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cleanings can be performed either as a preventive maintenance op- are, to the authors’ best knowledge, no studies investigating the

eration to maintain permeate flux [through incorporating chemical impact of daily CEBs on the effectiveness of chemical cleaning
cleanings into regular physical cleaning processes, for example processes.
chemically enhanced backwashes (CEBs)], or as a recovery oper-
ation to recover membrane flux from a severely fouled membrane
module (Ramos et al. 2014). Chemically enhanced backwashes Materials and Methods
combine conventional physical backwashing with chemical clean-
ing in one process, which could be of high importance for the
Reactor Configuration
design and operation of membrane bioreactor (MBR) systems
for wastewater treatment. Recent studies using CEBs have typically A 1,000 L stainless steel anaerobic CSTR was equipped with an
been performed at long intervals (weekly or monthly cleaning proc- external nanofiltration tubular membrane module and operated in
esses) (Zhou et al. 2014). There have been few comparative studies cross-flow mode. A simplified process flow diagram (PFD) of the
on different cleaning methods and conditions, and scant informa- configuration may be viewed in Fig. 1. The anaerobic CSTR was
tion exists on CEBs, in general, in the literature (Ramos et al. 2014; equipped with a heat wrap, which maintained the reactor temper-
Zhou et al. 2014). Snowdon et al. (2018) observed that one 60 s ature at an average value of 36.2°C (0.5°C) throughout the dura-
CEB every 24 h resulted in increased permeate flux, operational tion of the study. The operational temperature of approximately
permeability, and net flux, demonstrating CEBs’ effectiveness as 36°C was selected since it is the upper limit of mesophilic anaerobic
a preventive maintenance operation. digestion (25°C–35°C) and maximized biogas generation, which
This research project compared the efficiency of two different was desired (Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. 1991).
chemical cleaning processes applied to one membrane module Reactor-mixed liquor was continuously recirculated from the
integrated within a continuously operated pilot-scale AnMBR sys- CSTR to the membrane module and back into the CSTR by a pro-
tem. The two chemical cleaning processes were applied to the gressive cavity pump (Nemo, New Brunswick, Canada). This pump
membrane module only once it was severely fouled, acting as a maintained a mixed-liquor flow rate of 6,000 L=h, which resulted
recovery operation. As a secondary objective, the project investi- in the targeted membrane surface cross-flow velocity of 2.5 m=s
gated the impact of daily CEBs on the effectiveness of each and a complete recirculation of reactor contents every 10 min.
chemical cleaning process. The novel pilot-scale AnMBR system A cross-flow velocity of 2.5 m=s was selected since it is deemed
consisted of a 1,000 L anaerobic continuously stirred tank reactor to be the minimum operational cross-flow velocity that must be
(CSTR) integrated with an external nanofiltration tubular mem- maintained for the membrane module based on manufacturer rec-
brane module. The reactor and membrane configuration provided ommendations. It was desired to operate at the lower spectrum of
benefits over conventional cleaning processes in that the membrane the operational cross-flow velocity to minimize energy demands.
module did not need to be removed for chemical cleanings (since it The membrane module was cylindrical in shape, composed of poly-
could be isolated from the CSTR through a recirculation loop). This vinylidene fluoride (PVDF), with an outer diameter of 50 mm and
resulted in minimal downtime and maintenance work required for a total length of 1.436 m. The module contained 13 tubular mem-
chemical cleaning processes. With few direct comparative studies brane channels, each 8 mm in diameter, which resulted in a total
on different chemical cleanings applied to the same membrane membrane area of 0.42 m2 . The membrane surfaces had a mean
module, and little information in the literature on CEBs, there pore size of 30 nm.

Fig. 1. Simplified PFD of experimental setup.

© ASCE 04019018-2 J. Environ. Eng.

J. Environ. Eng., 2019, 145(5): 04019018

When mixed liquor flowing through the recirculation line sludge changed slightly over the course of operation (shifting from
entered the membrane module, a pressure gradient generated from a granular consistency to a more viscous consistency); however,
a peristaltic pump (Masterflex, Ontario, Canada) instantaneously 87 days after placing this membrane module inline the mixed liquor
and continuously filtered a portion of the mixed liquor through the had a TSS concentration of 21.3 g=L, a VSS concentration of
pores of the membrane generating filtrate, which will henceforth 20.4 g=L, and a SMA of 0.17g-CODCH4 =g-VSS=day, making it
be referred to as permeate. The permeate flow direction was con- quite similar to the initial seed sludge in terms of sludge biomass
trolled by two solenoid valves. For forward filtration, the permeate activity.
flowed through the permeate recycle line back into the CSTR. The
solenoid valves would flip every 15 min and a secondary peristaltic
pump (Masterflex, Ontario, Canada) would force a portion of the Analytical Methods
permeate into a secondary holding tank, where it would exit as ef- The COD, TSS, VSS, BOD, and total alkalinity were determined
fluent or be recycled for backwashing processes. The backwashes following Standard Methods (APHA 2005). Total phosphorous
would occur every 30 min, again controlled by the solenoid valves (TP), total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), phosphate-phosphorous, and
and secondary pump. For CEBs, a mixed solution of 2,600 ppm ammonia nitrogen were measured according to the HACH Water
sodium hydroxide and 2,600 ppm sodium hypochlorite was in- Analysis Handbook (Hach Company 2002). The methane con-
jected into the permeate backwash just prior to entering the mem- tent of the biogas was measured using a Varian CP-3800 gas
brane module (at a ratio of 80% permeate and 20% chemical chromatograph. The chromatograph was fitted with an Alltech
solution), creating an approximate concentration of 520 ppm so- CTR 1 concentric packed column and a thermal conductivity de-
dium hydroxide and 520 ppm sodium hypochlorite entering the tector maintained at a constant temperature of 180°C. Helium was
membrane module. The chemical concentrations used for CEBs used as a carrier gas operating at a flow rate of 30 mL=min. The
were recommended by the membrane manufacturer based on past temperature of the injection port was set to 120°C. Biogas injec-
performance data. tions were done in triplicate, and SMA tests were conducted in
Waste anaerobic sludge was pumped out of the reactor on a duplicate using batch studies operated at 36°C. The tests were con-
2-h cycle. Every 2 h a peristaltic pump (Masterflex, Ontario, ducted in 500 mL serum bottles with a working volume of 450 mL.
Canada) would pump mixed liquor from the base of the CSTR out The bottles were filled with reactor sludge, acetic acid as a sub-
of the reactor as waste sludge. The specific flow rate of the waste strate, pH buffer, and mineral bases. Young and Cowan (2004)
sludge was adjusted to maintain reactor-mixed liquor suspended outlined the procedures and mixed solutions used. All flow and
solids (MLSS) concentration at the desired level of approximately pressure readings were noted once daily at similar times using in-
19–21 g=L. line flow meters and pressure sensors.
Biogas exited the CSTR through a gas trap at the top of the
reactor and passed into a plastic gas collection bag, where the flow
of biogas was regulated. The regulated outflow of biogas moved Experimental Design
through a mass-flow meter (AALBORG, Orangeburg, New York), The experimental design was developed through applying the
where its total mass was measured and logged, before exiting the pretest–posttest control group design methodology. This method-
system. The mass-flow meter was calibrated with a headspace ology demonstrated that an effect occurred only following the
gas having a composition of 70% methane gas and 30% carbon change in a certain variable from control conditions (Leedy and
dioxide gas. Ormrod 2005). Applying the pretest–posttest control group design
methodology an initial clean water flux, clean water operational
Wastewater Characterization permeability (OP), mixed-liquor flux (MLF), and mixed-liquor op-
erational permeability (MLOP) were established for the membrane
The anaerobic CSTR was fed with a high-strength (average COD of module prior to its placement inline (for clean water values) and on
84.8  8.9 g=L) potato starch–based synthetic wastewater simulat- Day 2 of operation (for mixed-liquor values). Following a chemical
ing typical food-processing industry wastewater. Snowdon et al. cleaning process, each of these parameters was measured and cal-
(2018) provided a complete characterization of the synthetic waste- culated to identify how efficient each chemical cleaning process
water. The CSTR was equipped with a level gauge, and whenever was in recovering flux and OP.
the mixed-liquor level fell below a preset threshold of 0.94 m, A total of six chemical cleaning processes were applied to the
an influent pump (Masterflex, Ontario, Canada) came online and membrane module, and their respective cleaning conditions may be
pumped wastewater into the system until the mixed-liquor level viewed in Table 1. The two different cleaning conditions were
returned to the threshold level. The daily influent flow rate was chosen because they offered the largest recoveries in clean water
equivalent to the sum of the effluent and waste flows, minus the flux and clean water OP during other membrane studies conducted
backwash flow. by the authors. Cleaning Processes 1 and 6 were dynamic cleanings
(with backwashing processes in place during the cleaning) and
consisted of three parts using three different chemical solutions.
Seed Sludge Characteristics
Cleaning Processes 2–5 were static cleans (with no backwashing
The reactor was initially seeded with granular sludge acquired processes in place) and consisted of one part with one chemical
from an anaerobic digester treating a fruit-juice-processing plant solution. Through the application of each set of cleaning conditions
wastewater in Lassonde, Quebec, Canada. The seed sludge had multiple times, repetitions were accomplished for comparison.
an initial total solid (TS) concentration of 23.2 g=L, total volatile In Table 1, the recirculation time is the amount of time the mem-
solid (TVS) concentration of 19.8 g=L, total suspended solid brane module was operated in forward filtration mode during the
(TSS) concentration of 21.4 g=L, volatile suspended solid (VSS) cleaning process. The soak time is the amount of time forward and
concentration of 19.5 g=L, and a specific methanogenic activity backward filtration was ceased, allowing the membrane module to
(SMA) of 0.18 g-CODCH4 =g-VSS=day. The membrane module sit and soak in the chemical cleaning solution. The number of back-
used throughout the duration of this study was first placed inline washes and duration are the quantity and duration of backward fil-
171 days after initial seeding of the reactor. The consistency of the tration periods, or backwashes, accomplished during a cycle of the

© ASCE 04019018-3 J. Environ. Eng.

J. Environ. Eng., 2019, 145(5): 04019018

Table 1. Chemical cleaning conditions
Cleaning Recirculation Soak time Number of backwashes and
process Cycle time (min) (min) duration (number and min) Chemical used
1 1 30 N/A 2 and 2 min 1% sodium hydroxide
2 N/A 20 N/A
3 30 N/A 2 and 2 min
4 30 N/A 2 and 2 min 1% citric acid
5 N/A 20 N/A
6 30 N/A 2 and 2 min
7 30 N/A 2 and 2 min 1% sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite
8 N/A 20 N/A
9 30 N/A 2 and 2 min
2 1 30 N/A N/A 1% sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite
2 N/A 60 N/A
3 30 N/A N/A
3 1 30 N/A N/A 1% sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite
2 N/A 60 N/A
3 30 N/A N/A
4 1 30 N/A N/A 1% sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite
2 N/A 60 N/A
3 30 N/A N/A
5 1 30 N/A N/A 1% sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite
2 N/A 60 N/A
3 30 N/A N/A
6 1 30 N/A 2 and 2 min 1% sodium hydroxide
2 N/A 20 N/A
3 30 N/A 2 and 2 min
4 30 N/A 2 and 2 min 1% citric acid
5 N/A 20 N/A
6 30 N/A 2 and 2 min
7 30 N/A 2 and 2 min 1% sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite
8 N/A 20 N/A
9 30 N/A 2 and 2 min

chemical cleaning process. Finally, the chemicals used outline the module were also measured. These values allowed the MLF
exact concentration of chemical cleaning solutions applied to the and MLOP to be calculated. The mixed-liquor recoveries were
membrane module during each cleaning condition. calculated by dividing the post–chemical cleaning MLF or post–
Clean water flux was measured by isolating the CSTR recircu- chemical cleaning MLOP values by the initial MLF or initial
lation line from the CSTR itself, allowing a 50-L tank to be filled MLOP values measured on Day 2 of operation, and then multiply-
with clean water (maintained at around 30°C) and filtered through ing by 100. Equations used to calculate clean water and mixed-
the membrane module. Each clean water test recirculated the clean liquor recoveries are displayed in Eqs. (2) and (3), respectively:
water at five flow rates in increasing order (790, 1,580, 2,360,
3,150, and 3,940 L=h), and the resultant membrane fluxes and J; OPPC
TMPs were measured. Five different increasing flow rates were se- CW J;OP ð%Þ ¼ × 100 ð2Þ
J; OPo
lected to provide incremental increases in flux and TMP, reaching
the maximum flow rate of the recirculation loop at approximately
3,940 L=h. Operational permeability is defined as membrane flux
divided by instantaneous operational TMP, in other words pressure- J; OPPC
MLJ;OP ð%Þ ¼ × 100 ð3Þ
averaged flux, and may be defined by Eq. (1) (Hamden de Andrade J; OPo
et al. 2013):
Ji In Eq. (2), CW J;OP is the clean water flux or operational per-
OPi ¼ ð1Þ
ΔPi meability recovery (%), J; OPPC is the post–membrane cleaning
clean water membrane flux or clean water operational permeability
In Eq. (1), OPi is the instantaneous operational permeability (L=m2 =h, L=m2 =h=bar), and J, OPo is the initial clean water mem-
(L=m2 =h=bar), J i is the instantaneous membrane flux (L=m2 =h), brane flux or clean water operational permeability (L=m2 =h,
and ΔPi is the instantaneous transmembrane pressure (bar). Opera- L=m2 =h=bar). In Eq. (3), MLJ;OP is the mixed-liquor flux or opera-
tional permeability was considered so that TMP could be factored tional permeability recovery (%), J; OPPC is the post–membrane
into the flux recovery analysis. Clean water recoveries were calcu- cleaning mixed-liquor membrane flux or mixed-liquor operational
lated by dividing the post–chemical cleaning clean water flux or permeability (L=m2 =h, L=m2 =h=bar), and J; OPo is the initial
post–chemical cleaning clean water OP by the initial clean water mixed-liquor membrane flux or mixed-liquor operational per-
flux or initial OP values measured on Day 1 of operation, and then meability (L=m2 =h, L=m2 =h=bar).
multiplying by 100. Once the membrane module was placed back Membrane resistance coefficients were calculated using the
inline for mixed-liquor recirculation, and after 24 h of recirculation resistance-in-series model [Eq. (4)]. This equation was adopted and
at a flow rate of 6,000 L=h, the flux and TMP of the membrane developed from other studies (Ruigomez et al. 2017):

© ASCE 04019018-4 J. Environ. Eng.

J. Environ. Eng., 2019, 145(5): 04019018

ΔP rapidly reaccumulate on the membrane surface or in its pores. After
J¼ ð4Þ the rapid increase in TMP, a slower, linear increase in TMP is often
μ × ðK M þ K IR þ K R Þ
noted, and the rate of membrane foulant accumulation may be cal-
culated during this linear rise. However, in this experiment’s setup,
In Eq. (4), J is the permeate flux (m3 =m2 =s), ΔP is the trans-
since both TMP and flux were dependent on the permeate pump
membrane pressure (Pa), μ is the dynamic viscosity of the permeate
flow rate and, therefore, simultaneously adjusted over the duration
(Pa=s), K M is the membrane resistance coefficient (m−1 ), K IR is
of data collection, TMP increase alone would not be entirely rep-
the irreversible fouling resistance coefficient (m−1 ), and K R is the
resentative of membrane foulant accumulation. Therefore, follow-
reversible fouling resistance coefficient (m−1 ). The membrane re-
ing each chemical cleaning process, the rate of membrane foulant
sistance coefficients are important to calculate for a membrane
accumulation was quantified by calculating the rate of decline
module because they provide indicators of the contributions from
in operational permeability since operational permeability factors
various types of membrane fouling resistances to the total mem-
both flux and TMP into its value. Eq. (5) was developed through
brane fouling resistance. The membrane resistance coefficient, K M ,
the application of this concept, where the rate of fouling is quanti-
is the resistance of the membrane module prior to exposure to
fied through the loss of OP between membrane module chemical
mixed liquor. This value is found by filtering clean water of a
cleaning processes:
known temperature through the membrane module at monitored
TMP levels and measuring the resultant membrane flux. The OPi ¼ OPPC þ rOP t ð5Þ
reversible fouling resistance coefficient, K R , is resistance to mem-
brane filtration contributed from foulants that may be removed In Eq. (5), OPi is the instantaneous operational permeability
through regular physical and chemical cleaning processes. Gener- (L=m2 =h=bar), OPPC is the operational permeability measured
ally, over the course of membrane filtration operation, K R gradually after membrane cleaning (L=m2 =h=bar), rOP is the rate of decline
increases as regular physical cleaning processes are used to reduce in operational permeability (L=m2 =h=bar=d), and t is the time in-
its rate of accumulation. Eventually, these physical cleaning proc- crement of measurements (days).
esses alone cannot remove a sufficient quantity of the reversible
membrane fouling, and a chemical cleaning is performed to im-
prove the amount of reversible membrane fouling removed. Thus, Results and Discussion
K R may be calculated by comparing the total membrane resis-
tance prior to a chemical cleaning to the total membrane resistance
Flux Recoveries and Membrane Resistance
following a chemical cleaning, where the quantity of membrane
resistance removed from the cleaning process was contributed from
reversible membrane fouling. The irreversible fouling resistance The clean water flux, clean water OP, MLF, and MLOP recoveries
coefficient, K IR , is resistance to membrane filtration contributed following each chemical cleaning process may be viewed in Fig. 2.
from foulants that, generally, may not be removed through the No chemical cleaning processes were able to recover more than
regular physical and chemical cleaning processes. Over the course 53% of the original membrane clean water flux. Cleaning Processes
of membrane filtration, K IR gradually increases and irreversible 1, 5, and 4 offered the largest clean water flux recoveries with val-
foulants cannot be removed unless the regular cleaning processes ues of 53%, 34%, and 30%, respectively. One reason that Cleaning
already set in place are improved. Process 1 offered 56% greater performance in clean water flux re-
Following chemical cleaning processes, there is typically a covery over the next highest recovery offered by a cleaning process
sharp increase in TMP as foulants removed by the cleaning process may be due to its occurring 5 days after the membrane module was

Clean No.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Recoveries (%)

Mixed-Liquor OP Recovery Mixed-Liquor Flux Recovery

Clean Water OP Recovery Clean Water Flux Recovery

Fig. 2. Flux and operational permeability recoveries for both mixed liquor and clean water following each chemical cleaning.

© ASCE 04019018-5 J. Environ. Eng.

J. Environ. Eng., 2019, 145(5): 04019018

1264 © IWA Publishing 2013 Water Science & Technology | 68.6 | 2013

Treatment of tapioca starch wastewater by a novel

combination of physical and biological processes
J. Fettig, V. Pick, U. Austermann-Haun, M. Blumberg and N. V. Phuoc

J. Fettig (corresponding author)
A pilot plant combining dissolved air flotation, anaerobic degradation in an expanded granular sludge
V. Pick
bed (EGSB) reactor and aerobic post-treatment in a vertical flow constructed wetland has been used University of Applied Sciences Ostwestfalen-Lippe,
Campus Hoexter, D-37671 Hoexter,
to treat tapioca starch wastewater for more than 2.25 years. It is demonstrated that organic Germany
matter (chemical oxygen demand by >98%), nitrogen (Kjeldahl-N by >90%) and cyanide (total
U. Austermann-Haun
cyanide by >99%) can be removed very efficiently under stable operating conditions. The removal University of Applied Sciences Ostwestfalen-Lippe,
Campus Detmold, D-32756 Detmold,
efficiency for phosphorus is lower (total-P by 50%). The treatment concept, which includes several
sustainable aspects, e.g. production of energy to be used on-site, low operation demands and
M. Blumberg
minimal use of chemicals, could be interesting for small- and middle-sized tapioca processing plants. Blumberg Consultants, Gaensemarkt 10, D-37120
Key words | anaerobic treatment, constructed wetland, dissolved air flotation, tapioca wastewater Germany

N. V. Phuoc
Institute for Environment and Resources,
Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City,
142 To Hien Thanh Street, District 10, Ho Chi Minh


A joint Vietnamese–German group of research institutions cyanide can be removed both in anaerobic reactor systems
and companies is working on concepts to reduce water pol- (Gijzen et al. ; Siller & Winter ) and under aerobic
lution in the Saigon Dong Nai river basin in southern conditions (Kaewkannetra et al. ). In a laboratory-scale
Vietnam. The objective of the project is the development investigation the potential of natural filters including sand,
of techniques and management tools to sustainably improve gravel, soil, coconut fibre and bamboo plait has been
the quality of surface waters in subtropical and tropical assessed (Hidayat et al. ). The results indicate that wet-
zones. In a sub-project, the treatment of tapioca starch land systems might also be suited to treat tapioca starch
wastewater has been investigated on a pilot scale. wastewater. Recently the ideas of water reduction and
The production of tapioca starch is an important eco- energy conservation in the production process have been
nomic sector in several countries in Southeast Asia. studied (Chavalparit & Ongwandee ).
About 15 m3 of wastewater highly loaded with organic In Vietnam, a concept was suggested more than 10 years
compounds is produced per tonne of starch during the ago that includes primary sedimentation, anaerobic treat-
industrial extraction process. Cyanide as a toxic species is ment in an UASB reactor and aerobic post-treatment
also found, because cyanoglucosides from tapioca roots comprising an attached growth reactor and oxidation
are released during the production process that rapidly ponds (Hien et al. ). However, due to high investment
decay to cyanide after enzymatic hydrolysis (FAO ). costs caused by interest rates of more than 20% and slow
Some large tapioca starch production plants in other enforcement of wastewater regulations, the treatment so far
Asian countries treat their wastewater anaerobically using has been to let the wastewater flow through a series of anaero-
different reactor principles, e.g. up-flow anaerobic sludge bic ponds before being discharged into a river. In the period
blanket (UASB) reactors, up-flow anaerobic filters or 2008–2012 a few large factories built anaerobic treatment
anaerobic ponds, most often operated without any pre-treat- units, usually UASB reactors, combined with aerobic ponds
ment (Annachhatre & Amatya ; Bal & Dhagat ; as part of clean development mechanism (CDM) projects.
Rajesh Banu et al. ; Rajbhandari & Annachhatre Funding was provided by Japanese or European partners
; Colin et al. ). It has been demonstrated that via emission credits according to the UN Framework
doi: 10.2166/wst.2013.354
1265 J. Fettig et al. | Treatment of tapioca starch wastewater Water Science & Technology | 68.6 | 2013

Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC ). As a low- Table 1 | Composition of tapioca starch wastewater

cost solution, some middle-sized plants have recently started

This study (mean
to cover the first anaerobic pond with a synthetic canvas in Parameter values 2010–2012) Data from Mai (2006)
order to collect and utilize the biogas produced (Hoang
Conductivity 1,673 μS/cm –
). In addition, some small companies have constructed
pH 4.5a 4.0–4.2
anaerobic filters combined with aerobic post-treatment
TSS 1,700 mg/L 1,500–2,600 mg/L
tanks (Phuoc & Phuong ). Since there is no biogas collec-
tion, a major benefit of anaerobic processes is not utilized. COD (non-filtered) 11,800 mg/L 14,000–18,000 mg/L

The main objective of this study was to find out whether BOD5 6,900 mg/L 9,000–11,000 mg/L
a combination of technical and nature-based treatment pro- Total phosphorus 71 mg/L –
cesses suited for small- and middle-sized companies can Kjeldahl nitrogen 280 mg/L –
meet the discharge requirements corresponding to 50 mg/L COD (filtered) 8,840 mg/L –
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), 30 mg/L total nitro- Total cyanide 22 mg/L 5.8–96 mg/L
gen (total-N), 6 mg/L total phosphorus (total-P) and a
After 3.5 h of microbial acidification. TSS: total suspended solids; COD: chemical oxygen
0.1 mg/L total cyanide according to Vietnam Standard demand; BOD5: 5-day biochemical oxygen demand.
TCVN 5945 class B (MONRE ), and whether it can
be operated reliably. due to rapid microbial acidification. As a result, colloidal
organic matter flocculates without adding any chemicals
and the removal efficiency in the flotation stage is much
MATERIALS AND METHODS better than with fresh wastewater. After this effect had
been observed during the first months of operation, pH
In small companies the starch is separated by sedimentation, was no longer adjusted in the neutralization unit.
while in larger plants centrifugal screen extractors are more Dissolved air flotation (DAF) was applied in order to
common. The latter separation process provides wastewater remove the major portion of TSS. An Aquatector® Micro-
with a higher fraction of dissolved organic substances and a float® unit (Enviplan Company, Germany) was operated at
lower portion of particulate matter. In this study the pilot a hydraulic surface load of 2.5–3.0 m/h. Since dosing of
plant was located at a company that applies centrifugation. polymeric flocculants prior to flotation improved TSS
In Table 1 the composition of the wastewater investigated removal only slightly, flocculants were not added during
is compared with data published by Mai (). regular operation.
Accordingly, the wastewater undergoes acidification The central treatment stage was an anaerobic process
caused by anaerobic micro-organisms in the pre-treatment (expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor, type
units. Although there is a certain amount of nutrients, ANAFIT-AC, Hager þ Elsässer Company, Germany) which
organic matter is the main component. A comparison of converts organic matter into biogas. The performance of
non-filtered and filtered samples reveals that total suspended the reactor largely depends on stable process conditions
solids (TSS) make up for about 25% of the chemical oxygen and a low suspended solids loading. This was achieved by
demand (COD). Therefore, TSS removal prior to biological an optimization of the upstream DAF process. The EGSB
treatment was considered an important element of the pro- reactor was operated at a temperature of 35 C and a hydrau-
cess scheme. lic load of 4–5 m/h. It was seeded with sludge from a
The treatment concept developed includes physical pre- brewery wastewater treatment plant. pH was adjusted to
treatment, anaerobic degradation of organic substances, and 6.8 by adding sodium hydroxide. There was no need for
aerobic post-treatment. The process scheme is shown in heating because raw wastewater temperatures were already
Figure 1. As far as we know the specific combination of tech- at the required level.
nical and nature-based processes is a novel approach for this For post-treatment, a vertical flow constructed wetland
type of wastewater. A detailed description of the concept is (VFCW) was designed. The hydraulic surface load of the
given elsewhere (Pick et al. ). unit was about 30 L/(m2 · d) and the average organic surface
The pilot plant was designed to treat continuously up to load corresponded to 72 g COD/(m2 · d). The effluent was
12 m3/d of wastewater. Before flowing into the plant, the collected in a small basin which was the sampling point,
water passes through three buffer tanks with a total hydrau- and discharged via a fluid tipper to a lagoon operated by
lic retention time of 3.5 h. In this stage pH decreases to 4.5 the tapioca starch company.
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 7 3 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 2 9 1 e3 0 3

Available online at


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Comprehensive microbial analysis of combined

mesophilic anaerobicethermophilic aerobic
process treating high-strength food wastewater

Hyun Min Jang a, Jeong Hyub Ha a,b,*, Jong Moon Park a,b,c,**,
Mi-Sun Kim d, Sven G. Sommer e
School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, 77, Cheongam-Ro,
Pohang 790-784, Republic of Korea
Department of Chemical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, 77, Cheongam-Ro, Pohang 790-
784, Republic of Korea
Division of Advanced Nuclear Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, 77, Cheongam-Ro,
Pohang 790-784, Republic of Korea
Biomass and Waste Energy Laboratory, Korea Institute of Energy Research, 152 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
305-343, Republic of Korea
Institute of Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Environmental Technology, Faculty of Engineering, University
of Southern Denmark, Niels Bohrs Alle 1, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark

article info abstract

Article history: A combined mesophilic anaerobicethermophilic aerobic process was used to treat high-
Received 1 October 2014 strength food wastewater in this study. During the experimental period, most of solid
Received in revised form residue from the mesophilic anaerobic reactor (R1) was separated by centrifugation and
27 January 2015 introduced into the thermophilic aerobic reactor (R2) for further digestion. Then, ther-
Accepted 28 January 2015 mophilic aerobically-digested sludge was reintroduced into R1 to enhance reactor perfor-
Available online 7 February 2015 mance. The combined process was operated with two different Runs: Run I with hydraulic
retention time (HRT) ¼ 40 d (corresponding OLR ¼ 3.5 kg COD/m3 d) and Run II with
Keywords: HRT ¼ 20 d (corresponding OLR ¼ 7 kg COD/m3). For a comparison, a single-stage meso-
High-strength food wastewater philic anaerobic reactor (R3) was operated concurrently with same OLRs and HRTs as the
Combined biological process combined process. During the overall digestion, all reactors showed high stability without
Methane production pH control. The combined process demonstrated significantly higher organic matter
Pyrosequencing removal efficiencies (over 90%) of TS, VS and COD and methane production than did R3.
Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) results indicated that higher populations of both bacteria
and archaea were maintained in R1 than in R3. Pyrosequencing analysis revealed relatively
high abundance of phylum Actinobacteria in both R1 and R2, and a predominance of phyla
Synergistetes and Firmicutes in R3 during Run II. Furthermore, R1 and R2 shared genera
(Prevotella, Aminobacterium, Geobacillus and Unclassified Actinobacteria), which suggests
synergy between mesophilic anaerobic digestion and thermophilic aerobic digestion. For

* Corresponding author. Department of Chemical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, 77, Cheongam-Ro, Pohang,
790-784, Republic of Korea. Tel.: þ82 54 279 8315; fax: þ82 54 279 8659.
** Corresponding author. Department of Chemical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, 77, Cheongam-Ro, Pohang,
790-784, Republic of Korea. Tel.: þ82 54 279 2275; fax: þ82 54 279 8659.
E-mail addresses: (J.H. Ha), (J.M. Park).
0043-1354/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 7 3 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 2 9 1 e3 0 3 295

Table 2 e Summary of the reactor performance of combined (R1 and R2) and control (R3) processes at the two different
Parameters Run I (HRT: 40 d) Run II (HRT: 20d)
Combined process R3 (control) Combined process R3 (control)
R1 (MAD) R2 (TAD) Final effluent R1 (MAD) R2 (TAD) Final effluent
pH 7.43 ± 0.11 8.25 ± 0.04 7.43 ± 0.11 7.33 ± 0.09 7.37 ± 0.01 8.21 ± 0.02 7.37 ± 0.01 6.75 ± 0.04
TA (g CaCO3/L) 3.22 ± 0.07 1.45 ± 0.08 3.22 ± 0.07 3.29 ± 0.02 3.22 ± 0.02 1.43 ± 0.02 3.22 ± 0.02 2.23 ± 0.03
ORP(mV) 405 ±8 38a ~ 67b e 402 ± 4 403 ± 6 37a ~ 67b e 402 ±3
TS (g/L) 40.06 ± 1.99 56.68 ± 0.49 8.88 ± 0.21 37.74 ± 0.28 51.08 ± 0.82 72.12 ± 0.28 8.89 ± 0.19 43.68 ± 0.12
VS (g/L) 20.47 ± 1.01 29.80 ± 0.26 3.94 ± 0.18 20.63 ± 0.31 26.10 ± 0.42 37.92 ± 0.15 3.98 ± 0.22 23.88 ± 0.24
TCOD (g/L) 30.92 ± 0.92 47.29 ± 0.26 9.49 ± 0.58 29.98 ± 0.58 43.49 ± 0.39 61.42 ± 0.42 9.07 ± 0.06 40.32 ± 0.42
SCOD (g/L) 3.43 ± 0.03 3.29 ± 0.11 3.43 ± 0.03 2.11 ± 0.08 4.81 ± 0.11 4.06 ± 0.04 4.81 ± 0.11 3.20 ± 0.01
TOA (g COD/L) 2.86 ± 0.07 e 2.86 ± 0.07 0.89 ± 0.01 3.28 ± 0.01 e 3.28 ± 0.01 1.99 ± 0.05
Acetic acid (g COD/L) 1.52 ± 0.01 e 1.52 ± 0.01 0.89 ± 0.01 1.73 ± 0.01 e 1.73 ± 0.01 1.24 ± 0.03
Propionic acid (g COD/L) 1.43 ± 0.03 e 1.43 ± 0.03 e 1.55 ± 0.01 e 1.55 ± 0.01 0.75 ± 0.01
TVFA (g acetic acid/L) 2.67 ± 0.05 e 2.67 ± 0.05 0.83 ± 0.01 3.07 ± 0.01 e 3.07 ± 0.01 1.86 ± 0.05
TVFA/TA (g acetic acid/g 0.83 ± 0.09 e 0.83 ± 0.09 0.25 ± 0.02 0.95 ± 0.01 e 0.95 ± 0.01 0.83 ± 0.06
TS removal efficiency 92.52 ± 0.35 68.15 ± 0.75 92.54 ± 0.42 63.13 ± 0.39
(% of feed)
VS removal efficiency 96.31 ± 0.41 80.63 ± 0.48 96.30 ± 0.28 77.58 ± 0.27
(% of feed)
COD removal efficiency 93.20 ± 0.28 78.52 ± 0.24 93.51 ± 0.11 71.11 ± 0.65
(% of feed)
Biogas production rate 1.54 ± 0.03 1.00 ± 0.02 2.67 ± 0.04 2.00 ± 0.01
Methane content (%) 68.40 ± 0.31 63.10 ± 0.58 66.20 ± 0.48 59.42 ± 0.44
Methane production rate 1.05 ± 0.01 0.63 ± 0.01 1.77 ± 0.02 1.19 ± 0.01
(L CH4/L/d)
Methane yield (m3 CH4/kg 0.32 ± 0.01 0.23 ± 0.01 0.32 ± 0.01 0.24 ± 0.01
COD removed)
After the feeding.
About 3 h after the feeding.

A considerable amount of organic matter was degraded in and 0.89 ± 0.01 g COD/L in R3. With increased OLR, increased
both combined and control processes. In Run I at steady state, TOA concentration was observed in R1 (3.28 ± 0.01 g COD/L)
the control process achieved removal (%) of 68.15 ± 0.75 for TS, and R3 (1.99 ± 0.05 g COD/L). This suggests that HRT of R1 and
80.63 ± 0.48 for VS and 78.52 ± 0.24 for COD; the combined R2 were insufficient to allow consumption of all organic acids
process achieved 92.52 ± 0.35 for TS, 96.31 ± 0.41 for VS and in feedstock and produced in the reactors. The TOA concen-
93.20 ± 0.28 for COD (Table 2). In Run II at steady state, the tration was higher in R1 than R3, possibly because HRT was
increase in OLR from 3.5 to 7 kg COD/m3 d caused higher shorter in R1 than in R3 during the overall digestion (Table S1).
concentrations of TS, VS and COD in all reactors. After the Degradable organic matter recirculated from R2 might also
initial period of Run II, the control process showed slightly contribute to the relatively high concentration of TOA in R1.
decreased removal (%) (63.13 ± 0.39 for TS, 77.58 ± 0.27 for VS Based on the organic acid analysis in the reactor, the TVFA/
and 71.11 ± 0.65 for COD) compared to Run I at steady state. TA ratio was calculated; this ratio has been used as an
But the removal (%) in the combined process (92.54 ± 0.42 for acidification-risk parameter in AD (Kafle and Kim, 2013;
TS, 96.30 ± 0.28 for VS and 93.51 ± 0.11% for COD) in Run II at Schievano et al., 2012). In general, TVFA/TA < 0.4 is consid-
steady state did not differ from those in Run I at steady state. ered to be favourable for stable methanogenesis without in-
These results indicate that efficient degradation of separated hibition by acidification (Rinco n et al., 2008). In this study,
(concentrated) anaerobic sludge in R2 significantly increased TVFA/TA was >0.8 in R1 in both Runs at steady state, and in R3
the removal efficiency in terms of TS, VS and COD. In addition, during Run II at steady state. This high TVFA/TA ratio is
the collaboration between R1 and R2 might provide remark- mainly due to: (1) high concentration of easily-biodegradable
able differences in organic removal between combined and components (i.e., VS and SCOD) and >69 g COD/L of organic
control processes (Miah et al., 2005). acids in the feedstock (Table 1), and (2) relatively insufficient
To better understand the reactor performance, organic retention time (especially R1). Although R1 and R3 showed
acids that are known to be major intermediates were ana- high TVFA/TA ratio, both R1 and R3 operated stably
lysed. Only two organic acids (acetic and propionic acid) were throughout digestion. This observation is consistent with a
detected in both R1 and R3; no organic acids were detected in recent report that showed stable reactor operation with TVFA/
R2 (Table 2). In Run I at steady state, TOA concentration was TA > 0.9 during the co-digestion of apple waste and swine
2.86 ± 0.07 g COD/L in R1 (final effluent of combined process) manure (Kafle and Kim, 2013). Further studies need to be
298 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 7 3 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 2 9 1 e3 0 3

Fig. 3 e Distribution and relative abundance of taxa in bacterial samples based on sequences derived from pyrosequencing.
Inner circle: composition at phylum level; outer circle: composition at class level. Sequences showing with percentage of
reads >1.0% in all samples were grouped into ‘Others’.

Genus-level classification was conducted to further deter- presence of this genus in thermophilic aerobic condition
mine the phylogenetic discrimination and possible functions (mainly produce lytic enzyme) has been reported previously,
of the bacterial members in the reactors (Fig. 5a). Throughout but it is uncommon in anaerobic conditions. Other genera
digestion, both R1 and R3 also showed discernible distinctions such as Prevotella and Aminobacterium, which are mostly
in distribution of sequences at the genus level within phylum anaerobic bacteria, were also detected in both R1 and R2. In
Firmicutes (Fig. 5a). The members assigned into genus Clos- particular, R1 and R2 shared a significant proportion (4.09%
tridium (belong to class Clostridia), which are syntrophic bac- and 14.24% in R1; 19.28% and 17.64% in R2 at Runs I and II,
teria (Schnürer et al., 1996), were predominant (~8%) in R3, but respectively) of one uncharacterized genus Unclassified Acti-
relatively uncommon (~1%) in R1. Interestingly, the genus nobacteria throughout digestion. This may in fact be signifi-
Geobacillus (belong to class Bacilli) was observed at ~6% of cantly important in maintenances of bacterial population and
abundances in R1, and was predominant (~11%) in R2; the reactor performances. This was also highly in agreement with

Research Progress on Corn Starch Wastewater

Treatment Process
ZHANG Chunyang1, ZHANG Congju1, LIU Jianguang2, HAN Lichao2
1. School of Thermal Energy Engineering; Shandong Jianzhu University; Jinan 250101 China
2. School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan, 250101,China;

Abstract: The reclamation approaches and treatment contains a lot of water which is about 4-5 times of the for-
technology process of corn starch wastewater were re- mer. The pickling liquid is high concentrated organic
viewed. contamination Characteristic of corn starch wastewater with the characteristic of four high and one low,
wastewater were concentration high and biodegradable, namely high CODCr (8,000 ~ 15000mg/L), high suspended
and the reclamation potential was huge. Treatment tech- solids (SS) (1000 ~ 3000mg/L), high total nitrogen value
nologies included biological treatment, physical chemistry (240 ~ 540mg/L), high concentration of phosphate (in P
treatment, biological pond and photosynthetic bacteria plan, about 15 ~ 130mg/L), and low pH (4.2 -5). The proc-
process. The optimized combine treatment process of re- ess water is medium concentrated organic wastewater with
source reclamation from corn starch wastewater and treat- CODCr value in 2000 ~ 3500mg/L, not high ammonia ni-
ment technology was recommended. trogen and phosphate concentration, respectively 20mg/L
Keywords: anaerobic, wastewater treatment, Corn Starch and more than 14 ~ 32mg/L.
Wastewater, reclamation From the analysis of the above data, it can be concluded
that: (1) Corn starch wastewater is rich in carbohydrates
1 Introduction and nitrogen, phosphorus nutrients, belonging to better
Starch is a kind of important industrial raw materials and biochemical high concentrated organic wastewater, which
widely used in the food, chemistry, textile, pharmaceutical is suitable for high concentration organic wastewater
industry, etc. In the production and processing process of treatment by biochemical process. (2) Wastewater sus-
starch, a large amount of high concentrated organic pended solids and the colloid protein content is relatively
wastewater is discharged, which mainly contains organic high, which will produce adverse impact to the develop-
matters such as starch, fiber, protein, etc. Once these or- ment of the anaerobic activated sludge system. (3) Corn
ganic matters are discharged into the water, it will lead to immersion process will produce a small number SO32 -. In
severe water pollution and bring repercussion to the sur- anaerobic treatment process, these sulfur-containing com-
vival environment of human beings. Therefore, starch pounds are deoxidized to hydrogen sulphide by microor-
wastewater should be processed to meet the standard be- ganisms, which is likely to produce certain inhibition on
fore discharging. Further, the high concentration of organic the anaerobic system.
matter in the water has revealed significant resource poten- 3 Corn starch wastewater treatment technology situa-
tial. tion
2 Quality of the corn starch wastewater 3.1 Biological treatment method
The wastewater generated by the production of corn starch Biological treatment method is to use the effect of the mi-
can be divided into two parts, namely the pickling liquid crobial metabolism, which degrades and converts the dis-
and process water. The former contains high content of solution and colloid organic pollutants into harmless mate-
organic matters, mostly protein, but little water; and the rial. The method of purifying wastewater can generally be
latter is generated by the whole production process of divided into anaerobic biological treatment and aerobic
broking corn, removing embryo and drying starch and biological treatment. Due to the characteristics of high or-
ganic matter in starch wastewater and difficulty in the

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Queensland University of Technology. Downloaded on August 15,2020 at 04:37:27 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

process, single biological treatment method is rarely used (m3·d) or so; the combination process on COD, BOD5, SS
and is usually combined to other kinds of biological treat- and NH3 - N can reach removal rates 99.1%, 99.6%,82%
ments. By this way, it can make its advantages and disad- and 96% respectively, which reaches the national sewage
vantages to supplement each other and improve the effi- comprehensive level 1 emission standard.
ciency. 3.1.2 Anaerobic biological treatment method
3.1.1 Anaerobic-aerobic combination The main processes in anaerobic biological treatment of
Anaerobic biological treatment can decompose a large handling starch wastewater have ShengLiuShi anaerobic
amount of high concentration organic compounds and sludge bed (UASB), anaerobic baffle plate reactor (ABR),
produce methane, while aerobic biological treatment is anaerobic fluidized bed (AFB), anaerobic contact method
used as the follow-up process to further remove the resid- (ACP), two-phase anaerobic digestion method (TPAD) and
ual organic matters. The combination of these two methods anaerobic filter (AF), etc.
has a higher efficiency thereby applying in the practical ShengLiuShi anaerobic sludge bed is a kind of anaerobic
production process as a whole subject. reactor based on mature theory. It is developed success-
Wang Rongmin etc used the three-phase anaerobic-aerobic fully by Lettinga in Wageningen agricultural university in
one-piece baffle plate bioreactor and added inorganic the Netherlands in 1977. It has a lot of merits, such as high
polymer abandoned packing rubber as the adherent grow- volume load rate and high sludge load rate etc and it is
ing packing for the aerobic microbes. According to the widely used in engineering. Li Yafeng etc introduced re-
result, in temperature between 25 to 35 ć, pH 5.0 ~ 850 actor UASB treatment effect used for starch wastewater
and the three-phase anaerobic-aerobic one-piece baffle treatment in a Shandong company. This company adopted
plate bioreactor effluent 200mg/L COD concentration be- 2 UASB reactors whose diameter was 20m and height was
low, COD total removal rate topped 98.7%;Effluent am- 6.8m in starch wastewater anaerobic biological treatment.
monia nitrogen in 10mg/L or so, ammonia nitrogen re- Meanwhile, COD volume load was 8kg / (m3 · for d) with
moval topped 82.3%, which makes the effluent water stable treatment effect and effluent COD, BOD5, SS re-
standard. moval rates were 83%, 90%, 62% respectively, which sat-
Yang Kaiming and Yang Xiaolin etc introduced a UBF - isfied the follow-up process requirements. Zhang Chunyan
CASS combination process to handle starch wastewater in analyzed the starch wastewater treatment process in Shan-
the northwestern starch company. CODCr tanking water is dong Qingyuan Food Company and proved that it was
reduced by 12000mg/L to 125mg/L, NH3 - N is reduced economic and effective to use UASB to process high qual-
by the original 160mg/L to 20mg/L, BOD5 and SS re- ity concentration corn starch wastewater, which operation
moval rates reached 99.4% and 87% respectively, which cost was low and the treatment effect was stable. It further
makes the effluent water to achieve the secondary standard. determined that the best temperature for the UASB treat-
The system has high impact resistance for strong capability ment was 35 ~ 40 ć; pH value of 6 ~ 7, CODCr reached
of load, stable operation effect in biochemical treatment 8kg / (d. m3) design load and the removal rate reached
unit. Moreover, the generated biogas and protein feed all above 90%.
can have certain economic benefits. Anaerobic baffle plate reactor used built-in vertical guide
Shi Hui etc used EGSB - A/O combination process to han- plate to divide the reaction chambers into several relative
dle high concentration starch wastewater in a starch com- independent ShangLiuShi sludge bed systems. Several
pany in Si Ping City. The result indicates that the process- small reaction chambers were installed in series, which
ing high concentration starch wastewater by methods is makes the processed wastewater flow up and down inter-
completely feasible. When COD for wastewater is nally along its baffle plate. In the mixing effect of the flow
8000~10000mg/L, the COD for processed wastewater is and the producing gases, organic matters in the wastewater
less than 100mg/L; the reactor COD is stable in 20kg / contacted with anaerobic sludge repeatedly and ware able

Authorized licensed use limited to: Queensland University of Technology. Downloaded on August 15,2020 at 04:37:27 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

25h, COD removal rate could reach amount to 77% ~ 96%. fluent water to achieve farm irrigation water quality. Prac-
Both of them have obvious treatment effect. tice has proved that through the metabolic process which
3.2.2 Floating processing method contained 4 degree of wastewater handling, 3 steps of
Floating processing uses high pressure to dissolve a large multi-function and multi-system, this method can achieve
amount of vapor gas as working liquid. After sudden de- all material energy conversion and recycle. Thus, it has
compression, it will release countless small bubbles, which obvious popularized value.
makes the flocculate in the wastewater stick to their surface. 3.3.2 Photosynthetic bacteria method
Thus, the proportion of the flocculate is far less than the Photosynthetic bacteria (PSB) are mainly red pseudomonas
actual proportion. Along with the rising of the bubbles, the genera, which can conduct bad oxygen photosynthesis un-
flocculate will float to the liquid surface, thereby achieving der anaerobic condition. The organic matters are used as
the purpose of liquid-solid separation. Mu Jianbo etc took the carbon sources and the hydrogen body for photosyn-
the wastewater in a Hubei starch company and adopted an thesis, being decomposed and removed. Moreover, they are
air floating device to conduct an experimental research. able to withstand high concentration organic matters. Pho-
The wastewater infusing drug went through the pump into tosynthetic bacteria method is also good in removing con-
the integration device. The micro bubble produced by the taminants, such as nitrogen and phosphorus which has
dissolved gas water contacted with the counter-current been widely applied to remove waste water in organic pol-
wastewater. Floc properties were clinging to the micro lutants. Wang Yuxin etc separated out a spherical red coli
bubble and ejected along with the rising, the disposed wa- L2 from the wastewater sludge in Shandong Wen Deng
ter below the column went out through the liquid level Starch Company in order to handle the wastewater after
control device. According to the experiment and the analy- pretreatment. Under appropriate conditions, CODCr re-
sis of the flocculant, floating agent and the operation pa- moval rate could reach 95.7% which made the wastewater
rameters on the treatment effect, it is concluded that the to meet the effluent standard.
best operating conditions can be achieved in feeding posi- 4 Corn starch wastewater recycling technology
tion 70cm, air inflow 120L/h, feeding amount 100ml/min There are a lot of researches at home and abroad using mi-
and liquid surface height 127cm. croorganism for starch wastewater resource disposal in-
3.3 Other processing methods cluding using starch wastewater to produce single cell pro-
3.3.1 Biological pond method tein, recycling protein for fodder, producing microbial
Biological pond technology uses the natural purification flocculants, producing polysaccharide, etc.
capacity of water to handle wastewater. This technology Li Suyu etc introduced research in a variety of microbial
was developed rapidly after 1950s and mostly adopted in purification corn starch wastewater synergy. The result
sewage and organic industrial wastewater. According to showed that per cubic meter of wastewater could be used
the characteristics of high organic content and rich nutri- for producing feed additives SCP1.646 kg and could be
tion in starch wastewater, the combination of anaerobic turn into resources of protein production. Meanwhile, mi-
pond, facultative pond and aerobic pond is applied. Yang crobial synergy still can make wastewater COD removal
Fengjiang etc designed a method to handle starch waste- rate more than 90% and the purified wastewater COD re-
water with ShuiHuLu and XiLuPing based on the water moval under 300mg/L. Wang Yuanyuan etc used starch
characteristic of Xinmin Starch Company in Liaoning wastewater to tame, and foster mixed microbial flocculants
military logistic department. The precipitated wastewater to cultivate bacterium. Researching on the cultivated con-
was ejected into the natural oxidation pond to have natural dition, they found that in condition of COD concentration
fermentation. Then, it was ejected into the ShuiHuLu pond was 4000mg/L; urea was the source of nitrogen; C: N: P =
to be purified by 7d and was ejected into the XILuPing to 100:5-2, training time was 42h, culture temperature was 30
be purified by 7d again. All these procedures made the ef- ć, wave bed speed was 150r/min, the MBF - 17 floccula-

Authorized licensed use limited to: Queensland University of Technology. Downloaded on August 15,2020 at 04:37:27 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

[23] LI Suyu, LI Yu, REN Jun, et al. Cooperative Effect of Varied Microor- ˖19̚23.
Wastewater[J]. China Water & Wastewater, 2007,23˄5˅
ganism in Purifying Maize Starch Wastewater[J]. Environmental Protec- ⥟ುುˈ⥟৥ϰˈ䰜Ꮰ.߽⫼⎔㉝ᑳ∈෍‫ݏ‬໡ড়ൟ㍂‫ࠖޱ‬ѻ⫳㦠ⷨお[J].
tion, 2003ˈ ˖22̚23. Ё೑㒭∈
ᑨⷨお[J].⦃๗ֱᡸˈ2003ˈ ˄1˅ ˖22̚23.
[24] WANG Yunyun, WANG Xiangdong, CHEN Xi. Study on Culture of
Compound Microbial Flocculant-producing Bacteria Using Starch

Authorized licensed use limited to: Queensland University of Technology. Downloaded on August 15,2020 at 04:37:27 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
1265 J. Fettig et al. | Treatment of tapioca starch wastewater Water Science & Technology | 68.6 | 2013

Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC ). As a low- Table 1 | Composition of tapioca starch wastewater

cost solution, some middle-sized plants have recently started

This study (mean
to cover the first anaerobic pond with a synthetic canvas in Parameter values 2010–2012) Data from Mai (2006)
order to collect and utilize the biogas produced (Hoang
Conductivity 1,673 μS/cm –
). In addition, some small companies have constructed
pH 4.5a 4.0–4.2
anaerobic filters combined with aerobic post-treatment
TSS 1,700 mg/L 1,500–2,600 mg/L
tanks (Phuoc & Phuong ). Since there is no biogas collec-
tion, a major benefit of anaerobic processes is not utilized. COD (non-filtered) 11,800 mg/L 14,000–18,000 mg/L

The main objective of this study was to find out whether BOD5 6,900 mg/L 9,000–11,000 mg/L
a combination of technical and nature-based treatment pro- Total phosphorus 71 mg/L –
cesses suited for small- and middle-sized companies can Kjeldahl nitrogen 280 mg/L –
meet the discharge requirements corresponding to 50 mg/L COD (filtered) 8,840 mg/L –
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), 30 mg/L total nitro- Total cyanide 22 mg/L 5.8–96 mg/L
gen (total-N), 6 mg/L total phosphorus (total-P) and a
After 3.5 h of microbial acidification. TSS: total suspended solids; COD: chemical oxygen
0.1 mg/L total cyanide according to Vietnam Standard demand; BOD5: 5-day biochemical oxygen demand.
TCVN 5945 class B (MONRE ), and whether it can
be operated reliably. due to rapid microbial acidification. As a result, colloidal
organic matter flocculates without adding any chemicals
and the removal efficiency in the flotation stage is much
MATERIALS AND METHODS better than with fresh wastewater. After this effect had
been observed during the first months of operation, pH
In small companies the starch is separated by sedimentation, was no longer adjusted in the neutralization unit.
while in larger plants centrifugal screen extractors are more Dissolved air flotation (DAF) was applied in order to
common. The latter separation process provides wastewater remove the major portion of TSS. An Aquatector® Micro-
with a higher fraction of dissolved organic substances and a float® unit (Enviplan Company, Germany) was operated at
lower portion of particulate matter. In this study the pilot a hydraulic surface load of 2.5–3.0 m/h. Since dosing of
plant was located at a company that applies centrifugation. polymeric flocculants prior to flotation improved TSS
In Table 1 the composition of the wastewater investigated removal only slightly, flocculants were not added during
is compared with data published by Mai (). regular operation.
Accordingly, the wastewater undergoes acidification The central treatment stage was an anaerobic process
caused by anaerobic micro-organisms in the pre-treatment (expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor, type
units. Although there is a certain amount of nutrients, ANAFIT-AC, Hager þ Elsässer Company, Germany) which
organic matter is the main component. A comparison of converts organic matter into biogas. The performance of
non-filtered and filtered samples reveals that total suspended the reactor largely depends on stable process conditions
solids (TSS) make up for about 25% of the chemical oxygen and a low suspended solids loading. This was achieved by
demand (COD). Therefore, TSS removal prior to biological an optimization of the upstream DAF process. The EGSB
treatment was considered an important element of the pro- reactor was operated at a temperature of 35 C and a hydrau-
cess scheme. lic load of 4–5 m/h. It was seeded with sludge from a
The treatment concept developed includes physical pre- brewery wastewater treatment plant. pH was adjusted to
treatment, anaerobic degradation of organic substances, and 6.8 by adding sodium hydroxide. There was no need for
aerobic post-treatment. The process scheme is shown in heating because raw wastewater temperatures were already
Figure 1. As far as we know the specific combination of tech- at the required level.
nical and nature-based processes is a novel approach for this For post-treatment, a vertical flow constructed wetland
type of wastewater. A detailed description of the concept is (VFCW) was designed. The hydraulic surface load of the
given elsewhere (Pick et al. ). unit was about 30 L/(m2 · d) and the average organic surface
The pilot plant was designed to treat continuously up to load corresponded to 72 g COD/(m2 · d). The effluent was
12 m3/d of wastewater. Before flowing into the plant, the collected in a small basin which was the sampling point,
water passes through three buffer tanks with a total hydrau- and discharged via a fluid tipper to a lagoon operated by
lic retention time of 3.5 h. In this stage pH decreases to 4.5 the tapioca starch company.
1265 J. Fettig et al. | Treatment of tapioca starch wastewater Water Science & Technology | 68.6 | 2013

Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC ). As a low- Table 1 | Composition of tapioca starch wastewater

cost solution, some middle-sized plants have recently started

This study (mean
to cover the first anaerobic pond with a synthetic canvas in Parameter values 2010–2012) Data from Mai (2006)
order to collect and utilize the biogas produced (Hoang
Conductivity 1,673 μS/cm –
). In addition, some small companies have constructed
pH 4.5a 4.0–4.2
anaerobic filters combined with aerobic post-treatment
TSS 1,700 mg/L 1,500–2,600 mg/L
tanks (Phuoc & Phuong ). Since there is no biogas collec-
tion, a major benefit of anaerobic processes is not utilized. COD (non-filtered) 11,800 mg/L 14,000–18,000 mg/L

The main objective of this study was to find out whether BOD5 6,900 mg/L 9,000–11,000 mg/L
a combination of technical and nature-based treatment pro- Total phosphorus 71 mg/L –
cesses suited for small- and middle-sized companies can Kjeldahl nitrogen 280 mg/L –
meet the discharge requirements corresponding to 50 mg/L COD (filtered) 8,840 mg/L –
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), 30 mg/L total nitro- Total cyanide 22 mg/L 5.8–96 mg/L
gen (total-N), 6 mg/L total phosphorus (total-P) and a
After 3.5 h of microbial acidification. TSS: total suspended solids; COD: chemical oxygen
0.1 mg/L total cyanide according to Vietnam Standard demand; BOD5: 5-day biochemical oxygen demand.
TCVN 5945 class B (MONRE ), and whether it can
be operated reliably. due to rapid microbial acidification. As a result, colloidal
organic matter flocculates without adding any chemicals
and the removal efficiency in the flotation stage is much
MATERIALS AND METHODS better than with fresh wastewater. After this effect had
been observed during the first months of operation, pH
In small companies the starch is separated by sedimentation, was no longer adjusted in the neutralization unit.
while in larger plants centrifugal screen extractors are more Dissolved air flotation (DAF) was applied in order to
common. The latter separation process provides wastewater remove the major portion of TSS. An Aquatector® Micro-
with a higher fraction of dissolved organic substances and a float® unit (Enviplan Company, Germany) was operated at
lower portion of particulate matter. In this study the pilot a hydraulic surface load of 2.5–3.0 m/h. Since dosing of
plant was located at a company that applies centrifugation. polymeric flocculants prior to flotation improved TSS
In Table 1 the composition of the wastewater investigated removal only slightly, flocculants were not added during
is compared with data published by Mai (). regular operation.
Accordingly, the wastewater undergoes acidification The central treatment stage was an anaerobic process
caused by anaerobic micro-organisms in the pre-treatment (expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor, type
units. Although there is a certain amount of nutrients, ANAFIT-AC, Hager þ Elsässer Company, Germany) which
organic matter is the main component. A comparison of converts organic matter into biogas. The performance of
non-filtered and filtered samples reveals that total suspended the reactor largely depends on stable process conditions
solids (TSS) make up for about 25% of the chemical oxygen and a low suspended solids loading. This was achieved by
demand (COD). Therefore, TSS removal prior to biological an optimization of the upstream DAF process. The EGSB
treatment was considered an important element of the pro- reactor was operated at a temperature of 35 C and a hydrau-
cess scheme. lic load of 4–5 m/h. It was seeded with sludge from a
The treatment concept developed includes physical pre- brewery wastewater treatment plant. pH was adjusted to
treatment, anaerobic degradation of organic substances, and 6.8 by adding sodium hydroxide. There was no need for
aerobic post-treatment. The process scheme is shown in heating because raw wastewater temperatures were already
Figure 1. As far as we know the specific combination of tech- at the required level.
nical and nature-based processes is a novel approach for this For post-treatment, a vertical flow constructed wetland
type of wastewater. A detailed description of the concept is (VFCW) was designed. The hydraulic surface load of the
given elsewhere (Pick et al. ). unit was about 30 L/(m2 · d) and the average organic surface
The pilot plant was designed to treat continuously up to load corresponded to 72 g COD/(m2 · d). The effluent was
12 m3/d of wastewater. Before flowing into the plant, the collected in a small basin which was the sampling point,
water passes through three buffer tanks with a total hydrau- and discharged via a fluid tipper to a lagoon operated by
lic retention time of 3.5 h. In this stage pH decreases to 4.5 the tapioca starch company.
1267 J. Fettig et al. | Treatment of tapioca starch wastewater Water Science & Technology | 68.6 | 2013

Figure 3 | Mean COD concentrations during the last five operating phases.

COD elimination is on the order of 60%. Further removal constant because of uneven wastewater flow during the
takes place in the wetland, which has been operated starch production campaign.
mainly under aerobic conditions. The mean COD effluent The biogas produced in the EGSB reactor has been
concentration in all phases based on 62 samples was measured with respect to quantity and composition. On an
137 ± 73 mg/L, corresponding to an overall COD removal average more than 70% of methane was found. The specific
efficiency of more than 98%. It can be assumed that methane yield calculated after correction to normal con-
the remaining organics are predominantly non- ditions (VN) was 0.31 m³ CH4 per kg COD (eliminated).
biodegradable, because BOD5 values were well below the This value is close to the stoichiometric methane production
Vietnamese standard of 50 mg/L in all of the effluent of VN ¼ 0.35 m³ per kg COD (eliminated) showing that the
samples measured. data are conclusive (Austermann-Haun ).
The organic load of the EGSB reactor is shown in During the first phases of plant operation, only KN and
Figure 4 as a function of time. It was quite low in the begin- ammonia were determined as nitrogen components. It was
ning because of the adaption period of the anaerobic sludge. found that TSS removal by flotation contributes to KN elim-
The design load of 15 kg COD/(m³ · d) is indicated in the ination by 10–40%. KN removal in the anaerobic reactor
figure as a 100% line. After more than 1 year of operation was observed to be quite small, whereas it was significant
this value was clearly exceeded, and during a short-term in the wetland. The latter can be attributed to further degra-
stress test, a maximum value of 44 kg COD/(m³ · d) has dation of organic matter as well as nitrification.
been obtained. Some lower values observed occasionally This conclusion is supported by the concentrations of
are caused by the fact that the flow rate was not always nitrogen components including nitrate given in Table 2 for
the last two operating phases. Accordingly, both organic
nitrogen (Org.-N) and NH4-N concentrations are very low
in the VFCW effluent. It is interesting to note that the

Table 2 | Mean concentrations of different nitrogen components

Operating phase VII Operating phase VIII

Org.-N NH4-N NO3-N Org.-N NH4-N NO3-N

Sample (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)

Influent 292 11.3 18.8 228 12.2 15.5

Effluent flotation 230 12.2 18.0 167 12.0 18.0
Effluent EGSB 157 92 0.8 87 80 0.9
Effluent VFCW 5.5 5.3 0.6 17 1.9 115
Figure 4 | Organic load of the EGSB reactor.
Reproduced with permission of copyright owner.
Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Geotechnical Engineering Bored pile design in stiff clay I: codes of
Volume 165 Issue GE4 practice
Vardanega, Kolody, Pennington, Morrison and

ðL !,
For a single pile, not a group, Ed will be taken as the load
Qd ¼ G þ V ¼ DÆ cu dz þ Ab N c cu 3: 0 imparted from the pile cap to the individual pile. The code
10: o
defines Rd,g

14: Rd,g ¼ g Rd,ug

Qd ¼ G þ V
ð 12 !,
Rd,ug is the design ultimate geotechnical strength, determined
¼ D(0:5) (40 þ 11z)dz þ Ab Nc cu 3: 0 from site data and calculation methods;  g is the geotechnical
11: 0
reduction factor (not to be confused with friction angle)

15: g ¼ gb þ (tf  gb )K > gb

(Æ ¼ 0.5 for bored piles in London).

12: Qd ¼ G þ V ¼ ð899:1 þ 246:2Þ=3:0 tf is the intrinsic test factor; K is the testing benefit factor; and
gb is the basic geotechnical reduction factor.

In this example no load testing is being considered so g ¼ gb

13: Qd ¼ G þ V ¼ 381:8 kN as calculated in the next section. There is a testing benefit factor
(K) in the Australian code which allows g to be reduced if load
testing is performed. K is determined using the percentage of
In this case Qd ¼ Qwork as no factors are applied to the loads. piles statically or dynamically tested (see clause 4.3.1 of
The split between G and V based on V being 25% of G returns
values of 7.1 Determination of basic geotechnical reduction
G ¼ 305.4 kN factor
V ¼ 76.4 kN To determine the basic geotechnical reduction factors the indivi-
Qwork ¼ 381.8 kN. dual risk ratings (IRRs) (Table 2) are assigned to each of the risk
factors listed in Table 3. This approach to determine geotechnical
7. AS2159-2009 (Australia) reduction factors was explained in Poulos (2004).
The Australian approach to designing piles makes use of partial
factors with loads being factored separately from the capacities. gb is determined from the average risk rating (ARR), calculated
A single factor is applied to the calculated geotechnical resis- using Equation 16, and then using Table 4. Design of a single
tance, termed the ‘geotechnical reduction factor’, applied to the pile, not in a large group, is treated as a design with low
calculated resistances, not the soil parameters. redundancy.

AS2159-2009 (Standards Australia, 2009) directs the engineer to 16: ARR ¼ Ó(w i IRR i )=Ów i
AS/NZS 1170.0 (Standards Australia, 2002) (structural design
actions) for the load factors. The two relevant combinations for a
pile are most likely to be the greater of: 1.2G + 1.5V or 1.35G.
16a: ARR ¼ 36:5=14:5 ¼ 2:52
Since, for this design, V/G ¼ 0.25, the critical case is
1.2G + 1.5V. Since this paper is only considering collapse limit
states, serviceability and actions induced by ground movements
are not considered. Earthquake loading is also not considered. 16b: gb ¼ 0:52 (low to moderate risk)

Clause 4.3.1 of AS2159-2009 states that the design geotechnical

strength (Rd,g ) must not be less than the design action effect (Ed ). The Australian method gives more responsibility to the engineer

Risk level Very low Low Moderate High Very high

Individual risk rating 1 2 3 4 5

Table 2. Individual risk rating (after T4.3.2(B) AS2159)

Geotechnical Engineering Bored pile design in stiff clay I: codes of
Volume 165 Issue GE4 practice
Vardanega, Kolody, Pennington, Morrison and

2 ðL 3
Description Partial factor  term
6DÆ cu dz 7
4 A b N c cu 5
Qd ¼ G þ 1 3V ¼ o
þ 1: 4
Variable load 1.3 2 22: 1: 6 2: 0
Permanent load 1.0 1
Skin friction 1.5 (driven piles) 5
1.6 (bored piles)
Base resistance 1.7 (driven piles) 6 For the 15 m pile (12 m into the clay) of 0.45 m diameter
2.0 (bored piles) DA1-1
Note: Partial factors on resistances can be reduced with explicit
verification of serviceability limit state (not applicable for this  
: : : 832:6 225:2
Qd ¼ 1 35G þ 1 5(0 25G) ¼ þ : 1: 4
23: 1: 0 10
Table 6. DA1-2 partial factors used

if the modification of the results makes use of a model factor, it 24: 1:725G ¼ ½832:6 þ 225:2=1:4
should take account of: the range of uncertainty in the results of the
method of analysis; any systematic errors known to be associated with
the method of analysis.
G ¼ 438.0 kN
V ¼ 109.5 kN
The UK NA introduces a model factor termed ªRd : In this Qwork ¼ 547.5 kN
example it is applied to the calculated shaft and base resistances The equivalent factor of safety is 1057.8/547.5 ¼ 1.93.
to account for the fact that the analysis model is empirically DA1-2 (governs)
based. The UK NA requires a value of 1.4 (which would be
reduced to 1.2 if there were load testing). This term is represented
in Equation 6 at the 7 term; for more information on pile design  
: : : 832:6 225:2
to Eurocode 7 see Bond and Simpson (2010). Qd ¼ 1 0G þ 1 3(0 25G) ¼ þ : 1: 4
25: 1: 6 20
9.3 Design calculations
For a DA1-1 calculation Equation 5 reduces to Equation 25 and
for a DA1-2 calculation Equation 5 reduces to Equation 22,
assuming that no load testing is carried out 26: 1:325G ¼ ð832:6=1:6 þ 225:2=2Þ=1:4

Qd ¼ 1 G þ 2 V
G ¼ 341.2 kN
2 ð 3
L , V ¼ 85.3 kN
6DÆ ð cu =3 Þdz 7 Qwork ¼ 426.5 kN
4 Ab Nc ð cu =4 Þ5
¼ o
þ 7 The equivalent factor of safety is 1057.8/426.5 ¼ 2.48.
5: 5 6
10. EC 7 – design approach 2 (Irish national
To demonstrate the use of DA2 for the calculation of pile load
DA1-1; terms 3 , 4 , 5 and 6 are equal to unity and have been carrying capacity, the Irish NA (NSAI, 2005) has been selected.
omitted The Irish NA is unique in that it allows for any of the three
design approaches to be used for geotechnical works.
" ðL #,
10.1 Design parameters
Qd ¼ 1:35G þ 1:5V ¼ DÆ cu dz þ Ab Nc cu 1: 4 Table 7 presents the parameters to be used for the Irish adoption
21: o
of DA2.

10.2 Design calculation

DA1-2; terms 1 , 3 and 4 are equal to unity and have been Therefore, for DA2 design to the Irish NA Equation 5 reduces to
omitted Equation 27

Geotechnical Engineering Bored pile design in stiff clay I: codes of
Volume 165 Issue GE4 practice
Vardanega, Kolody, Pennington, Morrison and

( j) The major reason SNiP appears unconservative is that the

d ¼ 35

partial factor on resistance (1.4) and the partial factor on
actions (1.2) are both relatively low. It is not known if the
estimates of skin friction are conservative or not as the source
of the data in SNiP Tables 2 and 7 (Figures 11 and 12 in this

d ¼ 30

paper) is unclear. A comparison with Æcu values derived
suggests that they are high at shallow depth and low at
greater depth. Overall for the 12 m pile, there is little
difference between the SNiP representative resistance and

d ¼ 25

that derived from the ‘Æ’ method. It would be interesting to
know performance statistics for piled foundation systems
constructed under the SNiP framework.

d ¼ 20

Thanks must go to the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust and Ove
Arup and Partners for providing financial support to the first
author. The first author offers thanks to Professor Malcolm

d ¼ 15

Bolton for his supervision. The authors would also like to thank
Professor Harry Poulos for providing a draft copy of AS2159-
2009 for examination and for his advice on an early draft of the
d ¼ 10

Appendix – SNiP design charts
For the shaft resistance of piles in clay, cubic equations of the
form in Equation 42 were fitted to the data tables from SNiP. The

regression coefficients are shown in Table 12 and the plotted

functions in Figure 13.

42: f i ¼ a(I L )3 þ b(I L )2 þ c(I L ) þ z


For the base resistance of piles in clay, linear equations of the

form shown below were fitted to the data tables from SNiP. The

regression coefficients are shown in Table 13 and the plotted

functions in Figure 14.

43: R ¼ A(I L ) þ K

Depth of stratum: m
displacement and bored piles, fi : kPa

1 2
3 4
Shaft resistance for driven,

Table 12. Fitted coefficients (Table 2, SNiP)

160 5 6

140 8 10
120 15 20
100 25 30

Stratum depth,

0 0·1 0·2 0·3 0·4 0·5 0·6 0·7 0·8 0·9 1·0 1·1
Liquidity index, IL
d: m

Figure 13. Graphical representation of Table 2 in SNiP 2.02.03-85



Geotechnical Engineering Bored pile design in stiff clay I: codes of
Volume 165 Issue GE4 practice
Vardanega, Kolody, Pennington, Morrison and

Standards Australia (2009) AS2159-2009: Piling – design and edn. Longman Group, Harlow, UK.
installation. Standards Australia, Sydney, New South Wales, Vardanega PJ and Bolton MD (2011) Strength mobilization in
Australia. clays and silts. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 48(10):
Stroud MA (1974) The standard penetration test in sensitive clays 1485–1503.
and soft rocks. Proceedings of the European Seminar on Vardanega PJ, Williamson MG and Bolton MD (2012) Bored pile
Penetration Testing, Stockholm, Sweden, vol. 2:2, pp. 366– design in stiff clay II: mechanisms and uncertainty.
375. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers –
Tomlinson MJ (1986) Foundation Design and Construction, 5th Geotechnical Engineering 165(4): 233–246.
Geotechnical Engineering Discussion
Volume 167 Issue GE1 Vardanega, Kolody, Pennington et al.

the geotechnical reduction factors (similar to partial factors), and Platforms. American Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC,
a risk analysis matrix is used to search for a value of the USA.
reduction factor applicable to the specific design project being Burland JB, Butler FG and Dunican P (1966) The behaviour and
undertaken. This gives the design engineer the flexibility to design of large diameter bored piles in stiff clay. Proceedings
reduce the partial factors if good ground investigation data and of the ICE Symposium on Large Bored Piles, London, UK,
load testing are carried out, or increase them if designing in an pp. 51–71.
unfamiliar soil deposit. The code itself gives advice on the Caltrans (2011) California Amendments to Aashto LRFD Bridge
elements of geotechnical risk that the designer must consider; in Design Specifications, 4th edn. California Department of
other words, they recognise that a ‘one size fits all’ approach is Transportation, Sacramento, CA.
perhaps limited. Eurocode 7 aims to achieve a similar result by FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) (2010) Drilled Shafts:
encouraging the designer to vary the characteristic values of soil Construction Procedures and LRFD Design Methods, Report
properties in relation to the quality of the supporting data, while No FHWA NHI-10-016. National Highway Institute,
keeping the values of partial factors constant. Washington, DC, USA.
Guha S (1995) Dynamic Characteristics of Old Bay Clay
The discussion of the adhesion factor Æ for bored pile design is Deposits in the East San Francisco Bay Area. PhD thesis,
interesting. The parameter Æ relates to the soil deposit being Purdue University, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
studied; the value Æ ¼ 0.5 is commonly used in London Clay. Paikowsky S (2004) Load and Resistance Factors for Deep
Increasing Æ to account for rate effects in clay might be Foundations, NCHRP Report 507. Transportation Research
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Burland et al., 1966). For example, previous use of ‘constant rate Patel D (1992) Interpretation of results of pile tests in London
of penetration’ tests generally showed slightly higher values of Æ Clay. In Piling: European Practice and Worldwide Trends
for London Clay (Patel, 1992). For static loading, Æ ¼ 0.7 used in (Sands MJ (ed.)). Thomas Telford, London, UK, pp. 100–
the Caltrans amendment, as noted by the discussers, does seem 110.
surprisingly high for a stiff clay (API, 1984); the overall Poulos HG (2004) An approach for assessing geotechnical
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w a t e r r e s e a r c h 7 3 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 2 9 1 e3 0 3 301

(belong to order Methanosarcinales) were the two main genera biology technologies (e.g., metagenomics, microarrays,
in R1. Interestingly, during Run II, the relative abundance of single cell genomics).
genus Methanosarcina reached up to 95.02%, whereas members
of the genus Methanosaeta were completely inhibited or
washed out in R1. In contrast, in R3, >50% of sequences was
assigned to genus Methanosaeta, whereas members of the
genus Methanosarcina were never detected. Also, Meth- Acknowledgements
anobacterium (belong to order Methanobacteriales; 17.58% in Run
I and 16.64% in Run II) and Methanoculleus (belong to order This work was conducted under the framework of Research
Methanomicrobiales; 17.11% in Run I and 24.64% in Run II) were and Development Program of the Korea Institute of Energy
the two main genera in R3. These genera are related to Research (KIER) (B4-2474-02) and supported by the Advanced
hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis and are predominant Biomass R&D Center (ABC) of Korea Grant funded by the
during AD of food-related wastes (Kim et al., 2014). Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (ABC-
Typically, members of genus Methanosarcina can produce 2013059453). The research was partially supported by
methane by both aceticlastic and hydrogenotrophic meth- BK21 þ program through the National Research Foundation of
anogenesis pathways (Garcia et al., 2000). Furthermore, in AD Korea funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and
the predominant methanogenic genera change from Meth- Technology, the Manpower Development Program for Marine
anosaeta to Methanosarcina, as a result of changes in operating Energy funded by Ministry of Land, Transportation and Mari-
parameters, particularly by increase in VFAs (especially acetic time Affairs (MLTM) of Korean government. This research was
acid) and decrease in HRT (De Vrieze et al., 2012; McMahon also supported by POSCO and the Korea Institute of Energy
et al., 2004). The change occurs mainly because these genera Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP) grant funded by
have different growth characteristics. Members of genus the Korea Government Ministry of Knowledge Economy (No.
Methanosarcina can achieve stable growth at higher concen- 2012K130y). This research was a part of the project titled
tration of VFAs and have higher specific growth rates than ‘Technology Development of Marine Industrial Biomaterials’,
genus Methanosaeta (Conklin et al., 2006). Thus, the relatively funded by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Korea.
high concentration of TVFA (3.07 ± 0.01 g acetic acid/L) (Table
2) and short HRT (13.75 day) (Table S1) during Run II probably
contributed to the predominance of genus Methanosarcina in Appendix A. Supplementary data
R1. Given this information, the predominance of Meth-
anosarcina in the methanogenic community in R1 strongly Supplementary data related to this article can be found at
indicates that members of the genus probably have important
functions in methanogenesis and may lead to a better per-
formance with stable conditions at low HRT, compared to R3.

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TABLE 3. Operatinl: Results (Ayeral:inl: values 1988-1990.


anaerobic stage wash-water and
influent effluent domestic wastew.
mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l

COD 16,000 - 18,000 5,000 - 10,000 1,400 80 - 140

BODS 10,700 - 12,000 2,000 - 5,000 700 5 - 15
TKN 900 - 1,200 800 - 1,100 100 0 - 2
N0 2-N <
N03-N 5 - 20
��ot 180 -
1,000 -
170 -
800 -
0.5 - 10

Q m3/d 2,100 2,100 2,100 4,200

The four aerated tanks are loaded simultaneously via a sludge contact tank. The aeration of the tanks occurs
according to an interval process (3 h nitrification, 6 h denitrification), so that an intermittent denitrification
takes place.

In spite of the high loads from the anaerobic plant, until now a complete nitrification as well as large
reduction of the carbon compounds could be achieved. For the denitrification and the biological phosphorus
elimination (the sludge contact serves as anaerobic basin) the bad elimination rate of the anaerobic stage has
a positive effect, especially by the high content of organic acids.

As the insufficient anaerobic elimination rate must be improved for economical reasons (high energy
consumption and increased surplus sludge production in the aerobic stage), optimization of the
denitrification potential was indispensable. Thus, the process of nitrogen elimination by means of nitrate was


Nitrification happens in two partial steps, i.e. nitritation (oxidation from ammonium to nitrite by
Nitrosomonas a.o.) and nitratation (oxidation from nitrite to nitrate by Nictobacter a.o.). Both organism
groups are aerobic and need CO2 as carbon source. They are characterized by low growth rates, high
sensibility to pH values and temperature deviations as well as toxic substances. Furthermore, there are
inhibitions because of the substrates ammonium and nitrite. In this respect, the substrate inhibition with
Haldane kinetics can be clearly described, where the non-dissociate forms, i.e. ammonia and nitric acid,
serves as substrates.

In practice, the product inhibition of Nitrosomonas is very important. It seems that inhibition of
Nitrosomonas by nitric acid can be described as non-competitive inhibition. Especially upon start-up of a
plant or appearance of load peaks, there are higher nitrite concentrations. A certain percentage comes out as
nitric acid, depending on temperature and pH value (Figure 4). Nitric acid then causes inhibition of the
Nitrosomonas, so that concentration of ammonium, respectively ammonia, increases. On the one hand,
ammonia can release a substrate inhibition of Nitrosomonas, on the other hand, it can start a non-competitve
inhibiton of Nitrobacter. In bad conditions, there may be a complete breakdown of nitrification.
o 1
Potato-s1arCb wastewater
00 2P ..---""T'I'-r----,.---.,..---, 98

10 I;?, 7" 9o

III 80
I.S +---��,..-_+---+_---;
I I 70

II 1/-lS·C
30·C J I _S·C 60

/I HNo,-N


1/ /" 10
�V OP�,--��--�6-���---��
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
pH pH

+ -
17 NH -N . 10PH 46 N0 -N
4 2
(mg/I) HN0 -- (mg/l)
= • ---

14 YKw + 10pll 14 K · 10pll


"t, .. ioniz.tion constant of the _i. equilibrhlD equation K

• •(-2,300/(273 + ·C»

lew Ionization constant of water ANTHONISEN ET AL. (1976)

Figure 4 . Dissociation balances NlLt+/NH3 and N02IHN02 (Nybuis, 1985).
"t, w ..

The inhibition of Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter by ammonia has been proved in much fundamental research
(Anthonisen, 1974; Bergeron, 1978; Neufeld et al., 1980; Nyhuis, 1985; Dombrowski, 1991; Balmelle et al.,
1992). Recently, there have appeared several speculations that - especially concerning Nitrobacter - the
inhibition is not caused by NH3' but by the intermediate product hydroxylamine (NH20H) (Yang and
Alleman, 1992). Here also the non-dissociated form is supposed to be responsible. Further tests referring to
this remain to be reported.

If nitrification should be reduced to the fIrSt partial step (nitritation), the activity of the Nitrobacter must be
largely reduced and the Nitrosomonas must correspondingly gain growth advantages. In several tests with
continuously operated laboratories Nyhuis (1985) could prove that Nitrosomonas (NH4 � NOV and
Nitrobacter (N02 � N03 ) show different reactions on ammonia and nitric acid. The sensibility of
Nitrobacter vis-a.-vis ammonia is much bigger than the substrate inhibition of Nitrosomonas. Nyhuis found
for Nitrobacter an inhibition even from 1 mg/l NH3 onwards; over 10 mg/l there was no more growth.
Nitrosomonas was inhibited only at concentrations of 40 mg/l onwards. Theoretically, at an ammonia
concentration of 10 mg NHyt in the aerobic tank the nitratation should be completely inhibited, while the
nitritation happens at maximal rate. The tests described hereafter were carried out to fix the inhibition limits
in continuous operation, and above all to find out whether both processes can be completely decoupled.

EJij!!<rlmental units

Two plants had been operated in parallel each with one anoxic and one aerobic reactor. In the first plant a
complete nitrification/denitrification with nitrate had been carried out. The arrangement of the second plant
is shown in Figure 5. In the aerobic reactor the pH value was controlled by means of a NaOH dosage and
regulated to pH 8.2-8.4. Furthermore the content of ammonium was controlled by means of regulation of the
oxygen supply. The nitrification tanks in unit 2 were filled with plastic media (Fa. NSW AG) with a specific
surface of 150m2 /m3 . As residual concentrations of ammonium and nitrite occur due to this kind of system,

a secondary treatment reactor was unstalled for residual nitrification and nitratation. The pH value was
regulated here to pH 7.0-7.5. The dimensions of the plants and the operation parameters are listed in Table 4.

TABLE 4. Design and Operation Parameters

plant 1 p1 ant 2
nitrific. denitrific. nitritation

volume [1] 300 224 380 340

Vdeni/Vtot [-] 0.43 0.47
flow [l/d] 96 120
recycle [%] 1,070 1,210
max. eff. of denio [%] 91.5 92.4
pH 7.4 7.6 8.3 8.5
temperature [DC] 20 20
sludge loading (oeni) 0.10 0.11
[kg BODS/kg MLSS·d ]

Denitrification Nitritation intermediate Nitratation

N02 .. N2. fixed film reactor settling tank fixed film reactor
NH4" N02 N02" N03

return sludge

I Recycle

influent I \ effluent



, .
. --------------_ .

�t:::: :::


Figure 5. Flow diagram of the pilot plant for nitritationlnitratation

Characterization of the wastewater

The anaerobic pilot plants were fed with pretreated wastewater from the potato starch production. The
anaerobic pretreatment was carried out so that extensively there was a lack of organic carbon for the
denitratation as well as for the denitritation. The average values of the concentrations in the inlet to as well
as in the outlet from the anaerobic pretreatment can be taken from Table 5.
Potato-starch wastewater 173

TABLE 5. Chemical Characterization of Potato Starch Wastewater

organic TKN NH -N
[mslll [-l [-l

ra.. wastewater 17,000 10,000 870 150 190 11.5 19.5

anaerobic effl. 1,600 700 500 820 730 10 180 1,000 0.85 1.95

CQntrol 2f the DitritaUIlD

Both plants were started with nitrifying sludge from the aerobic stage of the large-scale. The inhibition of
the nitritation was planned to be achieved in the second plant by increasing the pH value. According to the
basic research work by Anthonisen (1974), each of the non-ionized forms of the ammonium and of the
nitrite have - as ammonia (NH3) and as nitrous acid (HNOz) - an inhibition effect on the Nitrosomonas and
the Nitrobacter. The Nitrobacter react more sensitively so that the concentrations in the range O. I to 1.0 mg
NH� are sufficient for starting an inhibition. The dissociation balance for ammonium-ammonia is
dependent on the temperature and on the pH value (Fig. 4.). At the pH value of 8.3 and a temperature of
20DC, 7.3% of the ammonium are present as ammonia. A concentration of 20 mg/l NH4-NIl in the reactor
thus produces an ammonia concentration of 1.8 mg NH31l.

The adjustment of the pH value was effected by means of a computer controlled dosage of soda solution
(NaOH). The fluctuation range amounted to ± O. I pH. As the content of ammonia at a constant pH value is
dependent on the altitude of the ammonia concentration in the reactor, and as this fluctuated, a pH control
alone is not sufficient. At a total nitrification the ammonia concentration is equal to zero, anyhow, due to
lack of ammonium in the reactor. This is the reason why also the content of ammonium had been adjusted
by computer-controlled aeration in order to achieve a constant concentration of ammonia. The measurement
was carried out with the help of a continuous NH4 analyzer (Bran & Liibbe). The temperature remained
constant during the measurement phases, which is important because the inhibiting effect of decreasing
temperatures is greater for Nitrobacter than for Nitrosomonas (Randall and Buth, 1984). Hence, nitrite
accumulation is possible due to lack of temperature control.


Inboth plants a complete nitrification respectively, and nitritation at space loadings of 0.3 kg NH4-N/m 3.d
could be reached. Thus, nitrification by means of nitrite with equal COD value in the influent has no
advantages as far as the required nitrification volume is concerned, because the necessary sludge age is the
same in both cases. Anyway, there is need of only 75% of the oxygen for complete nitrification.

As ammonia in higher concentrations also has an inhibiting influence on Nitrosomonas, several tests were
carried out to fmd out the influence of ammonia concentration on nitritation rate. Figure 6 shows the results.
Contrary to other authors, who analyzed much higher inhibition limits, a reduction was stated of the
nitritation rate from 7 mg/l NH3 onwards (Hyhuis, 1985: 40-200 mg NH� Anthonisen, 1974: 10-150 mg
NH�). Neufeld (1980) also found the start of inhibition to be from 10 mg NH� onwards.
The curve of nitritation rate follows an enlarged Haldane function (Eq.1), which - in addition - considers
the HNOrconcentration as non-competitive inhibition.

nitrification rate [gN/(kg MLVSS ·h)]

3.0 I

�� - nitritotion rate

� '\
--- nitrototion rate
--- ....

1.5 J ,

/ �,
/ ,
" "'

"" 0.1
.. ,
......... ....
1 000
NH3 [mglll

Figure 6. Influence ofNH3 concentration on nitritation/nitratation

r .. nltrltatfon rate [a N/kg "LVSS'h]

rmax • MX. nitrit. rate (4,15 g N/ka "LVSS·h)
s S � concentration of substrate [1118 NH /11
3 (Eq 1)
r - rmax - .. concentr. of Inhibitor [5·10
IIIlI HN0 /1]

s- I saturation constant [1118 NH /11
K •
+ + + S 3
K1,NH3 K1,HN02

The inhibition constant K1,NH3 was found to be 56.7 mg NHjl, K1,HN02 came up to 2.2 x 10-4 mg HN0:zll.
The start of the inhibition of Nitrobacter at 0.1 up to 1.0 mg NHjl (for example anthonisen et at., 1976;
Balmelle et at., 1992) could be confirmed in the tests. Nevertheless, a complete inhibition can only be
achieved at concentrations which also inhibit Nitrosomonas considerably. Hence, the activity of Nitrobacter
at a high sludge age for safety reasons can only be limited, but not completely eliminated.


In denitriftcation batch-tests, where there was a lack of substrate, an evident better denitriftcation rate could
be achieved with nitrite. The velocities amounted to 0.22 mg N03,N/g MLSS'h and 0.4 mg N02,N/g
MLSS·h. With sufficient carbon, 5.1 mg N03 ,N/g MLSS'h and 7.1 mg NOrN/g MLSS'h were available
with acetic acid. The COD consumption amounted to 2.08g COD/g N03,N and 1.56g COD/g NOrN
respectively. Thus the results from other authors - who also noticed that the denitrification rate was
approximately 1.5 to 2 times higher when respiration occurred with nitrite instead of nitrate (fimmermans
and van Haute, 1983; Chen et at., 1991; Beccari et at., 1983) - could be confirmed. However, the yield
coefficient remained the same yet. Denitrification with nitrite presents consequently . a substrate saving

During the batch-tests an inhibition of the denitriftcation repeatedly took place caused by nitrous acid. The
inhibition limit was found to be 0.13 mg HN0:zll. On condition that the pH value is 6.8, this limit
corresponds to 100 mg NOrNIl. A total inhibition of the denitriftcation occurred, whereby partly N20 and
NO were set free. N20 is not stable compound and may cause an increase of free oxygen in the reactor. The
nitrous acid, however, inhibited the heterotrophic organisms collectively so that no further removal of the
carbon compounds using the free oxygen from the decay of N20 took place. The oxygen concentration in
the rector remained saved. The inhibition of the denitriftcation extended also to these sludge quantities
which were adapted to nitrite.
Potato-slarch wastewater 175

Nitrogen removal

Both pilot plants were operated under substrate limited conditions in order to guarantee a direct
comparability of denitrification results over nitrite and nitrate. Furthermore, the maximum possible
denitrification was limited to 92% by the recycle water quantity. To reach low nitrate effluent concentrations
at high influent concentrations, a simultaneous/intermitting denitrification process should be chosen.
Otherwise, a very high recycle rate is required.

In Table 6, the average results of nitrogen elimination over nitrite and nitrate are shown. It shows that by
means of nitrite a considerably higher elimination rate can be achieved. It must be take into account that
both processes were substrate-limited. With sufficient substrate supply, with plant 2 there can be achieved
effluent rates from about 60 mg N03-Nn (maximum possible value depending on recycle water quantity);
meanwhile in plant I at equal substrate supply the effluent concentration would be come up to 330 mg

TABLE 6. Results - Nitro!:en Remoyal - Ayera" values <April-June 1991)

influent effluent
plant plant 2
nitritation nitratation

COO [mg/l] 1,600 80.0 90.0 70.0

TKN [mg/l] 820 3.0 23.6 3.2
NH4-N [mg/l] 750 1.0 20.0 1.2
N0 2-N [mg/l] 0.5 21.6 0.6
NO N [mg/l] 10 348.0 63.4 102.3
ef ect of
N-elimination [%] 57.1 86.8 87.1
effect of
denitrification [%] 59.6 95.9
COOt NOx-N [-] 3.63 2.28
- 63 % of plant 1

As already mentioned, according to the results of the batch test, a complete decoupling of nitritation is not
possible (Figure 4). Anyway, the COD consumption in the process over nitrite compared to over nitrate
came to only 63% in the semi-technical tests, which means only a little margin to the 60% which is possible
by way of calculation (refer to Table 3). Therefore, a large separation may be supposed.

It was important to find out whether the improved elimination results of plant 2 were possibly due to strip­
effects in the activation; hence a balance-sheet of the basins was established. Independent of the pH value,
wrong amounts of ± 7% resulted from this (Abeling and Seyfried, 1992). Thus, considerable nitrogen
elimination by means of stripping of ammonia can be excluded.


The example of potato starch wastewater was showed that wastewaters with high nitrogen concentrations
and an unfavourable CODIN ratio < 3.5 can be completely cleaned and made operational with the
nitrification/denitrification process. 37% of the carbon can be saved, compared to the conventional nitrogen
elimination over nitrite. With the help of anaerobic pretreatment, this carbon can be transferred to methane,
which contributes to optimization of the anaerobic-aerobic process from an economical point of view. The
operating costs are reduced by about 20%, and in total there are lower investment costs (tank volumes,
sludge treatment, aeration).

In order to achieve low nitrate effluent concentrations at high nitrogen concentrations, a simultaneous
denitrificatiuon process is recommended. The process must be two-staged because oxidation of the

remaining nitrite and ammonia concentrations is required. The process is controlled by continuous pH value
and ammonium measurements.

As the pH value must be increased to 8-8.5, the process is suitable above all for wastewaters which are
located in this pH value range. On the one hand, often undesired nitrite upgradings appear which cause
considerable operation break-downs, but with a specific decoupling of nitritation from nitratation, this can
be avoided.

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Table 2. Membrane resistance coefficients calculated following each would allow the CEBs to be quite efficient in both removing
chemical membrane cleaning process (unit: 10−12 × m−1 ) built-up membrane foulants and preventing their rate of accu-
Cleaning process KM KR K IR mulation while operating. Zhang et al. (2007) found that, when
operating a tubular polyethersulfone side stream AnMBR for the
1 0.62 4.66 0.73
2 9.33 2.00 treatment of swine manure, long-term operation without chemical
3 17.3 2.60 cleaning processes resulted in residual membrane fouling that was
4 18.7 1.45 difficult to remove with the chemicals used in their study (nitric
5 6.27 1.32 acid and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid). By using a constant
6 6.34 3.72 chemical cleaning process, the build-up of residual membrane
foulants might have been prevented. In this study, the prevention
of the build-up of difficult-to-remove membrane foulants was ob-
served, and a constant source of chemical cleaning was supplied
first placed inline. Reversible membrane fouling occurred rapidly through CEBs, resulting in more effective fouling mitigation. It was
when the membrane module was first placed inline, resulting in a found that K R increased by 85% over 106 days between Cleaning
quick drop in membrane flux (a loss of 35% in MLF over 5 days), Process 2 and Cleaning Process 3, whereas K R increased by only
which merited the first chemical cleaning. The membrane resis- 8% over 121 days between Cleaning Process 3 and Cleaning
tance coefficients were calculated (Table 2) to further support this Process 4, indicating a decrease in the rate of K R accumulation.
observation. Following Cleaning Process 1, K R was found to be With the cleaning conditions of Cleaning Processes 2 and 3 being
much greater than K IR (values of 4.66 × 10−12 m−1 and 0.73 × identical, and operating conditions being fairly consistent in the
10−12 m−1 , respectively), indicating that the majority of foulant periods following these cleaning processes, the primary reason for
removed was reversible membrane fouling. Since this was the first the decline in reversible foulant accumulation may be attributed to
chemical cleaning applied to the membrane module, K IR was also CEBs being in place 60% of the days following Cleaning Process 3.
at its lowest value throughout the study. As the majority of mem- K R was 6.27 × 10−12 m−1 following Cleaning Process 5. A de-
brane fouling was contributed from reversible foulants, which are crease in this value from Cleaning Process 4 to 5 indicates that the
removed effectively through chemical cleaning processes, and there rate of reversible foulant build-up was greatly reduced during
was little contribution from irreversible membrane foulants relative this period of operation, which may again be attributed to regular
to other cleaning methods, Cleaning Process 1 appeared much more CEBs being in place.
effective. With this consideration in mind, it is difficult to distin- The irreversible fouling resistance coefficient typically increases
guish whether Cleaning Process 1 was superior in terms of clean over the duration of membrane filtration and would not be antici-
water flux recovery over all other cleaning processes due to its pated to decrease unless operational or cleaning conditions could
cleaning conditions or whether its enhanced performance was sim- be enhanced significantly. Considering that K IR decreased from
ply due to occurring so soon after the membrane was first placed Cleaning Process 3 to 4, and again from Cleaning Process 4 to 5,
inline. Wang et al. (2017) did find that the maximum amount while all of these cleaning processes operated under the same
of organics in their chemical cleanings was desorbed through the conditions, indicates that the presence of CEBs might also en-
use of an alkaline and acidic cleaning process when treating MBR hance regular cleaning protocols in such a way that irreversible
effluent. Cleaning Process 1 results agree with this observation, as foulants (that could not be removed without CEBs in place) could
the cleaning conditions provided both alkaline and acidic chemicals then be removed. Zhang et al. (2007) concluded that weekly mem-
and it had the largest clean water flux recovery, indicating more brane cleanings provided no significant benefits in membrane per-
foulant removal. formance compared to monthly membrane cleanings, attributing
Cleaning Processes 4 and 5 outperformed Cleaning Processes 2 the lack of benefits to the fact that irreversible fouling accumulated
and 3 in terms of clean water flux recovery. This result was not more rapidly than the frequency of either cleaning. Perhaps the
initially anticipated because, due to the accumulation of irreversible daily CEBs in this study occurred frequently enough that irre-
membrane fouling over the course of membrane operation, succes- versible foulants were unable to accumulate effectively between
sively applying the same cleaning conditions typically results in membrane cleanings. From Cleaning Process 5 to 6 the K R value
a decrease in flux and OP recoveries with each successive clean remained quite steady between cleans, whereas K IR increased by a
(Sun et al. 2016). Since all four of these cleaning processes were factor of 2.8 with CEBs regularly in place for 26 days of operation.
identical in conditions, it was expected that irreversible membrane This indicates that Cleaning Process 5 may have been superior to
foulants would accumulate, making each successive membrane Cleaning Process 6 since K IR increased once again between cleans.
cleaning process less efficient than the one preceding it. A differ- Similar to the results for clean water flux recovery, Cleaning
ence that was present leading into Cleaning Processes 4 and 5 was Processes 1, 5, and 4 offered the largest clean water OP recoveries
that there were CEBs present 60% (73 days) and 100% (77 days) of with values of 49%, 31%, and 30%, respectively. Since the recov-
the time, respectively, leading into each of these chemical cleaning eries in clean water operational permeability are near identical to
processes. Cleaning Process 5 had more CEBs prior to it and out- the recoveries in clean water flux, this indicates that the chemical
performed Cleaning Process 4. Similarly, Cleaning Process 4 had cleanings had similar recoveries in TMP. One reason why Clean 1
more CEBs prior to it compared to Cleaning Processes 2 and 3 (as outperformed all of the others by a large margin may again be
there were no CEBs in place leading into Cleans 2 and 3) and out- attributed to its early application and lack of irreversible foulant
performed them. From this observation, it would appear that regu- accumulation.
lar CEBs synergize with chemical cleaning processes and enhance In terms of MLF and MLOP recoveries, all cleaning processes
their performance in terms of clean water flux recovery. Regular exhibited good performance, with the lowest MLF recovery being
contact between a low-strength caustic chemical cleaning solution Cleaning Process 3 (with a value of 67%) and the lowest MLOP
known for its efficiency in removing organic membrane foulants recovery being Cleaning Process 2 (62%). Compared to the largest
and a wastewater/mixed liquor composed almost entirely of organic clean water flux and OP recoveries of 53% and 49%, respectively,
matter as a source of membrane foulants (with average volatilities this indicates that the chemical cleanings were much more effective
for the wastewater and mixed liquor of 99% and 94%, respectively) at recovering inline mixed-liquor flux rather than clean water flux.

© ASCE 04019018-6 J. Environ. Eng.

J. Environ. Eng., 2019, 145(5): 04019018

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