Stot brochure 2024

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Event By


6th Annual
GCC Shutdowns,
Turnarounds and Outages Technical

Conference 2024

Venue Event dates

Grand Hyatt AlKhobar - Saudi Arabia 28th - 30th May 2024

Elite Platinum Sponsor Platinum Sponsors Gold Sponsors

An Invitation to Attend?
Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the executive and technical committee, I am honored to invite you to actively
support and participate at 6th Annual GCC Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages
Technical Conference 2024 which will be held from 28th - 30th May 2024 at Grand
Hyatt AlKhobar - Saudi Arabia

As turnaround managers continue to struggle with decreased budgets and less staff to
complete projects, it’s more important than ever before to know how to gain efficiencies
and learn new ways to tackle the challenges of increasingly complex turnarounds.

The STOT ME 2024 is one event you can’t afford to miss, where the major players in the
turnaround community gather to exchange information, compare processes, and learn
from others who have been through times of volatility and unprecedented change. Get
techniques you won’t find anywhere else as you interact with industry experts,

This year the conference will include topics such as:

Scope management and how to avoid scope creep

The Role of Inspection in Turnaround Planning & Execution
Cost management strategies for on-budget projects
Creating Consistency to Better Predict Costs & Schedule
Effective leadership skills in times of uncertainty
Increase your TAR efficiency and effectiveness with the Oracle TAR solution
Best practices and tools for improved employee development

Your team will benefit from the networking, the knowledge sharing, and the collaborative
approach to achieving success.

I look forward to seeing you in capacity to support the initiative as speakers, sponsors,
exhibitors and contributing delegates to make his a truly valuable exchange for our industry.

I look forward to welcoming you to the 6th Annual GCC Shutdowns, Turnarounds and
Outages Technical Conference 2024 at Grand Hyatt AlKhobar - Saudi Arabia

Fahad Alkhaldi
Executive Director Central

Participating Companies
Elite Platinum Sponsor Platinum Sponsor Platinum Sponsor Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor Gold Sponsor Gold Sponsor Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor Gold Sponsor Gold Sponsor Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Silver Sponsor Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor Silver Sponsor Silver Sponsor Silver Sponsor

Exhibitor Exhibitor Exhibitor Exhibitor

Executive Committee
Fahad Alkhaldi Ali Al-Ruwaily
Executive Director Central Executive Manufacturing Abdulaziz Abudawshah
Maintenance General Manager General Manager, Maintenance


Abdulrahman AlFadhel Ali Al-Shammari

Abdullah Badr Al-Syed Former Manager Riyadh Refinery MTC and Reliability Director
General Manager, Operations Saudi Aramco - Certified Life Coach

Uboud Nasser Mohammed Bander M. Dakheel

Al-Ghamdi Alsabbagh Allah
Sr. ManagerTurnaround & Sr. Manager Turnaround
Reliability & Asset Performance
Major Maintenance & Major Maintenance
Management Unit Head

Technical Committee
Dr. Jamal Nayfeh
Mamdouh B. Yahya G. Asiri Dean of the college of
Al-Aidarous Manager, Outbound Logistics Engineering and Professor
Dynamic Analysis Group (DAG) Supply Chain, SBU Petrochemicals of Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Consultant

Peter Johnson Samy Arockiasamy Ali Al-Hazemi

Managing Director & CEO Team leader, Asset integrity CEO
ASL Group

Salem Al Shahrani
Manager Maintenance Hadi Al-Zubi
Sr. Manager, Central Maintenance
Who Should Attend?
The 6th Annual GCC Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages Technical Conference 2024 in
Saudi Arabia is for the Shutdown and turnaround managers,
Maintenance, Reliability, Operation professionals who are leading and engaged in their
day to day attributes of managing the current issues faced in the Petrochemical Plants /
Refineries, to discuss its usage and benchmark new technologies & innovative ideas used
in the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industry.

The comprehensive program includes the tools, technologies, ideas, strategies, and best
practices to ensure your success in the organization. We have well-seasoned experts to
cater your causes and give the required directions on the sustainability of the plant
performance from its conceptual stage to it’s useful stage

This event is for those who want to shape what’s next for their challenges and for
themselves, including…

Heads, Directors, Managers of Shutdowns and turnarounds

Maintenance and operations Contractors

Rotating equipment Maintenance & Reliability
Inspection and condition-based monitoring Inspection and monitoring
HSE and risk management Scaffolding Refractory
Asset management Coating & Painting
Planning and scheduling Asset integrity
Engineering Welding Catalyst and chemical
O&G Cleaning solutions
Petrochemicals Rope access and lifting
Software and hardware

Who should not miss
this conference?
Anyone responsible for plant performance and looking for ideas to improve plant
operations will find value in sessions on Risk & Reliability Management, Work Flow
Process & Materials Management, Shutdowns, Turnaround & Outages improvement,
Asset Performance, Asset Integrity Management and more.

Enjoy unmatched opportunity to network with peers, customers and new prospects.
Benefit from access to top subject matter experts, International industry experts,
visionary leaders and executives one-on-one.
Attend the best in class education.
Learn about the latest thinking on business best practices!
This Conference offers the highest potential to advance your field.
Update yourself with news and views of recent developments
Hear from the leading Oil and Gas professionals from ME, Africa, Asia, Europe & America
Learn about the latest challenges and technological advancements in the Maintenance
& Reliability Industry.
It’s a unique opportunity for innovation due to the vast melting pot of expertise and interest.
This Conference is the jumping point for new and interesting conversation.
The sessions are designed to make you think.
Exclusive Networking opportunity with key decision makers
Meet our distinguished Executive Technical Steering Committee and Expert Speaker Panel
Benchmark your company’s progress with industry and regional peers

It was very interesting conference, starting from preparation of

the event, subjects, papers, speakers, participants and location.
I really appreciate all the hard efforts done by the organizers
and their committees and hope to join their future events

Salem Al Shahrani
Manager Maintenance
Day 1 - 28th May 2024

08.30 Registration, Refreshments And Networking

9:00 – 09:05 Speech by Organizer – Alina Rizvi, Conference Producer, Energia Middle East

9:15 – 09:25 Opening Speech Technical Chairman

Exhibition Tour and Ribbon Cutting

Session 1

Effective Leadership in Times of Uncertainty and Change

As a team lead, how do you effectively communicate changes to process, resources, and strategy and get
‘buy-in’ from the team?
09:25 – 10:00
How do you effectively implement changes and what strategies can you use to adapt and make lasting change?
How do you positively address on-going challenges to achieve goals and ‘champion’ success?

Turnaround Continuous Improvement: Case Study on the Journey to Turnaround Program Enhancement
Best practices in setting the initial scope and early scope development
10:00 – 10:30 What steps need to be taken to ensure scope is accounted for at the outset?
Highlighting key areas for improvement including: scheduling, KPI development, bid package development,
organization development, manpower quality control, QA/QC programs, logistics planning, plot plan
development with work densities, area segregation, work systemization and more

Learning as You Go: How to Capture Lessons from Your Turnaround Crew and Utilize Them to Improve
Future Turnarounds

Performing the ‘lessons learned’ review and capturing key performance indicators
10:30 – 11:00 New and innovative ways to document work and retain knowledge and lessons learned
Who should be providing feedback for the debrief report and who is responsible for reviewing it?
What documentation formula should you be using?
How to avoid losing valuable lessons for next time

11:00– 11:30 Morning Networking Break

11:30 – 11:10 Ice Breaking Session

Inspiring Safety Engagement amongst Short-term Employees

Discus show to engage short-term employees as safety advocates during turnarounds that require mobilization
of large, temporary workforces
11:10 : 11-40
Ideas to increase employee engagement in your organization using formats that connect with staff
Motivating employees and empowering them to take ownership of your safety programs are important steps in
building a culture of safety within your organization

Session 2

Achieving Turnaround Excellence: Mindset, Methods and Leanings

Address the role of turnaround leadership in setting the expectations and context for step–change performance.
Outline specific steps to engage and ensure accountability for planning and execution excellence.
11:40 12:10
Address how to move from a “you should” to a “why don’t we” set of conversations that engage all stakeholders in
optimizing performance.
Summarize learning’s from other turnaround projects around the world.
Panel discussion :
Insights on how STO managers ensure they have planned each aspect of the project thoroughly by working
within the STO parameters

12:10- 13:00
Managing the STO scope of work in severe budget constraints and achieve TAR effectiveness without sacrificing
the reliability and integrity
Evaluating tasks and time frames when detailing the scope of work to sign off on time
Ensuring job hazards, safety, permit requirements and potential obstacles are identified, addressed and
communicated within the required work order

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break

Effective Cost Management Strategies for On-Budget Project Execution

How budget forecasting can be utilized for controlling costs
11:40 12:10 Estimating the right level of contingency necessary and how to increase the likelihood of including this in the
project budget; how to apply contingency funding when problems arise
Designing a robust cost tracking system and developing a daily reporting procedure to determine how budget is
performing compared with tasks completed


The following session will feature a series of interactive group discussions set in a round table format.
There will be a maximum of 3 group leaders who will introduce a concept or case study to the participants
11:40 12:10 followed by an interactive discussion and live feedback. The round table leaders will rotate every 15 minutes.
Table leaders will rotate three times during this session.
Roundtable 1:
Evaluate metrics and align current business practices to support STO
Discussing various methods of incorporating Operational Excellence (OE) and setting objectives based on the
corporate objectives
Benchmarking data and other critical business drivers to implement and meet the operational excellence
management system requirements
Benchmarking data and other critical business drivers to implement and meet the operational excellence
management system requirements

Roundtable 2:
Identifying tangible actions to achieve significant and sustainable improvements in shutdowns
Discussing how to define objectives and boundaries for all STO activities
Addressing how plans are established taking accountability and timelines in to consideration

Roundtable 3:
Re-engineering business process based on the post-shutdown report for continuous improvement
opportunities - what works and what does not work
Discussing how to carry out SWOT analysis to consolidate issues
Learn how information is fed back into management plans for future shutdowns

15:30- 15:45 Each roundtable leader will take the stage to give feedback on their respective discussions and share it with the audience

15:45-16:00 Certificate Distribution

16:00 Closing of Day 1

It was very interesting conference, starting from preparation of the event, subjects, papers,
speakers , participants and location. I really appreciate all the hard efforts done by the organizers
and their committees and hope to join their future events.
Salem Al Shahrani
Manager Maintenance
It was a great knowledge-sharing event, every speaker and attendant shared his/her own experience. For us,
it was direct access to a wealth of knowledge that would enrich our experiences. The momentum during the
discussions was so high and this is a strong indication that everything presented was of great value and

Adnan Al-Awwami
ISEC Founder & Engineering Consultant
Saudi Council of Engineers Consultant (#258041)
Saudi Association of Technicians Consultancy Council Member

Day 2 - 29th May 2024

08.30 Registration, Refreshments And Networking

Session 3

9:00 – 09:15 Opening Speech by Session Chairman

A Different Approach to Shutdowns

How is the planning stage different from the past approach to shutdowns?
How is the shutdown coordinated and executed over a longer period of time?
09:15– 09:45 What are the anticipated skilled/craft labour requirements?
What is the impact of taking the plant down in smaller chunks

Elevate Your Turnaround Performance with Bullet-Proof Scheduling

Engaging schedulers early in the process for more effective scheduling
09:45 – 10:15 Ensuring the schedule is communicated to all stakeholders to avoid surprises; using contractor input in the
pre-planning stage before it’s to
late to modify the schedule
Moving from the spreadsheet to a resource loaded schedule

Workforce Development and the Critical Need for Data Management

Workforce demographics
Data Management Systems (DMS) with a global focus and local data access
10:15- 10:45 Leadership training
Skills validation and the elimination of redundant training
The value of metrics

10:45 – 11:15 Morning Networking Break

Session 4

11:15 – 11:30 Opening Speech by Session Chairman

11:30- 11:45 Ice Breaking session

Panel Discussion
Adopting effective strategies to eliminate skill-based challenges faced by operators and contractors during STO
and actions implemented to overcome this
Monitoring the performance of the contractor by managing current level of skills and evaluating the team sent by the contractor
11:45– 12:45 Implementing effective training workshops for skilled workforce to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances during inspection
to avoid any operational delays
Identifying strategies put in place to ensure skilled labor competency by implementing actions that are put in place to deal with

12:45 – 13:45 Lunch

I really appreciate the effort during the event and all teams as well. In fact, the high level of attendees is
one of the unique point for event and the specialty of presentations give us maximum benefit. The
discussions were organized smoothly. Also, following the time schedule of event really appreciated.

Thanks again and I will be glad to joint you in the future.

Eng. Saleh Hasan Alzahrani

Director of Contractors Licensing
Saudi Contractors Authority

13:45 – 14:15

Managing the Client/Contractor Relationship to Establish Accountability and Improve Project Execution
Strategies to get the most out of increasingly limited contractor availability and resources
How to build and maintain relationships with quality contractors
Enlisting contractor buy-in to engage all parties and render accountabilities
09:45 – 10:15
Motivating your partners to achieve the project goals


The following session will feature a series of interactive group discussions set in a round table format. There will be a
maximum of 3 group leaders who will introduce a concept or case study to the participants followed by an interactive
discussion and live feedback. The round table leaders will rotate every 15 minutes. Table leaders will rotate three times
during this session.
Planning stag
What does an effective plan look like?
Identifying, categorizing & prioritizing tasks

Contracting strategies
How to achieve effective communication
On-site coordination between teams
Common issues
A systems approach to STO planning
15:15 – 15:30
Justification (why do we do STO events the way we do?)
Work scope Strategy (what constitutes an effective work scope?)
15:30 15:40
Planning individual jobs (is this way the best way?

Each roundtable leader will take the stage to give feedback on their respective discussions and share it with the audience

Certificate Distribution

Closing of Day 2

The event was very value adding with a spectrum of varied presentations lighting up the arena with exuberant
display of Excellence in the highly complex world of Turnarounds, Shutdowns and Outages. It was an opportuni-
ty to witness, participate and reverberate many cases of innovations, challenges, technical brilliance and the
never ending story of success from team work. The event gave the invaluable opportunity to rub shoulders with
the best people in the Turnaround world in Middle East and was very invigorating.
Girish Chandrasekharan Nair
Senior Engineer, Maintenance Optimization (Turnaround)
Operations Excellence Division
Day 3 - 30th May 2024

08.30 Registration, Refreshments And Networking

9:00–09:10 Opening Speech by Session Chairman

Key Relationships and Communication Skills for Successful Turnarounds

The importance of setting a clear, communicated vision for the TAR
09:10–09:40 Key characteristics of a successful TAR leader
The criticality of teamwork
Key elements of communication in the planning phase of a TAR

Achieving Successful Turnaround Execution through Continuous Improvement

09:40–10:10 Identifying the key areas for process improvement — permitting, safety, planning and scheduling, management
What methods were used to improve processes? What strategies worked and what didn’t

10:10- 10:15 Raffle draw – Win an Apple Ipad

10:15–10:45 Morning Networking Break


The following session will feature a series of interactive group discussions set in a round table format. There will be a
10:45- 11:45 maximum of 2 group leaders who will introduce a concept or case study to the participants followed by an interactive
discussion and live feedback. The round table leaders will rotate every 15 minutes. Table leaders will rotate three times
during this session.
Roundtable one: Focusing on skilled professionals while formulating a reliability programme
Join this roundtable to discuss the significance of personnel and human factors in deriving a successful
reliability programme to ensure a competent maintenance strategy.

Roundtable two: Tuning maintenance requirements based on inspection history

Join this roundtable and learn why corrosion and inspection data play an important role in avoiding asset failures and
shutdowns and how such data can be used in maintenance planning and development of strategies.

11:45 – 12:00 Each roundtable leader will take the stage to give feedback on their respective discussions and share it with the audience

12:00- 12:15 Certificate Distribution & Closing remarks by Chairman

12:15 Lunch and closing of conference

250+ 45+ 80+ 10+ 30+
Attendees Speakers Companies Countries Exhibitors
Abstract Submission
Submission of an abstract implies the author(s) agreement to publish the abstract in the
Conference program and on Energia Middle East Website. If you are submitting more than
one abstract, each one must be submitted separately. The Program Committee will be
responsible for evaluating abstracts. Every effort will be made to accommodate the
author(s) presentation preference however the Program Committee reserves the right to
allocate the presentation to best suit the program length. Presenters must register and
pay for travel and accommodation expenses.

Email your paper / abstract to:

Deadline for abstract Submission

1st March 2024

Deadline for Presentation Submission

20th April 2024
Previous Sponsoring &
Participating Companies
Standard Package

Conference Only US $2,995 Save US$500 Book

Before 1st January 2024 and pay 2495 USD

Please note: All prices listed are exclusive of GCC VAT at 5%. This amount will be added to
the total of all orders when being billed. DATA PROTECTION The personal information
provided by you will be held on a database and may be shared with companies in the
Energia Middle East. Sometimes your details may be made available to external compa-
nies for marketing purposes. If you do not wish your details to be used for this purpose
please write to: Database Administrator at -

Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities

The 6th GCC Shotdown, Turnaround and Outages Conference & Exhibition 2024 in the oil
and gas industry in offers various sponsorship and exhibition opportunities for
companies interested in promoting their brand, products, and services to a targeted
audience of industry professionals. These opportunities may include:

- Exhibition booths with various sizes and locations

- Speaking opportunities for company representatives to present on relevant topics
- Branding opportunities such as logo placement on conference materials, website,
and signage
- Networking opportunities with conference attendees, including industry leaders,
decision-makers, and potential clients

For more information on sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, interested companies

should visit the official website of the conference or contact the conference organizers
Registration Package

Conference Only

US $2,995 Save US$500

Book Before 1st January 2024 and pay 2495 USD

*Please note: All prices listed are exclusive of GCC VAT at 5%. This amount will be added to the total of all
orders when being billed.

DATA PROTECTION The personal information provided by you will be held on a database and may be shared
with companies in the Energia Middle East. Sometimes your details may be made available to external compa-
nies for marketing purposes. If you do not wish your details to be used for this purpose please write to: Data-
base Administrator at -

Delegate 1: Name : (Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms) Delegate 2: Name : (Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms)

Company Name : Company Name :

Job Title : Job Title :

Department : Department :

Email : Email :

Telephone : Fax : Telephone : Fax :

Delegate 3 : Name : (Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms)

Payment Method
Company Name :
Rak Bank
Job Title : Account Name : Energia Middle East LLC
Account Number : 0122991445001
Department :
Swift Code: NRAKAEAK
Email : IBAN Number: AE640400000122991445001

Telephone : Fax :

Venue & Accommodation TEAM DISCOUNTS

AlKhobar - Saudi Arabia
Hotel and travel costs are not included in the
Book 5+ 10% off the standard price
registration fee. For assistance in your travel and
Book 8+ 15% off the standard price
accommodation requirements, please refer to
Book 10+ 20% off the standard price
details below:
Conference Documentation Room Reservations
If you cannot make the conference, you can still Special / corporate rate for room accommodation is
access all presentations delivered throughout available in the hotel. You may contact the hotel
the conference days for just US$300, post directly as per the details above quoting Energia
event. Contact us at for Middle East or the name of the conference.
further details. Please book at the earliest for your convenience.

• In the event that Energia Middle East postpones an event for any reason
PAYMENT and the delegate is unable or unwilling to attend on the rescheduled date,
you will receive a credit for 100% of the contract fee paid. You may use this
• Payment is due in full at the time of registration and includes lunches,
credit for another Energia Middle East event to be mutually agreed with
refreshments and detailed conference materials. Payment prior to
Energia Middle East, which must occur within one year from the date of
conference is mandatory for attendance.
• Your registration will not be confirmed until payment is received and may
• Except as specified above, no credits will be issued for cancellations.
be subject to cancellation.
There are no refunds given under any circumstances.
• If a booking is received 10 working days before the conference a credit
• Energia Middle East is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result
card number will be required to confirm your place, likewise if full payment
of a substitution, alteration or cancellation/postponement of an event.
has not been received before the conference date.
Energia Middle East shall assume no liability whatsoever in the event this
• A US$100 processing charge will be applied to all registrations not
conference is cancelled, rescheduled or postponed due to a fortuitous event,
accompanied by credit card payment at the time of registration.
Act of God, unforeseen occurrence or any other event that renders
• Any respective payment charges to be borne by the payer. Please
performance of this conference impracticable, illegal or impossible. For
ensure that Energia Middle East receives the full invoiced amount
purposes of this clause, a fortuitous event shall include, but not be limited to:
war, fire, labour strike, extreme weather or other emergency.


• All 'Early Bird' Discounts require payment at time of registration and • Please note that speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of
before the cut-off date in order to receive any discount. publishing; however, circumstances beyond the control of the organizers
• Any other discounts offered by Energia Middle East (including team may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers
discounts) require payment at the time of registration. and/or topics. As such,
• Discounts cannot be combined with any other offer. Energia Middle East reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised
speakers and/or topics if necessary. Any substitutions or alterations will
be updated on our web page as soon as possible.
• Please email our database manager to inform us
• You may substitute delegates at any time by providing reasonable of any incorrect details which will be amended accordingly.
advance notice to Energia Middle East.
• For any cancellations received in writing not less than eight (8) days Urooj Fatima Rizvi
prior to the conference, you will receive a 90% credit to be used at 00971-55 128 5882
another Energia Middle East conference which must occur within one
year from the date of issuance of such credit. An administration fee of
10% of the contract fee will be retained by Energia Middle East for all Alina Rizvi
permitted cancellations. No credit will be issued for any cancellations 00971-55 337 6223
occurring within seven (7) days (inclusive) of the conference.
• In the event that Energia Middle East cancels an event for any reason,
you will receive a credit for 100% of the contract fee paid. You may use
this credit for another Energia Middle East event to be mutually agreed
with Energia Middle East, which must occur within one year from the date

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