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British Rule and EIC (7 Marks Questions)


Q: Brefily Explain three Reasons for the Decline of the Mughal Empire. [7]

// You can Give any 3 Reasons but here are the Easy Ones to Remember //

(Pleasure Seeking)

i) The most important cause of the Decline of Mughal power was the incompetence , Incapability and
love of life of ease and Luxury of the Mughal Rulers

after the Death of Aurangzeb in 1707. The later ruler were not good state men nor good generals. They
could not control and administer the Big Kingdom.


ii) The vasness of Mughal Empire was also a Reason. The Huge Empire was Difficult to Administer. Far off
Provinces such as Bengal, Oudh and Deccan
Became Independent. It was not possible for the Later rules to Control the Vast Empire which nearly
covered the Whole of the Sub continent during the
Reign of Aurangzeb.


iii) Another Important reason was the War of Succession among the Princes after the Death of the Ruler.
There was no Rule of the Succession to the
Throne among the Muslim rulers. All the Contenders to the Throne fought to Become the next King.
These battles between the Weakened the Power of
the Mughal Empire.

Q: Why did the British government take control of the Affairs of the East India Company in the early
Nineteenth Century? [7]

The East India Company was A Trading Company Founded in 1600. It Carried Profitable Trade and Later
it Grew into Military Power and Had Planted
itself Firmly in India. Between 1757 And 1857 the British Expanded their control over the Indian
Territories in Oder to Insure Continuation Of their
Trade. India Provided food Grain for British Manufactured Goods. In fact British Industrial Development
was financed by the Profit Obtained from
Trade with India.
The British Looked after their Possessions in The Middle East and the Far East from their strong Hold in
india. The Volume and Strategic Importance
of the Sub-continent meant that it was too Valueable to be left in the Hands of a Trading Company.

In the 19th Century became Fearful of the Russian Expansion In Central Asia. It Worried the British so
Much that they Made Moves to Secure Afghanistan.
Although they failed to Take Control of Afghan in 1839, But in 1858, After the War of Independence in
1857, the British Assumed Full and Proper Control
Of Whole of India. Through a Declaration the Control of East India Company was Ended in 1858 and
India went Under the Control of the British

In Short, The huge volume of Profitable Trade and Strategic importance of India and Fear of Expansion of
the Russian into Central Asia were the Reasons
why the Britsih Government Took control of the Affairs of the East India Company in the Early
Nineteenth Century.

Q: Why were the British able to replace the Mughals as the Dominant force in the Sub-continent by
1850? [7]

// Always Analyze The Question Before Answering // This is Based on Causes (Cause that Made this
Happen) //

The mughal empire covered nearly the whole of india during Aurangzeb Rule. After Aurangzeb's death in
1707 the Mughal Empire and Power Declined
Rapidly. Main Reason for the Decline of the Mughal Power were the wards of succession among the
princes and the fact that the later mughal rulers were
Incompetent and they were neither good commanders nor good statesmen. Mughal treasury was empty
because revenue had declined when serval far off
provinces like Deccan, Bengal and Oudh had Become Independent. The Mughal army, though Large was
weak and inefficient on account of lack of Proper
Training and equipment. Invasions of Nadir Shah (1739) and Ahmed shah abdali (1761) futher weakened
the Mughal power while Sikhs and Marathas
rose up in Punjab and Deccan. Thus India got divided into a Number of Small States whom the British
Defeated easily one after another.

On the Other hand the British who came to India for Trade in the Early 17th Centaury, Gradually
increased thei political and military power mainly to
ensure and protect their trading interests. British troops were properly fed and regularly paid and their
officers were trained in military tactics and
Strategy. British Naval power and their superiority in weapon and tactics always gave them a definiate
upper edge on the local Forces.

British industries were growing rapidly after the Industrial Revolution (1750-1850) and the british
needed to expand in india which proved a Rich source
of Raw material and a large market for British Finished goods.
Through a series of Battle and Annexations, through Steps like " Doctrine of Lapse" and "Subsidiary
Alliance" and Effective administration of the Britsh
Enabled them to Gradually Take Control Over a Vast Territory in the Subcontinent. By 1850 the British
Had completely replaced the Mughals as Dominant Force in India.

Q: EXPLAIN why the east india company became involved in the indian sub-continent during the
seventeenth century? [7]

\\ Give 3 Reasons and Explain them Briefly\\ \\ You can Also write Question 1 in Here.\\

Main reasons for the Involvement of East india company in the india during 17th century were:

1. Inability of British traders to penetrate in the spice trade of east indies (Indonesia)
( Fear of Other Traders can be another reason)
2. Continuation and Promotion of profitable trade in india; and
3. Permission of trade granted by Shah Jahan ( Governer of Gujrat) to the east india
company in 1612

The british merchants had tried to start spice trade in East indies (Indonesia), but the dutch traders had
full control over the spice trade and would not
allow any other european power to share it. Therefore, the east india company, founded in 1600,
obtained person from the Governer of Gujrat in 1612.
Its main purpose was to trade cotton cloth, silk, indigo, spice and salt petre and trading posts were setup
at Surat (Near Bomby), Madras and Calcutta.
Trade was so profitable that 10 percent of british revenue came from the trade with india. the
continuation and promotion of trade was the most
important reason for involvement in india.

Q: Why was britain so successful in expanding its control of the sub-continent between 1750 to 1850?

Main Reasons for the british success in expanding their control in the sub-continent were:

(i) No Central Power Strong enough to face British

(ii) India was Divided into many small states after the decline of Mughal Empire

After the Death of Emperor Aurangzeb (1707), The mughal empire declined and got divided into man
small states. The rulers of the states were not strong
enough to face the British, and Many states even sought British protection.

Main reason was british Superiority in military power. The British indian army was Equipped with Better
and improved weapons which were
supplied from England. Proper training of the Army and better Methods of warfare always gave the
british an Upper Hand. In all successive wars
between 1750 and 1850 the british were victorious and the brtish expanded their possessions gradually.
After the Battle of Plassey in 1757 and
Battle of Buxar 1764, bengal and Bihar came under british control. In 1799 Tipu sultan of Mysore was
defeated and Killed; and later marathas were
finally Defeated in 1818, and whole of south india came under british control. Sindh was annexed in
1843 and Punjab in 1849 after the Defeat of Sikh
army. Thus the british gradually expanded expanded their control of the sub-continent between 1750
and 1850.

Q : Why did the indian sub-continent attract Europeans traders in the late sixteen and early
seventeenth centuries? [7]

The main Reason for the Attraction towards the Subcontinent during the late 16th and 17th centuries
was trade. Protuguese were the first to arrive
and they occupied Goa in 1510. Trade in spices and desire to speard christaninty were their aims.

The british came next to portuguese and East India Company was Formed in 1600 with the permission to
trade with india. The First british ship landed
in Surat in 1608 but the Permission for the Trade from the Mughals were given in 1612. The British
established their headquaters at Bombay in 1674
and at Calcutta in 1690. Main trading items were cotton and silk textiles, Spices, Tea, Indigo, Precious
Stones and Salt peter. The French and Dutch also
Came in the field. But the dutch turned their attention to east indies ( Indonesia and Malaya). The french
ware also elimintated after their defeat by the Britsih
in 3 Battles.

Therefore it was trade that attracted the europeans to the subcontinent which was known as 'golden
sparrow' on account of its natural resources and walth.
it was found that 10 percent of the income of the british government was obtained from the trade with

Q: Why east india company got involved into subcontinent during the Early Seventeenth Centuary? [7]

East india Company got involved in the Subcotinent during the early seventeenth Century. The main
reason for the involvment in India was Trade.
The East india company was Founded in 1600 by a Group of British Merchants for the Trade Purpose.
The First british Ship landed in Surat in 1608 but
Trade Permission from the Mughals were Given in 1612. The trade Proved Very Profitable. Therefore the
British pursued their involvment for the Continuation
and Promotion of the Trade. Another Reason for their involvment in india was that the merchants had
first tried to start spice trade in east indies. But the dutch had full ontrol of the spice trade and would
not allow any other european
power to share it.

The trade with india prived so profitable that 10 percent of british revenue came from india. the opened
trading posts at bombay, madras and calcutta.
to Ensure continuation and Regular supply of the Trade The British got more involvment and made use
of the influence of East india compnay built to Capture Territories, and now British were getting regular
supply of goods
and at the price which they wanted them to be. Therefore, The trade was the main reason for the
involvment in the sub-continent.

Q: Why was britian successful in increasing its control of some parts of the sub-continent in the years
1750 to 1850? [7]

The Main reason for the success was their strength and superiory in military power and the fact there
was no Power to Fight back with British as the Mughal Power Declined Rapidly after Death of Auragzeb.
British contorl of indian terriorty started with battle of plassey in 1757 after which bengal came under
britsih. THe british india army was equipped with superior weapons , had better military training
discipline and used improved war technique.

The british had vast resource at their disposal. After the Battle of Buxsar 1764 the walth of bengal and
bihar provided massive new resources, which the british effectively used to increase their power.

More important was the fact that the territories occupied by the british were efficiently administered by
British governors with the help of an organised civil service, System of Police, Law Courts and
Introduction of Reforms. The Public
felt secure and did not rise against British.
In this way british were successful in increasing their control over India.

Q: Why did the East india compnay became involved in the inidan subcontinent during the
seventeenth century?

The main reason for the involvment for east india company in the india subcontinent was Trade. The
east india Company was Founed in 1600 for the Purpose to Trade with India in England.
The First British Ship Landed in Surat in 1608. But the Trade Permission from the Mughals were given in
1612. The trade Proved Very Profitable. The Compnay got involved in the sub-continent for the
Continuation and Promotion of the Trade.

The British merchants had first tired to start spice trade with east indies. But the dutch had Full Control
of it and They would not allow any other European power to share it.
So therefore the Britsih Concentrated on the Trade with India and got Involved in the Sub-Continent.

Trade with India was So Profitable that 10 percent of Britsih revenue came from Trade with India. The
Company opened trading posts in Bombay, Madras and Calcutta.
To Ensure regular supply of Goods for export to Europe the company gradually increased its involvment
in the subcontinent so that the company might get goods at the price which they wanted them.
Gradually the company occupied territories in the Sub-continent and increased its area of influence and

Q: Why did the subcontinent attract british in the early seventeenth century? [7] ( Again a Question
Based on Trade FACTS)
The British East india company was a Private group of merchants whih got permission from the Queen
Elizabeth with a charter in 1600 to trade in
the World, They Tried their luck in the East indies but the Dutch had Full control of it and would not
allow any other European power to Share it.
Therefore British Concentrated on Trade with india and Moved to 'Golden Sparrow' the sub-continent
for trade in Spices, Indigo, Cotton and Slik Products.
British were the first country to have Industrial revolution and needed cheap raw material from all over
the world. india sub-continent could be a great market for their raw material and finished goods. They
also wanted
to trade and become rich like the previous ations portuguese, dutch and french who a lot from trading
with sub-continent. The British also Brought their christan Missionaries to Speard Christanity culture in
the sub-continent.

Q: What was the Annexation of Sindh? [7]

By the early nineteenth century the british were becoming increasingly concerned about the russian
expansion. the british wanted to make sure that afghanistan does not fall into
russian expension. The british agreed with the sikh ruler of the Punjab, Ranjit singh, That afghanishtan
should stay independent. British hoped that ranjit would help them to built pro-british rule in
kabul but this didn't happen so the british went ahead of their own and the rebillion in resulted of all
british troops in the country being killed.
British felt that their pride had been hurt by this loss in afghanistan and decided to turn on sindh.
Now sindh was rulers by collection of amir's who had signed a treaty of friendship with britain in 1809
but the British deided to annex sindh. All they needed was an excuse, the british General
sir Charles napier provoked the amirs of sindh so much that they attacked the british residency in 1843.
They now had excuse for war. So british defeated the amir's and annexed sindh

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