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A. General:
1. Furnish all labour, materials, tools, equipment, and services to test, balance and
adjust all mechanical systems as indicated, in accordance with provisions of
Contract Documents.
2. Completely coordinate with work of all other trades.
3. Although such work is not specifically indicated, furnish and install all
supplementary or miscellaneous items, appurtenances, instruments, and devices
incidental to or necessary for a sound, secure and complete installation, balancing
and testing.
4. See Section 15050 for Basic Mechanical Requirements.
5. See Division 1 for General Requirements.
B. Test, Adjust and Balance the following mechanical systems and equipment:
1. Air distribution systems.
2. Air moving equipment.
3. Circulating water piping and hydraulic systems.
4. Instrumentation control systems.
C. Test systems and equipment for proper sound and vibration levels.
D. Codes and Standards:
The Codes and Standards of the following organizations shall be followed:
1. American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
2. Associated Air Balance Council (AABC).
3. National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB).
4. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers
5. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
6. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractor’s National Association
7. Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC).


A. The Contractor, as part of this contract, shall obtain the services of a qualified testing,
adjusting and balancing (TAB) agency to perform the testing, adjusting and balancing
works, as herein specified.

B. The TAB agency shall be independent of the installing contractors or equipment
suppliers for this project.
C. Prior to commencing work under this section of the specifications, the TAB agency
shall have been approved by the Client.
D. The criteria for determining qualifications of the TAB agency shall be membership in
the AABC, or certification by the NEBB, or the TAB agency shall submit proof to
satisfy the Client that the agency meets the technical standards for membership of the
AABC as published in the AABC 71679.
E. The agency shall show at least 5 successfully tested projects of similar size and scope.
F. All testing, adjusting and balancing works shall be supervised by a mechanical


A. Schedule work with trades involved.
B. Check component parts for function and operation in system.
C. Evaluate operation of systems and advise installer of necessary adjustments and
corrective measures.
D. Prepare and submit reports of all tests.


A. Start up all systems and keep in correct operation during balancing operations.
B. Make adjustments and correction to systems as directed by balancing agency.
C. Add dampers required for correct air balance as recommended by Air Balancing
D. Maintain accessibility to test locations and devices requiring adjustment.
E. The Contractor shall cooperate with the Client and the testing agency and provide at
least 24 hours notice prior to specified testing. The Contractor shall provide labour and
materials, and necessary facilities at the site as required by the testing. capacity.


A. Balance at time as directed by the Client.
B. If balance is not done during peak cooling season, demonstrate satisfactory balancing
during next peak cooling season.

A. Qualifications of Testing, Adjusting and Balancing agency, and sample report forms.
B. Prior to commencing work, submit detailed procedures, agenda & sample report forms.
C. Field Reports: Indicate deficiencies in systems that would prevent proper testing,
adjusting, and balancing of systems and equipment to achieve specified performance.
D. Submit draft copies of report for review prior to final acceptance of Project. Provide
final copies for Engineer and for inclusion in operating and maintenance manuals.

E. Provide reports in binder manuals, complete with index page and indexing tabs, with
cover identification at front and side. Include set of reduced drawings with air outlets
and equipment identified to correspond with data sheets, and indicating thermostat
F. Test Reports: Indicate data on approved forms. Submit data in S.I. Metric units and as
defined in Section 15050 (SD-10).
G. Submit Certified Reports for Testing, Adjusting and Balancing bearing the seal and
signature of the TAB Agency. The reports shall be certified proof that the systems and
equipment have been tested, adjusted and balanced in accordance with the referenced



A. Accurately calibrate and maintain all test instruments in good working order.
1. If requested, conduct tests of testing instruments in presence of Client and/or
2. Accuracy of instruments: Instruments used for measurements shall be accurate.
Provide calibration histories for each instrument for examination. Calibrate each
test instrument by an approved laboratory or by the manufacturer. The Client has
the right to request instrument recalibration, or the use of other instrument
recalibration, or the use of other instruments and test methodology, where
accuracy of readings is questionable.
3. Application of instruments: Comply with manufacturer’s certified instructions.
4. Permanently-installed instruments: Do not install permanently-installed
instruments used for the operation, e.g., gauges, until just prior to the tests to
avoid damage and changes in calibration.
5. Accuracy of all thermometers: Plus or minus one graduation at the temperature to
be measured.
B. Do not begin balancing systems until they have been completed and are in good
working order.
C. Mark with suitable permanent identification materials, equipment settings, including
damper control positions, valve indicators, fan speed control levers, and similar
controls and devices, to show final settings.
D. Record all inspections, tests and adjustments.


A. All ductwork shall be tested for leakage in accordance with the recommendation and
manuals of SMACNA.
B. Leakage rate from any ductwork shall not exceed the permissible limits as determined

C. If the leakage rate exceeds the permissible limits, the source(s) of leakage shall be
located, defective materials and workmanship repaired or replaced, and the system
retested until satisfactory results are obtained.
D. Irrespective of the amount of measured leakage, all visible leaks or defects in the
ductwork shall be repaired.
E. Records of all leakage tests shall be prepared and submitted to the Client for approval.
F. Test each high velocity air duct with air pressure not less than 2.5 KPa pressure before
external insulation is applied.
1. Where required, test portions of system to permit finish work.
2. Leakage not to exceed 1/2 percent of air flow to be handled by test section, and
total leakage not to exceed 1 percent of total system air flow.
3. testing procedures shall be as described by Associated Air Balance Council
G. Test low pressure duct work to 1.5 times listed fan operating pressure with 0.5 KPa
minimum before insulation is applied.
H. Use a pressure blower to provide supply air fan test.


A. Balance all air systems which are served by air filters, using artificial static loading of
systems to demonstrate, test and obtain systems design pressure drop data.
1. Inspect all fan scrolls and remove objects or debris. Inspect all coils and remove
debris or obstruction. Verify that all fire dampers are open.
2. Provide dirty filter pressure drop conditions on system.
3. Do not install blanking plates within 600 mm of any low efficiency filter unit or
4. Test and adjust equipment to design requirements and record RPM.
5. Test motor load amperes and fan capacity and rotations.
6. Make pilot tube traverse of main supply ducts and obtain design LPS at fans.
Provide fan curves and plots.
7. Test system static pressure, suction and discharge.
8. Test and adjust system for design LPS outside air and return air:
a. Maximum outside air setting.
b. Minimum outside air setting.
9. Test coil entering air temperatures:
a. Dry bulb deg C cooling and heating.
b. Wet bulb deg C cooling.
10. Test leaving air temperatures:
a. Dry bulb deg C cooling and heating.
b. Wet bulb deg C cooling.
11. Adjust all main supply and return air ducts to proper design LPS.
12. Adjust all zones to proper design LPS, supply and return.
13. Test and adjust each diffuser, grille, and register to within 10 percent of design

a. Identify location and areas of each grille, diffuser, and register.
b. Identify and list size, type and manufacturer of diffusers, grilles, registers.
c. Use manufacturer’s ratings on all equipment to make required calculations.
d. Readings and tests of diffusers, grilles, and registers shall include required
air velocity and test resultant velocity, required LPS and test resultant LPS
after adjustments.
e. Adjust all diffusers, grilles, and registers to minimize drafts.
14. In accordance with control manufacturer’s representative, set automatically
operated dampers to operate as indicated.
Check all control for proper calibration and list all controls requiring adjustment
by control installers.
15. Make any changes in pulleys, belts, and dampers, or add balancing dampers as
required for correct balance of systems as recommended by (AABC) or requested
by the Client without extra cost.
16. Check fire dampers for correct operation and damper position.
17. Submit all data in support of all supply fan deliveries by the following four
a. By summation of the air quantity readings at all outlets.
b. By duct traverses of main supply duct.
c. By a rotating vane traverse across a filter coil bank;
d. By plotting RPM and static pressure readings on the fan curve. Air density
corrections must be indicated.
18. The supply air systems shall be completely balanced prior to the final balancing
of the water systems.
19. Upon completion of all air balancing, all duct dampers, and other throttling
devices shall be marked in the final adjusted position.
20. Submission of test results shall, in no way, relieve the Contractor of fulfilment of
21. The Contractor shall allow sufficient time to perform all tests, adjustments,
necessary to place the various systems in final operating conditions, verify
performance requirements and check all safety devices.
B. Fan Systems Testing:
1. Structural integrity and leakage testing of Fan systems shall be as systems or as
duct mains and branches.
2. All tests shall be performed prior to insulation of surfaces, painting, and
concealment of the work. Systems containing repaired defect shall be re-tested to
original criteria to obtain acceptance, except upon waiving of test by the Client.


A. All tests shall be performed prior to insulation of surfaces, painting, and concealment of
the work. Systems containing repaired defects shall be re-tested to original criteria to
obtain acceptance except upon waiving of test by the Client.
B. Tests shall be hydrostatic unless otherwise specified.

C. The Contractor may conduct tests for his own purposes, but the acceptance test shall be
conducted as specified herein.
D. In the event that the test demonstrates that leakage rate exceeds specified limits, the
source(s) of leakage shall be determined, defective materials and workmanship repaired
or replaced, and the installation retested until specified requirements are complied with.
E. Irrespective of the amount of measured leakage, all visible leaks or defects in the
Pipeline shall be immediately repaired.
F. Other than standards piping flanges, plugs, caps, and valves, only commercially
manufactured expandable-elastomeric plugs shall be used for sealing of piping for test
purposes. The safe test-pressure rating of any plug used shall be not less than two times
the actual test-pressure being applied.
G. All necessary precautions shall be taken to vent the compressed air trapped during high
pressure hydrostatic testing to preclude injury and damage.
H. The Client may require the removal of any system component such as plugs or caps to
ascertain whether or not the water has reached all parts of the system, if purging or vent
valves are not provided.
I. Components shall be removed from piping systems during hydrostatic testing whenever
the components may sustain damage due to test pressure.
J. Leaking gasket joints shall be replaced with new gaskets. Leaking copper joints shall be
replaced with the new fittings and new tube ends.
K. Piping system components such as valves shall be checked for functional operation
under system test pressure.
L. Underground piping shall be tested with trenches open and joints, valves and thrust
blocks exposed. Ample earth cover shall be maintained to prevent buckling or
deformation due to application of pressure. Sections of underground piping shall be
tested between closed valves to ensure that each section of piping is physically able to
withstand alone the pressure. Adjacent sections of underground piping shall not be
hydrostatically tested together.
M. Check air vents at high points of systems and determine if all are installed and
operating freely (automatic type) or to bleed air completely (manual type).
N. When averaging measurement values, take a sufficient number of readings which will
result in repeatability error of less than 5 percent. When measuring a single point,
repeat readings until 2 consecutive identical values are obtained.
O. Piping and piping components only shall be pressure tested. All connections to
equipment such as pumps, coils, relief valves, expansion joints, instruments, strainers,
etc. subject to damage by test pressure, shall be blocked off or isolated.
P. The duration of a test shall be for a minimum of time indicated in Piping Test Schedule.
This test may be terminated by direction of the Client at any point during this period
after it has been determined that the permissible leakage rates has not been exceeded.
Q. Test records of all piping systems tests shall be prepared and maintained. Records shall
show test-personnel responsibilities, dates, test-gauge identification numbers, ambient
and test-water temperatures, pressure ranges, rate of pressure drop, leakage rates, and
other system characteristics. Test record shall be submitted to the Client for approval.

R. Test gauges:
Test gauges, to be acceptable, shall have a dial sized 115 mm or larger, with accuracy
of plus or minus one-half of one percent of full-scale range and dial graduations and
pointer width compatible with readability and one half the accuracy extremes.
Maximum permissible scale range for a given test shall be such that the pointer during a
test shall have a starting position at mid-point of the dial or within the middle third of
the scale range. Certification of accuracy and correction table shall bear a date within
90 days of the test use, test gauge number, and the project number, unless otherwise
S. The test pressure shall be applied at 1½ times normal working pressure but not less than
the pressure indicated in the following Piping Test Schedule, or as specified elsewhere,
whichever is greater:


A. Sound level measurements shall be made at each selection point by the Client.
B. Timing: Take sound level measurements at times when the building is unoccupied, or
when activity in surrounding areas and background noise levels in areas tested are at
minimum and relatively free from sudden changes in noise levels. Take measurements
with all equipment secured, except that being tested, measure sound levels at any point
within a room not less than 1.8m from an air terminal or room unit, and not closer than
1.0m from any floor, wall, or ceiling surface.
C. Meters: Measure sound levels with a sound meter complying with the latest ANSI S1.4
use the “A” scale to measure overall sound levels. To determine the specified octave
band levels, the above sound levels meter, set on “C” scale shall be supplemented by an
Octave Bank Analyzer complying with ANSI S1.11.
D. Certified Report: Record all sound data, and their locations, after final adjustments of
air and water systems involved.


A. Capacity and performance tests: Make tests to demonstrate that capacities and general
performance of air and water systems comply with contract requirements.
B. Final inspection: At the time of final inspection, the contractor shall recheck, in the
presence of the Engineer, random selections of data for water and air quantities, air
motion and sound levels recorded in the certified report. Selections for recheck will not
less than 25 percent of the total number tabulated in the report, and to be selected by the


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