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Circumstance is situation applied on Rules. Situation is based on Condition. At each situation, rule
behaviour will be different.

Circumstance means creating multiple variants of a single rule based on condition.

Circumstancing requires condition to be applied on the rule.

Two Types of Circumstance

1. Single Property (With on Optional Date Property)

2. Multiple Property (Template and Definition)

How to circumstance a rule

Save. Done.

The above is called base rule.

Now, create a circumstance version for the above rule by save as.
Here Gender is the property involved in circumstance condition
Save. Done.
Now this activity has two instance with different behaviours.

One is base instance and other is circumstance instance.

Call the above activity from other activity

When test activity is called, At run time, based on Gender property values it will executed either
base rule or circumstance instance.
If gender = female then Circumstance version gets executed else base version.

At run time, during the processing of any rule PRPC check below.

1. Verifies if circumstance versions are available or not.

2. If available, verifies the condition.
3. If condition is met then circumstance instance will be processed.
4. If condition is not met base version will be processed.

What is Date Qualifier in Circumstance?

This option will be available only for single property circumstance

Now, the processing will be like below.

1. If the circumstance condition is met and if it falls between the above given date, then
circumstance instance will be processed.
2. If the circumstance condition is met and if the date range is breached, then circumstance
instance will NOT be processed, instead base instance will get processed.

Multi Property Circumstance

This Circumstance involves multiple properties in the condition logic.

To work with this type of circumstance, we need to create below two rules.

1. Circumstance Template
2. Circumstance Definition

These can be created under technical category

How to create

Now create a definition rule.


Now create a circumstance rule

Here we called template and definition rule.

This is multiple property circumstance.

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