Aarong at Singapore

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Table of Contents
11 Crlgln of Lhe 8eporL 2
12 Cb[ecLlves of Lhe 8eporL 2
13 MeLhodology 3
13 LlmlLaLlons 4
ChapLer1 3
ChapLer2 9
ChapLer 3 13
CulLural LnvlronmenL 13
Lconomlc LnvlronmenL 13
ollLlcal LnvlronmenL 16
ChapLer 4 17
Mode of enLry 17
ChapLer3 20
oslLlonlng 20
roducL/producL llne 20
rlclng 27
ulsLrlbuLlon 28
romoLlon 29
ChapLer6 30
Concluslon 30
Sources 30


. Urigin of tbe Report
This teim papei is an essential iequiiement of the couise 'Inteinational Naiketing' (NKT-
) so that we as stuuents can get a ueep insight about how to entiie oveiseas maiket by
selling, piomoting anu uistiibuting piopeily accoiuing to the taiget maikets neeus anu
uemanu. This stuuy will not only enhance oui knowleuge, but also augment oui ability to
think out of the box. Bence we weie iequiieu to analyze 'Inteinational maiketing Countiy
maiket iepoit oiganization".

. Ub|ectives of tbe Report
Theie aie two types of objectives of this iepoit. 0ne is geneial objective anu anothei is
specific objective:

.. Ceneral Ub|ectives:
. Selecting a piouuct oi seivice to be solu in foieign countiy.
2. Selecting a lucrative target market where the product or service will be sold.
3. How much attractive is the market is Ior our product.
4. Our strategies and mode oI entry into the target market.

.. Specific ob|ectives:

To know about the cultuial foices effecting Aaiong maiketing in Singapoie
To know economic anu political foices.
To know about the competition Aaiong has to face theie.
To finu out the ps stiategy to piomote Aaiong theie.

. Metbodology

.. Nature of Study:

The entiie stuuy woulu be Besciiptive as well as Exploiatoiy.

.. Sources of Information:
The iepoit is mainly baseu on the seconuaiy souice of infoimation . As pei the iequiiement
of the iepoit we tiieu to focus mostly on these collecteu infoimation anu ielate it to the
theoietical aspects anu piesent them in a conciete foimat.
We have collecteu seconuaiy infoimation about it fiom:
. Inteiview
. Aiticle ieauing.
. Pievious ieseaich papei ieauing.
. Biffeient Books.

. Website
. Analyzing economic ieviews of uiffeient inteinational oiganization.
0ui methou of collecting uata is given in the following chait:

. Scopes of tbe Report
This iepoit is piepaieu with the infoimation collecteu fiom uiffeient piimaiy anu
seconuaiy souices. In this iepoit we mainly focuseu on the ways to set oui famous leauing
bianu Aaiong in Singapoie, uiffeient foices effecting while enteiing the taiget maiket,
uiffeient stiategies to entiie. At the enu of the iepoit we have tiieu to naiiow uown some
iecommenuations iegaiuing subject mattei.

. Limitations
Although we tiieu to base oui iepoit on piimaiy infoimation uue to the time limitation
of them we coulun't be able to get sufficient infoimation.
To maintain the seciecy, they uiu not pioviue us some confiuential infoimation.

We faceu pioblem to uneaith some seconuaiy infoimation as this infoimation aie not
piopeily uiscloseu in website.

Data gatbering
Primary Data

Secondary Data
Data from
Indirect source

About the Product /service:
arong is one oI the leading brand oI Bangladeshi traditional handicraIt. It is one oI the sister
concern oI BR. BR established arong, its handicraIt-marketing branch, in 1978. The
initiative was dedicated to creating economic opportunity Ior disadvantaged artisans and rural
women through the revival and promotion oI their traditional handicraIts. Today arong has
become the Ioundation Ior independent cooperative groups and Iamily-based artisans to market
their craIt, both within Bangladesh and internationally. t present arong has eleven domestic
outlets and one Ioreign outlet. Built on the strength oI its strong domestic market, the arong label has
become Bangladesh`s leading Iashion brand. The sheer scale oI BR`s reach and reputation within
Bangladesh has been part oI the reason the arong project has been so successIul. The brand has a strong
national identity and customers are proud to shop there. They also trust BR`s sustainable business
practices that have evolved through a model oI trial Iirst beIore scaling up.
Mission statement: arong`s mission is to help sustain rural craItsmanship and Iind a wider
market Ior their product nationally and internationally.

Aarongs contribution to rural economy:

arong has developed a platIorm Ior the underprivileged artisans across more than 2000 villages
oI Bangladesh. It currently supports more than 65,000 artisans across Bangladesh. n additional
25,000 independent cooperative groups and traditional Iamily-based artisans also sell their craIts
through arong. mong them about 85 participants are women. Every woman who works in
arong-owned production Iacilities is also a beneIiciary oI BR`s multiIaceted development
programmes with access to microcredit to develop income-generation activities in addition to
their regular wages. Basically arong symbolizes Iairness in the global village. The
organizations mission is to help low income and marginalized people in the rural areas who Iaces
lack oI working capital, marketing support and opportunity Ior skills development.

Aarong Outlets:
t present aronghas 10 domestic outlets:
It has 6 outlets in Dhaka:
1) arong Ilagship outlet in Uttora.
2) arong at Dhanmondi.
3) arong at Gulshan.
4) arong at Mogbazar
5) arong at Wari
6) arong at Mirpur
2 outlets in Chittagong:
1) arong in Sholoshohor
2) arong in GE more
1 outlet in Sylhet
1 outlet in Khulna
1 franchise outlet in London

Aarongs product line:
akshi Katha, Jamdani, Men`s wear, Women`s wear, Home textiles, Home ccessories, Jewelry
Leather, Terracotta, Bamboo/ane/LeaI, Metal, andles, Jute, erimic , Paper, Wood, Glass.

Organization structure of Aarong:
arong has created job opportunity Ior the unemployed people. They also oIIer part-time job Ior
the student as a sales person and pay a good amount oI compensation to its employee. From it
organogram we have got clear idea about the work and order Ilow oI its employee.

Outlets are under the control a manager and department is under a supervisor. The main
responsibility oI the supervisor is to control the sales man oI every department. The supervisors
receive the product Irom the manager and keep these records. Sales persons are being
responsible to deliver the inIormation about the sales to the supervisor. There is no chance to do
any kind oI unIair means. Realize the relation among the employee oI the arong. Here manager
and supervisors are directly related to each other. But the sales persons are only responsible to
inIorm the supervisors. In case oI big problem or other occurrence where supervisor is not able
to take action then they contact with the manager.
Aarongs Distribution channels:
arong Directly distributes its product to the consumers. From the background oI the company
we get to know that the production center oI arong is yesha bed Foundation. nd many
artisans work with it. Ilow chart is drawn below Ior the clear conception oI distribution
channel oI arong.

Aarong`s marketing and promotional activities:
arong has become very popular among the people oI all ages in Bangladesh. From young to
older peoples aged Irom 25 to 35 arong is a trusted brand. They visit the store oIten, buying
products mostly Ior giIts, sometimes Ior their own consumption. For them arong provides the
reassurance that they have bought a quality product, that`s their Iriends will appreciate as it is
Irom arong.
Promotional activities:
In various television programs dresses are sponsored by arong.
Social campaigning programs are co-operated by arong.
Sponsorship making in various occasions like religious Iestivals like PahelaBaishakh,
Price discounting is their promotional activities.
They use TV advertisement.
Fashion show Ior their up-coming innovative products and Bill board advertisement and
so on.
The success oI the retail brand has inspired consumer interest in indigenous Bangladeshi design
through blending the traditional with the contemporary in a manner that has won instant
consumer appeal. arong has also successIully Iound a niche in the retail Iashion space. Prior to
the establishment oI arong`s retail outlets, shopping Ior quality textile products was either
through the backstreets oI local markets or in up-market boutiques inside hotels. It is the closest
shopping experience to a department store in Bangladesh, oIIering a range oI products ranging
Irom clothing, shoes, jewelry and accessories to Iurniture and home wares. So, although the
brand`s marketing includes billboard advertising and Iashion shows within the country, it is
really the elements oI convenience, range and quality oI product, combined with a strong
national identity, that have eIIectively become its marketing tools.

Current international experience of Aarong:
Iter successIully running their business in Bangladesh, arong penetrate the market oI London.
Their mode oI entry was Iranchise. The outlet is now located in 69, Vallance Road, London E1
5BS. It is also exporting to other countries oI orth merica, Europe and some sian countries.
Because oI migrating Bangladeshis in those areas, they are targeting to make more Iranchising
activities in those orth merican and European region. They basically are targeting those
activities aIter IulIillment the customer demand in domestic market. ot only to the Bangladeshi
people but also to the Ioreigner it has appeal. Here is a chart develop on the basis oI visitors.

Here we can see number oI visitors is increasing.

Targeted market:
Iter doing some secondary and primary research we have chosen Singapore as our target
country. We are going to entire the Singapore market through Franchise.
About Singapore:

Singapore is southeast sian city state. It is located at the southern tip oI the Malay Peninsula,
137 kilometres (85 mi) north oI the equator. It consists oI about 63 islands. Like most oI
Southeast sia, Singapore is generally hot and humid. It's warm and humid year round, with the
temperature almost never dropping below 20 (68F).
Singapore has a diverse populace oI nearly 5 million people which is made up oI hinese,
Malays, Indians, aucasians and Eurasians (plus other mixed groups) and sians oI diIIerent
origins, which is in line with the nation's history as a crossroads Ior various ethnic and racial
groups. In addition, 42 oI Singapore's populace is Ioreigners, which makes it the country with
the sixth highest proportion oI Ioreigners worldwide.


Moreover, Tourism is a major industry and contributor to the Singaporean economy, attracting
11,638,663 tourists in 2010, over twice Singapore's total population. Because oI its environmentally
Iriendly, natural and heritage. s English one oI its Iour oIIicial languages, it is generally easier Ior
tourists to understand when speaking to the local population oI the country, Ior example, when shopping.
Transport in Singapore comprehensively covers most, iI not all public venues in Singapore, which
increases convenience Ior tourists. Singapore seeks to be the business hub oI Southeast sia and has an
expansive shopping precinct located here.

Reason for selecting Singapore:
The Singapore government is very encouraging in case oI Ioreign ventures. The main reason Ior
our selection on Singapore as the target market Ior arong is its diverse culture. s discussed
above, Singapore has a vast cultural diversity. Thousands oI tourists visit Singapore each Irom
all around the world. nd the items that will be oIIered by arong
is quite unique and new to the Singapore market. Moreover, there are a lot oI South sian people
living at Singapore, these people will also be our target customer. This recognition oI the brand
arong will help us create a place in the mind oI our customers and in Iuture help us in opening
arong outlets at even more destinations around the world.

The pros and cons of entering Singapore:
To determine the advantages, disadvantages and threats to entry into Singapore we have done a
SWOT analysis oI arong on the basis oI our target market. Where S Internal strength and
arongs competitive advantages. W arongs weakness in the market place.0 the opportunities
and chances that arong is supposed to avail in Singapore. T the threats arong going to Iace
in Singapore.


Leading brand reputation
Specialist marketing expertise
ustomer loyalty
High production quality
Maximum level oI sales
Strong management
Low product damage rate
Practice oI indigenous customs and
Excellent working condition
Varity oI products
Price is higher
Limited outlets
onIined with limited customer
Poor access to collection
Vulnerable to producer
o direct market experience
Limited budget Ior research and
Limited Iinancial support
Sales persons need more training

Varity oI product to lure customers
ew distribution channel
Top grab the international mark
apture more market share
sponsoring events
ew market segmentation
Seasonal Iashion inIluence
an be surprised competitors
High proIit
Rise oI the competition
Price wars with competitors
ompetitors have some superior
hanging technology
Political instability
Sudden surprise

DiIIerent Iorces such as cultural, economic, political, competition etc. have a proIound impact in
how eIIectively and the ease with which arong can entire Singapore market and successIully
market its product. These are described as Iollows:
Cultural Environment:
Singapore consists oI deep cultural diversity like Bangladesh. Moreover as a very Iamous tourist
spot people Irom various countries come here Irequently. Basically it`s a cosmopolitan society
where people live harmoniously and interaction among diIIerent races is commonly seen. The
pattern oI Singapore stems Irom the inherent cultural diversity oI the island. The immigrants oI
the past have given the place a mixture oI Malay, hinese, Indian, and European inIluences, all

oI which have intermingled. So it has to IulIill the various demand oI hinese, Indian, Malay,
Indonesian and Western, Italian, Peranakan, Spanish, French, Thai and even Fusion.
Religion in Singapore
Religion is still an integral part oI the cosmopolitan Singapore. The variety oI religions is a direct
reIlection oI the diversity oI races living there. Here most oI the people are hinese and Malays.
hines are predominantly Iollowers oI Buddhism, Taoism, Shenism, hristians, atholics and
some considered as 'Iree-thinkers'. Malays have the Muslims and Indians are Hindus. There is a
good number oI Muslims and Sikhs in the Indian population. In Singapore most oI its buildings
are religious, be it old temples, modern churches, or exotic mosques. n understanding oI these
buildings does play a part in contributing to the appreciation oI their art.
Language in Singapore
The Iour oIIicial languages oI Singapore are Mandarin, Malay, Tamil and English. many
Singaporeans use Singlish to communicate. Singlish is a mix oI English with other languages
mixed into the English. So Expatriates and Ioreigners may encounter language problems in the
beginning oI their stay in Singapore. However English is the most common language used and is
the language which unites the diIIerent ethnic groups. hildren are taught in English at school
but also learn their mother tongue to make sure they don't lose contact with their traditions.
From the above discussion we can say that Singapore culture resemble our culture in many ways.
s both cultures are somewhat similar the taste and preIerence oI people will obviously be
similar to ours which is great advantage Ior arong Singapore outlet being popular
there.arong`s product designs Iocus on the diverse types and textures oI craIts and patterns that
have been passed along Irom generation to generation among weavers and artisans in craIt hubs
around the country. arong also plays a role in protecting and promoting traditional Bangladeshi
products and designs through its extensive design library where remnants oI the country`s rich
craIt heritage, such as akshikantha art and Jamdani patterns, have been widely researched and
archived. ll these things are very appreciated in Singapore diverse culture.

Economic Environment:
Singapore has a highly developed market-based economy, based historically on extended
entrepot trade. long with Hong Kong, South Korea and Republic oI hina (Taiwan), Singapore
is one oI the Four sian Tigers. The economy depends heavily on exports and reIining imported
goods, especially in manuIacturing, which constituted 27.2 oI Singapore's GDP in 2010and
includes signiIicant electronics, petroleum reIining, chemicals, mechanical engineering and
biomedical sciences sectors. In 2006 Singapore produced about 10 oI the world's Ioundry
waIer output. The country is the world's Iourth leading Iinancial center. Singapore has one oI the
busiest ports in the world and is the world's Iourth largest Ioreign-exchange trading center aIter
London, ew York and Tokyo. The World Bank ranks Singapore as the world's top logistics
hub. *Wikipedia
Singapore possesses the world's tenth largest Ioreign reserves. Singapore's external trade is oI
higher value than its GDP, making trade one oI the most vital components oI the economy. Over
ten Iree trade agreements have been signed with other countries and regions. Singapore's
economy was ranked the world`s most open in 2009, competitive and innovative.
Tourism Iorms a large part oI the economy, and 10.2 million tourists visited the country in 2007.
To attract more tourists, in 2005 the government legalized gambling and allowed two casino
resorts to be developed. Singapore is promoting itselI as a medical tourism hub: about 200,000
Ioreigners seek medical care there each year, and Singapore medical services aim to serve one
million Ioreign patients annually by 2012 and generate USD 3 billion in revenue.
To maintain its competitive position despite rising wages, the government seeks to promote
higher value-added activities in the manuIacturing and services sectors. It also has opened, or is
in the process oI opening, the Iinancial services, telecommunications, and power generation and
retailing sectors to Ioreign service-providers and greater competition. ll these economic Iorces
are very much promising Ior our arong outlet to be held in Singapore. Since Singapore
economy is presently at a growing stage and strong it will be easier Ior arong to earn huge
revenue over there


Political Environment:
Singapore is a Parliamentary republic. parliamentary republic or parliamentary constitutional
republic is a type oI republic which operates under a parliamentary system oI government -
meaning a system with no clear-cut separation oI powers between the executive and legislative
branches. There are a number oI variations oI parliamentary republics. Most have a clear
diIIerentiation between the head oI government and the head oI state; with the head oI
government holding real power, much like constitutional monarchies. Some have Iused the roles
oI head oI state and head oI government, much like Presidential Systems. *Wikipedia
Executive power rests with the abinet, led by the Prime Minister, and the President. The
president is elected through popular vote, and has some veto powers Ior a Iew key decisions such
as the use oI the national reserves and the appointment oI judges, but otherwise occupies a
ceremonial post.
The constitution oI Singapore was Iormed in June 3, 1958 (amended 1965 and 1991). It got its
independence in ugust 9, 1965. This means that Singapore is a relatively young country.
Singapore has progressed massively in the last two decades.
Executive--President (chieI oI state, 6-year term); Prime Minister (head oI government).
Legislative--unicameral Parliament.
Judicial--High ourt, ourt oI ppeal, subordinate courts
The dominant political parties oI Singapore are:
People's ction Party (PP), Workers' Party (WP), Singapore People's Party (SPP), Singapore
Democratic Party (SDP), Singapore Democratic lliance (SD), ational Solidarity Party
(SP), ReIorm Party (RP).
Singapore's Ioreign policy is directed to maintaining a secure environment in Southeast sia as
well as the territories that surround it. n underlying principle is regional political and economic
stability in the region. It has diplomatic relations with 175 other Sovereign states. s one oI the
Iive Iounding members oI the ssociation oI South East sian ations (SE), the country is
a strong supporter oI the SE Free Trade rea and the SE Investment rea, because

Singapore's economic growth is closely linked with the economic progress oI the region as a
Singapore compared to other developed countries is politically very sound. Since the
independence, the ruling parties that have come, i.e. People's ction Party (PP), Workers' Party
(WP) have been the only two ruling parties. Thus the trade policies are comparatively stable.
This makes Singapore a good country to start a Ioreign venture. The country is not at all
politically vulnerable.

The rts and raIts in Singapore is still evolving and developing which makes this city in South
East sia one oI the best centers oI rts and raIts in sia. HandicraIts oI Singapore includes
wooden, bamboo, antique handicraIts and much more. To promote their handcraIts Singapore it
arranges many Iair and their local Iestivals also promote the handicraIts. The river side areas are
and the district like hinatown would be the areas where we need to target to promote arong in
Singapore. While distributing our product we deIinitely Iace big competition with the existing
handicraIts. organization like Fu Yi HandicraIts Trading, oriental rosewood, Hua Yin Shiuan
Services,and KME are the Iew big competitors who will be the big competitors Ior the arong
since they has got the well reputation and market share already, almost the same popularity that
arong has in Bangladesh. But in Singapore the story is diIIerent. arong needs to develop new
areas to attract the customer oI Singapore. arong can take the ideas Irom the existing
competitors also.
Mode of entry:
There are many ways and policies to entire in to a new market. hoosing a mode oI entry should
be based on the company`s size, product or service type, Iinancial ability, rules and regulation
regarding entry in the targeted Ioreign country. Mode oI entry has a great impact on the success
oI an international business.

Selected Mode of entry:
There are several entry options can be suitable Ior our products. Entry modes are-
Joint Venture
Wholly owned subsidiary
But among all the options we think that the most suitable entry mode oI our product is
Iranchising. Franchising would be more realistic Iorarong. Since arong exports its product
using Franchising as a mode oI entry. arong has an outlet in London. The address oI the
London outlet is-
69 Vallance Road
London E1 5BS
Phone: 44 20 7247 7727
The company entered Ioreign markets via Iranchising not merger or acquisition. arong has a
website. But it is not and e-business website. The language oI the website is English.

Reasons behind choosing Franchising:
Franchising includes low cost than any other mode oI entry and it is done through co-operation
with the host country. Franchising ensures that political risk would be less iI we choose
Franchising as a mode oI entry. Here we have to share our operational know-hows to Singapore
market. II we choose Franchising it allows us to make simultaneous expansion into diIIerent
parts oI the world. We can select the Iranchisee so the reputation oI our products does not ruin.
Identifying Franchisees:

IdentiIying Iranchisees is a tough job. But we have to do it very careIully, because the reputation
oI the company depends on the Iranchisees. People oI diIIerent country will not see the
company; they will interact with the Iranchisee.
The criteria Ior choosing Iranchisees:
redit worthiness
Knowledge oI the country
Franchisee should have the proper knowledge about the country where the product will be
Iranchised. Without the proper knowledge oI the market segmentation and target market
Iranchisee would not be able to well.
II we consider the reputation oI the Iranchisee while choosing Iranchisee, that would be helpIul
Ior me. hoosing a reputed Iranchisee is a best decision than choosing a new people or company
as a Iranchisee.
The capability oI the Iranchisee to run the business eIIectively is also important. Because iI
Iranchisee is not able to supply the product or service according to the demand, that will create
bad impression among the customer.
II we are researching a product oI an actual company, we would recommend Iranchising when
entering into target country Singapore. The other options are also possible options Ior the
company but Iranchising is the better option.
We have discussed the reason Ior choosing Iranchising as mode oI our company. nd because oI
those reasons, the other options seem less appropriate Ior the company. Like- iI we go wholly
owned subsidiary that will need huge cost. nd it is also Ior the applicable Ior the acquisition.
nd licensing is a matured mode oI entry. arong does not mature in exporting. nd iI we
consider licensing, we have to consider government rules and regulation strictly and that would
be sometime inconvenient Ior the company.


Positioning and the Marketing mix:
Product positioning is closely related to market segment Iocus. Product positioning involves
creating a unique, consistent, and recognized customer perception about a Iirm's oIIering and
image. product or service may be positioned on the basis oI an attitude or beneIit, use or
application, user, class, price, or level oI quality. good Marketing mix plan can make it easier.

Our main target group in Singapore will be the South East sian people who live in Singapore
and the tourists who spontaneously visit Singapore. Within the South East sian people, we
mainly aim to reach the middleclass house wives Ior our home decorative products. We also aim
to target the Bangladeshi population living and visiting Singapore. Our products will give them
the Ieel oI Bangladesh and its heritage. The products that are being oIIered are quite unique and
are not readily available at Singapore. Basically we will position our product as a symbol oI
cultural heritage oI Bangladesh as well as in Iuture we have plane to Iocus Singaporean diverse
culture in designing arongproducts.Thus it will create a very good impact in the consumer`s

ProductJproduct line:
The product line oI arong that is going to be distributed to the Iranchisee at Singapore would
all the products that are available and produced by Bangladesh arong. The product line with its
categories and products are given below. This would make a variety oI items available Ior
customers Irom which they can select their desired products.


Photo Frames
Wall Hangings
andle Stands
Shelves and Racks
Bowls and Platters
apkin Holders

Glasses and ups

Wall hangings
hristmas decorations
Bed overs
Tea osy
Table loth/apkin
Personal ccessories
Optical ases

Photo Frames
Personal ccessories
Photo Frames
Magazine Racks
andle stands

Photo Frames
Dry Decorative
D Racks

Floor Mats
apkin Holder
Place Mats
Bowls and Platters
Hot Plates
Plant ccessories
Table Lamps
Photo Frames

apkin Rings
Bowls and Platters
Photo Frames
Plant ccessories
Kitchen Mits
ookbook Stand

Western (Taaga)
Shoes (Leather)
Bags (Leather)
Executive Shirts

Short Kurta
Initially we would try to sale products that can be easily produced and goes with diverse culture.
Then gradually we will increase our product line.
The pricing strategy will be mainly cost based pricing. The products that are being sold currently
at Bangladesh will also be available at the Iranchise outlet at Singapore. The pricing will be done
in such a manner that the cost oI each unit oI product is reasonable and cheaper compared to its
competitors. Export and import duties will be added with the mark-up cost oI each product, and
then the transportation cost will be added. The transportation method as mentioned will be
mainly through sea route. II we can send products in bulk, we would be able to save
transportation cost. Then there is packaging and handling cost. Tax in the Iorm oI import tax and
VT will be added to the product`s price. Then the Iranchisee will include his cost and proIit and
set the ultimate retail price oI each product.
This method oI pricing is very complicated, thereIore proper documentation is required and a
database should be maintained at both ends. The Iinal product that would be charged by the
Iranchisee should be approved by arong Bangladesh.
Though government oI Singapore is expected remain stable and thus there are Iewer chances oI
changes in policies. But iI there is any change in policy by the government, Ior example, the
import duty on handicraIt products are being increased, that might aIIect the price oI our product.
nother important issue that must be considered while making the pricing oI the product is the
Ioreign exchange rate. The exchange rate can have both positive and adverse eIIect. Thus we

must be cautious and keep exchange rates oI Taka vs. Singapore Dollar in mind while pricing the
II the same product had been exported instead oI Iranchise, the unit price oI each product would
have increased. This is because in exporting, Iewer amounts oI products would have been
ordered and thus would have increased the unit transportation cost.

In every country and in every market all consumer and industrial product eventually go through a
distribution process. The distribution process includes the physical handling and distribution oI
goods, the passage oI ownership and most importantly Irom the standpoint oI marketing strategy
the buying and selling negotiation between products and middleman and between middle man
and the customers.
The international markets needs clear understanding oI market characteristics and must have
established operating policies beIore the selection oI distribution process. solid distribution
process helps to reach the Iinal customer easily and successIul.For that the organization needs to
identiIy the speciIic target market, marketing goals in terms oI market share and also the proIit
margin. gain identiIying the control length oI channels,term oI sale and channel ownership is
equally important.
When we are aiming Ior distributing arong in Singapore we keep in mind that the best possible
distribution channel can give us the most eIIective access. We decided that we are going to take
help Irom some middleman in the distribution process. Sometimes structural arrangement oI
Ioreign channels and domestic channels are same. This is misleading. Only when the varied
intricacies oI actual distribution patterns are understood can the complexity oI the distribution
task be appreciated. saongit has the experience oI high success rate in distribution process.
Their experiences will deIinite help in Singaporean market. s a handicraIts exporter we kept in
mind some important Iactors those we can`t ignore. Like line breadth, cost oI margin, channel
length, blocked channels etc. s a marketer oI arong we need to assume the entire distribution
activity to depending on the intermediary`s distribution oI the product. arongs distributions
channel Ior Singaporean market are given below:

The arong distribution channel has to be simple to reach Singaporean market taking help Irom
some middleman`s as well. t Iirst aIter taking the goods Irom domestic producer or marketer
we decided to shiIt the product to open distribution via domestic whole sell middle man. The
next step would be the exporter. Exporter will export the product to the importer who will be
introducing the product into the Singaporean market. in next step there will be a Ioreign agent or
merchant wholesalers who knows the condition oI that market very well and has strong link over
there. Foreign agent or merchant holders will be sending the product to the Iranchisee and then
or Iinal customer. The process includes all activities beginning with the manuIactures and ending
with the Iinal customers. This actually means the seller must exert two seriece oI chanels.one in
the home country and other in the host country market.rongs Iranchisee in the host country
requires Iull support Irom home country organization.
The promotional campaign should be quite diIIerent Irom what is being done in Bangladesh.
This is mainly because oI the perception oI the people oI Singapore due to their diversiIied
cultures. s our main target customer groups would be the Indian and Indian subcontinent
people staying at Singapore, our promotional campaign should also target them. nother major
portion oI our target customer group would be the tourists. nd a completely diIIerent Iorm oI
promotion campaign should be Iollowed Ior the tourists.
Our marketing plan would include sales promotion, buzz marketing and public relations. These
are the main three Iorms oI promotion Ior our target customers. Sales promotion should be
carried out by giving discounts to the customers. The discounts might be in the Iorm oI buy two
and get one Iree, or sale. Sales promotion would deIinitely motivate the customers to buy our
Buzz marketing should be done when we Iirst enter the market. This is to create recognition
among the customers. This can be done by arranging a handicraIt Iair in Singapore. That will
create a vibe among the customers about arong. s we proceed with arong at Singapore,
public relations should be kept in mind, there should be repeat customer. ustomers should
become brand loyal, like it is at Bangladesh.

For the local population, print media like advertisements in local newspapers, leaIlets, and
catalogues are the best Iorm oI advertising. In case oI newspapers, we aim to advertise arong in
'Straits Times a Singaporean newspaper, which has the highest circulation. This paper will help
us get the maximum promotional coverage. nd in case oI leaIlets, they will be distributed at the
major locations like shopping malls, restaurants community halls etc. This will in turn create
recognition among the consumer group. For the tourists, a diIIerent approach should be Iollowed.
Personal selling might come handy in case oI tourists. Tourists in Bangladesh showed a very
positive response towards arong products. We can expect the same at Singapore, Ior this we
need to have good relations with the hotel people, tourist guides, cab drivers etc. they might help
us in promoting our brand to the tourists.


Discussing above circumstances we can conclude that we have set our research and and plans
now iI we can implement it properly through properly utilizing our marketing mix we will be
able to entire Singapore market succesIully. To maintain our operation over there we have to
adept to their diIIerent cultural, economic and political Iorces. In Iurther Iuture iI we seccessIully
operate arong operation here we will expand our Iranchising to US and other European and
sian countries.
Primary sources :
aizana Balim hai, Senioi Nanagei Naiketing, Aaiong.
Secondary sources:


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