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A famous inventor that you admire

In the field of engineering, one of the most notable and admired inventors is Nikola Tesla. I admire
Tesla for his innovative and forward-thinking approach to science and engineering, and also for his
mindset, to never quit even though all odds are against you. He is now well known as a Croatian-
American who contributed a lot to the field of electrical engineering. Tesla is credited with inventing
the alternating current (AC) and polyphase electric systems, which are now the foundation of our
modern electrical grids. He also developed the alternator, the induction motor, and the Tesla coil,
which is crucial instrumental in wireless communications. His commitment to science and
technological progress are admirable and have left a lasting legacy in the field of electronics and

Part 3:

1/ What should the government do the encourage inventor?

In my opinion, government can do several of things to encourage. They should encourage funding
for research and development activities that focus on innovation and technological advancement
or/and provide an enabling environment for inventors by removing barriers to entry and simplifying
licensing and permitting procedures. More than that, they should invest in education and training
programmes that focus on fostering creativity and problem-solving skills. And also, government
should establish programs and competitions that support and encourage innovations in science and
technology to help encouraging young inventors.

2/ What invention would you like to see in the future?

There are actually a lot that I wan to see in the future, but the most intriguing to me is the invention
of time machine. We are not limited by technology anymore as now we have computer to help us
finish work, transportation system to help us moving from place to place, robot to help us do those
tedious jobs… The only thing that holding us back is time. Life is too short for a man to accomplish
great things, some can’t even have the chance to see his invention go through the testing phase. A
time machine would be a great helper. Imagine that human can live up to a thousand years old
simply by slowing the aging process, or we can travel back in the to see what really happened, who
built the pyramid, what start the universe, ... What an incredible world where nothing can take too
much time to solve for anyone.

3/ How do you think technology and inventoions will change the way we live in the futrue?

Technology and inventions will undoubtedly have a significant impact on how we live in the future.
With the emergence of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and automation, we
will potentially be able to interact with our environment in new ways, making our lives faster, more
efficient, and comfortable. Additionally, advancements in fields like healthcare, energy, and
information technology have the potential to improve our quality of life and allow us to become
healthier, more productive, and live more comfortably. Lastly, technology and inventions are
constantly reshaping our world and our lives, making things better and easier.

4/ What kind of invention can be use at school?

Education is important because it decides the future of a country, maybe the world. For that reason,
advance technology so as invention should be integrated in education system. One that I think will
make a great enhancement is smart boards and interactive panels. These boards combine the
features of a projector or screen and a touch-sensitive tablet or smartphone. Smart boards can be
used to enhance the learning experience by making classes more interactive, engaging, and
collaborative. Student won’t have to write all the lessons into the notebook because now it’s digital
data which can be reached anywhere, anywhen if you have the ID> Tt can make the learning process
more effectively as there’s more time for listening to lecture instead of just writing and listening as
the same time.

5/ How can technology make our life easier?

Technology has the potential to make our lives easier in many ways. Technology can help to increase
productivity and efficiency, allowing us to accomplish more in a shorter period of time.It can provide
convenience by enabling us to complete tasks or perform activities faster, more easily, and more
comfortably. Technology can also enhance accessibility, allowing us to access information,
resources, and support more quickly and easily. It can also help increase safety by providing
protection from potential risks and dangers.

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