Chemistry Trial Exam 2022 ANSWERS

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Name: _______________________

Teacher: _____________________

Year 10 Chemistry Trial Exam

Question and response book

Year 10 Chemistry
Paper 1

Time allowed Section 1 (10 marks)

 Perusal time — 5 minutes  10 multiple choice questions
 Working time — 55 minutes
Section 2 (40 marks)
General instructions  10 short response questions
 Answer all questions in this question and
response book.
 QCAA-approved calculator permitted.
 QCAA periodic table provided.
Section 1

 Choose the best answer for Questions 1–10.
 This section has 10 questions and is worth 10 marks.
 Use a 2B pencil to fill in the A, B, C or D answer bubble completely.
 If you change your mind or make a mistake, use an eraser to remove your response and fill in the new
answer bubble completely.


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Section 2

 Write using black or blue pen.
 If you need more space for a response, use the additional pages at the back of this book.
- On the additional pages, write the question number you are responding to.
- Cancel any incorrect response by ruling a single diagonal line through your work.
- Write the page number of your alternative/additional response, i.e. See page …
- If you do not do this, your original response will be marked.
 This section has ten questions and is worth 40 marks.



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QUESTION 11 (4 marks)
When scientists discuss chemical substances they need to have a common language that all
scientists will understand. For this reason there is a special convention for naming chemicals and
a short hand version, known as the chemical formula. In the corresponding table below complete
the table of chemical names and formulas by filling in the blank spaces with the correct names
and/or formulae.

Name of compound Formula


sulfur dioxide



QUESTION 12 (4 marks)
When magnesium reacts with an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid, the products are
hydrogen gas and aqueous magnesium chloride.

(a) (1 mark) Write a word equation for the above chemical reaction.


(b) (3 marks) Write a fully balanced chemical equation with states for the above chemical


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QUESTION 13 (5 marks)
It is reported that ‘Davy in October 1807, passed a current through molten potash and liberated
potassium. The little globules of shining metal tore the water molecule apart as it eagerly
recombined with oxygen and the liberated hydrogen burst into lavender flame. Davy danced
about in a delirium of joy.’ Issac Asimov

(a) (2 marks) Explain why potassium is not found as an element in nature.



(b) (1 mark) State one chemical property of elements in Group 1



(c) (2 marks) Compare the trends in chemical reactivity of the alkali metals with the





QUESTION 14 (3 marks)
When zinc metal is placed in a solution of copper (II) sulphate, a colourless solution is formed
and copper metal can be seen in the beaker.

a) (2 Marks) What is the formula and name of colourless solution?

NAME:________________________________FORMULA: ____________________________

b) (1 Mark) What type of reaction has occurred?


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QUESTION 15 (9 marks)
Figure 2 below shows the apparatus used to study the reaction between magnesium and excess
0.1M hydrochloric acid. The gas produced in this reaction is hydrogen and is collected in a gas
syringe. Graph 1 shows a student’s plot of the volume of hydrogen produced in the reaction
versus time.

Figure 2:

Graph 1: The reaction of magnesium with 0.1M hydrochloric acid

(a) (1 mark) Identify the part of the graph where the hydrogen is produced fastest.


(b) (1 mark) Using the graph identify how much hydrogen is produced after two minutes.


(c) (1 mark) Explain what happens to the chemical reaction after five minutes?



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(d) i. (3 mark) Explain what would happen if a 0.5M solution of hydrochloric acid was
used in the same experiment?






ii. (3 marks) Name three other factors that affect the rate of reaction

QUESTION 16 (4 marks)
Identify the main differences in structure and chemical bonding between solid calcium chloride
and carbon dioxide gas.

CaCl2 CO2

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The following equations may be required for questions 17 and 18

sample mass volume

Moles= Moles= *Where 1 mole of any gas will
molar mass molar volume
occupy 22.7L at STP

* 1L = dm3
QUESTION 17 (4 marks)
8g of solid calcium carbonate is added to an excess of aqueous hydrochloric acid, the products of
the reaction are aqueous calcium chloride, carbon dioxide gas and water. The chemical equation
for the reaction is given below:

CaCO3(s) + HCl(aq) → CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l) *Note equation is unbalanced

Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide gas produced at STP.

_____________ dm3 (2 d.p.)

QUESTION 18 (7 marks)
On heating some solid copper(II)nitrate, it breaks down to give the products copper(II)oxide,
nitrogen dioxide gas and 20L of oxygen gas. The fully balanced chemical equation for the
reaction is given below:

2Cu(NO3)2(s) → 2CuO(s) + 4NO2(g) + O2(g)

(a) (3 marks) Calculate the volume of nitrogen dioxide gas produced at STP.

_____________ dm3 (2 d.p.)

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(b) (3 marks) Calculate the mass of the copper(II)nitrate before heating at STP.

_____________ g (2 d.p.)

(c) (1 mark) Name the type of chemical reaction which has occurred above.


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