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Vol. 9(8), pp. 484-491, 25 Feb

bruary, 2015
DOI: 10.5897/A AJMR2014.7309 9
Article Number: 76F8FA85070 03
ISSSN 1996-08088 Africaan Journaal of Microobiology R
Copyright © 20 015
Author(s) retainn the copyrigh
ht of this article


Deteection of afla
enic A
Aspergiillus sttrains by
ural an
nd mollecularr methods: A critic
cal reviiew
H. Sudini1*, P. Srilaks
H shmi1, K. Vijay
V na Kumar1 , Samuel M
Krishn oge2, Mose
M. C. Njoro es Osiru3,
A Seettha2 and F. Waliyar3
International Crops Resea arch Institute for
f the Semi-A Arid Tropics ((ICRISAT), Pa atancheru 50
02 324, Telang
gana, India.
Intternational Crrops Research Institute forr the Semi-Ariid Tropics (IC
CRISAT), Lilon ngwe, Malawi.
I Crops Resea arch Institute for
f the Semi-A Arid Tropics ((ICRISAT) Baamako, Mali.
Received 1 Decemberr, 2014; Accepte d 9 February, 20

Aflatoxin contamination n of food an nd feed commmodities, ca aused by As spergillus seection Flavi group of
fungi, is a serious
s probblem worldw wide. Exposu ure through c consumption n of contaminated food and feed
has deleterrious effects on human and a animal health.
h Thereefore, aflatoxin contaminated produ ucts are a
barrier to international trade of ag ommodities. Not all fung
gricultural co gi from Aspe ergillus secttion Flavi
produce afllatoxins. Hen nce it is imp
portant to diffferentiate Asspergillus sppp. into toxigenic and atoxigenic
species to better underrstand their population structure
s in a specific eenvironment. A range of methods
are availablle today, including cultural, analytica
al and molec cular method ds, to identify
y the toxin p
solates from section Flav
ability of is vi. A compreehensive rev view of these e methods w would be of g great use
for research hers in deve
eloping natioons where fu ully equipped d aflatoxin detection labo oratories are
e lacking.
In this pap per we criticcally revieweed the cultu ural and mo olecular metthods of de etecting aflattoxigenic
Aspergillus s species andd their precis

Key words: Toxigenic As

spergillus, ato
oxigenic Aspe
ergillus, culturral methods, P
PCR based m


atoxins are secondary metabolites produced by

Afla are tthe predomiinant aflatoxxin producerss (Cary and d
Asppergillus section Flavi grou up of fungi. These
T aflatoxins Ehrlicch, 2006; Ehrrlich et al., 2007). Other Asspergillus spp
e potent carcinogenic,
c teratogenic, mutagen nic, reporrted to be aflatoxigenic in this se ection are A. A
heppatotoxic and d immunosup ppressive age ents that cau use pseud docaelatus ((B1, B2 and d G1, G2 a aflatoxins), A.
signnificant dama age to human and anima al health (Moss, pseud donomius (B1 and not G-type aflatoxiins) (Varga et e
20002; Saleemullah et al., 2006). The Asp pergillus section al., 2 011) and A. parvisclerotig genus (Godett and Munautt,
Flavi comprises two groups of o species; firsst group inclu
ude 2010)). The secon nd group com mprises atoxiggenic species s
A. fflavus, A. parrasiticus, A. nomius, A. pseeudotamarii and
a such as A. oryzae e, A. sojae an nd A. tamarii (Kumeda and d
A. bombycis. Of these, the A. A flavus and d A. parasiticcus Asao , 2001). The e atoxigenic species such h as A. sojae e

Corresponding author.
a E-mail: h.sudini@cgia Tel: +91-30713696. Fa
ax: +91-307130

Auuthor(s) agree that

t this article remains permanently open access
a under th
he terms of the
e Creative Com
mmons Attribution License 4.0
Intternational Lice
Sudini et al. 485

and A. oryzae are generally used as starters in fermen- chromatography (HPLC) (Seitz, 1975; Sobolev and Dorner,
tation of foods (Chang et al., 2007). Particularly, A. sojae 2002; Trucksess et al., 1991), liquid chromatography
and A. oryzae are perceived as atoxigenic variants of A. /mass spectroscopy (LC/MS), enzyme linked immune-
flavus and A. parasiticus (Klich and Pitt, 1988). Other sorbent assay (ELISA) (Patey et al., 1989) and
species of Aspergillus not included in section Flavi are immunoaffinity with fluorescence (Nasir and Jolley,
also reported to be aflatoxigenic (Chang et al., 2007). For 2002). Each of these methods has advantages and
example, A. ochraceoroseus (from section Ochraceroesi); limitations. For example, cultural methods though
the ascomycete fungi Emericella astellata and E. inexpensive, but are less sensitive, affecting accuracy
venezuelensis (Aspergillus section Nidulantes) also (Abbas et al., 2004a). On the other hand, molecular
produce B1 (Cary et al., 2005; Klich et al., 2000; Frisvad techniques provide rapid diagnosis because of their high
et al., 1999 , 2005). sensitivity, specificity, and are currently in use for
The predominant aflatoxigenic species of Aspergillus; detection of aflatoxigenic strains of A. flavus and A.
A. flavus and A. parasiticus produce aflatoxins, that are a parasiticus (Shapira et al., 1996; Sweeney et al., 2000).
group of 20 closely related secondary metabolites (Liu Since, the toxigenic profiles of both A. flavus and A.
and Wu, 2010; Snigdha et al., 2013). These fungi are parasiticus are mostly different; adopting a single method
ubiquitous, they are common soil inhabitants, air-borne, has not yet been reliable in differentiation. The compiled
and are also found in crops and foods at both pre-and information may be useful in devising a polyphasic, cost
post-harvest stages (Waliyar et al., 1994; Jaime-Garcia effective and robust approaches using one or more
and Cotty, 2004; Williams et al., 2004). Among different methods that allow accurate differentiation between
aflatoxins, the naturally occurring and well-known ones aflatoxin producing and non-producing strains of
are aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), B2 (AFB2), G1 (AFG1), and G2 Aspergillus.
(AFG2) (Gimeno, 2004; Saleemullah et al., 2006;
Strosnider et al., 2006). Of them, AFB1 is categorized as
a group 1 carcinogen (Castegnaro and McGregor, 1998), CULTURAL METHODS
and is the most prevalent aflatoxin. Predominantly, these
toxins affect peanuts, corn, cotton seed, tree nuts, pea, Cultural methods for detecting aflatoxins either rely on
sorghum, rice, pistachio, oilseed rape, sunflower seed, quantification of purified extracts (Filtenborg and Frisvad,
figs, spices, meats, dairy products, and fruit juices (apple, 1980; Shotwell et al., 1966), or on qualitative assess-
guava) (Abdin et al., 2010). Further, to this, in ments of fluorescence (Bennett and Goldblatt, 1973; de
occupational settings, mycotoxin exposure is one of the Vogel et al., 1965; Hara et al., 1974; Lin and Dianese,
major health concerns. Monitoring for mycotoxin 1976) or UV absorption (Yabe et al., 1987). They include
exposure is therefore mandatory so as to take adequate a) blue fluorescence (FL) (particularly in the presence of
precautionary steps. Presently, monitoring on Aflatoxin an enhancer in the medium such as β-cyclodextrin (Fente
B1 is rare at occupational settings. In this context, et al., 2001; Ordaz et al., 2003); b) yellow pigmentation
occupational settings with potential residents of (YP) on the undersides of colonies (Gupta and Gopal,
aflatoxigenic A. flavus strains needs enumeration. It is 2002; Lin and Dianese, 1976; Odhiambo et al., 2014);
also at this juncture, the application aspects of the current and c) color change of the yellow pigment to plum-red on
review would be prudent. Knowledge on differentiation of exposure of the culture to ammonium hydroxide vapor
atoxigenic and toxigenic strains would finally contribute to (AV) (Saito and Machida, 1999; Abbas et al., 2004a;
enhancement of precautionary safety systems in various Odhiambo et al., 2014).
occupational settings. Different media are in use for growing aflatoxigenic
There are morphological similarities between Aspergillus spp. They include Aspergillus flavus and
aflatoxigenic and non-aflatoxigenic Aspergillus species. parasiticus agar (AFPA) (Pitt et al., 1983), Czapek’s
For example, A. sojae is morphologically similar to A. yeast extract agar (CYA), yeast extract sucrose agar
parasiticus and it is believed that A. sojae is a medium (YES), coconut agar medium (CAM), aflatoxin
domesticated strain of A. parasiticus (Chang et al., 2007). producing ability medium (APA) (Jaimez et al., 2003b).
However, few distinguishing characters such as color, However, the toxin production in these media varies with
texture and conidial diameter separate these two species extraneous factors such as pH, temperature and time.
(Klich, 2002). Precise detection of aflatoxigenic Incubation for a period of five days is necessary for toxin
Aspergillus species is important for both research and production in YES (Gqaleni et al., 1996; Leontopoulos et
mitigation. In this paper, we have comprehensively al., 2003). Aflatoxin production (AFB1) by A. flavus and
reviewed cultural and molecular methods of detection of A. parasiticus in cheese and rice for toxigenic isolates
aflatoxigenic Aspergillus spp. and their differentiation can be peak at 7, 10, 14, 21 and 28 days. Further,
using cultural and molecular methods. Current analytical maximum production of AFB1 will be at 14 days (Park
methods used to validate the aflatoxin production and and Bullerman, 1983).
quantification include thin layer chromatography (TLC) Different reports on the potential of media in supporting
(Stroka and Anklam, 2000), high-performance liquid toxin production are available. Ritter et al. (2011) showed
6 Afr. J. Microbiol. Re

that YES media a is better compared

c to CYA, where eas
Abrranson and ClearC (1996) proved that CYA agar was w
ghtly better than YES agar.
slig a Reddy et al. (200 09)
repported that alll toxigenic iso olates of A. flavus
f produc
AFB B1 on YES media, wherreas, 65%, and a 53% of the
samme isolates produced
p aflatoxin on Cza apek’s and PD DA
agaar, respectiv vely. Howeve er, none of the toxigenic
isollates produce ed AFB1 in AFPA medium. In anoth her
studdy, Fente et al. (2001) sh howed that YES
Y media was
commparatively superior in supporting aflattoxin production
oveer Czapek’s, aflatoxin pro oducing abilityy (APA) med dia,
andd different coconut
c agarrs. In contra ast, Desai anda
Gho osh (2003) reeported high AFB1 A producttion in Czapek’s
agaar over APA anda CAM. Figuure 1. Charactteristic beige rring shown by aflatoxigenic
A combination n of media ca an be of grea at advantage e in Asppergillus flavus ((right side) on co
oconut agar me
dettermining the toxigenic pottential of fung gi. For examp ple,
commbined use of o CYA and YES Y media is s advantageo ous
sincce both thes se media alllow productiion of differe ent
myccotoxins (Bra agulat et al., 2001;
2 Frisvad and Filtenbo org,
19883). A new media
m containning Czapek’’s yeast extra act
agaar (CYA) and YES + 0.6% % of YCSD (c commercial YES
medium supple emented with h 0.3% Mβ-cyd and 0.6 6%
soddium desoxyc cholate) is used
u to deteect aflatoxigenic
pottential of A. fllavus strains. When grown n on this med dia,
preeviously verifiied toxigenic c strains hav ve developed d a
orescent ring under UV light. Other media m that ha
pottential to dete
ect aflatoxigen nic A. flavus and
a A. niger area
PDA A + NaCl an nd APA media that produc ce fluorescennce
aroound the colo onies. Furtherr, the diametter of the beige
g and the intensity of its fluorescence under UV
ring U
incrreased over time up to fo our days (Alm moammar et al.,a
20113). Coconutt agar mediu um (CAM) is also genera ally Figu re 2. Characcteristic blue fluorescence exhibited by
oxigenic Asperg
gillus flavus (rig
ght side) on re
everse side of
useed for rapid detection of aflatoxin production by
coco nut agar mediu m.
Asppergillus spp. (Lin and Dia anese, 1976)). Cultivation on
CAAM is generally a prelimin nary tool to detect aflatoxin
prooduction (de Vogel
V et al., 1965; Arsec culeratne et al.,
19669; Lin and Dianese,
D 1976 6; Davis et al., 1987). Liquuid and McCammon, 1994). Anotther reliable substrate fo or
mulation of CAM
C is also used
u ecting aflatoxins
for dete rapid detection o of aflatoxigennic fungi is palm kernel.
by a microplate fluorescent reader-based
r d assay (Dego ola Yelloww pigmentation of toxigen nic isolates in n palm kerne el
et a
al., 2011). A visible
v beige ring can be observed,
o undder media a is indicattive of the presence o of aflatoxinss.
UV light, in cultures of afla atoxigenic fuungi (Figure 1). Comp pared to desiccated coconut agar, the e fluorescencee
Furrther, a blue e fluorescenc ce surroundin ng aflatoxigenic naturre, intensity o
of diffusion off water solub ble fluorescen
coloonies under UVU light is als so seen on the reverse of thet comp pounds of iso olates was un nique in palm kernel media a
plattes (Almoam mmar et al., 2013) (Figu ure 2). Isolattes (Atannda et al., 200
thought to be atoxigenic
a alsso produced toxins in CA AM Preesence of a b beige ring aro
ound the colon nies on mediaa
undder optimal co onditions (Hoeltz, 2005). However,
H due
e to and iits fluorescennce under UV V light is an n indication of
the frequent fals se negative re esults, CAM is an unreliab ble aflato
oxin-producing g ability o of strains. Quantitative e
method for dete ecting the tox xigenic potential of A. flavvus meassure of agar m medium fluorrescence for e estimating the
andd A. parasitticus (Taniwa aki, 1996). Other cocon nut aflato
oxins are alsoo available. SSimple fluoresscence is one e
cultture media in use for detecting to oxigenic strains such rapid estimation of aflatoxxin levels in a solid culture e
incllude coconutt milk agar (C CMA), coconut extract ag gar, mediu um (Cotty, 19988). In this p
procedure, gla ass test tubes
cocconut cream agar (Fente et al., 2001 1; Davis et al.,
a contaaining 5 ml o of agar are inoculated w with spores of o
19887; Dyer and McCammon, 1994), fresh coconut extra act Aspe ergillus spp. and incubatted for 3 da ays at 30°C C.
(FCCE) and co ommercial coconut extra act (CCE) as Fluorrescence in the agar b by UV light is observed d.
subbstrates (Lin and
a Dianese, 1976). Coco onut cream ag gar Furthher, the agar fluorescence e is directly ccorrelated with
is rrelatively morre effective than other sy ynthetic cocon nut conce entration of aflatoxins (C Cotty, 1988).. Hara et al.
media due to de esiccated coco onut as the in
ngredient (Dye er (1974 4) described d in detail tthe fluorescen nce method of
Sudini e
et al. 487

dettecting aflatoxxigenic strains s of A. flavus s by utilizing UV

induced fluorescence of tox xin in a mod dified Czapek’s
solu ution agar co ontaining corrn steep liqu uor, HgCl2, and
(NH H4)H2PO4 instead of NaNO N 3 . Furth
her, the to xin
preesence is conffirmed by thin layer chroma atography (TL LC)
of CHCl3 extrac cts of the fluorescing ag gar. In anoth her
stud dy, Atanda et e al. (2005)) reported that aflatoxigenic
isollates exhibit a characte eristic blue or blue gre een
fluoorescence of agar under lo ong wave UV V light agains st a
pink background d as confirme ed by TLC. However,
H certaain
non n-aflatoxigenicc isolates allso fluoresce ence under UV U
ht (Almoamma ar et al., 20133). For examp ple, strains off A.
flavvus and A. oryzae
o produc ce several su ubstances oth her
than aflatoxins that give a blue b fluoresceence under UV U Figu re 3. Characcteristic golden n yellow pigm mentation by
ht. They include asperop pterin A or B (Kaneko and a aflato
oxigenic Asperg
gillus flavus (rig
ght side) on re
everse side of
San nada, 1969),, flavacol an nd deoxy-hyd droxy-aspergiillic coco nut agar mediu m.
acid d (Yokotsuka et al., 1967)..
Several otherr cultural me edia used fo or detection of
toxigenic strains s through observations on fluorescence e or
visible color of pigments
p are potato dextro ose agar (PD DA) CD w was proposed d (Fente et al., 2001). The e β-CD form is
and d coconut agar (Davis et al., 1987; Gu upta and Gop pal, relativvely more e effective in tthe formation n of aflatoxinn
200 02; Lemke ett al., 1988; Liin and Diane ese, 1976; Sa aito inclussion complexxes when bo oth α and β--CD are used d
and d Machida, 19 999), corn ste eep liquor (Ha ara et al., 19774; (Cepe eda et al., 1996). However, no significa ant differences
Wiccklow et al., 1981) and glucose-yeast extract mediu um on inttensity of coloor change at different con ncentrations of
(GY Y-agar) (Filteenborg and Frisvad,
F 1980
0; Yabe et al., a β-CDD and methyla ated β-CD de erivatives in different media
198 87; Cotty, 1988), Sabou uraud dextro ose and yea ast were noticed. Furrther, the inte ensity of fluorescence had d
extract agar when fortified with w cyclodexttrin (β-CD) was w increa ased with timme (Fente et a al., 2001). Co
onjunctive usee
also o a screenin ng substrate for detectin ng aflatoxigenic of hyydroxypropyl--β-cyclodextrin (HBC) (Ca avasol®) and d
straains (Fente et al., 2001 1). Complex agar mediu um bile ssalts (cholic aacid, sodium m taurocholate e and sodiumm
con ntaining sucroose, various salts,
s and an aqueous
a extraact dehyd drocholate) also resulted d in better detection of o
of aflatoxin-free e groundnut (de Vogel et al., 196 65); aflato
oxigenic strains (Fente ett al., 2001; JJaimez et al.,
synnthetic liquid medium (Adye and Mate eles, 1964) and
a 2003a a, b; Rojas ett al., 2005).
silicca gel medium m (Torrey and d Marth, 1976 6) are also ussed
(Feente et al., 20001). Dichlora an 18% glycerol agar, DG18;
dich hloran rose bengal agar,, DRBC; ma alt extract ag gar, ments as indicators
MA A; oxytetracyc cline glucose e yeast extra act agar, OG GY;
trypptic soy witth lecithin and a polysorbbate 80, TS SA; Produ uction of yello
ow to orange e pigments byy aflatoxigenic
Dicchloran chlora amphenicol pe eptone agar, DCPA are also avus strains was observved for the first time by
A. fla y
use ed in certaiin investigattions on ph hosphorescen nce Wisem man et al. (1967). Yellow pigment formation in n
phe enomenon to o allow the detection of o aflatoxigenic myce elia and med dia is also a basis for diagnosis of o
straains in culture
e media (Roja as-Duran et all., 2007). aflato
oxigenic isolaates (Figure 3) (Abbas e et al., 2004aa;
Shierr et al., 200 05; Odhiambo o et al., 2014). Aflatoxinn
produucing A. flavuus cultures iso
olated from in
nsect pests onn
Enrrichment of culture
c mediia with cyclo
odextrins cocon nut produced d a bright ye ellow pigmen ntation (Guptaa
and GGopal, 2002). The degree e of yellow piigmentation is
Fluorescence en nhancers such as cyclodex xtrins (CDs) are
a propoortional to blue fluorescence in culturre media (Lin n
gennerally used to
t confirm the e production of fluorescen nce and DDianese, 1976 6).
by aflatoxigenic A. flavus stra ains. Fluorescence by AFB1
andd AFG1 is greatly
g enhanced in presence of CD Ds.
Theese CDs are cyclic oligosa accharides co onsisting of (α
α-1, Vapo
or tests for co
olor change
4)-linked α-D-glucopyranose e units. The e behaviour of
AFBB1 in presen nce of CDs was w investiga
ated by seve eral A new w and rapid m method for de etecting toxigeenic strains of
researchers (Blais et al., 1988; Cepeda a et al., 198 88; A. flaavus and A. parasiticus is through va apor tests. By y
ancis et al., 19
988; and Vaz zquez et al., 1991). Howev ver, expossing the a aflatoxigenic colonies to o ammonium m
the exact mecha anism behind d fluorescence enhanceme ent hydro oxide vapors using standard procedurres (Abbas et e
by aflatoxins through β-CD complexation n is not cleaarly al., 20004b), will ressult in quick ccolor change of the reversee
undderstood (Vaz zquez et al., 1992).
1 Recenttly, a theoretical side ffrom brownish h/yellowish co olor to plum-rred (Saito and
mechanism on fluorescence enhancement
e t of AFB1 by β- Mach hida, 1999) (Figure 4). B Biochemical basis of vapor
8 Afr. J. Microbiol. Re

were found to be majorly assocciated with th he deletions of

a parrt or the entirre aflatoxin ggene cluster ((Chang et al.,
2005)). Defects in the aflatoxin n gene, pksA A in A. flavus
AF36 6 isolate of ccotton seed is also respo onsible for itss
atoxig genicity (Ehrlich and Cottyy, 2004). Othe er reasons foor
atoxig genicity of AAspergillus ca an be attribu uted to large e
deletiions in the afllatoxin gene ccluster (Prieto
o et al., 1996)).
Jiang g et al. (20099) reported a large fragme ent deletion inn
the a aflatoxin gene e cluster and further repla acement of its s
locatiion by a he eterologous insert. PCR assays have e
revea aled that Asp pergillus isollates with en ntire aflatoxin
gene cluster could not produ uce aflatoxinss (Yin et al.,
gure 4. Characteristic plum red d color change by aflatoxigenic
2009)). Hence, analysis of dele etion within aaflatoxin gene e
Asspergillus flavus n reverse side of Yeast extrac
s (right side) on ct clusteer can be an effective metthod for rapid d identification
succrose (YES) me edium when ex xposed to ammo onium hydroxide of truue non-aflato oxigenic Aspe ergillus strain
ns (Yin et al.,
vapors. 2009)).
Bassed on molecular chara acterization sstudies, it is s
conclluded that bo oth toxigenicc and atoxige enic A. flavus
isolattes are genetically simillar, but som me atoxigenic
testts was inve estigated by extracting pigments fro om isolattes having de eletions withinn the aflatoxin
n gene cluste er
lyopphilized cultu
ures of toxige enic strains grown
g on PDDA. can b be identified reeadily by PCRR assays (Yin n et al., 2009)).
Furrther mixing of these pigments with w ammoniu um Comp plete differentiation of atoxigenic a and toxigenic
hyddroxide or othher bases (so odium hydrox xide, potassiu
um strainns is howeve er not feasible with moleccular methods
hyddroxide, sodiuum carbonate e, and sodiu um bicarbona ate) such as random amplified polymorphic D DNA (RAPD)),
resulted in colo or change to t plum-red (Abbas et al., a Micro osatellite-prim
med PCR (MP P-PCR) profiiles and DNA A
20004b). The pig gments assoc ciated with co
olor change are
a seque ences of inte ernal transcribed spacer ((ITS) regions s,
norrsolorinic aciid, averantin n, averufin, versicolorin C, pksA and omtA genes (Yin et al., 200 09). Previous
verrsicolorin A, versicolorin
v A hemiacetall, and niduru ufin resea arch has also o indicated tthat molecula ar techniques
(Auucamp and Holzapfel,
H 19
970; Cole, 19 981; Heathco ote such as RAPD a and AFLP (a amplified fra
agment length h
andd Dutton, 196 69). All these pigments are e anthraquinoone polym morphism) co ould not diifferentiate to oxigenic and d
ermediates in
inte aflatoxiin biosynth
hetic pathw
way atoxig genic strains (Tran-Dinh e et al., 1999; Montiel et al.,
(Bhhatnagar et al., 2003). Of thhese, averufinn was producced 2003 ; Barros et al., 2007). For example, the e atoxigenic A.
by a non-afla atoxigenic mutant
m of A. parasitic cus sojae e and the to oxigenic A. parasiticus ccould not be e
(Doonkersloot et al.,
a 1972). differeentiated through sequenccing of the rib bosomal DNA A
ITS ((internal transscribed space ers) (Montiel et al., 2003)).
Howe ever, this tecchnique could d separate the A. flavus/A A.
parassiticus subgrroup from the A. oryzzae/A. flavus
Appplication of molecular
m tech
hniques in aflatoxin researrch subgrroup. In anotther study, Baird et al. (2006) reported d
is mmultitude. Fo or example, molecular
m ap
pproaches ha ave that DNA ampliffication finge erprinting (DA AF) was no ot
beeen used for differentiating the Aspergillus section Fllavi effecttive in disstinguishing aflatoxigenicc and non n-
commplex, dete ermining the e phylogen netic analys sis, aflatooxigenic isolaates of A. flavvus. Howeverr, use of minii-
chaaracterization of isolates, identification of aflatoxigenic hairp in primers using the a arbitrary signatures from m
isollates from different food and feeds, diversity
d studies ampliification proffiles (ASAP) technique successfully y
andd in understa anding the no on-aflatoxigen nicity of certaain nguished the majority off aflatoxigenic from non
distin n-
Asppergillus spp. (Montiel et al.,
a 2003; Alm moammar et al., a aflatooxigenic isolates (Baird d et al., 2 2006). AFLP P
20113; Chang et al., 2007; Ba aird et al., 20
006; Hatti et al.,
a fingerrprints howevver can be used for gen netic differen
20110; Yin et al.,, 2009). Applications of su uch studies can
c tiationn of Aspergiillus section Flavi comple ex fungi. In a
be useful in bringing
b out effective ato oxigenic strains studyy by Montiel et al. (2003 3), analysis o of AFLP data a
pidly for their further use as potential biiocontrol agents consiistently and cclearly separa ated A. sojae//A. parasiticus
n et al., 2009). Differentiattion of aflatox
xigenic and no on- isolattes from the A. oryzae/A A. flavus isolates. Furthe er
atoxigenic strrains of Aspergillus section Flavi gro oup studie es by Montie el et al. (20003) have id dentified polyy-
ough molecu ular approac ches is impo ortant becau use morp hic sequence es that could be developed d into markers
connventional approaches are e not entirely reliable (Cris seo for afflatoxigenic A. parasiticus iisolates.
et al., 2001). Moreover, the t moleculaar mechanisms UUse of multip plex PCR w with three sets of primers
responsible for loss of aflato oxigenicity of Aspergillus area speciific for three sstructural genes of the aflaatoxin pathway y
nott clearly und derstood (Sc chmidt-Heydt et al., 200 08). (nor-1 1, ver-1 and d omt-A) co ould differentiate only the e
Earrlier reports in
ndicated that atoxigenic
a A. flavus isolate
es aflatooxin producin ng fungi, A A. flavus and AA. parasiticus
Sudini et al. 489

from others, but not aflatoxin producing and non- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

producing strains of the same species (Geisen, 1996). In
another study, Rashid et al. (2008) categorized A. flavus The authors are thankful to the support provided under
and A. parasiticus isolates of stored wheat into aflatoxi- the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition
genics and non-aflatoxigenics using multiplex PCR based and Health (CRP-A4NH). This work has been undertaken
assay. Their studies on detection of four genes, AflR as part of the research project sponsored under CRP-
(regulatory gene) and structural genes such as Nor 1 A4NH. ICRISAT is a member of CGIAR Consortium.
(norsolorinic acid), Ver 1 (Versicolorin) and Omt (O
methylsterigmatocystin) indicated that only one of the
tested strains of A. parasiticus (AP4) out of 36 strains has REFERENCES
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mycotoxins. Rev. Med. Vet-Toulouse 149: 671-678.
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