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Lighting and Acoustical

Building Utilities 03 (BUILDU3)

10/9/2014 Aaron M Lecciones, MSc (Lond) 1

Today’s Agenda
• Session 04 Recap
• Session 05 Lecture
• Session 06 Agenda

10/9/2014 Aaron M Lecciones, MSc (Lond) 2


Session 04 Recap
 Environmental Noise
 Airborne Transmission (Noise)
 Structural Transmission (Noise)
 Flanking Transmission (Noise)

10/9/2014 Aaron M Lecciones, MSc (Lond) 3

Outlook for next two sessions

Today (30 min each) Next Session (30 min each)

• Audio Systems • Design of Studios and
• Acoustics of Small Listening Rooms
Recording Studios • Design for Lecture Halls
• Design of Concert Halls or • Design for Churches
• Opera Houses (Large Halls)
• Design of Multipurpose Integration for Finals Project
Auditoria and Sanctuaries
(also AV Rooms)
10/9/2014 Aaron M Lecciones, MSc (Lond) 4


10/9/2014 Aaron M Lecciones, MSc (Lond)


Midterms Project Brief

1. Forms groups maximum of 5
2. Do either: (if you already have an approved topic then
disregard this step)
• an Acoustical Analysis of an existing space (choose from the
• Acoustical Analysis of Shangrila Food Court, Megamall Food Court, or SDA
Canteen at 12th Floor
• Acoustical Analysis of SDA Room 900
• Comparing Starbucks and Coffee Bean Acoustics
• Or design from scratch:
• A small recording studio of 600 cu.m. volume
• Redesign CCP Main Theatre with a capacity double but same footprint
• A restaurant seating 100 that doubles as a live gig venue.

10/9/2014 Aaron M Lecciones, MSc (Lond) 6


Midterms Project Brief

3. If you are doing an acoustical analysis of an existing space:
 Ensure that you analyse for environmental noise
 Ensure that you analyse for proper acoustics
• Check on existing RT
• Check on RT based on existing space conditions (material, space configuration)
If you are doing a new space then:
 Analyse the site location for environmental noise
 Ensure that you create a space with proper acoustics
• Check for proper RT
• Check for proper use of configuration, materials, etc.
3. After doing your acoustical analysis, use your findings to recommend
acoustical interventions to solve any acoustical problems. (remember you must
have already been making drawings, specifications, etc.)
4. Write your report (see Report Format, slide 10)
5. Generate your POSTER

10/9/2014 Aaron M Lecciones, MSc (Lond) 7

Analyse Interpret recommend
existing results of ations to
conditions analysis improve
And Poster

 Either existing site for  Environmental Noise?  Recommendations as

new space  Structural? to:
or  Airborne?  Noise?
existing space for  Flanking?  Acoustical
analysis of existing space  Acoustical Space Properties?
Properties?  Sound
 RT correct for Enhancement?

space use?  Others?
Remember: you must  Space
have a method configuration?
(methodology,  Audio Systems
systematic, scientific way  Should there be
of doing things) for doing an audio system?
your study

10/9/2014 Aaron M Lecciones, MSc (Lond) 8


Midterms Project Brief

Report Poster
• At least 3500 words
• A2 Size
• Century Gothic Pt 11
• 1.5 Spacing
• Summarises your study
• 1” margin all around • Example
• A4 page size
• Should have cover page

10/9/2014 Aaron M Lecciones, MSc (Lond) 9

Midterms Project Brief

Cover Page Format


Submitted by:

Group Names
DLS-College of Saint Benilde, SDAAR

In partial fulfillment of the requirements of BUILDU3

Under Arch. Aaron Julius M. Lecciones

Submitted on: DATE

10/9/2014 Aaron M Lecciones, MSc (Lond) 10


Midterms Project Brief

Report Format study. Do not include raw data, such as data logs or
survey data, in the text. If they are relevant put them in
• Title of study an appendix. Put only the summarised information
• Acknowledgements which supports your findings.
• Table of contents • Discussion and Recommendation – this should be a
critical discussion of the study findings and the
• List of figures architectural acoustic recommendations you are
• List of tables
offering (both soft and hard applications). You should
also consider the limitations of the study here.
• List of plates (photographs)
• Conclusions – this should summarise the findings of the
• Glossary (if applicable) research and look to the future indicating how your
solutions might be able to be used in general cases (as
• Introduction – this should outline the aims and opposed to you specific site or building).
objectives of the study, and how the research came
about, giving some brief background information • Bibliography (Must have at least 7 references using
HARVARD format)
• Methods – this should include the study design and
methods. Justification of the methods used should be • Appendix
*only parts in BOLD TEXT count towards the 3500 word
• Existing Conditions Analysis – An analysis of both noise, requirement.
acoustical properties, and sound enhancement of
either the Site or the Site and the Existing Building.
• Results – this section should report on the findings of the

10/9/2014 Aaron M Lecciones, MSc (Lond) 11

Midterms Project Brief

• Composition/Style: Reports should be modelled on the style of articles
in the journal literature and should aim at objectivity, clarity and lack of
ambiguity. Spelling and grammar should be correct.
• Referencing: Sources of information must be clearly identified within the
text. Unsupported assertions must be avoided. Full references must be
listed in proper form in the bibliography at the end. See Section 3.3 for
more guidance on referencing.
• Illustrations: Figures and tables should be used to support the text.
Maps and diagrams may be of any size, but preferably within A4 and
should be drawn using proper cartographic pens or produced using a
computer graphics application. Photographic materials should not
exceed A4 size. Be sure that illustrations are adequately explained, e.g.
include such essentials as scales, orientation, etc., as well as captions.
Aaron M Lecciones, MSc (Lond) | Adapted from the
10/9/2014 Student Handbook MSc Practising Sustainable 12
Development, Royal Holloway University of London

Midterms Project Brief

• Illustrations (cont): You must not download figures from the Internet and use
them where copyright is held on them. Similar constraints apply to figures and
tables in academic journals, books or reports. To use them you must obtain
permission from the authors and/or publishers. If you re-draw the figure or
adapt a table, thus significantly altering them, you can use the caption
„based on/modified from‟ giving the author and reference.
• Appendices: Appendices should only contain supporting material; all
substantive material germane to the core discussion should be included in the
main body of text. Where appropriate the following may be included within
the appendices: illustrations of the tools used in the data collection process,
correspondence items including letters, a sample of (blank) questionnaires,
data collection proformas, summary data, information pamphlets. All other
items to be considered for inclusion in the appendices should have the prior
approval of the supervisor.
• Neatness: This includes the layout of the text on the page, i.e. format; font;
quality of captions, etc; lettering and the linework in figures; excessive or
unsightly corrections. Pages must also be numbered.
10/9/2014 Aaron M Lecciones, MSc (Lond) 13

Format of Midterms Examination

Modified World Café Method
• Each Group will mount their printed posters on the classroom
• Everyone will be given 20 minutes to study each poster and
then select only 1 study to evaluate. (not more than 2 groups studying a single project)
• 30 minutes will then be given for each group to come up with
an alternative solution to the problem of the selected study.
• A guide-sheet will be given as a prescribed format to be followed by
each group.
• The Assessment Scheme will be given 1 session before

10/9/2014 Aaron M Lecciones, MSc (Lond) 14


End of session 05
Thank you!

10/9/2014 Aaron M Lecciones, MSc (Lond) 15

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