End of term history Examination p3

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Subject: HISTORY

Read and the answer the questions carefully by choosing the correct option from option (A-C)

1. The Europeans who came to Gold Coast traded with the?

. Nurses
. Doctors
. Gold Coasters

2. Buying and selling people is termed as…………

. Exchange
. Buying
. Slave trade

3. The …………………. People were the first Europeans to visit the Gold Coast.

. British
. Dutch
. Portuguese

4. When people exchange items they have for items they need without paying money, it is
termed as?
. Gold trade
. Barter trade
. Cotton trade

5. The slave trade was also known as the?

. Money trade
. Goat trade
. Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

6. Assin Manso Slave site is a historical site noted for…………..activities.

. Slave trading
. Buying goods
. Storing clothes

7. The Elmina castle was built by the …

. British
. Portuguese
. Dutch

8. The people of the Gold Coast traded with one of these items.

A. Tobacco
B. Gold
C. Mirror
9. The Europeans traded with the Gold Coasters by exchanging………. For gold.
A. gun powder
B. gold
C. chicken
10. 10.The European people bought and sold people from the Gold Coast to work as …
A. painters
B. drivers
C. slaves
11. One of the following entrepreneurs was accused of tax evasion.
A. George Grant
B. Benjamin Amponsah Mensah
C. J.K Siaw

12. Tata Brewery Ltd which was started by J.K Siaw is currently known as ……

A. Zambia Breweries
B. Guinness Ghana Breweries
C. Togo Breweries

13. International Tobacco Ghana (ITG) was set up by one of the following entrepreneurs

A. B.A. Mensah
B. Esther Ocloo
C. George Grant

14. One of the following entrepreneurs started Nkulenu Industries Limited

A. Winifred Tete-Ansa
B. Dr. Esther Ocloo
C. George Grant

15. Nkulenu Industries was well known for ……………

A. food processing
B. importation of ammunitions
C. cocoa planting

16. Alhaji Adamu Iddrisu started Global Haulage with how many fleets of vehicles?

A. 13
B. 18
C. 15
17. The first Europeans to visit the Gold Coast were the ………………
A. Chinese
B. Portuguese
C. Germans
18. ………….. explored the African Coast.

A. Gordon Guggisberg
B. Prince Henry the Navigator
C. Commander Hill

19. The building materials brought by the Portuguese to build the Elmina Castle was brought
to the Gold Coast by which means of transportation?

A. Train
B. Ship
C. Car

20. Euro-Africans were born when ………

A. European men and African women had children

B. Ghanaian men and Ghanaian women had children
C. African men and African women

Answer the following questions carefully

1. Name two European countries who came to Gold coast to trade.

I _________________________________

II _________________________________
2. Who won independence for the Gold coast?

3. Name one Entrepreneur you know from Ghana.

4. What is the meaning of Entrepreneur?


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