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Soft heart

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F
Fandom: Wednesday (TV 2022)
Relationship: Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair
Characters: Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair, Tyler Galpin
Additional Tags: Developing Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Secret Crush, Short &
Sweet, Miscommunication, Angst and Feels
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-10-13 Words: 1,816 Chapters: 1/1
Soft heart
by mybabys123


While Enid struggles with her feelings for her roommate, Wednesday attends the prom with
Tyler, the human boy she's been spending a lot of time with, and her heart breaks at the
implications. But is it all what it seems?


I join the rest of the people who couldn't wait another second to write something about these
two, who are already my favorites and I'll blame all the edits I've seen of Enid and
Wednesday on tik tok for my belief that they'll end up together and I'll cry if they don't.
Enid was feeling more than slightly disappointed at how the prom was turning out and it
bothered her because she couldn't quite figure out exactly why. The decorations were
gorgeous and everyone seemed to be having a great time, something that would normally
make her happy as a result, however, she had been sitting in the same chair for an hour since
the dance had started and she was pretty sure that if she had laser eyes there would be a big
hole in the entrance of the gym from how much she had been staring at it the whole time.

"Enid, are you waiting for someone?" A girl from her pack asked with concern on her face.

Enid reluctantly averted her eyes from the entrance, fearing that with her luck the moment
her eyes strayed from the entrance the person she wanted to see would enter and she wouldn't
noticed it. "No, of course not, why would you say that?" She answered unintentionally
getting defensive.

Her pack member shrugged offering her an awkward smile before walking away to her own
group of friends.

The colorful-haired girl sighed before turning her attention back to the door just in time for
the door to open.

Her face lit up.

"Willa," She whispered with excitement.

The change was so obvious that anyone who was paying even the slightest bit of attention
would have discovered the secrets of her sweet heart. Her breath hitched as she saw
Wednesday in a dress, the same dress she had sworn she would never wear and had even
threatened to set on fire.

Enid who had been curious as to whatever it was that had triggered such a strong emotion
from her roommate had peeked over her shoulder and seen the dark blue dress.
Her eyes had widened with delight and she had picked it up between her hands. “Wednesday,
this dress is beautiful! You have to wear it to the dance tonight.” She had insisted, placing the
dress in front of Wednesday and nodding her head with approval. “It will look beautiful on

However, from the reaction her roomate had had, the she-wolf had assumed that the black-
haired girl would carry out her threat to set the dress on fire, so she was quite surprised to see
her wearing it, but not by the fact that she had dyed it, replacing the dark blue color for the
black color that she preferred as a general rule.

“Wedn-” Enid started to call out, throwing her arm up in the air before coming to an abrupt
stop as she took notice of Tyler, who stood next to Wednesday as the designated
photographer approached the newcomers to take the customary photo and her smile slowly
fell from her face as she understood the meaning of them arriving at the dance together.

Her mouth felt suddenly dry.

“I need a drink.” She said to no one in particular before turning around and leaving the
perfect place she had been saving for Wednesday knowing that her friend would want the
right place to see everyone at the dance because of her secret investigation, little of which she
had wanted to share with her but seemed more than willing to share with Tyler.

“Oh, hey sunshine girl, what should I pour for you? Choose your venom.” The word
“venom” had her raising her head.


“The drink.” He clarified, nodding at the various options on the table.

Enid frowned before pointing to a random drink and taking the glass with her without saying
thank you, which was very unusual for her. She walked without a place in mind, the glass
untouched in her hand. There was a burning fire that threatened to swallow any rational
thought and consume her in a way she had only experienced a handful of times in her life and
because of the full moon.
She was fighting for control with her wolf side while her head was filled with violent and
bloody thoughts, thoughts of hurting someone and the only thing that kept her under control
was the deep loneliness and sadness that was enveloping her heart at the thought of
Wednesday and Tyler dating.

“Why are you so sad, silly? Is it because Willa didn't tell you that she likes Tyler? Or is it
because she hid her relationship from you?” She chastised herself as sharp nails dug into the
smooth skin of her palm. "It's not like she has an obligation to tell you anything." She told

Enid felt blood flow from the wound on her hand but it wasn't until a hand closed on her arm
that she snapped out of her reverie.

"What are you doing?!" Wednesday hissed, leading her with firm steps out of the room where
several pairs of red eyes followed their movements until they left the room.

The young wolf blinked realizing that her eyes had also been yellow. "I'm sorry," She
muttered, realizing how reckless she had been. However, Wednesday didn't acknowledge her
apology, she just kept walking with her eyes straight ahead and her cold hand around her arm.

Two minutes later, when Enid was beginning to believe they were just walking aimlessly,
Wednesday turned down a hallway and led them into a girls' bathroom that she was sure had
had the maintenance sign on it for at least a week.

"Are you drunk?" Wednesday asked getting to the point.

“Drunk?” Enid repeated sounding painfully like a broken machine.

Wednesday looked pointedly at the glass in her hand unblinkingly waiting for her response.
"No!" She was quick to reply, "I swear." She assured and to emphasize her words she
discarded the plastic cup in the trash without taking her eyes off hers. "I haven't even tasted a

Wednesday blinked slowly and for the first time since meeting her, Enid felt the need to look
away from her for fear that her roommate might actually read her mind or worse, whatever
that was hidden in her heart.

Enid knew she wouldn't be able to stand rejection from Willa, she had no doubt that her
words would be as direct and unadorned as they were with everything else, and as much as
she would never change a single part of Wednesday, it didn't mean her heart would be able to
take a blow like that from the person she loved.

“Your hand is bleeding and is leaving a bloody mess in my personal bathroom.” She pointed

The wolf's reaction was immediate. A rush of apologies came out of her mouth as she
struggled to get some paper out with only her good hand as she didn't want to stain the toilet
paper in the process.

Wednesday watched her pathetic attempt for a few seconds before closing the distance
between them.

"You need to clean it first," She told her with a roll of her eyes. Then she guided her to the
sink and placed her injured hand under the cold running water.

The white sink was painted red inmediately and for the first time she felt her stomach twist at
the sight of spilled blood.

"Weird," She thought tilting her head with confusion.

Enid let out a slight moan of pain. "Sorry." She apologized, her voice barely a whisper.

“Your dress…” She muttered with her big blue eyes fixed on the spattering drops of blood
staining her black dress.

"It's not like I was going to use it again." She replied, dismissing it with one hand.

"Even so," Enid insisted and for a moment Wednesday feared she would take her claws out.
Not because she was afraid of getting hurt, but because she feared she would aggravate the
wounds already made on her hand.

"I don't care about clothes, you should know that already."

Enid nodded and her shoulders slumped, the lack of her usual sparkle making Wednesday
frown with concern. "Here, keep the cloth tight until your healing powers take care of the
wound." She instructed.

“Thank you, Willa.” Wednesday opened her mouth about to correct her, but found herself
biting her tongue before doing it. "Anyways, you should go back to the dance. There's no
need for both of us to miss out on the fun." Enid continued with her head down.

"You call that fun?"

"Well, you did attend, didn't you? And you even brought a date."

Wednesday raised an eyebrow. The day was full of surprises and not the kind she tolerated.
Enid's tone of voice was dismissive and mocking, a tone she had never heard from her sweet
roommate. However, Wednesday's eyes filled with an unusual sparkle. She felt ecstatic, not
only because she was proven right in thinking that no one could be so pure and innocent, but
also because deep down she didn't think she was good enough to be next to Enid. She was
kind of afraid of turning off the bright light that was her friend. Not that that display of petty
emotions made her any less in Wednesday's eyes, in fact she was quite enraptured.

"Enid, are you feeling something like spiders walking through your body?"

Enid raised her eyebrows dumbfounded, "What?"

Wednesday ignored her and placed two fingers on her neck making her gasp, her cheeks
turned pink.

"Did you eat something special? Something with a strange taste?" Enid blinked several times,
her pupils dilated and her hands sweaty, her mind was going crazy. "I don't think so, why?"

Wednesday hummed in consideration. "I think you might be under some sort of

The cotton candy haired girl's eyes widened, "Really?! But I don't feel any different." She
said already panicking.

"I see. Well, that's good."

She removed her hand from her neck and Enid almost whimpered at the loss of contact.

“Anyways, you can't go back looking like that. Tyler will freak out, he is still a human and
the son of the sheriff.”

“I wasn't planning on going back so it's-”

“No!” Enid exclaimed and if she had been anyone else Wednesday would have startled.
“Sorry,” The young wolf apologized.

Wednesday shook her head, if Enid kept behaving so erratically she was going to get a
migraine, and unlike her mother she didn't particularly enjoy them.

“Stop caring about Tyler. We didn't really come together, so why would I care about stuff like

Enid gaped at her, “Wait, what?”

“The only reason we are here together is because we are after a clue and he wouldn't have
been allowed into the school if we didn't say he came as my date.”

"Really?" She wondered, her voice filled with hope.

“Of course, now what-,” But before she could finish her sentence a loud scream came from

They looked at each other, "The prom." And just like that Enid was reaching for her hand,
entwining their fingers and taking off.

There was still a killer to catch.

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