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Question 1: Idolizing celebrities positively influences not only individuals but

also society as a whole. What do you think?

Lượt 1: Đồng ý
I, as the first speaker, will be talking about the reasons why we advocate to this
First of all i will explain definitions of a word “idol”
-Idol is a word that indicates a person, a character admired, adored or glossed over by the
young. They may be an individual with talent in the field, having good looks.
So. What does idol culture mean?
- Idolizing celebrities is the adoration of fans for their idols and the way they show their love.
It can be showed in many forms such as online form or offline form
Let me come to my first/second/… /next argument: Celebrity culture can have inspiring
effects, motivating people to pursue their goals and dreams and celebrities can serve
as role models for young people, providing inspiration and guidance
For example:Elon Musk - He is an entrepreneur who has inspired many people with his
innovative ideas and his vision for the future.
My second argument is idol culture can develop the economy, culture and politics
-> support: idolization of celebrities fuels various industries, such as entertainment, fashion, and
tourism, which contribute to economic growth and job creation
For instance: BTS has also been appointed as honorary ambassadors for Korean tourism, which
has helped promote South Korea as a travel destination. In addition, BTS is one of the biggest
exports of South Korea's cultural industry. Their music and merchandise have generated billions
of dollars in revenue for the country.
Our third point is Celebrities can also use their platforms to promote charitable causes
and raise awareness about important issues.
support:Many celebrities have become more environmentally friendly and use their fame to
encourage others to do the same. Some celebrities actively participate in resolving global
problems like protecting wild animals and addressing climate change.
Namely in 2019, the seven members of BTS became Formula E ambassadors, promoting
the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship, the only race in the world that uses solely
electric cars. They also have a speech at United Nations about “ Young generation in Covid
19 era “
Lượt 2: Phản đối
1/ Obsessive behavior
Idol culture can lead to obsessive behavior, with individuals becoming overly fixated on their
idols and spending excessive amounts of time and money on merchandise, concerts, and
other related activities.
e.g: The phenomenon of "sasaeng fans" in K-pop culture is an example of how idol culture
can lead to obsessive behavior.
2/ Unrealistic expectations
Idol culture can create unrealistic expectations for individuals, especially young people who
may feel pressure to look and act a certain way in order to be accepted.
e.g: Idol culture can create unrealistic beauty standards for young girls, leading to body image
issues and low self-esteem. It is important to promote a healthy and balanced approach to
fandom that allows individuals to express themselves authentically.
uniqueness and express themselves confidently without causing harm.
3/ Unhealthy competition
Idol culture can create unhealthy competition among fans, with individuals vying for attention and
recognition from their idols and from other fans(e.g: affecting network security, uncultured texting
on social networking platforms: facebook, tiktok, ig…)
e.g: Fan wars between different fandoms is an example of unhealthy competition created by idol
culture, leading to toxic behavior and unnecessary tension between different groups. A respectful
and supportive environment should be promoted.

4/ May cause discrimination and stigma in a group (e.g: For example, some people may view
fans of BTS as being overly obsessed or childish, and may belittle or dismiss their interests.
Others may make assumptions about the fan's race or nationality, assuming that they are only
interested in BTS because of their own cultural background.)

Question 2

Lượt 1 ủng hộ: 2p

Ladies and gentlemen. As the proposition side, we firmly believe that these pageants
offer significant value to society. Let us first present our views on this matter.

Beauty pageants, you know, It is not only physical appearance. They go beyond that,
contributing positively to society. These events serve as platforms for empowerment,
self-expression, and personal growth for the participants

Firstly, beauty pageants provide an opportunity for individuals to showcase their

talents, intelligence, and charisma. Contestants are encouraged to display their
unique abilities through talent segments, interviews, or public speaking
engagements. This aspect of the pageants fosters personal development, instills
confidence, and enhances public speaking skills, which are invaluable attributes in
the professional world. For example Miss World 2014 - Elizabeth Safrit said that
“Beauty pageants provide a platform for women to showcase their talents,
intelligence, and grace.”

Secondly, these pageants serve as a medium for promoting social causes and
raising awareness about important issues. The winner of this contest was influential
calling people to participate in various useful activities such as environmental
conservation, education, women's rights.Therefore, these individuals can amplify
their voices and bring attention to pressing societal concerns, creating a positive
impact on the world.

Lastly, beauty pageants have economic benefits that cannot be overlooked. They
attract tourism, generate revenue for local businesses, and provide opportunities for
designers, stylists, photographers, and event organizers. The economic impact of
these pageants should not be underestimated, as they contribute to the growth and
development of communities.

In conclusion, while some may argue against the value of holding numerous beauty
pageants in society, we firmly believe that these events offer significant benefits.
They empower individuals, promote social causes, encourage diversity, and
contribute to the economy. Thank you.

Lượt 1 disagreement:

As the opposition, we disagree with the proposition side's view that these pageants
provide significant should remember a quote: “ Less is more”. We
acknowledge that holding many beauty pageants have certain merits, but we believe
that the negative aspects outweigh the positive ones. Allow us to present our

While the proposition side argues that beauty pageants provide an opportunity for
personal growth and empowerment, we find that they do harmful beauty standards
and participants. They truly look up to physical appearance.This narrow focus can
have detrimental effects on individuals' self-esteem, leading to body image issues
and a negative impact on mental health. For example, Miss Universe Harnaaz
Sandhu gained weight uncontrollably, becoming a topic of discussion in all beauty
forums. The Indian beauty queen is facing comments and criticism about her
appearance from beauty pageant fans.

Moreover, the opposition acknowledges that beauty pageants may raise awareness
about social causes. However, we argue that there are more effective and inclusive
ways to promote these issues. It is essential to note that these organizer of these
pageants often concentrate on money.

Lastly, we acknowledge the economic benefits that beauty pageants can bring, but
we urge you to consider the potential drawbacks. The resources invested in
organizing and hosting these events could be redirected towards more pressing
social needs. By holding too many beauty pageants, we may be neglecting crucial
areas that require attention and support such as education, healthcare, poverty,
infrastructure facilities..

In conclusion, We should strive for a society that values individuals for their
character, talents, and contributions, rather than their external appearance by
holding too many pageants. Thank you.

Lượt 2 ủng hộ:

Now, as the proposition side, we would like to respond to their points and further
reinforce our stance on the value of holding numerous beauty pageants in society.
Firstly, regarding the opposition's concern about do harmful beauty standards, we
agree that there have been instances where pageants have placed too much
emphasis on physical appearance. However, it is essential to recognize that the
beauty industry and social pressures already exist. Rather than blaming the
pageants themselves, we should focus on transforming these events into platforms
that promote diverse standards of beauty.

In response to the opposition's argument that there are more effective ways to raise
awareness about social causes, we believe that beauty pageants provide a powerful
platform to reach a wide audience. The contestants, being in the spotlight, can
attract public attention and use their influence to shine a light on important issues.
They can serve as role models and ambassadors, driving positive change

Moreover, it is true that many modern beauty pageants now actively encourage
inclusivity and representation of diverse backgrounds. For example: In the United
States, for the first time in history, all three major beauty pageants - Miss America,
Miss USA, and Miss Teen USA - have crowned black women with curly hair as
winners. So that,by supporting and promoting these inclusive pageants, we can
foster a society that appreciates and celebrates all forms of beauty.

Finally, addressing the opposition's concern about the allocation of resources, it is

crucial to understand that beauty pageants, when organized efficiently, can generate
economic benefits that can be reinvested in various social programs. The revenue
generated from these events can be directed towards supporting education,
healthcare, and other social initiatives. Additionally, beauty pageants often
collaborate with charitable organizations, raising funds and awareness for important
causes. Therefore, these events can contribute to the betterment of society both
economically and philanthropically.

Let us embrace the potential of beauty pageants to empower, inspire, and foster
positive change in society. Thank you.

Lượt 2: Disagreement:

we would like to reinforce our opposition stance against the proposition's view on the
value of holding numerous beauty pageants in society.

You respond to our concerns about harmful beauty standards by suggesting that
pageants can be transformed into platforms that promote diverse standards of
beauty. While this may be an idealistic perspective, the reality is that the beauty
industry, as they exist today, continues to prioritize physical appearance above all
else, reinforcing unrealistic standards and contributing to body image issues.
While the proposition acknowledges the increasing inclusivity in modern beauty
pageants, we must remain cautious of superficial representation. As we say above,
organizer just concentrate on money. For example: Nawat Itsaragrisil - Miss Grand
International's president once said: "This organization is mine, because I pay for it. I
am the one who decides who will be crowned. Miss must be the one to help me earn
a lot of money." That shows that what investors want from the Misses is just money,
not the original purpose.

Regarding the allocation of resources, you argue that beauty pageants can generate
economic benefits that can be reinvested in various social programs. However, we
must critically evaluate the opportunity cost of investing in beauty pageants. The
resources dedicated to organizing and promoting these events could be better
utilized in addressing more pressing social issues such as poverty, healthcare, and
education. By prioritizing beauty pageants, we risk diverting resources away from
essential areas that have a more direct and tangible impact on improving societal

In conclusion, while you say to address our concerns, we firmly believe that the
negative implications of beauty pageants outweigh any perceived value. They
contribute to harmful beauty standards, offer limited effectiveness in raising
awareness about social causes, and fail to genuinely embrace inclusivity. Thank you
for your attention.

Question 3
Lượt 1 Đồng ý
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this debate. The motion for debate today is: talented
people should choose to work abroad instead of in their homeland.

The reason why we propose this motion is that....In terms of personal benefits: The two main
concerns of a talented person as they begin their career are salary and the ideal environment to
enable them to reach their potential. Working abroad can deal with both of these concerns.

+ Earn a Higher Salary

Working abroad can help you to earn a more lucrative income. Especially for talented people
who have excellent skills and experience, in many developed countries like australia,
America, they have welfare, social security support. You can easily climb the career ladder in
another country outside your own due to having international work experience.

+ Environment: other countries provide: Cutting-Edge Technologies and Innovation:

By working abroad, talented individuals can access state-of-the-art technologies, research
facilities, and innovation centers. This exposure not only enhances their technical skills but
also allows them to be at the forefront of industry trends. By gaining firsthand experience
with cutting-edge technologies, they can Improve different skills in remarkable ways:
Communication Skills, Professional Skills.

+ Build relationships and knowledge

Exposure to new friends with different mindsets and languages, you can learn different
perspectives from their thoughts, attitudes and actions. According to Arpit Jain, managing
director of information technology company Promatics: “The world is a global market and
living abroad has helped me get acquainted with the brightest brains and exposed to the
world, many foreign customers, which motivated me to start a business”

Lượt 2: disagree

Welcome from this side of the house.

We as today’s opposition have structured our case as follows:

+ Different cultures:

As every country has its own culture, beliefs, and values, understanding all those immediately
is very difficult. So you are prone to suffer from cultural shock, or even have to deal with
racism. The difference in the behavior patterns of people from different countries is a great
disadvantage of working abroad.

+ we have to deal with a problem called Brain Drain:

Brain drain is that talented people in developing countries go to developed countries to work.
This can lead to the shortcomings of the potential workforce of our homeland. Nowadays, for
example, countries like Vietnam also have ideal conditions for talented people to develop
their career as more and more foreign capital sources are being invested in our country in
terms of technology, fashion, education and training. On top of that, you can directly
participate in the construction to make our homeland more affluent and prosperous.

If you are already a talented person, making your career path in your homeland - a familiar
environment for you - is as good as other countries if you know how to take advantage of it.
Because it is a developing country, it is like a fertile land that has not been fully exploited. If
you realize and make use of this, you will still get the job position. Moreover, doing business
will be more stable and less competitive compared to developed countries.

For example, Mr. Dang Le Trung Nguyen is the creator of the Trung Nguyen coffee brand
that has taken advantage of the potential of coffee growing areas in our country to realize his
business idea. His brand is not only growing domestically but also abroad, as evidenced by
the fact that last year this group opened a branch in China.
Question 4: Thư

Lượt 1 đội Đồng ý/ ủng hộ: (2p)

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to this debate. Let me present our arguments.

First and foremost, prioritizing experience enables young individuals to embark on a journey
of personal growth and skill development. When they choose to immerse themselves in
real-world situations, they go beyond the school framework and gain practical knowledge
that cannot be taught through textbooks alone, acquiring invaluable problem-solving abilities
and industry-specific skills. These hands-on experiences serve as a solid foundation for their
future careers, equipping them with the tools necessary to excel in their chosen fields.

Furthermore, by prioritizing experience over a high salary, young individuals open

themselves up to exploring different career paths and industries. The early stages of one's
professional journey are a time for self-discovery and understanding personal interests and
strengths. By gaining exposure to various work environments, they can assess their
passions and aspirations. This exploration phase allows them to make informed career
decisions, leading to long-term job satisfaction and fulfillment.

Another significant benefit of prioritizing experience is the opportunity to develop a wide

range of transferable skills. Early career experiences provide a platform to cultivate skills
such as communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and adaptability. So that young people
can enhance their employability and increase their chances of securing future opportunities,
even if they truly accept lower-paying positions.

Lastly, a high salary may offer temporary financial security, however, by gaining experience,
young individuals lay the foundation for long-term success and financial prosperity. The
knowledge, skills, and connections gained through experience provide a competitive edge
that can lead to higher earning potential and greater career advancement opportunities in
the future.

Thank you.

Lượt 1 đội phản đối: (2p)

As a representative of the opposition side, I would like to present a counterargument to the

proposition that young individuals should prioritize gaining experience over earning a high
salary when starting their careers.

The proposition side argues that by prioritizing experience, young individuals can embark on
a journey of personal development. They’ve said that real-world experiences provide
practical knowledge and industry-specific skills that cannot be obtained through classroom
education. While this may hold true to some extent, it is essential to recognize that earning a
high salary can also contribute significantly to personal growth and skill development. For
example, famous football players like Messi or famous gamers, or artists, they don't need to
go to school when they start their careers, but they can earn millions of dollars with innate
talent without needing experience.

Contrary to your argument, earning a high salary early in one's career can provide financial
independence. It allows young people to meet their basic needs, support their families, and
navigate the high cost of living in modern life.
Furthermore, we acknowledge the value of experience in exploring different career paths.
However, it is important to note that a high salary can also offer the flexibility to explore
various options, particularly, young individuals can invest in further education, training
programs, or even start their own ventures, which allows them to gain practical skills and
knowledge in their chosen fields while still maintaining financial stability. For example,
learning foreign language, marketing course, and building personal branding through social
media through facebook, tiktok, instagram…

Last but not least, you also emphasize the development of transferable skills through early
career experiences. While experience plays a role in skill development, it is essential to
recognize that high-paying positions often come with greater responsibilities and challenges.
Young individuals who prioritize earning a high salary are pushed to develop skills such as
leadership, problem-solving, and strategic thinking in order to succeed in their roles. These
skills are gained by a high salary without gaining experience.

Thank you.

Lượt 2 đội ủng hộ

We firmly believe that focusing on experience is essential for long-term success.
Allow us to present our arguments and address the opposition's claims.

First and foremost, we argue that gaining experience fosters the development of
valuable professional relationships and networking opportunities. Working alongside
seasoned professionals provides young individuals with the chance to learn from
their expertise, seek guidance, and build a network of contacts within their industry.
These connections can be instrumental in opening doors to future career prospects,
collaborations. While our opposition emphasizes financial stability, we believe that
the power of professional relationships cannot be underestimated in today's
interconnected world.

Furthermore, prioritizing experience clarifies career goals and promotes

self-discovery. Early career experiences allow young individuals to explore various
industries, job roles, and work environments. By immersing themselves in diverse
experiences, they gain a clearer understanding of their interests, passions, and
strengths. This self-discovery enables them to make informed decisions about their
long-term career paths, ensuring they pursue fulfilling work that suitable with their
true aspirations. While our opponents emphasize financial motivation, we believe
that gaining experience with personal values leads to long-term satisfaction and
Lastly, gaining experience early in one's career sets the foundation for long-term
financial stability. While our opponents focus on immediate high salary, we confirm
that a track record of accomplishments built through experience leads to better job
prospects, promotions, and ultimately higher salaries in the future. By investing in
their professional growth and accumulating relevant experience, young individuals
position themselves for long-term financial success rather than settling for immediate
financial gratification.

Let us remember that success goes beyond immediate financial rewards and
encompasses the richness of experience gained along the way.
Lượt 2 đội phản đối

While our opponents have made compelling points, we firmly believe that prioritizing
a high salary is the most approach. Allow us to present our arguments

Our opposition argues that gaining experience fosters valuable professional

relationships and networking opportunities. While networking is indeed crucial, it
should not be the only focus at the expense of financial stability. By prioritizing a high
salary, young individuals can achieve financial independence and provide for
themselves and their families. This financial stability lays the groundwork for a
secure future, allowing them to pursue opportunities without the burden of financial
constraints. for example: Gen Z has shown a strong enthusiasm for the FIRE
movement (Financial Independence - Retire Early), which advocates for achieving
financial independence and retiring at an early age. They strive to accumulate a
significant amount of money while still young and then aim to "retire" early in order to
enjoy life and have the freedom to pursue their passions.

Moreover, you emphasize the importance of clarifying career goals through gaining
experience. However, we argue that a high salary provides young individuals with
the means to explore their options and make informed decisions. With a stable
financial foundation, they can invest in additional education, training programs, or
specialized certifications that align with their interests.

Additionally, you say that gaining experience promotes flexibility and adaptability.
While this is true, a high salary offers individuals the flexibility to make career
transitions or pursue new opportunities when they arise. With financial stability, they
can afford to take calculated risks and explore different paths without compromising
their well-being or financial security. A high salary provides the freedom to adapt to
changing circumstances and seize opportunities that may lead to greater long-term

Lastly, you argues that gaining experience leads to long-term financial stability. While
experience is undoubtedly valuable, a high salary can provide immediate financial
relief and create a solid foundation for future financial growth. With higher earnings,
young individuals can invest in savings, retirement plans, or real estate, securing
their financial future. By prioritizing a high salary early on, they position themselves
for greater earning potential and improved financial prospects.

. Let us remember that financial stability is an essential foundation upon which

individuals can build their careers and pursue their aspirations.

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