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BATCH: 2019 – 2022




BANGALORE - 560078


1. Introduction

2. History of Distalization

3. Pioneering Researches

4. Indications of Molar Distalization

5. Favorable features for Molar Distalization

6. Contraindications of Molar Distalization

7. Unfavorable features for Molar Distalization

8. Considerations for Molar Distalization

9. Evaluation of Molar Distalization Feasibility

i) Upper molar position

ii) Role of second molar and third molar extraction

10. Advantages of Molar Distalization

11. Disadvantages of Molar Distalization

12. Classification of Molar Distalization

13. Appliances Used for Molar Distalization

14. Principals of Appliance Selection Criteria


15. Treatment Planning and Sequence

16. Biomechanics

i) Basic Biomechanics

ii) Biomechanics considerations for molar distalization

17. Anchorage considerations in Molar distalization

i) Conventional anchorage designs

ii) Limits of conventional designs

iii) Alternate anchorage designs

18. Extraoral Molar distalization Appliances

19. Intraoral Molar Distalization Appliances

20. Retention after Molar Distalization

21. Assessment methods for Molar Distalization

22. Comparison of Various Appliances

23. Recent advancements

24. Conclusion

25. Bibliography


The omnipresent question faced practically every time orthodontists do a

treatment plan for the patient is “Do we need to extract teeth or can the necessary

space be created without extractions?” In the adult patients there is no clinically

significant growth in the bone structure; therefore, alternative solutions must be

found to obtain space in which the teeth can be moved to correct the malocclusion.[1]

Whenever there is a space deficiency, the methods of gaining space that strikes to

our mind first are - extraction, expansion and inter proximal stripping.

Extraction has been a controversial subject for as long as the specialty of

orthodontics has existed. Some authors believe that the extraction of premolars leads

to over retraction and retroclination of the incisors and cause the facial profile to

flatten, bring about premature anterior contacts and distally displace the mandible

and mandibular condyle.[2] Angle, proposed expansion of dental arches for nearly

every patient and extraction for orthodontic purpose was not necessary for stability

of results or for aesthetics. He believed that when teeth could be saved by dental

treatment, extraction of teeth for orthodontic purpose seemed particularly

inappropriate and unacceptable.[3] In recent years, the percentage of patients having

extraction as a part of orthodontic treatment has decreased considerably as

experiments has shown that premolar extraction does not necessarily guarantee

stability of teeth alignment.


Current orthodontic philosophies have been oriented toward conservative

treatment modalities to avoid extractions and, at the same time, to try to eliminate

the need for patient cooperation. Consequently, developed was a popular method for

creating additional space within the arch by distalization of molars.[4]

Molar distalization is a technique which is used to move molar teeth,

especially permanent first molars, distally in an arch. Over the years, it has been

applied for various modalities of treatment planning in orthodontics for different

malocclusions. Molar distalization offers tantalizing possibilities for both attaining

Class I molar relationships and decrowding anterior teeth without removing

otherwise healthy teeth. Theoretically, if the patient’s molars are in a Class III

relationship, the situation can be addressed by distalizing the lower molars,

mesializing the upper molars, or combining both approaches.[5] It is also of significant

value for treatment of cases with minimal arch discrepancy and mild Class-II molar

relationship associated with normal mandible. Especially in cases wherein there is

premature exfoliation of deciduous molars or proximal caries which leads to arch

length discrepancy due to mesialisation of the permanent molar, distalizing the

molars treats its etiology by counteracting the mesial migration.

Several appliances have been advocated to distalize molars in the upper arch.

However, there are many challenges which tag along with it. Considering the surface

area of the multirooted tooth, it takes a considerable amount of time to distalize the

teeth. Another factor is the presence of second and third molars.


Duration of therapeutic treatment has also been shown to increase if second

molars have erupted, and therefore distalization is often recommended prior to the

eruption of the full permanent dentition. A clinical study further argued that the

success of first molar distalization varies according to the stage of development of

the second and third molars. As a result, germectomy of wisdom teeth is

recommended before molar distalization.[6] Also, other areas of particular concern

during molar distalization are molar tipping and anterior movement of anchorage

teeth. If the first molar is tipped back rather than moved bodily, it will not only pose

occlusal problems but may not provide sufficient anchorage for distalizing the teeth

anterior to it. The occlusal problems would be mild extrusions as an effect of distal

tipping leading to backward rotation of the mandible because when maxillary molars

are distalize into the wedge of occlusion, they will prop open the bite.[7]

Recent advances in molar distalization has attempted to tackle the challenges

faced during the treatment modality. And the evolution in the appliance design also

provide more precise control in bodily movement of teeth enabling better treatment

options in orthodontics. The library dissertation is a compilation of the case selection

criteria for molar distalization, citing the molar distalizing appliances, both intra oral

and extra oral, and their advantages and disadvantages.



The concept of ‘distal driving’ of the maxillary posterior teeth has a long

orthodontic history. Since the early 1800, the headgear has been an integral part

of orthopaedic treatment. Since then, many authors have reported its use and

effects in the treatment of Class II Division 1 malocclusions. [8] Earlier, it was

used mainly to preserve anchorage; but it was later found to create space. So,

there are significant changes in dental parameters when patients were treated

with headgear. It was found that distalization of molar was an added benefit of

headgear appliance. It is this factor that made correction of class II malocclusion

easy by the application of headgear. The following are few notable milestones

which depicts the evolution of molar distalization.

1. Kingsley was the first person to try to move the maxillary teeth backwards in

1866 by means of headgear.

Figure 1. Early uses of extra oral anchorage for backward

movement of upper teeth as devised by Kingsley and Angle

1. Although Westcott & others had previously used the Head-cap for occipital

anchorage, Kingsley, 20 years later, reintroduced this method, & for 40 years it

proved the only successful method of handling extreme cases of malocclusion.

Figure 2 appliance advocated by Farrar

2. Farrar in the 1870’s, they both also made use of the Head-cap to retract them.

3. Angle in 1890’s also used the extra oral anchorage appliances, apparently with

reasonable success.

4. In 1898 Guilford talked about direction pull by activating rubber strands of the

"skull cap" above or below the ear. Recommended 16 hours of wear and advocated

use of light force.


Figure 3 "skull cap" by Guilford

5. Oppenheim advocated the use of occipital anchorage for moving maxillary

teeth distally into correct relationship without disturbing mandibular teeth. In 1944,

he treated a case with extra-oral anchorage for distalizing maxillary molar. Class II

elastic treatment was thought to be an easy and effective tool but early cephalometric

studies in 1940s showed little or no distal movement of upper molars.

6.Kloehn (1951) described the effects of cervical pull headgear. In 1953, he stated that

treatment during the mixed dentition must promote alveolar bone growth and tooth

eruption, with limited use of appliances to minimize tissue destruction or loss and to

produce a more stable result. His greatest innovation was to solder the outer bow to

the inner bow and, thus by raising or lowering the arms of the outer bow, he

controlled the adverse distal tipping of the molars that was always present with the

two-piece bow.

7.Thus, headgears were reintroduced as means of moving upper molars back. These

extra oral appliances were heavily dependent on patient cooperation, forces

generated were high and intermittent causing severe patient discomfort and

prolonged treatment time. Since patient compliance plays a major role in the

success of headgear therapy, an appliance system independent of patient

cooperation was the need of the hour. Hence evolved various intra oral molar


8. Renfroe (1956) reported that lip bumper primarily devised to hold hypertonic lower

lip caused a distal movement of lower molars sufficient to change class I to Class


9. Gould (1957) was the first person to discuss about unilateral distalization of molars

with extra-oral force. His appliance consisted of a passive traction arch or Y bar,

shaped to the outer contour of the dental arch, which was fitted into buccal tubes

on the first permanent molars or deciduous second molars. Its shank protruded

between the lips, and into a closed tube on the yoke. Unilateral movement was

produced by offsetting the shank to the desired side.

10. Graber T-M. (1969) extracted the maxillary II molar and distalized the first molar

to correct class II div.1.

11. Hilgers (1992) introduced the pendulum appliance for molar distalization which

consisted of large Nance acrylic button in palate for anchorage and 0.032’’ titanium

molybdenum alloy (TMA) springs that provided light and continuous force to

maxillary first molars for their distalization without having any effect on Nance

palatal button.

12. 1999, A Modified Hilgers Pendulum appliance was introduced, known as the “M-

Pendulum appliance.” To remove unwanted tipping of maxillary molars by Hilgers.

13. 2000 a new non-integrated implant-supported device called the Graz Implant-

Supported Pendulum (GISP). It distalize maxillary 1st & 2nd molars in adults. It

consisted of 2 parts: the anchorage plate, which is fixed to the palatal bone via 4

miniscrews, and the removable part, which is a pendulum-type appliance.

14. 2003, Some authors examined the treatment effects produced by two types i.e the

Herbst appliance (acrylic splint and stainless-steel crown) followed by fixed

appliances, and the pendulum appliance followed by fixed appliances.

15. 2005, Kinzinger modified the standard pendulum appliance by integrating a distal

screw into its base and by special pre activation of the pendulum springs, called

Pendulum K.


Below are some of the pioneering researches done regarding molar distalization.

Kingsley (1866) was the first person to try to move the maxillary teeth backwards,

with help of extra oral forces. In 1892 he described in Dental Cosmos, a technique

for driving the upper molars distally by means of a headgear without extraction of

any teeth.

Graber (1955) stated that in treatment of Class II cases, the greatest change

produced by orthodontic appliances is in the maxilla. Distal adjustment of tooth

position in the maxilla alone or in conjunction with mandibular growth, is the basis

for correction of the malocclusion. He noted that when using extra oral-traction on

the maxillary first molar, it tips distally and does not routinely distalize bodily.

Gould (1957) was the first person to discuss about unilateral distalization of the

molars with the help of extra oral force. He also used cervical and occipital pull head

caps for distalization of molars.

Kloehn S.J . (1961) described the effects of cervical pull headgear on seven

cases with Class II malocclusion. The treatment plan was to move maxillary teeth

distally without disturbing the position and balance of mandibular teeth. He found

that there was sufficient evidence of the distal movement of maxillary teeth by

cervical force. The forward growth of the dental arch and alveolar process was

inhibited in many cases.


George Anderson (1968) reported the experimental bindings on mesial relapse of

maxillary first molars after distalization with the help of headgear forces. For

maxillary first molars, the first week after orthodontic force removal is an extremely

critical time for holding the molars to a retracted position. The findings indicate that

the maxillary molars returned on the average to a position of between 0.2mm and

0.4mm from their original positions after having been moved distally on the average

of 1.2mm (200 gms) and 2.2 mm (400 gms) respectively.

Graber T.M. (l969) extracted the maxillary second molars and distalized the

first permanent mo1ar for correction of Class II div.1 malocclusion. He stated that

distal adjustment of tooth position in maxilla alone or in conjunction with

mandibular growth and elimination of functional retraction is the basis for correction

of the Class II malocclusion.

Alain (JCO 1972) explained the use of a removable appliance for distalizing the

molars. The appliance was originally devised by G. Vienne and later produced by

A. Lorette. The appliances were introduced as the appliances with wires sliding in


Earl O. Bergersen (1972) did a cephalometric study of the clinical use of the

mandibular labial bumper. A total sample of 116 persons was used to determine what

effect the mandibular labial vestibular bumper has on the dentition. He found that

distal movement of the mandibular first molars occurs in approximately 95% of the

patients with the placement of the labial bumper in the lower arch.

Sheldon Baumrind (1979) reports quantitative findings on the displacement of

the maxilla and of the maxillary first molar to positions distal to those which they

occupied at the beginning of appliance therapy. Data from a sample of 198 Class II

cases treated with various appliances which deliver distally directed forces to the

maxilla were examined to determine the frequency of absolute distal displacement

of the upper first molar and that of the maxilla. Results showed distalization of

maxillary molars bodily with cervical and straight pull, High pull and combipull

headgears caused distal tipping of the molar crowns.

Garland H. Hershey et al (1981) did an investigation to evaluate and compare

the effectiveness of 5 face-bow types in delivering unilateral distal forces to their

inner bow terminals. The face-bow types evaluated were bilaterally symmetrical

soldered offsets, springs attachment, swivel offset and power arm. The result of the

theoretical and experimental study of five face bow types indicated that the power

arm unilateral face bow and swivel offset unilateral face-bow were effective in

delivering a clinically significant unilateral distal force.

Langford S.R. and Sims M.R. (1981) reported upper molar root resorption

because of distalization with the help of headgear. Complete destruction of one root

was found to have occurred. Examination of the extracted upper first molar roots

under a scanning electron microscope revealed extensive areas of superficial root

surface resorption, which was not detectable on radiograph of the teeth.


Cetlin (1983) to prevent tipping of the maxillary first molar while distalization,

combined extra oral force (Headgear) part time with intraoral force (removable-

appliance) full time. He states that such a combination will produce a constantly

acting force by the removable appliance which tips the crown distally while the

headgear controls root position, resulting in bodily distal movement of the molar.

William M. Odom (1983) did a cephalometric comparison of treatment

changes among cervical traction alone and cervical combined with banded upper

incisors. He found that treatment with Kloehn cervical appliance has actual

distalizing effect on upper molars than the cervical traction combined with banded


William l, Wilson 1984 the 3D Lingual Arch modular multipurpose appliance.

It is interchangeable and adjustable for many varied functions, and it is convertible

to a variety of other appliances for treatment use like mandibular anchorage for

molar distalizing without headgear.

Wieslander in 1984 constructed a special headgear-Herbst appliance and

treated in the very early mixed dentition. This active treatment was followed by a

period of 6 months. The changes in dentofacial pattern were registered after active

treatment in comparison to an untreated control group, the maxillary teeth in a

posterior direction (3.1 mm) was a combination of distal tooth movement (1.6 mm)

and a change in position of the base of the maxilla (1.5 mm).


Joseph Ghafari (1985) reported two cases treated with modified Nance

holding arch and one case with modified Lingual arch for unilateral distal tooth

movement. On cephalometric evaluation there was no labial flaring of upper and

lower anteriors.

Albert H. Owen (1987) presented a clinical review on the maxillary sagittal

appliance. It was to advance the maxillary incisors and to distalize the maxillary

molars, thereby increasing the arch length. He found a forward movement of upper

anteriors and minimal distalization of molars with increase in anterior face height

by 2.85mm. Presence of second molars minimized the effect of distalization.

Anthony A. Gianelly et al (1988) used Repelling Magnets for distalization of

molars. He noticed that rate of molar movement with second molars is usually 0.75-

1mm per month. Premolars and incisors moved anterior by 1 mm in 7 weeks.

Martina R. et al (1988) fabricated a special device which was capable of

measuring the force transmitted by various types of asymmetric facebows. All of

them were efficient in delivering a unilateral distal force. The results howled that 4

arch designs (Modified according to bonnefont with the outer left hand shortened

and soldered to the inner right arm and the outer right arm expanded) were the most

efficient (84% with 250 gms).


Robert S. Freeman (1988) used mandibular cervical gear to upright or to

move the molars distally. He took case of late mixed dentition with mild crowding in

the anterior region and medially tipped mandibular permanent molars. He noticed

an improved alignment of anterior teeth and the posterior spaces opened up.

John R. Valant (1988) used a modified Herbst appliance to increase the arch

length. He demonstrated that the use of such appliances produces a 10 mm increase

in the maxillary arch length after maxillary second molars were extracted. The

increased maxillary arch length was because of distalization of molars.

Gianelly et al 1989 demonstrated the use of magnets to move molars distally.

Repelling magnets, which were anchored to a modified Nance Appliance, cemented

on the 1st upper pre-molars, were activated against the maxillary 1st molars to move

them distally. Initial force produced was 200- 225gm, but dropped substantially as

space opened up (With 1 mm space between the magnets, applied force was only


John R. Valant (1989) on the basis of dental cases and cephalometric records

of 32 consecutive Class II, division 1 cases treated with a modified Herbst appliance

concluded that 1) A significant distal bodily movement and tipping of the maxillary

first molars. 2) Maxillary arch length, inter canine width and intermolar width, were

increased significantly during treatment.


Nick Romandies , Joel M. Servos (1990) did a study on anterior and posterior

dental changes in second molar extraction cases. aAll the cases were treated with

0.22" slot fixed attachments. Compressed open coil springs were used between the

molars and canines and arch wire was twisted 90" distal to the canine bracket to

prevent the proclination of the anterior teeth. Results indicated that the first molars

can be reliably moved distally in second molar extraction cases with traditional fixed

appliance mechanics. A few of the patients showed as much as 4-6mm of distal

movement. On the average maxillary and mandibular first molars were distalized

2mm each side.

Gianelly et al, in 1991 demonstrated use of Japanese Niti coils to move molar

distally. 2 case reports have been published for this effect, 100gm superelastic coils

are used 1-1.5 mm movement per month was seen with 8 - 10mm activation of these

coils. A modified Nance appliance is used in conjunction. The coil force drives the

molar distally, wherein anchorage is received by Nance appliance. Coils are activated

with gurin locks. Uprighting spring may be placed in the vertical slot of the pre -

molar bracket to enhance anchorage. They used Japanese Niti superelastic coils,

exerting 100gms of force was compressed against the maxillary first molars and

moved the molars distally 1 to 1.5mm/month. Anchorage was obtained with a

modified Nance appliance cemented onto the first premolars in conjunction with a

fixed appliance.

Nobert Jeckel and Thomas Rakosi (1991) used molars distalization bow to

distalize the molars. It is an intraoral appliance having good control over the molars.

They took 10 patients with age range of 8 to 14 years. Average period of daily wear

was 17 - 18 hours. The analysis of the lateral cephalogram showed no measurable

difference in the axis of the incisors or in the angle of maxillary inclination before

and after treatment.

Robert G. Cash (1991) reported on an adult patient with a bilateral Class II

malocclusion and a anterior open bite who had treated without extractions, using a

Jasper Jumper appliance to distalize and intrude the maxillary molars. The post

treatment superimposition showed that molars moved distally.

Takami Itoh el al (1991) carried out a clinical study designed to measure the

molar distalization achieved with Repelling Magnets. Patients with early mixed

dentition who required distal molar movement were selected for molar distalization.

Molar distalization ranged from 0.5mm to 3.7mm, with an overall mean of 2.1mm.

Jones (1992) used an open coil jig for rapid Class II molar correction. Open coil,

Niti springs exhibiting 70-75 gms force over a compression range of 1-5mm to the

molars. The springs are used in conjunction with modified Nance appliance. It is a

predictable, rapid and painless method of distal driving of the molars.

Lars Bondermark and Juri Kurul (1992) analyzed the clinical and the

dentofacial effects of repelling SMCO5 (Samarium - Cobalt Magnets) for

distalization of maxillary first and second molars simultaneously. The mean molar

crown movement was 4.2mm and maxillary first molar tipped distally and rotated

distobuccaly by 8 and 8.5" respectively.

Tracy. J. Reiner 1992 used modified Nance appliance with repelling magnets

for unilateral distalization. She treated 12 patients aged 13-17 with unilateral Class

II, ranging from 2mm to 6 mm. The appliance was a modification of traditional

Nance holding arch. The Class II molars were distalized a mean of 0.19mm per week

with a maximum of 0.024mm per week.

Dr.Hilgers 1992introduced pendulum appliance which is a hybrid appliance

that consists of large Nance acrylic button and 0.032” TMA spring. This appliance

produces a broad, swing arc or pendulum of force from midline of the palate to the

upper molars hence was called the pendulum appliance,

Dween S. Muse, Michael J. Fillman (1993) conducted a study to determine

the magnitude and direction of maxillary and mandibular first molar and incisor

changes that occur during Class 11 molar correction with Wilson's Rapid molar

distalization. 19 patients received maxillary bimetricdistalizing arches (BDA) and

either a mandibular three dimensional lingual arch, with or without passive 0.016 x

0.016" utility arch or a traditional edgewise full banded, and bonded arch was used.

The arches were activated with open coil springs and Class II intermaxillary elastics.

The mean change in molar relation measured at the occlusal plane was 4.1mm. The

mean maxillary molar distalization was 2.16mm with 7.8° of tip. The rate of

maxillary molar movement was 0.56mm per month.


Bondemark et Al (1993) did a study of repelling magnets versus superelastic

nickel-titanium coils in simultaneous distal movement of maxillary first and second

molars. 18 subjects, with CI II malocclusion, deep overbite and moderate space

deficiency in the maxillary arch were treated. Repelling rare earth magnets on one

side and superelastic nickel - titanium coils on the contra-lateral side for

simultaneous distal driving of first and second molars. Force value calibrated at

225gms on both sides. Mean distal molar movement was 3.2mm for superelastic

coils and 2.2mm for the magnets. Complaints of discomfort were more frequent for

the magnet sides. Results indicate that superelastic coils are more effective than

repelling rare earth magnet for distal movement of molars.

MansPancherz et al (1993)studied the short and long term effect of the herbst

appliance on the maxillary complex in 45 patients who had Class II malocclusion.

During Herbst treatment the upper molars were distalized in 96% of the subject

(maximum 4.5mm) and upper molars were intruded in 69% of the subjects.

Miyajima and Nakamuro (1994) presented 2 case repots, showing concept of

"Distalization with driftodontics". In these cases alter distalization of molar, the

second pro-molar and then the first pre-molar and canines have drifted distally into

the space created. This has been attributed to the pull of transeptalfibres.

Blechman (1995) postulated a possible mechanism of action of repelling molar

distalization magnets. Initially time varying (non-static) electromagnetic fields were

used and it was though that the electrical component of these fields led to changes

in tissue response. HoweverBlechman has shown that even an application of a static


magnet field favourable tissue response is elicited. This proves the fact that even

magnetic field per se has effect on the tissues.

Greenfiled (1995) developed a fixed piston appliance for rapid CII correction.

This can provide bodily movement of maxillary first molars without extra oral

appliances and with no loss of posterior anchorage. It has a both, buccal and lingual,

fixed piston and tube assembly, with piston being soldered to the molars and tube

being soldered to the pre-molars. Niti coil is placed (0.036") on this piston and tube

assembly and bodily movement of molar is achieved. It required no patient

compliance and uses light controlled forces 1.5-2 ounce / tooth.

Korrodi Ritto (1995) designed the removal molar distalization splint. In cases

of excessive overbite with the molars in full occlusion the splint creates a separation

of 1-2mm distally per month. Some amount of distal tipping of molar takes place.

Hence the best cases treated with this appliance are those where the molars are

already mesially tipped. It is more comfortable and aesthetic for the patient and

therefore can be expected to achieve better co-operation.

Varun Kalra (1995) developed the K-loop molar distalizing appliance. Hence

distal driving is possible without tipping of molars and minimum anterior anchor

loss. K-loop 0.017" x 0.025" T.M.A. wire can be activated twice. Each loop of "K"

is 8mm long and 1.5mm wide. Legs of K are bent down and inserted into molar tube

and pre-molar bracket. It has the advantage of being simple and efficient, controls

tipping, of low cost and easy to fabricate.


Jasper and McNamara (1995) described the use of a flexible force module

(the Jasper Jumper) that can be incorporated into existing fixed appliances to correct

various types of sagittal malocclusion. The treatment effects produced posterior

movement of the maxillary buccal segments and anterior movement of the mandible.

Aldo Carano et al (1996) developed a distal jet appliance that can distalize

without the disadvantage of tipping and rotation. He used on 18 year old female and

10 year old male in mixed dentition, both presented with Class II division 1

malocclusion. In both patients, Class 1 relation ship was achieved in 4 months. The

appliances were well tolerated, esthetic and requires no patient cooperation.

Joydeep Ghosh (1996) conducted a study to determine the effects of the

pendulum appliance on distalization of maxillary molars and the reciprocal effects

on the anchor premolars and maxillary incisors. Initial and follow-up cephalometric

radiographs were obtained from the patients who were treated with the pendulum

appliance for bilateral distalization of the maxillary first molar teeth, for correction

of the Class II molar relationship or for gaining space in the maxillary arch. Dental,

skeletal, and soft tissue changes were determined. Its major advantages are minimal

dependence on patient compliance, ease of fabrication, one-time activation,

adjustment of the springs if necessary to correct minor transverse and vertical molar

positions, and patient-acceptance.


Martin Puente (1997) describes biomechanical action of combined edgewise

and modified Nance in Class II treatment. He used super elastic rectangular arch

wire with omega loops between the first molar and second premolar brackets. He

incorporated a Nance button which was soldered to the first premolar band and a

stainless steel framework consisting of omega loop just distal to the solder of the

premolar bands and he incorporated a niti coil spring between the omega loop and

the lingual tube of the first molar, which allows bodily distalization of the first

molars by compression of the omega loops thereby activating the niti coil spring

placed palatally. A distal movement of 0.75 to 7mm per month is achieved by this


Maurice Corbett (1997) developed a fixed - removable nickel titanium

appliance (the Nickel Palatal Expander) that delivers a uniform, slow, continuous

force for maxillary expansion, molar rotation distalization and arch development.

The action of this appliance is made possible by harnessing nickel titanium

properties of shape memory and transition temperature of 94 degree Centigrade. It

can also be used for unilateral molar correction, unilateral posterior crossbite

correction distal rotation and expansion of molars and bicuspids and leveling,

alignment and rotation of buccal segments.

Pieringer et al (1997) designed to investigate the effects of Nance appliance

combined with Sentalloy coil springs. The control the vestibular screws and

modified Nance button with stainless steel framework that passes through the lingual

tube soldered to the first molars and the stainless steel framework is soldered to the

premolars. A 0.0'l0"x0.045" coil spring is placed between first molar and second

premolar band lingually to allow bodily distalization. Molar distalization is achieved

by 4-8mm in 42 days.

Aldo giancotti (1998) Paolacozza, described nickel titanium double- loop

system for simultaneous distalization of first and second molars, super elastic nickel

titanium wires have been found as effective as other means in producing distal

movement of the maxillary first molars. When the distalization is carried out before

the second molars have erupted, it can reliably produce 1-2mm of space. Once the

second molars have erupted, however, the distal movement can be more difficult and

time-consuming, and loss of anchorage is likely. The nickel titanium double-loop

system is a useful technique for class II treatment with minimal patient cooperation.

It is ideal for simultaneous first and second molar distalization in the permanent

dentition, when traditional intraoral forces may be ineffective in moving the first

molars. Second molars seem to be easier to move distally than first molars because of

the different anatomical shape of their roots and the lack of posterior obstacles.

Because of the stretching of transeptal fibers, the first molars can be distalized in this

system using lighter 80g nickel titanium wires, instead of the 100g or 200g wires

normally used for molar distalization. Anchorage can be controlled more easily with

light forces, eliminating the need for a transpalatal bar or nance appliance cemented

to the first premolars.


David. J. Harnick (1998) used a modified Wilson's biometric distalizing arch for

Class II correction which does not require any extra oral traction. He used bimetric

arch of 0.020" in anterior section and 0.045" in posterior section which fits into the

head gear tube. A 5mm long 0.040x0.010" open coil spring is compressed by an

omega loop. The resulting force moves the maxillary first molar distally. The

reciprocal anterior force is offset by Class 11 elastics. Mandibular arch is stabilized

by 0.017"x0.025"rectangular arch or lingual stabilizing unit. Class 1 molar relation

ship achieved in 4.5 months.

S.Jay Bowman (1998) describes several modifications of the distal jet which

includes conversion to Nance holding arch, double set screw distal jet for molar

rotation, molar expansion, modified mandibular distal jet, distal jet hex key handle.

Sumit Gulati (1998) conducted a study on 10 subjects to evaluate dental and

skeletal changes after intraoral molar distalization. The maxillary molars were

distalized with a sectional jig assembly. Sentalloy open coil springs were used to

exert 150 gm of force for a period of 12 weeks. A modified Nance appliance was

the main source of anchorage. The pre- and post distalization records included dental

study casts, clinical photographs, and cephalograms. The mean distal movement of

the first molar was 2.78 mm. It moved distally at the rate of 0.86 mm/month. There

was clinically some distal tipping (3.50°) and distopalatal rotation (2.40°). These

changes were statistically significant (p < 0.001). The second molars


accompanied the first molars and moved distally by nearly the same amount. There

was 1.00 mm increase in the overjet and 2.60° mesial tip of second premolar. The

changes in the facial skeleton and dentition bases were minimal and statistically not

significant. However, there was clockwise rotation of the mandible of 1.30° that was

statistically significant. This was the result of molar extrusion (1.60 mm).

Arturo Fortini et al (1999) to minimize this anchorage loss, they developed a

new type of appliance for unilateral or bilateral distalization of the maxillary first

molars. This is referred to as the First Class Appliance for rapid molar distalization,

which comprises of screws soldered buccally on first molars and split rings are

welded to the second premolars to control the vestibular screws. It produces rapid

distalization of the maxillary first and second molars, even when the second molars

are completely erupted. It reduces treatment time in Class II cases being treated on

a non extraction basis.

Giuseppe Scuzzo et al (1999) designed a Modified Pendulum Appliance for

maxillary molar distalization. The modification allows bodily movement of the

molars where in a horizontal pendulum loop is kept inverted. The loop can be

activated by simply opening the coil.

Giuseppe Scuzzo et al (1999) the horizontal Pendulum loop is inverted, it will

allow bodily movement of both the roots and crowns of the maxillary molars. Once

distal molar movement has occurred , the loop can be activated simply by opening

it. The activation produces buccal and/or distal uprighting of the molar roots and

thus a true bodily movement, rather than a simple tipping or rotation.


We call this modification the M-Pendulum. It is an effective and reliable method for

distalization of the maxillary molars.

Ahmet Keles et al (2000) designed an appliance to achieve maxillary molar

distalization. The intra oral bodily molar distalizer was composed of 2 parts: the

anchorage unit and the distalizing springs. The springs had 2 components: the

distalizer section of the spring applied a crown tipping force, while the uprighting

section of the spring applied a root uprighting force on the first molars. A total of

230g of distalizing force was used on both sides. After the distal movement of the

first molars, the maxillary molars were moved distally by an average of 5.23mm.

Giuseppe Scuzzo et al (April 2000) designed an appliance for non extraction

treatment of Class II malocclusion by molar distalization. The pendulum is a non

compliance device that uses 'I'MA arms as the active components and the modified

Nance button as anchorage support. The two 0.032" arms are embedded in the

acrylic. Each arm consists of a closed helix, a convex adjustable horizontal loop and

a terminal section that fits into a 0.036" lingual sheath on the maxillary molar band.

After some distalization the loop is reactivated outside the mouth. With the

removable arms distal movement can be continued at a rate of 1.5 mm per month.

Kyo-Rhim Chung (2000) designed a removable appliance called the "C-space

regainer" to achieve bodily molar movement without significant flaring. This

appliance can be used to intrude teeth as well as to move them distally or sagitally.

It consists of 2 parts, 0,036" stainless steel wire and acrylic splints. The stainless

steel framework is extended distally which pass through the head gear tube, closed

helix is bending into the frame work in each canine region. A 0.010x0.040 open coil

spring is soldered immediately distal to the helix and 0.028 ball end clasps are used

for retention. A Nance button is immediately given after distalization. When the

open coil is compressed, it will exert 200g of force and move the molars distally

about 1-1.5mm per month. Vertical control is maintained by adjusting the wire

framework occlusally or gingivally.

José Chaqués-Asensi (2001) conducted a study to determine the effects of the

Pendulum molar distalization appliance on the dentition and facial form. The sample

consisted of 26 patients who were treated with the Pendulum appliance. The patients,

10 boys and 16 girls, with a mean age of 11 years, 2 months. Treatment with the

Pendulum molar distalizing appliance appears to produce considerable distal

movement of the molars. Considerable distal tipping of the molars. A substantial

amount of anchorage loss, resulting in anterior movement of the first premolars and

incisors. Some increase in lower facial height and reduction in overbite.

Aldo Carano (2002) changes the distal jet Appliance to the locking

mechanism which plays the central role in both molar distalization and retention,

consists of three interacting components—lock, screw, and activation wrench.

Because the Distal Jet is contained entirely within the palatal vault, space availability

and patient comfort were the primary considerations in its original design. The

modifications reduce chair time, improve patient comfort, and enhance treatment

efficiency and reliability without changing the biomechanical foundation or core

philosophy of the Distal Jet.


S. h. Kyung et al (2003) described distalization of maxillary molars with a

midpalatal miniscrew is a traditional method of controlling anchorage during molar

distalization tend to cause unwanted movement of other teeth and to require patient

cooperation. These disadvantages can be overcome with skeletal anchorage, which is

gradually gaining acceptance among orthodontists.

Pablo Echarri (2003) reported two cases to demonstrate how to counteract

loss of anterior anchorage with the Hilgers Pendulum appliance, protrusion or

proclination of the incisors during molar distalization with the M-Pendulum,1,2

which has a mesially oriented loop and removable arms.

Kinzinger Et Al (2004) used a modified pendulum appliance, including a distal

screw and special pre activated pendulum springs (built-in straightening activation

and toe-in bending), for bilateral maxillary molar distalization in 36 adolescent

patients in various stages of the molar dentition. The patients were divided into 3

groups (PG 1-3) according to the stage of eruption of their second and third molars

and they concluded that young patients, the best time to start therapy with a pendulum

appliance is before the eruption of the second molars. In principle, treatment of any

sagittal arch length discrepancy is possible with a pendulum appliance, but, because

no skeletal effects can be expected during pendulum appliance therapy, the exclusive

focus of application has been and remains restricted to distalization in the

dentoalveolar region.

Luis Carriere (2004) designed CARRIERE DISTALIZER, is most effective

in treating class II malocclusion without extraction and in class I cases with mesially

positioned maxillary molars.


Greenfield (2005) introduced newest design of GMD this applies the distalizing

force only from the lingual of the maxillary molars, utilizing twin piston modules.

This is a unique appliance that allows the clinician to fully control molar distalization

in all three planes of space with light, continuous forces.

Kinzinger (2005) conducted study to assess dental anchorage qualities when the

pendulum appliance is used for distal molar movement. Thirty adolescents in various

dentition stages received a modified pendulum appliance with a distal screw and a

specially preactivated pendulum spring for bilateral molar distalization in the

maxilla. Dentoalveolar effects and side effects in the anchorage unit and in the molar

area were determined by cephalometric analysis, and concluded that deciduous

molars and premolars can be used for anchorage for molar distalization with a

pendulum appliance; however, anchorage with premolars only results in the least

pronounced dentoalveolar side effects. The anchorage quality of deciduous molar

and mixed deciduous molar/premolar anchorage is limited.

Patricia p. Chiu (2005) conducted a study compared the dentoalveolar and

skeletal effects on Class II malocclusions of the distal jet with concurrent full fixed

appliances and the pendulum appliance both followed by fixed appliances. He

concluded during molar distalization, the pendulum subjects showed significantly

more distal molar movement and significantly less anchorage loss at both the

premolars and the maxillary incisors than the distal jet subjects. At the end of

comprehensive treatment, the maxillary first molars were 0.6 mm mesial to their

original positions in the distal jet group and 0.5 mm distal in the pendulum group.

Nevertheless, total molar correction was identical in the 2 groups (3.0 mm), and both

appliances were equally effective in achieving a Class I molar relationship.

Erol Akin (2006) investigated to evaluate the skeletal and dentoalveolar

treatment effects of a segmented removable appliance [removable molar distalizer

(RMD)] for molar distalization. The RMD was effective in distal molar movement

and all patients attained a bilateral Class I molar relationship in an average period of

4.5 months. Hygiene problems and mucosal irritations, frequently found with fixed

intraoral distalization techniques, were not observed during the distalization period.

Gero S.M Kinzinger et al (2006) introduced MINISCREW- SUPPORTED

DISTAL JET APPLIANCE. Elimination of the acrylic palatal button improves the

patient’s access for oral hygiene. The MSDJ provide translation of the upper molar

without the constraints of patient cooperation. Mini screw support reduces

anchorage loss and flaring of the anterior teeth compared to conventional anchorage


Jungi Sugawara et al (2006) used SKELETAL ANCHORAGE SYSTEM for

the distal movement of maxillary molars in non growing patients to improve


malocclusion without having to extract the premolars. In this study they conclude

SAS is a viable modality of distalizing maxillary molars because it uses stable and

strong anchorage units. It enables not only single molar distalization but also en-

mass movement of the maxillary buccal segments with only minor oral surgery for

placing the titanium anchor plates at the zygomatic buttresses. They conclude this

technique is particularly useful for correcting class II malocclusions,

decompensation for class III surgical patients and malocclusion characterized by

maxillary anterior crowding.

Korkmaz Sayinsu (2006) examined the distalization of molars unilaterally in

patients with a unilateral Class II molar relationship utilizing a Keles Slider,

designed without a bite plane. The results showed that the maxillary first molars

were distalized bodily on average by 2.85 mm. The maxillary first premolars moved

forward bodily 2 mm and were extruded 2.03 mm. The mandibular incisors and

mandibular molars erupted 0.83 and 0.95 mm, respectively. The unilateral Keles

Slider distalized molars successfully to a Class I molar relationship.

Fernanda Angelieri (2006) conducted a study analyzed the distalization of

maxillary molars achieved by the pendulum appliance and its effect on the

anchorage teeth during and after fixed orthodontic treatment. The pendulum

appliance moved the maxillary molars distally, but with significant distal inclination,

protrusion of the anterior teeth, and increase in lower anterior facial height (LAFH)

due to the clockwise mandibular rotation. The pendulum appliance followed by fixed

orthodontic treatment corrected the Class II sagittal relationship, especially due to the

dento alveolar changes secondary to the spontaneous mandibular growth in the

anterior direction during fixed appliance treatment.

Kinzinger (2006) the pendulum appliance allows for rapid molar distalization

without the need for patient compliance. Its efficiency has been confirmed in a

number of clinical studies. However, the potential interactions and positional

changes between the deciduous molars used for dental anchorage and the erupted

and unerupted permanent teeth have yet to be clarified when this appliance is used

for molar distalization in the mixed dentition. At this stage of the mixed dentition,

premolar extraction or augmentation of the supporting area with extraoral headgear

offers a therapeutic alternative to intraoral distalization appliances with exclusively

dental anchorage.

Beyza Hanciglu Kircelli et al (2006) designed the bone-anchored pendulum

appliance (BAPA). This study was to evaluate the stability of the anchoring screw,

distalization of the maxillary molars, and the movement of teeth anterior to maxillary

first molars. A conventional pendulum appliance was modified to obtain anchorage

from an intraosseous screw instead of the premolars. Super Class I molar

relationship was achieved. The premolars tipped significantly distally. No anterior

incisor movement was detected. The BAPA was found to be are effective, minimally

invasive, and compliance-free intraoral distalization appliance for achieving both

molar and premolar distalization without any anchorage loss.


Giampietro Farronato et al (2007) introduced the transverse sagittal maxillary

expander the modification of rapid palatal expander indicated in patient with class

III malocclusion and maxillary crowding, or with maxillary hypoplasia and reduced

transverse and sagittal dimensions. The TSME increases the perimeter length of the

upper arch; it is easy to use, with placement and activation procedures as that of

palatal expander. Patient compliance is satisfactory.

Stefano Velo et al (2007) introduces an implant distal jet that reduces the

anchorage loss in class II treatment there is no complications from the simple and

relatively non-invasive surgical procedure, the MAS screw has shown excellent

stability and the screw is also fast and easy, miniscrew anchorage does not change

the shape or structure of the distal jet, thus ensuring patient comfort than compliance

with auxiliary devices.

Stetan F. Schutze (2007) evaluated skeletal and dentoalveolar changes due to

unilateral distalization with a modified pendulum appliance and to determine side

effects. Cephalograms and dental casts before and after distal movement of the

maxillary molars with pendulum appliances in 15 consecutively treated patients

were included in this study. Effective distal molar movement and less anchorage

loss at the front teeth are advantages of unilateral distalization.


Gero S. M. Kinzinger, MertEren and Peter R. Diedrich (2008) conducted a

study to compare the efficiency, both quantitatively and qualitatively, of various

appliance types with intra maxillary anchorage for non-compliance molar

distalization. The results show that non-compliance molar distalization is possible

with numerous different appliances. While molar distalization with standard

pendulum appliances exhibited the largest values for dental linear distalization, it

also resulted in concurrent, substantial therapeutically undesirable distal tipping.

However, specific modifications to the pendulum appliance allow achievement of

almost bodily molar distalization. Different outcomes are quoted in the studies for

the efficiency of loaded spring systems for distal molar movement, but it seems that

the first class appliance and the palatal distal jet are more efficient than the vestibular

Jones Jig. The studies identify anchorage loss as being found in the area of the incisors

rather than the area of the first premolars. There was a trend for more substantial

reciprocal side-effects to occur when only two teeth were included in the anchorage

unit. Vertical components acting on the molars, premolars, and incisors, such as

intrusion and extrusion, tended to be of secondary importance and, therefore, may

be disregarded.

Giovanni Oberti (2009) conducted a study to describe the clinical effects of a

bone supported molar distalizing appliance, the dual force distalizer. They

concluded that the dual force distalizer is a valid alternative distalizing appliance

that generates controlled molar distalization with a good rate of movement and no

loss of anchorage.

Mayara Paim Patel (2009) conducted a study to compare dento alveloar changes

of class II patients treated with Jones jig and pendulum appliances. They concluded

that the Jones Jig group showed greater mesial tipping and extrusion of the maxillary

second premolars. The mean amount and the monthly rates of first molar

distalization were similar in both groups.

Gero s. M. Kinzinger (2009) conducted a study to investigate the suitability of

the skeletonized distal jet for translatory molar distalization and to check the quality

of the supporting anchorage set up. They concluded that the skeletonized distal jet

appliance supported by additional miniscrew anchorage allows translatory molar


Moschos A. Papadopoulos et al (2010) conducted a study to evaluate the

treatment effects of the First Class Appliance (FCA) used for the distalization of

maxillary first molars in patients with class II malocclusion and mixed dentition.

They concluded that the FCA is an efficient noncompliance appliance to distalize

molars in the mixed dentition without distal rotations.

Metin Nuret al (2012) conducted a study to evaluate the dentoalveolar,

skeletal, and soft tissue effects of the Zygoma-Gear Appliance (ZGA) when used for

bilateral distalization of the maxillary molars. They concluded that the Zygoma-

Gear Appliance (ZGA) appliance that showed a slight intrusion of Maxillary first

Molars and there was a decrease in overjet indicating that without anchorage loss

Maxillary molar distalization can be achieved in a short time with ZGA.


Cagla Sara et al (2013) The purpose of this study was to examine skeletal,

dental, and soft tissue effects of the Miniscrew Implant Supported Distalization

System (MISDS) and the Bone-Anchored Pendulum Appliance (BAPA) treated In

a Class II malocclusion, patients which is divided in to two groups. Both methods

provided absolute anchorage for distalization of posterior teeth; however, almost

translatory distal movement was encountered in the MISDS group, and substantial

distal tipping of the maxillary molars accompanied distalization in the BAPA group

Carlos Flores-Mira et al (2013) conducted a study to evaluate the efficiency of

molar distalization associated with the second and third molar eruption stage,

showed both linear and angular distalization appears to be minimal. This conclusion

is only based on low level of evidence clinical trials. The large variability in the

outcomes should be considered clinically

ENIS GURAY et al (JCO) 2014 This article introduces the EZ Slider* sliding

auxiliary for use with mini-implants in the distalization of posterior segments. To

prevent anchorage loss which prolongs treatment due to round-tripping and can lead

to labial bone loss and gingival-height deficiencies in patients with proclined

maxillary incisors. Distal tipping of the molars may require attachments such as up

righting springs to prevent early relapse. By comparison, though leveling of the

anterior teeth will inevitably require some round-tripping of the incisors, the

combination of a skeletally anchored EZ Slider with a .016" × .022" stainless steel

arch wire will allow the posterior teeth to upright spontaneously during distalization.

Were as, even with headgear and some intraoral-distalization appliances or even

skeletally anchored mechanics, the second molars can limit distal movement of the

first molars. The EZ Slider avoids this problem because only one tooth is distalized at

a time. Since EZ Slider mechanics can cause molar extrusion and premolar or canine

intrusion, the appliance should not be used in high-angle cases.

CASSIO EDVARD SVERZUT etal (2015) Temporary skeletal anchorage for

lower molar distalization can be provided by either mini- implants or miniplates.

The main disadvantages of mini-implants compared to miniplates are the reduced

load that can be supported and the tendency of the implant to migrate toward the

tooth being moved. Sugawara and colleagues proposed the use of a Mini plate for

lower-molar distalization in non growing patients. Sugawara and colleagues

reported needing 19-39 months to distalize lower molars with miniplate anchorage

in their adult patients. Miyahira and colleagues required only three months to

distalize and de-impact the lower right second molar with anchorage from a 2mm

“T” surgical plate. They concluded that the potential to safely and effectively

distalize and upright lower molars in growing patients opens new possibilities for

orthodontic treatment with miniplate anchorage. This innovative technique requires

further study to establish its risks and benefits.

Abhisek Ghosh et al .,(2018) conducted a study on skeletal anchorage

systems, the most popular being – Mini implants or micro-screws which have an

intra radicular site of placement. Their greatest advantage being the ease and

minimally invasive methods of placement and the commonest disadvantage being

early loosening during the course of treatment. A more rigid alternative was then

introduced called as the SAS-Skeletal Anchorage Systems (I-plate, Y-plate etc) with

its extra-radicular site of placement, which did overcome the high failure rates of a

regular mini-implant but then their placement required raising of flaps and extensive

surgical intervention. More recently an apt balance was achieved with the advent of

the Orthodontic Bone Screws (OBS) which not only had an extra-radicular site of

placement in the infra- zygomatic crest of the maxilla and the buccal shelf area of

the mandible, with significantly less failure rates than regular mini-implants but also

doesn’t require extensive surgical intervention for their placement.




S. Name of the Invention Appliance Invented

No Researcher year
01 Gunell 1822 Extra-oral anchorage
02 Guilford 1866 Headgear for correcting
proclined upper teeth
03 Kingsley 1892 Headgear appliance
04 Oppenheim 1944 Occipital headgear
05 Renfroe 1956 Lip bumper
06 Gould 1957 Unilateral distalization
07 Klein 1957 Effectiveness of cervical
08 Guerrero James 1959 ‘Atkinson Buccal bar’
09 Graber 1969 Philosophy of second molar
extraction in class II to
allow distalization of
buccal segment
10 Leonard 1969 Acrylic Cervical Occipital
Appliance (ACCO)
11 Hogs 1970 ‘Tandem Yoke’
12 Melson 1978 Effect of cervical traction
by using metallic implants
13 Cetlin and 1983 Non-Extraction approach
Tenhoeve by distalization of molar in
both arches
14 Tabash et al 1984 Dynamic extra-oral
15 Taylor 1985 Crozat principles and
16 Glanelly et al 1988 Intra-arch repelling
17 Valant John 1989 Modified Herbst appliance
18 Cash Robert 1991 Bilateral ‘Jasper jumper’
19 Gianelly Bednar 1991 Japanese Niti super elastic
and Dietz coil
20 Jeckel and Rakosi 1991 ‘Molar Distalizing Bow’
21 Hilgers 1992 Pendulum appliance
22 Reiner 1992 Nance Holding Arch
23 Jones and White 1992 ‘Jones Jig’ appliance
24 Jasper and 1995 ‘Jasper Jumper’
25 Kalra 1995 ‘K-Loop Molar Distalizer’
26 Greenfield 1995 ‘Fixed Piston’ appliance
27 Carano et al 1996 ‘Distal Jet’ appliance

28 Klapper 1997 ‘Klapper Super Spring’

29 Giancotti and 1998 ‘Niti Double Loop
Cozza Distalizer’
30 Starnes 1998 ‘Saif Spring’
31 Fortini, Lupoli and 1999 First class appliance
32 Chung, Park and 2000 ‘C’ space regainer
Ko Su Jin
33 Keles and Sayinsa 2000 ‘Intra-oral Bodily Molar
34 Sugawara, 2006 Skeletal Anchorage System
Kanzaki, (SAS)
Nagasaka and
35 Kircelli, Pektas 2006 Bone Anchorage Pendulum
and Kireclli appliance (BAP)


Molar distalization procedures have been very useful in non-extraction borderline

case management. Careful selection of case is therefore mandatory. Over the years

the procedures have undergone much refinement to achieve treatment objective

more precisely. This has been made possible by a better understanding of bone

physiology, tooth movement, biomechanics and newer biomaterials. In certain

reasonably well-defined instances, the distal movement of upper buccal segments is

the mechanical treatment of choice. The indications for the distal movement of upper

buccal segment are described.

1. Mesial migration of the arch is said to be true indication for molar

distalization in order to mmaintain ideal maxillomandibular dental relation.

2. In cases where there is loss of space anterior to molar and permanent molars

have migrated mesially.

3. In cases where there is premature loss of deciduous teeth or wherein the

deciduous teeth have migrated forward.

4. In cases wherein there is arch length discrepancy due to caries present in a

permanent teeth or deciduous teeth anterior to permanent molars.

5. In cases where in the presence of tooth fractures of premolars or deciduous

molars leads to mesial migration of permanent molars.

6. When there are congenitally missing teeth which leads to mesial migration of

permanent molars.


1) Profile:

a) Straight profile is preferred as molar distalization will bring about changes in the

dental arch in anterior-posterior direction only, mainly for gaining space; and this

won’t bring about much of profile changes after the treatment.

2) Functional:

a) Usually a normal, healthy temporomandibular joint is preferred for molar


b) Correct mandibular to maxillary relationship is preferred so as to not cause any


3) Skeletal:

a) Class I skeletal relationship is preferred as more focus is laid on the

correction of dental relationship.

b) A normal to short lower face height case is preferred because distalization

leads to wedging effect in the posterior region resulting in increased vertical


c) A normal transverse width of the maxillary dentition is preferred.

d) A brachycephalic growth pattern is preferred to minimize the wedging effect.

e) If there is presence of a skeletal closed bite, distalizing the molars will

alleviate it by causing wedging effect, thus prop opening the bite.

4) Dental:

a) Most importantly, molar distalization is indicated in Class II molar relationship and

distalizing the upper molar will help in achieving class I molar relationship.

b) In cases of deep overbite, distalization of the molar will help in prop opening the

bite due to wedging effect.

c) It is generally indicated in permanent dentition.

d) Molar distalization is indicated in cases where the first molar is mesialised or

mesially inclined.

e) Preferably prior to eruption of second molar, the angulation of third molars is

also to be taken into consideration.

f) In cases wherein the maxillary cuspids are labially displaced, distalizing the molar

will help in increasing the arch length.

g) Loss of arch length due to premature loss of second deciduous molar.


Clinical scenarios of molar distalization having beneficial outcome can be

summarized as:

1. Class-II molar relationship due to maxillary dentoalveolar protrusion

2. Class-II molar relationship due to impacted / high labially placed cuspids

3. Class-II Subdivision cases requiring unilateral distal molar movement.

st nd
4. Class-II molar relationship due to ectopic eruption of either 1 /2 bicuspid

5. In cases wherein there is midline discrepancy

6. Regaining the space loss due to mesial drift of 1st molars following premature loss

of deciduous teeth.

7. Anchorage loss during active orthodontic treatment.

8. Mandibular molar distalization can be done in cases of dental class III associated

with skeletal class I malocclusion.

9. To correct mandibular incisor alveolar protrusion, with or without associated



The section below describes the contraindications for molar distalization in the

following conditions.

a. In cases wherein the growth pattern of the patient is vertical which further

accentuates the wedging effect if molars were distalized.

b. In clinical conditions like adenoid facies wherein distalizing the alveolar segment

leads to further constriction of airways.

c. In cases of high arched palate or long face syndrome, where the preferred

treatment will be to implement arch expansion without tipping the molars.

Therefore, in such cases, bonded RME is indicated which won’t further cause

increase in vertical height.

d. In Dental open bite cases, molar distalization is contraindicated as it will cause

wedging effect which will lead to backward rotation of the mandible.




1) Profile:

a) A retrognathic profile is generally not indicated for molar distalization as it will

worsen the profile.

2) Functional:

a) Any existing signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction will

further accentuate the joint dysfunction after the molar is distalize.

b) A more posteriorly and superiorly displaced condyles tend to have an open bite

tendency and further distalizing molars will caused wedging effect.

3) Skeletal:

a) In a Class II skeletal relationship, it is very important to know where the defect lies,

whether the maxilla is forwardly placed or whether the mandible is backwardly

placed. Distalizing the molar when the mandible is already backwardly placed does

not help in achieving class I occlusion as it does not treat the etiology.

b) It is not preferred in cases of skeletal open bite as it will further lead to wedging


c) Molar distalization will cause backward rotation of the mandible which will further

increase the lower anterior facial height.


d) Molar distalization in already constricted maxillary arch will further cause tapering

of the arch leading to cross bite.

e) It is very important to know the growth pattern of the case. Distalizing the molars in

a dolichocephalic growth pattern will cause further worsening of the profile.

4) Dental:

a) The dental relationship of Class I molar relation.

b) If molar distalization is done in a patient with dental open bite, it will cause further

wedging effect, which will lead to worsening of the profile.

c) Since many studies have shown that the movement achieved during molar

distalization is seldom translation, distalizing a maxillary first molar which is

distally inclined, causes bite opening.

Clinical scenarios of molar distalization having detrimental outcome can be

summarized as:

1. Retrognathic profile (Class-II skeletal with orthognathic maxilla and

retrognathic mandible).

2. Skeletal and dental open bite

3. Excessive lower anterior facial height (Dolichocephalic facial form)

4. Constricted maxilla

5. Patients with Class-I or Class-III molar relation.




The criteria varied widely among the clinician but some of the most common

criteria are Class-II or end-to-end molar relationship with maxillary molar protrusion

with mesial inclination as explained earlier. Growing patients are ideal, as molar

extrusion can be compensated with ramal growth, so there won’t be any autorotation

of the mandible. It is basically done in mild or moderate crowding to increase the

total arch length. The best time to distalize the permanent first molar is when the

third/second molars or not yet erupted or if erupted, they must be in ideal positions.

Normal skeletal vertical development is favorable i.e. the facial proportion should

be with in normal limits. Another important aspect is that, the mandibular plane

angle must be low to moderate as in hypodivergent cases so as to negate the wedging

effect. And also, normal transverse development must be present too i.e. there must

be no cross bites. It becomes very crucial to have a good soft tissue drape.[12] And

lastly, like an orthodontic treatment, good patient cooperation plays a crucial role in

success of the treatment.




Orthodontic displacement of the mandibular molar, other than extrusion, is reputed

to be extremely difficult, due to the large root area and root anatomy. In certain

clinical situations, however, extreme measures may be taken to avoid irreversible or

risk-laden procedures such as extraction or orthognathic surgery. Organizing the

space within the dental arcade involves two essential factors: tooth size and arcade

perimeter. The latter is determined by the anterior, lateral and posterior edges, and

the space occupied by the arcade depends on 3D compensatory curves. In adjusting

tooth crowding, any extraction is usually performed in the sector where crowding is

present, to limit and facilitate orthodontic movement in the freed space. For

example, in severe anterior crowding associated to correction of mandibular incisor

alveolar protrusion, the 1st premolars may classically be extracted. However, it

might be interesting if the space freed by the absence of the 3rd molars could be

transferred forward, and if the mandibular molars could be distalized. While

possibly indicated, class III surgical correction has a number of drawbacks or

relative contraindications leading to abstention despite skeletal malocclusion.[13]

Over and above the risks inherent to any surgery, such problems include: Esthetic

defect, postoperative discomfort leading which may be incompatible with lifestyle,

psychological issues and financial burden. Therefore, an interesting possibility

would be to correct class-III malocclusion by distalizing the mandibular molar while

controlling the vertical dimension.


Finally, it should be borne in mind that posterior displacement of the mandibular

molar cannot exceed the anatomic envelope within which it is possible: i.e., the

mandibular lingual cortical bone. According to Ridouani, 3 mm distalization is the

anatomic limit.


1) Maxillary molar position:

a) Rickets criterion:

Ricketts stated that the position of the maxillary molar (M1) should be that the

distal surface of the molar should be perpendicular to the pterygoid vertical(ptv).

The clinical norm is age+3 and clinical deviation is +/-3 mm. (growing patients). In

good skeletal and dental class I relationships, the facial axis normally crosses the

mesial cusp of M1. In non-growing patients mean value is 18 mm. If the distance

M1/PTV is shorter than the normal measurement, the possibility for distalization is

low and possible extractions will depend on growth potential and the presence of

3rd molar.[14]

Figure 4 Ricketts criterion for distalizing upper molar


b) Role of second molar and third molar extraction:

Extraction of second molar is often use in conjunction with distalization

of first molar. In last few years the extraction of second molar has become a matter

of great interest and controversy within dental profession. It has been argued that

when the second molar has not yet erupted, distalization of the first molar occurs by

tipping rather than by bodily movement. Several other authors agreed that the

eruption stage of the second molar had an impact on the distalization of the first

molar. Duration of therapeutic treatment has also been shown to increase if second

molars have erupted, and therefore distalization is often recommended prior to the

eruption of the full permanent dentition.

On the other hand, there have also been a few investigations that have concluded

that the position of the second molar when distalizing the first molar is of little

significance. The authors of these studies all found that there is no connection among

second molar budding stages, magnitude of molar distalization, and duration of

therapy. A clinical study further argued that the success of first molar distalization

varies according to the stage of development of the second and third molars. As a

result, germectomy of wisdom teeth was recommended to achieve bodily

distalization of both molars.[15]

Although a large number of studies reporting on maxillary molar distalization

have been published over the years, considerable controversy exists regarding upper

first molar distalization with respect to second and third molar eruption stage.

2) Mandibular molar position:

a) Anatomical limits:

Anatomical limit for mandibular molar distalization is the inferior alveolar nerve

canal, because the superior border of the inferior alveolar nerve canal may restrict

the distalization of the second molar root at the apex. Therefore, 3D morphometric

analysis of the mandible may provide a better understanding of the mandibular

anatomy and its correlations with the posterior mandibular space available for molar


And also, ramus also plays a significant role in determining the amount of molar

distalization that can be done.

b) Role of second molar and third molar:

Mandibular molar distalization is limited by the proximity of the distal root of the

second molar to the lingual cortical plate rather than by the distance from the crown

of the second molar to the anterior border of the ramus. Therefore, the retromolar

distance at the root level must be analyzed. It can be expected that the retromolar

space is greater in patients with Class III malocclusion than in patients with Class I

malocclusion because Class III malocclusion is characterized by a large mandible.

However, various factors affect the outcome, such as cephalometric

characteristics, age, and sex, and these factors can act as confounders.

Using general linear mixed model analysis, it is possible to compare the retromolar

distances between mandibular prognathism and normal mandibular growth after

adjusting for factors that significantly affected the outcome.

It is assumed that in cases with the presence of third molars, it would be feasible to

undergo extraction prior to molar distalization. Therefore, the retromolar space is

measured without considering the presence of the third molars. In patients with

impacted third molars, the third molar crowns is often located in the anterior part of

the ramus, as there is limited space for eruption, and they are expected to have a

minimal effect on retromolar space distal to the second molar root.

For the third molars that had erupted, it is assumed that extraction will not cause

significant bony changes in the lingual cortical border of the mandible. According

to Kim et al., the presence of mandibular third molars has no significant effect on

the retromolar space measured in patients with Class III malocclusions.



The advantages of molar distslization technique can be listed as follows.

1) Facilitation of treatment using intra oral removable or fixed appliance. As many

appliances can be fabricated for removable usage, maintaining the oral hygiene

becomes easy. And if it is fixed, then patient compliance will be good.

2) There is less likelihood of relapse. Many studies have shown that the residual
maxillo-mandibular growth continued after the completion of orthodontic

treatment, but these changes did not affect the molar relationship.

3) By undergoing this technique to increase the arch length, faster eruption of third
molars can be anticipated or even the surgical removal of the tooth can be avoided.

4) Good functional occlusion is also maintained.

5) In cases of mild premolar crowding, space can be gained by increasing the arch
length by distalizing the molar. And also, premolar crowding is corrected without


6) And also, the contact points are precisely maintained by using this technique.
Natural contact area from canine to first molar is retained.

7) Results are more stable as tongue space has not been compromised. So, tongue
does not have to undergo changes in its position.

8) And lastly, since premolars are not extracted, more teeth is made available for
functional processes like mastication etc.


The disadvantages of molar distalization technique can be summed up as follows.

1) As the molars are distalized, achieving pure translation is still a challenge so there

is always a tendency in creating crossbites.

2) Even though this technique has evolved from extra oral to intra oral, the

construction of few appliances is still considered to be delicate.

3) And lastly, there can be possible impaction of third molar even when the second

molar has been extracted for distalizing the first molar.



Appliance systems which are designed to produce distal movement of first

molars have been available for over a century. Several methods are known to cause

molar distalization, none of which work for all patients in all patients in all

situations. Appliance traditionally used to distalize molar can be divide into the


1) Location of appliance: Based on location, it can be classified into extra oral and

intra oral.

a) Extra oral appliance is one such appliance which has its components situated

outside the oral cavity.

Eg: Headgear

b) Intra oral appliance is one such appliance which has its components situated

inside the oral cavity.

Eg: pendulum, jones jig appliance

2) a) Removable: Orthodontic appliance which can be removed and replaced by

the patient.

Eg: Lip Bumper, Cetlin Appliance


b)Fixed: Orthodontic appliance which cannot be removed and replaced by the


Eg: Pendulum appliance, K. loop molar distalizer, Lokar appliance.

3) Arches involved: Based on the arches involved, it can be single or both the arches.

a) In Intra-arch, single arch is involved, ie. either maxilla or mandible.

Eg: Jones Jig, K. loop distalizer

b) In Inter-arch, both the arches are involved, ie. maxilla and mandible.

Eg: Sliding Jig, Fixed functional appliances

4) Position of appliance in mouth: Based on the location of appliance within the

mouth, it can be placed buccally or palatally/lingually.

a) Buccally situated appliance is the placement of the appliance on the side of

a tooth that is adjacent to (or the direction toward) the inside of the cheek.

b) Palatal situated appliance is the placement of the appliance on the side to lingual or
palatal (both oral), which refer to the side of a tooth adjacent to (or the direction

toward) the tongue or palate.


5) Type of tooth movement: Based on the type of movement, the appliance can
distalize the molar either bodily or by tipping.

a)Bodily movement or translation occurs when all points on the molar tooth

move an equal distance in the same direction.

b)Tipping movement (combined rotation and translation) occurs if the force does

not pass through the CR, the molar will translate as well as rotate around the CR.

Orthodontically, tipping movement is produced when a single force is applied

against the crown of the molar. The molar will then rotate around the centre of

resistance as well as translates along the line parallel to the line of force.

6) Compliance needed from patient: Patient compliance describes the degree to

which the patient will correctly follow the medical advice.

a) Maximum compliance is needed in case of headgear appliance.

b) Minimum or No compliance is needed in case the appliance is

placed intra orally and when it is generally fixed.




1) Extra oral: Head gear

a) Bilateral molar distalization

• Cervical pull head gear.

• Vertical pull headgear

• High pull headgear

• Combi pull head gear.

b) Unilateral molar distalization with unilateral face bows

• Power-arm face bow

• Soldered offset face bow

• Swivel offset face bow

• Spring-attachment face bow

2) Intra oral:

a) Hilgers mini distalization appliance

b) Modified Cetlin appliance


c) ACCO (acrylic cervical occipital appliance)

d) Wilson rapid molar distalization

e) Bimetric arch modified by Dr. JAYAPE

f) T.P.A


1) Lip bumper

2) Franzulum appliance.

3) Modified lingual appliance

4) Distal jet for lower molar

Inter arch appliances: (fixed functional appliances)

1) Herbst appliance

2) Jasper Jumper

3) Klapper super spring

4) 3D biometric distalizing arch


5) Sliding jig

6) Removable molar distalization splint

7) M.D.S (Molar distalization system)

8) Repelling magnets

9) Jones jig appliance

10) Lokar appliance

11) Super elastic NiTi wire

12) Pendulum appliance

13) HILGIR’S appliance

14) Grumax appliance

15) T-Rex appliance

16) Tracey/ Hilger MDA expander

17) K-pendulum

18) BI/quad pendulum

19) Gral implant supported pendulum

20) K loop

21) Fixed piston appliance

22) Intra oral bodily distalizer


23) The lingual distalizer system

24) C-space regainer

25) Distal jet

26) Nickel titanium double loop system

27) Crickett appliance

28) First class appliance

29) Sliding jig

30) Modified Nance and lingual appliances for unilateral tooth


31) Karad’s integrated distalization system

32) Modified sectional jig

33) Keles slider

34) Carriere distalizer

35) Vertical holding appliance

SAS(skeletal anchorage system):

1) Distalization using Micro implants

2) Using Y plates

3) Straumann orthosystem

4) Midplant system

5) Distalizing mid-palatal miniscrew

6) Frialit-2 implant system

7) Onplant system

8) Enmasse distalization using miniscrew anchorage

9) Zygoma gear appliance



Regardless of approach, one should ponder several issues before considering any

of these appliances for use. Because, only when the right appliance is chosen, the

treatment results will meet patients satisfaction and also give good stability to the

end result.[16]


One must consider individual case at hand and the patient’s needs and

requirement. If mandibular dentition can be slightly mesialized, then Herbst or BDA

(Bimetric Distalization Arch) may be appliance of choice. If not pendulum and other

intra-arch appliances can be used. And if the treatment objective does not require

flaring of the incisors, then TPA (Trans Palatal Arch) or headgear would be the

treatment of choice.


It is challenging to perform distalization of maxillary molars without tipping and

extrusion that could cause relapse. Traditionally, headgear has shown successful

results in Class II treatment. While its effect is a combination of distal movement of


molars, inhibition of maxillary growth, and rotation of the palate, it is dependent on

patient cooperation and may cause psychological distress. Also, it is difficult to

achieve bodily tooth movement.

To avoid the negative aspects of headgear, several intraoral appliances such as

distal jet, Herbst, and pendulum springs have been developed to distalize molars;

however, they have some drawbacks. For instance, the distal jet has been known to

lead to mesial rotation of the molars during distalization, and the pendulum appliance

has resulted in distal tipping of molars, anchorage loss, and a tendency for reciprocal

effects. In general, the side effects of these appliances are anchorage loss at the

reactive part causing flaring of the incisors, distal tipping, and rotation of the distalized


To reduce these shortcomings, several studies have considered the application of

temporary anchorage devices (TADs). TADs have been applied to the buccal plate

of bone to achieve molar distalization. However, the buccal approach poses an

increased risk of contact with the roots of adjacent teeth, and the range of action

might be limited by the interradicular space in adolescents.

Adverse effects are a fact of life, especially in orthodontics. The questions, which

arise regarding side effects, are in an attempt at distalizing the molar teeth, what else

can happen? Did the incisors flare as a result of Treatment? Should the mandible

used as an anchor unit? Did anything occur in that arch?



A next question to be asked is how much arch length is needed. Distalization of

the maxillary molar will increase the arch length and provide the necessary space

for teeth alignment and decrowding the anterior segment. If the arch length

discrepancy is 2 to 3 mm or if a space of 2 to 3 mm is needed, then a TPA can be

used. Similarly, arch length discrepancy of 5 mm, all other appliances can be used.

And if a space of more than 5 mm is required, headgear and Herbst appliance can

be used.


Perhaps best time to initiate distalization is late mixed dentition and it may be too

late after eruption of second molar. There appears to be some synergistic effect as

dentition transits from primary to permanent. Because clinically erupting canines

and premolars often appear to follow molars as they moved distally. Thus,

appliances that require some anterior anchorage like pendulum may dilute these



This factor has probably driven modern day orthodontics more than any other

social issue. So appliances requiring least co-operation maybe chosen. Invariably

appliances that require least in co-operation come with side effects that have to be



There are two different approaches towards molar distalization. It is as follows:

a) Molar distalization started after completing the levelling and aligning phase of

fixed orthodontic treatment so that the patient will be on a rigid stainless-steel wire

which will be able to support the distalization appliance.

b) Molar distalization is started before or during the levelling and aligning phase

using appliance which does not depend on the support of wire or brackets of fixed

orthodontic appliance.

Incorporating molar distalization in the treatment plan will be left with the

clinician to choose one among these two. Depending on the age of the patient and

time constraints for the treatment, the clinician has to choose an approach for the


The treatment approach is divided into two phases[17]:

1) First phase/ Space gaining phase:

The main objective of phase one of the molar distalizing mechanism would be to

distalize the upper molars bodily so that it would be feasible for the patients to

occlude in super class-I occlusion. i.e. it has to be over corrected. Generalized

spacing can also be achieved through dento-alveolar widening and growth. This

will provide the adequate space to distalize the posterior segment. Another

important criteria is to correct the molar inclination, rotation and cross bites if


2) Second phase/ Consolidation phase:

In the second phase, the main objective would be to achieve Andrew’s six

keys to normal occlusion. At this point, it would be paramount to intrude

and retract the maxillary anterior segment with appropriate mechanics by

considering the posterior segment as anchorage unit. Concurrently, all other

malpositions are corrected and the adequate overjet and overbite must be

achieved. The detailing of the arch and also the occlusion must be done after

the closure of residual spaces.



1) Basic Biomechanics:

The basis of orthodontic treatment lies in the clinical application of

biomechanical concepts. Mechanics is the discipline that describes the effect of

forces on bodies; biomechanics refers to the science of mechanics in relation to

biologic systems. Orthodontic treatment applies forces to teeth; the forces are

generated by a variety of orthodontic appliances. The mechanical principles that

need to be defined include the following:

A force: A force is that which changes or tends to change the position of rest

of a body or its uniform motion in a straight line. The forces used in orthodontics

are created by elastic or spring traction.

Force resolution: Forces may be resolved into component vectors which, in a

single plane of space, are at right angles to each other. The extraoral force

application to molars is considered to be the resultant force which, in the

discussion, are resolved into its components in the various planes of space.

Horizontal and vertical components of an orthodontic force:

Any force applied to a tooth can be broken up into its vertical and horizontal

components using the occlusal plane as the horizontal reference of an orthogonal

coordinate system. The calculations of magnitude and direction of the

components can be carried out geometrically as in Fig 5 or by using trigonometric


Figure 5 horizontal and vertical components of a force F applied to a


Effects of concurrent forces on a body

Concurrent forces depicted as vectors can be added together to calculate the

resultant by using the parallelogram method or by addition of their components in a


reference system. For the latter method, the horizontal and vertical components of

each of the two forces can be added to calculate the resultant as follows: If F1 =

h1+v1 and F2 = h2+v2, then R = F1+F2 = (h1+h2) + (v1+v2).

The parallelogram method used to derive resultant forces entails drawing the two

concurrent forces (F1 and F2 in Fig. 6) to scale at appropriate angulations. The ends

of these lines are joined together with a parallelogram. The diagonal of this

parallelogram from the point of force application, when measured and converted

using the specified scale, gives the magnitude of the resultant (R). The direction of

the resultant relative to any plane (e.g., the occlusal plane) can be determined using

a protractor.

Figure 6 The resultant (R) for two concurrent

forces F1 and F2 acting on a tooth.

The diagram below shows how to derive the resultant of two forces acting on an

upper molar, one at the tube level for its distal movement and another from the outer

bow of a headgear. (7 A) (The need for applying headgear force along with a

distalizing force will be explained in a later chapter on extra-oral appliances.) Since

the arrows representing the two forces are not meeting at one point, they are shifted

backwards along their respective lines of action till they meet. (7 B and C) A

parallelogram is then constructed to find their resultant. (7 D and E). Note that based

on the same law, the resultant could be moved along its line of action till its point of

application is on the tooth, if need be.

Figure 7 method to derive the resultant of two forces

having two different points of application

Force needed: The principle of extra oral distalization is that the line of action must

pass through the center of resistance of the molar. In order to accomplish a successful

distalization treatment the amount of force applied and the time of use are very

important. 12 ounces or 300 g- 500 g per side is recommended. For intra oral

appliances having coil springs, a force of 75-100 g per side is recommended.

Center of resistance: The C Res is an imaginary point at which the whole object

may be considered to be condensed, for understanding and for predicting its

displacement from the application of force/forces. The centre of resistance for an

upper molar is situated at the furcation of its roots (BURSTONE). For our ease in

understanding/ we often consider the C. Res. of any structure like a tooth, in its two

dimensional view. However, we need to remind ourselves that teeth and jaws are

three dimensional objects. In an occlusal perspective, the C Res lies on the long axis

of the tooth. In the facial, lingual and proximal perspectives, as mentioned above,

the location of C Res for molar is near the furcation of roots (Fig.8). When teeth are

rigidly connected, the C Res of the entire connected segment must be taken into

account as shown in[19] Fig. 9.


Figure 8 C Res of a lower molar in different


Figure 9 C res of an unconnected molar,

of a segment in which a molar is
connected to incisors, and of the entire
connected quadrant

The position of Cres is not standardized and is not a fixed entity. It is subjected

to variation depending on root length and bone coverage and the condition of the

supporting structure.

Figure 10 normal versus teeth which are Figure 11 the different location of the
periodontally compromised with altered centre of resistance for periodontally
anteaes law (altered crown root clinical ratio) compromised teeth

In periodontally compromised teeth i.e. bone loss, the center of resistance is

displaced apically following the anatomical elements of the periodontium, thus

resulting in the expression of greater moments during force application and an

increase in the extrusion component of the applied force.

Line of action: The line of action of a force is usually represented by an arrow and

is the direction in which the force acts.

Distance of the line of action from the center of resistance:

When the line of actions passes through the center of resistance of a tooth, no tipping

will occur. Tipping, however, will occur if the line of action does not pass through

the center of resistance (C). The tipping takes place around a center of rotation

(R).[fig 12] The center of rotation varies and is dependent upon the relationship of

the line of action to the center of resistance of the toot.[17]

Figure 12 C Centre of
resistance, R center of rotation,
T line of action of force

Should the line of action (T) pass occlusally through the center of resistance, the

crown of the tooth will tip distally (and the root apex mesially). The farther the line

of action is from the center of resistance of a tooth, the greater is its tipping effect.

This principle is easily analyzed by applying the simple formula


M represent the moment producing the tipping; T represent the tension (extraoral


P represent the perpendicular distance from the center of resistance of the line of


If the line of action (T) passes through the center of resistance, P must be zero, in

which case no tipping moment will occur. In other words, the line of action and the

center of resistance of the tooth are in a straight line.(Fig 13A)

On the other hand, if the line of action is moved farther away (above or below) from

the center of resistance of tooth (Fig.18 B and C) P is increased. Since M = T x P,

the tipping moment is proportionately increased. Thus, the control of tipping force

to a molar tooth based on the above principle is readily applicable.

Figure13 C Center of resistance, T Tension (line of action of force) P

Perpendicular distance, M moment

Basic displacements and their combinations: The two basic displacements are

translation and pure rotation. In between them are combinations of the two in

varying proportions. All these are produced depending on how a force is applied in

relation to the Center of resistance. They are best understood in the following order:

translation, combination of translation and rotation, and rotation.

Translation: When a force acts through the C Res, it causes translation of the

body, In translation, all points on the body move an equal distance in the same

direction, along straight lines parallel to the line of force. Remember that

translation or bodily displacement could occur in any plane - horizontal, vertical or

oblique depending on the direction of the force.

Figure 14 Direction of force passing through the center of resistance

Part translation and part rotation: We will now briefly see the importance of

keeping in focus the C. Res. in different perspectives that was mentioned earlier. If

we fail to do this and consider the tooth movement in only one plane, undesired tooth

movements could occur in other planes. For example, applying a medial force on

the lingual aspect of a molar tooth from the lingual sheath, the force passes through

the C. Res in an occlusal perspective causing translation. But the same force would

change its inclination (i'e', translate and rotate it in a crown-lingual root buccal

fashion), because it is acting away from the C. Res' in the distal perspective[20] (Fig


Figure 15 the forces acting through the C Res in

the occlusal perspective becomes an eccentric
force in distal perspective and causes translation
plus rotation (lingual tipping)

Moments: Common sense will tell us that closer the force to the C Res, greater

will be the translational effect and lesser will be the rotational effect, and vice

versa. This gives us a method for calculating the rotational tendency or potential

for rotation, which is called the Moment. A moment is represented by a curved

arrow and the arrowhead denotes its clockwise or anti-clockwise sense.


Figure 16 Moments created varies depending on point of application of force

Moment from the application of a force couple - Pure rotation: Using the above

reasoning, let us see what happens when a force couple is applied on a body such

that the two forces F1 and F2 are equidistant from the C. Res. The translational

effects caused by the two forces will cancel out (dotted arrows in opposite

directions). But the moments MF1 and MF2, which are equal in magnitude, are

additive because they both have the same direction. Hence the total moment

generated will be equal to the force*2*the perpendicular distance of each force from

the C. Res. In other words, moment is the product of the single force multiplied by

the perpendicular distance between the two lines of forces (Fig 17). The moment

produced by the application of a couple causes pure rotation, meaning there is no

translation of the body at all.[20] The body rotates with the C. Res as it center.(Fig


Figure 17 moment of a couple = force * perpendicular

distance between the two lines of force Figure 18 in pure rotation, all points on the body move
along arcs of concentric circles

2) Biomechanics required for molar distalization:

The components explained above holds good to execute bodily movements in any

tooth. However, the following criteria is exclusive for translation of molar


Centre of resistance: To allow bodily movement of molars during its

distalization, the force applied must pass through the center of resistance.

Figure 19 force passing through

centre of resistance of maxillary molar

Line of force: The line of force must be parallel to the occlusal plane and must

also pass through the center of resistance of the molar in order to prevent untoward

movements like tipping, buccal flaring and rotation.

Figure 20 Force applied must be parallel to

occlusal plane

Application of power arm: As the force is applied below the center of resistance

(CR) of maxillary molars, they tend to tip mesially during the space closure and

uprighting of molars is often required during the finishing stage. Also it leads to

anchorage loss. Thus to overcome these problems, the force on molars should be

applied at their CR, which is at the trifurcation areas. Studies show the application

of power arm made up of rectangular stainless steel wire which is designed for

molar stabilization to be engaged in the miniscrew implant head slot and in the

auxillary molar tube for optimizing tooth movement. A removable power arm can

be attached to the headgear tube of molar tube during the retraction of anterior teeth.

Figure 21 Insertion of horizontal arm of the

power arm in the round tube (headgear tube)
from distal aspect

Force needed for molar distalization: For bodily movement the force system

applied at the crown must be equivalent to the force and moment of force at the

CR. Therefore force system having a force and a couple at the bracket is needed so

that a tooth can be moved bodily. The optimal force level for bodily movement

would be 70 to 120 gm.



It is challenging to perform distalization of maxillary molars without tipping and

extrusion that could cause relapse. Traditionally, headgear has shown successful

results in Class II treatment. While its effect is a combination of distal movement of

molars, inhibition of maxillary growth, and rotation of the palate, it is dependent on

patient cooperation and may cause psychological distress. Also, it is difficult to

achieve bodily tooth movement. To avoid the negative aspects of headgear, several

intraoral appliances such as distal jet, Herbst, and pendulum springs have been

developed to distalize molars; however, they have some drawbacks. For instance,

the distal jet has been known to lead to mesial rotation of the molars during

distalization, and the pendulum appliance has resulted in distal tipping of molars,

anchorage loss, and a tendency for reciprocal effects. In general, the side effects of

these appliances are anchorage loss at the reactive part causing flaring of the

incisors, distal tipping, and rotation of the distalized molars.[18]




1) Conventional anchorage designs:

Intra-oral appliances for non-compliance molar distalization are generally anchored

with an acrylic button or pad placed on the palatal mucosa in the palatine rugae

region that is usually attached to four deciduous molars or premolars using bonded

occlusal rests or preformed bands. This anchorage design during distal molar

movement using a modified Nance button has proven to be fundamentally

satisfactory. However, one must consider that, in isolation and when placed on the

resilient palatal mucosa, the anchoring capacity of the Nance anterior palatal button

may rely on hydrodynamic interaction only and may not provide a stationary

anchorage effect. Moreover, one must take individual differences such as those

regarding the palatal mucosa’s thickness, and the depth and width of the palatal vault

into account. While tongue pressure during swallowing may have an additional

vertically stabilizing effect, clinical studies have also shown that the Nance soft

tissue-supported holding arch’s anchoring efficacy should not be overestimated.[21]

Furthermore, there have been many reports of the mucosa being affected locally due

to disadvantageous oral hygiene conditions. Defective manufacture or exaggerated

activation of the active components can result in palatal impingement of the acrylic

button, and even pressure-induced ulcers are possible. Thus the anchorage system is

supported mainly by the periodontal anchoring ability of the teeth.


The resistance potential of these anchoring teeth is determined mainly by the size of

the surface available for anchorage, that is, the number of teeth to be used for that

purpose, root topography, level of attachment, and bone structure.

2) Limits of conventional design:

In children going through mixed dentition and in adults with a pathologic

periodontal situation or early tooth loss, the clinician’s ability to use the patient’s

own dentition for orthodontic anchorage is often limited. Research into intraoral

distalization appliances has shown that a clear anchorage loss occurs when only two

teeth are involved in the anchorage unit. The reactive segment should therefore be

formed if possible by four anchorage teeth interlocked with the acrylic button by

occlusal rests or preformed bands to become a “multiple-rooted anterior anchorage

tooth”, thus permitting equally-distributed periodontal loading. Both deciduous

molars and premolars are fundamentally suitable for establishing dental anchorage.

One must however be aware that the extent and quality of molar distalization

improves, and that there are fewer side effects in the anchorage teeth and incisor

region, when dental anchorage is achieved with premolars exclusively.[21]

Conversely, if only deciduous molars or a mix of pre- and deciduous molars are used

for anchorage, more emphatic side effects can be expected. Also, the anchoring

capacity of deciduous molars that have already been locally resorbed in the distal

root region are less able to provide stable anchorage.


Thus, whenever considering anchorage in deciduous molars, one should first check

to see if any of the teeth have already begun to loosen, so as to avoid having to

remove the appliance prematurely because anchoring capacity had initially been

overestimated. Certain dentition stages and certain local conditions in the maxilla

may be regarded as a relative contraindication for molar distalization with non-

compliance devices using conventional anchorage designs: In a histological survey

on human specimens, Rudzki Janson et al. investigated the effects of orthodontic

tooth movement on mixed dentition. At the start of treatment, they observed the

germ of an erupting upper canine in the maxilla in a crowded position with respect

to the first premolar. After a multiband appliance had been administered, they noted

an orthodontically-induced mesial movement of the first premolar during the

leveling phase via a continuous arch technique. Consequences that histological

analysis revealed were marked erosion of the alveolar and interradicular bone, as

well as root resorption in the first premolar region caused by resorptive activity of

the canine follicle. Dental crowding in the supporting zone can cause negative side

effects, for instance a lack of space between the first premolar and lateral incisor can

cause canine retention or ectopic and infra positioned canine eruption. Clinical

radiological studies report that adjacent teeth are at a higher risk for resorption when

upper canine ectopic eruption occurs. In case of critical topographic relationships

(i.e., tooth germ crowding and/or canine impaction, already erupted first premolars),

our findings as well as the results of a study by Kinzinger et al. should be considered

when deciding on therapy options: further uncontrolled reduction in space must be


In particular, once first premolars have erupted, exclusively dentally-anchored

distalizing appliances should not be used if the canine germs are crowded. As a

treatment alternative to premolar extraction at this dentition stage, one can consider

widening the supporting zones using extra-orally-anchored headgear. Should this

treatment appliance be rejected, the stationary anchorage of intra-orally distalizing

appliances to orthodontic anchorage implants deserves consideration.

3) Alternate anchorage designs:

One can achieve intra-oral stationary anchorage not involving the teeth by using an

endosseous implant in the hard palate region, or miniscrews combined with

anchorage plates. As already mentioned, the combination of palatal implants with

pendulum appliances in particular can be regarded as serious alternative anchorage

designs. Furthermore, as molars are distalized, the pull of the transseptal fibers cause

spontaneous distal drifting of the premolars and canines. During subsequent active

distal movement, stationary anchorage is possible with a transpalatal arch or via

construction of “active anchorage”. Auxiliary anchorage using miniscrews

combined with occlusally-anchored open coil spring systems also offers the

following important advantages: treatment is possible even with a reduced number

of teeth and limited dental anchorage capacity in the supporting zone. And also, the

drifting of at least the second premolars that occurs concurrent with the molar

distalization, and subsequent molar stabilization by deactivating the active


components are possible. So, in conclusion, alternative anchorage designs for intra-

oral appliances for non-compliance maxillary molar distalization are possible to treat

children, adolescents and adults. In this regard, one must differentiate between

auxiliary anchorage designs with implants of reduced diameter from absolute

anchorage designs with fixtures of reduced length. In addition, facilitating proper

hygiene, other key advantages are fewer or no side effects on the remaining

dentition, advantageous biomechanics, and a wider range of indications.[21] One

must keep in mind that these anchorage options cannot be considered standard care

options for reasons other than their expense. In certain cases, however, the use of a

combination of these innovative appliances has already become a worthwhile

treatment alternative. Their advantages for both patient and clinician are

unambiguous and trend-setting.




Head gear:

One of the earliest methods of molar distalization introduced and proved to be

effective was by the use of head gears. Even though the use of occipital anchorage

in treatment of malocclusion has been demonstrated in 1823 by Gunnel. The use of

extra oral forces for distalizing the upper molar was put forward and proved by

CASE in 1921. The extra oral force was used not only to retract the maxillary and

mandibular anteriors but also to distalize the molars.

Components of head gear

The principle components are:

1. Force Delivering Unit: Usually a J” hook or face bow that delivers force to

the intra oral location.

2. Force Generating Unit: This is the active unit. These are usually bands,

springs or elastics.

3. The Anchor Unit: The location depends on the direction of force (neck pad or

head cap).

The forces are delivered onto the dental arches by:

4. Face bow: Here the forces are delivered on the lst molar where the inner bow

engages the buccal tube.

5. The J-hooks: Engages the anterior part of the arch wire.

Face bows

Face bows are usually bilaterally symmetrical. They can also be asymmetrical

when unilateral forces are to be delivered.

The face bow consists of: The Inner bow: It is made of 0.045” or 0.052” hard

stainless steel wire. This wire engages on the tubes on the molar band, occlusal

to the tubes for the arch wire. (Preformed double or triple buccal tubes are

available for this purpose which are soldered or welded on the molar bands.) The

outer bow: The whisker bow - this acts as a media through which force is

transmitted to the inner bow.

Selection of headgear:

According to Profitt, the following factors have to be considered before

deciding the type of headgear:

There are three major decisions to be made in the selection of head gear.

First, headgear anchorage location must be chosen to provide a correct vertical

component of force to the skeletal and dental structures. A high pull head cap will

place a superior and distal force on the teeth and the maxilla. A cervical neck strap

will place an inferior and distal force on the teeth and skeletal structures. When the

head cap and neck strap are combined, the total direction can be varied by altering

the proportion of the total force provided by each component. If each delivers equal

forces, the resultant force is slightly upward and distal for both teeth and maxilla. The

choice of head gear configuration should be based on the facial pattern. The more

vertically excessive growth is present, the higher the direction of pull and vice versa.

The second decision is the attachment of the head gear to the dentition. The usual

arrangement is a face bow to tubes on the permanent first molars.

Finally, the decision is to be made to whether bodily or tipping movement of the

teeth or maxilla is desired. Since the centre of resistance for a molar is in the mid

root region, force vectors above this point should result in distal root movement.

Forces through the centre of resistance of the molar should cause bodily movement,

and vectors below this point should cause distal crown tipping. The length and

position of the outer headgear bow relative to the center of resistance along with the

form of anchorage (head gear, neck strap, or combination) determine the type of

molar movement. A cervical neck strap, a high short or low medium length outer bow

will produce distal crown tipping along with distal and extrusive molar movement.

The most commonly used headgear in molar distalization is cervical pull head gear.


The most widely used type is called the Kloehn type headgear, designed by Dr.Silas J.

Kloehn in l947. Typically it is indicated in growing patients with decreased vertical

dimension. The purpose of the facebow is to restrict the forward growth of the maxilla,

the vector of force is below the occlusal plane producing both extrusive and distalizing


Figure 22 Cervical pull head gear

Effects of cervical headgear:

● Extrusion of upper jaw

● Distal movement of maxilla

● Steepening of Occlusal plane.

● Expansion of the upper dental arch.



The direction of pull is advantageous in treatment of short face class II

maxillary Protrusive cases with low MPA and deep bites.


It normally causes extrusion of the upper molars. This movement is seldom

desirable except in patients with reduced lower anterior facial height.

It is contraindicated in patients with steep mandibular planes and in open bite


Andrew J. Hass in the year 2000 conducted a study of two groups of patients with

42 and 58 subjects respectively and presented substantive evidence that class II

skeletal and dental corrections done with Kloehn cervical head gear. It was

uncommonly stable and he concluded that the Kloehn cervical headgear to be the

most versatile and effective appliance developed to date in orthodontic and

orthopedic history.


The occipital headgear consists of a facebow which fits over the occipit of the

head. The force generated by a high pull (occipital) has both distalizing and intrusive

forces since the force is exerted above the occlusal plane. Here, the forces delivered

are parallel to the occlusal plane, eliminating the disadvantages of a cervical pull

extrusion. This means the force distalizes the molar without any or unwanted

extrusion. Such forces are used in conditions where vertical control of the molars is

important. As growth guiding appliance, a high pull headgear can decrease the

vertical development of the maxilla, thereby allowing for autorotation of the

mandible and maximizing the horizontal expression of mandibular growth.

Figure 23 Occipital or High pull headgear


These headgears can be used in patients with steep mandibular planes and in

cases where in mandibular growth is more vertical than horizontal



Combination headgear has both occipital and cervical traction springs. This

perhaps is the most versatile type because the pull can be readily controlled by

selecting the force level of the springs and by controlling the length of the outer bow,

According to Nanda, for distal translation of the upper posteriors, a distal traction is

needed that passes through the Cres, neither above nor below. The combination

type headgear will allow a distal force straight through Cres by having equal

occipital and cervical components on the outer bow, which is angled upwards to

allow the force to pass through the Cres.

Figure 24 Illustration of combination pull head gear

Based on occlusal plane requirements, to obtain a distal force and to flatten the

occlusal plane the outer bow should be adjusted above Cres.

To obtain a distal force and to steepen the occlusal plane the outer bow should be

adjusted below the Cres. To obtain a distal force with no moment the outer bow

should be adjusted at the Cres


Figure 25 Illustration of combination pull head gear


The main purpose of this headgear is to produce an intrusive direction of force to

maxillary teeth, with posteriorly directed forces. If the outer bow is hooked to the

headcap so that the line of force is perpendicular to the occlusal plane and through

the CR, pure intrusion may take place. Due to the multiple notches in the headcap,

this headgear is also very versatile, as the LFO orientation may be changed.

However, upon establishing the LFO, our principles of determining force systems

produced remains unchanged. In Figure, the head is divided into two components:

the anterior component from the LFO forward and the posterior component located

behind the LFO. If the outer bow is placed anywhere in the anterior compartment,

the moment created will be counterclockwise, and the forces produced will be

intrusive and posterior. If the outer bow is placed anywhere in the posterior section,

the moment will be clockwise and the vertical force will be intrusive, but the

horizontal force will be forward. If this latter force system is desired, it will require

inserting the inner bow into the buccal headgear tube from the distal.

Figure 26 Vertical Pull head gear



Power-arm face bow:

Outer bow is longer and/or wider - to receive greater distal force.

Disadvantage - Generates lateral forces which tend to move the favoured molar

into lingual cross bite and other molar into buccal crossbite.

Figure 27 Power arm face bow


Soldered – Offset Face Bow :

Outer bow is attached to inner bow by a fixed soldered joint placed on the side

favoured to receive the greater distal force.

Figure 28 Soldered offset facebow

Swivel-Offset face bow :

Outer bow is attached to inner bow through a swivel joint located in an offset

partition on the side favored to receive the greater force

Figure 29 Swivel offset facebow


Spring – Attachment face bow

An open coil spring is warped around one of the inner bow terminal and

conventional bilateral face bow.

Figure 30 Spring attachment facebow

Disadvantages of using extra – oral forces for distalization can be

summarized as:

1) Patient co-operation is essential for timely wear of the appliance.

2) The appliances are usually not worn continuously. Thus, they are intermittent in

their action resulting in prolonged treatment time.

3) The elastic cervical strap puts an unphysiological strain on the cervical spine and

on the neck muscles.

4) In some patients it causes irritation of the skin.




Comprises of small, spindle type expander that is soldered to bands on maxillary

first premolars. Distalizing spring are made from 0.032 TMA wire secured to palatal

side of spindle with a flattened recurved loop fitted into a braiced 0.036 lingual

sheath. Once appliance is cemented the lingual arms are bonded to second premolars

or second deciduous molars to enhance anchorage. It is Clean and rigid and should

be used in patients with stronger masticatory muscular pattern (Brachyfacial class II

div.2) and in whom some forward movement of anterior dentition is acceptable or

even desirable.

Figure 31 Hilgers mini distalization appliance


Figure 32 appliance after activation

Acrylic nance button anchor the appliance against palatal mucosa. Appliance is

anchored to maxillary dentition by placing bands on maxillary second premolars.

Premolar bands are connected to palatal acrylic by way of 0.036” wire that is

soldered to lingual aspect of bands. Bilateral tubes with an internal diameter of

0.036” are embedded in palatal acrylic. A stainless steel piston lies within the lumen

of the tube and extends posteriorly making a lateral bayonet bend and inserting into

lingual sheath of maxillary first molar. An coil spring and an activation collar are

placed over each tube.

Recommended using nickel titanium springs that generate 240 gm in adults and

180 gm in children. Can also be modified by incorporating helical loops in bayonet

bend just anterior to lingual sheath. Adjustment of these loops can produce distal

molar rotation or upright mesially tipped maxillary molars. If expansion of molars is

desired, appliance should be constructed parallel to the line of occlusion. If molars


expansion is not necessary, appliance should be constructed with distalizing

mechanisms 5o inward to line of occlusion. Activation once in 6 weeks on average,

seven month of molar distalization with four activation is required.


Given by Cetlin and Tenhoe.

Appliance involves combination of extra oral force in the form of head gear and

an intraoral force in the form of a removable appliance. Cetlin appliance tips the

crowns distally and the extra oral force uprights the roots.

Figure 33 Modified cetlin appliance


Active part contains 0.028” stainless steel distalizing spring. Retention part

comprises of anterior 0.017” X 0.025” arch covered by a labial screen and 2 Adams

clasps on 1st premolars/1st deciduous molars. Anterior Bite plane causes


disocclusion which aids in distal movement of upper molars and in leveling the curve

of spee by lip bumper.


Worn 24 hr / day except during meals. Always used with extra oral force. An

activation of 1 to 1.5 mm/side gives approximately 30 g of distal force either

bilaterally or adjusted on alternative sides.


Developed by Dr.Margolis(JCO/1969). Removable appliance used with headgear.

Used for Distal mass movement of buccal segments.


Appliance consists of a modified Adams clasps on the first premolars Finger spring

against the mesial aspects of the first molars. 1 mm bite plate to dis occlude posterior

occlusion for the distal movement of molars. Labial bow in which helices are

included between lateral and central incisors. A Straight pull or Northwest

Headgear was inserted into the helices and was worn at night in conjunction with

the appliance.

Activation: one half cusp width, not more than 100-125gms of force.

Used 24 hrs/day.

Rate of movement: Approximately 1 mm / month.


Ideal case: Cooperative patients in mixed dentition stage in which maxillary

second molars have not yet erupted.

Molars over corrected by approximately 2 mm for following reasons.

a) Anchor loss occurs during retraction of anteriors over correction serves to

compensate for this anchorage loss.

b) Distal tipping movement produces more of root movement,

c) Forward movement of tooth due to Anchor loss will up right molars to Class- I

relation (as more of crown mesial movement occurs.)

Figure 34 The ACCO appliance intra oral view

Figure 35 The ACCO appliance entra oral view



Advocated by William L. Wilson & Robert C.Wilson. The Wilson treatment

achieves molar distalization without extra oral forces.



Newton’s' 3rd law of motion states that 'for every force, there is an equal and

opposite force', (i.e.) for every moment, there is a counter moment. Implicit in

Newton’s' law is the concept that control of counter moments increases the

efficiency of the moment of force. Modular orthodontic units have been designed to

control counter moments, eliminate 'round trips', and reduce headgear use.


Wilson advocates maxillary biometric distalizing arches (BDA) and a mandibular

three dimensional lingual arch. The bimetric arch produces a coil spring action

against the molars and producing an anterior counter moment against the incisors,

which is controlled by the wearing of class II elastics. These, in turn, react with a

lower molar mesial force vector which is controlled by the 3D lingual arch with a

design for anchorage resistance. This is supplemented by molar buccal root torque

and cortical resistance to satisfy increased anchorage needs.

Figure 36 Activation

The vertical component of elastic force is controlled by using the elastic load

reduction principle, in which the elastic force is reduced to physiologically

acceptable levels. Mandibular anchorage and elastic load reduction control the

reactive counter moments and produce a relatively friction free, rapid distalizing of

molars; without headgear and with preservation of mandibular arch integrity. Arch

is bimetric in that the anterior segment is made from 0.022” SS Elastic hooks are

attached to the posterior segment in the region of the upper canines. Omega shaped

stop is located in the premolar region. 0.010” x 0.045” open round coil spring is

placed between the distal leg of the omega stop and the face bow tube. The

distalizing force on the molars is produced by the compression of the push coil spring

anchored by the pull of Class-II elastics. Wilson and Wilson advocated sequential

use of elastics with decreasing force values i.e. 5/16” 6-OZ in first week, similar

size 4-OZ in second and similar size 2-OZ in third and subsequent weeks of

treatment. Appliance is activated by placing loop forming plier into Omega loop,

forcing posterior leg distally. Elastic sequence begins again when reactivated.

Figure 37 Wilsons rapid molar distalizer


Wilson's Schedule for Maximum Mandibular Anchorage

1) 6 ounce elastics for 5 days.

2) 4 ounce elastics for 5 days and

3) 2 ounce elastics for 11 days.

For minimal mandibular anchorage:

1) 6 ounce for 10 days

2) 3 ounce for 11 days.


Archwire design:

An .016”premium wire is used. Premolars are bonded if expansion is required.

Teardrop shaped loop is fabricated between premolar and molar with Bite opening

bend & Mild toe-in is given. 2mm of activation is done by opening the loop.

Elastic load reduction principle:

Class II elastics are used sequentially. Initial heavy force- to resist forward

pushing force of new wire- force transferred distally Later Molar uprights-mesially

directed archwire force decreases- hence support with light forces.


Figure 38 measurement of the loop

Figure 39 Bimetric arch before activation

Figure 40 Bimetric arch after activation


TPA has several functions including –

a. molar stabilization

b. anchorage

c. molar distalization as well as other molar movement.

d. correction of molar rotation,


Cetlin (1992) has stated that distalization of one upper 1st molar can be achieved by

unilaterally activating only one arm of TPA and the other arm is rotated into position

producing a distalizing force.

Maxillary molars can be distalized unilaterally by using a standard transpalatal arch

in conjugation with extra oral traction according to Cetlin method. Asymmetric

distalization using a TMA TRANSPALATAL ARCH was introduced by

MALDURINO and BA1DUCCI in the year 2001.

Figure 41 Trans palatal arch appliance


The TPA is constructed using a 0.032 inch TMA bars (TMA is more resilient than

stainless steel). The direction of insertion of the TPA into the occlusal molar tubes

is different. The arch is inserted from distal into anchor molar and mesiallv into the

molar which has to he distalized.



When activated, the arch applies a mesio-buccal rotation to the anchor molar and

distally directed force on the opposite molar. The central omega loop is not needed

as TMA is not used for palatal expansion. TMA is activated monthly by bending the

end inserted from the distal by about 30º. TMA produces distally directed forces

anchor end bend at 30º.


TMA may fracture in the oral cavity as it is more fragile. Since it causes mesio-buccal

rotation of the anchor molar, it should be combined with fixed orthodontic wire

between canine and second molar of the anchor side. This system can distalize only

one molar at a time. An extra oral force is worn at night to reinforce anchorage.


TMA has better shape memory and resilience than stainless steel. The arch is simple

to construct. System is hygienic and economic. No anterior anchorage loss.


One possible disadvantage of this method is that only one molar can be distalized at

a time.


This was developed by KorrodiRitto in the year 1995. The Removable Molar

Distalization Splint can achieve better patient cooperation than some other

removable devices.


Clear splint is made from 1.5mm Biocryl in a Biostar machine. If both upper first

molar are to be moved distally at the same time, the splint extends from the area of

upper first or second premolar to the area of upper left premolar. If only one molar

is distalized, the splint extends to the terminal molar on the other side. Two internal

clasps are used for retention and a Ni- Ti coil spring produces 220gm of distal force.

The coils are reactivated. The splint creates a separation of 1 -2mm between the

maxillary and mandibular molars at the beginning of the treatment eliminating

lateral occlusal Forces and thereby helping distalization. After molar distalization,

the splint can be used to maintain molar position while anterior teeth are extracted.

Because this appliance is smaller compared to the other plates, it is more comfortable

and esthetic to the patient.

Figure 42 Removable molar distalization splint with coil



It is smaller than conventional removable plates.


Better co operation of the patient. Molar distalization with this appliance is

possible even in cases of deep over bite.


There is more amount of molar tipping than bodily molar distalization. (So it is

ideally used only in. cases where the molars are mesially tipped prior to treatment).


Lip bumper (LB) therapy may represent a management alternative for the resolution

of future space deficiency in the mandibular dental arch reducing the necessity for

tooth extractions. The primary objective of LB therapy is to reduce anterior dental

crowding by increasing the length and width of the mandibular dental arch. These

alterations can be attributed to the removal of lip pressure on the anterior teeth and

the concomitant distal forces exerted on the permanent first molars (M1). Hence, the

therapeutic effect of the LB will occur by the labial displacement of the incisors and

the distal inclination of the M1.


Figure 43 Lip bumper for distalization


A few studies suggest that the LB can maintain the position of the M1 or distalize

it, preserving or increasing the leeway space.

The wearing of LB increases the mandibular arch length by the distal movement of

the molars and the labial movement of the incisors increasing the arch perimeter,

thereby reducing crowding.

Another potential action of the LB is the prevention of the mesial migration of the

mandibular molars during the late mixed dentition phase.


If the LB distalizes the M1 crown while assisting in crowding resolution, it also

reduces the available distal space, altering the physiological eruption of the

permanent second molars (M2) and the available space for them. This may leave

many orthodontists reluctant to use this therapeutic approach.


With reduced body movement of the incisors, some issues such as the stability by

excessive buccal inclination movement and the likely compromised periodontal

response remain difficult concerns to account for.

One of the studies reported a greater chance of impacting the permanent M2 after

wearing the LB. Negative predictive factors include pretreatment M2 inclination and

LB treatment longer than 2 years. However, the risk of M2 eruption disturbances

seems to be more related to their previous position than the amount of distal

movement of M1. Thus, it is important to consider the M2 position and the available

space in the posterior molar region during the decision process. Otherwise,

improvements in the anterior dental arch spaces come at the cost of lack of space in

the posterior region.


Uses two opposing magnets for each maxillary quadrant. mesial magnet of each

pair is mounted so that it can move freely along a sectional wire. A sliding yoke,

with ligation hooks mesial to the mesial magnet brings the repelling magnets

together to activate the magnetic force


Figure 44 Molar distalization system with sliding yoke

Primary molar or premolar in good condition is selected as the anchor tooth in each

quadrant This tooth is banded and a nance holding arch is placed to reinforce

anchorage Head gear tube is then soldered to band on the 1st molar. The distal end

of the MDS terminates in a three-pronged fork, with the middle prong for insertion

into the head gear tube.

Figure 45 Molar distalization system after it has created space

Magnets are in contact with each other and it produces a force of 220g. Constant

magnetic force results in rapid distal movement of the 1st molars, and a tooth

movement of 2 mm achieved with this system in a 3-week period This movement


separates the magnets, which must be reactivated by being placed back in contact

every 2 weeks. Molars moves almost bodily with slight distal tipping and rotation.

Because of the size of the magnets, patients generally complains of some discomfort

of the buccal mucosa.


Developed by Anthony A. Gianelly.


Nance appliance extends anteriorly to the incisor segment by means of an 0.045-

inch wire soldered to the lingual aspect of the premolars. The acrylic component is

placed against both the palatal vault and the incisors. Bilateral distal extensions

(0.045-inch wire) with loops at the end are soldered to the labial aspect of the

premolar bands so that the loops approximate the molar tubes. Anchoring the

modified Nance appliance to the first premolar encourages the distal drift of the

second premolars that normally occurs as first molars are moved posteriorly.

Figure 46 appliance with repelling magnets


Magnets tend to be expensive and bulky.

Magnetic force dissipates rapidly with increasing intermagnet distance. Requires

frequent recall reactivation appointment. Because of these drawbacks, Darendeliler

has concluded that magnets offer no advantage over conventional systems in molar



Jones Jig was developed by Richard D.Jones and J. Micheal Whitein the year

1992. Jones Jig uses an open coil spring NiTi to deliver 70-75gms of force over a

compression range of 1 -5mm to the Molars.

Figure 47 appliance uses an open coil spring


Figure 48 appliance after it has distalized the molars


A modified Nance appliance is used with the Jones Jig for ease of attachment to

first premolar, second premolar, or deciduous second molar. A 0.036” SS wire is bent

to the palate on the cast extending it as far as the canines and it is soldered to the anchor

bands. Acrylic button is fabricated about half inch in diameter. The Nance appliance

is cemented and the Jones Jig is laid in place on both sides. Reactivation is done

after every 4 -5 week’s intervals.


The extent of forward movement of the anterior teeth while using the Jones Jig is

very minimal. Movement achieved is dental rather than skeletal.The Jones Jig along

with the open coil spring can be used without the need of a full banded upper arch.

The coils of Jig can be changed with minimal time and the use of arch wires and class

II elastics can be avoided.



The one possible drawback of this appliance to certain clinicians is that the Nance

button may cause palatal irritation.

The Jones Jig produces distal movement of the upper molar to a class I relationship.

It is predictable. rapid and painless method of correcting class II relationship without

the need of patient cooperation. Seda Hayder and OktayU’ner in the year 2000

conducted a study on 20 patients with Jones jig followed by fixed appliance therapy.

They concluded that rapid distalization of upper first molars with Jones jig appliance

followed by the use of extra oral appliance for anchorage control during distalization

of premolars to be more efficient.


Figure 49 the lokar appliance


The Lokar appliance was developed by Dr. Lokar in the year 1994.


1. Compression spring

2. Sliding sleeve

3. Groove

4. Flat guiding bar

5. Round posterior guiding bar

6. Immovable posterior sleeve


It consists of 2 basic components:

1. Mesial sliding component.

2. Component which inserts into the arch wire tube of the molar.

The distalizer is inserted into the arch wire tube of the first molar and the

application is adapted such that it is parallel to the plane of occlusion and as close to

the teeth as possible for comfort.

A 0.012” stainless steel ligature wire is hand twisted around the premolar bracket

before the Lokar appliance is fixed to the molar tube. This ligature wire is engaged

around the mesial sliding component of the distalizer and tightened to activate the


The force is developed by NiTi-Coil springs which get compressed during

activation. The anchorage is by a Nance appliance, soldered to the premolars.


A0.012” stainless steel ligature wire is hand twisted twice around the premolar

bracket such that the free ends of the ligature face distally. One of the free ends is

then passed over the mesial sliding component of the mainframe and tightened to

activate the appliance. The force is delivered by the NiTi coil spring which gets

compressed during activation. The best activation is achieved by compressing the

spring by 2-3mm. Reactivation is done at 5 to 6 weeks interval.


Described by Gianelly in 1992. A 100gm (Neosentalloy) super elastic NiTi Wire

with shape memory regular arch from is used. On this arch wire 3 points are marked

-Distal wing of first premolar bracket.5-7mm distal to the anterior opening of the

molar tube. Between the lateral incisors and canines Stops are crimped and hook

added at these points. Then Insert wire such that posterior stop abuts mesial end of

molar tube, anterior stop abuts distal of premolar


Figure 50 Neo Sentalloy 100g archwire. A. Stops crimped immediately distal to second premolar
bracket and 5- 7mm distal to anterior opening of molar tube. Hook added between lateral incisor and
canine. B. Wire inserted into molar tube and first premolar bracket, with excess deflected
gingivallyinto buccal fold. Distal molar movement as wire returns to original shape.


Since the wire is 5-7 mm longer than the available space, the excess will be deflected

gingivally into the buccal fold. Molars distalize as the wire returns to its original

shape, exerting a distal force of 100gms against the molars and a reactionary mesial

force on the first premolars, canines and incisors. There is also a tendency for the

premolars to move buccally.


First molar crowns are moved distally at the rate of approximately 1 mm/month,

although there is marked individual variation.As an example, Bondemark and Kuro

moved both first and second molar crowns distally 4mm in 16 weeks with repelling

samarium cobalt magnets. The magnet system, which is also a non-cooperation

based appliance, generally moves molar crowns distally at a slightly slower rate than

superelastic NiTi coils. As the molars moved, the axial inclinations of the teeth

changed as the crowns moved distally more than the roots. When these same

investigators moved the molars distally in a more bodily fashion by moving the

molars along a rigid wire-tube assembly, the rate of movement was only 0.5

mm/month. This suggests that one factor that influences the rate of distal molar

movement is the type of movement. Faster movement occurs when the molar is

tipped distally. In a small group of patients, the use of magnets often moved the

crowns of the molars distally more than 1 mm/month when the second molars were

not erupted; this suggests that movement occurs more readily when only one

tooth/side is moved.


Molars should be moved distally until they are overcorrected by approximately 2

mm. The overcorrection is necessary for two main reasons: Anchorage loss will

invariably occur during the retraction of the premolars, canines, and incisors and the

overcorrection serves to compensate for this anchorage loss. In a sense, the

overcorrection is “prepared anchorage.” Anchorage loss can be minimized if the

premolars and canines are allowed to drift distally ) Molars that are moved distally

by these procedures tip and the crown moves more posteriorly than the root. After

overcorrection, the subsequent forward movement of the molars to the Class I

position aids in uprighting the molars because the crowns move mesially more than

the roots as the molars move anteriorly.



Molars that have been moved distally have a marked tendency to return mesially,

particularly if the second molars are present. This labile tendency has been

documented by Andreasen and Naessig who noted that 90% of the molar distal

movement produced by headgears was lost in 1 week when the headgear was

removed and no effort was made to preserve the positions of the molars. To maintain

molar position, a headgear (preferably hi-pull for root uprighting) is recommended

and a stopped 0.016 × 0.022 inch arch wire is inserted. When the molars are not

severely inclined distally, a 10° to 15° active tip back is used in addition to the stop

because the tip back impedes mesial movement of the crowns. If the molars are

severely inclined distally, the tip back is made passive to avoid excessive distal

inclination. In addition, the molars are not used as anchorage for Class I forces for

at least 4 to 5 months after they have been moved distally because anchorage loss

can readily occur even with the use of headgear. This reflects the unstable nature of

the molars immediately after they have been moved distally. In effect, we

recommend a 4 to 5 month pause in retraction mechanics. This is not an

inconvenience because the premolars and canines drift distally during this time

period1. For this reason, treatment proceeds advantageously while molar position is

stabilized because the premolars drift close to or into the Class I position and the

canines drift at least 2 to 3 mm distally.



This was developed by James Hilger in the year l992. The pendulum appliance

is a hybrid appliance that uses a large Nance acrylic button in the palate for

anchorage, along 0.032” TMA spring that deliver continuous force to the inner first

molar without affecting the palatal button. Thus the appliance produces a broad

swinging or pendulum of force from the midline of palate to the upper molars.

Figure 51 the pendulum appliance

Diagnostic Criteria

Since the Pendulum Appliance drives the upper molars distally (with slight

lingual tipping) quite rapidly, there is a tendency for the anterior bite to open. This

open bite generally corrects itself in brachyfacial patients, but it can be a problem in

dolichofacial types, especially those with tongue-thrust habits. Author recommends

treating vertical growth patterns conservatively with extractions, directional

headgears, and transpalatal bars. The bite- opening tendency can be encouraged in

brachyfacial patients by bonding the Nance portion of the appliance to the occlusal

surfaces of the bicuspids or deciduous molars, thus freeing the occlusion somewhat.

Distal movement of the molars appears to be most efficient before the upper second

molars have erupted, which places some emphasis on treatment timing. However, as

seen in several of the cases, the molars will still move even after the second molars

have fully erupted. When a great deal of distal movement is needed and it is

preferable not to extract the upper first bicuspids, it may be beneficial to remove the

upper second molars and let the third molars drift into place. This creates room in

the cortical trough and eliminates the buttressing effect of the upper second and

third molars against the first molars The Pendulum Appliance can be used to

regain space lost through mesial drifting of the upper first molars, because of

either early loss of the second deciduous molars or impaction of the first molars

under the distal crown contour of the deciduous molars. Rapid distalization of the

upper first molars and stabilization with an Insta-Nance provide space for the

erupting second bicuspids


The right and left pendulum springs formed from 0.032” TMA wire, consists of

a recurved molar insertion wire, a small horizontal adjustment loop, a closed helix

and a loop for retention in the acrylic button. Springs are extended as close to the

centre of the palatal button as possible to maximize their range of motion, to allow

for easier insertion into the lingual sheaths and to reduce forces to an acceptable

range. Springs are mounted as close as possible to the distal aspect of Nance button

which permits access to acrylic for polishing. Lingual sheath shouldbe 0.036” so that

0.032” wire fits loosely. Anterior part of appliance can he retained in many ways.

Initially it was by putting occlusally bonded rests on the deciduous molar or

premolar. This was not stable; tile most stable method was banding first premolar

and then soldering a retaining wire and then use this teeth as major anterior

anchorage source. Nance button should be made as large as possible to prevent any

tissue impingement. It should extend about 5m from teeth to allow adequate hygiene.

Jack Screw is incorporated into the Nance button if expansion is required. Screw is

activated about one- quarter turn every three days. This appliance is called pend-X.

Figure 52 A small horizontal adjustment loop, a closed helix and a loop for retention in the acrylic


Most efficient way to pre activate them is before appliance placement. For

significant distal molar movement, the spring is bent parallel to the midline of palate

or perpendicular to the body of the appliance. One third of activation is lost. Only

60º activation is obtained. Molar bands are cemented without springs engaged and

anterior portion of appliance is then cemented in place. Once appliance is placed the

pendulum spring is brought forward with finger pressure the mesial end of the

required loop is held with a weingart pliers and spring is seated in lingual sheath.

The horizontal adjustment loop allow for some lingual compression of spring

during placement. As the molar is driven distally, it moves on an arch towards the

midline of the appliance towards cross bite. This tendency can be counter acted by

opening the adjustment loop slightly to increase the expansion and molar retention.

Figure 53 Springs bent parallel to midline of the palate.

Figure 54 Pendulum springs brought forward and engaged in

lingual sheath


Patient should be recalled every 3 weeks. Activation of spring is done by holding

the helix with plier and pushing the spring distally toward midline and then


Figure 55 After movement of molars distally, they must be stabilized in their

new positions to prevent their drifting back mesially

Once the molars have been moved distally, they must be stabilized in their new

positions or they will rapidly drift back mesially. It is also important to move the

buccal segments into a Class I relationship to harness the full advantages of the

appliance. The upper molar bands need not be removed with the rest of the appliance;

this can be helpful if the clinician wishes to place a transpalatal bar or Nance

appliance immediately after removal of the Pendulum.


Use of 0.032 TMA springs delivers continuous force to the upper first molar without

affecting the palatal button. Activation can he done before appliance placement.


Pure bodily movement of the molar is not seen, and hence a tendency towards

cross bite occurs.



In 1999, Schuzzo, Pisani and Takernoto, introduced a modification to this appliance

called the M-PENDULUM appliance. This modification ensured a bodily movement

of molar crowns and roots.


Horizontal loop is inverted mesially. This allows bodily movement of both roots

and crown of the Molars. Once distal movement has occurred, the loop is opened

and activated which produces a buccal and distal uprighting of root.The inverted loop

should not be activated until spring has deactivated following each phase of

distalization. A passive fit of the distal end of spring with no distal force applied to

the molar Crowns will allow backward tipping of Molar roots. The terminal ends of

M-PENDULUM springs are straight and not looped.

If the horizontal Pendulum loop is inverted, it will allow bodily movement of both

the roots and crowns of the maxillary molars.


Figure 56 The M pendulum appliance

Once distal molar movement has occurred, the loop can be activated simply by

opening it. The activation produces buccal and/or distal uprighting of the molar roots

and thus a true bodily movement, rather than a simple tipping or rotation

Figure 57 A. Original pendulum appliance loop and M pendulum inverted loop. B. Schematic diagrams of
modified loop action in distalization of maxillary molar.

Before intra-oral placement of the appliance, the Pendulum springs are activated

to about 40-45° with a Weingart plier, resulting in about 125g of force on each side.

This activation is repeated until the desired distalization of the molars is obtained.

The inverted loop should not be adjusted until the spring has deactivated following

each phase of distalization.


In fact, only a passive fit of the distal ends of the Pendulum springsin the lingual

sheaths, with no distal force applied to the molar crowns, will allow backward

tipping of the molar roots. The terminal ends of the M-Pendulum springs are straight,

rather than looped as in the original appliance.


Pisani and Takemoto along with vecchia in the year 2OOO introduced this particular

modification to the appliance.


7mm - 9mm length of 0,032 TMA wire is doubled over to form bayonets. Each

bayonet is attached to an M-PENDULUM arm either by using Laser welder or by

wrapping 0.010” ligature around arm and soldering the unit. Each bayonet is

embedded in the soft acrylic that will be used to form Nance button producing

sheaths to insert the removable arm. The arms are activated in the working cast as

desired. The appliance is placed in the month and terminal ends of arms are inserted

into lingual molar hand sheath.Removable arms can be reactivated with debonding

the occlusal rest of Nance button.


This modification produces a distal molar movement at a continuous rate of

1.5mm/month for as long as necessary as compared to the conventional pendulum or

M-Pendulum which produce 3mm distalization in 3 — 4 months.




This latest modification was introduced by PABLO ECHARRI and SCHUZZO

in the year 2003.


This design consists of four removable arms for both first and second molars. The

internal diameter of 4 stainless steel tubes embedded in the acrylic corresponds to that

of removable TMA arms. The second molars are distalized after which arms are left

passively in place for anchorage and first molar arms are activated for distalization.

Pendulum is replaced with a Nance button after first molar distalization. A 0.016 SS

passive arch wire is placed to avoid any incisor protrusion. E-Chain is used to

distalize second and first bicuspids. If anterior anchorage is critical, palatal acrylic

should be kept out of contact with the incisors. Second bicuspid arm should not be

cut for spontaneous distalization to prevent incisor protrusion.


Greater anchorage control — Very minimal incisor protrusion. Simultaneous

distalization of first and second Molars.


This appliance uses occlusally bonded hyrax expander without any palatal acrylic.

Locking wires soldered to molar bands allow appliance to act as an expander prior

to distalization. It uses 0.027” TMA springs laser welded to screw body. It is fixed

to the dentition by first premolar bands or by bondable occlusal rests. Expansion of

the arch is performed before distalization while the upper arch is stabilized by means

of full bracketing and sectional wires. After expansion, locking wires are cut off

allowing the molars to move distally

Figure 58 Hilgers distalizing appliance


This appliance was developed by Grummons.

It is similar to PhD appliance.

However there are always occlusal rests on first premolar. The design of spring

includes horizontal adjustment loop and there are no locking wires. The appliance

can act in all planes of space by widening, distalization, controlling vertical



Maxillary arch constriction and mesiopalatal rotation of the upper first molars are

two components of most Class II malocclusions that must be corrected either before

or during sagittal correction. The Haas rapid palatal expander can open the

midpalatal suture in growing children, but does not rotate or distalize the molars. On

the other hand, the Hilgers Pendulum Appliance relies on slower, more alveolar

expansion, which may allow more dental tipping. It is a fixed rapid palatal expander

that incorporates the rotation and distalization components of the Pendulum

Appliance. It can be used in the mixed or permanent dentition as an adjunct to the

treatment of mild Class II malocclusions.


The metal framework of the appliance consists of an 11mm expansion screw,

occlusal rests, and two .032" TMA Pendulum springs. The screw and springs are

embedded in acrylic, since TMA wire cannot be soldered to stainless steel. The

springs are doubled back for insertion into .036" tubes that are spot-welded to the

maxillary first molar bands. The laboratory should preactivate the springs 8-10mm

distally, but keep them 5-6mm away from the palatal tissue.

Figure 59 the T rex appliance before and after insertion into the
lingual sheath

The expansion screw is soldered mesial to the molar tubes to make the appliance

rigid enough for rapid palatal expansion, while neutralizing the effect of the

Pendulum springs during the initial expansion phase.

The acrylic includes a broad Nance button for anterior anchorage during molar

distalization. This button should extend anteriorly to the first palatal rugae, but

should allow enough space posteriorly for intra-oral activation of the Pendulum

springs if needed.

Occlusal rests are critical for anchorage and for proper seating of the appliance.

In the mixed dentition, they should be bonded to all primary molars to allow continued

use of the appliance if a primary first molar exfoliates during treatment. In the

permanent dentition, the first bicuspids should be banded if possible, and occlusal

rests should be placed in the central grooves of the upper second bicuspids.


The maxillary first molars are banded with fluoride-releasing cement, and the

occlusal rests are bonded to the appropriate teeth with any suitable composite

adhesive. The screw is activated twice a day until the desired expansion is

achieved—usually in about two weeks. The appliance should be left in place for at

least a month after the initial sutural opening before the Pendulum springs are


The springs are activated by cutting the mesial solder joints on the maxillary first

molars with a No. 557 bur. Additional intra-oral activation is possible by using a

Weingartplier to slide the TMA springs in and out of the .036" tubes


The appliance consists of compact Rapid Palatal expander RPE soldered to 1st

PM bands and 0.032” springs for distalization. To add rigidity to appliance while

allowing for expansion stainless steel ligature can be used to tie spring to screw

legs. After expansion- ligature wire released to allow for distalization. In addition,

bond on palatal side removed to allow for these teeth to drift distally along with the

maxillary first molar.


Figure 60 Tracey/Hilger MDA Expander


It differs from the Pend -X appliance is that it is fitted with distal screw and integrated

uprighting activation. Distal screw divides the Nance button in 2 parts. Anterior part

provides anchorage and the posterior part includes pendulum springs. The activation

of distal screw can vary, depending on the requirements of each individual case.

When screw is activated, the sagittal center of rotation is repositioned and further

molar distalization occurs due to the repositioning of the arc and the resulting

automatic activation of spring. In this way, the pendulum- like cross-bite is

minimized, while there is no need to activate the adjustment loop which can result in

extrusion forces.

Figure 61 Pendulum K appliance, including distal screw and built-in up righting activation and toe-in bend at

pendulum springs for bilateral molar distalization in children and adolescents. A and B, typical design of

pendulum K. C. Treatment example (intra oral view after molar distalization)

Figure 62 Appliance uses palatal anchorage


Both appliances were introduced by Kinzinger et al. It consists of Nance button and

2/4 pendulum springs which allow for distalization of first and second molars. When

starting with the distalization of second molars, the first molars should be excluded

from the anchorage block, if possible, to allow them drift distally. After the second

molars are sufficiently distalized, their corresponding springs are deactivated to

increase the anchorage, for the distalization of the first molars that follows


The pendulum appliance was modified by Byloff et al in 2000 to utilize an

implant for better anchorage control. To avoid mesial movement of anchor teeth,

extraoral anchorage such as headgears and intraoral Nance holding arches are

commonly used. Advances with implants have made it possible to use them as a

means of anchorage in adult orthodontic patients. Butwith orthodontic patients,

when only the question ofanchorage must be addressed, the retro molar area or the

palate as implant locations are preferred because they do not interfere with

orthodontic tooth movement. Site for Orthodontic Implants: The histomorphology

of the palatal bone shows that the median palatal region is the best location for an

endosseous implant.

Figure 63 Anchorage plate of the GISP, a surgical plate with 4 screw holes and 2 oval shaped cylinders.


Implants are loaded after a period of approximately 12 to 24 weeks to allow

healing and Osseo integration, which seems to be a general rule in the use of

implants. Byloff described a newly designed palatal anchoring system, the Graz

implant-supported pendulum (GISP) .This system can be loaded within 2 weeks to

distalize and anchor maxillary first and second molars. The anchorage part of the

GISP consists of a simple surgical plate (15 X 10 mm) with 4 screw holes. Two

cylinders (10 mm long and 3.5 mm in diameter is soldered at right angles to the

center of the plate. The plate is fixed to the palatal bone via four 5-mm- long titanium

mini screws. The 2 cylinders perforate the palatal mucosa to enter the oral cavity.

The entire anchorage device is made of 100% Titanium. Implant is placed under

GA. Maxillary impression is taken after 2 weeks of healing. Removable PA is

fabricated. TMA springs are activated extra orally to generate 250g of force.

Because molars tend to tip back when distalized with a PA, an uprighting bend

(Byloff AO 1997) was introduced into the recurved end of the spring when

necessary. After the 8 months of molar distalization, the first and second premolars

have drifted distally, presumably under the influence of the elastic fibers that area.

The molars were almost in a full Class II relationship at the beginning of treatment.


K loop distalizer was introduced by KALRA in the year 1998.


The appliance consists of a K loopto provide the forces and moments and a Nance

button to resist anchorage. The K loop is made up of 0.017 X 0.025 ‘TMA which

can he activated twice as much as stainless steel before it undergoes permanent

deformation.Force produced by the TMA will also be half.

Figure 64 K loop appliance design


The loop of the K should be bent 8 mm in length and 1.5 mm wide. The legs of the

loop are bent down 20 degree and inserted into molar tube and Premolar bracket.

Wire is marked at the mesial of the molar tube distal of the premolar bracket. Stops

arc bent into the wire 1mm distal to distal mark and 1mm mesial to mesial mark.

Stop should be well defined and about 15 mm long. These bends help keep the

appliance away from mucco buccal fold, allowing a 2mm activation of the loop.

Figure 65 K loop bent at 20 degree and also includes mesial and distal stops


The 20 bends will produce moments that counteract the tipping moments created

by the force o I the appliance and these moments are reinforced b the moment of

activation as the loop is squeezed into place. Translatory movement of the molar is

obtained. K loop is placed at the centre between 1 premolar and molar to prevent any

extrusive or intrusive force. For additional molar movement, the appliance is

reactivated by 2mm after 6-8 weeks.


The advantages of the K loop are. Simple and efficient. Controls M: F

ratio to produce bodily movement. Easy to fabricate and place. Hygienic and

comfortable, Minimal patient cooperation.


Improper placement of the loop could result in undesirable tooth movements

(extrusive or intrusive force).



The Fixed Piston Appliance introduced by Greenfield in 1995 can produce bodily

movement of maxillary first molars without the use of extra oral appliances and with

no loss of posterior anchorage.

Figure 66 Fixed piston appliance uses nance button for anchorage


The appliance components are maxillary 1st molar and 1st premolar bands. 0.036”

stainless steel tubing (soldered to Bicuspids) 0.030” stainless steel wire (soldered to

first molars) Enlarged Nance button, reinforced with a 0.040” SS wire. 0.55”

(interior diameter) super elastic NiTi open coil spring.


Figure 67 Appliance uses 0.036" tubing which is soldered to bicuspids and 0.030" SS wires
soldered to first molars.


Bands should be fabricated for the maxillary firstmolars and l premolars and then

cemented. Care should be taken to check the buccal and lingual piston assemblies’

extension till the embrasure of the cuspid and first bicuspid to be long enough for

adequate distalization without breakage. A 0.040” SS wire is then adapted to the

palate and it is soldered to the bicuspid band. O.036’ stainless steel tubing should

be soldered to the buccal and lingual occlusal thirds of the bicuspid hands. These

tubes should extend parallel to the mesial surfaces of first Molars. Then solder the

0.030” SS wire to buccal and lingual surfaces of first molar hands. The piston

assemblies should be parallel both in occlusal and sagittal views but a slight palatal

cant from distal to mesial is recommended to prevent occlusal displacement of

Nance acrylic. Nance acrylic is then fabricated and 0.055’NiTi open coil spring is

placed to fit the entire length of buccal and lingual assemblies, The appliance is then

cemented in passive state. 2 mm split ring stops should he added mesial to the buccal

and lingual tubes on each piston assembly every 6 to 8 weeks; they provide a force

of 25ms of to each assembly or 50gm per tooth.



The fixed piston appliance has the following advantages: Produces bodily movement

of maximum first molars with no loss of anchorage. Does not require the need of

patient compliance but allows the use of head gear if required. Reduced treatment

time. Uses a light controlled force of only 1.5-2 oz/ . Tooth does not interfere with

occlusal plane thus maintaining control of vertical dimension.


Excessive force levels can cause anchorage loss and can cause inflammation of the

palatal mucosa.


This appliance was developed by Ahmet Keles in the year 2000.


The intra oral bodily molar distalizer consists of 2 parts An Anchorage

part — Nance button. Distalization part The distalizing part has

springs. These springs delivers two components of force - the distalizer section

of the spring delivers a crown tipping force, while the uprighting section delivers

a root tipping force. On the palatal side of the first molar bands 0.032x0.032 inch

slot size hinge cap palatal attachments are welded. A wide acrylic button is

constructed and attached to first premolar band with 0.045” SS wire. The acrylic

portion covers the palatal aspect of the incisors and hence causes an opening of

the bite thereby enhancing molar distalization. 0.032x0,032” TMA springs are

bent for a distalizing section and an uprighting section.

Figure 68 The intra oral body distalizer appliance


Activation is done by pulling from distal to mesial with Weingart pliers and then

seating into the slot of the hinge cap. A total 230gms of distal force is applied. After

distal movement is achieved, the class I molar is stabilized by a conventional Nance

appliance. This is attached to the hinge cap on the molars for 2 months before second

phase of treatment.


Introduced by Carano, Tesia and Siciliani in 1996.


The active components of the lingual distalizer are two bilateral 0.9 mm tubes

connected to a Nance appliance. A bayonet wire is inserted into the lingual sheath of

the 1st molar bands. On the tube there is a stainless steel coil spring and a clamp. The

clamp can slide towards the molars and can be tightened in order to compress the

coil. At the time this article was written, stainless steel coil springs were used.

Recently NiTi spring have been used with no apparent advantage over stainless steel

coil spring. The force exerted by the spring begins at 180 g and decrease as space is

opened. Consequently, the TP is reactivated by sliding the clamp closer to the molar

once in mouth. A molar band and button attachment or a directed bonded button in

cases of partial tissue impaction is used.

Figure 69 A. Occlusal views of the upper arch (A) before and (B) after distalization

Maxillary Expansion: Maxillary expansion can be achieved by embedding

jackscrew in the palatal button.

Molar rotation: 3-5 simple helical loops in the bayonet wires of the distal jet can be

used to produce molar ration, by activating the loops with the utility plier before

seating the bands. E-chain is extended from bicuspid bands to molar bands to hold

them in position during insertion of the preactivated appliance.


Introduced by Kyu-Rhim Chung, Young-Guk Park and Su-Jin.

C-Space regainer is a removable appliance used to achieve bodily molar movement

without significant incisor flaring. This appliance can be used to intrude the teeth

as well as to move them distally or mesially.


a) Mesial drift of first molar following premature loss of the deciduous molar in

the mixed dentition.

b) Mild arch length discrepancy treated by extraction of second or third molars

(with straight or flat facial profile)


c) Open bite

d) Class II malocclusion

e) Class III malocclusion


It consists of a labial framework, formed from 0.036” stainless steel wire and an

acrylic splint. A closed helix is bent into the framework in each canine region. The

labial framework is extended distally to lie as close to the buccal molar tubes as

possible, allowing easy insertion into the head gear tubes and improving the

precision of the distal driving force.

Figure 70 C space regainer for molar distalization

The distal end of the framework should be polished down for a loose fit in the

molar tubes. A 0.010”X 0.040” open coil spring is soldered immediately distal to

the helix and 0.028” ball clasps are used to retain the appliance.

The working cast is placed on a large glass slab for construction of the acrylic splint.

After the labial frame and ball clasps have been stabilized, a separating medium is

painted on it. The acrylic is normally applied to cover the crowns of all the anterior

teeth. The cast is immediately inverted on the glass slab and the acrylic extended

labially according to the amount of anchorage needed. After the acrylic has cured,

the plate is scalloped around the cervical margins leaving it thick enough to contact

the mandibular incisors.

If anterior protrusion is to be avoided, 0.028” ball end clasps are added facially

between the lateral incisors and canines, to serve as hooks for class-II elastics or J-

hook headgear traction. If maxillary expansion is needed, a midpalatal screw can be

incorporated in the midline of the acrylic and activated ¼ turn every 3 days.


Developed by Dr. Carano and Dr. Testa in 1996.

Several methods have been proposed to distalize maxillary molars in Class II cases

without the need for patient cooperation. These include repelling

magnets,superelastic nickel titanium coils, nickel titanium wires,and a modified

Nance appliance with titanium molybdenum wires. In all these systems, orthodontic

forces are applied to the crowns of the upper first molars, and the molar movement

consists mainly of tipping and rotation of the crowns.Even though the initial distal

tipping is accomplished rapidly without patient cooperation, a second phase of molar


uprighting is necessary, in which patients often must wear headgear. Distal Jet

appliance that can distalize maxillary molars without the disadvantages of other



Bilateral tubes - 0.036” internal diameter. A coil spring and a screw clamp are slide

over each tube, wire extending from the acrylic through each tube ends in a bayonet

bends that is inserted into the lingual sheath of the first molar band. Anchor wire

from the nance button soldered to bands on the second premolars. NiTi coil springs

of 150gms of children and 250 gms for adult, appliance can be made of stainless

steel spring. It is reactivated by sliding the clamp closer to first molar once a month.

Once distalization is complete, the appliance can be converted to a nance retainer by

replacing the clamp spring assemblies with light cured/ cold cure acrylic and cutting

the arms of the premolar.

Figure 71 The distal jet appliance



1. Bodily movement with no loss of anchorage.

2. Easy to insert

3. Well tolerated & Esthetic

4. require no patient cooperation

5. Unilateral/ Bilateral correction

6. Permits simultaneous use of full bonded appliances


Bowman described several modifications to the original appliance.


Upon completion of molar distalization, the Distal Jet is converted to a Nance

holding arch to prevent further distal movement and consequent anchorage loss.

It can be done by these two methods: One way to stop movement of the bayonet

wire through the tube is to flow a light-cured acrylic around the coil spring, over

the distal bayonet bend, and over the activation collar to produce a solid extension

from the molar bands to the acrylic button. Another way is by wrapping an .014"

stainless steel ligature wire around the end of the doubled back wire (extending

distally from the lingual sheath on the first molar band) and tie it around the tube

just mesial to the activation collar. The coil spring should be compressed

completely and the set screw tightened to prevent mesial movement of the molars.


A modification of the Distal Jet incorporating two set screws into the activation

collar permits an easier, cleaner, and more reliable conversion to a molar Nance

holding arch. The mesial set screw is

used during active distalization .The distal screw is set on the bayonet wire, locking

the two pieces together to prevent molar movement. The premolar supporting wires

are sectioned where they enter the acrylic button, using a high-speed handpiece and

diamond bur. The bayonet wire or tube can be bent with a three-prong plier to adjust

the pressure of theacrylic button against the palate.

Figure 72 The mesial set screw is used during active distalization. Lingual sheath on molar maybe
crimped to reduce any play of double back wire inserted into it.

Conversion of double-set-screw Distal Jet to Nance holding arch:

1. Upon completion of molar distalization, double-set-screw activation collar is

slid mesially to gain access to coil spring.

2. Free end of coil spring is grasped with plier. Coil spring is removed by peeling

it away from bayonet wire.

3. Distal end of tube, where bayonet wire enters, can now be seen.

4. Double set-screw collar is slid back to this junction, mesial set screw is locked

on tube, and distal screw is set on bayonet.

Quick & Angela Harris:

The Distal Jet is a fixed palatal appliance that is most commonly used to distalize

the maxillary molars, either unilaterally or bilaterally. Disadvantage of Distal jet lies

in activation. The appliance is activated by sliding a collar along the supporting tube

to compress a coil spring, then fixing the collar in place by tightening a small set-

screw. This procedure is sometimes difficult because of the small size of the screw,

the moisture and confined space of the intraoral environment, and food impaction

in the screw head. In addition, activation requires the use of a small Allen wrench,

which has the risk of being swallowed or aspirated.



Aldo Giancotti and Paulo Cozza in the year 1998 introduced a new system using the

Neosentalloy for simultaneous distalization of the first and second molars.

Figure 73 Nickel titanium double loop system


The mandibular first and second molars and second bicuspids should be banded and

remaining teeth are bonded. Lip bumper should be given to prevent any extrusion

from the use of class II elastics. Maxillary molars and bicuspids are banded and

anterior teeth bonded. Neosentalloy arch wire is then placed on the maxillary arch

and marked distal to the first premolar bracket and 5mm distal to the first molar tube.

Stops are then crimped in the arch wire. Two sectional Niti arch wires (on either

side) are prepared by crimping stops distal and mesial of the 2nd premolar bracket

and 5 mm distal to each second molar tube. Uprighting springs are inserted into

vertical slot of the 1st premolar and class II elastics are placed between mandibular

1st molar and maxillary canine bracket.



Dr. Robert M. Rickettshas developed and successfully used a modification of the

basic Crozat appliance, affectionately referred to by patients as the Crickett

(Crozat/Ricketts) appliance. This appliance embraces the essential features of the

quad helix using the basic form of the Crozat, but replacing the palatal and lingual

bars of the upper and lower appliances with a quad- and bi-helix, respectively . The

Crickett's lingual arms are extended to provide an adjustable spring action directed

to the lingual surfaces of all the teeth, without the need for further soldering. The

buccal arms are retained for the attachment of elastics and for ease of insertion and

removal of the appliance, as well as serving their original function as the site of

attachment for a heavy labial wire if labial control is indicated. Lingual clasp wires

on the gingival side of the molar crib provide adjustable clasp retention or stability,

in addition to those on the buccal as in the basic appliance. Upper palatal and lower

lingual main frames are constructed from .032" Yellow and .038" Blue Elgiloy,

respectively; the cribs, clasps, and occlusal rests from .028" Blue Elgiloy; the lingual

arms from .030" Yellow Elgiloy; and the buccal arms from .045" Blue Elgiloy. As

with the fixed quad helix, the Crickett can effect a variety of tooth movements,

including rotation, torquing, and distalization of molars. It is an effective appliance

for both lateral and anteroposterior expansion, as in cases showing minor post-

retention changes.

Patients accept an additional brief period of active therapy if removable appliances

can reverse the trend and establish a stable, ideal occlusion. Greater attention to

detail in intra- and inter-arch occlusal contacts is essential. With control of the molars

in the three planes of space— and its capacity for intra- and inter-arch elastic traction;

labio-lingual movement of all teeth, and rotation and torquing of the anteriors by the

addition of soldered accessory archwires— the Crickett is a most valuable appliance.

Despite the virtues of the Crickett, it has some limitations when intrusion of anterior

teeth is part of the treatment plan. However, some proponents of Crozat therapy3

report complete success in treating cases with extremely deep bites using only a

Crozat appliance. They suggest that the reduction of the deep bite occurs as a result

of controlled, intentional extrusion of the molars with consequent opening of the


Figure 74 The appliance has an adjustable spring action directed to lingual

surgaces of all teeth. Upper palatal and lower lingual main frames are constructed
from 0.032" yellow and 0.038" blue elgiloy respectively

Crickett therapy can be most useful in the ameliorative approach, for either

functional or esthetic improvement in a non-mutilated mouth. Vocational demands

on people in the theater, television, films, or other public activities often preclude the

use of fully fixed techniques. For these individuals, the Crickettis an acceptable

option because it is removable, and it interferes minimally with speech and

appearance when it is in place. Over the past four years, both upper and lower

Cricketts have been used with success on patients who would not have pursued

orthodontic therapy if their only option had been fully fixed— even lingual—

appliances. The Crickettis ideally suited for moving teeth to achieve stability when

orthopedic repositioning of the mandible is necessary in treating adult TMJ

disturbances. The appliance can also be used for those who need reconstructive

treatment with fixed or removable prostheses. A brief period of orthodontic

treatment with the unobtrusive, comfortable Crickett is easily accepted and often

facilitates the design and function of such prostheses. There is no place for the

Crickett appliance in tooth alignment and post-surgical fixation in orthognathic

surgery cases, unless splints are used for fixation. Similarly, it has little or no place

in fully banded or bonded treatment plans, except for brief treatment in which teeth

are moved to facilitate bracketing or to eliminate traumatic relationships that might

jeopardize bonded attachments. There is much greater application for the Crickett in

reclamative cases that call for tooth movements primarily to eliminate or minimize

the deleterious effects of missing teeth, malplaced teeth, and periodontal problems in

mutilated arches. The pursuit of esthetics beyond the functional needs of the case is

not part of this treatment objective.



This appliance was developed by Fortini, Lupoli, Parri in the year 1999. The FCA

is a new type of appliance for unilateral or bilateral molar distalization.


Bands are placed on the maxillary first molars and on either the second premolars or

deciduous second molars.

The appliance mainly consists of 2 components

1. Vestibular Components

2. Palatal Components

Figure 75 The first class appliance



The vestibular components consist of formative screws that are soldered on the

buccal sides of first molar bands, occlusal to the 0.022” X 0.028” single tubes, so

that they do not interfere during the insertion of arch wire. Split rings, welded to

the second premolar act as a control for the vestibular screws. Stop screws are used

to maintain the distal positions of the molars after active movement has been



The appliance in the palatal aspect is wider than the modified Nance appliance and

is butterfly shaped for added stability and support during retention. The 0.045” wires

that are embedded in acrylic should be in a single section without welded joints, to

prevent breakage. Sections of 0.045” tube are soldered to the palatal sides of first

molar bands for insertion of the butterfly component. These tubes allow the molars

to be distalized without undesirable tipping. Niti coil spring of 0.010”xO.045”and

about 10mm in length is inserted by fully compressing it between the solder joints

and tubes. These springs are designed to balance the action of the vestibular screws

thus preventing molar rotations.


Figure 76 Palatal components of the appliance


Developed by Alfred Rechter in 1968.

It is auxillary sectional arch wires used to tip or move one or a group of teeth in buccal

segments distally without disturbing anteriors. To avoid friction or binding - made

of 0.022 inch round wire and can also be made of rectangular wire.

A sliding jig as suggested by Salzmann has proved most helpful in certain light wire

treatments to convey distal elastic force to the molar on one side only. It is well to

reinforce anchorage with extra-oral force when using these jigs.

An effective jig is made by soldering a two-inch length of .022 wire to a sliding hook

made of .036 tubing.

Inter-maxillary hook - soldered or bent-in. To move maxillary molar distally, eyelet

on distal end of jig must but against molar tube, mesial eyelet is located between

cuspid and first premolar bracket at least 2 mm anterior to premolar bracket.


Figure 77 The sliding jig appliance



The appliance was a modification of the traditional Nance holding arch. The Class I

side of the .036" stainless steel wire framework was finished with an anteriorly

projecting .036" arm, like that of a quad-helix. This arm was designed to resist the

horizontal moment that would rotate the molar distally and cause expansion in the

bicuspid region.

The active, Class II side also had an arm bent similar to a quad-helix, with the

most anterior terminus soldered to a first bicuspid band. An .020” omega loop was

soldered to the anterior end of the framework, which allowed the distal end of the

loop to slide distally as it was opened for activation.


A 10mm, .09''×.036'' open-coil spring was added to the framework arm between the

omega loop and the first molar band assembly. Finally, a first molar band with a

6mm, .045" tube soldered on the

lingual was attached to the wire arm, with the framework running through the tube

so that the band assembly could slide.

Figure 78 Modified nance appliance for

unilateral molar distalization

After cementation of the appliance, the omega loop was opened enough to compress

the coil spring to a length of 7mm, which had previously been measured to deliver

about 150g on a force gauge. All the 10mm springs were cut from the same spool.

At succeeding appointments, each spring was measured to ensure it was kept at the

7mm compression. When the molar being moved distally achieved a Class I

relationship, the lingual molar tube was tied back to the distal helix with a metal

ligature, and the part of the appliance anterior to the molar was removed. This molar

anchorage allowed possible retraction of the anterior teeth while maintaining molar


Figure 79 An acrylic jig was fabricated to fit

over the maxillary incisors.

Divots were placed in the posterior extension of the jig and in the solder joint

connecting the first molar band to its lingual tube. At each two-week appointment,

the distance between divots was measured with a divider

Figure 80 The distance between divots measured with


If the incisors remained stable, the distance measured with the jig would

approximate the amount of molar distalization needed for Class II molar correction,

as measured from the initial study models. These two distances were statistically

correlated using Pearson's matched pairs.



Introduced by Ashok Karad 2008

This appliance system is designed on the following principles -

1. Light continuous forces

2. Desired M:F for bodily movement

3. 3-D molar control through out the distalization therapy

4. Maximum anchorage conservation

5. Eliminate need for new Nance button

6. Economic


Distalizing springs - It is a triple helical spring made from 0.017×0.025” TMA. It

consists of 2 gingivally placed helices and 1 occlusally. Gingival loops are of equal

dimension while occlusal loop is longer but width remains the same.

Figure 81 A. triple helical distalizing spring made from 0.017 * 0.025" TMA wire. B. Dimesions of
average sized distalizing spring in mm. C. Compressed spring when activated

Mesial and distal legs of loop placed in premolar and molar bracket, 2 points are

marked. One on the distal surface of 1st premolar bracket and second on the mesial

to molar tube. Vertical stops 1mm high are bent into wire 1mm mesial to mesial

mark and 1mm distal to distal mark. These stops produce 2mm activation and also

helps to keep spring away from the muccobuccal fold. To counteract tipping forces,

distal leg bent at 15° occlusally.

Modified Nance button

It consists of large butterfly shaped acrylic button and occlusal rests made from

0.036” SS wire. It extends about 5mm away from teeth and is 2mm thick with rounded


Occlusal rests

These are made from 0.036” stainless steel wire and are placed on mesial & distal

pits of 1st premolars. Pits are micro etched with sandblaster for better bonding. After

distalization, rests are cutoff.

Figure 82 Modified nance button with occlusal rests


Guiding Tubes

These are 1.62mm SS crimpable tubes with an internal diameter 1.22mm to receive

1.05mm stainless steel wire. Their function is to guide molars in predetermined

direction. Once crimped, they holds molar in new position- during consolidation

phase. These tubes are placed on the lateral curvature of the palate parallel to

occlusal plane. Extends up to the interproximal area between 1st molar and 2nd


Figure 83 Crimpable tubes which guides the molars into predetermined direction

Sliding recurved molar insertion tube

These are 1.05mm SS sliding, crimpable tube from lingual sheath to guiding bar.

They consists of 3 parts-

1. Doubleback segment

2. Vertical segment

3. Horizontal sliding arm


It is difficult to insert in lingual sheath, it can be compressed/ trimmed with metal

trimming disc. It can also be made flat and soldered to molar bands


The distalizing spring is activated 2mm activation- light continuous force on the

molar. Because it lies Away from Cres, it produces tipping of the molar. The 15

degree bends- counteract tipping moments. Guiding tubes- controls tipping and

vertical and transverse position of molar during distalization

Figure 84 Photograph showing distalization with KIDS



Developed by Ghafari in 1985.

The Nance holding arch consists of a palatal arch attached to first molar bands and

embedded in an acrylic "button" that lies against the palatal rugae.


It was designed to act as a space maintainer in the maxillary arch, and it has also

been used to support maxillary posterior anchorage during tooth movement.

The modified Nance holding arch and modified lingual arch provide anchorage for

unilateral distalization of posterior teeth. They offer the major advantage of control

and activation without relying on patient cooperation in wearing headgear, ACCO

appliances, or interarch elastics.

Figure 85 Modified nance and lingual appliance for unilateral tooth


Type 1— Modified Nance Holding Arch

Patient was a 12-year-old boy with a dental and skeletal Class I, except for the

maxillary right first and second molars, which were in distooclusion. The

maxillary right second premolar was 8mm wide, but there was only 3.5m of space

available for its alignment between the first molar and first premolar.

A modified Nance appliance was inserted, supported by the maxillary left first

molar and right first premolar; the right first and second molars were banded, and a

segmental rectangular wire (.019"× .025" Nitinol) was inserted on the right first

premolar and molars. An open coil spring (.30mm × .9mm) was moderately

activated between first premolar and first molar. In two months, the space between

these teeth increased to 6mm.

After four months of treatment and three activations of the coil spring, the

maxillary right first and second molars were in neutroclusion. Pre- and post-

treatment lateral cephalograms showed no labial movement of the central incisors.

Figure 86 Modified nance holding arch

Type 2— Modified Lingual Arch

Patient was a 13-year-old girl with a skeletal and dental Class I, except for the

mandibular right first and second molars, which were in mesio occlusion. Only

3.2mm of space was available for a lingually positioned mandibular right second

premolar measuring 7.4mm mesiodistally.

A modified lingual arch appliance, supported by the left first molar and the right

first premolar, provided anchorage for distal movement of the right first and second

molars. This movement was achieved with an open coil spring (.30mm × .9mm)

between the first molar and first premolar on a segmental rectangular wire (.019" ×

.025" Nitinol). Three months into treatment, sufficient space had been gained for the

alignment of the second premolar.


It is a simple intra-oral minimal compliance fixed appliance introduced in 1998

for simultaneous distalization of 1st and 2nd molars. The appliance takes the

advantage of NiTi coil spring. It results in rapid distalization with but anchorage loss

of anterior dental unit. It consists on anchorage unit and active unit.

Anchorage unit – It is a modified Nance button attached to 2nd premolar bands

with 0.032” stainless steel wire.

Active unit - It consists of active arm from a round 0.028” SS wire with a length of

30-35mm. 3mm long loop is constructed at distance of 8mm from wire end divides

the wire arm section into two sections - Smaller distal and longer mesial portion.

Figure 87 Appliance with 3 mm long loop and niti open coil


NiTi open coil spring 25-30mm long with cross section of 0.010” and 0.030” helix

diameter inserted through the mesial end of the sectional wire. Two sliding tubes are

used for positional stabilization of the spring. The distal tube is placed close to the

loop of sectional wire and stabilizes the coil spring, preventing it sliding into the loop.

The mesial tube, put in place after insertion of the spring, is provided with a hook

and is placed close to the mesial end of the sectional wire, which is subsequently

bent gingivally. This bend prevents the coil spring from sliding away from the wire

anf ensures the there is no soft tissue impingement.

Ligature is tied between the open loop of active arm and gingival hook of molar

band which adds stability and prevent rotation of sectional archwire.


The spring is activated by ligating the hook of the mesial sliding tube to bracket

of 2nd premolar. Optimal activation of coil will exerts 80gms of force per side. The

patient is monitored at 4 weeks interval for further adjustments and activations.


It was given by Ahmet Keles in 2002.


Maxillary first molars and first premolars were banded. Tubes (0.45- inch diameter,

Leone A 076-45; Leone, Italy) were soldered to the palatal side of the Class II first

molar bands. First premolar bands were attached to a wide acrylic Nance button with

1.1-mm diameter stainless steel retaining wires. The acrylic button also consisted of

an anterior bite plane. The purpose of creating an anterior bite plane was to disclude

the posterior teeth, enhance the molar distalization, and correct the anterior deep

bite. On the palatal side of the molars, 0.9-mm diameter stainless steel wires were

embedded into the acrylic at about 5-mm apical to the gingival margin of the first

molars. These wires passed through the tube and were oriented parallel to the occlusal


Figure 88 Keles slider

Figure 89 Appliance consists of 0.040" SS wire and niti coil spring


For molar distalization, a heavy Ni-Ti coil spring (2-cm long, 0.9-mm diameter,

and 0.016-inch thick) was placed between the screw on the wire and the tube, in full

compression. The amount of force generated with the full compression of the 2-cm

open coil was about 200 g. This force system allows consistent application of force

at the level of the center of resistance of the first molars.

Biomechanics of the force system of the Keles Slider-

• Distal force - center of resistance of the maxillary first molar

● A, acrylic anterior bite plane

● B, retaining wire for maxillary first premolar

● C, 0.036-inch diameter wire rod for distal sliding of maxillary first molar

● D, adjustable screw for activation of the coil spring

● E, 0.036-inch heavy Ni-Ti open coil spring

● F, special tube soldered to the first molar band.


Patients were seen once a month, and the screw was activated with the se of a special

wrench. Two months after the initial activation of the appliance, segmental arches

with 30-degree toe-in bends were engaged on the buccal side between the first molars

and the first premolars. This was done to prevent distobuccal rotation of the molars,

due toforce application from the palatal side. After distalization, the Keles Slider

was removed and molars were stabilized with a Nance appliance for 2 months prior

to second-phase orthodontic treatment; Nance appliance was maintained until the

end of canine distalization.


Developed by Luis Carriere in 2004.

The Carriere Distalizer is a simple and efficient fixed functional appliance for class

II treatment. Developed by Luis Carriere with advanced computer technology, it

represents an evolution of the Modular Sectional Arch. The Distalizer is most

effective in treating class II malocclusions without extractions. Brachyfacial patterns

respond best to treatment; dolichofacial types are less responsive. Growing patients

are ideal, but adults can be treated as well. Mixed dentition class II with fully erupted

first molars are candidates for first phase treatment.



The Distalizer is made of mold-injected, nickel-free stainless steel. It is bonded to

the canine and first molar as follows: The canine pad, which allows distal movement

of the canine along the alveolar ridge without tipping, provides a hook for the

attachment of the class II elastics.

This pad is the mesial end of an arm that runs posteriorly over the two upper

premolars in a slight curve. The postero-anterior arm is permanently attached that

articulates in a socket on the molar pad. The ball and socket were models to resemble

the human hip joint, providing maximum freedom of movement. The joint also

controls torque control of both canine and molar. designed with three dimensional


Figure 90 The Carriere distalizer; maxillary molars are distalized and rotated
providing platform for maxillary canines to occlude in class I relationship

Figure 91 Bell and socket joint articulates for control of molar derotation while

limiting undesirable movements during distalization; bodily distalization of molar,

combined with derotation

Posterior portion of the Distalizer accomplishes three types of molar movement:

1. Uprighting the crown, if it is mesially inclined. Once the molar has been

uprighted, the articulation of the ball with the socket prevents distal tipping.

2. Distal rotation around the palatal root

3. Distal displacement without concurrent distal tipping of the crown.


The Distalizer comes in three sizes: 23mm, 25mm and 27mm. The appropriate

size is determined by measuring from the midpoint of the maxillary first molars

buccal surface to the midpoint of the maxillary canine crown, using a caliper or the

supplied “Dentometer”.

Figure 92 Three sizes measured from the permanent molar

Anchorage control:

1. Passive Lingual Arch.

2. Full mandibular fixed appliance.

3. Lower Essix appliance.

4. Miniscrews.


The VHA appliance has been recommended for treatment of high angle patients

where there is an important need for control of vertical dimension.


Figure 93 Vertical holding appliance


Banded maxillary permanent first molars connected with a 0.040-in chrome cobalt

wire with a dime-size acrylic button. Four helices were incorporated into the wire

configuration for flexibility. 2 helices are placed at the center of appliance and other

2 are placed distal to maxillary molar. The most mesial portion of this appliance i.e,

Acrylic button should lie on a line that connects mesial margins of maxillary first

molars. The button should be 2- 5mm away from the palate.

Figure 94 Indirect loading of palatal implant for distalizing the right

molars and correcting dental asymmetry.

The VHA achieves treatment objectives by the way of an intrusive & distally

directed force. The result is intrusion and distal movement of the molars. This is

fixed functional appliance since the forces are achieved from functional activity of



Wehrbein et al, in association with Straumann, introduced the Straumann

Orthosystem. This device consists of a short implant made of pure, sandblasted and

acid-etched titanium, which is inserted in the middle area of the palate. Wehrbein

and Deidrich illustrated the characteristics of the implant insertion and histologic

tissue reaction to the orthodontic loading. Wehrbein et al subsequently presented

their clinical experience in extraction treatment using a palatal implant for posterior

anchorage. Recently, Byloff et al presented an implant-supported device for molar

distalization. Palatal implants can be used for mesializing or distalizing maxillary

segments, correcting intercuspation, and dental asymmetries combined with midline



The Straumann Orthosystem includes a titanium palatal mini-implant, which

consists of an intraosseous screw (height, 4 or 6 mm; diameter, 3.3 mm), made of


pure titanium (grade 4) with a self-tapping thread structure that is sandblasted and

acid etched, a transmucosal smooth neck that is in contact with soft tissues (height,

2.5 or 4.5 mm), and an exposed part (height, 2 mm) upon which the healing cap is

fixed. During the same surgical phase as implant insertion, a protective resin splint is

constructed for the patient. Instructions are given to the patient to insure good oral

hygiene and correct use of the protective resin splint. The next visit is 7 to 10 days

after the surgery.

Even if 13 weeks are necessary for complete osseointegration prior to loading the

implant, it is possible to begin the laboratory phase by taking a precise silicon

impression after 10 weeks, when the patient comes for the second postsurgery visit.

In this phase, the healing cap connected to the implant is replaced by a transfer

analogue (ortho transfer coping; length, 8 mm; height, 8 mm). The laboratory

analogue (ortho analogue; diameter, 4.2 mm; length, 14 mm) permits an exact

reproduction of the implant position and angulation on the master plaster cast. The

orthodontic technician affixes the stainless steel cap (ortho post cap; diameter, 5 mm;

length, 3.6 mm or 5.6 mm) for orthodontic appliance placement.


Implants for orthodontic use should be designed for easy handling, rapid healing,

and minimal surgical trauma. Twenty-four hours before surgery patients are given

an antibiotic (broad-spectrum penicillin, or macrolide for patients with penicillin

intolerance) three times daily. Immediately before surgery they are instructed to

rinse their mouth with chlorhexidine digluconate for 60 seconds to reduce the

intraoral bacterial flora. Then a local anesthetic (articaine hydrochloride and

epinephrine hydrochloride) in adequate amounts is injected at the implant site. For

placing transmucosal Orthosystem® implants, the palatal mucosa is removed with a

mucosal trephine (Fig 94) and an elevator.

Then a pilot hole is created in the cortical bone of the hard palate with a 2.3-mm

round bur, followed by osteotomy preparation with the ortho profile drill (Fig 95).

The self-tapping implant is seated in the osteotomy by hand then slowly screwed to

place with a ratchet. During the 12- week healing period, the implant is covered with

a healing cap (Fig 96). Functional loading should be avoided during this time. Flange

fixtures are placed in a two-stage procedure. A unilateral mucoperiosteal flap is

elevated to expose the cortical bone. The implant position and implant length are

marked with a guide drill. The initial hole is then widened with a countersink drill

to prepare a shoulder in the cortical bone (Fig 97). Flange fixtures are seated

nonmanually with a mount post (Fig 98), until the flange comes to rest on the

shoulder. If the torque controller stops at 30 Newton/centimeter (Ncm) before the

implant is fully seated, a thread should be pretapped to avoid overheating the bone.

Once the implant is fully seated, a healing screw is placed (Fig 99). The

mucoperiosteal flap is then closed with interdental sutures and the wound is covered

with a deep drawn membrane, which obviates the need for additional oral hygiene.

Figure 95 Removal of palatal mucosa with

Figure 96 Ortho profile drill for creating implant
mucosal trephine

Figure 97 Orthosystem implant with healing cap

in place

Figure 98 After elevation of palatal mucoperiosteal flap, a

countersink hole with a shoulder is drilled for the implant

Figure 99 The flange fixture is seated with a

mount post. Figure 100 After removing the mount post,
the healing screw is attached to the implant.


The current Straumann Orthosystem kit presents a few advantages that improve the

clinical application:

1. It is possible to laser or solder the transpalatal arch directly to the ortho post


2. It is simple for the orthodontist to handle;

3. It is possible to treat asymmetrical cases because of the internal octagonal

design of the cap, which avoids bar rotation;


4. There is better adaptation to different palatal morphology, due to two

possible lengths of the ortho post cap.

5. The surgical implant insertion is simple, with minimal unfavorable sequelae.

The system does not require patient compliance.

6. The system can be used in all phases of therapy, moving the connection bar

from premolars to molars for posterior anchorage.

These advances have widened the use of the Straumann Orthosystem, allowing the

design and subsequent construction of distalizing devices for maxillary molars with

improved comfort and more efficient clinical results.


It was introduced by Maino et al in 2002.

The implant system consists of two components, an endosseous portion called the

Core, and a unit called the Orthodontic Implant Connection (Oric) that connects the

Core to the oral region. The Core is a single unit formed by a self-tapping screw and

a disc (support flange) manufactured with commercially pure titanium (Grade 2).

The thread is designed to be screwed into cancellous bone without

damaging the insertion site. The surface of the screw that interfaces the bone is

treated with an acid etching process (bone lock etching) or with titanium plasma

spray (TPS) to increase its surface area, thus enhancing its retention. The diameter

of the screw is 3.75 mm and there are five lengths: 4.5 mm, 5.0 mm, 6.0 mm, 7.0

mm, and 8.0 mm. The disc is 5.0 mm in diameter and a hexagonal nut is fixed to the

superior surface of the disc. On the palatal aspect of the Core there is a threaded hole

that permits the connection of different orthodontic connecting systems.

There are two types of orthodontic implant connectors, which are also made of

commercially pure titanium (Grade 4). Each has specific indications. Standard

connector (Oric cap) has a cylindrical transmucosal portion that is 5.5 mm in

diameter and is available in four lengths, depending on the thickness of the palatal


This component also has an internal hexagonal design on its connecting surface,

which mates with the hexagonal nut of the Core. The use of a hexagonal design

prevents rotation of the inserted connector. The transmucosal portion is secured to

the Core through a fixation screw that has a threaded hole in its head to allow a

cover cap to be attached by means of a screw. A transpalatal bar, made of round or

rectangular wire, is used to connect the teeth to the implant and is positioned

between the transmucosal portion and the fixation screw.


Figure 101 Midplant design for indirect loading method

The cover cap, which has four rectangular slots (height, 1.3 mm; width,1.2mm),

is then secured to the fixation screw, enhancing the anteroposterior stability of the

transpalatal bar.

The special design of the Oric cap ensures that the wires are locked and the reactive

forces are tridimensionally controlled. This connector is indicated when the

anchorage units will not change during treatment. An example is Class II extraction

treatment involving maxillary premolar extraction under maximum anchorage

conditions. Maxillary molar stabilization is necessary throughout treatment The

second version of the implant connector, called the Oric E.A. (easy application), is

a winged connection platform with a central hole and retaining holes on the wings.

It is secured to the Core by a fixation screw. On the transmucosal surface, there

is a hexagonal device that ensures positional stability and prevents rotation. Acrylic

can be added to the platform to ensure that the platform is adapted to the palate

properly. Transpalatal bars connecting the teeth to the Oric E.A. are fixed to the

platform by light or self-curing composites and resins.


The Oric E.A. is more flexible because the anchorage units can be changed with

minor modifications. It is indicated when more than one anchorage unit is necessary.

An example is Class II non-extraction treatment involving the distal movement

of the maxillary molars, followed by the sequential retraction of the premolars,

canines, and incisors. The Oric E.A. can be used as anchorage when moving the

molars distally. It can then be modified slightly and serve as anchorage to maintain

molar position during premolar, canine, and incisor retraction.



Traditional methods of controlling anchorage during molar distalization tend to

cause unwanted movement of other teeth and to require patient cooperation. These

disadvantages can be overcome with skeletal anchorage, which is gradually gaining

acceptance among orthodontists. Byloff and colleagues have successfully moved

molars distally using a Graz-implant-supported Pendulum Appliance,1 but the

implant must be surgically removed after orthodontic treatment.

Karaman and colleagues have distalized molars by implanting a screw, 3mm in

diameter and 14mm long, 2-3mm behind the incisal canal, but a screw of this size runs

the risk of damaging the surrounding structures. Wehrbein and Merz were able to

close an extraction space by inserting a smaller implant, 3.3mm in diameter and 4-

6mm long, in the midpalatal suture area. This is a simpler procedure and less

invasive for the patient than conventional endosseous implants.

Clinicians have assumed that because the palatal bone appears thin on a lateral

cephalogram, a wider midpalatal implant or a disc-type onplant is required. The

palatal area is examined in three dimensions, however, the available bone support is

greater than it appears cephalometrically. The nasal cavity is not appropriate for

intrabony anchorage because it extends laterally from the midpalatal suture and is,

in fact, too thin, but the nasal crest between the anterior nasal spine and the posterior

nasal spine is 2mm thicker than it appears on a lateral cephalogram. The nasal crest

has a triangular shape with a base of 5.4mm and a height of 5.6mm in the average

adult large enough for a miniscrew.

Except in the incisal canal, the midpalate consists of cortical bone that is sufficient

to support an entire miniscrew, so that the screw will not be affected by orthopedic

forces. In addition, there are no roots, nerves, or blood vessels in the palatal area to

complicate surgical screw placement. Most of the soft tissue is thinner than 1mm,

ensuring accurate placement of the miniscrew with biomechanical stability. There is

no waiting for osseointegration and no need for additional surgery, because the

miniscrew is easily removed.



Inserting a miniscrew is difficult with a conventional straight screwdriver, which

forms an oblique angle with the bone surface, changing the direction of the screw

and increasing the likelihood of bone damage and implant failure. Therefore, a

screwdriver in a contra-angular handpiece i s required, and it must be longer than

the depth of the palate to avoid contact with the maxillary anterior teeth. Because

the cortical bone can be damaged rather easily by frictional heat, the screw should

be inserted with irrigation at a rate of no more than 30 turns per minute. More

pressure is needed than in other areas due to the density of the bone. Care should be

taken not to let the power chain directly contact the soft tissue. Educating the patient

about oral hygiene around the miniscrew is also critical. Even though there is

keratinized tissue in this area, the soft tissue will proliferate readily with adequate

hygiene. Midpalatal miniscrew was inserted, and a distal force of about 400g was

applied with power chain.


Introduced by Keles et al in 2003.

Palatal implants have been used over the last two decades to eliminate headgear wear

and to establish stationary anchorage. In this case report, the stability of a palatal

implant for distalization of molars bodily and for anchorage maintenance was

assessed. The implant was a stepped screw titanium (4.5 mm diameter 3 8 mm

length), and it was placed in the palatal region for orthodontic purposes.

A surgical template containing a metal drill housing was prepared. Angulation of

the drill housing was controlled according to the radiologic tracing of the maxilla

transferred to a plaster cast section in the paramedian plane. The implant was placed

using a noninvasive technique (incision, flap, and suture elimination) and left

transmucosally to facilitate the surgical procedure and to reduce the number of


The paramedian region was selected (1) to avoid the connective tissues of the palatine

suture and (2) because it is considered to be a suitable host site for implant placement.

After three months of healing, the implant was osseointegrated and orthodontic

treatment was initiated. For molar distalization, the Keles Slider appliance was

modified and, instead of a Nance button, a palatal implant was used for anchorage.

The results showed that the molars were distalized bodily at five months, and no

anchorage loss was observed. At the end of the treatment, the smile was improved,

and an ideal Class I molar and canine relationship, an ideal overbite, and an ideal

overjet were all achieved. In conclusion, palatal implants can be used effectively for

anchorage maintenance and in space- gaining procedures. Use of a three-

dimensional surgical template eliminatedimplant placement errors, reduced chair

time, minimized trauma to the tissues, and enhanced osseointegration. This method

can be used effectively to achieve distalization of molars bodily without anchorage


A stepped screw titanium implant (4.5 mm diameter 3 8 mm length) (Frialit-2

Implant System, Synchro Screw implants, Friadent GmbH, Mannheim, Germany)

was placed in the palatal region for orthodontic purposes.

Figure 102 Frialit -2 implant system


For molar distalization, Keles Slider appliance (patent pending) was modified

and, instead of using a Nance button for anchorage, the anchorage was obtained from

the palatal implant. This modification in the design eliminated the support of the

palatal soft tissues, first premolars, and anterior teeth. Maxillary first molars were

banded, and on the palatal side of the first molar bands, tubes of 0.045-inch diameter

were soldered (Leone A076-45, Firenze, Italy). A stainless steel wire of 0.040-inch

diameter was attached to the palatal implant and the wire oriented about five mm

apical to the gingival margin of the first molars, which passed through the

tube and oriented parallel to the occlusal plane. A Ni-Ti coil spring (Leone C1210-

45), two cm length, 0.045-inch diameter, and 0.010-inch thickness, was placed in

between the lock on the wire and the tube in full compression for molar distalization.

The amount of force generated with the full compression of the two cm open coil

was about 200 gm. This force system would allow application of consistent force at

the level of the center of resistance of the first molars.

The patient was seen once every month, and a Gurin lock (3M Unitek,

Orthodontic Products, Monrovia, Calif., 560-400) was activated with the Gurin lock

wrench (3M Unitek, 810-002). After the distalization, the coil springs were

removed, the locks were tightened and flushed to the tubes of the molar bands.


Introduced by Bondemark et al in 2002.

In 1995, Block and Hoffmann presented a thin titanuim alloy disk (Onplant; Nobel

Biocare, Gothenburg, Sweden), which was textured and coated with hydroxyapatite

(HA) on one surface and had a threaded hole to receive an abutment on the opposite

side. The device was inserted subperiosteally and left unloaded for 16 weeks to allow

osseointegration. It was tested in two animal series, with promising results. As

expected, the Onplants did not move andhistologic comparison between loaded and

unloaded control devices revealed no significant differences.


The shear force needed to separate the Onplants from underlying bone was

approximately 700 N for the specimen tested. Since the Onplant does not have to be

inserted into bone, it can be placed in patients in various states of dental eruption,

avoiding the unerupted and erupted teeth. The Onplant system has potential for use as

absolute anchorage for intra-arch distal movement of the maxillary molars. In this

article, the authors demonstrate and evaluate molar distalization treatment with an

intra-arch device provided with the Onplant system for absolute anchorage.

The Onplant is a thin titanium alloy disk, 7.7 mm in diameter and 2 mm thick, that

is inserted subperiosteally. The Onplant surface that makes contact with bone is

textured and coated with a layer of HA 75 μm thick. The HA permits more favorable

osseointegration/biointegration.14 The surface facing the soft tissue is smooth

titanium alloy with an external hexagon that is protected by a cover screw, for

abutment connection. The corresponding abutment is a two-piece construction with

an internal hexagon toward the Onplant and an internal double hexagon facing a

cylinder, which makes it possible to connect a transpalatal bar. This concept,

together with the osseointegration, allows the building of a superstructure with

rotational stability in all planes.


Figure 103 Onplant system

Surgical procedure

Figure 104 The onplant disc and attachment screw; onplant uncovered for abutment placement

Presurgically, the patient received 2 g of amoxicillin as single-dose antibiotic-

prophylaxis. After local anaesthesia of the palate, a paramarginal incision with a

length of approximately 15 mm was made in the region from the lateral incisor to

the first premolar. A subperiosteal tunnel extending across the midline in the region

of the second premolar was prepared. The Onplant was inserted into the tunnel and

slid into a position with the hydroxyapatite surface directly on the bone, close to the

palatal midline. The incision was closed with a few interrupted suture and a

prefabricated, relieved, clear vacuum-form stent, lined with Viscogel (Dentsply,

York, PA, USA) tissue conditioner, was put in place.

The intention with the stent, which was to be kept in place for 24 hours during the

first week, was to prevent migration of the Onplant and hematoma formation. Seven

days post-surgery, the sutures were removed, and throughout the first week the

patient used a 0.1% chlorhexidine gluconate mouthrinse twice daily, in addition to

normal oral hygiene. After 16 weeks of healing, the transmucosal abutment was

placed. A small amount of local anesthesia was administered to the mucosa above

the Onplant. The cover screw of the Onplant was located with a dental probe and

exposed using a tissue punch. The cover screw was then removed and an abutment

screw with a healing cap was placed.

Orthodontic procedure

When the abutment connection was completed and the palatal soft tissue healed,

the transpalatal bar (anchorage bar) was readied. The healing cap over the abutment

was removed and an impression coping was secured on the abutment; a polyether

impression was taken to transfer the abutment position to a stone cast. When the

impression was removed, a special abutment replica was secured to the impression.

The impression with the abutment replica was poured in stone and fabrication of the

transpalatal bar could take place. The bar (1.3-mm diameter, spring hard stainless

steel) was welded with metal mesh on both ends to allow bonding to the palatal

surfaces of the anchorage teeth. As soon as the transpalatal bar was inserted, two

sectional arches (0.017×0.025-inch stainless steel) were attached bilaterally to

brackets and tubes on the second premolars and first and second molars,


A nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) open coil (Masel, Bristol, PA, USA) was inserted on

the sectional arch between the tube on the first molar and the bracket on the second

premolar. The open coil was compressed approximately 2.5 mm, providing a force

of approximately 150 g. Reactivation was performed every sixth week during the

molar distalization period. After the distal movement of the maxillary molars was

completed, the transpalatal bar was removed. A new transpalatal bar, attached to the

Onplant and bonded palatally to the first maxillary molars, was inserted to hold the

moved molars in place while the canines, premolars, and incisors were retracted into

a Class I relationship.




It was introduced by Kazuyo Yamada, Shingo Kuroda, Toru Deguchi, Teruko

Takano-Yamamoto and Takashi Yamashiro in 2009. Placement of miniscrews in

the buccal interradicular bone is one of the most common approaches used to

provide skeletal anchorage. The interradicular space is a potentially

advantageous region for insertion because the miniscrew would cause fewer

complications related to soft tissue irritation, especially if placed through the

attached gingiva. However, miniscrews inserted into the interradicular space

should obstruct on tooth movement when adjacent teeth are moved in an

anterior-posterior direction.

The miniscrews provide sufficient anchorage for incisor retraction in Class II

treatment without unwanted orthodontic side effects. With Class II treatment in

premolar extraction cases, it has already been showed that miniscrew anchorage

could provide more effective incisor retraction than the traditional anchorage

method in which a headgear and a transpalatal arch were used. Apart from premolar

extraction cases, these devices could provide special benefit in nonextraction cases

in terms of retracting all dentition without producing adverse reciprocal movement.

The screws are inserted after leveling and aligning. No mucoperiosteal incision or

flap will be made; screw holes will be made with a 1.0 mm round bar and a twist

drill at 500 rpm with continuous normal saline solution irrigation. Screws are were

placed through the attached gingiva via a self-tapping method with continuous

irrigation. Each screw is inserted 5 or 6 mm into the alveolar bone at an angle of 20

to 30 degrees to the long axis of the proximal tooth, and the head of the screw is

adjusted to at least 2 mm above the mucosa. After placement, a dental radiograph

must be taken to evaluate the distance between the screw and the root.

Loading of screws will begin after 4 weeks after placement. The orthodontic load

can be applied by elastic chains or nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) closing coil springs,

estimated at 200 g. Force is applied backward and upward as parallel to the occlusal

plane as possible (Figure 1).

Figure 105 The schema about molar distal movement

achieved with the miniscrew.

To avoid close screw proximity to the surrounding root, insertion site in the

buccal interradicular space between the maxillary second premolar and the first

molar is chosen as the interradicular space is widest in the maxillary buccal region.

Miniscrews with a 1.3 or 1.5mm diameter are placed at 20 to 30 degrees to the long

axis of the proximal tooth. Therefore, the interradicular distance might be longer

than 3 mm in the buccal root area around screws that are placed at an oblique angle.

Because of the implantation methods used, the maxillary molars can be moved to

the distal by approximately 3 mm without screw contact with the proximal root.

In addition, Deguchi et al reported that miniscrews placed at 30 degrees to the

tooth axis had a 1.5 times greater contact area with the surrounding cortical bone

than did those placed perpendicular to the tooth axis. This suggests that inserting

miniscrews at an oblique angle might contribute to their stability. Miniscrews placed

in the maxillary inter-radicular space provide successful molar distal movement of

2.8 mm without patient compliance and with no undesirable side effects such as

incisor proclination, clockwise mandibular rotation, or root resorption. Miniscrews

placed in the maxillary buccal inter-radicular space between the second premolar

and the first molar at an oblique angle were useful for moving maxillary molars

distally in non-growing patients. Molar distal movement was achieved without

active patient compliance or with no undesirable side effects such as incisor

proclination, clockwise mandibular rotation, or root resorption.


It was introduced by Metin Nur, Mehmet Bayram and Alper Pampu in 2010.


The system consists of two zygomatic anchor plates (Multi Purpose Anchor MPI

1000, Tasarim Med, Istanbul, Turkey), an inner-bow, and heavy intraoral elastics

and the effective distalizing force vector of the ZGA is illustrated in Fig 105.

The zygomatic anchor is a titanium miniplate with three holes, which continues into

a round bar. The anchor plates are placed at the zygomatic buttress of the maxillae

under local anesthesia (Fig 2). The zygomatic buttress is palpated in the labial sulcus,

and a 1- to 2-cm-high vertical incision is made starting at the mucogingival junction

while maintaining contact with the bone. The lower aspect of the zygomatic process

of the maxilla is totally exposed by blunt dissection. The anchor plate is adjusted to

fit the contour of the lower face of each zygomatic process and fixed by three bone

screws (length, 7.0 mm). The body portions of them are positioned subperiosteally.

The round bars are intraorally exposed and positioned outside the dentition, so that

they never disturb the distalization of the maxillary molars.

After fixation, the incision site is closed and sutured. The free intraoral parts of the

miniplates are bent distally into hooks. The inner-bow is made from stainless steel

wire, 1.1 mm in diameter and designed like the inner part of a conventional facebow.

Two hooks are soldered onto the inner-bow at the lateral teeth regions, and U bends

are bent bilaterally in front of the upper first molars. The inner-bow is adjusted to

the headgear tubes on the upper first molar bands. A distally directed force is applied

to the upper molar teeth via the heavy intraoral elastics, which are placed between

the zygomatic plate and the inner-bow hooks.


Figure 106 Schematic illustration of components (A) and the effective distalizing force
vector of the ZGA (Zygoma-Gear Appliance) (B)

Figure 107 The zygomatic anchor plates adapted and fixed to the zygomatic butress.


Orthodontics in its century of existence have had a lot of landmarks in its evolution,

but very few can match the clinical impact made by micro-implants and the recently

introduced infra-zygomatic crest (IZC) and buccal shelf (BS) orthodontic bone


Figure 108 Infra Zygomatic Crest (IZC)


1. The IZ crest is a palpable pillar of cortical bone between the zygomatic process

of maxilla and the alveolar process .

2. In younger individuals the IZ crest is between the maxillary second premolar

and first molar , whereas it is above the maxillary first molar in adults.

3. It has been used as osseous anchorage for maxillary canine retraction, anterior

4. retraction, en mass anterior retraction, or intrusion of the maxillary posterior


5. Its thickness ranges from 5.5 to 8.8mm in adults.

6. The IZ crest consist of two plates-the buccal cortical plate and floor or lateral

wall of maxillary sinus –with cancellous bone between the plates

7. These plates provide bicortical fixation and possibly better primary miniscew

stability when the miniscrew penetrate into the maxillary sinus.

8. The maxillary sinus must be free of infection before screw insertion. Maxillary

sinusitis is a contraindication .

9. Therefore the clinician must check the medical history , palpate the buccal

cheeks tenderness, and check the clarity of maxillary sinus on panoramic and

PA radiograph before insertion of miniscrew in the IZ crest of maxilla.


The length of IZC screw were:

1. 2 x 12mm(Abso Anchor &Bioray)

2. 2 x 13mm (Lomas)

Also Anchor and Lomas were of cylindrical type, composed of parallel thread

along the whole length of the thread part. Bioray was a taper type implant

composed of increased inner and outer diameter at the end of the thread part

Figure 109 From left to right: AbsoAnchor (2.0 × 12 mm), Bioray (2.0 × 12 mm),

and Lomas (2.0 × 13 mm)

Figure 110 Bone screw specifications: IZC, BSS


a) While the regular size of a micro-implant ranges between 6 and 11 mm in

length and 1.3–2 mm in diameter depending on the clinical situation.

b) Bones screws are comparatively larger in size ranging from 10 to 14 mm in

length and a minimum diameter of 2 mm.

c) Head shapes may also vary just as micro-implants, the common being

mushroom shaped.

d) Micro-implant available in the market is made with an alloy of – titanium,

aluminum and vanadium (Ti6Al4Va) and bone screws are also available with

similar compositions but the choice of material is pure stainless steel.

e) Bone screws are generally placed in areas of (>1250 HU) quality bone (IZC )

and therefore requires greater fracture resistance. Stainless steel provides

greater fracture resistance than Ti alloy and is therefore the preferred material

of choice.


1. Individual canine retraction

2. En-Mass retraction

3. Maxillary distalization

4. Open bite correction

5. Intrusion of maxillary posterior teeth



The preferred site for placement of bone screws in the maxilla is the infra-

zygomatic crest which lies higher and lateral to the 1st and 2nd molar region.

Figure 111 Location of the IZC

a. According to Lin, bone screws to be placed in the1st and 2nd molar region .

b. According to Liou a more anterior placement, closer to the MB root of the 1st


Figure 112 Location of the IZC according to Liou (6) and Lin (7)


a. For placement of bone screws in the IZC (1st and 2nd molar region) – initial point

of insertion is inter-dentally between the 1st and the 2nd molar and 2 mm above

the muco-gingival junction in the alveolar mucosa.

b. The self-drilling screw is directed at 90° to the occlusal plane at this point.

Figure 113 Direction of self driving screw


c. In IZ crest of maxilla a self-drilling miniscrew can be inserted directly without

pilot drilling

d. After the initial notch in the bone is created after couple of turns to the driver, the

bone screw driver direction is changed by 55°–70° toward the tooth, downward,

which aid in Bypassing the roots of the teeth and directing the screw to the infra-

zygomatic area of the maxilla.

e. To avoid injury to the mesio buccal root of maxillary first molar.

f. The bone screw is screwed in till only the head of the screw is visible outside the

alveolar mucosa.

g. No pre-drilling, raising of flap or vertical slit in the mucosa is required for

insertion of IZC screws.

h. Immediate loading is possible and a force of up to 300–350 gms can be taken up

by a single bone screw.



Ideally fully erupted third molars are to be removed to create space and aid in the

distalization process. For un-erupted third molars placed below the cement-enamel

junction of the 2nd molars in young individuals, distalization is possible without

their extraction.


According to a recent study by Chang et al the IZC screw failure rate is <7%. Most

of the failures are due to:

a. Poor bone quality: Unfortunately, there is no reliable method for evaluating

bone quality. The sensation for poor bone quality, beneath sound layer of

cortical bone, is like punching through an egg shell, followed by a lack of screw

stability. Unless the TAD can be stabilized by deeper penetration, it is best to

remove it and try another site.

b. Immediate loading: SS screws are excellent TADs because they do not

osseointegrate and are easily repositioned to another site, if necessary.

c. Sinus floor: A low sinus between the roots of teeth is undesirable for an IZC

TAD site.

d. Movable mucosa: Unattached alveolar mucosa at the TAD site is usually

undesirable. However, Chang et al. found no significant difference in the

failure rate between movable mucosa and attached gingiva if the platform of

the screw is at least 5mm away from the soft tissue surface. The disadvantages

of the latter approach are a longer screw is required (~12mm) and it must be

carefully positioned for patient comfort.



In the treatment of Class II division 1 malocclusions characterized by mandibular

inadequacy, functional and fixed appliances are used that allow forward positioning

of the mandibular to stimulate mandibular growth. These interarch appliances

mainly bring about skeletal correction of class II malocclusion. However, they have

undesired dental effects which also occur along with the desired skeletal effects with

the usage of functional appliances. Ie, they bring about distal and intrusive

movement of the maxillary molars, mesial movement of the mandibular molars,

retrusive movement of the maxillary incisors and labial tipping of the mandibular

incisors. Therefore, these appliances give an added benefit of distalizing the

maxillary molars.

In contrast to the removable functional appliances, fixed functional appliances

provide advantages, such as not requiring patient cooperation, and they can be used

along with brackets.


The Herbst appliance is a bite jumping device developed by Emil Herbst in 1905

used for class II correction. It was reintroduced by Pancherz in 1979.


Figure 114 The herbst appliance


The Herbst appliance is completely tooth-borne and uses both the maxillary and

mandibular dentition to transfer the force exerted from the telescopic arms of the

Herbst bite jumping mechanism to the bases of the maxilla and the mandible. The

telescopic system produces a posterosuperiorly directed force on the maxillary

posterior teeth and an anteriorly directed force on the mandibular dentition. As a

result, Class II molar correction generally is a combination of skeletal and

dentoalveolar changes irrespective of facial morphology.

The Herbst telescoping bite jumping mechanism places a distal and intrusive force

on the maxillary molars and the force vector passes occlusally to the center of

resistance. This force system produces backward and upward movements of

maxillary molars in conjunction with distal crown tipping. Because of the intrusive

effect, distal movements of maxillary molars do not tend to open the mandible. These

effects are similar to those produced by high- pull headgear.



Figure 95 The jasper jumper

This appliance developed by James.J. Jasper is similar in concept to the Herbst

appliance and is used in conjunction with fixed appliance. The jumper mechanism,

which is available in a number of pre-selected sizes, is attached to the maxillary face

bow tube through the use of a soft wire with a ball on one end. The amount of

mandibular advancement is adjusted by lengthening the maxillary connecting wire.

The jumper mechanism fits over the lower arch wire. A lateral bayonet bend is

placed distal to the lower canines usually the brackets on the lower first premolars

(if present) are removed. A small acrylic ball is placed adjacent to the bayonet bend

and then the arch wire is placed through the hole on the anterior portion of the

jumper. A heavy arch wire is used in the mandibular dental arch in order to maintain

lower anchorage. There also is a danger of lower incisor proclination if the arch wire

is not tied back usually 6-9 months of jumper wear is necessary in order to correct a

mild Class-II problem in patients who still have some growth remaining. Additional

treatment time is required in patients with more severe problems.



1. Dental class II malocclusion

2. Skeletal class II with maxillary excess as opposed to mandibular deficiency

3. Deep bite with retroclined mandibular incisors


1. Cases predisposed to root resorption.

2. Dental and skeletal open bites.

3. Vertical growth with high mandibular plane angle and excess LAFH.

4. Minimum buccal vestibular space.

The Jasper jumper is an interarch appliance which to an extent can be utilized for

molar distalization by making use of its possible advantages and disadvantages.

In general the appliance consistently causes the following effects. Displaces the

maxilla posteriorly. Tip the maxillary molar posteriorly and intrudes them. Tip the

maxillary incisors posteriorly and extrude them. These reciprocal actions of the

appliance can be used for molar distalization in selected cases.



The Super Spring II was developed by Klapper in the year 1999.


Figure 116 The klapper superspring II

The super spring II is a flexible spring element that attaches between the Maxillary

Molar and the mandibular canine. It is designed to rest in the vestibule making it

impervious to occlusal damage and allowing for good hygiene. The spring’s open

helical loop is twisted like a ‘J’hook into the mandibular arch wire. On the maxillary

end a special oval tube serves as the maxillary first molar attachment. The spring

can be secured to the new tube with a stainless steel ligature. The new tube simplifies

adjustment and thus the position of the tube in the vestibule.

In opening and closing movements, the lower helical attachments hinges on

mandibular arch wire through an arc of about 90º.The Super Spring II provides a

moderate, continuous distalizing force with a simultaneous intensive mechanics over


a wide range of mandibular movement. The anteroposterior force can be adjusted

from about 0 - 5 oz by extending the anterior component wire and or changing the

angle of the posterior attachment wire. A horizontal attachment wire at the Maxillary

Molar tube will provide a more horizontal force against the Maxillary crowns and

less intrusion of mandibular anterior teeth, similarly a more vertical adjustment of

wire create more maxillary molar root distalization and more mandibular anterior



The Super Spring II new maxillary oval tube prevents any lateral movement of

the spring in the vestibule. Therefore only minor adjustments for individual

variations need to be made. With Super Spring II the initial dental discomfort

disappears within about 3 days.


The Super Spring II can be used with fully bracketed appliances and it makes an

ideal auxiliary for various uses.In the late mixed dentition, while the mandibular

arch is fully bonded for anchorage, the maxillary molars can be distalized without

bonding the adjacent teeth. The Super Spring II moves both the crown and roots with

a moderate, continuous force and the adjacent teeth then follow the molar distally.


1. Easy to use

2. No prolonged treatment time

3. Comfortable for the patient.

4. Minimal breakage chance


Three-dimensional bimetric maxillary distalization arches (3D-BMDA) was

introduced for the correction of Class II malocclusions by Wilson (1978) and Wilson

and Wilson (1980 , 1984 , 1987 , 1988 ). With this system, the maxillary molars are

distalized using an open coil spring and Class II elastics ( Wilson and Wilson, 1987

, 1988 ). Composed of maxillary and mandibular components, the 3D-Maxillary

Bimetric Distalizing Arch produces rapid, bilateral or unilateral, friction-free

distalization of the maxillary molars -- without the need for headgear (a real plus

when treating young, appearance-sensitive patients). The maxillary components

consist of a labial arch wire with an omega loop and a hook; anterior brackets;

compressed coil spring; and molar bands. The set-up is as follows:

The arch wire is ligated to the anterior brackets. Compressed coil spring is then

placed on the labial wire between the adjustable omega stop and the buccal tube.

The labial arch wire is then run through the buccal tubes of the molar bands.

This set-up allows the coil spring to apply distal pressure on the molar while the

omega stop allows for periodic reactivation of the spring as treatment progresses

Figure 117 The bimetric distalizing arch

The mandibular component is a fixed lingual arch wire -- running from molar to

molar -- which acts as an anchorage unit. It is extremely important to connect the

maxillary arch wire to the lower anchorage unit. This ensures that the maxillary

anteriors remain passive, while the molars are distalized...and it is easily done by

attaching an elastic -- from the hook on the maxillary arch wire to the hook on the

mandibular molar band. Elastics should remain in place at all times during active




The lip bumper is a fixed functional orthodontic appliance. It works by altering the

equilibrium between the cheeks, lips, and tongue and by transmitting force from

perioral muscles to the molars, where it is applied. The lip bumper has been used by

different clinicians for various purposes.

● Molar anchorage

● Therapy of habits

● Space gaining in the lower arch

Figure 118 The lip bumper


The differences in results, which were published in orthodontic literature probably,

are related to the fact that several types of lip bumpers are available and they can be

used in various ways. All three purposes listed previously can be obtained with it.

If used for an appropriate length of time, this lip bumper can help gain an

incredible amount of space in the lower arch while maintaining good control of the

molars and incisor.


The lip bumper has a removable part and a fixed part. The fixed part is composed of

two molar bands cemented to first, or if possible, second molars with 0.045-inch

tubes. These tubes have a 4° mesial offset to facilitate insertion and a stepout to

prevent gingival impingement. The removable part is essentially composed of a

0.045-inch stainless steel wire that runs in the lower vestibule from molar to molar

between the teeth, lip, and cheek.

The lip bumper must keep the cheeks and lip away from the lower dentoalveolar

area, and this shielding effect must be verified at each appointment.

The lip bumper should be wider buccally and flatter anteriorly than the natural

arch form it is designed to produce because the dentoalveolar widening and reshaping

are induced by the tongue and lip bumper without direct appliance force except for

the contact at the molar tubes. The lip bumper should not exert any expansion or

contraction on the molars. It must be easy for both the clinician and the patient to

insert and remove.


As the arches anterior to the molars respond to the reshaping and widening of the

lip bumper, they take on a wider natural arch form. Guidelines are given below for

obtaining optimal adaptation of the appliance:

a. Transverse position: The wire must be 2 mm from the lower canines and 3 to

4 mm from the premolars. Protection of the canine area is crucial, and the four-

looped bumper definitely is more effective.

b. Sagittal position: The lip bumper should not be more than 1 to 2 mm away

from the labial surface of the lower incisors. This position offers good support of the

lower lip for the anterior seal without rendering the appliance uncomfortable.

c. Vertical position: In the lateral segments, the wire must be positioned

generally at the middle third of the premolar and canine crowns. In the severest

cases, in which good vertical control is necessary, the bumper can be adapted to rest

deeper in the vestibule. The cheeks override the bumper during function, producing

an intrusive force on the lower molars. In the anterior region, depending on the

overbite, the bumper can be positioned at three different levels with respect to the

incisor crowns:

d. Incisal edge: This position usually is used during the initial phase of treatment.

It helps to upright mesially inclined molars because the lower lip tends to lift the

anterior part of the bumper, creating a longer lever effect on the molars.

e. Middle third: This is the position to use when a shielding effect on the incisors

is desired. The lower lip is kept away from the teeth, altering the equilibrium in favor

of the tongue. The incisors slowly translate labially.


f. Gingival level: This level is used when the orthodontist does not want to alter

the equilibrium between centripetal and centrifugal forces. Because the incisors are

still under the lower lip action, they maintain their position. The lip bumper must be

kept very close to the incisors. Activating the lip bumper. After space has been

obtained in the lower arch and bonding of the lower arch has been planned in a few



The Franzulum appliance is a new appliance used for distalizing mandibular molars

invented by Byloff and Darendeliler in the year 2000.

Figure 119 Tube from acrylic button to receive active component;

J shaped wire inserted into tube



The Franzulurn appliance’s anterior anchorage unit is an acrylic button, positioned

lingually and inferiorly to the mandibular anterior teeth and extending from

mandibular left canine to the right canine. The acrylic should be 5 mm wide to avoid

mucosal trauma and to dissipate the reactive forces produced by the distalizing

components.Rests on the canines and first prernolars are made from 0.32” stainless

steel wire. Tubes between the second prernolars and the first molars receive the active


The posterior distalizing unit uses Nickel Titanium coil springs, about 18mm in

length which apply an initial force of 100-120 gm per side. A J- shaped wire passing

through each coil is inserted into the corresponding tube of the anchorage unit. The

secured portion of the wire is engaged in the lingual sheath of the mandibular first

molar band. The anchorage unit is bonded with composite resin to the canines and

first prernolars. The J-shaped distalising unit is then ligated to the lingual sheath of

the molar bands, Compressing the coil springs lingually at a level close to the centre

of resistance of molar to produce an almost pure bodily\movement. The Franzulum

appliance is an effective appliance in producing distalization of mandibular first



Introduced by aldocarano, dds, ms Recently introduced a Distal Jet appliance for

upper molar distalization. The same telescoping mechanism used in this appliance

can also be used to upright lower molars prior to the placement of prosthetics.


Figure 120 Appliance design for lower molar distal jet; 0.036" tube soldered to
premoalr band

Solder an .036" tube to the premolar band, parallel to the occlusal plane, but below

the level of the edentulous ridge so as not to interfere with the occlusion. Orient the

tube so that a wire with a bayonet bend can be slid into the tube from the distal. Bend

a circle into the distal end of this wire, and attach it to the molar band with a screw.

Thus, the wire and molar band are held together, but are free to rotate around a

common axis.

Place an adjustable screw-clamp and a 150g nickel titanium open-coil spring over

the tube . Connect the two premolars with a soldered lingual wire to form the

anchorage unit. As the clamp is moved distally, the coil spring is compressed and a

distalizing force is applied. Because the connection of the molar band to the wire is

not rigid, the line of action of this force is at the level of the molar crown, and the

point of force application is at the screw. The molar crown will therefore be tipped


Uprighting of lower molars is a common treatment objective in preprosthodontic

cases. The length of the edentulous space can make it difficult to control extrusive

or lateral movements with a conventional archwire--whether the wire is a flexible

alloy or rectangular stainless steel.

The lower Distal Jet provides absolute control of molar movement, with a

negligible extrusive component. In contrast to the upper Distal Jet, the absence of a

rigid connection to the molar moves the point of force application up to the level of

the molar crown, thus producing distal crown tipping.

Other advantages of the Distal Jet include its relatively low profile and comfort.

Like the maxillary version, it is simple to insert and requires no patient cooperation.


1. Karaman -implant-supported modified distal jet appliance

2. Graz implant supported pendulum

3. Sugawara & Umemori SAS supported mandibular distalization

4. Buccal shelf screw

5. Ramal mini plates and screws.

i. KARAMAN (2002)

The implant-supported modified distal jet appliance has the advantages of

implants and intraoral distalization appliances, and assessed its effect on dentofacial

structures. Molar bands with palatal tubes were fitted to the upper first molars. An

anchorage screw three mm in diameter and 14 mm in length was placed at the anterior

palatal suture, two–three mm posterior to the canalisincissivus under local

anesthesia. Anchor wires 0.8 mm in diameter were soldered to the tubes for occlusal

rests on the first premolars. The 0.9-mm wire extended through each tube, ending in

a bayonet bend that was inserted into the palatal tube of the first molar band.

Figure 121 The intraosseous karaman Screw

For force application, Niti open-coil springs were adjusted. The implant-supported

modified distal jet appliance was attached to the anchor premolars and implant with

light-cured composite adhesive. The screw was removed without anesthesia and

with no discomfort for the patient during the removal. Maxillary molar moved

distally 5mm after 4 months of treatment and intruded by 2mm without movement of

premolars. Upper incisor position, MPA, and LAFH remained the same. The main

advantages of the appliance are its stability against rotational movements.

Figure 122 The distalizing appliance


Adequate distal movement of the molar tooth was achieved without the loss of

anchorage. Irritation of the palatal mucosa and gingival hyperplasia didn’t occur

because the patient could maintain optimum oral hygiene.


Byloff et al (2000)

To avoid mesial movement of anchor teeth, extraoral anchorage such as headgears

and intraoral Nance holding arches are commonly used.

Advances with implants have made it possible to use them as a means of anchorage

in adult orthodontic patients. But with orthodontic patients, when only the question

of anchorage must be addressed, the retro molar area or the palate as implant

locations are preferred because they do not interfere with orthodontic tooth

movement. The histomorphology of the palatal bone shows that the median palatal

region is the best location for an endosseous implant.

Implant loading:

Implants are loaded after a period of approximately 12 to 24 weeks to allow healing

and osseointegration, which seems to be a general rule in the use of implants. Byloff

described a newly designed palatal anchoring system, the Graz implant-supported

pendulum (GISP) .This system can be loaded within 2 weeks to distalize and anchor

maxillary first and second molars.



Figure 123 The skeletal anchorage system

It was introduced by Sugawara &Umemori, in 2004. The skeletal anchorage

system (SAS) consists of titanium anchor plates and monocortical screws that are

temporarily placed in either the maxilla or the mandible, or in both, as absolute

orthodontic anchorage units, Distalization of the molars has been one of the most

difficult biomechanical problems in traditional orthodontics, particularly in adults

and in the mandible, However, it has now become possible to move molars distally

with the SAS to correct anterior cross bites, maxillary dental protrusion, crowding,

and dental asymmetries without having to extractpremolars.


Skeletal anchorage system (SAS)uses pure titanium anchor plates and screws as

absolute orthodontic anchorage units. The anchor plates are monocortically placed

at the piriform opening rim, the zygomatic buttresses, and any regions of the

mandibular cortical bone. Because the anchor plates work as the onplant and the

screws function as the implant, SAS enables the rigid anchorage that results from

the osseointegration effects in both the anchor plates and screws. SAS does not

interfere with tooth movement, Therefore, it is possible to distalize the mandibular

molars with anchor plates placed at the anterior the mandibular ramus or mandibular


The SAS has outstanding advantages not provided by the other mechanisms for

distalizing the mandibular molars. It is possible to intrude the mandibular molars

with the SAS. Therefore the extrusion of the mandibular molars after the tipping of

the molar distalization can be corrected easily. En masse distalization of the

mandibular buccal segments or the entire dentition is also possible if the

mandibular dentition is aligned. With the SAS, it is not always necessary to

extract the mandibular first or second premolars even in patients with moderate to

severe crowding. Molar relationship in patients with symmetric or asymmetric Class

III molar relationship can be corrected without having to extract mandibular



The preferred site for placement of bone screws in themandible is the buccal shelf

area, which lies lower andlateral to the 2nd molar region. Buccalshelf bone screws

can also be placed in the external oblique ridge the mandible if the buccal shelf areais

found to be too thin or too deep.

Figure 124 Location of the buccal shelf area of the mandible

Bone screws in the mandible are available in two sizescommonly (manufacturer

specific) – 10 mm and 12 mmin length and 2 mm in diameter. Buccal shelf area in

theIndian population is mostly found to bethin and deep;therefore, the preferred

choice will be a 12‑mm screw.


The head and collar sizes of both the variants (10 and12 mm) are almost the same

but may vary according tothe choice of the manufacturer.


For placement of bone screws in the BS area of mandible(2nd molar region), initial

point of insertion is inter-dentallybetween the 1st and the 2nd molar and 2 mm below

themucogingival junction. The self‑drilling screw is directedat 90° to the occlusal

plane at this point. After the initialnotch in the bone is created after couple of turns

to thedriver, the bone screw driver direction is changed by 60°–75° toward the tooth,

upward, which aid in bypassing theroots of the teeth and directing the screw to the

buccalshelf area of the mandible. sometimes pre‑drilling or vertical slit in the

mucosa isnecessary if the bone density is too thick, however, raisingof flap is never

required. Immediate loading is possibleand a force of up to 300–350 g can be taken

up by asingle bone screw.


In the mandibular arch – the limits of distalizationis the proximity of the roots of the

2nd molar to thelingual cortical plate (angle of Inflection). Fordistalization in the

mandibular arch almost invariably3rd molar extraction is mandatory.



The retromolar fossa is an anatomically suitable skeletal anchorage site.Recently,

temporary skeletal anchorage devices (TSADs)have decreased the need for

extractions and surgical procedures. Distalization of themandibular molars enables

retraction of the incisors toachieve a positive overjet. Miniplates can withstand the

higher forces requiredto distalize the whole dentition, unlike

miniscrews.Sugawaraet alreported the use of miniplates formandibular distalization,

and they placed the miniplateson the mandibular body.


The ramal plates were placed in the retromolar fossa between the anterior border of

the mandibular ramus and the temporal crest. After a mucoperiosteal flap opening was

created in the retromolar area, an L-plate (Le Forte system; Jeil Medical Corp.,

Seoul, Korea) was adapted to fit the bone surface. The hook on the plate was located

3 mm lateral to the buccal surface of the second molar, and between the buccal

groove and 3 mm anterior to the distal surface anteroposteriorly. The third molars

were extracted during plate installation.


Figure 125 Ramal implant and screws

Each plate was fixated with two miniscrews 5 mm in length (with pilot drilling). The

flap was sutured over the plate and the hook was extended through the mucosa. The

anterior screw hole of the plate was cut occlusally to convert it into a hook for easier

placement of elastics or nickel-titanium closed-coil springs. The elastics or closed-

coil springs were connected to hooks that were crimped to the archwire between the

lateral incisors and canines after placement of the plate.


The hooks were adjusted to be in line with the facial axis points of the mandibular

dentition so that the traction forces were parallel to the occlusal plane. Power chain

elastics were connected from the plate hooks to the first molar bracket hooks to

deliver a force of 300 g per side and were replaced every 3 weeks.

The plates were placed after the leveling and alignment of the mandibular

dental arch was completed. The distalization started with a 0.019 × 0.025 inch

stainless steel archwire that was fully engaged, and ended when an acceptable overjet

was achieved.


The goal of orthodontic treatment is to achieve proper function, esthetics, and

stability, but unstable treatment results can affect the function and esthetics. Hence,

the stability of treatment should be the primary concern of clinicians and patients.

However, posttreatment stability remains a significant challenge for orthodontists,

as it is difficult to achieve. Several studies have evaluated the treatment effects, and

the posttreatment changes after various mechanics were used to treat Class II

malocclusions, but there is some discrepancy in the results regarding the stability of

the treatment of Class II malocclusion, possibly owing the wide ranges of patient

ages and the different types of malocclusions. Concerning the stability of Class II

treatment with Herbst appliances, relapse was more frequent in adults (39%) than in

early adolescents (5%). Mihalik et al compared the outcomes of orthodontic

camouflage treatment with orthognathic surgery in adults and found that surgery

patients were nearly twice as likely to have a long term increase in overjet. Melsen

and Dalstra reported that molars distalized with cervical headgear had a strong

tendency to return to their initial sagittal position. Temporary skeletal anchorage

devices (TSADs) showed to be effective in the treatment of Class II malocclusions.

They have been applied to support distalizers such as bone-anchored pendulum

appliances and skeletal frog appliances. In addition, they have been placed into the

interradicular spaces to support the distalization of maxillary dentition via elastics.

Kuroda et al reported that the occlusion and profile were maintained after 5-year

post retention in a patient with Class II malocclusion treated using TSADs.

Furthermore, Ishihara et al reported that the treatment outcome in a patient with


Class II malocclusion treated using TSADs was stable with a small increase in the

overbite 4 years posttreatment. Nevertheless, there have not been any studies on the

assessment of the stability of the Class II treatment outcome using TSADs. Research

has shown that modified C-palatal plates (MCPPs) had been effectively used to

distalize the maxillary dental arches in adolescent and adult patients with Class II

molar relationship. These studies reported that distalization with MCPPs resulted in

bodily molar movement with minimal tipping and without molar extrusion.

Therefore, treatment with MCPPs has been recommended for Class II Division 1

treatment. Although improvement can be achieved through orthodontic treatment,

many studies have reported that there is a tendency for relapse to the original

malocclusion after the appliance is removed.

Ghosh and Nanda reported distal tipping of maxillary first and second molars at

the end of the distalization period of 8.4º and 12.0º, respectively with the pendulum

appliance. They stated that a tipping movement of the molars could correct the molar

relationship, but during retraction of the incisors, retention would be questionable.

Chiu et al and Burkhardt et al found that nearly 90% and 87% of the molar

distalization obtained during the first phase of treatment with Pendulum appliances

was lost during the second phase of treatment. Similarly, Caprioglio et al reported

that the first molars were distalized 4 mm with 10º of tipping with the pendulum

appliance, but almost half of the patients had relapsed during the fixed appliance

treatment. However, most of these studies were performed on growing patients, and

therefore, the mesial movement of the molars might be attributed in part to the

growth of the nasomaxillary complex.


Several studies reported that most posttreatment changes occur in the year

immediately after treatment and occlusion tends to stabilize after that, except for

mandibular incisors' contact point displacement, which tends to increase over the

years. Moreover, in a 10-year follow-up study, Al Yami et al stated that the

maximum movement takes place during the first 2 years posttreatment. Maniewicz

Wins et al reported in a systematic review that the only 2 factors found to be

predictive of relapse were significant treatment changes in molar and canine

relationships, but the evidence was limited. In addition, they reported that 14 factors

were found to not affect relapse, again with limited evidence. These factors were

divided into (1) pretreatment characteristics (molar relationship, overbite, incisor

inclination, SNA, SNB, ANB, and maxillary, mandibular, and intermaxillary plane

angles); (2) treatment characteristics (treatment timing, length of treatment,

retention time, and length of follow-up); and (3) posttreatment characteristics

(overjet and molar relationships). In addition, they also showed that severe

pretreatment dental sagittal relationship, extraction, and significant treatment

changes (except for molar and canine relationships) exhibited no conclusive

evidence regarding their effect on relapse. A recent study showed that the number

of years without retention and not wearing a fixed retainer had a significant increase

in the risk of lower incisor alignment instability.

Raucci et al reported that the predictors of stability of mandibular dental arch

dimensions after treatment with lip bumper followed by fixed appliance were the

increases in intermolar and interpremolar widths during lip bumper therapy.

Meanwhile, the predictor of relapse in maxillary dental arch dimensions after


treatment with transpalatal arch followed by fixed appliances was pretreatment

maxillary crowding. Several factors might affect the stability of the orthodontic

treatment outcome. These include gender, skeletal maturity, age, habits, muscular

functions, bite force, growth patterns, initial occlusion, treatment modality, changes

in arch form, and posttreatment occlusion. However, no consensus is reached

because studies have shown contradictory conclusions.



In the literature, tooth movement is usually assessed via measurements made on

lateral cephalometric radiographs or photocopies of study models. Recently, the use

of 3D digital models has increased, and also can be used for this purpose.

Cephalometric radiographic measurement is a standard method used by

orthodontists to assess skeletal, dental, and soft tissue relationships, as well as the

results of orthodontic treatment. This approach, however, is based on two-

dimensional (2D) views of 3D structures, which causes information loss and

identification errors due to blurring, overlapping of anatomic structures, and the

superimposition of bilateral structures. Magnification errors, subjecting patients to

radiation exposure, and the inability to evaluate tooth movement in the transverse

direction are other disadvantages of cephalometric assessments. In addition, errors

associated with measuring small linear distances on cephalometric tracings further

compromise a quantitative assessment of the orthodontic movements of each tooth.

The photocopy method developed by Champagne14 is another method that requires

a plaster model, but provides only a 2D projection of a 3D structure. It has many

clinical drawbacks, such as difficulties in establishing reference points, a

complicated measurement process, and a 2D measurement of the 3D curvature of

the palatal vault. Despite the limitations of the cephalometric and photocopy

methods, both are used in the assessment of molar distalization because there has

been no other method that permitted superimposition. In recent years, 3D digital

models have gained increasing acceptance as an alternative to traditional plaster

models in orthodontics. Unlike plaster models, 3D digital models are not subject to

loss, fracture, or degradation. Digital storage eliminates the need for storage space,

which is required for traditional models.

In addition, tooth position can be measured accurately in three dimensions; the

measurement of inclination, which is unreliable with plaster models, is especially

accurate when this method is used. Furthermore, 3D mapping of tooth movement is

possible by superimposing dental changes on stable reference structures with the use

of digital sectioning techniques. The validity and efficiency of linear and angular

measurements created with 3D digital models have been investigated, and it was

confirmed that digital models offer a valid alternative to plaster models.

Laser scanners are one of the devices capable of constructing 3D shapes of the

dentition and occlusion with adequate accuracy and reliability. The disadvantages

of the laser scanning method are the relatively long times required for the 3D

scanning and analysis of dental casts, as well as the purchase costs of the scanner

and software. Additionally, analyzing the casts requires special training in order to

establish accuracy. Studies comparing direct measurements made from dental casts

with those made from 3D digitized models produced by surface laser scanners have

shown that the latter method is highly accurate for dental cast analysis.


Various devices have been put forward for the purpose of effective molar

distalization. Many clinical studies and research work involving the appliances have

been conducted to select the best of the available.

Each appliance has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, while

selecting the appliance suitable for a particular clinical situation, it is important that

we understand the various pros and cons of the molar distalizers in comparison. For

example, it is essential to know which molar distalizer would produce bodily

movement when compared to the others. Similarly, other characteristic effects that

need to be taken into consideration are the mesial movement of the anterior teeth,

extrusion of the posteriors, tipping of the molars, time taken for the distalization and

combined distalization of the first and second molars and rotation.

Here in this discussion we have complied the work done by various researchers

to provide information including the above-mentioned factors regarding the

commonly used molar distalizing appliance systems.

In the year 1989, Gianelly et al used magnets and open coil springs to distalize

molars and they conclude that the molars showed a distal tipping with an anchorage

loss of 1mm. They suggested that this anchor loss could probably be reduced by

reinforcing the Modified Nance appliance perhaps with Class II elastics against a

0.016 X 0.022” sectional arch wire.


Later in this year 1992, Bondermark and Kurol used repelling magnets for

simultaneous distalization of the maxillary permanent first and second molars and

they observed that the molars moved 4.2mm distally with a distal tipping of 8 degree.

Subsequently in the year 1994, another study was conducted by them with

repelling magnets versus super elastic Nickel Titanium coils for simultaneous distal

molar movement of maxillary permanent first and second molars. It was observed

that with the modification of the appliance and the two distal extensions from the

Nance which passed through the palatal tubes of the molar bands, the molars were

distalized with minimal tipping and minimal tipping and minimal disto buccal

rotation. The magnetic force dropped more rapidly than the coil forces with the mean

force on the magnet side which showed a reduction from 225gm to 100gm while the

decline in the force for open coil spring was from 225gm to 180gm. The average

distal molar movement of molars was 3.2mm for the coils and 2.2mm for magnets

with minimal distal tipping. It was observed that one half of the distal movement of

molars treated with magnets was mainly related to tipping with an obvious risk of


Intra oral molar distalizing appliances like the pendulum appliance and Jones

jig appliance marked its arrival in the year 1992 for Class II Noncompliance

treatment. Significant amount of distalization was achieved when these appliances

were used however true bodily movement was questionable.

Gosh and Nanda in the year 1996 studied the effects of pendulum appliance

on distalization of maxillary molars and reciprocal effects on anchor premolars and

maxillary incisors. According to their study, the maxillary first molars moved

distally by 3.37 mm with a distal tipping of 8.36 degree. There was also a reciprocal

mesial movement of the first premolars which was observed to be as 2.55mm and a

mesial tipping of 1.29 degree indicating an anchor loss.

The vertical change in first molar position was not significant. They claimed that the

stability of distally tipped molars is not certain and their use as an anchorage to

retract anterior teeth is was suggested to improve the posterior

anchorage by up righting the molars with the use of a head gear.

Bussick et al in the year 2000 conducted another study with the pendulum

appliance and its dental and skeletal effects. It was conducted that the pendulum

appliance primarily affects the maxillary dentition with only secondary minor effects

on the soft tissue and the skeletal components. All maxillary molars were distalized

with an average distal molar movement of 5.7mm showing a distal tipping of 10.6


There was reciprocal anchorage loss in the premolars and incisors in a mesial

direction at an average of 1.8mm with a mesial tipping of 1.5 degree.

The maxillary molar distalization contribution to 76% of the total space opening

anterior to maxillary first molar whereas 24% was due to reciprocal anchorage loss of

maxillary premolars. It was noted that although a sufficient amount of molar

distalization was achieved using the pendulum appliance there was a considerable

amount of anchor loss with significant distal tipping of the molars which questioned

its stability.

The Jones Jig appliance also was used for effective molar distalization. Jones and

White in the year 1992, observed very little forward movement of the anterior teeth

if any in patients who began treatment with Jones Jig and Nance appliance.

Haydar et al in the year 2000 conducted a study comparing the Jones Jig molar

distalizer with extra oral traction and they concluded that distalization was faster

using Jones Jig which took just 2.3 months when compared to the extra oral traction

which needed almost ten months. However, a major disadvantage observed with

Jones Jig was that a significant mesial movement and protrusion of the anchorage

unit was observed. They suggested the use of headgear in the night for anchorage

control after treatment with the Jones Jig.


Although several methods were proposed to distalize maxillary molars, all these

system applied forces mainly to the crowns of the upper first molar which resulted

in its tipping and rotation.

The Distal Jet appliance was then introduced in the year 1996. Carano and Testa

compared the rate of distal molar movement of Distal Jet to that of magnets and

Jones Jig. They reported that distalization of molars using Distal Jet was achieved

without tipping and rotation.

Ngantung and Nanda in the year 2001 studied the post treatment evaluation

of the Distal Jet appliance. The average time for class II correction was 6.7 months.

The maxillary first molars were distalized by an average of 2.1mm with a distal

tipping of 3.3 degree. Mesial movement of the second premolar occurred by 2mm

with the premolar skipping distally. Labial tipping of the maxillary incisors was also

observed. This indicated an anchor loss present when using the distal jet appliance.

They reported that mere reduction of forces used for distalization did not reduce the

anchor loss as observed in the case of Jones Jig where in the coil springs producing

a force of 75gms used to distalize showed a more significant anchorage loss and

maxillary molar tipping when compared with the 240gms springs used in the distal

Jet appliance.

They further concluded that this appliance provided more bodily movement of

molars because the force was applied closer to the center of resistance of tooth

compared to other distalizing devices as mentioned earlier by Carano and Testa.

Following this, a very significant comparative study of distal jet appliance with

other appliances mainly the Jones Jig and Pendulum was done in the year 2002 by

Bolla et al. The study concluded that the Distal Jet appliance moved the first molars

distally at an average of 3.2mm per side with 3.1 degree of distal crown tipping. The

pendulum appliance produced the grants amount of the net distalization when

compared to Jones Jig and Distal Jet appliance; however it also showed greater molar

tipping. The Jones Jig appliance was the least effective in creating space because

only 1.6mm/side of space was obtained after up righting of the molars. The anchor

loss measured at the first premolar was 1.3mm/side with 2.8degree of distal crown

tipping. These are clinically comparable to other intra oral distalizing appliances.

Hence the Distal Jet appliance even though produced a lesser net distalization

compared with the pendulum, the amount of molar tipping was significantly less

than has been found with other appliances including the pendulum reducing the risk

of further anchorage loss.

A significant contribution in the field of intra oral molar distalizers was brought

about Ahmet Keles in the year 2000, where he introduced the Intra oral bodily molar

distalizer (IBMD).

This device incorporated a wider anchorage plate in order to enhance the

anchorage. The results showed the maxillary molars distalized bodily by 5.23mm on

average. The maxillary first premolars moved by 4.33mm mesially and were

extruded by 3.3mm. Maxillary incisors were found to be protruded by 4.7mm with

6.73degree labial tipping. This indicated a true bodily movement of the molar using

the IBMD. Distal tipping and extrusion of molars were not statistically significant.

Gosh and Nanda in their study evaluated the effect of pendulum appliance and

they claimed the stability of distally tipped molar was not certain thereby suggesting

the use of headgear for up righting of molars. Similarly, Gianelly et al, suggested

that he distalized molars needed to be stabilized for atleast 3-6 months while being

up righted with a passive 0.016”x0.022” arch wire with stops at the molars and a

high pull headgear.

Therefore, the use of headgear in pendulum appliance or the Gianelly et al

technique questioned its classification as a Non-Complaint Appliance.

Gosh and Nanda showed 2.55mm of premolars movement with 1.29degree

mesial tipping while using a pendulum appliance. This suggested that for every mm

of distal molar movement the premolars moved mesially by 0.75mm. This

anchorage loss was seen in conjugation with a molar distal tipping of 8.36degree.

The study of Keles on IBMD showed that for every mm of molar distalization,

0.82mm anchorage loss was observed. However, the highlight was that no distal

tipping of the molars was observed. This concluded that IBMD was a very effective

appliance to distalize molars bodily without using any extra oral appliance or other

intra oral mechanics when compared to other appliances like the Jones Jig distal and

the pendulum appliance.

Karlsoon and Bondemark in the year 2005 recently conducted a study

comparing the efficiency of extra oral appliance with an intra oral appliance for

distal molar movement of maxillary first molar and they concluded that the amount

of distal molar movement of the maxillary first molars was significantly higher and

more rapid with the intra oral appliance than the extra oral appliance.

Moderate and acceptable anchorage loss was produced with the intra oral

appliance implying increased over jet whereas the extra oral appliance created a

decreased over jet. From the above discussion, we understand that the efficacy of

the magnets in distalizing the molar though less than that of coil springs, the anchor

loss and distal tipping of the molars was minimal in comparison.

Interesting studies comparing the Jones Jig, pendulum appliance and the

Distal jet appliance conclude that the maximum distalization was achieved with the

chances of stability was questionable.


The distal jet appliance displayed more of bodily movement with minimal anchor

loss. Ahmet Keles IBMD has proven itself to be biomechanically superior to all the

other molar distalizing appliances. It produces bodily movement with mesial

movement of the anterior teeth with no significant extrusion or rotation.

It has been suggested that however capable, an intra oral molar distalizer be the

stability is always questionable. Some degree of tipping is also unavoidable. The use

of extra oral appliances like head gear and an intra oral nance palatal button is highly

recommended to achieve a biomechanically superior, physiologically acceptable and

stable result.


1. A reliable method for evaluating upper molar distalization:

superimposition of three-dimensional digital models:

In orthodontic practice, comprehensive diagnosis and treatment planning are

essential for a successful treatment outcome. Stone casts are one of the tools that

serve this purpose, and have long been the gold standard for measuring mesiodistal

tooth dimensions, calculating indices such as the Bolton index, and determining the

efficacy of orthodontic treatment. However, these study models have the

disadvantages of being prone to degradation, breakage, and loss. With the

introduction of digitized laser-scanned dental impressions that produce a three-

dimensional (3D) image of the teeth and dental arches, the disadvantages of the

study model have been surmounted. Moreover, the inconvenience of having to pour

and trim plaster casts and the need to store and retrieve the models each time a

patient is seen have been obviated. Now it is possible to view the dentition on a

computer screen by rotating virtual models to provide a 3D view, as with hand-held

models. In parallel with the use of 3D cephalometrics and 3D digital photography,

the popularity of digital models has increased, and the paperless office has

represented a great advance in practice efficiency.

The evaluation of orthodontic tooth movement requires the superimposition of

certain reference points or lines on either cephalometric radiographs or plaster


The cranial base, maxilla, or mandible is used as the reference point for the

superimposition of serial cephalometric radiographs, while the superimposition of

plaster models has limitations due to a lack of anatomic reference points or areas.

With the development of 3D measuring devices, some investigators have performed

3D superimpositions of dental models to analyze tooth movement. The use of palatal

rugae as reference points for measuring tooth movement on both serial dental models

and 3D digital models has been investigated and reported to be a suitable reference

structure when studying serial models. So in conclusion, the use of 3D digital

modeling to assess the results of upper molar distalization is a reliable and valid

alternative to conventional measurement methods.

2. Upper Molar Distalization with Invisalign Treatment Accelerated by Photo

Recent advances in the Invisalign system allow predictable distalization of posterior

teeth to facilitate treatment of Class II and Class III malocclusions. A sequential

approach can be used to maximize anchorage, but requires a large number of aligner

stages. Even with the weekly change protocol recently recommended by Align

Technology, it may take 40-50 weeks to distalize the posterior teeth, depending on

the amount of tooth movement needed. Previous various studies have demonstrated

that the use of OrthoPulse photobiomodulation (PBM) could accelerate bone

remodeling and orthodontic tooth movement, allowing patients to change Invisalign

aligners as often as every three days. PBM can be applied to accelerate sequential

distalization with the Invisalign system.


Photobiomodulation, also known as low-level light therapy, employs near-infrared

light (600- 1000nm) from a low-level laser or light-emitting diode. At the cellular

level, PBM is thought to activate the predominant mitochondrial photoacceptor,

cytochrome c oxidase, thus increasing mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate

production by means of an elevated proton concentration gradient across the inner

mitochondrial membrane. This effect facilitates tissue repair and bone remodeling

by raising metabolic activity in damaged areas. In addition, there is some evidence

that PBM therapy can reduce pain because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Data

from rat models have indicated that PBM can also accelerate tooth movement. One

study reported increases in osteoclast numbers on the pressure side of the targeted

molars and bone formation and cellular proliferation on the tension side. Clinical

studies investigating orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances and clear aligners

have found significantly increased tooth movement in the irradiated patients. A

systematic review of five human trials and 11 animal studies concluded that a

reasonable dose of PBM may reduce orthodontic treatment time; an evaluation of

18 clinical trials found evidence supporting the efficacy of laser therapy and PBM.


Distalizing teeth has always been a challenge to orthodontist of which molar

distalization is most difficult. Class II molar relationship can be corrected by several

methods. One possibility apart from extraction is by distalizing to create space in the

lateral segments for retraction of cuspid and anterior teeth. This type of

mechanotherapy is typically used in patient in maxillary skeletal and dento alveolar

protrusion. Many appliances have been proposed for distalizing removable and fixed

appliances. Although there are many advantages and disadvantages for both

methods, the main drawback of extraoral approach is the patient compliance. This

pitfall has been overcome by the intraoral appliances but they are not as effective as

extraoral appliance.

The need of the hour is an appliance which embodies the advantages of the

intraoral, extraoral methods and eliminates the disadvantages of both. In this space

age where advancements are being made each and every day, one should expect that

this lacuna will be filled in near future. The newer materials like Niti, Magnets, and

composite plastics will no doubt revolutionize the procedure of molar distalization.

Who knows one day the so called next generation force delivery system by

minimotors may be delivering effective distalizing forces on the molars intraorally.


But as of today, there is no all-in-one molar distalizing appliance. It is to know

the indications, contraindications, and modifications that are possible with

distalization method. To fight a borderline case distalization procedure is an

important weapon in the orthodontists’ armamentarium. It should be remembered

that patient selection for a particular method of distalization is of utmost importance

and should not be overlooked. Right appliance should be selected for the right patient

and one should not select the patient for the appliance, rather the appliance should

be selected for the patient.



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