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Atmospheric Environment 223 (2020) 117265

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Atmospheric Environment
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Characteristics of the atmospheric boundary layer and its relation with

PM2:5 during haze episodes in winter in the North China Plain
Qianhui Li a, Bingui Wu b, Jingle Liu b, Hongsheng Zhang a, *, Xuhui Cai c, Yu Song c
Laboratory for Climate and Ocean-Atmosphere Studies, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, PR
Tianjin Municipal Meteorological Bureau, Tianjin, 300074, PR China
State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, Department of Environmental Science, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, PR China


� PM2:5 concentration profiles were collected by GPS sounding balloons in winter.

� The influence of the ABL structure on PM2:5 distribution is explained.
� The scavenging effect of low-level jets on PM2:5 in the upper layer is confirmed.
� Heavily polluted layers were discovered at high altitudes and explained.


Keywords: Interactions between the spatiotemporal distribution of pollutants and the structure of the atmospheric boundary
Haze layer were studied using data obtained by GPS (Global Positioning System) sounding balloons in an intensive
PM2.5 concentration profile observation period from December 2018 to January 2019 at the Dezhou experimental station in the North China
Atmospheric boundary layer
Plain. Under haze weather conditions, negligible variation or a slight increase in temperature, higher relative
North China Plain
humidity (RH) and lower wind speed with uncertain wind direction are common characteristics. The concen­
tration distribution of particulate matter �2.5 μm (PM2:5 ) has a close relationship with the inversion layer, which
contributes to the accumulation of PM2:5 in the lower atmosphere. The reduction of pollutants suspended in the
upper layer during haze periods is closely related to low-level jets and intermittent turbulence. Higher RH values
are also favourable for the formation of heavy haze, and the value of PM2:5 increases with an increase in hu­
midity. During hazy days, the heat fluxes and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) are much smaller than those during
clear days. The values of the average maxima of net radiation, sensible heat flux, and latent heat flux are 154, 76,
and 15 W=m2 , respectively, and the value of TKE is approximately 0.67 m2 =s2 . The decrease in atmospheric
boundary layer height (ABLH) is caused by weaker turbulent transfer during haze episodes. The ABLH is
approximately 400 m during the daytime and 240 m at night. The power function relationship is shown by a
negative correlation between the ABLH and surface PM2:5 concentration in the convective boundary layer.

1. Introduction boundary layer dynamics, and exerts complicated effects on weather

and climate through aerosol-radiation-cloud feedback (Jacobson, 2001;
With the rapid expansion of industrialisation and urbanisation, Shi et al., 2008; Ding et al., 2013).
China has experienced severe haze pollution (Deng et al., 2012; Ding There are several heavily polluted areas in China, and one is the
et al., 2016) in which particulate matter � 2.5 μm (PM2:5 ) is the domi­ North China Plain (NCP) (Fu et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2014; Zhang et al.,
nant pollutant (Gao et al., 2017). Severe haze pollution reduces visibility 2016). Several studies have explored factors contributing to haze in the
and has adverse effects on public health and traffic safety (Q. Zhang NCP from source emissions (Chan and Yao, 2008; Zhang et al., 2017),
et al., 2015). High concentration of aerosols suspending in the air can weather conditions (Ye et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2018), topography
change the atmospheric radiative characteristics, further changes the (Jiang et al., 2015), regional transport (Hua et al., 2016; Sun et al.,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: hsdq@pku.edu.cn (H. Zhang).

Received 25 October 2019; Received in revised form 2 January 2020; Accepted 4 January 2020
Available online 7 January 2020
1352-2310/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Q. Li et al. Atmospheric Environment 223 (2020) 117265

2018), and the structure of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) (Han Compared with previous studies, we used a particulate sounding system,
et al., 2018a; Li et al., 2019). Coal combustion, engine exhaust, and which combined the particulate sensor with GPS sounding balloons.
biomass burning are important sources of haze (Cao et al., 2012; Ming Therefore, the profiles of PM2:5 concentration was detected directly,
et al., 2017). Stagnant weather occurs more frequently due to the avoiding the retrieval errors caused by ground-based remote sensing
westward extension of the western Pacific subtropical high and equipment. And with the high temporal and spatial resolution of our
decreased cold wave activity (Qu et al., 2013, 2015). Topographically, sounding data, fine structures of the ABL were captured. Based on the
Taihang Mountain and Yanshan Mountain block cold from moving into high quality ABL observations, interesting phenomena of pollution were
the NCP, which reduces the diffusivity of pollutants (L. L. Wang et al., discovered, and the influence of ABL structure on the spatiotemporal
2014; Wu et al., 2014). Chemically, the formation of secondary particles distribution of PM2:5 was explored and explained in detail. The rest of
can be accelerated under hazy conditions, which worsens air pollution the paper is organised as follows: The details of experimental station,
(Y. J. Zhang et al., 2015). observation methods and data processing are introduced in Section 2.
The ABL has a direct influence on the spatiotemporal distribution of The surface meteorology, weather background, and the interactions
air pollution. Turbulent motion is the dominant form of atmospheric between the spatiotemporal distribution of ABL structure and PM2:5 are
motion in the ABL, and the exchange of heat, energy, and substances analysed in Section 3. Finally, our conclusions are presented in Section
between the earth and atmosphere is primarily accomplished by tur­ 4.
bulent transport (Stull, 1988; Garratt, 1994). The thermodynamic and
dynamic structure of the ABL reflects turbulent motion and impacts the 2. Data and methods
spatial distribution of air pollutants. Studies suggest that the inversion
layer can suppress turbulent mixing and make the atmospheric stratifi­ 2.1. Experimental station
cation more stable, so it is conducive to the accumulation of air pol­
lutants in the surface layer (Zhong et al., 2018a; Miao and Liu, 2019). The field experiment was conducted from 18 December 2018 to 24
Furthermore, the dynamic structure has a close association with air January 2019 at the Dezhou experimental station, Shandong Province,
quality. Li et al. (2019) discovered that low-level jets (LLJs) could China. The experimental station (37� 090 N, 116� 260 E) is located in the
contribute substantially to the regional transport of air pollutants. Some middle of the NCP (Fig. 1), which is one of the most polluted districts in
researches indicated that intermittent turbulence associated with LLJs China, especially in the winter season (Fu et al., 2014; Zou et al., 2018).
could improve the vertical transport of particulate matter and promote The comprehensive experimental station is capable of conducting
the dissipation of pollution (Wei et al., 2018, 2020; Ren et al., 2019). measurements and observations of atmospheric physics and chemistry
Furthermore, the atmospheric boundary layer height (ABLH) is a key (Xu et al., 2019). The altitude of this station is approximately 23.8 m,
parameter related to air pollution, embodying the processes of turbulent and the underlying surface is farmland without tall buildings.
mixing and vertical diffusion (Seibert et al., 2000). Several studies show
a negative correlation between ABLH and aerosol concentration (Du
2.2. GPS sounding balloons
et al., 2013; Quan et al., 2013). Zou et al. (2017) estimated the surface
energy budget that is influenced by aerosols, and discovered that the
A particulate sounding system was used to obtain the atmospheric
ABLH decreases more than 400 m when air pollution is heavy. The ABLH
profiles during haze episodes, which combined a light portable partic­
typically does not exceed 1000 m in heavy haze episodes (Qu et al.,
ulate sensor with GPS sounding balloons. Therefore, the balloons
detected not only fundamental meteorological elements (temperature,
With growing concerns about the importance of the ABL on air
relative humidity, wind speed, and wind direction) but also recorded the
pollution, a number of field experiments and numerical simulations
mass concentration of PM2:5 . Observation by sounding balloons was
have been carried out (Gao et al., 2015; He et al., 2015). Using a 325 m
carried out every 3 h at local times: 02:00, 05:00, 08:00, 11:00, 14:00,
meteorological tower in Beijing, Shi et al. (2018) found that the wind
17:00, 20:00 and 23:00. The GPS sounding balloons were developed by
speed was low throughout the layer, remaining almost constant from the
the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
surface layer to the top of the tower. Based on the measurements by
and they ascended at a velocity of approximately 2 m/s and recorded
aerosol laser radar and tethered balloons, Han et al. (2018b) analysed a
data at 1-s intervals. The particulate sensor measured PM2:5 concentra­
fog-haze process from the vertical structure of PM2:5 and meteorological
tion by the optical method, that is, using the laser to irradiate the
elements. Zhong et al. (2018a) averaged the conventional sounding data
of multiple pollution processes from meteorological stations and re­
ported that light wind, a low inversion layer, and high humidity are
common characteristics of haze episodes. However, research on the
relationship between haze processes and the ABL has the following gaps:
Surface observations alone do not clearly explain haze events, but
high-resolution observations of the vertical structure of meteorological
factors and particulate matter are lacking. Measurements obtained by a
meteorological tower or tethered balloons have a limited space range,
and the time resolution of conventional sounding from meteorological
stations is coarse. In addition, the vertical distribution of particulate
matter is not clear. The lack of high-resolution data on ABL structure and
spatial distribution of particulate matter, results in a lack of under­
standing about the spatiotemporal distribution and the vertical trans­
port of air pollutants.
In order to make a better understanding of the interactions between
the spatial and temporal distribution of particulate matter and the
structure of the ABL during haze episodes, a field experiment was
initiated with an intensive observation period (IOP) from December
2018 to January 2019 at the Dezhou experimental station, which is
representative for the NCP. Profiles of meteorological elements, PM2:5
concentration, radiative data, and turbulent data were obtained. Fig. 1. Location of the Dezhou experimental station.

Q. Li et al. Atmospheric Environment 223 (2020) 117265

sampling air and getting the intensity of the scattered light, and the no more than 10 km, and the other is relative humidity (RH) below 80%
aerosol scale spectrum can be obtained by the Mie scattering theory. The that lasts for several hours (Fu et al., 2008; Leng et al., 2016; Li et al.,
measurement range for PM2:5 concentration is from 0 to 500 μg/m3, 2018). When the RH is between 80% and 90%, it is considered a tran­
with a resolution of 1 μg/m3. For measured PM2:5 values between 100 sitional period between fog and haze. When the RH is above 90%, it is
μg/m3 to 500 μg/m3, the accuracy is �10 μg/m3; when the value is considered fog.
below 100 μg/m3, it is �10%. Fig. 2 shows the temporal variations of PM2:5 concentration in the
During the experimental period, 290 datasets were collected. We surface layer. Five haze episodes occurred during the IOP (shaded areas
carried out quality control on the original sounding data and eliminated in Fig. 2). The first case was 18–22 December 2018. The second was
outliers. Due to the low height of the ABL in the winter season, we from 31 December 2018 to 5 January 2019. Cases 3, 4, 5 were 6–8, 9–15,
collected data from 0 to 2000 m and smoothed the profiles by using the and 17–19 January 2019, respectively. Nearly half of the time during the
five-point moving average method. Adopting the methods of Li et al. observation period was under haze conditions, and the mass concen­
(2018), we averaged the profiles to a vertical resolution of 10 m. In this tration of PM2:5 shows a strong negative correlation with visibility. The
study, the thermodynamic method was used to evaluate the ABLH. Pearson correlation coefficients for Cases 1 through 5 are 0.75, 0.81,
Based on the temperature profiles, we calculated potential temperature 0.83, 0.81, and 0.85, respectively. Case 1, Case 2 and Case 4 not
(PT) and took the height where a discontinuous gradient and strong only had a high pollution level, with the PM2:5 concentration reaching
inversion was observed as the ABLH. approximately 150 μg=m3 on average, but also had a long duration,
To assure the quality of the PM2:5 concentration data measured by lasting for more than four days. Persistent heavy haze events have a
GPS sounding balloons, we also collected mass concentration of PM2:5 stronger adverse effect on air quality, traffic safety and public health. As
data from the China National Environmental Monitoring Station a consequence, in the following section, we focus on these three severe
(CNEMS). The PM2:5 data from the CNEMS was hourly averaged, and it and more persistent haze episodes.
was downloaded from the national urban air quality real-time release
platform (http://www.cnemc.cn/sssj/) of China environmental moni­ 3. Results
toring station. The location of CNEMS (37� 280 N, 116� 180 E) is shown in
Fig. 1. The results show high consistency between these two datasets, 3.1. Synoptic background
indicating that the PM2:5 concentration measured by the sounding bal­
loons is reliable (Fig. 2). The two sites are separated by 35-km, so the PM2:5 concentration is affected by meteorological elements, and the
difference seen on 12 January may be due to a difference in local temporal variation of the meteorological elements in the surface layer
emissions. are shown in Fig. 3. In Fig. 3a, the daily average temperature (T) had
varied negligibly or increased slightly under haze conditions. A higher
2.3. Radiative and turbulent data value of RH was a contributing factor to persistent haze events. When
haze pollution dissipated quickly, there was often an obvious drop in
Net radiation was measured by a net radiometer (NR-Lite, both T and RH, corresponding to an invasion process with a dry and cold
Kipp&Zonen Co., Finland). These measurements were automatically and air mass. According to Fig. 3b, the wind speed (WS) during each haze
continuously recorded at intervals of 10 min and processed into average episode was typically less than 2 m/s, without a dominant wind direc­
values spanning 30-min. Visibility was observed by a sensor (CS120A, tion (WD), while the WS promptly rose to approximately 4 m/s and the
Campbell Scientific Co., USA), which has a good real-time response dominant wind shifted to the northeast during rapid dissipation stage.
capability. Turbulent data, temperature, wind speed and wind direction Fig. 3c and d depict the variations in sea level pressure (P) and vertical
data were obtained by a three-dimensional sonic anemometer- velocity (w). During haze episodes, pressure changed slowly, and the
thermometer (IGRASON, Campbell Scientific Co., USA). The IGRASON experimental station was located in a relatively stable pressure field;
was installed at an altitude of 2.8 m and pointed north. Turbulent data these observations agree with previous reports of stagnant weather
were processed using Eddy-Pro software (Advanced 6.2.1, LI-COR Bio­ during haze episodes (Wang et al., 2014; Yang et al., 2015; Huang et al.,
sciences, Inc, USA) (www.licor.com/EddyPro), and the data processing 2018). The rapid invasion of a cold, high-pressure weather system was
included eliminating outliers (Vickers and Mahrt, 1997), double rota­ accompanied by not only a strong wind, that enhanced the horizontal
tion (Wilczak et al., 2001) and detrending (Gash and Culf, 1996). transport of pollutants but also a strong downdraft flow, which pro­
moted the vertical removal of pollutants from the upper layer.
2.4. Identifying haze events The synoptic situation was generally stable during haze episodes.
Sparse isobaric lines and stagnation of the airflow near the surface in the
There are two criteria for identifying a haze event. One is visibility of

Fig. 2. Comparison of PM2:5 concentrations measured by GPS sounding balloons and the CNEMS. The shaded areas indicate haze episodes.

Q. Li et al. Atmospheric Environment 223 (2020) 117265

Fig. 3. Temporal variations of (a) temperature and relative humidity, (b) wind speed and wind direction, (c) sea level pressure, and (d) vertical velocity in the
surface layer.

NCP frequently occurred. There are some similarities in weather sys­ remained below 800 m and exhibited a gradual decrease in height. By
tems, as illustrated by Case 1. Fig. 4 depicts the characteristics of surface the end of 14 January, the height of the polluted layer decreased to
weather conditions during the polluted and rapid cleansing periods approximately 200 m. In all three cases, the pollution centre corre­
associated with Case 1. The location of the experimental station is often sponded to high RH, and the frequent LLJs had a great impact on the
in the southeastern periphery of an area of high pressure on the western removal of pollutants.
side of Lake Baikal. At other times, it is in a northeast-southwest weak The thermal structure of the ABL represents the state of thermal
low-pressure band, a position that is relevant to low visibility events, turbulence and reflects the stability of the atmospheric stratification.
according to Ye et al. (2016). Typically, the haze dissipates when the Turbulent mixing is active in the convective boundary layer (CBL),
high pressure on the western side of Lake Baikal expands to the south­ where heat and substances become uniformly mixed. While in the stable
east and gradually takes control of the NCP, bringing strong north­ boundary layer (SBL), which is characterized by an inversion layer
westerly winds and removing contaminants. Such a synoptic situation is generated from the surface, turbulent transport is suppressed and sub­
similar to the findings of Tie et al. (2015). stances accumulate near the surface. As shown in Fig. 7a and b, there is a
strong correlation between the polluted layer and the inversion layer. A
3.2. Structure of the ABL and its impact on PM2:5 distribution persistent warm air-mass is maintained in the upper layer from 12
January to 15 January. The warm layer was initially at an altitude of
The spatiotemporal distribution of air pollutants is attributed to the 800 m, and then gradually descended to 400 m. Until 14 January, a
temperature, humidity, and wind structure of the ABL. Overviews of the thick, elevated inversion layer remained at 200–400 m throughout the
ABL structure and PM2:5 distribution for Cases 1, 2 and 4 are shown in day. This strong, stable stratification inhibited the upward transport of
Fig. 5, Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, respectively. pollutants, acting as a lid. The effect of inversion layer on vertical
As shown in Fig. 5a, there were three periods exhibiting high PM2:5 transport can be reflected by static stability (SS). As shown in Fig. 8, SS
concentrations in Case 1, occurring on 19th, 21st, and 22nd of often increased with height during 12 January to 14 January, which
December. The worst pollution occurred on 21 December; the height of indicated stable stratification and reduced possibility of vertical trans­
the polluted layer reached 800 m, and the PM2:5 concentration exceeded port. Furthermore, the wind speed was approximately 2 m/s at altitudes
below 200 m. Therefore, both the vertical diffusion conditions and the
250μg=m3 . According to Fig. 6a, air pollution worsened from 3 January
horizontal transport conditions were poor. As a consequence, PM2:5 was
in Case 2. The concentration of PM2:5 increased not only near the ground
restrained to accumulate at altitudes below 200 m. The persistence of
but also in the higher layer. The height of the polluted layer reached
elevated inversion layer at low altitudes coupled with low wind speed
approximately 1200 m, and the PM2:5 concentration exceeded 200μg=
was an important contributor to the continuous air pollution observed in
m3 . Despite the presence of a thick pollution layer, an elevated pollution
Case 4.
layer was observed on 4 January 2019. Fig. 7a depicts the spatiotem­
LLJs are often observed during the transition from pollution to
poral distribution of PM2:5 concentration in Case 4. The polluted layer
cleansing. LLJs not only affect the horizontal transport of air pollutants
was more continuous in Case 4 from 12 January to 14 January, which
but also cause momentum fluxes due to wind shear (Banta et al., 2002).
differs from the patterns seen in Cases 1 and 2. The polluted layer

Q. Li et al. Atmospheric Environment 223 (2020) 117265

Fig. 5. Spatiotemporal distribution of (a) PM2:5 concentration, (b) temperature,

(c) relative humidity, and (d) wind speed during Case 1 from 18 to 24
December 2018.

Fig. 4. Surface weather conditions during (a) a polluted period and (b) a rapid
cleansing period in Case 1. Weather charts are from the Korea Meteorological
(a) Local time at 20:00 on 18 December 2018 and, (b) local time at 20:00 on 22
December 2018.

LLJs can increase wind shear in the upper layer and promote the pro­
duction of turbulence. The turbulence moves down toward the surface,
contributing to the removal of PM2:5 suspended in the upper layer. Fig. 9
depicts the scavenging effect of LLJs in detail. At 11:00 on 19 December,
the maximum of LLJ was observed at an altitude of approximately 300
m, at a speed of 6.8 m=s; meanwhile, PM2:5 accumulated under 400 m,
with a concentration of approximately 120 μg=m3 . Then, LLJs gradually
developed from top to bottom, and the downward transmission of mo­
mentum caused a dramatic increase in wind speed at low altitude; the
maximum wind speed rose to 13 m=s at 20:00. As a result, the PM2:5
concentration also decreased according to the altitude of the jet stream Fig. 6. Spatiotemporal distribution of (a) PM2:5 concentration, (b) temperature,
from top to bottom. Based on the surface PM2:5 concentration and the (c) relative humidity, and (d) wind speed during Case 2 from 30 December
turbulence observations from a meteorological tower, Wei et al. (2018) 2018 to 7 January 2019.
pointed out that the LLJs appeared in the transition period between the
accumulation of pollutants and the rapid transport stage, and intermit­ the top-down removal of pollutants and improves air quality. Our results
tent turbulence also appeared in the transition period. The tower ob­ of the contribution of LLJs to the vertical removal of PM2:5 supports the
servations showed that intermittent turbulence occurred earlier at a hypothesis proposed by Wei et al. (2018).
higher level and then transported downward. Therefore, Wei et al. Besides the thermodynamic and dynamic structure of the ABL, hu
(2018) speculated that downward intermittent turbulent flux promotes

Q. Li et al. Atmospheric Environment 223 (2020) 117265

midity structure also affects pollution. Heavily polluted areas often

correspond to areas with higher RH. For example, in Case 1 (Fig. 5c), a
high PM2:5 concentration was associated with high RH that exceeded
60%, and the pollution events on 19 December and 22 December like­
wise corresponded to high RH. High RH could induce the hygroscopic
growth of aerosols and facilitate liquid-phase and heterogeneous re­
actions of aerosols (Fu et al., 2014; Zhong et al., 2018a). Increases in
both size and mass of particulate matter could aggravate episodes of air
pollution (Tie et al., 2017). Therefore, high humidity is an important
factor in haze events.

3.3. Analysis of heavily polluted layers at high altitude

A thick pollution layer may appear when the surface inversion in­
tensity is weak and when the wind speed is high at night. For example,
the data from 21 December in Case 1 revealed that the height of the
polluted layer reached 800 m at 05:00 (Fig. 5a). As shown in Fig. 5b, the
inversion intensity was relatively weak below 800 m, while a strong
inversion layer capped the top. Therefore, the inhibition effect of the
inversion layer on 21 December was weak. In addition, the wind speed
in the polluted layer was high, approximately 8 m=s, leading to active
mechanical turbulence, as shown in Fig. 5d. Hence, the stratification
was weak and this kind of stable boundary layer benefitted the mixing of
PM2:5 in a thicker layer at night.
With the development of the CBL during the day, a thick, polluted
layer is formed. Fig. 10a and b suggest that with the development of the
Fig. 7. Spatiotemporal distribution of (a) PM2:5 concentration, (b) temperature, CBL, the distribution of potential temperature gradually became uni­
(c) relative humidity, and (d) wind speed during Case 4 from 8 to 16 form, and the concentration of PM2:5 gradually became homogeneous by
January 2019. turbulent mixing. The heights of the uniform layers of potential tem­
perature and PM2:5 concentration reached 800 m by 17:00. The SBL
grew from the surface at night, and the height of the SBL rose to
approximately 150 m, as shown in Fig. 10d. In the meantime, the PM2:5
concentration in the residual layer remained at 150 μg=m3 , while the
PM2:5 concentration in the SBL increased significantly, rising to 200
μg=m3 . Favourable turbulent mixing conditions in the CBL and the ex­
istence of a residual layer at night contributed to the maintenance of
PM2:5 at a higher layer.
An elevated, heavily polluted layer developed on 14 January in Case
2 (Fig. 6a). Fig. 11 shows the details of the vertical structure of the ABL
Fig. 8. Spatiotemporal distribution of static stability during Case 4 from 8 to 16
and PM2:5 concentration. PM2:5 mixed uniformly in the CBL by 11:00 at
January 2019. a level of 200 μg=m3 (Fig. 11a). Due to the effect of LLJs (Fig. 11c), PM2:5
concentration declined below 800 m and the elevated polluted layer
gradually formed. However, PM2:5 concentration remained and even
increased in the upper layer at night. The concentration of PM2:5
exceeded 200 μg=m3 at 23:00, and the height of the elevated polluted
layer ranged from 800 to 1500 m (Fig. 11a). The increase in pollution
concentration may be explained by humidity. As shown in Fig. 11c,
there was an obvious whole-layer uplift of water vapour at night,
causing the specific humidity to increase above 1000 m. Higher hu­
midity provides favourable conditions for hygroscopic growth of aero­
sols and enhances secondary particulate matter formation through
heterogeneous and liquid-phase reactions (Zhong et al., 2018b; Liu
et al., 2018). Therefore, the residual pollutants in the upper layer
increased to 250 μg=m3 at 23:00. These may be the reasons for the
elevated, heavily polluted layer in Case 2.

3.4. ABLH characteristics and relationship to PM2:5 concentration in the

surface layer

The ABLH, which represents the height where turbulence nearly

Fig. 9. (a) Low-level jets and (b) the vertical distribution of PM2:5 concentra­ disappears, is recognised as a crucial parameter in haze events. It has a
tion on 19 December 2018.
close relationship with turbulent mixing and surface air quality. The
ABLH depends on thermodynamic and dynamic effects of turbulent
motion. On the one hand, sensible heat flux (H) is the part of net radi­
ation (Rn) used to heat the atmosphere and promote convection. On the

Q. Li et al. Atmospheric Environment 223 (2020) 117265

Fig. 10. Vertical distribution of potential temperature (PT) and PM2:5 concentration at (a) 14:00, (b) 17:00, (c) 20:00, and (d) 23:00 on 11 January 2019.

Fig. 11. Vertical distribution of (a) PM2:5 concentration, (b) specific humidity, and (c) wind speed on 14 January 2019.

other hand, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) reflects the strength of me­ cases of haze pollution.
chanical turbulence. Therefore, the ABLH value is directly influenced by We investigated the relationship between the ABLH and the surface
H and TKE in haze episodes. concentration of PM2:5 in greater detail. During the IOP at the experi­
Fig. 12a depicts the surface heat fluxes during the observation mental station, sunrise was at 07:30 local time (LT), and sunset was at
period. The average daily peaks of Rn, H, and latent heat flux (LE) were 17:00 LT. We eliminated the data collected during non-stationary con­
200, 137, and 18 W=m2 during clear periods, and only 154, 76, and 15 ditions and determined the boundary layer type at 11:00 and 14:00 LT as
W=m2 in haze episodes, respectively. There was an evident decrease in the CBL, and at 02:00 and 23:00 LT as the SBL. The scatter diagram is
heat flux during haze episodes compared with clear periods. Both Rn and shown in Fig. 14. The ABLH is typically below 500 m under polluted
H exhibited a significant increase as soon as the hazhad dissipated. conditions. There is a negative relationship between surface PM2:5
Fig. 12b shows the temporal variation of TKE in the surface layer. During concentration and the ABLH throughout the entire IOP, and the rela­
hazy periods, the daily TKE maximum averaged approximately 0.67 m2 = tionship can be described as a power function. This negative relationship
s2 , nearly half of the TKE during clear weather conditions (1.3 m2 = s2 ). is apparent with the CBL, but it is not applicable to the SBL, indicating
Furthermore, a sharp increase in TKE occurred after haze episodes, as that the effects on PM2:5 concentration in the surface layer are more
evidenced in Cases 1 and 4. The phenomena mentioned above indicate complicated under SBL conditions. There may be PM2:5 transport be­
that turbulent transport of both heat and momentum fluxes are notably tween the residual layer and the SBL, or turbulent intermittency that
weaker under hazy conditions. As shown in Fig. 12c, the ABLH is much exists in the SBL may inhibit the transport of PM2:5 . The reasons remain
lower on hazy days, with an average of 400 m during the day and 240 m unclear and need further research. Therefore, we can establish a power
at night. Similarly, a steep rise in ABLH after a haze episode also occurs function to describe the relationship between surface PM2:5 concentra­
in Cases 1 and 4. tion and the ABLH during the day, and although this power function can
Fig. 13 compares the diurnal variation of the ABLH during clear and be applied to air quality forecasts, it is not suitable for the SBL condi­
haze conditions in Cases 1, 2, and 4. Diurnal variation of the ABLH is tions. As such, the relationship for the SBL needs further exploration.
weaker, and the ABLH is lower during haze episodes than those in clear
periods. The CBL develops at 400 m on hazy days, nearly 400 m less than 4. Conclusions
in clear conditions. A lower ABLH contributes to heavy haze in the
surface layer, as the pollutants are trapped in the boundary layer, and Based on field experiments carried out from 18 December 2018 to 24
the turbulent transport is weak. Therefore, in general, ABLH is lower in January 2019 at Dezhou experimental station, the influence of the ABL

Q. Li et al. Atmospheric Environment 223 (2020) 117265

Fig. 12. Temporal variations of (a) turbulent heat fluxes, (b) turbulent kinetic energy in the surface layer, and (c) the atmospheric boundary layer height.

Fig. 13. Diurnal variation of the ABLH during (a) haze episodes and (b) clear episodes. The lines marked with plus signs, hollow circles, asterisks, or no marking,
indicate Case 1, Case 2, Case 4, and the mean diurnal variation, respectively.

structure on the spatiotemporal distribution of PM2:5 concentration was removal of PM2:5 suspended in the upper layer. Because intermittent
investigated. During the IOP, several heavy and long-lasting haze events turbulence was generated and transported downward as LLJs developed,
were observed. the vertical transport of PM2:5 was promoted, and the air quality
During haze periods, the value of temperature typically exhibited improved. Furthermore, heavy pollution is often associated with high
negligible change or a slight increase, RH frequently exhibited a higher relative humidity, and a higher RH could aggravate haze pollution.
value, and wind speed was lower without a dominant direction High PM2:5 concentration at a higher altitude frequently appeared
compared with those under clear conditions. During in the rapid during the IOP. The formation of high-altitude pollution at night might
pollution dissipation stage, there was an appreciable drop of both tem­ be attributed to a weak stable boundary layer, so the boundary layer
perature and RH, and short-term, strong northeast winds appeared. height at night is relatively high. Furthermore, PM2:5 can be transported
These features corresponded to synoptic processes, which suggests cold to a higher altitude by thermal turbulent transport in the CBL during the
air invasion accompanied by cold, high pressure and downdrafts. day and can remain in the residual layer at night. If it coordinates with
The structure of the ABL had a great impact on the spatiotemporal the LLJs at low level and high humidity is present in the upper layer,
distribution of PM2:5 concentration. There was a strong correlation be­ then an elevated pollution layer will form, as in Case 2.
tween the polluted layer and the inversion layer. A persistent, elevated Finally, the characteristics of turbulent transfer and the relationship
inversion layer at low altitude coupled with low wind speed contributed between the ABLH and surface PM2:5 concentration were discussed. The
to the accumulation of PM2:5 at low levels, causing continuous haze average daily maxima of Rn, H, and LE are 154, 76, and 15 W=m2 ,
pollution. From the dynamic structure, the wind speed was typically low respectively, on hazy days, and the TKE was approximately 0.67m2 =s2 .
in the polluted layer, which is not conducive to the horizontal transport Heat fluxes and TKE noticeably decreased in haze episodes, and the
of pollutants. Furthermore, LLJs were a major contributor to the weaker turbulent transfer of both heat and momentum led to a lower

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