Gr - 7 - End Term - Term 3 - Paper 1

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1. Air gets into human body through the nose or mouth.

a. Complete the blanks below through with air reached blood capillary from nose. (4)





Blood capillary
b. In which part inside the cell aerobic respiration takes place? ………………………………………… (1)

2. An unlabeled diagram of human respiratory system is given below.

a. Label and name the following parts in the above diagram. (3)
Diaphragm, rib bone and intercostal muscles.

b. State whether these muscles contract or relax when you breathe in. (1)
i. Diaphragm - …………………………………………..
ii. Intercostal muscles - …………………………………………

c. Select the incorrect statements regarding blood with a cross mark (X) in given space (2)
i. Red blood cells contain a large nucleus. (……..)
ii. Red blood cells do not contain mitochondria (……..)
iii. Blood plasma is mostly of water. (…..…)
iv. White blood cells carry oxygen to the body cells. (……..)
v. Red blood cells help to fight against pathogens. (……..)

3. Complete the sentences using words from the list. Each word can be used once or not at all.

Beginning bioaccumulation respiration interaction start

habitats end spaces biomagnification (05)

An ecosystem in a lake is made up of many different organisms and their environment

…………………………………..with one another.
The ecosystem contains many different interacting with one another. The ecosystem
contains many different ……………………………......... where different species can live.

The lake is sprayed with DDT to kill mosquito larvae. DDT does not break down in an
organism's body, and builds up over the organism’s lifetime.
This is called …………………………………………….. It is very harmful to the organisms near the
…………………………………............ of a food web, because they can have very high
concentrations of DDT in their bodies. This is called …………………………………………………. .

4. This diagram shows the simplest type of electromagnet.


a. Label A, B and C in the above diagram. (3)

b. How an electro magnet is different from a permanent magnet? (Write one different) (1)
c. Write two applications of electromagnets? (2)

5. The graph shows a journey of a car from a starting position, P, to a destination R, and then the
car returns to its starting position P.



(P) (P)

a. State the distance between P and R: …………………………………………………... km (1)

b. Circle the letters that indicate the stationary state of car (1)


c. Calculate the speed of the car during the first 1 hour time. Show your working (2)

Speed = ……………………km/h

d. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from given. (2)
(Steeper, faster, straight, longer, slower, curved)

The car moves ……………………………………... between Q and R, than when it travelled between
P and Q. So the, graph shows this as a ......................................…, upward sloping line.

6. A vehicle travels a distance of 180 m in a time of 6 s.

a. Calculate the speed of the vehicle. Show your working and give units (3)

Speed = ……………………………….
b. Calculate the time taken by the car to travel 1230 m in seconds. Show your working (2)

Time = …………………… s

7. Arun and Vimal is trying to sit balanced in a seesaw. Arun sits at a distance of 2 m from the pivot
and Vimal sits at a distance of 1.5 m from the pivot.
If Arun weighs 300 N, find the weight of Vimal. Show your workings. (2)

Weight of Vimal = …………………………… N

8. Match the following terms with their meanings. (4)

9. Plum pudding model of an atom is shown below.

a. Which letters indicate the following in the
diagram given? (1)
i. Positively charged matter - ………………… B
ii. Electrons - ……………………

b. Which scientist presented the above model

of atom? Underline the correct answer. (1)

1- Chadwick 2- J.J. Thompson 3- Earnest Rutherford 4 - Niels Bohr

c. Draw a labeled diagram for Rutherford’s model of the atom. (3)

Label the following in the diagram.
- Electrons
- Neutrons
- Protons
- Nucleus

d. State the name of experiment conducted by Rutherford, which gave him the idea that atoms
must be mostly of empty spaces with particles packed denselyin a particular area? (1)


10. The bellow image can be used to describe the greenhouse effect.


a. Write the suitable letters from the boxes of above diagram to match the statements below (4)

Earth gets hotter and energy levels from earth leave earth and passes into atmosphere.

Energy from earth passes through atmosphere into space.

Some of the energy does not get through the atmosphere and is reflected back into space
it is
Energy from earth is reflected back to earth as they are absorbed by the
greenhouse gasses.

Sunlight falling on earth as light and heat energy

b. Name two greenhouse gasses. (1)


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