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VIEW™™1 by Lt. Gen.

by C.V. Christianson
Lt. Gen. C.V. ChristiansonI

Joint Logistics: A Personal Perspective

er systems life cycle readiness. business and any view of joint logistics that
itary today is unmatched. However, The services and the Defense Logistics operates below this level will deliver less-than-
a constantly changing operating Agency share responsibilities as defense supply acceptable readiness.
environment and resource con-
The a environment itary constantly logistics today capacity is unmatched. changing and of resource the operating However, U.S. con- mil-
process owners, sharing roles as supporting Rapid and precise response is defined by the
straints demand we optimize joint logistics to organizations to the service components. ability of the supply chain to meet the con-
enhance our capabilities for tomorrow. We Their deliverable is perfect order fulfillment. stantly changing needs of the joint force. Lack
have an opportunity to significantly advance Joint Forces Command serves as the joint of key supplies, regardless of the reason, under-
our systems, processes and organizations to deployment process owner, and is the primary mines readiness and increases mission risk. We
improve support for the joint force command- conventional force provider. Its deliverable is can assess how well the supply chain is per-
er and we must seize it. the fulfillment of the capabilities required by forming by measuring the following metrics.
The necessity of joint logistics is widely the joint force commander. Speed is the most critical aspect. In measur-
accepted throughout the defense logistics com- The U.S. Transportation Command serves ing speed, our focus should be on what is
munity, but I believe current systems reflect as the defense distribution process owner, sup- "quick enough," recognizing that not all sup-
many inefficiencies, unnecessary redundancies porting DLA and the services for the plies are equal in importance. Items that truly
and process gaps that increase both risk and movement of supplies, and JFCOM for the drive readiness deserve special treatment.
cost. Achieving harmony among service and movement of forces. Its deliverable is time def- Reliability is the ability of the supply chain
agency systems, processes and programs will inite delivery. to provide predictability. When items are not
resolve todays inefficiencies, but poses a signif- Because the services lie at the heart of the immediately available, the system must pro-
icant challenge. joint logistics network, we should measure the vide immediate and accurate estimates of
Joint logistics is the deliberate or improvised value of our processes, systems, programs, delivery to enable the war fighter to make deci-
sharing of service resources to enhance synergy organizations from the perspective of the serv- sions regarding future mission options.
and reduce both overlaps and costs. We need ice components of the joint force. Visibility is rapid and easy access to order
joint logistics because the services, by them- The value of joint logistics is in its ability to information. It fundamentally answers the
selves, seldom have sufficient capability to
independently support the joint commander,
especially during expeditionary operations.
"Joint logistics is the deliberate or improvised
The global war on terror, other threats to
sharing of service resources to enhance synergy
our security, diverse global commitments, and
complex interagency and multinational opera- and reduce both overlaps and costs."
tions characterize the joint logistics
environment. Future operations are likely to be sustain joint logistics readiness. We can meas- commanders questions, "Where is it?" and
distributed, and conducted rapidly and simul- ure that value by how well we achieve three "When will it get here?"
taneously across multiple areas within a single joint logistics imperatives: unity of effort, Efficiency is the supply chain footprint. It is
theater, or across boundaries of more than one domain-wide visibility, and rapid and precise directly related to the resources needed to com-
geographic combatant command. response. Unity of effort is the coordinated pensate for inefficiencies within the supply
Within this environment, force projection application of all capabilities focused on the chain.

operations give us the ability to close the gap joint commanders intent, and is the most crit- We must move forward with programs and
between early entry and follow-on combat ical of all joint logistics outcomes. initiatives that truly support joint logistics. We
operations, and simultaneous stabilization and Achieving unity of effort is driven by three cannot wait until every issue is resolved to
reconstruction operations. The requirement to enablers: appropriate organizational capabili- make decisions. The challenge of integrating
integrate "sustainment" and force-projection ties and authorities, shared awareness across service and agency programs and systems not
operations in a complex environment presents the joint logistics domain and common meas- designed to holistically support joint opera-
the greatest joint logistics challenge. Effective ures of performance. tions cannot be overestimated. We have a
integration of sustainment will help deliver Domain-wide visibility is the ability to see responsibility to the American people and the
freedom of action to the commander. Free- the requirements, resources and capabilities next generation of soldiers, sailors, airmen,
dom of action enabled by sustained logistics across the joint logistics domain. Three Marines and Coast Guardsmen to do better -
readiness is what we should expect from joint enablers drive this imperative. One is connec- much better.

logistics. tivity - access to the network 24 hours per

Effective joint logistics depends on the rela- day, 365 days per year. Another is a standard
tionships between the global players in the enterprise data architecture - the foundation Army Lt. Gen. Claude V. ( Chńs) Chris-
logistics network. The services, by law, are for effective and rapid data transfer and the tianson is the director for logistics on the
responsible to raise, train, equip and maintain fundamental building block to enable a com- Joint Staff. The complete version of this
ready forces and form the foundation of this mon logistical picture. The other is a global paper may be accessed online at,
network. The services are responsible to deliv- focus - support to the joint force is global under NDIA Divisions Pages/Logistics.

14 National Defense / April 2006

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