard and are driven very slowly
the short stone’s throw to the mansion.

The guests hurry across the pathway and are already forming a crowd outside the front of the
mansion when the car arrives. They have to pose for more photographs as they get out of the
car. Morticia arranges them so that they look more spontaneous for the cameras.
Then Morticia and Gomez lead them and the rest of the guests into the mansions and the
grands dining room.

The literal top table is on a long plinth raising it above the other tables that are set in long
rows like a schoolroom. The security ushers guide the guests to their places.

Enid watches the photographer who is patrolling the dining room taking photographs, she
whispers to Wednesday.

“There is something odd about that photographer. She is setting my wolf on edge.”

“You’ve spent too long with Yoko; it’s dulled your senses, she’s a vampire.”

“Another one! How many does your mother know?

“She is an equal opportunity employer.” Wednesday smirks.

“Be serious Wends.”

“I was, the assistant is a normie.”

“Does she know?”

“I should hope so, they are married.”


Morticia rings her wineglass for attention and glares at the chatterers until there is silence.

Enid stands slowly and holds her hands together in front of her. “I know that at this point in
the proceedings it is traditional for the best man to say a few words. Well, we have no need
for one or indeed a best one, so we are each giving a speech.

I want to thank Morticia and Gomez for organizing all of this, I don’t think we would have
been able to match this.”

There is polite applause which Morticia and Gomez acknowledge.

“I must also apologize for the scene my mother caused in the chapel, as I would not trust her
to do it herself.”

Enid makes a dismissive gesture before turning to look at Wednesday.

“But most of all I want to thank the most wonderful person in the world for raising me up
when I was at my lowest, for being there at my side when I needed her and most importantly
for agreeing to marry me. Thank you Wednesday.”


Gomez stands to give his speech. “As the father of the bride, I am not losing a daughter but
gaining one…” but before he can say anything else, the guest’s attention is diverted by a
disturbance from the hallway, the sound of raised voices filters into the dining room.

Wednesday looks at Enid who shrugs, not sure what is happening. Before Gomez can
continue his speech the doors to the dining room are flung open and a pinched faced gray-
haired woman bursts into the dining room breaking free of the ushers who follow her in.

She is dressed plainly in grey; plain black shoes peak out from under her full-length grey
dress. Her blue eyes are bright and sharp and flick around the room as if searching for

Morticia signals to the ushers and they back off slightly but remain close to the woman. The
woman shouts “sinners! sinners!” as she advances into the room pointing at Wednesday and

“You will be going to hell, you sinners.” She yells at them.

She turns and faces the rest of the diners and shouts at them. “You are all going to hell with
these whores. You are all sinners.”

The crowd gasps at the intrusion and the language, the less sober are unsure as to whether
this is some kind of pre-dinner entertainment laid on by Morticia.

The woman moves closer and waves her hands at Enid and Wednesday, ignoring the ushers
who are following her. “By your actions you have condemned yourselves, sinners.”

Enid’s fingernails extend into claws as she gets ready to stand and defend Wednesday.
Morticia puts a hand on Enid’s arm and whispers “I’ll handle this Enid, don’t worry.”

Enid relaxes a little but still looks as if she is going to explode, Wednesday looks angry,
Morticia is quite relaxed as she nonchalantly turns to look at the woman and calmly says
“Have you quite finished, Theresa?”

The woman continues her rant before focusing on Morticia. “They will go to hell if they
don’t denounce this charade, this travesty of a wedding and ask for forgiveness before God.

“Yes, you said.” Morticia says calmly and signals to the ushers who close in on the woman.
“Now, If you have finished, I will bid you good day and ask you to take your leave and you
can be on your way.”

“You can’t stop me, Morticia Addams.” Theresa says defiantly.

Morticia scoffs “Oh but I can. You were invited but sent the invitation back somewhat
defaced if I recall. I have let you say your piece, now goodbye Theresa.”

At Morticia’s signal the ushers pick her up and lift her off her feet and carry her out, her feet
kicking ineffectively, her arms clamped to her sides.

Theresa keeps screaming “Sinners” and “you are all going to hell.” as she is taken away until
her voice is eventually cut off by a slamming door
Almost unnoticed the serving staff arrive with the entrees which are placed in front of the
surprised guests.

Morticia stands to address everyone as the conversation picks up after Theresa’s removal.
“My apologies for that interruption, my sister Theresa is quite stuck in her ways and unable
to accept anything outside of her own little bubble. Please carry on with your dinners.”
Morticia tells the now quietened crowd, most of whom are staring intently at their entrées.

“Your dungeons must be getting full by now Morticia” a wag calls out, there is some laughter
in the room which stops when Morticia fixes him with an angry glare. “I think I can always
find room for one more, Jose.”


Wednesday and Enid finally get a moment together while Morticia has the mansion prepared
for the ball.

“Quickly in here” Enid drags Wednesday into her room.

“Why here?”

“It’s the last place that your mother will look for us.”

“Your mother now.” Wednesday smirks.

Enid stops and turns to face Wednesday. “Yes, that’s true, it will take me a long time to think
of her like that. All these years she has been more like a big sister.”

Enid sits on the edge of her bed and flops backward and lets out a breath

She beckons Wednesday to join her and she flops back on the bed and reaches out to hold
Enid’s hand.

“Wends, I don’t think I have smiled so much in my life.”

Wednesday rolls onto her side and grumbles, “the bustle on this thing makes laying back very
uncomfortable.” Enid turns her head to look at Wednesday before rolling to face her, she lifts
her hand to stroke Wednesday’s face. “I don’t want you to ever be uncomfortable.”

Wednesday holds Enid’s hand keeping it against her face, enjoying the gentle touch of Enid’s
fingers. “I’ve got you to protect me, I’ll always be comfortable.”

Wednesday is quiet for a moment as she comes to a decision. “I’m not going to change; I’ll
keep this dress on.”

“Even with the uncomfortable bustle?”

“Even with that.”

Enid frowns “What was the other choice?

“Very much like this but plainer.”

“Not a suit?” Enid is a little disappointed.

“No, a dress, a plainer black dress.”

“You’re right keep the wedding dress on. It gives us more time to be together.” Enid giggles.
“Mrs. Addams”

“What do you want to do?”

Enid smiles, “Nothing, just stay here holding you, looking at you.” and then she sighs and
closes her eyes. “And just to be close to you.”

“You can be very soft at times. Mrs. Sinclair.”

“Only for you. Mrs. Addams.”

Chapter Summary

Enid and Wednesday dance and despite her misgivings Enid enjoys herself. Wednesday
has an encounter with someone who is not happy to see her married.


Morticia bursts dramatically into the room. “There you are, come along we are ready for you
in the ballroom.” She then pauses to look at them. “Why haven’t you changed? The ball is
about to start. Come on you haven’t got all night.”

Enid raises herself up on her elbows before answering. “We’re going as we are; we will be
ready in a few minutes. I just need to change my shoes. Do you need anything Wends?”

Wednesday strokes her face, “No I have everything I need right here.”

“Wednesday Addams, get yourself dressed and ready for the ball immediately.” Morticia
barks at her.

Wednesday stands and faces her mother. “We’ll be down when we are ready mother, it’s not
as if they are going to start without us.”

Morticia bristles as she stares at her daughter. “Very well, but don’t take too long.”

She swirls around and marches out of the room. Closing the door behind her with a thud.

Enid stares after her for a moment before flopping back on the bed and giggling. Standing
over her Wednesday rolls her eyes causing more giggling.

“What is it, Enid?” Wednesday asks.

Enid shakes her head and looks at the door to make sure that Morticia has really gone. “Wow
that was amazing, you made her back down.”

“Well, I’m a married woman now, not a little kid,” Wednesday says flatly. Enid gets up off
the bed and wraps her in a hug. “You’re my married woman and I love you for it.”

Wednesday stands back “We’d better go before she sends security to drag us to the ball”

“She wouldn’t.”

“She would.”
“Maybe she would, let me change my shoes. Are you sure you don’t need to change


The music stops and they come to a halt, Enid rests her head on Wednesday’s shoulder almost
unaware of the noise of the crowd cheering them. She senses the dance floor filling up as
other couples join them.

“There you are, you have survived that Mrs. Sinclair.”

Enid grins and bows extravagantly. “Thanks to you Mrs. Addams.” She feels giddy with
happiness now that the ordeal is over.

“May I have this dance?” Gomez asks, taking Wednesday’s hand. Wednesday looks at Enid
who smiles at her and gestures towards Gomez.

Enid stands and watches as Wednesday is lead away to dance with her father.

There is a tug on her sleeve, and she looks down to see a girl, perhaps ten years old in a blue
dress standing next to her, behind the girl is an older version of her, her mother Enid

“Can I dance with you?” The girl asks.

Enid is stunned to silence for a moment before she says, “Yes you can, I’m Enid.”

“I’m Abigail.”

Enid takes hold of her hand and listens to the music. “Do you know this dance?” Abigail
shakes her head.

Enid grins. “OK, follow what I do and let’s have some fun.” And with a quick step she leads
Abigail across the dance floor.

When the music pauses Abigail looks seriously up at Enid. “You’re very pretty Enid.”

Enid smiles. “Thank you, Abigail, you are pretty as well.”

“My mommy says that you are a monster.”

Enid leans down and whispers in her ear. “Tell your mommy I am, but I am a very pretty
monster.” Abigail giggles and buries her face in Enid’s dress as they dance.

When the music stops Enid escorts Abigail back to her mother. Enid bows to Abigail, “Here
you are, thank you for the dance.”

Abigail wraps her arms around Enid in a hug. “Thank you, Enid.”
When Abigail lets go of Enid she grasps her mother’s hand. Her mother smiles at Enid.
“Thank you, Mrs. Addams,”

“It was pleasure and I’m going to be Mrs. Sinclair.” Before she can say anything else there is
a voice behind her.

“May I have this dance, Mrs. Sinclair.”

“Enid spins around quickly recognizing the voice.

“Bianca,” she squeals. “You came!”

Bianca takes her hands and “Yes, shall we?”

Enid nods and lets Bianca lead her in the waltz. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make the ceremony.
Did I miss anything?”

Enid smirks “Let me think, my mother caused a scene and had to be dragged away, there was
a fight for the bouquets which left one girl with a broken nose. AND I GOT MARRIED. I

Bianca smiles and twirls Enid across the floor.


As Wednesday had predicted Enid is very popular and there is a queue of people wanting to
congratulate her and dance with her.

Wednesday waves off her latest offer and drifts to the edge of the dance floor to watch Enid
dance. She groans to herself as she hears footsteps approaching. She turns to see Jen and her
date; she tries to remember his name she was sure that Enid told her.

“Wednesday, this is Tomas.” Jen introduces her date to Wednesday.

“So, you are the one who is going to dilute the bloodline and bring shame to the clans.”
Tomas says to Wednesday as he looks down at her. Beside him Jen gasps in horror.

Wednesday turns to Jen. “Wow, Jen you have found a man who really speaks his mind. Does
he do other tricks?”

“Do not address my woman, I am the one you should be speaking to.” Tomas interjects. Jen
is a picture of misery and bows her head not wanting to meet Wednesday’s gaze.

Wednesday turns to Tomas and sneers at him. “Very well Tomas, do you have any more
pearls of wisdom that you wish to impart or do you need to wait for another thought to make
itself known in that empty head of yours.”

“It is only because of your family name that I am here. Mixed marriages should not be
allowed, it is an insult to us all.” Tomas says haughtily looking down his nose at Wednesday.
The crowd around them hush and draw further away until there is a clear circle around
Tomas, Jen and Wednesday.

Wednesday looks calmly at him, he is quivering with outrage, but it is her wedding, and she
is going to enjoy herself.

“Then you are indeed a very foolish young man and don’t deserve to be here with Jen. I know
my father would delight in beating you to within an inch of your life for that insult, but I
think I may save him the trouble.”

Tomas recoils at her words. “How dare you address me in that tone, woman.” He tries to use
the last word as an insult. The whole ballroom has gone quiet, even the orchestra has stopped
playing, there is just the sound of advancing footsteps.

Wednesday lets out a small laugh. “Quite easily puppy.” Tomas begins to transform into his
wolf, standing up straight he towers over Wednesday who calmly looks up at his furred
muzzle and shakes her head.

He opens his mouth to reveal his fangs ready to bite Wednesday, then Enid is standing next to
Wednesday and delivers a fierce backhand to his face that sends him flying across the
ballroom. There is a crash as his movement is stopped by some fine antique chairs that are
reduced to splinters. He collapses unconscious among the debris.

Enid holds Wednesday making sure she is unhurt. “I’m fine Enid, stop fussing. I could have
handled him.” There is a click as she returns her knife to the scabbard under the sleeve of her
wedding dress.

Enid kisses her. “I know, I’ll just deal with him, give me a moment. Look after Jen, please.”

She gives Jen a smile before gathering up her skirts and stalking across the ballroom to where
Tomas is laying dazed and crumpled among the ruins of the once fine furniture. She picks
him up by the scruff of his neck and carries him out of the ballroom. The crowd resume their
conversations and part for her so she can drag Tomas away. She can hear mutterings of
disapproval at his behavior as she passes.

Outside of the ballroom a team of ushers wait for her. Morticia had described them as ushers,
but Wednesday had said that most of them were security. She recognizes some of them from
when she visited her mother. This team is led by a man who had been introduced simply as
‘Mr. Moritz’, the chief usher. He looks every inch the security specialist, from the military
mien, the close-cropped hair, the suspicious gaze and the dueling scar down one cheek
pulling the side of his mouth up into a permanent sneer.

She drops Tomas at their feet and addresses ‘Mr. Moritz’. “Mr. Moritz, he has insulted Mrs.
Addams and disrupted events, can you throw him off the property and make sure he never

His eyes flick past Enid to the ballroom very briefly before he addresses her. “Very well, Mrs.
Addams.” He signals to his team who pick Tomas off the ground and hold him securely, one
of them clamps something around his wrist.
“My clan will hear of this, this is not over, woman” Tomas snarls at Enid as he fails to escape
the grip of the ushers despite his struggles.

She huffs. “Your clan already knows. My in-laws are speaking to your clan leadership telling
them all about your insults and your failure. You will not be missed.”

“I know your clan as well, Enid Sinclair.” He blusters.

Enid laughs at him. “Well good for you, I might get Mr. Moritz and his people to take you to
meet them. They are under guard in a cage downstairs. Mind you my mother was in a foul
mood earlier and must be looking for someone to take out her anger on. She would tear you
to pieces in a moment, she has a low tolerance for useless people.”

She pauses and steps closer to him. “Oh, and FYI, she has no hold over me, I have beaten her
in single combat. I am free from her. The Addams are my clan now.”

“I will not forget this. You will pay for this.” He snaps with as much bravado as he can

She shakes her head and stands back from him. “You don’t understand do you, you idiot. You
are only leaving in one piece because of me. The Addams would send you back to your clan
in small pieces like party favors. Mr. Moritz take him away.”

“Yes, Mrs. Addams. And if he returns?”

“I will leave that up to you, if he comes back do with him what you will.” Some of the
security ushers grin in anticipation.

He bows to her and clicks his heels, turning away he signals to his team. They carry a
struggling Tomas away.


Enid returns to the ballroom to find Jen who is sitting alone crying at the edge of the
ballroom. She sits next to her and takes her hand.

Jen looks up. “Wednesday got called away, I’m sorry Enid.”

“You have nothing to be sorry about, but where did you find him?”

Jen sniffs “My clan, my father thought that he would be a good match, it is a lot to do with
clan politics.”

Enid hands Jen a handkerchief, “Take this, dry your tears let’s go and see your father.”

“Thank you, Enid.”

Enid takes her hand and leads her across the ballroom to see her father.
He looks uneasy as they approach, his aides, despite their fancy suits, look capable and ready
to fight and move to form a barrier around him. Enid glares at them and they move aside
slightly retracting their claws as they move.

“Mrs. Addams.” Jen’s father greets her.

“Mr. Svenson and I prefer Mrs. Sinclair.” she gives him a small bow.

“Mrs. Sinclair, thank you for looking after our Jennifer.”

“It is a pleasure; she is a good friend. You need to find a better mate for her, she deserves
better than that idiot Tomas.”

The old wolf shakes his head. “His clan have a great deal of influence it would have been an
important union.”

“I hope that he has a more intelligent younger brother in that case. Then perhaps your clans
can try again.” Enid tries to be diplomatic.

“What did you do to him?”

“I have had security throw him off the property. I don’t believe that he will take my advice
and stay away. They will deal with him permanently if he returns. I think they are looking
forward to it.”

“I thought you would have killed him; from what I have heard he would not be a match for

Enid shrugs. “You are well informed but it’s my wedding day and I don’t want blood on my
hands today.”

He looks pointedly at her hand; it is still red with Tomas’s blood from where she hit him.
There are spots of red on the cuff of her dress.

She shrugs. “You know what I mean.”

“Here take this.” Smiling, he hands her a handkerchief.

“Thank you.”

“No, thank you. for looking out for young Jen, You have done our clan a great service in
exposing Tomas’ flaws and dealing with him. You have saved the clan from a great deal of
trouble. Had we dealt with him, which I am sure we would have had to, there would have
been trouble between the clans. This is a better way, thank you. We will do better for Jen.”

“I trust that you will.” Enid gives Jen’s hand a squeeze and pulls her close so that she can
whisper. “We’ll catch up later.” Jen tries to smile at her, but someone in the crowd signals
Enid. “I have to go now.”

Gomez bounds over to Enid grinning madly and hugs her. “Bravo Enid. A wedding is never
complete without a good fight.”

“I hit him once, it was hardly a fight. Will his clan be a problem?”

“No, his clan leader is over there, dying with shame.” He points to a far corner of the
ballroom. “Morticia has had a word, as has Wednesday, so you have nothing to worry about.”

“Poor man, they are formidable.”

Gomez sniffs. “Don’t feel sorry for him, he let his son grow into an arrogant ass.”

“A misogynistic arrogant ass.” Enid corrects him.

“You’re right. A pity you had him thrown out I was looking forward to him challenging you.”
Gomez looks unhappy for a moment.

“I asked Mr. Moritz to throw him out and to not let him back in.”

“He’ll try to return.” Gomez smiles.

“I know. If he is that stupid, Mr. Moritz will deal with him.”

“Oh well, then the security room will get a new rug.” Gomez tries to hide his disappointment.
“Now, shall we dance?”
Chapter Summary

Enid and Wednesday dance with some surprise guests and discover some aspects of their
families history.


“Can I have the next dance?”

Enid turns to see who has asked her, she recognizes the man in front of her with a wide grin.

“Uncle Harry! Where have you been? You just vanished. What are you doing here?”

He smiles sheepishly. “When my favorite niece gets married, I had to turn up.”

“Uncle Harry! Why you, no one else from the clan has come, voluntarily anyway.”

He shrugs. “I’m not in the clan anymore, your mother banished me for standing up to her.”

Enid’s eyes go wide. “So that is what happened? She stopped talking about you. One day you
were part of the family and the next it was if you never existed. When I came back from
Nevermore no one would talk about you.”

He shrugs. “Yes, she can be like that, she has got to be in control.”

They concentrate on the music and dance for a few more steps.

“How did you get Esther to agree to this?” He gestures at the ballroom and the guests.

Enid huffs “I didn’t, she is completely against it. I defied her again and married Wednesday
anyway. She is angry beyond reason at my marriage. I guess being kidnapped and imprisoned
by the Addams’ won’t have helped. She is probably chewing the bars of her prison trying to
escape at the moment.”

Harry smiles broadly. “You do not do anything by halves do you. Wait, defied her again?”

Enid smiles. “Yes, the first time was when she wanted to marry me off after I finished at

“What happened?”

“I told her I wanted to stay with Wednesday, we argued and then we fought, as wolves in
front of the whole school, until she ran off leaving me alone.”
Harry throws back his head and laughs, the nearby guests pause to look at him.

Enid slaps him, “It was not funny, I was all alone and frightened.”

“But you survived and prospered.”

“Yes, Wednesday helped me, and with her I got my life back together. The Addams family
became my new clan.”

“Enid, the clan think that you ran off after you argued and then lost the challenge to her.
That’s what happened to me except that I actually lost to her.”

Enid straightens up. “You know what, I don’t care, I haven’t cared in years. Now dance with
me.” She drags him forward and leads him to follow her steps as she dances.

“You’re leading.” he complains.

“Yes” she snaps back.

“Enid, I’m sorry I laughed.”

“It’s not that. It’s just I’ve not had to think about her for years and I’ve seen her more in the
last few days that I have for years. She abandoned me and I don’t care what she or the clan
think. I have moved on. No one from the clan reached out to me, so I got the message.”

Harry nods. “You know that is not how the clans work, no one will go against your mother’s

Enid raises an eyebrow and smiles.

“OK except you.” He smiles and then is very serious for a moment.

“Esther is frightened of you, you know that. I’ve been in touch with a few people, and they
said that she was always checking to see if you had come back. I think that for years she was
afraid that you would return and take the clan from her. She has tried to keep tabs on you to
make sure that you stayed away.”

Enid lets out a weak laugh “Now that’s funny.” Then she leads him across the floor.


Wednesday approaches Enid when Harry has excused himself at the end of the dance, she
glares at the next man who is approaching Enid until he turns around and wanders off.

“Enid are you alright? you look upset.” She asks.

Enid nods. “I’m alright.”

“That man, do I need to damage him?”

Enid turns to look at Harry. “No, it’s not him.”

“Who is he? Has he upset you.” Wednesday takes her hands and gives them a squeeze.

“He’s, he’s my uncle, my mom’s brother. He hasn’t upset me; he has been filling me in on a
lot of silly family politics it’s made me think about my family.”


“They are still nothing compared to you. I’m not going back even if they asked.” Enid wraps
her arms around Wednesday and holds her tight. “Thank you.”

Wednesday holds her and says softly. “I also have a message from my father, he wants to
meet you in the training salle.”

Enid widens her eyes in astonishment “Now?”

“Yes” Wednesday nods.

“He wants to do this today?”

“Yes, he was quite insistent.”

“He must be insane, you know that.”

“Quite possibly. So, you’ll go?”

Enid nods “Yes, it’s part of my welcome to the family, I suppose.”

Wednesday pulls her close and whispers, “Take care.”

“Always” then Enid kisses her before dashing off.


“Wednesday, Where is Enid?” Morticia takes Wednesday by the arm and leads her to the
edge of the ballroom. The other guests move out of their way to let them pass and talk in
mostly private. When they stop Wednesday shakes herself free of her mother’s grasp.

“Father has taken her to one side, he said he wanted some father-daughter time. I took that to
mean he wanted to fight her and was finalizing the details; he has always wanted to fight a
werewolf. He thinks of it as his ‘welcome’ to the family.”

“That foolish man and his dueling, I’m sure she will go easy on him.”

“If he is lucky.” scoffs Wednesday.

“She had better, you know how he sulks when he is injured.”

Morticia looks uneasy for a moment and checks something over her shoulder. Wednesday
wonders what could be worrying her mother when, suddenly, Morticia leans close and
whispers conspiratorially to her. “Wednesday did you invite your cousin Esmeralda? Her
name wasn’t on the guest list I approved. Why is she here?”
“I have no idea; she wasn’t on our list, and you vetoed most of the people we wanted to
invite. Why? I haven’t seen her in years, is she here?” Wednesday looks across the ballroom
at her tall dark cousin her long black hair hanging loosely around her shoulders, Esmeralda is
wearing a long peach dress decorated with large flowers. She is dancing, uncomfortably, with
a much shorter man. Wednesday is not sure but thinks that he is also one of her cousins. She
smiles as she watches Esmeralda spin the man around again and again as they dance, she is
sure that he is dizzy by now.

“Why is she here then? I specifically didn’t want her to be here. I do hope she isn’t going to
cause a scene. That sort of thing runs in her side of the family.” Morticia asks, dragging
Wednesday’s attention back to their conversation.

“It’s a family wedding, why shouldn’t she be here?” Wednesday asks confused at her
mother’s concern about her cousin. “Anyway, what could she do that would be worse than
Enid’s mother trying to stop the ceremony. Or someone taking out their frustrations at
Anastasia’s vanity.”

“I would not put anything past her side of the family.” Morticia sniffs before she looks
around again to make sure no one is close enough to eavesdrop.

“What do you mean? I have heard nothing about her side of the family.” Wednesday pauses,
“In fact I have only met a few of them and then by accident.”

“There is good reason for that.”

“Yes?” Wednesday prompts her mother.

“Well, if you must know, her branch of the family has been ostracized since something
happened at your grandmother’s wedding. Esmeralda’s mother was one of the bridesmaids,
apparently, she said something out of turn. It was so shocking; your grandmother would not
talk about it or them for years.”

“What happened? What did she say?” Wednesday is keen to know as she has not heard of this
piece of family history before.

“Your grandmother wouldn’t say, only to say that that branch of the family was not to be
welcomed. She would only say that something was said at the reception that banished that
part of the family forever.”

“So, you don’t know. You are just going on something that may have happen centuries ago.”
Wednesday scowls and folds her arms.

“Don’t exaggerate Wednesday. Something did happen, I just don’t know what it was.”
Morticia says unhappily as she looks at Esmeralda as she dances across the room.

“That’s what is galling, isn’t it? The not knowing.” Morticia nods. “Does father know?”

Morticia shakes her head. “No, he was as surprised as I was to see Esmeralda here with her
Wednesday looks once more at Esmeralda and makes a decision. “This is ridiculous. I’m
going to talk to her and put a stop to all of this.”

“Don’t Wednesday. Acknowledging her presence will only validate her appearance.”
Morticia takes hold of Wednesdays black clad arm once again.

“Mother it’s my wedding I am going to talk to her. I never see anyone from her part of the
family anyway.”

“There are good reasons for that.”

“There may be, but you don’t know what they are, and you are head of the family. Also, she
might know what happened at Grandmother’s wedding. I’m going to find out.”

Wednesday shakes herself free from her mother’s grasp and marches across the dance floor.


Wednesday marches up to Esmeralda as she steps off the dance floor. “Esmeralda, nice to see

Esmeralda smiles brightly and opens her arms in greeting. “Wednesday, you look as gloomy
as ever.” They exchange kisses before standing back and looking warily at each other.

“Thank you. But be warned I am on a mission from my mother.”

“Ahh” Esmeralda’s smile flickers slightly.

“Ahh?” Wednesday rolls her eyes.

Esmeralda looks about nervously before confessing. “Well, I’m not supposed to be here, I
wasn’t actually invited. I’m just doing a bit of wedding crashing. I hope you don’t mind? It
was a lovely ceremony, despite that old fool in charge of the service, he looked as he was in a

Wednesday smiles thinking that she has Esmeralda at a disadvantage. “Oh, he was” Then she
presses. “So do you know?”

“Know, know what?” Esmeralda looks confused.

“Why you were not invited and why you had to crash my wedding.”

Esmeralda shakes her head, her long hair waving wildly. “Sorry no idea Wednesday. I heard
about the wedding from various gossipy relatives and when the invitation didn’t arrive, not a
surprise by the way, I decided to come anyway. I try to crash most of these family events, it’s
more exciting than getting an invitation. This one has been the best for ages, with the bride
getting into a fight. Wow, she packs a punch.”

Wednesday waves dismissively “Enid was just being a bit over-protective.” Then she pinches
the bridge of her nose in frustration. “Mother doesn’t know why you are not invited either,
other than it was apparently because of something your mother said at my grandmother’s

Esmeralda smiles happily “Yes, I’ve heard that as well, but no one would tell me the
specifics. My mother would never talk about it and shut down any conversation that raised it
or your side of the family.”

Wednesday shakes her head. “I have met other relatives from your side of the family
occasionally and they are surprised that we share a name and are related.”

“The same has happened to me.” Esmeralda nods in agreement as she and Wednesday stand
at the edge of the dance floor.

Wednesday finally says firmly “I’m putting a stop to this.”

“Wednesday don’t” Esmeralda pleads.

“It’s my wedding I can add whoever I want to the guest list.” She says hoping her mother
cannot hear her.

“But I like crashing these events, it’s more fun and I enjoy seeing people’s reactions, when
they recognize me.” Esmeralda says hoping to change Wednesday’s mind.

Wednesday shakes her head. “No, it stops now. You are part of the family, if you are not
invited in the future, it will be because it is more interesting if you crash those events not
because of something that happened decades ago.”

“Thank you Wednesday” Esmeralda hugs her. “And where is your other half?”

Wednesday waves a hand, “Probably being terrified by my relatives or fighting my father.”


“Yes, he has always wanted to fight a werewolf. Enid will probably have to go easy on him.
Mother will be upset if he is too badly damaged.” She smiles imagining her father being
hunted down by Enid as she chases him down the corridors.

Esmeralda suddenly grins. “They are playing my tune; may I have this dance?”

Esmeralda offers Wednesday her hand and when she takes it, she leads her on to the dance
floor as the orchestra plays a lively two step.

Wednesday tries to lead Esmeralda who resists and tries to lead Wednesday.

“I’m leading” hisses Esmeralda.

“No, I am.” Counters Wednesday and tries to lead again.

“I always lead.”
“It’s my wedding I will lead.” Wednesday says firmly and leads Esmeralda across the dance
floor. Esmeralda laughs and shakes her head her wild hair flowing about her head and lets
Wednesday lead.

“Answer me this cousin, why is Enid keeping her name? I got my husband to take the
Addams name when we married.” Esmeralda asks.

“Just as I’m keeping my name, she is keeping her name. It is part of who she is, and our
marriage will not change that, She wants to remain her own person.”

“But what of the rift with her clan, her mother seemed a bit put out by your marriage to

Wednesday laughs. “Enid doesn’t care about them. Her mother is furious, what you saw in
the chapel was nothing compared to how she was yesterday. I think she had plans for Enid
and does not take defiance well.”

Esmeralda joins in the laughter as they dance. “Well, she is going to get nothing but defiance
now that Enid is part of the family.”
The Dualists
Chapter Summary

Enid goes to meet with her new father-in-law knowing that she will have to hold back in
the fight with him.
When they have finished he leads her into the gardens where she encounters something
she does not want to see.

The Dualists

Enid opens the tall door and enters the room with some apprehension, it is almost as large as
the ballroom downstairs but is almost totally bare of furniture. Against the wall to her left is a
long table with a clear carafe of what looks like water and a set of glasses. To her right near
the corner is a set of tall, decorated screens masking off the corner of the room. This is the
place that Gomez has chosen for their duel, it will be different for her as she normally
transforms outside.

Across from the doorway on the other side of the room, tall windows open onto a large
balcony overlooking the grounds of the mansion. Moonlight floods that end of the room.

Gomez Addams is standing about 30 feet into the room with two other men. They are
familiar to Enid, they were at the reception dinner earlier, but she cannot recall their names.
Gomez has taken his jacket off and one of the men is holding it. He is doing some deep knee
bends and flexing the fencing epee in his hands, she notices that it does not have the usual tip
just sharp bare metal.

“Thank you, Miss Sinclair, for agreeing to this.” Gomez Addams, her father-in-law now,
bows politely to her.

She nods back to him, “Yes, Wednesday mentioned your fondness for fighting duels and that
this would be likely. You really want to fight me tonight?”

“Yes, it would seem to be the best time now that there is a lull in the festivities. Our absence
will not be noticed for a while.”

“How do you want to adjudicate this, when wolves fight it is normally until one wolf yields
or is dead.” Enid asks, looking around the room.

He nods and says, “We are civilized here, so shall we say drawing blood, best of three

Enid barks out a laugh. “Very well. Civilized!”

Gomez bows again and indicates the tall fair-haired man. “This is Jonathon who will be my
second.” The man nods at Enid. “And this is Stephen who has volunteered to be your second
if needed.”

Enid looks at the handsome African American man. “Thank you for volunteering Stephen,
but I won’t need a second. It’s not how we do things, lone wolf and all that.”

“It’s not a problem, Ma’am. I will stand to one side as I am also the doctor for this event.”
Enid cannot place his accent, it is possibly European, she thinks.

Enid nods and points to the set of screens. “For me?” she asks.

“Yes, I thought you would appreciate some privacy while you change.” Gomez says.

“You seem to have thought of everything Mr. Addams.”

“I would like to have thought so Mrs. Addams.”

“Mrs. Sinclair.” she corrects him and smiles at his extravagant bow.

Behind the set of screens is a small table and a chair. What is lacking is sufficient room for
her to transform into her wolf.

She pushes the screens further away from the wall to give herself enough space. They squeak
as their feet drag across the floorboards.

“Is there a problem Mrs. Sinclair,” Gomez inquires.

“No, I’m just making sure I have sufficient room to change.” She says and smiles to herself at
the double meaning.

Enid reaches behind her back and forces her arm to change partially so that it grows long
enough for her to grasp the hidden zip fastener and unzip the back of the dress, freeing
herself from its confines.

Stepping out of the dress she looks for somewhere to place it, the table and chair are too
small, so she hooks it over the top of the screen for safe keeping. She is normally better
prepared when she transforms and would be wearing simpler clothing. Sighing, she begins to
take off the array of undergarments that support the wedding dress. The larger garments are
hung on the screens, everything else she places on the table.

She is ready and takes a deep breath and focuses on her wolf and begins the transformation.
The change comes quickly, her bones ache as they stretch and contort, her skin burns as her
fur grows out covering her body. She has to drop to all fours as the change completes, she
growls as her wolf takes over.

Standing up on two legs she can look over the screen at the humans before her and stalks out
from behind it to confront them.
When she emerges as her wolf, Gomez and his attendants gasp, Enid towers over them as she
slowly stalks towards them.

She can smell the history of the room as if it had been written down for her, there is human
sweat, floor polish and faintly blood. Gomez must use this room for a lot of dueling.

Gomez signals to Jonathon and Stephen who withdraw quickly to the edge of the room to
take up their positions.

Enid snorts as Gomez stands before her holding his little metal stick, the other two she
ignores even the one who smells of gunpowder and guns. This will be different as she had
rarely fought humans, her other fights have been against other wolves or monsters like the
Hyde or the vampire. This will not be like sparing with Jen or the others in the forest. It could
get serious as that sword can cause her real damage; however, she still has to hold back,
Morticia would not forgive her if she hurt him badly. She continues walking across the floor
until she is standing in front of him.

Gomez stands stiffly before her and raises his sword in a salute. “En Garde!” Gomez cries
and lunges forward with his rapier, Enid counters his lunge with one set of claws batting the
sword away and dodges to one side and swings her other paw towards Gomez. Her claws
slicing through the air inches from his face as he too dodges back.

Enid settles down to stalk Gomez across the floor keeping her distance from his sword arm,
she uses her speed to keep Gomez moving until she can jump in to slash at him.

Gomez withdraws quickly to stay away from her claws as she circles around him. She can
smell the sweat on him as he exerts himself to stay in the fight.

Gomez fakes a jab at her before stabbing at her when she moves to dodge his feint and he hits
her left arm with the point of his sword before stepping back. She growls at the pain of the
wound and begins to take this duel more seriously now. Enid flexes her arms and growls at
him before launching herself into the air and landing next to him. She runs one claw across
his sleeve drawing a line of blood, she bounces away before he can react.

Only when he sees him grab at the wound does she let out a growl of triumph. Gomez looks
down at the wound across his sleeve, steps back and raises his sword in a salute, “best of
three!” She prowls around him growling softly keeping him moving, making him wonder
when she is going to attack.

The smell of his blood is stronger now, in her peripheral vision she can detect Stephen
moving away from the wall ready to act.

A quick feint provokes a lunge from Gomez, but Enid is long gone when his sword strikes an
empty space. She howls with joy as she skips back into a position to attack him again.

She feints another attack to draw Gomez towards her, this time he stumbles as a result of his
fatigue and Enid’s claws strike across his chest and come back bloodied. Gomez freezes in
shock and drops his sword before falling to the floor.
Enid restrains herself from attacking Gomez as she stands over him, panting from the
exertion. She lets out a big breath to relax and leans down to examine Gomez. He stares up
wide eyed not seeing her, gently she picks him up and carries his wounded form back to
Stephen, the doctor.

While Stephen attends to Gomez’s injuries, Enid paces up and down impatiently. Ignoring
her, Stephen focuses on his patient and soon has Gomez’s wounds cleaned and bandaged.
Although blood is still seeping into the bandage on his chest.

Finally, he stands and faces Enid, if he is fazed at facing a werewolf, he does not show it. “He
will recover quickly, Mrs. Sinclair, none of the wounds are too deep. I am going to let him
rest here for a while. Now what about your own wounds?”

She looks at her own wound and raises her biceps to her face and licks it clean, she shows the
doctor, and he nods at the healing wound. Enid looks down at Gomez who smiles up at her.
Convinced now that he will be fine, she nods to Stephen before bounding over to the screens
to get changed and dressed.


When she has changed Enid walks back to where Gomez is still being attended to by the
doctor. She watches as Stephen stitches the deepest of Gomez’s wounds. She turns when she
feels someone approaching.

Mr. Moritz appears beside her; she had not detected him entering the room and walking to
their position.

He looks down at Gomez and the doctor before addressing her. “We have had a security
breach. An intruder was detected crossing the west perimeter wall, Teams Prairial and
Brumiaire are moving to intercept.”

“Is there any danger to the guests?” She asks.

“No Mrs. Addams, the teams have the intruder trapped in the western end of the estate.”

“Thank you, Mr. Moritz, but I am Mrs. Sinclair now.”

“Of course, Mrs. Addams.” He nods to her.

She shakes her head. “It’s that idiot Tomas, isn’t it?”

“I don’t have a positive identification, but you are probably correct, Mrs. Addams. Team
Prairial drove him into town and dropped him at the railroad station. They warned him what
would happen if he tried to return to the mansion, then they watched him until they were
called back here.

He touches his ear for a moment. “Team Prairial has neutralized the intruder and are bringing
the body back to the security center.”

“Very good Mr. Moritz, I’ll stay with Mr. Addams until he recovers.”

Enid escorts Gomez away from the training salle, Jonathon and Stephen follow discreetly
behind them.

Enid frowns not recognizing the route they are taking, especially when Gomez opens a door,
and they find themselves outside and walking across a wide lawn.

“Mr. Addams where are we going? This is not the way to the ballroom.”

“It’s Gomez, we will be taking a short detour. I hope that we will be in time.

She asks, now thoroughly confused. “In time for what?”

“You’ll see. This way.” He indicates the route and hurries as best he can.

Jonathon approaches and says quietly. “Do not worry sir, I am in contact with Yulia. They
will not begin until you are there.”

“What’s going on?” Enid demands.

“You’ll see Enid. You may find it exciting.” Gomez tries to reassure her.

Enid and Gomez walk through the rose garden with the mist curling around their feet, the
moon illuminating the scene before them and lighting up the avenue of trees that is their
destination. She is not sure why they have to go this way, but the gardens are very pleasant
this late at night.

As they walk along the avenue, Gomez points out some exotic trees and an unusual bird until
they come across a small party standing in the middle of the avenue. She recognizes
Wednesday and Pugsley standing in a small group.

Each is accompanied by another person; a fifth person stands to one side. Gomez leads her to
stand next to the fifth person, an elegant woman who is carrying a large leather bag who is a
little way distant from the siblings and their companions.

The companions open and present an elegant wooden case to each sibling, Enid can see that
the cases contain a pistol that lays on its presentation cloth together with a set of tools, a flask
of fine black powder and a selection of hand cast lead shot. Wednesday inspects them
carefully before taking one of the cases. Enid turns to look questioningly at Gomez who
smiles and pats her hand.

When Pugsley has taken his case, she lets her second take hold of her case while she picks up
her pistol and carefully commences the process of loading it.

With the ball secured in the barrel on top of the compressed charge of black powder she
returns the ramrod to its place under the barrel. She nods to her second, who closes the case
and takes a step back.
Wednesday walks across the grass holding her pistol vertically to her position which has been
marked with a handkerchief held in place by a stone. She waits somewhat impatiently for
Pugsley to complete the loading of his pistol and to take his position.

“Ah good we are in time.” Gomez announces and rubs his hands together in anticipation.

Enid realizes what is happening and tries to move towards Wednesday and Pugsley to stop
them, but Gomez holds her arm and stops her. “Let them have their fun.”


“Well, you enjoyed our little skirmish, this is no different. It is their way of resolving
disputes.” Gomez explains.

“They have guns!” She waves at the siblings.

Gomez waves away her protests. “It is their way, Enid, leave them to it.”

“I am still not happy about it.” Enid folds her arms in front of her.

The seconds leave the duelists and join them, they nod a greeting to Gomez and Enid.

One of the seconds checks with his colleague and takes a step forward towards the duelists
and in a loud clear voice she says. “You may fire on the bell.”

Enid looks around and Gomez helps her out by pointing to a tall white painted wooden tower
glowing in the moonlight as it peeks over the trees.

As the bell chimes the hour, they both raise their pistols and squeeze their triggers, the flints
strike then the pistols eject a gout of smoke and flame and then eventually their bullets. Enid
flinches at the noise of the gunshots.

Pugsley drops his pistol and clutches his chest before he falls slowly to the grass, Wednesday
sways a little and grins at her brother.

“Disappointing” Gomez mutters.

“But she shot him.” Enid complains.

Gomez shakes his head “Hopefully he will learn to be a better shot.” He turns to the woman
at his side. “Doctor”, she nods and moves off to attend to Pugsley.

Wednesday hands her still smoking pistol to her second and turns in surprise to see Enid and
her father in attendance. Her eyes widen as Enid quickly advances on her.

“Don’t do that again” she tells Wednesday and slaps her arm. Wednesday winces and holds
her arm.

“Why don’t you approve of dueling, it is invigorating? You have just fought my father,
haven’t you.” Wednesday complains.
“That’s different we weren’t using guns, and I don’t want to lose you.” Enid hugs Wednesday,
as she pulls back, she notices that her hand is red. “Wends you’ve been shot, you are going to
see the doctor.” She gasps.

“No, not until Pugsley has been taken away.” Wednesday whispers.

“You’re bleeding, this is not the time for macho games.”

“Here, you bandage it, then.” Wednesday hands her a black handkerchief and turns away so
that she is facing away from Pugsley.

“Very well, but you are still seeing the doctor.” Enid takes the handkerchief and rolls up
Wednesday’s sleeve until she can see the blood red gouge in Wednesday’s upper arm. She
wraps the makeshift bandage around Wednesday’s arm and pulls it tight before knotting it.
She plants a kiss on the knotted handkerchief.

“You fuss too much Enid.”

“Maybe, but I don’t like seeing you hurt.” She stands back and examines Wednesday’s arm
keeping hold of her hand.

“How did you get on with father?” Wednesday asks glancing at her father who is discussing
the duel with the assembled seconds.

“I won; I scratched him a few times.” Enid shrugs.

“And you?”

Enid raises her left arm. “It will heal.”

“Let me see?” Wednesday reaches for her arm.

“Later, now if you have quite finished, this is our wedding night I am taking you to bed,
gunshot wounds and all.”

They walk away from the avenue of trees, the seconds and Gomez and back towards the
mansion. Enid takes hold of Wednesday’s hand and swings it gently as they walk under the
moonlight. As they approach the ballroom, they can hear music flooding out onto the lawn.
Enid swings Wednesday around, pulling her closer and whispers.

“Dance with me.”

Yes reader, I married her
Chapter Summary

The morning after the day before Enid and Wednesday wake up happy and married.
There is one last ordeal to be faced before they can depart on their honeymoon.
Breakfast with their family.

Yes reader, I married her

The sun peaks through the small gap in the curtains of the room that Morticia has called the
bridal suite. A beam of light falls on the bed illuminating the two sleeping figures, Enid’s arm
is wrapped around Wednesday as she snuggles close to her.

Enid waves her hand at the light trying to shield her eyes as the beam lights up her face.
Instinctively she rolls over onto her back and opens her eyes. Above her is a big blur of pink,
rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she gets them to focus. It is pink but it is not the ceiling but
the canopy of the four-poster bed. A huge four poster bed just for Wednesday and herself, the
mattress is sinfully soft and comfortable but there is far too much pink. There are pink
ribbons wrapped around the posts, tied into bows at the tops, there are more loops of ribbon
hanging from the canopy.

At least the bed linens are black, and Enid sinks back into them and smiles to herself when
she looks across to her wife. Then closing her eyes, she enjoys the luxury of the sheets.

“What are you looking so pleased about?” Wednesday asks, Enid opens her eyes and looks
up at her. “I’m married to you and am laying in this wonderful bed. I want to stay here with
you forever.”

“We’ll have to get up eventually, you know that.”

“Yes, but until eventually arrives, we can stay here,” She reaches up and pulls Wednesday to


Enid is sitting up against the headboard with Wednesday sitting on her lap facing her.
Wednesday’s arms are around her shoulders and her legs are around her waist. Running her
fingers down Wednesday’s arms, she stops when she reaches the bullet wound on her left
arm, her fingers stop when they move over the raised edge of the wound, she feels
Wednesday flinch at the touch. The makeshift bandage she put on yesterday has come loose
in the night and is lost among the sheets. “We need to bandage that properly and you should
see a doctor.”
“I do not need to see a doctor; I need to take my wife on honeymoon.” Wednesday complains
her face still nestled in Enid’s neck.

“And she wants you to be well for that honeymoon.”

“Can you bandage it again?”

Enid moves her hands to stroke Wednesday’s back “Of course and I’ll kiss it better.”

“Thank you, I hear that girls find scars sexy.”

“I don’t.” Enid says firmly. “Especially not on you.”

Wednesday sits back and touches the wound on Enid’s arm. “I suppose I will have to bandage
that as well. What did the doctor say?”

“That it will heal quicker if you kiss it better.” Enid says smugly and pulls Wednesday closer
and kisses her.

There is a banging on the door followed by an irate voice. “Come on you two, your mother
will not let us eat until you join us. So, stop whatever you are doing and get down to the
breakfast room.”

They pull apart and Enid looks at Wednesday in disbelief before she bursts out laughing,
putting her hand in her mouth to muffle the sound.

“We’ll be down shortly Aunt Lucia” Wednesday calls out.

“Good. And wash your hands first.” Lucia commands through the door.

Wednesday looks at Enid. “Well, it seems that ‘eventually’ has arrived, and we will have to
get up.”

“Can’t we have breakfast in bed?” Enid complains.

“Only if you want all of them to parade in here and join us.” Enid shakes her head as
Wednesday gets up off her, scrambles off the bed and walks across the floor towards the door.
“Come on let’s get this over with.”

“We can’t go like this, Wends” Enid moans.

Wednesday turns and smiles at her and asks innocently. “Why not?”

“If we turn up naked to breakfast your mother will have something to say. And it won’t be
nice. The others will get the wrong idea about us.”

“Lucia already has the wrong idea about us.”

“Please Wends.”
“OK,” Wednesday rolls her eyes and opens a drawer in the dresser, inspects its contents
before pulling out a black T-shirt which she tosses to Enid.

“Thank you Wends.” Enid says from behind the black fabric.


They arrive in the breakfast room hand-in-hand clad in identical black t-shirts and robes,
there are even matching slippers on their feet.

“You look positively radiant my darlings. Come and join us.” Morticia gushes over them,
choosing to ignore Lucia’s muttered “at last!” She joins them at the entrance to the breakfast
room and gives each of them a big hug. “My beautiful girls, come and join us for breakfast.”

Morticia ushers them to the side where breakfast has been laid out on silver platters. Enid
takes a big plate of bacon, sausages, eggs, and hash browns, while behind her Wednesday
takes a bowl of porridge and some toast. Lucia has forced herself to the head of the line after
Wednesday. The rest of the family follow Lucia, Enid notices that Pugsley is missing,
Wednesday just shrugs when she tries to point this out.

When they are all seated and have begun to eat their breakfasts, Morticia gets everyone’s
attention when she asks. “What did you two get up to last night?”

Wednesday raises an eyebrow and Enid blushes and almost drops her sausage.

Waving her hand dismissively Morticia adds. “I don’t mean that, you vanished from the ball
for ages, people were beginning to ask questions. I had to make up all sorts of excuses for
you and when you do appear you looked all disheveled and very pleased with yourselves.”

“Really Morticia you cannot be that naive.” Lucia interrupts and points her coffee cup at
Enid. “This one probably dragged our little Wednesday into a quiet corner and ravished her
until she could not walk. That’s what you do isn’t it?”

There is silence only broken by Carla’s knife clattering off her plate and on to the floor. Enid
stiffens but turns to face the older woman. “We do do that but last night we restrained
ourselves until after the ball was over, then I dragged her to our bedroom, ripped her clothes
off and ravished her until we could not move.”

Carla gasps and puts her hand to her mouth.

Lucia smiles at her. “You are going to fit in here Enid.”

Morticia looks at her. “Don’t encourage her Enid, and we don’t need the lurid details over the
breakfast table.”

Enid mumbles “Yes Morticia” before turning to wink at Lucia.

Morticia carries on “But that does not explain why you went missing from your wedding ball.
What were you up to?”
Morticia gasps as she catches Wednesday’s eyes flickering towards her father.

Morticia turns quickly and jabs her knife at Gomez, a drop of jam falls to the tablecloth
leaving a bright red stain. “You foolish man. How badly?”

He reaches up to touch his arm and his chest. “My love it was nothing” he tries to protest.

“And Pugsley?” Morticia asks glaring around the table. Wednesday raises her hand and
mimes shooting a pistol.

Morticia sighs and shakes her head. “I suppose I should be grateful that you waited until after
the ceremony to conduct these shenanigans. And you two, are you injured?”

Enid and Wednesday both point to their left arms.

Morticia shakes her head. “I hope that you have got this nonsense out of your systems now.”
When neither of them catches her eye, she shakes her head and savagely applies the jam to
her toast sending bits of toast and jam spraying in all directions.

When she has finished taking out her frustration on her toast Morticia looks up to find
everyone staring at her. Calmly she picks up a fragment of toast and pops it in her mouth
challenging anyone to make a comment.

“On other matters, Enid, your parents are on their way back to California, they should be
home later today. Mr. Moritz informs me that they will suffer no lasting damage.”

“Thank you Morticia, I do hope they were not any trouble.”

“Oh no, no trouble at all if you know how to handle them properly.” She says darkly.

Enid gulps and looks down at her breakfast and pushes a piece of hash brown towards
Wednesday. Wednesday takes her hand and gives it a squeeze.

The rest of the breakfast carries on normally and peacefully until Lucia asks, “So Wednesday,
when will you two be popping out grandchildren for your mother.”

Wednesday can feel Enid stiffen beside her and turns to address her aunt and indirectly her
mother. “We haven’t given it much thought; once the honeymoon is over, I have a novel to
finish, and Enid has to return to work. Who knows what the future will bring, children
sound” she pauses “challenging.”

“Yes, but you do want children” Lucia presses.

Enid realizes that this is something that must be faced otherwise it will be a subject that they
will be quizzed on at every opportunity. “We do want children but Aunt Lucia as I’m sure
you are aware we don’t have the equipment to produce them the normal way so we will have
to be creative.” She turns to smile at Wednesday “and we will want them to be ‘our’
Lucia smiles and then looks down the table at Morticia. “You see Morticia you will be a
grandmother, but I expect you already know that. Do you know when and how many?”

Morticia glares at her and slowly puts down her coffee cup. “The details have not yet been
revealed but I’m sure they will be. You know how visions work don’t you Lucia?” She smiles
at Wednesday and Enid, “now don’t you girls have to get ready before you have to depart.”


Morticia rolls her eyes at Wednesday and Enid as they stand in front of her wearing the
outfits that Enid insisted Marlene make for them, they are both wearing black Spencer jackets
over hand printed t-shirts. Enid’s is white and features a wolf’s head and Wednesday’s is
black with a cloud of white words.

“Now you have everything?”

“Yes mother.” Wednesday points to the stack of bags standing against the wall, that Lurch is
inspecting before picking up the largest and slowly taking them outside to the car.

“Your passports, tickets, reservations?”

Enid, grinning with excitement, holds up her purse from under her jacket. “Yes, we have

Morticia gives them one last examination. “I will have your other bags returned to your
apartment whilst you are away.”

Wednesday rolls her eyes as Morticia hugs her,

“That’s all that will happen Wednesday, as much as I would like to improve your little home,
I will be too busy for such an undertaking.”

“Thank you, mother.”

Enid hugs her, “Yes thank you Morticia, thank you for everything.”

Morticia leads them out to the car giving each a hug and kiss as they climb aboard ready to
wave them off and says “I have a copy of your whole itinerary so I will be able to look out
for you should the need arise. Now go and enjoy your honeymoon.”


Enid leans back against the cushioned car seat and rests her head on Wednesday’s shoulder.
Behind them the Addams mansion slowly shrinks into the distance.

“We made it. We got our wedding.”

Wednesday smiles as she holds Enid. “Yes, we did. I’m not sure how we did it, but we did.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Addams.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Sinclair.”

Enid turns in her seat and looks back at the mansion and at Gomez and Morticia standing in
the driveway watching them leave. When she turns back Wednesday is holding out an

“Here open this.”

“What is it?”

“A surprise, you’ve earned it.”

“Hmm OK” Enid carefully opens the envelope and blinks in surprise at the contents. “Wends,
these are plane tickets.”


“But these are for a trip to Europe!”

“That’s right.”

“But we booked our honeymoon for Mexico. I told everyone we were going to Mexico.”

“I changed it, we will still do the same things but in Europe and further away from mother
and her machinations.”

Enid examines the destinations on the tickets more closely. “Paris! Rome! Ibeeza!”

“Ibetha” Wednesday corrects her.

Enid frowns she has heard about Ibiza “Ibiza, but that’s known for parties and beaches, you’ll
hate it.”

“Yes, but you’ll love it.”

Enid wipes a tear from her eye.

“So, are you up for it, Mrs. Sinclair?”

Enid pulls Wednesday into a hug “Yes, I am. You are the best Wends. But why?”

“Father let it slip that mother has planned a trip to Mexico, they fly out tomorrow.”

“Mexico, you mean?”

“Yes, we would have had company on our honeymoon.”

Enid shudders, then she smiles and clutching the tickets, leans forward to kiss her wife.
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