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Water Saving Strategies for Irrigated Rice

Article · January 2002

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Asad Sarwar Qureshi

International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture


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Water Saving Strategies for Irrigated Rice
M. Aslam, Asad S. Qureshi and Vilma M. Horinkova1

Abstract: This paper reviews irrigation management strategies and practices at farm level in irrigated rice
production systems of the world, presents an overview of current water management practices and
identifies measures, which may result in real water savings in the irrigated rice production systems of
Pakistan. Water management strategies and practices at farm level include: (i) puddling for land
preparation, which requires 40 to 60 percent less water compared to non-puddled fields due to reduced
percolation losses; (ii) direct-seeded rice technique for crop establishment, which requires about 30 percent
less water for land preparation, compared to transplanting rice; (iii) irrigation scheduling, which could play
an important role in improving the water use efficiency of rice, resulting in considerable water savings; and
irrigation regimes and techniques, which conserve water. By applying different measures, water use for
clay loam soil, with a saturated soil regime could be reduced by about 40 percent, without rice yield loss, as
compared to continuous flooding. However, due to weed growth problem, continuous submergence during
the first 45 days after transplanting and then, continuous saturation could be an effective water-saving
strategy; (iv) reuse of drainage effluent; (v) discontinuation of Pancho System2; (vi) land leveling; and (vii)
improved layout of irrigation ditches and fields.

KEYWORDS: Management strategies, water saving, irrigated rice, Pakistan.

INTRODUCTION ( North), Zone 2 (Punjab Rice-Wheat Zone-

Rice is a stable food for nearly half of the world’s PRWZ), Zone 3 (Sindh Rice- Wheat North-
population, most of whom live in developing SRWN) and zone 4 (Sindh Rice-Wheat South-
countries.It occupies one-third of the world’s total SRWS). The SRWN and SRWS combined
area planted in cereals and provides 35-60 constitute the Sindh Rice-Wheat zone.
percent of the calories consumed by 2.7 billion
people in Asia. More than 90 percent of the Table 1 presents information on rice area, yield
world’s rice is produced and consumed in Asia and production in Pakistan during 1987-93 (Atlaf,
(IRRI, 1989). Rice is the most widely grown crop, 1994). The table shows that during 1991-92 to
under irrigation. About 78 percent of irrigated 1992-93 period, area sown in rice decreased from
lands in developing countries are in Asia, 2.10 to 1.93 Mha (8 percent). The rice yield
where more than 80 percent of the developed increased from 1.55 to 1.59 tons/ha (2.6 percent),
fresh water resources are used for irrigation while the total rice production decreased from
purposes, of which about 90 percent are 3.26 to 3.07 million tons (5.8 percent).
consumed by rice production (Bhuiyan, 1992).
Table 1: Area, Yield and Production of Rice in
Pakistan has 21 million hectares (Mha) of farm Pakistan (1987-93)
land, of which rice-wheat cropping sequence is
adoptedin2.2Mha.Therearefour rice-wheat Rice
croppingzonesinPakistan(Figure1):Zone 1 Year Area Yield Production
1Senior Irrigation Engineer, Regional Acting Director an (Mha) (tons/ha) (Mt)
Director Central Asia, International Water Management 1987-88 1.96 1.65 3.23
1988-89 2.04 1.57 3.20
Institute (IWMI), Lahore.
1989-90 2.11 1.53 3.23
Pancho System of irrigation involves draining standing 1990-91 2.11 1.54 3.25
Water from the rice field at intervals of 4 to 5 days and re- 1991-92 2.10 1.55 3.26
1992-93 1.93 1.59 3.07
irrigating the same rice fields with freshwater.
Journal of Drainage and Water Management, Vol. 6(1) January-June 2002/25
Water Saving Strategies for Irrigated Rice

Table 2 presents a comparison of the area, yield The rapid industrial and urban growth, being
And production of rice in different rice growing experienced by many Asian countries, would
Countries of the Asia for 1991-92 (Singh and cause excessive diversion of water from irrigation
Paroda, 1994). The rice production in Pakistan is projects, for non-agricultural purposes. Over-
considerably lower than in other Asian countries. Exploitation of groundwater, disposal of untreated
This is because the area grown in rice is, smaller or under-treated industrial or domestic waste into
and the yield per hectare is lower than in the other fresh water bodies, will create additional negative
countries. Impacts. Thus, the agriculture’s share of water will
decrease in both quantity and quality.
Table 2: Rice Area, Yield and Production of Asian Consequently, the future of rice production will
Region in 1991-92 heavily deoend on the development and adoption
of strategies and practices that will make an
Countries Area Yield Production efficient use of water available for irrigation.
(Mha) (tons/ha) (Mt)
Bangladesh 10.20 2.68 27.30
China 32.30 5.73 134.90 WATER SAVING STRATEGIES AND
Nepal 1.30 2.27 2.90
Pakistan 2.10 1.55 3.26 THEIR PROSPECTS FOR PAKISTAN

Despite hectic efforts, rice yields are far below Water Use for Land Preparation
than the potential (Yaseen and Haroon, 1990).
Much water is used for the land preparation of the
rice crop establishment. Puddling is the most
Table 3: Yield (tons/ha) of rice with its potential in common method of land preparation for rice in
Pakistan Asia. The destruction of the soil structure through
puddling results in better weed control, increased
Crop Present Potential Yield
National Yield Gap water-holding capacity and reduced hydraulic
Yield conductivity, and therefore, reduced deep
Rice(Basmati) 1.6 5.2 3.6 percolation losses. Several research studies
(Sanchez, 1973; De Datta and Kerin, 1974;
This yield gap can be attributed to inadequate have shown that in puddle soils deep percolation
levels of vital inputs and cultural practices losses could be reduced up to 60 percent
(seeded preparation, seeding rate and depth, compared to non-puddled soils (Figure2). It was
planting dates, time, method and amount of also shown that grain yield was 1.2 tons/ha higher
fertilizers and irrigation water use, pesticides use, in puddled than in non-puddled soil. Rice in
etc.) and environmental constraints, including puddle soil had 2.5 times higher water use
soils (soil salinity/sodicity), irrigation water efficiency (7.9 kg/ha-mm) than in non puddled soil
supplies (quantity and quality) and drainage. 2.9 kg/ha-mm).

Rice, being an aquatic crop, needs an adequate Tuong et al., (1994) reported that the inclusion of
supply of water for its proper growth and small non-puddled areas within the field, with 5
development. Per capita availability of water cm ponding water depth, increased the field water
resources declined by 40 to 60 percent in many loss from 2.7 mm/day to 15 mm/day. Maintaining
Asian countries between 1955 and 1990 (Gleick, a shallow ponding water depth did not significantly
1993). With water, becoming increasingly scarce, affect percolation loss through uniformly puddle
per capita availability of water in Asian countries soil, but greatly reduced losses in non-puddled
is expected to decline by 15-54 percent in 2025 areas. Thus, soil puddling is an important
as compared to 1990. The share of water, measure to increase the water use efficiency of
allocated to agriculture will decrease even at a rice fields in areas with permeable sub-soil.
faster rate due to increasing competition from the
urban and industrial sectors (Tuong and Bhuiyan,

Journal of Drainage and Water Management, Vol.6 (1) January-June 2002/27

Figure 2: Comparison of Cumulative Water Applied, Evapotranspiration and Percolation Losses in Field
Studies of Puddled and Non-puddled Soils (Adapted from De Datta and Kerim, 1974)

Water Efficient Methods of Rice Establishment

Direct seeding is usually faster and easier than
The direct seeding rice culture is becoming transplanting, and grain yields are similar or
dominant crop establishment method, replacing occasionally higher. Land preparation for direct-
the traditional transplanting practice in various rice seeded flooded rice is essentially similar to that
practicing countries. There are two different for transplanted rice, but better leveling of the field
systems of direct seeding rice, wet and dry. Under is necessary for good water control and crop
the wet direct seeding system, pre-germinated establishment. A pre-germinated rice seeds of
seeds are sown in the saturated field that has 100 kg/ha gave the best results in terms of
been prepared under the wet condition. In the dry adequate stand establishment and weed control.
direct seeding method, field preparation is done The direct-seeded flooded rice technique has the
under dry condition, immediately followed by seed advantages of reduced labour cost because it
sowing, either before irrigation water is applied, or eliminates nursery preparation, care of seedlings
before rainfall occurs, to enable germination and in the seeded, pulling seedling, hauling and
seedling establishment. Under this system, the transportation, shorter cropping cycle because of
total cropping season could be reduced by about the absence of transplanting soak and the
2 weeks, avoiding the nursery preparation and improved water control and its better manage-
transplanting phase and overall irrigation ment. Further, direct seeding would require
requirement is reduced, resulting in significant shallow water depth to be maintained in the rice
water saving of up to 25 percent. Field compared to transplanted rice fields.

Journal of Drainage and Water Management, Vol.6 (1) January-June 2002/28

Water Saving Strategies for Irrigated Rice

De Datta (1986) reported that farmers in the establishment could offer opportunities for
Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand are switching improved management of irrigation water.
From transplanted to the direct-seeded wet rice
system. Farmers in India, Bangladesh and
particularly Sri Lanka have practiced direct- Irrigation Scheduling
seeded wet ricesystem for many years. Under Prihar and Grewal (1985) addressed the issue of
this system, during the first 4 to 5 days, after improving water use efficiency for the rice farming
seeding , the field should be moist,but not system. They recommended that depending on
flooded. Following that, 2-3 cm of water should be soil conditions, the irrigation of rice can be
introduced keeping the emerged rice seedling delayed for variable time periods after the
ahead of the water. About 10 days after seeding, infiltration of water from rain or a previous
the water level is increased to 5 cm and main- irrigation
tained at that depth until crop gets maturity.
Bhuiyan (1992) and Bhuiyan et al., (1995) Gill (1994) reported that in the high productivity
reported that the wet-seeded rice, in which pre- zone of India, one week of submergence and
germinated seeds are sown directly on puddle keeping the soil wet, for the remaining growing
fields in lieu of transplanting seedlings to establish period, save about 33 percent of irrigation water
crop, offers a significant opportunity for the without significant yield loss (Table 4).
improved management of irrigation water. In case
of the wet-seeding technique, preparation of pre- Table 4: Effect of Standing Water on Rice Yield
germinated seeds by seed soaking takes 24-36 Period of Standing 1 2 3
hours, and land preparation can be completed in Water after
Transplanting (Week)
about a week, avoiding long periods of water Yield (tons/ha) 7.20 7.25 7.25
losses occurring in transplanted rice. About 30
percent less water is required in order to prepare
a typical field up to the same puddle condition for In Pakistan’s Punjab, paddy receives nearly all
wet-seeded rice than for transplanting rice. Wet- water available during Kharif, especially from July
seeded rice yield is more both in water-sufficient to Octobr. The water requirements of other
and water-short situations, requires less labour Kharif crops are met mostly by rainfall. The
and produces a better return on investment than average amount of irrigation water, excluding
transplanted rice. rainfall, applied to paddy over the growing season
Ogino et al., (1993)reported that in Kazakhstan, varies from 465 mm to 3642 mm with a mean
paddy farmers practice the dry direct-seeded rice value of 1309 mm. The mean irrigation application
technique for crop establishment. After sowing of about 1300 mm is considerably lower than the
seed in dry soil conditions, farmers apply first paddy’s gross water requirement of about 1600
irrigation immediately. In the initial stage, ponding mm considering the consumptive water use of
is shallow and according to the development of 650mm, land preparation of 450mm, and
seedlings, the water depth is increased and seasonal seepage and percolation losses of 500
maintained at 100 to150 mm depth level until mm in the case of a fine-textured soil. There is a
about 20 to 30 days, before harvesting. Generally, large variation around the mean water application;
water is applied 10 to 15 times in one season. about 33 percent of the farmers in the Punjab apply
irrigation water in excess of 1600 mm (Bhatti and
In Pakistan, the traditional practice of rice Kijne, 1992).
establishment is through transplanting of young
rice seedling from the nursery. Mostly, farmers In Sindh, for over 52 percent of the CCA during
do not have sufficient water for land preparation, the entire growing period, a total of 1200 mm to
which delays land preparation and transplantation 1700 mm of water is applied to rice crop, of which
until the monsoon starts. This is especially the only 900 mm is for consumption. This results in an
case in the tail reaches of the watercourses. application efficiency of 53-75 percent only (Clark
Adoption of direct seeded method for rice and Aniq, 1993).

Journal of Drainage and Water Management, Vol.6 (1) January-June 2002/29

M. Aslam et al.

Over-irrigation to paddy is done by farmers necessary in order to obtain high rice yield. Once
because of their lack of awareness about crop the transplanted seedlings are well established,
water requirements and fixed warabandi system irrigation could be delayed for some period after
of water distribution. Over-irrigation causes not the complete infiltration of ponded water without
only water logging and salinity problems, but also any yield loss. Primarily, the potential saving of 20
reduces crop yield. Optimum irrigation scheduling to 50 percent in irrigation water is achieved from
can prevent water logging and soil salinity will the reduction in percolation.
increase crop yield and save irrigation water. The
irrigation scheduling adjusts water application to Bhuiyan (1992) reported that water use for
climatic evaporative demand and allowable soil growing transplanted rice could be reduced by
water depletion, thereby causing considerable about 40 percent without loss in rice yield, by
reduction in irrigation requirements for the replacing the shallow-depth water regime by
growing season and improving productivity of saturated soil regime. Under high weed pressure
water. conditions, shallow flooding during the first 45
days after transplanting followed by maintenance
of a saturated soil regime for the rest of the
Water Saving Irrigation Regimes season will achieve the same yield as under the
Sandhu et al., (1980) evaluated the effect of conventional water management, but with over 30
various irrigation practices on the irrigation percent saving in water.
requirement of rice on a sandy loam soil. They Tabbal et al ., (1992) evaluated alternative water
found that the irrigation needs of rice were highest management strategies on farmers’ rice fields
(170-240 cm) with continuous submergence with clay loam soil with average water-table depth
(table 5). of 95 cm for four consecutive dry seasons (1988-
The mean increase (average of 4 years) in 1991). The irrigation regimes considered were:
irrigation water efficiency with 1 day, 2 day, 3 day continuous flooding (2-7 cm, WR1); continuous
and 5 day drainage was 30, 54, 57 and 88 flooding up to the panicle initiation stage, then
percent, respectively over the mean irrigation saturated soil (WR2); saturated soil throughout
water efficiency of 28.9 kg/ha-cm with continuous (WR3); and alternate wetting and drying (WR4) as
submergence (Table 5). This study reveals that shown in Figure 3. The results of the study are
the continuous submergence of soil is not shown in Table 6.

Table 5: Various Irrigation Regimes for Rice

Irrigation Regime Mean Irrigation Increase in mean

Irrigation Water Applied (cm) Water Efficiency Irrigation Water
1974 1975 1976 1977 Mean (kg/ha-cm) Efficiency (%)
Continuous Sub 204 195 170 192 190 28.9 -
1-day drainage 151 138 130 160 145 37.6 30
2- day drainage - 117 121 136 125 44.4 54
3-day drainage 114 92 107 128 113 45.3 57
5-day drainage 96 94 81 112 96 54.4 88

Table 6: Average Yield, Water Use, Productivity and water Savings Under various Water Regimes
Water Yield (kg/ha) Water Use (mm) Water Productivity Water Saved
Redimes (kg/ha-mm) (%)
1988-89 1990-91 Mean 1988-89 1990-91 Mean 1988-89 1990-91 Mean 1988-89 1990-91 Mean
WR1 5552 5102 5327 1793 2786 2289 3 2 3 - - -
WR2 5237 4833 5035 1168 1804 1486 5 3 4 35 35 35
WR3 5153 4198 4676 1068 1644 1356 5 3 4 40 41 40.5
WR4 4336 3757 4046 728 1065 896 6 4 5 59 62 61

Journal of Drainage and Water Management, Vol.6 (1) January-June 2002/30

M. Aslam et al.

Figure 3: Graphical Illustrations of Irrigation Regimes (Tabba et al., 1992)

This study showed that: (i) water use under submergence throughout; (ii) continuous shallow
saturated soil regime was about 40 percent less submergence for 2 weeks after transplanting and
than the continuous flooded conditions, without the irrigation at 1-day drainage; (iii) continuous
any yield loss. In the alternate wetting and drying shallow submergence for 2 weeks, after
regime, water use was 60 percent les than the transplanting, and then irrigation at 2-day
traditional practice, but it resulted in about 28 drainage; and (iv) continuous shallow
percent yield loss; (ii) high rice yields could be submergence for 1-week, after transplanting and,
obtained under continuous saturated soil regime, then irrigation at 2-day drainage. They found that
maintained in the field to allow ET to take place at the practice of continuous submergence for initial
the potential rate. However, if weed growth is a 2 weeks, after transplanting, followed by irrigation
problem, continuous submergence up to panicle at 2-day drainage saved, on average, 73 percent
initiation stage of crop growth and then, irrigation water compared to continuous
continuous saturation, could be an effective submergence.
technique of water-efficient irrigation without yield Mishra et al., (1997) reported that an optimum rice
reduction; and (iii) percolation rate could be yield with high water use efficiency of 3.21-3.67
reduced significantly by maintaining continuous kg/ha-mm could be obtained by adopting an
saturated soil conditions. But, if soil cracks intermittent irrigation schedule of 3-5 days after
develop, percolation losses increase and water the disappearance of ponded water under shallow
losses could even be greater than those in the water tables of 7-92 cm deep. Similarly,
continuously submerged field conditions. intermittent irrigation of 1-3 days under medium
Kijne (1994) reported following three alternatives water table (13-126 cm deep) conditions would be
to continuous flooding: beneficial in place of continuous submergence

. Intermittent Irrigation: Field is irrigated as In Pakistan’s Punjab, typically, rice is cultivated in

soon as the soil water content falls slightly bunded fields with standing water, which is
below saturation, in an amount sufficient to maintained during most of the growing season.
maintain shallow submergence of the field On average, farmers keep the water standing in
Intermittent irrigation could save 20 percent the fields for 7 days before planting the nursery.
water compared to continuous flooding and Then, 25 irrigation turns are applied to the
leads to only 50 percent of the potential yield; standing crop throughout the season (Azeem et
. Heading Stage Submergence Method: Soil is al., 1990).
kept at saturation or is slightly submerged In Sindh, all rice is grown in flooded fields, which
during most of the growing period, followed by are initially irrigated individually, and later on, with
field submergence to a depth of 10 cm for a the increase in water depth, a largely uncontrolled
period of 25 days after heading. Heading water flow takes place from field to field. This
stage submergence could save 40 percent results in continuous flow of irrigation. In the case
water and fields are reduced by 25 percent; for transplanted rice, one, or more, pre-irrigation
. Water Saving Method: after pudding and turns are provided in order to have some soil
transplanting, the field is supplied with moisture before transplanting. This is done when
sufficient water to keep the soil water content the seedlings are in the nursery. An additional
in the root zone at not less than 75 percent of irrigation is given just prior to transplanting. Once
saturation during the growing period, with the seedlings are established, normally a few
moderate submergence only during a period days after transplanting, water is again applied
of 30 days starting at head initiation till the and the field kept permanently flooded. Irrigation
end of flowering. This technique requires 25 is discontinued about 15-20 days before
percent less water without yield loss. harvesting.

Singh et al., (1996) evaluated four irrigation In order to improve water-use efficiency of the rice
regimes, namely: (i) continuous shallow crop, farmers in the Punjab and Sindh Provinces

Journal of Drainage and Water Management, Vol.6 (1) January-June 2002/32

Water Saving Strategies for Irrigated Rice

should adopt water-saving practices by Depending on the quality of drainage effluent, the
maintaining a thin layor of standing water in the water reuse component can contribute
rice field, saturated, or alternate wet and dry soil significantly to the total irrigation water supply for
regimes in place of the traditional practice of the irrigated rice areas. For Pakistan, the
continuous submergence. These irrigation possibility of reuse of drainage effluent should be
regimes can save 20-70 percent of irrigation water considered as a means of water saving and
without significant yield loss. In clay loam soils, conservation.
high rice yields can be obtained by maintaining a
saturated soil moisture, thereby, allowing potential Discontinuation of the Pancho System
Et to occur. However, if weed growth is a
problem, submergence up to panicle initiation In Sindh, some of the rice farmers, especially on
stage and continuous saturation thereafter, can the Right Bank of the Indus River, practice a
increase water use efficiency without significant Pancho System of irrigation. This system involves
rice yield reductions. Therefore, adopting these draining standing water from the field at intervals
moisture regimes provide opportunities for of 4 to 5 days and re-irrigating the same rice
improving water use efficiency in rice. fields. The standing water in the rice field is
drained out to adjoining low-lying areas and fresh
Reuse of Drainage Effluent water is applied. Though, some of “Pancho water”
let out of rice fields is lost through evaporation
Recycling of drainage water (Ngion, 1994) is and percolation, this practice ultimately results in
being adopted in Malasia for water savings and waterlogging, thereby creating the acute drainage
conservation an for sustaining agricultural problems in rice growing areas.
development. In a number of existing irrigation
schemes, drainage water is being pumped from The factors that encourage the Pancho System of
the drains into nearby canals or directly onto the irrigation are:
adjoining paddy fields for recycled use, which . Long water courses with a continuous flow of
directly raises the cropping intensity. water. The farmers are forced to use their
irrigation turns, irrespective of their irrigation
Zulu et al., (1996) evaluated the potential of needs;
agricultural drainage water reuse for improving . Irrigation by block of fields. There is only one
irrigation water management in rice lands of a water inlet for a number of fields from the
water shortage area in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. irrigation ditch. Often water is kept moving
They found that for three years (1991-1993), the slowly through the paddy fields; and
average water reuse component was about 14.5 . Control of salinity. In newly reclaimed saline
percent of the total irrigation water supply for the land, water is let out of the field for washing
whole Kaliyada area. Apart from meeting the the salts from the land.
water needs at peak demand periods, water reuse
was a quick response to water supply solution, In order to improve the drainage of rice areas, the
during dry spells, increasing both the water practice of the Pancho system should be
reliability and rice crop security. Because discouraged. This can be achieved by reducing
drainage water within the irrigation area is used the length of the watercourses and farmers should
for irrigation, the water intake from the headwork irrigate each field separately from the irrigation
could be reduced without sacrificing productivity ditch. For achieving these objectives, there is a
and reducing cropped area. By using drainage need to construct additional minor channels by
water for irrigation, the fresh water requirements the irrigation Department and additional irrigation
were reduced by 14.5 percent of the irrigation ditches by the farmers, so that each field has a
water supply for the whole Kaliyada area. This separate water inlet from a watercourse for
study proved that coupled with efficient water use separate and controlled irrigation.
methods, water reuse has a high potential for
improving irrigation water management in paddy Land Leveling
Farmers should be encouraged to level their fields
to improve water application. Land leveling helps

Journal of Drainage and Water Management, Vol.6 (1) January-June 2002/33

M. Aslam et al.

in uniform irrigation application, thereby avoiding measure to increase the water use efficiency
over-or under-irrigation. In order to facilitate this of rice fields in areas with permeable subsoil.
activity, the local government agencies should . Direct-seeded rice system offers a major
provide subsidies, technical assistance and opportunity to reduce water use during rice
training to the farmers. As the scope of land growth, as less water is required for direct-
leveling by bullock and manual labour is very seeded rice. It is faster and easier than
limited in Pakistan, especially, in Sindh, due to transplanting and grain yields are similar, or
clayey nature of the soils, farmers can benefit occasionally higher. Land preparation is more
from laser technology for land leveling. Laser water-efficient for direct-seeded rice than for
equipment is now being locally manufactured by transplanted rice. About 30 percent less water
the private sector. In general, farmers have a is required to prepare a typical field up to the
tendency to over-irrigate to water undulating same puddle condition for direct-seeded wet
fields.Poorly leveled fields are considered to be rice than for transplanting rice.
a major factor in causing over-irrigation which Irrigation scheduling could play an important
results in rise to waterlogging and salinity role in improving water use efficiency of rice
problems. thereby promising considerable water
Improved Layout of Irrigation Ditches and . Water-saving irrigation regimes and
Fields techniques (maintaining a thin layer of
In Pakistan, improper layout of water channels standing water in the field, saturated, or
and weak bunds of rice fields, waste a significant alternate wet and dry soil conditions) could
amount of water, resulting in low irrigation and save about 20-70 percent of irrigation water
application efficiencies. These channels follow a without significant yield loss as compared to
zigzag pattern, which slows down the water flow continuous shallow submergence.
and causes siltation frequent cleaning of water . Under limited water resources and high cost
channels. The uncertainty about the availability of of freshwater conditions, saline drainage
irrigation water causes the over-flooding of rice water can be used for irrigation of rice crop.
fields. Problem of wastage of water, over-irrigation The saline drainage effluent can be used
and shortage of water could be solved by directly or in conjunction with fresh water
improving layout of water channels and fields and depending on the quality of drainage water.
keeping the water channels straight and clear. Conjunctive use of good and bad quality
Also, in order to improve the irrigation efficiency, water through blending or cyclic application
leveling of individual fields and strengthening the could be practiced to minimize adverse
bunds of water channels and fields is very effects of poor quality drainage water on land
important. Farmers should be advised to construct and water resources. The use of drainage
proper field bunds to retain and control water to water for irrigation reduces the amount of
the required standing depth to prevent or freshwater requirement and decreases the
minimize water losses through reduced drainage volume of drainage effluent that needs to be
effluent. disposed of in an environmentally safe
manner. Reuse of drainage effluent coupled
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS with efficient water use methods has a greater
. Puddling is the most common methodof land potential for improving irrigation water
preparation for rice in Asia. The destruction of management as well as water saving and
the soil structure through puddling results in conservation in a water shortage situation.
better weed control, increased capacity to
retain water and reduced hydraulic . Farmers in the irrigated areas should be
conductivity resulting in reduced deep encouraged to carry out land leveling in order
percolation losses. Puddled rice field could to improve rice farming, and also water
require 40-60 percent less water than in conservation. Land leveling will also
non-puddled fields. Thus, it is an important effectively facilitate on-farm water control and

Journal of Drainage and Water Management, Vol.6 (1) January-June 2002/34

Water Saving Strategies for Irrigated Rice

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