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Department of Education

Region III
Division of Pampanga
Santa Rita College of Pampanga
San Jose, Sta, Rita, Pampanga


Grade 6


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

A. Identify the programs and issues faced by President Rodrigo Duterte;
B. Express own understanding about the importance of having strong political
will through a poster slogan; and
C. Appreciate the achievements of President Rodrigo Duterte for the country.


Reference: The Presidency of Rodrigo Duterte (2016-2022)
Diwa Textbook pg. 287-292


Teacher Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities

Good morning, my dear students!

Students: Good morning, Teacher!
Before anything else, let’s all stand
up and pray.

For the Catholics, let us do the sign

of the cross. In the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit, amen.
(The students who are Catholic will do
the sign of the cross.)

(The students will pray.)

Dear God,

We thank You for this day and for

this opportunity to learn. We pray
for Your guidance and wisdom as
we study. Help us to understand the
material and to apply it in our lives.
Protect us from distractions and
temptations, and help us to focus on
our studies. We pray for all the
students in the class. May we all
grow in knowledge and wisdom.
In the name of the Father, of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit, amen.

(The students who are Catholic will do

Again, good morning! the sign of the cross again.)

How are you feeling today? Students: Good morning, Teacher!

Did you eat your breakfast already? Students: We’re feeling good, Teacher.

Okay, that’s good to hear! I’m glad Students: Yes Teacher!

to see your beautiful faces again!

Now, I want all of you to stand up

because we are going to dance!

(Video Presentation) (The students will stand.)

(The Body Bop Bop Dance will

(The students will start to dance.)

I love your energy, class! You may

now sit down and drink your water.

B. Checking of Attendance (The students will sit properly.)

Class Monitor, do we have

absentees today?

Very good! I’m glad that everyone Class Monitor: None, Teacher.
is here today.

C. Review

Now, you are going to fill in the

blanks provided in each question
that you see in PowerPoint. But
first, what was our lesson yesterday,

Yes, Student 1? (Student 1 will raise his/her hand.)

Student 1: Teacher, it’s about the

Presidency of Benigno Aquino III.
Very good, Student 1!

1. Benigno Aquino III served as the

____ President of the Philippines.
(Student 2 will raise his/her hand.)

Yes, Student 2?
Student 2: 15th, Teacher.
Very good!

2. Noynoy vowed that he aims to

fulfill the promised "______" in
leadership which means avoiding
and eradicating government
(Student 3 will raise his/her hand.)
Yes, Student 3?
Student 3: Daang Matuwid, Teacher.
Okay, very good!

3. ______ is the association of the

private sector and the government
has allowed the existence of
projects that will develop the
infrastructure of the country.
(Student 4 will raise his/her hand.)
Yes, Student 4?
Student 4: PPP or Public-Private
Very good!

4. _______ is one of the programs

and laws that were implemented
under the leadership of Pnoy. It
aims to add two years to the 10-year
basic education in the country and
one more year for kindergarten.
(Student 5 will raise his/her hand.)
Yes, Student 5?
Student 5: K-12 Basic Education
Very good!

5. _______ is a mechanism
developed by the Aquino
administration led by Budget
Secretary Florencio 'Butch' Abad.
Through this, the government can
transfer funds to projects in need
even without the consent of

(Student 6 will raise his/her hand.)

Student 6: DAP or Disbursement

Very good, Student 6! Acceleration Program

Because of that, give yourself a

‘Huy Clap’. I will demonstrate it
and then repeat after me.

1 (clap), 2 (clap), 3 (clap)

1 (clap), 2 (clap), 3 (clap)
1 (clap), 2 (clap), 3 (clap)
Huy, Huy, Huy!

I’m glad that you really understood (The students will do the Huy Clap.)
our lesson yesterday, class. It seems
like you are all ready for our next

D. Motivation

But before we tackle our discussion,

you are going to play a game named
‘4 Pics 1 Word’. Are you familiar
with that game?

That’s good! But, for those who do Students: Yes, Teacher!

not know what 4 Pics 1 Word is,
each level displays four pictures
linked by one word. Here, we only
have 3 levels.

Do you understand the game, class?

I will group you into 3 groups. The Students: Yes, Teacher!

first group to finish the game wins.

Here are your group numbers and

group mates.

(The teacher will present the list of

Group 1, 2 and 3.)
You may now go to your group
mates. Group 1 will sit here, Group
2 will sit here, and Group 3 will sit
at the back of Group 1.

(The teacher will give the pictures

to each group.)

You may now start, class.

(The students will start answering.)

(The students finished the activity, and

Let’s see if your answers are Group 1 is the first group to finish the
correct. game.)
1. Oplan Tokhang
2. Dutertenomics
3. Build, Build Build

Wow! You are all very good, class!

You got the correct answers! But, of
course, the first group to finish the
game wins. And, that group is
Group 1!

Because you did a great job, give

yourself a ‘Huy Clap’!

Class, we have Oplan Tokhang, (The students will do the ‘Huy Clap’.)
Dutertenomics, and Build, Build,
Build. Are they familiar with you?

What do you think they are?

Students: Yes, Teacher!
Yes, Student 7?
(Student 7 will raise his/her hand.)

Student 7: I have seen them in a

newspaper and on TV, Teacher. I think
You are correct, Student 7! Very they are included in the programs of
good! If they are included in the Duterte.
programs of Duterte, what do you
think will be our lesson for today?

Yes, Student 8?
(Student 8 will raise his/her hand.)

Okay, good! How about the others? Student 8: I think it’s all about the
programs of Duterte, Teacher.
Yes, Student 9?
(Student 9 will raise his/her hand.)
Okay, good!
Student 9: Teacher, it’s about Duterte!
E. Lesson Proper

Your answers are correct, class. We

will discuss them later because our
lesson for today is all about the
Presidency of Rodrigo Duterte

But first, do you know who Rodrigo

Duterte is?
Okay, very good!

Rodrigo Roa Duterte is the 16th

president of the Republic of the Students: Digong, Teacher!
Philippines. He served the
Philippines for 6 years. Class, I
have a question. Do you know
where he lives and where he served
as mayor for over 22 years?

Very good!

He was known for his strict

management as the alcalde of Students: Davao, Teacher!
Davao City. In 2015, the call for
him to run for the presidency
intensified. Some people think that
the Philippines needs a president
with strong political will to address
the country's problems. Despite
entering the election late, Rodrigo
Duterte won the election on May 9,
2016. He defeated Vice President
Jejomar Binay, Senator Grace Poe,
Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago,
and Secretary Mar Roxas in the
election. The people were
mesmerized by his style and
promised to end the drug problem in
the country within 3-6 months.

Here are some of Rodrigo

Duterte’s Programs and Projects:

Can you please read the first

paragraph, Student 10?

Okay, thank you!

1. Oplan Tokhang (Student 10 will read the first paragraph

The Duterte administration about ‘Oplan Tokhang’.)
immediately launched the anti-drug
program led by the PNP. They
called it "Oplan Tokhang" from the
words tok or "knock" and hangyo or

Based on some of President

Duterte's statements, he made a
mistake in estimating that he could
end the drug problem in just 3-6

For the second program, can you

read the first paragraph, Student 11?

2. Dutertenomics
This is the economic program of
President Duterte. It consists of
several policies that aim to develop (Student 11 will read the first paragraph
the economy of the country. One of about ‘Dutertenomics’.)
them is the reform of the taxation

In this law, the personal income tax

was reduced so that the income that
the citizen can bring home is
greater. Consumption taxes on
petroleum products, tobacco and
cigarettes, and sweetened beverages
were increased.

Next, can you read the first

paragraph, Student 12?

3. Build, Build, Build Program

This refers to the launch of many
infrastructure projects that are an
important part of the country's (Student 12 will read the first paragraph
economic development. This will about ‘Build, Build, Build Program’.)
allow the so-called 'Golden Age of
Infrastructure' of the country.

Some of the projects included in

this are:
a) North-South Railway connecting
Los Banos, Laguna to Tutuban,
Manila and Clark Freeport,
b) Subic-Clark Railway;
c) Industrial Park in Clark,
d) expanded Clark International
e) four energy facilities; and
f) five flood control facilities.

A large part of the funding used in

the infrastructure programs is from
the loans taken by the Philippines in
China. In 2019, China loaned the
country an estimated $273.3 million
for the construction of a dam and
irrigation project.

Back then, the relationship between

China and the Philippines
strengthened under the leadership of
President Arroyo. But this changed
after the Philippines, under the
Aquino administration, sued China
in the UN Arbitral Tribunal,
questioning its claim to a large part
of the West Philippine Sea even
though it is within the country's

Now, the Duterte government is

proud of the re-improvement of the
relationship between the Philippines
and China. This allowed China to
provide the aid and loans that the
Philippines needed to fund its

President Duterte's economic

policies have resulted in a positive
impact on the country's economy.
From 5.5% of the country's GDP in
2016, it increased to 6.2% in 2018.
Because of this, the Philippines is
considered one of the fastest
growing economies in Asia.

Class, what are the three programs

that I have mentioned?

Very good! Now, let’s talk about Students: Oplan Tokhang,

the Challenges for the Duterte Dutertenomics, and Build, Build, Build
Administration. Program
Despite these successes, many are
also criticizing President Duterte.
One criticism here is the slow
growth of jobs in the last three

The first three years of President

Duterte's rule still had controversy.
First is the alleged human rights
violation of the president's war on
drugs. The news of abusive police
officers who are destroying the
image of the police force has also
become a buzz. The Duterte
administration has also been
accused of violating human rights
by critics of the government. An
example here is the incarceration of
Senator Leila de Lima, who is the
main critic of the president for
reasons related to the drug operation
in the New Bilibid Prison while
serving as secretary of the
Department of Justice during
PNoy's administration.

One of the biggest problems faced

by the government is the attack by
the Maute terrorist group. The most
serious challenge faced by President
Duterte's administration is the
pandemic caused by COVID-19
(coronavirus disease, 2019). Who
knows what COVID-19 is?

Yes, Student 13?

(Student 13 will raise his/her hand.)

Very good! It is an infectious Student 13: Teacher, it is a deadly disease

disease caused by a new strain of because I have seen on TV that there are
coronavirus called severe acute a lot of cases where people died because
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 of it.
or SARS-CoV-2.

Who knows what are the symptoms

of COVID-19?

Yes, Student 14?

Correct! According to the (Student 14 will raise his/her hand.)
Department of Health (DOH),
COVID-19 spreads Student 14: Coughing and high fever,
through coughing, sneezing, talking, Teacher.
singing, and even through regular
breathing. Those who are closer
than 6 feet from the infected person
will probably get the virus if these
viral particles land directly on the
eyes, nose, or mouth.

By the 16th of March, the entire

Luzon was placed under enhanced
community quarantine (ECQ). In
the areas placed under ECQ, all
work was suspended (except those
related to disease control), public
transportation was suspended,
curfew was enforced, gatherings
were prohibited, social distancing
protocols were enforced (one meter
distance from people to each other)
and restricted the movement of
people. This aims to reduce the
number of people who get sick with

After the crisis faced by past

administrations, the call of the
people for effective governance has
grown stronger. The people want to
have a government that is honest
and will effectively respond to its
duties and the needs of the people.
President Duterte's leadership is
anchored on the promise of having
the political will for an immediate
and decisive response to the needs
of the Filipino people.

F. Generalization

Now, do you understand our lesson


Do you have questions?

If you have no questions, I will be

asking you some questions. Let’s
see if you really understand the Students: Yes, Teacher!
Students: None, Teacher.
1. How long did Rodrigo Duterte
serve president?

Yes, Student 15?

Very good!

2. He became mayor in? (Student 15 will raise his/her hand.)

Yes, Student 16? Student 15: 6 years, Teacher.

Very good!

3. What are his programs and (Student 16 will raise his/her hand.)
projects that have been discussed
earlier? Student 16: In Davao City, Teacher!

Yes, Student 17?

(Student 17 will raise his/her hand.)

Very good!

4. Give some challenges that the Student 17: Oplan Tokhang,

Duterte Administration faced. Dutertenomics, and Build, Build, Build
Yes, Student 18?

Good! How about the others?

(Student 18 will raise his/her hand.)
Yes, Student 19?
Student 18: Human rights violation of the
President’s war on drugs
Very good!
(Student 19 will raise his/her hand.)
Yes, Student 20?
Student 19: Teacher, the attack of Maute
terrorist group!
Very good! I’m glad that you really
understood our lesson today! (Student 20 will raise his/her hand.)
Because of that, give yourself a
‘Huy Clap’. Student 20: Pandemic caused by COVID-
(The students will do the ‘Huy Clap’.)

G. Application

Group the students into 3 groups. In a white cartolina, make a poster slogan with the title
“Strong Political Will is a MUST!”. Choose one representative who will explain your work.


Encircle the correct answer.

1. Rodrigo Duterte is the ____ president of the Republic of the Philippines.
a. 15th
b. 16th
c. 17th
d. 18th
2. When did Rodrigo Duterte win the election?
a. May 2, 2016
b. May 3, 2016
c. May 9, 2016
d. May 10, 2016
3. The Duterte Administration called the anti-drug program “Oplan Tokhang”. It came
from the words tok or “____” and hangyo or “____”.
a. knock and pleading
b. knock out and time out
c. knock and shouting
d. knock and imprisonment
4. It consists of several policies that aim to develop the economy of the country. One of
them is the reform of the taxation system.
a. Duterteeconomics
b. Rodrigo Economics
c. Duterte Economics Program
d. Dutertenomics
5. The Duterte administration immediately launched this anti-drug program led by the
a. Oplan Sita
b. Oplan Tokhang
c. Oplan Galugad
d. Oplan BES Program
6. Some of the projects in the Build, Build, Build Program are the following EXCEPT:
a. North-South Railway connecting Los Angeles to Tutuban Manila
b. Industrial Park in Clark, Pampanga
c. Subic-Clark Railway
d. expanded Clark International Airport
7. The Duterte administration has also been accused of violating human rights by ______
of the government.
a. Staff
b. Senate
c. Critics
d. Attorney
8. It is the most serious challenge faced by President Duterte's administration.
a. attach by the Maute terrorist group
b. COVID-19
d. STD
9. This refers to the launch of many infrastructure projects that are an important part of
the country's economic development. This will allow the so-called 'Golden Age of
Infrastructure' of the country.
a. Dutertenomics
b. Oplan Tokhang
c. Build, Build Program
d. Build, Build, Build Program
10. What is the full name of Duterte?
a. Rodrigo Duterte
b. Digong Duterte
c. Rodrigo Roa Duterte
d. Rody Duterte


Answer the following questions:

1. Why is it important for Filipinos to have political will in governance?

2. Why is it important to have a clear program for curbing corruption in the
government and solving the problems faced by the citizens?

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