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Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust’s

Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering

Nigdi Pradhikaran, Pune 411044
Question Bank based on unit 1 and 2

1. What is the physical definition of E , the intensity of an electrostatic field? Derive an

expression for E due to a point charge.
2. State and explain Coulomb's Law in the vector form with appropriate sketches
3. Derive from first principle the expression for electric field intensity E at a point due to an
infinite line charge.
4. Develop the expression for electric field E at any general point P due to uniformly distributed
charge along an infinite straight line. Assume the charge density to be ρ L, and use Coulomb's
5. Show from first principles that the electric field intensity due to an infinite line charge
distribution of density ρ L, c /m is given by, E= a V /m
2 π ϵ 0r r
6. Show that electric field intensity ( E ) due to infinite surface charge distribution is independent
of the distance.
7. Derive an expression for E due to uniform line charge distributed over a circular ring placed in
X-Y plane.
8. Define Electric field intensity E . Derive the expression for the same using Coulomb's law of
9. Derive the expression for E using Coulomb's law of force.
10. Define Electric field intensity and Electric flux density.
11. What is electric flux? Explain the concept of electric flux density.
12. Derive the expression for D due to a point charge and hence deduce the relationship between D
and E .
13. State and prove the Gauss's law.
14. State the conditions to be satisfied by the special gaussian surfaces.
15. Derive the expression for D due to a point charge using Gauss's law.
16. Explain the Gauss's law applied to the case of infinite line charge and derive the expression for
D due to the infinite line charge.
17. Consider a coaxial cable with inner radius a and outer radius b . Derive the expression for D
for the region n< r <b using Gauss's law.
18. Derive the expression for D due to the infinite sheet of charge placed in z=0 plane, using
Gauss's law.
19. Consider a spherical shell of charge carrying a surface charge density ρ s C /m². Using Gauss's
law derive the expression for D in all regions. Sketch the variation of D against radius r .
20. Using Gauss's law, derive D in all the regions for a uniformly charged sphere having volume
charge density ρ s 3 . Sketch the variation of D against the radius r
21. Define divergence and its physical meaning.
22. Derive Maxwell's first equation as applied to the electrostatics, using Gauss's law
23. State the divergence theorem.
24. Define a work done and obtain the line integral to calculate the work done in moving a point
charge Q in an electric field E .
25. Show that the line integral −Q∫ E . d L is not dependent on the path selected between B to A
but only depends on the end points B and A.
26. Explain the electric flux density and electrostatic energy.
27. What shall be potential if the charges have similar sign ?
28. Explain the properties of conductor.
29. Explain the polarization in dielectric materials.
30. Explain the properties of dielectric materials.
31. Explain and derive the boundary conditions for a conductor free space interface.
32. Explain and derive the boundary conditions for a dielectric - dielectric interface.
33. Explain the law of refraction at dielectric-dielectric interface.
34. Explain the capacitance and derive its basic expression.
35. Derive the expression for capacitance of parallel plate capacitor.
36. Derive the expression for capacitance of co-axial cable.
37. Derive the expression for capacitance of spherical capacitor.
38. Derive the expression for capacitance of plated sphere.
39. Derive the expression for capacitance of isolated sphere coated with dielectric.
40. Derive the expression for capacitance of composite parallel plate capacitor.
41. What is understood by boundary conditions in static electric field? Why are the equipotential
surfaces perpendicular to the electric flux lines?
42. Discuss physically why
i) The electric field is entirely perpendicular on the surface of perfect conductor.
ii) The surface of a perfect conductor is an equipotential surface.
43. Discuss the boundary condition for electric field.
44. Derive an expression for the capacitance per unit length of a coaxial cable with permittivity &
inner diameter d and outer diameter D.
45. Define the following terms with suitable examples:
i) The dielectric material
ii) The conductors
iii) The homogeneous medium
iv) The linear medium
46. Derive Poisson's and Laplace's equations.
47. State the applications of Poisson's and Laplace's equations.
48. Derive Poisson's equation and discuss its application is electrostatics.
49. What is Gauss's Law? State and prove it.
50. State Divergence Theroem and physically interpret the equivalence of the L.H.S. and the
R.H.S. terms.
51. Discuss physically why
i) The electric field is entirely perpendicular on the surface of perfect conductor.
ii) The surface of a perfect conductor is an equipotential surface.
52. Discuss the boundary conditions for electric field 1) boundary conditions between 2 perfect
dielectrics 2) conductor -dielectric 3) free space dielectric.
53. Explain Physical significance of Curl.
54. Define Magnetic Field intensity ( H ) and Magnetic Flux Density ( B ),relation
between H and B .
55. obtain H due to infinitely long straight conductor carrying I using Ampere’s
circuital law.
56. obtain H ̅ due to infinite sheet of current using Ampere’s circuital law
57. Derive expression for magnetic field intensity due to straight infinite current filament.
58. State and explain Biot Savart law. OR Define Biot Savart’s law.
59. obtain H due to infinitely long straight conductor carrying I using using Biot Savart Law.
60. Obtain the expression for H at the centre of a circular conductor carrying current I using Biot
Savart Law.
61. State and explain Boundary conditions between 1)2 perfect dielectrics 2) conductor -free


1. Four point charges are placed in free space each of 10µc at the points (1,0,0), (-1,0,0),
(0,1,0) and (0,-1,0) meters respectively. Determine force on point charge of 30µc
located at point (0, 0, 1) m.

2. Two small identical conducting spheres have charge of 2nc and -1nc respectively when
they are separated 4cm apart. Find magnitude of force if they brought in contact and
separated by 4cm. Find force between them.

3. A uniform line charge OL=25nc/m lies on line x=-3 and z=4 in free space. Find Ē in
Cartesian component at 1) Origin and 2) At P (2,15,3).

4. A charge is distributed along the Z axis from Z=+5m to z=∞ & from z=-5 to z=-∞ with
density ρ =20nc/m find Ē at (2,0,0)m.

5. A uniform line charge of µc/m is located on z axis. Find Ē at Point p (1,2,3) in

Cartesian co-ordinate if charge extends from 1) -∞ to ∞ and 2) -4 to 4.

6. Four point charges are placed in free space each of 50µc at the points (1,0,0), (-1,0,0),
(1,1,0) and (0,-1,0) meters respectively. Determine force on point charge of 20µc
located at point (1, 0, 1) m.
7. Determine the electric field intensity (Ē) and (̅D) at the origin if following charge
distribution are present in free space a)point charge 12 nC at (2,0,6). b)uniform line
charge density 3 nC /m at x=-2, y=3 .c) uniform surface charge density 0.2 nC/m² at x
8. Point charge of 1mc & -2mc are located at (3,2,-1) & (-1,-1,4) calculate the electric
force on a 10nc charge located at (0,3,1) & find electric field intensity at that point.
9. Plane X= 2 & y = -3 respt. Carry charges 10nc/msq. If the line x=0,z=2 carries charge
10ᴨ nc/m calculate E at(1,1,-1) due the three charge distribution.
10. A point charge of 6µc is located at the origin.A uniform line charge with density
180µc/m lies on entire x axis.An infinite sheet of charge having density 25µc/m2 placed
at Z = 1m. find total ele tric flux leaving the surface of sphere having radius 4m &
centred at origin.
11. Three concentric spherical surfaces of radii r = 3, r = 4 and r = 5m have uniform
surface charge density of 8,-12 and ρs nC/m2 respectively.
What must be the value of ρs to make D = 0 for r >5?
If ρs = 2 nC/m2 , find D for 0 < r < 6.
12. Three concentric spherical surfaces of radii r = 3, r = 4 and r = 7m have uniform
surface charge density of 200, -50 and ρx nC/m2 respectively.
Find Ē at r=2cm,4cm& 6cm
find ρx if Ē =0 at r=7.32cm

13. The spherical surface r = 1, 2 and 3 carry surface charge densities of 20, -9 and 2
nC/m2 respectively. (i) How much electric flux leaves the surface r = 5?(ii) Find D at P
(1, -1, 2).

14. A charge configuration is given by ρv = 5nc/m find electric flux density. Using Gauss's
15. The spherical region 0<r<10 cm contains a uniform volume charge density ρv =
Find Q total 0<r<10 2) Find Dr 0<r<10 cm.
16. A point charge of 5nc is located at the origin. If v = 2v at( 0,6,-8)
Find ( i) The potential at A(-3,2,6) ii) The potential at B(1,5,7)
iii) Potential difference VAB
17. A general vector A=2⋅5 aθ +5 aϕ in spherical coordinates find the curl of vector A
18. Determine the divergence of the vector field and determine curl of same vector.
19. p=x yz aϰ +ϰz a y
20. find gradient of function Ф = cosh XYZ
21. Determine the capacitance of each of the capacitors in figure .take εr1=4, εr2=6
d=5mm, S=30cm2.
23. A parallel plate capacitor shown in the figure contains three dielectric layers as

Shown Find a) total capacitance the three region

24. Determine the capacitance of 10mm length of the cylindrical capacitor shown in figure
Take a=1mm,b=3mm, c=2mm, εr1=2.5 and εr2=3.5.

25.A parallel plate capacitor with area 0.3m2 and separation 5.5 mm contain three
dielectric with interface normal to and as εr1=3,d1=1mm, εr2=4,d2=2mm,
εr3=6,d3=2.5mm,find capacitance.

26. A spherical condenser has a capacity of 54pF ,it consist of two concentric spheres
differing in radii by 4 cm & having air as dielectric find their radii.
27.A boundary exist at z=0 between 2 dielectrics as εr1=2.5 in region z<0 & εr2 =4 in the
region z>0 .The field in the region of εr1 is Ē= -30āx+50āy+70āzV/m .Find Normal
component of Ē1,Tangential component of Ē1,Angle 1 between Ē1 &normal to surface,
Normal component to D̅ 2,Tangent component to D̅ 2,Angle 2 between Ē2 & normal to

28. Two extensive homogenous dielectric meet on plane z=0 for z>=0 εr1=4 & z<=0 εr2=3 a
uniform electric field intensity Ē=5āx-2āy+3āz kV/m exist for z>0.Find Ē2 for z<=0,The
angle between Ē1 & Ē2 with interface, Energy density in J/ in both dielectric medium
29.Find the magnetic field intensity (H) at a point on axis, 5 m from the centre of a
circular loop carrying current of 50 A with area 100 cm2 . Assume centre of loop as
origin and axis is along Z-axis.
30. Find increment field at point P2 caused by source at point P1of =2πa z µAm. The Co-
ordinate of points are P1(4,0 ,0) and P2(0,3,0)
31. Find the vector magnetic field intensity in Cartesian co-ordinate at p2(1.5,2,3) caused by a
current filament of 24A in the z direction on the z-axis and extending from a) z=0 to 6 and b)
z=6 to ∞

32.Given points are A(1,2,4) ,B(-2,-1,3) and c(3,1,-2). Let the differential current element
with I=6A and |dL| =10^-4 m is located at point A. the direction of dl is from A to B . find
dH at C

33. An infinite long straight conductor carrying current 3 Amp. Is placed on Z axis. Find
magnetic field strength at (1,2,1).
34. Using Ampere’s circuital law, find out H in the region 0<r<0.5 m in cylindrical
coordinate. The current density is j = 4.5 e−2 r a A/m2 and j =0 elsewhere.
35 Find the expression for H at any point in cylindrical coordinate system due to a
filamentary conductor carrying a current I on the Z axis from -∞ <z<∞ using Biot Savart’s
36.A current sheet K = 9 a y a/m is located at Z = 0 . The region 1 which is at Z<0 has µr1 =
4 and region 2 which is at z>0 has µr2 = 3. Given H2 = 14.5 ax+8 āz A/m Find H1
37. Magnetic vector potential is given by A = - ρ /4 āz Wb/m calculate total magnetic flux

crossing the surface ϕ = π/2, 1<= ρ<= 2 m, 0<z<=5.

38 A circular loop located on x 2+ y 2=9, z=o carries a current of 10A along a ϕ. Determine
H at (0,0,4) and (0,0, -4)

39. Find increment field at point P2 caused by current element at point P1 of 2πa z µAm . The Co-
ordinate of points are P1 (4 , 0 , 0) and P2 (0 , 3 , 0).
40.The finite sheet 0 ≤ x ≤ 1,0 ≤ y ≤ 1 on the Z=0 plane has a charge density ρ s=xy ( ϰ 2+ y 2+25 ) 2
nC/m2 find a) Total charge on the sheet b) The electric field at (0,0,5) c) The force
experienced by a -1mC charge located at (0,0,5)
41. A current of 0.4 A in the a z direction in free space is in a filament parallel to the z axis
and passing through point p( 2,-4,0) find H at N ( 0,1,0) if the filament lies in the range
−∞ < z <∞ using Biot savart Law.

42. The plane z =0 and z=4 carry current k = -8 a x A/m and K = 18 a x A /m respt.
Determine H at (1,1,1) using Ampere Ckt. Law
43. Find magnetic field using Ampere Ckt. Law at a point p(0.01,0,0) m if current
through a coaxial cable is 6A . which is along z axis and a = 3mm and b = 9mm , c= 11mm

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